The Pennington McKernan Gymnasium was host to an especially enthusiastic pep rally on Friday, September 16. Students from kindergarten through 12th grade joined school and community leaders and ULS faculty, alumni, donors, and friends for a surprise celebration: the announcement that ULS was again named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education.
This year, ULS is among only 297 public schools nationwide to receive the honor. In seamless alignment with ULS’s commitment to being a model demonstration school, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program was created 40 years ago to raise awareness of the best schools in the country and to be part of facilitating the sharing of best practices among American schools.
Our recognition through this highly esteemed program is just the latest example of how ULS and our outstanding students, faculty, staff, and community live our school motto of total effort in every endeavor.
Way to go, Cubs!
Mary P. Woods
Director of Communications, CHSE Cory Leonard Graphic Design and Digital Manager, CHSE
Megan Bourgeois, Aaron Hogan and Eye Wander Photography, Aimée
Mila Sexton, Sara Exner Whittaker ‘00, Mary P. Woods
Robin Toups, Chair
Tracy Rutledge ‘95, Vice Chair
Andi Kirkpatrick, Treasurer
Scotty Chabert, Secretary
Andy Blumberg ‘98, Immediate Past Chair
Chip Bankston, MD, ‘95
Emily Olinde Boudreaux, PhD, ‘99 Sean Cangelosi Marston Fowler ‘95
Stuart Gilly ‘98 Katie Goodson
Elizabeth Bollinger Kogos, MD ’00
Elecia Lathon, Ph.D. Mike Lloyd Rhonda Loy
Rolfe McCollister ‘73 Jeff Morton ‘96 Erin Monroe Wesley Brandy Williams
Kevin R. George Director
Laura Heroman Cub Club Chair
Christa Leon Elementary Principal Andy Martin Associate Athletic Director
Frank Rusciano Secondary Principal
Mila T. Sexton, CFRE Senior Director of Development
Mila T. Sexton, CFRE
Senior Director of Development
Megan Bourgeois
Associate Director of Community Engagement
Aimée Lemann
Associate Director of Annual Giving
Mila T. Sexton, Senior Director of Development; ulsfoundation@lsu.edu
lsufoundation.org/CubRoar /UniversityLaboratorySchoolFoundation.org
Dear Cubs,
We are in an unbelievable time of achievement and recognition at the University Laboratory School. When the motto “Total Effort in Every Endeavor” was created, the vision was set to ensure everything we attempted was given a U-High try. When we try anything at U-High, we accomplish it. Let’s start with being recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School. This recognition is the National Championship of education as only seven other schools in Louisiana received this designation and 297 in the United States. This honor places us in the top 10 percent of schools in the nation. Current students and alumni understand U-High is a school with high standards for educational attainment for each and every one of our students. We believe in them, and you believe in us; we take your trust and belief seriously.
Even with all our success, we cannot rest on our laurels. We must have a process of continuous growth which charts a path to greater heights. We are not interested in maintaining the success we have had, rather, we want to grow and reach even higher. This is accomplished by intentionally listing goals and creating strategy to accomplish those goals. An example of this is our work on the STEAM Building. Administration met with a team of U-High STEAM instructors and formulated a program which ultimately transformed into a building proposal which was voted on by the Board of Supervisors as a priority project for the entire LSU System. When we develop an idea, our strategy consists of aims, package, collaboration, logic model/ evaluation and a vision. Because our thinking was tight with the STEAM Building, we were able to get others to buy into the vision. It is collaborative efforts such as this which will propel our school in the future, and there is much more to come.
Vision 2025 is just the beginning, and we are seeing goals materialize in quick order. I believe in long range plans, but immediate impact and results fuel the engine of positive change. As the Director of the University Laboratory School, I will demand our efforts match and exceed your expectations. I would not have it any other way!
Kevin R. George Director University Laboratory SchoolCub Family, I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying special time together during this season of joy and celebration. It has been a truly memorable fall for ULS, with milestones again earning recognition as a National Blue Ribbon School and hosting our most successful annual appeal phonathon ever. And as this issue of Cub Roar heads to press, we are preparing to welcome hundreds of grandparents to our campus for Grandparents Day – always a standout, memory-building moment for our students and their special guests.
With spring around the corner, I have no doubt that our Cubs will again show up for our students and faculty in a big way for our sixth Giving Day (save the date for March 29!), second annual Golden Gala (April 28), and longstanding Gerald Furr Memorial Golf Classic (March 14) – not to mention the many other traditional celebrations and activities that have long been a valued part of our school culture. We remain grateful and in awe of the many volunteers who give so richly of their time to bring these experiences to life.
Throughout each busy academic year, we are reminded of Cubs’ commitment to excellence, generous spirit, and unmatched investment in each other. On behalf of our ULS Foundation Board, we are proud and honored to partner with you and your families as, together, we provide the support and resources that make ULS one of the very best schools in the country.
I hope you enjoy the articles and photos in this issue, which showcase many of the opportunities you make possible for ULS year-round.
With warm wishes for a happy holiday season and new year – Go Cubs!
Senior Director of Development University Laboratory School FoundationPictured Left to Right: ULSF Board Chair, Robin Toups; Jeff Morton ‘96; Dr. Elecia Lathon; Martson Fowler ‘95; Laura Heroman, and Dr. Elizabeth Bollinger Kogos ‘00.
Foundation Board Chair, Robin Toups, welcomes new board members Elecia Lathon, Laura Heroman, Elizabeth Bollinger Kogos ’00, Jeff Morton ’96 and Marston Fowler ’95.
Dr. Elecia Lathon is a University Laboratory School parent and an annual appeal volunteer. Elecia and her husband, Derrek, have one child attending ULS: Elise, 12th grade and a child, Derrek Jr. a 2020 ULS alumnus. Elecia is an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice at the College of Human Sciences & Education, LSU.
Laura Heroman is a University Laboratory School parent, Cub Club Chair and annual appeal volunteer. Laura and her husband, Curtis (a 2001 ULS graduate), have two children attending ULS: Charles, third grade and Samantha, sixth grade. Laura is an Associate Teacher at ULS.
Thank you to Aaron Hogan and the Eye Wander team for the use of their photos. To view photos and/or purchase from Eye Wander visit:
Dr. Elizabeth Bollinger Kogos is a 2000 University Laboratory School alumnus, a parent and an annual appeal volunteer. Elizabeth and her husband, Steve, have three children attending ULS: Stephen, fifth grade; Thomas third grade and Louis, Kindergarten. Elizabeth is a Gastroenterologist at Our Lady of the Lake.
Jeff Morton is a 1996 University Laboratory School alumnus, a parent and an annual appeal volunteer. Jeff and his wife, Jane, have two children attending ULS: Lila, fifth grade and William third grade. Jeff is the owner of DMM Motorsports.
Marston Fowler is a 1995 University Laboratory School alumnus, a parent and an annual appeal volunteer. Marston and his wife, Jen, have two children attending ULS: Henry sixth grade and Will third grade. Marston is the Chief Operating Officer of Bonton Associates.
On the cusp of sixth grade, Brad Bella looked forward to his first dance, spending time with friends, and playing his favorite sport, baseball. Tragically, Brad passed away from complications of undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes while on a family vacation that summer.
Twenty-one years later, Brad’s zest for life and love of ULS live on through the Brad Bella Memorial Achievement Award, which has now been given to 21 college-bound graduating seniors who played baseball at ULS. Thanks to the generosity of family and friends, the scholarship provides $1,000 annually and will forever.
Mom Grace, dad V. J., and fellow Cub siblings Megan (’04) and Beau (’16) deeply value the way that Brad’s scholarship has kept his legacy vibrant. Grace recalled how the scholarship came to be, sharing, “He was only 11. He was a child; he hadn’t lived his full life. He loved his school, his teachers. That meant everything to him. We just knew we wanted that connection with him at the Lab School.”
