Third Sunday of Easter

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tit.' .4\


Sunf,aV of lEoster


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Ancinting of the Sick, Floly Comen*ni*n tc the Sick and Homehsund, Funerals:

Please call rhe Farish


Infant Baptisrn: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hcurs t* schedule a



Sacrament of Matrimony: The pr$per and required preparation for this Sacramerlt is extensive. The tirne frame is at least six l6J months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete Staae and Church paperwork. Do nat set a date or print invilalions for your marriage unLil afier you have spoken with a pruesl ..:1I EEKEN D 1I.{SS[5;

Saturday: (Sunday Vigil) 5:0Opm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9r00am & 11:00am Faith Formation Family 1st & 3..i Sunday at 9:00am [Ohana Mass every Zud Sunday at 11:00am) Sunday Evening: 6;00 pm


7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon LastSaturdayollhe Month atthe L2:00 noon mass Friday i"0:15 - 1"1:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 prn or by appointment Fridays: Alter the 7:00 am mass and 1-'t Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:1"5pm






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- Friday:

ADDRE$S: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Har,vaii 96814 OFFICE FIOURS: Mon. - 8r30 - 12:00 pm Tues. * Fri. 8:3Oam - 12prn/1:00 - 3:30pm PHONE: {808J e41-0675 FAX: {808i 945-0689 OFFICE EMAtrL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WE tsS ITE : nri.v:.1.r. ii D


srr. Peter & Paui Church Honolulu


MONBAY-THURSSAY; 6:00am * 8:00rm l1:00ara - l:00pm

* 1:00pm


7:30pn: - 10:$0pm 11:00 ain - L;00pm


& 3:00pm- 6:30pnr ,, ' ,' ,.rrtr - r {;( ,l\rlr






Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,

This Week s Mass Schedule

Date SAT



Mass Intention



Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul

Fr. Khanh


Evelyn Bautista IBD]


+Cheon P. "Sonny" Chee +Geraldine Tira & Family


Fr. Sieg

events, [oss, or bad situations. Fr. Khanh

Not long ago, we cetebrated Easter Sunday

{Thu nl<sp1ivinltr)

May 5 11am

+Jennifer Miele +Gelfo Family


+Maria Pham


Dan & Esther Celroh (SI)

Fr. Khanlr


Colin Kim (BD)

Fr. Khanh

Tue May 7


+Rose Milliken

Fr. Sieg


+Louise Leauanae



Robert Piper (H)


Evelyn Baulista (BDJ



Yvonne Toma (H )

Fr. Laecla

May 9


+Maria Pham

Fr. Khanh


+Leni Castiiiejos

Fr. Khanir


+Henry Nalaehea

Fr. Sieg


+Andrei I\'lendiola

5 prn

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paui

Mnn May 6



Fri May 10


May 11

Fr. Khanir

Fr. Sieg


Fernandes Fr. Khanh Fr. Sieg

+Cerrevieve Bos Fr. Khanh Fr. Sieg


Fr. Khanh

Atl' Sun


Fr. Sieg

May 12



Fr. Khanh


Fr. Sieg

oithc soul oli Ht' II*tling IID/ BirthdLtv: I t,S p eci a.l I nt en t i o n s: 7' h,/ -t h.a n k s g'i v itLg

Repose S

ALtar Arranqentents


ffre fo

continue to do so until Pentecost. Easter Sunday is not simply a one-day fireworks disptay, and then... ashes. Easter isn't lil<e Super Bow[ Sunday - one big victory ce[ebration - after which everything Eoes bacl< to business as usua[. Yes, Easter is the greatest miracle in history. Jesus wants us to stay firmly fixed in that "rniracte mindset'' for Life. However, [ike the aposttes who didn't know what to do and returned to their former way of life after lesus' appearances in the upper room, atong the road to Emrnaus, on a seashore and ate with them (cf )n21:4-14), many today, aS soon as Easter Mass is gone. reverse themselves back to business as usual. Let us be frank with each other. The businesses, which employ most of us are part of the "secutar" reatm, not of the "sacred" reatm that concerns Cod. That is the way most Americans see it. Religion is one thing: business is another.

