Belize Times 100725

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times



Issue No. 4703

This afternoon at least 100 angry protesters marched the streets of Orange Walk Town in protest against Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega. They say that Vega, who is the Area Representative of Orange Walk North, has wrested control of at least $150,000 which was to have been disbursed by Orange Walk East Area Representative Marcel Cardona. As we understand it, each year UDP area representatives are given $150,000 to give to their constituents for educational purposes including scholarships and assistance with

books and fees. Protesters we spoke to claim that a source in the Ministry of Education verified that the Deputy Prime Minister will now control those funds. The bitter hostility between the representatives of Orange Walk East and Orange Walk North is no secret and started visibly as far back as the last UDP National Convention in 2006 when Cardona sided with Carlos Perdomo against Vega in the contest for Deputy Leader of the UDP. With that move the die was cast, and public allegations Cardona made against Vega with respect to his questionable character certainly did not help. It is believed that Cardona’s meteoric fall from grace was in fact


orchestrated by the very powerful Deputy Prime Minister. Cardona was first removed as a Senator of the UDP and then kicked out of Cabinet to reside on the backbench. Though it cannot be said that he has not tried every which way (up to and including nauseating verbal massages of his leader) to slide his way back into the graces of his Prime Minister and thus the Cabinet, speculation is that DPM Vega has placed a political sanction on the unlucky fellow which will not anytime soon be lifted. It is also known that DPM Vega will back UDP financier and aspiring Orange Walk East Standard Bearer Landy Burns against Cardona whenever the UDP standard bearer conventions are held. A

win for Burns would be the seal on the political death warrant of Cardona. Protesters the Belize Times spoke to claim that the move by Vega to wrest control of funds to be disbursed to constituents for educational needs is just another stage of the plan to weaken Cardona. It is expected that control of the funds would then be gifts to Burns for him to gain political capital and influence over voters who need the assistance. Cardona was not available for comment today.

Operation WHAT?

One of the very first moves of Prime Minister Barrow’s ‘dynamic, energetic and tenacious legal warrior,’ Attorney-General BQ Pitts, has fallen miserably by the wayside. The highly controversial Court #3, which legal experts tell us is illegal, lies dead in the water after Special Police Prosecutor Elizabeth Purcell left the country with little or no warning early this week. Purcell had been plucked from the DPP’s Office and placed under the control of the Attorney-General BQ Pitts and Minister of Police Doug Singh to be the expert prosecutor in the government’s select Court #3. Left without his frontline player in what some say would have been no more than a kangaroo court, Singh stated nonchalantly that he will find a replacement, but the failure of Court #3 is indicative of the failure of another ‘brilliant’ plan, a plan as explosive as a long range missile without a propulsion unit – Operation Restore Belize. While Minister Singh has been in the news often this past week, it has had nothing to do with crime, or perhaps more accurately, the fight against crime. Just this week, bullets claimed four victims and reports today are than another man has been shot in the head and is clinging to life. Minister Singh has said nothing

Elizabeth Purcell at all about that. This week Belizeans for Justice held a press conference in which they cried out for the Police to play a more active role in the war against crime. Minister Singh was nowhere around and had no official response. In fact, while violent crime has continued to claim victims with shocking regularity, Minister Singh’s media appearances have focused on fat-bellied policemen and the need for a gym at the Police Station. The one challenge the Police Minister has thrown out has not been issued to the criminals who

Hon. Doug Singh - Min. of Police make our streets unsafe and our homes prisons. No, Minister Singh is challenging big-bellied Policemen to a running race and a contest of strength and stamina. There has been no perceptible good done since Singh’s appointment, only a very perceptible increase in the anger and frustration within the Police Department. Violent crimes continue unchecked. As for Mr. Barrow, since presenting the beautifully packaged Operation Restore Belize, he has been absolutely silent. Nobody is sure if the operation actually launched, or launched and

fizzled out or is still in full effect. The only thing anybody is sure of is that things on the streets continue to get worse. The shootings continue without pause. The murders have escalated. The robberies and burglaries and assaults are never-ending. Operation Restore Belize has made nobody’s life better with the exception of the new Minister of Police and the new Attorney-General who have been granted new lofty positions with all the financial remunerations and perks. This government has been unable to do anything right as regards the strengthening of Belize’s justice system. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is in complete shambles. The so-called Special Prosecutor has up and left the scene. There have been accusations of Executive tampering in the Judiciary and the Police Department is in chaos with no apparent light at the end of the tunnel. Until this Government can get its act straight, Belizeans can expect nothing more than an escalation of crime on the street and a proliferation of criminals walking free due to inadequate prosecution. That is all that is written on the all of this UDP administration while Belizeans pay the price.


The Belize Times

Tomorrow is Too Late

ONE week ag o today, a five year old child died at the K arl Heusner Memorial Hospital from symptoms related to dengue fever. At the time of her death, officials at the hospital were moving people out of ward at the first sign of recovery because others were lined up to check in. The numbers of cases of people reporting to the hospitals and clinics with symptoms that are common in patients with dengue fever have reached to the point where the authorities are now forced to say that there is an “outbreak” of dengue in Belize. Where did it all begin? Where is the spread of the disease most noticeable? Over the past few months, have the people in public health been collecting data on the number of cases at the clinics and hospitals? How did they g o from reporting 28 cases in one week and then announce an epidemic a few days later? Do we have enough medicine to deal with the cur rent situation? Do we have a plan should it get worse? Already Belizeans are getting uncomfortable with the situation; of course who can blame them when you consider all that has gone wrong in the Ministr y of Health since the Bar row administration took office in Febr uar y 2008. There was the scandal over the f l e e c i n g a t t h e K HMH w h e r e i n f e r i o r d r u g s a n d ove r p r i c e d medicines were being bought. Then there was the case of all the babies who were dying in the hospitals. We have had trouble with management at just about every one of our regional hospitals. Our health system is in a mess and we have a minister who is clueless. In the months after those first deaths in Mexico as a result of the H1N1 vir us (swine flu), the public health authorities reacted first with resolve, and then later seem to have r un out of steam. While the epidemic never became as deadly as we initially feared, it exposed some serious shortcomings in our public health response, which is now being manifested. According to the Web MD, Dengue fever is an acute viral disease that can last up to 10 days, but complete recover y can take as long as a month. Dengue fever is not contagious; the vir us is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites, usually from the aedes aeg ypti (but frequently aedes albopictus) which bites during morning hours. Last week the Belize Times was the first to predict that there was a dengue epidemic in Belize. In this ver y same article, the writer asked whether the Public Health Depar tment “paid any attention or conducted any studies to find out if the mosquitoes here in Belize have developed a resistance to malathion.” Studies have shown that in other places, the aedes aeg ypti mosquito developed a resistance to malathion, the substance that is sprayed to kill the lar vae. Before looking for answers to this question one has to ask whether the public health authorities have been spraying anything at all, for prior to the recent complaints on radio and television, there were no public announcements about spraying or any public campaign about dengue. It is estimated that dengue kills about 20,000 people each year. As with most viral diseases, there is no vaccine to protect against the disease and no dr ug to cure it. Dealing with what they now say is an outbreak is not an easy task, considering the complete lack of leadership from the minister of health and from the Barrow administration, but our public health department needs to become clearer about all the uncertainty when it comes to handling these kinds of situations. Our children are cur rently on summer break, but soon school will start and the Ministr y of Health will need to be figure out how to balance between infection control and the daily activities of schools. Perhaps the time has come for the Prime Minister to take the advice of the Leader of the Opposition and fire Pablo Marin. Tomor row is already too late.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Now the Cemetery! Dear Editor, W hen I hear th e p l i gh t o f th e Bel i z e C i ty C o un ci l wi th respect to the sp a ces a t th e L o r d R i d g e Cemeter y it amuses me although it is no laughing matter. As someo n e m en ti o n ed … n ow th e C em ete r y! Ag ain my fell ow B el i z ea n s, th i s co m es a s n o s u r p r i s e. The UDP City Council has failed Belizean residents in the manag ement a n d a d m i n i s tr a ti o n o f th i s ci ty’s a f f a i r s in ever y aspect. Z en a i d a Moya (wh o wa s el ected a U D P M ayor) and her co u n ci l l o r s h ave to ta l l y r u i n e d t h i s ci ty. T his ine pt an d co r r u p t b u n ch h a s f a i l ed u s m i s er a b l y in the financial m a n a g em en t o f o u r ci ty, th ey h ave r u i n ed our streets, and th ey h ave b een i n ca p a b l e i n th e h a n d l i n g of our g arbag e s i tu a ti o n a n d m a n y o th er a r ea s th a t h ave been highlighted on a weekly and daily basis by the various media houses. So today when we h ea r th a t th e ci ty i s ex p er i en ci n g problems with sp a ces a t th e cem eter y, i t r e a l l y d o es n o t shock anyone. T h i s i s a p r o b l em th a t h a s b een th e r e f o r several years. But the incompetent bunch at City Hall have had no time to ad d r es s th i s i s s u e a s th ey h ave b een b u s y fighting among th em s el ves a n d a d d r e s s i n g o th er i s s u es that would better “ g r a ti f y” th em . Well, may I s u g g es t th a t M r s. M oya Fl ower s a n d h er incompetent bun ch p l ea se fi n d a so l uti o n to th e cem eter y space problem ve r y q u i ck l y a s a t th e r a te o u r p eo p l e a r e being murdered we d o n’t h ave mu ch ti m e. T i m e i s o f t h e essence! Pe r h a p s t h e M ayo r s h o u l d h ave g o n e t o l e a r n m o r e about crisis mana g em en t o r cem eter y p l a n n i n g wh er ever s h e w e n t r a t h e r t h a t g o i n g t o l e a r n a b o u t Wo m e n i n Politics. She is al r ea d y a p r o i n th a t f i el d . Our city residents deser ve better than this. It’s already appalling the rate th a t o u r b r o th er s, s i s ter s a n d ch i l d r en ar e being murder ed to h ave to b e wo r r yi n g n ow wh er e t o bur y them. We ca l l o n th e Pr i m e M i n i s ter t o a d d r es s th i s situation and pro n to ! Juliet H inds Belize City Res i d en t

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


Bar Association Growls at Solicitor General

Since taking up the position of Solicitor General of Belize, offered to him by his good friend and former classmate Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, Oscar Ramjeet has been writing articles on a range of topics. The range of his commentary spans from legal issues (including in Belize), legislation (including in Belize) and political affairs in the Caribbean (including also in Belize). The ink has flowed thus unchecked from his pen in Belmopan, spilling copiously into cyberspace, until now.

The Solicitor General chose his subject and the conclusion of his thesis most unwisely. He has had the misfortune of falling afoul of the Bar Association of Belize, which in this accompanying letter to the editor makes it clear that it considers Mr. Ramjeet’s self description, brazenly branded under his picture, to be incomplete and his narrative misleading. In fact, in respect to at least one of his statements, the Bar Association declares it to be “patently false”. Judge for yourselves…

Controversy over retirement of Belize's chief justice

by Oscar Ramjeet The chief justice of Belize, Dr Abdulai Conteh, will be 65 on August 6 and, under the Constitution, he cannot continue to be the Head of the Judiciary unless the governor general offers him a contract. But this can only be done if the prime minister advises, and Mr Dean Barrow has already indicated to the chief justice that he has no intention to offer him a contract after he attains the retirement age. The Belize Bar Association is not happy about this and wants the government to offer Dr Conteh a contract, but the prime minister is not compelled to do so. The Association is also demanding a say in the appointment of the new chief justice although, as lawyers, they are aware of the fact that, under article 97(1) of the Constitution, the chief justice shall be appointed by the governor general, acting in accordance with the advice of the prime minister given after consultation with the leader of the opposition. I do not understand why there is a big outcry from the Belize Bar Association because in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, which comprises Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Granada, Dominica, Montserrat, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis and St Vincent and the Grenadines, the chief justice is appointed by the heads of government of these nine states/territories, and it must be unanimous -- all must agree. And up to 2005 the appointment of the Chief Justice of England and Wales was made by the Lord Chancellor. Moreover, Belize is the only jurisdiction that provides that the president of the Bar Association must be a member of its Judicial and Legal Services Commission. Unlike the Constitution of Belize, the constitution of each Caribbean jurisdiction provides that, in addition to the chief justice, the chairman of the Public Services Commissions must also consist of "appointed members". Jamaica and Guyana are the only jurisdictions that allow either the General Legal Council or the Bar Association to have some input in the choice of appointed members, as they are allowed to recommend attorneys-at-law not in active practice. In Trinidad and Tobago, it is within the president's discretion to consult the Bar Association. In Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean States, the Bar Association has no input -- Section 89(2) of the Constitution of Barbados and Section 18(2) of the Supreme Court Order, 1967, respectively. In Jamaica, section 113(3)(b) of the Constitution of Jamaica provides that two of the three appointed members of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) are appointed from a list of six individuals who are not practicing attorneys. Likewise, in Guyana, the two attorneys who are chosen to serve on the JSC must not be in active practice and, in Trinidad and Tobago, two of the three appointed members of the Commission must have legal qualifications, and at least one of them must not be in active practice.

New Cemetery 13 Miles Ahead!

They say two things we can't escape are taxes and death. And when poor families are faced with the unfortunate experience of losing a family member, the City Council has proposed a new idea that will not ease the suffering any. They have come up with a "brilliant" plan to transfer the old capital's burial ground far away from town, truly separating the living from the dead. The troubling news of opening up the next cemetery 13 miles out of town leaves many residents asking a heap of questions, primary among them are: how can I afford now to pay a fleet

of vehicles for that kind of transportation and, how much will a grave space now cost? Well that is the least concern of the City Council as now this bright idea is being hastily shoved down the throats of residents. That's because the visionless Council waited until only about 10 more grave spaces are left before they broke the news that the Lord's Ridge Cemetery has now peaked in capacity. When they took the media on a tour of the current and proposed sites, there were blatant shortcomings already. While a Ministry of Health official said that the land is between 19 and 24 feet above sea level and graves won't sink or crack from inferior quality work, some people tell this newspaper that that is hogwash. An experienced grave attendant said that City Hall will run into similar problems at Mile 13 as is the case now at Lord's Ridge. He said that's because while the Lands

Department, said to be a partner in the new proposed project, says there will be a more orderly and sterner building codes to follow, there will not always be someone to monitor that is being done, especially since the human resources at City Hall and Housing are stretched so thin. And that will lead to chaos. But at the new location, even if the gravesite itself is sturdier, the access road from the highway is questionable. When the media toured the area this week, they had to wade through almost two feet of murky water to get to the actual graveyard. That too appeared to

have been another oversight by City Hall. In fact, not even the SUV they travelled in could make it through the clay, posing another concern for families needing to bury their loved one urgently. Another concern is that while there are only 10 spots left at Lord's Ridge, work on the new cemetery is nowhere in sight since no works have started as yet for a smooth transition. And with only $60,000 allocated so far for the new facility, many are left to wonder how serious and competent this City Council is in meeting the needs of the residents, both alive and dead.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010


InvItatIon to BId

The Big Picture

Last Monday I was invited by Ms. Maureen Leslie, the Chairman of the Belmopan PUP executive to join them as they invited new members to strengthen their local executive. Every member of that executive will tell you that the task of rebuilding and strengthening the PUP in Belmopan is a challenging one. Our supporters explained that most people in Belmopan are either working directly for the government or have a family member that works for them and people are scared of political victimization, something that seems to have become a policy in this UDP administration. Never in the history of our young democracy have Belizeans experienced the viciousness of any government as they are doing today under the UDP. It is so bad that many Belizeans are afraid to be seen in the company of the PUP leaders. They are afraid of losing their jobs, their scholarships or losing their house lots. Of course there are other challenges facing the PUP Belmopan executive; one of the most difficult is uniting the different groups of PUP supporters in the area. Over the years as different personalities have emerged in the area, they have managed to attract loyalty which has not been passed on to their successors. This all started in 2004, after the untimely death of Agripino Cawich. Since then the PUP in Belmopan has been struggling to work in a united and cohesive manner and finally, things are starting to change for the better. At Monday’s meeting it was most encouraging to see past and current leaders meeting together in a spirit of unity. Each leader who was present made a pledge to unite, to support the work of the PUP Belmopan committee and to fight this vindictive UDP government. They recognize that our country comes before any differences and that support must be given to Ms. Leslie as the Chairman of the PUP executive. When we look at the PUP at the national level, we see that what is happening in Belmopan as it relates to people’s fears is not unique. Belizeans all over are still afraid of this UDP Administration, but as the UDP nears its mid-term, their honeymoon is ending. Belizeans are starting to talk up once again and the fear is being replaced by disappointment and frustration. Every day we hear Belizeans calling the talk shows complaining about the corruption, mismanagement and gross negligence of the UDP government. Belizeans continue to complain about the government’s inability to build a bridge at Kendal. They are complaining about the Ministry of Health’s incompetence in dealing with the dengue fever outbreak and of course they complain that their area representatives are missing in action. Yet while Belizeans are complaining and are clearly fed up with this UDP Administration, we in the PUP must also follow the example of our supporters in Belmopan. We need to accept that the best way for us to defeat the UDP is together. We will win if we unite as one PUP. If we in the PUP accept that notion that Belizeans are suffering, then it must be our expectation that as PUPs we must once again lead the charge to save Belize and do what is necessary to move this country forward again. There may be a few dissenting voices within the PUP; there have and always will be dissenting voices, that is democracy, but let us not ignore the big picture. We have to keep moving forward understanding that our Party belongs to the people and that all of us who call ourselves PUP are called to serve, especially the needy. Long live the People’s United Party!

The Government of Belize (GOB) has secured a loan from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Second Water Project-Belize, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for which bids are invited in this notice. GOB will execute the project through Belize Water Services Limited (BWS), and a Project Manager within BWS will be responsible for the day-to-day management of project activities. Engineering Consultants have been retained by BWS to assist in the tender administration and supervision of the contract. BWS hereby invites interested eligible firms to present their sealed bids for the Construction of Wilson Street Reservoir Foundation and Erection of Reservoir. This tender invitation is open to firms or voluntarily formed joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country, or countries, and are either: (i) more than 50% beneficially owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country or countries, or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements, or (ii) owned or controlled by the government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country. Eligible countries are those which are members of CDB.

The requirement for post-qualification will include: (a) an average annual turnover (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last five years of Belize Dollars (BZD) 700,000.00 equivalent; (b) demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of BZD 300,000.00 equivalent; (c) experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least three (3) assignments of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last five (5) years (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete); and (d) Contract Manager with seven (7) years experience, which has been spent in works of an equivalent nature and volume, including not less than five (5) years as a Manager.

Bidding documents will be available as at July 16th, 2010 at the address below between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. The documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$100.00 or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency for each set to the order of BWS. Potential bidders who request that the documents be forwarded to them are required to submit an account number from a courier agent in Belize, which will accept freight collect charges. The documents will be dispatched by the designated courier upon receipt of the fee. Under no circumstance will BWS be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so dispatched. Bids shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days after the closing date for submission of bids. Completed tender documents together with all required enclosures shall be placed in a sealed envelope marked “TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WILSON STREET RESERVOIR FOUNDATION AND ERECTION OF RESERVOIR, and deposited in the tender box at the address below by 4:00 p.m. on August 17th, 2010. They will be opened at the same address at 4:15 p.m. on the same day in the presence of representative(s) of any bidder who wishes to attend. Bids will not be accepted after the tender box is closed. BWS does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid and will not defray any costs incurred by bidders in preparing their bids.