For the Bella family, the opportunity to see Brad’s life celebrated each year through the award has been invaluable. Grace shared, “When you lose a child, your worst fear is that they’ll be forgotten. He didn’t get married; he didn’t have a family. What an amazing way to know he’ll always be remembered.”
Brad was known for his big heart, ensuring that all kids felt included, and being a jokester. Grace laughed remembering conversations with teachers, who would often share that Brad was very bright but seemed destined for success simply because of his acumen for building relationships. She loves seeing these qualities reflected in the recipients honored with his award. “They are picking that kind of kid that we wanted to exemplify what Brad was about.”
Neither Grace nor V. J. attended ULS, but it was their top choice for their children because of the school’s stellar reputation. Once part of the Cub community, they realized just how deeply the familylike connections run. Grace said, “The love there … They get a lot of close connections to the older kids. It’s like a family; it’s so tight.”
Though Megan and Beau have graduated, the Bellas still feel connected through their lifelong friendships formed at ULS and their involvement as donors. Grace shared, “My kids are now donating as alums. You want to continue to see the school thrive and grow, and that’s the only way it can.”
She encourages current Cub parents to seize the opportunity to deepen their engagement with the school. “There are so many opportunities there, and there are so many great experiences for you and your family. You get such a strong bond with the parents. You’re missing out if you don’t get involved. You can be part of that experience with your child. They’re making lifelong friends; you’re making lifelong friends. See firsthand what they’re experiencing – the amazing classrooms, the amazing resources. You’re going to have that pride, too, that they have in their school.”
After starting their Cub journey several years ago, Ashley and Garrett Walvoord relocated their family to Dallas for a couple of years before returning home to Baton Rouge and the ULS community. In doing so, they were inspired to make a lasting investment that would honor their appreciation for ULS’s stellar educational experience.
Ashley remembered, “Everyone encouraged us to focus on what touched our hearts. At the end of the day, the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion make up an important part of our family’s core values, and the opportunity to spread the experience of a ULS education was too powerful to pass up. Our employer 1:1 match helps us make an impact faster, and we find it all the more inspiring and motivating to give.”
Driven by these reflections on what meant most to their family, and with the appeal of maximizing their impact through Verizon’s matching gift program, the Walvoords established a fund that will provide tuition assistance year after year. As an endowment, their gift will make a ULS education accessible to generations of families who might not otherwise be able to afford tuition.
In Dallas, the family chose their neighborhood based on the many options for quality schools, but they missed the pace of the ULS classrooms, foreign languages, music and dramatic arts, and many other aspects that make ULS one of the
top-ranked schools in the nation. “Our experience with school during that time was great, but it was so apparent that ULS had set our standards very high,” Ashley shared.
“We chose ULS out of an interest in giving our children the resources and opportunities to reach their potential. Whether they ‘find themselves’ in advanced academics, in music and theatre, in sports, or other, they have a chance to develop and grow from a solid academic foundation.”
Now back home, the Walvoords have been actively engaged in their Cubs’ (De Lis, Class of ’28; Kruse, Class of ’31; and Karola, Class of ‘35) school experiences. A family vote about their favorite ULS memory so far drew a tie among favorite teachers and staff, the arts (specifically Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sister Act, and District Honor Choir), and the competitive opportunities (Young Writers, Noetic Math, Director’s List, and Jump Rope for Heart). The bottom line, they say, is that “ULS brings us moments that matter all the time.”
}Everyone encouraged us to focus on what touched our hearts. At the end of the day, the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion make up an important part of our family’s core values, and the opportunity to spread the experience of a ULS education was too powerful to pass up.~
As part of broadening their engagement within and on behalf of the Cub community, the Walvoords are also donors and volunteers for the U Fund and Giving Day. Ashley explained, “It is a humbling and energizing experience to participate in these spaces. It’s even more interesting to teach the kids what giving really enables and how it impacts various outcomes. In our household, we talk about expenses as a balancing act and as a reflection of what is important to us. Giving isn’t reserved for large donations. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and participation is what matters.”
The ULS Foundation Board of Directors had an exciting session of fall meetings, approving more than $335,000 in funding. Take a look at what is coming soon, thanks to your gifts to the U Fund!
In 1988, Margaret Fowler Milam was a new Cub starting seventh grade. She quickly forged friendships that have spanned three decades and counting – the kind of lasting connections that she now sees forming daily as a teacher.
I came back to U-High in 2018 because of the incredible music program I grew up in. At the time, Penny Hallman was our choir teacher, and she was a passionate teacher with high expectations. We regularly performed masterworks of Mozart, Vivaldi, Handel, and Bach. Running into families or meeting new parents whose kids have come to love music tells me I am doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Getting a chance to see them grow up (including getting to go to school with my nephews!) … I just feel so fortunate.
When I see the moment that a student gets it.
I am not satisfied until I see the light bulbs of understanding go off. Some musical concepts are complicated, and they have to be explained multiple ways; I won’t stop until I feel they understand. I spent many years performing and cannot find anything as rewarding as seeing a student make progress and be able to do what you’ve taught them to do.
I’ve done research on how music impacts academics, and it is vital. There is a 46% increase in spatial reasoning in students who study music for 8 months or longer. Mathematics and science draw heavily upon spatial reasoning. Through
My favorite songwriter is John Prine because his writing is perfect, and my passion is songwriting. I sang on a Grammy-nominated album and had a song recorded by Bonnie Raitt. My favorite singer is Sarah Vaughan because I love jazz and her intonation is impeccable. I can eat Lebanese food every day and
I regularly walk across the campus and am struck by how fortunate I am to be at this school, my school, with so many smart, excited, and devoted students. Some of them are parents I know or babysat when I was growing up (shout out to the Meiners, Langlois, and Bankston families from the best babysitter in the world!). Getting to see them and the parents I knew, now attending events as grandparents, just demonstrates how long-lasting these friendships are. I love seeing new families come into our school and make connections. Expanding this network is crucial!
On Tuesday, Sept. 6, LSU President William F. Tate IV and Southern University President-Chancellor Dennis J. Shields were joined by Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome for the signing of the LSU-SU A&M Agenda. With LSU and Southern meeting for the first-ever football game between the two schools, university leaders created the A&M Agenda to demonstrate a commitment over the next five years to expand the positive and collective impact of the two institutions, in partnership, for students, Greater Baton Rouge, the State of Louisiana, and the Delta and Gulf Coast regions.
The week-long celebration included many events, and our school participated in two. Champions of Education: Perspective from
Classroom Teachers, a panel discussion hosted by the LSU College of Human Sciences & Education, SU School of Education, and Louisiana Public Broadcasting featured our own Candence Robillard, PhD, IB and AP Program Coordinator as a panelist, ULS parent Cade Brumley, PhD, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education as a panelist, ULS parent Elecia Lathon, LSU Assistant Professor as panelist, and former ULS parent Kim Hunter Reed, PhD, Louisiana’s Commissioner of Higher Education as moderator. You may access a recording of the event at lpb.org/teachers. Students from LSU Laboratory School and Southern University Laboratory School also joined forces with artist Morgan Udoh of the Walls Project and created a mural in one day.
First grader, Merritt, seen here with her mom and U-High alumna, Caroline Gladney Shirley ’07, recently shared “It has been so fun watching Merritt as a little cub for the past two years! One of my highlights from being a U-High cheerleader (2005-2007) was getting to teach the little cub camp each year. They are so excited to get to go on the field and perform! It’s hard to believe that life has come full circle now that I’m in the stands as a parent to a little cub!.” The camp is open to students in kindergarten through 5th grade and is led by the U-High Varsity Cheer Team. Participants learn cheers and dances, perform a parent showcase, and cheer at a Varsity football game!
More than 60 parents of kindergarten and first grade students attended the ULS Parent Early Literacy Workshop in September. The workshop introduced the ULS literacy curriculum and offered methods to support their students’ learning at home. The event was facilitated by Ellen Daugherty, PhD, NBCT, K-2 Reading and Math Interventionist and Hines Family Professor.
