Belize Times September 19, 2010

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Bloody Sunday SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2010

Apolonio Hernandez

Issue No. 4711

Everett Davis


Lyndon Mangar

Marlon Zelaya

It will go down in the annals of Belizean history as one of the bloodiest Sunday’s ever. After a weekend of parades and jump up, Sunday, 12th September 2010 was a day when six people lost their lives, four of whom lived in Belize City. In Belize City alone four murders occurred in the early morning hours between 3:00 and 7:00 a.m. The victims include little Eyannie Nunez an eight year old student from All Saint’s

Primary School. Eyannie was asleep in her bed when a gun man opened fire on her home. A single bullet penetrated the wall and hit her under her left arm. The second Belize City victim was 69 year old Apolonio Hernandez who was finishing up some early morning shopping at a neighbourhood store. A lone gunman with a single bullet ended his life in tragedy. Before the police could file away the evidence from the Hernandez

murder, the crimes investigators were called to the Lake Independence area for anther murder, this time it was 17 year old Marlon Zelaya of Moya Street. Zelaya who was shot in his head was found lying face down under an unfinished wooden structure near his home. His irate uncle, Tyron Avila, speaking to Channel 7 reacted to his nephew’s death saying, "My nephew dead, everybody else is dead. What

will happen out of this? Nothing will happen. You see Dean Barrow, he is eating steak while we are eating noodles. What will we eat, that is what we will eat for the rest of our life. We blame the government for the crime because if it is left up to the government we can lock off every street in Belize with the amount of BDF and police that we have, we can put 2 police and BDF on every lane." (Continued on pg. 3)

All across Belize City, office buildings and storefronts remained shuttered throughout the business day. Albert Street, the commercial t h o r o u g h f a r e o f I n d i a n ow n e d businesses, looked more like Sunday

mor ning than a usually bustling Thursday. With the exception of Romacs Plaza and the Brodies, who opened in spite of the call for a business shutdown, the Central Business District was quiet. Even the food vendors in

Central Park stayed away from their places of business in support of the Belizeans For Justice’s call for a shutdown to protest the deadly murder spree of last Sunday that claimed six lives in a single day.

A c r o s s t h e C i t y, I n s u r a n c e Companies, toy stores, clothing stores and even Simon Quan, and Publics Stores, closed their doors to customers. Larger companies like Smart also closed (Continued on pg. 3)


Belizeans voted for Change, but got small changed


The Belize Times

Not like this As Belizeans pre pare to celebrate the 29th Anniversar y of Belize’s Inde pendence, a g reat wave of fear and tre pidation looms over the nation. Equally, our hear ts are heavy with the sad death of an innocent child murdered while she lay in the one place she should be safe, at home in bed. T he notion that we have reached to a level of barbarism in our society where children are caught in the cross fire in what has become urban warfare is not only appalling, but a sure sign that the countr y is headed down a destr uctive path from which there is no easy recover y. Belizeans are g rappling, str ug gling to understand how and why as a society Belizeans have become so ang r y and careless with our most precious gift, the gift of life. And while some march in protest, and others use the mor ning talk shows to vent ang er and dismay, ever yone is wondering if our g over nment can provide the leadership that is needed to bring an end to the senseless and unnecessar y violence. So far this year there has been 94 murders; this is 22 percent more than there were at this point last year. Equally frightening is the heinous nature of many of these crimes. From the use of g renades to the spraying of bullets in our neighbourhoods, the recklessness and disreg ard for innocent victims is raising concer n among all Belizeans. To t h i s p o i n t t h e p o l i c e d e p a r t m e n t ’s r e s p o n s e t o t h i s e s c a l a t i n g s i t u a t i o n h a s n o t y i e l d e d p o s i t ive r e s u l t s, t h e announcements about the special operations as well as their execution has done nothing to deter the criminals from their lawless behaviour. Some will argue that as a society we need to do more to g et back to those days when we sincerely cared for one another, when values like respect for our life and the lives of others were principles we lived by and when we tr uly lived by the adag e that we are each other’s kee per. Still, there are those who continue you ask: W hat is it that has happened in Belizean society that has caused such levels of ang er and bitter ness? W hen did a nation which once boasted of a people living in peace and tranquillity become a murder nation? W hen will our leaders ste p forward and offer meaningful solutions to the problems which have brought about such a situation? For us, all the evidence leads to one conclusion - too many Belizeans are poor and too many are at risk of falling below the pover ty line. Today too many Belizeans cannot find jobs, too many children are out of school and too many do not have access to adequate health care. Our communities are unsafe because we lack the capacity to provide the appropriate security in our streets. On Thursday an entire nation tried to hold up Francine Pitts and the rest of her family. T he streets were lined with people all the way from All Saints Church to Lord Ridg e Cemeter y. A nation poured out its collective hear t in sadness over the senseless loss of little Eyannie. The month of September is supposed to be a time of celebration in our nation; it should be a time when we honour our past and be optimistic about the future. T his Se ptember was not supposed to be one of the bloodiest months in our nation’s histor y, it was not supposed to be sad for the children; it was not supposed to be like this.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Statement by Hon John Briceño Leader of the People’s United Party On the Crime Situation The People’s United Party calls for urgent and decisive action by the Government of Belize in respect of the most recent wave of crime and violence sweeping our nation. We condemn the Government’s lack of a coherent and effective response to the escalating violent crime in our communities. . The latest outrage of six br utal murders over the past weekend, including the murder of an innocent 8 year old child as she lay sleeping in her bed is a scathing indictment of the inability of the Government to deal with a society which is increasingly r uled by lawlessness and destr uctive elements. Serious crimes such as homicides and assaults with deadly weapons; home invasions; and the violent abuse of women and children have become commonplace in Belizean society. There is also an alar ming increase in extortion against the business community especially in Belize City. The PUP condemns the utter failure of the Government and responsible authorities to investigate and convict those responsible for these atrocities. We t h e r e f o r e c a l l u p o n a l l r e l e v a n t G o v e r n m e n t authorities to fulfil their responsibilities to the people and to make the security of our citizens the national priority. – Our safety is the number one national issue. The Government must immediately increase the capacity of the police and the Office of the DPP to combat and prosecute crime in all its for ms. We must protect witnesses from intimidation and death threats. We need a serious jobs prog ramme to get our young people off the streets and into a more dignified way of life. We must protect our children who are at risk. The increasing violence in Belize is destroying our way of life and our families. It is a direct challenge to our social and economic stability. In the absence of any concrete action by the Prime M i n i s t e r, I w i l l c a l l o n o u r s u p p o r t e r s a n d B e l i z e a n s countr ywide to agitate for serious change in the Ministr y o f N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y, t h e Po l i c e D e p a r t m e n t a n d t h e administration of justice. Our people cannot continue to be maimed and murdered because of the inaction and incompetence of an out of touch administration with no vision and no plan. We demand action now.


Lucilo E. Alcoser


Lucilo E. Alcoser



Printed & Published By The Belize Times Ltd. #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Tel: 224-5757

Fay Castillo-Mckay Doreth Bevans


Roberto Peyrefitte PRINTER

Oscar Obando


Rachel Arana

Editor: 671-8385

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times

These murders capped off two other murders which occurred outside Bloody Sunday of the Belize City over the holiday (Continued from pg. 1) On the north side of the city on Castle Street, 25 year old Everett Lincoln Davis was killed as he rode on his bicycle. The incident occurred just after 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Davis was found in a ditch, he was shot twice to the right temple.

weekend. In response to this latest rash of violence, PUP leader Hon. John Briceno issued a statement on Tuesday calling for immediate action. In his statement the Party Leader stated: “The latest outrage of six brutal murders

over the past weekend, including the murder of an innocent 8 year old child as she lay sleeping in her bed is a scathing indictment of the inability of the Government to deal with a society which is increasingly ruled by lawlessness and destructive elements. Serious crimes such as homicides and assaults with deadly weapons; home invasions; and the violent

their offices and business centers at midday as an expression of solidarity against the senseless killings. Among the victims was eight year old Eyanni Nunez of Zericote Street whose home was riddled with high powered weaponry, one of which tore through her tiny body as she lay sleeping in her bed. This vile act stood out among the carnage of the bloody Sunday so much that it galvanized

citizens of the old capital to rise up and honor Eyannie by calling for and participating in a shutdown on the day she is being laid to rest. All Saints Church, the tents erected outside and indeed the entire church yard was filled to overflowing with mourners turned silent protesters ranging from employees of the Publix Supermarket chain, student union and faculty of UB, representatives of all the high schools in the city, political figures and her extended family, the Lake I neighborhood and the grieving

mothers fathers and family members of the hundreds of others who have been lost to the senseless violence of the city's streets over the past two years. As the funeral cortege wound its way from All Saint’s Church to the Lord Ridge Cemetery, the silence gave way to sobs as students bearing placards calling for an end to the violence, friends and neighbours lined the streets in protest and to bid farewell to little Eyannie, who in the words of many, has gone too way too soon. The harsh reality of the death of

FAREWELL TO EYANNIE (Continued from pg. 1)

3 abuse of women and children have become commonplace in Belizean society. There is also an alar ming increase in extor tion ag ainst the business community especially in Belize City.” Most of the victims have been laid to rest, while the police continue to investigate. To date there have been 94 murders in Belize. a child could very well be the tipping point for a society that so far this year has seen 94 murders, hundreds of shootings and the explosion of grenades in residential neighbourhoods. During the Service of thanksgiving for little Eyanni, her teacher who read her eulogy said, “She was a friendly little and is well remembered at her school she attended up until her death – All Saint’s Anglican School. In addition, she enjoyed spending time with her maily and just enjoyed the love that always surrounded her.”

Vegetable vendors protest Citco's five-hour business apartheid: Espejo postures, Singh dodges, Pilloughby loses it While it continues to charge vendors ridiculous fees to sell their fruits and vegetables on the side of East Collet Canal, the Belize City Council is no closer to solving the problems these people face. Instead, when Councillor Roger Espejo, who has nothing to do with markets, showed up to get his five seconds of fame on the television cameras, he was met by angry vendors who questioned the role and efficiency of the Councillors and their performance at City Hall. The problem is that for the past few years, East Collet Canal in front of the Michael Finnegan Market (formerly Queen's Square), has become so overcrowded and congested with vendors and traffic, that sometimes one has to be sacrificed for the sake of the other. Last Thursday the Council brought out its traffic officers to dish out traffic violation tickets to those wholesale vendors who had stayed past the fivehour period allotted for them to park and sell their produce. Many of the vendors, who live far from Belize City, were not through doing business for the day, and naturally, they objected to the officers' demands for them to move from the area. That created havoc when the officers then started to write up the vendors and began giving them tickets. The wholesale vendors are given from five to ten o'clock in the mornings for three days of each week in which to do their business, but this for them has become increasingly impossible. The national economic slowdown has also resulted in slower business, thereby requiring longer, not less, hours out there. Nevertheless, at the instruction of the Council, the officers got to writing out traffic tickets. The move came after the Council sat and decided two weeks ago that it would start to enforce the existing regulations, which only allows the wholesale vendors to remain there until 10 in the morning. What it failed to look at in its meeting was an option for a place for these farmers to relocate to if they had not completed their day’s sales in that time span. For the vendors the issue is of critical importance since it is not as though they can go re-plant their products and then re-harvest them for sale at a later date. The simple fact is that if their vegetables and fruit aren’t sold then they have to be discarded. The Council has laid blame on everyone else aside from itself for the problems - they have blamed the vendors for being too noisy, causing problems in the residential area, they have even

blamed the residents of complaining too much about the vendors, and they have blamed motorists for driving too large vehicles, making the carriageway too narrow to manoeuvre safely. Each time the problem arises, the Council tries to turn it into a problem among the people who have to traffic, live or sell in the area for their respective causes. Belizeans realise, however, that while the Council has no intention of reducing the fees it extracts from the poor vendors, they also do not intend to make the situation any better. Producing a document it calls an "agreement" to shove down the vendors' throats will not work. Vendors say the problem just became worse a couple years ago because, instead of getting the five days they were allotted before to do their business, their time has been cut. In fact, while their hours per day have also been cut,

they still have to cough up the $10 for the few hours whether they are finished vending or not. The vendors say that they understand that others also have a right to the area but they are asking the Council to give them an additional hour each day to conduct their business without having to truck away their unsold fruits and vegetables and consider it spoilage. Last Thursday while the Council had its traffic officers out in force handing down that latest decree and restricting the vendors from staying beyond 10 am on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at the location, Councilor Espejo could not offer any satisfactory alternative in the interim and left after saying that the Council would have to meet again to discuss the matter. He was explicit in saying that the fees would not be reduced. While he was not afraid to appear before the cameras, the Councilor in charge of markets, Kevin Singh, was a no-

show to address the vendors' concerns. Five days later, however, Deputy Mayor Philip Willoughby did show up, and in a temperament not becoming of his office, he took up issue with the vendors personally, compelling them to "hurry move" from the area. In condescending fashion, Willoughby told the vendors that they do not live out there and therefore their tents should not be up after six in the evenings. He too was met with comments less than complimentary from the angry vendors who explained that because of the volumes of produce they had, it was impossible to adhere to that regulation. Willoughby's proposed solution to the problem is to relocate the vendors permanently to Bocotora Street, the unpaved road that runs behind the old market building and beside the Roger's Stadium. Time will tell if the vendors will comply.


The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Media Release Independence Day Message

I write this having just retur ned from the funeral of little Eyannie Nunez, the innocent eight year old child who was shot and killed while slee ping in her bed. Little Eyannie re presented the best in us and the best of Belize; from her mom we lear nt she was an obedient, loving child. From her teachers we lear nt she was a helpful student and from others that she was a delightful person. Ever yone who spoke of little Eyannie Nunez spoke of someone who was supposed to make a positive contribution to our nation. How tragic, how sad, to lose someone so innocent and sweet, with such potential? Indeed her death has to affect us all and must give us pause to think about the kind of nation we are becoming and the kind of communities we are building. Today, 29 years after inde pendence, our nation is at a crossroads. W hich kind of Belize do we want to create? W hat kind of countr y do we intend to leave for the next g en eration? Do we aspire to be a countr y where values taught to us by our elders are cast aside for individual power? Are we building a society where ang er and hate is prefer red over tolerance and justice? I have said time and ag ain that I believe in optimism over neg ativism, that tog ether we must create a countr y where people can live tog ether in peace, where ever y Belizean is allowed the oppor tunity to live a dignified life. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to build communities where our children can play safely in their yards, where they can g o to a g ood school and g et the kind of education that will tur n them into productive citizens instead of criminals and g angsters. Sadly, we seem to be headed in the opposite direction, cur rently our streets have become more treacherous and our communities are overcome with fear. In cer tain neigh bourhoods innocent people are ter rorized by intimidation brought about as a result of g ang activity and overall thug er y. Indeed we must draw hope from those individuals who have ste pped up to fight ag ain this g rowing tyranny as well as from those who offer assistance to Belizeans most in need. In them we find the moder n day heroes and who the tr ue Belizeans are. Like them we too must look out for each other, lend a helping hand to the less for tunate and we must respect ourselves. T his is the Belizean way, these are the values taught to us by our ancestors and they are the prin ciples we live by as proud Belizeans. T his year the theme for our celebrations speaks of pride and unity, it reminds us that as a nation we must kee p mov ing forward and when we do that we can proclaim: “I am Belize!” T his is a messag e of prog ress, an optimistic mes sag e and one that calls for us to come tog ether. Yet each of us must decide for ourselves what our contribution will be, what role you will play in showing the world who we are and what kind of countr y we want to build. As we celebrate our 29th Anniversar y of Inde pendence, let us all come tog ether to create the kind of countr y where little girls like Eyannie can live and g row, where peace and justice prevail, where all of us can live in dignity, with love and respect for one another. Long live Belize, Que viva Belice, Happy Inde pendence Day Belize.

On August 28, 2010 the National Council (NC) of the People’s United Party (PUP) met and decided that the Party holds a Special Convention on October 17, 2010. The NC also recommended the processes by which the Special Convention should be conducted. As required by the Constitution of the Party the National Executive met August 30, 2010 and set the deadline by which nominations were to be submitted. A two week period was established with the deadline being September 13, 201. As of September 13, 2010 the following nominations for elected posts in the National Executive have been submitted: Hon. John Briceño Party Leader Daniel Silva Deputy Party Leader Carolyn Trench-Sandiford Deputy Party Leader Mike Espat Deputy Party Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca Deputy Party Leader Henry Charles Usher Chairman Eamon Courtenay National Campaign Manager Servulo Baeza Deputy Nat'l Campaign Manager Javier Guttierez Deputy Nat'l Campaign Manager Danny Madrid Deputy Nat' Campaign Manager Ivan Ramos Deputy Nat'l Campaign Manager Julius Espat Treasurer Narda Garcia Director Communications Anthony Mahler Deputy Director Communications Rachel Montejo Deputy Director Communications Jose Mai Deputy Director Communications Lisa Shoman Co-Chair Policy and Reform Arthur Saldivar Co-Chair Policy and Reform Hugh O’Brien Liaison NGO’s/Social Partner Anthony Sylvester Legal Advisor Luke Espat Strategic & Devpt. Management The following are ex-oficio members of the National Executive: Rt. Hon George Price Leader Emeritus Rt. Hon. Said Musa Past Party Leader Valdemar Castillo Chairman Northern Caucus Rodwell Ferguson Chairman Southern Caucus Orlando Habet Chairman Western Caucus Jose Coye Chairman Eastern Caucus Belizario Carballo Chairman Order of Distinguished Service Kevin Bernard President Belize Youth Movement Gina Tillet President United Women’s Group Dr.Cecil Reneau President Marshalls Comm. Service Corps The People’s United Party will be holding its National Convention on Sunday, October 17th 2010, in Dangriga where it will present these persons for ratification by the delegates of the Special National Convention as well as the following proposed posts: Past Party Leader Deputy Party Leader Co-Chair Policy and Reform Liaison NGO’s /Social Partners Deputy Director Communications Strategic and Development Management The People’s United Party takes this opportunity to invite all its members and supporters to join us on this occasion.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times



Shell-shocked…! Either he was still recovering from jumping up in the Car nival or exhausted from car r ying that gig antic costume on his back – whatever it was, the

little Police minister looked positively shell-shocked at yet another press conference held yesterday. He had no clue what was g oing on and didn’t even know when the Crime Control Council was set to meet and apparently the only jaguar on his mind was the one on his costume, because he didn’t even know if that operation was still ong oing. No wor ries, little buddy, we knew from the ver y beginning that your par ticular skills weren’t in the area of police work….but a little bird tells us you won’t be there ver y much long er… If Da Noh Soh! A new r ecord… Usually I crack myself up with this column but the spike in violent crimes is no laughing matter. Statistics show that there have been 22 more murders committed this year compared to the same period last year. Up to yesterday there were 93 murders and the way things are g oing, we’ll crack the 100 mark within the next couple

weeks. Dougie in his confused state is scrambling around tr ying to make people think he actually has a functional brain in that limp little body – he wants to send people to Guatemala to train. Like I said, this is no laughing matter even though baldy has no problem chuckling at all those cocktails he attends all over the world. We are messed up… If Da Noh Soh!

The Belize Times

Mexico via Miami… WTF…the Prime Minister travelled to Mexico over the weekend to make mer r y and drink champagne with our friends over there. We don’t mind, because it’s not like he’s doing anything here. W ho knows, things might even g et better with baldy g one for extended periods of time. But

can somebody please tell me why baldy and the first lady second wife had to g o all the way to Miami to over night before g etting on the plane to head back to Mexico? We checked with some people in the know and they say that old baldy would have been fine without the stopover in Miami, but the first lady second wife twisted his ar m because she needed a couple new dresses and accessories for the Inde pendence festivities. Jeez, I wonder what she had to do to g et baldy to ag ree… YUCK… If Da Noh Soh! Incest anyone… T his latest crap with the Social Security Board and Bar row Telemedia Limited is hilarious in a really unfunny way. Hell, even the local media house not owned by Net Vasquez had to comment on how bizar re and incestuous it is. Mr. Bar row intends to use our money to buy major shares in the company he hijacked and is r unning down the drain.