to the principle of separating church and state has led to a "cutture of disbelief," one in which it is alL right to be retigious in private, but not publicty when we are on the job. But that is not the way we, the disciples of Jesus, view the wortd o{ Our commitment

of acquiring the property at 771 Amana Street is in motion. For us, this building is not just a building. lt is the [ife that wi[ spring forth from within its wat[, where faith filted programs witl foster spirituai growth, fettowship, and services to the community-at-large. We pray for Ccd's guidance as we encounter the many open and closed doors during this The church's business



'Btessef, Yir{F?t



an offertng, yfease



lrovtded in {te cfi*rcfi or us dt g4l-o11;.






Liv[na &'Decetse"l' U


to business" is one of the phrases often used in a meeting and by corporate leaders. Saying that someone is "bacl< in business" means they have returned to normal activity after a period of time when that was not possibte due to unexpected turn oi "Bacl<

0ur work, whether it is fishing, building, constructing. coolcing, c[eaning, hea[ing, etc., is our participation in the work of Cod's creation and as such, is good and holy. As Saint Pope John Pau[ put it in his address to the Worl<ers of lvlalta in May of 1990, "Work is our way of taking an active and responsible part in the marvelous work of the Creator." lohn Paul ll, Malta, n.'1) fr [.{inuti

Third Sunday Of Easter The Love Of Jesus Casts Out Fear Sts. Peter and Paul Church

May 5, 2019

GOOD NEWS! When we receive the power of the resurrection and experience its effects, then we become transformed Christians. Somehow we like to hold on to our fears and failures. They are what we know, and in some way they can make us feel strangely secure. Yet Jesus wants to free us from old fears and set us on a mission motivated by love.

All of the apostles, after encountering the risen Christ and the Holy Spirit, show new courage in proclaiming his name. Whether before politicians, church leaders, or before their fellow Jews, they had no fear of the consequences of preaching the Way. Why? Because Jesus showed them death wasn’t something to fear. He had received the fullness of evil’s wrath and, by rising victorious, proved love is stronger. The apostles had seen him tortured and dead, and then they saw him alive. Jesus had promised that same power to his followers. It is with this confidence and trust that they travel throughout Judea and all of the Roman Empire. Perfected love casts out all fear. Although the apostles had failed Jesus and denied his friendship, each had experienced his mercy and forgiveness. Yet Jesus didn’t blame them for their sin. He reassured them of his confidence in them. Once we have experienced love, there is no stopping us. We have seen it in a small way when we have fallen in love with someone or set our hearts and minds passionately on a goal. Once our hearts have been captured and we believe, everything else is absorbed into that gravitational pull.

Reading I - Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 This reading is part of the larger narrative of the initial missionary adventures of Peter and John in Jerusalem after Jesus’ ascension. It is bracketed literally by two key summary descriptions of the new community devoted to teaching, fellowship and the breaking of bread. Reading II - Revelation 5:11-14 The praise to the Lamb continues to grow in these verses. Many angels, the four living creatures, and the elders once again sing with a loud voice Reading III - John 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 The disciples return to work as fishermen and discover Jesus is waiting for them. They are astonished and find that he gives what they need in abundance.

Fr. Mark Haydu, LC For Reflection Is there a denial or sin in my life that I need to let Jesus forgive? Perhaps this is what holds me back from fully trusting him. Is there a way I need to release someone else by forgiving him or her? © 2019 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 1, 2017, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521

NEXT WEEK’S READINGS 4th Sunday of Easter 1st Reading—Acts 13:14, 43-52 Psalm 113:1—8 2nd Reading—Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 Gospel—John 10:27-30

MAY Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis The Church in Africa, a Seed of Unity That the Church in Africa, through the commitment of its members, may be the seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of hope for this continent.

