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lst Sunday of Lent
March 5,2017
Anoiltting of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Piease call
Farish 0rfice.
Intant Eaptisnt:
are.o call the Parish cffice during business hours to scheciule a Barplism
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper anci requirecl preparation for this Sacrarneni is extensive, The time frairre is ai leasl si:,: (5J nicnlhs. CouBles are asked io artend an Engaged Encounter Weel<end irr preparatiott and colnrrlete State and Cl:urch paperworl<. Do nol sel a claie or princ invitations for your marriage uiiiii afler you harre spol<en wiih a priesr.
Saturday: (Sunda;' Vigiil 5:00pnr Sunday Morning: 7:00 anr 9:00am Sunday Evening: 5:00 pm
Fri. 8:30erm
{808)9+1-a675 FAX: [808j 945-C689
W E B S I T E : !1ti/r"ry:s
11:00am flnterpreted)
llonaay - Friciay: 7:00 anr & i2:00pnr Saturday: 12:00 noon Last Saturctay oi the Monih at ihe 12:00 ncorl mass Fi'iday 10:00 - L1:30 a.t':r. " Saiurday 3:30 - 4:30 pm cr by appoiniileni Fi"idays: Afle r rhe 7:00 ant mass and 1't Fridalrs: 7:30 - i0:00 pnr l"4otidall - Sa[ut'cia-v: 11:15am '" Sunday: 5:15pin Fridays: 5:45 - 5:30prn
,4DDRESS: 800 Kaheka
te r p a u I h a 1y4_i i,q1g
Hawaii 95874 12pm
Sts. Peter
3:30pnt s_!p_e_!e
Paul Chrirch i-ionolirlu
This \Veek's Mass schedule WELCOME OHANA MASS at 9:00 a.m. Date
We welcome the children and families from the Ohana Mass.
We are pleased to share the liturgy with all families, however unique or diverse. We are truly one body in Christ and we open our parish doors, hearts and minds to all believers.
0hana Mass is an adapted liturgr where families, however unique or diverse, worship as one Ohana of God trusting in His divine providence and plan for each of us, his children. Families who attended OHANA MASS previously at Holy Trinity Church, have transitioned to Sts Peter and Paul Parish 9 AM FAMILY MASS on the first Sunday of the month beginning this Sunday, March 5,20L7. If you know of friends or families who would like to join us, please encourage them to attendl
PASTOML TEAM Pastor: Associate Pastor:
Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev. Danny Laeda Rev. Pat Freitas
Senior Priests:
Richard Abel Richard Port Angken Xymoon
MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6AM-8AM l1:00AM- I PM FRIDAY: 6AM-1PM 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM 6:00 AM l:00 PM 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
I @ IH H
We are a welcoming Parish. Be a Family lvlember!
Parish Registration forms are located at the entrance ofthe church. You may also contact the parish office for more information, Please
7:30PM- I0PM I l:00 AM - I PM &
Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul
Vigil Mass
Rosalia Kim (Sl) +Felicitas Alcantara +Ben Calilung
+Arsenio Jajalla +Christina Cortez
Mass !ntention
Rev. Joseph Grimaldi
E @ I
i-t fj'
{' ij;l l-i II g
{} l-} 1'.'
Nelia Quiambao (BD) +Patricia Carley
+Victoria Katigbak
+ Simeon Santos
+Ho Joon Peter Ko +Christina Coftez
Alexis Buquid (BD)
+Frank DeoCampo
Madison Kim (BD)
+ lrene
Rosalia Kim
+ trene
+Ho Joon Peter
+ lrene
Arcayna Ko
Fr' Khanh Fr' Khanh
rrljrn oriFn{aroi
Fr' Khanh
+Ho Joon Peter
Kristine Nuyles
Parishioners Sts. Peter and
of Paul
5pm Mass
Repose of the
+lrene Arcayna
Wlbert Liu (Healing)
BD-Birthday: Sl-Special Inrentions
or email: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com
;i {' e {i f{ i r,
March 5,20L7
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
The Spirit Who made
appearance at Christ's Baptism now leads Him into the desert to be tempted by the devil. The desert is the devil's playground
First Reading - Genesis 2:7-9;3:1.-7
and Christ is led there to confront him on his own turf. Our Lord's first temptation deals with His forty day fast, which our Lenten fast is modeled after. Here our Lord is fulfilling an Old Testament prefigurement when Moses went up Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights and neither ate bread nor drank water (cf. Exodus 34:28).