This fall our students hosted the Middle and High School Club Fair. This event highlights more than 30 clubs to prospective members. The event provides opportunities for students to learn about the various clubs and join clubs that interest them.
Providing memorable and meaningful opportunities for seniors is an important tradition at U-High. As one of the first senior events of the year, students arrive at 6:30 a.m. to watch the sunrise together and enjoy a breakfast of donuts and beverages while playing games and socializing.
The 6th grade choir in collaboration with the ULS Guidance Department presented a musical, “Be A Buddy, Not A Bully” as part of “No Place for Hate” awareness month. Twelve years ago, the Lab School partnered with No Place for Hate to create a positive environment where all students feel safe and valued. To maintain our status as a No Place for Hate school, we commit to offering activities each year that recognize our differences and promote respect for one another. I Care provides guidance lessons and collaborates with Mrs. Lux’s 6th grade choir for the anti-bullying musical presentation, and an annual poetry and poster contest.
The University High Choirs performed its fall concert for families, “Come Travel with Me” followed by lunch together in the secondary library. The students and families sent canned goods to benefit the LSU Food Pantry. Our students and families were also treated to a wonderful box lunch in the library. After their performance, the choir accepted an invitation from the ULS Foundation to perform at the upcoming Distinguished Cubs Celebration in February.
Louisiana First Lady Donna Hutto Edwards served as the keynote speaker this fall for the annual UHS Mother-Son Football breakfast. She is pictured with ULS Administrative Team members, including Secondary Principal Frank Rusciano, Director Kevin George, Head Football Coach Andy Martin, Athletic Director Jill White, and Secondary Assistant Principal Aimee Welch-James.
Coach Johnny Shoptaugh was recently announced as the new head coach of the Cub Tennis Team. Johnny offers a wealth of experience with 37 years in education and 10 years coaching high school tennis. Coach Shoptaugh is a vital part of our school’s historical success in tennis. His leadership led to State Championships won by the girls’ team in 2007, 2008, and 2009. The boys’ team was quite a force as well, winning State Championships in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Coach Shoptaugh, a 1976 graduate of UHS, is a Cub through and through. We look forward to Coach Shoptaugh leading the Cubs once again on the court!
Congratulations to Dr. Ellen B. Daugherty. She successfully defended her dissertation on Oct. 31 and will graduate within the LSU College of Human Sciences & Education this December with her PhD in K-12 Educational Leadership. Dr. Daugherty has served the ULS community for 19 years and has 37 years of teaching experience.
Among the LSU College of Human Sciences & Education graduates this summer were two ULS instructors. High School English Instructor Tamara Empson and Middle School Social Studies Instructor Hope Buras have both earned Education Specialist degrees.
It is important to celebrate the academic achievements of our middle and high school students and acknowledge their hard work inspiring their peers to also strive for excellence. The Honor Roll recognizes middle and high school students who have earned at 3.75 GPA or higher during the first or second semesters. They were treated to a Pizza Party to celebrate their success.
10 UHS band students have been accepted into the Louisiana Youth Orchestra. The Louisiana Youth Orchestra is a premier performing arts organization for youth in the greater Baton Rouge community. Participating in LYO, students will work with other musicians in the area to develop and strengthen their musicality, creativity, and expressiveness. Students from various schools all over the Greater Baton Rouge area sent in audition videos.
Anna Baumgartner, senior, was selected to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy of Baton Rouge for the 202223 school year. “Anna stood out to us from the 60+ applicants, and we are eager to see how the class’ ideas come to life as they develop and launch their own businesses through the Academy,” shared Bethany Robicheaux, Executive Director of YEA Baton Rouge.
More than 1.6 million students from across the United States participate in testing for the National Merit program each year with only 16,000 earning National Merit semifinalist status. Shearer will now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for one of approximately 7,250 National Merit Scholarships worth a total of $28 million.
In addition to being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for her academic accomplishments, Shearer has been successful in a variety of endeavors during her time at ULS.
Congratulations to our 2022 National Honor Society inductees! Inductees were invited into membership based upon academics, service to the community, and high moral character. National Honor Society is among the most highly regarded leadership and academic based programs in the nation.
Elementary instructors Amanda Fourrier (math) and Rebecca Svensson (science) were honored at a luncheon last week as two of the state finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
L-R: ULS Elementary Principal Christa Leon, Rebecca Svensson, Amanda Fourrier and Director Kevin R. George.
The University Laboratory School Foundation is thankful to be able to celebrate our outstanding students! Six years ago, the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair honored Roger Manson, a U-High grandparent and long-time volunteer of the State Fair, in the naming of an endowed scholarship. The $500 scholarship award is based on demonstrated leadership and community service.
This year’s recipient is outstanding senior, Alice Ellise Leotta. She has held office and/ or membership in several organizations including the Student Council (Student Body President), the National Honor Society, the Black Student Union, and Club MED. She is an athlete and has been a member of the ULS soccer team for 7 years. Alice has a heart for service and has been active with the National Charity League for 6 years. She has had several leadership positions within this organization and currently serves as the President of the Class of 2023. Alice’s over 180 hours of volunteer work includes helping organizations such as the Baton Rouge Food Bank, Brave Heart, the Bishop Ott Men’s Shelter, the Dumas House, Theatre Baton Rouge, and the Burden Center. Alice serves in her church community, First United Methodist Church, as a part of the youth, assisting with VBS, children’s events, and mission trips. Alice is ambitious, determined, dedicated, and well-prepared for her future success. Alice plans to study communication in college with a focus in journalism in hopes of becoming a sports media manager.
The ULS Foundation hosted the annual Alumni Homecoming Tailgate by welcoming alumni and their families for an evening of fun and festivities. More than 250 alumni, family, and friends joined us in September for a fabulous tailgate with delicious food catered by Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux. Children enjoyed having their faces painted and balloon art prepared for them. Alumni and their families were invited to stay for the football game and the halftime show where the ULS Foundation announced the 2023 Distinguished Cubs inductees to the Academic Hall of Distinction and Athletic Hall of Fame.
To view photos and/or purchase from Eye Wander visit:
The University Laboratory School Foundation is proud to announce our 2023 Distinguished Cubs that will be inducted in the Academic Hall of Distinction and Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday, February 11, 2023.
The ULS Hall of Distinction honors graduates who have distinguished themselves through their chosen professions and through character and community involvement that reflects favorably upon the school.
The ULS Athletic Hall of Fame honors graduates who earned one or more letters in a varsity sport while at ULS, have gained distinction through superlative performance as athletes, and have established personal reputations for character and citizenship that reflect favorably upon the school.
Our newest members of the Academic Hall of Distinction are Warren Drake, Class of 1969 and Gordon McKernan, Class of 1984.
Warren Drake has dedicated his life to education in the state of Louisiana. Retired Superintendent of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and Network Leader for the Louisiana State Department of Education, Warren now works as an Educational Leadership consultant helping school districts throughout the state.
Gordon McKernan is an attorney, owner and managing partner of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys. Gordon has been engaged in supporting and participating in numerous charitable, educational, and civic projects around Baton Rouge and the state. Gordon is dedicated to the Cub Community and continues to be one of U-High’s most avid advocates and donors.
Our newest members of the Athletic Hall of Fame are Anwar Johnson, Class of 2004 and Steve Maddox, Class of 1966.
Anwar Johnson was a standout basketball star at U-High. He went on to have a stellar athletic career with the United States Air Force Academy. He currently serves as the Executive Officer of the Headquarters Air Education Training Center Directorate of Plans, Programs and Requirements.
Steve Maddox is a U-High athletic standout. He went on to play baseball at LSU and then became a beloved Coach and faculty member at U-High in the 1980s and 1990s. Coach Maddox shaped the lives of many current UHS Athletic Hall of Fame members.
