Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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2747 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 (808) 595‐3105

OFFICE HOURS: Mon—Fri: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm


Fr. Mario Raquepo


Deacon Ronald Choo Sister Marykutty Kottuppallil, MSMHC Rosemary Hashimoto, Secretary


CCD-Children Velma Guieb‐Mamuad Youth & Confirmation Rosemary Hashimoto (interim) R. C. I. A. Debbie Fujiyama Parish Scripture Groups Francis Jordan

weekend MASS



Pastoral Council Patricia Silva Stewardship/Discipleship Council Bernard Ho (interim) Finance Council James Solidum (interim) Liturgy Commission TBA Social Fellowship Sui Kozuma & Kitchen Crew

SATURDAY (Main Church ) ………... 4:00 pm SATURDAY …..…… 3:00 — 3:30 pm SUNDAY (Chapel) ………...………… 7:15 am or by appointment (Main Church) .……...….… 9:30 am WEEKDAY mass Devotion & ADORATION Chapel of St. Catherine Eucharistic Adoration ...… WED Mass MONDAY— SATURDAY ............ 8:00 am Holy Rosary ……………….. before Mass

Homebound & Bereavement Virginia Jordan & Helen Luke Hospitality David Tom Altar Server Zachary Choo Liturgical Music Leka Leaeno (Saturday Vigil) Stanley Wong (Sunday) Lector Beverly Perry Holy Communion at Mass Jennifer Tamayo Sacristy Celine Asato & David Tom Justice & Peace TBA ——— (Respect Life) TBA ——— (Aloysius Food Pantry) TBA ——— (Family Promise Hawaii)


VISITATION OF THE SICK: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available to visit the infirm or hospitalized. Please contact the Parish. For sacramental emergency, call 595‐3105 and press #2 BAPTISM: Sacramental preparation is required. If you are expecting or have a child to be baptized, please call the Parish office for more information MARRIAGE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to marry in the Church to participate in the preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples should contact the office for Marriage Preparation at least 6 months before the wedding FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Kokua! Please contact your Church prior to making arrangements with a funeral home PARISHIONERS: When changing address/telephone, or moving out of the Parish, please kindly notify the office NEW PARISHIONERS: If you would like to become a parishioner of St. Stephen, please use forms available at the entrance of the Church or contact the office


The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time GOOD NEWS

Mass Intentions

Jeremiah 23:1–6 / Ephesians 2:13–18 / Mark 6:30–34

Saturday, July 18:

At the ranch where my mother lived in her adolescence, sheep wandered through pastures of grass and shrubs. When it came time to gather them into the corral at night, the ranch hands would get the dogs out and set them to work running around and behind the sheep to keep them together while the hands drove them in the right direction. Occasionally a young lamb or an injured ewe would fall, and the man closest would pick the animal up with a tenderness that seemed out of character with callouses and sunburned, weathered skin. When we visited the ranch, I remember vividly the look and smell of the sheep and that the ranch hands thought they were dumb. While the sheep may not have been the smartest of animals, they knew the men and the promise of a safe pen and water at the end of the hot day undoubtedly made the job easier. From my mother’s stories, I remember most the way she described the sheepherders. They did not lead the sheep so much as walk with or behind them. They became part of the procession, rather than the head of it. This kept the sheep calm and moved them faster. When Jesus looked at the crowd, he saw a people that needed someone to walk with them and show them the way to go. They needed someone occasionally to go behind them to pick up the strays and the wounded and carry them tenderly home. This is what Jesus does for us. In his compassion, he brings us to pasture and, at the end, he gathers all people into his one flock and guides them home.

4:00 p.m. Mass: All Families

Mary Katharine Deeley

7:15 am Mass: † Christina SK Wong 9:30 am Mass: † Fr. Joseph Turk Monday, July 20: 8 am Mass: †Ascencion & Francisca Guieb

Tuesday, July 21: 8 am Mass: †Ascencion & Francisca Guieb

Wednesday, July 22: 8 am Mass: †Ascencion & Francisca Guieb

Thursday, July 23:

8 am Mass: † Helen Cadiz 7th Anniversary

Friday, July 24:

8 am Mass: † Eddie A. Ladrillono Saturday, July 25: 8 am Mass: †Ascencion & Francisca Guieb


Lydia Bobrownik Darlene Joy Asperella Amelia Sato

ALOYSIUS TOM FOOD PANTRY Our donations will be taken to St. John the Baptist Church to help with their ministry to the kupuna and homeless.


7/20 Wallace Au Cecilia Cass Constance Botelho Rachel Nobriga Hazel Andrade 7/21


Sunday, July 19:

“. .I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble; and none shall be missing, says the LORD. “ Jeremianh23:1‐6

Clarence Louis Paul Chun


Joseph Folk Kitaru Furumoto Margaret Tran

Weekly Offerings (July 11‐12, 2015)

Sat. 4 p.m.


Sun. 7:15 a.m.


Sun. 9:30 a.m.


Total offering




Votive Offering


Peter’s Pence


Seminarian Fund


Funeral offering


Building Fund


Mahalo for your faithful service and continued generosity!

John Jow

7/24 Filemon Peralta Christopher Hirose Irene Johnson


Mary Ahuna Goon Lum Karl Hoch, Sr.


Mary Ahuna Goon Lum Karl Hoch, Sr.