Later on in His ministry Jesus will multiply loaves of bread for the multitudes (cf. Matthew 14:19-21)but here refuses to perform such a miracle for His own need. The devil tries to persuade Jesus to turn stones into bread. This is another indication that the evil one was hanging around during Christ's Baptism because just before His plunge into the Jordan, John the Baptist was proclaiming to the Pharisees and Sadducees that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from the stones (cf. Matthew 3:9).
The devil's final temptation is an attempt to entice Jesus into worshipping him by offering all the kingdoms of the world. Satan's deceitfulness really comes to the forefront here since the world's kingdoms are not his to give. He is sometimes referred to as the "prince of this world" but that refers only to the evil that exists in the world. Jesus finally says: "Get away, Satanl lt is written: 'The Lord, your God, shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve'" (Deuteronomy 6:1 3). Theologically, because Jesus is God He is incapable of sin and is without original sin. And so, He cannot be tempted from within by concupiscence, a consequence of original sin. Even though He could not be tempted on the same level as our lower nature, He could be tempted by exterior suggestion, meaning that Satan's temptations can be introduced to Christ's senses, imagination and His ability to reason or discern. His reasoning and judgment, however, cannot be in error because He is
God. The reason our Lord even allows Satan to approach Him is to teach us that even the most pious of souls are prone to temptation and consequently instructs us how to firmly deal with temptation. He also brings Himself as close to our human experience as His sinless Nature would allow and thus is able to sympathize with US.
Out of God's new creation humankind was given the breath of life and a garden in Eden. There was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There was a serpent to entice the first pair, but their eyes rvere opened and they began to see God's will.
Second Reading
Romans 5272-79 or 5:L2,17;19
Sin came into the world tlrough one man and death through sin, and all sinned. But those who received the abundance of grace in Christ found new life. One Man's disobedience cause many sinners, but one's man obedience made things right.
Gospel - Matthew 4:L-1L Jesus fasted
forty days and nights and was ternpted
by the devil. Three times he appealed to Jesus to use his powers in dramatic ways to increase his fame. But Jesus resisted these attractive temptations on the basis of Scripture and eventually the devil left him, and angels came and ministered to him.
S_undali_s_ Readings_ (Cysle- _A)
Second Sunday of Lent
First Reading: Genesis L2:L-4a Second Reading: 2
Timothy 1:8b-1O
Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9
Th-is- Wee_kls Events_
Sundav 6:15 6:15 10:15 5:00 5:15 7:15
$8,378.88 145.00 100.00 300.00 448.17
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am * Rosary 5:30 pm - Women's AA Meeting (C) 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer (M) 7:30 pm - AA Meeting (C)
$257.00 200.00 385.00 1,000.00 Subtotal: $3,022.81
Special Collections: Augustine Ed. Fund Share Your Faith Black & lndian Mission Ash Wednesday 1't Offering Catholic Care AA Holy Water Bottle
Wednesdav rl l, :
$1 10.00
10.00 15.00 63.00 5.00 20.00 40.00
_ _ 5_,_00
Subtotal: $268.00
March 7
Bldg. Fund Outreach Donation Donation Parking Matching Fund Scholarship Fund
am - Choir Practice am - Rosary (M) am - Choir Practice pm - Choir Practice (R) pm - Young Adult Rosary (M) pm - Young Adult Ministry (R)
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:30 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group (M)
Total: $9,572.05
March 5
First Sunday of Lent
The Collections for February 25-26,2017 are as follows:
M - Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Roam, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C - Courtyard
We are grateful to all who so generously contribute to our Parish.
Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Funeral Baptism Electric & Votive Candles
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm - Scripture Study (R)
March 9
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)
Friday March 10 First Friday 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:15
10:30 11:00 11:15 6:00
am am am pm -
11 15 am
- Confession and Spiritual Direction
Communal lnternational Rosary Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Devotion (M)
Sat;;gday 11:15 am - Rosary
3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass
March t1
Families in our faith formation ministry are giving their time and talents to serve God, others and our Church in these
following ways.
L2 families volunteered to clean the church on the
Saturday of each month from 8 am t0 11 am. Ten children want to serve as altar servers after
. .
receiving confirmation. Nine children will participate in the children's choir. Two children will serve refreshment after the 9 am
mass. Please contact the Church's office if your family would like to serve the church in any ofthese ways.