Contact the ULSFoundation@lsu.edu for ticket information.
ULS Theatre put on a spectacular production of Little Shop of Horrors over Halloween weekend. Nineteen high school “triple threats” (acting, singing, dancing) and a tech crew of ten middle and high school students performed, ran lights and sound, and puppets in the fantastic production. Directed by Matthew Lavergne and Dana Lux, with choreography from parent volunteer Stephanie McCandless, the students worked for ten weeks on the production leading to the performance on October 28-30. Dana Lux expressed her pride at how hard the students worked, giving their all to the show. The new Fine Arts Department Chair Margaret Fowler Milam (‘93) said, “This production brought to life effort in every endeavor that ULS promotes. This production of Little Shop of Horrors truly demonstrated this motto and we couldn’t be prouder!”
Cub Club is a volunteer group of parents whose mission is to connect and involve parents, faculty,and staff through membership and volunteerism and to provide resources and services to enhance the University Laboratory School community. Throughout the year, volunteers host programming, events, and fundraisers that impact the experience of every Cub. All parents are invited to join. To learn more about Cub Club committees and programming or to join visit the Cub Club page under students and parents on the U-High website.
Thanks to all who participated in our Dad’s Night Out! On October 24th, Cub Club organized a great night for dads to get together at Unleaded BBQ. We are so thankful for our dads and look forward to hosting another night out for them soon!
More than 130 volunteers gathered at the Cook Conference Center on October 5 for the largest, and most successful, phonathon to date. Thanks to these dedicated volunteers, and our Cub community for answering their calls and saying YES, this year’s phonathon raised more than $196,000 in gifts and pledges made to the U Fund.
Volunteers helped with set up and decorations throughout the day, made calls to fellow parents and grandparents, sent text messages, wrote thank you notes to donors, and helped with administrative tasks throughout the night. This fun night was capped off with a happy hour and door prizes for all!
Many thanks to all the volunteers, led by our Annual Appeal Executive Team:
• Ashley Granger, Chair
• Shelly Caro, Vice Chair
• Jordan Jopling, Assistant Vice Chair
• Scotty Chabert, Immediate Past Chair
If you would like to volunteer for next year’s phonathon, please reach out to Aimée Lemann at alemann@lsu.edu.
“Many thanks for the two 20-foot whiteboards in H129. For 10 years (probably longer) I’ve been squeezing in work in 2-foot strips on either side of the Active board. Now there is oceans of space on either side and across the back. The room looks much better and is a better learning space thanks to your support.”
Students who made all A’s during the spring were featured on the Director’s Honor Roll and were treated to lunch off campus to celebrate their achievement. Pictured here are middle school students heading to their celebratory lunch.
During fall break, over 100 seventh graders went to Washington D.C. with secondary principal, Frank Rusciano. The trip offered significant educational value as the students were able to sit in on the House floor for a lesson on the Legislative Branch of government. Attendees were able see most of the major memorials, the White House and several museums such as the Udvar- Hazy Air and Space Museum, the Holocaust Museum, the African American History Museums and the National Archives just to name a few! Some students even gave the famous “I have a Dream” speech from Dr.
However, the highlight of the trip is said to be the nighttime
The ULS Foundation, through generous donations to the U Fund, was pleased to kick off the 2022-23 school year by providing K-12 lead instructors and counselors with an allocation of $500 for classroom needs. The $500 in funding is in addition to the funds that are provided through the school’s operating budget. We are thrilled to share that this has been approved to be an annual funding item! Thank you to our generous supporters of the U Fund for the opportunity to invest in our faculty and their classrooms.
Elementary students have been so excited to start using their own Makey-Makey systems this year. Over the past two years, ULS has partnered with the Knock Knock Children’s Museum for K-3 teachers to learn how to bring makerspace and STEAM ideas to the classroom. Through this partnership, ULS teachers became familiar with Makey Makeys and how to use them in the classroom.
In May, ULS grandparent and Knock Knock Children’s Museum Advisory Council member Cate Heroman joined elementary students and teachers to demonstrate how to use Makey Makeys. Students used everyday objects (fruit, playdoh, pencil lead, etc.) to create circuits that control the computer. Have you ever used a banana to create music? Well, our kids were able to connect their circuit to a banana and play the piano! They also used the circuit to play computer games, make an Etch A Sketch picture, and much more!
Thank you to our U Fund supporters who have made their commitment during the 2023 Annual Appeal.
Pledges and Gifts received as of October 31, 2022.
The Lozick Family
Kathy Kilpatrick ‘78 and Roy O. Martin, III
Michelle and Bart Lofton
Mi Mi and Chip Bankston ‘95
Kristen and Jared Braud
Mischa Skyring ‘97 and Michael Breard Jessica and Andre Bruni Gina and Spencer Calahan
The Crane Family: Caroline ‘32 and James, IV
Jennifer and Omer Hebert Debbie and Rickey Heroman* Rebecca and Johnny Holifield Melissa and James Love Brandi and Hunter Manship Claire and Richard Manship* Mary and Matt McMahon Alison and Chuck Musgrove Julie and Leonard Nachman*, Randall Nachman ‘94, Lauren Nachman Ritchey ‘94, and Catherine Nachman Thigpen ‘97
Heather Duke ‘13 and Ethan Pocic
Chad Aucoin
Cheri and Verge Ausberry
Leighann and Chad Biggio
Kasey and Sean Cangelosi
Carrie and Tim Fox
Anita and Brian Gouri
Cate and Ted Heroman*
Susie and Buzzy Heroman*
Elizabeth Bollinger ‘00 and Steve Kogos
Jeanne McCollister ‘97 and Ryan McNeil
Connor Miller ‘11
Nhung and Si Nguyen
Robert Pettit*
Beth Phillips
Rachel Holmes ‘95 and Brad Saia ‘97
Susan and Ronnie Smith*
Melanie and Bryan Vollmer ‘95
Sara Exner ‘00 and Cullen Whittaker Ashley and Aaron Williams
$1,000 - $2,499
Carol and Brandon Abadie
Eileen and Mike Adkins*
Ruba Abdelhaq and Nael Badawi Regan and Michael Baker
Kevin Bankston ‘82 Mary and Henry Barham
Jennifer Jastram-Belcher and Michael Belcher
Arianne and Reggie Bellizaire
Tanya Beck and Jacob Berkowitz
Diane and Jim Bollinger ‘63*
Emily Olinde ‘99 and Brad Boudreaux Xuemei Gao and Keith Bunch ‘91 Courtney Schupp and Tim Carruthers
Gloria Carter*
Brittany and Joe Carvalhido Katie and Scotty Chabert, Jr. Melinda and Rip Collins ‘72* Francisca Martinez ‘04 and Rudy Comeaux
Steve Couvillion
Stephanie and John Crawford ‘85
Sarah Anne Munson ‘71 and Kipp Creed ‘70
Leah and Lucien DeRouen Brindly and David Downs Johnathan Duncan Marty McDowell ‘73 and John Engquist*
David Fluker
Jingya Wang and Roby Fulkerson
Renee and Brett Furr ‘79
Cathy and Edmund Giering IV Jan and Gene Groves*, Amy Groves Lowe ‘88, Susannah Groves Kellar ’94, and Will Groves ’96
Kelli and Mack Hall Jr.
Morgan and Robert Johnson Soundra Johnson*
Catherine and Clayton Jumonville
Dany and Seth Kaplan
Sarah and Aaron Keating
Erin and Parker Kilgore ‘95 Mary Jane and Todd Kinchen Andi and Shane Kirkpatrick
Tiffany and Peter Kopfinger
Allison and Manard Lagasse
Katherine Mathews ‘99 and Jeremy Landry
Jessica and Scott Ledet Mimi Singer Lee and Matt Lee
* Indicates Grandparent Alumni are recognized with graduation year. Endeavor donors are in bold.
