IHM News, Volume 36, Summer 2009

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Volume 36, Summer 2009

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President’s Message

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Highlights of the 2009 IHM Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 IHM Travels West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 IHM Certificate in Property Management Course Completions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 By-Law Amendment Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 New IHM Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

P r e s i d e n t ’s M e s s a g e

Hello Members, On April 1st, IHM was represented at the Annual Property Management Springfest event at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, by Samantha Anderson, Environmental Scientist, Trow Associates, and by Deborah Parker, IHM Board Member. Samantha presented an informative and well-attended seminar entitled ‘Dealing with Asbestos and Mould’ and Deborah greeted visitors to the IHM display table in the main trade show. Deborah also had the chance to speak with many visitors about the IHM education program. Thank you Samantha and Deborah for volunteering your time, knowledge and ongoing commitment to IHM. Later in April, the Annual IHM Education Conference was held at the Sheraton Hamilton Hotel in Hamilton, Ontario. The conference had record attendance numbers and sponsorship! Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in the event making it a great success. These types of industry events are the perfect opportunity for our membership to re-connect from a professional and social perspective. Attendees include fellow IHM members, property management staff and professional service providers, making these events the perfect environment to exercise your networking skills, develop your career opportunities, and formulate the contact list needed to build your professional peer network. I believe each of us needs to seek out industry contacts that are willing to share their knowledge and best practice strategies and solutions to dealing with the many property management issues we all encounter on a daily basis.

Regards, Deborah Filice, FIHM President

IHM Display at Springfest /09


Springfest /09: (Left/Right) Deborah Filice, IHM President Mark Mascarenhas, Social Housing Consultant Deborah Parker, IHM Board Member

IHM News • Summer 2009

2009 Conference Report

Change & Grow - Highlights of the 2009 IHM Conference By Deborah Filice, R.S.S.W, FIHM IHM President and 2009 Conference Co-Chair


he 2009 IHM Annual Educational Conference – Change and Grow, was held in the City of Hamilton. With a diverse and growing population, a wealth of cultural and historic attractions, and a breathtaking view of the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton welcomed over 125 IHM conference delegates. The conference evolved over many months of planning. The conference co-chair Dave Chambers and I, also drew upon the talents and commitment of committee members Kevin O’Hara, Mary Garbes, Lynn Rochon, Darlene Koblik, Heidi Billyard, Janet Surmanski, Jeff Gilpin, and Karen Danner. Our thanks to this year’s team for their dedication and support in making this a memorable and successful conference. Special thanks to Lynn Morrovat, IHM Administrator and Josee Lefebvre, IHM Administrative Assistant who worked with the committee through the planning stages, and ensured all aspects of the conference were a success. The 2009 Educational program consisted of a wide range of topics representing twelve workshops as well as a Housing Highlights Bus Tour. Workshop topics this year included: - Mould and Moisture in Single and Multi Unit Residential Buildings - The Coach Approach to Housing Issues - Preventative Maintenance for Property Operations Management - Best Practices (Operations) - Contract Administration - Using Education to Maximize Your Superintendent Role - The Dream Team - Energy Management - Stabilizing People’s Housing: Preventing Evictions and Homelessness - Bed Bug Pilot Project - Making Lemonade: Turning Stress and Change into Opportunity for Growth - Understanding Mental Health Issues

IHM News • Summer 2009

2009 Conference Committee Members, Heidi Billyard, Deborah Filice, Mary Garbes, Jeff Gilpin, Darlene Koblik, Dave Chambers and Kevin O’Hara. Missing from photo are Lynn Rochon, Janet Surmanski and Karen Danner.

Deborah Filice and Kevin O’Hara with Guest Speaker Chris Murray, City Manager of Hamilton (centre)

Closing Plenary session presented by Jennifer Mossop. continued on page 4


2009 IHM Educational Conference

Mark Chamberlain, President and CEO of Trivaris, a community leader and proven local entrepreneur, opened the conference with a keynote speech inspiring delegates to think about Change and Growth. Through Mark’s involvement as chair of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, he spearheaded a report called Making Hamilton the Best Place to Raise a Child. Mark is always looking for ways to ensure “everyone in Hamilton has a home.” The closing plenary presented by Jennifer Mossop, President of Mossop Media and former Stoney Creek MMP, coached delegates on effective communications and media relations and how to engage people in everyday issues and challenges.

