CNS Forum - Summer 2013

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Summer 2013


A Pu b l i c a t i o n o f t h e C a n a d i a n N u t r i t i o n S o c i e t y | U n e Pu b l i c a t i o n d e l a S o c i é t é c a n a d i e n n e d e n u t r i t i o n

2013-2015 Advisory Council PRESIDENT Robert Bertolo, PhD

Message from President and Past President

PAST PRESIDENT Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD PRESIDENT-E LECT & VP - CLINICAL Sarah Robbins, MD, FRCPC VP - R ESEARCH David Ma, PhD TREASURER Janis Randall Simpson, PhD, RD S ECRETARY Valerie Marchand, MD, FRCPC COUNCILLORS Johane Allard, MD, FRCPC Sukhinder Kaur Cheema, PhD Marcia Cooper, PhD, RD Pauline Darling, MSc, PhD, RD John Drover, MD, FACS, FRCSC Donald R. Duerksen, MD, FRCP Alison Duncan, PhD, RD Guylaine Ferland, PhD Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC Jim House, PhD Mary L’Abbé, PhD Benoit Lamarche, PhD Lindsay Robinson, PhD Melanie Stapleton, MD, FRCPC Mei Tom, RD Angelo Tremblay, PhD Gord Zello, PhD AWARDS CHAIR Lindsay Robinson, PhD ETHICS CHAIR Alison Duncan, PhD, RD M EMBERSHIP CHAIR Harold Aukema, PhD, RD NATIONAL M EETING CHAIR Sarah Robbins, MD FINANCES /R ESOURCES CHAIR Janis Randall Simpson, PhD, RD ADVOCACY CHAIR Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR David Ma, PhD FOUNDATION CHAIR Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC E DUCATION & PUBLICATIONS CHAIR Lesley Moisey, RD CANADIAN MALNUTRITION TASK FORCE CO-CHAIRS Johane Allard, MD, FRCPC Heather Keller, RD, PhD

Our annual conference marked a time of change for our executive. Dr. Rob Bertolo succeeds Dr. Katherine Gray-Donald as President, Dr. Sarah Robbins is the VP Clinical and Presient-Elect and Dr. David Ma is the VP Research. Dr. Janis Randall Simpson is Treasurer and Dr. Valerie Marchand is our new Secretary. We have struck a great balance of research and practice in different domains and the group is off to a good start with Rob at the helm. A number of new initiatives are underway as our Society grows and develops. We have incorporated a Foundation to promote research into the science and practice of nutrition, and to disseminate sound information about nutrition to those in the field, policy makers and the public. We have applied to the Canada Revenue Agency for charitable status and are waiting for this to become official. Close links with other nutritional organizations are an asset to our members. Collaboration with the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) has led to Life Long Learning sessions at our annual conference with a plan to train our members in Train the Trainer sessions so that Canadian members can update our clinicians through our own Life Long Learning sessions. We have also met with the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) to co-sponsor sessions at our 2014 annual conference and to explore other areas of collaboration across societies. Our strategic plan is five years old and reflects our thoughts on a merged society prior to merging. An exercise in revisiting this plan will take place this coming year to be sure we are headed where we want to go. In addition to our very popular CNS Annual Conference (scheduled for June 5 - 7, 2014 in St. John’s, NL), we also have a regional meeting scheduled for January 11, 2014 in the Toronto area - this meeting will focus on Carbohydrates and Fibre. We hope to see you in Toronto and St. John’s and we always like to hear from you so do let us know if you want to get involved in the Society. We still could add a few committee members to our active committee groups. Enjoy what is left of summer. Robert Bertolo, PhD President

Katherine Gray-Donald, PhD Past President

2175 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 310, Toronto, Ontario M2J 1W8 | Telephone Tel: 416-491-7188 | Toll-free: 1-888-414-7188 | Fax 416-491-1670 Email: | Web:

Committee Reports From the Communications Committee The communications committee has been very active this past 2012-2013 period on many fronts. Traditional routes of communication including the CNS website, Nutrition Forum, Members' Update and email blasts continue to be our primary means of communications. The website is continually being updated and tweaked with the addition of new resource tabs and functionality such as the community calendar. In addition, significant effort has been made to have the English content mirrored in French. This past year, outreach via social media has expanded to now include WordPress (Annual Conference), Twitter (@cns_scn), LinkedIn (CNS-SCN) and LinkedIn for trainees (CNS Student Interest Group). Our Nutrition Forum remains ever popular and great to read about all the exciting things happening across Canada. As the chair of the committee, I would like to thank all the members for their hard work throughout the year and look forward to another exciting year. I would like to especially welcome Maya Villeneuve (Health Canada) as the new ViceChair. She has been a committee member since 2010, at the time of merger, and her experience will be invaluable when she takes over as the chair of the committee in June 2014. David Ma, PhD Chair, Communications

From the Advocacy Committee The Advocacy Committee has been very active over the past 3 years. The committee is responsible for outreach to stakeholders and making people aware of the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS). There is tremendous interest in the linkage between Food and Health and clearly CNS has a role to play in these discussions. Thus, the main vehicle for our outreach has been the development of three Food for Health Workshops held in tandem with the Annual Scientific Meeting. These workshops brought together key stakeholders spanning the continuum from producers to processors to manufacturers to government to academia to medical professionals. Frank and open discussions have yielded very useful reports and outputs, which are freely available to members on the CNS website. The first workshop focused on identifying barriers and opportunities for stakeholders to break down silos and work together. The second workshop focused on conflict of interest involving interactions between stakeholders. The most recent workshop

focused on education and the disconnect between knowledge generation and tangible impact on public health. The discussion on Food for Health continues to evolve and also the format. Therefore, we hope to involve to a greater extent, interactions with the CNS membership at future meetings. The Advocacy Committee continues to work hard for CNS and welcomes your questions and feedback. Sincerely, Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC Chair, Advocacy Committee

From the Ethics Committee The CNS Ethics Committee focuses its work on ethical-related issues that can impact CNS activities. These issues primarily relate to confidentiality and conflict of interest. For example, the CNS Ethics Committee has worked to create a conflict of interest template slide for all presenters to include in their presentation at CNS events. The Ethics Committee is also working on other conflict of interest policies to increase transparency of CNS activities. The Ethics Committee has also worked on CNS policies for endorsement and privacy in consideration of changes made to Canada’s privacy legislation and anti-spam law to modify providing contact information to others. All work of the CNS Ethics Committee is reported to the CNS Executive and Advisory Councils. The Ethics Committee is always open to feedback and welcomes member input anytime. Sincerely, Alison Duncan, PhD, RD Chair, Ethics Committee

Membership Committee Warm greetings from the Membership Committee! As a CNSSCN standing committee appointed by the CNS Advisory Council, we are responsible for developing strategies and policies for recruitment and retention of members. Our Membership Committee has a strong representation of members from across the country and various areas of practice. I would like to acknowledge and thank the 2012-2013 committee, which included the following individuals:

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Committee Reports Cont’d Pauline Darling, PhD, RD (Chair), Toronto, ON Harold Aukema, PhD (Vice Chair), Winnipeg, MB Theresa Cividin, RD, MA, Vancouver, BC Yvonne Lamers, PhD , Vancouver, BC Roseanne Nasser, RD, MSc, Saskatoon, SK Geneviève Mailhot, PhD, RD, Montréal, QC Sophie Desroches, PhD, RD, Québec, QC Ashley Patterson, PhD (CNS Student Representative) Waterloo, ON Shannan Grant, RD, PhD (Candidate) University Student Liaison Toronto, ON Our key accomplishments for the past year include: 1) surpassing our target growth rate of 10%, the Society currently has almost 500 members; 2) addition of new CNS member benefit: the ESPEN block membership which allows CNS members to join ESPEN at a reduced rate and to more deeply engage in the European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) Life Long Learning (LLL) program; 3) creation of new Membership promotional material in both English and French; 4) establishing the CNS University Student Network and communications initiatives. Dr. Darling’s two-year term as Chair is ending and Dr. Aukema will assume the chair position. Dr. Patterson has completed her term as CNS Student Representative, and we thank her for her work with helping to establish many CNS student initiatives, including the annual conference CNS Student Symposium, a new Young Professional member category, and student communication strategies. We welcome the new CNS Student Representative Laura Gougeon, and look forward to working with her. For the coming year, we are looking to recruit two new committee members from Alberta and Atlantic Provinces region; if anyone is interested, please contact Dr. Harold Aukema