Sarah and Mike Lloyd*
Misty and Beau Lowery
Rhonda and Shawn Loy
Melanie and Jim McCartt*
Shannon and Jesse McCormick ‘99
Jeffrey McMullan*
Beverly and Pat McNeil*
Valerie and Vaughn Meiners*
Emily Morton ‘04 and Marcus Melancon
Cynthia Morris*
Jane and Jeff Morton ‘96
Ashley and David Mullens
Kasey and Britt Murrill ‘87
Virginia Bailey ‘65 and John Noland Sr.
Carrie and Eric Oberlander
Linda and Buddy Ohmstede*
Cheryl and Beau Olinde*
Jill and Jeremy Palmer
Kim and Chris Peters ‘01
Conway Weems ‘90 and Robert Pettit
Becky and Jacque Pucheu Jr.*
Cara and Nathan Quin
Tracey Randolph
Summer and Thomas Rathmann
India Byrd ‘97 and Trent Rives ‘98
Carmen and Ben Ross
Robin and Darryl Rousselle
Jennifer Lanier Ruggiero ‘04
Ashley and Gordy Rush
Mila and George Sexton*
Denise and Ralph Slaughter
Danielle and Bill Smith
Amanda Spain ‘96
Linda and John Spain*
Yolonda and Wilbert Spooner
Alycee and Ryan Sunstrom
Amanda and Kendrick Talbot
Elizabeth “Boo” Thomas*
John Thomas ‘59*
Robin and Chad Toups
Peggy and James Vargo*
Ashleigh and Briggs Vince Jill and Paul Walker
Ashley and Garrett Walvoord Sue and Burt Weaver Jr.*
Cornelia and Billy Weldon ‘54* Alyson and Kirk Wharton
Lindsey and Kenneth Aldridge
Christina and Granville Anderson
Debbie Anderson*
Mark Arceneaux
Molly and Barry Aronhime
Roz and Christopher Auzenne ‘82 Haley Duke ‘11 and JD Babb
Lynn and Troy Ballard*
Meg and Ben Bankston ‘00
Jennifer and Wade Baumgartner
Caroline and Gary Black
Melissa and Andrew Blanchfield
Kate and Andy Blumberg ‘98
Nichole Bickham ‘02 and Matt Bonilla
Laurie and Blaise Bourgeois
Leila Braswell
Camille and Stokka Brown
Allison and Matthew Byrd Shelly and Bradley Caro
Tori and James Carson ‘08
Emily and Justin Chatelain ‘97
Jenny and Brian Cohn
Fatima and Charles Daspit
Teresa and Brenton Day
Claire and Corey Dinkel
Annette and Jason Droddy
Anne Duke
Emily and Chris Dykes
Patti and Jerry Exner*
Kim and Mike Fleming
Holly and Nik Foret
Jennifer and Marston Fowler ‘95
Lara and Eric Gardner
Marie and Cody Gateley
Megan and Joe Gendron ‘95
Tori and Ricky Gill Jr. ‘94
Kim and Stuart Gilly ‘98
Katie and Mark Goodson
David Grand ‘97
Ashley and Traye Granger
Kristin and Will Green
Nicole Keller ‘87 and Walter Green Heike Muenzberg-Gruening and Uwe Gruening
Sarah and Robert Heroman ‘00
Bunny Prosser ‘71 and Bill Hines ‘71*
Lindley and Hunter Hines ‘95
Lindsey and Benjamin Hunter
Jessica and Samuel James Supriya and Bobby Jindal
Ann and Al Jolissaint*
Kelli and Johnny Jones
Katie Kirkpatrick ‘91 and Todd Justice Sarah and Walt Ketchings III
Jill and Jefferson Kindler
Ashley Ward ‘73 and Loren Kleinpeter*
Bailey and Jacob Laiche Dodi and Justin Langlois ‘99
Elecia and Derrek Lathon Thuy-Anh Vu and Viet-Hung Le Jill and Michael LeBlanc
Katie Freer-Leonards and Kevin Leonards
Natalie Padial ‘09 and Luke Lewis
Patricia Lockett*
Amy Groves ‘88 and David Lowe
Melissa and Andy Martin
Caroline and Spyrie Mays
Diane and Rick McCandless*
Tiffany and Charles McCauley Teeta and Rolfe McCollister ‘73*
Judy and Richard McGimsey*
Jessica and Matthew Meiners ‘94
Katie and Nathan Meiners ‘99
Amanda and Tim Messa
Meredith and Jeffrey Metzger
Jane and John Milazzo Jr.*
Ginny Gilbert ‘95 and Matt Mumfrey Nancy Murrill*
Elizabeth and Randall Nachman, III ‘94
Carol Ann and Adrian Nadeau
Brian Neely
Mary Angela and Gary Nichols
Stacy and Gerald Nichols
Pamela and Richard Nicolle* Chrissie Clark ‘81 and Don Olsson
Linda and Stephen Ortego*
Susie and David Patterson ‘76*
Kristina and Jacob Petit
Kristi Andermann and Jason Phillips
Jill Roby ‘96 and Chris Pike
Jennifer and George Popov Lauren and Nick Rasmussen
Becky Roby ‘98 and Andrew Ratcliff
Kim and Brooks Ray Cindy and Jim Rieger
Elizabeth Harbour ‘96 and Tracy Rutledge ‘95
Jeffry Sanford
Danielle and Jamey Satawa
Anne and Walter Schmidt Claire and Evan Scroggs
Cathy Sherburn*
Mandy and Kevin Shipp Wendy and Claude Simoneaux Renee and Cedric Smith
Trisha and Colin Smith
Mary Michael Lloyd ‘04 and Bo Staples Jolen and Gary Stein
Carly and Mathieu Tamor Sr. Corry and Nathaniel Tannehill
Catherine Nachman ‘97 and Samuel Thigpen
Anne and Andrew Thomas ‘93
Marty and Henry Thornton* Linda and Tyke Tolbert III Beth and Nicholas Torina Rebecca and Greg Trahan Ashley and Brennan Uter Kelly Hutson ‘87 and Kyle Viator Candace and Stephen Walker ‘75 Rachel and Dean Webre Brian Whitley
Rachel Whitley Whitney and Trey Willard Katie and Trey Williams Sarah Kilpatrick ‘05 and Richard Wylie ‘03
Marlette and Jesus Chua*
Sydney and Michael Chua
Hope and Adam Clary
Catherine Collins
Micki and Ken Collins
Brittany and Jamy Comeaux
Amy and David Craig
Cristen and Draper Crain
Courtney and Robert Dampf*
Ellen and Scott Daugherty
Sandy and Danny Davis*
Natalie and Christopher DeAgano
Lyla and Darcy DeBlieux
Nancy and Cary Dougherty ‘64*
Jennie Kluse and Bret Elderd
Sarah and William Faller
Sam and Brian Fisicaro
Shirley and John Flake
Brandi Fontenot
Margaret Forbes ‘06
Lauren Liffmann ‘03 and Chris Fournerat
Randi and Matthew Foval
Laura Roberts ‘94 and Corey Freeman
Cami and Hunter Geisman
Camille Kean ‘06 and Amos Gibson
Katherine Creed ‘02 and Brooks Gold
Pam and Mark Goodner*
Cricket and Stewart Gordon
Cydney and Chad Grace
Rachel and Joseph Graff
Katherine and Jimmy Granier
Leigh and Jason Greene
Martha Jane Tyler ‘04 and Nicholas Guichard
Hattie and Jonathan Guidry
Jennifer and Michael Guillot
Molly Hall*
Heather and Bradley Harris
Taylor and Dustin Harris
M. E. and Bryan Hart
Mary and Mike Hart*
Ly Vu and Toan Hau
Jimmie Hays*
Rebecca and Ross Hebert
