and Mys
Me, Aga
in •
Takes on t
Take It to the Extreme
Engelsk · 5. klasse · Elevbog · Web
Yes we can for 5. klasse præsenterer eleverne for 6 temaer, der lægger op til genkendelse, forundring og refleksion. Eleverne går på opdagelse i forskelligartede teksttyper og inviteres til at anskue sprog og indhold på systematisk vis igennem mundtlige og skriftlige aktiviteter.
Louise Holst Tollan og Lena Smith Boysen Ellen M. Tudor Edwards, Tone Omland, Isabelle Royer, Victoria Armstrong Solli
Textboo k
r Fou
Yes we can Textbook 5
rious World • Time Myste O
Arbejdet med ordforrådstilegnelse og sproglig iagttagelse tager afsæt i en tydelig og tematisk relevant kontekst og spiller en central rolle i både Textbook og Workbook. Yes we can 5 består af • Textbook/Web • Workbook • Teacher’s Book/Web med - trykte klik-ud-kort - tavlebog • Med Yes we can 5 får eleverne • rig mulighed for at lytte og tale • bred variation i læse- og skriveopgaver • indsigt i vedkommende, globale tematikker • adgang til digitale træningsopgaver Med Yes we can 5 får læreren • inspiration og grundig vejledning til elevopgaver • konkrete ideer til formativ vurdering
9788723546531_omslag.indd 1
Engelsk Engelsk · 5. · 5. klasse klasse · Elevbog · Elevbog · Web · Web
06/07/2020 12.45
Louise Holst Tollan og Lena Smith Boysen
Ellen M. Tudor Edwards, Tone Omland, Isabelle Royer og Victoria Armstrong Solli
Textboo k
Content s 1 Together Again!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Me, Myself and I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3 Our Mysterious World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1 Togeth er Again!
It starts at …
2 Me, Myself an d I
It finishes at …
I want to be a …
When I grow up …
Can you …?
I am good at …
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
She is good at …
My family’s very talented, I'm certain you'll agree We each possess a special skill that anyone can see. Page 25 Page 6
At my school, I can wear what I want.
Are you made for YouTube? What do you think it takes? Follow four steps and find out!
Page 12
Page 8
Listen to a story about a break-in at a school. Find out which questions the police have to ask when they arrive and get ready to work as a detective.
Mum says I look nice in my school uniform. I think it is OK, but I hate the hat we have to wear.
Page 31
Page 26
What do you do when you go by train? Maybe you're like James? He looks for animals on the map when he goes by the Underground.
I want to work in a restaurant as a chef. I love cooking.
Page 14
Page 16
Page 32
I like myself. I’m glad I’m me. There’s no one else I’d rather be.
Page 28
Read about Dermot Milligan. He is nervous about school start. Maybe you’re a bit like him?
f ive / 5
Workbook opgave 1
/ four
What do you do with your family? Maybe you need new ideas for great family activities. Take a closer look at the list! Page 30
Workbook opgave 1
/ t w ent y
3 Our
I am afraid of …
Myster ious World
Page 38
It can be very difficult to say no when someone nominates you to do a challenge. Find out what the ice bucket challenge is all about.
I believe in …
I think …
When something happens that we can’t explain, we call it a mystery. The world is full of mysteries. Page 47
Page 48 Page 41
Look, I took a picture of the Loch Ness Monster with my mobile phone. 36
/ t hirty-six
Nature can be mysterious, too. Have you ever heard of Antelope Canyon? There are so many great places to visit!
Page 42
A young boy from Scotland remembers another life. Read the true story about Cameron.
Workbook opgave 1- 4
Let us introduce to you: Count Dracula. You’d better eat some garlic because then he will not take a bite of you.
The Legend of the Lost Girl is from at little village in Hertfordshire, England.
Page 50
Have you ever seen a science fiction TV-show or film? Read about Stranger Things and get fun facts about a special girl with supernatural powers.
