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CALL 911

December 2008

misprints definitely NOT




Shareholder Meeting Marred by Protesters (Page 7) New Spokesrodents forprobably MISPRINTS Like, it’ll be about the(See same page 10) - Vendela -


“You know, I think, really, um, this is sort of a unique moment, both in our, you know, in our country’s history and in, you know, my own life, and, um, you know, we are facing, you know, unbelievable challenges.” U.S. Senate wannabe Caroline Kennedy, answering a reporter’s question on the role that she felt MISPRINTS could play in strengthening the bond between Canada and her own country. And now Ms. Kennedy will be joining MISPRINTS as, you know, an EXCRETA TAURUS CEREBRUM VINCIT


Assistant Editor! (See her letter, you know, on page 7.) And that’s just one of a whole string of goodies in this, our 20th Anniversary Issue!


• Margaret Atwood returns as our Letters to the Editor Editor, with some



provocative submissions. • Dr. Rapani pulls no punches with his review of a new research textbook (see opposite).

The Front Cover


Vox Editorium


Book Reviews


• We eliminate another rival with the demise of Frank.



• On the business front, we announce the signing of two Canadian icons

• A long-awaited update on the whereabouts of Dick Cheney, the prime suspect in the murder of PMRS.

as the stars of our new ad campaign. Party! Party!


• Along with another Blue Chip advertiser for our back cover! Vox Populi


(The little bit of static from a few of our disgruntled shareholders will be The Cheney Case


Hank and Jordan


The Asterisk Interviews


Odds ‘n’ Sods


Another Blue Chip Ad



• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

dealt with at our 20th Anniversary Celebration this Fall.) Twenty years! Who would have believed it? They all laughed when I said I was going to start a humorous research newsletter. Well they’re not laughing now! The Editor

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The (Other) Qual Col

Today’s featured books Random Sample: A Trilogy By Andrew Greenwood 1) The Improbable .38 - 2006 2) An Uncertain Suicide - 2007 3) Something Else in Common - 2008 website: andrewgreenwoodmystery.com To order: 1-866-308-6235 or orders@booksurge.com

Our Book Review Editor, Dr. Chuckchuck Rapani, reports on a work of interest to the marketing research community (almost) every month.

I was pleased to be invited to review this three-part marketing research textbook. It was my understanding that it was intended as an introductory text for an undergraduate course in Marketing Research. I’m very sorry to say, however, that Professor Greenwood’s work fails almost completely in meeting these objectives. Let me cite just a few of the major omissions I noted: 1. No formal definition of Marketing Research offered. 2. A complete absence of statistical formulae. 3. No Index. 4. No Bibliography. 5. No charts or graphs at all! In sum, I cannot recommend Greenwood’s trilogy for use in any North American University. It’s almost as if, rather than a textbook, the author set out to write a series of entertaining mystery novels in a marketing research setting!?! If you’re looking for a good solid Marketing Research textbook, I would still recommend Rapani and Deal. See you next month!

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December 2008 • M I S P R I N T S

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When a thing’s not worth doing at all, it’sPARTY! still worth doing well.” THE EDITOR

A “Who Was Who” of Canadian Marketing Research assembled at Toronto’s Chick ‘ n’ Deli on June 8, 2008 to celebrate MISPRINTS Editor Chris Commins’ unverified claim that he “had been working full-time in Marketing Research for 50 years”. (Evidence supporting and denying that assertion is still being assessed.) Here are a few of the publishable photos from the rowdy event.

The Editor with two unidentified groupies

/2 of the warded 2 1 gs a s a w s in Comm b” mu 0 Year Clu coveted “2

d in a k resulte r of ic t s y r o em we A new m pgrade in the po u t y r n r significa ditor’s Brownbe E the 4

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

A wonderful historic artifact - the original “Burak Shorts”!

A gift of a n ew compute r was greatly appre ciated by yo ur Editor

The closing consensus: “Somebody should organize a party like this every year!” (See opposite page) v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a


The (Other) Qual Col

YOU? Yes, you, dear reader, are invited to attend the MISPRINTS 20th Anniversary

SPRING FLING to be held this September at The Balmy Beach Club.

Celebrating the formation of the Provisional Marketing Research Society and the launch of MISPRINTS on May 15, 1989.