Adria Ledoux ‘96 and Ben Heroman ‘96
Dana Hollie
Francisca and Stephen Adjei Lauri and Terry Alario Jill McDonald ‘95 and Jason Ayres ‘96
Monica and Marcus Baker Gina and Judson Banks
Jennifer and Jeremy Barker Anna and Kirt Barnett
Brittany and Brooke Barnett Caroline Sexton ‘08 and Michael Batsche Renee and Benny Bennett Jr. ‘87 Barbara and Neal Berthelot*
Melissa Billizon
Robin and Lewis Blanche Anna Hegwood ‘97 and James Bollinger ‘97 Dianne and Chris Bourgeois Megan Bourgeois
Judy and Bert Boyce*
Niki and Chris Brandi
Bill Bratton*
Jessica and Bernie Braun Anna and Nick Bridges Ashley Freiberg ‘99 and Frank Brost
Jenny and Peter Browne Emily and Kevin Burke
Matt Burland ‘10
Heidi and A.J. Burns Catherine and Denny Butler Kelley Heroman ‘00 and John Buzzell Jill and Jeffrey Calloway Nikki and Leighton Carbo Lillian and Carl Carver Christie and Ryan Chapman Yu and Senlin Chen Beverly and Geoff Choppin ‘74*
Linda Holmes*
Wesley Horobetz
Denton Faerber Hunter ‘05
Jennifer Jarc
Megan and Steven Jenny ‘00
Christy and Brad Jewell
Dana and Jamie Jones
Sharee and Trey Jones
Tara Grace and Chris Jones ‘02
Rebecca and Jordan Jopling
Kimberly and Jimmy Joubert
Chelsea Juneau
Jeannine Kahn
Jill and Mike Kantrow ‘62*
Sage and Scott Keller
Nancy Lloyd ‘06 and David Kilpatrick ‘06
Sarah and Justin King
Charles Kobe*
Rachel and Brandon Kojis
Vicki and James Krupala
Bridget and Paul Laborde
Eryn and John Lackett
Katelyn and Billy Landreneau
Erin and Eddie Lane
Mary Lynn Gardiner ‘69 and Cleve Langlois Jr.*
Carmen and David Lavergne ‘79
Morgan Lazarone
Kerri and Nick Lea
Tish and Kyle Ledoux
Ashley and Mark Lee
CeCe and Bob Leitner*
Angela and Gary Leonards
Kathryn Loveless
Cece Contois ‘80 and Bobby Lyles ‘80*
Elizabeth and Brian Mackey
Rebecca and Scott Maloney
Diana and Chip Mann
Melissa and Misty Martin-Kemp
Amy and Chase McCalip
Gwen McCalip*
Maggie and Jamal McCann
Erin and Wayne McKowen
Melissa and Chuck McNeal
Payal and Rahul Mehta
Laura Furr-Mericas ‘10 and Chris Mericas
Jamie and Justin Miller
Jerry Lynn Perrine Mills ‘59* and The Mittendorf’s: Major ‘16, Kramer ‘19, Holden ‘20, Lily ‘22, Hill ‘23 and Sawyer ‘23
Kaitlyn and Jonathan Mitchell
Patricia and Eric Mitchen
Jennifer and Ryan Moon
Ashley and Beau Motsinger
Wendy and Liam Mucklow
Sarah and Patrick Mulhearn
Louise Hines Myers ‘02
Leslie and Mark Normand Jr.
Rosalind and David Odds III
Allison Ohmstede
Lauren and Logan Perry
Holly and Matt Picou
Twana Hilton-Pitre and Esrom Pitre
Christy Cloud-Pousson and Jeremy Pousson
Alison and Charlie Provenza ‘06
Tiffany and Alex Pucheu
Amanda and Evan Raymond
Jonathan Renter
Maggie and John Richardson
Courtney and Jeffrey Roedel
Cathy and Joey Rosenfeld
Nicolette Ross
Taylor and Spencer Ross
Stephanie and Jason Roussell
Dot Rumfellow*
Melissa and Blake Saia ‘00
Mary and Scott Saporito
Erin May ‘88 and Kyle Schwab ‘88
Nila and George Schwab
Kendra Michael-Selders and Larry Selders ‘00
Tracy and Doug Shaffer
Heather and Jeff Shay
Nancy and Roch Shearer*
Bridget and Johnny Shoptaugh ‘76
Kaitlin Dyer and Brian Simpson
Cheryl Singer*
Holly and Stephen Smith
Emalee and Michael Sotile ‘15
Amanda Exner ‘03 and Patrick Staiano
Jennie Stewart
Jenny and Micah Stewart
Whitney and Mark Sutherland
Charlene and Daniel Thompson
Clayton Thompson ‘00
Lauren Lamonte ‘06 and Thomas Tyler Chris Tyson ‘93
Gia Tyson
Belinda Cambre and Jarrod
Van Hoogstraten
Marianna Vyridi and Georgios Veronis
Errin and Matthew Viguerie Emily Lanier ‘08 and Kevin Wagner
Erika and Jon Walter
Erin Way
Lynn and Trae Welch
Erin Monroe Wesley and Mitch Wesley
Brandy and Marcus Williams
Stephanie and Grant Willis ‘00
Jayla and Derek Wilson
Ashley and Jake Wood
Mary and Brandon Woods
Shelly and Jeremiah Worthington
Yaming Shao and George Xue
Angelina Trang Le and Jie Yu Kristy and Jason Zeringue
4th Grade Cubettes Soccer Team
Sanaz Aghazadeh
GraceAnn Woolf ‘11 and Ross Aguilar ‘10
Keisha and Tensley Aldridge
Angela and Steven Alex*
Krystle and John Allen III Emelie and Joe Alton
Renee and Marlon Antoine Melody and Kai Aryana Melissa and Nick Aucoin Diana and Jose Aviles Alex and Barrett Bailey ‘09
Elise Barkemeyer
Cali and Adam Barrett Coleen Beamon
Becca and Jacob Behrnes
Barbara Benton
Tanya and Ross Berthelot
Danielle and Brian Blackwood Michelle and Brad Blanchard Sharon and Ken Bohnert*
Mittie and Michael Bolton Brenda Bonfanti*
Marilyn and Chepe Bonilla*
Katherine and Lee Boyd Katie Patterson ‘05 and Rodney Boyd Catherine Klei-Brackin and Jimmy Brackin
Janice and Spencer Brizzard* Jaimee and Chris Brooks ‘99
Ginger and Jarvis Brookshire Carole Anne Petrie Brown ‘62* Erica Martin ‘03 and Michael Brown LaVerne Brown*
Hope and Brad Buras Mary and Alex Byo
Arlene and Warren Byrd* Virginia Hutchison ‘93 and Doug Cain Patricia Canfield*
Linda and Richard Caro*
Jennifer and Heman Catoir* Kathryn and Tim Chalas Hannah Chambers
Meredith and Pearce Cinman Linda and David Cohn* Megan and Terry Collins
Michael Collins
Sandra and Mark Cooper Paula and Mike Corliss* Mona and Dan Cotten*
Christina and Christopher Courtney Melissa and Sylvester Crawford
Sandra Crawford*
Tiffany Creel
Dayna and James Cregg
Katherine and Ben Dampf Chandra and Perry Daniel Catherine and Stephen David Jr.
Stacie Davis
Frankie and Don Paul Day Myra and Humberto De La Cruz*
Alexis Edwards ‘08 and Cody Decoteau Bobby Denton Sr.* Dawn Burton and Zachary Derouen Rima and Mustapha Derzi
Ann Deshotels*
Baoji Hu and Kunlun Ding Marsha and Randy Domingue* Latonya and Stephan Dorsey Selena and Jonathan Dotch Sr.
