Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Issue No. 4715
As we go to press tonight, Prime Minister Dean Barrow is wishing that he could conjure up some of that magic to which he laid claim recently. The leader of this nation is wishing he could wave a magic wand, sprinkle a potion, chant an incantation and charm away all the worries headed his way. Because let there be no doubt
– Dean Oliver Barrow is in trouble. None of Barrow’s bogus magic will be able to withstand the might of the Blue Machine as it revs its engines. No potion will be able to quiet the roar of tens of thousands of PUP supporters, Belizeans who with one heart are saying – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. No incantation
will dispel the dismal realities of desperation and ang er which are ruling the streets. And no magic wand will deflect the rod of correction which is aimed at the head of Dean Barrow. On October 17, 2010, all roads lead to Dangriga where a new chapter in our nation’s history will be written.
On Sunday, Belizeans from ever y corner of this nation will compose the epilogue on the stor y of the d e s p o t i c D e a n B a r r ow a n d w i l l etch his epitaph on the wall of our nation’s politics. On Sunday, Dean Barrow and the UDP will tremble – Let it be known - Dinguti Wagiya… We da BLUE.
On October 8, 2010, the Office of the Prime Minister, sent a letter to the Leader of the Opposition, the Honorable John Briceño, signed by Ambassador James Murphy, Cabinet Secretary. In that letter, the Prime Minister notifies the Leader of the Opposition of “an intention to advise the Governor General that Justice Oswell Legall, Judge of the Supreme C o ur t of Belize be temporarily appointed as a Justice of Appeal” for the “duration of the October 2010 sitting” of the Court of Appeal. The letter states clearly that there is an “urgent need to appoint a temporary Justice of Appeal” to hear one case in particular, and seeks the views of the Leader of the Opposition, and an early reply in this matter. (See letter on page….) On Tuesday, October 12, the Leader of the Opposition sent a reply to that letter noting that it refers to section 101(1) of the Constitution as the basis for making such an appointment and
pointing out that if the Prime Minister will rely on that section, he is acting unconstitutionally because that section does not provide for the appointment of temporary justices to the Court of Appeal. The reply (which may be seen at page ….) asks for a legal explanation of the Prime Minister’s basis for such authority. The reply of Mr. Briceño points out that since the letter was written on the 8th of October, no appointment can be made for the duration of the October sitting which began on October 4, 2010; and makes it clear that it is not right for the Executive Branch of government to appoint a judge to hear a single case chosen from the Court of Appeal list. It states further, the belief that the Constitution does not allow the Executive to make temporary appointments of Justices for a particular case In addition, the Leader of the Opposition queries the basis upon (Continued on pg. 3)
The Barrow administration this week decided to scapegoat six Immigration Officers, piling on a total of 80 charges on these hapless fairly young persons, for all intents and purposes accusing them of being the masterminds and operators of a sophisticated, multinational, bi-hemispheric human trafficking ring.
The officers, Candra Wade, 29; Angelica Lima, 42; Jason Daly, 33; Lindsay Wade, 30; Mark Tench, 37; and Martin Guy, 37, were fingered publicly by no less than the ministers of Police and Public Safety, and Defence and Immigration, following what they called an intense investigation into the (Continued on pg. 3)
BARROW’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVE Six scapegoats for the slaughter
We Dah Blue!
The Belize Times
We da BLUE!
On Sunday, October 17, 2010 the People’s United Par ty will hold its National Convention in the culture capital of Belize, beautiful Dang rig a. It has been dubbed a Unity Convention and all eyes will be on the new Executive which will emerg e after 2,500 rank and file suppor ters of the g rand old Par ty have their say. It will be a historic and memorable occasion for different reasons, not least because it will be the first real show of strength and unity by the Opposition after many months of confusion and division following a devastating loss in Febr uar y of 2008. But perhaps even more than it is a Unity Convention it is a Convention paying tribute to our suppor ters who have stood strong with us throughout the building of the nation, through the g ood times, the bad times and the ugly times. It is a tribute to diehard PUP g enerals and soldiers, many of them g one but never forg otten and many of them still here with us fighting the g ood fight – war riors like Joe Erales, Miss Birdie Sealey, Louise Bevans, Nurse Dorothy Bradley, Antonio Espat, Lucille Car ter, Raymunda Medina, Asteria Villar, Rhoda Coye, Elizabeth Usher, Lucille Melendez and hundreds of others who have made and continue to make this Par ty what it is. T hese people are the backbone of this g reat Par ty and this g reat nation and their wor th can never be overstated. It is because of them and for them that the PUP stands ready to march on Belmopan when the call is sounded. This Convention will also be about commitment…a commitment to all our people young and old across the length and breadth of this nation. It is a commitment to never ag ain stumble on the path of ser vice, to never ag ain lose touch with our roots, to never ag ain forg et where we came from and what has made us strong. On October 17, the People’s United Par ty will make a fir m commitment to stand by our people as they have stood by us…to protect them from those who have oppressed, victimized and dehumanized them in the name of politics. Mr. Bar row and his United Democratic Par ty have driven the nation to the brink of disaster after being given the chance to g over n in Febr uar y of 2008. Never before has Belize teetered on the precipice of economic collapse as it does today…a d i r e c t d r a w b a c k o f a v i s i o n l e s s, u n c a r i n g a n d i n c o m p e t e n t administration. Never before have so many businesses closed down. Never before have so many Belizeans stood in the ranks of the unemployed with their livelihoods yanked from them through no fault of their own; never before have so many Belizeans lived in complete and abject pover ty; never before have so many of our children been excluded from access to education; never before has crime been allowed to cripple our citizens and leave them powerless in the g rip of a paralyzing fear; never before have our industries been allowed to descend into chaos and never before have Belizeans been forced to suffer such an utterly neglig ent, cor r upt, uncaring and incompetent administration. T hese are only a few of the ‘never befores’ since Febr uar y of 2008, but on Sunday the People’s United Par ty will speak with one voice and send a clear, resounding messag e to Mr. Bar row – NEVER AGAIN! On Sunday, October 17, 2010 all roads lead to Dang rig a as the men and women of the People’s United Par ty take a stand in unity, strength and pur pose and pre pare to wag e war on this despotic and dictatorial Bar row administration. T here will be no quar ter given, no slight allowed to g o unpunished. For far too long our people have suffered while Mr. Bar row, his family members and the UDP privileg ed have prospered and lived a lives of leisure and luxur y. As our people pre pare to march on Belmopan and wrest our nation from the g rips of despair, we say with one voice and one hear t – We da Blue…through and through. With one voice and one hear t we say Long Live Belize… Que Viva Belice…Long Live the People’s U nited Par ty…Que Viva el Par tido Unido del Pueblo!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Three Factions? I think not! Dear Editor: As our party heads to Dangriga for the National Convention, we must for a moment pause to think. Are we ready to put aside our differences, egos and pride for the benefit of the party? If the answer to this question is yes, then we are ready for Dangriga. There were many questions concerning the leadership of the party. The main concern was who was going to lead us to battle as we try to rid ourselves of the current government? But I guess that question is already answered. That will be no other than John Briceno! As current leader he has had to revamp a broken party and change the modus operandi of our machinery. Of course the never-ending power struggle within the echelons of our Party has been a constant obstacle, and so the Party’s performance in the municipal elections of 2009 and the village council elections of 2010 were said to be not quite up to par. But with all that, while the Party Leader’s progress has been slow and painful, it has been productive. John Briceno has brought much needed change, and make no mistake - he is still there because he never forgot the real rank and file of the Party. Personally, I like to refer to these people as our soldiers. These are the folks that never stop fighting for our Party, our women who are the backbone of our house to house visitations, the youth that do most of our logistical work and our elderly statesmen that never stop advising us. These people are the Party - not those who use the Party at their convenience and call themselves the rank and file. As our soldiers congregate in beautiful Dangriga on the 17th of October there will be no doubt that we are ready to do battle. We are united and strong. And those who do not want to be a part of this battle kindly step aside and make way for the thousands that will join in. Because in this great Party of ours there cannot be three factions going into battle, there can only be one leader and that leader will be endorsed on the 17th of October. We da Blue! We da PUP! Sincerely, Jason Neal
Questions to Ministers
1 2 3 4
Considering that the Minister of Immigration has declared that there will be no more visas issued from Havana, would he be willing to disclose just how many visas have been issued so far by UDP Ambassador to Cuba Said ‘Badi’ Guerra and to whom? Would the Minister of National Security be able to confirm or deny reports that an employee of his Ministry who is married to the younger sister of another UDP Minister and also works in that Ministry handled the rental of the vans which carried the smuggled Chinese nationals to their border crossing up north? Would the Minister of Police be willing to provide details of his so-called investigation into the Civil Aviation Department which is managed by his brother? And would the Minister further be able to respond to allegations that he cleared the Civil Aviation Department before an actual investigation was even conducted? Would the Prime Minister be able to say when his handpicked Music Ambassador who is also his son and enjoys all diplomatic perks will produce the promised song about Belize, or in fact do anything at all which can classify as representation of our nation?
Doreth Bevans
Roberto Peyrefitte PRINTER
Oscar Obando
Lucilo E. Alcoser
Rachel Arana
Printed & Published By The Belize Times Ltd. #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Tel: 224-5757
Editor: 671-8385
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
(Continued from pg. 1) which Justice Legall was chosen for appointment, noting both his heavy case load (which the Judge is expected
his views on this matter of public impor tance, and has requested a prompt response from the Prime Minister on the matters raised in his
correspondence, to date, there has been no reply. Your move, Prime Minister Barrow; your move. Belizeans are waiting.
Magistrate’s Court #1 yesterday and were each charged with 2 counts of purposely aiding and facilitating the commission of an offence under immigration Act and 2 counts of forgery of an official document. They were released on bail of $5,000 each and all the defendants are to return to court on December 14. These were the officers who were on duty at the Philip Goldson International Airport on the days when three chartered flights enroute from Port au Prince, Haiti, touched down in Belize. The dates were September 18th and 19th, and October 3rd. While the police were swift to act, in an effort to save face in one of the country's most embarrassing scams of recent times, during a joint press conference on Tuesday called by the Ministers of Police and Immigration, Doug Singh Carlos Perdomo respectively, both denied any hand in the illegal activity. The Ministers said that the Embassy of Belize in Cuba has been banned from issuing visas to Chinese nationals who are suspected to travel to Belize because they then proceed to the United States. Perhaps the most startling detail of all is that while the nationalities of the passengers in question have been confused between Chinese and Japanese, it was confirmed this week that they are indeed Chinese. Some carried what authorities believe were fake Japanese passports with forged visas. As far as the immigration forms are concerned, Singh said that the officers
helped the passengers to complete the forms because of the language barrier. There were, however, key pieces of information that were missing, such as: their addresses and where their visas were "issued". Authorities believe that the officers, or some of them, forged visas numbers to help the passengers to clear immigration and that even their passports were counterfeit. What didn't create any alarm outside of the ring of officers, was that the passengers didn't fill out any customs forms because they travelled lightly and also because of the language problem. And just where did the Chinese nationals go? Well the ministers said they believe that they were picked up and shuttled north to the Princess Hotel at the Corozal Free Zone and then taken over the border the same day. Perdomo said that to avoid any type of further international collusion, he has ordered a moratorium on all visas of Chinese or non-Cuban persons who try to obtain visas from the Belize Embassy in Cuba. The Civil Aviation Department is also being questioned to determine why a chartered flight coming out of Haiti at an hour when the airport should have been closed that night, did not alarm anyone there. And while no one from Customs have been charged with any wrongdoing, they too are being investigated. The explanation the Customs Officer on duty at the time gave as to why no form was available, was that the forms were either stolen or misplaced. While the ministers sought to downplay the incidents, and make it seem
as though they are “on top of things” so to speak, the singular fact is that they may have raised more questions than provide answers. There is good reason to believe that there were more than the three chartered flights from Port au Prince, Haiti, to Belize. Since Belize rarely ever gets any visitors from Japan per year, much less per month why didn’t the sudden influx raise red flags? E ve r y o n e a n d h i s d o g a r e expecting that the investigations into the irregularities will continue with CEO Allen Whylie, while fielding questions late last week from individual media houses, said, "We are not ruling out anything. Part of the investigation will entail us seeking the assistance of Foreign Affairs and other international partners to try to get copies of whatever documents were presented at the port of departure...there is no doubt that it is suspicious but I don't want to express opinions I want to express facts and what the investigation disclose …” But now the ministers sure sounded final when they said they don’t know where and who issued visas, as though they had little intention of even trying to find out. Six relatively low level public officers are accused of masterminding and operating a sophisticated, multinational, bi-hemispheric human trafficking ring – there is no high level conspiracy here, or so Minister Singh and Minister Perdomo would have you believe. Hey guys, there is this bridge in Brooklyn …
during the transfer, the officers stopped at El Sitio De La Union in Copan and told the men to g et out where they were ordered to
lie on the road. T hey were shot and Peters and Edwards died, but Salazar, with help from villag ers in the area, made it to a hospital.
T he three men, who resided i n S a n Pe d r o, we r e b e l i e ve d t o have car ried out a number of other attacks around the countr y.
to continue at the same time), and his lack of seniority. Although, the Leader of the Opposition cites the need to present
Major immigration smuggling exposed! (Continued from pg. 1)
allegations that planes loaded with Asians were landing at Belize’s international airport, under the cover of darkness, and the human cargo was being whisked through the legal procedures and put on board vans, never to be seen again on Belizean soil. In what is no doubt the most ironic of statements, the ministers insisted that the buck stopped there. Candra, Lima, Daly and Lindsay appeared in the #1 Magistrate’s Court late Tuesday evening, October 12. Candra was charged with 10 counts of purposely aiding and facilitating the commission of an offence under the Immigration Act and 9 counts of forgery of an official document. She was released on a bail of $20,000. Lima was charged with 12 counts of purposely aiding and facilitating the commission of an offence under the Immigration Act and 12 counts of forgery of an official document. She too was released on a bail of $20,000. Daley was charged with 8 counts of purposely aiding and facilitating the commission of an offence under the Immigration Act and 9 counts of forgery of an official document. He was also released on a bail of $20,000. Lindsay was charged with 2 counts of purposely aiding and facilitating the commission of an offence under the Immigration Act and 2 counts of forgery of an official document. He was released on a bail of $5,000. Tench and Guy appeared
Survivor of Execution Attempt Sent Home to Face Charges
Since the March 30th Scotiabank heist and murder of KBH security guard, Stephen L o p e z i n S p a n i s h L o o ko u t , t h e t r i o o f B e n j a m i n Pe t e r s, A l e x Edwards and Gabriel Salazar ke pt a ver y low profile and then absconded to Honduras where it is thought they continued on a c r i m i n a l r a m p a g e. B u t t h r e e w e e k s a g o Pe t e r s a n d E d wa r d s we r e s h o t d e a d a f t e r H o n d u r a n police rounded them up along with Salazar just before they could pull off another one of their specialties, an ar med robber y. Somehow the trio were taken somewhere other than a Po l i c e S t a t i o n a n d P e t e r s a n d Edwards were executed. Salazar wa s a l l e g e d l y l e f t f o r d e a d b u t tended by villagers who eventually escor ted him to a precinct where h e w a s h e l d u n t i l We d n e s d a y of this week when Honduran authorities accompanied him on a flight to Belize where they handed him over to local Police. Together, the men, and others, are believed to be responsible for t h e r o b b e r y w h i ch n e t t e d t h e m over $300,000. in cash. T hey were wanted for murder and robbery for the incident, but i t i s b e l i e ve d t h a t t h e y e n t e r e d Honduras through the Agua Caliente station in Guatemala. When Police stumbled upon them, they discovered a cache of guns i n b a g s t h e y we r e c a r r y i n g a n d took them to a Police Station to be transfer red to an office of the P u b l i c M i n i s t r y. B u t s o m e t i m e
The Belize Times
Telephone 670- 2644 REF
H.E. Ambassador, James Murphy Cabinet Secretary Office of the Prime Minister Sir Edney Cain Building Belmopan, Belize, CA. 12 October 2010 Excellency: RE: Court of Appeal Dear Ambassador Murphy: I refer to your letter dated the 8yh October 2010 reference number CS/GEN/77/2010(18). By your letter, the Prime Minister purports to consult me with regard to the appointment of Justice Oswell Legall as a temporary judge of the Court of Appeal for the “duration of the October 2010 sitting of the Court of Appeal.” This cannot be true, as in your very letter you point out that the sitting commenced on October 4, prior to the date of your letter. Please clarify what is the true intention of the Prime Minister? Your letter also refers to section 101(1) of the Constitution. To the extent that the Prime Minister purports to be relying on that section, he is acting unconstitutionally as that section does not provide for the appointment of temporary justices to the Court of Appeal. Kindly clarify the legal position in order that I can respond fully. The letter makes clear that Justice Legall is being appointed to sit to hear Civil Appeal No 29 of 2008. This is the second time that your Government is appointing a judge to hear one case. Earlier this year Justice Alleyne was appointed to hear only Civil Appeal No 8 of 2010. That was a special sitting and only one case was listed. However, the Court of Appeal is here with a full calendar of cases. It cannot be right or appropriate for the Executive to cause a judge to be appointed to hear a single case selected from the Court of Appeal list. I do not believe that the Constitution enables the Executive to make temporary appointments of Justices for one off cases. This practice is to be discouraged as it will likely form the basis of a challenge. If it is the intention of the Prime Minister to proceed with this proposed appointment, I wish to have sufficient time to take proper legal advice as to whether this practice is constitutional. I intend also to seek the views of the Bar Association on the matter. I have been informed that Justice Legall is the most junior member of the Supreme Court bench. I also understand that he has a particularly heavy calendar of cases for the month of October. If he is appointed to the Court of Appeal on a temporary basis, if only for a single case, significant inconvenience and delay will be caused. This is at a time when Dr. Conteh has demitted office, and Justice Muria is not actively sitting any longer. In order that I may properly respond to your request for consultation, I wish to be informed as to basis on which Justice Legall was selected? I also draw to your attention, and that of the Prime Minister, section 129(2) of the Constitution. I wish to present my views on this matter of public importance; therefore your prompt reply is requested. Yours truly,
John Briceño cc Hon. Elliott Mottley, President, Court of Appeal
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Belizean Visas anyone? Reliable word coming out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is that following the recent Immigration scandal/smuggling ring cover-up, a request was made for the immediate recall of the feisty Ambassador to Cuba, Said “Batty” Guerra, who has allegedly
been implicated somewhere in the mess. As we understand it, immediately after that request there was a call from a senior official from the far west who demanded that the investigation be put on hold. Hmmm! See, it appears that our Ambassador and his family are very well connected to this senior UDP politico. The thing is I’m not exactly sure how long this politico’s protection can hold up under pressure, as plenty eyebrows have been raised since the brother and cousin of our beloved Ambassador to Cuba allegedly started purchasing properties in Benque - spot cash! Coincidentally, those purchases started taking place shortly after Said ‘Batty’ Guerra took office in Cuba and shortly after these planeloads of Chinese nationals started arriving in Belize with visas issued in Cuba. I no vex, though, the man have to bring in extra money to support his lifestyle in Cuba and fund all those parties with his cute male friends… If Da Noh Soh! Busted… Ouch! I kinda feel a little bit sorry for my personal buddy and young UDP politico from up north since I know firsthand what it feels like to be busted. It’s nothing nice, I can tell you that. As I understand this sad tale, wifey was out of the country and came back unexpectedly at just the right moment (or if you’re my UDP buddy, at just the wrong moment). Now it’s a known fact that UDP politicos must undergo intensive training in bluffing their way out of situations and lying to suit every occasion, but in this case my buddy was caught in the act. He could do nothing but take his lashing like a man before being kicked out the door. Hey, thank God for siblings with hotels, right (note to self…check to see if
The Belize Times
taxpayers are footing the bill for our young politicos’ temporary/ permanent(?) lodging). But like with all things, there is a bright side, at least to my twisted mind. You see how many problems we have in Belize City with a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor who don’t get along and can’t stand each other. Well, I can assure you that we don’t have that problem in the north, where our Mayor and his Deputy Mayor work very ‘closely’ together…in and out of office. If Da Noh Soh! Human Toys… Jeez! Looks like a certain CEO went to work early this morning without serving her baby breakfast in bed, ‘cause my manly favourite UDP Senator was in a hell of a mood this morning. She was practically rabid this morning on Wave and the target was poor Lord Ashcroft. She tore him to pieces,
bashed him left right and center - took him to the cleaners. Hell, at one point I almost felt sorry for the guy, till I remembered that he’s a billionaire and I’m broke. But anyway, there is a funny point to this story. There’s Juliet ranting and raving about what she called human toys. My beloved he-man Senator claimed that Lord Ashcroft loves toys, and preferable human toys. She went on to say that the Lord routinely makes toys of government leaders, using his money as incentive… putting them on the payroll. Damn! So anyway, as I understand it, the show went on break and Juliet received a furious call from her boss who was listening to the show and thought that she was referring to him when she was talking about government leaders who were on Lord Ashcroft’s payroll and turned into human toys. Ouch! Our source claims that despite Juliet assuring him that she was not, in fact, referring to him at all, baldy demanded that she stop bashing Lord Ashcroft because it would make people listening remember that he is on Lord Ashcroft’s payroll, so to speak. Needless to say, Juliet’s first comment after the break was that she has always maintained that she doesn’t have anything against Lord Ashcroft, since after all he is only
a businessman looking for the best deal. LOL… If Da Noh Soh! Junior contrabandista… And since I’m on the subject of stupid people who work at WAVE and talk nonsense for a living, I remembered this funny story about my confused friend Fonso. Apparently, gay boy decided to head north for the long weekend with a ‘friend’ who will remain unnamed. His queer activities
behind closed doors will not make their way into this column because I have no problem with his chosen lifestyle, but his activities at the border on the way back into Belize are of interest. According to reports from up that side, Fonso decided that since he was up that way anyway, he would stack up the vehicle with contraband liquor for those strange parties he throws periodically. Anyway, he was stopped at Customs with the contraband goods and like all good little UDPs caught in the wrong, puffed out his chest and lisped…’don’t you know who I am?’ Can you imagine that those dratted Customs officers really didn’t know who he was? Anyway, a passerby provided the answer to the question, asking – isn’t that the gay boy who talks on WAVE? True story! If Da Noh Soh! Campos’ Casino Fund… Since Love FM can get people
to sponsor their news reports, I guess I should have no problem saying up front – ‘this tidbit is sponsored by UDP Minister and Corozal Bay Area Representative Hon. Pablo Marin.’ LOL! So with that said I probably don’t need to say who passed on the information that the truck which everybody thinks belongs to the Corozal Town Council actually belongs to Mayor Hilberto Campos. As we understand it from our anonymous source (ha ha ha ha ha!) Campos leases his truck to the Council for the purpose of picking up garbage and collects a very hefty fee every month to subsidize his casino fund. Our source also tells us that the machine which is used to mix and heat tar and patch streets is also owned by the Mayor and leased to the Corozal Town Council. Man, what a thing. Talk about double and triple dipping into taxpayer funds and the worst part, Corozal Town is still dilapidated and neglected by the Mayor. Oh, and that source that
I won’t name also claims that the Mayor is pushing for his mother to be given the contract to pick up garbage in the municipality. I love it…I love it…I love it…I predict that our source will be a virtual mother lode of info on the Mayor in the days ahead. Mayor Campos, is there anything you’d like to tell us about Minister Marin? I can promise you anonymity too… If Da Noh Soh!
