Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Issue No. 4721
O n We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 24th the bombastic junior minister in the Ministry of Works got his long overdue comeuppance in a big way when he was unceremoniously booted to the back bench by his boss. A terse release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister claims that ‘the decision was taken following a report made to the Prime Minister about an incident involving Hon. Castro.’ That much seems to be true, as a local media house on Wednesday night released information revealing that Castro had been involved in a land scam in which he offered land to a Belizean-American woman who handed over money but never received the land. According to the media, the woman went to the Prime Minister with documents proving the veracity of her allegations including proof of payment and action was then taken. Further than that, the Prime Minister would offer no details when questioned about the matter following the meeting of the House of Representatives, saying that he did not wish to further embarrass
C a s t r o . M r. B a r r o w w o u l d n o t respond to questions about whether Castro, like any other normal citizen in the same situation, would be made to face criminal charges in regard to the scurvy land transaction.
While this might have been the incident which broke the junior minister’s back, so to speak, Castro has been the subject of many allegations of both financial and sexual misconduct since being
appointed a junior minister. Entering politics as a man of humble means, Castro has in less than three years become a wealthy landowner with numerous business enterprises under his belt with interests including real estate, a boutique, a cable company, heavy equipment rental, construction and tourism. Sources inside the Ministry of Works claim that Castro has consistently made very aggressive and improper advances to members of staff which have created quite a stir. The release from the Office of the Prime Minister continued to state that ‘The Prime Minister was satisfied, after due consideration, that the report was substantially accurate; and that Hon. Castro had engaged in behavior inconsistent with the high standards of propriety to which the Prime Minister seeks to hold his ministers.’ Of course that stock phrase of ‘high standards’ is only the expected political spin because it is common knowledge t h a t q u i t e a f e w o f B a r r o w ’s ministers are engaged in highly (Continued on pg. 3)
Less than two months after a prison officer at the Hattieville Correctional Facility came under attack while driving on the Boom/ Hattieville road enroute to Belize City, (in which fellow prison officer,
Miriam Castillo was killed), on Tuesday night the facility itself came under attack...twice. The first assault came at around 10:30 pm when an unidentified vehicle (Continued on pg. 3)
At today’s sitting of the House there was the usual posturing by the Prime Minister of Belize who is employing inordinate high drama (even for him) in an attempt to distract Belizeans from the reality – which
is that his negligence and studied ignorance of the crises battering the stakeholders of the sugar industry resulted in the near collapse of one of the nation’s largest revenue earners. (Continued on pg. 3)
Prison Under Attack... Twice!
Mr. Barrow - Da Your Name Stink da Road!
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
2007 Isuzu NKR White 14’ Cab & Chasis 4 Door; 4X2, 2.8L Diesel 5 Speed Manual Transmission Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under The Prime Minister of Belize is the acknowledged grand-master Power Steering with 3 o f p o s t u r i n g , p o n t i f i c a t i o n , d r a m a tthe i c pCompanies r o s e a n d gAct, r a n dChapter g e s t u r e250 s . of the Laws of Belize, Re2007 Isuzu NKR BytheORdER ORdER OFmaster thE MORtgAgEE He is also acknowledged of MORtgAgEE deception and distraction, 2007 Isuzu NKR 2007 Isuzu . NKR gate bed By OF thE By ORdER thE MORtgAgEE vised Edition, 2000, andOF having its registered office at & Cor. waving his whimsical little wand to and fro until our version of White 14’ Cab Chasis White 14’hereby Cab Chasis White 14’ Cab & Chasis 2007 Isuzu NKR&gives ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE reality By is magically transformed intoAlbert the distorted fantasies his City, and Bishop Streets,ofBelize Belize, 4 Door; 4X2, 2.8L Diesel megalomania. This week the maestro exchanged his wand for a horn 4power Door;14’ Diesel 4 Door; 4X2, 2.8L Diesel Cabas2.8L &MortgagChasis notice of its intention to exercise itsWhite of4X2, sale and blew mightily upon it, a feat made possible by the prodigious 5Door; Speed4X2, Manual Transmission The vehicle may be viewed at 5 Speed Manual Transmission 5 Speed Manual Transmission under 4 2.8L Diesel a m oScotiabank u n t s o f h o t (Belize) a i r g e nLtd., e r a t e da Company o n d ee e