( We are a strong and vibrant society and in order to continue to grow, please encourage your colleagues and students to join! Pauline Darling, PhD RD Outgoing Chair, Membership Committee Harold Aukema PhD Incoming Chair, Membership Committee

Canadian Malnutrition Task Force The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) is Advancing Nutrition Care in Canada! Earlier this year the CMTF wrapped up its three year national study looking at the prevalence and causes of malnutrition in hospitalized adult patients. CMTF is pleased with the interest the study created, which resulted in eighteen hospitals, from eight provinces participating in data collection. The total sample size of 1022 patients from academic and community hospitals has provided an excellent representation of Canadian patients' nutritional status. The spring and summer months are geared to analyzing the data, presenting some high level results at the Canadian Nutrition Society conference in Quebec and at the Dietitians of Canada conference in Victoria. Once the papers are in press, the CMTF plans to have a media campaign announcing the results in the fall. Stay tuned for the details! Heather Keller, RD, PhD, FDC Professor, Schlegel Research Chair, Nutrition & Aging Dept. Kinesiology University of Waterloo

BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP IN CANADA’S LEADING NUTRITION SOCIETY In January 2010, CSCN and CSNS merged to become the Canadian Nutrition Society/Société canadienne de nutrition (CNS/SCN). The CNS/SCN is the premier Canadian society for nutrition professionals, scientists, students and trainees in academia, industry, government and the public sector. Join CNS and reap the benefits of membership: • Preferential rates to the CNS Annual Meeting and other regional events • Eligibility for CNS awards & travel grants • A subscription to the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism • CNS/SCN Website Access - in the Members’ Only section you can access presentations from our annual meetings, job postings and more

• Support of nutrition science through lobbying for research funding and establishment of nutrition research priorities with CIHR • CNS Member Communications: Members’ Update and Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • For student members: low membership fee & eligibility to submit abstracts • Excellent opportunities to network

Join online today - CNS/SCN Nutrition Forum de Nutrition • Summer 2013 • Page 3

News from the Students This year marks the beginning of a new CNS network of trainees to help disseminate information and bring a student perspective to society activities. The network has already grown to several academic institutions beginning at the University of Toronto.

To enhance student training and experiences, a student questionnaire has also been developed and will go out to collect information on student preferences on events, social media and what they would like to see in the future from CNS.

Several student hosted seminars have already been organized. On Thursday April 18th, the Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Canadian Nutrition Society (DNS-CNS) welcomed Lisa Mannik, MSc, RD and Shirley Walsh, BASc, RD as speakers for the spring DNS-CNS seminar from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Fitzgerald Building, Room 103, UofT. They presented their recently published work on: “A Weighty Problem? The Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis and Associated Health Outcomes”.

The student network continues to grow and deepen. For example, in communications with the Ryerson CNS Student Representative, we have been sharing events in efforts to provide networking opportunities between dietetic students and students within the Department of Nutritional Sciences.

CNS One-Day Conferences The first CNS one-day conference on Advances in Dietary Fats and Nutrition was held January 8, 2013, Delta Meadowvale, Mississauga, ON. This conference was developed in partnership with the University of Guelph. This was a successful meeting attended by over 200 attendees focused on the current state-of-the-art in lipid research and practice. Join us for the 2nd CNS One-Day Conference, scheduled for Saturday, January 11, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency, Toronto, ON, which is being developed in partnership with the University of Toronto. Come attend and hear from experts and dynamic speakers about the latest Advances in Dietary Carbohydrates and Fibre in Nutrition. Look for the program on the CNS website, which will be available by September 2013

Laura Chiavaroli BSc, MSc PhD Candidate Clinical Trial Coordinator Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto


This seminar follows the success of two previous seminars by Dr. Russell de Souza on “Understanding Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and their Clinical Applications.” and Dr. Ashley Patterson on “Bridging the Gap between Observed and recommended intakes of omega-3 fatty acids.”

Stay tuned for more student developments in the monthly Members' Update.

January 11, 2014 Hyatt Regency Toronto 370 King Street West Toronto, Ontario


Watch the CNS website for news about CNS-SCN 2014 events:

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2013 CNS Annual Meeting & Awards Congratulations to the local co-chairs, Drs. Angelo Tremblay and Benoit Lamarche, and their organizing committee for putting together another successful Annual Meeting. The meeting drew attendance from across Canada bringing together our nutrition community to learn about new advances, celebrate successes and remember those that have made significant contributions to nutrition in Canada including Drs. George Beaton (University of Toronto) and Bruce McDonald (University of Manitoba). CNS appreciates and wishes to thank all our wonderful supporters and sponsors of the meeting and awards. Also, thank you to all the volunteers who put in many hours to make the meeting a great success. Finally, congratulations to our 2013 Award Recipients:

Congratulations to our 2013 Award Recipients! THE KHURSHEED J EEJEEBHOY AWARD


Recipient - Tom Clandinin Given in recognition of the best application of clinical nutrition research findings to clinical practice.

Recipients Kathryn Adel

THE EARLE WILLIAM MCH ENRY AWARD Recipient - Terrence Graham Given in recognition of distinguished service in nutrition.


Hubert Cormier Anna DeBoer Teri Emrich Marie-Eve Labonte Sandra Castillo San Juan Stephanie Schwindt Trina Stephens

Given in honour of Christine Gagnon's commitment to excellence in the field of Nutrition. PH D D ISSERTATION AWARD

Trina Stephens - 1st Place Teri Emrich - 2nd Place Anna De Boer - 3rd Place Given in recognition of excellence in the quality of graduate student research conducted in the field of nutrition.

CNS POSTER COMPETITION AWARD Recipients Rima Nasrah - 1st Place Simon Bissonnette - 2nd Place Shough M. Alashmali - 3rd Place

Recipient - Justine Tishinsky The award is given for outstanding research in nutrition at the PhD level and considers scientific papers constituting a publication of thesis material as a component of the award.

M. MOGHADASIAN AWARD Recipient - Dylan MacKay Given in recognition of student research in the application of nutrition in cardiovascular disease.

VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP AWARD Recipient - Pauline Darling




CLINICAL N UTRITION R ESEARCH ABSTRACT AWARD Recipient - Stephanie Schwindt The Award is given for submission of a clinical research abstract by a dietitian.



Recipient - Teri E. Emrich Given in recognition of student work in public health nutrition.

Recipient - Noreen Willows In recognition of an outstanding contribution to research in nutrition.