It’s been days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away. How much longer must we wait for a new bridge, Mr. Prime Minister?
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dean Barrow furthers the damage done by his Employment Opportunity takeover of BTL – on prime time British TV!
le ment it-
ee a-
Elizabeth Pridgeon President On Monday evening, BBC1 – arguable the UK’s most prestigious tv ofchannel – aireda President a The University Belize is seeking who has excellent leadership qualiPanorama documentar focussing ties, the ability to functionywell in a team environment and manage change successonfully. the ambiguity sur rounding Lord Michael Ashcroft’s financial scandals, both in the UK and Responsibilities: abroad, most notably in Belize The President is the chief executive officer, spokesperson, and university leader and the Turks and Caicos islands. with a commitment to the growth and improvement of the institution. He or she is Fair enough, Michael primarily responsible for carrying out duties prescribed by the University of Belize Ashcroft has ear ned himself Act. billions of pounds – which is Specifically, the President is responsible for the management and oversight of all several more billions of Belizean universities operations, including leadership of the senior management team on the dollars – through several decades development of policies and procedures, program specific issues including new and of successful entre preneurship improved programme development, and financial and budgetary matters. across the globe. T here is Additionally, the President actively participates in the hiring and evaluation of speculation sur rounding his senior staff and faculty and makes final decisions regarding student matters. It is peerag e in the House of Lords necessary for the President to be a person of high integrity with excellent commuin 2000 (often attributed to nications skills and the ability to effectively build consensus. his g enerous donations to the Conser vative Par ty), his dubious Education status and Experience: residential in the UK endearing imag es of sandalA successful candidate for the presidency the University Belize will have a Post: Belize Sugar Farmers Association children ofand poorly dressed which, it seems, has Cane helped him ofless Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), an extensive record of leadership accomplishments working class men riding their evade full tax responsibility for (Chief Executive Officer) and prudent management at a senior level in education, business, public, and/ rickety old bikes down the back over a decade, and his recent or government service. A record of excellence in teaching, research, and service streets of Belize City, all painted ste pping down as Chair man of CEO is the singular organizational position that is primarily Purpose: activities at The avative university strengthens the candidacy, as doesresponsible a demonan imag ethe of Belize as being a the Conser Par tyand(one ofasindividual’s to carry out the strategic plans policies established by Committee of Management strable ability at fundraising and business management. Caribbean treasure robbed of its the uling par ties inthethe coalition andr the Strategic Plan of Belize Sugar Cane Industry. The CEO reports to the Commitpotential by a g reedy white man. g over cur rently residing at tee ofnment Management. What the BBC failed to show Westminster). Remuneration: The CEO will provide leadership in these and other areas: the creation of stratewas and howmeasuring Dean performance Bar row tohimself Yet Dean Bar rowobjectives gic, tactical,when and financial plans; developing the Contract terms are negotiable. approved goals, and to develop member service and member development of the Associahas g reatly contributed to that appeared on screen, sor rowfully tion’s Staff telling of how Michael Ashcroft’s pover ty; how Dean Bar row was Application: calculating and manipulating at the centre of the scandal Applicationsmanoeuvres should include thehave names of two with authorizathereferences, nationalisation of the business Qualifications: tion for UB to make contact with them. These are to be submitted by the telemedia company for his own literally Astripped of its minimum of a Belize Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance with family’s profits, and how Michael wealth, canofon only rileexperience with close ofone November 12, 2010 to:Management or abusiness minimum ten (10) years in Senior Degree in Business Accounting or Finance with a the minimum was once “g of olden ang er atA Masters the hypocrisy ofAdministration, the Ashcroft five (5) years experience in Senior Management position giver” of the UDP. Dean Bar row, PM’s words. Bilingual – English & Spanish a MUST of course, g ot his dig in at the Footag e written of andthe BTL skills Excellent oral communication PUP for receiving donations headquarComputer ters, the literate: Belize Excel, Work,Bank Quick Books Knowledgeable sugarvisually industry from Michael Ashcroft for their central city branch,of the and
s .
Excellent knowledge of foreign projects requirements and policies and procedures
Summary of Duties & Responsibilities:
Advises the Committee of Managment Advocates /promotes organization and stakeholders change related to organization mission and vision statements Supports the motivation of employees in organization program and operations Business planning Strategic Planning Leads the BSCFA Formulates Policies and planning recommendations to the Committee of Management Looks to the future for change opportunities Interfaces between Board and Employees and between organization and cane farmers. Decides and guide courses of action in operation by staff ( oversee operations of staff) Willing to travel within the sugar cane districts and make international representation for the BSCFA Should be able to operate in a busy environment and meet deadlines
Notice is hereby given that the company named
HIGH QUALITY TRADING INC. has been dissolved and struck off the International Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience Business Companies Register with effect from the Applicants possess a driver’s license. Closing date for applications is 9th daymust of October, 2010. Salary:
October 20, 2010. Please send your applications with resume accompanied by two recent reference letters. Kindly submit applications to: Transition Committee Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association San Antonio Road Orange Walk Registered Agent
Power Point Management (Belize) Limited
involvement in Belize. It is not Michael Ashcroft, Mr Prime Minister, who has r uined Belize and threatens to fur ther its deterioration through deceitful and detrimental policies. It is you and your par ty’s dishonesty and cor r uption which is doing that all by itself. Surely it is time for us to realise – collectively – that, for the global spotlight to once ag ain shine on Belize with a positive glow, it is time for the PUP to once ag ain take the reins of power. T hen maybe one day not far from here, it will be the Honourable John Briceño who is re presenting Belize on BBC documentaries, and actually doing our countr y justice by telling of just what treasures lie within.
Employment Opportunity
own political g ain, but seemingly he forg ot to mention how he did just the same – but for his political AND (more callously) his personal benefit too. at TheIfUniversity a President who has excellent leadership qualiBelize ofisBelize to beis seeking por trayed ties, the the ability world to function a team environment and manage change successacross aswell a inpoor, ~ POST YOUR COMMENTS fully. impoverished nation allowing itself to be raped of oppor tunity ~ VOTE ON ARTICLES byResponsibilities: business scoundrels, then ~ VIEW OUR PHOTOleader what foreign isinvestment can officer, we spokesperson, The President the chief executive and university hope to attract in the future? with a commitment to the growth and improvement of the institution. He or she is GALLERY We have responsible already for disadvantag primarily carrying outed duties prescribed by the University of Belize ~ CHECK OUT A PDF ourselves ir reversibly through Act. Dean Bar row’s unconstitutional Specifically, the President is responsible for the management of all VERSIONand OFoversight THE PAPER nationalisation of including BTL. leadership And universities operations, of the senior management team on the now he r ubsofsalt intoandanprocedures, already program specific issues including new and development policies Webudgetary are the most visited bleeding wound by clouding improved programme development, and financial and matters. newspaper website in Belize the facts on what should have Additionally, the President actively participates in the hiring and evaluation of been an infor mative and honest senior staff and faculty and makes final decisions regarding student matters. It is por trayal for of theMichael necessary President Ashcroft’s to be a person of high integrity with excellent commu-
nications skills and the ability to effectively build consensus.
Education and Experience:
A successful candidate for the presidency of the University of Belize will have a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), an extensive record of leadership accomplishments and prudent management at a senior level in education, business, public, and/ or government service. A record of excellence in teaching, research, and service activities at a university strengthens the individual’s candidacy, as does a demonstrable ability at fundraising and business management.
Remuneration: Contract terms are negotiable. Application:
Applications should include the names of two references, with authorization for UB to make contact with them. These are to be submitted by the close of business on November 12, 2010 to:
NOTICE PRECON Limited advises its customers, business associates, and the general public that effective October 12, 2010 MR. JEREMIE GILL is no longer employed or contracted by PRECON Limited, and is not authorized to conduct any business on behalf of PRECON Limited. Customers are advised to call directly or visit its offices immediately for any queries or concerns.
Notice is hereby given that the company named
HIGH QUALITY TRADING INC. has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 9th day of October, 2010.
Power Point Management (Belize) Limited Registered Agent
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
UDP Politics as usual
example of excellent diplomatic speak, an iron fist in a velvet glove if I can be allowed to put it that way. He spoke of ‘raised eyebrows and concern’ at the acquisition and ‘urged’ Mr. Barrow to follow through with his commitment of compensation in an expeditious manner to give the ‘hijacking’ some semblance of credibility. Nicely put, but what the US was saying is – what the hell is wrong with you? Do you realize the message you are sending to investors? You better pay up quick if you hope to salvage something from your stupid decision to take over BTL! Mr. Barrow is still MALPAGO on that particular deal, but that’s another story for another time. Now this Immigration/smuggling ring thing has caused the US to issue another carefully worded but strong message. According to the release - "the USA believes that a professional cadre of immigration and customs officials, working with transparent and standardized procedures, facilitates legitimate travel and trade while combating corruption and the illegal entry of people and goods. The Embassy has provided training and material assistance to Belize in attaining these objectives. We encourage the Government of Belize to remain steadfast in their commitment to identifying and sanctioning corruption at all levels and implementing measures that eliminate the illegal entry of people and goods into Belize." Translation – Boss, we’ve tried to help you but your officials at the highest level (including the Executive) are corrupt and nothing is being done to address this corruption and deal with it. If you guys don’t have the will to do the right thing with the training we offer, we might as well give it to some other country with officials who are not so corrupt and who will make The Singh thing… And even with the investigation use of it. in its fledgling stage and absolutely This economic thing… nothing credible, concrete or sincere Just within the last week or so a major business enterprise on the coming out of the head table, Doug Singh, who danced his way from Western Highway was forced to throw in the towel after months of Carnival straight into a Cabinet position trying to stay above water. All members of staff were laid off and as Minister of Police, was falling all over have now joined the ever growing ranks of the unemployed. Another himself to right off the bat to clear established medical diagnostic practice last week informed its staff that the Civil Aviation Department of any at the end of this month it will be closing its doors. A major chicken wrongdoing whatsoever. We don’t know producer is allegedly reporting losses in revenue of 25% so far this much, he basically said, and what we do year. Big businesses have been doing everything possible to remain know I can’t say (is what I’m saying), but I can say with all sincerity in operation…cutting down on services offered, laying off staff and (chuckle…scoff) that the Civil Aviation Department which monitors downsizing. Small businesses have been less equipped to survive and all landings and departures and absolutely must have been involved have been the early casualties of this economic depression. Every in every step of the way in these undeclared landings, is absolutely single day more and more of our Belizean people are left without the in the clear. Wow, somebody in that Department must have some means to support themselves and their families. The desperation on good connections to be cleared with such indecent haste. Oh wait, the street is at a fever pitch. As far back as four months ago the Prime who’s the CEO of the Civil Aviation Department again? Mike Singh, Minister announced that things were looking good and Belizeans could you say. Any relation to the man who’s conducting the investigation, expect a boost. Well everybody’s still waiting. In his Independence you ask? Why, yes, the CEO of the Civil Aviation Department is the Day address the Prime Minister came up with some great statistics, brother of the Minister of Police. You mean Doug Singh was tasked but the fact is that those things don’t really mean shit when businesses with investigating a department basically under the management of are closing down and Belizeans are finding it harder and harder to his brother? Yup! You see why there are so many, many things wrong survive. Methinks the Prime Minister should stop listening to statistics produced by his spin-doctors and take a walk on the real side. All he under this Barrow administration? has to do is step out of his air-conditioned quarter million dollar luxury ride on any street in the city and look around. The Cuba Connection Thing… I remember that one time when The never-ending crime thing… a flight containing Chinese nationals There is no relief on the streets of entered Belize with improper documents the city or anywhere in the nation, for the UDP Ambassador to Cuba, Said that matter. Crime continues to spiral out ‘Badi’ Guerra was called in from his of control and passed intolerable levels posting, questioned and sent back months and months ago. Violent crime is with a slap on the wrist. See, political one thing, and as was predictable from the connections are great things under the pattern, we have now broken the record UDP and political protection can make in murders set last year with two and a wrongdoing go away…just like that. The half months still to go. But as the Police thing is that everybody knows that this situation reports can attest, robberies and particular UDP ambassador has been questioned about something like this before because everybody knows that Chinese nationals do not burglaries are going through the roof and have been doing so for a long need visas to travel to Cuba and that is their preferred stop to arrange time. Basically we are living in a nation which is run by the criminals, ‘documentation’ before taking a little trip to nearby Belize and then end of story. When there are above average spurts of murder and places beyond. Word on the streets is that this particular Ambassador mayhem, as there inevitably are, our politicos and politico-led top is very much involved in these latest flights and that seems reasonable brass in the Police Department dust off Operation Restore Belize and enough considering where the flight originated, but somehow the hot zones and more military presence on the street and more patrols investigators didn’t make any mention of any queries aimed that way. and social programs and the like, and when the heat dies down, so do Our favourite Minister from way out West protected the Ambassador the promises which aren’t fueled by any real intent anyway. Maybe the the last time his neck was in the noose. Will this be more of the same? pansy who is quite ironically in charge of cleaning up our streets and dealing with hardened criminals said it best in a recent interview when he was questioned about assurances he as Minister could give to the The diplomatic speak thing… Just about a year ago, then newly appointed US Ambassador public. In a moment of rare honesty, Minister of Police Doug Singh to Belize HE Vinai Thummalapally spoke out on the arbitrary said – ‘What kind of assurance can I give you? Really, none at the end acquisition of private entity BTL by Mr. Barrow. It was a classic of the day!’ Ain’t that the truth? I can’t say it any better than that. This Immigration thing… Like with so many other investigations ‘allegedly’ carried out by this Barrow administration, the investigation into the human smuggling ring uncovered recently has left us more confused than ever, with far more questions than answers. About the only thing we can be sure of right about now is that there is a cover-up of monumental proportions in the making. Yup, there’s no doubt about that. While we do know that at least three planes have landed very recently carrying Chinese nationals who subsequently vanished into thin air, nobody seems willing or able to tell us how this all happened. We haven’t even been told what documents, if any, were presented at the PGIA. When the Belize Times first reported on the news last week, our columnist predicted that the only thing which would come out of any so-called investigation would be a bunch of junior officers taking the heat. So said, so done! Six junior Immigration officers have been arrested and charged for a myriad of offences. Hey, don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying they weren’t involved in some form or fashion, but ain’t no way these six officers put together this thing on their own, from chartering a plane to clearing it through to Belize…no way at all. Anybody with half a brain knows that there are some very big people behind this thing. People on the streets will tell you that nothing this big happens without ministerial collusion. But this is the UDP…absolutely nothing’s going to come out of this. Mark my words!
