IHM News Magazine - Spring 2024

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IHM News • Spring 2024 1 Volume 91, Spring 2024 ENHANCING THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS Inside President’s Message 2 IHM Profile 2024 3 Who is IHM? 4 Addressing Ontario’s Housing Affordability Crisis Requires All Hands on Deck 5 IHM Course Completions in Property Management 8 Welcome to IHM’s Newest Accredited Member 8 Members IHM Mentorship Program ....................................................................................... 10 IHM 2023-24 Board of Directors 11 Corporate Members ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Addressing Ontario’s Housing Affordability Crisis Requires All Hands on Deck

President’s Message

I hope everyone survived our winter season and hopefully, by the time you read this, warmer, dryer weather will be upon us.

What exciting events are we headed for with IHM? The first is our Annual Educational Conference and AGM, which will be held in Stratford, Ontario, on Thursday, May 9th, and Friday, May 10th. We listened to those who attended last year and have developed a program focused on human resources and maintenance.

We also realize people’s time is precious, so we are now offering a one-day attendance for Thursday (a busy day with educational sessions, the trade show, the AGM and a reception). Click here https://ihmcanada.net/events/2024-conference/overview for complete details and registration.

If you attend the entire Conference, don’t forget about the Welcome Reception on the Wednesday night before the meeting begins. It’s a great time to network with industry members, some light entertainment and refreshments. It is always a great way to start the Conference.

For those who enjoy a lovely day in the sunshine (we always hope) and swinging the clubs, we have our Annual Golf Tourney on Wednesday, May 8th, at a local course (28km from Stratford). Tee times start at 11:00 am. We play a scramble format, so you don’t have to be the best golfer; you want to have fun. The $85.00 per person includes 18 holes of golf, a power cart, and a lunch at the turn after 9 holes. We will have plenty of time to golf, mingle, and get to the Arden Park Hotel in Stratford for the Welcome Reception.

Lastly, we have arranged for a discounted price at one of the theatres for anyone who would like to attend the Friday, May 10th production of the Twelfph Night at 2:00 pm. Please take a few days or a one-day special to participate in the conference and enjoy a Shakespeare performance in Stratford.

More great news for June. IHM will participate in the CHF Canada Conference and AGM in Winnipeg from June 6th to 8th. We will be instructing the new Human Relations Course modified for those in the cooperative housing management field. It will be the first course to be presented with the new program. We have also scheduled other courses starting in the fall of 2024 and running into early January 2025. This is very exciting news for both IHM and CHF Canada.

IHM’s core courses will be offered in an instructor-led online format (five weeks, one morning per week). Tenancy Law was offered in April, followed by our other core courses beginning this summer and continued with courses in the fall and winter. These courses are offered in a condensed format that allow those who wish to complete their courses quickly to do so. Stay tuned for further details. And be sure to visit the www.ihmcanada.net website on a regular basis to stay on top of everything that’s happening at IHM.

So you can see a lot of very exciting news heading our way. Join us for the conference and participate in our exciting programs. I hope to see you there.

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The first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Housing Management (IHM) was held in 1976 in Toronto, Ontario. The members of the steering committee at their initial meeting, unanimously endorsed the concept of the formation of a professional association with appropriate standards set for eligibility for membership and accreditation. Members seeking accreditation with IHM are required to have a combination of education and work experience in the field of property management.

This year IHM celebrates its 48th year of operations and its 30th year of classroom instruction in the profession of property management.

The Institute’s Certificate in Property Management program, leading to accreditation, consists of five compulsory courses and one elective course.