THE GORDON F. M UTCH YOUNG I NVESTIGATOR AWARD IN D IABETES R ESEARCH Recipient - Shirin Panahi [First awarded in 2013]


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Recipient - Hubert Cormier [First awarded in 2013]

From the Regional Correspondents U NIVERSITY OF CALGARY

Alberta Region

Correspondent: Dr. Raylene Reimer Faculty of Kinesiology & Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Fax: (403) 284-3553 Email:

U NIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Correspondent: Dr. Vera Mazurak University of Alberta Email: The inaugural Dr. Ron O. Ball Lectureship was held at the University of Alberta on April 4, 2013 in conjunction with the annual nutrition symposium organized by senior Nutrition Major students. Dr. George Kent, Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, presented a fascinating talk entitled “Solutions to Global Hunger”. Dr. Rhonda Bell, and her team of Dr. Linda McCargar and Dr. Paula Robson, were awarded a major Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunity Grant from Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. The title of the grant is “Promoting Appropriate Maternal Body Weight in Pregnancy and Postpartum through Healthy Dietary Intake.” The project will run for five years. Dr. Anna Farmer and Dr. Diana Mager received tenure and were promoted to Associate Professor rank. Heidi Bates, Director of the Integrated Dietetics Internship, received a grant from the Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology to develop a web-based course to enable international nutritionists to become accredited in Alberta. Our newest member, Dr. Jean Buteau, received a five-year CIHR grant entitled “Role of SirT1 in the regulation of pancreatic beta-cell mass and function”. Dr. Cathy Chan was coinvestigator on a five-year CIHR grant entitled “Retinopathy in a Cone-Rich Rodent Model of Spontaneous Type 2 Diabetes”. Dr. Catherine Field received a four-year CIHR grant entitled “Establishment of a role for docosahexanoic acid in the treatment of breast cancer”. Award winners at the 2013 CNS meeting included the Khursheed Jeejeebhoy Awardee, Dr. Tom Clandinin and the Centrum Foundation New Scientist Awardee, Dr. Noreen Willows. Ms. Stephanie Schwindt received the Clinical Nutrition Research Abstract Award and a Nestle Nutrition Graduate Student Award.

Dr. Raylene Reimer is the first recipient of the BMO Financial Group Research Prize in Healthy Living. This three-year award will help Dr. Reimer and a team of local researchers tackle childhood obesity. Dr. Reimer was also named a Fellow of The Obesity Society on January 18, 2013. Congratulations to the following students who received awards at recent conferences: Carol Dennison, MSc student (Supervisor: Dr. Raylene Reimer): Poster competition winner for Experimental Animal Nutrition Research Interest Section at Experimental Biology, Boston, MA, April 20-24, 2013. Heather Paul, MSc student (Supervisor: Dr. Raylene Reimer): Best Poster Winner at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advance, Banff, AB, April 27-28, 2013 and Oral Presentation Winner at the Biomedical Basis of Human Performance Across the Lifespan International Workshop and Symposium, Calgary, AB, June 4-7, 2013. Dolan Saha, Postdoctoral Fellow (Supervisor: Dr. Raylene Reimer): Best Poster Winner in the Food Security and Pregnancy Category at the Food Matters Conference, Edmonton, AB, April 26, 2013.

Saskatchewan Region U NIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Correspondent: Dr. Brian Bandy College of Pharmacy and Nutrition University of Saskatchewan 110 Science Place, Saskatoon SK S7N 5C9 FAX: (306) 966-6377 Email: Graduate Students Scarlett Ewen, MSc (advisor Dr. Shawna Berenbaum) defended her thesis “Insight Into the Food Culture Issues Surrounding Karen Burmese Refugees in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan”

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From the Regional Correspondents Martina Selinger, MSc (advisor Dr. Shawna Berenbaum) defended her thesis “Dietetic Scope of Practice”. Dawn Ciona, MSc (advisors Drs. Gord Zello and Phil Chilibeck) defended her thesis “The Efficacy of Lentils as a Pre-Exercise Meal for Athletes of High Intensity Soccer-Specific Intermittent Exercise”. Rafaela Andrade Ramos, MSc (advisor Dr. Phyllis Paterson) defended her thesis “Modelling the Protein-Energy Malnourished Stroke Patient”. Shari Smith, PhD (advisor Dr. Phyllis Paterson) defended her thesis “Effects of Protein-Energy malnutrition on the Inflammatory response to Global Brain Ischemia”. Eshwari Addala, PhD Candidate (advisor Dr. Brian Bandy) was the recipient of a Travel Award for her poster “Anticancer properties of curcumin and curcumin analogues: Their action via mitochondria mediated apoptosis” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences at Niagara-on-the-Lake, June 3-7.

London Region B RESCIA U NIVERSITY COLLEGE Correspondent: Dr. Paula Dworatzek Division of Food & Nutritional Sciences Brescia University College University of Western Ontario 1285 Western Road, London, ON N6G 1H2 519-432-8353 ext. 28020 Email: Dr. Sharareh Hekmat was promoted to Full Professor and Dr. Danielle Battram was promoted to Associate Professor, effective July 1, 2013. Dr. Len Piché became a Professor Emeritus effective July 1, 2013. Award Winners: Anna Shier, recent graduate in MScFN in Foods and Nutrition - Internship Stream was awarded The Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (CFDR) 2013 Morgan Award for Central and Southern Ontario Region for her research, The acceptability of the PREPARE optional cooking workshops and their impact on participant fruit and vegetable consumption. Lauren Murch, was presented with a Dietitians of Canada Undergraduate Student Award for her outstanding achievements while pursuing dietetics education. Lauren begins her internship at St. Michael’s hospital in the fall.

Cindy Fajardo-Gaviria, Dana Hawthorne and Ivan Ho are successful recipients of Ontario Graduate Scholarships and will begin the MScFN program in the fall. Funding: Co-principal investigators, Colleen Gobert and Sayuri Omori, and co-investigators, Janet Madill and Stephanie Malo, received a CFDR grant titled, “Are we over or underfeeding residents in Long Term Care? An examination of food intake in relation to menu planning requirements”. Janet Madill, Mary Donelly-Vanderloo, and Colleen Gobert received funding ($10,300) for the proposal entitled, “Exploration of the prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among individuals with risk factors and the determination of novel risk factors for B12 deficiency, from the Egg Farmers of Canada”. Publishing: Janet Madill had a chapter titled, Nutritional Factors, Oxidative Stress and Lung Transplantation, published in E.A. Gabriel, S.A. Gabriel (eds.), Inflammatory Response in Cardiovascular Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-4429-8_48, © SpringerVerlag London, 2013. Wayo Women’s University Japanese Exchange Program: Six Brescia University College students in Foods and Nutrition, together with Dr. Alicia C. Garcia, were at Wayo Women's University in Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan for three weeks in JuneJuly 2013 to participate in the exchange program on cultural immersion which started in 2012. The exchange program allows students to become aware of the Japanese health and dietary habits as well as their food systems and national nutrition and research programs. The Wayo students visit Brescia in September-October to learn about and understand the Canadian perspective along the same issues. This year, in addition to participating in their food labs, clinical nutrition, and nutrition education classes, we visited their national health and nutrition research facilities, observed nursery/child care programs and school lunch projects, learned about one of their IT companies and their development and use of computers and mobile devices for nutrition counseling, smelled the 'yeasty' air around the soy sauce factory, made 'soba' noodles in a soba school, and navigated their crowded/packed railway/bus systems. It was amazing to experience the Japanese lifestyle (especially for the students who lived with their host families) even for just a few short weeks! Recent Graduates: MScFN THESIS Jennifer MacLellan (Advisor: Isabelle Giroux) “The impact of Protection Motivation Theory grounded messaging on diabetes prevention behaviours following Gestational Diabetes”.