The evening will feature... • A Retro Wallyball tournament • Autograph session with the Executive for Life • Round Robin Ping Pong • Live band • Dead researchers • Special report to MISPRINTS shareholders Be sure to circle the date in your Brownberrys (once we know what the date will be).


FOR LIFE Still youthful after all these years v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

December 2008 • M I S P R I N T S

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When a thing’s not worth doing at all, VOX it’s still worth doing well.” THE EDITOR POPULI

A note to our readers You’ll find fewer letters to the editor this month than you’ve been used to seeing in the past. In my opinion, some of the correspondence in previous issues of MISPRINTS may not actually have been written by the purported authors. As a result, we’ve installed heightened screening procedures, and have instituted a system of double verification before publishing. You can be certain that all of the following letters were written by the readers whose names are shown.

Margaret Atwood Editor, Letters to the Editor

To Whom It May Concern Well, to start with, I doubt very much that the above was actually written by Margaret Atwood. The style is much more reminiscent of Alice Munro. Dr. Ma’illene Allen It’s hard to fool a PhD in Ancient Scottish Literature! That’s all we’re going to say.

To the Provo Executive Strongly in favour of the ban on page numbers in Qualitative reports (December 2006). Extending the concept, I’ve recommended that this year’s Wallyball tournament be switched to Quallyball – a generally – similar game, but one in which scoring is prohibited. The Gaddfly

To All Who Love Football More Than MISPRINTS We are somewhat sad to see that you appear set to relinquish your MISPRINTS responsibilities, especially after we read of your ten-year (??) appointment by the Provisional Board of Directors. According to a report from England, Toronto FC is set to sign Chris Cummins as a coach. Cummins left his post as a Director of The Provisional Marketing Research Society. The Globe and Mail April 1, 2008 On the other hand, Patrick and I are absolutely delighted with your new position, even if they couldn’t spell your name correctly. (Mind you, when I was offered a job by Market Facts the letter was addressed to Miss L. Jones, and this was after they had met me!! I did have long hair in those days, I suppose.) However, we knew that your latent enthusiasm for soccer couldn’t be restrained forever. Welcome to the Club! Les & Patrick Supporter for Life, ex-Supporter for Life The Newcastle Branch of the Toronto F.C. Supporters Club. P.s. Loved the piece confirming the ban on page numbers in Qualitative Research. The ban should be extended to poker and roulette, two numeric games that are bad for your financial health. Soccer is excluded as most games end 0-0 anyway. Thanks! I made sure there was a clause in my contract that specified I never had to watch any of the games. But don’t worry...with a little help I should be able to handle both jobs.

The trophy would go to the team that’s the most insightful.

To Our “Multilingual” Editor I really like the new Latin header for MISPRINTS – “Excreta Taurus Cerebrum Vincit”. Am I correct that it would translate into something like “A Bull market is coming. Time for smart investments”? Even Stephen Levy That’s impressive! Were you an altar boy? Or by any chance is this phrase the Levy family motto? I never cease to be amazed by the breadth – and the depth! – of your knowledge.


• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

To the Obituary Editor I’ve just read that I am dead, (page 11). Don’t forget to renew my subscription. (The Late) Paul Burak A clever parody from our Research Icon! After reading his own obituary in a popular publication, Rudyard Kipling wrote to the Editors ---I’ve just read that I am dead. Don’t forget to delete me from your list of subscribers.

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To, You Know, The Editor A friend, you know, gave me a few issues of, you know, MISPRINTS? I really like, liked, you know, the publication? I was wondering, you know, if you maybe, you know, needed an Assistant, you know, Editor? I was, you know, going to become, you know, a U.S. Senator, you know, but it actually sounded, you know, really boring? So let me know, you know?

The (Other) Qual Col

To the Irritating MISPRINTS Staff “Someone” keeps sending me anonymous letters, all having to do with insulting material regarding vertically-challenged individuals. Such as ... Belittling Kuwaiti envoy draws complaint Reuters News Agency UNITED NATIONS - Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations took time out from calling for a Persian Gulf war ceasefire in the Securtiy Council to answer a complaint that he had used the word “pygmy” in a derogatory manner.

Caroline Kennedy We do know! You’re hired! I can use an Assistant now that I’m going to get involved with this Soccer thing.

