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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

BLUE Tsunami SUNDAY OCTOBER 24, 2010

Issue No. 4716



Mr. Barrow - Da Your Name Stink da Road!


The Belize Times


If you are the leader of a nation which has been driven to the brink of anarchy under your watch, a nation which today teeters on the edge of economic ruin because of your lack of vision and disregard… the message is the same! If you are the leader of a people who have been impoverished and driven to desperation because of your lack of compassion and lack of competence; if you are the leader of a people held hostage by the lawless because of your inadequacies and lack of political will…the message is the same. If you are Dean Oliver Barrow the message is this – the People’s United Party is BACK… united, powerful and poised to wrest the reins of governance from the UDP and rescue our people and nation. If you are among the ranks of the petulant who use German folklore to throw spitballs at the mighty blue machine as it passes you by…the message is the same. If you worked diligently to undermine the Party even as it struggled to awaken from the coma of defeat induced by the people’s distrust…the message is the same. If you were one of the naysayers who stood idly by while the real soldiers of the PUP labored mightily to rebuild the Party and return it to the service of the Belizean people…the message is this – the task of nation building is a task for giants. The men and woman of the People’s United Party are giants…if you are too small of mind, perhaps you should turn away. Against all odds and despite all obstacles, under the leadership of a true people’s champion and with the confidence and support of thousands upon thousands of supporters in every corner of this nation…the People’s United Party is BACK to once again fight for the rights of our people, to stand by and with our people and to lead this nation to growth and prosperity. On Sunday, more than 15,000 Belizeans were in Dangriga at the rebirth of the People’s United Party. As many more buses as could have been provided would have been filled. It was an awe-inspiring sight, an awe-inspiring showing of faith in the PUP under the leadership of the man who will be the next Prime Minister of Belize, John Briceño. All those thousands of PUP supporters and the tens of thousands there in spirit are demonstrating an awesome trust in the Party and confidence in a leader who has shown that he has what it takes to go the distance and to rescue this nation from the UDP created doldrums. This hardly seemed possible just a little over two years ago. All indications were that the Party would be lost in the realm of defeat and devastation…destined to spend at least two terms on the periphery of politics but certainly not as the powerhouse it once had been. Certainly no one would have taken odds on the PUP winning the next general elections…NOBODY! But this is not a party broken down by despair…this is not a party that bows to failure and is shattered by tribulation. This is not a Party that rolls over and plays dead when the greatest challenges come knocking at the door. This is the great People’s United Party. Nobody reckoned on the unbreakable, unbeatable spirits of the Party’s many soldiers…those who have been the backbone of the PUP for decades. Nobody reckoned on the many members of the Party faithful who dusted off the ashes of defeat and bent to the yoke once more to forge a new path for the PUP. And nobody reckoned on a leader the likes of John Briceño, who stood calmly in the face of political storms raging within and without the Party. Briceño vowed to unite the Party more than two years ago and he never deviated from that path. He was slapped in the face many times with olive branches, stabbed in the back many times with poisoned daggers and flogged almost daily with agenda driven petty criticism. Through it all Briceño kept his focus on uniting the Party and returning it once again to the service of Belizeans. With dogged determination he started from scratch at the constituency level to rebuild the PUP and to earn the trust of the Belizean people once again. It is because of the leadership of John Briceño that the PUP is once again a strong, viable Party. It is because of John Briceño and the many thousands of our supporters who have never backed down and have stood strong with us that we can say with all certainty and with all conviction – The People’s United Party is BACK…together we march to Belmopan.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

And now the PUP!


If you were to judge by the very defensive reaction to reports that well over ten thousand supporters had trekked here today, assembled peacefully and taken care of their business in the greatest showing of political solidarity ever in the annals of politics in Belize, then you would begin to understand the tremors set off by today’s Peoples United Party National Convention. The 2013 campaign for the hearts and minds of Belizeans began with a huge thunder clap today, saying that reports of the party’s demise were exaggeratedly premature. Today’s exercise was an overwhelming show of support – a mammoth crowd had travelled by bus, boats and private vehicles to Dangriga and converged on the grounds of the Holy Ghost Primary School, not far from the Drums of My Fathers Monument at the entrance of town. This was by far the largest singular gathering of any kind in recent years in Belize for any political function. And it says that Belize’s oldest and greatest political party is back. The Party seem to shake off the chains of internal division, staggered erect from huge blows in the form oa string of blow out election losses, and its faithful heeded the clarion call in record numbers to bellow the traditional roar: PUP All The Way! Party leader John Briceno received one of the warmest welcomes ever having to almost “swim” through a crowd of well-wishers in a manner reminiscent of the “rock star” appearances Barak Obama used to create during his historic run to

the US White House. No doubt his grand entrance is the envy of nearly all a new standard in the business of image making, though it was a genuinely spontaneous reaction that exemplifies that the Party’s rank and file, its foot soldiers, lieutenants and captains, directors, candidates, chairmen and leaders have closed rank and are have taken the first big step on the road to Belmopan. Enough is enough they seem to say. No more cowering before the hypocritical and vindictive UDP. The blue tsunami that rolled over Dangriga left cash registers full all along the nation’s highways and in Dangriga, and many there noted that this was the first real sign of any economic activity in nearly two years. Yes, they nodded as if to say, that is the blue machine, that is the PUP. There is an air of discontent among the Belizean populace, mired in the harsh reality of the horrific murder rate, street violence, rising cost of living and unemployment, and a general feeling of despondency – but for today there was also hope - their blue machine under the leadership of Briceno sprang to life before their longing eyes. Today’s convention saw the presentation of resolutions to address very pressing issues: Reform, Crime and Violence, Education, Jobs and the Economy, and the Judiciary. The PUP pledges to put in place mechanisms that will enhance and uphold the foundation of these very important issues that affect the Belizean society.

Today’s event saw the enactment of sweeping reform through revolutionary amendments to the Party’s constitution, deepening and enhancing its democratic foundation. And today convention saw a veritable mix of old and new, first times and old times, take their seats at the executive table. Notable was the election of the first female Deputy Party Leader, a historic moment. A sense of solidarity and unity urged on by the Leader Emeritus and the Past Party Leader. A plain spoken understanding of the task ahead as a new Chairman tested the wheel for the first time. The cold hard facts of life as reported by the three Deputy Leaders present. And then Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Forward together. Onward. Adelante. To victory. The time is now. The event concluded without incident and ended on a note of high spirit for the many thousands in attendance. It has been a long time since anyone has seen so many smiling faces in one place, a place where for today hope for the future was alive and well. The next big event on the party's agenda will be the endorsement and presentation of its standard bearers who will face off with and cripple their UDP opponents at the polls in 2013, with the support of you the people. For the record: The new National Executive that was sworn in today is led by Party Leader Johnny Briceno, who was elected by acclamation, and his Deputy

Leaders Carolyn Trench-Sandiford, Mike Espat and Dan Silva who were present to accept their nominations. (A fourth nominee Francis Fonseca sent his apologies, and will have to be sworn in at a later date.) The National Campaign Manager is Eamon Courtenay and his regional deputies are Javier Guitterez (West), Sevulo Baeza (North), Danny Madrid (East) and Ivan Ramos (south). The National Communications Director is Nardia Garcia and her deputies are Rachel Montejo, Jose Mai and Anthony Mahler. Anthony Sylvester was returned as the Party’s Legal Advisor, and Julius Espat is the Treasurer. The Co-chairs of the Policy and Reform Committee are Lisa Shoman and Arthur Saldivar, and the Liaison for Civil Society and Unions Hugh O’Brien. Bill Lindo is the Director of the new Research and Development Committee while Luke Espat is the Strategic Development Manager. The following ex-officio members are all members of the National Executive Committee: Leader Emeritus George Price, Past Party Leader Said Musa, Chairman of the Order of Distinguished Service Belezario Carballo Sr., as well as Cecil Reneau (Marshalls), Gina Tillett (UWG), and Keven Bernard (BYM), as well as the chairmen of the four regional caucuses: Valdemar Castillo (Northern), Landy Habet (Western), Joe Coye (Eastern) and Rodwell Ferguson (Southern).

In a statement posted just a few days ago on its website the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that “Crime and violence has reached civil war proportions in our country, with an average of one murder every three days to September 2010. Since the year 2000, the murder rate has more than doubled. On average over the most recent five year span (’06 – Sept ’10), Belize lost ninetyseven (97) people every year to murder or eight people per month. In addition, there appears to be an increasing tolerance for criminal activity and criminals within the wider society. As well, the rule of law is at risk of collapse, since the unacceptably high and escalating murder rates coupled with the unacceptably low conviction rate3 have conspired to result in widespread disrespect for the rule of law, the devaluation of human life, and the perception that some persons are above the law.” The succinct summary is a qualification that seems to have escaped the Barrow administration but it is an issue of “extreme concern” to the BCCE and nearly all other Belizeans and they know who the persons responsible for this state of affairs are. “Security is a public good delivered through the state and only the state and its agents can measurably impact the quality of life for Belizeans in this regard. While we understand the current situation is the result of years of neglect at all levels of society, and that every citizen of Belize must accept some measure of responsibility for the state of affairs, only the Government of the day has the means and the mandate to institute recovery measures. This is a national issue that requires urgent attention and a government led national response.” And the Chamber no longer seems in a mood to drink the Restore Belize koolaid, noting that while the

program promised to deliver “early results” to restore citizens’ security” … “It is the view of the BCCI that five months later, Operation Restore has had no meaningful results. The most recent quarter after its implementation; JulySeptember has been the most violent in Belize’s history with a record forty-seven (47) murders in these three months, compared to twenty-three (23) in the

same period last year. This is an average of one murder every two days during this period! In addition, burglary at one hundred four (104) was at its highest level to date in September of 2010. In addition, our representatives tell us that there is dubious commitment to the committee mandates and very little is achieved when the committees manage to arrive at a quorum.”

The BCCI makes some ver y common-sense, no nonsense, practical and pragmatic recommendations to the Barrow administration, and like several organizations including the PUP, continues to extend the offer of cooperation for the good of all. Unfortunately for everyone else, there’s the UDP and then there’s everyone else.

Chamber blasts Barrow on crime


The Belize Times


As we g o to Press, the residents of Steadfast village, t h e f o u n d e r s a n d e xe c u t i ve o f S TAC A - t h e S t e a d f a s t To u r i s m and Conser vation Association are standing guard for any future activities aimed at enforcing a M i n i s t r y o f N a t u r a l Re s o u r c e s decision to allow New River Enter prises, a log ging and wood product enterprise out of Minister Ve g a ’s a r e a i n O r a n g e Wa l k t o d e s e c r a t e t h e M a n a t e e Fo r e s t Re s e r v e a d j a c e n t t o t h e B i l l y Barquedier National Park(BBNP), which STACA co-manag es. T he issue reached a head on We d n e s d ay O c t o b e r 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 0 when the Ministr y sent NEAC to do a cursor y on sight inspection o f t h e Pa r k b e f o r e a p p r o v i n g the EIA for New river enter prise to constr uct a road through the M a n a t e e Fo r e s t Re s e r ve a n d into the park to transport the logs under the discreetly issued log ging license. According to a spokesperson f o r S TAC A , t h e B B N P i s t h e s o u r c e o f t h e i r d r i n k i n g wa t e r and their tourism based livelihood as the pristine waterfall is of unspeakable natural beauty. Even though they are the co-manag ers of the Billy Barquedier National Park (BBNP) and the designation o f t h e a r e a a s a n a t i o n a l Pa r k was entirely on the effor ts of the villag ers of Steadfast and the neighbouring valley communities, they have not been consulted. In fact, STACA had to resor t to the Freedom of Infor mation Act to tr y to get the Forestr y department to answer any questions at all about the log ging permit and they still have not answered about the Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) for the massive road building project which ”would r un the projected 50 tr uckloads of logs per week for three months through watershed ter rain” in direct contravention of the Belize Forest Policy . T he most frightening aspect of the whole sordid disregard for the national patrimony of this southern haven is that NRE would be allowed to g rade down the hills within the park,

denuding it of the forest cover, use the ag gregates for filing in the natural valleys, destroying the flora and fauna of those areas and sub s e q u e n t l y t h e p a r k a n d exposing the entire Mullins River basin to the ravages of f lash f looding . Any such cutting down o f h i l l s wo u l d a l s o d e s t r oy t h e natural filtration system of the rock y crags that kee ps the waters so clean, potable and cascading. When the villagers learned that NEAC, the Nation al Environmental Advisor y Council would be snuck in by Forestr y and t h e o t h e r r e l e va n t D e p a r t m e n t s of the Ministry of Natural Resources, they knew this would be the last step in forcing the EIA through and giving the NRE the g reen l i gh t to p r o ceed wi th th e road in the immediate future. “We have it on g ood g rounds that a special g eneral meeting has been called to push this through, as the APO calls for the cutting of the hills as early as November, and the NEAC has been advised that they must consider the road issue only as the subject of the EIA, that the logging issue must be se parated from the r o a d i s s u e .” , s a i d S TAC A . S o they held an emergency Board meeting and took the decision t o “ l o c k o u t “ t h e N E AC a n d Ministr y personnel. Over 100 Steadfast villag ers also joined in Wednesday’s protest. It is the intent of the STACA t o b r i n g i n a l l t h e s t a ke h o l d e r s i n t h e s u r r o u n d i n g va l l e y a r e a , the wider Mullins river area and even the town of Dang rig a as it seeks an injunction against the p r o p o s e d g ove r n m e n t d e c i s i o n . S T A C A’s E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r , Hyacinth Ysaguir re says: “It contravenes Belize Forest Policy, which states that watersheds should be inviolate. It contravenes National Park Systems Act, which says development activities that will im p a ct th e i n teg r i ty o f th e Park are not allowed, and it will affect the water sedimentation/ filtration system implemented by our villag e/PACT and University of Arkansas, our par tners for the last four years.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Barrow Responds to Opposition Leader

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Police escort… For the love of God can anybody tell me why the Minister of Police Doug Singh needs to travel everywhere with a handpicked Police escort (no lewd or suggestive speculation please)? Word from down south is that this UDP Minister with an unhealthy fixation on gyms and sweaty

biceps attended a private function in Pomona Saturday night and was fixed up with an entourage of Police officers Secret Service style. We know he’d prefer them Reno 911 style in shorts and uniform shirts cut off at the shoulders but it’s not like that’s going to happen (we hope). The report from down south is credible because we know for a fact that Minister Singh and escort were scoping out the activities at the PUP Convention in Dangriga very early Sunday morning, counting buses and taking note of who was attending. Since Monday Vibes Radio has been announcing that the Minister has become increasingly concerned about his safety to the point where he travels everywhere with an escort. This morning the Criminal Coalition of Belize sent out a release reassuring Minister of Police Doug Singh that he has absolutely nothing to worry about. The release states – “The Criminal Coalition of Belize expresses appreciation to Minister Doug Singh for doing absolutely nothing to hinder our operations. We owe all our success in recent days to him and state for the record that all our time not spent killing and robbing and terrorizing residents will be spent keeping him safe and happy.” If Da Noh Soh… Poster Boy… In related news, sources in the hallowed halls of governance have indicated an alarming increase in the requests for official posters of our very cute Minister of Police Doug Singh. Of course any little bit of shush gets my blood racing and so with shovel in hand I set out for Belmopan where I learned that it is in fact true. According to an anonymous source at the printers, they had to do an emergency reprint to fill the demand. Interesting stuff !

The Belize Times

Then like a light-bulb going off in a dark room I saw the light… remember at one point we told you that with the DPP’s conviction rate at between 5% and 7% she was the poster girl for most of the criminals on remand? Well there you have it. Subsequent checks have revealed that the increased demand for posters of Doug Singh originated at the Kolbe Foundation in Hattieville. Wow! Looks like we have a winner

for October’s pin-up competition at the prison! About the only thing we haven’t been able to confirm is whether Dougie’s new popularity is based on his lack of performance in some areas or his performance in other areas… Hmmm! If Da Noh Soh… Say it ain’t so… Reliable information reaching this columnist is that Mr. Barrow was not content to totally screw up the Judiciary, piss off the entire Bar Association and turn the Police Department into a mockery led by a simpering clown. Now he has his sights set on making the DPP’s office even less effective than it already is. Word from out of Mr. Barrow’s Telemedia Limited (BTL) is that a new full time attorney has been picked to replace Dean Molina, an eminently


from the DPP’s Office and placed her at BTL to fill the void left by Dean Molina… If Da Noh Soh… Well hell… Thanks to a release from the government press office we now know that the bald one, his wife and a whole bunch of other UDP bigwigs have returned from a junket to Mexico courtesy of Belizean taxpayers. It’s nice to know they’ve returned cause we didn’t even know that they had gone…and wouldn’t have known if the Mexican media hadn’t posted pictures of the black Ken and Barbie quaffing champagne in the lap of luxury as they are so wont to do on their frequent travels. But no worries, claimed the press office…all these UDP politicos did a whole bunch of things over there which are sure to benefit the Belizean people in some way or the other…we’re just not sure exactly how or when. But wait…Sedi was hard at work and has emerged from Mexico with a concrete agreement. Apparently now, instead of only UDP diplomats and Ministers being

able to travel to Mexico without having to acquire visas, now all their cronies and lickeys and spouses and siblings and children who have been gifted with official passports will be able to do so too. Thank you so much, Sedi… you have done us proud! If Da Noh Soh…

860 skilled and highly trained BTL legal mind who was given the axe months ago by the UDP. At that time Dean (the poor common one, not the rich royal Creole one) was replaced by the daughter of Dean (see why it was important to make the differentiation) who was being highly paid to show her face at BTL three days a week. That apparently didn’t work out (no surprise there) so we understand that Deal Oliver has plucked out one of the very few bright stars

Sponsored by… You all can torture me to within an inch of my life, but I will never reveal that Corozal Mayor Hilberto Campos is the one who gave me this information… NEVER! With that out of the way, let me say that an anonymous source in Corozal has asked me to kindly release the info that Corozal Bay Area Representative Pablo Marin is finally coming out of the closet in response to the latest gay acceptance campaign which is being carried out worldwide… Oh shit…wait! My bad! That was supposed to be a surprise so just forget I said it. Moving on… Corozal Bay Area Representative Pablo Marin has taken two lots

away from the sister of Mayor Hilberto Campos who absolutely did not give me this info…and with that the war for Corozal Bay has gone to another level…! In the red corner, fighting for his political life in Corozal Bay and being serviced by CFZ CEO Raul Rosado…let’s hear a round of applause for Pablo ‘Naco’ Marin. And in the red corner, fighting for exactly the same thing and being serviced by CFZ Chairman David Akierman…let’s hear it for Hilberto ‘Casino’ Campos! Oh lawd this is killing me. You just have to tune in next week when I’ll reveal more information absolutely not given to me by Pablo Marin…including who is his choice for the new Mayor of Corozal Town… If Da Noh Soh…



The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

National Convention THE BLUE MACHINE in Dangriga

We Da Blue

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

UDP Politics as usual

More of the same… The murders of a prominent attorney and his wife were gr uesome and worthy of every bit of the attention and outcry they received…so was the murder of a young girl at a slaughter house in Roaring Creek. Reports are that she was killed by three strangers at the request of a friend who wanted her baby – she was allegedly decapitated before her body was thrown in the river. Then there was the murder of a prison officer, a woman, who caught a ride home and was shot in the head when the car was riddled by bullets. Then there was the worker from Belize Mills who was heading home after shift and shot in the head. Some of the victims are better known than others, some more prominent in society…some are particularly heart-wrenching because of age or circumstances. But the end result is the same…a life is lost and a family grieves. And another thing remains the same too…the lack of justice for the victim and lawful retribution for the killer. In many of these cases the Police Department remains clueless as to the identity of the murderers. And in many, many cases where the alleged killers are caught swiftly, they just as swiftly walk grinning down the court steps as a result of insufficient evidence and/ or some foul up between the Police Department and the Office of the DPP and/or intimidation of witnesses. End result…no justice.

From our leaders… Mr. Barrow is out of the country again and has had nothing to say about anything where crime is concerned. Even in the very rare instance that Mr. Barrow is in the country, he says nothing about crime (except when it hit very close to home and his best friend and law partner was shot). Our Minister of Police also has nothing to say. He was kept busy over the weekend spying on the PUP Convention and counting buses while people were getting killed. You want evidence that there is a lack of political will to stop crime? Look no further than our Judiciary which should be sacrosanct. Right now more than ever before our nation needs the entire justice system to perfor m like clockwork, Dean Oliver has with careless but deliberate disregard set the whole system reeling. There is no Chief Justice because the Prime Minister on what seemed like a personal cr usade sent him packing with indecent haste. And now shortly after the Prime Minister got it in his head again to try and bend Justices of Appeal (with the exception of his brother of course) to his whim by giving them one year contracts, the President of the Court of Appeal has tendered his resignation. So the two highest courts in the land are in complete disarray thanks to Dean Oliver. But for sure you won’t see him taking any blame… Wonderful things… Dean Oliver still does not realize that people wouldn’t buy water from him if they were dying from thirst in the middle of a desert. At the recent offering of BTL shares he stated that he has no clue why investors wouldn’t be jumping all over themselves to buy into the company. According to Dean Oliver, since he work up one morning and decided to take over the private company ‘all sorts of wonderful things’ have happened to benefit the Belizean people. Of course the media house asking the questions is owned by the man at the helm of BTL Net Vasquez so Dean O was not asked to list a few of those wonderful things. Perhaps he would have pointed to the fact that he was able to make his ex-wife Lois happy by putting her on the Board of BTL. That’s pretty damned wonderful. Oh, yeah, he was also able to put his son Anwar in a lucrative position at BTL and that’s more wonderful


than wonderful. But how exactly have us poor Belizean common folk benefitted from Dean Oliver taking over BTL? Who knows? We sure don’t. Yeah right… Okay could we just right here and now admit that this workshop which the IDB is carrying out to make GOB more transparent and accountable is a complete waste of time and was a complete waste of news space last night? It’s called Fiscal Transparency and Responsibility Regulations and it’s designed to increase Mr. Barrow’s accountability. Let’s just follow the yellow brick road and make sense out of nonsense. According to the Financial Secretary the onus will be on them at the onset to have all the infor mation and stats prepared on how and on what taxpayer monies are being spent. That sounds relatively straightforward but then the Financial Secretary is required by law to hand the infor mation to the Minister…oh hell, we can stop right there with alar m bells and sirens going off. Where do you think the damned corr uption is coming from? Check this one out…the Minister of Finance is then required to present the infor mation to the Cabinet – oh lawd almighty here we go again and then make it public. This is the best part…if the Minister of Finance doesn’t do so, then he can be chastised in the House of Representatives and made to report. Man, stop this nonsense, no? There is absolutely no way on earth that this will happen. Hell, why don’t you just ask the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to make public the audit report on the Belize city Council which has been lying on his desk gathering dust for months. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt and tremendous waste of time. Talkin’ bout a revolution… I’m sure Dean Oliver doesn’t waste time listening to the different morning shows in Belize but maybe he should. I generally use Love FM as the barometer for the mood out here because they tend to be more conservative. So when you tune in to Love FM and you get a gist of the frustration and rage and confusion and betrayal of the people out here, that’s saying a lot. Even the hosts are now openly talking about the many promises made by Dean Oliver which weren’t kept. Even the hosts are now talking about the corruption which is rank in this UDP administration and which has been ignored by the leader who campaigned on an anti-corruption platform. This morning one of the hosts went so far as to say that there needs to be a change of government right now cause this isn’t working. Mr. Barrow isn’t listening because he is in Mexico with his wife and some friends right now, but he needs to be told that people are talkin’ bout a revolution… That’s it?