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From the Regional Correspondents Laura Briden (Advisor: Alicia Garcia) “Evaluating the impact of two different forms of diabetes self-management education on knowledge, attitude and behaviours of patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus”. MScFN INTERNSHIP Natalee Ridgeway (Advisor: June Matthews) “Formative Evaluation for a Community Garden at Brescia University College”. Jessica McLeod (Advisor: Danielle Battram) “The Effects of a 6-Month, Diet Quality Focussed Nutrition Intervention for Persons With or At Risk for the Metabolic Syndrome”. Adrian Cimo (Advisor: Sharareh Hekmat) “Manufacturing Probiotic Yogurt Fortified with Ginseng and Examining Effects on Vascular Health”. Carmen Kwok (Advisor: Colleen Gobert) “The Impact of the Built Environment on Children’s Eating Practices – A Qualitative Pilot Study”. Kim Sandiland (Advisor: Isabelle Giroux) “The Impact of a ‘Healthy Lifestyle Education Kit’ on Eating and Physical Activity Habits in Preschool Children and Their Parents: A Pilot Study”. Markie Habros (Advisor: Danielle Battram) “Does a Pilot Lifestyle Intervention Program for Prediabetes Research and Education Promoting Activity and Responsible Eating (PREPARE) Improve Participant Physical Activity Level?”. Jennifer McLaren (Advisor: Isabelle Giroux) “Perception of Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Participation in Postpartum Diabetes Screening”. Kelly Ferguson (Advisor: Danielle Battram) “Evaluation of the Feasibility and Acceptability of Nutrition Ignition: A comprehensive School-based Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for Children and Their Families”. Christy Charles (Advisor: Paula Dworatzek, June Matthews) “Observation of Western University’s food and nutrition related environment (focus on vending machines and residence operations)”. Ashley Cook (Alicia Garcia, Len Piche) “An Evaluation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Percent Weight Change in the First Six Months of Residence in Long-Term Care”. Navreeti Sharma (Advisor: Paula Dworatzek) “Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Children in the Balanced School Day vs. the Traditional Schedule: Preliminary Assessments

and Parental Perceptions from the ‘Let’s Understand Nutrition and Children’s Health in Elementary Schools’ Study”. Anna Shier (Advisor: Isabelle Giroux) “Impact of a Community Lifestyle Intervention Pilot Program (PREPARE) for Adults Diagnosed with Prediabetes in London, Ontario”. Alison Weber (Advisor: Sharareh Hekmat) “The Effect of Stevia rebaudiana on the Growth and Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Sensory Properties of Probiotic Yogurt”.

Kitchener-Waterloo Region U NIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Correspondent: Dr. Ken Stark Department of Kinesiology Faculty of Applied Health Sciences University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Email: Dr. Rhona Hanning was promoted to Full Professor and has been serving as the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences for the past year. Funding: Dr. Robin Duncan was awarded an NSERC-RTI for the purchase of a Next Generation Sequencer. Dr. Heather Keller received an Ontario Teachers Retirement Seed Grant for “Development of knowledge, attitude and intention to change behaviour evaluation questionnaire for Nutri-eSCREEN”. Jessica Lieffers, PhD candidate received a CDFR grant for “Experiences and perceptions of adults accessing commercial diet or diet/physical activity behavior change mobile device apps for weight management”. Dr. Ken Stark has been awarded a Canada Research Chair in Nutritional Lipidomics and his NSERC grant for “Sex Differences in Fatty Acid Metabolism” was renewed. Invited Talks: Dr. Rhona Hanning was an invited speaker on Ontario’s School Food and Beverage Policy at the Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health Conference in Alliston, ON May10, 2013 and her PhD student, Jessica Lieffers presented on the use of mobile devices for diet and physical activity behaviour change to the Department of Nutrition, Food & Exercise Sciences at Florida State University in November 2012. CIGI Chair Dr. Susan Horton gave a series of invited international talks on “Economics of cancer” at the Disease Control Priorities Volume 3 Technical Review Workshop in Washington DC, April 16 2013; “The case for investments in nutrition se-

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From the Regional Correspondents curity as part of the global and national development agendas” at the World Health Forum, Asia Region on April 8, 2013 in Singapore; “Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of nutritional interventions in Europe” at Journées Francophones de Nutrition in Lyons on December 13, 2013; and “Economic impact of flour fortification” at the European Health Forum in Bad Gastein, October 3, 2012. Dr. Horton is also a member of the overall Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group involved in a new series in the Lancet. Dr. Heather Keller gave invited talks on “What evidence? YOUR Evidence!” at the Dietitians of Canada National Conference in Victoria, BC, June 13, 2013 and on “Mealtime assistance: Challenges and solutions” at the Ontario Association of Non-profit Homes and Services for Seniors workshop in Toronto, ON, April 30, 2013. Both Heather and Dr. Ken Stark presented on Innovative Agri-food & Nutrition Strategies for Healthy Aging at The Village of Humber Heights in Etobicoke, ON and the Village of Winston Park in Kitchener, ON along with Dr. Alison Duncan and Dr. Lisa Duizer of the University of Guelph as part of the Agri-food for Healthy Aging CIHR Knowledge Dissemination Days. Dr. Marina Mourtzakis is co-editing (along with Dr. David Ma from University of Guelph) a special issue of Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism on the role of diet, body composition and physical activity on cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship. Student Awards: Alex Kitson was awarded an Honoured Student Award and the Health and Nutrition Division student award at the 104th American Oil Chemists’ Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, April 28-May 1, 2013. Theses Completed: Kirsten Bell defended her Master's thesis entitled “Impairments in glucose and lipid metabolism in breast cancer patients” (supervisor: Dr. Marina Mourtzakis). K. Kolarczyk defended her Masters thesis entitled “Factors associated with weight change in older adults throughout acute hospitalization” (supervisor: Dr. Heather Keller). Kelly Skinner defended her PhD thesis entitled “Prevalence and perceptions of food insecurity and coping strategies among First nation households in the remote northern community of Fort Albany, Ontario.” (supervisors: Dr. Rhona Hanning and Dr. Len Tsuji). Vivienne Vance completed her Postdoctoral Fellowship (supervisor: Dr. Rhona Hanning) and has joined the faculty of the Health Studies Program at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Guelph Region U NIVERSITY OF G UELPH: APPLIED H UMAN N UTRITION Correspondent: Dr. Janis Randall Simpson Dept. of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Phone: (519) 824-4120 Ext: 53843 Fax: (519) 766-0691 Email: University of Guelph Launches a Clinical Skills Course On Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination Andrea Buchholz, PhD, RD (Associate Professor) Erin M’Larkey, BASc (Recent graduate) Winter 2013 saw an exciting addition to the Applied Human Nutrition (AHN) undergraduate program at the University of Guelph. Offered to 24, fourth year AHN students as an elective, NUTR*4120: Applied Clinical Skills is a weekly, 3-hour, lab course which introduces students to nutrition-focused physical examination (NFPE). Students learn the techniques of observation, palpation, percussion and/or auscultation of various body systems including skin, oral cavity, respiratory system and abdomen. They also learn the basics of dysphagia screening and other clinical skills including medical charting, Subjective Global Assessment, etc. Student Perspective As I come to the end of four years in AHN, I can definitely say I have gained a strong theoretical background that will help me as a future intern and dietitian. However, I had little opportunity to develop hands-on skills. This past winter, I was fortunate enough to take Applied Clinical Skills. I can honestly say I loved it. Being a fan of handson learning, I looked forward to coming to this lab. We learned how to conduct anthropometric measurements using all the gadgets that come along with it, such as bioelectrical impedance analysis and calipers. We practiced skin, abdominal, dysphagia and respiratory assessments on each other, while also learning to integrate our findings with other clinical, biochemical and dietary data. We even got to dabble in medical charting do's and don'ts (great notes to carry over to an internship!). But why I enjoyed this class the most was because it allowed me to apply knowledge I gained throughout university. I think it is important to implement these types of courses into nutrition programs across Canada. Learning practical skills

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From the Regional Correspondents prepares us for internship and helps us start our careers with more confidence and eagerness! Instructor Perspective Applied Clinical Skills is unlike any course I have taught. All aspects of planning and implementation challenged me, but in a positive (and fun!) way. The curriculum was informed by the dietetics literature (Stankorb, Rigassio-Radler & TougerDecker, 2010; Touger-Decker, 2006); by my experiences as a clinical dietitian; by having taken HZ215: Assessment Skills for Nurses at Mohawk College in Hamilton ON; and by consultations with practicing dietitians. Student evaluation is based on a medical charting assignment, anthropometry lab report, quizzes, participation (including professional and respectful conduct, given the sensitive nature of NFPE), a NFPE practical exam and a written nutritional assessment integration assignment. For the 30-minute practical exam, each team of three students demonstrates NFPE assessments relevant for a patient with an assigned condition (e.g., cerebrovascular accident). The integration assignment requires students to relate findings from the practical exam with findings they might anticipate from other components of a nutritional assessment. For example, a skin assessment may reveal dry clammy hands and cracked lips; biochemistry may reveal elevated blood sodium levels; dietary assessment may reveal a low fluid intake; and a clinical assessment may reveal constipation. Together, these findings suggest dehydration. Having taught this novel course once, and having received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students, I am excited to refine the curriculum and teach it again in winter 2014.