::H O U SING_ THE H O U_SE LES_$:: Special Mackey Marianist Lecture: Gatholicism in Prophetic Dialogue on March 12, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the Mystical Rose Oratory
(Chapel) is proudly sponsored by Saint Louis School Chaminade University of Honolulu, and the Marianist Center of Hawai'i. Visit www. marianisthawaii.wordpress.com for additional information.
Ben Gutierrez will serve as the moderator for the panel, which will discuss faith-motivated responses. He is a reporter and weather anchor for Hawaii News Now. He is a
Lent is our time to encounter, to cultivate a spirit of global solidarity. The Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl is our
Through the CRS Rice
Bowl, we hear stories from our brothers and sisters in need worldwide, and devote our Lenten prayers, fasting and gifts to change the lives of the poor. How will we contribute to the culture of encounter this Lent? Please pick up your family's CRS Rice Bowl from Sts. Peter and Paul Church located at the entrance of the church and the courtyard. You rnay turn in your rice bowls from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
We thank you for giving generously. You have made a difference in the life of another individual. May these 40 days better prepare us to encounter our neighbors, our God and ourselves!
tAt[ Fft$JGCr
$ur Farish Sathelli C*rt Frclnct * thr fnmr*slty rl our p*rlrhloners Sruy{d*s s{rpplsmcntsl foeds fur our Ku$urli, psrishicners and thuse whs rre rrulnerrble to hu*gw.
member of the National Weather Association, the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts, and the Arnerican Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP).
Fnr tha n*xt uril$
Peter Savio is a real estate broker, developer and social worker. He has rent-to-own projects planned on Oahu and Maui. The plan helps the renter build up an equity of $70,000 to $100,000 which would be used for a home
deirs af Lsnt
us Pirlsh
h* hs$tlru **t*f*IP lN lllt SAYS r.$$r$I{ M$s$$ss, F$s.aseTs
Terry Walsh is the new president and CEO of Catholic Charities Hawaii. He serves as a teacher for special needs
students at Washington lntermediate School in Honolulu, and as counselor for troubled teens at Hale Kipa.
Dave and Bernie Reeves are retired teachers from Marianist run Chaminade Preparatory in West Hills, California. They are now long time parishoners at St. Anne's Parish in Kaneohe where they chair the Homelessness and Affordable Housing Committee. FREE, NO RSVP REQUIRED - For more information, contact Brother Dennis Schmitz, S.M. baldschmitz@aol.com or 808-232-669 1
wr $rMtr*tc purt$dpctu $n mnSe opsortunftl*r S ke$p our fr{clrd* I* ***S, ltltsny cf Ycu
th*ss prsjset* wlll supfa* thcss rsfi$*d t*rurgg uur Csthqllc Care Pmjact* F{$
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Universal: Families in Difficulty That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments.
Evangelization: Persecuted Christians That those Christians who, on account of their faith, are discriminated against or are being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church.
AqTS RETREAT Would you like to have a soul-cleansing &
spiritually-rejuvenating weekend with
fellow Christian men? lf this sounds great, here is some great news!
Retreat is being held 9 work until Sunday after after Mass) at the St Anthony retreat center in Kalihi Valley. This retreat will be a great opportunity to focus on our faith and its application in our daily lives, to build purpose in our prayer life, to increase our presence at the liturgy, and to cultivate friendship among members of the church community. For more information, or to sign up The /t?en's
12 March 2017 (Thursday
now, contact Tom Storm,
Arma nd o Lopez, Amlspgz7
@U0-Qn-.Q.pm. Vi
we bs ite
at info@actsmissions.org
Take advantage of this opportunity to draw closer to God and connect with other faith-filled men!!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY
Marla Steffa Bree
baptized Saturday, Feb. 1B R.enzo fi.{,[ey Ramiro
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baptized Sunday, Feb. 19
baptized Friday, Feb. 24
Cyreffu Chase S. guerrero baptized Saturday, Feb. 25 and
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them tftat tfiey gruv to 6e tnte ,{isciyfes
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t{tem as t6ey teach t{teir cliit*'en our Cat6o[ic
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Please pray
for the sick of our parish, especially.......