Networking at the Annual Meet and Greet Reception.

Representatives from Good Shepherd Centres, Heidi Billyard and Lesley Ann Campbell with Deborah Filice.


The pre-conference workshop was well-attended and updated participants on the latest issues and concerns with respect to the Residential Tenancies Act. Presenters Joe Hoffer and Kristin Carnie covered issues that included Pet Peeves, Bed Bugs, LTB strategies, Understanding Recent Changes to the Human Rights Regime, and much more. Hamilton also served as the venue for an in-class session of IHM’s core course Property and Building Administration for Property Managers, which ran for three days leading into the conference. This pilot course offered in a streamlined format was a huge success and members can look forward to a core course offering in conjunction with the conference becoming an annual feature.

IHM Vice President, Kevin O’Hara and President, Deborah Filice present outgoing Director Dave Chambers (centre) with a plaque of appreciation for his dedication while serving on the IHM Board of Directors.

Lynda Gourlie, Kathi Zarfas, Harry Popiluk and Bill Corrigan at the annual Meet and Greet reception.

IHM News • Summer 2009

2009 IHM Educational Conference

After full days of learning, delegates were treated to several evening social and networking opportunities. On April 22nd, a ‘Meet and Greet’ reception was held at the Sheraton hotel – offering a chance for delegates to reacquaint themselves with colleagues from across Ontario. Later in the evening, the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club hosted a lovely dinner overlooking the beautiful Hamilton bay. Entertainment that evening was provided by Mr.& Mrs. Hypnotist; a fantastic comedy/hypnotist team.

er understanding of the issues.” Chris has experienced change and growth in his personal career, moving from the Project Manager of the Hamilton Red Hill Parkway construction, to the Director of the Housing Division and Hamilton City Manager earlier this year. Following Chris enlightening message a special presentation was made to Good Shepherd, the designated charitable organization of this year’s IHM conference. After dinner entertainment was provided by the UpFront Live Dance Band.

On April 23rd IHM held its annual Banquet Dinner with guest speaker, Chris Murray, City Manager of Hamilton. Chris “has the ability to balance severity with humour, address current issues with empathy and reality which results in a deep-

Another highlight of the conference was the full day trade show on April 23rd, which showcased the products and services of fifteen industry suppliers. The tradeshow offered a valuable component to the educational aspect of the

The hypnotist show at the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club was a huge hit with delegates!

IHM welcomes its newest Board member, Michelle Waye during the Annual General Meeting held on April 23rd.

Kevin O’Hara presents keynote speaker Jennifer Mossop with a gift of appreciation.

Conference Networking.

continued on page 6

IHM News • Summer 2009


2009 IHM Educational Conference

conference. We thank all those companies who participated. We also thank the sponsors of this year’s conference, without whose financial support, we could not have offered this year’s outstanding program. The Premier sponsor, First General Services and sister company and Platinum Sponsor, MouldOff were integral parts was an integral part of the 2009 conference – participating in both the tradeshow and presenting a workshop on Mould Issues in Residential Buildings. Our gratitude is offered to MouldOff President, Jim Thomas for his ongoing support of IHM. Our gratitude is also offered to Platinum level sponsor: Coinamatic; to Gold level sponsors: CityHousing Hamilton, Henry’s Lawn & Garden Maintenance, Humber College, Vic’s Plumbing and Heating and Yardi; to

Deborah Filice and Education Chair, Terry McErlean were on hand to present IHM Distance Learning Instructors with tokens of appreciation for their volunteer efforts.

Dave Chambers introduces speaker and Premier Sponsor, Jim Thomas to delegates attending the workshop on Mould Issues for Residential Buildings.