U NIVERSITY OF G UELPH: H UMAN H EALTH AND N UTRITIONAL SCIENCES Correspondent: Dr. Lindsay Robinson Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 (519) 824-4120 x52297 Honours and Awards: Dr. Terry Graham received an Honourary Degree from Humber College at their convocation ceremony on June 18, 2012. Dr. Terry Graham also received the Earle McHenry Award for his distinguished service in the field of nutrition. The award was presented at the 2013 CNS-SCN Annual Meeting in Quebec City.

Students in NUTR*4120: Applied Clinical Skills learn various nutritionfocused physical examination techniques. Pictured are the steps of an abdominal assessment: inspection (panel A), auscultation (B), percussion (C) and palpation (D). Photography by Scott Schau; reproduced with permission.

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From the Regional Correspondents Dr. Justine Tishinky (advisor, Dr. Lindsay Robinson) received the CNS PhD Dissertation Award for her Outstanding Research Contributing to the degree of PhD. Her PhD thesis was entitled, “Modulation of adipokines by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and ensuing changes in skeletal muscle metabolic response and inflammation”. Justine presented her work in an oral presentation at the CNS Annual Meeting in Quebec City in June. PhD candidate Anna DeBoer (advisor, Dr. Lindsay Robinson) won 3rd place in the Nestle Nutrition Student and Trainee Competition at the CNS Annual Meeting in Quebec City in June.

Sahadevan, Sabrina (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Scholl, Jordan (advisor, Dr. Coral Murrant) Seider, Maxine (advisor, Dr. Alison Duncan) Shaw, Brittany (advisor, Dr. David Mutch) Sheikh, Natasha (advisor, Dr. Alison Duncan) Stacey, Erica (advisor, Dr. Alison Duncan) Ursu, Elizabeth (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Whitfield, Kyly (co-advisors, Dr. Dan Ramdath and Dr. Alison Duncan) Whitney, Lauren (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Yurchenko, Svitlana (advisor, Dr. Amanda Wright)

M.Sc. (Coursework)

M.Sc. (Thesis)

DECEMBER 2012 Arppe-Robertson, Megan (advisor, Dr. Amanda Wright) Ayoub, Hala (advisor, Dr. Kelly Meckling) Evans, Jarrett (advisor, Dr. John Zettel) Harpur, Caitlin (advisor, Dr. Leah Bent) Martin, Elizabeth (advisor, Dr. Lorraine Jadeski) Mason, Alexander (advisor Dr. John Srbely) Murphy, James (advisor, Dr. John Zettel) Olarewaju, Gbolahan (advisor, Dr. Lorraine Jadeski) Worden, Timothy (advisor Dr. Lori Vallis)

Claire Zhang (co-advisors: Dr. K. Meckling and Dr. R. Cao) September 7, 2012, “The effect of cooked common beans on DSS-induced colitis mice model”.

AUGUST 2012 Alexanian-Farr, Mara (advisor, Dr. Alison Duncan) Beckerton, Daniel (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Castellani, Laura D. (advisor, Dr. David Wright) Chaiyanon, Nina (advisor, Dr. Marica Bakovic) Cheung, Grace (co-advisors Dr. Heather Keller and Dr. Alison Duncan) Corso, Melissa (advisor, Dr. Jeremy Simpson) Curtis, Amy (advisor, Dr. Kelly Meckling) Delisle, Lindsay (advisor, Dr. Jim Kirkland) Ethier, Kristin (advisor, Dr. Kelly Meckling) Eyles, Samantha (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Foster, Andrew (advisor, Dr. Coral Murrant) Halls, Rebecca (advisor, Dr. John Srbely) Harding, Luke (advisor, Dr. Kelly Meckling) Hung, Laurie (advisor, Dr. Stephen Brown) Jackson, Jacey (advisor, Dr. Amanda Wright) LeBel, Vanessa (advisor, Dr. Graham Holloway) Ley, Erin (advisor, Dr. Kelly Meckling) Longo, Amanda (advisor, Dr. Terry Graham) Maracle, Emmalee (advisor, Dr. John Srbely) McDonough, Caitlin (advisor, Dr. Terry Graham) Osborne, Robert (advisor, Dr. Stephen Brown) Penney, Sarah (advisor, Dr. Bill Bettger) Perez, Katie (advisor, Dr. David Ma)

Leanne Pereira (advisor: Dr. M. Bakovic) - November 30, 2012, “The role of a defect in the CDP-ethanolamine pathway in autophagy”. Sugashan Sivanesan (advisor: Dr. M. Bakovic) - December 7, 2012, “Amelioration of metabolic syndrome with choline and betaine diets”. Meagan Vella (advisor: Dr. A. Duncan) - December 12, 2012, “Exploration of the consumption, awareness, understanding and motivating factors related to functional foods in older adults”. Jenifer Lu (Co-advisors: Dr. L. Robinson and Dr. K. Power) January 14, 2013, “The effects of asparagus and purified rutin on symptoms of acute colitis and recovery in mice”. Shannon Clarke (advisor: Dr. D. Ma) - January 14, 2013, “The iFat-transgene permits conditional endogenous n-3 PUFA enrichment both in-vitro and in-vivo”. Mary Cranmer-Byng (advisor: Dr. L. Robinson) - April 26, 2013, “Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Adipokine Synthesis and Secretion by n-3 and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids”. PhD Caroline Wan (advisor, Dr. David Wright) - September 24, 2012, “Exercise, Epinephrine and IL-6 Mediated Regulation of Adipose Tissue Metabolism”. Matthew Palmer (advisor: Dr. Lawrence Spriet) - November 22, 2012, “Fluid balance in hockey players and the effects of mild dehydration and carbohydrate ingestion on skeletal muscle metabolism, performance and cognitive function during intermittent sprint cycling”.

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From the Regional Correspondents Brennan Smith (advisor, Dr. Graham Holloway) – May 16, 2013, “Investigations into the Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Metabolism”. Conference Symposia and Talks: Dr. David Ma chaired a session entitled, “Nutrition and Cancer” at the 2013 CNS-SCN Annual Meeting in Quebec City in June. Dr. David Mutch January 8, 2013 - Advances in Dietary Fats and Nutrition – CNS, Mississauga, ON. Presentation, “Nutrigenomics and dietary fatty acids”. Dr. Mutch also chaired a session entitled, “Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Fact or Fiction” at the 2013 CNS-SCN Annual Meeting in Quebec City in June. Dr. Lawrence Spriet October 2012 - Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology annual meeting - Regina, SK. Symposium Organizer: Hype vs. Hope: What's New in Sports Nutrition and Performance Research? Presentation, “The latest on hydration and carbohydrate intake strategies before and after exercise to improve performance”.