So that’s it? Six very junior Immigration officers are arrested and that’s the end of the investigation into this Immigration thing? Mr. Barrow is trying to tell us that these six low level public officers masterminded an elaborate scheme to provide Chinese nationals with fake visas and arrange flights for them into the country through all safeguards and procedures set up by the Civil Aviation Department and other departments and then on to the Northern border and across to Mexico. Yup, those darned low level Immigration officers did all that on their own and thanks to the swift action of Ministers Perdomo and Singh the perpetrators were caught and the security of our nation is intact once again. This reminds me of when Mr. Barrow went on national television to finger a detective constable in the Police Department as the mastermind behind a far reaching criminal conspiracy. Look how that turned out. But the thing is that while the career and life of that policeman were torn to shreds for no reason, Mr. Barrow didn’t feel any repercussions and moved on without a care in the world. Methinks that what is happening now is much of the same. Trust me on that one.


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

On Barrow, Bullshit & Borrowed Time..!

By: Mike Rudon Jr. Just to get it out of the way quickly let me say this - think the first and the second are one and the same; the first is the acknowledged master of dispensing the second and the third is the inevitable result of the first’s unhealthy fixation with and undeniable propensity for the second. Really had to get that out of the way! As I sit and write this very early in the week, all forms of the media and all social networking outlets like facebook are buzzing with the brutal murders of a prominent attorney and his wife on Saturday night. Both were stabbed 25 times and all four of their young children were in the home at the time. As I sit and write this family members of a young woman are scouring the river around Roaring Creek trying to find the remains of their loved one so they can lay her to rest. And as I sit and write this a woman lies in the morgue after the car she was travelling in was riddled with bullets which ended her life. By my unofficial count, between Friday and today, Tuesday at 12:49pm there have been 5 murders and 7 shootings. Of course, I haven’t even touched on the other major crimes plaguing our country. With all this, and the scary fact that this weekend while bloody and brutal was not an absolutely extraordinary one, you would think that the Minister of Police Doug Singh would be working around the clock trying to make something happen… trying to earn his pay, so to speak.

So where was the Minister of Police? Well actually he was in Dangriga, parked on the side of the road in his luxury SUV counting the buses going to the PUP Convention when I saw him. While our streets ran red with blood and our young men and women in uniform struggled to rein in vicious crime just this side of anarchy, Doug Singh was playing political games in Dangriga. You do remember that Doug Singh is the personal choice of the Prime Minister, hand-picked to address what is perhaps the most pressing issue facing the nation. Everybody with any sense pointed out that Singh was better suited to costume-clad appearances in Carnival and possessed absolutely none of the skills necessary for such an undertaking. The Prime Minister did not care. He did as he wanted.

For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Charge made the 8th day of March, 2007, between PETER MORGAN of No. 76 King Street, Belize City, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument No. 3566/2007, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date hereof sell the property being Vista Del Mar – Registration Section, Block 16 Parcel 2144.

Then there are those exceedingly stupid people over at WAVE Radio. For two days now they’ve been obsessed with the PUP Convention, trying spin after spin after spin! Listen, it is what it is, baby! The numbers speak for themselves and the message cannot be misunderstood even by you. On Monday Juliet claimed that everybody must have been paid $100 to attend…then this morning she was saying that it must have been $150. Get over it, hairy one. Like I said, it is what it is. What you all should be obsessed with is finding some solution to the violent crime which has taken over the nation. Since the favourite strategy of the UDP is passing responsibility to somebody else, and you all love repeating the mantra that crime affects all of us…stop dealing with petty crap and stupid propaganda and help your government to find a solution to crime. All the murder and mayhem and lawlessness on the streets is not the fault of Lord Ashcroft or Said Musa or anyone in the previous administration, for that matter, yet the folks at WAVE spend an inordinate amount of time slinging stupid shit at all of the above. No wonder we’re so messed up. And you know what’s what… our Prime Minister and his wife and his mini-me Patrick and Sedi and Sir Manuel and his CEO Audrey and assorted other senior members of the UDP are in Mexico right now. In fact, I’m sitting here watching a picture of

an impeccably garbed Dean Oliver flanked by a stunning Kim, champagne flutes in hand, smiling from ear to ear…preening for the camera like two dysfunctional and defunct black Ken and Barbie dolls. While our nation grieves the recent senseless loss of lives, our nation’s leader is quaffing champagne and indulging in witty repartee with diner guests in a foreign land far removed from the dread which faces us everyday. Last week he was in Washington and before that Miami and Houston and Los Angeles and Mexico (again) and Charlotte and New Orleans and Chicago…hell, I’ve even lost track of where all Dean Oliver and his wife have been recently. It’s far easier to tell you where they have not been… that’s right – HERE! Enjoy your travels…Dean Oliver. As one Belizean puts it…it’s not like you do anything when you’re here anyway! Make the best of the borrowed time remaining to you…


PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: VEHICLE 169 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City

BY ORDER of Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following Vehicle at No. 169 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City on Saturday the 30th October 2010 at 10:00 am:

All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. Dated the 18th day of October, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

(View at No. 169 Beltex Ave., Belama Phase 1, Belize City)


Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Prominent attorney and his wife brutally murdered at home

A prominent lawyer and his wife lay dying after they were stabbed multiple times inside their homes on Graduate Crescent late Saturday night. Former Magistrate Richard Stuart, and his wife, Maria Stuart, both 43, were stabbed a combined total of 25 times on the second floor of their three storey concrete home. The killers used the couple's own kitchen knife to commit the hideous attack. The killers may have gained entry to the house by a set of keys which went missing sometime before they were killed. This theory is supported by the fact that there was no sign of forced entry. Another theory also has the attackers climbing the scaffoldings which are on the sides of the building still under construction. The housekeeper was with the couple's four children sleeping on the third floor of the house. She, like neighbours, heard the couple's desperate screams for help when they were attacked but out of fear for her life, hid until the assailants left. In the meantime she called 911 for help, but by the time that help arrived, it was too late. The couple had attended a dinner which the Bar Association held for former Chief Justice, Dr Abdulai Conteh and had returned home just before midnight when two people, waiting for them to arrive, accosted them inside their home. When the murderers finished, they drove off in Stuart's Toyota Scion. A camera in the area picked them up leaving the premises. They drove apparently drove the vehicle to Saint Matthew's Village some 38 miles from Belize City on the Western Highway. It was discovered in front of El Pedigral Bar and brought to Belize City this week as part of the criminal investigation. A man found inside the bar, and one of the couple's own former employee, and who thought to be driving the vehicle, was detained by police and formally arraigned on two charges of murder in Magistrates Court this afternoon. A knife believed to be the murder weapon was also found under one of the seats. That same man had been fired a month earlier by the couple after he reportedly stole another vehicle, a Toyota Highlander from Stuart on September 12th. In a caution statement he gave to police, the former employee, a Guatemalan who is now a naturalized Belizean, reportedly told police how he entered the building through a window


on the third floor of the building. In that statement he also identifies his partner in crime, a man for whom police are now looking. But while that search for the second man continues, the man who

police escorted to court today to face the charges, Milton Darinel Maza, who goes by the alias Nicholson Maza, was taken to court today on two charges of murder. Maza, who appeared to be injured, spoke only Spanish, told the

court that he was a naturalized Belizean because Maria, his boss, had helped him to get his Belizean documents. He said he attended school in Melchor, then in Blackman Eddy and now lives in Santa Elena but works in St. Matthew’s Village where both the Stuart's stolen vehicles were found. He was remanded to the Hattieville Prison until November 23rd. Richard Stuart, a strong supporter of the reigning party, was an attorney by profession. He was also an active member and a senior layman in the Anglican Church. Both Stuart and his wife Maria visited Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican in 2008. She was a certified practicing accountant and spent many of her years as a teacher in Belize City and San Ignacio. The couple will be laid to rest on Saturday in San Ignacio Town from where Maria is originally. Their children are being cared for by their two families.


NOTICE Minimum Interest Rate on Saving Deposits The public is hereby informed that the Central Bank is reducing the minimum rate of interest payable on ordinary saving deposits from 4.5% to 3.5% as of 1 November 2010. This decision is in line with the Central Bank’s legislated objective of promoting credit conditions that are conducive to sustainable economic growth since by reducing commercial banks’ cost of funds, this will provide additional scope for lending on better terms, particularly to the productive sector. The Central Bank’s aim is also to bring domestic rates closer to international interest rates in order to improve national competitiveness. Over the past five years (2205 – 2009), saving deposits accounted for an average of only 9.0% of total domestic bank deposits and the mandated 4.5% interest rate on such deposits has constituted a floor on interest rates for other types of deposits that form the bulk of commercial bank liabilities. It is therefore anticipated that there will be a general lowering in rates on other deposits and that the benefits from the reduction in commercial bank costs will be passed on to consumers through more attractive lending rates to individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs, which will help to stimulate economic growth. The lowering of the minimum savings rate is only one of several measures that the Central Bank will be implementing to improve efficiency in the banking system with the objective of reducing commercial banks’ overall costs and influencing lending rates downwards. The other medium term measures that are in the pipeline include the automation of the payments system, which will provide a single electronic infrastructure that banks and other entities can use to easily and rapidly transfer funds within the domestic system, and the establishment of a credit bureau, which will help commercial banks to better assess the credit risk associated with potential customers and thereby enable them to price their loans accordingly. The public should also be aware that businesses and other borrowers must of necessity play a key role in securing credit on better terms by ensuring that potential lenders are provided with accurate and timely information. This will include providing annual financial statements (audited wherever possible), business plans with detailed cash-flow projections and the practicing of good corporate governance. While the lending rate extended to any borrower reflects the risk pricing and cost structure of the specific lending institution, borrowers can improve their chances of a lower interest rate as reduced lending risks and costs of commercial banks is partly a function of the timeliness and accuracy of the information they receive. October 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

Mother slaughtered by young men for woman who wanted her baby!

When the death toll surpassed 100 two weeks ago we all sensed that 2010 would be a year of record numbers. But little did we know that just days later, it would also become a year of horrific and acutely hideous homicides. The level to which people have carried out the ultimate immoral act have been revolting, to say the least. The most sinister to date was confirmed when this week the family of missing teen and mother, Raylene Dyer, 18, told the media that their worst fears had come to pass. Not only was Dyer dead, but she was murdered in the most sickening of ways - slaughtered like cattle at a slaughterhouse in Valley of Peace. The crime was carried out by a group of students, of all places, Belize's highest tertiary level institution, the University of Belize. What's worse was that she was killed because someone wanted her infant baby. Dyer, who was the mother of a

Man shot three times trying to foil home invasion

The Corozal community was stunned to hear of last Thursday night's attempted home invasion and robbery attempt of one of the homes of one of their popular business people, and the attempted murder of one of his employees, whose courage and quick thinking prevented the thieves from carrying out their plans. The 21 year old, Dioni Marin, was reportedly just leaving his boss' house on Fourth Avenue after delivery when two men armed with guns accosted him under the house. One of them put a gun to his head while the other tried to gain entry to the door leading to the upper flat where the family lives. Marin, however, managed to close the door before the men could proceed upstairs and that was when the one who pointed the gun, pulled the trigger - not once, not twice, but three times. The bullets caught Marin in his right shoulder and back and when he ducked because of the sharp pain, the third bullet shattered his right cheek and jaw. That bullet will be removed from his lower jaw during a surgery this week at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. The men were not done, however, and tried to finish off Marin. He recollects that the gunman tried to shoot him two more times before leaving the scene but the gun snapped. The men ran off and got into a white van that was parked nearby, leaving Marin for dead. He didn't die, however. Instead, he had the presence of mind to holler for help. His boss, Kishore Kumar, whose store was further down the same street, was alerted by his wife who was upstairs and heard the commotion downstairs. Kumar ran to the house and found Marin still lying in a pool of blood. The businessman, stunned by how the incident could have ended, has said that he was thinking of taking his wife and two children back to India and forget about the 21 years that he has lived in Belize. He says that the level of crime and violence in Belie has gotten so far out of hand that he is now concerned for his family's safety. Corozal police have charged the owner of the white van, which they found parked outside the barber shop of Donald Coleman, 28. Coleman claims that he had loaned out the vehicle and it was returned to him later that night. Police have filed a charge of keeping unlicensed ammunition against him after they discovered a number of .22 calibre slugs inside the vehicle. They continue to look for a second suspect, who they believe was the gunman in the attack.

Raylene Dyer

bouncing three-month old baby girl, was reported missing last week, but from soon after her disappearance, the family's investigations yielded findings

that did not add up. Their inquiries led them to a young lady in Ontario Village who has since admitted that she wanted a second chance at love with her ex-boyfriend, Leron Gillett, and to do that, her plan was to present him with a baby she would claim was theirs. The young woman, Araceli Cajhueque, 19, had been claiming for months that she was pregnant and now, Dyer was all that stood in the way of her impossibly sick dream. She had even taken pictures over the past months sporting a “pregnant belly” in an attempt to trick Gillett. So Cahueque who knew Dyer for the past month, the report goes, met Dyer perhaps on October 8th, the same day she went missing and lured her to an area where they forced her into a vehicle and to her to her place of death. The young men, one of whom is also another student of UB, say they did not know Cahueque and only committed the crime because she co-erced them

into doing it. After they beheaded Dyer, they group reportedly dragged her body to the river behind Roaring Creek where they dumped it. (So far, divers have not been able to retrieve it.) Then, Cahueque took the baby to Gillett and told him that she gave birth on July 28th. Gillett, who noticed that the baby had hair that look just like Cajueque, bought the lie. So far, all that police have found near the slaughterhouse are a pair of slippers and a rosary that Dyer wore. They have charged Cahueque with child stealing, while her partners in crime, Darren Banner, 21, Jason Anderson, 20, both construction workers of Roaring Creek; Brandon Budhna, 20, a U.B student, were also arraigned. All were remanded to the Hattieville Prison. Cahueque's must return to court on November 26th while Budhna, Anderson and Banner will return on November 18th.

OCTOBER 19, 2010


PRESS RELEASE At the launch of the BTL offering on Friday, October 15, 2010, the Chairman of Telemedia, Mr. Net Vasquez, indicated that a loan of US$22.5 million to Telemedia is null and void and that as a consequence the loan has not been included as a loan in the records of Telemedia. Mr. Vasquez also indicated that he did not think that someone had to pay for the outstanding loan. Whilst Channel 7 wrongly referred to this loan as being from the Belize Bank, Mr. Vasquez was clearly making reference to the loan from the British Caribbean Bank to Telemedia. Statements such as these are not only reckless and misleading, but clearly wrong. British Caribbean Bank has obtained its own legal advice that the loan is lawful and it is simply wrong to say that no one has to pay. Even if the transaction is unlawful, then, as a matter of law, British Caribbean Bank is entitled to the reversal of that transaction and the return of its fund. It is an acknowledged fact that the Bank advanced the funds to Telemedia. It cannot be the case that Telemedia can continue to hold onto US$22.5 million of the Bank’s money through Telemedia’s own alleged wrongdoing. It is obviously to the advantage of both the Government and Telemedia to suggest that there does not need to be a repayment of this loan. However, the people who stand to lose here are the would be purchasers of the Telemedia shares and the people of Belize. British Caribbean Bank is confident that it will recover its funds either as a result of its claim against the Government for having expropriated its assets or through its challenge to the legislation which nationalized its interests and subsequent pursuit of Telemedia for the outstanding debt.




The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mother and prison warder murdered on her way home from work

A female prison officer and mother of two young daughters aged six and ten, became one of the latest victims of Belize's senseless murders over the past week. The unexplained killing of Miriam Gillett, 32, around 7:30 last Friday night plunged the country into yet another mood of fright and concern over the uncontrolled crime wave that is sweeping the nation. Gillett was one of several prison officers who had just come off shift at the Hattieville Correctional Facility and were catching a ride home when someone unleashed a barrage of bullets their way on the Boom/Hattieville Road. Gillett, who sat in the front passenger seat, was shot in the head. Police retrieved her body from the bullet-riddled gold Ford Escort car that she was sitting in and which had run off the road and crashed into a lamp post just past a speed bump

Shooting victim from last week becomes murder number 103!

Twenty-five year old Steve Parks, an employee of ADM Belize Mils Ltd at Mile Two on the Northern Highway, did not even live for 24 hours after he was shot in the head, before he succumbed to the injury. The young man had just gotten off his bicycle at Favourite Restaurant, a Chinese fast food joint on Mahogany Street and had only just ordered a fried chicken to take home to eat sometime around 11 last Wednesday night, when a gunman approached him from behind and shot him at close range in the back of the head. Parks fell critically wounded on the ground. Doctors at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital had only given him a 30% chance of survival and his family transferred him to the Belize Healthcare Partners to undergo surgery. He needed 12 pints of blood for the procedure and was actually in the process of receiving the surgery when he passed away. In the initial hours after the surgery, Neurosurgeon Dr. Joel Cervantes, who tended to Parks, felt he did not immediately need surgery because there was no excessive hemorrhaging on the brain. As the hours passed by, however, the brain began to swell and the surgery became imperative within hours. Parks had still not received all 12 pints of blood when doctors began to operate on him with the hope of saving his life. Parks, witnesses have said, was talking to the person who shot him. It was when the gunman was leaving that he pulled out the gun and shot Parks in the back of the head. He did not rob him, which has police suspecting whether it was a hit or an old beef that triggered the attack. While speculation is wild, Parks' brother, Cecil Parks, who was also shot earlier this year while in an area closer to downtown Belize City, says he does not believe the two incidents were connected. Police meanwhile, are still looking for clues.

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Miriam Gillett

near the Western Highway intersection. People who live the area heard

the shots but were not phased by them because there is a firing range not far away. It was about half hour later when someone who lived across from where the incident occurred came outside and noticed the car crashed into the lamp post. Nearby several high-powered calibre slugs were strewn inside and outside the car. Police believe that the weapon of choice for the killer was an M16 assault rifle, a prohibited firearm to be used only by military personnel. Gillett's common-law-husband, Andrew Williams, said she had just texted him upon her leaving the prison that she was on her way home and so he was waiting up for her that night. When she took long to reach, however, he decided to call her, only to hear a police officer on the other end. Williams said he grew worried and then later learned that some prison officers were hurt and Gillett was

one of them. He feels, however, that the true target of the attack was another officer who was in the same vehicle. Two other officers were hurt in the shooting, but they were luckier than Gillett and did not suffer life-threatening wounds. Ernest Savery, 35, who was driving, had just slowed down to cross the speed bump when the hail of bullets was unleashed. He suffered a gunshot in his neck and his comrade, Sylvino Cal, was injured while scampering for cover. And while the family has to deal with the gruesome murder of their loved one, what makes the pain even worse is that someone stole Gillett's purse, which contained all her personal effects, money and identification cards. The family is appealing for the person in possession of the items to hand them over in order that they can proceed with the official procedures required for her burial.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times


for sale

Ted Armstrong acquitted of murder, guilty of manslaughter

Ted Armstrong

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 21, 2010 A jury of 7 women and 5 men deliberated for about 4 ½ hours yesterday in the court of Justice Herbert Lord before it found Ted Armstrong, 34, not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter for the fatal stabbing of Jerome “Jazzi” Longsworth which occurred on the night of July 14, 2006 in Hattieville. The jury’s verdict was unanimous for both charges. The trial judge, Justice Lord, has adjourned sentencing until Friday, October 29 in order to give Armstrong’s attorney, Darrell Bradley, time to prepare a plea for mitigation. The chief witness for the prosecution was Reuben Barrow. Barrow testified that

he was walking on Sylvestre Boulevard when he heard a commotion in the yard where Armstrong’s residence is located. Barrow said when he looked he saw Ted Armstrong fighting with his sister, Rosita Armstrong. Barrow said he that he then met Jerome Longsworth and told him about it. They then went to the yard where the fight was still going on. Longsworth intervened and Ted attacked him with a pair of scissors and stabbed at him. Barrow said Longsworth picked up a line stick to defend himself and continued to run from Ted. Longsworth then sli[pped in a hole and Ted stabbed him in the left side of his neck, said Barrow. Rosita Armstrong and her mother by the same name also testified. According to the younger Rosita, Longsworth, her boyfriend lashed Ted on his back with the line stick. But he did not get to lash Ted again because he slipped in a hole and Ted held on to one end of the line stick and stabbed Longsworth. Ted’s brother, Herbert Armstrong also testified. Ted did not testify nor give a statement from the dock. He remained silent. Crown Counsel Christelle Wilson represented the prosecution. It was her last case as a counsel for the crown. She has left the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions on amicable grounds because she wants to pursue a different career.

BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of Charges registered at the Land Registry between those hereinafter named and the said Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited. HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale my be obtained.