Compulsory Courses:

1. Property and Building Administration

2. Building Maintenance for Property Managers

3. Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers

4. Human Relations for Property Managers

5. Tenancy Law in Ontario

Elective Courses:

Elective courses must be a minimum of 30 hours in duration and include an assessment component. Sample elective courses might include:

Leading Responsibly

Creative & Critical Thinking

Project Management

Supervision: Techniques and Practices

Communicating for Effectiveness

Managing Change

Basic Financial Accounting

The IHM program has developed curriculum that is delivered in online classes with the use of a learning management system and videoconferencing for weekly teacher-led classes. The certificate is currently offered at three community colleges in the continuing education programs. IHM is currently providing instruction at three post-secondary colleges, Humber College, George Brown College, and Conestoga College.

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We all know what IHM is….it’s the industry’s leading provider of Property Management education. IHM offers a professional accreditation program - IHM offers a comprehensive Annual Education Conference (COVID permitting) - IHM offers Virtual Chat Room Sessions and Webinars. IHM offers this and so much more in our quest to educate professional Property Managers.

But who is IHM? Well, IHM is our members and the recent member survey gave us a bird’s eye view into who our membership encompasses. It’s very interesting and it explains why IHM and its members are so well-respected and so professional in providing housing services to thousands of Canadians.

a lot of years’ experience offered to those needing housing support.

IHM members represent every sector of housing needs - and they do it well.

Legal Services, Director, Regional Manager, Tenant Placement Manager - to name a few)

Our members represent ALL levels of management and support.

Whether our members represent a small development or a very large development, their professional approach is the same.


Not surprising, the AIHM/FIHM designations top the list but many of our members went on to achieve other designations - well done!

Who is IHM? The most educated, dedicated and compassionate group of people who represent IHM and the property management profession well in every facet of housing needs. They are ‘The Best of The Best’.

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Positions Held % of Members CEO 13% Property Manager 40% Maintenance Manager 9% Service Manager 11% Other 27% (Senior Manager,
Designations Achieved AIHM/AIHM(R) 57% FIHM/FIHM(R) 14% IHM(C) 12% RCM 4% CPM 4% ACCI 4% RPA 4% None 7%
Years of Service in the Housing Industry % of Members Up to 5 Years 9% 6 to 10 Years 11% 11 to 15 Years 24% 16 to 20 Years 16% Over 20 Years 40%
Employer Type % of Members Local/Regional Government Housing Authority 34% Non-Profit Housing 24% Co-op Housing 8% Private Sector Property Management 31% Facilities 3%
Number of Units
% of Members Less than 100 18% 100 to 200 11% 201 to 500 32% 501 to 1,000 5% Over 1,000 34%

Addressing Ontario’s Housing Affordability Crisis Requires All Hands On Deck

Housing affordability has become a pressing issue impacting communities of all sizes across Ontario. High housing costs are limiting the buying power of households, impacting businesses’ ability to attract and retain talent, and exacerbating homelessness rates throughout the province. The Government of Ontario has committed to building 1.5 million new homes by 2031 to help mitigate this crisis, a goal that will require strategic action and significant collaboration

Addressing the housing affordability crisis must be a priority and we must find ways to increase supply. At Desjardins, we believe that every person, every family, has the right to affordable housing. The recommendations outlined in this report offer practical solutions that can have a positive impact for Ontarians and the economy. We are proud to partner with the OCC on this initiative and thank the many stakeholders who were involved.”

across sectors and all levels of government.

Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) released, Home Stretched: Tackling Ontario’s Housing Affordability Crisis Through Innovative Solutions and Partnerships, outlining opportunities for the private, public, and non-profit sectors to explore innovative partnerships and approaches to address housing affordability and supply, and recommendations to build on successful models.

“The growing mismatch between housing supply and demand in communities across Ontario has made it more difficult for employers to fill labour gaps, particularly as the global competition for talent heats up,” said Rocco Rossi,

President and CEO, OCC. “To ensure the long-term resilience of our economy, we encourage governments to balance consultation with bold action, such as ending exclusionary zoning and working in partnership with public and private sector partners to address labour shortages.

The policy brief provides all levels of government and industry with recommendations under the following themes: Labour and Demographics, the Housing Continuum, and Infrastructure and Land Use Planning.