RESIDENT CONSULTANT ENGINEER Belize Water Services Limited #7 Central American Boulevard P.O. Box 150 Belize City Belize Telephone: 501-222-4757 Fax: 501-222-4238 Email:



Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh Mr. Singh… I feel so very bad for the poor Minister of Police Doug Singh appears to have been caught smack dab in the middle of some very questionable circumstances over the weekend. Sources close to the emotional fellow say he was broken-hearted to learn that when people heard about a mystery boat that resembled a drug vessel because of its unidentifiable features and the Minister’s presence, everybody said oh oh! and immediately assumed the worst. Lucky for Doug that Mr. Chamberlain

The Belize Times

can return to normal. Please advise all family members, friends and loved ones. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.” If Da Noh Soh! Good Governance 101… In case you’ve been missing our wonderful Mayor who is always good for a few laughs whenever she opens her mouth, she’s not in the country right


though they meet all the requirements their applications have been stalled in the pipeline. Where’s the Union rep, you may ask? Has the rep been compromised to the point that she serves absolutely

no purpose, at least in terms of assisting workers? Well that’s a whole other story we’ll be happy to get into very soon…If Da Noh Soh!

came up with a great story to explain the presence of the boat, but there are still a lot of questions out there, like hmmm, is it true that the boat was actually found moored in the mangroves in the canal behind Landivar? And is it true that when Police came up on the boat, they found plastic wrapping on board? And is it true that when the Minister arrived on the scene he told ADU personnel that the boat was actually his? And why exactly did the Minister of Police call a meeting with all the personnel from the ADU who were on the scene? And then there are the lesser questions like – why wasn’t the boat impounded since it was unlicensed and unregistered? And why wasn’t the owner charged, since regular Belizean fishermen found in a boat that is not licensed are charged $1000 and if the boat is not registered that’s another $1000? Yeah, so great story Doug. Methinks you got away lucky this time, my friend, but maybe you learned an interesting lesson from the fact that the nation was so readily prepared to think the worst of you…If Da Noh Soh! No DYING Allowed… Word is that acting Mayor Philloughby has come up with a flyer which will be circulated around Belize City. According to a source, this flyer

warns residents that as of this week there are only 9 spaces left at the Lord Ridge Cemetery. According to the source, the flyer states, “the City Council respectfully requests that if at all possible, residents of the City refrain from passing away at this time. Temporary arrangements are being made for a limited amount of burials at mile 5.5 just past the Haulover Bridge beside the huge mansion. The Council will advise when other permanent facilities have been prepared and things

now. She’s taking an intensive course somewhere in the Caribbean where she’s learning tips on being a good politician. Can you imagine? If you ask me that’s a waste of a space where another perfectly good Belizean woman who is serious about serving her country could have made an impact. Lady Z has already got her chance and instead of asking what she could do for her country, she made damned sure she figured out what our country’s coffers could do for her. And hell, I hear she’s missing half of the courses anyway, since she’s been asked to sit out lectures on accountability, transparency and good governance, If Da Noh Soh! SSB woes… The Social Security Board has been in the spotlight lately after they gave a big contract in PG to a Guatemalan company over a Belizean company. Dem pipple only chancey. They no realize that the Belizean company pays its taxes and pays its Social Security contributions and all the Belizean employees who would have gotten work would have paid contributions into SSB. Now they’ve given it to a Guatemalan company who will probably bring in all the materials duty free and which pays nothing to SSB. Dem foolish bad. Of course this kinda makes me wonder if somebody’s hands may not have been greased just a bit because there is no other rationale for the Guatemalan company getting the contract. We’ve heard a lot of things about a board member whose company gets all the big jobs from Social Security, and word is that this same gentleman is the one who pushed the Guatemalan deal. Well you know that with this UDP bunch much stranger things than just a little hustling have happened…If Da Noh Soh! Marvelous Merlene… And since we’re on the subject of the SSB, my good friend the marvelous Merlene is the center of attention in the staff-room. I hear that members of staff have mounted a picture of her on the wall and they use it for dart practice. Serious thing! Staff are grumbling because certain buddies of Merlene have been able to access special perks, like this manager who was able to secure a loan from SSB at a low, low interest rate so her daughter could buy a car. Then there’s the fact that members of staff have applied for housing loans and even

The Malpago Lists… Word from la Isla Bonita is that the Town Council has been publishing lists of those who are in arrears in terms of trade licenses and property taxes. Hey, it’s an unsavory business but its practices

by municipal administrations across the country so we’ve got to live with that. But according to our island source, what is exceedingly strange is that the names appearing on the list are only names

of known PUP supporters. Apparently there are no UDP supporters on the island who owe property taxes or trade license fees. Imagine that. What a wonderful bunch of people, eh? But our source also pointed out that one high profile name is missing from the list as well. See, our friendly island Mayor has her fingers in two well known pies on the island, Big Daddy’s Nightclub and Zac Bajo Restaurant and Bar. Our source claims that both businesses are in arrears in terms of trade license fees and property tax but the names aren’t on the list. It must have been a typo, Madam Mayor Paz. Could you ensure that those names are added onto the list in next week’s publication, please…If Da Noh Soh! More please… The editor of the Belize Times asked me to convey his most sincere thanks to the Guardian newspaper for their repeated mention of him in Thursday’s issue. You all know that damned fellow always hard up for cash, right? Well it seems that he has made a deal with the powers that be in the PUP that whenever the Guardian mentions him in a negative light, he receives $100 for the, ahem, ahem, hardship (LOL). This week’s edition of the Guardian was good for a solid $800 which translates into a very good weekend for the, how did the Guardian refer to him, idiotic, non-persona underachiever. Well, then I guess you guys should be grateful the chubby dude isn’t an intellectual overachiever cause you all would be broke. Who’s the idiot now? If Da Noh Soh!


APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER AND MANAGER Mr. Stanley Ermeav of 35A Regent Street, Belize City, Belize, was appointed on July 21, 2010 as receiver and manager of all the property, assets and undertaking of Belize Aggregates Limited of 4 ½ Miles Northern Highway, Belize City, Belize (“Belagg”) under various Mortgages, Mortgage Debentures and Assignments held by The Belize Bank Limited of 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize.


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Mr. Ermeav’s duties under his appointment are to take control of the assets and operation of Belagg pending his evaluation of Belagg. DATED the 21st day of July, 2010. Enquiries to:

Stanley Ermeav Horwath Belize 35A Regent Street P.O. Box 756 Belize City Belize Tel: (501) 227 6860 Fax: (501) 227 6072

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The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

THE BLUE MACHINE Corozal Southwest Celebrates PUP Victories

PUP Chairman for Corozal Southwest, Ramiro Ramirez, continues to rally the PUP masses as the Blue Machine prepares to take back Belize for the betterment of the Belizean people. Party Leader John Brice単o and Executive members have been active in the area visiting residents.

Belmopan PUP Executive Strong & Ready

We Are The PUP

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times

A cemetery at mile 13…

Does anybody else find it a little strange that as of Monday there were only 12 spaces left at the Lord Ridge Cemetery and the idiots at City Hall are just now trying to explore another option? I figure that by this Friday those 12 spaces will be filled and then what? Do we leave our deceased loved ones at home until some other alternative pans out? Our municipal geniuses (insert extreme sarcasm here) are looking at mile 13 as an option. Even if that does happen, we’re looking at sometime down the line and certainly not by Friday. In fact, according to the Principal Planner who would be working on that project at mile 13, they’d need to plan this project to include proper streets and drainage and parking and maybe a chapel; so with the City Council at the helm we’re looking at a really, really long term project. Remember this is that bunch that couldn’t even pave a street in downtown Belize City. And besides that, how many poor Belizeans can afford to transport their loved ones all the way up to mile 13 to be interred. Remember we don’t all drive government vehicles while use fuel paid for by taxpayers. This whole plan makes absolutely no sense, which ironically means that it makes perfect sense that it would come from this UDP city council crew. The question of the week – what happens to deceased number 13 and 14 and 15? We’d really like to know. Overpaid under-workers…

Sometimes I wonder if people remember that our UDP city councilors are still being paid extremely hefty salaries from the public purse to ensure that their respective portfolios are handled adequately. Really, all the Councilors are getting nearly $1000 a week to do the people’s business. And that’s outside of their private full-time jobs. Probably some people may not have realized this because most of the Councilors are conspicuously absent from City Hall most of the time. Perhaps we forgot over time because the city is so dilapidated that we couldn’t imagine people actually being highly paid to take care of it. Yes, there is a Councilor being paid to ensure that parks and playgrounds in the city are well maintained. That must be breaking news to residents of the city, I’m sure, especially those living around parks. This morning one of the hosts on a morning show claimed to not even know all the Councilors in the city because apart from one or two who live for photo opportunities the rest are MIA. If we weren’t paying them I wouldn’t give a damn about them being MIA but we are so I do. We’ve got to start holding these Councilors accountable. They’ve gotten a free ride for far too long. The Dengue Outbreak…

Finally this week I heard somebody or the other associated with the Ministry of Health admit that this is a dengue outbreak based on the startling increase over their statistics for the past 5 years. According to the figures there have been about 400 reported cases of dengue and I believe he said 49 cases of hemorrhagic dengue. Last week a child died, reportedly because of a late diagnosis and the hospital’s inability to provide blood on time. The reality is that the increase in cases is very likely due to the under-resourcing of the Vector Control Section in the Ministry of Health. There are just not enough vehicles and sprayers and no money to buy the chemical used to kill mosquitoes. The priorities of this government are seriously skewed. There is money to purchase a vehicle costing nearly $200,000 for the Minister of Health but no money to buy equipment to address a disease which has already claimed the life of a child, unnecessarily. And that brings us to the public health system! Have our hospitals and clinics been made ready to deal with cases of dengue and hemorrhagic dengue? Apparently not! Has the blood bank been stocked to deal with urgent cases which require immediate transfusions? Apparently not! What exactly are we waiting for? God forbid that any relation of mine fall prey to


what has been rendered an incompetent and inadequate public health system by a negligent UDP administration, because I promise there would be hell to pay. The case of Mr. Buckley… A couple months ago a healthy, strapping young man who was the breadwinner of his family was shot by a Policeman through no fault of his own. He almost died because an officer of the law shot him twice with a shotgun for no reason. He was breaking no laws; he was doing no wrong, simply returning home after a day’s work. Nothing will ever be the same for Mr. Buckley. He has not been able to provide for his family and probably will never be able to return to the life he once had. He has suffered and his family has suffered. The Police Department which is responsible for this situation promised to help but that help never materialized. I remember when the law partner of the Prime Minister was shot. I remember Mr. Barrow taking center stage and pontificating at length about the situation. I have not heard the gentleman render even one comment on the case of Mr. Buckley. Mr. Williams was wealthy enough for a chartered jet to fly him abroad for the best medical attention. Mr. Buckley doesn’t have that luxury. He will have to struggle to do the best he can for himself and his family. Mr. Barrow had and has the power to do something for Mr. Buckley. Perhaps this is something the Prime Minister can instruct his new Minister of Police to look into when he stops slobbering. Rocky Bald-Barrow… Sometimes I wonder just what is going through the bald head of our nation’s leader. Yes I understand that he lives the life of the privileged and the very wealthy. Yes I know that he doesn’t have to wonder where his next meal will come from or how those utilities will be paid. I understand all that, but is Mr. Barrow so blind that he cannot see how people are living out here? Can’t he see the poverty and the frustration and the anger and desperation as things just get harder? The UDP is running an ad about their upcoming convention. The center of attraction is a beaming, glowing Dean Barrow with arms raised. The music track for the ad is the theme from Rocky where he gears up for his match with the big Russian and the video caption reads – Inspiring the Future. That is a joke. It has to be. Mr. Barrow should fire his propagandists for making a fool of him. Inspire the future…many Belizeans don’t even know what the future will bring because of Mr. Barrow. Many Belizeans are just trying desperately to survive the present under Mr. Barrow. The ad is an insult to all Belizeans and a sign that our leader, enclosed in the luxury of his own personal circumstances, has not a clue about the reality which he has brought upon us. The DPP’s strange revelations… In an interview aired on Channel 5, Director of Public Prosecutions Cheryl Lynn Branker Taitt Vidal stated that the Prime Minister’s decision to remove the Chief Justice from the bench is irrational. She states, though, that the Prime Minister is not an irrational man so there must be some reasoning to which we are not privy. We agree with you, Madam DPP, there is another reason. We believe that the Prime Minister has moved on the Chief Justice because he has made several landmark decisions which have not gone in Government’s favour and it angered to PM. We believe that the PM is a petty man who had no qualms about using his powerful position to deal with those he feels have slighted him. Madam DPP also spoke about the mysterious Court 3 and her comments were startling. See, Court 3 will not come under the auspices of the DPP’s office. Court 3 will be governed, so to speak, by the Attorney-General’s Office. The Attorney-General is a political appointee who was chosen by the Prime Minister, so it stands to reason that this special Court which is to hear special cases will be influenced directly by politicians with none of the objectivity which should be granted by the Office of the DPP. We have been told that this Court is an illegal court. We have also been told that the special prosecutor picked to handle cases in this court has packed up and left the country due to concerns about the legality of the proceedings which are to be held there. Strange things, indeed, though nothing unexpected really from this UDP administration!


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Belize’s trade and investment policy over the years has been grounded in a legal framework that hinges on her participation in fostering regional integration within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Since becoming a contracting part to the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) and subsequently the World Trade Organization (WTO), Belize has continued to progress on a path of continued insertion into the global economy. However, its participation over the most recent years has reflected the lack of cohesion in policy formulation and implementation in respect to trade and investment policy. Consequently, Belize’s competitiveness maybe severely compromised due to the lack of meaningful government intervention in sustaining an enabling policy environment. In 2004 the WTO as part of its mandate and as a requirement of member countries undertook to review Belize’s trade policy regime. Their observations noted the significant steps Belize had made in liberalizing various aspects of its trade regime whilst also seeking to protect selected domestic industries. Belize as a small middle income developing country has an open economy that is characterized by an export mix that consist of both tourism services along with a few basket of commodities and other goods. Trade plays an important role in the economy as trade to GDP ratio has consistently increased to above 120% of GDP. This therefore, means that most of what the economy produces is for an export market. This would therefore, expect one to conclude that because trade is so vital to the economy’s existence, that trade policy supported by an investment policy would also be deemed important by the government. However, the level of attention and public information coming from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) has been rather dismal. There is the need for systematic emphasis on the development of quality and standards of products and a phased approach to protectionism that will enable quality product to be provided to both the domestic and international market. Belize as a member of CARICOM ought to be actively engaging in bilateral and regional trade negotiations with Canada and the USA under the US-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA). Full implementation and market access arrangements under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Caribbean Forum countries (CARIFORUM) and the European Union (EU) ought to be made available to the business community so that firms are made well aware of the market access arrangements that they can avail themselves of and any accompanying assistances. As

a member of the WTO Belize can continue to take steps to liberalize its trade in services and increase the benefits to be derived from such engagement. Various service sectors are already engaged in international trade, outlining and creating a road map is not the paramount required at this point, but rather the supporting policies included alongside capacity development and training so that the engagement in developing meaningful roadmaps would be assured so that service providers benefit from the market access already negotiated. The WTO noted in its recent assessment of trade development globally, that

in keeping trade open has been and remains crucial in providing opportunities for countries to emerge from the global crisis, in particular at times when public deficits are growing for many. The Government of Belize seems to not have realized the importance of trade policy and a complimentary investment regime that would allow for Belize to strengthen its competitiveness as she continues to engage in the global economy. As we enter the second half of 2010 the WTO is once again scheduled to undertaken their second Trade Policy Review, it would be interesting to note the

progress made to date. Over the past two years, the reactionary response by Government to domestic issues and no meaningful policy response to the global recession have left the Belizean economy just hanging by a tread. The business of a political party winning an election could never be an end to itself. The responsibility of governance is a whole other level and it certainly involves giving Belizean citizens, private and corporate a fighting chance to compete to survive in a globalized world. Gwyneth Sydney Nah Comments welcomed at

Press Release The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment through the Forest Department of Belize is hosting a National Planning Workshop to facilitate the future implementation of REDD in Belize. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, REDD, is one of the proposed mechanisms for mitigating the impacts of climate change. The German Technical Cooperation Program, GTZ, in collaboration with the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD) along with the Central American countries and the Dominican Republic are undertaking the development of a REDD project entitled “Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) for Central America and the Dominican Republic”. The project is financed by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to with the aim of bolstering participating countries’ position to actively participate in the discussion, development and implementation of the REDD regime. Presently, the project is in its planning phase with the purpose of reaching consensus on a work-program at the regional and national level. A regional planning session was held in May 2010 which had the participation of representatives from all countries. National-level planning sessions are now being carried out in each country and Belize is the first to initiate its planning process. The purpose of the two-day workshop is to introduce relevant stakeholders to the objectives of the REDD project, the projects’ financing mechanism and the technical support staff (regional and national) as well as the potential challenges to be faced. The project will be developed around three components: 1.) multi-level and inter-sector dialogue; 2.) sustainable implementation instruments, and; 3.) monitoring and reporting. The participants will develop a work program, identify the specific needs and detail the various implementation activities and the executing agent or entity responsible for those activities. The workshop is first step in developing a national action plan that will bolster the capacity of the country to participate in climate change mitigation through REDD schemes whether by bi-lateral agreements or carbon trading on international markets. All interested stakeholders are encouraged to attend. The two-day workshop is being held at the Radisson Fort George Hotel in Belize City from July 22-23, 2010. For further information contact the Forest Department at 822-1524 or or for information on the regional workshops contact info.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


Nikki Pinkard's Murder linked to Giovanni Lauriano's Homicide

No sooner had the bullet-riddled body of Giovanni Lauriano been retrieved from mile 17 than another man, his street rival in fact, Nikki Pinkard, 24, was viciously shot dead, literally just hours later around 9:00 on Sunday night. Pinkard had just returned home with his girlfriend and one of her relatives from a store and was on Jasmine Street in front of her relatives' house when someone shot him dead. The armed masked man who shot him was reportedly dressed in full black and rode off on a bicycle. The bullets penetrated the right side of his chest, left jaw and neck. The slug to the neck was what caused him to lose too much blood to survive to the operating theatre. Some say Pinkard was killed because he was in the neighbourhood of the rival gang. But Pinkard was no stranger to the area because it was a

Colin Lord Dies from Bullet Wounds

Collin Lord While the streets were mirroring scenes from the Wild Wild West, another victim of the senseless gun violence a month ago succumbed to his wound last Friday. Colin Lord, 29, who was shot in the head on June 19, managed to survive the bullet wound with a 20% chance of survival. His condition, however, worsened last week and on Friday he expired while under treatment at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. On the night he was hit, Lord was along with Raymond Andrews and other friends at his house on Lavendar Street. The group had just watched the Lakers/Celtics championship game and was celebrating the outcome on the verandah when at least two gunmen passed by and opened fire. Lord and Andrews were hit and Lord had to undergo a series of surgeries. He was transferred to the Belize Healthcare Partners and was placed in an induced coma to enable surgeons to try to reduce a swelling on his brain. When his family could not keep up with the payments, however, he was released and was taken home where his family noticed significant improvement. Lord had begun to gain some mobility and was able to talk and recollect things. That did not last for long as one week later he was visibly slipping away from them. They decided to take him back to the K.H.M.H., where he died. Street talk is that the gunmen were out to get another man, named as Edward Lord, a man who walked free last year March for the murder of George ‘Junie Balls’ McKenzie.

charged in June of 2008 along with two other youths after Police found him in possession of half a pound of a plastic explosive as deadly as C4, which is among the deadliest explosives known. As in the murder of Lauriano, Police have made no arrests.

Nikki Pinkard location, according to relatives, that he often visited due to his girlfriend. Pinkard, also known as Biggs, was a member of the George Street gang. Many believe that his killing was the result of the murder of Lauriano, with whom Pinkard had had a long-standing

Giovanni Lauriano dispute. But his relatives have said that it was unlikely that Pinkard could have been involved in any such murder because for most of that night he was in communication with his mother. Like his late rival, Lauriano, Pinkard also was no saint. He was

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The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

From Rogue Cops to Fat Cops to Fake Cops!