SCHEDULE 1. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 3115/1 situate in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of EDMOND D. PERDOMO 2. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 23, Parcel 2664/1 situate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety for MARIA CAWICH

by Gordon order ofsentenced the mortgagee Kirk to 15 years for manslaughter

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company registered Appeal, is toduly take effect from July un14, 2006 when Gordon was convicted of murder der the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Revised Edition, 2000, and having G itso rregistered d o n’s a t t o roffice n e y, Sat imeon asked for a sentence Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets,Simpson, Belize had City, Belize, hereby of 10 years for his client with the stipulation gives notice of its intention to exercise its power that the sentence should of takesale effect from as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage madewhen the Gordon 7th daywas November 2003 charged. He was convicted in connection of December, 2004, between Emerson Burke of “Bashment” Citron with the death of Arthur Street, Cohune Walk, BelmopanEllis, City, Cayo District, the of which occurred on theofnight November 12, 2003, just outside one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part of Gordon’s residence on Kraal Road. and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 39 of to 2004 at folios According the evidence, Gordon asked Ellis to moveLtd. his vehicle 337 – 366; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) willwhich was in the yard so that he could move at the expiration of two monthsparked from the refused. date ofGordon the first his and Ellis said Ellis Kirk Gordon publication of this notice sell the described putproperty a knife to his throat andinhethe lashed Ellis on his head with a piece of stick. BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 21, 2010 Schedule hereto. The police arrived at the scene Kirk Gordon, 32, whose conviction of murder was quashed and substituted and saw Gordon beating Ellis with the stick. with the Privy Council Allmanslaughter offers to by purchase the said property must be made in The Director of Public Prosecutions, in April, was sentenced to 15 years writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be yesterday by Belize Court of Appeal. Cheryl Lyn Vidal represented the obtained from the saidCourt Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. prosecution at sentencing. The sentence, stipulated Belize of

Pizza delivery man robbed of motorcycle and money

THE SCHEDULE The ABOVE incident occurred around 8:10 p.m. on Sunday, October 10. Coc reported TO to the police that he went to a REFERRED house at 3662 Malcoln Street to deliver

a pizza and when he got there he was told that nobody ordered pizza. Coc said heBlock drove 146 his motorcycle ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being in on Central American Boulevard and the PRIVASSION ENCLAVE, he Mountain Ridge called the Pine number of thearea, person who had ordered the pizza. He said Cayo District, containing 6.263 acres, bounded as shown the person who answered the call told him on Plan No. 848 of 2004 and lodged at the Office of the to go to the corner of Central American Commissioner of Lands Surveys TOGETHER with Boulevard and Trinity Street. GOVERNMENT OF and BELIZE TREASURY BILLS Coc said when he arrived all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. at the ISSUE NO. 15/2010 location he was met by a man riding a bicycle who told him that his brother Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of pizza Belize will pay for the andTreasury to follow him. Calvin Palma followed the man on trinity Street Bills. The amount of the issue will beHe $18,991,800.00. DATED this 14th day of October, 2010. and when they reached the first lane BELIZE CITY, Wed. Oct. 20, 2010 pulled out $10,000, a gun and pointed Calvin Palma, 20, a laborer of T theofman The Bills will be issued in denominations $200, $1,000, it at him. Street who allegedly stole money and $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $5,000,000, Coc saidatthe a $10,000,000 motorcycle from pizza delivery man and $20,000,000 and will be repayable pargunman 91 days told afterhim to MUSA & BALDERAMOS get off his motorcycle and hand over Pablo Coc, 32, was charged with robbery issue. They will be issued on Wednesday 3rd November, 2010 and will be what heStreet, had and fearing for his life so when he appeared Magistrate’s Court #8 Front 91 North on Wednesday, 2nd February, got off the motorcycle and gave the onredeemed Monday, October 18. He pleaded not he 2011.


Belize City

gunman $26.25.Two men then came and guilty to the charges. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple and specify to before five Attorneys-at-Law for triedofto$200 push himmust to the ground Magistrate Emmerson Banner decimal to places which is offered foroffeach one hundred dollars riding onLtd. his motorcycle. explained him the thatamount, the court cannot Scotiabank (Belize) facehim value ofbecause the Billsthe sought. The motorcycle was later found offer bail offence was committed with a firearm. He remanded in an abandoned house on Partridge Street. and at the Central Bank Palma into custody Novemberat17. Application formsuntil are available the Treasury of Belize in Belize City and at the Ministry of Finance in Belmopan; and when completed they must be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to:




Tenders must reach the Central Bank not later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 29th October, 2010.

has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Successful tenders will be notified by Tuesday, 2nd November, Companies Register with effect from the 13th day of 2010 and will be expected to pay for and pick up Bills allotted them October, 2010.3rd November, 2010. on Wednesday, The Government of BelizeCorporation reserves the rightLimited to accept or reject any Icaza Belize Trust and/or all tenders in whole or in part. Registered Agent




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The Belize Times

Murder charges dropped against man accused of killing Nigerian guard

Kareem Stevens

BELIZE CITY, Wed. Oct. 20, 2010 Kareem Stevens, 21, one of three men charged with the murder of Nigerian national Kaluru Ogumlududu, was freed of the charge yesterday in Magistrate’s

Court #1. Chief Magistrate Margaret McKenzie withdrew the charge due to insufficient evidence on a direction from the Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheryl Lyn Vidal. The charge still stands against the other two accused Jamal Jackson, 25 and Daniel Myvett, 23. Jackson and Myvett are to return to court on November 16. Ogunlududu who worked as a security guard at Biltmore Plaza Hotel located at Mile 4 on the Northern Highway, was fatally stabbed in the early morning hours of February 15, 2010, while he was in the security booth at the hotel. Police believe that his assailants wanted to rob the hotel and he was killed when he got in their way. Jackson and Myvett were employees of the hotel at the time. Jackson was a steward and Myvett was a security guard.

for sale

by order of the mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 7th day of December, 2004, between Emerson Burke of Citron Street, Cohune Walk, Belmopan City, Cayo District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 39 of 2004 at folios 337 – 366; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

One sought, one charged with the Stuarts’ stabbing death

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 21, 2010 Police have charged one of two men who they believe were involved in the gruesome killing of attorney Richard Stuart, 43 and his wife accountant Maria Illiana Fernandez Stuart, 43, which occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday, October 17 at the couple’s home in West Landivar. He is Milton Daniel Maza, 24, a naturalized Belizean originally from Guatemala who resides in Santa Elena, Cayo District. Maza was arraigned on 2 counts of murder yesterday in the #6 Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate Dorothy Flowers explained to him that she will not take a plea because he is charged with murder and the court cannot offer him bail for the offences. She remanded him into custody until November 23. The second suspect is still at


Stuart and his wife were attacked and stabbed about 25 times, when they entered their house. Apparently their assailants who allegedly had keys for the building ambushed them as they stepped inside. Robbery was apparently not the motive and it is believed that the assailants were former employees of the Stuarts who were disgruntled having been dismissed following allegations of theft. Police reported that they later found Maza in St. Matthews Village, located at mile 40 on the Western Highway, with one of Stuart’s vehicles. They also reported that they found a knife which they believe was the murder weapon. Maza is alleged to have given the police a confession statement.

4 charged infor bizarre teen mother sale murder/stolen baby/love plot by order of the mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 30th day of November, 2000, between BENSON RAMCLAM, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded inBanner Deeds Book Vol. 61 Araceli Cahueque at the Land Titles Unit Darren of 2000 at Folios 627 – 650, and Supplemental Deed made the 18th day of January, 2002, recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 4 of 2002 at Folios 581 – 588, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 146 in the PRIVASSION ENCLAVE, Mountain Pine Ridge area, Cayo District, containing 6.263 acres, bounded as shown on Plan No. 848 of 2004 and lodged at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 14th day of October, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street, Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Brandon Budna piece or parcel of land comprising 16.907 BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Oct. 21, 2010 prosecution also objected to Area, bail on the acres situate along Savannah Road, Independence Four persons have been charged grounds that additional charges might Stann Creek District, boundedfollow andand described shown in connection with the death of Raylene if released as on bail Cahueque on18, a and Subdivision Plan prepared bytamper Kirkwith M.witnesses. Emmanuel, Dyer, the theft of her 3 month old might daughter, Rayonna. Chief Licensed land Surveyor and registered at Magistrate the LandsMargaret DeThey are Araceli Cahueque, 19; a McKenzie upheld the objection and in inBelmopan, Cayo District in Register No. 29until UBpartment student residing Belmopan; Darren remanded Cahueque into custody Banner, 21,No. a construction worker of with November 26. Entry 9928 TOGETHER all buildings and erecRoaring Creek; Jason Anderson, 20, a Although her body has not been tions standing and being thereon. SAVE AND EXCEPT construction worker residing in Roaring found yet, police believe that Raylene, who Lotand No.Brandon 18. Budna, 24, a UB resided on Coney drive in Belize City, who Creek;

student residing in Belmopan. was killed in the Valley of Peace Road on Banner, Anderson and Budran were October 8. It is believed that her head was charged with murder while Cahueque was severed from her body. ALLwith THAT parcel being A toParcel comcharged child piece stealing.orThey were of land According police investigation arraigned when appeared theland #1 situate Raylene was befriended byofCahueque prising ofthey 19.68 acresin of at Southeast Magistrate’s Court on Monday, October who apparently wanted her baby. Reports Independence Village, Stann Creek District bounded and 18. Banner, Anderson and Budna were are that Cahueque lured Raylene and described as shown on Plan ofher Subdivision prepared remanded into custody until November daughter to the junction at by Roaring 18.Guillermo E. Valdez, LicensedCreek where they were abducted three Land Surveyor, dated by the The prosecution objected to bail men. Baby Rayonna was later found 14th December, 2005 and registered at the Lands Depart-in for Cahueque on the grounds that the Ontario. ment in Belmopan, District inReports Register No. 4 already Entryhad investigation is still ongoingCayo and the say Cahueque charge closely TOGETHER linked to the murder.with The alla new name for and the baby. No.is9394 buildings erections

standing and being thereon. SAVE AND EXCEPT Lot No. 2 comprising of 3.037 acres, Lot No. 3 comprising of

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Help the squirrel through the maze to find its acorns.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Numbers' Boggle

Try to fill in the missing numbers. The missing numbers are integers between 6 and 9. The numbers in each row add up to totals to the right. The numbers in each column add up to the totals along the bottom. The diagonal lines also add up the totals to the right.

Q. Here is a set of letters that makes no sense:

umboet The letters can become a familiar two-word phrase if you put a j at the beginning and add another j where a second word should start. The phrase you can make out of the letters above is PLAYING WITH jumbo jet. WORDS & LETTERS Figure out how to make each of the sets of letters below into a two-word phrase in the same way. Add a letWhat do the three words in each of the followter at the beginning. Then add the same letter where a ing groups have in common? (Example: What do the words "ram," "raven", and second word should begin. • otow "bull" have in common? All three animals have given their • tudykills names to sports teams.) • astood 1. saddle, pump, slide • oubleate 2. mustang, cougar, rabbit • oodrief 3. department, shoe, book


good grief

double date

fast food

study skills

not now

Question 2: kind of store. 3. Each word names a different car. that has given its name to a kind of 2. Each word names an animal kind of shoe. 1. Each word names a different Question 1


Colour Me!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

Drug haul in Mexico larger than initially thought

A Mexico drug bust considered the largest in years was 30 tons more than initially thought, the state news agency reported. Authorities in the Mexican border city of Tijuana seized 134 tons of marijuana, Notimex said Wednesday night. It had earlier reported 105 tons were seized in the operation. Security forces encountered several vehicles suspected of carrying the drug Monday. A clash ensued, the news agency said, injuring two people -- a government agent and a suspected drug runner. Eleven people were detained, Notimex reported.

The suspects told agents where they could find more pot, the news agency said. Police seized 15,000 packages of marijuana that collectively weighed 134 tons. They also confiscated trailers, trucks and two large firearms, Notimex reported. Monday's bust was the largest in the area, according to Notimex. It is also the largest in Mexico in recent memory. It was a joint action among Tijuana municipal police, state police in Baja, California, and the Mexican army. More than 28,000 people have died in the country in drug-related violence since 2006, according to authorities.

A sudden, unexpected rainstorm has killed 10 people, including three children, in earthquake-ravaged Haiti, a United Nations spokeswoman said Tuesday. Eight people, including the three children, in Leogane died due to landslides and rapidly moving water stirred by heavy rains this weekend, said Stephanie Bunker with the U.N. Office for the Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs. Another two people were killed in the capital of Port-au-Prince, where two others remain missing. In addition, the storm took a toll on homes, infrastructure and lives in Carrefour. "The problem is that every time there is a storm in Haiti, you see people affected even if there's not an earthquake (or a major tropical

event) because of deforestation and congestion," Bunker said. Civil protection authorities have been called into Leogane, where at least 4,000 people were affected and 270 homes were flooded by the storm. All around the region, the United Nations said there is a significant need for potable water, food and hygiene kits. In addition, authorities have begun distributing tents and getting aid to people impacted by this latest calamity, according to the United Nations. "We're responding to all the needs created by the earthquake," Bunker said of the United Nations humanitarian arm and other nongovernment organizations. "These are other needs being piled on."

Unexpected rainstorm, flash flooding kill 10 in Haiti


20-year-old woman becomes top cop in violent Mexican municipality

Some headlines are hailing h e r a s t h e b r ave s t wo m a n i n M e x i c o. M a r i s o l Va l l e s G a r c i a , a l l o f 2 0 y e a r s o l d , s ay s s h e ' s j u s t t i r e d o f e ve r yo n e b e i n g afraid. Va l l e s G a r c i a , a c r i m i n o l o g y student, became the police ch i e f t h i s we e k o f P r a xe d i s G. G u e r r e r o, o n e o f t h e m o s t v i o l e n t mu n i c i p a l i t i e s i n t h e border state of Chihuahua. S h e wa s t h e o n l y p e r s o n w h o accepted the top job in a police f o r c e w h o s e o f f i c e r s h ave b e e n a b d u c t e d a n d e ve n k i l l e d . " Ye s, t h e r e i s f e a r, " Va l l e s G a r c i a s a i d We d n e s d ay i n a n inter view with CNN en Espa単ol. " I t ' s l i ke a l l h u m a n b e i n g s. T h e r e w i l l a l way s b e f e a r, b u t w h a t we wa n t t o a ch i e ve i n o u r mu n i c i p a l i t y i s t r a n q u i l i t y a n d s e c u r i t y. " There's good reason for the f e a r. Ju s t t h i s p a s t we e ke n d , a 5 9 - y e a r- o l d l o c a l m ayo r, R i t o G r a d o S e r r a n o, a n d h i s 3 7 - y e a ro l d s o n , Ro g o b e r t o G r a d o V i l l a , we r e k i l l e d i n a h o u s e i n w h i ch t h e y t h e y we r e h i d i n g i n n e a r by C i u d a d Ju a r e z . A n o t h e r a r e a m ayo r wa s k i l l e d i n Ju n e. Ju a r e z i s t h e b l o o d i e s t c i t y i n M e x i c o, w i t h a r e p o r t e d 2 , 5 0 0 people killed in dr ug violence t h i s y e a r. P r a xe d i s G. G u e r r e r o i s located about 35 miles southeast o f C i u d a d Ju a r e z . B o t h a r e i n t h e s t a t e o f C h i h u a h u a , w h i ch b o r d e r s Te x a s. N a t i o n w i d e, the federal g ove r n m e n t s ay s, m o r e t h a n 2 8 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e h ave l o s t t h e i r l ive s s i n c e M e x i c a n P r e s i d e n t Fe l i p e C a l d e r o n d e c l a r e d wa r on the dr ug cartels after taking office in December 2006.

Va l l e s Garcia sees a non-violent role for her 13member f o r c e, w h i ch will be mostly female and unar med. " T h e we a p o n s we h ave a r e p r i n c i p l e s a n d va l u e s, w h i ch a r e t h e b e s t we a p o n s for p r e ve n t i o n , " she told CNN en Espa単ol. "Our wo r k w i l l b e p u r e p r e ve n t i o n . We are not going to be doing anything else other than p r e ve n t i o n . " Va l l e s Garcia said she aims to establish programs in neighborhoods a n d s ch o o l s, t o w i n b a ck s e c u r i t y i n public spaces and to foster greater cooperation among neighbors so they c a n f o r m wa t ch c o m m i t t e e s. She has recr uited three o t h e r wo m e n t o j o i n t h e f o r c e i n t h e s m a l l mu n i c i p a l i t y o f 8 , 5 0 0 p e o p l e, t h e g ove r n m e n t r un Notimex news agency said t h i s we e k . Va l l e s G a r c i a s a i d We d n e s d ay s h e g l a d l y a c c e p t e d w h e n M ayo r Jo s e L u i s G u e r r e r o o f f e r e d h e r t h e j o b. T h e f i r s t c o u p l e o f d ay s h ave g o n e s m o o t h l y, s h e s a i d . Ye s, t h e r e i s f e a r. I t ' s l i ke a l l h u m a n b e i n g s. T h e r e w i l l a l way s b e f e a r, b u t w h a t we wa n t t o a ch i e ve i n o u r mu n i c i p a l i t y i s t r a n q u i l i t y a n d s e c u r i t y. " Tr u t h f u l l y, we h ave b e e n ve r y t r a n q u i l , " s h e s a i d . " T h e p e o p l e h ave r e c e ive d u s ve r y we l l . T h e y h ave e ve n s u p p o r t e d u s. T h e y s ay i t ' s a g r e a t p r o j e c t and they will be with us 100 percent." Still, the notion of a largely female police force being h e l m e d by a wo m a n - - a n d a yo u n g o n e a t t h a t - - d o e s n o t s e e m t o s i t we l l w i t h s o m e people in a country that still r e t a i n s ve s t i g e s o f m a ch i s m o. "Are there no men in Chihuahua?" read a headline on a b l o g o n t h e Pe r i o d i s t a D i g i t a l we b s i t e. B u t Va l l e s G a r c i a b e l i e ve s w h a t t h e j o b m ay n e e d i s a wo m a n ' s t o u ch . " We a r e s i m p l y g o i n g t o t a l k w i t h t h e m , w i t h t h e p e o p l e, w i t h t h e f a m i l i e s, g iv i n g t h e m confidence so they will quit b e i n g a f r a i d , s o t h e y c a n l e ave t h e i r h o u s e s, " s h e t o l d C N N e n Espa単ol. " We h ave h o p e t h a t we a r e g o i n g t o e xch a n g e f e a r f o r t r a n q u i l i t y a n d s e c u r i t y. "


The Belize Times

Statement by: Hon. John Briceño Leader, People’s United Party PUP Convention Dangriga, Stann Creek Sunday, 17 October 2010 It is with honour and much humility that I stand here before you today, aware of what this moment means for