Robert Agpalsa P. Almeida Anthony Alatan Edward & Emily Atalig Marjorie Atalig Jose & Concepcion Atalig George Auyong Tony Bacani Dolores Bledsoe Larry Cabrinha Betty Cecil Joelle Chamberland Wini Chow Louisa Comajis Ronald Costa Avon Czenarinski Regina Czerwinski Steve Dagali Bernanda De Guzman Victor & Rita Dizon Odetta Doublet Tina Louise Duncan Jo Dowling Nicky Dresci Robert Fahl Sue Felix Douglas Ferreira Norman Fong Chris Foster Serena Fujii Thomas Garcia Helen Garcia Joanna Gates Lorraine & Walter Gonzalves Sadie Gouveia, Magdalena Gualderama John & Barbara Hanao Joe & Blanche Hansen Stanley Ho Jill lshikawa Frank & Sharla Jensen Christopher Johnson Joanne Jones Christoph Jucewicz Jack Jucewicz Joyce Kaanapu Cash Kahoopii Stephen Kalili Renee Kam Sr. Roland & Debra Kamanao Mapuana Kapana Emily Kuhn Christiana Lai
Anu Lau Herbert & Thelma Lee Uilison E. Leuta Jamieson Longoria
Theodora Luke Thelma Lum Violeta Luna-Hill Jennifer & Santiago Maldonado Claudia Maldonado Alphonsa Maligro Stanley, Jr. & Marion Medeiros Wilma R. Medeiros Glenn Medeiros Sr. Tammy Medeiros Bob Mendoza Houghton Meyer Jim Meyer Thomas Mistysyn June Nakamoto Larry Nakamura Betty Ann Nault Sylvia Nelson Susan Nelson Leona Oliveira Dan O'Leary Shirley Onishi Judy Orlando Sherrie Pacatan-Gentry Michael Pacheco & Family Earl & May Phillips T.J. Pochinski Elsie Quinn James R. Neva Rego Alfred & Judy Robolledo James & Peggy Saballa James Sandobal Marilyn Sciortino Donald Secor Myong Soon Sim Charleen Sliger-Saucedo Clifford Smith Dorothy Suchar Theresa Sung Dolores Suredam Jean & Ken Takaki Janet Tavares Kristen Tavares Mary Teves Ellen Tomita Fr. Dave Travers Yolanda Trejo Soane Uiagalelei Peter Uiagalelei Jane Vasconcellos Betty & Art Watkins Larry Wong, Sr. Teresa Yu, and your special intentions!
The 2017 Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1 , for Latin-rite Catholics. ln a particular way during Lent, we are asked to devote ourselves to the spirjtUal and c--orpor,al works of mercy that "remind us that faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbors in body and spirit."
"Lent is a favourable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognizing in them the face of Christ."-- Pope Francis, Uessage for l-ent ?017. . Take inspiration for your Lenten journey from praye_r and to the reading of Scripture, to fagllng and to giving alms. The fasting that all do together on Fridays is but a sign of the daily Lenten discipline of individuals and households: fasting for certain periods of time, fasting from certain foods, but also fasting from other things and activities. Likewise, the giving of alms is some effort to share this world equally-not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents. Contemplate the meaning and origins of the Lenten fasting tradition in this 1e_t!_gqtlp_n.
ln Lent, the baptized are called to renew their baptismal commitment as others prepare to be baptized through the Rite of C_hr_islflan tnitiatign gf- Adultg, a period of learning and discernment for individuals who have declared their desire to become Catholics. The key to fruitful observance of these practices is to recognize their link to baptismal renewal. We are called not just to abstain from sin during Lent, but to true conversion of our hearts and minds as followers of Christ. We recall those waters in which we were baptized into Christ's death, died to sin and evil, and began new life in Christ. Lectio Divina for Lent Please go to the USCCB website to find a variety of suggestions and resources to help you "give up," "take up," and "lift up" during this Lent and to embrace your baptismal commitment.
Catholics are also encouraged to make going to confession a significant part of their spiritual lives during Lent. The U.S. Bishops'statement, "God's Gift of Forgiveness: The Pastoral Exhortation o--n the* -Sqcram-e-nt o{ Pe-nan_cg and Recon"ciliati"onll can be distributed and shared in parishes. Dioceses are encouraged to make the sacrament available often during Lent and to use these resourceq to promote participation. We also have resources to help individuals who have not been to confession in a while "rediscover" the sacrament. From USCCB Prayer and Worship article on Lent
Taith Sormatlon Our Lenten Journey
Gnrinlrrffrrrr *&f*nfcrnrs
Our: 5'h ancl 6th grade reiigious education class spent last Sunday in discussion and reflection upon Mardi Gras. Ash Wednesday, and the Lenten Season.
We knorv that during Lent. rve fast from rnany things liturgically: tliere is no Gloria or Alleluia during Mass. the rvorship space is empty o1 l'lorvers, the music is simpler, the joyful praise is not present. Lent is a serious tirne of preparation for the experieirce of the Paschal Mystery.