Page 44
t hir t y-s Fifeven t een / 37
twenty- one / 21
4 Time Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5 Four Takes on the UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 6 Take It to the Extreme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4 Time Of f
I sometimes ...
5 Four Takes on
I never …
I always …
What’s the best thing about Harry Potter?
What do you know about the four countries in the United Kingdom?
Page 60
Page 79
Read about Wimpy Kid and find out what he is up to in his free time.
Football is great fun, but it's important to relax, too.
Welcome to the Highland Games!
There are many different types of films, often called film genres. We have asked four tweens what they like best.
Page 72
Page 67
It is known for …
My favourite type of film is …
the UK
Look at the title and the cover. Who is Billionaire Boy and what do you think the story is about? Help out if you can! When was the last time you cooked for someone?
The capital city of … is …
Page 80
Page 74
Page 59
Page 56
Do your parents expect you to help in the house? What do you think is the most common chore is today?
I don't know what to do today. Perhaps I'll go outside and play, or stay indoors and watch TV, or take a bath, or climb a tree.
Page 64
It’s all about Wales, 007 and Billie Eilish! What’s not to like?
Page 57
Page 76
What do you know about Scotland and the animated film, Brave?
If drama is your favourite film genre, you will love this film! Page 85
Page 82
f ifFif t y-f t een ive / 55
Workbook opgave 1
/ fifty-four
Workbook opgave 1
/ seventy
6 Take It t o
as big as …
the Extr eme
bigger than …
the biggest …
Page 92
Slacklining is walking on a rope over the ground. The higher you are, the riskier it is!
Page 94
Page 98
How would you feel standing inside this ball?
Malavath Poorna and Mount Everest ... What's the connection? Page 100
Page 96
Do you know how to complete a "900"?
/ eighty-eight
An Ironman is when you compete in three sports: swimming, cycling and running. Read about Hunter, who is the youngest in the world to finish an Ironman.
Workbook opgave 1
Page 91
Do you know Stampy Cat? Check out his record and get some good advice. eightFif y-nine t een / 89
seventy-one sixty-nine Fifteen / 71
1 Togeth er Again!
Page 6
At my school, I can wear what I want.
Page 8
Mum says I look nice in my school uniform. I think it is OK, but I hate the hat we have to wear.
/ f our
It starts at …
It finishes at …
I want to be a …
When I grow up …
Page 12
Read about Dermot Milligan. He is nervous about school start. Maybe you’re a bit like him?
Listen to a story about a break-in at a school. Find out which questions the police have to ask when they arrive and get ready to work as a detective.
Page 14
I want to work in a restaurant as a chef. I love cooking. Page 16
Workbook opgave 1
five / 5
starts starter
FIRS T! Talk abo ut th e photos.
finishes slutter
Me an d M y Sch ool
subject fag grow up bliver voksen 5th grade 5. klasse canteen kantine
All over the world children go to school to learn. Meet four young pupils. What can they tell you about their school?
Hi, Madison here!
Did you know ? More than 26 million children in the USA go to school by bus every day. All children who do not live near their school are entitled to a free bus ride to school and back home. The school buses are famous for their yellow colour. It is the colour that people see faster than any other colour. This makes the school bus a safe transportation.
/ six
I live on a farm outside Jacksonville, Florida, in the USA. I live with my mother, my father and my baby brother. My granddad lives with us, too. I am in 5th grade. Every morning I take the school bus to school. It takes about twenty minutes. School starts at 08:55 and finishes at 15:30. At 12 I have lunch in the school canteen. My favourite lunch is chicken and salad. We don’t wear school uniforms. I can wear what I want. My favourite subject is English. I think I want to be a journalist when I grow up.