The Belize Police Department seems to be plagued by one problem after another. The issues of police brutality and corruption have become common allegations against elements of the department. There are countless complaints being reviewed by the department's Internal Affairs Unit to determine the fate of those officers against whom allegations have been lodged. Since the Prime Minister and Police Commissioner's grand-standing on April Fool’s Day about rogue cops being behind a series of high profile armed robberies in the City and San Ignacio a few months ago, one officer, Constable Jermaine Mangar, was taken to court for offences not nearly matching the allegations that were made. He was eventually vindicated when the more serious charge, that of Attempted Robbery, was withdrawn for want of prosecution. Just weeks after that, the newly anointed Minister of Police, Doug Singh, was caught doing what he seems to do best - put his foot in his mouth,

Aaron Wilson

when he publicly insulted and offended cops who are on the heavier side. Singh kept referring to heavy-set officers as having "their guts hanging over their belts" and challenging them to a physical test. Clearly the new Minister has no clue that some of those same officers are the more intelligent ones in the Department, regardless of their weight. But perhaps the most outstanding snafu occurred only this week when a man posing as a cop was able to fool many

civilians and use the department itself to carry out his deed of impersonating a police officer. That man, Aaron Wilson, 20, faces six charges after his plan of making a living off citizens and acting as a cop landed him in the hands of the real law. Wilson, it appeared, posed as a special constable attached to the Eastern Division Police Station on Queen Street and had been doing that for quite a few months. His one reckless act which turned things around for him happened after he was "leaving shift" last Friday evening fully clad as a police officer and stopped to offer a young woman a ride home. The young lady accepted the offer but asked him to make a stop at the home of Malcolm Vasquez. He did make the stop on Princess Margaret Drive but got into an argument with Vasquez during which he threatened him. Wilson and the young lady left and it was what he did next that would come back to haunt him. She said he fondled her and stole her cell phone and she decided to report it to the real police who discovered the Wilson was no cop

after all. That discovery was made as Wilson walked into the Eastern Division offices the same time the young lady was making her report. The embarrassment of having civilians posing as cops is something that needs to be looked at urgently. Obviously something is lacking if one can simply walk in, dressed and posing as a cop and no one would know. Aaron Wilson had gotten so good at his act that he even fooled his girlfriend. Every day he dressed as a cop and being in possession of all the necessary IDs and police regalia, would go to the Department and kept fooling civilians, getting money out of people who fell for his bribes for offences they were found to have committed. While Wilson was eventually caught through no brilliance on the part of the Police Department, callers to the talk shows this week have indicated that this incident increases the distrust already existing between the BPD and the community, since one can never be sure if the person approaching them in uniform is really a Police officer.

Police, Doug Singh to replace Jeffries. Schakron has been very vocal since last December when her nephew, Christopher Galvez, was shot dead at close range while at a boat yard on the Western Highway. Many fingers have been pointed, including at one of Galvez' closest friends who picked him up at home just minutes before the killing. The family has also laid blame squarely at the feet of a police corporal who was seen leaving the area with a bag before investigators arrived

on the scene. He was never stopped and searched and his affiliation to a prominent Belize City gang has drawn his credibility into question. That officer was later transferred from Belize City, but was never investigated satisfactorily, at least not in the eyes of the Galvez/ Schakron families, over the murder. Before the group dispersed without incident, they promised to establish a counseling session for grieving mothers who need it and advice on legal rights matters.

Belizeans for Justice Hold Conference Despite Threats

The Belizeans for Justice Movement, which had last week postponed a planned press conference in the wake of a death threat to one of its members, this week held that conference at the Radisson Fort George Hotel under heavy police watch. There were police officers at the main entrance of the section of the hotel where the conference was taking place, as well as inside the conference room itself. The members of the group lost no focus on their mission and at the event on Monday they wasted no time in letting the person behind the threat know that his or her plan to quiet them will not work. They went one step further to criticize the same department that was providing them with security. The note was sent specifically to

the group's secretary, Joan Sutherland, whose son was killed four years ago. She joined the movement to let her voice be heard on what the senseless murders cause and how frustrating the process is when the police and the prosecution can't quite score a conviction. The person accused of her son's murder walked free a few months ago and since then Sutherland has expressed little faith in the justice system. One of the founders of the movement, Yolanda Schakron, reiterated concerns she had made publicly before about corruption in the Police Department. She pointed squarely to the Commissioner of Police, Crispin Jeffries, saying that the public has lost all faith in his performance, and she implored the new Minister of

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times

Notorious Giovani Lauriano Gunned Down

Well-known street man Giovani Lauriano, 32, became one of the latest victims on the list of murder statistics for 2010 when he was shot at close range on the Western Highway while he was travelling to his house in Hattieville after socializing. His attacker apparently trailed Lauriano in another car and opened fired on him just as he was passing by a feeder road near mile 17. After his attackers fired the first bullet which tore through his vehicle, Lauriano lost control of the wheel and ran off the road before making his way out. It appeared that Lauriano, or Nose as he was more commonly known, g ot out of the bulletriddled car he occupied and

Giovani Lauriano tried to r un for help. But he never made it ver y far. That was when the gunmen took the opportunity to finish the mission.

Although family and close friends describe Lauriano as a mannerly young man, those who keep up with the news know that he was not exactly a prime candidate for citizen of the year. Over the course of his colourful life, this street figure had had r un-ins with the law numerous times, the most recent of which was only this year when he appeared in Cour t on a slew of offences. Prior to that, Lauriano had faced charges as serious as attempted murder and firear m offences. This father of one had recently tried to better his life when he walked down the aisle little over a year ag o and settled down in Hattieville with his wife and daughter. But his


effor t to tur n over a new leaf and live a long life was not par t of the script for his destiny. As if it was designed by fate itself to the words 'live by the gun and die by the gun', Lauriano suffered mutiple gunshots to the head and beside his body Police discovered a nine mm weapon. An ar rest is yet to be made for his killing.

Ladyville Teen Murdered Three Blocks from Home

Anthony Matura T he past week has been a bloody one, leaving a number of families once ag ain g rieving over their loved one senselessly killing in the ong oing urban warfare. Last T hursday it extended all the way to Ladyville where the family of Anthony Matura, 18, has been tr ying to decipher why anyone wanted him dead. T he youth had just alighted a bus on the Nor ther n Highway in which he travelled from Belize City and was passing in front of a Chinese shop heading toward Poinsetta Street when someone sneaked up to him from behind. Star tled, Matura tried to r un, but his attacker caught up to him before he could f lee and delivered a fatal stab to the left side of his chest before r unning off undetected. Matura stumbled onto Poinsetta Street and collapsed in front of a church where he died. Described as a quiet young man who accompanied his father ever yday to Belize City, Matura was the brother of Glenford Matura, who was shot dead just a few months ag o on March 10. While it has not yet been confir med, Police have a strong belief that the young er Matura's death was the result of g ang rivalr y. T hey have also appealed to the public to assist them in solving the homicide. T he day after the killing Ladyville Police revisited the crime scene and discovered what they believe to be the murder weapon, a knife, discarded not far from where Matura's body was found.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Children Beg While Our Leaders Live in Luxury

By: Bobby Cadle Jr. A child begging in the streets is an indicator of social decay within our communities, the communities in which our children must live the realities of their daily lives. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors, but in today’s economic climate, the primary factor is an urgent need. Families need to eat to survive, but food costs money. In Belize today many of our povertystricken families are single parent families, or cases of children being raised by an aunt or grandmother. Sometimes the guardian is forced to stay at home or to eke out a living outside of the home, thus the responsibility for assisting with a little food for the evening meal rests on the child who takes his plea for assistance to the streets. While there will always be instances of lazy, negligent parents or guardians slacking off while sending their wards to reap the meager rewards of begging, with 43% of the nation below the poverty line and another 16% at risk of falling below the line, there is cause to think that things have changed. In Belize, we have gotten to the point where every day is a struggle for survival, and every member of every family needs to put in their pound. In instances where a mother is caring for two or three babies while taking in washing for a little $50 a week, the onus lies on the older child (anywhere between 5 to 10 years of age) to do whatever they can to help. That is the reality. We see it every day at the major supermarkets, on street-corners, at Chinese stores and popular fry chicken spots. For these children, it is not a matter of begging for the fun of it or to buy two ideals and a toy, it is about making enough to buy a loaf of bread and maybe a wedge of cheese to feed a family of four. In today’s economy life is hard for all of us. Businesses are closing their doors, employees are being laid off, those precious few tourism dollars are tapering off and there has been no indication of a light at the end of the tunnel. The Prime Minister has stated that things are picking up and the economy is on an upward swing. He has said the same thing for the past three months. But there is no evidence on the streets to support his claim. Ask anybody, from the smallest entrepreneur to the largest business and the story

will be the same. Throughout this time of recession, there has been no obvious move by this government to stimulate the economy in any way or to provide incentives as buffers to businesses which are hard hit. Likewise, there has been no obvious move by government to provide relief to those most disadvantaged persons who have been hardest hit by this recession since they are at the bottom of the food chain, realistically speaking. For many of us who live ‘on the other side of the streets,’ so to speak, it is difficult to imagine the abject poverty which results in children being forced to beg to survive. It is perhaps difficult to imagine children sleeping on the floor of a broken down shack without electricity or running water. It is difficult for us to imagine going to bed without any food in our stomachs and waking up to the same predicament. It is impossible for many of us to imagine the desperation which grips so many Belizeans when they see their children at the point of starvation and there is nowhere to turn. It is this abject poverty, this desperation which has led to this phenomenon of children begging on the streets. Our Government has fallen down on their responsibilities to the people of Belize, the people who needed them the most. Our leaders have been rendered aloof by their wealth to the point where they can drive by the slums of the nation in their air-conditioned luxury vehicles and not waste a second glance at the barefoot, shirtless children on the street-sides. The priorities of our leaders have become skewed. Our ministers and their families and friends are enjoying the bounty while the people who should be most

in their thoughts sink deeper into despair. Our leaders think nothing of spending a quarter of a million dollars on a luxury vehicle and are uncaring of how many mouths that

money could have fed. Our Prime Minister attends cocktails and ballroom functions in all corners of the globe where he hobnobs with the wealthy and privileged while the people he pledged to care for rummage for scraps to feed their children. Our leaders who pledged to serve all now serve the special interests which can return favours when requested. Too many of our leaders are content to roll down the windows of their luxury SUVs and instruct their drivers to give the children begging at the stoplight a dollar before rolling on feeling like they have fulfilled their obligations. It is past time for this government to focus its priorities on the social decay which is fragmenting our nation. It is not right that our children have become beggars while our leaders live in luxury.


By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 4th day of June, 2008, between JANIRA ODALIE BLACK, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 19 of 2008 at Folios 1429 – 1458, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 57 (744.367 Square Meters) situate near Mile 12 along the Northern Highway, Belize District and shown and delineated on Plan dated 1st day of February, 1998 by Henry D. Flowers, Licensed Land Surveyor and registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan, at Register No. 2 Entry No. 3964 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 65 (899.268 Square Meters) situate near Mile 12 along the Northern Highway, Belize District and shown and delineated on Plan dated 1st day of February, 1998 by Henry D. Flowers, Licensed Land Surveyor and registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan, at Register No. 2, Entry No. 3964 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 14th day of July, 2010.

MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


Justice Sosa: A Coda If the hapless Manuel Sosa lacked the constitutional authority to hold onto the seat of Chief Justice of Belize, he certainly had a moral one. What greater moral combine could there have been than the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church together pronouncing against his ignominious ejection from office? Sylvestre Romero, Lord Bishop of Belize, regretted that "it was apparently beyond the reach of the Government to settle any issues concerning Mr. Sosa's appointment without the damaging, public confrontation ..." Foremost in Romero's mind was "the offence" to Mr. Sosa's "personal and human dignity". He urged Prime Minister Musa to personally seek to dispel the perception that the independence of the judiciary was under attack by the government "in order that people shall not lose hope for justice." Bishop Osmond Peter Martin expressed greater Catholic angst and outrage at the "shocking news". The government's action was "autocratic" and "unwarranted". He prayed that the nation be spared from the "absolute rule and governance of dictatorial politicians". There was but a tang of sarcasm in the Bishop's rebuke to the PM. The sordid affair was "magnified" in his view by the fact that he regarded Sosa as a man of "high moral quality". The UDP seemed (surprisingly) competent to the task of internationalizing the cause of the deposed Chief Justice it had appointed. At Caricom meetings, questions were being asked of PUP government ministers and officials. A formal written brief of what had occurred had to be prepared for travelling ministers. If asked about the episode, they were to speak from their brief - if they couldn't commit it to memory - and distribute copies to counter the negative publicity abroad. The ouster of a Chief Justice is the kind of thing that attracts international scrutiny. Soon it engaged the attention of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Dato' Param Cumaraswamy. He wrote seeking an explanation from the government. He was obliged to do a write up on the matter for his report to the UN's 56th Session of the Commission on Human Rights. He would be scheduling a visit to Belize to investigate this matter if it was not soon resolved. It was promptly explained to him by the ubiquitous Gian Gandhi that he had no jurisdiction to "investigate" anything. Belize had laws and a court system inherited from none other than the British. The judge had appealed to the Court of Appeal and, if successful, his rights would

Reprinted with permission from the Author.

be vindicated. Negotiations began in earnest between attorneys for the deposed Chief Justice and envoys of the government. There were discussions, too, directly with the judge and those select envoys of the government he deigned to meet with. To be perfectly honest, direct negotiations with Mr. Sosa had commenced prior to the filing of the bogus claim that led to his removal. With the ceremonial opening of the Supreme Court set for January 18th, 1999, the Prime Minister wanted the year to commence with the judicial slate wiped clean of the controversy over Sosa's electioneve appointment in August 1998. Chief Justice Sosa had been approached on several occasions prior to January 18th. His interlocutors put to him the government's case. If he would but step down from office, the government could claim moral victory and, that won, it would promptly re-appoint him, this time in strict compliance with the constitution. Incredibly, the Chief Justice agreed to that outrageously absurd formula. To be fair to him, the government had not yet been discovered for its pathological mendacity. But he recovered quickly, rejected the offer a few days later and declined further discussions. In response, Attorney General Dickie Bradley boycotted the opening of the Supreme Court as did a number of PUP-associated attorneys, fueling the controversy. A few days after the court had declared his appointment unconstitutional, the government offered to appoint him to the Court of Appeal. He refused and then a few days later communicated through George Price that he was prepared to consider the appointment. The two moved in sacerdotal circles, but there was never the suggestion that any kind of divination had produced the change of heart. In a private meeting at his house, Mr. Sosa dictated the terms and conditions for his appointment to the Court of Appeal. The government agreed to all his terms and conditions, except his request for compensation for loss of office. It was not about the money. Payment of compensation was tantamount to an admission of wrongdoing. He quite rightly was concerned that he could later be sacked from the Court of Appeal after a year or two had passed. To quell this concern, he was promised the security of tenure enjoyed by the Supreme Court judges. The salary and benefits he enjoyed as Chief Justice - and a pension - would remain in place if he agreed to be appointed as a justice of appeal. Negotiations ebbed and flowed for a week. The judge suddenly and

without explanation changed course, declared the negotiations shelved and demanded compensation in full and final settlement within two weeks. The government was running out of time. His inexplicable vacillations had, for the second time, caused negotiations very near to solution to break down. Dato' Cumaraswamy had called to say his flight details were being finalized. The government wasn't intimidated, mind you; it just didn't want that sort of human rights taint early in its term, so pregnant and refulgent with expectation. Special emissaries were again deployed. Finally, the judge's own advisors persuaded him to settle for the appointment to the Court of Appeal on the previously agreed terms and conditions. The terms were memorialized in a signed agreement and the judge, in the jargon of the profession, was elevated to the Court of Appeal. In the decade that has passed, Justice of Appeal Sosa has continued to live an intensely private life, watertight and impermeable to vile gossip. He is punctiliously alert to the remotest allegations of bias that could be dredged up from the deep and distant past by litigants. The imminent vacancy at the office of Chief Justice has thrust

his name into public discourse once more, as an ideal candidate for the job. Justice Sosa has noble and distinguished qualities, but he is not an ideal candidate - and not necessarily through any fault of his own. That the people perceive that justice will be done is just as important as justice itself. With all that has befallen him at the hands of the PUP, his dignity and pride so mangled and mortified, he could not hope to inspire the ready confidence that he could be Chief Justice for all the people, even if he would be. He was caught in the crosscurrent of politics; a victim of the vicissitudes of history.


Belize Agricultural Health Authority

The Belize Agricultural Health Authority announces the sale of (1) 1999 ISUZU Pickup Truck, (1) 2001 ISUZU Trooper, (1) 1999 TOYOTA Pickup truck, (1) 2001 ISUZU pickup Truck, (1) 2000 TOYOTA Pickup Truck. 1. These are all used vehicles with diesel engines that are being retired from the BAHA Fleet. 2. The vehicles are being sold as-is and by SEALED BIDS ONLY. 3. Interested persons can submit their bids to the BAHA Headquarters, Corner Forest Drive & Hummingbird Highway, P.O. Box 169 Belmopan no later than August 13, 2010. 4. Buyers will be required to pay appropriate import duties for vehicles purchased. 5. Vehicles can be viewed at the BAHA Headquarters compound in Belmopan during normal working hours.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mother of Three Charged Man Who Impersonated a Special Constable Remanded With Attempted Murder

Aaron Wilson

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 21, 2010 Aaron Wilson, 20, who allegedly pretended to be a Special Constable, was charged with 6 offences when he appeared in the #1 Magistrate’s Court on Monday, July 19. Two of the charges are indictable. They include forgery of an official document and possession of an official false document, a Belize Police Department identification card. Chief Magistrate Margaret McKenzie explained to Wilson that she would not take a plea for those offences because a trial for them will be held in the Supreme Court. The other charges were theft

of a cell phone; being in unlawful possession of Belize Police Department accoutrements which included a cap, 2 belts, 2 shirts, 2 pants, one star and windbreaker; aggravated assault of an indecent nature and threatening words. Wilson pled not guilty to those charges. The prosecution objected to bail on the ground that Wilson might interfere with the complainants. Chief Magistrate McKenzie upheld the objection and remanded Wilson into custody until July 26. The incident occur red on Friday, July 16. Shannon Martinez reported to the Police that she was at BTL Park on Newtown Barracks when she met Wilson who was dressed in police uniform and was driving a vehicle with private license plates. She said Wilson offered her a ride to the home of her boyfriend Malcolm Vasquez, who resides on Princess Margaret Drive and she accepted. She said when she arrived at Vasquez’s house she and Vasquez began to quarrel and Wilson threatened to shoot Vasquez. She said Wilson drove her to her house and upon their arrival Wilson caressed her thigh. She said Wilson also stole her cell phone. Police detained Wilson later the same day on Newtown Barracks while he was still in police uniform and driving the private vehicle.

Laverne Longsworth

BELIZE CITY, Tues. July 20, 2010 Laverne Longsworth, 35, a.k.a “Anti-Christ”, a mother of three who allegedly torched her commonlaw husband, David White, 32, was charged with attempted murder when

she appeared yesterday in the #2 Magistrate’s Court. Senior Magistrate Margaret McKenzie explained to her that she would not take a plea because the offence is indictable. She offered Longsworth bail of $6,000 which Longsworth met, and she adjourned the case until August 26. The incident occur red on Thursday night, July 15, on Castle Street near the couple’s home. According to reports, Longsworth doused White with kerosene then she set him on fire. The reports further state that it was Longsworth herself who put out the flames. Reports also stated that White ran partly naked from Castle Street to Pickstock Street. Longsworth allegedly told Police that she and White had a dispute and White beat her because she accused him of stealing her money.

Female Con Artist Charged With Obtaining Property by Deception The charges arose from the Police investigation of a report made by Windell Lemoth Sr., 56, a businessman residing on Reggae Street. Lemoth reported to the Police that he gave Conorquie money on three occasions for her to get him a Caricom passport and a U.S. visa for 10 years. He said Conorquie enticed him to give her a total of $867 by telling him that she was working at the U.S. Embassy and passport office. Conorquie who has 2 convictions for obtaining property by deception and 1 for theft, was released from prison about 1 month ago after having served 6 months for theft. Gina Conorquie

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 21, 2010 Gina Conorquie, 28, an alleged con artist residing at #42 Rivero Street who reportedly pretended to be an employee of the U.S. Embassy, was charged with 3 counts of obtaining property by deception when she appeared in the #2 Magistrate’s Court on Monday, July 19. Conorquie pled not guilty to the charges. She was released on bail of $2,000 and her case was adjourned until August 21.



It’s been days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away. How much longer must we wait for a new bridge, Mr. Prime Minister?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times

Carnal Knowledge Charges Withdrawn

BELIZE CITY, Tues. July 20, 2010 William Daniel Torres, 21, charged with 2 counts of carnal knowledge of a girl, 14 years and 6 months old, was freed of the charges when they were withdrawn by the prosecution yesterday in the Court of Justice Herbert Lord. Crown Counsel Christelle Wilson withdrew the charges after the girl and her mother testified and said that they do not want any further Court action. The girl said she and Torres were boyfriend and girlfriend and they did not plan to take the affair so far. She said Torres has already suffered for 3 months and she does not think that he has any future in prison. The girl’s mother said she did not want


William Daniel Torres

anything to come out of it and that it was her husband who pushed it. She said she and her husband discussed the matter and they decided to withdraw. The incident occur red on October 27 and October 28, 2008 at Roaring Creek. The girl who is now 16 and is attending high school, said Torres had sex with her at her cousin’s house on both occasions and when she went home on October 29 her mother took her to the Police Station to make a report. The girl was examined by a doctor at the Northern Regional Hospital who certified that she was carnally known. Torres was not represented by an attorney.