On the sellers side of the table we have baldy’s ex, the first wife second lady and the ver y slimy Net Vasquez, both of whom are pushing the deal to the players on the buyer’s

side. On that side of the table we have…oh wait, look, it’s the first wife second lady and the lizard. T his is like déjà vu all over ag ain. T he only thing is that Lois and Net aren’t reaching into their pockets to pay for the shares being sold to them by Lois and Net… they’re pushing their g reedy paws into our pockets. I’ve g ot a feeling that this one isn’t g oing to f ly cause word on the g rapevine is that the unions are g etting ready to mobilize…hmmm, well its about damn time… If Da Noh Soh! T her e’s a leak… Word just in is that Merlene is on an all out manhunt for the SSB’s dee pthroat, the well placed mole who is revealing all the dir ty dealings from the bottom of the SSB/GOB pool. An ar ticle which ran in the Belize

Times last week was chock full of infor mation which was stamped ‘top-secret’ and ke pt under lock and key. My personal buddy Lois always g ets her copy of the paper hot off the press and placed an immediate and not so nice call to my other buddy Merlene, disturbing her much needed beauty slee p (LOL). Hell, we g ot some news for Loisy and the beast…there’s a lot more where that came from. Here’s another bit of news, though this won’t come as much of a sur prise…people at the SSB don’t like you…they don’t like you at all, even a teensy weensy little bit. T here’re no leaks at the SSB, my friends, there’s a raging f lood…g et used to it. If Da Noh Soh! Ar e you with me…? I guess its official. For months now the Belize Times has been stating that Corozal Mayor Hilber to ‘Casino’ Campos will g o up ag ainst the dodo-bird electrician/ minister Pablo Marin for the Corozal Bay seat. Hell, there’re probably f lyers announcing

Sunday, September 19, 2010

his intentions pasted all over the walls at the casino. I was g onna say that anybody who didn’t know is a fool, but then I realized that even Pablo knew so that doesn’t quite work… lol! So anyway, Naco called a

meeting with his executive and threw out the question – are you with me, companeros y amig os? So after the deafening silence died down (ha, I kill me) Naco star ted out with the threats, claiming that he had been assured of the backing of the g reat bald hope and the retarded (sor r y Kim…I meant intellectually challeng ed) head of the UDP mafia in Orang e Walk. According to Pablo, they know exactly who is suppor ting the Mayor in his bid for the Bay and those persons will be dealt with accordingly….you g o Naco, show them who’s the boss… If Da Noh Soh! T he death knell… T he Corozal Free Zone is dying a slow, painful death as more and more businesses close down and more employees are sent home to join the g rowing ranks of the jobless. Business owners are placing the blame squarely on baldy’s shoulders, though he cer tainly couldn’t

give less of a damn about it. T he Chair man of the Zone is always on the radio, but it’s always to promote himself and never anything to do with the Zone. Hell, lately he’s even joined the ar tsy crowd since he fancies himself a cultural connoisseur of sor ts. Boss, ar t in the park is all well and g ood, but perhaps you should be more concer ned with business in the zone… If Da Noh Soh!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times

UDP Politics as usual

6 weekend murders… Apparently the criminals celebrated the 10th of September with much more passion that could be found in the crowd following Dean Barrow in the parade. It was a bloody, brutal vicious weekend with six murders reported, four of them within three hours of each other on Sunday morning. That is a record in the jewel, but certainly not one of those records that will find its way into the ads produced by BTB every now and then. Things are deteriorating in our jewel, going to hell fast. Violent crimes are escalating and have been escalating for a while, but now there is a sort of senselessness and reckless abandon displayed. Lately there have been reports of wild gunfights on the south side of Belize City, with shooters pumping out bullets with mad abandon in densely populated areas. Over the weekend 8 year old Eyannie Nunez died as she lay in her bed sleeping, the victim of gunfire from outside her home. Another victim was a 69 year old man who had gone out to buy rice for his midday meal…no apparent sense behind it. The Minister of Police has nothing to say – he’s probably still hyped up from the Carnival.

Steak & Noodles… On Monday a family member of one of the murder victims brought home the sense of desperation which is ruling our streets but has been ignored by Mr. Barrow. According to the irate and grieving man, the Prime Minister has no sense of what is happening on the streets because he is at home eating steak while the rest of us have to be out here eating noodles. That’s the crux of the matter right there, from the streets to Barrow’s ears. Things are getting much, much worse out here because people have no food to eat. Because the economy stranglehold hasn’t found its way to Mr. Barrow’s house, he seems quite comfortable pretending that it doesn’t exist. Poverty is becoming more widespread, youths are dropping out of school either because they cannot afford education or it just isn’t a priority anymore. The frustration levels are rising as poor Belizeans have to struggle even harder to put food on the table and the fact is that Mr. Barrow is living a life of luxury while the rest of us are sinking further into despair. Some of us don’t even have noodles to eat - that’s the truth. Mr. Barrow’s response…. Oh wait, I’m sorry, Mr. Barrow hasn’t said anything because he’s not even in the country. He’s somewhere in Mexico dressed in Armani enjoying fine dining and fireworks and fancy champagne. Hell, maybe he doesn’t even know that six persons were murdered over the weekend, one of them an 8 year old girl. But then again even if he did and even if he were in the country when it happened, it’s doubtful whether Mr. Barrow would have much to say. I remember when his best friend Rodwell Williams was shot and Mr. Barrow spared no opportunity or emotion to speak to the nation. He vowed that no stone would be unturned in the hunt to find the fiend who had hurt his friend. Yeah, okay, but there has been a whole lot happening since then, Mr. Barrow, and a whole lot more tragic and senseless and heinous than what happened to your friend. But you’ve been very silent. I would have loved to hear you expressing condolences to the family of the 8 year old child and committing all resources to finding the man who shot and killed this little girl. But I guess she doesn’t travel in your social circles, does she? None of the victims do. Protection fees… Word on the street is that another tragedy was narrowly averted one night this week when gunmen swarmed a popular store on Mahogany Street. The shopkeeper saw what was happening and pulled down his metal shutters before they could enter. Things aren’t


getting any better and the Police Department needs to realize that it is dealing with well organized and well financed criminals. These youths between the ages of 10 – 17 are being cultivated by big players who provide arms and instructions. Reports circulating are that while the Police are running around with no direction and no guidance and little will to get the job done, Belize is seeing the emergence of its own little era of organized crime. Some shopkeepers on the south side of the city claimed this week that they are being approached by young thugs with threats and then an offer of protection in return for a small weekly fee. Since nobody in this UDP led administration seems to be able to deal with crime on any level, I can foresee the time when most businesses in the city will be paying protection to gangsters who sit back and rake in the dough. Don’t scoff…it’s happening all around us. The public health system… There was a protest this week at the Northern Regional Hospital in Orange Walk Town after reports of negligence. There have been reports of negligence recently at the Corozal Hospital and the nation’s referral hospital, the KHMH. Everybody knows our public health system is in chaos and it is near impossible to access even the most basic medicines at our hospitals. There have been more than a few unnecessary deaths lately so everybody knows. This morning a smooth talking guy from the KHMH was on Love FM, Dr. Longsworth. He was referring to the chronic lack of human resources, physical resources and financing which affects the level of care at the KHMH. He claimed that they were stretched so tight that when emergency cases come in through the Accident and Emergency area, everybody else has to go to the back of the line in terms of priorities and care. As I was listening to this while driving on the Northern Highway a brand spanking new luxury SUV with Minister’s plates overtook me and I realized – aha, that is the problem right there. Just what the hell are our priorities? Suppose the Prime Minister had set the example and had settled for a vehicle costing $125,000 rather than one costing $250,000. They could have put the extra $125,000 to good use at the KHMH, I’m sure. And they could do this across the board. If UDP ministers and back-benchers would settle for vehicles costing $100,000 rather than $200,000 and the difference would be funneled to the KHMH, we would go a far way to dealing with our health issues. But hey, this is the UDP so it ain’t gonna happen. Irreverence and blasphemy… I think that the Mayor of Belize City Zenaida Moya should have been struck by lightning when she stood up in front of the gathering on September 10th and blasphemed, using God’s name and asking for guidance in her work in the jewel. I think the crowd should have stood up and walked away because this is not the time to be listening to more crap from a perfectly coiffed and manicured alleged thief. Seriously! Zenaida Moya could not even cut down the grass in the median leading to the city before September 10th. Our streets are filled with garbage and gutted by potholes. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are missing from public coffers while Moya lives a life of luxury in her multi-million dollar seafront mansion. A few years ago she claimed to be penniless and now she lives the lifestyle of the rich and famous. But still we sit and clap politely even while we know she is talking absolute rubbish. Since the weather didn’t permit lightning strikes, she should have been booed from the stage and stoned with rotten fruit. She deserves nothing more from the Belizeans whom she has betrayed.


The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


The Impact of Crime on Business

In the past, when business people spoke about the cost of doing business in Belize they were usually referring to wages, utilities, production and marketing costs, etc. However, today these discussions are very different in light of the crime situation in our country. Many business people now include the cost of security as a component of operational cost. The reality is that there is an inverse relationship between the crime rate and the level of business/investments in a country. When crime goes up, investments go down. I have taken the liberty of outlining some of the impacts that crime has on businesses. 1. The cost of doing business goes up since there is a need to invest in different forms of security and which diverts investment away from business expansion and productivity improvement. 2. It leads to business losses, arising from theft, extortion and fraud. 3. It leads to loss of output because of reduced hours of operation (including avoiding night shifts) or loss of workdays arising from outbreaks of violence, and avoidance of some types of economic activity. 4. It also reduces output because of the temporary (from injury) or permanent (from murder) exit of individuals from the labor force. In the latter case, the loss is not just current output, but the output in the remaining years of the individual’s working life. 5. It can also cause a permanent shut-down of firms or relocation to less crime-prone areas. Extortion on the Rise Extortion is a crime which involves the illegal acquisition of money, property, or favors through the use of force, or the threat of force. Over the past few weeks I have been getting some alarming reports that business people, especially in Belize City are being extorted by some of the south-side gangs. I usually hear about these types of activities from television shows that highlight how gangs operate in the United Sates and other parts of the world. However, I am not used to hearing about businesses being extorted by gangs here in Belize. Whenever you hear about extortion in our country, it usually comes from some member of this current government.


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The other day I met a businessman friend of mine who closed his business because he could not afford to operate and pay the gangs at the same time. He solemnly expressed his frustrations that as an honest businessman, he cannot be protected. In fact he now fears for his life and has moved out of Belize City. Things Will Get Worse The talk on the streets is that the gangs are becoming more brazen and aggressive since their members have no fear of being caught and punished under the current system. In fact, their only caution is being shot by another member of a rival gang. Talk is that the gangs will step up from

extortion to kidnappings. This is a reality that has been plaguing many of the Central American countries around us and which has not reared its ugly head here in Belize. I hope it never does! After the pile of nonsense I heard from Minister Singh on the news last night, I have come to the realization that things will only get worse. With the level of crime as it is now, major investors will be hesitant to put their money in a country that is so violent. With no investments coming in, the economy cannot grow. If the economy continues to shrink, new jobs cannot be created. When people are out of work, the level of crime goes up. You get my drift!

My take on this situation is that we as a people must take back control of our streets. The business community which has felt the wrath of the criminal elements in our country must put its money where its mouth is. Until the heavyweights in our society become more active, we will continue to bury our people. I sense that things will get worse!!!

Send your letters to the editor to:

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The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Late last week the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) released data on economic performance for 2nd quarter of 2010. While Government officials may think that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 2.4% is a laudable achievement under the current economic environment, the proof of the economy’s performance is best measured by the quality of life of the average Belizean. In the absence of verifiable indicators, all evidence seem to point to the fact that Belizeans’ lives have not improved, but rather people have been grappling with the social disintegration resulting from the unprecedented levels of crime and violence. In this week’s column this writer will present the data substantiating growth in GDP but also present the fact that this growth is not resulting in any improved development of Belizeans. To ascertain GDP growth the comparison is undertaken by reviewing the same period in two consecutive years. So this comparison is done for January to July 2009 and 2010. All sectors recorded positive growth during the first half of this year with the exception of the manufacturing and utility sectors. The largest growth was recorded in the government service. 16.1% growth is directly attributed to GOB’s increase spending as a result of

the SIB employing a cadre of persons to complete the 2010 population and housing census. Exactly how many people have been employed; such data was unavailable to the writer. The manufacturing sector recorded a significant hit due to reduced petroleum and citrus production. With the economy not showing any exponential growth in a particular sector, the performance can be considered normal growth. What is far more important is the quality of life for Belizeans and whether this has improved

or deteriorated over the same period. This writer would opine that the deterioration has been so significant by the increase fear that has gripped most of the country. Over the period January to September 2010 total recorded homicides were 93 compared to 71 in 2009. This is an astronomical increase of 31% of Belizeans falling victims to violent crime resulting in their death. This data proves far more relevant to validate that the increase fear and risk people are experiencing is so considerable that GDP growth of 2.4% means nothing to the average Belizean. Families continue to be challenged by the increasing cost of living alongside limited employment opportunities. As at May 2010 inflation had increased by 1.8%. For skilled persons with formal academic training, several persons are underemployed in their current engagements; while others remain out of full-time work. As to unskilled labourers, with less formal academic training growth in employment has been limited to non-existent. Unfortunately the SIB does not provide employment data for the periods which GDP data

is collected. Nonetheless this writer asserts that the evidence would point to an increase in unemployment. The question therefore, is what economic policies have the Government implemented over the last 6 months if any that would result in an improvement in the quality of life of Belizeans. This writer dare say that pro-poor development policy has been woefully lacking. Therefore, Belizeans have had to be baffling with the challenges of daily survival within a society that is on the brink of an insurgent criminal takeover. The priority challenge for Belizeans is safety and security. While, Government policy on economic development has been non-existent, their constitutional obligation requires that an adequate policy response be provided to ensure the safety and preservation of Belizean lives. Economic growth can only be meaningful if it results in the concurrent economic development of a nation and its people. This integral output thus far has been extremely deficient. Belizeans deserve better and the call is made for the PM Barrow’s administration to perform its constitutional duty to warrant the sustainable development of Belize and her people. Comments welcome at

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times

K9 Unit joins search for missing siblings

Benjamin Rash

Oneida Rash

Punta Gorda Town, Monday, September 13, 2010 It has been 14 days since brother and sister duo, Benjamin Rash, 11 and Oneida, 9, left their home San Marcos Village, Toledo, and disappeared, leaving no trace of where they could have gone. Last week the Belize Police Department dispatched over 100 officers to continue the search for the missing children - a search that has been extensive and that has yielded nothing in return. The latest addition to that search is the Department's K-9 unit, operated by Joshua Trapp, a certified K-9 instructor, who has extensive experience in the field. He, with the help of two canine partners, have been going out and combing Cattle Landing Village, the area just outside of Punta Gorda Town

near where the children were last seen, just two days before school reopened, on Monday, August 30th. The children, who were selling limes and craboo, were accustomed to taking the bus to go to the town to sell fruits for their family. They were last seen by an uncle who told police that earlier that day he saw the children pass his job site and pass back on their way towards home. They never made it back. The search has extended all the way across Belize border with Guatemala border, and even though it persists,, the chances of finding the brother and sister are getting all the more slim and while chaos, in the form of arson, has erupted since their disappearance, police are still no closer to solving the mystery of the children's whereabouts.

Ontario homeowner and three others charged forNOTICE Jesse Jones' murder

Belmopan, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 Charges came swiftly for three Noticewho is hereby given thatheld the company named persons Belmopan police in their custody for only a day in connection with the shooting murder of “VECTOR DESIGN ASSOCIATES Ontario villager, Jesse Jones, 22. Jones was shot and killed by a bullet in the LIMITED” right lower side of his abdomen shortly after 11pm last week Wednesday night inhas the been village.dissolved He had been socialising and struck off the International Business as part of a birthday event for a friend Companies Register with effect from the 3rd day of and had only gone to a house on behalf ofSeptember, his colleagues2010. to try to forge peace Jesse Jones with another group with whom they had had a misunderstanding. Instead Oshon, 27, all of Belize City. They were & LEE TRUST ofALEMAN, accomplishing CORDERO, that, however, he GALINDO was apprehended while on a commercial bus fired upon. (BELIZE) LIMITED heading from Ontario to Belmopan. Jones was shot dead as he tried Oshon, police say, was in possession Registered Agent to bring two rival groups together to of a .25 handgun, four live rounds and make amends. The three charged are: an expended shell. Belmopan police Leroy Richards, who owned the home have a strong suspicion that it was Jones' which Jones visited, and ionel Sampson, friends who retaliated by burning down 25, Cecil Castillo, 24, and Kimberly the two homes after he was killed.


Bloodshed also claims Noticeteen's is hereby given that the company named life in Lake I

Belize City, Wed., Sept. 15, 2010 While police were carting off “WEITZMAN CAPITAL CORP.” bodies at the morgue space had to be made for another one on Sunday when Marlon Zelaya, 17, was discovered dead hasdown been and struck off the International face withdissolved a bullet wound to his head under a wooden house not far Business Companies Register with effect from the from his home on Zericote Street in day of deSeptember, 2010. the4th Saint Martin Porres area shortly before six that morning. Residents said they heard nothing like gunshots that morning, leavesBank his grandmother, The which Belize Limited Chloe Payne, to suspect that Zelaya was Marlon Zelaya Registered Agent killed on Saturday night. It is also suspected that Zelaya may hands were stiffly outstretched above have been killed elsewhere and then his head as if he had been taken and left placed there because in death’s rigor his there. No one has been detained.


Murder victim’s family feel he was lured; John Doe’s skull was fractured

Belmopan, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 The west of the country was also not without incident over the 10th Celebrations as the bodies of two men were discovered in separate locations. The first discovery was made on the Young Gial Road in Teakettle Village after midday last Friday and was that of Lyndon Mangar, 32, of Esperanza Village. Mangar, described as a dedicated and home-loving father, left home to visit a daughter who lived with his estranged common-law wife in Teakettle, after she called him to say that the little girl was ill. It is still unclear whether he made it to the house, but his body was discovered just a stone's throw away, in a bushy area, less than a quarter mile from the Western Highway. The killer or killers used a hill to hide the body and it was only discovered after a farm hand saw a trail of blood and when he followed it, he discovered dogs barking near the corpse. According to Mangar's family members, he had gotten into a squabble with the boyfriend of the estranged exlover about two weeks ago, during which time harsh words were exchanged. Mangar, who would have turned 33 on October 7th, leaves behind five children to mourn him. Police are still investigating whether or not Mangar was lured to the area where he was killed, and have not yet charged anyone. The other murder out west has

Lyndon Mangar police trying to put an identity to a man whose remains are so badly decomposed, that it is not certain what race or complexion he was. Handy men from Caves Branch Resort at Mile 13 on the Hummingbird Highway went to a nearby creek about two miles away off a dirt road where they stumbled uponthe body in the water. That corpse wore a black t-shirt, black pants and a pair of high brown boots. An on-site Post Mortem Examination was conducted by Dr. Hugh Sanchez who concluded and certified that the cause of death was as a result of severe head injury due to fracture occipital bone due to blunt trauma. In short he had been bludgeoned to death. It is not clear whether he was killed there or was simply dumped there or for how long the body had been lying there.

NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE TREASURY BILLS ISSUE NO. 13/2010 Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $45,400,000.00. The Bills will be issued in denominations of $200, $1,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000, and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday 5th October, 2010 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 4th January, 2011. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Application forms are available at the Treasury and at the Central Bank of Belize in Belize City and at the Ministry of Finance in Belmopan; and when completed they must be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to:

TREASURY BILL TENDER CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE P.O. BOX 852 GABOUREL LANE, BELIZE CITY Tenders must reach the Central Bank not later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 1st October, 2010. Successful tenders will be notified by Monday, 4th October, 2010 and will be expected to pay for and pick up Bills allotted them on Tuesday, 5th October, 2010. The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.



The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

8 yr old schoolgirl shot dead while asleep, a nation mourns

Belize City, Wednesday, September 15, 2010 T here were several murders this week and they were all totally senseless. But if any one ever moved a nation to call for radical chang e, it was the shooting death of eight-year-old Eyannie Nunez, a Standard One student of All Saints Primar y School who was shot dead while slee ping in the hours just before dawn on Sunday. Her mother, Francine Pitts, said that sometime before four that mor ning she heard footste ps but didn't look outside to see who it was because she thought it was a relative. But she g rew concer ned when she heard the gunshots right outside. Not aware that the targ et was actually her house, Pitts threw herself on the f loor until the gunshots subsided, then g ot up to check on her son who sle pt in the room. He was not hur t, but just feet away, little Eyannie, who was awakened by the slew of gunfire, was hit - a bullet had

Eyannie Nunez

that ripped through her upper body, severing a major ar ter y before exiting her left ar mpit. Pitts discovered her when she lifted the little girl to put her in her bed and felt the blood gushing onto her hands. T he real targ et was neither Pitts nor any of her children. Her young er brother, Her man, who had become embroiled in a heated dispute with another

Murder mayhem continued two men dead by gunfire

Everett Davis

Belize City, Wednesday, September 15, 2020 T hings did not quiet down after little Eyannie was shot dead in her bed. In fact, Sunday would see two more murders, including a senior citizen and a young, vibrant father on se parate sides of town. Over on Castle Street Everett Davis, 25, was str uck twice in the head by two bullets as he rode on his bicycle near the cor ner with Lancaster Street shor tly after 5:00 that mor ning. A single 9 mm calibre slug was found at the scene. Just minutes earlier, Davis had left his house only to be stalked by his attacker who opened fire. He fell in a ditch atop his bike. Davis is described as a man who g rew up rough and wanted to better his life and those of the people he loved.


Aplonio Salome Hernandez

Meanwhile, the other victim, Apolonio Salome Her nandez was just about to complete his Sunday shopping on West Canal and was riding home when he was shot at close rang e by someone who approached him from behind. T he incident happened shor tly after 7:00 when residents in the area were either g etting ready for Sunday mass or were just about to have breakfast. A single gunshot broke the mor ning quiet, hitting Salome in the right side of the head. He died almost instantly. Salome's children g rew concer ned when he did not retur n home by eight because he had left home on his way to buy rice, and was not a man known to ling er on the streets much. T hey have spoken out ag ainst the hear tless person who could kill a senior citizen, who was also known as “Cowboy”. T hey also oppose the view that his killing had anything to do with his ste pson, for mer police officer, Kevin “Cowboy” Alvarez, who uses the same alias, and who is cur rently remanded on a murder charg e. Instead, the family believes his killer merely wanted to kill someone and their father was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Police have no leads for either of these cases, or for the killing of eight year old Eyannie Nunez.

youth earlier, was the intended victim. Messag es were sent to the Pitts' house that the house would be gutted, but her brother, who the messag e was meant for, no long er lived with her. He had moved out just days before. On T hursday, little Eyannie will be laid to rest following what her school is calling a funeral with full tributes, including a "guard of honour", complete with the Belizean f lag. After her friends and teachers spend an hour singing her fvourite hymns, Eyannie's casket will be car ried by her peers from her school to the church for the funeral ser vice. T he killing has prompted the Belizeans for Justice, a nonprofit, non-denominational,

non-political movement, to spring into action, calling on the business community and citizens on a whole to protest these acts of violence by shutting down on T hursday. Several org anizations have g ot onboard, including the Faculty of Education at the University of Belize, whose teachers and students plan to attend the funeral, as well as the entire Indian community, the City’s butane g as distributors, Travellers Liquors, and Smar t Telecommunications. Described as a bright student, little Eyannie's teacher and principal attest that her brain was mature past her eight years, already with a positive, confident outlook that "things will work out".


By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgagee made the 13th day of January, 2004, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 3 of 2004 at Folios 735 – 750, between Development Finance Corporation (the Assignor)and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., which said property was mortgaged by Albert David Lord to the said Development Finance Corporation on the 6th day of September, 2000, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 51 of 2000 at Folios 1013 – 1058; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 152 situate in the New Hattieville Village Site, Belize District and bounded as follows:- On the North for 24.890 metres by a street; On the South for 27.930 metres by Lot No. 153; On the East for 30.496 metres by Lot No. 151; On the West for 27.448 metres by a street and On the Northwest for 4.310 metres by a daylight cut; containing 847.352 square metres as shown on Plan Entry 4004 Register 21 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings, erection and developments standing and being thereon. DATED this 30th day of June, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times

Prison Officer fined $10K for prison weed

BELIZE CITY, Wed. Sept. 15, 2010 Armando Alamilla, 33, a prison officer residing in Progresso, Corozal, who attempted to smuggle 84 grams of cannabis into the Belize Central

prison yesterday morning, was fined $10,000 yesterday, after he pleaded guilty to drug trafficking. Magistrate Dorothy Flowers, who imposed the fine, gave Alamilla until January 31, 2011, to pay. If he defaults on payment he will serve 3 years. Before she sentenced Alamilla Magistrate Flowers told him that the penalty for drug trafficking is 3 years and $10,000. But because Alamilla had no previous conviction she only fined him. The bust occurred around 7:50 a.m. Basic Grade I Prison officer Victor Aguilar reported to the police that when Alamilla arrived at the prison yesterday for work he searched the black and grey knapsack Alamilla was carrying and found 5 transparent plastic bags containing a combined amount of 84 grams of cannabis

BELIZE CITY, Wed. Sept. 15, 2010 A 17 year old boy, one of two persons who were alleg edly involved in an incident in which police constable Abel Mendez was shot, has been charged with 2 counts of attempted murder, dangerous harm and use of deadly means of harm. The boy was arraigned when he appeared on Monday, September 13th in Magistrate’s Court #5 where Magistrate Adolph Lucas, Jr., explained to the boy in the presence of his brother that he will not take a plea because the offences are indictable. He also explained to the boy that the court cannot offer him bail because of the nature of the offences. He remanded the boy into custody until October 13th. Last Thursday, Lloyd Elijio, 19, had appeared in Magistrate’s Court #5 and was charged with the same offences. He too was remanded into

custody until October 13th. The incident occurred around 8:08 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7th. Police constable Ebelio Itza, 34, reported that he and police constable Abel Mendez, 25, were on mobile patrol on Partridge Street when they saw two persons riding on one bicycle. Itza said when the police vehicle approached them the person on the handle bar jumped off and ran into a yard nearby. Itza said the person who was pedaling the bicycle drew a pistol from the waist of his pants and fired several shots at them. Mendez was shot in his left arm and at the back of his right shoulder. Itza returned fire but the gunman was not injured and he fled from the scene. Mendez underwent surgery at the KHMH. His condition at press time today was described as serious but stable.

Armando Alamilla

Teens charged with shooting cop


It’s been days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away. How much longer must we wait for a new bridge, Mr. Prime Minister?


Accused of jacking and beating, remanded for robbery and harm BELIZE CITY, Wed. Sept. 15, 2010 Clement Bol, Jr., 19, a stevedore of 5290 Grace Avenue, Buttonwood Bay, and one of four young men who allegedly beat and rob Christopher Pitts, was charged with robbery and harm when he appeared today in the #5 Magistrate’s Court. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. Magistrate Adolph Lucas, Jr., explained to him that the court cannot offer him bail because the offences were committed with a firearm. H e remanded Bol into custody until October 19. The incident occurred around 9 p.m. on Wednesday, September 8th. Pitts reported to the police that he was walking on Pike’s Crescent in Buttonwood Bay when he was approached by four young men, one of them armed with a firearm. Pitts said the men beat him, then

Clement Bol Jr.

stole $250, his eagle design gold ring, with eight stones, his Chocolate cell phone and 3 pairs of gold earrings.


The Belize Times

Gang of six caught on video surveillance breaking into law offices

Pleads guilty to armed robbery and gun charges- will serve six years

Elroy Bonnell

Jose Caliz

Kareem Gladden

BELIZE CITY, Wed. Sept. 15, 2010 Six young men have been charged with the burglary of the law firm of former PUP Minister Godfrey Smith, located at the corner of Marine Parade Drive and Goal Land. They are 26 year old Mark Alamilla, and Frederick Waight, Jose Caliz, Charles Neal, Michael Fairweather, and Kareem Gladden, all just 21 years of age. Waight, Neal, Caliz, Alamilla and Fairweather appeared in Magistrate’s Court #8 on Monday, September 13th and all pleaded not guilty to the charge. Magistrate Emerson Banner offered each of them a bail of $6,000 and adjourned their case until October 13th. Gladden was brought to the same

Magistrate’s Court yesterday and he too pleaded not guilty to the charge. He was also offered a bail of $6,000 and he was given the same adjourned date as the others. The burglary occurred between 6:15 p.m. on September 8th and 7:35 a.m. on September 9th. Natalie Palacio, 27, the office manager at the law firm, reported to the police that the items stolen included a cash pan containing $4,000, one metal safe with documents, one black LG Cookie Touch Screen Cell Phone and 3 cheque books in the name of the law firm. The police reported that the six persons were caught on the law firm’s surveillance camera and two of them were positively identified.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BELIZE CITY, Wed. Sept. 15, 2010 Elroy Bonnell, 35, who was released from prison just about a week ago, returned to prison on Thursday, September 9th, after he appeared in the #8 Magistrate’s Court and pleaded guilty to robbery, kept a prohibited firearm, conspiracy to commit robbery and kept ammunition without a gun license. Magistrate Emerson Banner sentenced Bonnell to 6 years for robbery, 2 years for the prohibited firearm, 2 years for conspiracy to commit robbery and 2 years for kept ammunition without a gun license, but Bonnell will only serve 6 years because the sentences are to run concurrently. The robbery occurred around 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7th at a Chinese shop at Mile 19 on the Northern Highway. Guang Ghao Luo, 46, the owner of the shop, reported to the police that he was inside the shop when two men entered, one of them armed with a 12 gauge sawed-off shotgun. Luo said the gunman held him up

at gunpoint and the duo stole $1,272.50 and an assortment of telephone cards. The police were infor med of the robbery and based on information they had received, went to a house about one mile from where the robbery occurred and staked it out. About half an hour later they saw two men come out the house and were joined by a third man. The police approached and the men, upon seeing the police, one of them dropped an object into the bushes and ran and escaped. The other two were apprehended and identified as Bonnell and Raymond Dominguez, 19. Dominguez was also seen throwing a plastic bag which when retrieved contained 7.8 grams of cannabis seeds and 8.1 grams of cannabis. Dominguez pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of controlled drugs. He was fined $500 for each count. The object when retrieved was identified as a sawed-off shotgun with a 12 gauge Eiley cartridge in the chamber. The third man, believed to be Francis Bernardez, 23, handed himself into the Ladyville Police Station, while accompanied by with his attorney, Philip Palacio. Dominguez and Bernardez both were charged with kept prohibited firearm and kept ammunition without a gun license but the charges were withdrawn from Dominguez after Bonnell’s guilty plea was accepted. Bernardez had also been charged with conspiracy to commit robbery but that charge was withdrawn as well.

A vacancy exists for the post of Graphic Designer in the Corporate Communications Department of Belize Electricity Limited. Duties:

Design and create graphics, publications and other multimedia productions for internal and external purposes to professional standards with minimal supervision, accuracy and under unconditional confidentiality, among other responsibilities.

Qualifications: Must possess:

• An Associate Degree in Marketing or Business Administration or equivalent education • A minimum of two (2) years working experience in Marketing or related field • Certification as a Graphic Artist or extensive experience in design, layout and copy of print advertising and superior skills in the use of graphic design, computer applications as well as the periphery equipment that supports the production process • Working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Macromedia Studio MX 2004 with Flash Pro, Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel and e-mail applications and other basic computer skills • A strong command of the English Language; a good writing background will be an asset

Requirements: Have a creative flair and be willing to work extended hours

Be a team player who is assertive with good interpersonal skills and takes initiative Be multitask oriented

Salary: In accordance with the Company’s grade structure Submit completed application form, résumé and two (2) recent letters of reference to: Manager, Human Resources, Belize Electricity Limited, 2½ Miles Northern Highway, Belize City, Belize, no later than Friday, September 24, 2010.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

on s g n i t i r W the

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times



BelCan says: September 15, 2010 at 9:42 am Almost a murder a day. Please shut down your businesses, your schools and demand action. ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH. Belizeans please come together and end this violence. As a people we have a strong voice and united we can force the changes we want. Stop letting the greedy politicians divide the country and STAND UP for your RIGHTS. Tell them what you want, what you expect of them as our leaders. Lets come together as Belizeans and take back our country. We can not move forward, not one more day with our lives until we see some action. rod says: September 15, 2010 at 7:55 am its about time the pup gov. take a stand on the crime issue keep up the pressure on this useless udp gov who are incopetent and useless on crime like i said if nothing continues to happen then barrow needs to step down resign since he cannot lead this country out of this crime wave engulfing this country since you want to take vacations every other week barrow then why dont you take a permanent one an go live in miami . W e need a strong leader one who cares about his people one who will bring back the death penalty hanging for any murderer and hard labor for all the rest put them to beautify the country cutting grass cleaning up the city and so on instead of sitting in the jail smoking weed and getting fat off the hard work of the belizean people this will come to a head believe me sooner than later and you will be escorted out of the country like zelaya was in honduras I SAY OUT WITH BARROW OUT WITH BARROW OUT WITH BARROW WORSE PM IN BELIZEAN HISTORY SINCE IN OFFICE ECONOMY IN THE DRAIN, EDUCATION IN THE DRAIN, EXPORTS IN THE DRAIN, IMPORTS IN THE DRAIN, CRIME WAY WAYYYYYYY OUT OF CONTROL CORRUPTION RAMPANT AND HE KEEPS APPOINTING JUDGES WHO ARE NOT QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB ALL OF HIS FRIENDS IN OFFICE WORSE GOV IN THE HISTORY OF BELIZE MAKES ME SICK. El's says: September 15, 2010 at 1:50 pm Continue uniting PUPs……..Belizeans will wait for you to save this country from the downhill path it is going….. Martinez says: September 9, 2010 at 10:13 pm It’s ashame how the Pm and his wife can be travelling so frequently on Belizean tax-dollars and yet complain about a bad economy.Furthermore Why intransit Miami to get to Mexico City.Why not just take the bus to chetumal and take a flight from there to Mexico City?Wouldn’t that make more sense since the economy is in a bad state?Apparently the economy is good at the Barrow’s residence. rod says: September 10, 2010 at 6:50 am here we go again another vacation that is not necessary while people are dying in the streets this pm is wasting the poor belizeans tax dollars again this is about the sixth vacation this year come on this is no time to be vacationing while people are dying all over the country, crime is rampant ,economy in the drain, education in the drain, tourism in the drain, exports in the drain, corruption is rampant no wonder the country is going down down downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the leader is never here to take care of business hope while you are in miami again you take time to reflect on all the poor belizeans that are being killed on a daily basis.shameful pitifu llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Posts are from, Belize Times Press Facebook Account, John Briceño Facebook Account,


The Belize Times

Bob Marley family loses copyright fight

An attempt by the family of singer Bob Marley to obtain the copyrights to some of his best-known recordings has been thwarted by a judge in New York. Judge Denise Cote ruled Universal Music Group (UMG) owned the copyright to five albums the late star recorded between 1973 and 1977 for Island Records. Marley's widow and children had sought millions in damages for UMG's alleged attempts to "exploit" his recordings. Bob Marley died of cancer in 1981 at the age of 36. The albums in question - Catch a Fire, Burnin', Natty Dread, Rastaman Vibrations and Exodus - were recorded by Marley with his band The Wailers. They include some of his bestknown songs, including I Shot the Sheriff, One Love and No Woman, No Cry. Marley's family had accused UMG of intentionally withholding royalties from their Fifty-Six Hope Road Music company. They also claimed UMG had failed to consult with them on key licensing decisions, among them the

use of Marley's music on ringtones. On Friday, however, Judge Cote ruled that Marley's recordings were "works made for hire" as defined under US copyright law. This, she said, entitled UMG to be designated the owner of those recordings as the parent company of Island Records. Robert Nesta Marley was born in Jamaica in 1945 and died in the US in 1981. His greatest hits compilation, Legend, is the biggest-selling reggae album of all time.

Latin America's leftist leaders ended a two-day summit in Havana with some tough words for the United States. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez read aloud a letter from ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who insisted that the United States is again on the offensive in Latin America. "The real intentions of the empire are obvious," Castro wrote, "this time, hidden behind the friendly smile and the African-American face of President Barack Obama." Presidents and ministers from across Latin America and the Caribbean converged in Havana for the summit of the leftist trade group Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, or ALBA in its Spanish acronym. Launched five years ago by Chavez and Castro as an alternative to free-trade blocs promoted by the United States, ALBA is fighting to remain relevant in the new political context, according to Latin American experts, in part because the "evil empire" to the north has a new, more liberal president in the White House. At the summit, Cuban President Raul Castro warned that old frictions with Washington will not disappear. "The times we live in reflect that in Latin America and the Caribbean the

confrontation between historic forces is getting worse," he said. He also condemned U.S. plans to use military bases in Colombia to fight drug trafficking. "It constitutes an act of aggression against all of Latin America and the Caribbean," Raul Castro said. A drop in oil prices also has hurt Chavez's influence in the region. Through ALBA, Venezuela has used its oil revenues to fund literacy programs and eye operations for the region's poorest. But the rhetoric has not diminished. In Havana, leaders slammed Washington's handling of the Honduras crisis. They accused the Obama administration of supporting an "electoral farce" in Honduras after leftist President Manuel Zelaya was toppled in a military coup. During the summit, ALBA members produced their own declaration on climate warming and a number of regional proposals. But much of the meeting was used to air grievances and keep ideological fires burning strong. The ALBA summit was attended by a mix of presidents, prime ministers and ministers from Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and several Caribbean nations.

Fidel Castro: U.S. is on offensive

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Montserrat mourn the passing of Alphonsus ‘Arrow’ Cassell

It is a sad and somber day in Montserrat today. The nation and fans around the world are mourning the death of soca super star Arrow. The acclaimed international performer passed away quietly at his home in Lime Kiln this morning after a long illness. Arrow, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009, returned from Antigua on Monday after being hospitalized in Antigua. His brother Justin Hero Cassell said he finally succumbed to his illness. Hero also says the family will be making announcements in the future on funeral arrangements. In a statement issued a short while ago the family expressed thanks to the medical teams, friends and family who gave their support during the period of his illness. The statement said that Arrow is responsible for taking to soca genre to the international music scene with his 1982 smash hit Hot, Hot, Hot. Having won the local calypso competition on four occasions, the talents of the proud son of Montserrat were spotted by former Beatles manager, Sir George Martin, who worked with Arrow to turn his focus to his recording and touring career. The family said his death is a great loss to the family, his native land of Montserrat and the music world.

