End Times Newspaper

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End Times Date:10 August 2018

Volume 01: Week No. 10

IRAN’s Economic Meltdown Signals Gog of Magog War

improvement in Iran’s trade as the country increased its export of oil. However, there has been little overall improvement in the economy or the lives of Iranians as the government is using most of the countries resources to fund wars and terrorism. The Iranian economy has been on a downward spiral such that the country’s currency has lost half of its value since April. The situation will be worse as USA re-imposes sanctions this week. According to CBS news, protests are popping up in cities all over Iran, in anger over the regime’s economic failure.

S the body of Christ, we are not called to


be ignorant of the times we live in, the Lord Himself warned us, “You know how to interpret the appearance ofbut the you sky, to interpret the appearance of the sky, but youthe cannot the signs of the cannot interpret signsinterpret of the times.” [Matthew 16:3]. times.”[Matthew 16:3]. It is on this basis that I believe we must be aware of the events in Iran, especially how they affect Biblical prophecies. Iran is an Islamic Republic that is pursuing a nuclear project they say is for peaceful purposes. The leadership of Iran has not been secretive about their wish to annihilate Israel,

The bible prophesies about Gog of Magog war involving Israel and other nations, including and their deep hatred for the United States. For Persia (Iran) (Ezekiel 38). Iran many years, Iran was under international has also recently conducted sanctions, as the international community unusual military exercises in the believed the Islamic Republic is building nuclear Persian Gulf, a show of force weapons. analysts say is aimed at the U.S. In 2015, Iran reached an just as the Trump administration agreement with major is re-imposing sanctions. economic and military power houses such as USA, As Iran’s leadership is fuming over sanctions, melting economy, China and Russia to and increasing protests, could all redesign, convert, and reduce its nuclear facilities, of this be an initiation of a breakout of war between Israel in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. in the exchange for lifting the and Iran? After the sanctions were lifted,sanctions. there was some economic

We are not called to be ignorant of the times we live in

Freed from Drugs and Gangsterism to Jesus Christ It was hard for me in the world. The things I did haunted me back. I never knew Christ, peace and happiness. For me it was like I am living a life of shame while the Lord was looking upon me. But I never saw that because my life was covered with evil. Just as you wear the [a] mask, there’s no peace because you are hiding yourself from your enemies. I was in hell because darkness was my home [and] because [that] is where my family was. The thing I use to do was painful for my family but I never knew [got convicted] that drugs, womanizing, stealing, and robbing was wrong, even the day I was [got] stabbed. I didn’t see it as falling, it was like I’m a man because my friends were praising me saying I am a man and I would be fooled and rejoice in that.

Mlondolozi His name means Comforter. He is the one wearing a green T-shirt. Here he was in a community project in Bellville, Cape Town, helping out in cleaning.

Because my soul wasn’t at peace, my mother used to cry but I would laugh at her, though she convinced me to leave this life because she was chosen by God. She wouldn’t stop praying until the day I saw the light by seeing [Jesus]. The world was perishing and even then my life was changing. When I was praying with my mother, I even asked her that I want to leave the gangster life and follow God. She took me to church and I made the right decision not because she said so but because I made my vow and agreement to show that all of the parents who are in pain because of their children mustn’t lose hope and faith. Love your child just like Jesus loved us, nothing perishes overnight but an hour of prayer changes many people, even any minute is [only] a question of love. Thank you. I hope you make a decision for Christ. God bless you!!


The Moon Will Turn Into Blood South African Church Needs A Holy Ghost Revival When Jesus arose from death and ascended to Heaven, the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost, leading to a great Heavenly dispensation and the birth of the first church. From this first church, God laid out the foundation of the church, using His apostles, as it is written, “.. built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” [Ephesians 2:20]. Getty Images 27 July 2018 saw the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st Century with duration of 1hour 43 minutes. Unlike a solar eclipse (occurs due to the sun being obscured by the moon), a Lunar Eclipse occurs as a result of the moon passing the earth’s shadow from behind and causing the Earth’s natural satellite to turn to a spectacular red or ruddy brown colour making the moon look reddish as a result of some of the sunlight reflecting on the moon. Additionally, the Moon was at a farther point from the Earth along its orbit, EarthSky pointed out. Mars is also said to have been closest to earth since 15 years during the same time. Enough with the science; what is significant about the event is the truth of its accurate highlight in the bible and as such merits serious attention to everyone living on the earth. Astronomical enthusiasts are thrilled by such events mainly for mere photographing this splendid event and becoming part of the moment, but for Christians, it is not merely so, but a significant sign of the end of days prophecies. A key moment in the bible for Christians was the coming of the Holy Spirit engulfed with tongues of fire upon believers at the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). At that very moment, Peter, amongst other things, pointed out an event that is marked as a sign before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