Judge Dismisses Attempted Murder Charge

BELIZE CITY, Wd. July 21, 2010 Austin Rowland, 24, a laborer of Oleander Street charged with the attempted murder of Richard Russel, 29, was freed of the charge yesterday in the Court of Justice Herbert Lord when Crown Counsel Christelle Wilson made an application for the charge to be withdrawn and Justice Lord upheld it and dismissed the charge. Crown Counsel Wilson made the application after Russel took the witness stand and testified that he does not wish to proceed with the case. Russel said he awoke one day and God told him to leave all judgment unto the Father. Russel admitted he gave the police a statement in which he implicated Rowland but he denied that Rowland was the person sitting in the docks. The jury was already empanelled when the charges was dismissed. The incident occurred at around 6:30 p.m. on August 1, 2008, on Central American Boulevard. Russel, who resides on Central American Boulevard, reported to the Police that he was standing on the boulevard not far from his home talking to two men when his assailant appeared and took out a pistol. Russel said he rode off on his bicycle when he saw the

Austin Rowland

gunman and as he was riding he heard 3 shots and he felt something strike him to the back of his head. Russel said he fell to the ground and while he was lying on the ground he saw the gunman standing over him with the gun in his hand. Russel said he pretended to be dead and the gunman ran back in the direction from which he came. Rowland was not represented by an attorney.

Privy Council Substitutes Manslaughter for Murder

BELIZE CITY, Wed. July 21, 2010 An appeal to the Privy Council by Kirk Gordon, convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment, was allowed and the conviction of murder was reduced to manslaughter. The Privy Council gave its decision today and it has remitted the case to the Belize Court of Appeal for sentencing. Gordon’s attorney, Simeon Sampson, had appealed on the grounds that the trial judge gave misdirection on self defense and manslaughter. The Privy Council deflected the ground of self defense and accepted the ground of manslaughter. Gordon was convicted of the murder of Arthur Ellis in July, 2006. In November 2003 he lashed Ellis in his face and head with a piece of 2x4 lumber near his residence on Kraal Road. Gordon and Ellis got into an altercation when Gordon reportedly asked Ellis to move his van out of the

Kirk Gordon

yard so he, Gordon could move his vehicle. Ellis allegedly refused and pulled a knife and put it to Gordon’s throat. Gordon then struck Ellis repeatedly with the piece of lumber.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Vista del Mar, Belize District; Consejo Road & Santa Elena Commercial Free Zone, Corozal District; Selena Village, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. Heritage Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the following locations dates & times: 1. At Parcel No. 684 Vista del Mar, Belize District on Monday the 2nd August 2010 at 9:00 am:

3. At Parcel No. 443 Santa Elena Comercial Zone, Corozal District on Monday the 2nd August 2010 at 1:30 pm:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Vista del Mar 16 684 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house containing 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living/dining/kitchen [45 ft. X 45 ft.] and lot [513.000 square metres] situate in Vista Del Mar, Belize District, the freehold property of Ms. Mary Douglas)

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena 1 443 (Being a two storey concrete commercial building 39’ X 115’ together with lot [2865.83 square yards] situate inside the Santa Elena Commercial Free Zone, Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. Welly Huang & Sons Co. Limited)

2. At the Sub-Division Main access road, Consejo Road, Corozal District on Monday the 2nd August 2010 at 11:30

4. In front Police Station, Spanish Lookout, Cayo District on Tuesday the 3rd August 2010 at 1:30 pm:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Consejo Road S. E. 1 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1413 & 1414 (Being vacant lots approximately one acre in size situate on the Consejo Road in the Corozal District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Consejo Farms Limited, Surety for Mr. Jimmy Chen.)

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in Selena Area, Cayo District being 50.863 acres held under Minister’s Fiat (Lease) No. 714 of 1998 dated 7th October, 1998, and being more particularly delineated and described as follows:- On the Northeast by 896.983 Metres by Now or Formerly National Lands; On the Southeast for 219.617 Metres by Now or Formerly National Lands; On the Southwest for 968.769 Metres by Now or Formerly National Lands; On the Northwest for a total distance of 233.00 Metres by Now or Formerly National Lands; Containing 50.863 Acres (20.584 Ha.) as shown on Entry 3983 Reg. 4 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Survey TOGETHER with all building and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcel of land situate in the Selena Area, Cayo District, the leasehold property of the property of Mr. Aaron Braun surety for Mr. Ben Braun)


on s g n i t i r W the

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


iworkhere says: July 20, 2010 at 5:56 pm always a cover up. i live and work here in Belize. why does any minister need to be there. let the cops do their job. a minister’s presence by an unregistered boat near an airstrip? please, you make the situation worse, even if it is innocent.

RedBwai says: July 21, 2010 at 12:20 am Mr. Yearwood, you are the police press officer for christs sake!!!! how comes you don’t know anything about this incident??? you should be the first to know!!!!… sounds like you’re not doing your job….. He knows a whole lot alright but since it involves a high profile minister he can’t say squat. And i bet that we are never going to hear or see what truely went on with this incident. Clearly the police department is covering up something because the entire incident smells fishy to me. The Antidrug unit, an unregistered boat floating in the sea, an airstrip and a high minister of government all at the same scene at the same time doing what?…hmmm smells real fishy to me….. Come on people talk up!…..air the full video, call the names involved and bring to light whats really going on behind the scenes in Belize becuase the people wants to know. That unlisenced and unregistered boat i bet wasn’t even impounded neither was anyone on those other boats detained and charged with anything. Is it that the minister has the police department in his back pockets? or is it that the minister just waved his ministerial card to the police to prevent them from following protocol in a situation like this?? It’s all pull strings i tell you….it’s not who you know but its who know you…that minister should be ashamed. Anyways if the media doesn’t air it then it will get around one way or the other by word of mouth or the internet…so you all might as well air it already… EMS says: July 21, 2010 at 7:07 am What is going on in Belize is a downright rotten shame, apparently, they, the police, are going to wait until this Lady is murdered for her heroic act of standing up for justice. Everyone including the Minister of Police appear to be waitng around like helpless buzzards. As little as Belize is, there should be no way for these kind of threats to be happening, with the police not having a clue as to what is happening. just Imagine the possibilities, Belize City, perhaps , has less than two hundred thousand people, and the inidviduals responsible for law and order are sitting around like ostrichs, with their heads buried in the filth (sand) as if there is a million or more things to do. Shame, Shame, Shame on the Minister of Police, Compol and the PM. Perhaps, they all should resigned or termiated by the people who elected them. Power to the People! Demand Justice! Call for new elections! Change Leadership! End this leadership crisis now!, Stand up Belizeans, let your voices be heard! Do a massive demostration calling for justice! El says: July 21, 2010 at 9:59 am This is such a shame.Don’t you guys do roll call on a daily basis.It seems to me that most of the high ranking officials in the Police dept lock common sense.Who knows if this fake cops had access to some of these case files that were going missing.This just shows that anyone can penetrate the security system in Belize.This guy could have been a Guatemalan SPY.Wake the F up Belize.This is not a joke anymore you are putting all the Belizean people at risk.

Posts are from, Belize Times Press Facebook Account, John Briceño Facebook Account,


The Belize Times

Golding to meet with security heads

Prime Minister of Jamaica, Bruce Golding, has called a meeting of the heads of the security forces for this morning at Jamaica House. The meeting will discuss the way forward, after the government failed to get the required number of votes in Parliament yesterday, to approve a resolution extending the State of Emergency in Kingston, St Andrew and St Catherine. Golding had sought to have the state of emergency, which expires this Thursday July 22, extended to August 21. He brought the motion to Parliament on the advice of the security forces, who he said informed him that based on their intelligence, there was a need to have the measure extended for an additional 30-days. The Government needed 31 votes to extend the state of emergency, but six of its members were absent and the Opposition rejected a 30-day extension of the measure, saying it could not replace an effective crime plan. After hours of debate, the matter

was put to a vote in Gordon House. Seventeen MPs were absent at the time of the vote, 18 abstained and 25 voted yes. The Office of the Prime Minister says this morning’s meeting will discuss adjustments to the crime plan and seek to reassure the security forces of the government’s appreciation and support for the successful work they have been doing to date in the fight against crime.

Local church leaders are being called upon to take measures to attract youth into church, and make it more exciting. That call is coming from Pastor Dave Borrows of the Bahamas, who visited Dominica recently to conduct a Youth Parliament in Portsmouth. Borrows says several young persons are of the opinion that church is boring. “Church is boring and if I was a young person I wouldn’t want to attend church either, but the concept of church needs to change. Church has placed young people in a box

… figure does not include migration to Canada, UK, Caribbean, Suriname The United States embassy yesterday released information that shows that more than 20,000 Guyanese were issued immigrant visas since 2006. The outgoing Charge d’Affaires Karen Williams has since said that there has not been a dramatic increase or decrease in applications since then. Ms Williams is scheduled to depart Guyana today after serving for two and half years here. USAID country director Carol Horning will take up the post of Charge d’Affaires. She will continue until she is replaced by Tom Pierre. Ms Williams released the migration figures after a round-table discussion with the media at the US Embassy in Georgetown. Outgoing US Embassy Charge d’Affaires Karen Williams, left, with Public Affairs Officer, Charlotte Hu, at a media round-table yesterday. In 2006, the embassy issued 5135 immigrant visas, amounting to an average of 14 every day, including Sundays and holidays. In 2007 the number dropped to 3059. The following year, 2008, there were 4836 immigrant visas

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Clinton to dedicate three more years to Haiti

and said this is what my generation considered church…” he said. Borrows believes what the churches of today are offering is really boring. “The mistake that we make is that the message can’t be change, but the method can be changed. If young people are presented with colourful and exciting negative things and then dull boring positive things, they will go for the negative because when people are young they like exciting things,” he said. He said church leaders need to recognize that the concept has to be changed.

Former United States President Bill Clinton says he will dedicate the next three years of his life in helping to rebuild Haiti after the devastating January 12 earthquake. The United Nations Special Envoy to the impoverished CARICOM country and co-chair of Haiti's reconstruction commission, said he "wakes up every day sick at heart that we aren't doing more" to help Haiti. "I don't want to be naïve. It's going to be a stretch," Clinton told reporters in Port-au-Prince Sunday. "It'll be hard, but I'm excited about it; enough so that after a couple of heart incidents and being 63 years old, I am prepared to spend three years on it." The 42nd United States president said more needs to be done on all fronts in Haiti. "In the camps, we need more sanitation and protection from blow down. In the streets, we need more jobs. We need to begin reconstruction, then do something on the education front," he said. "Then the health-care system needs to be built. I used to say rebuilt, but then I realised there really wasn't one before. We'll have to rebuild the infrastructure; we'll have to rebuild the agriculture." Last week, Clinton said he planned to put pressure on governments that have been slow to deliver on promises to aid Haiti's reconstruction efforts. "I'm going to call all those governments — the ones who said they'll give money to support the Haitian government — I want to try to get them to give the money, and I'm trying to get the others to give me a schedule for when they'll release it," he said. "I think that they're all having economic trouble, and they want to hold their money as long as possible." Clinton said less than two per cent of the US$5.3 billion pledged at a Haiti donors conference in March, at the United Nations, has been handed over to the UN-backed body.

The World Bank is also urging donors to deliver on aid pledges in order to keep the reconstruction momentum going. As fiscal agent for the Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF), the Washingtonbased multilateral institution said that it has, to date, received formal confirmation for only US$98 million. To date, the World Bank said Brazil has been the largest contributor to the fund with US$55 million; followed by Norway, US$31.2 million; Australia, US$8.6 million; Colombia, US$3.2 million; and Estonia, US$50,000. The banks said additional contributions are expected from Canada, the European Commission, France, Georgia, Mauritius, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and the US. "We are currently urging the international community to make good on their pledges, but we also understand that many donor countries need to get approval from their budgetary systems," said Pamela Cox, World Bank regional vice-president, stating that she expects contributions to be met over the lifetime of the trust fund. "We're going to have to be clever," Clinton said. "But if people can see the homes coming back, and if we could put many, many more people to work, I think that would make a huge difference."

while in 2009, a slightly lower number, 4586, immigrant visas were issued. For this year, 2624 immigrant visas have been issued so far. All told, the legal migration rate is about 13 per day- for each day of the year. This figure does not include legal migration to Canada, Suriname, the Caribbean and elsewhere. It also does not include the granting of non-immigrant visas which some people use to migrate. The migration of well-educated and trained nationals from Guyana and the Caribbean and other developing countries has been an ongoing phenomenon, and something Governments have been unable to control. However, former Jamaican Prime Minister Percival J. Patterson is heading a Commission that will make specific recommendations to assist small states and less developed countries which have suffered excessive out-migration of expensively trained persons, and are yet to benefit significantly from return migration or diasporic investment. ‘The Ramphal Commission on Migration and Development in the Caribbean is the first initiative of the Ramphal Centre, an independent think tank

launched in 2008 to mark the 80th birthday of Sir Shridath Ramphal, one of the most distinguished international sons of the Caribbean. Patterson has said that in some places the brain drain of skilled people, such as nurses, teachers and scientists may damage development by depriving public services or key industries of the expensively trained human capital they need. The perceptions about migration are mixed and one of the tasks of this commission is to highlight the positive aspects of international migration, and these include the improvement of the lives and incomes of migrants moving from developing countries and the boost to development by remittances sent back to countries or origin. At the same time, the Commission will look at the negative aspects such as the brain drain of skilled people from developing countries as well as the fact that illegal and undocumented migration can reduce a government’s ability to regulate its economy and manage public finances and services. Patterson said that the Commonwealth is best placed to develop and

implement practical and mutually beneficial policies which can in turn be recommended to the international community as a whole. But before this can happen the Commonwealth has to deal with the obvious shortcomings in current government policies. Patterson said that the Commission’s conviction is that policy makers do not have a clear understanding of what good migration would look like. Little is known about how best to promote return migration, encourage Diaspora interaction or balance border security concerns with a need to attract migrants required by receiving countries’ economies. And most importantly, Patterson said, there is a lack of political will to look beyond immediate short-term impacts in destination countries, rather than migration’s effects on the countries of origin and the future impact of climate change. The Commission has been tasked by the Ramphal Centre in London to develop practical policies in the important field of migration and development, initially for Commonwealth countries to take forward into action.

Church is too boring for the youth – pastor says

14 leave permanently to the US every day

The Belize Times

“Famous Scientists” DID YOU KNOW? Jane Morris Goodall, (born 3 April 1934), is a British primatologist (someone who studies primates such as monkeys) and is considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees. She is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania. She was the first person to observe chimps making use of twigs as tools in a human like manner. Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist (a scientist trained in science of chemistry who studies the composition of matter and its properties) and microbiologist (scientists who studies small microorganisms such as bacteria which are so small that they cannot be seen by human eye alone). His experiments supported the germ theory of disease. He was best known to the general public for inventing a method to stop milk and wine from causing sickness, a process that came to be called pasteurization. Next time you pick up a box of milk remember Mr. Pasteur.


A Few Well-Known Scientists (Surnames)




Math Teaser

Try to fill in the missing numbers. The missing numbers are integers between 5 and 9. The numbers in each row add up to totals to the right. The numbers in each column add up to the totals along the bottom. The diagonal lines also add up the totals to the right.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


The Belize Times



The Powerful Principle of Saying Thanks This week, before we get into the spiritual mechanics of saying “Thank You”, let us explore the etymology of these two little words and the principles that govern them. A principle is something that does not change, and can be relied upon in any situation. Principles come first and become a foundation for every other thing. It has no respect for poverty, wealth, intelligence, or a particular family name and lineage. What is sure is that it must be used to guarantee repeated success in accomplishing our daily goals. In Luke 17:11 we find the story of Jesus healing ten lepers who cried out “….Master have mercy on us” They knew his power, his ability to repair their bodies and stop the symptoms of their ailments. If you notice they used the word “Master” which is translated from the Greek word “epistatace” meaning “appointee over”. In other words he was appointed - given the power and authority - over this aspect of our lives to make us whole! Imagine that Jesus did not even lay a hand on them but rather sent them on their way with the command “Go show yourselves to the priests.” Weird? But because of their child like obedience to the command, they were healed while on their way to the priest. Powerful stuff! If the disease was eating away their bodies, it stopped. If they were in pain it went away, if they were loosing limbs, or slowly decaying this process ceased. Now, according to scriptures, of the ten one came back making a whole lot of noise praising God! Luke 17:15. He was so excited by the gift of being healed that he did not manage to reach the priests. He instead pulled up the park brakes, did a three-sixty, oh sorry, a oneeighty, rather. Let’s just say he spun around, rushed back to Jesus and fell on the ground near His feet and started to say “thank you, thank you, thank you” !!!! Luke 17:16 According to the social system at that time, this man was a Samaritan, or half Jew. Samaritans were sometimes even referred to as dogs. The point was that the leper that came back was of all things an outcast and unbeliever. What amazes me through all this, is Jesus’ response. He seemed concerned or even displeased that of the ten only one returned to say thanks, and to make things worse, it was the one that was a “social stranger” and not a Jew. The Jews after all were Gods chosen people who understood the principles of faith and gratitude!!!! Luke 17: 1718. I am amazed that the God of this world, creator of the universe expected for those who He spent virtue on to say “Thank you”. I thought he wouldn’t worry about that! What happened in the next verse encapsulates the spirit and essence of this biblical formula with all its teachings. Jesus told him “Arise go thy way, thy faith has made thee whole”!!! Luke 17:19 Two major things can be garnered from this encounter. One: exercising faith is not something exclusively for Christians! This man was a stranger according to Jesus yet He told him “Your faith has made you whole” Two: When we make the effort to say “thank you” or apply the effective principles of gratitude, it clears more room for tons of blessings to flow our way!! This man was not only healed but Jesus told him your faith has made you Whole!!! Meaning God not only cured the sickness but restored that which he lost. Keep in mind that all answers to all the earth’s problems, let me repeat, all answers to all the earths problem, can be found in the Book which contains all the principles, your Bible. These laws or principles were given to us by divine inspiration directly from God! So these Principles work just as effectively when applied in the Christian community, our parents, our teachers, our employees, or even our Bosses!!!! Remember to simply say “thanks”. Try it and see how powerful it is. God bless you all and have a good week!!!! (note: Thanks to a local church brother for this contribution)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Charge made the 7th day of October, 2008, between GLADYS GARCIA and ANTONIO RIVERO both of San Pedro Town , Ambergris Caye, Belize District Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument No. LRS-200808076, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the 9th day of July, 2010 sell the property comprising of 416.43 square metres being San Pedro Registration Section Block 7 Parcel 3755. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. Dated the 9th day of July, 2010.


91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Charge made the 7th day of June, 2004, between YURE ROBERTS of #57 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument No. 6517/2004, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the 9th day of July, 2010 sell the property comprising of 585.338 square metres being Registration Section – Belmopan, Block No. 20 Parcel 4387. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. Dated the 9th day of July, 2010.