A road show has been organized to be held at the Montserrat Cultural Centre this evening at 7 to pay tribute to Arrow. Persons are being invited to wear a white T-shirt and bring along a candle or a flash light. The family also said that funeral announcements will be made in due course. Cassell first performed aged 10 in a concert at the Montserrat Secondary School. He began singing calypso in 1967 and took the Junior Monarch title that year. He took up singing professionally in 1969, and released his first single, “Dance with Me, Woman” in 1972. Arrow set up his own Arrow label in 1973 and began to fuse calypso with other genres such as R&B, Zouk and salsa, which brought soca music to a new audience. He recorded Hot Hot Hot in 1982, which became the biggest selling soca hit of all time. It was adopted as the theme song of the 1986 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, and was later covered by Buster Poindexter, Menudo, and Babla & Kanchan. He capitalized on this success with 1983′s Heat album, and the “Rub Up” single, and 1984′s Soca Savage album, from which the international hit “Long Time” was taken, a top 30 hit in the United Kingdom. He enjoyed further chart success in the UK with a remixed version of “Hot Hot Hot”, which reached number 38. Arrow also established himself as a businessman in Montserrat, owning the Arrow’s Manshop store. He was in heavy demand until his illness, and performed for President Barrack Obama in 2009 and before that the Cricket World Cup 2007 opening ceremonies with Shaggy, Byron Lee and Kevin Lyttle. Current calypso monarch of Antigua and former Calypso King in Montserrat Bear said news of Arrow’s death spolit his 49th birthday today.

The border dispute between Belize and Guatemala could be determined by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Guatemala's Congress has given its approval for a referendum to be held on whether or not the country's claim to Belize should be taken to the

Hague-based court. Belize's ambassador to Guatemala Alfredo Martinez has said that the development is encouraging. It is expected that if the case does go to the ICJ, the outcome of any ruling handed down by that international court would be final and binding.

Voting on ICJ intervention

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times


By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgagee made the 5th day of July, 1995, between JANET ROBERTS and ENRIQUE ROBERTS both of Santa Maria Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. of the other part and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Volume 15 of 1995 at Folios 649 – 674, and the said SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 581 comprising of 557.351 Square Metres situate in Louisiana Farm Lots Layout, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 72 of 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections Notice is hereby given thatdeclared the company thereon. (Property now undernamed Registration Section - Orange Walk Town Block 4 Parcel 3195.)



has been dissolved and struck off the International Business MUSAwith & BALDERAMOS Companies Register effect from the 3rd day of 91 North Front Street, September, 2010. Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for & LEE TRUST ALEMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. (BELIZE) LIMITED Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the company named

“WEITZMAN CAPITAL CORP.” has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 4th day of September, 2010.

The Belize Bank Limited Registered Agent

Sunday, September 19, 2010


By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgagee made the 2nd day of October, 2008, between MARIO NAVARETTE and ANNA NAVARETTE both of Jamaica Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LTD., of the other part and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Volume 36 of 2008isathereby Foliosgiven 367 -that 398,the andcompany the said,named Scotiabank (BeNotice lize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property “VECTOR DESIGN ASSOCIATES described in the Schedule hereto.



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All offers to purchase the said property must be made in has beenand dissolved and struck the International Business writing full particulars andoffconditions of sale may be Companies Register with effect from the 3rd day of obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. September, 2010.

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ALEMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO & LEE TRUST (BELIZE) LIMITED Registered Agent ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 219

comprising of 499.145 square metres situate in Dr. George Estate, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District bounded and described as shown by the Plan No. 1044 of 2007 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 1044 of 2007, TOGETHER with allOF buildings, standing and GOVERNMENT BELIZE TREASURY BILLS Notice is hereby given that theerections company named being thereon. (Property ISSUEnow NO.declared 13/2010under Registration Section - Orange Walk Town Block 4 Parcel 2038.)


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CAPITAL Tenders“WEITZMAN are invited for an issue of Government ofCORP.” Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $45,400,000.00.

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MUSA & on BALDERAMOS October, 2010 and will be redeemed Tuesday, 4th January, 2011.

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DATED 31st day and of August, has beenthis dissolved struck2010 off the International The Bills will be issued in denominations of $200, $1,000, $10,000, Business Companies Register with effect from the $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000, and will be repayable par 91 days after 2010. issue. They will be issued on Tuesday 5th 4th day ofat September, 91 North Front Street,

The Belize Limited Each tender must beBank for $200 or aCity multiple of $200 and must specify to five Belize decimal places the amount, which is offered for for each one hundred dollars Attorneys-at-Law Registered Agent face value of the Bills sought. Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Application forms are available at the Treasury and at the Central Bank of Belize in Belize City and at the Ministry of Finance in Belmopan; and when completed they must be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to:

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TREASURY BILL TENDER CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE P.O. BOX 852 GABOUREL LANE, BELIZE CITY Notice is hereby given that the Company named Tenders must reach the Central Bank not later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 1st October, 2010.

“Ma.Ma.Ma. Limited”

Successful tenders will be notified by Monday, 4th October, 2010


has beenbedissolved Business and will expected toand paystruck for and off pickthe up International Bills allotted them on Companies Register with effect from the 29th day of AuTuesday, 5th October, 2010. gust, 2010.

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Douglas Peters CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Liquidator


The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times





Cash and Balance Due from Banks Government Securities/Investments Total Loans Less: Specific Loan Loss Reserves General Loan Loss Reserves Net Loans Fixed Assets (Net) Other Assets



Demand Deposits Savings Deposits Time Deposits Share Deposits

TOTAL 46,554 15,316 349,893 (15,054) 334,839 11,421 684


4,958 28,397 79,685 308,038

Total Savings Deposit²


Balances Due to Banks Balances Due to Central Bank Other Liabilities

2,056 0 417


Share Capital Reserves Current Year Profit/(Loss) Asset Revaluation Account


423,551 7.583 69,303 7,705 672



INCOME STATEMENT Interest Income³ 12,055 4 Interest Expense 2,106 Net Interest Income 9,949 Non-Interest Income 164 Non-Interest Expense 2,419 Net Operating Income 7,695 Other Income (Expense) 0 Net Income (Loss) 7,695

OTHER INDICATORS Base Lending Rates (Interest rate used as an index in pricing a credit union loan) Residential Mortgage Rate Average Lending Rate (Annualized)

12.00% 12.13% 11.13%

FINANCIAL INDICATORS CAPITAL ADEQUACY Total Capital/Savings Deposits Institutional Capital/Total Assets Net Institutional Capital/Total Assets

20.25% 11.64% 10.63%

LIQUIDITY Net Loans/Savings Deposits Liquid Assets Liquid Assets Statutory Requirement Excess/(Shortfall)Statutory Liquid Assets Liquid Assets to Deposits, Shares & Current Borrowing (%)

79.52% 157,150 44,124 113,026 37.32%

ASSET QUALITY Total Adversely Classified Loans Total Adversely Classified Loans (Net of Specific Reserves)/Total Loans Total Loans Loss Reserves/Total Loans Net Loans/Total Assets External Credit/Total Assets Total Operating Expense/Average Total Assets Savings Deposits/Total; Assets

28,275 3.78% 4.30% 65.81% 0.40% 0.48% 82.76%

PROFITABILITY (Annualized) Return on Assets (%) Return on Equity(%) Net-Interest Income/Adjusted Operating Income Non-Interest Income/Adjusted Operating Income

6.12% 32.72% 99.12% 1.63%

¹ Effective March 2010, figures abnd ratios were entered in accordance with PEARLS. ² Total savings deposits refers to total deposits. ³ In accordance with PEARLS, interest income is net of loan protection coverage premiums. 4 In accordance with PEARLS, interest expense is inclusive of life savings coverage premiums.


The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

17 Orchid garden, Belmopan – Belice, Centroamérica Telf: (00501)822 2384 – 2789/Fax00501) 822 2022/correo electronic:

Belmopan, 14 de septiembre de 2010.

La Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Belice, reitera a la comunidad venezolana residenciada en Belice, las sinceridades de su más alta estima y consideración.

 El acto de votación se inicia una vez constituida la Mesa Electoral y se desarrollará ininterrumpidamente desde las 6:00 a.m. hasta las 6:00 p.m. (hora local de la cuidad donde se encuentra ubicada la Representación Diplomática o Consular) o hasta que hayan votado todas las electoras o electores que aparezcan en el Cuaderno de Votación, salvo que se encuentren electoras o electores en espera de ejercer su derecho al voto.

 Para poder ejercer el derecho al voto en el exterior, el integrante de la Mesa Electoral requerirá a la electora y elector su cédula de identidad lamindad, aun cunado esté vencida, como único document válido para el ejercicio del derecho al sufragio. (Articulo 125 LOPRE).

Acto de votación:

En este sentido, los únicos requisitos para ejercer el derecho al vota en el exterior son: a) estar inscritos en el Registro Electoral (y aparecer en el cuaderno de votación correspondiente) y b) presentar su cédula de identidad laminada (aún cuando esté vencida).

• Todas las venezolanas y todos los venezolanos debidamente inscritas e inscritos en el Registro Electroal podrán ejercer el derecho al sufragio siempre y cuando no estén sujetos a inhabilitación politica, interdicción civil o que cédula de identidad haya sido declarada inhabilitada, insubsistente o nula por el órgano competente en material de identificación (Art. 41 de la LOPRE).

• Solo podrán sufragar en el exterior los electores y electoras que posean residencia en Belice o cualquier otro regimen que denote legalidad de permanencia fuera de Venezuela. (Articulo 124 LOPRE).

• Los procesos electorales o referendarios, de ámbito nacional, a llevarse a cabo fuera de las fronteras de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, estarán determinados por la cantidad de electoras o electors que estén inscritos en el Registro Electoral contenido en los Cuadernos de Votación de la Representación Diplomática o Consular.

Información para el elercicio del derecho al sufragio en Belice:

La Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Belice, informa a la comunidad venezolana residenciada en Belice, que las venezolanas o venezolanos mayores de dieciocho (18) años de edad, residentes o permanentes en forma legal en el exterior inscritas o inscritos en el Registro Electoral, podrán votar en las Elecciones Parlamentarias 2010 para elegir las Diputadas o Diputados al Parlamento Latinoamericano.

venezolana residenciada en Belice, y aproveche la oportunidad para hacer referencia a las próximas parlamentarias que se celebrant el dia domingo 26 de septiembre de 2010.

La Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Belice saluda atentamente a la comunidad

Roy Chaderton Roy Daza Rodrigo Cabezas Ana Elisa Osorio Walter Gaviria Carolus Wimmer (PCV) Angel Rodriguez Marelis Pérez Marcano Calixto Ortega Pedro Lander Manuel Villalba Zohán Noya Rosso Grimau (PCV) José Bonaldi Orlando Castillo Jacqueline Sosa Victor Clark Sabed Al Hanid Haltan Lidice Navas Mayling Rodriguez Kevin Avila Vicente Moronta

Aspirantes por la Alianza Revolucionaria (Psuv, Pcv, Mep y Upv) 22 candidatos postudalos

Timoteo Zambrano Henry Ramos Allup José Ramón Sánchez Delsa Solórzano Francisco Garcia Luis Aquilles Moreno José Luis Farias Victor León Antonio Ochoa Nicolás Sosa Mary Ponte Carlos Blanco Luis Ochoa Terán Rosa Castellano Mauricio Poler Daniel Santolo Ancolter José Parra Carlos Hermoso Baudillo Reinoso Héctor Belisario Teodoro Franco Héctor Calles

Aspirantes de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrâtica 22 Candidatos postulados

Gustavo Hernández Wilmer Iglesias Eduardo Oviedo Raflo Derjani Pedro Mosqueda Miguel Hernández Luisa Medina Ricardo Gords Carlos Crrasco Edgar González Aimée Larreal Héctor Rincón

Aspirantes por el PPT 12 candidatos postulados

Hermán Escarrá Alexánder Luzardo Jesús Sulbarán Alejandro Bautista Jesús Blaza Omar Quiaragua Vladimir López Henry Pages Jury Carrero Maria Matos Tailandia Márquez Maria Fajardo

Belmopan, 14 de septiembre de 2010.

Julio César Pineda Milos Alcalay Hayde Deutsch Pedro Paul Carmen Salzano Gonzalo Himlob Juan Moreno Juan Uzcanga Yel Marciano Luis López Jorge Dugarte José López Contreras

Aspirantes independientes Aspirantes (Fuerza Liberal, Independientes Solidaridad, (Opina) Movimiento Ecológico 12 candidatos postulados 12 candidatos postulados

Lista de candidates para Diputados al Parlamento Latinoamericano

En etse categoria, también entra el voto lista que es la postulación realizada por los partidos politicos con los once (11) cargos restantes y sus respectivos suplentes. La selección es realizada utilizando el método D’Hont, es decir a través de la adjudicación realizada por un cálculo matemático de cocientes.

En el caso de los candidates de las etnias idigenas, éstos han sido designados a través de una postulación nominal, aquella presentada con nombre y apellido. En la boleta electoral para el Parlamento Latinoamericano se tundré un representatante indigena postulado por las etnias de Venezuela.

En el Parlamento Latinoamericano, segun los tratados internacionales, Venezuela coma país miembro debe tener doce (12) representantes como máximo, por lo tanto todos los venezolanos seleccionaremos uno (01) a través de la via nominal que es la representación indigena y once (11) que serán seleccionados a través de la lista, para un total de doce (12) Diputados.

Esta asamblea internacional es representada por doce (12) candidates principales y doce (12) suplentes, quienes son excogidos por los electores en todo el territorio nacional sin distinction de ninguno de los estados, asi como también participan los los venezolanos que residen en otros países y que estén inscritos en el Registro Electoral en cada una de sus embajada. Esta, es la votación más universal después de la del Presidente.

En las próximas elecciones parlamentarias, además de la escogencia de los 165 diputados para la Asamblea Nacional, también serán seleccionados 12 dignatarios que representarán a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en el Parlamento Latinoamericano (Pariatino). La escogencia de estos represerntantes se realiza a través del voto direcio, el mismo dia de las elecciones del 26 de septiembre.

ciada en Belice, y aprovecha la oportunidad para hacer referencia a las próximas elecciones parlamentarias que se celebrarán el día domingo 26 de septiembre de 2010, e informar lo siguiente:

La Embajada de la República de Bolivariana de Venezuela en Belice saluda atentamente a la comunidad venezolana residen-

Sunday, September 19, 2010 The Belize Times E


The Belize Times

Happy 29th Independence Belize!! The Board, Management and Staff of

Belize Water Services wishes All Belizeans and Residents a Blessed and Safe September Celebrations and Independence Day. BWS – Bringing Water to More‌

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times




San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District

H Belize City, Belize District; San Ignacio, Cayo District The Belize TimesBY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. Sunday, La September Immaculada19, 2010

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank PUBLIC AUCTION SALES Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the followPROPERTIES PUBLIC SALES ing properties ON SITE onAUCTION Wednesday the 29th September 2010 Belize City, Belize District; San Ignacio, Cayo District at the following times:PROPERTIES

Belize City, Belize District; San Ignacio, Cayo District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank

1. At the Corner Queen Charlotte Street & Pen Road, Belize Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the followORDER City atBY 10:00 am of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank

ing properties ON SITE on Wednesday the 29th September 2010 Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the followat the following times: ing properties ON SITE on Wednesday the 29th September 2010 at the following times: 1. At the Corner Queen Charlotte Street & Pen Road, Belize City atAt 10:00 am 1. the Corner Queen Charlotte Street & Pen Road, Belize


Credit Union, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the PROPERTY PUBLIC AUCTION SALE following property ON SITE on Monday the 27th September San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District 2010 at 3:00 pm: PROPERTY

San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. La Immaculada Credit Union, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. La Immaculada following property ON SITE on Monday the 27th September Credit Union, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the 2010 at 3:00 pm: following property ON SITE on Monday the 27th September 2010 at 3:00 pm:

City at 10:00 am

REGISTRATION SECTION San Jose Palmar ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate at Yarborough on the South Side of Belize City, Belize District of Belize (then British Honduras) bounded on the North by the land of Rosie Dougal and there THAT measuring thirty eight feet six situate inches,atonYarborough the South by ALL piece or parcel of land onQueen the Charlotte Street and there measuring forty-seven feet three inches, ALL or City, parcelBelize of land situateofatBelize Yarborough on the SouthTHAT Side ofpiece Belize District (then British on the East by Pen Road and there measuring forty-two feet tenand South Side of Belize on City, of Belize (then British Honduras) bounded theBelize North District by the land of Rosie Dougal inchesmeasuring and bounded on thethirty West by the land Alice Loriano and there meaHonduras) on eight the North byofinches, the landon ofthe Rosie Dougal and there feet six South by Queen suringmeasuring forty-one feetthere nine TOGETHER with allthree buildings and there eightinches feet six inches, on the South byinches, Queen Charlotte Street thirty and measuring forty-seven feet Charlotte Street and there measuring forty-seven feet three inches, erections standing being (Being forty-two a vacant lot on the East by Pen and Road and thereon. there measuring feetsituate ten at on the East by Pen Road and there measuring forty-two feet ten inches and on the West by the land of Alice Loriano and there meathe Corner Queen Charlotte Street & Pen Road, Belize City, the inches and on thefeet West by inches the land of Alice andbuildings there measuring forty-one TOGETHER withLimited) all and freehold property ofnine Messrs. Staine Real Loriano Estate suring forty-one feet nine inches TOGETHER all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being awith vacant lot situate at erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant lot situate at the Corner Queen Charlotte Street & Pen Road, Belize City, the the Queen of Charlotte Street &Real PenEstate Road, Belize City, the freehold Messrs. Staine 2. Corner Atproperty Parcel No. 409 Kay Works Area,Limited) San Ignacio, freehold property of Messrs. Staine Real Estate Limited)

Cayo District at 1:30 pm:

2. At Parcel No. 409 Kay Works Area, San Ignacio, REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL 2. At Parcel No. 409 Kay Works Area, San Ignacio, Cayo District at 1:30 pm: San District Ignacio at 1:30 pm: 23 409 Cayo REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL (Being a vacant lot situate in Kay Works Area, San Ignacio San Ignacio 23 409 San Ignacio 23 409 Town, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Melhelm

Zaidena&vacant Mrs. Estella L. Zaiden) (Being lot situate in Kay Works Area, San Ignacio (Being a vacant lot situate in Kay Works Area, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Melhelm Town, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Melhelm Zaiden & Mrs. Estella L. Zaiden) Zaiden & Mrs. Estella L. Zaiden)



TELEPHONE: 224-4473 224-4473 TELEPHONE: Email: Email:


BISTRO CO. LTD. (“the Company”)

(“the Company”) Company”) (“the Pursuant to Section 102(8) of the International Business Pursuant to Section Section 102(8) of of thethe International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 Laws of Belize, Pursuant to 102(8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter Chapter 270 of of the Laws Laws of Belize, Belize, Companies Act, 270 of Revised Edition 2000, notice is the hereby given that Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that BISTRO CO. LTD. has been dissolved and struck has been dissolved and struck struck BISTRO CO. has been dissolved and off the Register of IBCs at the 12th day of September, off the off the Register Register of of IBCs IBCs as as at at the the 12th 12th day day of of September, September, 2010. 2010. 2010.




