Pit stop #6: Læseprøve

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Vibeke Flemmer Lene Juul





Pit Stop #6 Topic Book/Web © 2014 Alinea, København - et forlag under Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S, et selskab i Egmont Tekster fra Good Stuff © Andy Coombs, Kjell Johansson, Roland Hagvärn og Liber AB, Stockholm Kopiering af denne bog er kun tilladt ifølge aftale med Copy-Dan. Tidligere udgivet som: Pit Stop #6, Topic Book, © 2004 Alinea, København, ISBN: 978-87-23-01361-3 Forlagsredaktion: Kirsten Koudahl, Mette Boye, Lise Nerlov Billedredaktion: Vibeke Sommer Grafisk tilrettelægning: Caroline Seehusen mDD Tegninger: Teis Dyekjær-Hansen Gwyneth Williamson Repro: Sangill Grafisk Web-adgangen til Pit Stop er inkluderet i bøgernes pris. Hjemmesiden finder du på: pitstop.alinea.dk.

Tryk: Livonia Print 2. udgave, 3. oplag, 2016 ISBN 978-87-23-50402-9

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Welcome to Pit Stop #6! At Pit Stop #6 you get this Topic Book and a website with recordings, copy sheets, links, etc. Topic? What does that mean, Wilbur? Take it easy, F. It’s just another word for theme or subject.

The Topic Book is full of exciting knowledge in texts, songs and pictures. They’re for you to enjoy and to help you learn English. The basic texts in each topic are for the whole class to work with. When you’re through with them, look for: When you see this symbol you can choose which extra text(s) you want to work with. The website has recordings of all the texts and Wilbur’s World. You can also fill out your copy sheets online and share them. Also, you get access to links and an online version of My own Dictionary. Yeah, check out Wilbur’s World at pitstop.alinea.dk!

Use your Task Book to find out how to work with the topics in this book. Have fun!

21 We Are the Champions


22 Bend It Like Beckham 24 Freedom on Skis 26 Sports NO – Exercise YES 27 Confession Corner, Cheerleading 28 The Basketball Game 30 The Big Jump 32 The Soap Box Derby 33 Spend Your Summer in a Camp

7 On Top of Spaghetti

34 Wilbur Plays Basketball

8 Freaky Flavours 10 What Did People Eat? 12 Two Ways of Helping Out 14 The Ghost in the Locker 16 The Best Cake 18 Fast Food 19 Eating Sweets 20 Wilbur Makes Fish-shakes

35 Pigs Can Fly 36 Alice in Wonderland 38 Harry Houdini 39 Puff, the Magic Dragon 40 Dragons and Heroes 42 Kingdom of the Dark Forces 44 Fantasy Castle 46 Morgawr 47 Ghostbusters 48 Wilbur and the Pathfinder


79 Nero 80 Robin Hood 49 Shoes and Socks

82 Animal Hero

50 Take It Off!

83 Boudicca

51 A Difference of Opinion

84 Heroic Stories

52 School Uniforms

85 Apollo 11

54 Stealing

86 The Tale of Little John

55 Hot or Not? 56 The Emperor’s New Clothes 60 Black Jackets and a Pink Coat 62 Fashion Shame 63 School Uniforms and Dress Codes

88 Braveheart 89 Clark Kent aka Superman 90 A Life of Crime 92 Wilbur Meets Clark

64 Wilbur Goes Shopping 93 Last Christmas 94 Christmas Fun 65 Astronaut Race

94 The Day before Christmas

66 Tourists in Space

95 The Scarf

67 Putting on a Space Suit

96 Santa Claus Is Coming

68 Mars

98 Christmas Legends

69 Honest Ed

99 A Kiss for Christmas

70 I Was Abducted

100 Santa Comes by Boat

71 Roswell

101 2.00 am Christmas Morning

72 The Newcomer

102 Once There Was a Snowman

74 Roswell, New Mexico 75 The Mystery of the Lost Boy 76 Smallstar 78 Wilbur and the Spacemen

103 The Shoemaker and the Elves 104 Wilbur Makes Snow

y r a s s o l G Text Text by 8 105-11 8 A-Z 119-12


On Top of Spaghetti On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese, I lost my poor meat ball When somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table And onto the floor, And then my poor meat ball Rolled out of the door! It rolled in a garden And under a bush, And then my poor meat ball Was nothing but mush. The mush was as tasty As tasty could be, And early next summer It grew into a tree. The tree was all covered With beautiful moss, It grew lovely meat balls And tomato sauce.