91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: SPECIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Big Creek Branch, Independence Village, Stann Creek District; Riversdale, Stann Creek District

By order of the mortgagees, Messrs. Heritage International Bank and Trust Limited [formerly Provident Bank and Trust of Belize Limited], Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties ON SITE on Tuesday the 27th July 2010 at the following times:


At Big Creek, Independence Village, Stann Creek District at 11:00 am:

ALL THAT the property comprised in and granted by the Crown to Nova Toledo Limited by Minister’s Fiat Grant dated the 18th day of May, 2001 and numbered 329 of 2001 and entered in the Crown Lands Book (Grants) at the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan being Block A (15.06 acres) & Block B (6.04 acres) situate in the Big Creek /Independence village area, along Branch Big Creek, Stann Creek and bounded and described as shown edged in red on plan No. 329 of 2001 attached to the said Fiat TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon; 2. At the corner Placencia/Riversdale Road and Entrance Road to New International Airport Road, Stann Creek District at 1:30 pm: 1271.39 ACRES OF UNDEVELOPED LAND ADJOINING THE PROPERTY WHERE THE NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED: All That piece or parcel of land containing 1271.39 acres being portion of Riversdale (Work No. 113) situate South of the road leading to the Riversdale Pier, Stann Creek District and being bounded on the North by the South Stann Creek – Riversdale Pier Road and by the remaining lands of the Riversdale Estate (Work No. 113) now or formerly of Banana and Ramie Products Company, on the South by National lands and by lands held now or formerly by Laguna Madre Shrimp Farms Belize Limited and on the east by other lands of Riversdale Estate (Work No. 113) held now or formerly by Robert and Lorene McKinnon and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a concrete pillar being the westernmost corner of the said piece or parcel of land thence (premising that all bearings and distances are grid) on a bearing of 46 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds

for a distance of 1002.09 feet to a concrete pillar thence on a bearing of 54 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds for a distance of 6178.75 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 76 degrees 09 minutes 31 seconds for a distance of 9135.93 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 163 degrees 22 minutes 32 seconds for a distance of 1129.20 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 178 degrees 54 minutes 56 seconds for a distance of 728.23 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 198 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds for a distance of 1623.22 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 161 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds for a distance of 69.67 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 267 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds for a distance of 928.70 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 267 degrees 20 minutes 29 seconds for a distance of 5266.51 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 267 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds for a distance of 5279.81 feet to a concrete pillar, thence on a bearing of 267 degrees 21 minutes 42 seconds for a distance of 3181.31 feet back to the concrete pillar point of the commencement and which said piece or parcel of land is more particularly shown and delineated on a survey plan drawn by G.V. Bautista, Licenses Surveyor dated August 19th, 1991 and recorded at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Belmopan in Register No. 8 Entry No. 1282, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon being the freehold property of NOVA LAGUNA LIMITED (formerly LAGUNA MADRE SHRIMP FARMS (BELIZE) LIMITED) surety for Nova Toledo Limited. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR VIEWING PLEASE CALL:


TELEPHONE 224-4473 E-mail:


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010


By E. Andrew Marshalleck “On the 24th August, 1998, I was appointed as Chief Justice of Belize. On the 18th February, 1999 I was served with an Order in Supreme Court Action No. 73 of 1999 between James Jan Mohammed as Plaintiff and the Attorney General as Defendant in which it was declared and ordered that (1) my “purported appointment” as Chief Justice was unconstitutional and therefore null and void, and (2) I be prohibited and was thereby prohibited forthwith from “purporting to act” or continuing to act as Chief Justice. On the 18th February, 1999 I was informed by two uniformed police officers who stated they were acting on the instructions of the Solicitor General and who served me with the order that I was to pick up my belongings and leave the Supreme Court building. Since being served with the order I have ceased to occupy the office of the Chief justice and to be entitled to the prerequisites of the office.” The foregoing is an extract from a statement by former Chief Justice Manuel Sosa recounting some of the events surrounding his removal from the office of Chief Justice. Now that Chief Justice Sosa’s removal from office is history, and given the imminent retirement of the current Chief Justice from office and the need for a new appointment, it is opportune to reflect on the events that transpired leading to that sorry state of affairs to identify what if anything can be learned therefrom. From the court records the facts

surrounding Mr. Justice Sosa’s appointment to office were not disputed (albeit, Chief Justice Sosa not being a party to the proceedings, was not given an opportunity to speak to those facts). They were as follows: On Wednesday the 19th August, 1998, the then Attorney General (now Prime Minister Dean Barrow) submitted to the Cabinet Secretary (then Mr. Henry Gordon) for necessary action under the Constitution three proposals, namely, (i) that Mr. Justice Sosa be appointed Chief Justice, (ii) that Mr. Justice Singh be appointed a Justice of Appeal, and (iii) that Mr. Justice Meerabux be appointed an “adjunct” Justice of Appeal. On the same day the Cabinet Secretary dutifully wrote to the Leader of the Opposition (then Mr. Said Musa) inviting his comments on the proposed appointment of Mr. Justice Sosa as Chief Justice. On the following day, Thursday, the 20th day of August, 1998, the Cabinet Secretary wrote again to the Leader of the Opposition this time inviting his comments on the proposed appointments of Mr. Justice Singh and Mr. Justice Meerabux as Justices of Appeal and later that same day the Leader of the Opposition responded complaining that the communication was sent to him only after the Attorney General had announced the proposed appointments. The Leader of the Opposition also cited section 129(2) of the Constitution and informed that he stood ready

NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Sherlette Lorenzo of Dangriga

Town, Stann Creek District, have applied to the Supreme Court for a declaration of Title with respect to the land described in the Schedule below which is held by her in continuous and undisturbed possession.

ANY PERSON who claims to be entitled as owner or oth-

erwise to the said land, estate, interest, power or right, or who may be unlawfully prejudiced by the Application for her said land, estate, interest, power or right may file in the registry of the Supreme Court, Belize City, Belize before Monday the 10th day of November, 2010 Notice of opposition to the Application supported by Affadavit stating grounds on which objection is based.

THE SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land together with all build-

ing and erections standing and being thereon situated at Carib Reserve Area, North Stann Creek being Lot 480 bounded to the North by Lot 479 belonging to Marcus Ciego, on the South by the Hummingbird Highway, on the East by Lot 491 belonging to Gabriel Henry Enriquez and on the West by Lot 468 belonging to Casimira Martinez and more properly described and shown on Plan #25 of 1925.

(Oswald Twist) Attorney-at-Law For Sherlett Lorenzo

to meet with the Prime Minister at his convenience to present his views before the Prime Minister proceeded to take any decision or action on the appointments. On Wednesday, 24th August, 1998, (five days later), the Prime Minister forwarded the file regarding the proposed appointments to the Governor General and the Governor General signed and sealed the instruments appointing Mr. Justice Sosa as Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Singh as a Justice of Appeal for a period of three years, and Mr. Justice Meerabux as a Justice of Appeal for a period of three years, all three appointments to take effect from 26th August, 1998. Remarkably, on the same day Monday, August 24th, 1998, the Cabinet Secretary also replied to the Leader of the Opposition inviting him to a meeting with the Prime Minister in Belmopan on Tuesday 25th August, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. for him to present his views on the very appointments then already made. The Leader of the Opposition immediately replied to the Prime Minister by fax suggesting that the meeting take place instead on Wednesday, 26th August, 1998, in Belize City. On the following day, Tuesday, August 25th, 1998, the Prime Minister replied to the Leader of the Opposition regretting that he was unable to accede to the request for a change in the appointment for a meeting because, as he explained, Tuesday, 25th August was his last day in office prior to General Elections.

On the 26th August, 1998 all three judges travelled to Belize House in Belmopan and were sworn in by the Governor General. And so it came to pass that Mr. Manuel Sosa S.C. was appointed Chief Justice of Belize. Chief Justice Sosa served as Chief Justice however only for a number of months. Notwithstanding Chief Justice Sosa’s performance in office, many continued to be aggrieved by the manner of his appointment. In particular, the Leader of the Opposition, who had after the elections become Prime Minister, and a number of the Ministers in his government as well as supporters continued in the belief that the Sosa appointment was a political one designed to perpetuate the interests of the United Democratic Party. Not surprisingly, on the 16th February, 1999 Mr. James Jan Mohammed, most probably as a mere nominal plaintiff, instituted legal proceedings in the Supreme Court for determination of the following questions:“(1) Whether, in view of the provisions of sections 97(1) and 129(2) of the Belize Constitution, the Honourable Manuel Sosa was validly appointed as Chief Justice with effect from 26th August, 1998; and (2) Whether a Writ of Prohibition should issue restraining the said Honourable Manuel Sosa from purporting to act or continuing to act as Chief Justice”. The case came on for hearing before Mr. Justice Meerabux, a

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


then favourite judge of successive Government administrations for politically sensitive matters. Mr. Justice Meerabux after hearing the claim promptly found that the purported appointment of the Honourable Manuel Sosa as Chief Justice effective the 26th August, 1998 was unconstitutional and therefore null and void and ordered that the said Honourable Manuel Sosa be prohibited from continuing to act as Chief Justice. Albeit the procedure adopted was indeed questionable, there was undoubtedly a valid complaint raised by the Janmohammed suit. This complaint was squarely addressed by the trial judge who had no hesitation in finding that there had in fact been no genuine consultation by the Prime Minister with the Leader of the Opposition in making the appointment. The trial judge however went further to also find that the appointment had been conceived in bad faith. Mr. Justice Meerabux explained:“It appears that the letter of the Secretary to the Cabinet, although dated the 19th of August, 1998, was received by the then Leader of the Opposition on the 20th August, 1998, by fax. In his reply, the then Leader of the Opposition expressed grave concern about the proposed appointments and asked for a meeting with the Prime Minister to present his views. The meeting was arranged by the Prime Minister for Tuesday 25th August, 1998, in Belmopan to hear the views of the Leader of the Opposition. The chronology of events, however, shows that a day before the proposed meeting, 24th of August, 1998, the file concerning the proposed appointment had been sent to the office of the Governor General and the Governor General signed and sealed the instrument of appointment of Mr. Sosa as Chief Justice the same day. This is the most telling piece of evidence and shows that the proposed meeting scheduled for Tuesday 25th August, 1998, was a mere sham. In the light of these sequence of events, the submission of the learned Counsel for the Defendant that the Leader of the Opposition had sufficient opportunity to present his views between the 19th and the 24th of August, 1998 can hardly hold water. The fact remains that the appointment had been ‘perfected’ by the Governor General even before the scheduled meeting, which had been specifically arranged to hear the views of the then Leader of the Opposition on the proposed appointment, had taken place. I also find that the appointment of Mr. Sosa as Chief Justice was flawed on the additional ground that it was conceived in bad faith. It is trite learning that bad faith like fraud vitiates everything. I also take judicial notice of the fact that general elections of members of the House of Representative was due to be held on the 27th day of August, 1998 and the proposed appointment of Mr. Sosa as Chief Justice became effective a day before the election ie. 26th August, 1998. Such a course of action is unheard of in a parliamentary democracy based on

the Westminster model where the government of the day after the issue of the Writ of Election acts merely in a caretaker capacity and refrains from taking any major decisions. To my mind, to appoint a Chief Justice substantively just a day before the general elections makes a mockery of parliamentary democracy.” And so it resulted that Chief Justice Manuel Sosa was removed from office. The former Chief Justice thereafter sought to challenge the decision on a number of procedural and substantive grounds by seeking special leave to appeal the decision to the Court of Appeal. The application to the Court of Appeal was however eventually withdrawn as part of a settlement reached between the government and the former Chief Justice. The Meerabux decision therefore stands and the former Chief Justice now sits as a Justice of Appeal. The Sosa experience starkly demonstrates how a Chief Justice ought not to be appointed as well as the damage to the administration of justice that political motivations are capable of wreaking on that system purportedly in accordance with the existing constitutional framework. Thankfully, a number of lessons can be gleaned from the experience. These include, first, that in the absence of some consensus in an appointment to Judicial Office such as Chief Justice those offended by the decision will remain reluctant to respect the appointment, regardless of any merit in the appointment, and the suspicions and distrust flowing out of such disrespect undermines instead of promotes justice. Second, judicial appointments ought never to be made, nor some have suggested, accepted, (except of course at one’s own peril), in the heat of a general election or in circumstances of manifest political dispute or conflict. Third, and probably foremost, that the political culture that exists in this country does not support the effective operation of the existing constitutional framework for the appointment of a Chief Justice. Those provisions will, in short, likely never work in Belize the way

they were intended given the marked propensity of politics to influence the exercise of Ministerial, as well as Prime Ministerial, powers. As a postscript, it must be added that Mr. Justice Meerabux was subsequently removed from office for misconduct. The misconduct charged and proven, however, had nothing to do with the Janmohammed case although many believe that decision represents another example of misconduct. In fact, the acts


of misconduct in respect of which Meerabux was removed from office all occurred before the Musa administration took office. Meerabux was, of course, notwithstanding such acts of misconduct, nevertheless promoted to the Court of Appeal by the Esquivel administration. He however, adopting a principled stance, in fact never took up the appointment but instead pronounced upon the validity of the Sosa appointment in the manner he did.

Harbour View upper flat, located in historic Fort George Area of Belize City, with it's commanding view of the Belize River and Caribbean Sea, is available for rent. This luxurious residence fully furnished consists of 2 bedrooms, two & 1/2 bathrooms, inclusive but not limited to the following: wireless high speed internet, telephone, cable t.v., central air conditioning, maid service, stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, all marble in bathrooms, full laundry room, private waterfront patio, dock space available for boat., 24 hours security, parking.

ALL YOU NEED IS YOUR SUITCASE. Will rent monthly or yearly.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

BWEL Flames U-19, Ladyville Rural Strikers, & Brown Bombers U-15 win in BDFA football

The Ladyville Rural Strikers, Brown Bombers under-15 teams both posted big wins in the Belize District Football Association summer football competition, while the BWEL Flames U-19 squad upset the U-19 Brown Bombers 3-2 and the Ladyville Rural Strikers girls bounced back from a 3-0 deficit to draw 3-3 with the SCA girls at the Ladyville Football field on Saturday, July 17. Kursha Pollard, Tyra Moreira and Gilda Moguel led the SCA attacks, supported by Christiane Rodriguez and Shaheda Young at midfield, and Kursha Pollard soon drilled home SCA’s 1st to lead 1-0, and Shaheda Young added a 2nd goal and Tyra Moreira delivered a 3rd to lead 3-zip at the half. Faith Maheia, Mertell Bailey

and Sherren Flores led Ladyville’s counterattack, but could not get by the SCA defenders Inga Woods, Ashley Pelayo and Diedra Gill who helped goalie Ashley White secure the 3-0 lead up to the break. Kirsten Fuentes turned things around for the Ladyville girls in the 2nd half, blasting the 1st goal past Ashley White. The Ladyville girls were still down 1-3, but Faith Maheia and Mertell Bailey kept the pressure on and Faith scored a 2nd goal and Mertell a 3rd to tie the score at 3-3 before the final whistle. In Game 2, the Brown Bombers U-15 continued their victory roll, bombing Sur vivors FC 4-zip. Sur vivors’ Louis Alvarez and sweeper Khambrel Blease could not contain Devaughn Zuniga, who broke through their defense to boot

in the 1st winning goal in the 1st half to lead 1-zip at the break. Kadeem Anderson and Jonathan Guardado led the Survivors’ counterattack, but the Survivors’ defense goofed in giving up a penalty in the 2nd half when they brought down Zuniga in the goal area and Jarron Myvett converted for a 2-0 lead. Myvett set the play for Zuniga to score a 3rd goal and Myvett added a 4th goal for the 4-0 win. In Game 3, the Ladyville Rural Strikers U-15 posted a 3-0 win over the Alber ts boys. Oscar Ponce scored Ladyville’s 1st goal, and while Gary Young, Raheem Flowers and Jamal Augustine led Alberts’ counterattack, they made no impression in the Ladyville defense. Leon Sedacy got through the Alberts’ defense to add 2 more

goals for the 3-0 win. In Game 4, the B.W.E.L. Flames upset the U-19 Brown Bombers 3-2, leading 2-0 at the half time break on strikes by Raheem Staine and Ronald Galvez. In the 2nd half, the Bombers tied the ball game when their counterattack produced goals first by Andres Makin, and a 2nd goal by Clinton “Pin” Jorgenson. Daniel scored the winning goal for the Flames in the closing minutes of play. The competition continues with a rematch between SCA and Ladyville Strikers, Alberts face Survivors in the U-15 game, and BWEL Flames will challenge Tropical FC of San Pedro at the M.C.C. grounds on Saturday, July 24.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nizhee Corozal fighting for 4th spot in Belize Bank Superleague playoffs

A mid-week match will determine whether Nizhee Corozal will win the 4th spot in the Belize Bank Super League football playoffs, as a win would give Nizhee 23 pts to tie with Santa Elena Synergy, who also have 23pts after they upset top-ranking Placencia Assassins 2-1 in Santa Elena on Sunday and San Felipe Barcelona eliminated themselves when they drew 4-4 with City boys, who had already advanced, at the M.C.C. garden on Sunday, July 11. Nizhee Corozal has a better goal average than Synergy, but needs to win against Belize United on Wednesday night, as a win would give them 23pts and the 4th spot; a draw allows Synergy to advance. Belize United had transportation problems and could not make it for their scheduled game at the Ricalde Stadium on Sunday. In Santa Elena, Placencia took an early 1-0 lead on Sunday when Rollin Burgess scored the Assassins’ 1st goal in the 32nd minute to lead 1-zip at the half. In the 2nd half, Santa Elena’s Dean Flowers delivered the equalizer in the 57th minute, and the Santa Elena squad moved in for the kill. Their persistence paid off in the 87th minute, when Placencia defender Ernie White erred in that dreaded

autogoal to give the Santa Elena boys the 2-1 win. San Felipe Barcelona was already out of the running and their chances of qualifying depended on both Nizhee and Santa Elena losing, as they stood to score a maximum of 22pts by a win against the City Boys. San Felipe’s Oscar Ascevedo drew first blood with a header in the 13th minute of play. City boys’ Tyrone Linares tied the ball game at 1-1 in the 16th minute and a strike from City Boys’ Jack Dawson gave the home squad a 2-1 lead in the 20th minute. Then Harvey Cruz scored the village boys’ 2nd goal to tie the ball game 2-2. The field was wet after a heavy downpour 2 hours before game time, and City Boys’ goalie Charlie Slusher could not hold onto the pill when Christopher Hendricks blasted in a 3rd goal for the village from point blank range in the 38th minutes to lead 3-2 at the half. In the 2nd half, the San Felipe goalie also had trouble holding on to the ball on a long lob from the corner. He fumbled and Raymond “Killa” Gentle did not forgive, booting the ball into the net to tie the ball game at 3-3 in the 46th minute. Gentle then set table for 1st

division MVP Dalton Cayetano to race downfield, beat San Felipe’s Eric Rodriguez and nail home a 4th goal in the 78th minute. The village squad now had their backs to the wall, but the City Boys’ defenders Mark Grant, Jack Dawson, Merlin Diaz and Shane Thurton

had all run out of gas and could not keep up with Harvey Cruz when he penetrated up the right sideline and centered the ball for Victor Morales to finish with a header, tying the ball game at 4-4 before the final whistle. The playoffs begin on Sunday, July 25.