On Thursday April 18th the Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Canadian Nutrition Society (DNS-CNS) will be welcoming Lisa Mannik, MSc, RD and Shirley Walsh, BASc, RD as speakers for the spring DNS-CNS seminar from 12:30 to 1:30 pm in the Fitzgerald Building, Room 103, UofT. They will present their recently published work on: “A Weighty Problem? The Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis and Associated Health Outcomes”. For any questions, please contact Laura at: This seminar follows the success of our 2 previous seminars by Dr. Russell de Souza on “Understanding Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and their Clinical Applications.” and Dr. Ashley Patterson on “Bridging the Gap between Observed and recommended intakes of omega-3 fatty acids.” We have also developed a questionnaire to collect information on student preferences on events, social media and what they would like to see in the future from CNS. In communications with the Ryerson CNS Student Representative, we have been sharing events in efforts to provide networking opportunities between dietetic students and students within the Department of Nutritional Sciences.

November 2012 - III Congreso International De Ciencias Del Deporte. Univesidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile. Three presentations: “The Importance of Hydration State, Carbohydrate Consumption and Caffeine for Soccer (Football) Performance.”, “The Regulation of Fat Transport at the Muscle and Mitochondrial Membranes in Human Skeletal Muscle”, and “Human Skeletal Muscle: The Magnificent Energy Producer for Movement & Exercise”.

Recent award recipients with the Department of Nutritional Sciences include Mary Scourboutakos, PhD, from Dr. L’Abbe’s lab, who received the CIHR Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Lauren Lin, MSc, from Dr. Bazinet Lab, who received the NSERC CGS, and Marc-Oliver Trepanier, from Dr. Bazinet Lab, who received the NSERC PGS.

Toronto Region

Dr. Pauline Darling received the CNS Volunteer Leadership Award in recognition of excellence in volunteer leadership. She worked tirelessly as the Chair of the Membership Committee and Counselor on the CNS Advisory Board helping to advance and grow the Society.

U NIVERSITY OF TORONTO Correspondents: Dr. Richard P. Bazinet Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto, Fitzgerald Building 150 College St., Room 306, Toronto, ON, M5S 3E2 416-946-8276 fax: 416-978-5882 Email: Laura Chiavaroli, MSc, PhD (c) DNS CNS Student Representative Shannan Grant, RD, MSc, PhD (c) National CNS University Liaison

Recent award recipients within the Department of Nutritional Sciences include Mary Scourboutakos from Dr. Mary L’Abbe’s lab who received the CIHR Vanier Scholarship and the 2012 Canadian Hypertension Congress Trainee Travel Award at which she presented her talk on “Sodium levels in Canadian restaurant foods.” Julie Mason from Dr. Lilian Thompson’s lab received the CIHR Institute for Cancer Research, Institute Community Support Program Travel Award. Teri Emrich, from Dr. L’Abbe’s lab, won the George Beaton Award at the recent Annual CNS Conference in Quebec City and also won second place in the Nestle competition. Arti Sharma Parpia, from Dr. Darling’s lab, was recently awarded a Kidney Foundation Allied Health Scholar-

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From the Regional Correspondents ship for his project entitled “Phosphorus and Potassium Content of Low Sodium Meat, Poultry and Fish Products: Implications for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease”. Many members of DNS are reaching out to the community to share their knowledge and help translate research to the public. DNS Professor, Dr. Carol Greenwood, along with co-authors Daphna Rabinovitch and Joanna Gryfe, recently released Mindfull: translating research findings into practical applications. This cookbook contains over 100 brain healthy recipes within which Dr. Greenwood helps to pair scientific information on nutrition and brain health with practical advice for the home cook. With a similar objective of translating research into practical use, Shannan Grant and Evan Lewis (from Dr. Wolever’s lab), also active members of the Let’s Talk Science Sandy Lake (LTS SL!) Aboriginal Outreach Project, were invited to participate in the Sandy Lake Diabetes Prevention Project weekly Radio Show where they shared their expertise in the area of sport nutrition and exercise science to answer questions presented by the radio show hosts.

Ottawa Region Correspondent: Jesse Bertinato, Ph.D. Research Scientist Nutrition Research Division, Health Canada Sir Frederick G. Banting Research Centre 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0K9 Tel.: (613) 957-0924 Fax: (613) 946-6212 E-mail: Health Canada In 2013, promotions were awarded to three research scientists from the Nutrition Research Division, Health Canada. Dr. Stephen Brooks was promoted to SE-RES-05. Drs. Jesse Bertinato and Amanda MacFarlane were promoted to SERES-03.

Montreal Region MCG ILL U NIVERSITY: SCHOOL OF D IETETICS AND H UMAN N UTRITION Correspondent: Dr. Stan Kubow School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition Macdonald Campus, McGill University 21,111 Lakeshore Rd. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9 Email: Appointments and retirements, Dr Niladri Basu currently at the University of Michigan School of Public Health will be returning to McGill, his Alma Mater, as an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition and the Department of Natural Resource Sciences. His expertise in environmental toxicology and human nutrition is a great new asset to McGill. Dr. Linda Jacobs Starkey who initiated, and for many years led, the integrated dietetics stage program at McGill and more recently went on to become the Associate Dean of Students at McGill has just retired after an exceptional career in the field of nutrition and more broadly working with students throughout the University. Faculty Initiatives Dr. Suzanne Morin, MD, MSc of McGill/MUHC is leading a newly CIHR funded RCT regarding calcium intake and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women. She has struck a comprehensive team of physicians, epidemiologists and nutritionists, the latter includes Dr. Susan Whiting PhD of the University of Saskatchewan and Dr. Hope Weiler RD, PhD from McGill University. Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein did an interview with the show Sacred Journey hosted by Audrey E. Kitagawa on the VoiceAmerica. Dr. Kuhnlein spoke to her international research around demonstrating the superior nutritional values of the traditional foods of Indigenous peoples, and the series of three books created to promote the use and preservation of Indigenous peoples’ local and traditional foods. Dr. Katherine Gray-Donald is the nutrition lead on a large grant of food security in the Caribbean funded by the International Development Research Centre. School based interventions using locally grown produce is being undertaken and assessed.

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From the Regional Correspondents U NIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL

New Graduates PhD Graduates, 2013 Student Alkazemi, Dalal Cofie, Agartha Deguire, Jason Gallo, Sina Mansfield, Beth Matta, Joane

Supervisor Stan Kubow Grace Marquis Hope Weiler Hope Weiler Kris Koski José Morais

MSc Thesis Graduates, 2013 Student Supervisor Birks, Katherine Grace Marquis Friesen, Valerie Grace Marquis Gillis, Chelsia Linda Wykes Horne, Sarah Katherine Gray-Donald Khairallah, Joelle Stan Kubow Masmar, Dona Maria Stephanie Chevalier Suissa, Karine Kristine Koski Tufts, Heather Tim Johns Yong, Yi Tim Johns MSc Applied Graduates, 2013 Asselin, Ann-Elise Bell, Emily Besner, Ann (pt) Burt, Julia Chartrand, Claire Demello, Anna Ellery, Caitlin Firuz, Mahtab Fraser, Christopher Guérette St-Amour, Marie-Ève Haddad, Rouba Ho, Hinson Lee, Michelle Moreau, Mireille Morris, Daniel Saberi, Nasim Taub, Arin Vagenas, Mavreta Teta Yang, Qi (Susan) Yin, Zi Zamora, Emily

