End Times Newspaper

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Self-proclaimed Major 1 Prophet’s Church Under Attack

Date: 18 January 2019

Volume 02: Week No. 3 22

A Sign Of The Times

S we transition into the new year, one cannot help but wonder what 2019 holds in store, particularly as it relates to God’s divine agenda on earth. Fully understanding this agenda requires perfect foresight, which belongs to God, and he only reveals things to man partially (Deut. 29:29, 1 Cor. 13:9).


Nevertheless, hindsight and insight into current events are at our disposal to get a good idea; and what better place to start than the apple of God’s eye: Jerusalem (Zech. 2:8). From the time Jerusalem was officially recognized as the capital of Israel by the US (December 6th, 2017), there has been an increase in the global tide of hostility towards the Jewish state. Despite this, the US has remained steadfast in its support of Israel, even moving its embassy to Jerusalem (May 14th,2018). However, recent developments in the foreign policy of Jerusalem's strongest ally has cast a shadow of doubt over Jerusalem’s future outlook. On December 19th,2018, President Trump announced the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, casting concern over the security of the border with Israel (which has been used as an operating base for the Iranian military and Hezbollah). Whilst the US has reiterated its commitment to the security of Israel’s borders, the recent failure of the US Senate to advance the “Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act”

Daily Star

(also known as the anti-BDS bill), which reaffirms US support for Israel and allies in the region, casts further uncertainty over the extent of future US involvement in the region as focus shifts to homeland issues. Juxtaposed with end-time biblical prophecies which point to ‘apparent’ conditions of peace and a ‘sense’ of security within Israel’s borders (and to an extent around the world) as a prelude to events such as the building of the third temple in Jerusalem (Zech.1:11, Dan.9:27),

the Gog-of-Magog invasion (Eze. 38:11) and the gathering of the saints before a period of tribulation (1 Thess. 5:3); these recent developments do not necessarily preclude their fulfilment as Israel seeks guarantees and assurances from its ally more so than a physical military presence. The demand is thus placed on Christians to be vigilant and carefully monitor the developments concerning Jerusalem in 2019 as a sign of the times.

Ronald McDonald A Book Review on the Cross in Israel Under Fire From Christians Ancient bible wisdom warns us: “knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their lusts,” (2 Peter 3:3). How well befitting is this scripture to the sculpture to the scoffing that was put up in Israel’s Haifa Museum of Art last week, such that an Arab-Christian had this to say: “I object to this disgraceful sculpture,” said Nicola Abdo, a Haifa resident and protester. “As a Christian person ... I take deep offence to this depiction of our symbols.” While the image was displayed against the wishes of the artist, and also that he supported the protest that took place last week; it is said the sculpture was displayed as means of a critique on capitalism.

After violent protests and calls to boycott McDonalds, even in a country far afield as South Africa from the happenings of the events, saw the Museum succumbing to pressure and removed the display this week. The 2% minority of Arab-Christians in Israel stood boldly and even reverted to violence to make their voices heard. When Israel mocks Jesus, they give the devil a foothold on their country and often bad things follow. Even though reluctant at first, however, the Museum did the right thing to remove the image.

DC Comic Ridicules Brazil to Move Israel New Second Coming of Jesus Embassy to Jerusalem

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed he will move his country’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Bolsonaro, speaking in an interview to SBT television late Thursday, said: “The decision is taken, it’s only a matter of when it will be implemented.” The comment confirmed a statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Brazil this week to attend Bolsonaro’s January 1 investiture. [The Times of Israel] . The newly elected President had earlier said, "Israel is a sovereign state and we must respect it. Only Israelis have the right to decide what the capital of Israel will be." [The Jerusalem Post] Currently, United States and Guatemala are the only countries with embassies in Jerusalem. Most countries hold a position that East Jerusalem is the capital city of the future state of Palestine. In reality, it is the Jewish people who have maintained ties -

to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years. President Bolsonaro was inaugurated on 1 January 2019 as the 38th President of Brazil. He represents a sharp break with Brazil’s recent record of liberal politics (which included a strong support for Palestine), swerving his country sharply to the right and towards the United States.

The sons-in-law of Lot supposed Lot was joking when he told them to leave the city for destruction was coming upon it (Gen. 19:14). So it shall be likened to the days of Lot when the Messiah returns (Luke 17:2833); this series does not escape this prophecy but fulfils it. A new DC comic is set to be introduced as representing Christ as a clueless superhero sidekick at the Second Coming. Author Mark Russel when interviewed explains – “God was so upset with Jesus’ performance the first time He came on earth, since He was arrested so soon and crucified shortly after, that He has kept him locked-up since then.” The comic goes on to describe that Jesus returns to earth as the roommate of “an all-powerful superhero name Sun-Man.”

