Chris Carter Tim Kendon Dorte Maria Buhl Dorte Juel Hansen
Chris Carter Tim Kendon Dorte Maria Buhl Dorte Juel Hansen
PIT STOP og, b du b! r e a w H du r a lin h op.a pit s
8 Alinea
og, b du b! r e a w H du r a lin h op.a pit s
Pit Stop #8 Topic Book/Web Chris Carter, Tim Kendon, Dorte Maria Buhl og Dorte Juel Hansen
© 2013 Alinea, København - et forlag under Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S, et selskab i Egmont Mekanisk, fotografisk, elektronisk eller anden gengivelse af denne bog eller dele heraf er kun tilladt efter Copy-Dans regler. Tidligere udgivet som: “Pit Stop #8, Topic Book” © 2008 Alinea, København ISBN: 978-87-23-02810-5. Forlagsredaktion: Christine Hartmann og Katrine Rørvig Billedredaktion: Vibeke Sommer Grafisk design: Caroline Seehusen mDD Tegninger: Teis Dyekjær-Hansen (forside, Tam’s Tricks) Magnus Værness (Face your Fear) Lars Horneman (Hatchet) Caroline Seehusen (øvrige tegninger) Repro: Highlight Tryk: Livonia Print 2. udgave, 2. oplag 2015 ISBN 978-87-23-50400-5 Web-adgangen til Pit Stop er inkluderet i bøgernes pris. Hjemmesiden finder du på: På hjemmesiden kan du læse om betingelser for brug af webressourcerne.
Welcome to Pit Stop #8! Hi everyone, Tam’s back, together with six fabulous new topics for you to en joy.
This Topic Book is packed full of stories, songs, poems, texts and pictures which will help you to learn English. The basic texts are for the whole class to read and work with. But there are more texts. When you see this symbol which extra text(s) you want to work with.
you can choose
At you can download recordings of the texts and of Tam’s Tricks. Yes, don’t forget to listen to Tam’s Tricks at the end of each topic – that’s me with my unique blend of humour and wisdom. Use your Task Book to find out how to work with the texts. Have fun!
27 Brain Power 28 Your Amazing Brain 30 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 34 What Kind of Smart? 38 If Brian Thompson’s Brain could Talk to his Mind (and Body!) 40 Brain Limericks
7 Fame is a Bee 8 A Star is Born 10 Who’s Who? 12 Running for Fame
42 Whiz Kids 44 Dr Ruth “I’m on your Side” Ruskin 46 They’re Made Out of Meat! 50 Tam’s Tricks: Tam’s Test
16 The Randolph Academy – a school for the stars of tomorrow 18 15 Minutes of Fame 20 A Footballer’s Rise to Fame 22 The Flip Side of the Coin 26 Tam’s Tricks: The Lobster Unicycle Ride
51 I am Fear 52 Three Wishes 56 It Gives me the Creeps! 58 Hippopotomonstro-what? 60 Footsteps in the Night
y r a s s o l G Text Text by 131-141 3 A-Z 143-15
62 The Eye 64 The Blair Witch Project 68 Face Your Fear 70 Death by Scrabble 74 Tam’s Tricks: A Bedtime Story
75 On the Internet 76 All about My Avatar 78 The Internet Rescue Camp 80 Cyber Control 82 Stormbreaker 86 Music Piracy 88 The Matrix 91 Teen Hacker Goes Too Far 92 Tam’s Tricks: Tam Meets Wilbur
115 New York City Boy 116 Take a Tour of NYC 118 N.Y. Struggles to Aid Child Prostitutes 120 The Subway 122 America 124 Snow
93 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life 94 Adventure Racing 98 Brace-Face 100 The Last Expedition of
126 In a New York Minute 128 American Football Extravaganza 130 Tam’s Tricks: Tam, not Tamara
Captain Scott 104 Hatchet 108 Fat and Fed Up 110 I Will Survive 112 Christmas Cheer 114 Tam’s Tricks: The Silent Treatment
og, b du b! r e a w H du r a lin h op.a pit s
Fame is a bee
It has a song It has a sting Ah, too, it has a wing
Emily Dickinson
is Born
This young girl’s name is Jordin Sparks, and her claim to fame is that she won the American pop star show, American Idol.