Adele and William Dufrene
Barbara and Steve Duke*
Erin Kelley ‘65 and John DuPont Jr.*
Kim and John Dupont III
Arlene Edwards*
Kris and John Elmore
Tamara and Ryan Empson
Lori and Claudie Fanning
Joey Faucheux
Debbie and Dave Fazekas*
Kathleen Foil
Donna Folse
Emily and Kyle Fontenette
Sallye and Butch Ford*
Trisha Fos
Loretta Fourrier*
Mandy and Drew Fourrier
Ashley and Adam Foy
Yvette and Bill Franques
Leslie and Paul Freeman
Kathryn and William Friday*
Jenna Fritscher
Mary Glen and Marshall Gammon ‘90
Karen McCaskill ‘83 and Doug Garland
Thushara Chakkath and Manas Gartia
Debbie Gaston*
Jean and Les Gatz*
Wendy and Rowdy Gaudet
Schwanda and Kevin George Steve George ‘60*
Bryce and Adam Gerace
Chandra Weddington-Gibson and Ronald Gibson Jr.
Jennifer and Joe Gibson
Jennifer and Tyler Ginn
Mary and Will Gladney
Patsy and Dennis Godso*
Rebecca and Benjamin Goodner
Mary Lou and Mike Goodson*
Tegan Graham
Carissa and Garret Graves
Jill and Philip Graves
Patti and Stan Green*
Cynthia and Hank Greenwald*
Susan Gremillion
Morris Grimes*
Jeanette Grip*
Latreace and Kevin Grisby
Karah and Kasey Guillory
Kelly and John Guillory Jamie and Jerod Hall
Heather and Joseph Hamilton
Shannon Hannaman
Abby and Jonathan Harrell
Chelsey and Brandon Harris ‘06
Scott Harris
Courtney and Dana Hart Gail Russell Hawkes ‘68
Pamela and Kevin Hayes
Maryanna and Mitchell Haynes
Kristin and William Hays ‘87
Linda and Joey Hebert, Jr.*
Brandie and Brandon Henry
Laura and Curtis Heroman ‘ 01
Robert Hines ‘99
Sherry Homan
Susan Hoover*
Karen and Marty Horn
Kathleen and James Horobetz*
Prestine and Hunter Huckabay ‘52
Lauren Hudson
Kimberly Drews and Casey Hume
Rayne and Brandon Hurley
Monica Holden-Irving and Deitrich Irving
Lee and Brad Jackson
Melissa Jackson Michelle and Patrick Jackson
Aimee Welch-James and Kisha James Antoinette Terrell James ‘66 Alisha and Jason Jarreau
Celeste Jefferson
Bonita Johnson
Brittney and Robert Jones
Jolie Jones
Annie and James Jopling*
Osjeta and Andre Joseph
Claire and Mari Kantrow
Katie Kellum
Kelly and William Kelly
Kristen Bateman and Lindsey Kelly
Sarah and Isaac Khalid Shahrzad Shirzad and Alireza Kheirkhahan
Lindsay and Thomas Killen
Nekeia and Darnell Kimmie
Sandra Kirkpatrick*
Cooper Knecht*
Casie and Jonathan Kobe
Alicia and Michael Kober Anantha Lakkakula and Venkateswara Kommalapati
Carolyn and Ray Kothe*
Donna and Larry Lamonte* Gail and Steve Landreneau* Ali and Brad Landry
Eric Landry ‘08
Miles Landry
Rebecca and Riley Landry ‘04
Becky Langlois
Sydney and Ryan Langlois June and George LaTour*
Jennifer Overton ‘04 and Leander
Jessica and Will Lawrence Ashley and Darron Leach Crews Leblanc*
Amanda and Terrel Ledet Aimee and Robert Lemann, Jr.
Diane Lemann*
Jeannine and Rachel Lenox Christa Leon
Cory and Harwood Leonard Kappy and Victor Leotta
Christy and Michael Liffmann*
Sheralyn and Richard Long
Beth and Darrell Loup* Sheri and Stephen Loy ‘89
Ethel and Mike Luckett*
Dana Lux
Amanda and Drew Maciasz Betsy and Wes Magee III* Beth and Mark Mahaffey Manikumari and Subrahmanyeswara Mallipudi
Marolon Gardiner Mangham ‘74
Janet Marionneaux*
Nat and Ronnie Marks*
Amy and Jason Martin
Katie and Spencer Maxcy ‘98
Amanda and Jason McAllister
Anne and Ryan McConnell ‘01 Valerie and Owen McConnell
Kathy and Jeffrey McCrory*
Anne and James McElveen*
Linda and Bob McKeithen*
Lisa McRoberts
Chunyan Gao and Xiangyu Meng
Margaret Fowler Milam ‘93
Ambior Sidney and Colin Mitchell
Jinny and Dave Mitchell*
Jessica and Todd Monroe Mary and Jeff Montgomery*
David Moore
Julia and Tommy Moore
Dianne and Paul Moran
Helaine Moyse*
Peter Muller Kitty and Glenn Murphy*
Aisha Ali-Gombe and Ibrahim Musa Yola Erika and Tyler Musgrove
Catherine Smith ‘96 and William Myrick ‘96
Joy Nakashima*
Candace Constantin and Marvin Narcisse Jessica and Owen Nettles Ngoc Dung and James Nguyen
Isabel Mancilla-Ortegon and Francisco Nieto Gonzalez Evelyn Lescano and Chase Ohmstede Theresa and Lance Oubre
Rachel Metrailer
Debbie Owens*
Seth Pace
Elizabeth Brooks ‘01 and Greg Panzica Paula and Michael Papajohn Kelly and Joey Papania Debra and Bruce Parker
Erin Pedrami
Karen and Brandon Pennington
Cheryl Braud ‘81 and Paul Perkowski Maria and Brett Poirrier Alison Satake and Michael Polito Suzanne and Donald Ponder* Marie and Vosco Popov* Blenda and James Quin*
Luz and Kevin Randolph
Michele Moreau Rathbone ‘74*
Inoshika Gamage and Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara
Marsha and Kirt Raymond* Casey and Heath Remedies
Maria and Oscar Reyes
Elizabeth and David Richard* Shari and William Robbins Dorothy and Greg Roberts Stacy and Dustin Roberts Bridget and Justin Robicheaux
Candence and Lawrence Robillard
Patricia and Alfred Rodrigue*
Amy Joiner ‘94 and Matt Rouse Elizabeth and Frank Rusciano Norma and Jim Rutledge*
Tammy and Brantley Salter
Cathy Samuel Maxim and Henky Saputra
Joan Schaeffer*
Lindsay and Greg Schellhaas Cheryl and Chris Schilling Pam Roby Schwing*
Melissa and Kevin Seal Kristy and Dillon Shearer
Caroline Gladney ‘07 and Robert Shirley
Elizabeth Shoenberger
Barbara and Rick Simpson
Katie and Taylor Simpson Martha and Elwyn Singer Sr.* Prachi and Raghvendra Singh Linda and Robert Singletary Sr.*
Kimberly Skelton
Graça Vicente and Kevin Smith
Pamela and Mike Smith*
Jennifer and Gary Snellgrove Cindy and Perry Snyder*
Jenny and Ryan Sones
Lindi Rubin ‘02 and Christopher Spalatin Karen and Chris Spencer Ashley St. Julien
Danielle and Mike Stackus Katy and Bill Stark
Jo Anna Stewart
John Stott
Ashley and Greg Stringfellow Mia Etienne ‘03 and Brian Strong
Marla and Andy Stroup
Karen and Chris Styron
Rebecca Svensson
Britney and Collis Temple III ‘98 Lacie and Jordy Templet
Amy and Barry Terrell*
Caroline and Wesley Thompson
Stephanie and Scott Thompson
Morgan and Jeff Tomlinson
Marcelle Trahan*
Linda and Al Travis*
Mona Truluck*
Kay Collier and Steve Turner*
Richel and Bruce Turner
Bobbie and Jim Upton*
Latasha and Manuel Valenzuela-Hernandez
Joanna and Rodney Vallet*
Jeannie and John Vance
Julie Vanderbrook*
Marc Verret
Janet Verrette*
Bennyka and Darrel Vessel
Janel Viator*
Kristen Viator
Deana and Larry Vicari
Tara Victorin
Susan and Jody Vidrine
Whittington Vidrine
Peggy and Warren Villemarette*
Camille Waddell*
Lindsay and Gregory Waddell
Ricky Waguespack
Debbie Walker
Mari and Shawn Walker
Shannon and Scott Walsh
Gianni and Marc Wanaka
Christen Ward
Ashley Weir
Tachelle and Clevan White Jr. Trey Whitney
Brooke and Zane Whittington Molly and Wayne Williams
Paige and Adam Zittrauer Jennifer and Bill Zosel
Our apologies…Is your name missing? Every effort has been made to publish the most accurate donor information possible. Although we pride ourselves on our accuracy and reliability, errors or omissions sometimes occur. In the event of an error or omission, contact the Development Office at ulsfoundation@lsu.edu or (225) 578-3148 and corrections will be made immediately. Thank you.