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
During the week of October 8 – 10, 2010 heads of state, member country delegates, academicians, researchers and experts convened in Washington, DC for the annual meetings of the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Work Bank Group. The purpose of the meetings was to address key issues relevant to sustained economic growth and recovery in the western hemisphere. Topics that were addressed include inter alia, how to manage capital flows, world economic outlook, challenges of data collection, jumpstarting jobs and productivity in an uncertain world and the role of women entrepreneurs. Belize was represented by PM Barrow as head of delegation. While Belize as a small member state of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) does not take an active role in driving the agenda PM Barrow submitted a statement to the meetings on behalf of the Joint Caribbean Group, with no particular emphasis on Belize’s current economic and social issues. The IMF Executive Board was scheduled to meet on October 15, 2010 to discuss their teams visit earlier in the year; thereafter the Article IV report 2010 including their economic forecast and projections would be available. Nonetheless, the evidence points to Belize’s economic performance continuing to be tenuous which was evident in the review of economic performance at the end of 2nd quarter 2010. This column will highlight a few important areas that warrant some attention. Government officials a few months ago released economic data indicating Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 2.4% for 2nd quarter of 2010. As previously stated in this column such an achievement is not laudable under the current economic environment and that the proof of the economy’s performance is best measured by the quality of life of the average Belizean. In the absence of verifiable indicators, all evidence seem to point to the fact that Belizeans’ lives have not improved, but rather people have been grappling with the social disintegration resulting from the unprecedented levels of crime and violence. Furthermore, Government’s policy response has been extremely limited in spurring economic growth and recovery. However, this must also be examined within the global context. Generally the global recovery from the recession remains fragile with performance being uneven across different developing economies within the region. Belize, like most of the Caribbean remains most vulnerable to the weak level of recovery of the US economy. This is the case since several Caribbean and Central American economies remain highly dependent on tourism and remittance flows from the US and other large economies. Another key issue that also impinges on the policy response from small economies is the fact that large public debt severely constrains the level of policy support possible. There seem to be no direct target for addressing the debt burden in a sustainable fashion, instead the evidence points to an increase. Earlier this year the IMF concluded their Article IV consultations at the end of June. The initial remarks were that the outlook for economic growth to resume
was modest. The IMF also indicated that despite the recent hike in GST the benefits from this adjustment would not be forthcoming as overall fiscal deficit is likely to widen in FY 2010/11. The widening of Government’s fiscal deficit could be clearly understood in the context of Government not undertaking any spending cuts in their administration of policy, but instead continues to employ excess human capacity with limited productivity. A blatant example of this is within the Ministry of Health and the continuation of a project implementation unit that has rendered no deliverables. Furthermore, since the focus of the current administration has been blindly hinged on domestic national issues such
as all the litigations and being embroiled in the BTL nationalization and pending sale, no focus has been placed on short to medium term national policy priorities. This is conspicuously evident with the progress and feedback being made with Horizon 2030. The modus operandi of PM Barrow appears to demonstrate that whenever a crisis situation arises he has been comforted in always absenting himself from the realities facing the Belizean people. One observation is that on many occasion the PM would be unavailable to address pressing issues due to international meetings and trips. The senseless killing of an innocent little girl Eyani Nunez; the disappearance of two other innocent children, the Rash’s
from Punta Gorda; blatant human smuggling and a poorly performing economy has all been crisis’ that the PM chose to not address with the level of conviction and purposeful leadership expected from a head of state. This writer therefore calls on the opposition People’s United Party to demonstrate their leadership by providing a suitable response to the Belizean reality. As they go to their national convention, it is expected that the leadership will so unite as to be able to engage in such a way that it is clear that they are better placed to address the many dilemmas of Belize’s development. Gwyneth Sydney Nah Comments welcome at
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
When will Mr. Barrow Learn?
T he impor tance of Small and Micro Enter prises (SMEs) to the development of Belize as a nation cannot be overstated. In fact, SMEs re present approximately 90 percent of the businesses operating in our countr y today. SMEs play an impor tant role in the creation of employment, especially in periods of crisis; they have a positive impact on a number of macro and microeconomic variables and on the g eneral prosperity of our economy; they have a positive effect on the processes of intraenter prise cooperation and national development. Simply put, one of the significant characteristics of a f lourishing and g rowing economy is a booming and blooming small and medium enter prises (SMEs) sector. T he SME sector itself can be classified into micro enter prises, small enter prises and medium enter prises. SMEs are the star ting point of development in economies towards sustainability. SMEs also have a significant effect on the income distribution,
tax revenue and employment, efficient utilization of resources and stability of family income. SMEs also have a propensity to employ more labor-intensive production processes than larg e enter prises. Consequently, they contribute significantly to the provision of productive employment oppor tunities, the g eneration of income and, eventually, the reduction of pover ty. T here are a number of factors responsible for the impor tance of SMEs in Belize. First, SMEs bolster an entre preneurial spirit and put forward suppleness in the economy. Second, SMEs can help to build a robust expor t industr y. T hird, they can suppor t the pover ty alleviation endeavors through employment g eneration process. Above all, SMEs are more efficient in resource allocation as compared to that of larg e scale industr y from a social point of view. Today there are some major obstacles in the path of g rowth of small and medium
Last T hursday’s edition of the Chetumal newspaper,”Diario de Quintana Roo” car ried a headline stor y titled “Smug gling Chinese”. It g oes on to say that Mexican officials are investig ating the illeg al entr y of thir ty three Chinese nationals who entered Belize in a presumed illeg al manner on the early hours of
Saturday mor ning, after they illeg ally entered Belize earlier that night. Mexican authorities have reason to believe that the smug gled Chinese nationals entered into Mexican ter ritor y at a crossing point along the Rio Hondo, less than three kilometers up river from the official Belize/Mexico border bridg e.
Mexicans Confirm Existence of Smuggling Ring
enter prises in Belize. T he most impor tant are: political instability, law and order, financial constraints, cost of fuel, taxation problems, labor issues, lack of coordination and regular infor mation exchang e mechanism among institutions. According to the Doing Business Re por t produced by the World Bank, Belize is ranked at the bottom of the bar rel of countries when it comes to providing an enabling environment to star t a business. With this harsh reality, one can understand why our economy is doing so poorly. Another issue that is of serious concer n is the g rowing number of SMEs that are cr umbling under the financial crisis occur ring in Belize today. If the Prime Minister is seriously concer ned about tur ning the economy around, then he would implement the necessar y prog rams that would assist the SMEs to kee p their doors open. What is required is the precise policy and regulator y refor ms to tur n SMEs into
an effectual instr ument for the enhancement of economic g rowth and employment. Fur ther more, the environmental conditions for SMEs are constantly changing, especially in the scenario of globalization and openness of the economies. T herefore, the g over nment needs to have capital available to suppor t the operations of small businesses that are str ug gling to kee p their doors open. From a long ter m standpoint, the necessar y tax refor ms and the regulator y framework needs to be put in place rather than the band aide solutions being incor porated by the visionless UDP g over nment! With the impor tance SME’s play in our countr y, the Prime Minister should seriously look at what is taking place in our countr y rather f lying all over the world to give lectures on the perfor mance of his g over nment. If he is not aware of it, leaders g o on the speaking circuit after he or she leaves office. Do not wor r y Belizeans, 2013 will be here soon!
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
San Pedro; Orange Walk District; Corozal District; Cayo District and Stann Creek District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties ON SITE on the following dates & times: 1. At Parcel No. 2710 Escalante Sub-division, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, on Monday the 18th October 2010 at 10:00 am:
600.16 square yards] situate in Santa Rita Village in the Corozal District, the freehold property of Ms. Brenda Ysaguirre).
5. At Parcel No. 3146 Mile 51 ½ Western Highway, Camalote Village, Cayo District on Wednesday the 20th October 2010 at 10:00 am:
(Being a two storey concrete house and lot [416.450 square yards] situate in the Escalante Sub-Division in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the the, the freehold property of Mr. Manuel Leiva and Ms. Amy Leiva).
2. At Parcel No. 465 Sea Grape Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye on Monday the 18th October 2010 at 11:00 am:
(Being a vacant parcel of land [.068 acre] situate at Mile 51 ½ Western Highway, Camalote Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Dennis Bellini).
6. At New Site Area, Santa Elena Town, Cayo District on Wednesday the 20th October 2010 at 11:30 am: REGISTRATION SECTION San Pedro
(Being a vacant parcel of land [405.48 square yards] situate on Sea Grape Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Mr. Rosario Uejbe).
3. At Lot No. 7 Trinidad Village, Orange Walk District on Tuesday the 19th October 2010 at 11:00 am:
PARCELS 3249 & 3252 (Being two vacant parcels of land situate on the main vehicular artery leading from the Trapiche Area to Aguada Boulevard, Santa Elena Town, Cayo District, the freehold properties of Mr. Ansley Mullins)
7. At Lot No. 83 San Juan Village, Stann Creek District on Wednesday the 20th October 2010 at 2:30 pm:
ALL THOSE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 7 situate in Trinidad Village, Orange Walk District and bounded as follows: On the Northeast for 26.194 metres by Lot No. 8; On the Southeast for 30.480 metres by A Street; On the Southwest for 25.109 metres by Lot No. 6 and on the Northwest for 30.480 metres by Lot No. 3; containing 781.827 S.M. as shown on Plan No. 1890 at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house and lot situate in the Village of Trinidad in the Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Mr. Romel Cowo)
4. At Parcel No. 162 Santa Rita, Corozal District on Tuesday the 19th October 2010 at 1:00 pm: REGISTRATION SECTION Paraiso/Santa Rita
(Being an incomplete concrete structure and lot [0.124 of an acre or
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 83 comprising (696.666 Square Metres) situate in San Juan Village in the Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 14 of 2003 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 14 of 2003 dated 10th February, 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a dwelling house and lot situate in the Village of San Juan in the Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Marvin Gonzalez.)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Eyannie’s Home Torched 1 Month After her Murder!
Exactly one month after someone inched up against a window to a room where eight year old Eyannie Nunez lay asleep and shot her to death, either the same person or someone else returned to the scene on Zericote Street, this time to put the little girl's family in more grief and d i s t r e s s. T h e y b u r n t t h e h o m e down. The incident happened i n t h e w e e h o u r s o f Tu e s d a y morning during a series of power o u t a g e s. Neither Eyannie's mother Francine Pitts or any of her other children were at home. Since the child's murder, they had been staying at a relative's house to cope with the overwhelming loss of her child. She had just left her house about two hours
Wild Wild West on the Southside
T he violence continues on Belize City streets, with shootings occur ring day or night despite the toothless "Jaguar" that is supposed to be prowling for the criminal element. T here were two more on Wednesday night and T hursday mor ning and the Police are clueless as to the identities of the gunmen. T he first shooting, on Wednesday night, occur red in front of the Favourite Fast Food joint on Mahog any Street shor tly after 9:00pm. Steve Parks, 25, had just g otten off his bicycle while riding home from work and was waiting his tur n to buy food when a gunman approached and shot him in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious and hanging onto life. No one has offered the Police infor mation about the incident and there are no leads so far. Parks was first taken to the K arl Heusner Memorial Hospital where at the conclusion of a CT scan on his brain, doctors have given him a 30% chance of sur vival. He also needs to underg o surg er y, but in order for that to happen he needs 12 units of blood. His family has since transfer red him to the Belize HealthCare Par tners facility where he will underg o the surg er y. T he second shooting occur red sometime after 10:00 this mor ning in close proximity of two south-side schools when the gun-wielding per petrator fired wantonly into a g roup of people waiting to purchase from a tacos vendor. Keith Middleton, 24, who had his head tur ned away from the gunman, did not have time to scamper for cover and was shot in both legs. He remains in the KHMH where doctors are assessing his condition. No ar rests have been made in either shooting.
ar rived quickly on the scene, they were not able to save any o f t h e f a m i l y ' s b e l o n g i n g s. Altog ether, the single mother lost over $10,000 in household a p p l i a n c e s. A u t h o r i t i e s h a v e not discovered any evidence that it was arson, but know that the blaze started at the back por tion of a two-storey wooden house at the front of the yard, then spread to Pitts' one. None of the buildings or possessions were insured.
earlier and gone to where she was staying when she received
t h e n e w s. Even though fire-fighters
PUP Think Tanking Sessions Every Thursday, Independence Hall at 7:30pm
BELIZE WATER SERVICES LTD. PUBLIC NOTICE Belize City, Belize. October 13, 2010:
Environmental and Social Analysis of the Construction and Operation of a Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal System for the Placencia Peninsula Lodgment and Public Consultation Notice
The General Public is hereby advised that an Environmental and Social Analysis has been submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by Belize Water Services Limited (BWSL) for the construction and operation of a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system for the Placencia Peninsula. The General Public is hereby informed that the Environmental and Social Analysis will be available for public review at the following locations: Seine Bight Community Library, Placencia Village Community Library, Independence Village Community Library, BWSL office in Belize City and Department of the Environment office in Belmopan. It is also available at DOE’s and BWS ‘s website: Kindly be informed that a Public Consultation for the ESA will be held on Wednesday 20th October, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Plancencia Village Community Center, Stann Creek District. The General Public is invited to attend the Public Consultation. Comments can be submitted to the Department of Environment (DOE) at 10/12 Ambergris Avenue, Belmopan; Fax : 822-2862; Tel: 822-2542 or E-mail :
Belize Water Services Ltd. – Delivering water and more… For more information regarding this or any other BWS Release, please contact Mr. Haydon Brown at Tel: 222-4757 Ext. 234 or via e-mail at
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Murder record continues to soar in 2010
M u r d er s nu m b er 1 0 1 a n d 102 f o r th i s yea r h a p p en ed on th e m o r n i n g o f Fr i d ay, Octob er 8 th , 2 0 1 0 , a n d b o th had th e a p p ea r a n ce o f f i r s thand ven g ea n ce r a th er th a n a paid h i t . T h ey wer e g r u es o m e in natu r e, a s i f th e p e r p etr a to r s deliber a tel y s et o u t to m a ke their v i cti m s s u f f er. T h e f i r s t d i s cover y wa s made a b o u t two m i l es o n th e Roari n g R iver Ro a d i n C a m a l o te Villag e and th e v i cti m , Franci s co V i l l a nu eva , 4 2 , wa s shot a n d th en s et o n f i r e. T h e lower p o r ti o n o f h i s b o d y was b a d l y ch a r r ed by th e ti m e police s h owed u p a t h i s f a r m someti m e a f ter 8 th a t m o r n i n g. T hey h a d r eceived th e r e p o r t from V i l l a nu eva ' s f a m i l y i n L a s Flore s o n th e H u m m i n g b i r d Highway a n d f r o m h i s f r i en d , Ramo n Q u i j a d a , wh o wa s th e last p er s o n to s ee h i m a l ive t h a t mor n i n g. Q u i j a d a to l d p o l i c e that th ey h a d r i d d en t o g eth er to th ei r r es p e ctive f a r m s aroun d s i x th a t m o r n i n g a n d that V i l l a nu eva wen t to f eed his ca ttl e wh i l e h e co n ti nu ed on to h i s f a r m . So m et i m e l a ter, however, Q u i j a d a h ea r d wh a t sound ed l i ke th r e e g u n s h o t blasts co m i n g fr o m th e a r ea where V i l l a nu eva wa s a n d when h e wen t a n d l o o ked , h e could n o t l o ca te h i s f r i en d . H e said h e yel l ed o u t f o r h i m a n d waited f o r a l m o s t h a l f a n h o u r befor e h e d eci d ed to r e p o r t th e strang e o ccu r r ence. T h e i n ci d en t h a s l ef t Villanu eva ' s f a m i l y a t o d d s with th e r ea l i ty b eca u s e h e was d es cr i b e d a s a f a m i l y man wh o l oved h i s two yo u n g childr en . T h ey l a i d h i m to r es t on Wed n es d ay i n L a s Fl o r es Villag e. Fr i d ay a l s o s aw th e s eco n d murd er ta ke p l a ce a n d th i s ti m e it was i n s o u th er n S ta n n C r eek Distri ct i n Red B a n k V i l l a g e. Accus e d ch i l d r a p i s t, Fr a n ci s co Galea s, 43, a Honduran nation a l wh o ha d s ettl ed i n Bella V i s ta a n d I n d e p en d en ce severa l yea r s a g o, a n d wh o j u s t been r el ea s ed f r o m p r i s o n l es s
CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE at We are the most visited newspaper website in Belize
Francisco Villanueva
than a month ag o, after the charg es were withdrawn. T he vir tual complainant was a nine year old girl. Residents of Red Bank who discovered his body say they believe Galeas was murdered elsewhere and his body dumped on the road because they did not hear any screams for help. W hen police picked up his cor pse around nine on Friday mor ning, Galeas ha d dee p cut wounds about the head and to his face over the right eye, and a nylon rope was found around
his neck, as if he was hauled there by a vehicle. W hile police have no suspects in his murder, they are following strong leads in the killing of Francisco Villanueva in Camalote Villag e.
Send your letters to the editor to:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Court orders dive operators to pay family of doctor who drowned during tour
Supreme Cour t Justice, Oswald Legall, delivered justice in the case of a young promising doctor who visited Belize a few years ago and whose life was cut short, and by his r uling, it was negligence that caused it. It all spawned out of an incident on October 22, 2005, when Abigail Brinkman, a budding 28 yearold American medical doctor, was par t of a team that had travelled to Belize both on research on tropical medicine and touring souther n Belize. The crew went on a scuba-diving trip almost 24
Abigail Brinkman
miles offshore Placencia and onboard Advance One, a vessel
owned by Advanced Diving of Placencia and accompanied by t o u r o p e r a t o r Va n c e C a b r a l a n d d i v e m a s t e r M a r k Tu c k e r. They headed for Silk Caye but got into trouble when the boat engine failed. The team decided to swim to Silk Caye after they saw that the engine would not restar t. But swimming in rough seas was t h e p e r f e c t r e c i p e f o r d i s a s t e r. While 11 of them managed to barely hold out until they were rescued two days later, Abig ail Brinkman didn't. O n e y e a r a f t e r t h e t r a g e d y, B r i n k m a n ' s p a r e n t s, R o g e r a n d
to carry out the strategic plans and policies as established by the Committee of Management and the Strategic Plan of the Belize Sugar Cane Industry. The CEO reports to the Committee of Management. The CEO will provide leadership in these and other areas: the creation of strategic, tactical, and financial plans; developing objectives and measuring performance to the approved goals, and to develop member service and member development of the Association’s Staff
Qualifications: A minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance with a minimum of ten (10) years experience in Senior Management or A Masters Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance with a minimum of five (5) years experience in Senior Management position Bilingual – English & Spanish a MUST Excellent written and oral communication skills Computer literate: Excel, Work, Quick Books Knowledgeable of the sugar industry Excellent knowledge of foreign projects requirements and policies and procedures
Summary of Duties & Responsibilities:
Advises the Committee of Managment Advocates /promotes organization and stakeholders change related to organization mission and vision statements Supports the motivation of employees in organization program and operations Business planning Strategic Planning Leads the BSCFA Formulates Policies and planning recommendations to the Committee of Management Looks to the future for change opportunities Interfaces between Board and Employees and between organization and cane farmers. Decides and guide courses of action in operation by staff ( oversee operations of staff) Willing to travel within the sugar cane districts and make international representation for the BSCFA Should be able to operate in a busy environment and meet deadlines
Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience
Applicants must possess a driver’s license. Closing date for applications is October 20, 2010. Please send your applications with resume accompanied by two recent reference letters. Kindly submit applications to: Transition Committee Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association San Antonio Road Orange Walk
Janet Brinkman, filed a civil suit for negligence against A d v a n c e d D i v i n g , Tu c k e r a n d Cabral. Justice Leg all found t h a t C a b r a l a n d Tu c k e r w e r e guilty of the charge and r uled that Brinkman's parents be paid $90,000, an amount which the couple says is g oing towards their daughter's research work at Hillside Health Care Inter national Centre.