Hello! My name is Harry, and I am from Bristol in England. My school is very old. It is over two hundred and sixty years old. My school is a boarding school. I live here. I sleep here and eat all my meals here. At school I have lots of friends. When I first started, I missed my family, but now I am very happy. I go home and visit my mum and stepdad one weekend a month and in the holidays. At my school we have to wear a school uniform. I wear a blue shirt, blue trousers and a blue blazer. The girls wear almost the same. They wear a blue shirt and a blue skirt with their blazer. Only the boys wear a tie, though. My favourite subject is maths. I want to be a dentist when I grow up.
Workbook opgave 2-3
stepdad stedfar have to skal boarding school kostskole meals måltider missed savnede almost næsten blazer blazer/habitjakke tie slips dentist tandlæge
Think and talk What can you tell Harry about your school and your school day?
s even / 7
just kun
FIRS T! Wh o do you live wi th?
PE idræt
Did you know ? Some words are different in the UK and in the US: Use favourite and colour in the UK. Use favorite and color in the US. Also remember that they say 5th grade in the US but year 5 in the UK. In Australia and New Zealand, they use both grade and year.
/ e i g ht
My name is Tom and I am from Sydney in Australia. I live with my mum and my two sisters. My school has over 800 pupils and it is just for boys. We all wear school uniforms. We wear white shirts, black trousers, a blazer and a tie. Mum says I look nice in my school uniform. I think it is OK, but I hate the hat we have to wear! What do you think? My favourite subject is PE. I play rugby or tennis every day after school. I want to be a professional rugby player when I grow up.
parents forĂŚldre
My name is Jessica and I live in Wellington in New Zealand. I live with my parents and my twin brother Jordan.
lunch break frokostpause
My brother and I are in the same class at school. There are 29 pupils in our class. School starts at 09:00 in the morning and finishes at 15:45. We have a lunch break at noon. There is a tuck shop at school where we can buy food, but most pupils bring their own lunch. For lunch I have sandwiches, an apple and an orange juice. Most pupils in New Zealand wear school uniforms. At our school we all wear white T-shirts and a red sweater or cardigan. The boys wear dark shorts or trousers. The girls wear dark skirts or trousers. I think school uniforms are a good idea. That way no one is teased or bullied for what they wear. My favourite subjects are music and art. I love drawing and singing. I want to be a designer or a pop star when I grow up. You see, I want to be famous one day!
Workbook opgave 4- 6
twin tvilling most pupils de fleste elever noon kl. 12.00 tuck shop kiosk teased drillet bullied mobbet
Think and talk
Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
nine / 9
Cool School Rap School days are cool days, school days we explore. School days are cool days, every day we learn more! English, maths, geography, music and art, history and PE, all these subjects make us smart. We explore, find out and listen, read and write every day. We play and help each other get better all the way School days are cool days … We’ve got lots of questions, we want to find out, how things around us work, what the world is all about. What, where, why, when, who and how, let’s put our heads together and work it out now! School days are cool days … Learning together, sharing all we know. Working together, helping each other grow. We explore, find out and listen, read and write every day. We play and help each other get better all the way. School days are cool days, school days we explore. School days are cool days, every day we learn more! learn more lærer mere each other hinanden how things around us work hvordan ting omkring os fungerer let’s put our heads together lad os sætte os sammen work it out finde ud af det sharing deler grow vokse
/ ten
FIRS T! H ow l ong does it tak e you t o get t o sch ool?
My Sch ool Day
round rundt om mate ven usually normalt registration registrering
Zaheer is a pupil at Green Meadows Secondary School. He lives just round the corner, so he walks to school every day. It only takes him about five minutes to get there.