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As a baby Jordin’s talent for singing was already fairly obvious. Her mother said that she skipped baby talk at eighteen months and started singing instead. The first two songs she sung were her ABC’s and Jesus Loves Me. Jordin had other talents apart from just singing. The theatre was also one of her great loves. When she was just 13 years old she had an acting role in a production of The Wiz. After that she took part in quite a few plays and musicals: Jordin loved being on stage and entertaining. Jordin auditioned for Star Search and the American Idol spin-off, Junior Idol. She said at the time that she loved being on stage because she could be herself and nobody would care. She loved seeing the faces in the crowd and hearing them clap as she performed. After winning Arizona’s own Idol spin-off contest, Jordin won a car and a chance to audition for the sixth season of Idols in Seattle. The 16-year-old blew judges Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson away with her version of Celine Dion’s “Because You Loved Me.” Simon Cowell described Jordin’s performance as being a little bit too sugary for his taste but he liked her. Praise indeed coming from someone like Simon Cowell who is a very critical judge. She received a golden ticket to the Hollywood round and a place among the show’s top 24 contestants. Jordin made it through the Hollywood round and was one of the ten finalists that went on to the final stage of the show. During the next few months she sung live to millions of TV viewers. Each week the public voted by telephone and the singer with the least number of votes got sent home. It was particularly difficult for Jordin because she had to get up three hours earlier than the others to do her school work. The final was between Jordin and a young man called Blake Lewis. This was a tough one to call because Blake, a very good singer and beat boxer, was a clear favourite with the girls in the audience. The final was a very even contest, but after all of the votes were counted, Jordin was declared the winner. She received a record number of votes – 74 million. The 17-year-old wonder was crowned the sixth winner of American Idol, becoming the youngest in the show’s history. Sparks told reporters, “I’m very, very strong willed. This is what I want to do. It’s what I’ve been wanting to do for so long.” Blake Lewis, who said Jordin was his pick from the beginning to win, said, “She’s 17 and she’s already a woman. She performs, she’s good looking, she’s got a fantastic personality.” After appearing on television in American Idols the singers took part in a tour of America. Towards the end of the American Idols Live Tour, Jordin released her new single, “Tattoo.” The song, which describes the scar left when a relationship ends, comes from her debut album called Jordin Sparks. The record entered the album chart at no. 10, selling more than 119,000 copies. So that’s the story of how a very talented young lady from Arizona, America grew from humming her ABCs to singing on national television. 9
Who’s Who? What did they do before becoming famous? We’ve found some pictures of famous people in their youth and some fascinating facts for you to explore.
This young bloke attended Hot Springs High
School in Arkansas. In 1962 he got to meet President John F. Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden. In his early years William loved playing the saxophone but later turned his career in a completely different direction. He studied law and government at Yale Law School, where he also met his future wife, Hillary.
This young lady was born and raised in an inner
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city ghetto. She became Miss Black Tennessee at the age of 17 and at this point she also began showing a certain talent for the media business: She started working at the Nashville radio station reading the news on air and at the age of only 19 she was anchoring the news on Nashville’s television. All this, however, was just the beginning; she has since gone on to be a book critic, an actress, a publisher and the host on the highest rated talk show in the history of television. She is also the richest African American of the 20th century and, some say, the most influential woman in the world.
In 1976, if you had told 14 year old student, At Bushey Meads School in Hertfordshire,
England no one knew that the new boy in class would someday become a celebrated star. His name was Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou. This bespectacled, curly haired boy with the one characteristic seagull-wing-shaped eyebrow, found his future musical partner, Andrew Ridgeley, at the school. The duo’s star began rising when they recorded their first album called Fantastic.