(Being a vacant lot containing 1244.32 square yards situate in

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of San Jose Palmar SECTION 4 350 REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL Mr. Marlon Rory Fabro and Ms. Angela Janette Alas) San Jose Palmar 4 350 (Being a vacant lot containing 1244.32 square yards situate in (Being a vacant lotOrange containing square yards situate in of San Jose Palmar, Walk1244.32 District, the freehold property San Palmar, Walk District, freehold Mr. Jose Marlon RoryOrange Fabro and Ms. Angelathe Janette Alas)property of Mr. Marlon Rory Fabro and Ms. Angela Janette Alas)




FOR SALE FOR SALE BYCaribbean ORDER OF THELimited MORTGAGEE British Bank International (formerly Belize BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Bank International Limited) a duly licensed banking corporation duly incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the Companies Act,

British Caribbean Bank International Limited (formerly Belize British Caribbean Bankof International Limited (formerly Belize Chapter 250 of the Limited) Laws Belize, Edition 2000, and having Bank International a duly Revised licensed banking corporation duly Bank International Limited) a duly licensed banking corporation duly its registered office at 60 Market Square in Belize City, Belize, hereby incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the Companies Act, incorporated anditsexisting underexercise and by its virtue of the Companies Act, gives notice power of sale as and mortgagee Chapter 250 of of theintention Laws of to Belize, Revised Edition 2000, having Chapter 250 the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and of having under and byofoffice virtue of60 a Deed of Square Mortgagee made City, the 9th day April its registered at Market in Belize Belize, hereby its registered office at 60 Market Square in Belize City, Belize, hereby 2008, between Belize Bank International Limited of the First Part, gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee and Scott Collins made Ave. Apt. 1104, under and William by virtueHolland of a Deedofof4775 Mortgagee the 9th dayMiami, of April under and by virtue of a Deed of Mortgagee made the 9th day of April 2008, between Belize Bank International Limited of the Firstduly Part, Florida of the Second Part, and Deep Sea Limited, 2008, between Belize Bank International Limited aofcompany the First Part, and Scott William Holland of 4775 Collins Ave. Apt. 1104, Miami, incorporated and existing under and Collins by virtueAve. of the Act, and Scott William Holland of 4775 Apt.Companies 1104, Miami, Florida of the Second Part, and Deep Sea Limited, a company duly Chapterof250 the Laws Belize aforesaid, with registered office Florida theofSecond Part,ofand Deep Sea Limited, a company dulyat incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the Companies Act, 42A Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye of the Third incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize aforesaid, with registered office at Part, and250 thatofthe British Caribbean Bank Limited Chapter thesaid Laws of Belize aforesaid, withInternational registered office at 42A Barrier Reef Drive, Drive, Sanmonths Pedro Town, Town, Ambergris Caye ofpublication the Third Third 42A Reef San Pedro Caye of the will Barrier at the expiration of two from Ambergris the date of the first Part, and that the said British Caribbean Bank International Limited Part, and that the British Caribbean Limited of this notice sellsaid the properties described Bank in the International schedule hereto. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this this notice notice sell sell the the properties properties described described in in the the schedule schedule hereto. hereto. of All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full

particulars conditions of sale may bemust obtained from said and British All offers to toand purchase the said said property be made made in the writing full All offers purchase the property must be in writing and full Caribbean Bank International Limited. particulars and and conditions conditions of of sale sale may may be be obtained obtained from from the the said said British British particulars Caribbean Bank International Limited. Caribbean Bank International Limited.



ALL THOSE six lots, pieces and parcels of land situate approxiALL THOSE sixnorth lots, pieces pieces and parcels parcels of landon situate approxiALL THOSE six lots, and land situate approximately six miles of the Town of Sanof Pedro Ambergris Caye mately six milesofnorth north of the the Town Town of San San Pedro on on Ambergris Ambergris Caye mately miles of of Pedro Caye being asix portion the property known as “Mexico” which lots are being a portion of the property known as “Mexico” which lots are being a portion of the property known as “Mexico” which lots are shown numbered 5, 6, 16, 25 and 26 respectively with their abutshown 5, 25 26 with shown numbered 5, 6, 6, 16, 16, 25 and and 26 respectively respectively with their their abutabuttals andnumbered boundaries on a Plan prepared by H.C. Fair-weather, Land tals and boundaries on a Plan prepared by H.C. Fair-weather, Land tals and boundaries on a Plan prepared by H.C. Fair-weather, Land Surveyor, dated the 31st day of December, 1979 and registered in Surveyor, dated the 31st 1979 and in Surveyor, 31st day day of of December, December, 1979 and registered registered in the Office dated of thethe Commissioner of Lands and Surveys in Belmopan, the the Office Office of of the the Commissioner Commissioner of of Lands Lands and and Surveys Surveys in in Belmopan, Belmopan, Belize, in in Register Register No. No. 11 at at Entry Entry No. No. 100 100 TOGETHER TOGETHER with with all Belize, Belize, in Register No. 1 at Entry No. 100 TOGETHER with all all buildings and and erections erections standing standing and and being being thereon. thereon. buildings buildings and erections standing and being thereon.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times




The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

501 Kid's Club Maze Kriol-English Jumble "I Words" Find and circle the words listed below…



Belize Da Fu We Of Poets & Their Rhymes...




Riddle Me this Riddle Me That… What does this proverb mean? …. Mek di man weh loos taiga tai ahn bak

Across 4. He mused in his poem "Where are They?": "Where are those men. I can remember so well. Where is the hope they spoke about. Where are they to explain to me about Independence. Now that I can understand." Down 1. 321738 "We can spell our country on the calculator" was his response at age seven to a foreigner when visiting New York. 2. Drums of My Fathers is his ode to his ancestors. In March of this year he was presented with the Garifuna Heritage Award in honour of his work. 3. He penned the following words in his poem "Esta Es Mi Tierra": O Belice patria mía, Trabajemos noche y día, Y muy pronto, si Dios lo quiera, Diremos, "Esta es mi tierra"... 5. In 1980 his poem "Dawn of Freedom" won him the title of National Poetry Contest Winner. ANSWERS: 4. Yasser Musa 1. Kiren Shoman 2. E. Roy Cayetano 3. Edison Coleman 5. Roland A. Parks Riddle Me This Answer: Let the man who created a dangerous situation deal with it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Births Amazin

Leya Khaled, to Khaled Mohammad and Faten Dib nee Dib Markail Michael Gerrard to Michael Gerrard and Kimberly Ann Welch nee Aranda Edmar Delroy to Bernhard and Justina Reimer nee Dueck Joshua James to James and Melonie Suset Gerou nee Coye Makayla Amanda to Arton Argent and Tanya Daisy Samuels nee Woodye Jia Qin to Delun and Linong Zhen Tyra Grace to Jeremy Sedacy and Cherilee Tanisha Sedacy nee Smith

God in Carnival


Claudio Martinez to Isabel Carolina Chi both of Santa Cruz, Orange On Saturday, Catholics, Baptist, Muslims, Bahai, Methodists, and Anglicans, Walk were excited. We all put on fresh new clothes and grab our umbrellas and ice Aron Chan Pine Ridge, Orangethan Walk Daianie Alina who boxes.Marcelo We linedCal the of street with more anticipation thetofive wise virgins Sanchez of bridegroom San Esetvan, awaited the in Orange MatthewWalk 25:1-13. Yes, we spent monies to dress our daughters in the most fashionable Our sons probably not Orwith us, Dario Acosta to Victoria Anasely skirts. Cocom both of were Nuevo San Juan, Notice is hereby given that the company named they were probably off with their friends weaving through the thick crowd, ange Walk soaking in the street education of hedonistic and juvenile mischief. Oscar Remigio Sanchez to Rosanna Ramirez both of San Lazaro, Orange So what is the problem? What happened on Saturday? Unfortunately it Walk was not the second coming of our Lord. It was carnival. Carnival is so big that Domingo Pop tosaid, Elisa Concepcion Popremember both of San Roman, Creekto as Sister Karen “Nobody will even 10th!”, whichStann happened Nicolas Elijio to Margarita of Hopkins, be the day before, this year. Gonzalez When she both said this my alarmStann was atCreek the level of inspiration and the electrifying pitch of her voicetoasBianca my eyes wondered Conrado Felipe Assales of Calla Creek, Cayo Jedamzik of to the crucifix conspicuously hanging on the wall feet away from her. Berlin, Germany has dissolved off the International Business So. Carnival? What and is it?tostruck Historically, carnival is a festive parade which Josebeen Francisco Dominguez Julia Ochaeta Valle both of Benque Viejo, occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. Companies Register with effect from the 3rd day of Cayo Carnival typically involves a public revelries and celebration. One definition Marcos Mahitani of Orange some Walk elements Town, toofGlenda Alicia of Chan September, 2010. says it is a “parade combining a circus, maskTorres and public street Pine Walk party.Ridge, PeopleOrange often dress up or masquerade during the celebrations, which mark an overturning life.” Soraya Cordova both of Orange Walk Town Sergio Mendezofto daily Samantha This sounds innocent enough. Circus is great who does not like to play ALEMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO &ofLEE TRUST Marlone Ivan Patt to Dioneli Daniela Babb bothand Chunox, Corozal dress up right? We all use masks or costumes and most of our fellow religious Matthew Kevin Green to Taylor Murphy Hodge both of Austin, Texas, (BELIZE) denominationsLIMITED will boogie at a church party. As we remember even David was USA dancing beforeAgent the Lord! 2 Sam 6:14. Yes and David was called "a man after Registered Leopoldo to Lorna Castellanos both of Belmopan God’s ownSuarez heart!"Lopez Acts 13:22 (also Ethel in 1 Sam.13:14) Bernaldino Iran else Correa Sophia Leticia Chan boththat of Concepcion, Good what is intocarnival? Well, some boast the word “carnival” Corozal comes from the Late Latin expression carne vale, which means "farewell to meat". This meant or signified that those were the both last days when one could Adrian Marcial Lopez to Norely Eridely Moguel of San Lazaro, eat meat before the fasting of Lent. Yet another translation depicts carne vale Orange Walk as "a farewell to the flesh", a phrase embraced by certain carnival celebrations Orrin Omali Castillo of Ladyville, Belize to Tara Tanisha Terry of Belize that encourage letting go of your former (or everyday) self and embracing the City carefree nature of the festival. Notice is the hereby given thatThe the company Jeffrey Rudolph Ali to Lorena Puga both of to Belize City the same Leaving flesh!!!! That is Michelle great! Bible seems benamed saying Aaron Edward Gongora Jr., of Belize Martha of thing about leaving the “flesh”. “NowCity the to deeds of Melina the fleshGuerrero are evident, which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, ... San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye Galatians 5:19. Joshua Llewellyn Parks to Yvette Josephine Parchue both of Lords Bank, Drinking you say? Nothing wrong with that too… the bible says in 1 Belize Timothy 5:23 “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your Randolph Alexander Spainillnesses” to Chevon Dale Ortiz both of Scotland Halfstomach and your frequent has been dissolved and struck off the International moon, Belize Not so easy. Let us start at the wining up. First of all, men groping women Vince Frederick Martinez to Shelmadean McKoy both ofNOT Belize City while dancing or getting sexual pleasure out of it... THAT’S DANCING! Business Companies Register with effect from the That isAdrien a cheapThomas feel. So,Lepoutre we alwaysof want to consider our Sanchez motives. After all,ofGod Louis France to Malley Limon 4th day of September, 2010. looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:10). That’s where you might want Mexico to ask yourself, "why am I here supporting this?" Paul warns in 1 Thes 5:12-28 Franklin Patrick de Phillips to Kay Lynn Leopold both of Woodlands, to "abstain from every form of evil." Texas, USA What should you do on Saturday as a Christian? Well, Romans 12:2 tells You Qiang to Yanna Chen of Belize us “Do notChen be conformed to thisboth world, but be City transformed by the renewal Lyle Gilbert Belizeyou City Dinah what Angelina of Forest of your mind,August that byoftesting maytodiscern is theRomero will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Home, Toledo This is serious. The bible says about things like carnival: "Envyings, murders, Wilber Antonio Heredia to Belinda Nelly Padilla Velasquez both of ProDRUNKENNESS, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I gresso, Corozal have told you in time past, that THEY WHICH DO SUCH THINGS SHALL Allen Gabriel Gideon of August Pine Ridge, Orange Walk to Yesenia NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." Galatians 5:21 Yanira Manrique of Sanand Antonio, Orange Wow, that is strong direct. Not only Walk once either does the bible warn: 1 Javier Chuc 6:10 to Yanelie Juchim among both ofthose San Jose, Orange Walk the kingdom Corinthians lists drunkards who will not inherit Rafael Gustavo to that Maria Jesus Mejia both Ranchito, Corozalof of God. "Know Noh ye not theDe unrighteous shall notofinherit the kingdom God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, Andi Joebanie Yam to Dolores Aracely Sabala both of Orange Walk nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, Town NOR DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom Claudio Martinez to Isabel Carolina Chi both of Santa Cruz, Orange of God." hereby given that the Company named Notice WalkBut is this is the real problem. We let our children “watch” carnival and





The Belize Bank Limited Registered Agent


men and children gyrate in lewd and slack drunkenness. Not because they dress Deaths up in costumes makes it right. We should not celebrate this evil and worst with “Ma.Ma.Ma. Limited” reduce their moral instincts by actually taking them to see half naked women,

Maria Varacalli, 42 our children. Hellen Yu, 14 What does it teach your daughter? What does it tell your son is acceptable Robert 61 to dobeen to Morsh, a woman or girl for matter?off Thethe bible says in ProverbsBusiness 22:6 “Train has dissolved andthat International Minett Rosalee Herbert, 59struck up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from Companies Register effect from the 29th day ofCarnival Au- is Jennifer Francis, 52 kids it.” We doLavern not need to trainwith our on the perversion of Carnival. not Belizean, gust, 2010.Carnival is not Patriotic, carnival is sinful! As Christians we need to set the standards according to the word of God and stop making shameful

apologies and feeble excuses. Don’t forget that there is a Sunday after the Saturday carnival. Were you Douglas Peters planning on going to church and have you prepared to go to church in the same Royal Crown Community 7,000 acreage SoldtoSeparately. $2,000son, an way you have prepared for Saturday? Use Saturday lead your daughter, Liquidator acre. and sustainable living area. Located 21beMiles on wife,Excellent husband and children in finding the Lord while He stillatcan found…


the Western Highway. For more information contact Ryan Young at 632-4593.


For Sale

By order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 3rd day of August, 2000, between JUAN LEIVA and LILLY LEIVA both of #67 Santa Familia Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded at the Land Title Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 45 of 2000 at Folios 1143 – 1170, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sellOF theBELIZE property described in the BILLS Schedule GOVERNMENT TREASURY hereto. ISSUE NO. 13/2010


All offers purchase saidofproperty mustofbe madeTreasury in writing Tenders aretoinvited for anthe issue Government Belize and full andissue conditions sale may be obtained from Bills. Theparticulars amount of the will be of $45,400,000.00. the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. The Bills will be issued in denominations of $200, $1,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000, and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday 5th October, 2010 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 4th January, 2011.


ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land situate on the Dr. W.

Each tender must be for $200 orWalk a multiple of Orange $200 andWalk must specify to five S. George Estate, Orange Town, District decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars and being more particularly described as follows:- Starting at face value of the Bills sought.

a concrete pillar at the North Westerly corner on a grid bearing of 117°25’48” a distance of 22.859 to a concrete Application forms are for available at the Treasury andmeters at the Central Bank pillar; a grid bearing of 27°25’48” a distanceand of of BelizeThence in BelizeonCity and at the Ministry of Finance for in Belmopan; 22.859 metersthey to amust concrete pillar: Thence a grid addressed bearing of when completed be forwarded in sealed on envelopes to: 117°25’48” for a distance of 22.859 meters to a concrete pillar; Thence on a grid bearing ofBILL 27°25’48” for a distance of 22.859 TREASURY TENDER meters back toCENTRAL the startingBANK point OF andBELIZE delineated as Lot No. 150 P.O. BOX 852 on a plan by H.C. Fairweather, Chartered Surveyor dated 8th GABOUREL LANE, CITY in BelmoFebruary, 1999 and registered at theBELIZE Lands Registry pan as Entry No. 4424, Register No. 1 TOGETHER with all Tenders must the Central Bankand notbeing later than 12:00(Property noon on buildings andreach erections standing thereon. Friday, 1st October, 2010. now declared under Registration Section – Orange Walk Town Block 4 Parcel 2364). Successful tenders will be notified by Monday, 4th October, 2010 and will bethis expected to pay and pick up Bills allotted them on DATED 31st day of for August, 2010. Tuesday, 5th October, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any 91 North Front Street and/or all tenders in whole or in part. Belize City Attorney-at-Law for CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


Notice is hereby given that the Company named Notice is hereby given that the companies

“LEGEND BEST GROUP TECHNOLOGY “COSTWOLD LTD. LTD.” has been dissolved and struck off the International Business

has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 18th day of AuCompanies gust, 2010. Register with effect from the 5th day of September, 2010.

Power Management (Belize) Limited ICAZA Point BELIZE TRUST CORPORATION LIMITED Registered Agent


The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Sacred Heart College boys basketball team win 3 at XV CODICADER Games

Belize’s basketball boys from Sacred Heart College are 3-1 in the male basketball competition and Micah Vernon, 16, has won Belize’s first bronze medal in karate kumite in under 76 kg division at the XV CODICADER Central American junior scholastic games in Managua, Nicaragua on Tuesday. The Cayo boys won their opening game 50-40 over Honduras last Saturday, and followed up with a 66-56 win over El Salvador on Sunday. In that game Edgar Mitchell and Kachief Thomas scored 6pts each in the 1st quarter, but Belize was down 12-15 at the end of the 1st quarter. Mitchell drained in a long trey as he added 6 more points in the 2nd quarter and Dijon McNab, Brandon Coleman and Rafael Guerra tossed in buckets, but the Salvadorans still had a 3-pt lead at the half. El Salvador’s Jose Quinones scored 23pts and Leonardo Hernandez added

13pts to open up their lead to 43-37 at the end of the 3rd quarter. In money time, the Cayo boys shut down the Salvadorans, and out-gunned them 29-13. Kachief Thomas scored 10pts to top-score with 24 pts, while Edgar Mitchell also scored 10pts to finish with 22pts. Akeem Watters drained in a long trey to add 5 pts and Sandani Hamson chipped in 4pts for the 6656 win. The Cayo boys posted their third win: 73-57 over Panama on Tuesday. Edgar Mitchell led the attack scoring 8pts to give Belize a 16-7 lead in the first quarter and added a basket in each quarter after that to finish with 14pts. Kachief Thomas added four points in that quarter and six more in the second. He also came up with 9pts in money time to top score for Belize with 19pts. Roger Reneau scored 4pts in the 2nd quarter, Dijon McNab added 5 pts and Akeem Watters tossed in 6pts to give Belize a 41-24 lead at the half. Watters added 10pts to finish with 14pts and Belize was up 59-46 in the 3rd quarter. Panama’s Jose Pena scored 15pts, and Rafael Requelme added 11pts and Jesus Lindo had 10pts, but Cayo’s Roger Reneau and Dijon McNab added 7pts each and Carlo Burns hit 2 buckets in money time for the 7357 win. The Cayo boys lost their first game 60-77 to Nicaragua on Monday. Kachief Thomas scored 20pts and Edgar Mitchell added 15pts, but Nicaragua’s tight defense and Franklin Oneir’s 24 pts and Denzel Moody’s 18 pts helped them to the 77-60 win. The Gwen Liz High School girls are representing Belize in female

basketball at the CODICADER games for the 4th straight year, but have yet to win a game. They lost 23-26 to Honduras in their opening game last Saturday. Glenda Torres led with 12pts. Glenda Torres also scored 19pts in their 44-56 loss to Nicaragua, with while Jaslyn Cadle, Adreanna Meighan and Anna Pinto each scoring 7pts. Nicargua’s Lean Williams scored 18pts, and Daysha Bernard had 14pts. The Gwen Liz girls unfortunately also lost 34-55 to Panama on Tuesday. Torres top-scored with 21pts and Deandra Coote hit a trey, as she added 7pts. Anna Pinto and Adreanna Meighan added 3pts each. Panama’s Jenira Justiniani and Gelys Rodriguez scored 17pts each. Belizean karatekas Ruben Romero

and Cara Pastor represented Belize in individual kata, while Einar Marin, Micah Vernon and Henquief Williams competed in team kata. Cara and Nerici Pastor and Stephanie Robateau competed in individual kumite on Tuesday. The Delille Academy boys’ football team lost 9-0 to Guatemala in their opening first game last Friday, with Carlos Jonathan Castillo scoring 5 goals and Johnny Trujillo and Patrick Ruiz scoring 2 goals each for Guatemala. They lost 2-3 to Nicaragua on Sunday with Hazan Lucas and Edward Flowers scoring for Delille, while Jose Carlos Dinarte scored 2 goals and Favian Alvarez scored a goal for Nicaragua. They face on El Salvador on Wednesday, Panama on Thursday, Costa Rica on Friday and Honduras on Saturday