meat ball · kødbolle sneezed · nøs mush · grød tasty · lækker

So if you eat spaghetti All covered with cheese, Hold on to your meat balls And DON’T EVER SNEEZE! A-A-A-CHOO !! Lyrics: Tom Glazer



1. My friend fi nds a good, big rattlesnake. Then he strangles it.

2. He skins and cleans the snake well and puts it in a bowl.

3. He covers it with milk and garlic and puts it in a fridge overnight.

4. He dries and seasons the snake.

5. He serves the snake with mashed potatoes, brown gravy, corn on the cob and coleslaw.

6. He tries to fi nd somebody who wants to eat with him. Do you want to try?

Freaky Flavours My food

Hi, my name is Andy. I am a vegetarian so I don’t eat meat. I don’t like the taste. My favourite food is crispy corn chips with grated cheese. It’s a snack from Mexico called nachos.

New food Are you bored with burgers? Do you think dinner is dull? Are all sausages the same? Why not travel, see the world, and put something new in your stomach? You could go to France and eat snails. You can order haggis in Scotland. If you like sheep’s stomach, this is the perfect dish for you. I lived in Thailand for a while. They eat locusts in honey there. I know that in Australia some people eat live grubs. They find them in tree stumps. I have an American friend who likes to eat fried snake. He says it tastes great. Take a look at the small pictures to see how he prepares it.

freaky fl avours · mærkelige smagsvarianter grated · revet dull · kedelig locusts · græshopper grubs · larver prepares · tilbereder seasons · krydrer

alinea GoodStuff 9


What Did People Eat? About 4,000 years ago The Ancient Egyptians

About 2,000 years ago The Romans

Alive or dead, the Egyptians loved good food. When an important person died, people gave him food for the journey to the after-life. They also gave him animals, gold and … servants.

The Romans also loved to eat. Breakfast was only water, wine and olives. They didn’t eat lunch. They waited for the big evening meal.

The Egyptians could have a picnic with a family member even if he had died. They took the food and drink to the tomb and had a meal. The ancient Egyptians used the water of the Nile to grow wheat and barley. They made lots of bread and beer. There was no sugar, so they used honey to sweeten their cakes. important · betydningsfuld journey · rejse servants · tjenere tomb · grav belch · bøvse


The evening meal was a special occasion with lots of people, food and wine. Guests and adults lay on large sofas. Only children sat at the table. The Romans did not use knives and forks, only their fingers and spoons. They had slaves who cleaned their hands between the courses. The evening meal was not simple food at all. The Romans ate lizard, antelope and even flamingo. The Romans had strange manners: it was very polite to belch and spit after a meal.

About 1,000 years ago The Vikings

About the millennium The English

The Vikings cooked over fires and used large pots to boil meat and vegetables. They had large hooks for roasting big animals. They ate with a spoon and a sharp knife. The Vikings ate a lot of meat, bread and fruit. Prunes were their favourite fruit. Sometimes they made juice from the prunes.

The English used to have eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and baked beans for breakfast. All washed down with a cup of tea. Nowadays they just have a bowl of cereals or a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. In the evening they had meat, ‘two veggies’ and a gravy that covered the meat.

But the Vikings didn’t just drink prune juice. They liked strong honey wine called mead which they drank from horns.

However, a recent survey found that most people in England eat curry! Rice or pasta are now favoured as the ‘English Dinner’. They often eat their dinner in front of the TV – from a plate balancing on their knees.

Sometimes, before going to war, the Vikings cooked special mushrooms and drank the juice. This made them crazy and violent so that they were good fighters.

veggies = vegetables · grøntsager cereals · morgenmadsprodukt som fx cornflakes eller havregryn


Two Ways of Helping Out Jamie Oliver Perhaps you have heard about Jamie Oliver, the young English cook? He has already written several cookbooks and has been on TV showing the world how to cook delicious dishes. Here he tells us about his latest project, his own restaurant: It’s caused me many sleepless nights, but this is what I’ve been working on for the past year and now it’s ready! ‘Fifteen’ – my own restaurant, with a difference. You might have already heard about the project. I chose 15 kids who had never set foot in a restaurant kitchen before and have trained them up into chefs. Anyway, the kids are now ready to go and the restaurant is open! All the money we make will go to charity and the plan is to train up 15 new kids every year. ‘Fifteen’ is just a short walk from Old Street Tube, off City Road – do come and see us! 12