ALL Belizeans. As a husband and father, I am aware of my responsibility to my wife Rosanna and our three sons. As an elected representative of the people for18 years, I am aware that I have a responsibility to you who have entrusted the leadership of this great party into my hands. And as a PUP for all my life, but more so as a Belizean, I am fully aware that it is my responsibility to do what we all must do to take back our country. This is the time for all who are PUP and who love Belize to come together as one party to fulfil one goal – one destiny. One goal grounded by our belief in social justice, one destiny manifested. One destiny through the Peaceful Constructive Belizean Revolution which was started by the father of the Nation, the Right Honourable George Price. All of us as PUP are bound by our oath to serve this nation; to “Serve the People.” Indeed we cannot all look the same, talk the same or be the same; but when any one of us says WE DA BLUE, we are saying that we belong to a family that will struggle together, fight together and win together. Because whatever the differences, we PUP, we who da blue, WE LOVE DIS YA COUNTRY! My fellow Belizeans we come to beautiful Dangriga to renew our promise to our Party and our Nation. Before continuing, I want to thank our hosts, our wonderful brothers and sisters of Southern Belize, and in particular the people of beautiful Dangriga and the team that put this day together. You have all done a great job, congratulations. I wish also to acknowledge the special presence of our guests, those in the diplomatic and consular corps and all of you who have come here to share this moment with us. We are most happy to have you here. Thank you. Thirty-two short months ago, we all boasted of our pride in Belize and we told everyone that in Belize - we live in good country. This was indeed the Land of the Free, until this UDP Government made it policy to enshroud Belizeans, PUP and UDP alike in this nightmare we are currently living. We will never forget how they took away jobs and land from struggling Belizeans, how they took away scholarships from Belizean children, and how they are taking away our very liberty. The UDP wanted so badly to break our party that they tried, once again, to lock up our leaders, all in the name of destroying your party. They failed. They failed because each time they tried to knock us down we fought back. You fought back Every time they try to push us we pushed back. You pushed back Over and over they keep saying that the People’s United Party is done, that their red tide has washed the blue sea away, but they do not know your unquenchable spirit. They do not know that you cannot wash away our blue sky. Dear Barrow, he has failed because we the people know that the People’s United Party is the greatest political party to ever serve Belize. And when I visited you in your homes in Toledo; when I stood with you in the market in Corozal; when we demonstrated against BAHA in Belmopan; when we shook hands on West Street in South Side Belize City. When we talked on the London Bridges in San Mateo in Ambergris Caye, visited in San Ignacio and San Benito Poite you told me, to HOLD ON, TO KEEP UP THE STRUGGLE, TO KEEP THE FAITH. You reminded me that WE, who are from the Party of George Price never quit. We never surrender. We never give up. See, we PUP’s never forgot who WE are, and that is why here by the beach in Dangriga (laru beya), by the beauty of the blue Caribbean Sea, we stand together as one people, One Party and say with pride, WE DA BLUE! SOMOS PUP! DINGUTI WAGIYA! Today our Party serves notice on Dean Barrow and the UDP that since they cannot lead this nation, it is time for them to LEAVE. If this UDP government was something bought off the shelf we would take it back and demand a refund. We are serving notice on the UDP, letting them know that we will no longer tolerate the state of affairs in our nation, NO MORE! NO MAS! MANUGU WAMALE Today in our country, we stand in the midnight darkness of a UDP term in office. Jobs have been taken away, and jobs lost, houses gone because we can’t pay di bank. Salaries are too low, the cost of living too high. These UDP’s are fighting with the unions, public officers, NGOs, fighting with investors, fighting with the business community, fighting one another. They are tampering with our justice system, disrespecting the rule of law and mocking our Constitution. Somebody has to stop this madness and that somebody is you, the People’s United Party. Sixty years ago, our party was born and from birth we rejected inequity and inequality. We fought and prevailed over colonialism. We took on the odds to become an independent nation, and we won. For 60 years we have been fighting for Belize and we will always fight to preserve the principles on which this nation was created. Principles like the rule of law, the independence of our judiciary, the right of our people to work for a decent wage and for our children to be safe in their homes. We built a nation that not only believes in but respects those ideas and institutions. Over the last two and a half years this heartless, mindless UDP government has turned much of what we built upside down. In two and a half years they have managed to raise taxes – GST alone by 25 per cent - and they are threatening to raise taxes yet again. To this we say NO! Where is the Belizean oil they promised? Instead of getting more revenue from oil, as they promised, government now gets far less per barrel than we did in 2007. To this we say NO! The trust fund set up by the PUP and BNE for the benefit of the poor is being massaged for political benefit and mismanaged by corrupt UDP cronies. To this we say NO! What about the promise made to Belizeans to bring down the cost of living no matter what? It is now a just a sick joke. That cost continues to rise higher day by bitter day. To this we say NO! Our local farmers who try to sell their fruits and vegetables at the Market in Belize City are being harassed by the UDP City Council, they are told to get out, to go away. To this we say NO!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You know most of us know someone who has lost his or her job, like Hiram Good and her fellow school wardens, or Jesus Bol who they fired along with 30 others from Public Works in Punta Gorda. Many of you have been fired. From the free zone in Corozal to the border management in Benque Viejo, Belizeans have been robbed of their constitutional right to earn a living. The development of the free zone in Punta Gorda continues to be frustrated, killing the possibility for more job creation. But Belizeans, do not despair. A new day will dawn. In the very darkness of this long night, the Blue Machine is in gear and WE ARE ON THE MOVE. . We pledge to you. We promise all Belizeans that we will right these many injustices. Our transport system is as mashed up as are our streets and roads. And here in Southern Belize, it has been EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away - how many more days before there will be a bridge at Kendall? QUE VERGUENZA (SHAME) Shame on the UDP for abandoning the banana industry, the citrus industry, the aquaculture industry! Shame on the UDP for neglecting the people of Southern Belize! Today we have here with us a number of mothers, fathers, brothers, cousins and friends who carry heavy hearts. Their hearts are heavy with grief having buried a loved one taken away by the violence that grips our nation. Our once safe streets and quiet communities have become war zones. Our young men are dying; our tranquillity has been robbed and replaced by a horrible culture of fear and terror from which none are immune-- including our innocent children like little Eyannie Nunez and the 13 others who have been injured or killed. More than 100 murders have already been committed and that number rises daily. Barrow’s answer is to pass laws to listen to our conversations with our mothers, wives, and friends and family. This will allow them read our e-mails, hack and clone our computers, spy on our homes and bedrooms and bug our cars. We know that the Belizean people deserve better than this. I hold this government responsible for the fact that they cannot provide our people with the necessary security to keep them safe from this growing menace of violence. The neglect and abandonment of our people have given rise to ever increasing poverty. We all recognize the relationship between poverty and social decay. As a society we must come together to eliminate poverty. We must do this for we know that this is not the Belize that George Price and Lindy Rogers fought and struggled to build. It is not the country that Said Musa and the rest of us fought to maintain As Mr. Price has said in his immortal poem – Nation-Building is a Task for Giants. Lesser men have tried and failed. I will not stand aside and watch them tear down what we’ve built! I dedicate myself with your blessing to the noble task of nation building! In the PUP we bet on the Belizean people. We believe that the Belizean people are awakened and their collective judgement is sound. Today in Dangriga we demonstrate – en carne propia our resolve, we declare that this great blue sea is ready to sweep away the drought of our people, our economy and our society. To sweep away the squalor and squander taking place in our nation’s capital. I want to lead a Party and a movement that will lift Belizeans out of squalor and despair. We lift people up when we create opportunity for our people to prosper, when we create jobs. We must restore our community and I will work with you to rebuild trust in each other so that together we can save our children from violence, gangs and the lure of the streets. We must build a meaningful partnership if we will win this war against violence. The development of our young people must be given the greatest priority and I will fight to ensure that all our young people go to school. Not just elementary school, but also high school and beyond. To ensure that they stay there, at least until they are 16 so that when they enter adult society they join us with skills that develop this nation. As we go out from the Culture Capital of the Jewel let us proclaim: WE DA BLUE. That we are ready, willing and able to right our nation’s ship again! So that Hiram Good and other Belizean will have jobs again. So that Jesus Bol and his 30 co-workers will once jobs again! They will have jobs because we will create employment opportunities through the creation of job centers in our regions. We will encourage new industries so that new jobs can be created. We will get back to our policy of putting land in the hands of Belizeans so that all those poor Belizeans who have been illegally deprived of their property will have justice. We will reach out to investors so that businesses will come back, We will reach out to our farmers who work the land and produce for this nation. Señores y señoras…miembros de están gran familia PUP. Hoy quiero darles las gracias a todos por estar aquí Afirmando que somos soldados de este gran partido… Que somos PUP, Dispuestos a luchar. Y que estamos preparados y listos para tomar el mando de nuestro país. Hoy le damos aviso a Dean Barrow que estamos hartos de su victimización. Que estamos hartos de tanto crimen. Y que ya no vamos a tolerar que continúe llevando este país hacia la ruina. Es con un gran sentido de responsabilidad hacia mi familia. Hacia la familias de todos ustedes y de todo Beliceño Que acepto el compromiso de liderar este gran Partido….hacia la victoria en las próximas elecciones. Pero al mismo tiempo les recuerdo…que esto es también la responsabilidad de cada uno de ustedes. Y su presencia aquí hoy testifica, de que a pesar que tengamos diferencias, todos somos PUP y compartimos las mismas aspiraciones. Juntos estamos dispuestos a la lucha. Ni Dean Barrow, ni nadie…jamás podrá quebrantar el espíritu de este gran Partido. Este Partido de George Price que construyo Belice… Este Partido de Said Musa que desarrolló y fortaleció nuestra economía. Hoy…yo me comprometo… que no permitiré jamás que este país se vaya a la ruina. Hoy le hago un llamado a todo miembro del PUP, que nos levantemos y luchemos por nuestro Belice. Todos somos PUP y unidos lograremos restaurar la paz, la salud y la fortaleza de nuestro bello País. Por medio de una revolución nueva y progresiva, juntos lograremos nuestro objetivo mayor… ¡una sociedad más justa! And so today I sound the call to the far corners of the jewel. If you da blue stand up and fight for Belize. Fight for the young and for the old! Fight for what you built! Together we will attain our just objective of social justice through the new and progressive Belizean revolution! We da Blue, Dinguti Wagiya, Somos PUP, Que Viva el Partido Unido del Publo, Que Viva Belice, Long Live Belize, Long live the PUP, Thank you and God bless you all.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times


Statement by: Rt. Hon Said Musa Past Party Leader At the National Convention Dangriga, Sunday, 17 October 2010 Sixty years ago the nationalist movement let by the Peoples’ United Party launched a project to free Belize from the yoke of colonialism and from the depressing conditions under which the people were suffering. Today as we meet in Convention here in Dangriga we owe it to all the leaders of this great movement and the thousands of PUP soldiers of the revolution who marched and struggled and sacrificed over the years to create a better life in Belize for Belizeans. Here in the South we remember those leaders who have gone ahead of us, like Faustino Zuniga, Nathaniel Cacho, Alan Arthurs and David McKoy. We remember too Mayors and Councillors like Francis Castillo, Harry Stanley,Henry Bowman, and Pablo Lambey. Former Mayor Cassian Nunez is with us. So too is Simeon Joseph and Gilly Waight. And what about representative Simeon Sampson and Senator Roy Cayetano! We pay tribute to the women leaders of the South, like the late Ms. Ben-Venancia Petillo,Olivia Sentino,and Lavinia Busano. We salute former Minister Sylvia Flores, former Speaker Beth Zabaneh and former Councillors Phyllis Cayetano and Debbie Jones. And we are blessed as a Party to have with us today one who was there from the beginning – he who was there at the creation – the Leader Emeritus the Rt. Hon. George Price. During the past 60 years many great things were accomplished by the Peoples’ United Party and today we can look back with pride on the road we have travelled in forging the destiny of our nation. An independent Belize, a democratic Belize living in a community of diverse ethnic groups and culture but above all Belizeans. During the period 1998 – 2008 when I had the honour and privilege of serving as Party Leader and Prime Minister, the PUP continued the work of the peaceful constructive revolution to transform Belize with unprecedented economic growth and social progress. Over 60,000 house lots and land titles to Belizeans across the country. 15,000 new homes were built. Over 1,500 new classrooms. Tremendous expansion of new high schools. Center for Employment Training and ITVET’s established in all six districts. The University of Belize established . A modern campus built in the nation’s capital. A Regional Language Centre: A modern Bliss Centre for the Performing Arts, The Museum of Belize. The Southern Highway virtually completed, fully paved to Independence and down to Punta Gorda. Many new bridges built on the Hummingbird Highway and all across the country. After 2 ½ years the UDP can’t even build one – the Kendal! It was the PUP government that secured the funding for the paving of the Placencia road. Electricity and water expansion carried out in most villages across the nation. Culture took center stage under the PUP. Andy Palacio a son of the South became an international star and the Garifuna culture was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity. National Health Insurance (NHI) introduced to benefit thousands of women, children and men with quality, affordable health care, free at the point of delivery. Now under the UDP, instead of rolling out NHI to the rest of the country, they are cutting back. And every year during those ten years the economy grew, jobs were created, agricultural exports doubled, tourism boomed, shrimp farming, tilapia farming, papaya production expanded and a new oil industry came into being. I could go on. But suffice it to say that during the Administration of the PUP, Belize grew and developed by leaps and bounds. People were working, crime was brought under control, the fiscal deficit was reduced less than 1% and Belize became a highly respected nation in the region of the Caribbean and Latin America. But let’s face facts. We suffered a terrible defeat in 2008. We must accept where we went wrong. We must accept that many of us had lost touch with the people. We must never blame the people who voted for a change. This movement began as a radical party to bring about real change; to uplift the poor and the downtrodden and to make life better for all. We must return to our roots. Our country is in crisis. After 33 months of the UDP, the economy is stagnant. Thousands are out of work. Almost half of the population—over 140,000 Belizeans are living in poverty. Mr. Barrow came into office with a hate-filled agenda, preaching disobedience and violence and now the chickens have come home to roost. Over 100 murders in 2010 so far. Draconian laws are rushed through the National Assembly criminalizing innocent people while the murderers, rapists and robbers roam free. Mr. Barrow you did call mi name, but da your name stink da road. The UDP promised to reduce taxes. Instead they raised taxes by 25 % GST every time you go to the shop. They promised 5,000 new jobs. Instead they drive away investors and fire hundreds of workers from their government jobs. This UDP is the most callous and vindictive bunch in Belmopan. Mr. Barrow you di call mi name, but da your name stink da road. The man is bogus. He said he would not tolerate even the whiff of corruption in government. Today the entire Cabinet is mired in a cesspool of corruption, cronyism and nepotism. Our justice system has been hijacked. The Prime Minister got rid of one of the best Chief Justices in the history of Belize. Now he is trying to stack the courts with people he can control. Barrow has no shame, admitting that his government paid out millions of dollars of tax-payers money as legal fees to his ex-wife. Mr. Barrow, you di call mi name, but da your name stink da road. He calls Godfrey Smith and Eamon Courtenay unpatriotic and traitors, when his own lawfirm over the past ten years has been paid and continues to be paid millions of dollars for representing the financial interests of Michael Ashcroft—the same man he has called public enemy of Belize. What a hypocrite! Mr. Barrow you di call wi name, but da your name stink da road. Almost every week this UDP government is rocked by a huge scandal. Last week it was the immigration scandal which they are trying to cover up. Imagine putting out a press release that the 3 mysterious night charter flights were bringing Japanese tourists. The whole world knows that there has been a massive human smuggling of Chinese involving bribery and official corruption under the UDP. The end is not far off for this rotten, greedy UDP government. Brothers and Sisters of this great Party: The battle for the hearts and minds of Belizeans is at hand. In this moment of great challenge, Belizeans everywhere are suffering and crying out for deliverance from this cruel and oppressive government. They are calling for the PUP to get its act together; for us to come together to forge a new and better future for Belize. The PUP must respond decisively to that call with the vision and action rooted in the values of all those who marched and struggled and sacrificed over the past 60 years: Belize for all Belizeans to share in the fruits of our work and production with solidarity, care and compassion. To get there, it cannot be business as usual. As a party we must put aside our differences and rally to the cause. The stakes are too high. Our country is heading down a dangerous path of despotism. Now is the time to renew our commitment to freedom, justice and equality. Now is the time to renew our commitment to Serve the People. Now is the time to unite behind our new Leader John Briceno. Let us all come together and with one strong voice. Shout it out: Awake, ARISE, LET US NOT STOP UNTIL WE REACH OUR GOAL Despertemonos, Levantemonos y no detendrémonos hasta lograr nuestra meta. And since we are in Dangriga: Agagudúa homá, Sará humá, Merédera Humá Dari Wabíhini Wabúseru Yes, We Da BLUE! Somos PUP – hasta la muerte! Adelante! Hasta la Victoria!


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Statement by: Mr Mike Espat Deputy Party Leader At the National Convention Dangriga, Sunday, 17 October 2010 Members and Supporters of the People’s United Party Our people here from the villages and towns in the south: For the first time the National Convention of the PUP or any P for that matter has come to the South. So on behalf of all us from the Sibun to the Sarstoon, I want to express our appreciation to you for coming to be with us here in our beautiful Dangriga. It would be inexcusable to under rate the significance of today’s event to the south, especially in light of the assault on our people and our way of life, by this crowd in Belmopan. The disrespect demonstrated to all of us here in the south by this UDP government is in stark contrast to the respect given to us by the People’s United Party. So on behalf of our Party, we welcome you, we thank you; we are you. Two and a half years ago our party witnessed a setback in the General Elections. We were badly defeated. Our defeat in 2008 became fertile ground for the Party’s enemies to insidiously sow the seeds of decay to construct and incite a sense of self hatred and shame of ourselves and our Party. This assault on the Party confused some people and at times it tripped us up and unlevelled us, putting us in a state of collective amnesia. Indeed there are those who would have wanted you to believe that our party at 60 is too old, that our party is irrelevant and that our party had lost its way. They describe us as old guard. They describe us as new guard. They even describe us, I think, as no guard. When the father of the Nation the Rt. Hon. George Price led our Party he instrumentalized one guard for Belize, the People’s United Party. Said Musa kept this Party on course, leading us to success after success at the polls. Today our Party Leader the Hon. John Briceño has signalled the restoration of Belize and is leading this march to Belmopan starting here and now! He is putting an end to this state of amnesia and has sound the wakeup call, reminding everyone of the great work of the People’s United Party. The road many of you travelled on, that beautiful Hummingbird Highway in the Stan Creek valley was constructed in the days of George Price and the PUP. The Southern Highway, travelled by the people of Stann Creek West, Toledo East and Toledo West, was a dream realized by Said Musa and the People’s United Party. The electrification of Belize, the water systems all across this country were all constructed by successive PUP Government. This is why for the past two and a half years the Party Leader and I have been travelling all over the South of this country reminding the young people and telling the old folks that the work of the PUP is evidence of our commitment to build Belize. That Placencia Road project is a PUP Baby, negotiated by the PUP with the CDB The completion of the Southern Highway was negotiated by the PUP with OPEC and Kuwaiti Fund The Customs and Administration building in Punta Gorda was started by the PUP This is in contrast to the deliberate sabotage and spitefulness by the UDP in refusing to complete the Lucille Melendrez Boulevard in Punta Gorda. Their refusal to complete the Crique Sarco Bridge as well as a proper bridge at Kendall is another example of their bad mindedness towards the people and industries in the south. Two years ago Rodwell Furgeson, Oscar Requena and Ivan Ramos joined with me and the Party Leader in consultations with the people of Southern Belize. These consultations exposed the flipping representative who has been hiding from the very people who elected him in Stann Creek West. This is also why there is no bridge at Kendall after two and a half years. In Toledo West, Oscar Requena, who is always available for the people of the West, joined us to show our party leader the NHI infrastructure built by the PUP in the Toledo District including Polyclinics that this irresponsible UDP government is neglecting only because they were built by the PUP. Right here in Dangriga our very own Ivan Ramos has been fighting for the people of Dangriga for the reopening of the port at Commerce Bight to provide much needed jobs for the people of the area. Ivan has also been very concerned about the quality of medical services being offered here at the regional hospital in Dangriga. For this reason we must not be ashamed of who are. We must be proud to be PUP, we must be proud of how this country developed under the PUP. Of course we cannot forget that a lot is left to be done. We must work harder to eliminate poverty, especially in the Toledo district. There are still too many Belizeans in Dangriga who want and can’t find jobs. We still have too many of our communities in the south where parents have to walk too far to get to a clinic or to see a doctor. Our children are suffering because Dean Barrow and the UDP have turned our bus runs for our school children into a political pawn shop, trading bus runs for political favour. By now all of us should understand that the south, like the rest of our country, is being neglected by Dean Barrow and the UDP. They have insulted our Maya of the south, they are ignoring the plight of our Garifuna people and they are abandoning our farmers. We will change this! Our time is coming my friends, the day will come when we will get our chance to say to Barrow and the UDP you have abandoned us. You must go! You promised to build schools and you did not, you promised to open clinics and you did not, you promised to create jobs and instead you fired our people, you promised us hope and you gave us despair. You promised to care for us and you did not. We in the south have already made up our minds, we are going to go with the only Party that has done its part to improve the lives of our people and we will go with the only man who can lead this movement and that is John Briceño and the People’s United Party. No mek no ghost full yo, the PUP will win in Toledo East, The PUP will win in Toledo West, we will win in Stann Creek West and we will wap them here in Dangriga. So let us agree to get this nation on the move again, and join with us in this march which begins here today in Dangriga. Join us in this task to rid this nation of this reckless UDP Government so that together we can make this country the place we know it can be, our land of the free by the Carib Sea. Thank you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

for sale Amazin


by order of the mortgagee

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby How tonotice repent andofhow say I am sorryto should be taughtits as apower subject inof thesale class room gives itstointention exercise of our schools. When I told this to a brother who teaches at a local high school, he laughed andasconfirmed to me that this may be anof unworkable suggestion. In fact replied Mortgagee under a not Deed Mortgage made thehe7th daythat if Mandarin could be a compulsory subject at one secondary institution, then forgiveness and of December, Emerson Burke of Citron conflict resolution must 2004, surely be between pushed as a core subject. We were having that conversation on the bridge in front of the Collet Canal bus Street, Cohune Walk, Belmopan City, Cayo District, ofstation. the While we stood talking a lady in her mid-forties then rudely shoved in between us and we could one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. the other part hear her say to the other female accompanying her. “Dah dawgof eat dawg out yah so, dat is why people di dead so.” and inditch Deeds Book 2004 atinfolios That recorded diagnosis of the of violence thatVolume this country39 findsof itself echoed my head the entire journey are we killing each other? MyLtd. thoughts then locked 337sixty– mile 366; andthat theI took. saidWhy Scotiabank (Belize) will on to the scripture that says: “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of at for theit expiration of two months fromsaysthe first “if God, is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, the date Lord.” of To the the contrary, your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing publication of this notice sell the property described insothe you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with Schedule12:19-21 hereto. good.”Romans

Triggering God’s Rage

Honestly when I first read that verse, I thought this is too dainty, too out of touch with what is happening in Belize. Who will feed another person - that they are paid to kill -when they are offers killing that person to feed own “needs”. Who will offer another person All tovery purchase thetheir said property must be made in a glass of red cool-aid when they themselves are thirsty from “jacking” passersby and riding writing particulars andcanconditions of sale may be “let into the alleys?and More full importantly which mother I sit and look over my Bible and tell, goobtained and let God” from when their daughters and sons have freshly been murdered without cause? If the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. only in respect for the church and the God I represent, those people would chase me away in the most emphatic way they can muster up. I searched further for answers because I believe that my plan and answer to the problem in Belize is right. So another instance of “God’s vengeance” and his role in retribution jumped at me. In Deuteronomy 32:35 the scripture records God’s promise: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them." That verse was not as flowery and prissy and I felt armed with something to prescribe for the gripping cramps of pain that would cripple our hearts when some inconsiderate person visits wrong on us or our loved ones. Is it well with YOUR soul?? What then is the reality of God’s wrath? Paul says in verse 19 of Romans 12: “Leave it to the wrath of God.” Then the wrath of God is defined further as God’s vengeance, “Vengeance is mine.” wrath is connected God’s response to something that deserves ALLSoTHAT piece orwithparcel of land being Block 146vengeance. in And then it says, “I will repay.” So God’s wrath is treated as a repayment to man for something the ENCLAVE, Mountain Pine Ridge area, man hasPRIVASSION done. So just taking this verse alone, with its pieces, could venture a definition the wrath of Cayo District, containing 6.263weacres, bounded asofshown God like this: the wrath of God is God’s settled anger toward sin expressed in the repayment Plan No. 848 2004 of on suitable vengeance on theof guilty sinner.and lodged at the Office of the The reason I use the word anger to define part of what TOGETHER wrath is that the two words Commissioner of Lands and Surveys with(orge and thumos) are used over a hundred times in the Bible side by side. Some of them are parallel erections and6:1,being thereon. so all that buildings you can hardlyand distinguish them. Forstanding example, Psalm “O Lord, rebuke me not in your anger, nor discipline me in your wrath.” Psalm 90:7, “We are brought to an end by your anger; by your wrath we are dismayed.” Hosea 13:11, “I gave you a king in my anger, and I took him away in my wrath.” Romans 2:8, “For those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury [anger].” DATED 14th day of October, 2010. When you trythis to distinguish these words the closest you get is something like this from A. T. Robertson: God’s anger (thumos) is his vehement fury or boiling rage. His wrath (orge) is his settled indignation or his settled anger. In other words, in God’s anger the emphasis falls on the emotional, boiling intensity of it. And in God’s wrath the emphasis falls on the controlled, settled, considered direction and focus of its application. But we dare not draw a hard line MUSA & BALDERAMOS between them. God’s anger is never out of the control of his wisdom and righteousness, and his wrath is never cool or indifferent, but is always a wisely directed fury. The wrath of God 91 North Front Street, is never less than a perfect judicial decree, but is always more than a perfect judicial decree because it is always full of right Belize and fitting City fury. And then we see from the word “repay” and “vengeance” that Attorneys-at-Law forGod’s wrath is his response to sin. God does not take vengeance on the innocent. When he repays with vengeance, we (Belize) know there has been sin—thereScotiabank is something to repay. And sinceLtd. he is meticulously just, that repayment will be a suitable vengeance, a proper vengeance. It will not be more or less than his perfect justice demands. So here is the definition again: The wrath of God is God’s settled anger toward sin expressed in the repayment of suitable vengeance on the guilty sinner. What shall we say then about this wrath? Perhaps in the limits of one message we can take note of four things. If we focus on the wrath of God that falls on human beings at the final judgment, we can say at least these four things about it: 1) It will be eternal—having no end. 2) It will be terrible—indescribable pain. 3) It will be deserved—totally just and right. 4) It will have been escapable—through the curse-bearing death of Christ, if we would have taken refuge in him. THIS now, how I could confidently the gospel of our Lord and reassure people Notice is ishereby given thatspread the company named that He does not sleep. This is how I could; with a clean heart tell people, Forgive your brother and sister. In fact, remember in Matt 18.21-35 when “Peter came to Jesus and said: “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?” Peter thought he was being more than generous in his willingness to forgive seven times, for Jewish rabbis reckoned that three times was enough. But Jesus replies: “Not seven times, but seventy times seven”. By this, Jesus does not mean that we should only forgive 490 times, and that on the 491st time we are justified in setting hasourbeen dissolved andsaying, struck thegoInternational Business loose rage. No, Jesus is in effect “Gooff on and on and go on forgiving”. Incidentally, forgiveness does not mean pretending nothing ever happened. is Companies Register with effect from the 13th day Forgiveness of not about saying “It doesn’t matter”. October, Forgiveness2010. involves acknowledging the wrong, the injustice, the hurt – and then letting go of the anger and resentment. When we know what our obedience to his word will lead to and when we know what the punishment for those that wrong us is, we will be able to act like the provocative verse: “But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also” Matthew 5:39. How could we do this when turning a cheek is arguably a human impossibility? Well when we know the fire, anger and rage of God to be visited on the evil doer, on the converse we will be filled by compassion. People get away from Police. They get away from courts but No one gets away from God. All we have to do is … Forgive … It will be well with your soul.




Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited Registered Agent


for sale

by order of the mortgagee

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 30th day of November, 2000, between BENSON RAMCLAM, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 61 of 2000 at Folios 627 – 650, and Supplemental Deed made the 18th day of January, 2002, recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 4 of 2002 at Folios 581 – 588, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 16.907 acres situate along Savannah Road, Independence Area, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown on a Subdivision Plan prepared by Kirk M. Emmanuel, Licensed land Surveyor and registered at the Lands Department in Belmopan, Cayo District in Register No. 29 Entry No. 9928 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. SAVE AND EXCEPT Lot No. 18. ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being A Parcel comprising of 19.68 acres of land situate at Southeast of Independence Village, Stann Creek District bounded and described as shown on Plan of Subdivision prepared by Guillermo E. Valdez, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated the 14th December, 2005 and registered at the Lands Department in Belmopan, Cayo District in Register No. 4 Entry No. 9394 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. SAVE AND EXCEPT Lot No. 2 comprising of 3.037 acres, Lot No. 3 comprising of 2.691 acres and Lot No. 4 comprising of 2.344 acres.

DATED this 18th day of October, 2010.

MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Belize #1 Sports Page

Team Ace, Hurricane, Young Stars & Phoenix win in BTTA team table tennis

Team Ace team posted their 2nd win in the 1st Division, while the Hurricanes, Young Stars and Phoenix each enjoyed wins in the 2nd division of the 2010 brothers HABET Team League "Round Robin" Tournament, which continued this past weekend with 4 team matches played. In the 1st Division, Team ACE defeated Team NO MERCY - 5 to 1. This victory for ACE now puts them in a "tied" position for 2nd with Team RACQUETEERS. Team NO MERCY

now struggles with a record of no wins and 3 losses. Team BOMBERS remain in the #1 position with 3 wins and no losses to date. Team SUGA CITY currently sits in 4th position. In the 2nd Division, Team H U R R I C A N E d e f e a t e d Te a m GARAGE - 5 to 3; Team PHOENIX defeated Team COBRA - 5 to 0 and Team YOUNG STARS defeated Team "L" - 5 to 3 In the 2nd Division, Team PHOENIX now leads the competition

with a 4-0 record. Team GARAGE is now in the 2nd after a recent loss to COBRA. Team YOUNG STARS remain impressive after recording their 2nd victory over Team "L". They now move up to the 4th position while Team HURRICANE is in 3rd position. The competition continues this coming weekend, October 23, 2010 with the following matches scheduled. In 1st DIVISION play: AC E v s R AC QU E T E E R S ; N O MERCY vs SUGA CITY; BOMBERS

vs RIVERO WELDERS, while in the 2nd DIVISION: HURRICANE vs TEAM "L"; GARAGE vs PHOENIX and COBRA vs ASSASINS. Team YOUNG STARS are also scheduled to move up their match scheduled for Nov. 6, 2010 against Team COBRA, to this coming weekend. The BTTA invites the general public to come out and witness very exciting and competitive matches in this 2010 Team League tournament.

Rising Stars draws 0-0 with World FC in Interdistrict football World FC of San Ignacio held the Rising Stars of Belize City to a scoreless draw when the Interdistrict first football competition continued at the MCC Grounds today, Saturday, October 16. Rising Stars avoided a loss and got another point, but each draw reduces their chances of making the next round. John Grinage and Ernest “Dubu” Flores led the Rising Stars offensive, supported by Avian Crawford and Misael Canul on the wings, while Samuel Figueroa and David Ramos broke up the visitors’ attacks in midfield and forwarded the ball to renew the attack. Matthew Leal anchored the Rising Stars’ defense with the help of Andrew Estell and Hubert Baptist, but even so World FC’s Bader Hegar and Joseph Waight broke through to get off shots, which were ably handled by the Stars’

goalkeeper Glenford Chimilio. World FC’s Julian Maldonado, Joel Guzman, Shannon Defour and Cesar Villeda were also challenging the Stars’ attacks at midfield, and while the Stars had possession for much of the second half as the week before, they failed to finish. Jael Ottley and Clinton Jorgenson entered the fray in the second half, but the long whistle sounded to a dissatisfying 0-0 draw. The stage is now set for the quarterfinals in which World F.C will take on Hopkins, Mavericks will challenge Carmelita, and Libertadores will look to liberate Benguche. The second place winner from Group 1 will take on Atletico of Group 3. The quarterfinal will be a home and away series, with the winners advancing to the semifinals, and the losers will be eliminated

BDF drills Griga United 2-0 to lead BPFL football Undefeated Belize Defence Force continues to lead the Belize Premier Football League in their sixth week of competition after their fifth victory: 2-0 over Griga United at the Carl Ramos Stadium this Sunday afternoon, October 17. A scant seven minutes of play had elapsed when Evan Mariano stunned the Griga goalkeeper Elias Pelayo by scoring the winning goal. The Griga eleven struggled to equalize but the hometown fans had little to cheer about as first intermission came and went, and then the end of 90 minutes regulation time, without the Griga strikers making

any impression on the tenacious BDF defense. The game was into its second minute of injury time, when Orlando “Lichy” Jimenez iced the victory with a second goal for the 2-0 final score. Griga is ranked third with 10pts. FC Belize fell to second place in the league rankings with 14pts, when they fell short of a victory in a dissatisfying scoreless draw with the Toledo ambassadors at the Toledo Union Field. Their star striker Jerome James was also ejected from the ballgame with a red card, which means, James will have to sit out their next

match when they take on league leading BDF at the MCC grounds on Sunday, October 24. Toledo Ambassadors remain at fourth place in the standings with eight points, and will challenge Griga United at the Carl Ramos Stadium on Sunday. Hankook Verdes picked up their first win by default when the San Pedro Sea Dogs forfeited their scheduled match on Saturday night. Verdes will visit Belmopan Blaze at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium, while San Felipe Barcelona will host the San Pedro Sea dogs at the People’s Stadium on Sunday.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times


Belize #1 Sports Page

British Caribbean Bank, KHMH & City Council win in interoffice softball The British Caribbean Bank gave Telemedia Digicell a 15-13 wake up call, Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital trimmed Oh Henry Barber Shop 13-9 and Belize City Council triumphed 18-10 over the BEL when the Belize City interoffice softball competition continued at the Rogers Stadium. The British Caribbean Bank enjoyed their first win, a 15-13 run-fest over Telemedia Friday night. William Smith led the attack scoring the first run in the first inning, and the bankers led 6-0 when Marc Marriott, Vanessa Dawson, Smith Bryan Grant and pitcher Evan Lamb crossed the plate in the second inning. Telemedia played catch up when Bernard Pitts, Melanie Blake, Otis Clother, pitcher Francis Usher, Nelson Tillett, and Shanti Roches scored seven runs in the third inning to take the lead 7-6, and extended it to 8-6 when Clother again scored in the fourth inning. But the bankers surged ahead when Marriott, Dawson, Smith, Grant, Keith Carlo, relief pitcher Romelle Gomez and Lamb scored seven runs in the fifth inning to retake the lead13-8. Clother scored another r un for Telemedia in the sixth inning, but it was far too little because the bankers extended

their lead to 15-9 after Marriott and Dawson scored two more runs in the sixth. Telemedia made a last ditch effort in the top of the seventh when Pitts, Clother, Usher and Acosta scored four runs, but it was the bankers who went on to post the 15-13 win. The KHMH medics were energized in their 13-9 win over Oh Henry Barber shop Sunday afternoon. They opened up with a 7-0 lead when Ricardo Hermoso, Omar Martinez, Ronaldo Siu, Ryan Miller, Andre Castillo, pitcher Arlette Castillo and Doyle Ifield all crossed the plate in the first inning. Siu and Miller extended the lead to 9-0 when Miller rounded the bases on an error by the shortstop in the second inning, and the Barber Shop crew trailed 9-3 when only pitcher Shantel Flowers would round the bases on an error in the second, and was followed by Jason Jenkins and Scott Johnson. Barber Shop’s Tommy Shaw hit a home run in the third and Edward Osbourne followed him, to cut the lead to 9-5, and Jumoke Castro scored in the fourth to narrow the deficit. KHMH catcher Andre Castillo scored in the fifth, to lead 10-9 when Oh Henry’s Leonard Linares, Castro and Jenkins scored

in fifth. KHMH’s Martinez and Siu scored in the sixth, and Martinez scored again in seventh for the 13-9 victory. The Belize City Council continues to lead the competition as they posted their fifth win 18-10 over BEL Powersockets. BCC’s catcher Reynaldo Duran and Godsden Ferguson led the attack scoring 4 runs each, while Enid Dakers, Glenford Flowers scored 3 runs each, Desiree Moralez scored two runs and Tricia Tillett and Rodney Lord also came home in the 6th inning. BEL’s Adrian Gentle, Jason Bennett,

Mark Cassasola each scored 2 runs, while Denise Gillett, Jamece Young, Jose Escalera and Marian Dawson scored one run each. In the All Star game on Saturday afternoon, the Zone B stars overpowered Zone A 17-3, with relief pitcher Francis Usher scoring 4 runs, while Otis Clother, starting pitcher Melissa Forman, Mark Cassasola, Earl Noralez, and Tommy Shaw scored 2 runs each. Nelson Tillett and Denise Gillett scored one run each. For Zone A, only Reynaldo Duran, Nicole Arana and Godsden Ferguson scored 3 runs in the 7th inning.

St John Vianney & Hummingbird girls & boys win in primary schools volleyball The St John Vianney RC Primary School girls and boys both enjoyed victories when the Belize City primary schools volleyball competition organized by the National Sports Council continued at the Belize City Center on Tuesday. St. John Vianney School girls won easily over the Salvation Army School girls: 25-9 and 25-11, while their schoolmates won 25-20 and 25-20 over Salvation Army School boys. The St. John Vianney boys had also won their first game 25-19 and 25-18 over the Belize Elementary School boys on Tuesday, October 5. On Monday, the Hummingbird Elementary School girls won 25-7, 2513 over the St. John’s Anglican Primary School girls, while their schoolmates won 25-24 and 25-11over the St. Luke’s Methodist School boys. The Hummingbird Elementary School had won 25-10 and 25-18 over the girls of Queen Square School in their first outing on Thursday October 7, in which the Hummingbird Elementary boys also won 25-18 and 26-24 over the

Queen Square Anglican School boys. Last Friday the Holy Redeemer School posted their 2nd win in 2 sets 2519 and 25-19 over the Belize Elementary School boys. The Holy Redeemer boys had also won their 1st game 25-23 and 25-18 over the Salvation Army School boys on Wednesday October 6. The Holy Redeemer girls also won their 1st game 25-13 and 25-15 over the Salvation Army School girls on Wednesday October 6, but they fell short when they went up against the Belize Elementary School girls who won 25-2 and 25-11. The BES girls had also won their first game 25-8 and 25-5 over the St. John Vianney RC School girls on Tuesday, October 5. The Central Christian School boys posted their 3rd win in two sets 25-11 and 25-16 over the St. Luke’s Methodist School boys. The Central Christian boys had also enjoyed their 2nd win 25-20, 16-25 and 15-9 against the Hummingbird Elementary School boys last Thursday. The Central Christian boys got an easy bye to their first win when the St. John’s

Anglican Primary defaulted on the opening match of the tournament on Monday, October 4. The Salvation Army School boys also got an easy bye to their first win when the Trinity Methodist School boys forfeited their scheduled game last Thursday. The St. John’s Anglican Primary School girls enjoyed their first win 2519 and 25-20 over the Queen Square

Anglican School girls last Wednesday. The Queen Square Anglican School boys handed the boys of St. John’s Anglican Primary School 2nd second loss: 25-20 and 25-11 last Wednesday. The Queen Square Anglican School boys had also enjoyed their first win 2511 and 25-14 over the St. Luke Methodist School boys when the competition opened on Monday, October 4.

Team Anderson/Martinez wins Tropigas beach female volleyball competition

Team Anderson/Martinez wo n t h e Tr o p i g a s f e m a l e beach volleyball tournament held under the auspices of the Belize Volleyball Association at the Cucumber Beach at the Old Belize Museum over the weekend. Jasmine Anderson and Kaina Martinez of Belmopan had won the opening match of the tournament over Shantell Arnold and Crysel Gabourel on Saturday afternoon. In Game 2, Babsy Cadle and Esther Middleton won over Jasmine and Kaina. In Game 3 the

Solis sisters, Tisha and Tichelle Solis of Belize City, advanced to the finals undefeated by winning over Bobby Dee Usher and Tanisha Encalada. In Game 4, Saturday’s last game, the Solis sisters won over Babsy Cadle and Esther Middleton. In Game 5 on Sunday morning, Bobby Dee Usher and Tanisha Encalada beat Shantell Arnold and Crysel Gabourel. In Game 6, the semifinals, Jasmine and Kaina eliminated Bobby Dee Usher and Tanisha Encalada. Usher and Encalada took home

the $100 3rd prize. In Game 7, Jasmine and Kaina advanced to the finals with a win over Babsy Cadle and Esther Middleton by default. In Game 8, the first final, Jasmine Anderson and Kaina Martinez won the right to play for the title in two sets 21-14 and 21-09 over the Solis sisters, Tisha and Tichelle. In Game 9, the second final, Anderson and Martinez again hung tough and won 21-10 and 21-14 over the Solis girls, to clinch the title and the $300 1st prize. The Solis sisters took home the $200 2nd prize.


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Belize #1 Sports Page

Audinett/Arnold win Tropigas men’s beach volleyball competition Team Arnold/ Audinett won the Tropigas male beach volleyball tournament held under the auspices of the Belize Volleyball Association at the Cucumber Beach at the Old Belize Museum over the weekend. In Game 1 Saturday afternoon, Ronnie Sosa and Luis Requena of Caye Caulker won over Sheldon Arnold and Shane Armstrong of Belmopan, but In Game 2, Jason Cabral and Gustavo Moratoya of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye won over Tico Requena and Juan “Chico” Marin Requena of Caye Caulker. In Game 3, Raul Arnold and Ernest Broaster won over Oscar Arnold and Gillian Smith.

In Game 4, the last game on Saturday afternoon, Arvid Arnold and Germaine Audinett won over Ronnie Sosa and Luis Requena. In Game 5, Raul Arnold and Ernest Broaster triumphed over Jason Cabral and Gustavo Moratoya. In Game 6, Tico Requena and Juan “Chico” Marin eliminated Oscar Arnold and Gillian Smith. In Game 7, Jason Cabral and Gustavo Moratoya went on to eliminate Sheldon Ar nold and Shane Ar mstrong of Belmopan In Game 8, Arvid Arnold and Germaine Audinett got past Broaster and Raul Arnold in their first encounter.

In Game 9, Tico Requena and Juan “Chico” Marin advanced to the seifinals with a victory over Ronnie Sosa and Luis Requena in the ninth match on Sunday afternoon. In Game 10, Raul Arnold and Ernest Broaster eliminated Requena and Marin to advance to the finals. In Game 11 the grand championship final, undefeated Arvid Arnold and Germaine Audinett again won over Raul Arnold and Ernest Broaster to take home the $300 1st prize. Raul Arnold and Ernest Broaster took home the $200 2nd prize, and Tico Requena and Juan “Chico” Marin had to be content with the $100 3rd prize.

SCA & ACC girls win thru to CSSSA volleyball finals

The Anglican Cathedral College girls will take on the defending champs St Catherine’s Academy in the Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) volleyball championship finals, after the ACC girls eliminated the Pallotti High School girls in the semifinals at the Belize City Center on Tuesday. The Pallotti girls’ attack was led by Gorlee Marin and Jinel Flowers, who with the help of and Megan Contreras, Georgia Young, Gloria Serano and Adrianne Barillas won the first 2 sets 25-13 and 26-24. Vanessa Rose and Shauryce Flowers led the ACC girls countraattack and with the help of Agnes Lucas, Ena Encalada and Joani Magana, they won the next 2 sets 25-19 and 25-14 to tie the score at 2 set each, and then they outlasted the

Pallotti girls in the 5th set 15-13. The St Catherine’s girls had no trouble in dispatching the 4th ranked seed, the Gwen Lizarraga High School girls in Monday’s semifinals. SCA’s captain Analisa Habet and Sherika Burton led the attacks, hammering home kills on balls set by Xiomara Quan, and Brianny Staine and Emily Evans received and served aces to win in 3 consecutive sets 25-22, 25-20, asnd 25-14. The SCA girls had ented the semifinals as the No.1 seed after their 7th back to back win in a 2 set blowout of the Wesley College girls on Saturday, taking the 1st set 25-14. The Wesley girls, led by Kristie Gillett made a real fight for the 2nd set and Sherlene Humphreys, Leyla Hernandez Leshawn Swift, Caricia Clarke and Keri Zuniga gave it their all,

but the SCA girls prevailed 25-23. The SCA girls had also gotten the easy bye to their 6th win when the Edward P. Yorke High School girls defaulted on their game on Thursday. The Maud Williams High School girls picked up their 1st win of the competition, when the Edward P. Yorke girls also defaulted their game on Saturday. The Gwen Lizarraga girls posted their 4th win over the girls of Ladyville Technical High School in two sets 25-17 and 25-22 last Friday night. Audreanna Meighan, Deandra Coote, and Shareema Moody led the Gwen Liz attack to win the first set 25-17. The Ladyville girls tried for a comeback in the 2nd set, serving aces, but the Gwen Liz girl prevailed 25-22.

The Gwen Liz girls had enjoyed their 3rd win by upsetting the Wesley College girls last Thursday. The Wesley girl had won the 1st set 27-25, but the Gwen Liz girls took the next two sets 25-23 and 15-13. The ACC girls entered the semifinals as the No.2 seed after they upset the Pallotti High School girls on Friday afternoon in 3 sets. The Pallotti girls won the first set 25-13, but the ACC girls won the next 2 sets: 26-24 and15-11. The ACC girls had also posted their 4th win in a two-set blowout 25-14 and 25-7 of Maud Williams High School girls last Wednesday. The Pallotti girls had posted their 5th win 25-22 and 25-15 over Ladyville Technical High School girls last Wednesday.

Martinez into the game as the SJC boys tried for a final comeback in the 5th set, but the Wesley boys took it away 15-13 The Wesley boys had dominated the SJC boys 25-22 and 25-16 to post their 5th win of the regular competition last Saturday. The Wesley College boys had also humbled the Maud Williams High School boys in two sets 25-20 and 25-19 last Thursday. The SJC boys had handed the Nazarene High School boys their 1st loss on Friday

night. The SJC won the first set 25-20, the Nazarene boys counterattacked to win the next 2 sets 25-20 and 15-13. The Nazarene High School boys had posted their 5th win over the the Anglican Cathedral College boys in two sets 25-14 and 25-14 last Wednesday. The ACC boys picked up their first win by default when the Edward P. Yorke High School boys forfeited Friday night’s game.