MAY BIRTHDAYS Victoria Smith

May 3

Evelyn Bautista

May 8

Darlene Johnson

May 8

Toni Fonseca

May 10

Regina Czerwinski Tiffany Smith

May 10 May 13

Edward Sadaba

May 15

Michael Smith

May 21

Davonne Pacheco-Gonzales

May 23

Francisca Smith

May 25

Gertrude Hara-Williams

May 27

Kia Rose Adams Loranzo Alota Becky Alota, Darlene Amoro Eddie Bantolina Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Arthur Cababa Susie Cababa Milanie Cleofas Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Teresita Custodio Aida Diao Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Yuriko Enomoto Encornita Esteban Charles Goo Robert Heisler

Stanley Ho Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Darren Kaupu Richard McCrea Jr. Edwin C. Munalem Betty Ann Nault Olivia B Olegario Judy Orlando Jack Sanders Rita Stocker Rafael Inigo Suarez Lolita Sutton Andrea Pontillas Lisa Tang Ruth Tavares-Toma Yolanda Tumacder Khristian Vinca Theresa Yu

May is the month we honor our Blessed Mother.

Mother’s Day—May 12th Remember your Mom on Mother’s Day. They do so much for us! We were loved and nurtured in our faith by their prayers and tears.

Join your parish family to crown the image of Mary before the 9:00 a.m. Mass today May 5th. Bring an offering of flowers.

Send a Mother Day card if they are still living and submit their names. We will remember all those who have gone before us as well.

Join your parish family in celebrating Confirmation & First Holy Communion with

Please print their names clearly on the

our students and their families

Mother’s day intention envelope and

at Sts. Peter & Paul Church

submit by May 5, 2019

with Bishop Larry Silva.

(at the latest, May 8th).

Sat. May 18th @ 12:00 Noon








and joy in the Catholic faith.


Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Add more ioy fo your life Sl- John Boplist de f,ogrl Sorn in Voltagio, Italy, St.lohn Baptist de Rossi was born

to devout,

middle class

Give three complirnents evtry day.'Like


parents. Being an excellent studenL he was invited

{Prcxrerbs 25:13),

the age ofthirteen! Ten years later, John ryas ordained a priest. He spent his dalr servi ng prisoners. warkers, and the patients trf the local hoepitals and his nights ruinistering to the poor people of the street. He died of illnees, worn out by his labors.

Turn to l{rary Duringthe month of May, we honor Mary, the Mother of Cod (and ours. too). Turn to her for guidance and protâ‚Źction and shewill bring )'ou to her Son: "Remembe, 0 rnost gracious Virgin Mary

that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or souglrtthine intercession was lefi.




Pr${irhhg & [&dia,



the surcivdl af many people" {Crnesis 50:10}.

Make the best of any situation. "Wa hnou thrt all things work for gwd Jbr wko me


uccording to hls purpose" (Romans 8;?8).

w hv

Gath o t i s5 Do That As

tlreThird Person ofthe

Trinity, the Holy Spirit

o $

meant. it. for good, to athirue his present end,

Sign of the Croas. In Baptism, he dwells in nur souls and rnakes us children of Cod (Romans 8:15). He makes us

you." (lohn 2:5).

lo Cop/ri$* A1


timewe make the

whalevm he tells

o o



who conl's6 benefia

will be amgly enriched, andhe who refreshes *tterc will himself be rufreshed" (Proverbs 11:25). Say, "thank you," often, 'Iri all


thoagh you meant fuarm to me, God





every cloud. "Erren

is invoked every

"His ffiother s*id to the servtmts, 'Do



silver lining in



r bbr

Look for the


Tip generously, give fretly tc the

o oS D o

golden apples in siluer se.ttings are worrb spoken at rhe proper time"

to join the Roman College at


Ioy is more than a feeling - it comes fiam ruaking choices that are pleasing to Cod. Try these tips to atld joy to your Iife.

dwurnstn n*e* giw thanl*, far this is the uill ol God tbr yoa dn Christ fesus" (1

Thessaloniarx 5:18). Sing in the *hower-

'But I

shall sing af yo*r strength, extal your lovs tlt tlaum, {ttr Wu ilrs ffiy

/irrtress myr$uge in tim* et wouble' {Psaln 5 9: 1 7}.