Joel (2:28-32) prophesied this event: “The Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood…”, and Peter, being a true apostle, pointed them to scripture to vindicate what God was doing on that day. And as such, one is firmly called to be like the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) who knew the times and to tighten the belt of truth. What bible doctrinal basis do we have to say this is a sign from God? Genesis 1 lays it explicitly that the moon, sun, and stars are also for ‘signs and seasons’, and such are a means of communication. For example, God used stars to locate the baby Jesus when the three wise men came to pay homage to the new born King (Matthew 2:2&9). Undoubtly, God is using His creation and crying to the world to heed the trumpet call, for the Messiah is coming sooner than we think. A call to get ready. Jesus said “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars….for the powers of heaven will be shaken” (Luke 21:25-26). What is also amazing is that this exact event coincided with a Jewish holiday this year (26-27 July) called Tu B’Av (Hag HaAhava), which is said to be a holiday of ‘love’ or ‘Great day for weddings’- pointing nowhere but marking the wedding feast of the Lamb (Rev. 19:9). Joel, in the same prophecy, marks a far reaching ultimatum to all man who live to see these days: “it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

However, it is painful to see how the church in South Africa has drifted so far from the simplicity and purity of the Gospel. The ungodly gospel preached in our country is a money-centred profiteering scheme that merely involves transferring money to the preacher in exchange for God’s blessings. We have drifted away from holiness, many pastors have failed to warn Christians that sin leads unto death, and hence the church is so worldly and in manty instances, not distinguishable from the world. In the past, children of God have cried to God about the state of the church, or the state of the nation, and God heard their prayers, and revived such nations. In 1903, certain Welsh believers had been praying for many years for God to revive their spiritually declining country, and for God to raise a man in the coal pits of Wales to lead a revival. Indeed, a revival broke out, in the end, 150,000 people converted and added to churches and chapels in Wales, lives were transformed, lifestyles were changed, homes and families were healed, churches were packed and on fire with fervour and zeal. What the church in South Africa needs today is such a revival, not a denominational event, but a Holy Ghost to descend and transform our nation forever. Let us pray without ceasing for the revival of our country.

Then Gay Activist Now Calls ‘Sin of Same-Sex’ She now calls it a “sin of same-sex” and after a year of taking cautious steps she concluded that she has ‘seen the light’. In a live television session on Salt Television in Kampala, Ms Kalende on 29 July 2018 announced that she is no longer gay [lesbian] and will soon get married. [Daily Monitor].


Credit: Daily Monitor

Meet renowned Gay Rights Activist -Ms Val Kalende from Uganda who denounced homosexuality is said to likely come into a rattle with the Lesbian and Gay community because of this decision. Mr Frank Mugisha, the executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda expresses that her decision will psychologically affect many LGBT members who feel victimised. Ms Kalende defended Gay Rights with passion and was an inspiration to homosexuals.

She posted on her Facebook page: “Not sure how to do this or if I have to. It’s draining. But I know people have questions and they mean well. I’d be glad to respond to questions concerning what I have learned about the sin of same-sex attraction and the mystery that surrounds the homosexual lifestyle, especially for Christians, parents and people with family members or friends who struggle with same-sex attractions.” Her journey in defending Gay Rights started after Makerere University in 2007. Coming from a Christian family, they cut ties with her for being gay [lesbian] and she became an orphan. This did not stop her; instead, she became a vocal voice for homosexuality for her country going as far as campaigning globally in international human rights conferences in 2010. She left Uganda in 2015 after the enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act and was granted an asylum in Canada. She finally submitted to the loving arms of Jesus in 2018 and expressed her desire to take a long deserved rest. She is currently declining media interviews and said her testimony was enough at church.