To the Financial Editor As a major MISPRINTS stockholder, I’m sure I’m not alone in seeking reassurance on the strength of my investment in these troubled economic times. I was one of dozens of readers who took advantage of the opportunity to purchase 10% of your newsletter back in 1992, thanks to a powerful advertising campaign. (“MISPRINTS? I own 10% of that publication!” Issue #10, Winter 1992.) When I recently asked my financial adviser, Dr. Rapani, for his view, he replied “MISPRINTS? Everyone knows that was a giant Fonzey scheme.” (At least I think that’s what he said. I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, but it didn’t sound all that great.) Now that I’m retired, I really need my investment income to support me. Can you give me and numerous other investors some assurance on the security of our stock?? You gave pretty short shrift to the complaints at the last AGM. The Greene Giant Midland, Ontario Asked and answered! And I gave plenty of shrift to the issue at the meeting. Your money will be fine. Stop bugging me!

Abdoul-Amir Anbari said the correct translation of the Arabic word he had used to belittle Kuwait’s representative was “dwarf ”. At an earlier meeting, Mr. Anbari had scorned Kuwaiti envoy Mohammed Abulhassan as “the pygmy who sits to my right,” according to a UN translation. A transcript released yesterday indicated Zaire’s ambassador, Bagbeni Nzengeya, took exception and said his country’s population included about 400,000 pygmies who enjoyed full rights. Mr. Anbari, blaming what he called an inaccurate translation, replied: “I spoke in Arabic and I used the word qizim, which is the equivalent of the English word dwarf. So I assure my friend from Zaire that we have full respect for the human dignity of pygmies and other human beings, whether in or outside of Zaire.” Please cease and/or desist, unless you want to find yourself facing a Human Rights tribunal. Dr. E. K. Vollebregt Queen’s University A little short-tempered, are we? But always good to hear from our Queen of Denial. Will you be playing shortstop again for the Queens softball team this Summer?

To the Forgetful Editor

A Word of Warning...

I was disappointed that you failed to draw attention to the fact that MISPRINTS history was made with your issue Number XXXII.

It seemed to me that your article on Measurement Park was somewhat lacking in respect (MISPRINTS Vol. IV, Number XXXII).

A careful analysis of the newsletter’s database reveals that this was the very first Chuckfree issue that you’ve ever published!

Are you aware that this magnificent new attraction was funded by a prominent Toronto ITALIAN family? Need I say more?

Chuckchuck Rapani Former PhD The Editorial staff was aware of this milestone, but we felt we were caught in a tautological trap. Had we announced that it was indeed a “Chuckfree issue”, that no longer would have been the case! (See this month’s cover for a partial solution.) v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

Paolo Acerbi Larciano, Italia No disrespect intended, Godnephew! Measurement Park will be playing an important role in the upcoming 2010 Conference. (See page 11.) December 2008 • M I S P R I N T S

• 7

When a thing’s not worth THE doingCHENEY at all, it’s CASE still worth doing well.” THE EDITOR - AN UPDATE

As reported in issue #32 of MISPRINTS, U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney was smuggled back to Washington by F.B.I. agents after being charged with the murder of PMRS by Toronto Police.

Since then, Cheney has disappeared, with no explanation. The following report, from the reputable American political journal, The Onion, may shed some light on his activities (although he makes no reference to the murder in Canada).

Latest Cheney Tape May Contain Evidence Of His Whereabouts

feared man in America.

The tape, which is 18 minutes in length, contains grainy footage of what appears to be the vice president standing in front of a featureless brown background. Despite a history of heart problems, Cheney seems to be in good health, though he does appear agitated. Analysts said his hair is grayer than in previous tapes, and his hairline has receded by a half inch. He appears to be wearing the exact same suit he wore in his most recent video in 2004.

“We have analyzed the tape, and the voice on it matches up with earlier recordings of the vice president,” said CIA spokesman George Little, who June 11, 2008 | ISSUE 44•24 claimed the tape may contain valuable clues regarding the location of the elusive Cheney, who was last sighted in WASHINGTON—Reports surfaced late 2005 along the border of MaryTuesday that the New York–based Fox land and Virginia. News Channel has obtained a tape “Though more specific details on his which purportedly features another whereabouts have yet to emerge, we cryptic video message from U.S. vice do know two things,” Little added. president and known extremist Dick “Dick Cheney is still alive, and he is Though Cheney makes no specific Cheney, widely regarded as the most out there somewhere.” threats in the tape, he does issue vague 8

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

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Cheney calls on Americans around the world to join the fight in Iraq.