Pictured L to R: Kevin George, ULS Director; LaMont Cole, Mayor Pro Tem Council Member, District 7; Carolyn R. Coleman, Councilwoman; Steven Babcock, ULS Instructor; Kimberly Lewis, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer; Rémy Voisin Starns, LSU Board of Supervisors, Past chair; Dean Roland Mitchell, LSU College of Human Sciences & Education; Matt Picou, ULS Dean of Students; Aimee Welch–James, ULS Assistant Secondary Principal; Danielle Blackwood, ULS Instructor; Jill Calloway, ULS Instructor; Trisha Fos, ULS Instructor; Christa Leon, ULS Elementary Principal; Catherine Smith Myrick ‘96, ULS Instructor; Dianne Moran, ULS Instructor; Christina Courtney, ULS Instructor; Collis Temple, III ‘98, current parent and Board of Regents Chair; Brett Furr ‘79, past parent and ULS Past Board Chair; Jonalyn Robert, ULS Grandparent; David Phillips ‘82 and Dawn Phillips, past parents; Richard Lipsey ‘57, past parent and grandparent; and Laurie Lipsey Aronson ‘85, past parent and LSU Board of Supervisors; Barbara Freiberg, current grandparent and LA House of Representative; Kim Hunter Reed, past parent and Commissioner of Higher Education; Robin Toups, current parent and ULSF Board Chair; Mila Sexton, Senior Director of Development Frank Rusciano, Secondary Principal
The U.S. Department of Education announced the 2022 National Blue Ribbon Schools on September 16, again recognizing LSU Laboratory School.
ULS first earned National Blue Ribbon Designation in 2015. Schools are typically eligible to be considered every five years, but this was the first year awards were made since ULS’s initial recognition. ULS is among only 297 public schools nationwide to receive the honor in 2022.
“This latest designation is a direct testament to the work of our teachers, who are truly masters of their craft and excel each and every day in delivering innovative learning experiences,” said ULS Director Kevin George. “They are carrying forward our school’s rich, 107-year history of providing a great service to Louisiana as a model
educational environment for our own students and to the now thousands of pre-service teaching candidates who have trained and continue to train here and researchers who have conducted and continue to conduct valuable studies on our campus that can positively impact children throughout Louisiana and beyond.”
Additionally, through the National Blue Ribbon Schools program, ULS has been named as one of Louisiana’s Exemplary High Performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests. For such schools, ULS’s student subgroup performance and high school graduation rates are at the highest levels (i.e., the top 15%) in English and mathematics. Founded in 1915 as the University Demonstration School for what was then the LSU Teachers College, the LSU Laboratory School now operates as part of the LSU College of Human Sciences & Education. LSU CHSE Dean Roland Mitchell, PhD, said of the award, “I congratulate the outstanding teachers and leadership at University Laboratory School on being named a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School. In our college, we are changemakers; I’m so proud of this accomplishment, as it demonstrates our commitment to innovation and excellence in service to all teachers and students across our state. The teachers at the Lab School are partners with our faculty in the School of Education and mentors to our teacher candidates. As we prepare the next generation of teacher leaders, I’m excited to celebrate this milestone and the positive impact we will continue to have on education in our state.”
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program contends that award winners “serve as examples for other schools throughout the nation.” Schools are nominated by their states’ chief state school officer. In keeping with its mission of “total effort in every endeavor,” ULS serves the state of Louisiana and beyond by providing an exemplary education for its own students, demonstrating a model educational environment, serving as a center for educational innovation and research, providing professional development opportunities for the state’s educators, and offering clinical instruction experiences for pre-service teachers. National Blue Ribbon School recognition affirms the school’s success in carrying out its impactful mission year after year on behalf of every Cub and K-12 students and faculty around the country.
In addition to being a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School, among the many achievements that set ULS apart are that we:
Were the first public school in Louisiana to earn STEM accreditation.
Were ranked number two in Baton Rouge and number eight for public high schools in the state this year by U.S. News & World Report.
Became the first International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme school in Louisiana in 2001.
Offer high school students the option to participate in Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement courses.
To view photos and/or purchase from Eyewander visit:
ULS parent and current ULS Foundation Board member Sean Cangelosi and his family were recently moving when they came across some U-High memorabilia handed down by Sean’s grandfather, Theo Cangelosi. “My grandfather kept all these scrapbooks that have been handed down to me since I am the last Cangelosi in Baton Rouge. I guess I have become the family historian so to speak,” jokes Sean. Included in the memorabilia is a section of the U-High newspaper, The Campus Cub, from April 1962, which features Sean’s uncle Teddy, the tallest student at U-High at the time, being measured by the shortest student. Sean and his wife Kasey have 4 children at the Lab School, Carsyn in 10th grade, Piper in 8th grade, Ruston in 5th grade and Miller in 1st grade. As a fun tribute to their Cangelosi Cub legacy, Carsyn, is pictured here being measured by her brother Miller.
1. Jaime Glas ’06 was recently awarded the LSU Outstanding Young Alumni recipient. She is the founder and owner of Queen of Sparkles, a clothing and accessory brand based in Baton Rouge. Since its founding in 2021, Queen of Sparkles has expanded rapidly and is now sold in over 600 stores worldwide and employs many current and former LSU students.
Nely Ward ‘13 has formed a lifestyle brand called Basic that will focus on health and wellness. The mission of Basic is to encourage and inspire people to live healthy and active lives.
Scot McKenzie ’17 recently graduated from the LSU College of Engineering, has been hired to work for SpaceX, a spacecraft engineering company founded by Elon Musk in 2002. Based out of Hawthorne, Calif., SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft at the Starbase site in Texas.
Amelia Mann Halstead ‘06 was recently named as the new Director of Marketing and Development of the Jewish Children’s Regional Services.
Jeanne McCollister McNeil ‘97 has been named by the Emerge Center as one of the 2022 Baton Rouge Area Volunteer Activist honorees.
Charlotte Baker Moss ’09 and her husband Matt, welcomed baby Baker Kennedy Moss on September 14, 2022. The family resides in Jackson, MS.
Billy Creed ’07 and his wife Rose, welcomed son, William “Will” Creed II, in April, 2022. The family resides in Baton Rouge, LA.
Chris Tyson ‘93 has recently been named to the Howard University Board of Trustees.
Meredith McKernan ’15 married John David Lorence on September 3, 2022, in Aspen, CO. They will reside in Houston, TX.
Sally Richardson ’00 currently serves as the Tulane Law School Vice Dean and as an international scholar of property rights. She has recently been elected by her peers to join the American Law Institute, the nation’s most influential legal reform organization.
Richardson is one of 22 new members elected this month to ALI, an independent organization composed of distinguished scholars, judges, and practicing lawyers and which produces scholarly work, including influential legal work that clarifies, modernizes and otherwise improves the law.
45 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803