Visit Us Online at:
Employment Opportunity
Post: Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (Chief Executive Officer) Purpose: The CEO is the singular organizational position that is primarily responsible
President The University of Belize is seeking a President who has excellent leadership qualities, the ability to function well in a team environment and manage change successfully.
The President is the chief executive officer, spokesperson, and university leader with a commitment to the growth and improvement of the institution. He or she is primarily responsible for carrying out duties prescribed by the University of Belize Act. Specifically, the President is responsible for the management and oversight of all universities operations, including leadership of the senior management team on the development of policies and procedures, program specific issues including new and improved programme development, and financial and budgetary matters. Additionally, the President actively participates in the hiring and evaluation of senior staff and faculty and makes final decisions regarding student matters. It is necessary for the President to be a person of high integrity with excellent communications skills and the ability to effectively build consensus.
Education and Experience:
A successful candidate for the presidency of the University of Belize will have a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), an extensive record of leadership accomplishments and prudent management at a senior level in education, business, public, and/ or government service. A record of excellence in teaching, research, and service activities at a university strengthens the individual’s candidacy, as does a demonstrable ability at fundraising and business management.
Remuneration: Contract terms are negotiable. Application:
Applications should include the names of two references, with authorization for UB to make contact with them. These are to be submitted by the close of business on November 12, 2010 to:
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Prison officer fined $10,000 jail weed Police Constable walks from
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 14, 2010 Roy Valentine, 30, a prison officer residing at Mahogany Heights who was caught trying ti smuggle 60 grams of cannabis into Belize Central prison located in Hattieville, pleaded guilty to drug trafficking when he appeared yesterday in Magistrate’s Court #5. Magistrate Albert Hoare fined him $10,000 and g ave him until December 31 to pay. If he defaults on payment he will serve 3 years.
The incident occurred around 7 : 3 0 a . m . y e s t e r d a y. Va l e n t i n e reported for work and had already left the control room when he was called back and searched. T h e s e a r ch r e s u l t e d i n t h e discovery of the cannabis in the pocket of his pants. Valentine was detained and t h e p o l i c e a t H a t t i e v i l l e Po l i c e Station were informed. They went to the prison and took Valentine into custody and charged him.
Lawrence Dawson Fined $6,000 for robbing and wounding Roy Davis
Lawrence Dawson
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 14, 2010 Lawrence Dawson, 22, one of two men who were charged with robbery and wounding for a case in which the complainant was free lance reporter Roy Davis, 56, was found guilty of the charges in Magistrate’s Court #8 on Tuesday, October 12. Because Dawson had no previous conviction for any crime of dishonesty, the Magistrate Emmerson Banner, decided to temper justice with mercy. Instead of custodial sentences, he fined Dawson $5,000 – for robbery and $1,000 – for wounding. He ordered Dawson to pay $1,000 forthwith and the balance by December 31, in default 6 years, 5 for robbery and 1 for wounding. Dawson paid the thousand dollars but he was not released from custody because he was unable to pay court fines amounting to over $300. The second defendant Michael “Popeye” Forman, 28, was freed of the charges last week. Davis positively identified Dawson but he could not identify Forman. Therefore Magistrate Banner told Forman that he did not have a case to answer to and dismissed the charges against him. The incident occurred around 3:45 a.m. on March 27, 2010. Davis testified that he was riding his bicycle on Cemetery Road and when he reached by First Choice Pharmacy he was attacked by two men riding bicycles, one from the left side and the other from the right. Davis said he was struck on the left side of his face and he fell to the ground, dazed and bleeding, two teeth knocked out of his mouth. He said he got up and saw Lawrence Dawson standing in front of him, about 5 feet away. Davis was prepared to take on Dawson in a fist fight but didn’t because he saw a person of red complexion pointing a pistol at him from about 30 feet away. So he ran. But he did not get far. Dawson,
who was pursuing him, pulled him down by the back of his neck and he fell on the pavement in front of the lumber yard, opposite from Dawson’s residence, located at 109 Cemetery Road. When Davis g ot up he was confronted once more by Dawson. The gunman, again from about 30 feet away, had his pistol pointed at Davis. A motorist driving on Cemetery Road stopped his vehicle and got out when he saw what was happening. But he got back in his vehicle when the gunman turned the pistol on him. As soon as the motorist drove off Dawson demanded that Davis hand over his wallet. Fearing for his life, Davis gave Dawson his wallet which contained a fifty dollar note and his social security card. Dawson then told Davis to hand over his Salco brand wristwatch and he gave it to Dawson. A silver ring with strip of gold and a dot of coral on its head was the next item Dawson wanted. Dawson became impatient when Davis had trouble taking the ring from his finger. But he was satisfied when Davis managed to take off the ring and handed it to him. Davis then ran up Cemetery Road towards Shell One Stop Gas Station. He saw a taxi coming. He flagged it to a stop. But he told the driver to go when he saw a police vehicle coming. He waved down the police vehicle and it stopped. Davis was taken to Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where his injury was classified as wounding. Shortly after the incident a police quick response team, headed by Sergeant Isaiah Sanchez, proceeded to the area. Sergeant Sanchez testified that he saw two persons at the front of 109 Cemetery Road and both of them ran when they saw the police. He said one of them ran on Curassow Street while the other ran into the yard at 109 Cemetery Road. Sanchez said he fired a warning shot and the person who was Dawson, threw himself to the ground. Davis’ wristwatch was found by Sanchez in the yard next to 109 Cemetery Road. His bicycle, ring and wallet were not recovered. Dawson testified and denied he committed the offences. He said he was waiting in his yard when the police came and fired a warning shot first, and another shot while he was lying on the ground. He called two witnesses, his mother, Virginia Mendez, 42 and his girlfriend, Rosita Flowers, 36. But their testimonies did not help him.
extortion charge
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 14, 2010 Police constable Andre Almendarez, 25, who was charged with extortion, was freed of the charge on Tuesday, October 12, when it was dismissed by Justice Adolph Lucas because the complainant, Salvadoran national, Roberto Ponce, 27, failed to appear in court after he was duly summoned. It was alleged that at around 4:45 p.m. on January 12, 2009, at the police check point at mile 4 on the Western Highway, Almendarez extorted a $100 US currency note from Ponce. Ponce who was working as a consultant for Pedro Lizarraga and Sons a construction firm on Bullet Tree Road in San Ignacio, reported to the police that he was driving on the Western Highway and when he was stopped at the check point, and asked if he had insurance for the vehicle. Ponce said that when he could not produce proof of insurance for the vehicle the police constable who had asked him for it told him to hand over $150.
Andre Almendarez
Ponce said he opened his wallet and told the constable he only had $7.00. But the constable, said Ponce, spotted the $100 US currency note and demanded it. Ponce said he gave the money to the constable then drove to Belmopan Police Station and reported the incident. Almendarez was not represented by an attorney. Senior Crown Counsel Yohhasahseh Cave represented the prosecution.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Kelly Street man charged with indecent assault – complainant is a 16 year old girl
Austin De Costa
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 14, 2010
Au s t i n D e C o s t a , 3 6 , a laborer of 19 Kelly Street who allegedly committed a sexual assault on a girl, 16, was charged with ag gravated assault of an indecent nature when he appeared in Magistrate’s Cour t # 6 o n Tu e s d ay, O c t o b e r 1 2 . He pleaded not guilty to the charg e. Magistrate Dorothy F l owe r s o f f e r e d h i m b a i l o f $1,500, which he met and h i s c a s e wa s a djour ned until November 17. The incident occurred a r o u n d 7 : 3 0 p. m . o n Fr i d ay, October 8 at De He Li, a Chinese store on Freetown Road. T he girl re por ted to the p o l i c e t h a t s h e wa s sta n din g by the counter when De Costa came and caressed her from her shoulder to her buttocks. T he girl became annoyed and she went home and told her father who took her to Queen Street Police Station where she re por ted the incident. As a result, de Costa was detained and charg ed.
The Belize Times
Court Of Appeal revokes 17 year sentence for carnal knowledge conviction
BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 14, 2010 San Joaquin far mer Romero Jimenez, 52, who was convicted of carnal knowledge of a girl, 14, and was sentenced to 17 years, won his appeal on Tuesday, October 12. The Belize Court of Appeal quashed his conviction, set aside his sentence and ordered a retrial. Jimenez appeal was allowed on the grounds that the learned trial judge failed to give direction on good character. Jimenez, who is originally from Guatemala, was convicted on July 21, 2010 and was sentenced on August 6. The incident occurred on a date
Romero Jimenez
unknown in July 2008 in San Joaquin. According to the evidence which came out at the trial, Jimenez went to the girl’s house and found her alone. The girl had just taken a bath and was coming from the bathroom when Jimenez met her. He allegedly tied her hands, pushed her on the bed and had sex with her. Jimenez gave an alibi in his defense. He said that he was not at the house when the incident occurred. Jimenez was represented at the appeal hearing by attorney Simeon Sampson. The Director of Public Prosecutions Cher yl Lyn Vidal represented the respondent.
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
on s g n i t i r W the
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
NINA says: October 14, 2010 at 5:42 am To tell you the truth, who can you go to to do the investigation, if the big fishes are involved. Those immigration officers are not in the position to issue visas like that. They have to get the permission from the BIG BOSS. Before those Chinese immigrants come into our country the immigration officers have to get the O.K form their BOSS to give them entry, So Mr. Perdomo don’t play the fool to ketch the wise, you know for a fact that those immigration officers are only your passport. They do what they are told to do By you or the high official of the immigration department. This is big money you talking about, you get the big chunck of the pie while the ones that do the dirty work get the crumbs, meaning Mr Perdomo you get the $50,000.00 or more while the little officers in their little uniform gets if i say $300.00 that might be too much. You need to be investigated yourself. On another note, you guys are making this thing to be a big event for the government, what about all the land that the ministers and you are selling, what about all the corruption that is going on with the ministers of government, what about that, you and your government are criminals too. But yet uno hurry fi arrest the little immigration officers. uno no talk bout all the illegal SH@T goind on in government . I hope that someone in the high places gets arrested too, not only the small people, they are only doing what they are told to do. rod says: October 14, 2010 at 5:59 am why this judge why this judge she is useless she lets all the criminals go why postpone this case until december they are hoping that by then belizeans will forget this is why this gov has appointed this judge to the case because she will let all of them go am willing to bet any amount of money on it this pm and perdomo should be held accountable also they should all be charged with treason traitors to their country and spying they need to be tried now not wait until december by then they will all dissapear this is the most useless judge out of the whole bunch.
EMS says: October 13, 2010 at 11:42 pm Ofcourse, this is a cover-up by the ministers and other offiicals of the GOB coupled with some in the businees community. Even blindeye Jamesie could see thru this. rod says: October 14, 2010 at 6:13 am because of this pm belize is looking like stupid and ignorant for the judges barrow has appointed not one of them not one is qualified for the job they are all in barrows pocket they are eighter family or friends of this pm we belizeans cant take it no more barrow make sure you pyjamas are washed and clean for your trip to miami enough is enough we cannot take ignorance incompetence and plain stupidity any more resign barrow resignnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn. you are making belize the laughing stock of the americas. BZNpeace says: October 14, 2010 at 7:38 am FIRST and FOREMOST, A Prime Minister has NO AUTHORITY to appoint a Judge. This is the job of the Governor-General acting on the advice of his advisors. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN BELIZE!!!???!!!????!!!! Is the PM going to appoint himself King, next?????????? GOD SAVE US!
Posts are from, Belize Times Press Facebook Account, John BriceĂąo Facebook Account,
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Rescued miners reflect on weeks of confinement
A note, written in red and recovered on August 22, filled a nation with hope. "We are fine in the shelter, the 33 of us," the note, attached to a probe by miners trapped inside the San Jose mine, said. It was the first evidence found that they were alive. On Wednesday, the last of the 33 miners was rescued, marking the end of a harrowing 69 days. With the rescue, new details are emerging from the miners about their experiences in captivity. Among the revelations is that the famous proof of life note was not the only note that the miners wanted to send to the surface. Luis Urzua, the shift foreman and last miner out, recounted for Chilean President Pinera the exciting moment when the probe reached the miners for the first time. "We had a protocol for when it arrived, but everyone nearly forgot it," Urzua said. "Everyone wanted to hug the hammer (on the probe)." Some of the miners wanted to send notes to the surface such as "Send me some potatoes," "I'm hungry," and many messages to family members on the surface. These potential notes reflect what some miners have described as the hardest times, the first part of their ordeal. At the time that the probe reached the miners, they had survived for 17 days by sharing small amounts of tuna and mackerel that were in the shelter. At that
point, they were eating only once every 48 hours. They didn't know when their next real meal would come. They didn't know when they would see their loved ones again. In the end, their training kicked in and they sent the now-famous note. "We only sent what we had to send," Urzua said. Even during the difficult times, Urzua said that "we had hope that some day we would be rescued." "I am so proud of what you have done," the miner told the president. "Thank you to all the rescuers, to all of Chile, to everyone. I am so proud to be Chilean." Another miner, Mario Sepulveda, said Wednesday that he emerged from his confinement a changed man.
Suspected drug smugglers digging a tunnel across the Mexico-U.S. border hit a sewage line near Arizona, an official with Arizona's Nogales Utility said Monday night. The 30-inch line, located on the Mexican side of the border, runs north and picks up raw sewage from Mexico, carrying about 9.9 million gallons of it a day, said Utility Director Flavio Gonzales.
Gonzales was concerned that if the pipe isn't fixed soon, the sewage could back up on the U.S. side of the border. "We can't plug it off here so we are working with Mexico guys to plug it off there -- that way we don't get raw sewage backing up on our streets," he said. It wasn't clear whether the line had been cracked or completely broken. Officials were trying to determine how much had leaked so far, Gonzales said.
Tunnel hits sewage line near Mexico-U.S. border
"I buried 40 years of my life down there, and I'm going to live a lot longer to be a new person," he said in a video conference, hours after surfacing from half a mile underground. Sepulveda, the second miner extracted from the mine, has advice for those who take undue risks in their lives. "I think I have learned a lot of wonderful lessons about taking the good path in life," he said. "For those of you able to call your wives, or your husbands, do so." During the time he was trapped inside the mine, Sepulveda said he saw both good and evil. "I was with God, and I was with the devil. They fought, and God won," he said. Sepulveda said he grabbed God's hand and never doubted that he would
be rescued. Sepulveda praised the efforts of the rescue crews, but argued for reforms in the mining industry. "I think this country has to understand once and for all that we can make change. In the area of labor, we have (to) make many changes," he said. "I think the owner has to give the tools so that the middle managers can bring changes in terms of labor. The middle managers cannot carry on like they have." The rescued miner had high praise for the doctors and psychologists who aided the miners via video conference. "They gave us our lives back. It's incredible that with 700 meters between us and not seeing us face-to-face they revived us," he said. With the world watching and the media attention at the mine intense, Sepulveda said he hoped to maintain a low-key profile now that they are being rescued. "The only thing I ask personally is that you please not treat us like celebrities or journalists. I want to continue being treated like Mario Antonio Sepulveda Espinace, the worker, the miner. I love that, and I think that, in some shape, way or form, I want to continue working," he said. Sepulveda was flanked by family members as he spoke. "I'm very happy for all the beautiful things that were done for us," he said. "I'm very excited to be up here again."
Authorities in Ecuador on Saturday extended a state of emergency indefinitely, an action that mobilizes the military to be in charge of securing the country instead of the police. The extension comes after President Rafael Correa was attacked by police on September 30. The decree in the capital city of Quito was scheduled to expire Friday. Troops rescued Correa in a dramatic shootout with officers at a hospital, where Correa said he was held for more than 10 hours. Police officers have said they were angered by a new law that would take away their bonuses and reduce their compensation. Correa, who was roughed up and hit by tear gas, said the law would do no such thing and the police officers had not read it. He described the events as an attempted coup.
However, a congressman from the opposition party told Colombia-based Caracol TV, a CNN affiliate, that the day's events were provoked and planned by Correa. "Everything was staged by the president to hide the extreme corruption and to hide the poverty, hunger and unemployment that have risen to an alarming level," said Gilmar Gutierrez, a congressman and brother of former president Lucio Gutierrez, the man Correa claimed was behind the coup attempt. "There was no coup," Gutierrez said Monday. Interior Minister Gustavo Jalkh said at least four people were killed in the standoff -- two soldiers, a police officer and a university student. Nearly 200 others were injured in unrest throughout the country, authorities said.
Ecuador extends state of emergency in capital
Quake shakes Costa Rica
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck Friday night 41 km (26 miles) north-northwest of San Jose, Costa Rica, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. Journalist Djenane Villanueva in San Jose told CNN she felt the earthquake, that it was long, but that she had not received any immediate reports of damage or injuries.
The incident occurred at 7:54 p.m. (9:54 p.m. ET) at a depth of 98 km (61 miles), USGS said. "It was strong," said Esteban Solis Mora, a telephone operator at the Real Hotel and Club Tower, near the center of San Jose. He said he felt at least three shocks over a period of about three minutes, but said he could see no damage and was aware of no injuries.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Did you Know? October 17th is the day people all over the world take the time to help others who have less than them. It is called International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. To eradicate something means that you will try to end it. You might think it is impossible to end being poor. Maybe, we will never live to see a world where everyone is able to buy enough food, clothes, live in a nice home, go to school, visit the doctor or have money to put aside to save, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. This Sunday, think about what you can do to help others who may have less than you. You might: Join groups at church that help to feed the homeless; Ask your parents to help you find clothes that no longer fit you or them and give them to an orphanage or the homeless shelter; or, Share your lunch next week with another student who doesn’t have lunch that day.
Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That…
Q. It is time to put on your reasoning caps and solve these questions! Family Ties
Your mother's brother's brother-in-law is also: 1. your uncle 2. your father 3. your cousin The Value of Months Q. If March = 43 and May = 39, then by the same logic, what does July equal?
A-MAZING BURGER! Can you get out of this twisted maze?
1. your uncle - or - 2. your father 2. July = 68. Each letter is replaced by the number of its position in the English alphabet. Then the numbers are added together.