Belize & Trinidad draw 0-0 in exhibition football match

Team Belize missed several golden opportunities to score as they were held to a scoreless draw with Trinidad’s Soca Warriors in a friendly exhibition match hosted by the Football Federation of Belize at the FFB Institute in Belmopan. Orlando “Lichy” Jimenez and Harrison Roches led the offense. They were backed up by Victor Morales and

Clifton West on the wings and Elroy Kuylen and Elroy Smith at midfield, as they tested the Soca Warriors’ defense anchored by Carlyle Mitchell, Makan Bishop, Kariem Young and Jovin Jones. The visitors’ goalie Marvin Philip took care of all challenges, often coming out of goal to forestall an attack. Trinidad’s Kerry Baptiste spearheaded their attacks, supported by Hughton

Hector and Matthew Bartolomew on the wings, and Trent Noel, Ataulla Guerra, and Kevin Cupid at midfield, but they made little impression on the iron-clad defense of Dalton Eiley, Bernard Linares, Eian Gaynair and Everald Trapp. The visitors won some corner kicks, but the Belize defenders closed ranks to block out the ball and Belize’s premier goalie Shane Orio did a magnificent job of anticipating many plays and intercepting the ball on aerial attacks. Jason Macarno and Daniel Cyrus entered the ball game for the Soca Warriors as Trent Noel retired hors de combat. The Trinidadian defenders dominated the air, forcing Team Belize to flat ground passes, but they still managed to penetrate the goal area, and get off a shot but Marvin Philip was on top of his game, sometimes helped out by the crossbar or an up-right, to keep the game to a nil-zip draw up to the half time break. Deon Burgess entered the ball game for Team Belize in the 2nd half, relieving

Orlando Jimenez. The pressure of their attack forced T&T’s Jovan Jones to bring down Victor Morales in the goal area and the referee ruled penalty. Elroy Smith stepped up to convert, but his shot hit the crossbar. T&T’s Kevin Carter entered the ball game for Ataula Guerra, while Harrison Tasher and Lisbey Castillo reinforced Belize’s midfield, replacing Morales and West. Burgess connected with a pass from Roches who blasted in a dangerous shot, only to send the ball over the crossbar. Roches also tried, but was also denied by Marvin Philip’s quick reflexes, who pounced on the ball before Elroy Smith could get to the rebound. Football fans watching the game saw that Belize’s international striker Deon Macaulay, who scored 2 goals against St. Kitts to take Belize to the 2nd round of the World Cup qualifiers, was on the squad and warming up on the sidelines, but somehow the coach never put him into the game. At the end of 90 minutes, the long whistle sounded to a nil-zip draw.


The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

City Boys bomb Corozal Nizhee 4-2 in PK shootout to force a Game 3 in Belize Bank Superleague finals

City Boys survived to fight another day when they won a penalty shootout 4-2 over Nizhee Corozal in Game 2 of the Belize Bank Super League football championship finals at the MCC garden on Sunday, to take the series to a decisive Game 3 scheduled tentatively for September 19.

W i t h a B P F L ch a m p i o n s h i p already under their belts, the Nizhee squad looked to add the Belize Bank Superleague championship to their trophy cabinet in 2 games, but City Boys’captain Raymond Gentle was not about to go belly-up so easily, and he took the game to the visitors from the

get go with a pass to Dalton “Pollo” Cayetano, who misfired. Nishee’s goleador Sergio Villanueva set table for Andrew Allen to put the visitors on the scoreboard first, but Charlie Slusher intervened. Dalton Cayetano got another break when he connects with a pass from Whitfield Patnett, but his shot sailed over the crossbar for a nil-zip ball game at the half. In the second half, Sergio Villanueva eludes the City Boys’ defenders to create a play for Darnell Mossiah, who finesses the ball into the far corner as Nizhee Corozal took a 1-zip lead in the 53rd minute. Dalton Cayetano got a gift from Nizhee goalie Benito Moriera, when he punched clear a shot by Jason Young, only to send the ball to Cayetano’s feet, but again Cayetano failed to finish. Haitian import Dienmercy Pierre tried a header but it lacked the punch to get past Moriera. With Nizhee still leading 1-0 in injury time, the Corozal

bench was already getting ready to break out the champagne to celebrate the championship win, when City boys’ other Haitian import Godson Mitchell floated the ball into the goal area, and it beat Moriera to fall into the back of the net, taking the game into injury time. Both Nizhee’s Antonio Castillo and City Boys’ Deon McCauley got their chance to break the deadlock, but both failed and at the end of 30 minutes of overtime, it came down to penalties. Nizhee’s Edwardo Perez converted A-OK, and City Boys’ Dienmercy Pierre soon equalized with his conversion. Charlie Slusher came up with a big save when he stopped Antonio Castillo’s try, while Deon McCauley converted to give City Boys a 2-1 lead. In the goalie vs goalie confrontation, Benito Moriera won to tie the score 2-2. After Raymond Gentle converted to lead again 3-2, it was all over when Nizhee’s Andrew Allen hit the crossbar on his try, and Godson Mitchell sealed the deal with his conversion for the 4-2 win.

Christian McNish wins 27th annual BCA criterium

Benny's Megabytes’ Panamanian import Christian McNish clocked 1:05:05 to win the Belize Cycling Association’s annual criterium on Albert and Regent Streets in Belize

City on Sunday. Benny's Megabytes Byron Dillon Pope was in the sprint but had to settle for 2nd and Team Typhoon’s Edgar Nissan Arana from Sugar

City, Orange Walk was 3rd, while Team Zamir teammates Peter Choto and Allen Castillo placed 4th and 5th. Team Zamir’s veteran Glenn O’Brien clocked 1:05:32 to place 6th and win 1st prize among the Masters, just ahead of teammate Mateo Cruz who clocked 1:05:41 to place 7th overall and win 2nd prize among the Masters. Team Typhoon’s Jairo Campos clocked in at 1:05:46 to finish 8th with Team C-ray’s Brandon Cattouse hard on his wheel to take 9th place. Michael “Big Wire” Lewis riding unattached clocked 1:05:49 to place 10th, relegating the 4th place Masters rider Kenneth Butler to

11th place. Fred Usher clocked 1:05:52 as he took 12th place, Orson Butler (1:05:55) was 13th at the head of the main group, which included Benny's Megabytes’ Ruben Cano (14th), C-Ray’s Kelvin Tillett (15th), Greg or y Lovell (16th), Team Santino’s Leroy Cassasola (17th), Team Zamir’s Arnidez Rivas (18th), his teammate Rafael Choto (19th), and Team Santino’s Darnell Barrow (1:06:00) completed the top 20. Team C-Ray’s Melvin Tillett won the junior race over Juan Umana and Daniel Choto of the Cayo High Road team. Some 31 riders had begun the 30 mile race of 30 laps around the circuit on Albert and Regent Streets and 24 finished.

Easy Does It & Berlan win thru to 20/20 Cricket finals Berlan of Bermudian Landing and Easy Does It of Lemonal won through to the finals of the 2010 20/20 Cricket Competition after winning separate matches in Bermudian Landing on Saturday, September 11. Easy Does It won the 1st match over Brilliant of Crooked Tree by the score of 116 runs to 106 runs. Warren Anthony and Mykelt Anthony top scored for Easy Does It with 25 runs and 20 runs, respectively. Warren Anthony also

took 4 wickets. Berlan won the 2nd match of the day over Strugglers of Willows Bank by the score of 99 runs to 96 runs, with 3 wickets in hand. Charles Stamp, Jr. and Tyrone Bood took 3 wickets each for Berlan and Kenroy Roca top scored with 36 runs. The championship match will be played between Easy Does It and Berlan in Bermudian Landing on Saturday, September 18.



The Belize Times

of the

Sunday, September 19, 2010



A tropical cyclone is a disturbed state of the atmosphere, most often characterized by a low pressure center and several thunderstorms, which eventually produce strong winds and heavy rains. Based on their intensity, tropical cyclones are broadly categorized into three groups - tropical depressions, tropical storms and cyclones (also known as typhoons and hurricanes depending on their location). Tropical depressions are numbered, while tropical storms are named alphabetically. What is Tropical Depression? A tropical depression is a stage of a tropical cyclone characterized by an organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a surface circulation of less than 39 mph. Though the depression does not have an 'eye' or the spiral shape, which characterizes powerful storms, it is indeed a low pressure area and hence is referred to as a “depression”. The wind speed is measured at a height of 10 m above the water surface and averaged over a minute for data calculation. This depression mostly forms in the tropical regions of the planet, in maritime tropical air masses and hence it is referred to as tropical depression. Now that you know what is tropical depression let's see how it is formed. How is Tropical Depression Formed? Cyclones are most often formed in the tropical areas, (5° and 20° north and south of the equator), owing to the Coriolis Effect. Initially, a low pressure zone is formed in this area, which eventually forms a tropical wave of low pressure. This disturbance on the warm ocean waters, along with a light wind at the upper level, provides an ideal weather condition for the formation of storms. With time, the intensity of the tropical wave may either increase or decrease. If the intensity increases, it goes on to become an organized area, characterized by heavy showers and thunderstorms. For this reason a tropical storm can spell disaster for much of Belize when it makes landfall. It is a rainmaker and recent years have seen up to eight inches of rainfall in a few hours as a result of a tropical storm. Flash floods and the resulting loss of agricultural crops, animals, and homes have cost us millions. Papaya farms have been destroyed by the slight winds but heavy rains of a tropical storm and even a tropical depression can result in homes along rivers being washed away as occurred in the valley communities two years ago. Depressions must not be disregarded and dismissed. They can bring deadly results. What is a Tropical Storm? A tropical storm is a stage of tropical cyclone characterized by an organized system of strong thunderstorms with surface circulation between 39 mph and 73 mph. Although the 'eye' is not present, the spiral cyclonic shape starts to develop in this stage. When the system reaches to this intensity, it is given an alphabetical name by the authorities. Understanding what is a tropical depression and what is a tropical storm helps to differentiate between a tropical depression and tropical storm. The storm system which starts as a tropical depression may eventually take the form of a severe cyclone which can

create havoc on the planet. Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating cyclones experienced in recent times, is the best example of how dangerous cyclones can become. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is a 1-5 rating based on the hurricane's present intensity. This is used to give an estimate of the potential property damage and flooding expected along the coast from a hurricane landfall. Wind speed is the determining factor in the scale, as storm surge values are highly dependent on the slope of the continental shelf and the shape of the coastline, in the landfall region. Category One Hurricane: Winds 74-95 mph (64-82 kt or 119153 km/hr). Storm surge generally 4-5 ft above normal. It usually causes no real damage to building structures. Damage primarily occurs to unanchored mobile homes, shrubbery, and trees. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Also, some coastal road flooding and minor pier damage. For this reason, even a lowly Category 1 storm passing through requires precautions and preparations for flooding problems. If near rivers, move to higher ground, harvest any root crops and move animals to safe pasture. The usual stocking up of food supplies and especially drinking water is always a good idea. Category Two Hurricane: Winds 96-110 mph (83-95 kt or 154177 km/hr). Storm surge generally 6-8 feet above normal. Some roofing material, door, and window damage of buildings are likely to occur. Considerable damage would happen to shrubbery and trees with some trees blown down. Orchards like papaya and citrus will be negatively impacted with winds of this speed. Papayas would see the whole tree downed and citrus seedlings would be uprooted and the fruit crop could be lost. Considerable damage to mobile homes, poorly constructed signs, and piers could lose its boardwalks. Coastal and low-lying escape routes flood 2-4 hours before arrival of the hurricane center. Small craft in unprotected anchorages break moorings. Category Three Hurricane: Winds 111-130 mph (96-113 kt or 178-209 km/hr). Storm surge generally 9-12 ft above normal. Some structural damage to small residences on posts, poorly constructed stucco and plywood and utility buildings with a minor

amount of curtain wall failures. Damage to shrubbery and trees, with foliage blown off trees, and large trees blown down making downed power lines a big problem. Mobile homes and poorly constructed signs and things like traffic lights will be destroyed. The precaution here must be more on the ability of the structure you are in to withstand the winds. If in doubt or if you have small children and elderly people present who could be traumatized by the sounds of the powerful winds you should seek to evacuate to higher ground and/or stronger structures. Low-lying escape routes are cut by rising water 3-5 hours before arrival of the center of the hurricane. Flooding near the coast destroys smaller structures with larger structures damaged by battering from floating debris. Terrain continuously lower than 5 ft above mean sea level may be flooded as far inland as 8 miles (13 km) or more - Belize City, beware. Category Four Hurricane: Winds 131-155 mph (114-135 kt or 210-249 km/hr). Storm surge generally 13-18 ft above normal. More extensive curtain wall failures with some complete roof structure failures on small residences. Shrubs, trees, and all signs are blown down. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Extensive damage to doors and windows can occur and therefore it is imperative that storm shutters

be put up over windows when a Category 3 is headed in one's direction. If roofs are not properly anchored, cables can be stretched from one side of the building to the other and anchored to the ground to serve as straps. Low-lying escape routes may be cut by rising water 3-5 hours before arrival of the center of the hurricane. Major damage to lower floors of structures near the shore. Terrain lower than 10 ft above sea level may be flooded requiring massive evacuation of residential areas as far inland as 6 miles (10 km). Low lying areas need to be evacuated in a Category Four threat and one should try to get out ahead of the last minute crowd. Category Five Hurricane: Winds greater than 155 mph (135 kt or 249 km/hr). Storm surge generally greater than 18 ft above normal. This is the size of storm that warrants one's maximum attention and adherence to the national and personal hurricane plans. Complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings is projected. Some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. All shrubs, trees, and billboards, fences and signs may be blown down. Complete destruction of mobile homes. Severe and extensive window and door damage. ALLPRECAUTIONS AS LISTED BY THE NATONAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY MUST BE IMPLEMENTED: windows boarded up, move to higher ground or designated shelters and take food and water for a prolonged stay away from home. Evacuation routes can be a death march for vehicles which are not roadworthy and subject to breaking down on a crowded roadway. Service vehicles and fuel up as best you can to avoid this. Low-lying escape routes are cut by rising water 3-5 hours before arrival of the center of the hurricane. Major damage to lower floors of all structures located less than 15 ft above sea level and within 500 yards of the shoreline. Massive evacuation of residential areas on low ground within 5-10 miles (8-16 km) of the shoreline may be required. Since much of Belize is coastal lowlands or islands, we need to seek shelter inland.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the company named


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has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 3rd day of September, 2010.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Reflections No More…!

By: Mike Rudon Jr. The Police situation report relates the incident dispassionately, stating the facts as they were ascertained by preliminar y investig ators on the scene – ‘Police responded to a r e p o r t a t 4 : 1 2 a m o n S u n d ay, 12th September, 2010, where CIB personnel visited the KHMH trauma room where EYANNIE NUNEZ, student of #36 Zericote Street, Belize City was seen suffering from a single gunshot wound to the left armpit.’ The report doesn’t say that this innocent 8 year old girl was sleeping peacefully in her bed when her body was punctured by a bullet which tore up her insides before stopping her hear t forever. T he report doesn’t say that this young girl was probably dreaming about all the sights and sounds of Carnival the day before. The report doesn’t speak of all the potential and hopes and future which were snuffed out in the blink of an eye, the pulling of a trigger, forever. The report doesn’t mention the mind-numbing, terrible grief which will be left behind in this girl’s passing as her mother, 3 siblings and friends try to find some reason for this tragedy. On Sunday morning in a space of just three hours, four bodies were transported to the morgue at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, riddled by bullets. The first was 8 year old Eyannie; the second, just an hour after, was 25 year old Everett Davis; about a half hour after that, 17 year old Marlon Zelaya’s lifeless body was in the back of an old Police pickup making that lonely trip and a little over an hour after that, 69 year old Apolonio Salome was gunned down. Four murders in 3 hours and our Police Department seems capable of nothing more than picking up the bodies and taking them to the morgue. There was a spell, under Minister of Police Carlos Perdomo, when it was alleged that statistics were fudged and fabricated before being presented to a skeptical public by Commissioner of Police Crispin Jeffries. I can still remember Jeffries telling a group of us around a table that major crime was down by over 30 percent. Now that was a sick, sick joke. I can even remember the odd interview with Perdomo as he tried to tell the nation that increased crime was only a perception, that

things were actually going well under his watch and crime was way down. Hell, I even remember an editorial in the UDP Guardian saying exactly the same thing – that this horrible o u t b r e a k o f c r i m e wa s j u s t a n illusion, a figment of our collective imagination. And you know what, we just sat there and took it. Yeah, we knew it was all a crock and the media scoffed openly as we sat there for hours and listened to the absolute crap being spouted. But we took it.

The UDP doesn’t do that particular crap anymore, for obviously reasons. But all that happened is that Mr. Bar row ran it through his magic recycler, threw in some glitters and brightly coloured confetti for good measure and presented us with some brand spanking new, beautiful as hell recycled crap. What do you think Doug Singh was? I mean, even the not ver y bright among us – someone say in the category of Boots Martinez or Pablo Marin – knew that the Cabinet reshuffle was bogus. We knew it. We knew that Carlos Perdomo should have been kicked out and instead ended up with a new do-nothing portfolio with salary and perks. We realized that we ended up footing the bill for Perdomo’s glaring incompetence but just as glaring political connections. But we took it. We knew that Doug Singh was a little peculiar (insert queer if you like). We knew that he had no skills suited to that particular job. We knew he was a dud. We knew it then and we knew it when he startled ogling police officers. We laughed at him a little but we took it. Even now we’re taking it.