Key recommendations include:

• Continue to establish and deliver on inclusive workforce development and immigration strategies to increase the labour pool needed to build more housing.

• Incentivize the development and preservation of affordable housing options along the continuum, including purpose-built rentals, missing middle, student, non-profit, cooperative, and supportive housing.

• Support the development and expansion of innovative technologies, data tools, retrofitting, building conversions, as well as mixed-use and climate-resilient green housing.


IHM News • Spring 2024 5 Feature

“The OCC has challenged itself with addressing one of the key issues faced in Ontario today and has produced a brief that is balanced in its approach and makes actionable recommendations. Cadillac Fairview is proud to support this initiative and take part in the discussion alongside the many accomplished contributors that provided input for the policy brief.”

— James Deitcher, Vice President, Development, Cadillac Fairview

To help inform this brief, the OCC led a series of regional housing affordability roundtables with a diverse range of housing sector stakeholders. We extend our gratitude to all roundtable participants for their valuable feedback and to the entire Ontario Chamber Network for their ongoing support and engagement.

Special thanks to our Lead Partner, Desjardins, and Presenting Partners, Cadillac Fairview, and the Federation of Rental-housing Providers of Ontario, for their vital collaboration.

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) is the indispensable partner of business and Canada’s largest, most influential provincial chamber. It is an independent, not-for-profit advocacy and member services organization representing a diverse network of 60,000 members. The OCC’s mission is to convene, align and advance the interests of its members through principled policy work, value-added business services and broad engagement to drive competitiveness and economic growth in the province.

For more information, please contact: Samir Janmohamed Policy and Public Affairs, Specialist samirjanmohamed@occ.ca 647-882-9878

Reprinted with permission from OCC Media Brief - July 5, 2023 u

Annual General Meeting

In conjunction with the 2024 IHM Conference Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 1:15 pm Arden Park Hotel, Stratford, ON

“The housing crisis is a threat to the economic stability and growth of the province. To achieve the goal of 1.5 million new homes in the next ten years, we need a comprehensive approach that will work for all Ontarians. We need more housing options, including more purpose-built rental housing, a more streamlined process for building them, and more skilled trades workers to build them. We need to keep working together with all stakeholders and levels of government to ensure we are successful,”

— Tony Irwin, President and CEO, Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario

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Available Documentation: Notice of Meeting Call for Nominations Proxy
of the

48th Annual Educational Conference

May 8 - 10, 2024 STRATFORD, ON

We are excited for this year’s conference hosted in beautiful Stratford, Ontario. Home of the infamous Stratford Shakespeare Festival which dates back to 1953. During the months of May to October Stratford’s Festival season hosts a plethora of festivies for everone.

Over 1.5 days, IHM provides an intimate setting of approximately 100 attendees from across Canada to learn of new strategies to help make their jobs easier in property management.

In 2023, the following types of attendees joined us;

• Housing and Property/Co-op Administrators

• Director of Housing/Community

• Facility Managers

• Housing and Property Managers

• Support Workers

• Maintenance Managers

• Tenant Services Coordinators

• Property Services Coordinators

By attending the conference, you will be able to make new connections and learn from not only the presenters, but the attendees themselves as they are encouraged to share stories and help each other with solutions. The 2024 conference will focus on building repair and management with all parties involved in property management.

IHM News • Spring 2024 7 May 8
Institute of Housing Management
Arden Park Hotel
View Program Register Online IHM’s 48th Annual Educational Conference May 8 - 10, 2024 | Arden Park Hotel, Stratford Ontario Thank You to Our Sponsors Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsors

Course Completions in Property Management


Alexander Aguiar

Lindsay Garcia

Irena Kamikovski

Patricia Lalonde

Kayla Meloche

Vladimir Molatchenko

Jennifer Nichols

Karin Musgrove

Sarah Topash

Krista Stinson

Cara Weatherell

u u u

Tenancy Law

Alexander Aguiar

Chris Castator

Patricia Lalonde

Olga Zelenenka

u u u


Ryan Campbell

Melanie Corrveau

Harpreet Kaur

Phil Klugman

Jennifer Leblanc

u u u

Human Relations

Patti Brown

Debbie Craig

Lindsay Garcia

Melissa Mercer

Brandy Rushe

Anahita Vali

Cara Weatherell

Brian Zidovec

u u u


Kim Bourne

Phil Klugman

Harpreet Kaur

John Lee

Carlos Ramirez

Cara Weatherell

u u u

IHM News • Spring 2024 8 Education Welcome to IHM’s Newest Accredited Member Joel Shantz, AIHM
THE LEADER IN PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EDUCATION Accessible through at-home, in-class and on-line learning. Start on your journey to the AIHM designation today! INSTITUTE OF HOUSING MANAGEMENT 416-493-7382 / 1-866-212-4377 • www.ihmcanada.net Join the Institute of Housing Management on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Visit our website at: ihmcanada.net to gain access
IHM News • Spring 2024 9

2023-2024 IHM Board of Directors



Jimmy Mellor, FIHM

Director of Operations,

Precision Property Management

22 Goodmark Place, Suite 22, Toronto, ON M9W 6R2

Tel: 416-887-9253 | Fax: 416-675-0170

Email: jimmym@ppmgmt.ca

Vice President

Kevin McCann, FIHM

Email: kevinmccann98@hotmail.com


Conference Committee Chair

Lynn Alexander, FIHM

Region of Durham Housing Services

P.O.Box 623, Whitby, ON L1N 6A3

Tel: 905-666-6222 | Fax: 905-666-6225

Email: Lynn.alexander@durham.ca


Co-op Accreditation Program Member

Ed Cipriani, FIHM


Communications Committee Member

Tracey Csordas, AIHM

Manager, Student Housing Programs

Conestoga College

Email: traceycsordas@yahoo.com

Co-op Accreditation Program Member

Phil Eram, B.Sc., FIHM

Precision Property Management Inc.

22 Goodmark Place, Suite 22, Toronto, ON M9W 6R2

Tel: 416-675-2223

Email: pgsd@cogeco.ca

Membership/Marketing Committee Member, Conference Committee Member, Co-op Accreditation Program

Member, Communications Committee Member

Deborah Filice, MEd, RSSW, FIHM, CIHCM, CMMIII

DAF Property Management Services Inc.

Tel: 289-244-8269

Email: dfilice@dafpmservices.com

Communication Committee Chair

Francesca Filice, B.A., AIHM

Property Manager

Victoria Park Community Homes

Tel: 289-244-8059 | Email: ffilice@vpch.com

Conference Committee Member

Stacey Sanelli

Precision Property Management Inc.

22 Goodmark Place, Suite 22, Toronto, ON M9W 6R2

Tel: 416-887-1251 | Email: staceys@ppmgmt.ca

Membership/Marketing Committee Chair

Marissa Zuliani, AIHM

Property Management Solutions Inc.

3542 Walker Road, Windsor, ON N8W 3S4

Tel: 226-961-3323

Email: info@propertymanagementsolutions.ca

IHM Office: Carolyne Vigon, Operations Manager Beth McKenzie, Program Manager 2800 14th Avenue, Suite 210, Markham, Ontario L3R 0E4 Tel: 416-493-7382 / 1-866-212-4377 • Fax: 416-491-1670 • Email: info@ihmcanada.net

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HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! n Participate on the various committees n Help with the Annual Educational Conference n Submit relevant articles for the IHM quarterly newsletter n Mentor a Candidate member (FIHM/AIHM Members only) n Become an Instructor (FIHM/ AIHM Members only) Contact the IHM office for more information on how you can help. Email: info@ihmcanada.net

IHM Corporate Members

Thank you to Appollo Pest Management, 2024 Event Sponsor and Corporate Member.

Thank you to all IHM Corporate Members.

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