In reality, nothing is certain in life. Still, we can make plans and carry out activities that can give us a higher chance of living fuller and more meaningful lives. Healthy habits are some of those things in life that increase our chances of making the most of our experiences in the world. No one wants to be sick. However, a wish is not enough. You need to take deliberate steps that will boost your chances of keeping the doctor away. You have been exposed to many tips and hacks that can help you boost your physical and mental health in this book. Take advantage of them to improve the quality of your life. Nothing good comes easy, and you need to be resolute and disciplined to continue on this path of healthy living. Remember that life is too short to be lived in pain and agony. So, invest in your health because that is all you have got. If you lose it, no amount of money or awards can replace it. Only a healthy person can enjoy the fruits of his or her labor. So, while striving to get to the top of your career, don’t neglect your health. Whatever career path you choose that is making it impossible to prioritize your physical and mental health is not worth it. You deserve to be happy and healthy. However, you can never experience the beauty of life when you sacrifice your health and happiness for honors. That is too much of a sacrifice. Start Page | 69