munder a nduly d . Tahregistered i s w eof e kMortgage B e l i z e a nmade s Deed the 11th day of September, Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company Scotiabank duly registered (Belize) under Ltd., a Company duly registered under #169 BelTex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Bel Power Steering with 3 witnessed the debut of a dramatic series directed and produced by theOliver Companies Act, Chapter250 250guessed the Laws Belize, RePower with Power Steering with 3 Speed Manual Transmission 2008, between FELICIA AUGUSTINE of Steering Hopkins Village, Dean Barrow, starring…you it…Dean Oliver Barrow. the Companies Act, Chapter ofof the the Companies Laws ofofBelize, Act, Chapter Re250 of 5the Laws of. Belize, Re- 3 Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under gate bed vised registered O n TEdition, u e s d a y 2000, o f t h and i s whaving e e k , t its h eStann P r i mCreek e M office i District, n i s t e at r oCor. f B e l ione z e partPower of the and Scotiabank (Belize) .office atwith gate bed gate Steering Sealedbed bids. can be sent to Mr. T A Mendez vised Edition, 2000, and having registered Edition, office 2000, atresolution Cor. and having its registered Cor. 3 the Companies Act, conference Chapter 250toits ofvised the Laws of Belize, Reorchestrated a press announce that a to Albert andBishop Bishop Streets, BelizeCity, City,Belize, Belize, hereby gives Ltd. of theoffice other andinrecorded in Deeds Volume . hereby gate bedBook First Caribbean International Bank, Albert thevised sugar crisis had Streets, been reached. His acting skills were full City, Albert and Belize and Bishop hereby Streets, gives Belize Belize, gives 33 Edition, 2000, and having its Albert registered atpart Cor.
as1015 e ff enotice c t a s hofe its a p intention p e a r e d h utomexercise b l e , s o mits b epower r a n datof s ofolios bsale er w hMortgagi l e –p a1044; s s i n gand the said Scotiabank (Belize) of 2008 Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext. 107. notice of its intention to exercise its notice power of of its sale intention as Mortgagto exercise its power of salemay as be MortgagThe vehicle viewed at Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby h i m s e l f o ff a s t h e n e a r- d e i t y w h o s i n g l e - h a n d e d l y s ngives atched the The vehicle may be viewed vehicle may be viewed at ee iunder Deed Mortgage made the 11thgaatday day Ltd. will thecof expirtation of two months from the date ofBelama the at Phase The s u notice gee a r-under n dof u sits yintention from t h to e bexercise r i n k made o f its t hee epower g a11th p i nof p r eof i pSeptember, cMortgage e . I t w a s made a at arDeed ofofMortgage the under Deed ofiSeptember, the 11th day of September, #169 BelTex Avenue, 1, Belize City sale as Mortgag#169 BelTexmay Avenue, Belama Belize BelTex City Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Bel 2008,between between FELICIA ofHopkins Hopkins Village, The vehicle be viewed at Phase 1,#169 masterful performance. And AUGUSTINE just in case some people didn’t graspsell the first publication of this notice property described in the 2008, FELICIA AUGUSTINE 2008, between of FELICIA Village, AUGUSTINE of Hopkins Village, under a Deed Mortgage made the 11th day ofhis September, theeegreatness of theofman, the legend…he instructed press office #169 BelTex Belama 1, BelizeorCity Stann Creek District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Schedule hereto. Sealed bids Avenue, can be(Belize) sent to Mr.Phase T A Mendez Miss Amy A. Forte at to 2008, immediately put together a video ode to his brilliance which Stann Creek District, of the one part Stann and Scotiabank Creek District, (Belize) ofinthe one partSealed and Scotiabank between FELICIA AUGUSTINE of Hopkins Village, bids can be sent to Mr. T A Mendez Sealed or bids Miss can Amy be sent A. Forte to T A Mendez of the other part and recorded Deeds Book clipsLtd. of stakeholders heaping effusiveinthanks on Mr. Volume Barrow 33 were First Caribbean International Bank, Albert Street Branch, Belize City. Ltd. ofCreek the other partofandthe recorded Ltd. inand Deeds ofScotiabank thejust Book other Volume part and33recorded in Deeds Book Volume 33 Stann District, oneas part (Belize) First Caribbean International Bank, Albert First Caribbean Street Branch, International Belize City. Bank, Albert recorded and reproduced. And insurance, in the event that Sealed bids can be sent to Mr. T A Mendez or Miss Amy A. Forte at of 2008 at folios 1015 – 1044; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Time: 6:00 Am Sharp All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writTelephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext. 107. Belizeans missed televised conference the video ode, of 2008 at folios 1015 – 1044; and of the2008 saidand atScotiabank folios 1015 (Belize) – 1044; said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the otherthe part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 33 Mr.and the Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext.Albert 107. Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext. 107. First Caribbean International Bank, Street Branch, Belize City. Date: Saturday, Decembe Ltd.will willatatthe theexpirtation expirtation two months from theexpirtation dategave the Barrow composed great tributes to himself to he voice ing and full particulars of sale may Ltd. ofoftwo months Ltd. willfrom atwhich the the date ofofand the ofconditions two months from227-7211; the be dateobtained of the ext. 107. at folios 1015 – 1044; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Telephone 227-7212 in of the2008 House of Representatives on Thursday. Price: $20.00 first publication thisnotice notice sell theproperty property described inthat the from the saidthe Scotiabank (Belize) Ltdproperty described in the What the Prime Belize will not tell he first publication ofofMinister this sell the first publication described ofyou this the sell the Ltd. will at the expirtation ofoftwo months from date ofisinnotice the Leaving from Shell One Stop Gas h a d Schedule r e p e a t e d hereto. l y b e e n a d v i s e d b y t h e. O p p o s i t i o n P e o p l e ’s U n i t e d Schedule hereto. Schedule hereto. first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Party of the state of the sugar industry, but had neglected to give Central American Boulevard credence to these urgent requests for his attention. What the Prime Schedule hereto. Time: 6:00 Am Sharp Alloffers offers bepurchase madeininwritwritMinister will to notpurchase tell youthe is said that property when themust crisis reached breaking Time: Time: 6:00orAm Sharp fo All to purchase the said property All offers must to be made the said property must be made in 6:00 writ-Am Sharp Contact 227-6116 point he was clueless as to a solution, and it was the Leader of the 674-9958 Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2010 ing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2010 Date: Saturday, Decembe Opposition who advisedthe him about the ofbethe ing offers and full andsaid conditions ingseriousness and ofmust sale fullbemay particulars obtained and conditions of sale mayTime: be obtained Am Sharp All to particulars purchase property made in situation. writPrice:6:00 $20.00 from said Scotiabank What the the Prime Minister will(Belize) not tell Ltd you is that it was the Leader Price: Saturday, $20.00 December 4th, 2010Price: $20.00 Date: from thefull saidparticulars Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd (Belize) Ltd andcharge conditions ofthe saleasaid mayScotiabank be obtainedwhen of ing the and Opposition who took offrom finding real resolution Leaving from Shell One Stop Gas Station, Leaving Shell One Stop Gas Station, Leaving from Shell One Stop Gas ALL INTEREST INfrom ALL Price: $20.00 Mr. saidScotiabank that the best he could to THAT advanceLEASEHOLD the cane. .Barrow . do was from the said (Belize) Ltd Central American Boulevard farmers $1million dollars. License NoticesBoulevard Central American Central American THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 559 situate in Boulevard Leaving from Shell One Stop GasLiquor Station, . What the Prime Minister will not tell you is that it was the Patro Boulevard Hopkinsa Village, Stannmet Creek boundedAmerican as follows:Leader of the Opposition who put together team which withDistrict andCentral Contact 227-6116 or 674-9958 more Notice isfor herebvy giveninformation that ROBERTO solutio members of the Belize Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce Contact 227-6116 or 674-9958 Contact for more 227-6116 information 674-9958 fo CASTILLO is applying for a Shop or Liquor put an to find a way forward. The Prime Minister will not tell you that it License operatedinformation in Yo Creek Village, Contact forto bemore for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560;227-6116 or 674-9958 was this team which came up with aOn setthe of Northeast draft proposals agreed Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating t o b y t h e ALL b u s i nTHAT e s s s e cLEASEHOLD t o r, t h e U n iOn o nINTEREST a n dSoutheast t h e C hIN a ifor rALL m a90.00 n o f Feet t h e by Lot No. 530; the Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition ALL THATWalk LEASEHOLD INTEREST ALL THAT INthe ALL LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL Corozal and Orange branches which would see release of Liquor License Notices 1980. Liquor License Notices THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 559 situate in On the Southwest for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 553; theTHAT much piece needed Theland Prime will not tell inyou thatbeing LotLiquor License or funds. parcel of beingMinister THAT Lot No. piece 559orIN situate parcel of land No. 559 situateNotices in ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST ALL Patron Saint of those who hope for rapid these proposals wereStann sent Creek to himDistrict andOnthe terms were as in large part by a 40 Feet Road; Hopkins Village, and bounded follows:the Northwest forfollows:Patron Saint ofgiven thosethat who hope rapid Patro Liquor License Notice is hereby NARCISO UR- or Hopkins Village, Stannof Creek District bounded Village, as Stann CreekFeet District and bounded follows:Notice is herebvy given as thatNotices ROBERTO solutions to problems, who wishfor to avoid THAT piece land Lotand No. 559 situate in90.00 satisfactory to or theparcel SSB, BSI andbeing theHopkins Cane Farmers’ Association. San Ex Notice is herebvy given that ROBERTO Notice is herebvy given that ROBERTO solutions to problems, who wish to avoid or solutio BINA is applying forwho a Malt Cider CASTILLO is applying for a Shop Liquor putJR. an Saint end toofdelays, and whoand want general The Prime Minister will not tell you any of this because he Patron those hope for rapid sary Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as follows:CASTILLO is applying for a Shop Liquor CASTILLO is applying for a Shop Liquor put anLicense end to delays, andsuccess. whoat want general put anan Liquor tofinancial be operated “Crystal Fast License to be operated in Yo Creek Village, wants tothe beNortheast the star of his own little show. There were others fully Notice is herebvy given that ROBERTO solutions to problems, who wish to avoid or On for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560; Containing 1110.00 Square Yards of land shown on Entry No. to int License be operated Yo CreekIntoxicating Village, License to be operated insuccess. Yo Creek Walk Village, financial On theinNortheast 110.00 Feet byOnthe Lot theleader No. Northeast 560; fornation 110.00was Feet by LottoNo. 560; inunder Food”, Street, Town Orange Walk District engaged finding for a solution while of the CASTILLO isDistrict applying for athethe Shop Liquor put an#3 endProgress toDistrict delays, and Orange who want general by yo Orange Walk under Intoxicating Orange Walk under the Intoxicating Onthe theSoutheast Southeast for90.00 90.00 Feetever byOn Lot No. 530; 3556, Register atisthe Office ofLiquor theNo. Commissioner of Village, Liquor Licensing Ordiabsolutely clueless for but he won’t admit to that.No. That notFeet in byLicense Ordinance Revised Edition under the Intoxicating toLicensing be operated in Yo Creek financial success. On Feet by Lot the No. Southeast 530; for2 90.00 Lot 530; On the Northeast for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560; Feast Day: April 19 Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition nance Revised Edition his On script. 1980.Walk Feast Day:1980. April 19 theSouthwest Southwestfor for110.00 110.00Feet Feetby by the LotNo. No.553; 553; TOGETHER Orange District under Intoxicating Lands Surveys with buildings andtheerections May I 1980. 1980. OnIfthe the Southwest 110.00 by Lot No. 553; Mr.Southeast Barrow for were lessFeet of an arrogant fool the for news that Feet a Liquor On 90.00 by On LotLot No.and 530; Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition the na On the Northwest for 90.00 Feet by a 40 Feet Road; Our dear matyr and protector, Feast Day: April 19 standing and beingfor thereon. resolution was found for would be Feet welcome indeed without reservation, Notice isFeet herebyRoad; given that NARCISO UR1980. On the the Southwest Northwest 90.00 by On aLot 40 theNo. Feet Northwest Road; 90.00 Feet by a 40 Our dear matyr and protector, On for 110.00 Feet by 553; hereby given that URNotice hereby given that know NARCISO SanisExpedito, you who what isURnecesd e s p i t e h i s s i l l y p e c c a d i l l o e s . B u t f i n d i n g t h e m o n e y t o e n s u r e Notice BINAisJR. is applying for NARCISO a Malt and Cider San Expedito, you who know what isCider necesSanWhe Ex BINA JR. is applying for a Malt and Cider BINA JR. is applying for a Malt and sary and what is urgently needed, I beg you t h eOns uthe r v iNorthwest v a l o f t h efori n90.00 d u s t r yFeet w aby s nao40mFeet o r e tRoad; h a n M r. B a r r o w ’s Notice Our dearismatyr andneeded, protector, Liquor Licensegiven to be that operated at “Crystal Fast sary and ACTING EDITOR DESKTOP PUBLISHERis hereby NARCISO URwhat urgently I beg you sary Containing1110.00 1110.00 SquareYards Yards ofland landshown shown Entry No. placeanf Liquor License toE. be Alcoser operated at “Crystal Fast License toyou bewho operated atwhat “Crystal Fast DATED this1110.00 24th day ofNo. November, 2010. intercede before the Holy Trinity, that responsibility and obligation and certainly nothing crow about. SantotoExpedito, know is necesLucilo Lucilo E. Alcoser Food”, #3isshown Progress Street, Orange Walk Town Liquor Containing Square ofContaining onontoEntry Square Yards BINA of land on Entry No. JR. applying for a Malt and Cider intercede before the Orange Holywill