Gold level sponsors: CMHC, Forensic Investigation Canada, Finishing Touch Cleaning Services, Halton Region, the City of Hamilton, National Elevator Consulting, Phelps Apartment Laundry Systems, Rentokil, SHSC, Vipond, and to Bronze level sponsors: Appliance Canada, Good Shepherd, Housing Solutions Inc., Intelligarde and Pioneering Technology Canada. A successful career in property management involves constant change and growth and this year’s conference provided the networking opportunities and education needed to meet those challenges. It was a pleasure to host the IHM Annual Educational Conference and to welcome many first time visitors to the beautiful City of Hamilton.

Delegates enjoy the banquet luncheon.

The trade show was an integral part of the 2009 conference.

IHM News • Summer 2009

IHM Public Relations

IHM Travels West Greg Grange, FIHM


s your Public Relations Officer, I recently had the pleasure to represent IHM on two occasions in late May in Victoria and Vancouver.

Is mould a growing concern amoung your tenants?

The first was to instruct IHM’s Human Relations for Property Managers course at the Co-op Housing Federation AGM held in Victoria. There were 31 Co-op Property Managers in the course, which ran over three days with an exam on the fourth day. All participants did well and initial feedback indicates the course was well received and a big success. Staff of CHF ensured the session went off without a hitch. I would like to offer a very special thanks to Rene Daoust and Judy Shaw at CHF. The second occasion was the opportunity to meet with senior staff of B.C. Housing in Vancouver to showcase IHM and make a presentation on our certification and accreditation program. The meeting was broad in nature and with discussion on a potential partnership in the future. As a side note from an historical point, IHM for a number of years had a B.C. chapter made up of accredited members who had moved to B.C. It was a pleasure to represent IHM out West and the trip was supportive of our 76/26 Blueprint. ■

Photo l to r: Darin Froese - Regional Director, Fraser Region, Janet McAllister - Regional Operations Manager, Vancouver Coastal Region, Ann Howard - Director, Aboriginal Housing Services Capacity Building, Laurel Tranmer - Director, Organizational Development, Greg Grange, IHM Public Relations Officer, and Dale McMann - Regional Director, Vancouver Coastal Region

C.I.E. - Certified Indoor Environmentalist M.R.T. - Mould Remediation Technician C.M.R. - Certified Mould Remediator A.M.R.T. - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician M.W.R. - Master Water Restorer C.M.M.P. - Certified Moisture Management Professional W.R.T. - Water Restoration Technician O.C.T. - Odour Control Technician H.S.T. - Health & Safety Technician Certified Clandestine Drug Lab Decontamination Specialist


Human Relations Examination Room at the CHF conference in Victoria, BC

IHM News • Summer 2009


By-Law Amendment

Institute of Housing Management By-Law Amendment Update – April 2009 Institute.


he IHM Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the by-law recommendations put forth to members in early 2009 were approved at the 2009 Annual General Meeting held on Thursday April 23rd, 2009.

Amended Bylaws ARTICLE 3 - MEMBERS 3.1

The new by-laws create three new membership designations. The first new category, Honourary Candidate member will provide the IHM(C) designation and will be available to members in good standing who have successfully completed the IHM Certificate In Property Management Educational program, but who do not yet have the required five years of work experience to become an Accredited member. The second new category, Retired Accredited Member will provide the AIHM (R) designation and will be available to those Accredited members in good standing who have retired from the industry, but who wish to remain involved in the Institute as voting members. The third new category, Retired Fellow Member will provide the FIHM (R) designation and will be available to those Fellow members in good standing who have retired from the industry, but who wish to remain involved in the Institute as a voting member. The new by-laws are reprinted below with applicable amendments highlighted in red. Individuals intereted in using these new designations should contact the IHM office for further information.


There shall be four (4) categories of voting members, namely: (a) (b) (c) (d)

Accredited Fellow Retired Accredited Retired Fellow

and there shall be six (6) categories of non-voting members, namely: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Candidate Honourary Candidate Affiliate Corporate Honorary Retired


Members who joined the Institute prior to September 1977 shall be known as “Charter Members”.


Voting membership shall not be transferable or transmissible.