July 19, 2015

Faith Formation CCD

July—No Class YOUTH

July —No Class Parish Scripture Groups

Wed. July 22, 2015 9:15 a.m. Evening study canceled R.C.I.A.

PLEASE PRAY FOR FAMILY & FRIENDS Please pray for the repose of the soul of Nancy Tom who died Wednesday and for her family. Funeral services are pending. ANNUAL MISSIONS APPEAL—July 25/26 Father Gerald Singu will be visiting your parish on the weekend of July 25/26 and preach for the annual mission appeal this year. Father Gerald is from the Diocese of Geita in Tanzania, and just arrived this week from Africa. Father Gerald will be here from Friday through Wednesday and will be staying in the rectory. If anyone would like show Father around or show our warm hospitality, please see Father Mario. See more information on the back cover of the bulletin. BISHOP LARRY 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION

August Video series

July 21 (Tuesday) is Bishop’s 10th Anniversary as Bishop of Honolulu. Everyone is invited to a Mass at 6:00 p.m. and a reception to follow at the Co‐ Cathedral of St. Theresa. A sign up sheet is available for anyone interested in carpooling

This week


Wednesday, July 22: Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30—9:00 a.m.

Thursday, July 23: 7:00 pm Choir practice

Liturgical Ministries Next Week: July 15 & 26, 2015

Altar server: [Sat] — Marian, John Paul, George Houle

[Sun] — Zachary Choo, Logan Choo, Jade McGuinn

Lector: [Sat] ‐ Teresa Bryan/Michelle Silva [Sun] ‐ Ginny Jordan/David Choo EMHC: [Sat] — Kristyn & Maris Ho [Sun] ‐ Joel/Jennifer Tamayo, Meriam Ladrillono

Father Raymund Ellorin, our substitute for the month of June will be sworn in as a Naturalized Citizen on July 14, 2015. We arranged with him and (Father Mario) before he left to have a celebration welcoming him in as a Citizen of our country on July 26th at 12:00 noon. Please sign up if you are able to help. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE 2015 The Year of Consecrated Life continues through February 2016. Please continue to pray for and encourage vocations among your children and their families. Mahalo to Sister Atu, Sister Marykutty and Sister Malia Wong for encouraging vocations among us. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Scripture says about married people that the “Two shall live as one”. How often do you find yourselves living as two? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can help you get back to basics in this complicated day and age. September 4‐6, 2015 – Oahu For more information contact Lee & Tanya Barbero @ (808) 268‐1578 on Maui or Jose & Mary Elizabeth Alvior @ (808) 391‐2045 on Oahu; or visit our web‐ site at Registration deadline 30 days from start of the Weekend WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING GROUP—July 24

Collection Counting: Team 3 Church Cleaners: Cathy Devaney, Julie

Abcede, Marissa Abcede, Caroline Hasegawa

Friday, July 24th at 6‐9 p.m. How do women seek contentment in a world that is always demanding so much from them? Juggling the demands of their careers, family life, and other responsibilities can be a daunting task. Come seek God’s Word for you! Free. Light refreshments. Bring Bible and notebook. Location Rose Hill, St. Anthony Retreat Center, 3351 Kalihi St.

dear PADRE Is there more value in a group rosary?

WEEKLY SCRIPTURAL READINGS Monday, July 20 St. Apollinaris, Bishop

Exodus 14:5—18 Matthew 12:38—42

Tuesday, July 21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi

Exodus 14:21—15 Matthew 12:46—50

Wednesday, July 22 St. Mary Magdalene

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15 John 20:1-2, 11-18

Thursday, July 23 St. Bridget

Exodus 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b

Matthew 11:28—30

Friday, July 24 St. Sharbel Makhluf

Exodus 20:1—17 Matthew 13:18—23

Saturday, July 25 St. James, Apostle

2 Corinthians 4:7—15 Matthew 20:18—23

SUNDAY, July 26

SEVEENTEENTH N ORDINARY 2 Kings 4:42—44 Ephesians 4:1—6 John 6:1—15


Does it mean more to pray the rosary in a group? The congregational rosary before Mass disturbs my meditative time before Mass in church.


There is power and strength in community prayer. We are social beings and like to do things together. That is why we like to root for our sport teams with other people present. But we also have a personal side. For myself, I like to go into a silent chapel with the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. There are, nonetheless, so many ways to enter into the presence of the Lord. So while both forms of prayer have great value, the norms for the celebration of the Eucharist call for a silent time of meditation before the Mass begins. This may only be for a few brief moments. This is so people will end their conversations and more fully participate in the celebration with limited distractions. Therefore, the rosary should end before Mass with adequate time for personal quiet and reflection. If this is done, then everyone has an opportunity to enter into prayer in a way that he or she wants. Whether one prays alone or with others, the important thing is that we are trying. Devotion to Mary has always been a long-standing tradition among Catholics. The rosary is one popular way for many people. FR. DON KIRCHNER,


Next week we welcome Father Gerald Singu from the Catholic Diocese of Geita in Tanzania who will be speaking on the work of the Church in his country. “The diocese of Geita in particular faces daily challenges on evangelization. The majority of our people live at a subsistence level. They live under one dollar per day. Due to the low income of the people, the diocese has limited funds to accomplish the many missions we plan. Other financial problems are high inflation of our local currency, the growing number of dependants such as orphans, children and seminarians from poor family backgrounds, and HIV/AIDS victims.”

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