Thomas Mapother IV, that one day he would be considered one of the top 100 movie stars of all time, he would have probably grinned and told you that his ambition was to become a priest. Nonetheless, this deeply religious youngster, who was born in 1962 in Syracuse, New York, is now one of the highest paid and most sought after actors in history.
eachers at his school remember him “as a shy and quiet boy. We were all aware of his deep religious convictions” and “… he was never sent to the office for discipline. He did his best work in the shop classes – especially in the electric shop”. A former classmate remembers: “He was a likeable boy, but he was sort of different. He started wearing black a lot – black shirt and black trousers. Then he grew those sideburns – he wanted to look grown up, I suppose. He had that long hair when the other kids wore GI hairhair cuts. And when he brought his guitar to school and we were all down in the music room, we’d have to beg him for the whole hour to sing”.
This young man was born in South Africa. He
was bitten by a baboon spider when he was very young and became seriously ill, but recovered thanks to the help of an old, grey-haired doctor, who is said to have inspired one of his later characters. When he was three he moved to England where he loved to explore the forests, hills, and swamps that surrounded his home. He learned to read at the age of four and soon after he was fluent in writing too. He especially enjoyed reading fantasy stories and he wrote a number of fantasy novels himself that have captivated readers all over the world, and that have been translated into more than 30 languages. 11
for Fame This famous athlete, part of whose autobiography you are about to read, started her running career hiding in the toilets. She ran out of hiding and into the history books, becoming an Olympic 400 meter champion in the year 2000. Cathy Freeman, an Aborigine, has been a role model for her people. She is the only person ever to have lit the Olympic Flame and won a gold medal at the same Games.
My first ever race could have been a complete disaster. It was athletics day at St Joseph’s Primary School. I had to represent Gold House in the 80m sprint, but I almost missed it because I was hiding in the toilets. ‘Catherine! Where are you? Your race is on NOW!’ coax · overtale stinging · stak entered · meldt til billeted · indkvarteret porch · veranda smothered · overdyngede
I could hear my sports teacher, Mrs Bauldry, looking for me. I was supposed to be at the starting line with the other kids, but stage fright had set in. I was feeling shy because a few of the parents had turned up to watch us. Eventually Mrs Bauldry managed to coax me out of the bathroom. ‘Quickly,’ she said. ‘Hurry or you’ll miss it!’ I rushed towards the oval where the races were being held. I was in such a hurry, I didn’t look where I was going and ran straight into a wire fence. Ouch! A piece of wire had poked me in the eye. It was stinging, but I knew I didn’t have time to do anything about it. I ran the rest of the way to the oval and made it to the starting line just in time. ‘On your marks … get set … go!’ yelled one of the teachers. I took off, pumping my legs as fast as I could. My eye was still hurting so I kept it tightly closed and ran with only one eye open. I’m not sure how I managed to stay in my lane and not bump into the other kids who were running. It was my first race so I wasn’t expecting much – I just ran. And somehow I ended up winning! It didn’t take me long to realise that running was something I was good at. Later that year, Mrs Bauldry entered me in the state primary school titles. The titles were held in Brisbane and we were all billeted with different families. Mrs Bauldry had given me a new shirt to wear and also a pair of blue running shoes with spikes. I’d never owned spikes before so I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to wear them in the house. I’ll never forget the look on my host mother’s face when I walked down the hall, ripping out bits of her carpet along the way. ‘Whoa!’ she said. ‘Catherine, love, don’t you think it might be a good idea to take those off while you’re inside?’ I heard a big tearing sound as I lifted my foot one more time and realised what I’d been doing. ‘Um, sure,’ I said. I won my first gold medal at those titles and when I got home Mum was waiting for me on the front porch. When she found out I’d won she smothered me with hugs and kisses. ‘Ohh, Catherine, I’m so proud of you.’ she said. ‘So proud!’ 13