Helpfu l Hints C

ook ing, like mo st thing ea s y wh s, is qu en y o u ite do it pr ar e s om operly. e u sef u He r e l hint s t o r em e • Alw mb e r : ay s r ea d a rec ip v e r y en e t ill the d t o ma ke s u r e un d e r s t y o u hav ood it. e • Ma k e sur e y o u hav e ingredie all the n t s an d t he t oo n e e d. ls you Clean y o u r han d s an d top. t he t

able Weigh o r m e a su re t he ingredie n t s c ar e f ully ac t o t he r cording ec ipe. • D on ’t hur r y – enjoy an d r e m yourself e mb e r t h e mor e an d t h o c ar e u gh t y o u put in b e t t er t to it th h e r e su e lt s w ill of t en b • Tr y e. to t idy an d w a sh up a go alon s you g – you r mum a w ill lov n d da d e you f o r t ha t ! •

Kids Cafe Kids Cafe is a free meal service program for children in America between the ages of 6 and 17. The most important goal of the Kids Cafe is to give food to hungry children and make sure that children do not go hungry. At this time there are more than 600 Kids Cafes across the nation. chefs · kokke charity · velgørenhed properly · rigtigt recipe · opskrift measure · måle af snack · mellemmåltid crackers · kiks

In addition to giving hot meals to hungry kids, some Kids Cafe programs offer a safe place to go to. The children also learn about healthy food. Hungry children are given a quick snack of cheese, peanut butter and crackers, fruit or juice. Then, before they leave the cafe, they get a backpack filled with healthy foods. This might include canned spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, cereal or soup.



Ghost in the Locker The table was loaded with goodies – cake, pastries, pies and yes, her favorite cookies. Nina wanted to eat them all. The 12-year-old stuffed a couple of cookies in her mouth but they tasted a little different. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t swallow them. The dream fell apart at that point. Nina woke up with a start and found herself chewing on a bed sheet. She was in her dormitory bed and it was pitch dark. A grumbling stomach reminded her of how terribly hungry she was. All because of Mr Basil Bucket, the inspector of the boarding school who had found Nina talking during dinner time and had punished her by sending her hungry to bed. And now this dream had made her hungrier and impossible for her to go back to sleep. Suddenly Nina remembered a box of cookies sent by her mother. It was hidden in her locker. She had been hiding it from her friends for an emergency. Clearly, this was an emergency! The locker room was at the end of the long corridor, and it took a lot of courage to go out into the dark, creepy hallway. She remembered a boy from her class bragging about his encounter with a ghost while he was on his way to the toilet one night. But her stomach egged her on. In daylight the hallway never looked so creepy, thought Nina. Pale with fright, she walked on and tried not to think about the ghosts and witches that might lurk around in a corner somewhere. At last she reached the locker room. Slowly turning the doorknob, Nina stepped into the dark room, let out a sigh of relief and walked towards her locker. So familiar was she with her locker that she could locate it with her eyes shut. Then a sound almost made her jump with fright. It’s nothing but my imagination, she assured herself. Again there was a noise in the room. Someone was there, and Nina trembled with fear. Probably it was the ghost from the corridor. She decided to grab her box of cookies and run back to her room.


Sweating with fear, Nina opened the locker door. And she got the fright of her life - someone or something was sitting inside her locker! Even in the dark she could make out a pair of eyes like hers. So the corridor ghost lives in my locker, Nina thought in horror. She let out a scream. And to her surprise the ghost started yelling back. Hey, ghosts are not supposed to scream but make frightening noises, she thought. Nina’s mouth fell open in surprise and there was a silence in the room for a moment. The locker door swung back into its place. Before she could think of anything, the door burst open and a swarm of kids and school staff flooded the room. All the lights were switched on in a minute. ‘What’s the matter?’ growled the inspector. He certainly looked displeased at having been woken up from his sleep. ‘There there... is a ghost in my locker,’ Nina mumbled. At the word ghost, half the kids stepped back. Only the brave ones remained to witness the historic event. ‘There is no such thing as ghosts in this world,’ said the inspector, looking more furious than ever. As everyone waited breathlessly, he took a hesitant step towards the locker and opened the door...