Trust God's iudgment more (han your own. "Trusf o in the l-oil ruith ull your heart, a:nd do flot r* on War awn irsigkt. ln allTnur vla$ adenowledgehim, ani he wilt make xtraightWar g*ths" (Proverbs 3;5-6).

fi/hy do Cqfholim invokE the Holy Spirit? receptive to God's grace. He also teaches and helps us to pray. He guides and protects u9 iust as he guides and protec,ts

the Church. Through hi* gifts, he inspires and enables us to do the good we ought to do.

Grcwing in FuithrM



Page 2

Whor u/ill you keep sfter Eqrter? we really need. Keep going through the closets and bookshelves of your life and give awayrrhat you don't absolutely need. Thinking of others? American Catholics have

Lcnt is a chance to take a look at our lives, iettison rvhat is bad, aud keep what is good beyond the celebration of Easter. \{hat will you keep after the Easter seasonl Fasting? Skipping a meal and spending the time in pra)€r is a great way to prepare for an important decision or a critical task we are about to take on. It's a way of saying 'Cod's wiil be done." Doing more with less? The simplicityof Lent reminds us of how much we have and horv little


Catholics unites us to the one Body of Christ matt€r where we are.




John 14;23-29, Jesus keeps his promises

This Cospel reading comes f,rom Iesus' Farewell Speech at the Last Supper. A&er spending three years together, he had to prepare the close-knit group for his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension into lleaven. Ye( before he ascended, he promisrd to remain with thern alrrays (Matther+ 2e2O) Iesus assured his disciples*and us today-that, even rhnuglr they

wouldn't see him, he woulti continue to be invisibly but powerfully pre$ent to tlrenr if they kept hi* rvord. He and his Father would dwell in them by grace. He would send the HolySpirit to


more than any Catholics in the rv<rrld today. When we feel hunger or can't buy errerything we wantr $r'e can think of our brothers and sisters around the world who are hungry or needy all the time. Being


Celebralion May 13 * Our tady of Fatima (rStZ): The Blessed Virgn Mary appeared to three children n€xr Fatima, Portugal and asked that they pray the Rosary for peace, fr:r the end ofWorld War I, for si,nners and forthe conversion of Russia. May 15 - St. Isidore the Farmer (U7O). Born in Madridto a poor farrning family, he married St. Maryde la Cabeza and worked for a rvealthy landorrner. I'Ie spent rnany hours in pray"r and caring for the sick and poor. It is said his food baskets were never empty.

guide and cornfort them. He gave them the gift. of his peace, and he promised that he would retlrn to them.

Itt tempting to think

thar being Catholic would be easier ifwe could see lesus and hear his voice. ln fact, he continues to be spiritually present in his Church: in her lvorship, pra,y€r, sacramentsr and eharitable outeach, He is e*pecially present in the

Eucharist-Body, Blood, Soul, and DMnity (CCC, #1374). We don't have to go back in time. We see him at every Mass.

May 25 - Pope St. Cregory Vll (1085). Pope Cregorywarked to sliminate corruption in the Church and defended it from attaclcs on its authorit,v. For this he zuffered and died in exile. h{ay 3O - Solemnity of the Ascension of the lard flst Century]. This solemnity marlcs the completion of Je.sus' mission of salration and his triumphant entry into Heaven" Note; In many dioceses,

observance of Ascension has been

moved to the following Sunday.

''rr,iffi ,,r,#)

Can I have a dwotion to lrdary and still worship God well?

One question freqnently asked of Catholics is, "Why do you worship Mary?" In fact, rve don't worship Mary. Worship is the acloration we give to Cod where rve acknowledge him as Creator, Saviol and


Lord. Mary is a creature ltke us. She is not divine, so we

crn't worship her. Horl'evtr, we can honor her. $he is the Mother of God, since lesus is Cod lCatechism at the Cathslic Church, #495). Secandly, on the Cross, fesus gave her to us a.$ our mother and entrustsd us to her care (lohn 19;26-27). Thirdly, w* honor her for the good she did and still does for us, and for her holiness. Cod is not jealous of our devotion to Mary iust as an artist wouldn't be iealous if his greatest masterpieces vyere praised. Turning ro Mary for her intercession isn't a problem either. Mary's role {and ours) is to help get us to l'leaven, which is exactly what Cod wafits, too. Be rest assured, Mary ahgal's le*ds us t,o hsr $on, Iesus.