The Belize Times
Win! By Broadcasting Victory
Share Your Music God gave us each our own music and the world to be our stage but most of us are living with our music still unplayed This gift that we are given is ours to use if we dare it is our greatest tool to show how much we care "Martin" shared his music gave us all a dream his message was very simple "Let Freedom Ring" "John" stood up and played his music the song he shared was true "Don't ask your country to make things right ask instead what YOU can do" A diminutive committed lady so fragile and so weak "Teresa" touched every nation each time that she would speak A simple comic and actor he shared his special song "Bob" lifted up our spirits from World War II to Vietnam One song was sung so long ago that's been shared throughout the years a "Carpenter" gave his music that will save all those who hear Your music has the power our futures in our hands never doubt that words can change the world it's the only thing that ever has By -Jim Serviolo Sometimes, we feel down and out but we do not realize that there is a law called the law of attraction. When we speak it is like a magnet. What is the law of attraction? Well this is a theory that “like attracts like”, as you think a thought, you are also attracting “like/similar” thoughts to yourself. I was reading a scripture the other day and I realized how this law of attraction is knitted into the Bible. The actual biblical translation of thisUNION principle isLIMITED actually “For aasstatutory he thinkethbody in his HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7. formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the This is why there are certain commandments which are not even prohibitive of Laws of Belize, Revised Editionand 2000, and whose registered office action, they go directly to our thoughts intentions, for example, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house.1 You shall Lane, not covet your neighbor's wife, District or his manservant is situated at No. Hyde’s Belize City, Belize hereby or maidservant, or donkey, or anything that belongs to yourofneighbor." Exodus 20:17 gives noticehisofoxits intention to exercise its power sale as Chargee God basically says “do not even think about those things”. In fact we are told how to be under and“Finally, by virtue of Charges registered the Land Registry successful: brethren, whatsoever things are at true, whatsoever things arebehonest, tween those hereinafter named and theare said Holy Redeemer Credit whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, Union Limited. think on these things.” Philippians 4:8 The scriptures are filled with reminders that thoughts, belief and faith are bedrocks HRCU will Christian at the expiration of two months fromintheboth datetheofpositive the first of a positive life. Thought has been described and negative genre in the Bible. Looking at two flip sided verses, one empowers us: “The publication of this notice sell the properties described in the Schedule Lord answered, "If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this below. mulberry tree, 'May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,' and it would obey you!” Luke 17:6 That is tremendously powerful. very powerful in properties fact, the scripture describes an intense ALLThoughts offers toare purchase the said must be made with in writing to reprimand persons who are evil and harbor corrupt ways. In the verse such people are HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full called “off springs of vipers and serpents”. This is so because the thought of a man are particulars and conditions sale be obtained. the truth of his being. The verseof goes onmy to read, “…for out of the abundance of the heart [thoughts] the mouth speaketh.” Matthew 12:34 Then in the second verse, being a different side of the same coin, the Bible teaches that thoughts put into words are a sharp and dangerous tool. : “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21 Your life then is a reflection of your past thoughts and words. This is both good and bad things in your life. The phrase you are what you eat is aptly translated: You are what thoughts you harbor most. Those dominant thoughts manipulate your life. Your thoughts become reality. Your thoughts become things. 1. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 3115/1 We need to tune in to the frequency of our God. We need to tune in to the frequency situate in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, TOof love. This week ourall challenge is to and channel positive standing thoughts. As Serviolo we all GETHER with buildings erections and beingsays, therehave songs to sing by our lives. When we share those tunes, it moves mountains. Let’s on, the leasehold property of EDMOND D. PERDOMO share our positive music with the world. Start with the stranger on the bus next to you right now. Start with your supervisor. Start with the next customer in line who has their faceALL made THAT up. Sing the songof that is contagious from your positive 2664/1 thoughts.sitIt is 2. parcel land being Block 23, Parcel guaranteed to bear good fruit in the world around you. Maybe not immediately visible uate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER within other persons but, for sure, immediately in you is the refreshing spirit of light and love all buildings andbubbling. erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold which will keep you Please of share your song and music loudly with someone You will eat the sweet property ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety fortoday. MARIA CAWICH fruit of your positive greeting and thought. You might change Belize. In fact you might just change the world…
Sunday, October 17, 2010
HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of Charges registered at the Land Registry between those hereinafter named and the said Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited.
HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the Schedule below.
ALL offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale my be obtained.
SCHEDULE 1. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 3115/1 situate in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of EDMOND D. PERDOMO
TA riag an bee IW fou app sho to t NO pro jud
2. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 23, Parcel 2664/1 situate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety for MARIA CAWICH
All Eyes on Diabetes
Are you diabetic? Do you know someone living with diab IHUAKU IWUORIEH McARTHUR PETITIONER Did you know that untreated diabetes can cause blindne Come and be informed! The Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BCVI BETWEEN and in collaboration with the Belize Diabetic Association, invites you to a public ev District Venue Date CHRISTIAN DEHANN McARTHUR RESPONDENT Belmopan Red Cross 21/10/2010 Corozal Town Methodist Auditorium 21/10/2010 Belize City Lester Young Hostel 14/10/2010 TO:Punta CHRISTIAN DEHANN McARTHUR Gorda Parish Hall 27/10/2010 Dangriga Town Helpage 28/10/2010 Orange Walk Red for Cross TAKE NOTICE that a Petition dissolution of mar-21/10/2010
riage dated the 4th day of November, 2009 endorsed with aNote: notice Belize to appear the charges therein has City isand all answer day as we will be doing both Diabetic Awareness a together. been filed in the Supreme Court of Belize by IHUAKU IWUORIEH McARTHUR and that you are required within fourteen days of the second publication hereof to enter an Free Sugar and Blood Pressure tests will be conducted! appearance at the Supreme Court in Belize City, Belize, So come on over and let BCVI keep an eye on your vision AND your health should youinformation think fit socontact to do and For more us atthereafter 227.7776! to make answer to the charges in the said Petition AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in default of your so doing the COURT will proceed to hear the said charges proved and pronounce judgment, your absence notwithstanding.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Young Stars, Assassins & Garage Crew win in BTTA team table tennis
The Young Stars, Assassins and Garage Crew all enjoyed victories in the 2nd Division of the Belize Table Tennis Association second annual team table tennis competition, while the Bombers and Suga City teams posted wins in the 1st Division at the home of table tennis, the Belize Elementary School auditorium on Saturday, October 9. Young Stars’ Victor Quan, Harim Ochaeta, Raheem Pitzold and Gian
Lisbey swatted Team Hurricane’s Jose ph Sukhnandan, Samuel Sukhnandan, Ravesh Sukhnandan and Jason Lin: 5 to 2. T he Assassins Team, Clifton Williams, Mark Babalola Rogelio Ramirez and Ricardo Bailey, terminated the "L" team, Allen, Han and Aries Lin and Rei Lee: 5 to 1. Team Garage’s Ivan Sanchez, Wilfredo Chang, Emilio Perrera and Harold Young stung Team Cobra’s
Ivan Locario, Christopher Neal, Charlton Roches and Eric Neal: 5 to 1. David Jones, Hector Lopez, Gabriel Guerrero and Alvin Amoa of the Bombers triumphed 5-2 over the Racqueteers’ Arturo “Tux” Vasquez, Peter Wong, Amir Vasquez and Robert Peyrefitte. Team Suga City’s Mandy Gomez led his teammates Tyrone Tun, Amir Grajalez and Roy Rosado to a 5-4 win against Team Rivero’s Ernesto Rivero,
Nicholas Martin, Sheran Murillo and Moses Babb. The tournament continues on Saturday, October 16, with the Aces Team taking on the No Mercy team of the Cayo district in their match rescheduled from last week, while in the 2nd Division the Hurricanes will take on the Garage Crew, the Young Stars will challenge the “L” team, and the Cobras will take on the Phoenix team.
BDF & FC Belize rule BPFL football
The Belize Defence Force and FC Belize are both undefeated and leading the Belize Premier Football League competition. FC Belize drilled San Felipe Barcelona 3-1 in Week 5 of the tournament at the People’s Stadium on Saturday night, and the BDF blasting the Toledo Ambassadors 4-3 at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio on Sunday, October 10. The Belize Defence Force came back from being down 2-0 deficit to win by an injury time goal from Erwin “Bird” Flores in the 93rd minute. Ashley Tor res scored Toledo Ambassadors’ first goal in the 7th minute of play and Bernard Linares embarrassed the BDF goalie with Ambassadors’ 2nd goal in the 44th minute to lead 2-0 at the half. Paul Nunez scored the BDF’s first goal in the 47th minute, and Evan
Mariano delivered the equalizer in the 67th minute. E ve n t h o u g h A s h l e y To r r e s completed the hat trick with a 3rd goal for the Ambassadors, the “Man of the Match” BDF’s Erwin “Bird” Flores came off the bench to notch his team’s tying and 3rd goal in the 87th minute to tie the ball game at 3-3. The Bird then wielded the dagger and drove it into the hearts of the Ambassadors’ fans when he scored the game winner 6 minutes later in injury time. The Ambassadors are ranked 4th with seven points. In Saturday night’s big match up, Nigerian import Christian Okonkwo and Jarret Davis led the potent FC Belize offense, supported by midfielders Shaun Gill, Delwyn and Brian Martinez, but a stiff San Felipe defense held off their attacks for most of the first half until Davis was able to break through
and score in the 42nd minute, for a 1-0 lead at the half time break. The San Felipe squad fought to equalize in the 2nd half, but Christian Okonkwo scored a 2nd goal in the 61st minute. Oscar Ascevedo scored a consolation goal for San Felipe in the 86th minute, but Okonkwo blasted in his 2nd goal in injury time for the 3-1 win. San Felipe Barcelona is now ranked 5th with 6pts. Griga United is No.3 in the rankings with 10pts after a nil-zip draw with Hankook Verdes at the Marshalleck Stadium in Benque Veijo on Saturday night. Verdes now has only 3pts and are only one rung above the cellar dwellers, San Pedro Sea Dogs, on ladder of the rankings. Belmopan Blaze enjoyed their first win, a 3-0 triumph over the winless San Pedro Sea Dogs at the Ambergris
Stadium on Sunday. Mark Leslie scored the winning goal in the 34th minute for a 1-0 lead at the half. Bertram Bermudez scored the 2nd goal in the 82nd minute and Leon “Lem” Jones added a 3rd goal in the 89th minute for the 3-0 win. The competition continues with Belmopan Blaze hosting San Felipe Barcelona at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium on Saturday night, while Hankook Verdes look forward to their fist win as they await the hapless San Pedro Sea Dogs at the Marshalleck Stadium also on Saturday night. Toledo Ambassadors will be hunting their third win when they take on F.C. Belize at Punta Gorda’s Union Field on Sunday, while Griga United will be challenged by the Belize Defence Force at the Carl Ramos Stadium in Grigadang on Sunday.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
SCA girls 5 game win streak paces CSSSA volleyball
The St. Catherine’s Academy girls are undefeated after posting their 5th back to back win, against the Gwen Lizarraga High School girls when the Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) volleyball competition continued at the Belize City Center today. SCA team captain Analisa Habet and Brianny Staine led the attack, spiking at the net, on plays set by Xiomara Quan, while Krystal Bevans, Sherika Burton and Emily Evans served and received to win the first set 25-11. G w e n L i z ’s D e a n d r a C o o t e , Audreanna Meighan, and Shareema Moody tried to get a counterattack going in the 2nd set, and with the help
of Shanice Pollard, Jaslyn Myvette and Jasheema Saunders they won some points before the SCA girls took it away 25-17. The SCA girls had also blown away the Maud Williams High School girls in 2 sets: 25-9 and 25-4 for their 4th win last Thursday evening. The Anglican Cathedral College girls posted their 3rd win against the Ladyville Technical High School girls last Saturday afternoon. Vanessa Rose and Shauryce Flowers led the attack, by spiking on plays set by Ena Encalada while Agnes Lucas, Amber Ferguson and Joani Magana received and served to win the first set 25-12. The Ladyville girls won some points as they endeavored to win the 2nd
set before the ACC girls won 25-19. The ACC girls had not done so well in their last outing, a 2-set loss to the Edward P. Yorke High School girls, who won 25-19 and 25-18. The Pallotti High School girls posted their 4th win against the Edward P. Yorke High School girls last Friday. Gorlee Marin and Gloria Serano led the offensive supported by Georgia Young and Megan Contreras, w i t h Ro ch e l l e a n d Ta s h a S h aw receiving and serving to win the 1st set 25-14. The E. P. Yorke girls tried for a comeback in the 2nd set, but the Pallotti girls took it away 25-13. The Pallotti girls had also posted their 3rd win against the Gwen Lizarraga High School girls in two sets, 25-23 and
25-23, last Thursday. The Wesley College girls also posted enjoyed their 3rd win against the Ladyville Technical High School girls last Friday. Ashanti Garbutt, Nerika Noralez and Shemika Franklin led the Ladyville girls to win the 1st set 25-16, but Wesley’s Khristie Gillett and Leyla Hernandez rallied their attack in the 2nd set and with the help of Keeren Maskall, Leshawn Swift, Symone Foreman, they won the 2nd set 25-15. Sherlene Humphreys relieved Juanita Gillette as they dominated the 3rd set 15-5. The Wesley girls had also posted their 2nd back-to-back win 25-20 and 2514 against the Maud Williams High School girls last Wednesday.
SJC & Nazarene boys run their win streak to 4 each in CSSSA volleyball
The St John’s College boys and Nazarene High School lead the Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) volleyball competition, each with 4 back-to-back wins, when the tournament continued at the Belize City Center last Saturday. The SJC boys 4th win was against the Edward P. Yorke High School boys last Friday. Rasheed Pollard and Kareem Mckay led the SJC offensive spiking on plays Alex Quan, with Richard Vasquez and Kyle Williams receiving and serving. Quan served 3 aces, while Pollard and Mckay served
2 aces each to win the first set 25-17. Dave Pascacio, Robert Codd and David Courtenay got some court time in the 2nd set, which they won 25-14. The Nazarene High School boys also posted their 4th back to back win against the Maud Williams High School boys on Saturday. Avery Gordon and Anthony Moore led the offensive with Akeem Richardson, Frank Malic, Ryan Reneau and Aaron Samuels receiving and serving to win the 1st set 25-23 and they also took the 2nd set 25-14. The Nazarene High School boys had also posted their 3rd win against
the Edward P. Yorke High School boys in 2 sets 25-14 and 25-12 last Wednesday. Roman Debride and Darein Skeen led the defending champs, Ladyville Tech to their 3rd win against the Anglican Cathedral College boys on Saturday. Denroy McCord, Jose Tobar, and Christopher Andrews helped receive and set to win the first set 2520. Mark Castillo and Marvin Carcamo got some court tine in the 2nd set which the Ladyville boys dominated: 25-16. The Ladyville boys had suffered
their 3rd loss against the Wesley College boys on Friday night. Wesley’s Jermaine Madrill and Brandon Lopez blocked Ladyville’s star attacker Roman Debride while spiking home points to win the first set 26-24. The Ladyville boys tried for a comeback in the 2nd set, but Wesley’s Kieron Zuniga, Michael Perera, Calbert Jeffries and Mark Rhaburn received and served to help win the 2nd set: 25-20. The Maud Williams High School boys enjoyed their first win 25-8 and 30-28 against the Anglican Cathedral College boys last Thursday.
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
David Henderson wins 6th Annual Orange Walk Bypass cycling criterium Team INDECO’s David Henderson won the 6th annual Orange Walk bypass cycling criterium organized by the Belize Cycling Association today Monday, October 11. Henderson clocked 2:22:37 over the 6 laps of the Bypass for a total distance of 60 miles to win the elite criterium. Team Depredadores’ Donizeti Vasquez from Chetumal, Quintana Roo, took 2nd place, while Team Zamir’s Peter Choto was 3rd just ahead of his big brother Giovanni Choto of Team Western Spirit who was 4th. T e a m B e n n y ’s M e g a b y t e s Panamanian import Christian led the main peloton, clocking 2:23:07 to place 5th, out-sprinting Team Santino’s Darnell Barrow who was 6th. Team Depredadores’ Eduardo Lada was right behind to place 7th, while Team Santino’s national road champ Leroy Cassasola finished in 8th place. Team INDECO’s Geon Hanson had won the junior race last year, and this year he was the 9th elite rider whilst Team Western Spirit’s Angel completed the top 10. Team Benny’s Megabytes Giovanni “Froggy” was 11th, Team C-Ray’s
Lloyd Andrews was 12th, and Orson Butler was 13th. Team Western Spirit’s Roger Troyer placed 14th while Kyne Gentle, also of Western Spirit, was 15th. Michael “Big wire” Lewis riding unattached, clocked 1:13:40 to win the Masters’ race, which was 3 laps for a total distance of 30 miles. Team M&M Engineering’s Roque Matus was 2nd, and Barney Brown placed 3rd. Team Depredadores’ Omar Gomez was 4th while Henry Moriera took 5th place. Team Santino’s Ronald S u t h e r l a n d f i n i s h e d 6 t h , Te a m Depredadores’ Carlos Castellan was 7th and Team Typhoon’s Albert Conorquie of Orange Walk pulled in 8th. Santino “Di Chief ” Castillo was 9th and Sherwin Latchman completed the top 10. Ernest “Dangalang” Thurton was 11th, Team Typhoon’s Luigi Urbina of was 12th, Mark Gentle was 13th and Kenny Gladden was 14th. Team M&M Engineering’s Preston Mar tinez and Liam were 15th and 16th respectively, while Team Benny’s Megabytes Wilbert Jones and George Abraham were 17th and 18th
repectively. Team Depredadores’ Freddy Ramos was 19th and Team Santino’s Andrew Cutkelvin completed the top 20,. Team Clear Di Land’s Austin Armstrong clocked 1:43:07 to win the junior race: 4 laps around the course for a total distance of 40 miles. Team Cayo High Road Cycling’s Daniel Choto was 2nd, while Armstrong’s teammate Deezan Spence placed 3rd.
Choto’s teammate Oscar Quiros was 4 tand Joel Borland of the INDECO team rounded out the top 5. Team Cayo High Road Cycling’s Kyle Kelvin Gentle was 6th; Team C-Ray’s Eduar Burns placed 7th, and Team Clear Di Land’s Darren Williams was 8th. Team Cayo High Road Cycling’s Richard Vera was 9th and Mexico’s Joan Quintal completed the top 10.