Wesley & Nazarene boys win thru to CSSSA volleyball finals The Wesley College boys will take on 2-time Belize City champs, the Nazarene High School boys in the Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) volleyball championship finals, after the Wesley boys eliminated the St John’s College boys in the semifinals at the Belize City Center on Tuesday. The No.1 seed Nazarene boys advanced to the finals when they won over the defending champions, the Ladyville Technical High School boys in Monday’s semifinals. Avery Gordon led the Nazarene boys’ attack with the help of Frank Malic and Kadeem Courtenay, while Raheem Richardson, Aaron Samuels and Devon Flowers received and served to win the first 2 sets: 25-11 and 25-22. The Ladyville Technical boys were not about to go down so easily and led by Roman Debride and Denroy McCord, they won the 3rd and 4th sets: 25-20 and

25-13, but their concentration faltered in the decisive 5th set as the Nazarene boys took it away 15-7. The St John’s College boys sought payback for their only loss, to Wesley College boys last Saturday when they faced the Wesley College boys again in Tuesday’s semifinals. Alex Quan, Rasheed Pollard and Kareem Mckay led the SJC attacks and with the hlp of David Courtenay, Robert Codd, and Richard Vasquez, and Zacahry Garbutt as libero, they won the first 2 sets 25-17 and 25-16. Jermaine Madrill and Brandon Lopez rallied the Wesley boys counterattacks, and with the help of some skillful serving from Kieron Zuniga, while Calbert Jeffries, Eyan Rene and Jareid Tillett received and set the ball they won the 3rd and 4th sets 25-23 and 25-22. S J C ’s c o a ch K a r y m C o l e m a n substituted Kyle Williams and Raphael


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Psychology of Anger and How to Calm Down

We find ourselves living in a pressure cooker society of unwavering crime and mind bending violence. It is not just the young man in the street with a gun who needs to address and manage his anger. We are ALL getting there. We cannot breathe in our open spaces as they are dirty and inhabited by criminals who are looking for the next soft target to relieve of a cell phone or a few dollars. We have barred and locked ourselves and our families behind prison grade security bars which are still being breached with open impunity. We feel betrayed and powerless. Pissed, more like it - outraged and angry! We may have already noticed how “short of patience” even the sweetest person has become and even noticed in ourselves a tendency to react towards others. This is anger taking over and changing our psychological ability to cope. Anger pervades society through road rage, abusive relationships, and general incivility. Anger emerges from a combination of other emotions, such as discomfort, tenseness, resentment, and frustration. For this reason, it’s considered a secondary emotion. It stems from other emotions such as fear, embarrassment, or irritability and it can truly be a furious force if we are not careful. Anger is a basic human emotion that we all experience, but depending on our response, it can have a profound impact on relationships and overall well-being. Anger can really cause disruptions if we let it take control of our behavior and interactions. Specifically, anger that is too frequent and too prolonged can have negative consequences. It can disrupt relationships and cause health concerns such as high blood pressure. It can also lead to aggression and violence when rage begins to brew. “Anyone can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way – that is not

within everyone’s power and that is not easy.” – Aristotle For many people anger comes from being reminded of past negative experiences, feeling resentment towards others, feeling misunderstood, being verbally or physically attacked, and experiencing unfair treatment. Experience teaches us to respond to our anger in different ways, depending on what triggers our anger, and the consequential resolution and response we receive. Angry thoughts and feelings build on further anger until it becomes out of control. For this reason, people must begin to understand and learn how best to deal with anger when it emerges. Psychologists define two methods of fanning the flames of anger: Stuffing and Escalating. They are typically counterproductive ways for dealing with conflict and solving problems, and they tend to ultimately make the problem worse. STUFFING This is a term that refers to holding in our emotional feeling of anger and trying to ignore the person or situation that is provoking these feelings. People may withdraw emotionally or deny their anger. By doing so, the individual doesn’t have to immediately deal with the dis-

comfort and anger, but ultimately the emotions will become more intense and overwhelming. People may start ruminating on what is bothering them while continuing to bottle up their feelings. Having constant feelings of anxiety, irritation, and bitterness eventually have dire consequences and lead to someone blowingup, and ultimately harming others in the process. It has been happening regularly on the morning talk shows, and in the increase in populist movements among the Mayas and the caneros and the urban mothers of crime victims. ESCALATING This refers to an automatic and intense anger arousal that can occur. Escalating is easy to identify and involves verbal and physical threats. It involves blaming, such as pointing the finger at someone else’s mistakes, and using “you” statements. People with a tendency to escalate can become aggressive and damage relationships and reputation by reacting hastily. Escalation involves an emotional hijacking, where one loses control over emotions and behavior, and in doing so, makes regretful decisions. This is where we may be headed with vigilante justice and the like spiking. COOLING OFF

We can cool off by removing ourselves from the situation and doing something that soothes our emotional arousal. We can prevent anger from reaching a dangerous point by not letting escalation take place. This means that when we feel emotional arousal of anger, immediately redirecting our arousal to something calming or neutral. This is why people count to ten or takes deep breaths in order to calm the arousal that has taken place. More productively is working to sublimate our energy from anger. Sublimation is a term used to describe the process of directing our anger or emotional arousal to a creative release, such as painting, music, nature, or poetry. This can provide an outlet for anger, and actually improve creative development. Understanding your anger style can provide the means to process emotions and communicate more effectively. Being able to think before we act means problem solving can take place, and common ground can be discovered. In order to maintain dignity and respect in relationships, anger must be dealt with constructively. Seeking to understand where someone else is coming from, and being willing to make mutual decisions, can provide a win/win outcome, where both parties involved feel respected and content with the resolution. When you feel the surge of anger beginning to grow, do something that can help to re-frame the emotional situation and don’t let yourself get worked up. Thinking about all the reasons why your anger is justified just makes things worse! Squelch the flame of anger before it gets out of control. Don’t let negative emotional states hold you back from a flourishing life. Work through the emotion by directing your anger toward something productive, and move on with your life. “Life haada out ya, but yi still sweet.”

Colony Collapse Disorder - Why the Bees are Dying

It has been noted with much global concern for the world’s food supply that the honey bees of North America have been mysteriously dying out over the last four years. Commercial beekeepers/ hive owners have gone bankrupt all over the USA because they have lost millions of dollars in revenue as their entire bee population just dwindled, the hives dying out, seemingly for no clear reason- till now. Pollination crops depend on honey bees for their growth and survival, as well as ours. The reason for the demise of the beehives is not to foretell the demise of mankind who, it is surmised, can only survive for two to three years on Planet Earth if all the bees died. The culprit that threatens the bees and civilization is called “Colony Collapse Disorder” and is a combination of fungal and viral infections attacking honey bees. The disorder is causing widespread disappearance of honey bees and the collapse of their colonies. It seems the long-standing mystery of the sudden death of bee colonies since late 2006 across North America has been solved. Shan Bilimoria of the Texas Tech University said the bees

might be taking a one-two punch from both an insect virus and a fungus, which may be causing bees to die off by the billions. Bilimoria is part of a team of researchers searching for the cause of the collapse. Led by research professor Jerry Bromenshenk from the University of Montana in Missoula, the group also includes

virologists and chemists from the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and the Instituto de Ecologica AC in Mexico. "At this stage, the study is showing an association of death rates of the bees with the virus and fungus present," said Bilimoria. To discover what might be attacking bee colonies, the team ground up

dead bees that had succumbed to colony collapse disorder. Using analytical equipment, researchers discovered through spectroscopic analysis evidence of a moth virus called insect iridescent virus (IIV) 6 and a fungal parasite called Nosema. The insect virus is closely related to another virus that wiped out bee populations 20 years ago in India, he said. Also, unlike previous research that found the deaths may be caused by a virus with RNA, the IIV 6 contains DNA. So now that they know why the bees are dying out, the scientists are set in a race against time to protect existing colonies and to stop the spread of the deadly twosome impacting the honeybee. Of note is that Belize lost its multimillion dollar beekeeping industry some twenty-three years ago when we signed on to anti-drug eradication program and indiscriminately aerially sprayed potent herbicides over entire districts presumably to kill illegally grown marijuana fields. Of course, we got some weed fields but we also killed off our honeybees who fed on the other wild plants in our rainforests that had also gotten sprayed in the process.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times



A Portable Magic Storage Facility…

By: Mike Rudon Jr. A couple months ago Mr. Barrow stood in front of his supporters at a UDP Convention and hollered about some magic which he claimed was still here, or there…or somewhere! Who knows? Well on Sunday thousands of Belizeans from every corner of this great nation assembled in Dangriga to tell the Prime Minister just what he could do with his particular magic and where he could store it for safekeeping. I don’t know where the Prime Minister was, though I’ve been told that he and his darling wife are in Mexico again, but wherever he was and whatever he was doing…he got the message. There’s no mistaking that message, buddy. The thing is, the Convention wasn’t even a PUP-organized thing, so to speak. Things didn’t fall into place because of the twin marvels of money and machinery. It’s no big secret that the Party doesn’t have money to throw around…we’re in Opposition, Jack. So Sunday wasn’t a PUP thing, it was a PEOPLE thing. It was about common Belizeans just like me and you standing up and saying – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It was about common Belizeans just like me and you telling Mr. Barrow that he was given a chance to run things but he’s run things dry. The thing is…Sunday’s showing wasn’t even a celebration. Hell, there’s nothing in Belize right now to smile about, much less celebrate. It was just something that needed to be done, something that the people needed to say…something that both the Government and the PUP needed to hear. Far more than a celebration, I think it was instead a humbling experience for the Party Leader and the men and woman on the Party’s National Executive who have committed to serve…at least I believe it was. I hope it was. See, our Party lost big time in 2008 and I will go on record here to say that I believe it needed to happen. The Party had lost its way and the people did what they had to do. Back then the message they sent was to the PUP. It was a devastating, hurtful comeuppance, but it was what it was, and we would do well never to forget that. Truth be told, this morning I sat down determined to rub Sunday’s massive showing in the face of the Prime Minister who seems oblivious to the fact that things have gone wrong, very wrong…and it is all his fault. Mr.

Barrow deserves to be told that he should shove his magic where the sun don’t shine, but as I write this, I realize that there is an underlying message, and one that is much more important. About the only time I’ve ever seen a crowd this large and this determined was way back in 1998, just before the UDP was kicked to the curb. That was a massive showing of Belizeans from all over this country telling the UDP that they had been judged and found wanting and that the day of reckoning

was at hand. I had just gotten involved in politics back then and was awestruck at the numbers, but more so by absolute focus of the people. I went home that evening still reeling from the euphoria and I’ll never forget what my father told me then. He claimed that even more than being carried away on the showing of support, it was essential that the Party realize, respect and be humbled by the massive swell of confidence. Here were thousands upon thousands of Belizeans essentially putting their faith in the PUP…saying we believe in you! We believe that you will make our lives better! We believe that you will serve us faithfully! We believe that you will always do the right thing for the people and the nation! My father said that evening that such a trust MUST NEVER be betrayed … The PUP did betray that trust and paid the ultimate political price. In 2008 the people of Belize put their faith and confidence in Mr. Barrow and the United Democratic Party, just as they had done for the PUP…asking only that the trust not be betrayed. Fast-forward to today, and the realization that after a loss the likes of 2008 the PUP could have been ex-

26 cused for falling to pieces, or being relegated to at the very least two terms in the political doldrums. But that is not where we are today, is it? Just a little longer than two years at the helm and Mr. Barrow and the UDP have undone years of development in the making. Our economy is stagnant…our people have been impoverished and have become desperate…our citizens are dying in the streets and in their homes. There are no answers from the government, much less any hope offered. In just a little after two years this UDP administration has wronged the Belizean people to the extent that the writing is already etched on the wall… in the blood and suffering of our people. In just a little over two years, the people have seen change within the People’s United Party which has given them hope…not promises like Mr. Barrow offered at ten for a shilling… but real hope. The PUP must never lose its way again. We must never again lose sight of what is important. Nobody does it quite like the Father of the Nation, who years ago made me a believer in ‘clarity of thought, economy of words.’ You the people are our masters, he said on Sunday. ‘We are here to serve you!’

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

Strictly Personal

Barrow is Bogus

by: The truth hurts. I’m reminded weekly of this old maxim by those ardent supporters of Prime Minister, and United Democratic Party Leader, Dean Oliver Barrow who dare to express an opinion within my earshot, or like Colin bh and Alphonso Noble, in the pages of AMANDALA and the Guardian respectively. They rarely criticize my opinion that Barrow is bogus in any substantive way, but complain in irritation at my persistence. I try really hard not to write anything I don’t believe to be true, or for which I cannot offer a historical or factual basis, often using Mr. Barrow’s very words, and as a result it is frustrating to his defenders. One of the abovementioned is now therefore on a crusade to catch me out, to prove that I was wrong at least once, anyplace, anytime. If I am to judge by the personal feedback I get, there is a growing interest in this column, and it seems it has become the subject of discussion and debate in some quar ters. If that is indeed the reality, then I am humbled but gratifyingly so. It means that there is a change in the political winds that blow. I am of the opinion that just two and a half years ago, maybe 30 months ago, Mr. Barrow was one of the most popular politicians in the history of politics in Belize. He was trusted, well regarded and well-liked by a significant proportion, a super majority if you will, of Belizeans of all ages, creed, ethnicity, and political persuasion. He was regarded by most as bright, sincere, honesty, straightforward, even candid, and as someone who was willing to sacrifice for the public good. In contrast former Prime Minister the Right Honourable Said Musa was at perhaps the lowest ebb of his 36 year political career. He was even being shunned by members and supporters of his own party. Today Said Musa’s popularity and regard is rising, perhaps as fast as Barrow’s is sinking. There is a growing desperation b e i n g e v i n c e d by D e a n B a r r ow as the rising tide of disgust at his administration’s cor r uption and incompetence threatens to drown what little it has achieved, and their prospects for re-election continue to dim. Just this week the revelation that he had unilaterally and without even the courtesy of a phone call, changed the ter ms and conditions of the appointment of two justices of the nation’s highest court have provoked scattered calls for his impeachment. Ripples of concern about his heavy

handed approach to his special brand of “judicial reform” that had began to emanate from some regional jurisdictions turned to waves, if I am to judge by the increase in traffic to my email, from those who simply wanted to know what could have provoked the President of the Belize Court of Appeal to abruptly declare his resignation from the bench. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the Barrow administration then tried to do the Texas two-step around the issue by announcing via an official Government of Belize press release that he had “retired.” If that “WTF”


moment had not caused enough observers to go slack-jawed at the sheer effrontery, imagine the eye rolling and expressions of sheer b e w i l d e r m e n t a m o n g t h e b l a ck robed flock assembled to hear the President’s last word from the bench, as well as the fare thee well speeches, when immediately after his, the President’s, opening remarks, the Acting Chief Justice put his foot in it by wishing him well in his retirement. That “Did I hear what I just heard moment” was followed by expressions of anger and disgust when it was bruited about that the good gentleman had been visited by the Attorney General and told that not only had his lifetime appointment been rudely truncated to a roughly 250 more days, but that it would not be renewed. I n r e t r o s p e c t B a r r o w ’s constitutional amendments (Sixth


a n d S e ve n t h ) a r e l o o k i n g m o r e like “Acts of Supremacy), ala King Henry VIII machinations to divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn in “A Man For All Seasons”. In fact a quote from Thomas More met yet prove appropriate: “This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast—man’s laws, not God’s—and if you cut them down—and you’re just the man to do it—d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?” (Act One, scene seven). Barrow is bogus.


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The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Statement by: Carolyn Trench-Sandiford Deputy Party Leader At the National Convention Dangriga, Sunday, 17 October 2010 Leader Emeritus Rt. Hon. George Price, Former Party Leader, Rt. Hon. Said Musa, Party Leader, Hon. John Briceno, Invited Guests, Members of the greatest political party, the People’s United Party. Today is a special day, it is dawn of a new beginning, and a new era, and it is a day for us to celebrate, as a family our proud history, traditions, successes and struggles, achievements and sacrifices, that were born out of a thirst for freedom, for fighting injustices, and for the right to chart our course as a sovereign and independent nation. As I depart my role as your Chairman, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your confidence in my ability to serve you as your Chairman. Thanks for the opportunity and I am hopeful your expectations were fulfilled. I can safely say that through you, I am wiser, stronger and more fortified in my resolve to fight for you, and for all the others that comprise the 49000 people who voted for us, and the disillusioned thousands who are looking to us with hope, because they know now that their future depends on a PUP Government. They know that it is not imagination, but reality, that this UDP government is a disaster. We are witnessing it…and we are experiencing it….as they take this country from crisis to crisis. In January 2008, The Chief Meteorologist should have put up the Phase I hurricane warning flag, telling the Belizean people that a disaster was about to strike, for on February 7th 2008, the UDP disaster hit Belize and the country went under siege. This UDP government as in 1984, and 1993, came into office hungry for power, salivating with hatred for the PUP, and all we have had since then is suffering, and more suffering, and hard times and harder times heaped on the Belizean people…982 days of it. We are in a state of emergency, and perhaps it is divine providence that we are here in Stann Creek District…home of the Minister of National Emergency, Melvin Hulse……. Perhaps it is fitting also that the UDP flag, and that for hurricane warning have something in common, red with black, for within one year, the phase II flag should have been flying from the public buildings, and by now, the phase III should be up, for hurricane UDP is in full force, and it is not confined from June to November. It is 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, striking at the heart of the Belizean people. They came to Belizeans begging us to imagine the possibilities of 21 promises, only 21 of them, 4 per year. We know that they have kept none. And what happened to the good governance principles that served as the platform of this government’s campaign? Because for Belizeans the only realities are - no confidence in the judiciary system, nepotism, massive waste, mismanagement, corruption, lack of accountability. In fact a simple thing like desks in Orange Walk they cannot account for. Under the UDP Over 10000 persons have had their lands taken away, simply because they received it under the PUP. That is 10 per day, and if we go by that, by 2013, an additional 12645 persons would have lost their lands. Under the UDP, jobs have become a scarce commodity, but select UDP’s earn 2 and 3 checks. Under the UDP Someone is murdered every 2.7 days. Even children sleeping in their beds, students on their way to classes, grandmothers minding their grandchildren in their homes, cannot escape the insanity that is upon us. Under the UDP There is no health care, because they not only stopped the expansion of the NHI, but removed many from benefitting from it. The result of that is that each and every day, one can hear the cries of those who have no one to go to, on the media, begging for help. Under the UDP We have no borders, because they say it is artificial. Maybe that is why we have planes landing with impunity on our highways. Now they are doing it in our face at our own airport. Who knows who and what is coming into our country, and going out? Yet we are surprised that our children are missing, or about the type of guns on the streets. Under the UDP The poor has become poorer, 32000 more since 2008, or 33 every day. By the time the UDP is done with us in 2013, 28000 more persons will be added to the 143276 who are already poor, who cannot find $5.50 a day to feed themselves. But ministers earn $250.00 a day…they each can feed 45 persons every day. Under the UDP Noodles is all people can afford, because food prices gone up. Our people cannot afford cassava, rice, chicken, fish and so much more that is necessary for a healthy diet. Under the UDP, contracts are signed for one million dollars to construct buildings that cost ½ million dollars, and they talk of no corruption in squeaky clean voices. Under the UDP 30000 children are not going to school, and our teachers of whom much is demanded in these turbulent times, are called ignorant, by the Minister of Education, who proudly says he fires single mothers, when 3 in every 5 mothers are single parents, and it is single parents who have the most challenging time raising their children. And there is so much more. The projected path of Hurricane UDP gives us no hope, and we have 843 more to go until 2013, how much more can we take. Belizeans, today is the dawning of a new day, and the reality is that in 2013 it will not be the chief Meteorologist that will raise the flag to give the all clear, but you, the people. For just as today, Dangriga is blue, so will Belize be in 2012 and 2013 be blue. Members of the People’s United Party and all Belizeans, I do not stand here simply because I voted for PUP, or because I am Chairman, but because I believe in the PUP and I believe that this is the only party that truly represents the voice, the goals and aspirations of the people. It is the only party that feels their pain Our country needs a new beginning, and today is that day, that we confirm Belizean’s belief that the reality is there can be no Belize without the PUP. The PUP is the future But we cannot come with the same old, same old. We have to come with a new style of politics. It must be one that will shift the power from those who govern, to those who are governed. One that will be driven by you, for you, and one that when we return to government will not abandon you. That is why we are embracing change and reform in our party. We will craft our policies such that when we return to government in 2013, it will be about effecting change that will transform the lives of the marginalized, the oppressed and the ignored. That will restore dignity and sense of purpose for all of us. So to the 1000000+ young people If you want to unleash your full potential and reach for the stars and be what you desire to be, whether in academics, sports, arts, business, the PUP is your future. To the 100000 + women If you care for the safety of your families, and want your children to live healthy lifestyles, with a bright tomorrow, and a safety net for your elderly, physically and mentally challenged, the PUP is your future. To the 11000+ public officers, nurses, teachers, police, Belize Defense Force and the guardians of justice and democracy and all others serving this great nation If you want to be respected and your knowledge, your skills and your professionalism to be appreciated, PUP is your future To all of you, who have lost hope and trust in this cold and heartless government, in our judiciary system, and in politics on a whole, PUP is your future, for there will be a place for all of you with us, regardless of age, of status, or colour or creed, and together with our leader, we will move this country forward, to build the new Belize that will bring to a better quality of life and a just share in the national wealth of this country. That is why we exist as a party. With the will of God and the will of the Belizean people, we shall overcome, we shall return to Belmopan, and starting today, we move into Phase II of the progressive Belizean revolution. I can tell you, the reality is that it will be relevant, and it will certainly be radical. Today, when the Party Leader sound the horn, we will once again, as we did in 1986 and 1996, plot our course to municipal elections in 2012 and Belmopan in 2013, so we can bring about a new economic, social and democratic order to achieve our party’s purpose for the new Belize. We DA PUP, WE DA BLUE. PUP.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times