Trinity, that to int home #3 Street, Orange Walk Town #3 Progress Street, Walk Town byand your grace my request be granted. The 3556, fact that the leader of the the Office nationofwas completely oblivious to Food”, sary what ismy urgently needed, Igranted. beg you Register No. 2 at the Commissioner of underLicense theProgress Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordi- Food”, Liquor to be operated at “Crystal Fast by your grace request will be by you 3556, No. 2Square atwhich the Yards Office 3556, the Commissioner Register 2 of atmonths the Office ofnance the Commissioner of Ordi- underto intercede newsp theRevised Intoxicating Liquor Licensing the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordi(State your petition). theContaining crisisRegister in the industry has been brewing many is under 1110.00 ofof land shownforonNo. Entry No. OFFICE SUPERVISOR TYPISTbefore thepetition). Holy Trinity, that Edition 1980. Food”, #3 Progress Street, Orange Walk Town (State your Landsand and Surveys TOGETHERwith withsecond buildings and erections nance Revised Edition 1980.erections nance Revised 1980. disturbing. In Surveys fact it isTOGETHER unacceptable. The most powerful I receive your blessings andgranted. favors. In Fay Castillo-Mckay Rachel Arana byMay your graceEdition my request will be Lands Lands buildings and Surveys and erections TOGETHER with 3556, Register No. 2 at the Office of the Commissioner ofresidesman under thebuildings Intoxicating and Liquor Licensing OrdiMay I name receive your blessings and favors. In May I in this country, the Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega in the of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. (State your petition). standing and being thereon. MUSA & BALDERAMOS nance Revised Edition 1980. the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. the na standing being thereon.was still standing and being thereon. Orange Walk and Mr. TOGETHER Barrow blindsided. The appointment Lands andand Surveys with buildings and erections PRINTING/PERSONNEL MayPrinted I receive& your blessings and favors. In Published By North Front Street of Manuel Esquivel to the Board of BSI is certainly no 91 assurance SUPERVISOR When San Expedito grants you request, theWhen nameSan of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. standing and being thereon. The Belize Times Expedito grantsLtd. youstatue request, When to anyone, since Mr. Esquivel has been the overseer of the finances Doreth Bevans place fresh flowers beside his in your DATED this 24th day of November, 2010. Belize City place fresh flowers beside his statue in your place f thisCity 24thCouncil day of November, DATED 2010. this 24th day of knows November, 2010. Street at DATED the Belize for a long time and everybody home#3 or Queen inExpedito the church. Place an ad in the When San grants you request, Attorneys-at-Law for home or in the church.506 Place an in name the home OFFICE ASSISTANT what the situation is there. BOX newspaper thanking him, sostatue thatadhis place freshP.O. flowers beside his inname your DATED this 24th day of November, 2010. Roberto Peyrefitte newspaper thanking him, so that his newsp So while little boy blue blows his horn, the industryScotiabank has been (Belize) Ltd. fame willBelize grow. City, home Belize or and in the church. PlaceR.M.E. an ad in the granted a very temporary reprieve and the future looks increasingly and fame will grow. R.M.E. newspaper thanking him, so that PRINTER Tel: 224-5757 his name MUSA & BALDERAMOS grim for those in the north caught in the grips of Mr. Barrow’s MUSA & BALDERAMOS MUSA & BALDERAMOS Oscar Obando and fame will grow. R.M.E. negligence, incompetence and arrogance who maintain that the Editor: 671-8385
Grand Excursion to
GrandExcursion ExcursiontotoChetumal Chetumal Grand Grand Excursion to Grand Excursion to Chetumal THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO
SanExpedito Expedito San San Expedito
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91 North Street leader is all about "Mucho ruido y pocas nueces." MUSA &Front BALDERAMOS
91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Castro Canned! (Continued from pg. 1)
nefarious activities. Mr. Barrow has never expressed any interest in examining the finances of his Minister of Works who has acquired astonishing wealth since coming to office, or even his Deputy Prime
scandal. So while the blatant and unabashed hypocrisy of the Prime Minister is a given, there is good news in that the day of reckoning for the arrogant, disgraceful and repulsive Castro has arrived. Today at the meeting of the House of Representatives the shamed Castro
was placed at the very farthest end of the back-bench like the leper he is. It is expected that all the details in Castro’s termination will come to light and when that happens it is also expected that public pressure will result in charges being brought against the former junior minister.