Rising Stars & Palmar draw 0-0 in FFB Inter-district football
Palmar FC of Orange Walk held the Rising Stars of Belize City to a nil-zip draw in the Football Federation of Belize Inter-district First Division football competition at the MCC Grounds this afternoon. Rising Stars’ Carlos Barrera a n d C l i n t o n Jo r g e n s o n l e d t h e attack, supported by midfielders M i s a e l C a nu l , Av i a n C r aw f o r d , Jesse Guerrero and David Ramos, but could not get by the tenacious defense of Palmar’s Enrique Castillo, Raul Cantun, Eder Ortega and Edward Meighan. Palmar’s Ian Chi, Kenny Chi and Ronnie Perez were also testing the Rising Stars’ defense and Matthew Leal, Hubert Baptist, Andrew Estell and Stephen Arnold had all they could do to contain the lightening quick attacks, supported by Palmar midfielders David Carillo, Ivan
Arguelles and Arnold Caceres. The Rising Stars dominated the play in the first half having possession for much of the time and confining play to the visitors’ half of the field, but they lacked finish, except for one brilliant shot by Jesse Guerrero that forced Walter Garcia to dive for a save, only deflecting the ball and giving up a corner kick. In the 2nd half, Samuel Figueroa replaced Avian Crawford, and Ernest “ D u b u ” F l o r e s r e l i e ve d C a r l o s Barrera. The visitors also refreshed their attack with Santiago Chi and Omar Mollinero but the game was still a nil zip draw when Jael Ottley entered the ball game for Clinton Jorgenson. Ottley’s best shot screamed over the crossbar, and the final whistle sounded to a 0-0 draw. S a n t a E l e n a wo n o v e r C l u b Aguilas by default when the Club
were a no show for their scheduled match even after a half an hour grace period after the set start time. The referees waited until 8:30. World F. C. has already qualified to the next round following their fifth victor y, a 2-1 triumph over Cristo Rey, on strikes by Miguel Aguilar and Carlos Vasquez. Hopkins also led Group 3 in advancing to the next round with 11 pts, following their third win 6-1 over Belief F.C. Tower Hill is effectively out of the next round, following their 3-3 draw with Libertadores of Corozal. Dario Westby, Cesar Robert scored for Tower Hill who also g ot an autogoal courtesy of Keron Swazo. Libertadores had goals scored by Felipe Guy, Jamal Mar tinez and Alden Fuentes. Club Atletico of Belmopan is
also through to the next round from Group 3 via a 2-1 victory over Jah Roots. Edwin Palma and Geovanni Lopez scored for Atletico, while only Delroy Flores scored for Jah Roots. The Mavericks are also into the next round leading Group 4 with 15 pts following their fifth win a 2-1 victor y over Benguche on two strikes by Leslie Williams and Everett Genus Jr, while only Edwin Nazario could score a consolation goal for Benguche, who nevertheless have also qualified with 12 pts. Carmelita of the Orange Walk district is also into the next round with 10 pots by vir tue of their 2-2 draw with Capital United of Belmopan. Richard Gillett and Jevon Ico scored for Car melita, while Danilo Marcilio and Alden Coleman scored for Capital United.
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
of the The Chocolate and Red Bell Heart Health Alternatives
The Chocolate Cure for Coronary Inflammation A square of DARK chocolate a day, (not milk or white chocolate ) might not quash your cravings, but it could help shield you from heart disease. In a new study from the Journal of Nutrition which analyzed data on 4,849 healthy adults, researchers found those who regularly ate modest amounts of dark chocolate had 17 percent lower blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) , a marker of inflammation. That reduction might be significant enough to slash heart disease risk by a third in women and a fourth in men, according to the study’s authors. To understand the significance of the findings, one has to look at the accuracy with which the scientific community has been able to link the presence of inflammatory markers especially CRP , to coronary heart disease and stroke. For those persons with the heart condition known as angina and those who have had a previous heart attack, high levels of CRP consistently predict the recurrence of their coronary afflictions and is deemed to be an reliable indicator of lower survival rate among cardiac patients. The low grade inflammation, over time, leads to the buildup of plaque in the arteries and the inflammatory processes have even been linked with the formation of
deadly blood clots . How does eating Dark Chocolate daily fit into this, you might ask. Dark chocolate, of which some of the world’s finest and purest with 70 percent and above cacao content is made right here in Belize , is rich in potent antioxidants that may help fight inflammation, which is considered a major risk factor for heart disease (as well as cancer and diabetes). To make the most of the sweet stuff ’s heart-protecting effects, the study’s authors recommend eating 6.7 grams a day (or about half a chocolate bar each week). Since it is a bit pricey at the local supermarkets because of the purity, one small bar a week, per adult can be added to your shopping list. So indulge in a little chocolate, it’s good for your
At 3:00 a.m. Local time on Tuesday, October 12th, 2010, weather and science history was made as the tropical system whose first advisory as a tropical depression was issued just twelve hours earlier mushroomed into a Category I storm named Paula. According to the meteorologists at Weather Underground, Paula's rapid intensification defies all hereto expected intensification models for tropical depressions. Since 1970, when satellite imaging technology became available, records have been kept of every tropical system, from its birth as a tropical wave through its various stages of development and of the rate and atmospheric conditions as it intensifies . Experts are all blogging today, stunned at what literally happened
while they slept Monday night. The tropical wave that morphed into Paula showed some organization around midday on Monday, October 11th,2010 but did not look like it hd the “staying power” required to be named a tropical depression. If HURDAT, the final database on Atlantic hurricanes , logs Paula as a depression by midday then the rapid intensification record will be a tie with the 2007 hurricane Humberto which holds the current rapid intensification record of eighteen hours from depression to hurricane. Records show Paula is one of only six storms that have so rapidly intensified in twenty four hours or less. Paula is the sixteenth named storm of the 2010 season and the ninth to reach hurricane strength.
Hurricane Paula Makes Weather Science History
heart’s health all year round and not just for Valentine’s day. HIBICUS TEA CAN CONTROL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Sipping the hot infusion or tea drawn from the flowers of the hibiscus , aka locally as “Red Bell’ , may help bring down high blood pressure. More and more, younger persons are finding themselves with mildly elevated blood pressure, usually due to the combination of fast food consumption, sedentary lifestyle and workplace and societal uncertainties. For six weeks, a group of adults with mildly elevated blood pressure drank three cups of the tart tea or a placebo drink daily. By the end of the study, tea-taking participants had significantly lowered their sys-
tolic blood pressure (the top number on a blood-pressure reading). What’s more, those who had higher blood pressure at the start of the study saw even greater improvement than their less hypertensive counterparts. Hibiscus tea’s hearthealthy effects most likely have to do with its high levels of flavonoids, potent antioxidants shown to lower blood pressure in past research, notes study author Diane McKay, Ph.D. of Tufts University. Let us raise our teacups and drink to that! Who would have thought… red bell! WHO GET BEX FIRST LOSE – EVEN YOUR LIFE The conversation on blood pressure and cardiovascular health would not be complete if we did not look at some aspect of daily stress or should I say, distress. Studies continue to show that being angry and holding issues against a boss or senior person from day to day, week in week out can lead to cardiovascular disease. Forgive yourself and the boss- or the ungrateful teenager or insensitive spouse- and chillax. Let it all go. Getting “bex” and keeping yourself pissed at the world makes you a loser at the level of your heart. So drink a cup o Hibiscus tea to keep the pressures down, have a little chocolate daily to stave off the inflammatory processes and just be good to you- first.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Reflections An Obama Knockoff…
By: Mike Rudon Jr. This morning I heard on the news that the Obama administration in the US has lifted the moratorium on shallow and deepwater offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Immediately after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon Drilling Rig on April 20, 2010 which would result in the spillage of over 200 million gallons of crude, the moratorium was put into effect. The brightest minds in the US government and in the oil industry were tasked with analyzing the catastrophe from the bottom up and coming up with safeguards to ensure that such a disaster would not reoccur. Now, with new standards for equipment and technology in place, oil companies required to obtain independent certification of the safety of their rig operations and those companies forced to follow the strictest guidelines to recognize potential hazards before they occur, the moratorium has been lifted. There will no doubt be further debate on this issue, but I use this example only to show the workings of a dynamic administration led by a decisive leader who gets the job done. There was an unforeseen crisis, President Obama took decisive action, pulled out all the stops to find solutions, implemented solutions…move on. That’s how it should work. Too bad we’re stuck with an Obama knockoff which malfunctioned shortly after coming off the assembly line in February of 2008. That damned Dean Oliver can’t get anything right. Hell, the other day he tried to use a phrase which he heard Obama use – remember rhetorical flourish – and ended up using it out of context and out of definition. This guy is hopeless. And just in case you feel like saying that we can’t compare Dean Oliver to Obama because the US is a superpower… that’s not my point. We don’t need a leader who moves everywhere with an entourage of Secret Service agents or lives in a great big mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or commands enough artillery to level the world or enough money to buy it if he chooses. We don’t need all that. But we do need a leader who is decisive, who works actively to find solutions to problems facing his nation and his people, who implements agendas which will benefit all his people and who gets the damned job done. That’s all we’re asking. But sadly enough, we got Dean Oliver, a leader who lies with consummate skill, speaks in rhetorical flourishes, evades
and dodges with all the finesse of a greased pig and has all the vision of a bat in a cave. Just think about it and if you feel that I’m just a disgusting political animal who really, really doesn’t like Dean Oliver and spares no effort to make it known (I am) then be objective. In two and a half years at the helm of our jewel, what has Dean Oliver done for the nation and the people? What bright initiatives have come forth from this government? Are our people better
off since the UDP took over? Have we prospered, so to speak (and of course by ‘we’ I mean us common folk, not the Barrows)? Hell, if anybody can e-mail me with one concrete and laudable achievement of this administration since February of 2008 I’ll send them an autographed photo of Dean Oliver in speedos on the beach at Fort Lauderdale. When it came to the offshore drilling thing in Belize, Dean Oliver didn’t take any decisive action or search for any solutions to the growing dissent and protest. He just ignored all the parties who stood up and condemned offshore drilling as too risky – end of story. When the price of fuel hovered at the $9.50 mark and he was questioned about his commitment to keep fuel at $7.00 per gallon, Dean Oliver smiled beatifically and said that he hadn’t really committed to keeping it at $7.00, he had only committed to ‘revisiting’ the situation if fuel rose over $7.00 per gallon. So I guess he revisited the situation while relaxing in his lounge chair in his air-conditioned study in his mansion in front of the sea and decided – let those suckers suffer! Good one, Dean O.
26 Very recently, when it was revealed that the man branded by Dean O as public enemy #1, the man Dean O threatened to run out of town (when the camera was on him of course) and the man who Dean O proclaimed an oppressor of the Belizean people had Dean O on his payroll, the man sat in a chair and lied, very eloquently and very vaguely. A day or so after, the lie was brought to light, so now Dean O is just ignoring it all like it never happened. This is the leader we’ve been saddled with, a cheap Obama knockoff with none of the features of the original product. We get the pretty version, like a Barbie with sequined jacket, skinny jeans and high heeled shoes which does absolutely nothing. But hey, no worries! When Obama comes to visit we can always ask him to give Dean Oliver some pointers o leadership. Oh wait…where did we hear that one from? Yeah, it was from Dean Oliver himself, telling us that President Obama had told him personally that he would visit Belize very soon. Must have been another of those damned rhetorical flourishes!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Strictly Personal Barrow is bogus!
by I was told this week that my political opponent and talk show h o s t c o m p e t i t o r S e n a t o r Ju l i e t T himbrel is threatening to do me violence because she was told that I spoke disrespectfully about her on Vibes Radio Morning Buzz last week Friday. It would be ironic if that were the case, that is if were a case of the kettle calling the pot black as the old folks like to say, but that is actually far from the really real. The irony is that in my remarks I sincerely wished her well, twice, because I knew she had ch e cke d i n t o B e l i z e H e a l t h c a r e Partners Limited and was receiving treatment for a medical condition I refused to disclose despite the impor tuning of the members of the panel present that mor ning. I defended her right to privacy as a matter of principle but I did point out that even though she and others members of the United D e m o c r a t i c Pa r t y “ b a d m o u t h ” BHPL, they seem to have no hesitancy in availing themselves of its ser vices. Ye s, Ju l i e t , I s a i d i t w a s hypocritical for you, Dean Barrow, Finneg an, Rueben Campus, et al, to be bad-mouthing BHPL because you g o there for treatment. I did not, however, call you names or spoke of you in a disrespectful manner. See, I respect myself too much to join you down there in that gutter. I sincerely wished you a full and speedy recover y because I am a compassionate person, and hope that whatever ails you is cured. It is public knowledge and no telling of tales out of school that you are obese, and I mention it simply because as a fellow citizen it is my hope that you could set an example for many others and do something about it. You may even be morbidly obese and therefore it could be an urg ent situation. O b e s i t y i s a h u g e a n d g r ow i n g problem in Belize, and you could use your tar t tongue and rancid attitude to do some real g ood for a change by exhor ting others to check themselves. I am not surprised that you are fulminating and issuing threats – I would’ve been surprised had y o u n o t . T h a t ’s t h e U D P w a y.
Send your letters to the editor to:
Threats, accusations, alleg ations, insults, lies - those are your party’s propag andists stock in trade, and you all do it ver y well. I have lost count of the number times I have been threatened with violence by some member or suppor ter of the UDP. It is to be expected and I have little doubt that you all will tr y ag ain, ag ain, to do me physical damage. T h is is o n e mor e r easo n why I say Dean Bar row is bogus. H e s e t s t h e t o n e. H e l e a d s o f f with that attitude and you all follow him. He proudly displays his lack of compassion, and gladly eschews civility when he refers to his political opponents. He calls us “enemies” and often swears that he will “destroy” us. Is it any wonder that Belizean society is so
violent? I w i l l c o n t i nu e t o d e f e n d myself with ever y fiber of my being, and I will fight to my ver y last breath to restore decency and civility to a society g one mad, where g oonish behavior is the order of the day.
27 Ag ain, I wish you a full and speedy recover y, not only to g ood physical health, but also to g ood mental and emotional health as well ‘cause from where I sit, unnu people all need fu g et unnu head checked. Bar row is bogus.
publication of this notice sell the properties described in the Schedule below.
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
TAKE NOTICE that a Petition fo ALL offers to purchase There the said properties mustWere be made in writing toTimes…. Yes riage dated the 4th day of Novemb to have served you, to have worked with and take with me to the next round. It is the course I was to travel, and the mileHOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full you, and to have had your unwavering posts I was to reach. whatto makes me who I and am. answer the amonths. notice appear support during the past thirty However, time questions or cares not As a Party, we have accomplished particulars and conditions whether of saleyoumy be obtained. have achieved what you set Together, we all kept the Party going, quite a lot, but we must be mindful of so been filed in the Supreme Court of out to do. It simply moves on. That is and I thank you. much more that is yet to be done. But it To the thousands of supporters and requires every hand on board. one of its indiscrimate characteristic. So and tha shared on Sunday, October 17th, 2010, I exit sympathizers of our Party, whoIWUORIEH So let us McARTHUR remember not be judgmenthis phase of my life, but as I do, I must their issues, their concerns and their tal and condemn others simply because again we do express my deep gratitude and heartfelt hope with me for our Party to once not understand they think fourteen days of the why second public thanks to all who have enriched my life be the visionary dynamic Party that we or act the way they do. Rather, let us be SCHEDULE ought to be, and who inspiredappearance me and prepared to in some way or the other. to learn, and Court to atlisten theandSupreme i To the staff of the Secretariat, the kept me going. I want you to know each encourage and urge them to focus on the Belize Times and Vibes Radio, you were comment, gesture, phone call, email, purpose of our great party. should you think to do you always willing to go the extra mile for the face book posting or note which And when facedfit withso a storm, let usand th party. Your commitment to the party, the sent, was appreciated, and I thank you. not be like the cows that run away, but to the ascharges thethesaid A 1. ALL THAT parcelquality of land being Block ParcelYes,3115/1 it was not without challenges, of your work, along with 16, the peris our style, in be like buffaloPetition which sonal sacrifices many of you have made and there were many obstacles, but we charges directly into it. We deal with it situate in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, TOovercame. and are still making, which often go untogether,that and move on. NOTICE in default of your s Yes, there were times when the progrecognized, and the positive attitude in Carolyn Trench-Sandiford Our party can only go from strength GETHER with all buildings andyouerections andress being therewas not as fast as I, and many would to strength, which approach yourstanding assigned tasks, Party Chairman if all of us are on board. Our proceed to hear the said charges pr I believe it was William Shakespeare despite all the limitations, are commend- have liked, but we have certainly made Party has a long history and tradition of on, the leasehold of EDMOND PERDOMO We could not be D. where we are to- much headway. who compared life to a play, property with each able. tolerance for healthy and constructive absence notwithsta Yes, there were times, when judgment, I bit off dialogueyour having entrances and exits. Time flies, day without you, and I thank you. and debate. It is out of these,
and it seems that it was only yesterday, I was sworn in as the Chairman of the People’s United Party. The date was April 13th, 2008. I never really knew what to expect then, but did see it as another phase of my time here on earth. Another opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our people and party; An outlet for my thoughts, my ideas, and even my ramblings; I strongly believed then, as I do now, that our people are disillusioned with the old way, and want to see a blueprint for their future. I felt it was incumbent upon us as a party to re-open the dialogue, to reposition our ideological compass and re-think the roadmap to progress and a New Belize. So I plotted
To the Party Leader and the National Executive, I want you to know that your wisdom, patience and understanding as I navigated my way through challenging and unfamiliar waters were appreciated. You were always there when I sought guidance, and from you all, I certainly learned so much more about the weaving and bobbing that is required to move through troubled political waters. It was a pleasure and an honour to chair our meetings and to sit with you all around the table, and I thank you. To the members of the National Party Council, I am truly thankful for your kind words and thoughts which you shared with me on Saturday at our last meeting for the term of this National Executive. I am humbled and privileged
more than I could chew, but it gave me cause to step back and regain perspective, to rethink the strategy, and focus on the desired results. Yes there were times, when the road seems endless, and the journey pointless, but as is divine intervention, your light would suddenly flare, and the energy resurfaced, and I knew at that moment, we must continue. Yes there were times when I thought all was lost, but each time I rediscovered a new meaning to my role in fulfilling the purpose of the party and the revolution. Regrets I have none, because I live by a creed which is anchored in a simple thought…that I do not make mistakes, I have experiences from which I learn
2. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 23, Parcel 2664/1 situate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety for MARIA CAWICH
that novel ideas and concepts are born. We are all members of the PUP, because we believe that the PUP is the only party which can create a better life for all Belizeans. But it takes courage and humility, and for us to make decisions that are not about self interest, but rather, about what is best for the people and the party. There is no other time than now to organize and fight for Belize. Our people want to be brought back into the fold. Let us give them a reason to return and welcome them. For only if this occurs, will the revolution continue….and only so will the NEW BELIZE be created, which will bring to all Belizeans a better life and a just share of the national wealth.
All Eyes on Diabetes Are you diabetic? Do you know someone living with diabetes? Did you know that untreated diabetes can cause blindness? Come and be informed! The Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BCVI), in collaboration with the Belize Diabetic Association, invites you to a public event to be held in your area District Belmopan Corozal Town Belize City Punta Gorda Dangriga Town Orange Walk
Venue Red Cross Methodist Auditorium Lester Young Hostel Parish Hall Helpage Red Cross
Date 21/10/2010 21/10/2010 14/10/2010 27/10/2010 28/10/2010 21/10/2010
Time 2:00 PM 1:30 AM 9:00-3:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:30 AM
Note: Belize City is all day as we will be doing both Diabetic Awareness and World Sight Day 2010 together.
Free Sugar and Blood Pressure tests will be conducted! So come on over and let BCVI keep an eye on your vision AND your health! For more information contact us at 227.7776!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
We’re Still Waiting!