Tuff E’Nuff, Guardian and FCIB/Quan Trading Co. win in Interoffice basketball

T h e Tu f f E ’ N u f f To u r s, Guardian/ Housing and the FCIB/ Quan Trading Co. posted wins in the 2010 Interoffice basketball competition at the Belize City Center last Friday, July 16. In Game 1 on Friday, undefeated Tuff e Nuff posted another win 67-64 in over time against the Atlantic Bank. Tuff e Nuff ’s Ashton Edwards hit a long trey as he top-

scored with18 pts, also grabbing 6 rebounds and 3 steals and dishing out an assist, while his big brother Densmore 'Wable' Edwards added 13 pts, grabbing 6 rebounds, while handing out 2 assists and grabbing 4 steals. Atlantic Bank’s Leon 'Bigs' Williams led with 13 pts, grabbing 17 rebounds and a steal and Andrew 'Head' Staine added 12 pts, grabbing

7 rebounds and 2 steals, while handing out 3 assists. In Game 2, Guardian/Housing also outlasted Telemedia Digicell 7167 in overtime. Guardian’s Bernard Felix top scored with 25 pts, handing out 5 assists and snatching 10 steals, while Dwayne Davis shot 17 pts, snagged 3 rebounds and 4 steals and dished out an assist. Jamaal Kelly hit 5 long treys as he led Digicell with 26pts, grabbing 4 rebounds and a steal, and blocking 4 shots. Devon Lozano added 13 pts, grabbed 4 rebounds and 2 steals and handed out an assist / 1 block / 2 steals In Game 3 First Caribbean / Quan's continued undefeated in a 68-39 blast of BWSL ‘Pressure’. FCIB’s Jacob 'Snake' Leslie topscored with 20 pts, grabbing 5 rebounds and 2 steals while dishing out 2 assists. Elton Anderson added 12 pts on fast breaks while making 3 assists and 3 steals. BWSL’s Benson Matthews had 12 pts and grabbed 8 rebounds and a steal; and Lawrence 'Teach' Young added 9 pts, grabbed 5 rebounds and a steal. In Game 1 on Wednesday, the Roe Group of Companies posted a

20-0 win over Customs, who could not field five players on the court In Game 2 Wednesday, the Police arrested the National Fire Service 66-57. Adrian Flores led the Police with 19 pts, grabbing 2 rebounds and 2 steals while handing out an assist and Kenard Clarke added 17 pts and grabbed a monster 15 rebounds, handing out 3 assists, blocking a shot and stealing the ball twice. Kenroy Roca led the Firefighters with 14 pts, grabbing 8 rebounds and three steals, handing out an assist and blocking a shot. Marlon Palmerston added 10 pts and grabbed 3 rebounds and a steal and handed out 3 assists. T h e d e f e n d i n g ch a m p i o n s Belize City Council also remained undefeated as they wrapped up KHMH 64-53. Citco’s Joshua Jones led with 15 pts, grabbing a rebound and 4 steals, while Kenroy 'MVP' Usher added 10 pts., grabbing 2 rebounds and a steal. Kenrick Samuels led KHMH with 12 pts and a steal and Norman Humes added 11 pts and grabbed 7 rebounds dishing out an assist and grabbing 5 steals.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times


Bowen & Bowen posts back to back wins in Interoffice basketball

Bowen & Bowen posted back to back wins in the 2010 Interoffice basketball competition at the Belize City Center on Monday, July 19. In Game 1 on Monday, B.W.S.L. pressured Belize Healthcare/ Central Cable 62-46. BWSL’s Benson Matthews top-scored with 19 pts, grabbing 10 rebounds and a steal, while Lawrence 'Teach' Young added 13 pts, grabbed 4 rebounds and 3 steals and handed out 4 assists. Healthcare’s Trevor 'Bonzo' Meighan had 14 pts, grabbed 6 rebounds and 3 steals and dished out 3 assists, with Andrew Moody helping out with 11 pts and a rebound and 3 steals. In Game 2, Bowen & Bowen pumped the National Fire Service 54-50. Bowen’s Milton Flores top-scored with 14 pts, grabbing 8 rebounds, 2 blocks and a steal, while Ernest Crawford added 8 pts,

grabbed a rebound and handed out 5 assists. Marlon Palmerston led the Firefighters with 14 pts, dishing out an assist and stealing the ball once, while their big post center Rafael O'Brien scored 11 pts on the putback from 7 rebounds. In Game 1 on Sunday, Bowen & Bowen edged by Youth for the Future 49-48; with David Cruz leading with 11 pts and 7 rebounds, while Frank Nunez added 7 pts and grabbed 6 rebounds. YFF’s Dwayne Davis led with 19 pts and 22 rebounds and Bernadote Felix added 9 pts In Game 3 Monday, the Police hand-cuffed Customs 55-44; Adrian Flores top-scoring with 18 pts, grabbing 2 rebounds and a steal, and Deron Gentle added 8 pts, grabbed 6 rebounds and blocked 3 shots. Customs’ Charles 'Layup' Armstrong scored 26 pts and grabbed 4 rebounds and a steal,

while Ludrick Beeks chipped in 7 pts and snagged 6 rebounds and a steal. In Sunday’s Game 3 the Police did not do so well in a 53-62 loss to Port of Belize. Port’s Ian 'AC' Augustine led with 17 pts grabbing 12 rebounds and 2 steals while handing out an assist and Leroy 'Fayah' Forbes added 17 pts, grabbed 3 rebounds and a steal, and handed off an assist. Chester Noralez led the Police with 17 pts grabbing a rebound and 2 steals, while Maurice Martinez added 12 pts, grabbed a rebound and 2 steals and handed off an assist. In Sunday’s Game 2 Telemedia Digicell rewired Alamilla's Furniture / Cellular Plus 76-51. Jamaal Kelly led Digicell with a monster 32 pts, grabbing a rebound and 6 steals, while Edward Thompson added 15 pts and grabbed 12 rebounds. Alamilla's David Alamilla had 12

pts and 1 rebound, while John Rudon added 9 pts, grabbing a rebound and dishing out an assist. In Game 4, First Caribbean / Quan's burned Guardian / Housing 75-63; Elton Anderson leading the attack with 20 pts grabbing a rebound and a steal while handing off 2 assists. Jacob 'Snake' Leslie added 15 pts, grabbed 3 rebounds and made 7 assists. Guardian’s Godwin Bowen had 14 pts. in the loss. In Game 5, the National Fire Service quenched Customs 56-53; Tyrone Palmerston top-scored with 24 pts, grabbing 7 rebounds and a steal while handing off 4 assists. Kenroy Roca added 21 pts and snagged 7 rebounds and 2 steals. Customs’ James Rivers scored 16 pts and grabbed 5 rebounds, while veteran Jason Daly had 12 pts and 11 rebounds, dishing out 3 assists and stealing the ball once.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times



Do you see anything to smile bout?

By: Mike Rudon Jr. A couple of the morning shows are good barometers of the mood of the people living the reality of modern day Belize. It’s not exactly about what the hosts are saying but about the cries of the callers - the frustration, the anger, the sense of betrayal. This morning I listened to one of the hosts on Love FM and was a little surprised to detect palpable disgust in his voice as the discussion zeroed in on the Belize City Council. I imagine that it would be hard to stay objective when the suffering of the people is heard each and every day, when their calls for help are ignored each and every day. This morning the portion of the show I caught

was dealing with the cemetery mostly – apparently there are only 9 or so spaces left at Lord Ridge and the City Council is only now trying to find an alternative solution. Let’s see – nine spaces at the current rate of murders in Belize works out to about 3 or 4 days. So in a few days we won’t have anywhere to bury our dead and there’s no option in sight. And then a caller went off about a bridge in North Creek which had fallen into the creek. He was furious because the residents had reported the matter time and again without any response from the Council or the Area Representative. But what’s new. As a writer who is passionate about pointing out the many faults and inadequacies of the stupid people running this country, I should be in hog heaven. But I’m not. I’m frustrated and angry because I am a Belizean first and I look around and see what is happening to my country. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing to smile about. But maybe I should clarify – there is nothing for the common Belizean to smile about; nothing for the Belizean whose last name isn’t Barrow to smile about; nothing for the Belizean who isn’t a

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UDP Minister to smile about; nothing for the Belizean without special relation to UDP Ministers to smile about. I clarified simply because I would imagine there is plenty for the ex-wife of the Prime Minister to smile about (hell, if I received a voucher for more than half a million dollars in one day I’d be grinning like a loon). I would imagine that there is plenty for the daughter and son of the Prime Minister to smile about, for they have been richly blessed through their association to daddy. And there are quite a few UDPs who have plenty to smile about – that retarded (sorry, Kim) grimace on Gapi’s face is actually a smile. My friend Boots is smiling pretty right now. Mr. Castro and his wife are smiling. Mr. Montero in Cayo is smiling. The boy Mr. Barrow created in his image (though with more hair) is smiling. But what about the rest of us… those without the special privileges and perks of UDPness? I look around and there is so much wrong with this country that it is ludicrous. And no, it isn’t the fault of the previous administration, Mr. Barrow. That one has gotten old. Look at the crime situation and the already defunct Operation Restore Belize. It’s not the previous administration’s fault that Mr. Barrow has not a clue how to deal with the crime situation. His brilliant solution was to place his UDP Chairman Doug Singh at the helm and where exactly has that gotten us. Singh’s nationally proclaimed fixations have made policemen wary, confused and angry. His public taunts of senior officers have made them laughing stocks at a time when they should be commanding respect. He has done absolutely nothing to curb the escalating crime and violence. The blame for that lies squarely on your shoulders, Mr. Barrow!

27 There is a serious problem with our 911 system, a system which is a lifeline for our citizens in need. The officer in charge has revealed that their equipment is antiquated and they have no facilities to record calls. They are struggling to get proper training for the persons manning the phones. Our 911 system is inadequate. Mr. Barrow, how difficult would it be to upgrade the 911 system to adequate, if not international, standards? How difficult would it be to provide proper training for staff manning the phones? Your administration owns BTL, does it not? Perhaps you could advise your Minister to tone down his obsession with sweaty, spandex clad policemen flexing their biceps and deal with upgrading the 911 system and ensuring that it is staffed by qualified, professional personnel 24 hours. Which one would save more lives, Mr. Barrow…a new gym or a revised, updated 911 system? And then there’s the dengue situation and negligent hospital situation and the garbage situation and the UDP City Council situation and the Chief Justice situation and the cemetery situation and the economic situation and the unemployment situation and the faltering tourism situation and the high cost of living situation and the poverty situation and the corruption situation and the unjust enrichment situation and the oil situation and the messed up roads situation…I could go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture. There’s nothing to smile about in Belize these days and nothing seems to change. But there’s a UDP ad out right now glorifying Dean Barrow with the caption ‘Inspiring the Future.’ Boss, we need help RIGHT NOW. You’re destroying the present…how the hell aren’t you ashamed to claim to inspire the future. You’re a sick man!

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The Belize Times



Restoring Confidence D in the Police E

By anthony sylvestre A colleague of mine remarked the other day that the Ministers of government should be mandated to do drug testing, at least three times for the year. They do the ‘strangest’ things, he said. “And to think, they are the most powerful people in the country, whose decisions and actions affect all of us, even if we voted for them or not.” There is more than a kernel of truth in the observation of my friend, who was a very successful politician in years gone by, he being a Minister of Government and all. He was being of course euphemis-

tic to described the actions of Ministers of Government as ‘strange’, but fi’ true, deh Ministers of Government do have you scratching your head many times. Consider, for instance, this week’s revelation that no less than the newly appointed Minister of Police was rendezvousing with friends to St. George’s Caye on a boat that was ‘un-registered’ and later searched by the personnel of the Police Anti-drug Unit because the boat was rumoured to be “a drug vessel”. And yes, the Honourable Minister of Police was present when the search was done. That is indeed, to be euphemistic, a very very ‘strange’ sequence of events for the Minister of Police and Public Safety to be netted up in. Ih look wah way, as they say in the street. Now the Minister of Police will deny that he had knowledge that the vessel was ‘un-registered’ as the television newscast put it. But surely, as the Minister of Police and Minister of Public Safety (which basically means the Minister of law and order), he should know more than anyone else that ignorance of



Belize Electricity Limited advises customers in the Corozal thatStreet, the Belize supplyCity,of Mr. Stanley ErmeavDistrict of 35A Regent Belize, was appointed July 21, 2010 interrupted as receiver andon electricity will beontemporarily manager of all the property, assets and undertaking of Wednesday, July 28, 2010. Belize Aggregates Limited of 4 ½ Miles Northern Highway, Belize City, Belize (“Belagg”) under various Mortgages, Mortgage and Assignments held by Time: 7:00Debentures a.m. to 12:00 noon The Belize Bank Limited of 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

such things can still get you in trouble with the law. He should know, (and if he doesn’t know, he should ask his fellow Ministers the Attorney General or the former Minister of Police Carlos Perdomo) that there is a law that this UDP government passed which sends a citizen to jail if he is in a vehicle in which a gun is found, even though he has no knowledge about that gun which is found. A citizen can’t get bail from a Magistrate if he is caught in a sequence of events like that; he is remanded to Hattieville until he can get a lawyer to secure bail for him in the Supreme Court. Now, as the Minister of Law and Order, you would want to think that he knows a little something about the laws of Belize, right; in any event, that should be a prerequisite for the job. So then, his actions or omissions are scrutinized more vigorously. And this is the point here. Even if the Minister of Law and Order knew or did not know that the vessel on which he was a passenger was “un-registered”, the owner of the vessel, his friend, was breaking the laws of Belize when it sailed from Belize City to St. George’s Caye and back.. Section 16 of the Harbours and Merchant Shipping Act expressly states that no vessel shall proceed to sea or on a river without a ‘seagoing Certificate”. The section further makes it a criminal offence for the owner of such vessel to send or permit such vessel to proceed to sea or on a river without a “sea-going certificate.” Now all this would be funny,

except that there is no law and order in Belize right now, and the man hand-picked to restore law and order in Belize has been caught in an incident which ‘look wah way.’ In other countries, Ministers of Government resign for even less. The Minister of Police and Public Safety of course is not an elected representative, so he has no constituency or base to pander to. I suppose then, all of this will go unpunished by the electorate. But by any accounts, the incident does look ill on the Minister and the Ministry of Police; not the ‘ill’ Jenny Lovell was speaking about the other night on Duets. In a time of anarchy, which is Belize right now, it is doubly important that the state apparatus of the police is seen to be operating aboveboard. That is the only way that citizens can regain confidence in it. Incidents like this one involving the Minster of Police don’t give that appearance; it gives a contrary one. I am sure our friends in the North are watching and taking note.


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AAREN INVESTMENTS LTD. - July 17, 2010 CARLTON BALANCED FUND LIMITED July 18, 2010 The Belize Bank Limited

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times

MARASMUS (Starvation) IN BELIZE Contributed... Every so often we see the Ministry of Health (MOH) making good their Public Relations by the publishing of an entire page in the newspapers highlighting some workshop or the other, the Minister receiving some donation of equipment to put in some hospital and/or himself making a presentation of some medical equipment or medications to some clinic or the other. We have also been informed from time to time of the Minister’s travels to different countries where it is hoped he learns something or can boast that he was gifted something to bring for our clinics and hospitals. For some months the Ministry of Health has been conspicuously silent on the outbreak of malaria and the epidemic of dengue, most importantly about the several cases of hemorrhagic dengue. It was not until a fatality came to light and the media picked it up that Belizeans were formally made aware that dengue and malaria are on the rise. But what we experience everyday is the unusual amount of mosquitoes and the noticeable absence of the MOH spray trucks around our neighbourhoods. We also know that these conditions are on the rise because we hear of a greater number of friends, families and co-workers that have contracted either dengue or malaria. This is never reported on those expensive full paid ads that the MOH places in the newspapers to make propaganda of their activities. Neither do we see it on the famous weekly TV program coming out of Belmopan, a program paid by our taxes to feed us half truths and the party line. However, most recently we were reliably informed that the MOH has discovered that our Belizeans living in the southern part of our country are increasingly being diagnosed with Marasmus. Nutritional Marasmus is a form of MALNUTRITION caused by a severe deficiency of both protein and calories. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Marasmus includes the 7 symptoms listed hereafter: Growth retardation, muscle wasting, impaired immunity, lethargy, vomiting, delayed wound healing and loss of fat stores. Essentially this condition is a result of malnutrition both in children and adults. To say it in layman terms, IT IS STARVATION! The MOH is now considering giving micro-nutrient supplements to our Belizeans in the south through the NHI clinics. And while this may be the adequate response from a medical standpoint it surely is the most expensive one and the less practical. Additionally it is attacking the condition but it does not address the fundamental issue…the cause of Marasmus. Without a doubt, poor nutrition is the inability of our population to access food. The little food eaten by our brothers and sisters in the south are grossly lacking in protein….not even the basic meat, beans, and other vegetables that would assist in contributing the necessary protein to the body are accessible to these Belizeans. The caloric intake, in general

of our population, is also deficient and that is a very bad sign….what is the MOH, and more specifically the Government of Belize, doing about this very alarming reality? People, we have Belizeans that are literally starving to death. Do they mean to hide this reality from us as they have done with the dengue and malaria statistics?

The MOH is embarking on a program to alleviate this nutritional problem that has arisen in the south. Nonetheless, it is the National Health Insurance (NHI) that is being asked to pay for the micronutrients that will be given to our brothers and sisters of the south. How ironic that the SSB will now pay for the nutritional supplements needed by our people of the south who can’t afford to buy food and we have just heard that this very same institution SSB/NHI is giving contracts to Guatemalan companies to create jobs in Guatemala rather than in PG where the building is being erected. The SSB/ NHI seems to have lost complete track of its mission. We are trying to cover the sun with a finger giving the hungry some micronutrients, instead of jobs. Whatever happened to the famous adage that tells us that it is better to teach our citizens to fish instead of giving them a fish? And please let us not allow the MOH to blame the nutritional problems of the south to the cultural habits of the people. For sure we are bound to hear that bull again. It’s time to stop the bull about the cultural

29 excuse. Simply there aren’t any jobs (the most recent Labor Survey attests that unemployment is higher in the southern populations) hence there is no food… that is the problem. The time has come to take the bull by the horns and address the real problem. The stark reality is that more and more we have social and health situations like crime and nutritional conditions that are the result of poverty. It is time for us to start recognizing and addressing the causes of our social problems in a true effort to eradicate them. It is simple in the case of our brothers and sister of the south; if they have no access to food and no access to jobs…they will continue to suffer these nutritional problems. Today it is Marasmus, tomorrow it can be another form of nutritional deficiency. It is heartbreaking to see that Belize has now joined some of our Central American neighbours in forming part of these shameful statistics. We need a better response from the Government and the Ministry of Health. We also need the truth and we need it now!


The Belize Times

DOMINGO 25 de JULIO , 2010

Issue No. 4703


Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Truth Shall Make You Free

Adolescente Residente de Ladyville Asesinado a Tres Cuadras de Su Casa

La semana pasada ha sido sangrienta, dejando un número de familias en duelo de nuevo por el asesinato sin sentido de sus seres queridos en una guerra urbana en curso. El jueves pasado esta pesadilla se extendió hasta Ladyville donde la familia de Anthony Matura, de 18 años, ha estado tratando de descifrar por qué alguien lo quería muerto. El joven se había bajado de un autobús en la autopista del Norte en el que viajó desde la ciudad de Belice y que pasa por delante de una tienda

Anthony Matura

china en dirección a la calle Poinsetta cuando alguien furtivamente vino detrás de el. Sobresaltado, Matura intentó correr, pero su atacante lo alcanzó antes de que pudiera huir y le asesto una puñalada mortal en el lado izquierdo de su pecho antes de salir corriendo sin ser detectado. Matura logro llegar tambaleando a la calle Poinsetta y se desplomó frente a una iglesia donde falleció. Descrito como un joven tranquilo que acompañaba a su padre todos los días a la ciudad de Belice, Matura era el hermano de Glenford

Matura, quien fue baleado hace pocos meses el 10 del pasado Marzo. Si bien aún no ha sido confirmada, la policía tiene una creencia fuerte que la muerte del joven Matura fue el resultado de la rivalidad entre pandillas. Tienen también un llamamiento al público para ayudarlos a resolver el homicidio. El día después del asesinato la Policía de Ladyville volvió a examinar la escena del crimen y descubrió lo que ellos creen que es el arma homicida, un cuchillo, descartado, no lejos de donde el cuerpo fue encontrado.

Fue entonces cuando los hombres armados tomaron la oportunidad para terminar la misión. Aunque la familia y amigos cercanos describen a Lauriano como un hombre educado, los que se mantienen al día con la noticia saben que no era exactamente un candidato adecuado para el ciudadano del año. A lo largo de su colorida vida, había tenido problemas con la ley en numerosas ocasiones, la última de las cuales fue recién este año cuando apareció en la corte en una serie de delitos. Anteriormente había enfrentado cargos tan graves como intento de asesinato y

delitos de armas de fuego. Este padre de una hija había intentado recientemente mejorar su vida al casarse un poco más de un año atrás y se estableció en Hattieville con su esposa e hija. Pero su esfuerzo por comenzar una nueva y vivir una larga vida no formaba parte del guión de su destino. Como si fue diseñado por el destino para vivir las palabras "vivir por las armas y morir por el arma, Lauriano sufrio disparos múltiples en la cabeza y al lado de su cuerpo las autoridades encontraron un arma nueve milímetros. La Policía se encuentra investigando el caso.

El Notorio Lauriano Giovani Baleado

El personaje bien conocido Lauriano Giovani, de 32 años, se convirtió en una de las últimas víctimas en la lista de las estadísticas de asesinatos en 2010 cuando fue baleado a quemarropa en la carretera occidental, mientras se dirigía a su casa en Hattieville después de la socializar. Su atacante aparentemente rastreo a Lauriano en otro vehículo y abrió fuego contra él justo cuando estaba pasando por un camino de acceso, cerca de 17 millas. Después de que sus atacantes dispararan la primera bala que atravesó su vehículo, Lauriano perdió el control del volante y se salió de la carretera. Al parecer, Lauriano, o “Nose” como era más conocido, se bajó del coche y trató de

Giovani Lauriano correr para pedir ayuda. Pero no llego muy lejos.