The Best Cake ‘No I didn’t.’ ‘Yes you did.’ ’No I didn’t.’ ‘I’m telling Mum.’ ‘Go on then.’ ‘I hate you.’ ‘I hate you too.’ That was yesterday. I don’t remember what we were fighting about. We are always fighting. Jody is only nine and I am twelve. Dad says that means I must be the grown-up and not argue. He doesn’t know Jody like I know her. He thinks she is just a sweet child. He doesn’t see the things she does. She loves to make me angry. She puts mud in my school bag. Once, she put her hamster into my lunch box. It ate all my sandwiches. She squeezes toothpaste over my glasses so I can’t see clearly. She is my sister and I am her brother. Why does she do these bad things to me? Does she hate me? Today is my birthday. This morning, I got up early and went into the garden. There was a strange hole in the garden with lots of worms in it. I picked up about twenty worms and took them inside. I put them in Jody’s boots. Revenge. 16

Mum and Dad woke up and gave me my presents. We were in the kitchen. Mum gave me some new games for my computer and Dad gave me a new pair of iceskates. I was happy but I was also sad. Jody was in her bedroom. I thought she wasn’t interested in my birthday. Then Mum said, ‘I haven’t made you a cake this year.’ Great, I thought. Jody doesn’t want to be here on my birthday and Mum hasn’t made me a cake. ‘Thanks for the presents,’ I said, ’but I’m going to go to my bedroom now.’ I wanted to lie on my bed and forget about my birthday. ‘Wait a moment,’ said Dad. Then he switched off the lights. The door opened and Jody came in carrying a big brown cake with twelve candles. The light from the candles made her face look red and shiny. She was smiling. ‘Mum hasn’t made you a cake, I have.’ ‘How did you learn to make a chocolate cake?’ I said. ‘Chocolate is my favourite.’ ‘This isn’t chocolate. It’s much better,’ said Jody and started to laugh. I blew the candles out and Dad switched the lights back on. Now I could see the cake properly. It wasn’t chocolate. Jody had made me a mud cake. ‘I can’t eat that,’ I said, beginning to feel angry. ‘You don’t eat it. You do this,’ she said, picked up some mud and threw it at me. Before Mum and Dad could stop us, we threw all of the cake at each other. It was fantastic. The kitchen was a mess. Mum was angry. She sent us to our bedrooms.

argue · skændes mud · mudder worms · orm revenge · hævn a mess · rodet

On my bed was a card from Jody. ‘Happy birthday to the only person who understands my jokes.’ Then Jody came in. ‘Are we friends?’ ‘Of course we are,’ I said. ‘Friends understand each other’s jokes.’ ‘That’s right,’ said Jody. ‘Let’s go and play outside,’ I said. ‘Okay,’ said Jody. ’I’ll get my shoes.’ ‘Not your shoes,’ I said. ‘It’s raining. Get your boots.’ It’s good to have a sister. 17

Fast Food Many people think that fast food originally comes from the USA. Not surprisingly really. Many fast food companies are American and they represent the American life style: fast food, fast cars, fast lives. But really, fast food started in Europe.

The hot dog The original hot dog was made in Germany. A German opened up the first hot dog stand in Coney Island, New York. The Americans loved this new snack – sausage in a roll. Later on the hot dog was served with different toppings: ketchup, relish, mustard, chilli peppers and onions. Now, you can even get vegetarian hot dogs made of soya beans.

The hamburger Many people think that the name hamburger has to do with the word “ham”. They are wrong. The very first hamburger was made in Germany in the town of Hamburg. So this is how the hamburger got its name. Around one hundred years ago, German immigrants started to make hamburgers in the USA. 18

relish · krydderi mustard · sennep mainly · hovedsageligt

The pizza The pizza was born in Italy, in the town of Naples. The original pizza only had tomatoes and mozzarella cheese on top. In Italy the pizza was mainly food for poor people. Today you can get almost anything on top of your pizza, even bananas or meat balls. The biggest pizza in the world was 37.4 metres in diameter. It was made in South Africa. Do you like extra cheese? This pizza had 1,800 kilos of the stuff.



Ben: Hi, how’s it going? Kim: Good. You? Ben: Yeah I’m okay. Are you new at school? I haven’t seen you around. Kim: This is my first day. My family has just moved here. Ben: We moved here a year ago. Kim: What’s this school like? Ben: It’s okay. You get used to it. Kim: Do you want one of these? Ben: What are they? Kim: Just chocolates. Ben: Alright. Thanks. Look what I’ve got. Do you want one? Kim: Okay I’ll try one. Mmm, that’s good. Delicious. Can I have one more? Ben: Alright. Kim: That’s really nice. Sweet and crunchy. Ben: I get them from a Thai friend. Kim: What are they? Ben: Locusts in honey. Kim: You’re kidding! That’s horrible! Can I have another one?

Tequilla flavour with worm

Grape flavour with locust

locust · græshoppe delicious · lækkert crunchy · sprøde


Wilbur’s World

Wilbur Makes Fish-shakes

Wife: Wasn’t that your idea Wilbur? How much did they pay you for the concept? 20

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