By: Mike Rudon Jr. As I sit and write this, our esteemed leader is once ag ain out of the countr y, in Washington this time I think. He travels quite a lot, doesn’t he? Off to New Orleans one week, Miami the next, Los Angeles for a few days with a brief stop in Houston…and the list g oes on and on and on. We don’t hear much about most of those trips and if it weren’t for this little thing called the Inter net, we wouldn’t even have the benefit of seeing pictures of our wonderful Prime Minister and glorious First Lady Second Wife g arbed in the latest designer apparel, sipping champagne and snacking on caviar on toast points. Cocktail circuits and g our met dining are fine things aren’t they? Our much beloved leader and his lady look like a million bucks… they’re travelling the globe like celebrities with car te blanche status and we do so love those adoring little tidbits in the society pages of foreign newspapers. But we should be getting more from this, shouldn’t we? I don’t personally have a problem with our candidate for saint status leader travelling the globe per se. I tend to think that in the case of a Third World nation like Belize, a responsible and real leader would have to make the rounds, working on par tnerships and networking with leaders of other nations. See, this concept of travelling works if the end g oal is always to come back with something which benefits the nation and the people. Like g oing to Mexico and coming back with some scholarships for underprivileged youth who crave fur ther education but can’t afford it under this restrictive regime…or maybe a commitment from Mexican authorities to aid in and expedite our forensics and ballistics testing until this crew can get its act together, if that is ever to be. Like spending a week in Los Angeles and coming back with a fir m commitment from that city’s officials to provide courses to our UDP leaders in Resisting Cor r uption 101. But you see what I mean, right? We get the impression that our adored leader and his g orgeous wife have been travelling just for the heck of it…a lot of photo-ops and some shopping on the side, so to speak. We sure
We are the most visited newspaper website in Belize
as hell haven’t seen the benefits of all those frequent f lier miles, though I’m sure the office of the Prime Minister has been paying some hefty bills for all that first class travel out of our money. Four months ag o our g reat leader stood in front of a g raduating class of the University of Belize and told them that the worst is over and there are g ood things ahead. Belize is rebounding from the economic recession he said…there is a g reat big shining light at the end of the tunnel. A few weeks ag o that majestic man stood in front of the nation and said essentially the same thing, just in more f lower y language. This time he even provided some stats which he claimed were official to back up his proclamation that the g reat big shining light is still at the end of the tunnel. Just how long is that damned tunnel, we’d be forgiven for asking. I swear that our Prime Minister has no concept of reality and no awareness of what is happening all around him. Does he not know about all the big businesses which are closing down, unable to make it in this stif ling, stagnant economy? Has he not been told about all the workers who have been laid off because their employers cannot continue to pay their salaries? Can he not see the ranks of the unemployed g rowing apace with the ranks of failed businesses? I heard that our largest chicken producer has repor ted a drop in sales of 25% so far this year. A couple months ag o one of our largest Belizean businessmen had to throw in the towel and just last week another closed his doors. This week the Belize Diagnostic Center repor tedly told employees that they need to find new employment by the end of the month because they are closing down. One of our largest apparel producers has been repeatedly downsizing staff. So has one of our largest wholesalers up the Nor ther n Highway. And this is only the tip of the iceberg which is the stor y of Belize’s economy collapsing because this administration has no clue. Throughout all this, our ver y eloquent Prime Minister has said not a word to reveal that he knows what people are g oing through out here. He has revealed no initiatives to help keep businesses alive, no stimulus package to jumpstar t the economy (unless he thought that raising taxes would do so). Nobody, absolutely nobody, with the exception of his family members and other UDP bigwig, has seen any light at the end of any tunnel. Mr. Prime Minister…if it’s not too much of an imposition, do you think that you could spend less time quaffing champagne and posing for glamour shots and more time tr ying to help the nation out of this mess? We’re still waiting!
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
VACANCY Post: Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (Chief Executive Officer) The Truth Shall Make You Free
Issue No. 4715
Purpose: The CEO is the singular organizational position that is primarily responsible
to carry out the strategic plans and policies as established by the Committee of Management and the Strategic Plan of the Belize Sugar Cane Industry. The CEO reports to the Committee of Management. The CEO will provide leadership in these and other areas: the creation of strategic, tactical, and financial plans; developing objectives and measuring performance to the approved goals, and to develop member service and member development of the Association’s Staff
Seis chivos expiatorios para la matanza..... La administración Barrow esta semana decidió enviar a la matanza a seis Oficiales de Inmigración, poniendoles un total de 80 cargos a estos desdichados jovenes. Por todas las intenciones y objetivos de ser los cerebros y operadores de un circulo sofisticado, multinacional y bi-hemispherico de tráfico humano. Los oficiales, Candra Wade, 29; Angélica Lima, 42; Jason Daly, 33; Lindsay Wade, 30; Mark Tench, 37; y Martin Guy, 37, fueron senalados en público por no menos que por los ministros de Policía y Seguridad Pública, Defensa e Inmigración, después de lo que ellos llamaron una investigación intensa en las acusaciones que los aviones cargados por asiáticos asentaron en el aeropuerto internacional de Belice, bajo la obscuridad de la noche y la carga humana paso sobre los procedimientos jurídicos y puesta a bordo de furgonetas, para nunca mas ser vistos en suelo Beliceno. En lo que es sin duda el más irónico de las declaraciones, los ministros insistieron que el asunto parara allí. Candra, Lima, Daly y Lindsay aparecieron en la Corte de Magistratura *1 el Martes último por la tarde, 12 de octubre. Candra fue acusada de 10 delitos de ayudar deliberadamente y facilitar la comisión de una ofensa confor me al Acto de Inmigración y 9 cuentas de falsificación de un documento oficial. Ella fue liberada con una fianza de 20,000 dólares. Lima fue acusada de 12 delitos de ayudar deliberadamente y facilitar la comisión de una ofensa confor me al Acto de Inmigración y 12 cuentas de la falsificación de un documento oficial. Ella también fue liberada con una fianza de 20,000 dólares. Daley fue acusado de 8 delitos de ayudar deliberadamente y facilitar la comisión de una ofensa confor me al Acto de Inmigración y 9 cuentas de la falsificación de un documento oficial. Él también fue liberado con una fianza de 20,000 dólares. Lindsay fue acusado de 2 delitos de ayudar deliberadamente y facilitar la comisión de una ofensa confor me al Acto de Inmigración y 2 cuentas de falsificación de un documento oficial. Él fue liberado con una fianza de 5,000 dólares. Tench y Guy hicieron acto de presencia en la corte de Magistratura *1 ayer y fueron cada uno acusados de 2 delitos de ayudar deliberadamente y facilitar la
A minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance with a minimum of ten (10) years experience in Senior Management or A Masters Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Finance with a minimum of five (5) years experience in Senior Management position for ma estaba disponible, ninguna Bilingual – English & Spanish a MUST consiste en que las for mas fueron Excellent written and oral communication skills robadas o extraviadas. Computer literate: Excel, Work, Quick Books Knowledgeable of the sugar industry Mientras los ministros procuExcellent knowledge of foreign projects requirements and policies and los procedures raron minimizar incidentes, y
hacerlo parecer como si ellos esSummary of Duties & Responsibilities: tan al tanto de las cosas, el hecho Advises the Committee of Managment Advocates /promotes organization and stakeholders change organization mission singular esrelated que toellos han levantado and vision statements más preguntas que proporcionado Supports the motivation of employees in organization program and operations Business planning Strategic respuestas. Planning Leads the BSCFA Hay para creer Formulates Policies and planning recommendations to thebuena Committeerazón of Management Looks to the future for change opportunitiesque había más que los tres vuelos Interfaces between Board and Employees and between organization and cane farmers. “charter” provinentes de Puerto Decides and guide courses of action in operation by staff ( oversee operations of staff) Príncipe, Haití, a representation Belice. for the Willing to travel within the sugar cane districts and make international ¿Ya que Belice raramente conBSCFA Should be able to operate in a busy environment and meet deadlinesinvitado de Japón sigue a algún
Candra Wade comisión de una ofensa confor me al Acto de inmigración y 2 cuentas de falsificación de un documento oficial. Ellos fueron liberados en libertad bajo fianza con 5,000 dólares cada uno y todos los demandados deben devolver al tribunal el 14 de Diciembre. Éstos eran los oficiales que estaban de ser vicio en el Aeropuerto Internacional Philip Goldson durante los días cuando tres vuelos “charter” enr uta de Puerto Príncipe, Haití, aterrizaron en Belice. Las fechas son el 18 y 19 de Septiembre, y el 3 de Octubre, respectivamente. Mientras que la policia fue rápida para actuar, en un esfuerzo para cubrir una de las actividades corr uptas más embarazosas del país de tiempos recientes, durante una r ueda de prensa el Martes, propiciado por los Ministros de Policía e Inmigración, Doug Singh y Carlos Perdomo respectivamente, ambos negaron tener vinculo alguno en la actividad ilegal. Los Ministros dijeron que la Embajada de Belice en Cuba ha sido prohibida otorgar visas a ciudadanos chinos quiénes son sospechados de viajar a Belice con destino a Los Estados Unidos. Algunos llevaban consigo lo que las autoridades creen eran falsos pasaportes Japoneses con visas falsificadas. Con respecto a las for mas de immigracion, Singh dijo que los oficiales ayudaron a los pasajeros a completar las for mas debido a la barrera del idioma. Había, sin embargo, infor maciones claves incompletas, como: sus direcciones y donde sus visados fueron "publicados". Las autoridades creen que los oficiales, o algunos de ellos, falsificaron numeros de pasaportes para ayudar a los pasajeros a pasar por inmigración y que hasta sus pasaportes eran falsificados. Lo que no creó ninguna alar ma dentro del circulo de oficiales, fue
por año, mucho menos Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience
por mes por qué el influjo repentino no levanto banderas rojas? Martin Guy Applicants must possess a driver’s license. Closing date for applications is Se espera que las investigacioOctober 20, 2010. Please send your applications with resume accompanied by two que los pasajeros no llenaron nin- nes en to: las irregularidades seguirán recent reference letters. Kindly submit applications guna for ma de aduana porque elTransition Committee con el CEO Allen Whylie, el dijo, los viajaban ligeramente y también "noAssociation dejaremos nada a la duda. Belize Sugar Cane Farmers debido al problema del lenguaje. Parte de la investigación implica San Antonio Road ¿Y adónde fueron los ciudadanos buscar la ayuda de Asuntos ExteOrange Walk chinos? Pues bien, los ministros riores y otros compañeros internadijeron que ellos creen que fueron cionales para tratar de conseguir recogidos y llevados al Hotel Prin- las copias de los documentos que cess de la zona libre en Corozal, y fueron presentados en el puerto luego cr uzaron la frontera el mis- de salida ... no cabe duda de que mo día. es sospechoso pero no quiero exPerdomo dijo que para evitar presar opiniones quiero expresar cualquier tipo de colusión interna- hechos y lo que las investigaciónes cional adicional, él ha Limited pedido una advises PRECON revelan its …” customers, moratoria en todos los visados Pero los ministros parecieran business the general public de personas chinas associates, o no cubanas and darle finalidad al asunto cuando que tratan de obtener visados deOctober dijeron 12, que 2010 ellos no saben donde that effective la Embajada de Belice en Cuba. El y quién publicó visados, como si MR. JEREMIE Departamento de Aviación Civil ellos GILL tuvieran poca intención de también está siendo interrogado tratar hasta de averiguar. is no longer employed or contracted by para deter minar por qué un vuelo Seis oficiales públicos de nivel “ charter” que sale deLimited, Haití a unaand PRECON is not authorized relativamente bajo, son to acusados hora cuando el aeropuerto debería de dirigir y hacer funcionar un circonduct any business behalf of haber estado cerrado esa noche, no culo on de trafico humano, sofisticaalar mó a nadie que se PRECON encontraba Limited. do, multinacional y bi-hemispherialli. Y mientras nadie de la Aduana co. No hay ninguna conspiración Customers advised call or asi visit its ha sido acusado de are cometer algun to de altodirectly nivel aquí, el Ministro delito ellos también están siendo Singh y Ministro Perdomo haran offices immediately for any queries or concerns. investigados. La explicación que el que usted creya. Agente de Aduana de turno en ese Oigan les cuento, hay este puentonces dio en cuanto a por qué ente en Brooklyn …...
Pursuant to Section 102(8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, notice is hereby given that
CHRISOFT LIMITED has been dissolved and
struck off the Register of IBCs as at the 6th day of October, 2010.
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The Belize Times
Belize TimesEn
E l D o m i n g o, 1 7 d e O c t u b r e d e 2 0 1 0 e l Pa r t i d o U n i d o d e l P u e b l o s o s t e n d r á s u C o nve n c i ó n N a c i o n a l e n l a c a p i t a l d e l a c u l t u r a d e B e l i c e, l a h e r m o s a D a n g r i g a . H a s i d o d e n o m i n a d a una Convención de Unidad y todos los ojos estarán en el nu e vo E j e c u t ivo q u e s u r g i r á d e s p u é s d e q u e 2 , 5 0 0 p a r t i d a r i o s d e l V i e j o p e r o g r a n Pa r t i d o h a g a n s u p a r t i c i p a c i o n . E s t o s e r á u n a o c a s i ó n h i s t ó r i c a y m e m o r a b l e p o r m o t ivo s d i f e r e n t e s, e n e s p e c i a l p o rq u e e s t e s e r á e l p r i m e r ve r d a d e r o e s p e c t á c u l o d e f u e r z a y u n i d a d p o r l a O p o s i c i ó n d e s p u é s d e mu ch o s m e s e s d e c o n f u s i ó n y d iv i s i ó n d e s p u é s d e l a p é r d i d a d e va s t a d o r a e n Fe b r e r o d e l 2 0 0 8 . Pe r o q u i z á , m á s q u e u n a C o nve n c i ó n d e U n i d a d e s t o s e r a una Convención que rinde homenaje a nuestros par tidarios que han estado de pie con nosotros edificando a la nación, d u r a n t e l o s b u e n o s t i e m p o s y t a m b i e n e n t i e m p o s m a l o s. E s u n t r i b u t o a l o s s o l d a d o s y l o s g e n e r a l e s d e l Pa r t i d o U n i d o d e l P u e b l o a u n q u e mu ch o s d e e l l o s h a n p a r t i d o p a r a s i e m p r e, p e r o q u e nu n c a s e r a n o l v i d a d o s y mu ch o s d e e l l o s t o d av í a e s t a n a q u í c o n n o s o t r o s l u ch a n d o l a b u e n a l u ch a – g u e r r e r o s c o m o Jo e E r a l e s, s e ñ o r i t a B i r d i e S e a l e y, L o u i s e B e va n s, E n f e r m e r a D o r o t hy B r a d l e y, A n t o n i o E s p a t , L u c i l l e C a r t e r, R h o d a C oy e, E l i z a b e t h U s h e r, L u c i l l e M e l e n d e z y c i e n t o s d e o t r o s q u e h a n h e ch o y s i g u e n h a c i e n d o e s t e Pa r t i d o c u a l e s. E s t a g e n t e e s l a c o l u m n a ve r t e b r a l d e e s t e g r a n Pa r t i d o y e s t a g r a n n a c i ó n y s u va l o r nu n c a p u e d e s e r e x a g e r a d o. E s d e b i d o a e l l o s y p a r a e l l o s q u e e l P U P e s t á l i s t o p a r a m a r ch a r r u m b o a B e l m o p a n c u a n d o s e e s c u ch e l a l l a m a d a … … . A t o d a nu e s t r a g e n t e j ove n y v i e j a a t r av é s d e l a l o n g i t u d y l a a n ch u r a d e e s t a n a c i ó n . S e r a u n c o m p r o m i s o p a r a nu n c a m a s t r o p e z a r e n e l c a m i n o d e l s e r v i c i o, p a r a nu n c a m a s p e r d e r e l c o n t a c t o c o n nu e s t r a s r a í c e s, p a r a q u e nu n c a m a s o l v i d e m o s d e d o n d e ve n i m o s y l o q u e n o s h a h e c h o f u e r t e s. E l 1 7 d e O c t u b r e , e l Pa r t i d o U n i d o d e l P u e b l o h a r á u n c o m p r o m i s o f i r m e d e a p oy a r a nu e s t r a g e n t e c u a n d o e l l o s n o s h a n a p oy a d o, d e p r o t e j e r l o s d e l o s o p p r e s o r e s, a q u e l l o s q u i e n e s l o s h a n victimizado y dehumanizado todo en nombre de la politica. E l S r. B a r r ow y s u Pa r t i d o U n i d o D e m ó c r a t a h a n l l e va d o a la nación al borde del desastre luego que se les brindo la o p p o r t u n i d a d d e g o b e r n a r e n Fe b r e r o d e l 2 0 0 8 . N u n c a a n t e s Belice ha estado al borde del colapso económico como lo esta hoy…resultado directo de una administración insensible e incompetente. Nunca antes han habido tantos neg ocios cer rando s u s p u e r t a s. N u n c a a n t e s e s t a n t a n t o s B e l i c e n o s s i n t r a b a j o y s u s u s t e n t o a r r e b a t a d o d e e l l o s s i n q u e h ay a n c o m e t i d o f a l t a a l g u n a ; nu n c a a n t e s t a n t o s d e l o s nu e s t r o s v ive n e n l a c o m p l e t a y a by e c t a p o b r e z a ; nu n c a a n t e s h a n h a b i d o t a n t o s d e nu e s t r o s n i ñ o s e xc l u i d o d e l a c c e s o a l a e d u c a c i ó n ; nu n c a a n t e s s e l e h a per mito al crimen mutilar a nuestros ciudadanos y abandonarlos impotentes en las gar ras de un miedo que paraliza; nunca antes a nuestras industrias se les per mitió descender en el caos y nunca antes fuimos los Belicenos oblig ados a sufrir u n a a d m i n i s t r a c i ó n t a n c o m p l e t a m e n t e n e g l i g e n t e, c o r r u p t a , i n s e n s i b l e e i n c o m p e t e n t e. ¡ É s t o s s ó l o s o n a l g u n o s d e l ' nu n c a a n t e s ’ d e s d e Fe b r e r o d e l 2008, p e r o e l D o m i n g o e l Pa r t i d o U n i d o d el Pueb l o h a b l a r á co n u n a vo z y e nv i a r á u n m e n s a j e c l a r o y r e s o n a n t e a l S r. B a r r ow – NUNCA MAS! E l D o m i n g o, 1 7 d e O c t u b r e d e 2 0 1 0 t o d o s l o s s e n d e r o s n o s l l e va r a n a D a n g r i g a c u a n d o l o s h o m b r e s y l a s mu j e r e s d e l Par tido U nido del Pueblo adopten una actitud de unidad, fuerza y o b j e t ivo y s e d i s p o n g a n a e m p r e n d e r l a g u e r r a c o n t r a e s t a a d m i n i s t r a c i ó n d e B a r r ow, d e s p ó t i c a y d i c t a t o r i a l . N o h a b r á clemencia ni impunidad. Ya que demasiado tiempo nuestra g ente h a s u f r i d o m i e n t r a s q u e e l S r. B a r r ow, s u s m i e m b r o s d e f a m i l i a y e l U D P p r iv i l e g i a d o h a n p r o s p e r a d o y h a n v iv i d o u n a s v i d a s d e o c i o y l u j o. C u a n d o nu e s t r a g e n t e s e p r e p a r a p a r a m a r ch a r a Belmopan y ar rancar a nuestra nación de las g ar ras de la d e s e s p e r a c i ó n , d e c i m o s c o n u n a vo z y u n c o r a z ó n – N o s o t r o s s o m o s A Z U L E S … d e p i e s a c a b e z a ! ¡ C o n u n a vo z y u n c o r a z ó n d e c i m o s V iva B e l i c e … Q u e V iva B e l i c e … Q u e v iva e l Pa r t i d o Unido del Pueblo!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