To pr,:vide pmcliml ideas drat

pronrote -i

ithfirl Cathotic living. Succes: Ilublishing & Malia, lJ.C Publi*hers of e wing in Faitht and Partncra in Faith* (540)66:-784r {5{0)661-7847 frr fr

http:l vuw.growingi

{Ltnles nored Bihle quua arxl rf*me ue 6m tht Felird Sund*d uinion rnd the NrwAmcriwn ltibk) @Copytighl 2019 $retoos Publishing & Medis. ILC


This Week’s Events May 5—11 2019

Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship.

M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard

The Collection for April 27-28 is as follows: $15,612.10 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Baptism Blessing Electric Votive & Candles


Sunday 3rd Sunday of Easter

$8,11.55 345.00 100.00 25.00 582.00 $9,170.55 37% 63%

Building Fund Donation

$3,056.00 200.00 $3,256.00

Total: Special Collections

Easter 50th Anniversary Shepherd’s Collection Holy Thursday Stained Glass Lenten Donation Ash Wednesday Holy Land Good Friday

6:15 am —Rosary (M) 8:15 am — Youth choir practice (B) Monday 6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M)

May 6


May 7

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (M)


May 5

$300.00 1,553.55 227.00 773.00 244.00 5.00 15.00 35.00 33.00 Total: $3,185.55


May 8

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)

11:15 am – Rosary (M) 1:00 pm – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (R) 6:00 pm – RCIA (B) 7:00 pm – Scripture Study (B) Thursday

May 9

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 5:15 & 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M) Friday St. Damien de Veuster

May 10

6:10 am – Rosary (M)

BUILDING FUND Mahalo for your generous giving to our Building Fund ($3,056). Your contribution helps our Parish to be ready for the 50th Anniversary celebrations to come in September.

7:40 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am Confession and Spiritual Direction

10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am—International Rosary 11:45 am—Benediction 6:00 pm—Stations of the Cross resumes after Pentecost

Mahalo for your generous giving to the CRS Rice Bowl Your donations so far amount to $3,247.94 5

Saturday 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M)

May 11


The 50th Anniversary Fund Raising Committee will be having a MALASADA SALE May 11th after the 5pm mass.

You are invited to attend the

May Crowning of Our Blessed Mother at Sacred Heart Church, Punahou. Sponsored by the Legion of Mary . This year the celebration of Holy Mass will precede the crowning.

Memorial Mass of Saint Damien celebrated by Bishop Larry Silva.

Date: Time:

Sat. May 11, 2019 9:00 am mass followed by the Crowning of Mary Place: Sacred Hearts Church 1701 Wilder Ave.

Fri., 10 May 2019 @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace 1184 Bishop Street Honolulu,HI 96813

Flower offerings are welcome. 6


Sun{*.,t.'lutr*y I 2, S6t{t f ltzttvutl \1|r,rri,'7)rr.i ,.i





Next week the Churc* throughout the wcrld prays fcr vocations. Wili yau make a special effort to ask the Lord

)A6nLD DAY .f"TPRAYER for-

lcr rncre vocations ts the priesthood

and re!igious life?



f*r the priests who have ministered ts you thrc*ghout your

life, both living and dead.


. . .

Keep our parish priesls in your prayers throughor.rt the week"

fncourage your children, grar:dchiidrer:, or c:her y*ung peopie consider a vocation as a priest or reilgl*us brol*er *r sister. Pray a :'s5ary

fcr more young men and wsrnen


o*r ciicces*

resp*nd to God's call.


for Torariotzs

God cur Father, we thank you for calling men and wcnien to serve in ycur Son's

Kixgdom as priest, deaccns, religious and consecraled persr:ns. Send your Holy

Spiril to heip us respo*d


nerousiy to your call, May our cornrnunily oi failh

support vocations of sacrificial iove in our youlh, this through cur Lord Jesus Christ, whc ilves and reigns with you and the Holy Spiril, one God, forever ald ever, Amen,

i,1ie ask


trNlIf,I) \-lr\1 [:r rr)Nlji:li.l\t[


,x7"" I.ATHOLIC B[5H{}I}5



Celerdnj, Monday MAY6


Easter Weekday

H*rv is the martyrdom of the recsntly eanonized St, *scar Rcxrero different from rnost?