Asesinato de Nikki Pinkard Relacionada con el Homicidio de Giovanni Lauriano

Nikki Pinkard Tan pronto como el cuerpo acribillado a balazos del cuerpo de Giovanni Lauriano fue encontrado en 17 millas, otro hombre, su rival, de hecho, Nikki Pinkard, de 24 años , fue asesinado brutalmente, literalmente, sólo horas más tarde alrededor de las 9 de la noche del domingo. Pinkard acababa de regresar a casa con su novia y uno de sus familiares y se encontraba en la calle Jazmín en frente de la casa de sus familiares cuando alguien lo asesino a balazos. El hombre enmascarado armado que le disparó supuestamente estaba vestido de negro en su totali-

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dad y se marchó en una bicicleta. Las balas penetraron en el lado derecho de su pecho, a la izquierda de su mandíbula y el cuello. La bala en el cuello fue la que le hizo desangrarse rápidamente y no pudo sobrevivir en la sala de operaciones. Algunos dicen que Pinkard fue asesinado porque estaba en el barrio de la pandilla rival. Pero Pinkard no era ajeno a la zona porque era un lugar, de acuerdo a los familiares, que visitaba con frecuencia debido a su novia. Pinkard, también conocido como Biggs, fue un miembro de la pandilla de la calle George Muchos creen que su asesinato fue el resultado del asesinato de Lauriano, con quien Pinkard había tenido una disputa antigua. Pero sus parientes han dicho que fue improbable que Pinkard pudiera haber participado en cualquier asesinato porque para la mayor parte de que noche él estuvo en comunicación con su madre. Así como su rival, Lauriano, Pinkard también no fue un santo que digamos. Enfrento cargos en junio del 2008 junto con dos otros jóvenes después de que la policía lo encontró en posesión de media libra de un explosivo plástico tan mortal como C4, que está entre los explosivos más mortales conocidos. Como en el asesinato de Lauriano, la Policía todavía no ha hecho arrestos.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


The Belize Times

Belize TimesEn


Mañana Será Demasiado Tarde

Hoy hace una semana un niño de cinco años de edad, murió en el Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital de síntomas relacionados a la fiebre del dengue. En el momento de su muer te, funcionarios en el hospital fueron evacuando a las personas de la sala a la primera señal de recuperación porque había otros que querían hacerse un chequeo de dengue. El número de casos de personas que se re por tan a los hospitales y clínicas con síntomas que son comunes en pacientes con fiebre del dengue han lleg ado al punto en que las autoridades se ven forzados a decir que hay un "brote" de dengue en Belice. ¿Dó n de empezó todo? ¿Dónde está la propag ación de la e n f e r m e d a d m á s n o t o r i a ? D u r a n t e l o s ú l t i m o s m e s e s, n o s preguntamos si el personal de salud pública ha estado recogiendo datos sobre el número de casos en las clínicas y hospitales? ¿Cómo pasaron de re por tar 28 casos en una semana y lueg o anunciar una e pidemia a los pocos días? ¿Tenemos suficiente medicamento para hacer frente a la situación actual? ¿Tenemos un plan en caso de que empeore? Los Beliceños se están sintiendo incómodos con la situación, por supuesto quien los puede culpar cuando se toma en cuenta todo lo que ha salido mal en el Ministerio de Salud desde que la administración Bar row asumió el carg o en Febrero de 2008. Recordemos el escándalo por la esquila que se llevo acabo en el KHMH donde las drog as inferiores y los medicamentos se vendían en un alto costo. Lueg o esta el caso de todos los bebés que morían en los hospitales. Hemos tenido problemas con la g estión en casi cada uno de nuestros hospitales regionales. Nuestro sistema de salud está en un lío y tenemos un ministro que no tiene ni idea. En los meses después de las primeras muertes en México como consecuencia del vir us H1N1 (g ripe porcina), las autoridades de salud pública reaccionaron primero con decisión, y más tarde parecen haber perdido impulso. Aunque nunca se convir tió en la e pidemia tan mor tal como se temió inicialmente, se exponen algunas g raves deficiencias en la respuesta de salud pública, que ahora se están manifestando. Según el Dr. Web, la fiebre del dengue es una enfer medad viral aguda que puede durar hasta 10 días, pero la recuperación completa puede tardar hasta un mes. El dengue no es contagioso, el vir us se transmite a los humanos por picaduras de mosquito, por lo general Aedes aeg ypti (pero con frecuencia aedes albopictus), que pica durante horas de la mañana. La semana pasada el Belize Times fue el primero en predecir que hubo una e pidemia de dengue en Belice. En este mismo artículo, el escritor le preguntó al Departamento de Salud Pública " ¿se ha realizado algún estudio para averiguar si los mosquitos aquí en Belice han desar rollado una resistencia a malatión?." Los estudios han demostrado que en otros lug ares, el mosquito aedes aeg ypti ha desar rollado una resistencia al malatión, la sustancia que se fumig a para matar las lar vas. Antes de buscar respuestas a esta pregunta hay que preguntarse si las autoridades de salud pública han estado rociando, para antes de las denuncias recientes en la radio y la televisión, no había anuncios públicos acerca de la pulverización o anuncio de que se haría campaña pública sobre el dengue. Se estima que el dengue mata aproximadamente a 20,000 personas cada año. Como es común con las infecciones virales no hay vacuna que proteja contra esta enfer medad y tampoco hay drog a alguna que lo cure. Ahora tienen que lidiar con lo que posiblemente podría c o nve r t i r s e o y a e s u n a e p i d e m i a , c o n s i d e r a n d o l a f a l t a d e liderazg o del Ministro de Salud y de la administración de Deán Bar row. Pero nuestro de par tamento de salud pública necesita saber como tratar este tipo de incer tidumbres y situaciones. Nuestros hijos se encuentran en estos momentos en vacaciones de verano pero pronto se reabrirán las clases de nuevo y el Ministerio de Salud tendrá que encontrar la manera de controlar un balance entre controlar la infección y las actividades diarias escolares. Quizá sea tiempo que el Primer Ministro tome los consejos del Líder de la Oposición de despedir a Pablo Marín. Mañana será demasiado tarde.





El poderoso principio de decir gracias. Esta semana, antes de entrar en la mecánica espiritual de decir "Gracias", vamos a explorar la etimología de estas dos pequeñas palabras y los principios que las rigen. Un principio es algo que no cambia, y puede ser invocada en cualquier situación. Principios de llegada y convertirse en una base para cualquier otra cosa. No tiene ningún respeto por la pobreza, riqueza, inteligencia, o un nombre particular de la familia y el linaje. Lo que es seguro es que debe utilizarse para garantizar el éxito repetido de lograr nuestras metas diarias. En Lucas 17:11 nos encontramos con la historia de Jesús sanando a diez leprosos, que gritó: ".... Maestro, ten piedad de nosotros" Ellos sabían que su poder, su capacidad de reparar sus cuerpos y detener los síntomas de sus dolencias. Si usted nota que usaron la palabra "maestro" que se traduce de la palabra griega "epistatace" que significa "persona nombrada más". En otras palabras, fue nombrado - dado el poder y la autoridad - sobre este aspecto de nuestras vidas para hacernos entero! Imagínate que Jesús ni siquiera puso la mano sobre ellos, sino que los envió en su camino con el comando "Id, mostraos a los sacerdotes." Curioso? Pero debido a su obediencia a la orden del maestro fueron sanados cuando se dirigían al sacerdote. Gran Poder! Si la enfermedad fue carcomiendo su cuerpo, se detuvo. Si estaban en gran dolor se fue, si se trataba de perder las extremidades, o decaimiento lento este proceso ceso. Ahora, según las escrituras, de los diez uno volvió haciendo un montón de ruido al alabar a Dios! Lucas 17:15. Estaba tan emocionado por el don de ser sanado que no logro llegar a los sacerdotes. En lugar de ello se detuvo, hizo un tres-sesenta, oh lo siento, un uno-ochenta, más bien. Corrió de nuevo a Jesús y cayó al suelo cerca de sus pies y empezó a decir "gracias, gracias, gracias!!!!" Lucas 17:16 De acuerdo al sistema social de ese tiempo, este hombre era un Samaritano, o sea mitad Judío. A los Samaritanos se les refería como “Perros” en aquel tiempo. El punto es que el leproso que regreso a darle las gracias a Dios era un excluido y incrédulo. Lo que me sorprende de todo esto, es la respuesta de Jesús. Parecía descontento que de los diez sólo uno volvió a darle las gracias, y para empeorar las cosas, era el que era un extraño "social" y no un Judío. Los Judíos después de todo fueron elegidos porque comprendían los principios de lealtad y gratitud!! Lucas 17: 17-18. Me sorprende que el Dios de este mundo, creador del universo esperara que su gente Judía le diera las "Gracias". Pensé que no se preocuparía por eso Lo que sucedió en el siguiente versículo resume el espíritu y la esencia de esta fórmula bíblica con todas sus enseñanzas. Jesús le dijo: "Levántate vete, tu fe te ha sanado"! Lucas 17:19 Dos cosas importantes puedan acumularse a partir de este encuentro. Una: ejercitar la fe no es algo exclusivamente para los cristianos! Este hombre era un extranjero de acuerdo a Jesús sin embargo, Él le dijo: "Tu fe te ha salvado" Dos: Cuando hacemos el esfuerzo de decir "gracias" o aplicar los principios efectivos de gratitud, se aclara un mayor margen de toneladas de bendiciones a fluir en nuestro camino!! Este hombre no sólo fue sanado, pero Jesús le dijo: tu fe te ha salvado! Significado Dios no sólo cura las enfermedades pero restaura lo que perdió. Tenga en cuenta que todas las respuestas a todos los problemas de la tierra, repito, todas las respuestas a todas el problema de tierras, se encuentra en el libro que contiene todos los principios, vuestra Biblia. Estas leyes o principios nos fueron dadas por inspiración divina directamente de Dios! Así que estos principios de trabajo con la misma eficacia cuando se aplica en la comunidad cristiana, nuestros padres, nuestros maestros, nuestros empleados, o incluso nuestros jefes!! Recuerde simplemente decir gracias y vera cuan poderosa resulta ser esa palabra…. (Gracias a la contribución de un Hermano de la Iglesia)



The Belize Times

Belize TimesEn


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Tenemos algún motivo para sonreír?

Por: Mike Rudon Jr. Un par de programas matutinos son barómetros que miden el estado de ánimo de las personas que viven la realidad en Belice de hoy en día. No es exactamente acerca de lo que los anfitriones están diciendo, sino de los gritos de los que llaman - la frustración, la ira, el sentimiento de traición. Esta mañana he escuchado a uno de los anfitriones en Love FM y estaba un poco sorprendido de detectar disgusto palpable en su voz cuando la discusión se concentró en el Consejo de la Ciudad de Belice. Me imagino que sería difícil mantenerse objetivo cuando el sufrimiento del pueblo se escucha todos los días, cuando sus peticiones de ayuda se pasan por alto todos los días. Esta mañana la parte del show matutino que escuche se trataba sobre el espacio en el cementerio - al parecer sólo hay 9 espacios más o menos en Lord Ridge. El Ayuntamiento hasta ahora está tratando de encontrar una solución alternativa. Vamos a ver - nueve espacios en la actual tasa de asesinatos en Belice se resuelve a cerca de 3 o 4 días. Así que en unos días no vamos a tener donde enterrar a nuestros muertos y no hay opción a la vista. Luego otra llama sobre un puente en North Creek que había caído en el arroyo. Estaba furioso porque los residentes habían reportado el incidente con las autoridades pertinentes y sin ningún tipo de respuesta por parte del Consejo o del Representante de Zona. Pero, ¿qué hay de nuevo. Como un escritor que se apasiona en señalar las muchas faltas y deficiencias de la gente estúpida que rige nuestro país, yo debería estar en el paraíso de los cerdos. Pero no. Me siento frustrado y enojado porque ante todo soy un Beliceño y miro a mí alrededor y veo lo que está sucediendo en mi país. En serio, no hay absolutamente porque sonreír. Pero tal vez debería aclarar - no hay motivo para que el Beliceño común sonría, nada para el Beliceño cuyo apellido no es Barrow, y nada para los Beliceños que no son ministros del UDP, nada para el Beliceño sin relación especial con Ministros del UDP. Le aclaré simplemente porque me imagino que hay muchos motivos para que la ex esposa del Primer Ministro sonría (Caray, si recibo un bono por más de medio millón de dólares en un día estaría sonriendo como una cabra). Me imagino que hay muchos motivos para que los hijos del Primer Ministro sonrían, porque han sido ricamente bendecidos a través de su asociación con papi. Y hay algunos UDPS que tienen muchos motivos para sonreír – esa sonrisa de retardado mental (lo siento, Kim) en el rostro de GAPI es en realidad una sonrisa. Mi amigo Boots se encuentra sonriendo en esos momentos.

El Sr. Castro y su Esposita también. El Sr. Montero en Cayo se encuentra sonriendo, el niñito bien que el Sr Barrow a creado en su cabeza (pero este con cabellos) también se encuentra sonriendo! Pero ¿qué pasa con el resto de nosotros... los que no tienen los privilegios especiales y beneficios adicionales de UDPness? Miro a mí alrededor y veo tantas cosas que están mal en este país que es ridículo. Y no, no es culpa del gobierno anterior, Sr. Barrow. Así que invéntese otro cuento. Mire la situación de la delincuencia y la ya desaparecida Operación Restauración Belice. No es culpa de la administración anterior que el Sr. Barrow no tiene ni idea de cómo hacer frente a la situación de la delincuencia. Su brillante solución fue colocar a su presidente Doug UDP Singh al timón y mire usted donde estamos ahora. Con sus fijaciones absurdas que proclamó a nivel nacional el Sr. Singh tiene a los policías cautelosos, confusos y enojados. Sus burlas públicas de altos oficiales los han convertido en el hazme reír del publico en un momento que deben ser respetados como la Autoridad de nuestro país. Él no ha hecho absolutamente nada para frenar la escalada del crimen y la violencia. La culpa recae sobre sus hombros, Sr. Barrow! Hay un problema serio con nuestro sistema 911, un sistema que es una línea de vida para nuestros ciudadanos que lo necesitan. El oficial a cargo, ha revelado que su equipo es anticuado y no tienen facilidades para grabar las llamadas. Ellos están luchando para conseguir el entrenamiento apropiado para las personas a cargo de recibir las llamadas. Nuestro sistema 911 es insuficiente. Barrow, ¡qué tan difícil será mejorar el sistema del 911, si no internacional, por lo menos adecuado a las normas? ¿Qué tan difícil sería para proporcionar una formación adecuada para el personal operario de teléfonos? Su administración es propietaria de BTL, ¿no? Tal vez podría informar a su Ministro de bajar el tono de su obsesión por los sudorosos policías vestidos de spandex flexionando sus bíceps y hacer frente a la mejora del sistema 911 y velar por que sea atendida por personal cualificado y profesional las 24 horas. ¿Cuál salvaría más vidas, Sr. Barrow... un nuevo gimnasio o un sistema de actualización revisada, 911? Y luego está la situación del dengue y la situación del hospital por negligencia y la situación de la basura y la situación UDP Ayuntamiento y la situación del Presidente del Tribunal Supremo y la situación del cementerio y la situación económica y la situación del desempleo y la situación del turismo sostenido y el alto costo de vida y la situación de pobreza y la situación de la corrupción y la situación de enriquecimiento sin causa y la situación del petróleo y la situación de las carreteras en mal estado ... Podría seguir y seguir pero estoy seguro que usted ya sabe exactamente delo que estoy hablando. No hay nada para sonreír en Belice en estos días y nada parece cambiar. Pero hay un anuncio de UDP ahora mismo para glorificar a Deán Barrow con la leyenda 'Inspirando el futuro.' Señor, necesitamos ayuda en este momento. Estás destruyendo el presente... ¿cómo diablos no te da vergüenza reclamar para inspirar el futuro. Usted es un hombre enfermo!

Por: Bobby Cadle Jr. Un niño mendigando en las calles es un indicador de la descomposición social en nuestras comunidades, las comunidades en las que nuestros hijos deben vivir las realidades de su vida cotidiana. Este fenómeno puede ser causado por diversos factores, pero en el actual clima económico, el factor principal es una necesidad urgente. Las familias necesitan comer para sobrevivir, pero los alimentos cuestan dinero En Belice hoy en día muchas de nuestras familias que viven en pobreza son familias con un solo padre, o los casos de niños que son criados por una tía o abuela. A veces, el guardián se ve obligado a quedarse en casa o para ganarse la vida fuera del hogar, por lo tanto la responsabilidad de ayudar con un poco de comida para la cena se basa en el niño que lleva a su petición de asistencia a las calles. Aunque siempre habrá casos de padres perezosos, negligente o tutores aflojando el ritmo al enviar a sus pupilos a recoger los frutos magros de la mendicidad, con un 43% de la nación por debajo del umbral de pobreza y otro 16% el riesgo de caer por debajo de la línea, no es motivo para pensar que las cosas han cambiado. En Belice, se ha llegado al punto en el que cada día es una lucha por la supervivencia, y todos los miembros de cada familia necesitan contribuir con algo. En los casos en que una madre está cuidando a dos o tres bebés al mismo tiempo teniendo en el lavado que hace de ropa ajena para sobrevivir de $ 50 por semana, la responsabilidad recae en el niño de mayor edad (entre 5 a 10 años de edad) a hacer todo lo posible para ayudar. Esa es la realidad. Lo vemos todos los días en los principales supermercados, en las esquinas, en las tiendas de chinos y populares puntos. Para estos niños, no es una cuestión de la mendicidad para la diversión o para comprar dos ideales y un juguete, se trata de hacer lo suficiente para comprar una hogaza de pan y tal vez un trozo de queso para alimentar a una familia de cuatro. La economía de hoy es difícil para todos nosotros. Las empresas están cerrando sus puertas, los empleados están siendo despedidos, los dólares del turismo van disminuyendo y ha habido ninguna indicación de una luz al final del túnel. El Primer Ministro ha declarado que las cosas se están recuperando y la economía está en un movimiento ascendente. Él ha dicho lo mismo durante los últimos tres meses. Pero no hay evidencia en las calles para apoyar su reclamación. Pregunte a cualquiera, desde el más pequeño empresario a la empresa más grande y la historia será la misma. Durante todo este tiempo de recesión, no ha habido ningún movimiento obvio por este gobierno para estimular la economía de alguna manera o de ofrecer incentivos

a las empresas como amortiguadores que son afectados. Del mismo modo, no ha habido ningún movimiento obvio por el gobierno para prestar socorro a las personas más desfavorecidas que han sido más afectados por esta recesión, ya que se encuentran en la parte inferior de la cadena alimentaria, hablando en términos realistas. Para muchos de nosotros que viven "al otro lado de la calle, por así decirlo, es difícil imaginar la pobreza extrema que se traduce en niños que son obligados a mendigar para sobrevivir. Tal vez sea difícil imaginar niños que duermen en el suelo de una choza fraccionada sin electricidad ni agua corriente. Es difícil para nosotros imaginar irse a la cama sin ningún tipo de alimentos en el estómago y despertarse a la misma situación. Es imposible para muchos de nosotros imaginar la desesperación que tantos Beliceños pasan cuando ven a sus hijos al punto de morir de hambre y no hay nadie a quien acudir. Es esta la pobreza extrema, esta desesperación que ha llevado a este fenómeno de los niños que mendigan en las calles.. Nuestro Gobierno no ha sido responsable con el pueblo de Belice, la gente que más los necesitaba. Nuestros líderes se han vuelto egoístas sumidos en su riqueza hasta el punto en que pueden pasar por los barrios pobres de la nación en sus vehículos de lujo con aire acondicionado y no perder un segundo vistazo a los descalzos niños sin camisa que se encuentran al lado de las calles. Las prioridades de nuestros líderes se han sesgado. Nuestros Ministros, sus familias y amigos están disfrutando de la recompensa, mientras que las personas que deberían estar más en sus pensamientos se hunden más en la desesperación. Nuestros líderes no les importan gastar un cuarto de millón de dólares en un vehículo de lujo sin pensar que ese dinero podía haber alimentado muchas bocas. Nuestro Primer Ministro asiste a cócteles y las funciones de salón de baile en todos los rincones del planeta donde se codea con los ricos y privilegiados, mientras la gente con la cual el se comprometió cuidar de ellos tienen que revolver las sobras para alimentar a sus hijos. Nuestros dirigentes, quienes se comprometieron a servir a todos, ahora sirven sus propios intereses especiales. Muchos de nuestros líderes se contentan con rodar por las ventanas de los SUV de lujo de su e instruir a sus conductores para dar a los niños mendigando en el semáforo un dólar antes de gozar de la sensación como que han cumplido con sus obligaciones. Es hora de que este gobierno centre sus prioridades en la descomposición social que está fragmentando a nuestra nación. No es justo que nuestros hijos se hayan convertido en mendigos, mientras que nuestros dirigentes viven en el lujo.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