assembly samling biscuit kiks tag fangeleg hot meal varm mad
My best mate Rob and I usually meet at school at around 08:50. That way, we have about ten minutes to chat or play together before school starts. School begins at 9 o’clock. We all go straight to our classroom and start with registration. When the teacher calls my name, I have to say Yes, Ms Jones. On Mondays and Thursdays we all go to assembly in the main hall at 09:10. We sit on the floor and sing songs, listen to music or hear a story. I like singing best. After the short assembly we go back to our classroom. Our first lesson finishes at 10:30. Then we have a 15-minute break. I usually eat some fruit or a biscuit in the playground. We play football or games like tag. The second lesson starts at 10:45 and we work until 12:15, when we have lunch. At my school, you can buy a hot meal for lunch or you can bring a packed lunch. Some children at my school get a free school lunch because their parents do not have much money. I think that is a good thing. I bring my own packed lunch from home. I usually have two ham and cheese sandwiches, fruit, a drink and sometimes a packet of crisps. Some of my friends have crisps every day, but my mum says I am not allowed. After lunch, Rob and I go out to play games. Our lunch break finishes at 13:15. My favourite subjects are ICT and science. School finishes at 15:30 and I go home, except on Thursdays when I stay at school for computer club.
Workbook opgave 7- 11
packed lunch madpakke I am not allowed det må jeg ikke ICT IT
Think and talk When does your school day start and finish? It starts at … It finishes at ...
eleven / 11
FIRS T! Look at th e pictur e. How d o you think De rm ot feels? overweight overvægtig quite ret definitely helt bestemt too busy for travlt size størrelse expected forventede shaved barberet uncomfortable ubehagelige at have på undoing the button knappe op plum blomme stapler hæftemaskine
of Dermot Milligan Dermot Milligan is eleven years old, overweight and loves donuts. He is about to start secondary school and is quite nervous about it. In the evening I tried on my school uniform for the first time. My dad’s favourite word is ‘fiasco’, and this was definitely a fiasco. And I know, by the way, that it was dumb trying on my uniform only a few days before school started, but then that’s my family all over.
trousers shoes
/ tw el v e
My mum was too busy to take me shopping with her, so she had got it all off the Internet. Nothing was the right size. The shirt I kind of expected. For it to be big enough to fit round my neck meant that the arms hung down almost to the floor. I looked like a shaved orangutan. The trousers were too tight. Not way too tight, which would have been better, because then my mum would have sent them back. No, the trousers were just tight enough to make them uncomfortable, to make me think that undoing the button and allowing my belt alone to keep them up might be a good idea. The blazer – yep, it was that kind of school – sort of fitted, but the problem was that it was PURPLE. You heard me right, PURPLE. I’ll say it again. PURPLE.
Why you should read this book This is the funniest book I have ever read, I can't wait until the next book in the series. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a little laugh. The Guardian
I thoroughly enjoyed this book so much so that I finished reading it within a day!
What were they thinking of when they decided to make the blazer purple? I looked like a giant plum.
The new school shoes Mum had got me fitted OK, but they were black and shiny and looked like the kind of loser-shoes the absolute lowest low-down guy in a boring office might wear. The guy who makes the tea for the guy who refills the office stapler. I’ve seen newly-laid dog poo with more style than those shoes. I’d have been better off tying two biscuit tins to my feet and going off clanking down the road.
I really liked this book, and I was determined to read it in two days ... I could have probably read it in one day, if I didn’t start reading it so late
Think and talk Have you ever had to wear clothes you didn’t like?
Anthony McGowan
Workbook opgave 12 -16
t hirteen / 13
suddenly pludselig officers betjente break-in indbrud turns around vender sig om just down the road lige nede ad gaden strange mærkelige really virkelig quiet stille motorbikes motorcykler barks gør clues ledetråde solve løse mess rod upside down væltet
FIRS T! Wh at d o you think this t ext is abo ut?
A Job for Expe rts! It is Monday morning, and Martin and Max are on their way to their classroom. Suddenly they both stop. Outside their classroom they can see two police officers talking to their teacher. MAX: What
is going on here?
… I think we have had a break-in.
MAX: Oh,
A policewoman turns around and stops them. POLICEWOMAN: Excuse MARTIN: I
me, who are you?
am Martin, and this is Max.
grade are you in?