My full name is actually Catherine Astrid Salome Freeman. Mum originally wanted to call me Yasmin, but she changed her mind after I was born. She said that for some reason, as soon as she saw me she just knew I was a Catherine. I get Astrid from an aunt, and Salome was the name of an elderly Torres Strait Islander lady who used to be our neighbour. The name Catherine is Greek for ‘pure’. My second name, Astrid, is German for ‘star’. Salome is a Hebrew name that means ‘peace’. scent · duft sausage rolls · pølsehorn tuck shop · her: skolekantine push my luck · være overmodig fold-up chairs · klapstole chasey · fangeleg chops · koteletter
We lived in a beautiful sunny place in Queensland called Mackay. I loved the hot weather and used to run around everywhere in bare feet. Even now when I go for a run on really hot days, it reminds me of growing up in Mackay – especially when I’m jogging on grass ovals. I can smell the scent of melaleuca and eucalyptus trees, just like I did when I was young. My face still sweats like it did in tropical Queensland, and my legs still love to run. I still feel as free as I did then. My parents weren’t rich, but that didn’t matter to us – as long as we could go out and play, we were happy. We lived in a small, three-bedroom house at the bottom of Burston Street. My oldest brother, Gavin, had his own room, but I had to share a bedroom with Norm and Garth. We also didn’t have a car or a telephone. I never complained about it, although some days at school I’d see kids buying meat pies and sausage rolls from the tuck shop and wish I could do the same. ‘Mum,’ I said one night, ‘why can’t we buy our lunches from the tuck shop like everyone else? Why do we have to be different?’ ‘Because it costs money, Catherine,’ Mum said in her usual direct way. ‘And anyway, it’s bad for you.’ I decided to push my luck a bit further. ‘But why do the other kids get to do it?’ ‘Catherine, can you go and get your brothers, please? It’s time for dinner.’ This was Mum’s clever way of distracting me so I’d forget to worry about being different. It always worked. On Saturdays we’d have barbecues together down by the harbour. The adults would sit on fold-up chairs or on blankets on the ground, and they’d talk and laugh and share news with one another. Us kids would play chasey in the playground. By the time the adults started serving out the sausages, chops, salads and drinks, we’d be starving. Afterwards, we’d go back to running around like crazy. Things could get pretty wild when the cousins were all together. But I never got caught and I never cried once. I was always happy when I was running. And I was fast!
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© Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts
– a school for the stars of tomorrow If your burning ambition is to become a star of the stage or screen then studying at a performing arts school can be the key to unlocking your door to fame. The Randolph Academy is one such school. Randolph Academy for the performing arts established in 1992, offers one of the most intensive and unique two year professional training programmes in Canada. No other curriculum presents such a focused perspective on building the triple threat skills of dancing, singing and acting which are now essential for future success. Students of the Randolph Academy will learn various dance and acting techniques, on camera training for film and TV, how to develop stage and screen presence, and vocal techniques for many styles of singing. Students will acquire practical experience performing in two productions on stage: a contemporary play, and a book musical in their final year. In addition to regularly scheduled classes, guest artists from Toronto, New York and Los Angeles conduct workshops, providing students with up-to-the-minute training and advice.
“Everybody has a dream to be on a Broadway stage or in the movies. The Randolph program just makes it a bit easier for you to achieve your goals”. Sergio Trujillo, Graduate, Principal Dancer, Singer Actor – “Fosse” on Broadway, New York
15 Minutes of Fame If Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll in the fifties and sixties, Andy Warhol was the Pope of Pop. A painter, filmmaker, record producer, author and public figure, Warhol was a trendsetter in the Pop Art movement, which swept across America and Britain. Pop Art took its inspiration from advertising, comic books and generally from anything that had popular mass appeal. Andy Warhol coined the expression “15 minutes of fame” when he said “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”.
Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait Self-Portrait,, 1986