Ju d g e n o t , t h a t ye b e n o t judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7, 1-2 : The Holy Bible (King James Version) The news of the resignation of President of the Court of Appeal, Mr. Justice Elliot Mottley, blew through the legal community like a cheap plastic kite on a breezy March mor ning in the Jewel – fast and erratically. To the cognoscenti, such an act of judicial seppuku was not unexpected. Honor was at stake, and the President is the most honorable of those on the Bench in Belize. It did mean however that both in the Supreme Court and the Court o f A p p e a l , t h e t o p s p o t s mu s t now be filled – in an unusual legal synchronicity. Once again there was a peerless jurist on whom a powerdrunk Executive had set its merciless gaze. For the third time this year, a judge’s position was targeted. Happy Independence, indeed. The Attorney General (for whom the Constitution was amended and w h o wa s s u p p o s e d t o b e a b ove the hurly burly of politics) was dispatched to see the President. The message was that after the slash and burn constitutional “regularization” of the once lifetime appointment had been concluded, His Lordship’s services would not be required any longer. His Lordship’s appointment would not be renewed. Today, at the Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal to mark the departure of the President, his Lordship in an economical summation, devoid of emotion, stated flatly that he had been informed by CJ Conteh that the Government had unilaterally altered the ter ms and conditions of his appointment. His Lordship made it clear that this was done without his knowledge or consent. Mr. Justice Mottley said that once he became aware of this, he determined then to resign his office. What else was an honorable man to do? In stark contrast, the Government of Belize drank too deeply of its own dishonorable propaganda and belched forth an attempted spin, declaiming via press release issued on October 15, 2010, “President Of The Belize Court of Appeal Retires” and wishing him “a happy retirement” . Indeed. The GOB press release states that “The President of the Belize Court of Appeal, Justice Elliot Mottley, will be retiring from the Cour t effective 31st December, 2010” . But if it is not to take effect until the end of the year, why make the announcement mid-session during the last sitting of the Court of Appeal for the year? The timing was most curious - strange, unexpected, and hard to explain. Curiouser yet was the backdrop against which the announcement c a m e. I t c a m e a f t e r t h e f o r c e d departure of Justice Boyd Carey and the indecently hastened departure of the Chief Justice. It also came hot on the heels of a move by the Prime Minister of Belize to consult the Leader of the Opposition as to a new and temporary judge for the Court of Appeal. This latest attempt, by the Prime Minister of Belize, to appoint a sitting judge of the Supreme Court as

a temporary Court of Appeal judge, after the start of the current sitting of the Court of Appeal, is either an act of blind hubris or a deliberate autocratic exercise. Breathtaking ignorance of the law could not possibly be ascribed to so eminent a constitutional lawyer, and in any case, of all Belizeans, the PM could not avail himself of the defence. The Lawyer in Chief and Prime Minister who famously declared that he had to “almost come loose from my constitutional moorings” has in fact slipped the surly bonds of the law and has driven the ship of state right onto the rocky shoals of Mr. Elrington’s metaphorical reef. Why is the attempted appointment wrong? Let us count the ways. Not only is the Prime Minister bound to consult the Leader of the Opposition, but the President of the Court of Appeal as well, in the matter of such an appointment. There was absolutely no indication that this was or would be done – in fact, in a previous appointment, this requirement was re por tedly conveniently ignored. Secondly, the letter written to the Leader of the Opposition by the Cabinet Secretary at the behest of the Prime Minister made it clear that Justice Legall would be appointed to sit to hear Civil Appeal No 29 of 2008. This was not the first time that the Government was appointing a judge to hear one case. Justice Alleyne was appointed, earlier this year, to hear only one case - Civil Appeal No 8 of 2010. But that was in a special sitting - and only one case was listed in that particular session of the Court of Appeal. In this particular instance, the Court of Appeal was already here, from October 4, 2010 with a full calendar of cases. It is not right for the Executive to choose to appoint a judge to hear one single case selected from the Court of Appeal list. The Constitution does not allow the Executive to make temporar y appointments of Justices for one particular case. This would be a blatant violation of the doctrine of the Separation of Powers doctrine which underpins our political system

of a parliamentary democracy. Thirdly, it must be noted that Justice Leg all is the least senior member of the Supreme Court bench. It is also of critical importance that this particular judge already had a ver y heavy calendar of cases for October. He was to be appointed to ser ve on the Court of Appeal while simultaneously serving on the Supreme Court. Leaving the issue of whether that is even possible or if it is appropriate aside, as a purely practical matter, appointment to the Court of Appeal on a temporar y basis, even if for only one case, would result in delay and inconvenience to other litigants already scheduled to appear before him in the Supreme Court. Justice delayed, is after all, Justice denied. Fourthly, no basis was cited by the Prime Minister upon which Justice Legall was selected. It is necessary to point out, that even though this judge did not request an extension for his contract, he was given a three year instrument of appointment after he has already attained the age of 65. Chief Justice Conteh was given no such consideration. I made note of the circumstances surrounding that appointment in the Senate when the matter came for ratification to the upper house of parliament. F i f t h l y, t h e a p p o i n t m e n t purported to be for the “duration of the October 2010 sitting of the Court of Appeal.” This was most curious, because the PM’s letter did state that the sitting commenced on October 4, prior to the date of the letter. The President of the Court of Appeal resigned in mid-session, on Friday, October 15, 2010, incidentally, just after this letter and the response of the Leader of the Opposition to that letter has been published in the Belize Times. The Honorable Bernard Quentin Augustus Pitts, Attorney General of Belize, said at yesterday’s special sitting to mark Justice Mottley’s farewell, "You are a legal giant. Our Prime Minister and the government and people of Belize are extremely thankful for the service which you have provided." Indeed, as to His Lordship’s stature. And as to the

gratitude? Strange thanks to refuse to have such sterling service in our highest resident court. He also said, “You have done an excellent job and have left indelible imprints on our judicial sands of time. One has only to sur vey if even concer ning the many judgments which you were given and it should be without difficulty to observe that not only were they impressive but they were sound and full of lear ning and instruction especially to those of us who resorted to your court. You will long be remembered not only for your seriousness in posture but also for the serious attitude you displayed.” Indeed, but was anything learned by GOB? Mr. Justice Denys Barrow, Justice of Appeal said on the same occasion, "It seems to me that what the judiciar y and the society now need are the calm composition and restraint that Justice Mottley has personally practiced, and with which he has presided over the Mottley court Indeed and agreed. So why then was his appointment altered? Why tamper with perfection? Mr. Justice Mottley leaves Belize on Thursday, October 21, 2010. He is being awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws form the university of the West Indies. He has ser ved with distinction, not only in Belize, but on the Courts of Appeal in several other Caribbean jurisdictions. We shall not see his like ag ain. He cannot be readily replaced. WE are the losers. Those who sing glorious paeans to his service to the extent that they were complicit in any way in his departure are nothing but rank hypocrites. As a coda, it must be said that the PM pulled back on the Legall appointment, citing that the session was now almost over. In a master piece of bellicosity and pomposity, the ‘consultation’ was e n d e d w i t h mu ch s e l f - r i g h t e o u s huffing and puffing, by letter to the Leader of the Opposition filled with hot air and grandiose reproach. Sic transit gloria justitiae… Judge not so, Prime Minister lest ye be judged and measured by your own measure.

All Eyes on Diabetes Are you diabetic? Do you know someone living with diabetes? Did you know that untreated diabetes can cause blindness? Come and be informed! The Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BCVI), in collaboration with the Belize Diabetic Association, invites you to a public event to be held in your area District Belmopan Corozal Town Belize City Punta Gorda Dangriga Town Orange Walk

Venue Red Cross Methodist Auditorium Lester Young Hostel Parish Hall Helpage Red Cross

Date 21/10/2010 21/10/2010 14/10/2010 27/10/2010 28/10/2010 21/10/2010

Time 2:00 PM 1:30 AM 9:00-3:00 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:30 AM

Note: Belize City is all day as we will be doing both Diabetic Awareness and World Sight Day 2010 together.

Free Sugar and Blood Pressure tests will be conducted! So come on over and let BCVI keep an eye on your vision AND your health! For more information contact us at 227.7776!


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010




Sunday, October 24, 2010


Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., company duly registered BY ORDER OF aTHE MORTGAGEE under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Assignment Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered of Mortgage 2nd September, 2003, recorded office at Cor.made Alberttheand Bishop Streets, Belize City, in Deeds Book Vol. 32 of 2003 at Folios 1243 – 1258, its Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise between Bank Limited and power ofThe saleBelize as Mortgagee under a (the DeedAssignor) of Assignment Scotiabank Ltd., said property was of Mortgage(Belize) made the 2ndwhich September, 2003, recorded mortgaged by BENSON the said Belize in Deeds Book Vol. 32 ofRAMCLAM 2003 at Foliosto1243 – 1258, Bank Limited on theBank 17th day of April, recorded between The Belize Limited (the2002, Assignor) and in Deeds Book Vol. 19 ofLtd., 1995which at Folios – 1044; Scotiabank (Belize) said 1007 property was and mortgaged by BENSON RAMCLAM theexpiration said Belize the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will attothe Bank on the of April, 2002, recorded in of two Limited months from the17th dateday of the first publication of this Deedssell Book 19 of described 1995 at Folios – 1044; and notice theVol. property in the1007 schedule hereto. the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the the firstmust publication ofinthis All offers to purchase thedate saidofproperty be made notice sell described in the schedule writing andthe fullproperty particulars and conditions of sale hereto. may be

obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.



ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 335 comprising of 1237.720 Sq. Yd. (1034.883 S.M.) situate at Independence Village, Stann Creek District ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot and No. 335 bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 828 of 1999 comprising of 1237.720 Sq. Yd. (1034.883 S.M.) situattached to Minister’sVillage, Fiat Grant No.Creek 828 of 1999 dated ate at Independence Stann District and 24th day of TOGETHER with828 allof buildbounded andSeptember, described 1999 as shown by Plan No. 1999 ings and erections standing and being thereon. attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 828 of 1999 dated 24th day of September, 1999 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

DATED this 18th day of October, 2010.

DATED this 18th day of October, 2010.

MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street MUSACity & BALDERAMOS Belize 91 North Front Street Attorney-at-Law for Belize City Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE theBY Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company dulyofregistered under notice of its intention to exercise its power sale as Mortthe Companies Act, of Chapter 250, ofofthe Laws ofmade Belize, gagee under a Deed Assignment Mortgage theRe2nd vised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. September, 2003, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 32 of 2003 at Albert1227 and Bishop Belize City, Belize, Folios – 1242,Streets, between The Belize Bank hereby Limitedgives (the notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as MortAssignor) and Scotiabank (Belize Ltd., which said property gagee under a Deed of Assignment of Mortgage made the 2nd was mortgaged by BENSON RAMCLAM to the said Belize September, 2003, recorded in Deeds Book Vol. 32 of 2003 at Bank Limited on the 24th day of January, 1995, recorded in Folios 1227 – 1242, between The Belize Bank Limited (the Deeds Bookand Vol.Scotiabank 3 of 1995 at FoliosLtd., 1407which – 1436; andproperty the said Assignor) (Belize said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. willRAMCLAM at the expiration of two was mortgaged by BENSON to the saidmonths Belize from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the Bank Limited on the 24th day of January, 1995, recorded in property described schedule hereto. Deeds Book Vol. 3in ofthe 1995 at Folios 1407 – 1436; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months

All offers to purchase thepublication said property be made from the date of the first of must this notice sellinthewriting and full particulars andschedule conditions of sale may be obtained property described in the hereto. from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


ALL THOSE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 334 situate in Mango Creek Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as folALL THOSE LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN Lot ALLNo. THAT lows: On the Northeast for 46.970 metres by 289; piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 334 situate in Mango On the Southeast for 35.690 metres by a street; On the Creek Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as folSouthwest for 47.004 metres by Lot No. 335 and on the lows: On the Northeast for 46.970 metres by Lot No. 289; Northwest for 34.282 metres by Lot No. 333 and portion of On the Southeast for 35.690 metres by a street; On the Lot No. 336;for containing 1643.250 square metres Southwest 47.004 metres by Lot No. 335 and(1965.327 on the square yards) as shown on Plan No. 1887 (2 of 2) at the OfNorthwest for 34.282 metres by Lot No. 333 and portion of fice of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys Lot No. 336; containing 1643.250 square metres (1965.327 TOGETHER all buildings square yards)with as shown on Planand No. erections 1887 (2 ofstanding 2) at theand Ofbeing fice ofthereon. the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys


TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 18th day of October, 2010.

DATED this 18th day of October, 2010.

MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street MUSACity & BALDERAMOS Belize 91 North Front Street Attorney-at-Law for Belize City Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.



Notice is hereby given that the company named Notice is hereby given that the company named



has been dissolved and struck off the International Busihas Companies been dissolved and struck off thefrom International Business Register with effect the 16th day of ness Companies Register with effect from the 16th day of October, 2010. October, 2010.

GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited

GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited

2000 Dodge Ram 42000 DoorDodge SuperRam Cab 4 Door Super Colour: GreenCab Colour: Green

The vehicle may be viewed at #169 BelTex Avenue The vehicle may viewed #169 BelTex Avenue Belama Phase 1, be Belize City.atSealed bids can be sent to Belama Phase 1, Belize City. Sealed bids can Mr T. A. Mendez or Miss Amy A. Forte at Firstbe sent to Mr T. A. Mendez or MissBank, Amy A. ForteStreet at First Caribbean International Albert Branch, Caribbean International Bank, Albert Street Branch, Belize City. Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext 107 Belize City. Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext 107



The Belize Times


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Issue No. 4716


Madre sacrificada por jóvenes para la mujer que quería a su bebé!

Cuando el número de muertos superó los 100 hace dos semanas todos tuvimos la sensación de que el 2010 sería un año de cifras récord. Pero poco se sabe que pocos días después, también se convertiría en un año de homicidios horribles y espantosos. El nivel en que las personas han llevado a cabo el acto inmoral es repugnante, por decir lo menos. La más siniestra hasta la fecha se confirmó esta semana cuando la familia de la desaparecida madre adolescente, Raylene Dyer, de 18 años, dijo a la prensa que sus peores temores se habían hecho realidad. No sólo se encontraba muerta pero fue asesinada en la más repugnante forma - como ganado sacrificado en un matadero en Valle de Paz. El crimen fue realizado por un grupo de estudiantes, de todos partes, la institución mas alta de nivel terciario, la Universidad de Belice. Lo peor era que ella estaba muerta porque alguien quería a su bebé recién nacida. Dyer, quien era la madre de una

Raylene Dyer

niña de tres meses de edad, fue reportada como desaparecida la semana pasada, pero desde poco después de su desaparición, las investigaciones de la familia arrojaban resultados que simplemente no sumaban. La investigación los llevó a una

joven del pueblo de Ontario que desde entonces ha admitido que quería una segunda oportunidad en el amor con su exnovio, Leron Gillett, y para ello, su plan era darle un bebé diciéndole que era de ambos. La joven, Araceli Cajhueque, de 19 años, había estado diciendo durante meses que estaba embarazada y ahora, Dyer era lo único que estaba en su camino para lograr su objetivo enfermizo. Ella se había tomado fotos en los últimos meses luciendo un "vientre de embarazada", en un intento de engañar a Gillett. Habiendo conocido a Dyer durante el mes pasado, según el informe, Dyer se reunió con Araceli el 8 de octubre, el mismo día que desapareció. Ella fue llevada a engaños a una zona en la que la obligaron a un vehículo y al encuentro con su muerte. Los jóvenes, uno de los cuales es también otro estudiante de UB, dice que no conoce a Cahueque y sólo cometió el crimen porque ella los obligo a cometerlo. Después de que ellos decapitaron

a Dyer, según se informa, arrastraron su cuerpo hasta el río detrás de Roaring Creek donde se deshicieron de ella (Hasta ahora, los buzos no han podido recuperar el cuerpo.) Entonces, Cahueque llevó el bebé a Gillett y le dijo que ella dio a luz el 28 de julio. Gillett, que se percató de que el bebé tenía el pelo que se parece al de Cajueque, creo la mentira. Hasta ahora, todo lo que la policía ha encontrado cerca del lugar del asesinato son un par de zapatillas y un rosario que llevaba Dyer. Le han hecho cargos a Cahueque con robo de niños, mientras que sus socios en el crimen, Darren Banner, 21, Jason Anderson, de 20, ambos trabajadores de construcción en Roaring Creek; Budhna Brandon, de 20 años, estudiante de UB, también fueron acusados. Todos fueron puestos en prisión de Hattieville. Cahueque debe regresar al tribunal el 26, mientras que Budhna, Anderson y Banner se presentaran ante el tribunal de justicia el 18 de noviembre.

que hace el dolor aún peor es que alguien robó el bolso de Gillett, que contenía todos sus efectos personales, dinero y tarjetas de identificación. La familia hace un

llamamiento a la persona en posesión de los elementos a entregarlos a fin de que se proceda con los trámites oficiales necesarios para su entierro.

Madre y carcelera asesinada rumbo a casa después del trabajo…..

Una carcelera y madre de dos hijas jóvenes de entre seis y diez años, se convirtió en una de las últimas víctimas de asesinatos sin sentido en Belice en la última semana. La muerte inexplicable de Miriam Gillett, de 32 años, alrededor de las 7:30 el pasado viernes por la noche BY sumió ORDER al país en in-OF CHARGEE certidumbre y preocupación por NOTICE INTENTION TO SELL la ola de delincuenciaOF sin control que está barriendo la nación. Gillett, acompañada de otros compañeros de trabajoCREDIT que seUNION LIMITED a statutory body HOLY REDEEMER encontraban saliendo de formed and registered underturno the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the de Laws la of Instalación Correccional Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office Hattieville e iban r umbo a casa Miriam Gillett is situated at No.una 1 Hyde’s Lane, cuando se desató andanada deBelize City, Belize District hereby Williams, dijoofque de regives notice its intention exercise its power saleacababa as Chargee balas sobre el of vehículo en eltoque cibir un texto infor mándole under and bycarretera virtue of Charges registered at the Land Registry be-de su viajaban en la del Boom salida del trabajo y que estaba en y Hattieville. Gillett, que estaba tween those hereinafter named and camino the said Holy a casaRedeemer así que Credit el decidió sentada el asiento del pasajero Unionen Limited. esperar por ella esa noche. Cuandelantero, recibió un disparo en la do ella tomó mucho tiempo en llecabeza. Lawill policía el of cuHRCU at therecuperó expiration twogar, months from the date of thellamarfirst sin embargo, decidió erpo acribillado a balazos en el cola, sólo para escuchar un policía of this sellfuera the properties described in thea Schedule chepublication Ford Escort quenotice se salió en el otro extremo. Williams dijo below. de la carretera y se estrelló contra que empezó a preocuparse y más un poste de luz justo después de tarde se enteró de que algunos unALL túmulo cerca de la intersección offers to purchase the said properties in writing oficialesmust de be la made prisión habían to rede HOLY la carretera occidental. REDEEMER CREDIT UNION whom sultadoLIMITED heridos yfrom Gillett era full uno Las personas que viven en my be obtained. particulars and conditions of sale de ellos. El cree, sin embargo, que la zona escucharon los disparos el verdadero objetivo del ataque pero no se inmutaron debido que era otro oficial que estaba en el cerca de allí hay un campo de tiro mismo vehículo. al blanco. Fue media hora más SCHEDULE Otros dos oficiales resultarde, cuando una persona que taron heridos en el tiroteo, pero vive al otro lado de donde ocurfueron más afortunados que Gilrió el incidente salió y obser vó lett y Block no sufrieron ALL THAT parcel land being 16, Parcelheridas 3115/1 morel 1. vehículo estrellado en el of poste tales. Ernest Savery, deTO35 años, in theseCaribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, de situate luz. Cerca encontraban casquien conducía, había disminuido quillos de varios calibres de and altoerections standing and being thereGETHER with all buildings la velocidad sólo para cr uzar el poder esparcidos dentro y fuera on, the leasehold property of EDMOND PERDOMO badénD.cuando la lluvia de balas del coche. La policía cree que el se desató. Él sufrió un disparo en ar ma de elección para cometer el cuello y su Sylvino 2. ALL THAT parcel of land being Block 23,compañero, Parcel 2664/1 sitel asesinato era un rifle de asalto Cal, resultó herido, mientras que uate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER with M16, un ar ma de fuego prohibidas intentaba esconderse. all buildings and erections standing y que son utilizados sólo por per- and being thereon, the leasehold Y mientras que la familia property of ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety for MARIA CAWICH sonal militar tiene que lidiar con el espantoso El marido de Gillett, Andrew asesinato de su ser querido, lo


NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE TREASURY BILLS ISSUE NO. 15/2010 Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $18,991,800.00. The Bills will be issued in denominations of $200, $1,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $5,000,000, $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday 3rd November, 2010 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 2nd February, 2011. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Application forms are available at the Treasury and at the Central Bank of Belize in Belize City and at the Ministry of Finance in Belmopan; and when completed they must be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to:

TREASURY BILL TENDER CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE P.O. BOX 852 GABOUREL LANE, BELIZE CITY Tenders must reach the Central Bank not later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 29th October, 2010. Successful tenders will be notified by Tuesday, 2nd November, 2010 and will be expected to pay for and pick up Bills allotted them on Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010. The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.



Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Belize Times

Belize Times spañol

En E



Si usted es el líder de una nación que ha sido llevada al borde de la anarquía debajo de su responsabilidad, una nación que hoy se tambalea al borde de la r uina económica a causa de su falta de visión y el desprecio... el mensaje es el mismo! Si usted es el líder de un pueblo que ha sido empobrecido y llevado a la desesperación a causa de su falta de compasión y la falta de competencia, si usted es el líder de un pueblo rehén de la ley debido a sus insuficiencias y la falta de voluntad política... el mensaje es el mismo. Si eres Dean Oliver Barrow, el mensaje es este – El Partido Unido del Pueblo está de vuelta... unida, fuerte y preparada para arrebatar las riendas del gobierno del UDP y rescatar a nuestro pueblo y nación. Si usted está entre las filas de los petulantes que utilizan el folclore alemán para lanzar escupidas a la máquina azul….el mensaje es el mismo. Si usted trabajó diligentemente para socavar al Partido cuando se esforzaba para despertar del coma inducido de la derrota por la desconfianza de la gente... el mensaje es el mismo. Si usted fue uno de los opositores que estaban de brazos cr uzados mientras los verdaderos soldados del PUP trabajaban fuertemente para reconstr uir el Partido y devolverlo al ser vicio del pueblo de Belice... el mensaje es el siguiente - la tarea de constr ucción de la nación es una tarea para gigantes. El hombre y la mujer del Partido Unido del Pueblo son gigantes... si eres demasiado pequeño de mente, tal vez deberías alejarte…… Contra todo pronóstico y a pesar de todos los obstáculos, bajo la dirección de un pueblo campeón verdadero y con la confianza y el apoyo de miles y miles de seguidores en cada rincón de esta nación... el PUP está de pie para luchar por los derechos de nuestro pueblo, para mantenerse al margen y con nuestra gente y para dirigir este país al crecimiento y la prosperidad. E l d o m i n g o, m á s d e 1 5 . 0 0 0 b e l i c e ñ o s f u e r o n a D a n g r i g a a participar en el renacimiento del Partido Unido del Pueblo. Era una vista impresionante, una demostración impresionante de fe en el PUP, bajo la dirección del hombre que será el próximo Primer Ministro de Belice, Johnny Briceño. Todos esos miles de partidarios del PUP y las decenas de miles de personas allí en espíritu demostraron una confianza increíble en el Partido y la confianza en un líder que ha demostrado que tiene lo que se necesita para llegar hasta el final y rescatar a esta nación del bache creado por el UDP . Esto no parecía ser posible sólo hace poco más de dos años. Todo indicaba que el Partido se perdería en el ámbito de la derrota y devastación... destinado a pasar por lo menos dos tér minos en la periferia de la política, pero ciertamente no con la fuerza que tuvo alguna vez. Ciertamente, nadie habría contado con que el PUP ganaría las próximas elecciones generales... NADIE! Pero este no es un Partido roto por la desesperación... este no es un partido que se inclina ante el fracaso y se rompe por la tribulación. Este no es un partido que da la vuelta y se hace el muerto cuando los mayores desafíos llaman a la puerta. Este es el gran pueblo del Partido Unido del Pueblo. Nadie contaba con el espíritu inquebrantable, invencible de muchos de nuestros soldados... los que han sido la columna vertebral del PUP durante décadas. Nadie contaba con los numerosos miembros fieles del Partido que se sacudieron las cenizas de la derrota, una vez más para forjar un nuevo camino para el PUP. Y nadie contaba con un líder de la talla de Johnny Briceño, que se ha enfrentado tranquilamente y ha dado la cara a las tor mentas políticas y estragos dentro y fuera del Partido. Briceño se comprometió a unir al Par tido hace más de dos años y nunca se desvió de ese camino. Fue dado bofetadas en la cara muchas veces con ramas de olivo, apuñalado en la espalda muchas veces con dagas envenenadas y azotado casi a diario impulsado por las críticas mezquinas. A pesar de todo Briceño mantiene su enfoque en unir el Partido y regresar una vez más al ser vicio de los Beliceños. Con férrea deter minación empezó de cero, a nivel de circunscripción para reconstr uir el PUP y ganar la confianza del pueblo de Belice, una vez más. Es por el liderazgo de Johnny Briceño que el PUP es de nuevo un fuerte y viable Partido. Es por Johnny Briceño, y los muchos miles de nuestros seguidores que nunca se han retractado y han per manecido fir mes con nosotros que podemos decir con toda certeza y con toda convicción - El Par tido Unido del Pueblo está de vuelta... juntos marcharemos a Belmopán.