As we c<lntinue orr Lenten journey our cl:lss will:
. . . . .
Go rvith Jesus into the desert. Al.lorv Jesus to show us horv to deal rvith temptation. Corne to know rvho Jesus is. Encounter Jesus in story.
Follorv Jesus to the cross.
We concluded class with this reflection:
What will you sacrifice during the Lenten season? A few of us shared the following responses:
x* Our family will give up fast food...l will stop fighting with my brother. ** I'll be nicer to my sister.
** On Saturdays come and clean the church. *x I will give up my special necklace so that my sister can get well. ** Pray more! ** No swimming ** Eat less meat, more vegetables, and daily rneditation. I
i,-.*_ YOUNG ADUTT MINISTRY Hey Everyone, Our group is becoming increasingly active, thanks to everyone's support. Yesterday, there were about fifty blankets to distribute. Once again, we gave to the denlzens of Kaka'ako Park, but this time they were wrapped with special prayers and messages of encouragement. Furthermore, we were joined by a special sponsor, who bought fifty wrapped sandwiches and drinks, which he handed out with us. And this time, we didn't just take five minutes. Rather, we took a moment to talk to people, as there are many families o{ different ages from dilferent places who live there. The more time we spend there, the more I realize how much I have to learn.
ln the evening, we remained engaged as we watched the second hour of the movie. Come again a{ter the evening mass this Sunday March 5th, for the last hour!
Upcoming, we'll be volunteering with the Aquarium again on the last Sunday March 26th, to hejp_*qel fid.
ln the meantime, we want to start offering free tutoring to help those who would like help with school subjects up to GED, or even just with English. lf you know anyone who would be interested in participating, please let us know. Always, if interested in any of the above, please e-mail t1j-y-ialFJ.f-@*gmg]l,-c--o--n1 or txt us -3--Q-5"8-9_8;0--3J_8_. Aloha,
Sunu & Amala i
i l
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Our parish celebrated Mardi Gras on Tuesday, February 28 in the Courtyard. It was an evening of fun and fellowship where there was lots of food and drink, raffles, a rnovie, games and a piflata. We concluded the evening with the burning of the palms for Ash Wednesday and a prayer for a good Lent for all.
C{,{{e,z{ktt, Monday IVIarch 6
Lenten Weekday
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 NIt 25;31-46
Tuesday March
Lenten Weekday Is 55:10-11
Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday March
Lerrten Weekday Jon 3:1-10
LklL:29-32 TIrursday March 9 Lerften Weekday Est C:12, 14-16,23-25
Mt7:7-12 Friday March l0 Lenten Weekday
Dssx,?dru, Why is it OK to eat fish during Lent? What if I'm a vegetarian? he other day I was grocery shopping. i bought chicken on sale for $1 per pound and salmon for $8.99 per pound. If penance were about being economical, I would be eating chicken. If penance were the same as living simply, I might give up both proteins for an egg or bean aliernative. (lf you asked my fellow priests, they might say all food is penance when I cook.) The Catecltism teaches, "The interior penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and various ways. Scripture and the Fathers insist above all on three forms, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others" (CCC 1434). Notice the last word: others. Fasting and abstaining from meat during Lent are shared sacrifices and part of our Catholic identity and duty (Canons 1249-53). The pope in Rome, your grandmother in Milwaukee, Catholics in India, and our fellow Christians (if and when they participate) are all united by this common penance. You express that unity by eating fish on Fridays. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, I encourage you to do something additional during the Fridays of Lent to reflect the spirit of discipline and self-denial. However you observe Lent, remember: All Catholics are united to each other and to God in our prayer, penance, and worship. Patrick Keyes, CSsR sundaybulletin @li guori. org
Ez 18:21-28
Mt 5:20-26
Saturday March
Letten Weekday Dt26:16-19 Mt 5:43-48 Sunday tularch 12 Second Surtday of
Gn 12:1-4a 2
Tm 1:8b-10 VIt 17:1-9
n Wordnnm?o-pnFrnw:os tlith its ::uir:t'r:t'1 i,c :cfivelsioIi, r-enr corfi*s ;:r"oviCe*tiaiiv ic.:i,vaker-. ili- fc io"i$e us i.rcm icrp'fr {ramth* risk cl no'.ting "
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Lizuori (-Irusucelorrts
ARedmpto*t Minirtiy
ci Santa S*bina, llarcn
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