The (Other) Qual Col

Federal law enforcement agencies track Cheney's movements by satellite.

warnings that the United States will Obama by name, indicating that the tape was made recently and dispelling soon face a large-scale attack. the rumor that Cheney died of a heart “The possibility of a nuclear attack is attack four years ago. very real,” Cheney says in his speech, which he addresses to the “people of “We are closer than ever to finding the America.” “It could happen tomor- U.S. No. 2,” FBI spokesman David row, it could happen a week from Hart said. “Taking into account his now, it could happen next year. It is last known whereabouts and the fact that his health condition makes it difnot a matter of if, but when.” ficult for him to travel, we can say Cheney warns that, no matter what with a high degree of certainty that security measures the United States the vice president is still somewhere takes, the terrorists will remain deter- within our borders.” mined to bring death and destruction “God help us all,” he added. to American soil. He goes on to insist that he will never give in, claiming A number of experts suggest that Chthat the country should be prepared eney has taken refuge in a D.C. war room, while some claim he is hiding for “decades of war.” out in an underground bunker be“Praise be to God,” adds Cheney, con- neath NORAD headquarters. Others cluding his message. speculate that Cheney crossed into Cheney reportedly makes reference to Virginia two years ago and has been President Bush and the Iraq War, al- roaming the remote foothills of the ludes to the 9/11 attacks 27 times, and Appalachian backwoods.

“This is our top priority,” Bush said. “Before I make any further decisions regarding the situation in Iraq, the economy, or anything else, it is absolutely imperative that I find Dick Cheney.” Some conspiracy theorists, however, have begun to question the tape's authenticity. “That video's a fake,” said Bethesda, MD citizen Blake Bresler. “This Cheney looks fatter, and his lip snarl is on the wrong side. Also, if you look closely, those aren't Cheney's real glasses.” Whether or not the tape is legitimate, a growing number of citizens say the fact that Cheney is still on the loose can be traced back to failures by the Clinton White House.

“The only reason that this madman is still out there is because the previous warns eerily about Americans “making In a press conference yesterday, Presi- administration messed up,” said Richthe wrong choice” in November. He dent Bush told reporters that he is pre- mond, VA resident Curt Meredith. also mentions current presidential pared to do anything in his power to “Bill Clinton should have killed him when he had the chance.” candidates John McCain and Barack hunt down the vice president. v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

December 2008 • M I S P R I N T S

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When a thing’s not worth at all, it’s doing W E Ldoing COM E H A still N K worth AND J Owell.” R D ATHE N * EDITOR



ISPRINTS Publisher Uncle Hugh Thom announced that the newsletter has signed a long-term six-figure contract with two of Canada’s bestknown rodents. “Hank” and “Jordan” will be involved in all aspects of the marketing plan for the popular research journal, now that their contract with Bell Canada has come to an end.

Jordan groups that we conducted confirmed that the characteristics that the public associated with the lovable beavers were an exact parallel with those of our target subscriber.” The exact reasons for the split from Bell have never been confirmed, “but that’s all water under the dam now” said Hank, after consulting with their legal representatives. “We’re delighted to be part of the MISPRINTS team.”

“Both Hank and Jordan have been MISPRINTS readers for many *(If the names “Hank” and “Jordan” years” Thom told reporters, “so it sound just a little unfamiliar to you, seemed to be a natural fit, in our blame it on the ongoing legal action.) opinion. Moreover, some focus 1 0

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

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hat “other” newsletter has been running a number of really boring interviews recently with self-proclaimed “Research Icons”, the majority of whom appear to be alive.

The (Other) Qual Col

The Happy Medium

Our idea is far superior. Thanks to our very own Princess Starshine, we plan to present a series of interviews with true Reseach Icons, all of whom have earned an asterisk by going to that Big Group Interview in the sky.

“I see dead people” PB: No problem! Actually, I’ve just been invited by Steve Levy to join the Committee that’s planning the major Research Conference for 2010.