Acts 6:8*tr5 In 5:22*29


Acts 7:5tr*8:1a Jn 6:30-55

lffednesday ]!{AY


.sasfer Weekday

Acts 8:lb*8 ln 6:55-40

?hursday MAY9 fiaster Weekday Acts 8:26*40 |n 6:44-5L

Friday MAY

r: , . J :. -t.::,:..,::)p Osi.,r R-'n:erc l: L: -i.r.i-tJ;r,,.a5:l.J::::cu ;.-'.,\ r. b'. .t rigiri-'... ing :ssassin ru,,3ile celei:raling }1:rss. l,{*n1.-believe }:e Cieii def*r:dlng poor the and for denouncing persscution by the repressive, military-co*trolled regime. Traditi*nally, sainthood was reserved for martyr$ slain in *diumfdei-in hatred and persecution of the faith. Feople were given a choice of renauneing their faith, thus saving their lives, *r hotrding anto their faith and dying. Romero's d*ath was different. lYe understand his rnartyrdorn through the lens af triplex munus, r,'leaning Jesus fuifilled his role cf Messiah by serving as prophet, king, and priest in a hostile environrnent. As prophet, Romero denounced sppre$sisn by the powerful. He became the vaice of the voiceless. He called to conversion those responsible for social evils. Rornero's rnartyrdom was also due tc his loving service as king*a goad An,h&rsfiop Osra r Ramera groe}ing wrsltippers in San Salvadar, flSaIv*dsr. shepherd or pastor of his flock, who came not tc be served but to serve and give his life as ransom for many. Finaliy, his martyrdom while celebrating Mass was the uitimate expression of priesthood; Romero offered the Body and Blood of the rise* Ctrrist at the alt*r, }:ut also his own body and btrcod in memory of he who died on the crcss. Foilowing Christ's exarnple, he sacrificed his own life, Oscar Romero lived fully as Christ's follower, suffering death to fulfill his own rnission as prophet, king, and priest. He walked the way of Jesus, the way of the cr05s' while embracing his own cfoss' Fr. Amado L. Ficardar, cssR, srhD


h{AY 7 tr'ssrrr Weekday


Easter Weekday

Acts 9:1*20 ln 6:52*59



MAY EasterWrckd*y Acts 9:31*42 Jn 5:60*69 Sunday MAY 12 Faurth,Sundcy af E*ster

Acts 13:14, 43*52 Rev 7;9, l4b*17

fn 10:27-50

Sundaybulletin@Liguori. org

fr Z"L)crw{. T*m' 7}W Tstncrs May the Christian communities be sustained by the fntercession and example o{ our many martyrs and saints who bare courageous witness to Christ and have themselves attafned full unity. So what are we waiting {or?....As hrs dric4:le s, we are called to testify everywhere, with Christian {artitude, to his humble love. to commission for iheological dialogue, January 27,2017


m AZ F\


Lipnrr A ]lcde

tv!pto r i

si Nlii istry

O 2019


Pub:ieations, Liguori, MO 6305?-r999. Printed in USA. Imprimatar;


accordance rvith CIC 827, pe.nission to publish has been granted on December 4, 2018,

this work. lt d0es not imply any endorsement oithe opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assufied by this permis$ion." No part ofthis work may be used in any form without the pri or written permi ssion of Liguori Publicrtions. Scripture texts in this work are taken from Newdme ilcan Bible, revised editiot @ 201 0, 199 1, 1985, $7A Confraternity ofChristian Dsctrine, Inc,, Washington, tC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-525-9521, orvisir l,

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