About the Millennium According to scripture, Jesus-Christ shall bind satan and throw him into the abyss to be held for one thousand years (Rev. 20:1-3), signalling the end of the tribulation. He shall then resurrect the saints who were slain during the great tribulation, and together with the raptured saints and the 144,000 sealed Jewish converts, they shall reign on earth for one thousand years (i.e. the millennium).

Second, there will be survivors from the tribulation period on earth (recall, satan was bound so that he could no longer deceive ‘the nations’ who remained). These survivors will continue to live as mortal beings and will repopulate the earth; however, they (and their offspring) will live under the governance of Christ and his saints (who will assume an immortal/resurrected body), and shall be instructed by his law of righteousness.

There are two interesting things to note concerning the millennium. First, it occurs on the earth (not in heaven). In fact, despite the damage that is done to the earth through the tribulation judgments, the earth and its seasons will remain until the time of its ultimate renovation (through fire – resulting in the evaporation of the sea) after the great judgment at the end of the millennium (Gen. 8:22, 2 Pet. 3:7, Rev. 21:1).

Although mortal man’s heart will still be inclined to evil, there will be no false religion and people will be afforded the choice of salvation by Christ himself. The laws of death shall be different to those we see presently (i.e. there will be no infant mortality and life expectancy will greatly increase, though people will still be subject to death – see Isa. 65:20).

If anything, the millennium will involve reconstruction initiatives by the saints (Isa. 61:4).

At the end of the millennium, satan shall be released for a little while as a final test (and basis for judgment) for a population oblivious to his wiles.

The Life of Pastor Joel Osteen If the criteria for heavenly rewards as a minister to God’s people were based on your congregational number, Pastor Joel Osteen would be the top minister in the USA today as having the largest church in that country. However, God’s word is certain, the criterion is the foundation of Jesus Christ and that of the apostles (1 Corinthians 3:5-17) and not how many members you have. Pastor Osteen’s life is glamorously unique, driving a Ferrari 458 Italia, an Italian sports car worth an estimated R4.5 million. His estimated net worth was reported to be between R547 million and R784 million in 2017. [Reddit]. Also, in 2017, Osteen was criticized for not opening his megachurch to the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. He currently lives in an opulent mansion in an exclusive community of River Oaks. The minister is heavily critiqued by many pastors for not being biblical and for a lack of preaching against sin. A glamorous life and a large congregation is the ‘in thing’ amongst today’s ministers and has become a rat race as who will become the next big minister. There’s no repentance in their theology, no mentioning of the blood of Jesus and no cry for lost souls to come to a godly life in Jesus but motivational speaking. Pastors like Osteen are the pioneers that invoked such mentality to many upcoming ministers.

Only God Knows Tomorrow Comfort does not necessarily draw us away from God. In fact, without a period of all-round rest, Solomon would never have been able to expressly return God’s love by building him a temple (1 Ki. 5:3-5). Neither is adversity a guarantee that one will draw closer to God, for many have abandoned their faith under the weight of oppression. A good mixture of both is needed in our Christian walk, and scripture describes it this way: “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” (Eccl. 7:14, NIV). Therefore, if you are currently experiencing a period of peace – and you are in right-standing with God – don’t feel guilty; praise God and rejoice. Bask in the glory, but remain sober, for things can change unexpectedly.

On the other hand, if you are currently going through what seems like hell, then consider these two things. First, it could be worse – and indeed, hell is worse – so as long as you are in right-standing with God, you have something to rejoice about – and if you are not, repent, otherwise it will get worse. Second, the suffering you are currently facing is not necessarily a good indicator for tomorrow. It is noted that people commonly try to predict the future on the basis of the past, after all, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). However, only God knows tomorrow. The mystery of God is with those who fear him (Psa. 25:14) and he counsels them to forget the things suffered in the past as a basis for prediction; for he is preparing a new thing for them, which no ear has heard of nor any eye has seen (Isa. 43:18-19; 64:4).

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