SEGUIMOS ESPERANDO! Por: Mike Rudon Jr. Mientras me siento y escribo esto, nuestro estimado líder está de nuevo fuera del país, Creo que en Washington este vez. ¿Él viaja bastante, no les parece? A New Orleans una semana, Miami la siguiente, Los Ángeles por algunos días con una breve parada en Houston y la lista sigue sin cesar. La verdad es que no oímos mucho sobre la mayor parte de esos viajes y si no fuera por esa pequeña cosa llamada el Internet, no tuviesemos la ventaja de ver imagines de nuestro maravillosos Primer Ministro y su gloriosa primera Dama segunda esposa vestidos con ropa de diseñador, sorbiendo champán y disfrutando de caviar. “Cosa mas fina eso de los circuitos sociales, verdad? Nuestro querido líder y su señora se ven como un millón de dólares ’ con privilejios a viajar el globo como celebridades con carta blanca y aunque amamos esas pequeñas curiosidades en las páginas de la sociedad de periódicos extranjeros, me pregunto ¿No deberiamos obtener mas que esto?, personalmente no tengo un problema con nuestro líder que viaje por todo el mundo, es mas tiendo a pensar que en el caso de una nación del Tercer mundo como Belice, un lider responsable y verdadero tendría que hacer los viajas necesarios estableciendo una red con los líderes de otras naciones. Vea, el concepto de viajar tanto es aceptable si su objetivo final es siempre volver con algo que beneficia a la nación y a la gente. Como ir a México y volver con algunas becas para la juventud desvalida que anhelen la enseñanza superior pero no pueden darse ese lujo … o ir a una comisión de autoridades mexicanas pertinentes para quiza ayudar apresurar nuestra medecina legal y la prueba de la balística, mientras que esta administracion decida ponerse las pilas. Como pasar una semana en Los Ángeles y al volver traer el cometido firme de proporcionar cursos a nuestros líderes del UDP en resistancia a la corrupción 101. ¿Comprende lo que le quiero decir, verdad? Tenemos la impresión que nuestro líder adorado y su esposa magnífica han estado viajando solo porque se les pega la gana… muchas fotografias y ir de compras. Claro esta que nosotros no veremos los beneficios de las ventajas de todas esas millas del aviador frecuente, aunque estoy seguro que la oficina del PM ha estado pagando algunas cuentas fuertes de todos esos viajecitos en primera clase con nuestro dinero. Hace cuatro meses nuestro gran líder se coloco delante de una clase de graduación de la universidad de Belice y les dijo que la peor epoca ha terminado y hay buenas cosas a continuación. Les dijo que Belice está rebotando de la recesión económica … y que hay una gran luz brillante en el extremo del túnel. Hace algunas semanas ese hombre majestuoso se colocaba delante de la nación y dijo esencialmente la misma cosa, solo que en una lengua más florida. Esta vez él incluso proporcionó cierta informacion que él aseguro era oficial para sostener su proclamación que la gran luz brillante todavía está en el final del túnel. Me pregunto y me disculparan… pero cuan largo es ese tunel?! Juro que nuestro Primer Ministro no tiene ningun concepto de la realidad y ningun conocimiento de lo qué está sucediendo todo alrededor de él. ¿Él no sabe sobre todos los grandes negocios que han cerrado, porque no han podido con la economía estancada? ¿Le han hablado de todos los trabajadores que han sido despedidos porque sus patrones no pueden continuar pagando sus sueldos? ¿Acaso no puede él percatarse de las filas que incrementan de negocios fallidos? Escuche que nuestro productor de pollos más grande en el mercado ha divulgado que las ventas disminuyeron a un 25% hasta ahora este año. Hace un par de meses uno de nuestros hombres de negocios beliceño más grandes tuvo que tirar la toalla y apenas otro cerró sus puertas la semana pasada. Esta semana el centro de diagnóstico de Belice según se informa, dijo a empleados que necesitan encontrar un nuevo empleo antes de fin de mes porque van a cerrar. Uno de nuestros productores más grandes de ropa ha estado reduciendo personal. De la misma manera lo ha hecho uno de nuestros comerciantes más grandes de la carretera norte. Y éste es solamente la punta del iceberg que sera la historia de la economía de Belice derrumbandose debido a que esta administración no tiene ninguna pista. A través de todo esto, nuestro eloquente Primer Ministro no ha dicho una palabra para revelar que él sabe lo qué la gente se encuentra atravesando en este pais. Él no ha revelado iniciativa alguna para ayudar a mantener negocios vivos, algun estímulo para incentivar la economía (a menos que él pensara que eso de aumentar impuestos lo lograria). Nadie, absolutamente nadie a excepción de los miembros de su familia y otros peces gordos del UDP ha visto la luz en el extremo del túnel. Sr. Primer Ministro… si no es demasiado pedirle, podría pasar menos tiempo sorbiendo champan y socializando y más tiempo intentando sacar a la nación fuera de este lío?. ¡Todavía estamos esperando!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
Los rescatistas regresan a la superficie; concluye la operación en Chile
Aquello que el 5 de agosto comenzó como una tragedia este miércoles concluyó con un festejo observado en todo el mundo. El último de los seis rescatistas, Manuel González, regresó a la superficie a las 00:32 horas del jueves (hora de Chile, 22:32 del miércoles en México), con lo que finalizó en su totalidad la operación de rescate. Al salir del lugar, González dijo que su último pensamiento al abandonar la mina fue el deseo de que no vuelva a ocurrir un hecho así y “que nos sirva de experiencia” a la minería chilena. Antes que él subieron como héroes el marino Roberto Ríos, el suboficial de la Armada Patricio Robledo, el experto de la empresa Coledco Jorge Bustamante Ramírez, el cabo Patricio Sepúlveda y un sexto rescatista. Tras despedir al último minero, los seis desplegaron frente a la cámara subterránea una pancarta que decía: “Misión cumplida Chile”. En total, el equipo de rescate se conformó de 16 personas. Su trabajo llegó al final a las 21:55 horas del miércoles (hora de Chile, 19:55 de México), cuando Luis Urzúa, el último de los 33 mineros atrapados en la mina San José, llegó al Campamento Esperanza. Fueron más de 22 horas y media de labores de rescate continuas, desde que la noche del martes iniciaron las pruebas con la cápsula Fénix y, a las 23:37 horas de ese día (hora de Chile, 21:37 de México), ésta llegó al refugio donde los trabajadores recibieron al primer res-
catista, González. Los cinco restantes se le sumaron durante el proceso para extraer a los mineros. Las escenas de festejo —aplausos, abrazos, gritos de “¡Chi-chi-chi-le-lele!”— se repitieron con el ascenso a la superficie de cada minero. Poco antes de la medianoche del martes, el primero en llegar al Campamento Esperanza fue Florencio Ávalos, de 31 años y dos hijos. Le siguieron Mario Sepúlveda, de 39, considerado uno de los trabajadores más entusiastas; Juan Illanes, ex militar de 52 años; Carlos Mamani, un boliviano de 23 años —el único no chileno del grupo—, y Jimmy Sánchez, el más joven con sólo 19 años. El presidente chileno, Sebastián Piñera, advertía que se trataba de “el comienzo de una larga jornada”, que continuaría con los ascensos de Osmán Araya, José Ojeda, Claudio Yánez, Ma-
rio Gómez, Álex Vega, Jorge Galleguillos, Edison Peña, Carlos Barrios, Víctor Zamora, Víctor Segovia, Daniel Herrera, Omar Reygadas, Esteban Rojas, Pablo Rojas y Darío Segovia. La llegada del vigésimo primer minero, Yonni Barrios, causó expectación por tratarse del hombre que fungió como médico de sus compañeros y porque en la superficie lo esperaba la mujer por la que dejó a su esposa. Continuaron los ascensos: Samuel Ávalos, Carlos Bugueño, José Henríquez, Renán Ávalos, Claudio Acuña, Franklin Lobos, Richard Villarroel, Juan Carlos Aguilar, Raúl Bustos, Pedro Cortez, Ariel Ticona y el trigésimo tercero, Luis Urzúa. Así concluyeron los 70 días que los mineros permanecieron bajo tierra. También terminaron la tensión que vivió Chile desde el 5 de agosto, cuando un derrumbe los dejó atrapados, así como los trabajos que gobierno y rescatistas
iniciaron el 17 de ese mes, tras descubrir que los trabajadores estaban vivos. “Estamos bien en el refugio, los 33”, decía el mensaje que el minero Mario Gómez, el mayor de todos con 63 años, escribió con tinta roja sobre un papel. Cincuenta y tres días después, el sábado 9 de octubre, la perforadora del equipo de rescate hizo contacto con el lugar donde estaban los trabajadores, dando lugar a los preparativos finales de una operación que finalizó con éxito este miércoles. El gobierno de Chile de momento mantendrá en secreto el costo del rescate, aunque sostiene que 70% de ese monto será cubierto por el Estado y 30% por donaciones. Se estima que la cantidad es de millones de dólares. Este miércoles, los gobiernos de Bolivia, Brasil, España, Sudáfrica, Italia, Venezuela, Colombia, Estados Unidos y México felicitaron a Chile por el rescate. Felipe Calderón, presidente mexicano, habló por teléfono con Piñera y le dijo que este hecho “es una significativa lección para el mundo, porque muestra que no hay desafío imposible de superar, cuando sociedad y gobierno trabajan unidos, apoyados por la ayuda internacional”, de acuerdo con un comunicado de la Presidencia de la República. Barack Obama, mandatario estadounidense, calificó el hecho de emotivo e inspirador, una causa de “alegría de todo el mundo”. Y en el Campamento Esperanza, tras más de 22 horas y media de rescate, quedaba en el aire el grito “¡Chi-chi-chile-le-le, los mineros de Chi-le!”.
La lucha contra la criminalidad “va a ser ganada por México”, afirmó este jueves el gobernador de Quintana Roo, Félix González Canto. En entrevista con Claudia Palacios para CNN, el mandatario señaló que las detenciones de cabecillas del narcotráfico ocurridas en los últimos meses son prueba del éxito del combate al crimen organizado. “Esta lucha va a ser ganada por México”, dijo. Las declaraciones de González Canto, militante del opositor Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), coinciden con la opinión del presidente Felipe Calderón, miembro del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), quien en varias ocasiones ha asegurado que las fuerzas federales han propinado fuertes golpes a la delincuencia y vencerán en el combate al crimen.
tana Roo, ubicado en el sureste de México, es un estado seguro, a pesar de que políticos locales han sido vinculados con el narcotráfico. Tal es el caso del ex candidato del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) al gobierno estatal, Gregorio Sánchez Martínez, quien en mayo fue detenido por fuerzas federales por delitos contra la salud. Quintana Roo alberga los importantes centros turísticos de Cancún y Cozumel, en el Caribe mexicano, adonde cada año llegan miles de turistas extranjeros, principalmente estadounidenses. “Todos los días tenemos un evolución en las medidas de seguridad para todos los ciudadanos”, incluyendo a los turistas, dijo. “No tenemos a la fecha un turista que haya sido afectado, secuestrado o que haya tenido un encuentro con la delincuencia”, agregó. Aclaró que las autoridades estatales no brindan protección especial a los visitantes y, si éstos la desean, “tendrían que contratarla” con agencias privadas. González Canto, quien es señalado por supuesto tráfico de influencias, negó los señalamientos y aseguró “no hay impunidad en el estado” y que enfrentará a la ley en caso de ser necesario. El 5 de abril de 2011, González Canto concluirá su mandato y entregará el gobierno al también priista Roberto Borge.
Judette Jusme, de 28 años, sobrevivió al terremoto que azotó la capital haitiana de Puerto Príncipe el 12 de enero del 2010, causando la muerte a más de 200,000 personas. Ella acababa de llegar a casa del hospital donde trabajaba como técnica de estudios de sangre, un trabajo que era la fuente de ingresos que mantenía a su familia, originaria del norte en Cabo Haitiano. Almorzaba con su novio, su hermana y una amiga acompañada con su hija cuando la casa se les derrumbó encima por el temblor. Durante casi tres días, estuvieron enterrados y podían escucharse y comunicarse, pero ella jamás pensó que iría a morir. Al segundo día ya no oía más voces, todos habían muerto y Judette sería la única sobreviviente. Judette, que ha perdido su pierna derecha y gran parte de la sensibilidad en su brazo derecho, lucha por caminar nuevamente. Su cabeza sufre por varios golpes y su mano derecha corre riesgo de amputación debido al alto nivel de infección. El caso de Judette es uno entre miles de haitianos que han perdido, en algunos casos, absolutamente todo: sus casas, sus familiares, su modo de vida y alguna parte de sus cuerpos. La vida en Haití es dura y con poca misericordia. Es un país en pie de lucha, con un medio ambiente difícil, donde
se lucha por sobrevivir a cualquier hora, donde incluso el más fuerte tiene que empeñarse en salir adelante. Para aquellos que ahora deben luchar para aprender a caminar otra vez, a escribir otra vez, a usar sus cuerpos de otra manera, pero sobre todo a ser aceptados por ser inválidos o diferentes, la vida nuevamente será más difícil. Miguelo Bouza, mexicano y jefe de médicos del hospital de Médicos Sin Fronteras en la colonia de Sarthe en la capital haitiana, expuso en abril sus miedos. "En seis meses, Puerto Príncipe se convertirá en una ciudad de amputados y cojos, cuando todos los heridos ya tengan más fuerza para salir a la calle a enfrentar la vida", explica Bouza. Sin embargo, hay algo que nos hace creer en la esperanza cuando miramos y observamos el comportamiento de estos amputados y heridos. Algunos días se les ve tristes, algunos días no y otros, a mucho de ellos se los ve juntos riéndose, bailando, jugando y hasta luchando entre ellos. La vida no se ha acabado. Están de pie, luchando, empujando fuerte porque para ellos la vida nunca ha sido fácil y quizá aun en una situación tan drástica, ya se sienten acostumbrados a ella. Mantienen una vida que los hace felices porque, como dijo Judette, "lo único que he podido salvar ha sido mi vida".
El gobernador de Quintana Roo afirma que México vencerá al crimen González Canto sostuvo que Quin-
Paso a Paso, los haitianos se recuperan
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Belice単os Como se le llama a una persona que le declara guerra a otra persona y que lleva a su pueblo a la guerra contra el enemigo pero que silenciosamente acepta dinero del enemigo mientras nos hace pensar que pelea por su gente? ?
Escoga solamente uno: 1. BARROW; 2. TRAIDOR; 3. BARROW ES TRAIDOR; 4. TODO LO ANTERIOR - A PAID AD -
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Belize Times
By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 7th day of December, 2004, between Emerson Burke of Citron Street, Cohune Walk, Belmopan City, Cayo District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 39 of 2004 at folios 337 – 366; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 146 in the PRIVASSION ENCLAVE, Mountain Pine Ridge area, Cayo District, containing 6.263 acres, bounded as shown on Plan No. 848 of 2004 and lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 14th day of October, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street, Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Liquor License Notice Notice is hereby given that Greville Robinson is applying for a Malt and Cider License to be operated at “Robbie’s Cool Spot”, 87 North Front Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance
Revised Edition 1980.
Oración a la Virgen de Guadalupe
Dany to David and Marie Chrismaine Monde nee Deshommes Oluwatodimu Adedamola to Oluyemi Adedowala and Olufunke Olubunmi Ajayi nee Ikuopeni-Kan Ivan Fabian to Lyndon Daniel and Eduarda Gentle nee Teck Rachel Paige to David and Marsha Trinecia Price nee Castillo Marianne Melissa to Moses Josiah and Melanie Melice Debride nee Williams
Marriages Walter Adolfo Kelly to Judy Elizabeth McNab both of Sittee River, Stann Creek Gerzon Eliel Giron to Ana Noemy Herrera both of Belize City Joseph Malinconico Jr. to Michelle Lee Watkins both of Arizona, USA Levi Braun to Myrna Reimer both of Spanish Lookout, Cayo Jason Irvin Loewen to Petty Tam both of Belmopan Wan Chen Zheng to Cai Yin Huang both of Belmopan Brian Maw of Ontario, Canada to Vanessa Nicole Prudhomme of Belize City Matthew Edward Lavin to Yelitza Griseli Palacios both of St. Margaret, Cayo Marlon Curt Vernon to Shawn Catherine Henry both of Belize City Alien Rodriguez Noa to Ingrid Abreu Aban both of Belmopan Edgar Rolando Saavedra Vargas to Albina Pop Bo both of Jalacte, Toledo Winston Ivan Gordon to Sharrie Jude Ciego both of San Ignacio, Cayo Ramon Antonio Reyes of Benque Viejo to Yesenia Delfina Romero of San Ignacio, Cayo Jimmy Marconi de Leon to Yolanda del Carmen Figueroa both of San Ignacio, Cayo Jose Antonio Moguel to Sandra Genis both of Belmopan Michael Uyi to Ann Margaret Lopez both of Belmopan Alberto Vega to Janine Sylvestre both of Maimi, Florida, USA Den Pulido Geban to Marcelina Lupita Mai both of Ladyville, Belize Carlos Fernando Grijalva to Keila Emely Gutierrez both of Trial Farm, Orange Walk Jose Luis Baeza to Juanita Herlinda Baeza both of Orange Walk Town David Lawrence Luck to Gina Marie Hughes both of New Mexico, USA Carlos Diego Cucul to Amalia Cal both of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye Mario Admin Mesh of Corozal Town to Feliza Dianelli Puck of Louisville, Corozal Javier Orlando Moh to Adileny Quewell both of Santa Familia, Cayo Jaime Gustavo Santos of San Joaquin, Corozal to Mayolita Janelly Cruz of Progresso, Corozal Zakir Rene Marin to Gabriela Joan Romero both of Corozal Town Cliver Garcia to Jesenia Orellano both of Burrell Boom, Belize Thomas Salam to Candelaria Ba both of Jalacte, Toledo
Deaths Rezar 9 Aves Marías durante 9 días con una vela encendida. Pedir tres favores, uno economic, dos imposibles. Al octavo día publicar, al novena día dejar que se consuma la vela. Aún sin tener fe se cumple.
Alice Claribel Nord, 91 Florence Isabella Osling, 84 Elsa Irine Ramsey, 86 Ann Almira Terry, 102 Purley Idolly Sanchez, 85 Shaquille Kaleem Bennett, 15 Collin Austin Gentle, 58 Naomi Alexie Jones, 87
The Belize Times
Sunday, October 17, 2010