26 Mr. Barrow stood on the pulpit and threw down Operation Restore Belize like a holy plan hatched up high and we knew it would come to nothing, just like Operation Jaguar. We know Mr. Barrow is big on talk but not much better than a lump of steaming cow dung when it comes to positive action. After two months of Operation Restore Belize we got a wicked, cool song and while we were dancing to the beat 8 year old Eyannie Nunez and three others were gunned down Sunday morning. How long will we continue to powder and pamper Mr. Bar row when we know he’s feeding us a long line of bull? Yeah, it smells sweet and looks like a Snickers bar, but it’s still bullcrap. Doug Singh needs to get kicked out on his butt because we’re paying his salary. . We’ve got to stop bending over and smiling while politicians give us the shaft. Yeah, Mr. Barrow whispers sweet nothings in our ear while he’s doing the deed but it still hurts like hell. How many more must die before we stand up and take control of our own lives and the actions of those that we elected to govern us?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times

Strictly Personal Barrow is bogus!

by I want to thank you my gentle readers for your feedback in the matter of whether not I should c o n t i nu e w r i t i n g a “ B a r r ow i s bogus” column ever y week here in the pages of the Belize Times. According to your invaluable advice, critiques, recommendations and occasional complimentary comments, you are almost unanimous that I should continue. Although I cast yearning eyes fur ther afield, your wishes so clearly expressed, is my command. Now I cannot tell you that for sure the honourable prime minister reads these words, but since I know him to be a literate fella, I suspect that he does, but probably not on a regular basis. I would hardly expect him to volunteer that he does, and I suspect that only if he was threatened with incontrovertible evidence of exposure, would he even admit to even that. It has been a year and seven months since canero Anastascio Felix Guitterrez was shot dead at the gates of the Tower Hill factory in Orange Walk, and I will always maintain that we will continue to be plagued with the curse of gun violence until Dean Barrow recants his stance and apologizes to his widow and children. I maintain that Barrow’s and t h e U D P ’s d e l i b e r a t e t a c t i c o f calling their political opponents “ e n e m i e s,” a n d o f c o n s t a n t l y calling for their “destruction,” that it is that type of violent rhetoric that sowed the seeds for today’s anarchy. I think it is significant that just days after the UDP took o ve r t h e r e i n s o f g o ve r n m e n t that someone shot up a nightclub with heavy weapons and killed an innocent young woman in the process and nothing came of it. I think it is of import that so many people in the media were only too eager to bite on Carlos Perdomo 360 crime fighting plan even though anyone who had halfa-brain could see that it was a cut and paste job plagiarized from the Internet. I think it is downright wrong to say that violent crime was always this bad and that neither UDP nor PUP did anything about it.

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The record shows that the PUP made the effort and in retrospect things looked a lot better under the PUP. It is amazing how easily the so-called “independent media” accepts and regurgitate the excuses. Barrow used to blame the PUP for everything wrong under the sun and the so-called “independent media” used to fall all over themselves to repeat it. Today Barrow’s media stooges still continue to parrot that line, and I note that it is only now that only some of his stooges in the so-called “independent media” who

continue to repeat it. It is despicable how they allow Barrow to get away with making excuses and blaming the PUP, in other words, how they accept his abdication of his responsibility. Today Belize’s murder rate stands at 94 victims for the year 2010, with only 8 and a half months of the year completed. Even you accept that on February 9th, 2008 when 19 year old Deandra Zetina and 17 year old Michelle Cattouse were shot dead, it was not Barrow’s r es p o n s i b i l i ty, yo u mu s t a cce p t that it was his responsibility to do everything in his power to bring their killer or killers to justice. Can any of you apologists look me in the eye and say that Prime Minister Dean Barrow has done ever ything in his power to bring justice to those families? Can you honestly say that he has tried?

27 I know you cannot tell me that a year later when Anastacio Felix Guitterrez was gunned down on February 2nd at the gates of the Tower Hill Factory, that Mr. Barrow has lifted even a finger to bring justice or comfort to his widow and children. And I know you cannot tell me that it is not Mr. Barrow’s moral responsibility and constitutional duty to do everything in his power to bring justice for 8-year-old M a rq u i s M a h l e r a n d 8 - y e a r- o l d Eyanni Nunez. Barrow is bogus, you hypocrites, and you all know it.

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The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Thinking Outside the Box…

By: Mike Rudon Jr. Poor people are gonna rise up and get their share… Poor people are gonna rise up and take what's theirs! Don't you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run…Oh I said you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run – Talkin’ bout a Revolution – Tracy Chapman On Friday, September 10th, 2010 the Mayor of Belize City Her Ladyship Zenaida Moya stood up in front of a gathering of invited guests and gave her traditional speech. As expected, it was a stupid speech reflective of nothing in today’s grim reality. Also as expected, God was mentioned more than a few times (Zenaida does love to call on her Jesus, doesn’t she?). Mercifully, it was short but even that little bit of useless, worthless blatant hypocrisy and utter nonsense hurt. Like good little soldiers, all invited guests applauded her performance, for performance it was, and the agenda moved right on. I would have given my left testicle to see one or two or all of the invited guests just stand and walk away in the middle of the Mayor’s speech. I mean hell; we can look around and see the conditions of the city. We know about the monies missing at the Council, we know the Mayor has been accused openly of misappropriating funds, we know she is currently before the Courts on a charge of theft. We know all that but we clapped politely when she stood there and fed us something we knew was unadulterated rubbish. See, we Belizeans have a problem thinking outside the box. We simply adore sitting smack dab in the middle of a box wrapped in polka dot wrapping paper and tied with bright ribbons. Yeah, yeah, the box is floating in a sea of crap, but we okay in there, Jack. We’re happy campers. And we’re going to do the exact same thing when the Prime Minister stands before us on September 21st and feeds us his version of the ‘better written same bull’ rhetoric. Hey, some of us might even give the bald fellow a standing ovation and pat him on the back for a job well done. How ridiculous is that? I guess in the spirit of unity and patriotism and all that other stuff we should just forget the six murders over this past weekend and the itsy bitsy little fact that our economy is collapsing around us. I was on Channel 5’s website on Monday and there was this little item that the Prime Minister and his wife will be travelling to Mexico (via Miami cause Kim wanted to get in some shopping I’m sure) to join in the celebrations there. I counted about 20 comments on that article – 17 of them bashing the Prime Minister and about 3 of them hip hip hooraying him to no end. In the negative gallery there were the expected sentiments – how can the Prime Minister be travelling again when things are so bad in this country? How come he spends so much time in other


We are the most visited newspaper website in Belize

countries when his people need help here? Why doesn’t he stay over there because he sure as hell isn’t doing anything for us here in Belize? And there was more of the same and worse. One of the positives had this little gem which I really must share defending the PM’s need to travel first class – we must remember that he doesn’t only support the grass roots people of Belize, he supports the rich people too and so he must travel in style…Ouch! Priceless! Anyway, I mention the above only to point out that there is a lot of anger and a whole heaping sense of betrayal being felt by the Beliz-

ean people. But for now it is being expressed only through internet comments and on the talk-shows – firmly inside said gaily wrapped box. Nobody wants to step out of the box and get up in the Prime Minister’s face and say – you’re an idiot, Boss! You’re killing us out here. When the Prime Minister visits the talk-shows it’s more of the same. When the Prime Minister gives his rare press conferences the media personnel all behave like good little respectful soldiers….yes sir, Mr. Prime Minister. Yeah, I would give anything to see people start to step outside the box, to agitate for change. I don’t mean

change of government, because that will come in time. I mean change in how we are being governed right now when this idiotic bunch is in charge. We need to let them know how we feel, and not just on the internet or through the phone. When you see that stupid Minister Castro on the road in his government ride which we paid for using our fuel which we pay for to train his cycling team, pull him over and say enough. As long as we continue to sit here in this pretty little box, there ain’t nothing gonna change. Our people will continue to die and we will continue to starve. I’m talking bout a revolution!


September 26 to October 2 2010

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The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010


by Marshall Nunez The continued, high rate of violent crimes in this country has far surpassed the ability of this government to rectify it. Really, this crime situation is a national problem, I concur with the Hon. John Briceno when he said “we do not need further studies and research to point out the problems. I am positively sure that every single Belizean knows what the problem is”. But it’s time for us not only to identify the problems but it is now high time for us to start defining and implementing strategies. Firstly, by organizing ourselves into a relevant and formidable counterforce by maximizing the efforts of your resources, whether they are human (technical) or financial to start addressing the problem and work towards solving it. One str ucture that should have been an integral part of I combating the problem of crime is “justice triangle” - police, judiciary and the penal system. Unfortunately for us, at the time when we need this to work, we find that there is a major disconnect between the police, the judiciary and the prison system. The equation of rehabilitation has two societies one prison:You go from the society to prison and return to prison. If we try to approach it from this triangle of the police, the Judiciary and the prison system, we may be able to reverse the doctrine and the behavior of those who fallen afoul of the law, who are processed by the judiciary and wind up being incarcerated. The police arrest, investigate and prosecutes the accused. The Judiciary tries, convicts and sentence criminals to prison. The prison is where most of the rehabilitation must take place. Throughout the world, these penile institutions are referred to as correctional facilities. There called correctional facilities because it is in these institutions that prisoners are given the necessary programs to transfor m them from the life of crime that they left and equip them with the necessary, modified behavior to become productive citizens whenever they are returned to the community. Here in Belize, once the police have processed an individual, there is no further relation with that person until he returns to the community and is again in conflict with the law. Once the court has sentenced an individual to prison, similarly there is no monitoring of the modification of the behavior of that person until he or she returns in front of the



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judge or magistrate. Therefore, it becomes the primary duty of the Belize Central Prison “The correctional Institution” to try and rehabilitate the inmates that go there. Recently, at the Belize Central Prison the Colby Foundation who has the responsibility to manage the prison seems to have completely lost the moral duty to rehabilitate the inmates. The prison has placed emphasis totally on security and has almost eliminated rehabilitation. The only program that resembles rehabilitation in the prison currently is the ARC Program. The ARC Program is an three months addiction rehabilita-

tion program. The program is a complete failure because one(1), you cannot rehabilitate an addict in three months, that is merely a treatment and two(2), 90% of the people that attends the program returns not only to the program but to the prison. The lack of rehabilitated program is responsible for an increase in attempted suicides within the prison. There is evidence of three attempts in the last month with one coming just over the weekend. That fr ustration over flows into the street when prisoners are returned to the community. We will continue the discussion with the view to pres-

ent a workable program of rehabilitation that will stop our young men, and increasingly our young women, from getting caught in the revolving door of crime and the loss of their destinies.

PUP Think Tanking Sessions Every Thursday, Independence Hall at 7:30pm


SAN IGNACIO / SANTA ELENA BY-PASS EIA LODGEMENT AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION NOTICE The General Public is hereby advised that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Works for the San Ignacio / Santa Elena By-Pass. This EIA is for the proposed construction of a new high-level across the Macal River, between Santa Elena and San Ignacio, Cayo District. The EIA will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken by the DOE. The General Public is hereby informed that the EIA will be available for public review at the following locations: Santa Elena Library, San Ignacio Town Hall, Sacred Heart College Library, Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town Hall, and the Department of the Environment in Belmopan and at the DOE’s website: Kindly be informed that a Public Consultation for the EIA will be held on Tuesday 28th September, 2010, at 6:30 pm at the San Ignacio Resort Hotel (Bedran Hall) in San Ignacio Town. The General Public is invited to attend the Public Consultation. Comments can be submitted on or before 4th October, 2010, to the Department of Environment (DOE) at 10/12 Ambergris Avenue, Belmopan; Fax: 822-2862; Tel: 822-2542 or E-mail:

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Belize Times

Issue No. 4711



The Truth Shall Make You Free

Dueño de una casa de Ontario junto a otros tres acusados por el asesinato de Jesse Jones

Los carg os no se hicieron esperar para tres personas que según la policía de Belmopan, los tuvo bajo custodia por sólo un día, en conexión con el asesinato a tiros del residente aldeano, Jesse Jones, de 22 años. Jones fue asesinado a tiros al ser baleado en el lado derecho de su abdomen poco después de las 11 de la noche del pasado Miercoles. Había estando socializando como par te de un evento de cumpleaños para un

Jesse Jones

amig o y se había ido sólo a una casa en nombre de sus colegas para tratar de for jar la paz con otro g r upo con quien había tenido un malentendido. En lugar de log rarlo sin embarg o, él fue atacado a balazos. Jones fue muerto a tiros mientras trataba de traer a dos g r upos rivales juntos para hacer las paces. Los tres acusados son: Leroy Richards, dueño de la casa que visitó Jones, Lionel Sampson, de 25 años, Cecil Cas-

tillo, 24, Oshon Kimberly, 27, todos de laciudad de Belice. Ellos fueron detenidos, mientras que se encontraban en un autobús comercial de Ontario a Belmopán. Oshon, dice la policía, estaba en posesión de una pistola .25, cuatro rondas en vivo y un depósito realizado. La policía de Belmopan tiene una fuerte sospecha de que amig os de Jones, se vengaron quemando las dos casas después de que lo mataran.

Los vendedores objetos de adjudicación de cinco horas para hacer negocio de acuerdo a Citco.

A pesar de los honorarios ridículos para vender sus frutas y verduras en el lado del este de Collet Canal, el Consejo de la Ciudad de Belice no está más cerca a encontrar la solución de los problemas que enfrentan los vendedores. En cambio, cuando el Consejero Roger Espejo, que no tiene nada que ver con los mercados, se presentó para obtener sus cinco segundos de fama en las cámaras de televisión, fue recibido por los vendedores enojados que cuestionaron el papel y la eficacia de los Consejeros y su desempeño en el Ayuntamiento. El problema es que en los últimos años, Collet Canal frente al Mercado de Michael Finnegan (antes Queen Square), se ha vuelto tan superpobladas y congestionadas con los proveedores y de tránsito, que a veces uno tiene que sacrificarse por el bien del otro. El jueves pasado el Consejo dio ordenes a los agentes de tráfico a repartir multas de tráfico por violación a los vendedores que se habían quedado más allá del período de cinco horas asignados para parqueo y vender sus productos. Muchos de los vendedores, que viven lejos de la ciudad de Belice, no estaban haciendo negocio a través de la jornada laboral, y, por supuesto, se oponían a las demandas de los oficiales para que se muevan de la zona. Eso creó un caos cuando los oficiales a continuación, comenzaron a darles boletos de infracción. Los vendedores al por mayor se les da de cinco a -diez

en las mañanas durante tres días a la semana para hacer sus negocios, pero para ellos se ha convertido en algo cada vez más difícil debido a que el control económico se ha reducido y las ventas están muy bajas por lo que necesitan más horas. Sin embargo, bajo la instrucción del Consejo, los oficiales llegaron a escribir las multas de tráfico. La decisión se produjo después de que el Consejo se sentó y decidió hace dos semanas que comenzaría a hacer cumplir la normativa vigente, que sólo permite a los vendedores al por mayor a permanecer allí hasta las 10 de la mañana. Lo que no se tomó en consideración en la reunión, es una opción para los campesinos a trasladarse a otra parte si no completaban su actividad en dicho

lapso de tiempo. El Consejo ha establecido la culpa a los demás menos a si mismo para los problemas: han culpado a los vendedores por ser demasiados ruidosos, causando problemas en la zona residencial, incluso han culpado a los residentes de quejarse demasiado sobre los vendedores, y ellos han culpado a los automovilistas por conducir vehículos demasiados grandes. Cada vez que surge el problema, el Consejo trata de convertirlo en un problema entre las personas que tienen que traficar, vivir o vender en la zona para sus respectivas causas. Los Beliceños se dan cuenta sin embargo, que si bien el Consejo no tiene intención de reducir las tasas para los vendedores pobres, tampoco tienen

la intención de hacer la situación mucho mejor. Producir un documento que llaman un «acuerdo» y empujárselos a los vendedores en la garganta es todo lo que se les ocurre hacer. Los vendedores dicen que el problema sólo se agudizó hace un par de años, porque en vez de conseguir los cinco días que se asignaron antes de hacer su negocio, su tiempo ha sido reducido. De hecho, mientras que sus horas al día también se han reducido, todavía tienen que soltar los $ 10 para el par de horas vendan o no. Los vendedores dicen que entienden que los demás también tienen derecho a la zona, pero que están pidiendo al Consejo que se les da una hora adicional cada día para llevar a cabo sus actividades sin tener que cargar sus camiones sin vender sus frutas y verduras y permitir que estas se deterioren. Hasta que el Consejo se le ocurra alguna solución, se les ha restringido a los vendedores de permanecer más allá de las 10 am del martes, jueves y sábados en el lugar. Mientras tanto, Espejo no pudo ofrecer ninguna otra solución satisfactoria en el ínterin y se fueron diciendo que el Consejo tendría que volver a reunirse para discutir el asunto. Fue explícito al decir que las tasas no se reducirían. Mientras que él no teme aparecer en las cámaras, el concejal encargado de los mercados, Kevin Singh, era un no-show para abordar las preocupaciones de los vendedores.

Han sido 14 días desde que el dúo de her mano y her mana, Benjamin Rash, 11 y Oneida, 9, dejaron su casa de San Marcos Villa, Toledo, y desaparecieron sin dejar rastro. La semana pasada la policía de Punta Gorda envió más de 100 personas para continuar la búsqueda de los niños desaparecidos - una búsqueda que ha sido muy amplia y inútil. La última adición a esa búsqueda

es el Depar tamento de K-9 de la unidad, operado por Josué Trapp, un certificado instr uctor de K-9 que tiene una amplia experiencia en el campo. Él, con la ayuda de dos socios de kanine, han estado saliendo y peinando Cattle Landing Village, el área cerca de donde los niños fueron vistos por última vez, en las afueras del pueblo de Punta Gorda pueblo a sólo dos días antes de que la escuela

volviera a abrirse, el lunes 30 de ag osto. Los niños, que estaban vendiendo limones y nance, estaban acostumbrados a tomar el autobús para ir a la ciudad a vender verduras para su familia. Fueron vistos por última vez por un tío que dijo a la policía que ese mismo día vio a los niños pasar por su lug ar de trabajo y pasar de nuevo en su camino hacia su casa. Al parecer

nunca log raron lleg ar a casa. La búsqueda se ha extendido al otro lado de la frontera sur, pero al mismo tiempo continúa, las posibilidades de encontrar al her mano y her mana es cada dia menos probable mientras el caos, en for ma de un incendio se llevo a cabo desde su desaparición. La policía continúa tratando de resolver el misterio sobre el paradero de los niños.