MAX: We are
in year 5.
do you live? Do any of you live near the school?
I do. I live just down the road. You can see my house behind those trees over there.
I think you can help us.
What did you hear last night? Any strange sounds?
it was really quiet. I didn’t hear any cars or motorbikes. You see, our dog barks if cars drive past at night.
/ fourteen
Okay. Well, we must just keep looking for more clues. I hope we can solve the mystery!
The boys look through the classroom door and see a terrible mess! Many of the chairs and desks are upside down. There are books, pencils and crayons all over the floor. In the corner, next to the bookshelf, all the paintbrushes and tubes of paint are on the floor. Someone has put their foot on a tube of green paint. MAX:
What a mess! Is anything stolen?
no! Where is our new world globe? Where are the computers?
MAX: Right!
I think this is a job for experts! Who wants to be a detective?
How ?
Where? Why?
Think and talk Have you ever lost something dear to you?
Workbook opgave 17-18
fifteen / 15
FIRS T! Wh at d o you think th e w ords doctor, actor and hair dresse r mean?
I Want to Be ... When I Grow Up Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Dimitri Vegas Feat. Wiz Khalifa, 2018 [Chorus]
When I grow up, I wanna be like Wiz Khalifa Have lots of cool stuff, when I grow up Hear my music through the speakers I wanna feel love when I grow up I wanna have enough to pay the bills And buy my mom a house up on the hill I wanna be like Wiz Khalifa When I grow up, when I grow up
I want to be a …
doctor dentist tandlæge programmer programmør
chef kok doctor læge teacher lærer hairdresser frisør
/ si x teen
Girls game, too I am thinking about becoming a professional gamer. I play computer and video games for hours every day. I love it and I’m good at it, so it would be perfect to have it as my job when I grow up. But I think it’s difficult. Someone told me that there are only 500 professional gamers in the whole world who make a lot of money. I would play in a team. The team pays you to play in tournaments. If you win, you can earn a ton of cash. Ava
becoming blive difficult svært whole hele tournaments konkurrencer though dog embarassing pinligt less mindre glamorous glamourøst
Acting is the best I would like to be an actor. I don’t tell people about it, though. It’s a bit embarrassing because most of the people at school who want to be actors are girls. But I’ve started to act in school plays, and musicals and the school Christmas show. I would like to keep doing theatre and musicals, but what I would most like to do is to act in films in Hollywood. Maybe it is less glamorous than it looks. In fact, I think it is very hard work. But I would love to be able to see myself in a famous film. Oliver
Workbook opgave 19 -23
Think and talk What do you want to be when you grow up? Find out what your dream job is called in English.
s eventeen / 17
Perform! Make a role play
Imagine that there’s been a break-in at your school or in your house. A police officer addresses you and asks questions about the incident. • Work in pairs and prepare questions and answers.
Make a short introduction before acting out your role play. Tell the audience what has happened and where: time, place, broken or missing things, witnesses or suspects ...
• Practise your dialogue. • Record your dialogue.
Creat e! Your own presentation
• Read the text about Zaheer again. • Find similarities and differences between your school days and take notes. • Structure the notes in a diagram that clearly shows what’s the same and what’s different. The magic words are also called sight words. What's cool about them? When you remember a word by sight, you will be able to recognize it in your text and understand it within three seconds.
/ ei g hteen
• Present your result in class and tell your classmates what you like and/or dislike.
Zaheer walks to school.
What's the same
We're both in secondary school.
I go by bike.
What's different
Magic words
live ∙ boy ∙ want ∙ school ∙ think ∙ home ∙ hat ∙ each ∙ other ∙ lots ∙ eat ∙ food ∙ how ∙ first ∙ laugh ∙ I’ve dog ∙ found away ∙ again ∙ night ∙ over ∙ long ∙ never ∙ small ∙ where ∙ head ∙ everyone ∙ every ∙ play ∙ somethin river ∙ fun ∙ right ∙ even ∙ much more ∙ bear ∙ narrator ∙ things ∙ magic ∙ that’s ∙ car ∙ way ∙ has ∙ around ∙ let’s ∙ o stop ∙ take ∙ fast ∙ well ∙ sea
L���� d out! What’s their dream job?