The Belize Times


Sunday, October 24, 2010

l o ñ a p Belize Times s N O T I C E En E BY ORDER OF CHARGEE


HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed andRudon registered Por: Mike Jr. under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Sólo para salir delRevised paso rápidamente Laws of Belize, Edition 2000, and whose registered office permítanme decir esto... creo que la Belize City, Belize District hereby is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, primera y la segunda son una misma gives notice of its intention tocosa: exercise its power of sale as Chargee el primero es el reconocido maestro de la under andde bylavirtue of yCharges registered at the Land Registry bedispensación segunda el tercero tween those hereinafter named and es el resultado inevitable de la primera the said Holy Redeemer Credit Unionmalsana Limited.con y la tendencia fijación

innegable para la segunda. Realmente tenia que sacar interior! of two months from the date of the first HRCU willeso at de themiexpiration Mientras me siento y escribo esto publication of this noticetodos sell the muy temprano en la semana, los properties described in the Schedule below. medios de comunicación y todos los medios sociales como Facebook están zumbando con el asesinato de unproperties must be made in writing to ALL offers tobrutal purchase the said prominente abogado y su esposa la noche HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full del sábado. Ambos fueron apuñalados 25 particulars and conditions of sale my be obtained. veces mientras que cuatro de sus hijos pequeños se encontraban en la casa en sangrienta y brutal, no fue del todo ese momento. Mientras me siento y extraordinaria, se podría pensar que el escribo esto, los familiares de una mujer Ministro de Policía Doug Singh estaría joven están rastreando alrededor del río trabajando todo el día tratando de hacer Roaring Creek tratando de encontrar los que algo suceda ... tratando de ganar restos de su ser querido para que puedan su salario, por así decirlo. Entonces, la pregunta es ¿dónde estaba el ministro poner descansar. Y mientras 1. sus restos ALLaTHAT parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 3115/1 me siento y escribo esto una mujer se de Seguridad? Bueno, en realidad estaba situate in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section, TOencuentra en la morgue después de que en Dangriga, estacionado en el lado GETHER withviajaba all buildings and erections standingenand being therede la carretera su camioneta de lujo el vehículo en que fue acribillado on, theterminando leaseholdcon property EDMOND D. PERDOMO contando los autobuses que iban a la a balazos su vida.ofSegún mis cálculos no oficiales, entre el viernes Convención PUP cuando lo mire. Mientras que nuestras se tiñeron de rojo y hoy, a las THAT 12:49 se parcel han registrado 2. martes ALL of land being Block calles 23, Parcel 2664/1 sit-con cinco asesinatos y 7 tiroteos. Por supuesto, sangre y nuestros jóvenes uniformados, uate in the Santa Elena Cayo Registration Section, TOGETHER with ni siquiera he tocado el tema de los otros hombres y mujeres luchaban para frenar all buildings erections standing and being thereon, leasehold la delincuencia viciosa,the Doug Singh estaba crímenes mayores and que suceden en nuestro property of ORTENCIO CAWICH, surety for MARIA CAWICH jugando juegos políticos en Dangriga. país. ¿Recuerdas que Doug Singh es la Con todo esto, y el hecho escalofriante de que este fin de semana mientras elección personal del Primer Ministro,


NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the company named

“Sino Star International Co., Ltd.”

has been struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 17th day of October, 2010.

Power Point Management (Belize) Limited.

Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount $18,991,800.00. para hacer frente a lo of quethe es issue quizáswill la be gastar una cantidad excesiva de tiempo

cuestión más apremiante que enfrenta la hablando estupideces. No es de extrañar The Bills will be issued denominations $200, $1,000, $10,000, nación?. Todo el mundo coninun sentido queofestemos en tan mal estado! común señaló que Singh se adaptaría ¿Y saben que? Nuestro Primer $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $5,000,000, mejor a los eventos de Carnavaland y nowill be Ministro, su esposa sudays mini-yo, $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 repayable at pary91 afterPatrick, cuenta habilidad necesaria Sedi3rd y SirNovember, Manuel y su2010 consejero delegado issue.con They will beabsoluta issued on Wednesday and will be para desempeñar su trabajo. El Primer Audrey y una variedad de otros miembros redeemed on Wednesday, 2nd February, 2011. Ministro no le importo. Él hizo lo que destacados del UDP se encuentran en quiso y punto! México en este momento. De hecho, Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five L u e g o e s t á n e s a s p e r s o n a s estoy sentado aquí mirando un cuadro de decimal placesestúpidas the amount, is offered for each one hundred dollars extremadamente en lawhich emisora un impecablemente vestido Deán Oliver face value of the Bills sought. Wave. Desde hace dos días que han flanqueado por una impresionante Kim, estado obsesionados con la Convención copas de champán en la mano, sonriendo Application arees!available at the Treasury at the Central Bank para la PUP. Escuchen,forms es lo que Los números de oreja aand oreja ... acomodándose of Belize Belize City andno atpuede the Ministry of como Finance Belmopan; and hablan por síin solos y el mensaje cámara dosinmuñecos disfuncionales serwhen mal interpretado incluso porbe ustedes. negros Kenenvelopes y la desaparecida completed they must forwarded in sealed addressedmuñeca to: Lunes Juliet afirmó que todo el mundo Barbie. Mientras nuestra nación se aflige debe haber sido pagado $ 100 para asistir por las recientes pérdidas de vidas sin TREASURY BILL TENDER a la convención... luego esta mañana ella sentido, el líder de nuestra nación está BANK BELIZE estaba diciendo queCENTRAL debe haber sido $ OF sorbiendo champaña y disfrutando de P.O. BOX 852 150. Supéralo Peluda! Como he dicho, es ingeniosas platicas en cenas con invitados lo que es. Lo que todos debemos estar enBELIZE una tierra CITY extranjera lejos del temor GABOUREL LANE, obsesionados con, es encontrar alguna que nos enfrentamos todos los días. La solución a lamust delincuencia violenta, que pasada Washington y Tenders reach the Central Banksemana not later thanestuvo 12:00ennoon on ha tomado posesión de la nación. Dado antes de eso era Miami, Houston, Los Friday, 29thpreferida October, que la estrategia del2010. UDP está Ángeles, México (de nuevo) Charlotte, en pasar la responsabilidad a otra persona New Orleans y Chicago..., incluso he y repetir el mantra de quewill la delincuencia perdido la cuenta de todos los lugares Successful tenders be notified by Tuesday, 2nd November, nos afecta a todos... de ocuparse donde Dean Oliverallotted y su esposa 2010 and will be dejen expected to pay fora and pick up Bills them han enon cosas triviales y propaganda estúpida visitado recientemente. Es mucho más Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010. y ayuden a su gobierno para encontrar fácil de decir a donde no han visitado! ... una solución a la delincuencia. así es! – AQUÍ! The Government Belize reserves theDisfrute right todeaccept or reject Todos los asesinatos,ofcaos y anarquía sus viajes... Deanany Oliver. and/or all tenders in whole or in part. en las calles no es culpa de Lord Como alguien suele decir... no es como Ashcroft o Said Musa o de alguien en que su estadía en nuestro país sirve de la CENTRAL administración anterior, pero sin algo de todos modos! Disfruta del tiempo BANK OF BELIZE embargo la gente de Wave insiste en prestado que te queda Dean!........

STEADFAST MASONIC LODGE #683, BELIZE, C.A. Cor. Vernon & Lake View Street

PRESS RELEASE Monday – 18 October, 2010

Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the company named


has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 17th day of October, 2010.

Power Point Management (Belize) Limited Registered Agent

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following company named


has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 13th day of October, 2010.

Power Point Management (Belize) Limited Registered Agent

The Masons of Steadfast Masonic Lodge No. 683 Belize express their shock and deep regret at the brutal, cowardly and tragic murder of their Marshall, Brother Richard Stuart and his wife, Maria Stuart. The Masons extend their heartfelt condolences to the family of their dearly departed Brother and his wife and their young children. The Masons condemn, in the strongest possible terms, not only the senseless murder of the Stuarts, but also the escalating violence against innocent people in our communities and our country. We call on all persons who may have any information that could assist the police in finding the perpetrators of this most horrific double murder to past on such information to the Police or to the Brothers of Steadfast Masonic Lodge.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Belize Times

Births Births

Nayellie Oneida to Nigel and Ada Yvette Williams nee

Nayellie ChavarriaOneida to Nigel and Ada Yvette Williams nee Chavarria Clarissa Daniela to Anthony Claret and Glendy Eduviqui Clarissa Daniela to Anthony Claret and Glendy Eduviqui Briceño nee Vasquez Zoeishanee Terrishay Tamica to Denfield Edwin and Briceño Vasquez TamishaTerrishay Kristh Davis nee Francisco Zoeisha Tamica to Denfield Edwin and Logan Carter and Cambria Cheyenne to Abram and Joyce Tamisha Kristh Davis nee Francisco Dyck nee Reimer Logan Carter and Cambria Cheyenne to Abram and Joyce Allia Jayla to Albert Joe and Jamillia Janelly Carretaela Dyck nee Reimer Reimer Dyck nee nee Belisle Allia Jayla Jayla to to Albert Albert Joe Joe and and Jamillia Jamillia Janelly Janelly Carretaela Carretaela Allia Kelsey Katelyn to Deon Alexander and Sharna Celina nee Belisle nee Belisle Baptist nee Garbutt Kelsey Katelyn toMarvin Deon Alexander Alexander and Sharnanee Celina YandelKatelyn Jaleel toto and Isabela Magana Jimenez Kelsey Deon and Sharna Celina Baptist nee Garbutt Baptist nee Garbutt Yandel Jaleel Jaleel to to Marvin Marvin and and Isabela Isabela Magana Magana nee nee Jimenez Jimenez Yandel



Elito Castanedez to Elizabeth Mendez both of Esperanza, Cayo Gican Victor Babb to Delmy Eugenia Gomez both of San AnElito Castanedez to Elizabeth Mendez both of Esperanza, dres, Castanedez Corozal Elito to Elizabeth Mendez both of Esperanza, Cayo Francisco Humberto Salguero to Teodora Ba both of Corozal Cayo Gican Town Victor Babb to Delmy Eugenia Gomez both of San AnGican Victor Babb to Delmy Eugenia Gomez both of San AnCornelius Dyck to Anna Petkau both of Shipyard, Orange dres, Corozal dres, WalkCorozal Francisco Humberto Salguero to Teodora Ba both of Corozal Francisco Humberto Salguero Teodora Ba both Orange of Corozal Peter Schmitt to Justina Hardertoboth of Shipyard, Walk Town Town Johan Wieler to Aganetha Patkauboth bothofofShipyard, Shipyard,Orange Orange Cornelius Dyck to Anna Petkau Walk Cornelius Dyck to Anna Petkau both of Shipyard, Orange Walk Johan Hiebert to Gertruda Wieler both of Shipyard, Orange Walk Peter Schmitt to Justina Harder both of Shipyard, Orange Walk Walk Peter Schmitt to Aganetha Justina Harder both ofof Shipyard, Orange Walk Johan Wieler to Patkau both Shipyard, Orange Francisco Jesus Marquez Duarte to Zoreia Rudith Jimenez Johan Wieler to Aganetha Patkau both of Shipyard, Orange Walk both of Caye Caulker, Belize Walk Johan Hiebert to Gertruda ofboth Shipyard, Orange Julio cesar Kuylen to DoraWieler Alicia both Lobos of Benque Viejo Johan Hiebert to Gertruda Wieler both of Shipyard, Orange Del Carmen, Cayo Walk Walk Olivero Omar to Gerly Danely Savillon bothJimenez of BelmoFrancisco JesusFaux Marquez Duarte to Zoreia Rudith pan, Cayo Francisco Jesus Marquez Duarte to Zoreia Rudith Jimenez both of Caye Caulker, Belize Edleyof Martinez to Laurie Warren ofboth Hopkins, StannViejo both Caye Caulker, Belize Julio cesar Kuylen to Dora Alicia both Lobos of Benque Creek Julio cesar Kuylen Del Carmen, Cayo to Dora Alicia Lobos both of Benque Viejo Henry Emmanuel West to Anaceli Carolina Garcia both of Del Carmen, Olivero OmarCayo Faux to Gerly Danely Savillon both of BelmoCristo Rey, Cayo Olivero Omar Faux to Gerly Danely Savillon both of Belmopan, Cayo Ewuin Ramirez to Gereslita Martinez both of Cowpen, Stann pan, Cayo Edley Martinez to Laurie Warren both of Hopkins, Stann Creek Edley Martinez to LaurietoWarren of Hopkins, Stann Creek Angel de Jesus Moralez Sonia both Menilia Cosme both of San Creek Jose/San Pablo, Orange Walk Henry Emmanuel West to Anaceli Carolina Garcia both of Stephen Hall Jr. to Carmen NellicaCarolina Lane both of Corozal Henry Garcia both ofTown Cristo Emmanuel Rey, Cayo West to Anaceli Francisco Benjamin Trujillo Martinez of Dangriga AMparo Cristo Rey, Cayoto Gereslita Ewuin Ramirez bothtoofYojana Cowpen, Stann Montoya of Orange Walk Town Ewuin Creek Ramirez to Gereslita Martinez both of Cowpen, Stann

Angel de Jesus Moralez to Sonia Menilia Cosme both of San Creek Jose/San Orange Walk Angel de Pablo, Jesus Moralez to Sonia Menilia Cosme both of San Stephen Hall Jr. Orange to Carmen Nellica Lane both of Corozal Town Jose/San Pablo, Walk FranciscoHall Benjamin TrujilloNellica of Dangriga to Yojana AMparo Stephen Jr. to Carmen Lane both of Corozal Town Montoya of Orange Walk Town Francisco Benjamin Trujillo of Dangriga to Yojana AMparo Apolonio Salome, 69 Montoya of Orange Walk Town Yoeli Flores, 9 Jose Angel Denis, 56 Charles Alexander Tucker, 68 Maurice Wilhelm Flowers, 81 Beatrice Waight, 62


Deaths Deaths

Apolonio Salome, 69 Yoeli Flores, 9 Apolonio Salome, 69 Jose Angel 56 Yoeli Flores,Denis, 9 Charles Alexander Jose Angel Denis, 56Tucker, 68 MauriceAlexander Wilhelm Flowers, 81 Charles Tucker, 68 Beatrice Waight, 62 The PUP Wilhelm Collet Executive announces NominaMaurice Flowers,Branch 81 tion date Waight, to elect A62standard bearer for the upcoming Beatrice General Elections.


Nomination Deadline October 25, 2010.


In Memoriam Memoriam In In loving memory of

In loving memory of



Sunset: July 20, 1940 Sunset: October 18, 2000

Sunset: July July 20, 20, 1940 1940 Sunset: Find not your heart with pain Sunset: October October 18, 18, 2000 2000 Sunset:

and sorrow, But remember me with in every Find not not your your heart heart pain Find tomorrow with pain and sorrow, sorrow, and Remember the joy, the laughBut remember remember me in every every ter, and theme smiles But in tomorrow I’ve only gone to rest a while. tomorrow Remember the joy, the laughAlthough my Remember the leaving joy, the caused laughter, andand the smiles ter,pain and the grief smiles My only goinggone has to eased hurt I’ve rest my a while. I’ve only gone tome rest a while. and given relief Although my leaving caused Although my leaving caused So dry your remember paineyes andand grief pain and grief My going hasme eased my hurt My as going eased my Not I amhas now, as Ihurt used and given mebut relief to be. and given me relief

So dry your eyes and remember So dry your eyes and remember mefamily Sadly missed by me but as I used Not as I am now, Not as I am now, to be.but as I used to be. In Memoriam

Sadly missed by family Sadly missed by family In loving memory of a Dear Mother and Grandmother

In Memoriam In Memoriam

In loving memory of a Dear In lovingand memory of a Dear Mother Grandmother Mother and Grandmother

GLORIA WILLIAMS Sunrise: February 8, 1944 Sunset: October 25, 2008 It has been two years since

GLORIA WILLIAMS you’re gone and still we mourn. Your memoryWILLIAMS lingers on in our GLORIA

life andFebruary around us from sunSunrise: 8, 1944 light till dawn. Sunset: October 25, Sunrise: February 8, 2008 1944at the Our heart still mourn Sunset: October 25,gone 2008but the fact that you are It has been two years since light at the end of the rainbow you’re gone and still we since mourn. that your sole lives on. It ishas been two years Your memory lingers on in our We miss you mom. you’re gone and still we mourn. life and around us from Your memory lingers on insunour Sadly missed by children and light till dawn. life and around us from sungrandchildren. Our heart lightstill till mourn dawn. at the fact you aremourn gone but the Ourthat heart still at the light at the end of the rainbow fact that you are gone but the is that your sole lives on. light at the end of the rainbow We miss you mom. is that your sole lives on. We miss you mom. Sadly missed by children and grandchildren. Sadly missed by children and grandchildren.

The Lindo family sincerely thanks all those The Lindo Lindo family The family who offered prayers, sincerely thanks all all those those sincerely thanks flowers, cards and other who offered offeredofprayers, prayers, who expressions love and flowers, cards cards and other flowers, other support at the and passing of expressions of love and Gwendolynof Lindo nee expressions love and support at atUsher. the passing passing of of support the

Gwendolyn Lindo Lindo nee nee Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Wilhelmina Usher. Usher. Lindo nee Usher

January 3, 1933 – October 9, Gwendolyn Wilhelmina 2010 Gwendolyn Wilhelmina

Lindo nee Usher Lindo nee Usher

January 3, 1933 – October 9, “The Lord and January 3, 1933giveth – October 9, 2010 the Lord2010 taketh away.

Blessed be the name of “The Lord giveth and the Lord.” “The Lord giveth and

the Lord taketh away. the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of Blessed be the name of the Lord.” FOR the SALE: Lord.”

One lot (75 x 50 feet), situated at #3623 Trinity and Malcolm Streets, Port Loyola Area, Belize City. Asking Price: $15,000. Call lot 602-0762 any time for more One (75 x 50 feet), situated information. One lot (75 x 50 feet), situated at #3623 Trinity and Malcolm


at #3623Port Trinity and Area, Malcolm Streets, Loyola BeStreets, Port Loyola Area, Belize City. Asking Price: $15,000. lize Asking Price: CallCity. 602-0762 any time $15,000. for more Call 602-0762 any time for more information. information.

Liquor License Notices

Notice is hereby given that Dustin Bowen is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Riverside Tavern”, #2 Mapp Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Notice is hereby given that Licensing Ordinance Revised Dustin Bowen applying Notice herebyis given thatfor a Editionis1980.

Liquor License Liquor License Notices Notices

Night Club Liquor Licensefor toabe Dustin Bowen is applying operated at Liquor “Riverside Tavern”, Night License to be NoticeClub is hereby given that #2 Mapp Street, Belize City Dwaine Lizama/Alicia operated at “Riverside Holland Tavern”, under theStreet, Intoxicating Liquor areMapp applying for Belize a Restaurant #2 City Liquor License to be operated Licensing Ordinance Revised under the Intoxicating Liquor at “Mada Fish Restaurant and Edition 1980. Licensing Ordinance Revised Bar”, #4 Bishop Street, Belize Edition 1980. City under the Intoxicating Notice is hereby given that Liquor Licensing Ordinance DwaineisLizama/Alicia Holland Notice hereby given Revised Edition 1980. that are applying for a Restaurant Dwaine Lizama/Alicia Holland Liquor License to be operated Notice is hereby that are applying for agiven Restaurant at “Mada Fish Restaurant and Paradise Enterprise is Liquor License to be Limited operated Bar”, #4 Bishop Street, Belize applying for a Malt and Cider at “Mada Fish Restaurant and Liquor to be operated City under the Intoxicating Bar”, #4License Bishop Street, Belize at “Mayan Secrets”, Terminal Liquor Licensing Ordinance City under the Intoxicating #4, Tourist Village, Fort RevisedLicensing Edition 1980. Street, Liquor Belize City underOrdinance the IntoxicatRevised Edition 1980. ing Liquor Licensing Ordinance Notice is hereby given that Revised Edition 1980. Paradise Enterprise Limited is Notice is hereby given that applying for a Malt and Cider Paradise Enterprise Limited is Liquor License to be operated applying for a Malt and Cider at “Mayan Secrets”, Terminal Liquor License to be operated #4, Tourist Village, Fort Street, at “Mayan Secrets”, Terminal Belize City under the Intoxicat#4, Fort Street, ing Tourist Liquor Village, Licensing Ordinance Belize City under the IntoxicatRevised Edition 1980. ing Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


The Belize Times

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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