Categories of Voting Members 3.4

Accredited members shall be those individuals who, at the time of joining the Institute, (a) shall be in qualifying employment performing approved duties as specified in the Institute’s Policies and Procedures, and (b) shall have satisfied all the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the


Fellows shall be those individuals who, at the time of becoming Fellows of the Institute, (a) shall have been Accredited members of the Institute for a continuous period of at least five (5) years, and (b) shall be in qualifying employment performing approved duties as specified in the Institute’s Policies and Procedures, and shall have been so for a period of not less than four (4) years prior to the date of becoming a Fellow, and (c) shall have been nominated and endorsed for Fellowship by the number of voting members in good standing specified in the Institute’s Policies and Procedures, and shall have satisfied all the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Institute. Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements, the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, by a majority vote of its members, admit to Fellow status a person who has served in a senior capacity in the housing management industry for a considerable number of years, and who has contributed to the enhancement of the industry and whose endeavours and achievements identify him as a leader in the field of housing management.

IHM News • Summer 2009


Retired Accredited members shall be those individuals who upon full time retirement from the industry, have been an (a) shall Accredited member in good standing (b) notwithstanding their retirement, are concerned with the issues the Institute faces and seek to remain involved with the Institute with voting privileges (c) shall have satisfied all the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Institute.

time retirement from the industry, (d) shall have been a Fellow member in good standing (e) notwithstanding their retirement, are concerned with the issues the Institute faces and seek to remain involved with the Institute with voting privileges (f) shall have satisfied all the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Institute.

Categories of Non-Voting Members 3.7

Retired Fellow members shall be those individuals who upon full

Candidate members shall be those individuals who, at the

time of joining the Institute, have satisfied all of the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Institute. 3.8

Honourary Candidate members shall be those individuals who, at the time of joining the Institute, shall have successfully completed the IHM Certificate in Property Management shall have satisfied all the requirements which may be set from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Institute


Affiliate members shall be those individuals who, at the time of joining the Institute, (a) although not primarily or continued‌

IHM Certificate in Property Management - Course Completions Program Completion Certificate Mitchell Grange Jacqueline Mantle

Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers Bridgette Bayliss Julie Betrand Rioux Bianca Ignat

Property & Building Administration Sorin Amoraritei Sebastian Arasanz Angie Armstrong Christina Bonham Josh Browne Christine Brutin Daniel Budahazy Tania Bulic George Ewan Stacey Ferguson A. Forbert-Poirier Tracy Geddes Kelly Jackson Anthony Kellyman

IHM News • Summer 2009

Donna Krichknopf Alain Lacelle Mike Majeski C. Nagurajan Kyla Peer Gabriela Radeau Jacqueline Rosettani Carol Runnings Michael Schingh Borgden Smal Todd Smith David Spackman Lisa Tessier Daniela Toader Tim Zavitz

Human Relations for Property Managers Edna Arthur Shawn Baldwin Alicia Banfield M. Bellevance Fin Boto Agnes Cheung Kathy Dimassi Jeffary Fudge Marilyn Garner Nancy Gibson

Kathy Grant Carmela Grouse Diana Hogan Ambica Kalpatoo Rosalind Langer Darlene McCrone Ed McMillan Veronique McLean Lynda Micallef Carine Nind Tania Ormshaw Carolyn Perkins Rebecca Quigley Carole Rodway Beata Roszak Douglas Sider Angela Taylor Susan Taylor Carol Wilson Robert Wiseman

Building Maintenance for Property Managers Christopher Clarkson MaryAnne Lee Ursula Lipowska Tania Ormshaw


directly involved in Property Management are concerned with the issues the Institute faces and seek to be involved with the Institute. 3.10

Corporate members shall be those individuals who, at the time of joining the Institute, (a) are companies that supply services and/or materials to the Property Management industry.


person who is directly or indirectly interested in the development of housing practices. Upon from Property retirement Management, Institute Past Presidents automatically become Honourary members of the Institute, unless they so choose to take out a Retired Accredited or Retired Fellow membership with voting privileges. 3.12