MW: Count me in! I’ve kind of got a spouse. Now, one of the questions I’m supposed to ask each Icon is how you got started in Marketing Research.

MW: Great! What will your area of PB: Well, that’s an interesting story. responsibility be? It all began many years ago when I PB: I’ve been asked to organize the saved a young lad named Frank Spousal Program for the Confer- Jacobson from drowning. ence. After that... MW: That’s a wonderful idea! What sort of activities are you plan- For the balance of this fascinating interview, please visit our website. ning? Alternatively, you could organize your own séance. You can contact Paul at paul.burak@thegreatbeyond.ca

The first in the series features the Eminence Grease of Burak Jacobson, the late Paul Burak himself. The séance was conducted in early December 2008.

Next Month

MW: Welcome, Paul. I’m glad we were able to make contact. PB: I’m at your disposal. MW: Well, first of all, what’s been happening in your life lately? Oops! I’m so sorry! Perhaps that was an insensitive way to frame the question. v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

PB: One of the key attractions for the spouses will be a visit to Measurement Park. We’ll be running bus tours to the Park each day.

Guess who kicked the bucket?

December 2008 • M I S P R I N T S

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When a thing’s not worth doing at all, it’s O still worth doing well.” THE EDITOR DD S


Another Fashion Statement Our Editor, snapped at a recent Toronto Police Christmas Party. “It does represent a deliberate attempt to start a new trend”, Commins admitted to reporters. “The style is both attractive and practical. With the boxers, my regular underwear and the Depends, veteran researchers such as myself can feel really secure”

The aging rebels continue to train in the rugged mountains north of the MRIA Compound, under banners proclaiming “We Need A P!” Their leaders have proferred an olive pit to the Establishment, proposing a merged organization that would be known as PMR(ia)S - The Professional Marketing Research Institute And Society (Pee-Mur-Eye-Us, phonetically). At this point negotiations are stalled over the issue of lower case versus upper case for the fourth and fifth letters. Without an agreement, the insurgents have promised that the struggle will continue.

There’ll Always be an England Many of our readers have told us that they fell victim to one or more of those financial scams originating in Nigeria, or somewhere like that. At last there appears to be a very lucrative opportunity that looks genuine - from the Bank of England, no less! Contact the MISPRINTS Comptroller’s office if you’d like more information on this attractive investment. We’re sure going to send them every pound that we can scrape up! (And isn’t it just like the understated Brits to refer to an exciting opportunity like this as “dull”!?) 1 2

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

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The (Other) Qual Col

Personal Power Source The ultimate environmentally-friendly solution! The Provisional Marketing Research Society has partnered with The Canadian Wind Energy Association to develop an exciting new product.

Taking it to the Street

100% of your daily electrical energy requirements can be met with a short stroll around the block. Available at all registered MISPRINTS dealers.

ARRIVEDERCI FRANK No, not the Beaver, he’s only sort of gone. It’s our rival magazine that rates the obituary. As reported in The Globe And Mail....

Frank Bites The Dust Again

Mike Gadd has come up with yet another innovative research development! He has recently opened Gadabout, a store-front marketing research outlet on Queen Street East. “I believe the Industry has ignored the potential for walk-in marketing research business, and that’s the niche that we’ll be targeting. We’re going to be offering all kinds of daily specials - ‘in by 10, out by 5’, ‘200 interviews for 200 bucks’, ‘what’s everyone else having for dinner tonight?’ - that kind of thing.” Drop in to 1300 Queen Street East next time you need a quick and dirty. v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

After nearly two decades in print (note that key word, “nearly” - Ed.) satirical gossip magazine Frank is the latest casualty of the struggling magazine industry, alerting subscribers yesterday that it will stop publishing immediately, in print and online. The magazine was looking forward to its 20th anniversary – but hopes of reaching that milestone were dashed. Well, it was inevitable. Both MISPRINTS and FRANK were launched on May 15, 1989, and from Day One pundits predicted that only one would survive. So that’s two competitors that we’ve eliminated – first IPMRINTS and now FRANK! Be afraid, VUE - Be very afraid.