Correspondante: Dre Geneviève Mailhot Département de Nutrition Université de Montréal C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7 Tél : (514) 343-6111 (ext.27897) Email: Promotions/Nominations Il y a eu des nominations et promotions au Département de Nutrition de l’Université de Montréal au cours de la dernière année. Tout d’abord, le Département a une nouvelle directrice depuis le 1er juin 2013. Il s’agit d’Irene Strychar, professeur titulaire au Département. Dr Strychar travaillera en collaboration avec Louise St-Denis, responsable du premier cycle et Bryna Shatenstein, responsable aux cycles supérieurs. Le Département désire remercier Marielle Ledoux qui a occupé le poste de directrice du Département et qui a accompli un travail colossal dans plusieurs dossiers importants. Le Département souhaite la bienvenue à Malek Batal nommé au rang de professeur agrégé. Également, May Faraj et Geneviève Mailhot ont été promues respectivement au rang de professeure agrégée sous octroi et de professeure agrégée. Le Département souhaite une retraite bien méritée aux professeurs Victor Gavino et Parviz Ghadirian. Bourses, Prix et Subventions de recherche Le 16 janvier 2013, Extenso, le Centre de référence sur la nutrition de l’Université de Montréal, a remporté le concours DUX dans la catégorie Objectif santé : Organisme à but non lucratif. Le concours DUX célèbre les leaders de l’alimentation au Québec et vise à souligner la contribution des entreprises, des organisations qui, par des initiatives porteuses, proposent des produits ou des projets dans le secteur alimentaire qui contribuent à l’amélioration de la santé des Québécois. Ce prix reconnaît la contribution d’Extenso à l’amélioration des saines habitudes alimentaires pour ses modules de formation en services de garde. Corps professoral France Nolin, chargée de cours et coordonnatrice universitaire de stages au Département s’est méritée le prix d’excellence 2013 d’enseignement pour la catégorie des chargés de cours. Ce prix est octroyé par l’Université à ses enseignants les plus méritants.

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From the Regional Correspondents Étudiants Daniel-Constantin Manolescu du laboratoire du Dr Pangala Bhat a reçu une bourse de recherche doctorale Banting and Best des IRSC. M. Manolescu s’est également distingué en recevant la Médaille du Jubilé de Diamant de Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II à l'occasion du 60e anniversaire de son accession au Trône. Réalisations de nos professeurs La troisième édition du livre Alimentation et vieillissement de notre collègue Guylaine Ferland, est parue aux Presse de l’Université de Montréal en novembre 2012.

La 2e édition de MENU, le Meeting des Étudiants en Nutrition à l’Université, s'est tenue à Montréal du 22 au 24 mars 2013 dernier. L’activité réunissait les étudiants des universités Laval, McGill, de Moncton, d’Ottawa et de Montréal et fut couronnée de succès. NUTRIUM NUTRIUM, le Portail de services en nutrition du Département de nutrition de l’Université de Montréal ( offre des services professionnels à la population, aux professionnels de la santé ainsi qu’aux entreprises par l’entremise d’un ensemble d’activités et de services. Formation continue

Guylaine Ferland a été invitée à rédiger le chapitre ‘Vitamine K’ de la dernière édition de l’ouvrage Present Knowledge in Nutrition (ILSI Press), parue en 2012. Un symposium sur le double fardeau de la malnutrition, organisé par Hélène Delisle et Malek Batal, s’est tenu lors du Congrès de la Société canadienne de nutrition à Québec, le 31 mai 2013. Guylaine Ferland était l’une des conférencières invitées au ‘Vingt-cinquièmes Entretiens Jacques Cartier 2012. La maladie D’Alzheimer: Du genome au comportement’ qui s’est tenu à Lyons (France) le 20 novembre 2012. Le titre de sa conférence était: La qualité nutritionnelle en tant que prédicteur de la santé cognitive chez les aînés: l’étude longitudinale NutCog. Guylaine Ferland était l’une des conférencières invitées au colloque organisé par l’Institut du vieillissement des IRSC «Bien manger, mieux vieillir » qui s’est tenu à Montréal le 9 novembre 2012. Le titre de sa conférence était: La vitamine K, une alliée pour la cognition au grand âge. Guylaine Ferland était l’une des conférencières invitées au colloque “La nutrition, dans le traitement des comorbidités en santé cardiovasculaire. Programme de formation continue en santé cardiovasculaire pour les diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec” qui s’est tenu à Québec les 2-3 mai dernier. Le titre de sa conférence était: “Où en sommes-nous avec les recommandations nutritionnelles des patients anticoagulés?”

Depuis 2008, l’entité Formation continue favorise le transfert des connaissances et l’application des savoirs dans les milieux de pratique en offrant des journées de formation continue interdisciplinaires portant sur des sujets d’actualité en nutrition. Ces journées sont offertes à tous les professionnels de la santé ainsi qu’aux étudiants à raison de 3 fois par année. En moyenne 150 participants assistent sur place aux journées de formation continue offertes par NUTRIUM et le service de visioconférence permet d’atteindre un auditoire supplémentaire de plus d’une centaine de participants et ce tant au Québec qu’ailleurs au Canada. Certaines de nos formations sont maintenant accréditées pour les médecins. Pour plus de détails sur les formations prévues en 20132014 : Clinique universitaire de nutrition L’entité Clinique universitaire de nutrition, milieu spécialisé et unique dans la pratique de la nutrition préventive, offre à la population des services personnalisés et de groupe. Au cours de l’année académique, des nutritionnistes cliniciennes supervisent les étudiants responsables des consultations. Depuis 2012, la Clinique offre des services de téléconsultation où le patient bénéficie à distance des services des nutritionnistes via caméra web dans un environnement sécurisé. Pour plus de détails : Extenso

Guylaine Ferland a été l'initiatrice du symposium "Fat soluble vitamins and cognition" présenté au dernier congrès annuel de la Société Canadienne de Nutrition qui s’est tenu à Québec les 30 Mai-2 Juin 2013. Initiatives départementales, matériel éducatif, transfert de connaissances

Extenso a célébré ses 10 ans d’existence en offrant aux internautes avides d’informations sur l’alimentation, une plateforme Web modernisée et facile d’usage (www.extenso). Vous y retrouverez les sections vedettes « Échelle de crédibilité scientifique » et « Mythes alimentaires », de même que les rubriques sur les aliments et la nutrition aux différentes

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From the Regional Correspondents étapes de la vie. S’y ajoute un blogue alimenté chaque semaine par des experts de l’équipe. Autre nouveauté, les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux peuvent rester branchés sur les sujets d’actualité d’ordre nutritionnel en s’abonnant au Twitter d’Extenso (@extenso_org) ou encore à sa page facebook ( Atelier de cuisine Au sein de l’entité Atelier de cuisine, le camp de jour Les Cuistots sportifs entame sa 5e édition. Le camp Cuistot Sportif vise les jeunes de 10 à 15 ans de la région de Montréal. Il comprend un atelier culinaire de 3 heures favorisant le développement des habiletés et des connaissances alimentaires et nutritionnelles suivi de 3 heures d’activités sportives variées. Le camp est le fruit d’une collaboration entre NUTRIUM, le portail de services en nutrition du département de nutrition de l’Université de Montréal et le Centre d'éducation physique et des sports de l'Université de Montréal, le CEPSUM. Les activités associées aux ateliers culinaires sont animées par une diététiste et un chef cuisinier diplômé. Projet sur le double fardeau nutritionnel Le Projet de Pôle francophone africain sur le double fardeau nutritionnel (DFN) a pour but de renforcer la capacité des pays francophones d’Afrique de l’Ouest à faire face au double fardeau nutritionnel — la coexistence des problèmes de dénutrition et de carences en micronutriments avec les problèmes dits de surcharge (obésité, diabète, hypertension artérielle et maladies cardiovasculaires). D’une durée de six ans (2008-2014), le projet à contribution est financé conjointement par l’ACDI, par l’Université de Montréal et par les partenaires du projet sur le terrain. Le rassemblement à Cotonou de plusieurs partenaires du Pôle DFN en avril dernier a permis la tenue de la dernière réunion de gouvernance du projet, en plus de faire progresser considérablement les activités de plaidoyer sur le diabète. La réunion de gouvernance du Pôle DFN a finalement fourni l’occasion de faire le point sur les activités réalisées et de présenter les perspectives pour la dernière année d’exécution du projet. Outre la poursuite des travaux de plaidoyer et le lancement officiel du Guide alimentaire du Bénin, les efforts seront principalement consacrés à consolider les programmes de formation professionnelle et continue en nutrition implantés au Bénin (licence à la Faculté des sciences de la santé de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi (FSSUAC) et master à l’Institut régional de santé publique (IRSP)) et à la mobilisation des ressources nécessaires pour la pérennisation des initiatives de recherche-action — mise en

