Ecuador | Galapagos

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S T U DY A B RO A D E C UA D O R Quito, Ecuador Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Arrayanes Park, Puerto Ayora



E C O LO G I C A L D I V E R I S T Y ‘All you need is Ecuador’ is a cur rent campaign for tourism in Ecuador. The campaign suggested that the countr y provided any landscape a visitor could wish to e xperience. W hile in Ecuador, we stayed in Quito, the capital city and tr aveled to Guayaquil, Otavalo, Quilotoa, and Baños. We were able to meet many local people and share experiences that were truly unique to Ecuador.




G A L A PA G O S I S L A N D S The Galapagos Islands are a series of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles west of South America. The islands are protected by the government of Ecuador and are maintained as a national park. The protection of plant and animal life native to the island is a very important to the people of Ecuador. The islands are famed for being the site of Charles Darwin’s voyage Beagle. The islands remain very well preserved and all that occurs on the islands must be careful to protect the existing ecosystem.


Puerto Ayora


Court, Arrayanes

A R R AYA N E S PA R K Ar r ayanes Park, named for the native Ar r ayanes tree, is located in the nor theaster n section of Puer to Ayor a on the island of Santa Fe, in the Galapagos Islands. Cur rently the park is used by children in the sur rounding neighborhoods for BMX, skateboarding and use of e xisting play equiptment.

Project History Meetings with the community in previous years led to two plans being developed based on interests and concerns brought by those in the community that attended the meetings that year. The group that gathered the first year wanted a calm park for the neighborhood which families could use to relax, away from the tourist areas on the island. The second year brought a different group that stressed the importance of leaving the exisitng skate bowl and hardscape spaces for an increased use of the park for BMX.

The task for our project team was to combine these two different programs in one park that could be used by all residents in the surrounding neghborhood. The park as it exists now, consists of 60 percent unusable space covered with loose lava rocks. Dense vegitation grows around and on top of these rocks, making these areas of the park unwalkable. The usable space in the park consists of a skate bowl, basketball court, BMX path and a flat area with play equiptment. A single path runs through the park at an angle across the basketball court.

Skate Bowl, Arrayanes

PLAN The final plan developed by our project team incoorperated both the family realted and BMX spaces into the park. Along the southern edge of the park are spaces for children to play as well as benches to

rest. A path connects these spaces as well as to multiple park entrances. The BMX and skateboarding areas are located on the northern sides of the park and connect to the court in order for the

court to also be used as a free skate space. The design overall addressed the need for more recognizable park entrances, as well as utilizing areas of the park that had previously been unaccessable.


Court Section 1

The court will be painted and resurfaced to encourage a wider range of programs in the space, with material differentiation based on intended use.

Court Section 2

1 2 3 Court Section 3

BRIDGE A bridge will be constructed to allow access to the court from the southern entrance, crossing over the lower path. The bridge connects both the court and the skate rink

to allow access for children to the lower skate bowl and BMX track.

CONCLUSION The plan is to be implemented in phases that the community can determine based on the interests of those involved. The park is scheduled to enter the budget this coming year, with the construction of phases to continue in the future.




D av i d W i t t e Nanette Heimes P h i l C l ag h o r n Rya n P l ag e r L i z S z at ko

T h e p r o j e c t d r aw i n g s i n t h i s p o r t fo l i o we r e d o n e i n c o l l ab o r at i o n by t h e p r o j e c t t e a m a n d those who continued to work on the p r o j e c t d r aw i n g s a n d p r e s e n t at i o n a f t e r t h e t r i p. T h i s c o n t i n u e d e f fo r t w a s p u t fo r t h i n order to prepare the f i l e s fo r t r a n s i t i o n t o the next phase of the project.

An o r ga n i z at i o n d e d i c at e d t o t h e s o c i a l and c o n s e r vat i o n d e ve l o p m e n t i n E c u a d o r, Ve r d e M i l e n i o w o r ke d with us during our time i n E c u a d o r. W i t h t h e h e l p o f t h i s o r ga n i z at i o n , o u r g r o u p w a s abl e t o w o r k with local c o m m u n i t i e s.

CONTINUED P RO J E C T D E V E LO P E M E N T Alejandro Bolanos D av i d W i t t e Chris Brockhoft Kim Wilson N at e K r o h n L i z S z at ko K ay ly n N e ve r ve

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