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When a thing’s not worth doing atOall, it’s DD S still ‘ Nworth ’ S Odoing D S well.” THE EDITOR

ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” As almost everyone knows, that’s Murphy’s Law, and it will be 60 years old in 2009. The Law is named after Major Edward A. Murphy Jr., a test engineer for the McDonnell Douglas aerospace manufacturer during a series of G-force experiments carried out in 1949 by the U.S. Air Force to assess the tolerance of the human body to acceleration and deceleration. Needless to say, the complicated experiments often went wrong, and the expression was first used publicly by Major John Paul Stapp (the subject of the experiments) at a press conference. MISPRINTS is proud to have won a Murphy’s Law Award sixteen times over the course of our twenty-year history.

Larger Focus Groups? For every trend there’s a counter trend. In recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the size of the typical focus group - from ten or twelve down to six or seven. But according to a recent report in The Globe and Mail, at least one research firm is moving aggressively in the other direction. The survey questioned 700 students in four focus groups from around the country and, although not ruthlessly scientific, it seems to have made an effort to represent region, class, gender and race as well as it could.

Educational Update Following complaints that the Provisional Educational Program seemed, perhaps, to have “stalled” lately, we’re pleased to announce that your Society has struck a deal with the world-renowned Stitching Studio to offer a series of courses covering all aspects of how to create material that will be accepted for publication in parody research newsletters. As the founder, Dr. William Higgins, stresses in his email (see below) the Studio works ONLY with NONACCREDITED Universities. “It’s better that way” Higgins explained to Dr. C. Rapani, who will manage the program for the Provos.

Details for registration available on our Website. 1 4

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

When a thing’s not worth doing atSall, it’s OD S still ‘ N worth ’ O Ddoing D S well.” THE EDITOR


GONE WRONG The headlines in the Toronto Sun for Thursday, January 8, 2009, read

Lottery Peace Reached OLG Pays Because of “Miscommunication” Pubilsher Hugh Thom confirmed that our newsletter was involved with the controversial Fruit Smash lottery tickets, a number of which contained (deliberate) misprints (or MISPRINTS, if you will). “The idea we pitched to the OLG was that non-winning tickets would offer free subscriptions to MISPRINTS to the losing purchasers”, Thom told reporters. “Somehow or other things got fouled up at the printers, and a number of buyers believed that they had won substantial monetary prizes along with their gift subscriptions. We settled with the claimants, and I think everything is straightened out now.” Thom stated that there were no plans “at this time” to repeat the Lottery Misprints promotion, despite the publicity that the scheme provided for the newsletter.


ANNOUNCED The Provisional Marketing Research Society is delighted to announce the creation of the Dr. Chuckchuck Rapani Award to be given to the author of the best paper published in MISPRINTS each year. (In many respects, the honour is a parallel to the Chris Commins Award, presented each year for the best paper in the CJMR.) Coincidentally, the winner of the 2009 Rapani Award is Chuckchuck himself, for his paper on “Sample Surveys on Indian Reservations” (to be published in a future issue of MISPRINTS, on his return from India). The Award consists of a trophy, a free lifetime subscription to MISPRINTS, and a cheque for $10,000.

READER SURVEY UPDATE As you may (or may not!) know, MISPRINTS had initiated a Reader Survey to measure Subscriber Satisfaction with the newsletter. Virginia O’Really had volunteered to co-ordinate the project, and we were counting on her usual workpersonlike performance. She provided the following update... “Unfortunately, the response rate to our online survey has been extremely low - less than 5%”. “On hindsight, perhaps the decision to make the standard ‘Must Not Work in Marketing Research’ exclusion part of the screener might have been a mistake. I’m preparing a draft report on the findings, although the base - just seven readers - will be a little smaller than we might have hoped. ‘Live and Learn’, I always say.” “I can share one nugget with you - 71.43% of those subscribers who did reply feel that ‘There’s too much about marketing research’ in the newsletter.” So that was the problem! Say – you don’t suppose the screener for the Quallyball tournament had the same exclusion? That could account for the fact that the event had to be cancelled. v i s i t u s a t : w w w. m i s p r i n t s . c a

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Announcing the latest in a series of fine products from Our beautiful embossed chips are NOT SOLD IN STORES! And these distinctive blue chips are recognized and banned in major casinos around the World! Visit our website to order your supply of the official MISPRINTS Blue Chips.

1 6

• M I S P R I N T S • December 2008

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