Kanine Unidad se une a búsqueda de los desaparecidos hermanos



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E n B e l i c e s e p r e p a r a n p a r a c e l e b r a r e l 2 9 a n ive r s a r i o d e la in d e p en d en ci a d e B el i ce, u n a g r a n ola de miedo y temor se cier n e s o b r e l a n a ci ó n . D el m i s m o m odo, nuestros corazones están carg ados de la triste muer te de una niña inocente asesinada mien tr a s el l a ya cí a en el l u g a r d o n d e el la debió estar segura, en casa, en s u ca m a . La idea de que hemos lleg ado a un nivel de barbarie en nuestra socied a d d o n d e l o s n i ñ o s s e ven a tr a p a dos en el fueg o cr uzado e n l o q u e s e h a c o nve r t i d o e n u n a g u e r r a u r b a n a n o s ó l o e s ter rib l e, p er o u n s i g n o s eg u r o d e q u e el país va por un camino destr u ctivo d e l a cu a l n o es n i n g u n a r e cuperación fácil. Beliceños se enfrentan, tratando de entender cómo y por qué la sociedad como beliceños se ha vuelto tan enojada y descuidada con nu es tr o m á s p r eci o s o r eg a l o, e l d o n de la vida. Y mientras una m a r ch a d e p r o tes ta , y o tr o s u ti l i z a n la charla de la mañana d e s c a r g a n s u i r a y d e s a l i e n t o, t o d o e l mu n d o s e p r e g u n t a s i nuestro g obier no puede proporcionar el liderazg o que se necesita para p o n er f i n a l a v i o l e n ci a s i n s en ti d o e innecesaria. H a s t a a h o r a e s t e a ñ o h a h a b i d o 9 4 a s e s i n a t o s, e s t o e s 2 2 por ci e n to m á s q u e l o s q u e h a b í a en es tas fechas el año pasado. Igual m en te a l a r m a n te es l a n a tu r a l ez a a troz de muchos de estos crímen es. Po r el u s o d e g r a n a d a s p a r a l a fumig ación de las balas en nu es tr o s b a r r i o s, l a tem er i d a d y el d esprecio por las víctimas inocen tes es m o tivo d e p r eo cu p a ci ó n entre todos los beliceños. La respuesta del departamento de policía de la presente situación en escalada no ha dado resultados positivos, los anuncios sobre l a s o p er a ci o n es es p eci a l e s, a s í como su ejecución no ha hecho nada para disuadir a los criminales de su compor tamiento fuera d e l a l ey. Algunos argumentarán que como sociedad tenemos que hacer más p a r a vo l ver a es o s d í a s en l o s q u e s i nceramente cuidábamos unos a o tr o s, cu a n d o l o s va l o r es y el r espeto a nuestra vida se valoraban y cuando verdaderamente creíamos ser buenos vecinos en la s o ci ed a d . S i n e m b a r g o, h a y q u i e n e s p r e g u n t a n : ¿ Q u é e s l o q u e h a suced i d o en l a so ci ed a d d e B el i ce q u e ha causado tales niveles de ir a y a m a r g u r a ? ¿ Pu ed e u n a n a ci ó n que alguna vez se jactó de un p u eb l o q ue v ive en p a z y tr a n q u i lidad conver tirse en una nación de asesinatos? ¿Cuándo nuestros líderes pasaran adelante y ofrecer soluciones significativas a los problemas que han dado lug ar a u n a s i tu a ci ó n a s í ? Pa r a n o s o t r o s, t o d a l a e v i d e n c i a l l e va a u n a c o n c l u s i ó n – beliceñ o s, h ay d em a s i a d o s p o b r es y d emasiados están en riesg o de ca er p o r d e b a j o d el u m b r a l d e p o b r eza. También hay muchos b e l i c e ñ o s q u e n o e n c u e n t r a n t r a b a j o, mu ch o s n i ñ o s va n a l a escuela y muchos no tienen acceso a una atención sanitaria adecuada. Nuestras comunidades no son seguras porque no tenem o s l a c a p a ci d a d d e p r o p o r ci o n a r la seguridad apropiada en nu es tr a s ca l l es. E s te j u eves el p u eb l o d e B el i ce tr ató de ser solidario con Pitts Fr a n ci n e y el r es to d e s u f a m i l i a . Las calles estaban llenas de per s o n a s d es d e l a I g l es i a d e To d o s los Santos a Lord Ridg e C e m e n t e r i o. U n a n a c i ó n d e r r a m ó s u c o r a z ó n c o l e c t ivo e n l a tristez a p o r l a p ér d i d a s i n s en ti d o d e E yannie. El mes de septiembre se supone que es un tiempo de celebración en nuestra nación, debe ser un tiempo en que honr a m o s a nu es tr o p a s a d o y s er o p ti mistas acerca del futuro. Este m es d e s e p ti em b r e n o s e s u p o n í a que era uno de los meses más s a n g r i en to s en l a h i s to r i a d e nu e s tra nación, no se suponía que er a t r i s te p a r a l o s n i ñ o s, n o d eb í a ser así.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Desde el Ecritorio del Lider del Partido


Escribo esto acabando de reg resar del funeral de la pequeña Eyannie Núñez, la inocente niña de ocho años que fue asesinada a tiros mientras dor mía en su cama. Eyannie re presentaba lo mejor de nosotros y lo mejor de Belice; de su mamá nos enteramos de que ella era obediente y una niña querida. De sus maestros nos enteramos de que era una buena estudiante y que era una personita encantadora. Todos los que hablaron de la pequeña Eyannie Núñez hablaron de una persona que se supone que debio hacer una contribución positiva a nuestra nación. ¡Qué trágico, qué triste, perder a alguien tan inocente y dulce y con tanto potencial? De hecho su muer te tiene que afectar nos a todos y debe dar nos una pausa para ref lexionar sobre el tipo de nación en el que nos estamos convir tiendo y el tipo de comunidades a los que estamos constr uyendo. Hoy, 29 años después de la inde pendencia, nuestra nación está en una encr ucijada, ¿qué tipo de Belice es lo que queremos crear? ¿Qué clase de país tenemos la intención de dejar para la próxima g eneración? No aspiramos a ser un país donde los valores enseñados por nuestros ancianos están a un lado por el poder individual? ¿Estamos constr uyendo una sociedad en la que se prefiere la ira y el odio sobre la tolerancia y la justicia? He dicho una y otra vez que creo en el optimismo en vez del neg ativismo, que todos juntos debemos crear un país donde la g ente puede convivir en paz, donde todos los beliceños se per miten la opor tunidad de vivir una vida digna. Nos lo debemos a nosotros mismos y a nuestros hijos, a las comunidades donde nuestros hijos puedan jug ar con seguridad en sus patios, donde pueden ir a una buena escuela y obtener el tipo de educación que los conver tirá en ciudadanos productivos en vez de criminales y mafiosos. Lamentablemente, parece que estamos yendo en la dirección opuesta, en la actualidad nuestras calles se han conver tido en más pelig rosas, nuestras comunidades son superados por el miedo. En algunos bar rios las personas inocentes son ater rorizadas por la intimidación provocada como consecuencia de la actividad de pandillas y vandalismo g eneral. De hecho hay que sacar la esperanza de aquellos individuos que se han ofrecido a luchar de nuevo contra esta tiranía en crecimiento, así como de aquellos que ofrecen asistencia a los beliceños que más lo necesitan. En ellos encontramos a los héroes de hoy en día y que son verdaderos beliceños. Al igual que ellos nosotros también debemos cuidar nos unos a otros, echar una mano a los menos afor tunados y tenemos que respetar nos a nosotros mismos. Esta es la for ma de Belice, estos son los valores que nos leg aron nuestros ancestros y que son los principios que vivimos como beliceños orgullosos. Este año el tema de nuestras celebraciones habla de orgullo y de unidad, nos recuerda que como nación tenemos que seguir avanzando y cuando hacemos eso podemos proclamar : "Yo soy Belice!" Este es un mensaje de prog reso, un mensaje optimista y otra que pide que nos unamos. Sin embarg o, cada uno de nosotros debe decidir por nosotros mismos lo que nuestra contribución será, qué papel jug ará en mostrar al mundo quiénes somos y qué tipo de país queremos constr uir. Al celebrar nuestro 29 º aniversario de la Inde pendencia, invito a todos a unirse para crear el tipo de país donde las niñas como Eyannie puedan vivir y crecer, donde la paz y la justicia, donde todos podamos vivir con dignidad y con amor y respeto de uno por el otro. Larg a vida a Belice, Que viva Belice, feliz Día de la Inde pendencia de Belice.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Belize Times

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Neurosis de guerra ...! O él se estaba recuperando de tanto saltar en el Carnaval o agotado de andar con ese traje gigante en su espalda. Lo que fuera, el pequeño ministro de Policía se miró positivamente traumatizado en otra conferencia de prensa celebrada ayer. No tenía ni idea de lo que estaba pasando y ni siquiera sabía

cuando el Consejo el Crimen tenía previsto reunirse y al parecer el único jaguar que el tenia en su mente era la de su traje, porque ni siquiera sabía si este proceso seguía en curso. No te preocupes, amiguito, sabíamos desde el principio que sus habilidades en particular no estaban en el área de trabajo de la policía.... Pero un pajarito nos dice que no va a estar allí mucho más tiempo... Si No Es Asi…..! Un nuevo record... Por lo general me divierto con esta columna, pero el alza en los crímenes violentos no es cosa de risa. Las estadísticas muestran que ha habido 22 asesinatos más cometidos este año en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado. Hasta ayer hubo 93 asesinatos y a como van las cosas vamos a romper la marca de 100 en el

próximo par de semanas. Dougie en su estado de confusión está luchando por ahí tratando de hacer que la gente crea que él tiene un cerebro funcional en ese cuerpecito inerte - que quiere enviar a gente a Guatemala para entrenarse. Como dije, esto no es cosa de risa, aunque el calvo no tiene ningún problema riendo en todos aquellos cócteles a los que asiste. Estamos en mal estado... Si No Es Asi…..!

México a través de Miami... Que Rayos!... el Primer Ministro viajó a México el fin de semana para festejar y beber champaña con nuestros amigos de allá. No nos importa, porque no es como si estuviera haciendo nada aquí. Quién sabe, las cosas pueden ser mejor si el calvo se va por largos períodos de tiempo. Pero, ¿puede alguien por favor decirme por qué el calvo y la primera dama segunda esposa tuvieron que ir a Miami

para pasar la noche antes de subir al avión para regresar a México? Hemos comprobado con algunas personas que saben y dicen que la Sra le torció el brazo porque necesitaba una nueva pareja de vestidos y accesorios para las fiestas de la Independencia. Vaya, me pregunto lo que tuvo que hacer para llegar a un acuerdo con el calvo... ¡Qué asco... Si No Es Asi…..!


mesa tenemos la ex del calvo, la primera esposa y segunda dama y el muy viscoso Net Vásquez quienes están empujando la oferta a los jugadores en el lado del comprador. En ese lado de la mesa que hay... oh espera, mira, es la esposa, la primera dama segunda esposa y la lagartija. Esto es como un déjà vu de nuevo. Lo único es que Lois y Net no están llegando en sus bolsillos para pagar por las acciones que se venden a ellos por Lois y Net... están metiendo las garras en nuestros bolsillos. Tengo la sensación de que este no va a resultarles porque se rumora que los sindicatos se están preparando para movilizarse... hmmm, pues ya era tiempo! ... Si No Es Asi…..! Hay un escape de gas... Se rumora que Merlene está en una cacería humana a todos del SSB, el topo bien situado que está revelando todos los negocios sucios de la parte inferior de la SSB / GOB. Un artículo que se publicó en el Times la semana pasada se encontraba lleno de información con el sello "alto secreto" y tenia que mantenerse bajo llave. He aquí otro poco de noticias, aunque esto no vendrá como una gran sorpresa... la gente en la SSB no les caes bien...

Incesto alguien?....... Esta última tonteria con la Junta de Seguridad Social y Barrow Telemedia Limited es hilarante de una manera realmente nada graciosos. Diablos, incluso la casa de medios de comunicación locales que no son propiedad de Net Vásquez tenía que comentar sobre la forma extraña e incestuoso que es. Barrow se propuso utilizar nuestro dinero para comprar acciones importantes en la empresa que está ejecutando y

para nada, ni siquiera un poquito. No es ninguna fuga en el SSB, mis amigos, hay una inundación furiosa... acostúmbrate a él. Si No Es Asi…..!

llevando a la banca rota. Por el lado de los vendedores de la

¿Estás conmigo...? Supongo que ya es oficial. Desde hace meses Belize Times ha venido declarando que 'Corozal alcalde Hilberto' Campos irá contra el electricista dodo-/ ministro Pablo Marín para la sede de la Bahía de Corozal. Caray, hay probablemente volantes anunciando sus intenciones pegado por todas las paredes en el casino. Iba a decir que nadie que no sabía es un tonto,


pero luego me di cuenta de que incluso Pablo conocía tan bien que no trabajo... lol! Así que de todos modos, Naco convocó a una reunión con su ejecutivo y lanzó la pregunta - ¿Están conmigo, compañeros y amigos? Así que después del silencio ensordecedor Naco comenzó con las amenazas, afirmando que le habían asegurado el respaldo del gran calvo y el retrasadito mental de la mafia UDP en Orange Walk. Según

Pablo, ellos saben exactamente quién está apoyando al alcalde en su candidatura para la bahía y las personas serán tratadas en consecuencia.... Ves Naco, demuéstrales quién es el jefe... Si No Es Asi…..! La sentencia de muerte..... La Zona Libre de Corozal está muriendo lenta y dolorosamente a medida que más y más empresas cierran y más empleados son enviados a casa para unirse a las crecientes filas de los desempleados. Los dueños de negocios están poniendo la culpa sobre los hombros del calvo, aunque a el

no le importa. El Presidente de la Zona está siempre en la radio, pero siempre es para promoverse a sí mismo y nunca nada que ver con la Zona. Demonios, incluso últimamente se unio a la multitud artística desde que se imagina un conocedor cultural de las clases. Sr, el arte en el parque está muy bien, pero tal vez debería estar más preocupado con las empresas en la zona... Si No Es Asi…..!


The Belize Times


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l o ñ a p s E

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Políticas UDP, como siempre

6 asesinatos fin de semana... Al parecer los delincuentes celebraron el 10 de septiembre con pasión. Fue un fin de semana sangriento, brutal y vicioso con seis asesinatos reportados, cuatro de ellos dentro de tres horas de diferencia en la mañana del domingo. Eso es un récord en la joya, pero ciertamente no uno de esos discos que encontrará su camino en los anuncios producidos por BTB de vez en cuando. Las cosas se están deteriorando en nuestra joya! Los crímenes violentos van en aumento y se han ido incrementando durante un tiempo, pero ahora hay una especie de falta de sentido común. Últimamente ha habido informes de tiroteos salvajes en el lado sur de la ciudad de Belice, disparando balas con abandono en zonas densamente pobladas. El fin de semana la niña de 8 años Núñez Eyannie murió mientras yacía en su cama, la víctima de disparos de fuera de su casa. Otra víctima fue un hombre de 69 años que había salido a comprar arroz para la comida del mediodía... no tiene sentido aparente detrás de estos atroces crímenes. El Ministro de Policía no tiene nada que decir - es probable que todavía tenga goma después del Carnaval. Steak & Fideos ...

El lunes, un miembro de la familia de una de las víctimas de asesinato llevo a casa el sentido de la desesperación que está gobernando nuestras calles, pero ha sido ignorado por el Sr. Barrow. De acuerdo con el hombre airado y doliente, el Primer Ministro no tiene sentido de lo que está sucediendo en las calles porque está en casa comiendo carne mientras que el resto de nosotros tenemos que estar aquí comiendo fideos. Las cosas están mucho peor aquí porque la gente no tiene comida para comer. Debido a que la mala economía no ha encontrado su camino a la casa del señor Barrow, parece bastante cómodo pretender que no existe. La pobreza es cada vez más extendida, los jóvenes están abandonando las escuelas, ya sea porque no pueden pagar la educación o porque simplemente ya no es una prioridad. Los niveles de frustración van en aumento de los pobres Beliceños que tienen que luchar aún más duro para poner comida en la mesa y el hecho es que el Sr. Barrow está viviendo una vida de lujo mientras el resto de nosotros nos estamos hundiendo aún más en la desesperación. Algunos de nosotros ni siquiera tienen para comer fideos - esa es la verdad. La respuesta del Sr. Barrow.... Oh, espera, lo siento, El Señor Barrow no ha dicho nada porque ni siquiera está en el país. Está en algún lugar de México vestido de Armani disfrutando de buena comida y los fuegos artificiales y champaña de lujo. Caramba! tal vez ni siquiera sabe que seis personas fueron asesinadas durante el fin de semana, uno de ellos una niña de 8 años de edad. Pero, de nuevo, incluso si lo hizo, e incluso si estuviera en el país cuando ocurrió, es dudoso si el Sr. Barrow tendría mucho que decir. Recuerdo que cuando su mejor amigo Rodwell Williams recibió un disparo y el Sr. Barrow tomo la oportunidad para hablar a la nación. Él prometió que ninguna piedra dejaría sin mover en la búsqueda para encontrar al demonio que había herido a su amigo. Pero usted ha estado muy silencioso. Me hubiera gustado oírle expresar sus condolencias a la familia del niño de 8 años y que comprometa a todos los recursos para encontrar al hombre que disparó y mató a esta niña. Pero supongo que no viaja en sus círculos sociales, ¿verdad? Ninguna de las víctimas lo hacen. Protección de las tasas ... Palabra en la calle es que otra tragedia se pudo evitar por poco una noche esta semana, cuando hombres armados irrumpieron en un almacén popular en la calle Caoba. El tendero vio lo que estaba sucediendo y bajó los postigos de metal antes de que pudieran entrar. Las cosas no están mejorando y el Departamento de Policía tiene que darse cuenta de que se trata de delincuentes bien organizados

y bien financiados. Estos jóvenes entre las edades de 10 a 17 están siendo reclutados por los grandes que proporcionan las armas e instrucciones. Los informes que circulan es que mientras que la Policía esta sin dirección y sin orientación y poca voluntad de hacer el trabajo, Belice está viendo el surgimiento de su propia era de la delincuencia organizada. Algunos comerciantes en el lado sur de la ciudad afirmó esta semana que están siendo abordados por los gangeros jóvenes con amenazas y luego una oferta de protección a cambio de una pequeña cuota semanal. Puesto que nadie en esta administración UDP parece ser capaz de hacer frente a la delincuencia en cualquier nivel, puedo prever el momento en que la mayoría de las empresas de la ciudad va a pagar protección a los gánsteres. No se burlen ... lo que está sucediendo a nuestro alrededor es una realidad!

El sistema de salud pública ... Hubo una protesta esta semana en el Hospital Regional del Norte en Orange Walk Town después de los informes de negligencia. Se han notificado casos de negligencia recientemente en el Hospital de Corozal y el hospital nacional de referencia, el hospital KARL HEUSNER MEMORIAL. Todo el mundo sabe que nuestro sistema de salud pública es un caos y es casi imposible el acceso, incluso los medicamentos más básicos en nuestros hospitales. Ha habido más de unas cuantas muertes innecesarias últimamente así que todo el mundo sabe. Esta mañana un hombre de suave hablar vino desde el hospital KARL HEUSNER MEMORIAL al Love FM, el Dr. Longsworth. Se refería a la falta crónica de recursos humanos, recursos físicos y de financiación que afecta el nivel de atención en el hospital KARL HEUSNER MEMORIAL. Afirmó que se ha extendido tan fuerte que cuando vienen en casos de emergencia a través del área de urgencias, todo el mundo tiene que ir a la parte de atrás de la línea en términos de prioridades y la atención. Mientras escuchaba durante la conducción en la carretera del Norte una SUV de lujo con placas de Ministro me alcanzó y me di cuenta - aha, ese es el problema allí mismo. ¿Qué demonios son nuestras prioridades? Supongamos que el Primer Ministro había dado el ejemplo y se habían establecido para un vehículo que cueste $ 125.000 en lugar de un costo de $ 250,000. Se podría haber puesto el extra de $ 125.000 a un buen uso en el hospital KARL HEUSNER Memorial. Y que podría hacer esto en todos los ámbitos. Si los ministros UDP y las formaciones políticas-se conformara con vehículos que cuestan 100.000 dólares en lugar de $ 200.000 y la diferencia sería canalizado al hospital KARL HEUSNER MEMORIAL, contribuiría en mucho a lidiar con nuestros problemas de salud. Pero bueno, este es la UDP por lo que no va a suceder. La irreverencia y la blasfemia ... Creo que el alcalde de la ciudad de Belice Zenaida Moya debería haber sido alcanzado por un rayo cuando se puso de pie en frente de la reunión el 10 de septiembre y blasfemo, utilizando el nombre de Dios y pedir orientación en su trabajo en la joya. Creo que la gente debió pararse i abandonar el lugar porque no es el momento de estar escuchando a más basura de una presunta ladrona perfectamente peinada y bien cuidada. En serio! Zenaida Moya ni siquiera pudo cortar la hierba en el medio que conduce a la ciudad antes del 10 de septiembre. Nuestras calles están llenas de basura y destruida por los baches. Cientos de miles de dólares que faltan de las arcas públicas, mientras que Moya vive una vida de lujo en su mansión frente al mar de varios millones de dólares. Hace unos años que decía ser pobre y ahora vive el estilo de vida de los ricos y famosos. Pero todavía nos sentamos y aplaudimos educadamente aunque sabemos que está hablando absoluta basura. Ya que el clima no permitió la caída de rayos, debería haber sido abucheada en el escenario y apedreada con frutas podridas. Ella no merece más de los beliceños a quien ha traicionado.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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