œuvre de l’Initiative des écoles amies de la nutrition (IEAN) dans des écoles urbaines de Cotonou et de Ouagadougou, et soutien à des groupes d’entraide pour la prévention des maladies non-transmissibles liées à la nutrition. Récents diplômés Toutes nos félicitations aux personnes suivantes qui ont reçu un diplôme d’études supérieures en nutrition et ce, depuis le début de l’année 2013. Ph.D. HARMEL, Élodie: Rôle et régulation de la protéine kinase AMPK au niveau intestinal. Directeurs : Émile Lévy et Martine Laville. MIRINDI, Victor Buhendwa: Relations entre l’excès de poids, la qualité de l’alimentation et l’insécurité alimentaire chez les Premières Nations vivant dans les réserves de la Colombie Britannique, Canada. Directeur : Olivier Receveur Maîtrise (recherche) BELSON, Linda : Impact du genre sur la sécrétion d’insuline dans une cohorte de patients atteints de fibrose kystique. Directeur : Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret. PERRONE, Vanessa : Évaluation de la densité osseuse et du statut nutritionnel en vitamine D chez des enfants prépubères avec allergie au lait non résolue. Directeur : Geneviève Mailhot SEIFPOUR, Saloumeh: Dietary Fibre Intake and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Atlantic and Pacific Canada. Directeur : Bryna Shatenstein Maîtrise avec travaux dirigés COHEN, Myriam Sandra: Development of a Food List in a Food-Frequency Questionnaire for Manitoba First Nations. Directeur : Olivier Receveur DAMPHOUSSE, Véronic : Statut nutritionnel en zinc chez des adultes atteints de fibrose kystique. Directeur : Geneviève Mailhot. GALLO, Ester Gallo: Exploration du phénomène de transition alimentaire dans la communauté de Nuxalk de Colombie Britannique. Directeur : Olivier Receveur LEFEBVRE, Maryse: Le contexte alimentaire familial d’enfants suivis au CHU Sainte-Justine : perceptions et constats de pédiatres. Directeurs : Marie Marquis et Émile Lévy.

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From the Regional Correspondents Three students graduated with Honours degrees in Human Nutrition at convocation in May, 2013. Their thesis titles were:

Maritime Region Correspondent: Dr. Laurie Wadsworth Department of Human Nutrition St. Francis Xavier University Box 5000, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5 (902) 867-2190 Fax: (902) 867-2389

ACADIA U NIVERSITY To support Family Studies teachers in Nova Scotia, Acadia University has implemented a Professional Development program for updating or upgrading existing skills. The Professional Development Program in Family Studies was designed for teachers with teaching licenses who wish to further their expertise in the field. The Nova Scotia Department of Education has approved this program for eligibility for license upgrades where applicable. For further information see

U NIVERSITY OF PRINCE E DWARD I SLAND Dr. Debbie MacLellan continues in her position as Interim Dean of Science for the 2013-2014 academic year. Dr. Kathy Gottschall-Pass has completed a six-year term as Department Chair. Dr. Jennifer Taylor has accepted a threeyear term as Chair, Applied Human Sciences. Dr. Carolanne Nelsen has taken a position with Alberta Health Services in Calgary.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER U NIVERSITY Dr. Jennifer Jamieson has received a grant from Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) as part of its Leaders’ Opportunity Fund ($78,423). These funds will strengthen infrastructure in her Micronutrient Assessment Laboratory. This supports Jennifer’s research program, which focuses on novel methods of biochemical and dietary assessment in special populations with varying iron requirements. The Integrated Dietetic Internship (IDI) program accepted 13 students this spring. Four interns will be completing their community placements with the StFX Athletics Department and Sodexo campus foodservices, placements that have been expanded to accommodate more students annually. Laura Reid, IDI Coordinator presented three preceptor training workshops this past year, one in person in Antigonish and two by teleconference.

Taylor Musclow, “The development of a food frequency questionnaire for iron assessment in elite female endurance athletes” (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Jamieson) Heidi Stirling, “Energy and nutrient adequacy of elite female cross-country runners” (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Jamieson) Jennifer Wood, “How do dietetic and nutrition practitioners engage with the concept of health literacy?” (Supervisor: Dr. Doris Gillis) On April 3, 2013 the inaugural Mary Sue Waisman Nutrition Month Seminar was presented by the namesake, Mary Sue Waisman, a Nova Scotia dietitian and chef. Her seminar was titled “Food Matters in Nutrition”. This annual seminar was implemented by the Department of Human Nutrition to support Mary Sue’s dedication to making nutrition come alive through food and her commitment to helping students find enthusiasm for food. Dr. Laurie A. Wadsworth began a one-year term as Chair of the Board of Directors of Dietitians of Canada on June 13, 2013. She has also been appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

Newfoundland and Labrador Region M EMORIAL U NIVERSITY Correspondent: Dr. Sukhinder Kaur Cheema Department of Biochemistry, BT 3012 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF, Canada A1B 3X9 (709) 737-3987 Fax: (709) 737-2422 Email: Drs. Sean and Margaret Brosnan have received the 2012 Danone Institute of Canada Distinguished Nutrition Leadership Award (DNLA) for excellence in nutrition. This award has been conferred annually since 1998 to members of the nutrition community in Canada who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline. Winners of the DNLA receive a legacy series statuette as well as a cheque for $5,000. The presentation was made at the annual CNS banquet in Quebec City on June 1, 2013. Dr. S. Brosnan is a university research professor and Dr. M. Brosnan is a professor, both with

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From the Regional Correspondents the Department of Biochemistry. As leaders in the field of biochemical nutrition, they have jointly published 66 papers in the fields of nutrition and metabolism. Dr. M. Brosnan was president of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies and has served on the Board of the National Institute of Nutrition. She is also the former Chair of CIHR’s grants committee for Nutrition and Metabolism. Dr. S. Brosnan has been Chair of Advisory Board for CIHR’s Institute for Research in Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes; President of the Canadian Diabetes Association's Research Council; and President of the Canadian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The Brosnans have provided research training to more than one hundred students, undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows throughout their careers. These students have gone on to successful careers in academe, government and the professions. Two of their students won Rhodes Scholarships, two hold Canada Research Chairs, and two are heads of nutrition departments at other universities.

Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming CNS Annual CONFERENCES… June 5-7, 2014 St. John’s, Newfoundland

Dr. Sukhinder Cheema was successful at obtaining a Partnership Development Seed Grant from Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, which has a mandate of building and strengthening links between India and Canada toward improving the quality of life of both countries. The grant allowed Dr. Cheema to hold a symposium along with the Indian Hypertension Society conference in Mumbai, India, in November 2012 to bring awareness to the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and its vegetarian sources. Kayode Balogun, a PhD student in Dr. Cheema’s laboratory, won first place in EAN-RIS poster competition at the Experimental Biology conference held in Boston in April 2013. The topic of Kayode’s presentation was “Perinatal and post-weaning diets high in omega-3 fatty acids upregulate genes involved in neurotrophin signaling”.

2015 Winnipeg, Manitoba

The Biochemistry Department held its 3rd Annual Biochemistry Summer Symposium on August 13, 2013. The symposium was attended by over 60 participants; graduate students competed in oral presentations and undergraduate students competed in poster presentations. Dr. Tony Lam, University of Toronto, was invited as the keynote speaker.


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