The Belize Times

Belize TimesEn

l o ñ a p s E



Un cementerio en el kilómetro 13... ¿A Alguien más le resulta un poco extraño que a partir del lunes sólo había 12 plazas en el cementerio Lord Ridge y los idiotas en el City Hall, recién están tratando de explorar otra opción? Me imagino que para este viernes los 12 espacios estarán ocupados y entonces ¿qué? Dejamos a nuestros seres queridos fallecidos en donde? Hasta que haya alguna otra alternativa? Nuestros genios municipales (insertar sarcasmo extremo aquí) están buscando en la milla 13, como una opción. Incluso si eso sucede, tendríamos que esperar demasiado para que ese proyecto se haga realidad y desde luego no antes del viernes. De hecho, de acuerdo con el Director de Planificación que estarían trabajando en ese proyecto en la milla 13, iban a necesitar para planificar este proyecto incluir calles, el drenaje adecuado, aparcamiento y tal vez una capilla, de modo que con el Ayuntamiento en el timón en realidad este es un proyecto que se llevara una eternidad para ser realidad. Recuerde que estamos hablando de un grupo de personas que han demostrado ser incompetentes y que ni siquiera podrían abrir una calle en el centro de la ciudad de Belice. Y además, ¿cuántos Beliceños pobres pueden permitirse el lujo de transportar a sus seres queridos hasta la milla 13 para ser enterrado. Recuerde que no todos tenemos vehículos de gobierno, que cuentan con el uso de combustible pagado por los contribuyentes. Este plan conjunto no tiene ningún sentido, que, irónicamente, significa que tiene mucho sentido viniendo del grupo de personas UDP que rigen el Concilio de la ciudad. La pregunta de la semana – que sucederá con el número de fallecidos 13, 14 y 15? Realmente nos gustaría saber. Pago excesivo. ... A veces me pregunto si la gente recuerda que nuestros concejales UDP se les están pagando salarios muy fuertes tomados de los presupuestos públicos para garantizar que sus respectivos portafolios sean utilizados adecuadamente. Realmente, todos los Consejeros están recibiendo cerca de 1000 dólares a la semana para hacer negocios de la gente. Y eso es fuera de sus puestos de trabajo privados de tiempo completo. Es probable que algunas personas puedan no haberse dado cuenta de esto porque la mayoría de los Consejeros brillan por su ausencia del ayuntamiento la mayor parte del tiempo. Tal vez hemos olvidado con el tiempo porque la ciudad está tan deteriorada que no podemos imaginar que en realidad se le esta dando un buen salario a personas para cuidar de ella. Sí, hay un consejero que se le paga bastante plata para garantizar que los parques y patios de recreo en la ciudad están bien mantenidos. Eso debe ser noticias de última hora para los residentes de la ciudad, estoy seguro, especialmente los que viven alrededor de los parques. Esta mañana, uno de los anfitriones en un programa matutino afirma que ni siquiera conocen todos los concejales de la ciudad porque además de uno o dos que viven para oportunidades para salir fotografiados en algún evento los demás solo porque nos contaron que existen es que sabemos que si existen! Si no les estuvieran pagando me importaría un bledo que nunca aparezcan. Tenemos que empezar a presionar a estos concejales irresponsables. Han tenido un viaje gratis durante demasiado tiempo.

El brote de dengue... Por último, esta semana he escuchado a alguien relacionada con el Ministerio de Salud admitir que se trata de un brote de dengue basado en el aumento alarmante sobre sus estadísticas de los últimos 5 años. Según las cifras se han producido alrededor de 400 casos notificados de dengue y creo que él dijo que 49 casos de dengue hemorrágico. La semana pasada un niño murió, al parecer debido a un diagnóstico tardío y la incapacidad de los hospitales de suministrar sangre a tiempo. La realidad es que el aumento de los casos es muy probable debido a la insuficiencia de recursos de la Sección de Control de Vectores del Ministerio de Salud. Simplemente no hay suficientes vehículos y bombas aspersores y sin dinero para comprar el producto químico utilizado para matar a los mosquitos. Las prioridades de este gobierno están gravemente sesgadas. Hay dinero para comprar un vehículo cuesta cerca de $ 200.000 para el Ministro de Salud, pero no hay dinero para comprar equipos para hacer frente a una enfermedad que ya ha cobrado la vida de un niño, innecesariamente. Y eso nos lleva al sistema de salud pública! Acaso nuestros hospitales y clínicas han sido preparados para tratar los casos de dengue y el dengue hemorrágico? Parece que no! Ha sido el banco de sangre almacenada para hacer frente a los casos urgentes que requieran transfusiones de inmediato? Parece que no! ¿Qué es exactamente lo que esperan? Dios no permita que ningún pariente mío sean víctimas de un sistema público de salud incompetente e inadecuada por una negligente administración UDP, porque yo prometo que no quedaría impune!



Mr. Stanley Ermeav of 35A Belize City, El caso del Sr.Regent Buckley Street, ... Un par de meses atrás un hombre Belize, was appointed on July 21, 2010 as receiver and sano y robusto que era el sostén de su familia fue manager of all the property, assets and undertaking of a la suya. baleado por un policía por causas ajenas Estuvo a punto de morir debido a un agente de Belize Aggregates Limitedla ley of que 4 ½le Miles Northern Highdisparó dos veces con una escopeta way, Belize City, Belize (“Belagg”) under various Mortsin ninguna razón. No se encontraba rompiendo ninguna ley, simplemente regresaba después de gages, Mortgage Debentures and Assignments held by un día de trabajo. Nada volverá a ser lo mismo el señor Buckley. Debido Belize al accidente el no The Belize Bank Limited para of 60 Market Square, City, Belize.

podido mantener a su familia y probablemente nunca será capaz de volver a la vida que una vez tuvo. Él ha sufrido y ha sufrido su familia. El Departamento de Policía que es responsable de esta situación se comprometió a ayudar, pero jamás lo hizo. Recuerdo cuando el colega del Primer Ministro fue asesinado. Recuerdo al señor Barrow siendo el centro de atención y pontificando largo y tendido sobre la situación. No he escuchado al caballero hacer siquiera una observación sobre el caso del Sr. Buckley. El Sr. Williams fue lo suficientemente rico como para un jet privado que le volara al extranjero para la mejor atención médica. El Sr. Buckley no pudo darse ese lujo. Él tendrá que luchar para hacer lo mejor que pueda por sí mismo y su familia. El Sr. Barrow tiene el poder de hacer algo por el Sr. Buckley. Tal vez esto es algo que el Primer Ministro pueda hacer, por ejemplo dar instrucciones a su nuevo Ministro de Policía para investigar sobre este caso y hacer algo para ayudar a la familia de Mr. Buckley.

Rocky Calvo-Barrow ... A veces me pregunto qué pasa por la cabeza calva del líder de nuestra nación. Sí entiendo que vive la vida de los privilegiados y los muy ricos. Sí sé que él no tiene que preguntarse donde su próxima comida provendrá de los servicios públicos o cómo se pagará. Yo entiendo todo eso, pero es el señor tan ciego que no puede ver cómo la gente esta viviendo? ¿No puede ver la pobreza y la frustración y la ira y la desesperación a como las cosas se hacen más difíciles? Los UDP han publicado un anuncio sobre su próxima convención. El centro de atracción es un radiante y brillante Dean Barrow con los brazos levantados. La pista de música para el anuncio es el tema de Rocky en la que se prepara para su partido con el ruso grande y el título de vídeo lee - Inspirando el futuro. Esto es una broma. Tiene que ser. Sr. Barrow debe despedir a sus propagandistas por ridiculizarlo! Inspire el futuro... muchos Beliceños ni siquiera saben lo que traerá el futuro a causa de Barrow. Muchos de ellos están tratando desesperadamente de sobrevivir el presente. El anuncio es un insulto a todos los Beliceños y un signo de que nuestro líder, envuelto en el lujo de sus circunstancias personales, no tiene una idea de la realidad que él ha traído sobre nosotros. Las extrañas revelaciones de la DPP…… En una entrevista transmitida en el canal 5, Directora del la Procuraduría Pública Cheryl Lynn Branker Taitt Vidal declaró que la decisión del Primer Ministro para quitar el Presidente del Tribunal Supremo desde el banco es irracional. Afirma, sin embargo, que el Primer Ministro no es un hombre irracional lo que debe haber alguna motivación de la no están enterados. Estamos de acuerdo con usted, señora DPP, hay otra razón. Creemos que el Primer Ministro ha movido al Tribunal Supremo porque ha hecho una serie de decisiones punto de referencia que no han ido a favor del Gobierno y nuestro querido Sr. Barrow se enfureció. Creemos que el Primer Ministro es un hombre de poca monta que no tuvo reparos en utilizar su posición de gran alcance para hacer frente a los que él siente lo han despreciado. Señora DPP también habló acerca de la misteriosa Corte 3 y sus observaciones fueron asombrosas. Véase, Corte 3 no estará bajo los auspicios de la oficina de la Fiscalía del Estado. Tribunal 3 se regirá, por así decirlo, por la Fiscalía General. El Fiscal General es un funcionario político que fue elegido por el Primer Ministro, así que es lógico que este Tribunal especial que es para los casos especiales se vea influido directamente por los políticos con ninguno de la objetividad que debe ser concedida por la Oficina de la Fiscalía. Se nos ha dicho que esta Corte es un tribunal ilegal. También se nos ha dicho que el fiscal especial para manejar los casos recogidos en este tribunal ha hecho maletas y abandonó el país debido a las preocupaciones acerca de la legalidad de los procedimientos que se llevarán a cabo allí. Cosas extrañas, de hecho, aunque nada realmente inesperado en esta Administración UDP!

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the company named

“FENSTER INVESTMENTS INC.” has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the17th day of July, 2010. Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega (Belize) Ltd.


The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chávez anuncia ruptura de relaciones con Colombia

El presidente Hugo Chávez decidió el jueves romper relaciones diplomáticas con Colombia como respuesta a las denuncias de que las guerrillas de Colombia reciben apoyo de Venezuela planteadas en la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA). "Me veo obligado a romper relaciones con el gobierno de Colombia por dignidad. Es lo menos que nosotros podemos hacer y estaremos alerta porque (el presidente Alvaro) Uribe es un enfermo, está lleno de odio", dijo Chávez durante un acto en el palacio presidencial acompañado por el ex futbolista argentino Diego Armando Maradona.

El presidente venezolano llamó a las autoridades a estar "alerta" en las fronteras.

En una nueva ola de violencia, las autoridades de Sinaloa registraron ocho ejecuciones esta mañana. Dos personas no identificadas fueron ejecutadas por un comando que viajaba a bordo de dos unidades, una Ford Lobo blanca y una Jeep Liberty. Este doble asesinato ocurrió esta mañana en la colonia 20 de Noviembre, por las calles Lázaro Cárdenas y Mazatlán, quedando los cuerpos entre un arroyo que por ahí cerca pasa. En el parte informativo de la Policía Municipal se señala que una de las víctimas tiene aproximadamente 25 años y la otra poco más de 40. Otras cuatro personas y una mu-

jer que resultaron heridas en hechos ocurridos en el municipio de Escuinapa, ubicado a más de 60 kilómetros al sur de Mazatlán. Las personas asesinadas son Marco López Soto, de 18 años; Alonso Arenas, de 32 años; Jorge Alberto Altamirano Vázquez, de 32 años; y José Efraín Ulloa Patrón, de 21. Según información proporcionada por las autoridades policíacas señala que las víctimas fueron atacadas por sujetos armados a bordo de una camioneta cuando platicaban en una de las calles de esta ciudad. En la carretera Navolato-El Castillo fueron localizados los cuerpos de dos personas, atados de pies y manos, con impactos de bala.

"Yo alerto a la comunidad internacional. Nosotros no aceptaremos ningún tipo de agresión

ni de violaciones a nuestra soberanía", indicó Chávez, al reconocer que "una guerra con Colombia habría que ir llorando pero habría que ir". En la sede de la OEA en Washington se celebraba simultáneamente una sesión extraordinaria en la que el embajador colombiano Luis Alfonso Hoyos denunció que unos 1.500 guerrilleros colombianos recibían refugio en Venezuela y exigió la creación de una comisión internacional para inspeccionar su afirmación. Los gobiernos de Chávez y Uribe han tenido un historial de tensiones pero no habían llegado al punto de la ruptura de nexos diplomáticos.

El subsecretario de Gobernación Roberto Gil asegura que ante un desenlace fatal, quien perderá será toda la sociedad. La Secretaría de Gobernación (Seg ob) consideró que la huelga de hambre que han sostenido ex trabajadores del Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME) pasó de ser un tema político para conver tirse en humanitario, donde frente a un posible desenlace fatal, provocado por la g ravedad de los ayunantes, perderá toda la sociedad. En conferencia de prensa, el subsecretario de Gobier no Roberto Gil Zuarth dijo que ante dicha posibilidad, "no gana o pierde una de las par tes en conflicto, sino quienes han apostado por la Ley, el diálog o y la tolerancia". "Perderán quienes se han inclinado por los mecanismos para pacificar las tensiones que surgen de una realidad plural que nos define y nos reconoce. "Es una der rota de los mecanismos que nos hemos dado precisamente para pacificar nuestras propias tensiones", apuntó Gil Zuarth, tras enfatizar la disposición del g obier no federal para otorgar atención

médica a los ayunantes, el cual, ha sido rechazado. El funcionario reiteró que en tor no al conflicto de Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC), es inviable promover la figura del patrón sustituto porque representaría un g asto al erario por la recontratación de más de 44 mil trabajadores de unos 700 mil millones de pesos. Gil Zuar th comentó que el diálog o tiene que responder a las inquietudes y las exigencias de cier tos actores sociales, pero hay la oblig ación de no provocar un problema mayor en la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). "Hemos hecho llamados consistentes, la responsabilidad democrática nos oblig a a no ceder a cier tos espacios que no son pr udentes ni tampoco responsables en el larg o plazo", apuntó Gil Zuar th. Recordó que El Ejecutivo ha ordenado a la Seg ob ser el vehículo de comunicación, por lo que ha mantenido contacto con las distintas expresiones sin condicionar el diálog o ni sujetado a algún compor tamiento de los ex trabajadores, que se reanuda hoy por la tarde.

Reporta Sinaloa ocho ejecutados La huelga de hambre, un tema humanitario: Segob

Se activó enjambre sísmico entre los volcanes Irazú y Turrialba

Un enjambre sísmico se activó la madrugada de hoy entre los volcanes Irazú y Turrialba, generando varios temblores que causaron alarma entre vecinos de la zona. La información fue confirmada esta mañana por el Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica (Ovsicori), de la Universidad Nacional (UNA). El sismo más fuerte se registró a las 5:50 a.m. de hoy y tuvo una magnitud de 3.1 grados en la escala de Richter. Se produjo a cinco kilómetros de profundidad, siete kilómetros al sur-este del Irazú.

Según Eliécer Duarte, del Ovsicori, se trata de una falla geológica que genera sismos y la cual se encuentra ubicada entres los dos macizos. “Es un terreno muy fracturado y en otras ocasiones ha generado enjambres sísmicos”, afirmó. Duarte, junto con otros científicos, se encuentra en este momento inspeccionando el sitio y en el transcurso del día informará acerca de los hallazgos que hagan en una franja ubicada entre el Turrialba y el Irazú. Acerca de eventuales erupciones, afirmó no haber observado aún nada anormal. Vecinos de las cercanías del Irazú dijeron haber sentido varios temblores esta mañana, el más fuerte cerca de las 6 a.m. Hasta el momento no se reportan daños ni cambios en el comportamiento de los dos volcanes activos.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Belize Times



Jasmilin Marceli to Cliver Mardoqueo and Jesinia Beatrices Garcia nee Orellana Lucas Oliver to Lloyd Oliver and Mavis Williams nee Bowden Reyden Moises to Rey Khalid And Clarita Maria Sosa nee Santos Alexander Matthew and Alexandra Melonie to Thoedore Jr. and Tanya Melonie Gentle nee Smith Malaika Maglee to Floyd Bovy and Senone Lisa Dixon nee Lamb Deniea Azucena to Juan Carlos and Elizabeth Carolina Munoz nee Tesecum Victor Jose to Andy and Wendy Nohemi Martinez nee Yanes Kayleigh Elaine to Hersel Felix and Gale Natallee Garcia nee Jones

Marriages John Maxwell Wright to Ann Aline Jacobsen both of Florida, USA Andrew Philip Gilharry to Angie Veronica Bodden Dilbert both of Hattieville, Belize John Bryon Bowman to Adela Milian both of Stann Creek Abram Dyck of Orange Walk Town to Nancy martens of Spanish Lookout, Cayo Cody Joseph Gautsche to Megan Lane Siegrist both Tennessee, USA Sebastioan Sanchez Reyes of Mexico to Patricia Anne Mary Taylor of West Virgina, USA Martin Gregorio of Lucky Strike, Belize to Shamira Sanchez of Flowers Bank, Belize Carlos Barrios to Yesenia Narvaez both of Corozal Town Homero Andre Novelo to Michelle Hall both of Corozal Town Nurvin Alexander Quell to Rohelia Chiquin both of Santa Familia, Cayo Ortino Noel Ramclam to Jeanie Trish Linarez both of Independence, Stann Creek Antonio Leonilo Pott to Yolanda Casanova both of Chunox, Corozal Ismael Casiminro Sanker to Mayola Maria Yama both of San Jose, Orange Walk Pedro Torres to Nimra Jeannette Mendez both of Santa Familia, Cayo Eduardo Emmanuel Perez to Maria Hermelinda Meza both of San Joaquin, Corozal Ellis Orvin Guerra to Celi Roselda Torres both of Santa Familia, cayo Jesse Jordan Russell of Creooked Tree, Belize to Yesenia Agnella Elizabeth Budd of Sandhill, Belize Nicholas Augustus DeBow to Leslie Yvonne Sauceda both of Texas, USA Jeffrey Fortune to Faye Garst of Virginia, USA Danny Manuel Guerrero to Stephanie Yolanda Grady both of Ladyville, Belize Jose Edgardo Perdomo to Paula Faith Hulse both of Isabella Bank, Belize Luis Jaime Wiltshire to Dina Elizabeth Perez Monterosa both of Corozal Town Jorge Genesis Lopez o Amini Shamah both of Belize City Martin Andrew Quiros to Michelle Nicholas both of Burrell Bomm, Belize Leo Javier Antonio Matute to Mariel Koren Chavannes both of Belize City Orlando Fernnando Reyes to Francelia Bertella Logan both of Scotland Halfmoon, Belize Timothy Paul Trella to Merribelle Acob Anderson both of California, USA Adam Isaac Menjivar to leonela Araceli Pech both of Lord’s Bank, Belize

Deaths Jannette Macaria Ogaldez, 60

Marie Louise Elfreda Tillett, 67 Jean Elizabeth Williams, 64 Mario Cayetano, 62 Leocadio Barcelona, 68

NOTICE People’s Republic of China passport belonging to Jie Liang Peng, bearing passport number G22837261 has been reported lost. People’s Republic of China passport belonging to Can Hua Zhen, bearing passport number G19298621 has been reported lost.

Liquor License Notice Notice is hereby given that Florence Tillette has applied for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Reflections Grocery”, #93 Amara Avenue, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Prayer To The Holy Spirit O Holy spirit, you who are the fountainhead of all knowledge, who illuminate the pathway which enables me to reach my goal. You who share your divine gift permitting me to forgive and forget past insults and injustices, and who are always at my side within reaching distance. I desire in this short supplication to thank you for all that you have done for me, and to assure you once more that I never want to be separated from you under any circumstances, no matter what the incentive. I want to be with you, I along with my loved ones, cradled in your unending love. Thank you for your never failing kindness towards me and those I call my own. (Prayer to be offered for three consecutive days; faith in the Holy Spirit will cause him to respond to your request no matter how difficult the problem might be.) Publish prayer as soon as request has been granted.


Thanksgiving Novena To St. Jude O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorys. Publication must be promised. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised.

M.B. Thanksgiving Novena To St. Jude O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorys. Publication must be promised. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised.



The Belize Times

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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