Christians have put up with hostility from the world but Biblically, God promised the land to that was not enough – they now are faced with a the patriarch Abraham. King David blasphemous bunch. CitizenGo has issued a petition to established Jerusalem as the capital stop this series – visit & sign: http://www.citizengo.org/en/md/167848-dc-comics-slatedof the Israel. The Bible states that release-blasphemous-series-about-jesus

it’s the enemy’s plan to stand in the temple of God and exalt himself as God. We must pray that the will of God prevails in Israel and Jerusalem; we must also support decisions by heads of states to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We hope other countries, including South Africa, will follow to recognise Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of the State of Israel.

Visit www.maranathaevangelical.org.za

Waiting Prayerfully on the Lord It is becoming increasingly difficult to serve the Lord nowadays in a manner that pleases Him, and this is because of a great plague of deception that has taken over the church. During the Protestant Reformation, modern scholars estimate that 50 million people died in persecutions and religious wars; and this was all because of a fire kindled by Martin Luther in a fight for religious freedom we so fairly enjoy today. But Luther and others left us with another difficult problem; and that is, people tend to be less responsible when having so much freedom. With the information age on our doorstep – deception is a catalyst weapon in the hands of the devil. Jesus firmly warned about deception; and if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived (Matt. 24:4 & 24). It has dawned on those who desire God & holiness to flee worldliness. Isolating oneself to a life of prayer, reading the physical bible & seeking God is a way forward, to hold on the promises of God in these end times is breath to the spiritlife. We are so ever called to wait, believe & pray for the revelation of Jesus.

Episcopal Church Punishes Bishop For Refusing Homosexual Marriages "The Episcopal Church and Western Society have been hijacked by the 'Gay Rights Agenda,' which is very well organised, very strategic, very well financed, and very powerful." "Jesus is calling the Church to follow His example. He is calling the Church to have the courage to speak His Truth in love about homosexual behaviour — even though it isn't politically correct," Love wrote. (CBN) In 2012, the Episcopal Church became the largest U.S. denomination to officially sanction same-sex relationships. The Episcopal Church has about 1.95 million members in the United States. (CNN)

Bishop William Love (Left) of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany (in New York) had his ministry officially restricted by the national church over his refusal to enforce a recently enacted resolution allowing congregations in his regional body to bless same-sex marriages. (Christian Post) Presiding Bishop Michael Curry (Right) (who delivered a sermon at Prince Harry’s wedding) wrote that Love's action

"may constitute a canonical offense" and referred his case for disciplinary review. While the case is pending, Curry placed restrictions on Love that forbid him from penalising clergy, laity or worshippers in the diocese for arranging or participating in same-sex marriages. Bishop Love wrote in an eight-page letter in November that:

There is a growing movement by liberal churches towards a gospel that accepts homosexual behaviour as normal and not sinful. Even worse, some churches are starting to bless or perform same-sex marriages. There is no confusion on God’s word on where He stands on this matter. Homosexuality is sinful. According to the word of God, men who practise homosexuality will not inherit the Kingdom of God [1 Cor 6:9]. The Gay Agenda lobby is powerful and well financed, but the word of God is superior and will not change.

Deferred Death Sentence When God instructed Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, His reason was clear: “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen. 2:17).

Whilst the lag between sentencing and execution is often perceived as a period of toil and sorrow (Psa. 90:9-10), it is really just an expression of the riches of God’s goodness and forbearance and long-suffering (Rom. 2:4).

Adam eventually ate of the fruit of the tree and committed the first sin, thereby imputing guilt on the entire human race and sentencing all (including himself) to death (Rom.5:12). Nevertheless, it took a long time for the death sentence to be executed as Adam lived up to the age of 930 years old (Gen. 5:5).

For those who reject the cross and refuse to embrace the righteousness that is through Jesus Christ, death is but an induction into eternal death (Rev. 21:8). Of them it is written that: “because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” (Eccl.8:11).

And so, the reality is that every child’s days are numbered from the womb of their mother (Psa. 139:14-15), and birth is but an induction into death row. For those who come to the saving knowledge of the cross and faith in Jesus Christ, there is vindication in death… come as it may, death has no power and is but an escape from the incarceration of this life.

They live for this life alone and conveniently ignore or deny the judgment which follows (Eccl. 11:9). Yet, God has allowed them to daily partake in the same benevolence of His deferred death sentence (Matt. 5:45) if only that some might be saved (2 Pet. 3:9).

Three Killed In Church Stampede


Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Under Fire Over 3 Deaths A tragedy occurred last year few days before year end that resulted to 3 people killed in a stampede. It is said that the stampede was a result of people running away from a thunderstorm to take shelter at the church. The church has faced severe criticism from citizens after the incident, with people requesting Prophet Bushiri to leave the country (RSA). The South African National Civic Organization (SANCO) has been on the tail of this occurrence, enforcing investigations on the incident. They threaten to take the necessary recourse if the church is found guilty. The leadership of ECG have suspended the personnel that were responsible for ensuring the incident doesn’t occur. The leadership (Maynard Manyowa) also said: "The prophet can pack up and go, but the church itself can't."

Deadline: 31 Jan 2019

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