I like th
• three adjectives that describe what’s special about the job
ol d
tarts at ... ∙ It
hen I g r o w up
er’s scho
can use these
nd phra
: Zahe
ou Maybe y
sa d r o
• what you think about the job and why.
What ∙ . . . is e c n fere f i d est g g i b e finis hes at ... ∙ Th
• his/her dream job
ink it’s a cool dream job because ... ∙ W
• three things that your classmate likes
lly th
• name
Find out what one of your classmates wants to be when he/she grows up. Make an identity card and include:
∙ We b o t h h a v e . . . s ... ti
ugh ∙ I’ve ∙ water ∙ can’t ∙ mother ∙ I’ll ∙ cat ∙ did ∙ new ∙ shout ∙ us ∙ work ∙ would ∙ three ∙ town ∙ two ∙ yes ∙ red ∙ didn’t ∙ y ∙ something ∙ bed ∙ may ∙ who ∙ door clothes ∙ find ∙ good ∙ next ∙ couldn’t ∙ need ∙ great ∙ through ∙ baby ∙ any ∙ garden ∙ und ∙ let’s ∙ only ∙ thought ∙ still ∙ know soon ∙ round ∙ animals ∙ tree ∙ king ∙ man ∙ after ∙ going ∙ wanted ∙ took ∙ fish ∙ been ∙
nineteen / 19
2 Me, Myself an d I My family’s very talented, I'm certain you'll agree We each possess a special skill that anyone can see. Page 25
Are you made for YouTube? What do you think it takes? Follow four steps and find out! Page 28
Page 31
Page 26
What do you do when you go by train? Maybe you're like James? He looks for animals on the map when he goes by the Underground.
/ tw enty
What do you do with your family? Maybe you need new ideas for great family activities. Take a closer look at the list! Page 30
It can be very difficult to say no when Âsomeone nominates you to do a challenge. Find out what the ice bucket challenge is all about.
Can you …?
I am good at …
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
She is good at …
Page 32
I like myself. I’m glad I’m me. There’s no one else I’d rather be.
Workbook opgave 1
twenty- one / 21
and Mys
Me, Aga
in •
Takes on t
Take It to the Extreme
Engelsk · 5. klasse · Elevbog · Web
Yes we can for 5. klasse præsenterer eleverne for 6 temaer, der lægger op til genkendelse, forundring og refleksion. Eleverne går på opdagelse i forskelligartede teksttyper og inviteres til at anskue sprog og indhold på systematisk vis igennem mundtlige og skriftlige aktiviteter.
Louise Holst Tollan og Lena Smith Boysen Ellen M. Tudor Edwards, Tone Omland, Isabelle Royer, Victoria Armstrong Solli
Textboo k
r Fou
Yes we can Textbook 5
rious World • Time Myste O
Arbejdet med ordforrådstilegnelse og sproglig iagttagelse tager afsæt i en tydelig og tematisk relevant kontekst og spiller en central rolle i både Textbook og Workbook. Yes we can 5 består af • Textbook/Web • Workbook • Teacher’s Book/Web med - trykte klik-ud-kort - tavlebog • Med Yes we can 5 får eleverne • rig mulighed for at lytte og tale • bred variation i læse- og skriveopgaver • indsigt i vedkommende, globale tematikker • adgang til digitale træningsopgaver Med Yes we can 5 får læreren • inspiration og grundig vejledning til elevopgaver • konkrete ideer til formativ vurdering
9788723546531_omslag.indd 1
Engelsk Engelsk · 5. · 5. klasse klasse · Elevbog · Elevbog · Web · Web
06/07/2020 12.45