Honourary members are those individuals who the Board of Directors, in its discretion, may appoint to membership in the Institute and who, by their contributions to the development of Housing Management practices, are considered worthy of recognition for such service. Any person appointed as a Honourary member of the Institute shall be a

Welcome to Our New Members New Candidate Members Carla Almeida Gabriela Cornea Tina Erbarescu Liviu Erbarescu Brenda Kearley Michael Maeski Mircea Pilaf Jolene Rendolic Lisa Tessier Bob Theisz Yin Ting Daniela Toader Paul Trottier James Zourntos

Retired members shall be those members of the Institute who (a) have retired from Property Management, and (b) at the time of their retirement are Accredited members or Fellows of the Institute, and notwithstanding their retirement, are concerned with the issues the Institute faces and seek to remain involve with the Institute as a nonvoting member ■

2009-2010 Board of Directors www.ihm-canada.com PRESIDENT:


Deborah Filice, R.S.S.W, FIHM CityHousing Hamilton Community Services City of Hamilton 55 Hess Street South, 23rd Floor P.O. Box 2500 Hamilton, ON L8N 4E5 Tel: (905) 546-2424 Ext. 7817 Fax: (905) 546-2762 Email: dfilice@hamilton.ca

Harry Popiluk, FIHM Victoria Park Community Homes 155 Queen St. N., Hamilton, ON L8R 2V7 Tel: (905) 527-0221 Ext.215 Fax: (905) 527-3181 Email: hpopiluk@vpch.com

VICE-PRESIDENT Kevin O’Hara, AIHM, D.P.A. Communications Committee Region of Waterloo Waterloo Region Housing 235 King Street East, 6th Floor Kitchener, ON N2G 4N5 Tel: (519) 575-4800, ext. 1218 Fax: (519) 893-8447 Email: kevino@region.waterloo.on.ca



PAST-PRESIDENT: Greg Grange, FIHM Public Relations Officer Marketing Committee 91 Windsor Drive, Brockville, ON K6V 3H7 Email: greggrange@yahoo.com DIRECTORS: Lynn Alexander, AIHM Communications Chair Region of Durham Housing Services P.O. Box 623, Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Tel: (905) 666-6222 Fax: (905) 666-6225 Email: Lynn.Alexander@durham.ca

Lynn Morrovat, Administrator Josee Lefebvre, Administrative Assistant

Terry McErlean, FIHM Education Committee Social Housing Division, County of Simcoe 136 Bayfield Street, 4th Floor Barrie, ON L4M 3B1 Tel: (705) 725-7215 ext. 1846 Email: tmcerlean@simcoe.ca

Kathi Zarfas, AIHM, MPA Education Committee Chair Social Housing Services Corporation 390 Bay Street, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M5H 2Y2 Tel: (416) 594-9325 ext 215 Fax: (416) 594-9422 Email: kzarfas@shscorp.ca

Deborah Parker, AIHM Marketing Chair Girl Guides of Canada 50 Merton Street Toronto, ON M4S 1A3 Tel: (416) 487-5281, ext. 209 Fax: (416) 487-5570 Email: parkerd@girlguides.ca


Doug Rollins Education Committee City of Toronto, Office of the General Manager, Shelter, Support & Housing Administration Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 6th Floor Toronto, ON M5V 3L6 Tel: (416) 392-8638 Fax: (416) 392-0548 Email: drollin@toronto.ca

Sennan Vandenberg Candidate Rep - Membership Chair St. Lawrence Youth Association P.O. Box 23003 Amherstview RPO Kingston, ON K7N 1Y2 Tel: 613-384-4869, ext 110 Fax: 613-384-8873 Email:svandenberg@slya.ca Michelle Waye Membership Committee City of Toronto Shelter Support & Housing Administration 365 Bloor St. E., 15th Floor Toronto, ON M4W 3L4 Tel: 416-338-8209 Fax: 416-338-8228 Email: mwaye@toronto.ca

2175 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 310, Toronto, ON M2J 1W8 Tel: (416) 493-7382 / 1-866-212-4377 • Fax: (416) 491-1670 • Email: ihm@taylorenterprises.com

IHM News • Summer 2009

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