mechanism. That system was tested less than three hours later when the same vehicle, it is assumed, pulled up again in front of the gate and again there was an exchange of fire between prison personnel and the occupants of the
the prison administration to investigate the motive behind the attacks. Whether or not they were linked to the shooting of prison officer Ernest Savery, who was driving his car the night Castillo was shot and killed in his vehicle, is not known. Those
questions may never be answered, but what has sparked another concern among citizens is that any uprising at the Prison that could lead the breakout of the over 1,000 inmates into society is a very worrying thought. How authorities will reinforce the boundaries at the facility will be seen over the coming days and weeks.
which had severed financial ties with BSI in December. Although the press conference was held on Tuesday, apparently nobody made any moves to secure the waivers from those banks, or so the PM would have us believe. And so, he stated with a chuckle, when they called the banks today they then realized that it was the Thanksgiving weekend so those banks would be closed till Monday, ergo no money. That in itself is a very curious turn of events, since ING is a European
Bank and Thanksgiving is not observed in Europe. FCIB, the second bank operates throughout the West Indies so the situation is the same there. Did Mr. Barrow get caught in a blatant, boldfaced lie? It does seem so, doesn’t it? But because of the current situation Mr. Barrow’s deliberate duplicity is a cause for panic. After his confident claims earlier this week, why has he suddenly backtracked? For the cane-farmers in the north who have yet to receive their third payment the delay which Mr. Barrow now says is for an undetermined length of time spells
catastrophe since they have already been suffering personal hardships. For the season which has already been delayed one week in anticipation of money which was to come on Monday, the news is no better. The only thing that cane-farmers and stakeholders in the industry can hope right now is that Mr. Barrow is playing his usual role of drama queen and the money will be made available very soon. Any real delay will be a sentence of death for an industry already teetering on the edge of dissolution.
Minister who has been at the helm for what is considered the most corrupt period of the Ministry of Natural Resources. And there are others like the Minister of Immigration who has admitted to collusion in the latest Immigration
vehicle. Again no one was hurt, but the Prison Under Attack...Twice! two attacks in one night have caused (Continued from pg. 1) stopped in front of the iron gate and occupants from inside opened fire at the guard in the tower. An exchange of gunfire ensued and while no one was hurt, the attack did cause prison officials to review its defense
NO MONEY ON MONDAY! (Continued from pg. 1) There were also more than the usual retarded, moronic comments from the disgraced Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega who must feel like a royal jackass since he resides in Orange Walk and had no idea of what was happening in the industry. All that is par for this UDP led course, though and certainly not unexpected considering the events of the past few weeks! But perhaps the most important thing which came out of the mouth of our maximum leader is that fact that there will be NO MONEY for canefarmers or for BSI on Monday as he promised with such certainty during his press conference on Tuesday and on a video ode proclaiming the Prime Minister’s glory which has been aired ad nauseum on Channel 7. According to the commitment of Mr. Barrow, the money would have been made available to draw down on by Monday, but today almost nonchalantly the leader of the nation backtracked quite cagily on that commitment. You see, the Prime Minister claims that they needed waivers from ING and First Caribbean
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
‘Batty’ for hire… Late word reaching this columnist is that our Ambassador to Cuba, affectionately known in certain circles as ‘culo caliente,’ is seeking employment elsewhere. Apparently since this latest visa thing and the subsequent independent investigations into illegal documents being doled out at the Embassy in Cuba for hefty sums, things have gotten just a little bit too hot for the happy fellow. And not only that, but everybody’s been paying close
attention to all those properties being purchased in Benque spot cash by his family members, so that was a little unwelcome attention. ‘Batty’ Guerra is trying to use his connections and very close relationship with UDP Minister Erwin Contreras to be reassigned. But get this, because this is the funny part… he wants to keep his diplomatic status, but wants to be appointed as a Special Envoy to Guatemala and point person in the Belize/Guatemala negotiations. Hilarious! Didn’t he used to work in a pizza place in the US before he was named a UDP Ambassador? If Da Noh Soh! Philloughby & Fantasia… You remember when Roger ‘Fantasia’ Espejo was on television handing out food packages to residents in the wake of Hurricane Richard? How about the media-hungry intellectchallenged Philloughby who gestured like mad and looked busy every time the camera pointed his way? Did you get this warm feeling in your hearts at the thought of these two wonderful
young men working so selflessly for all of us? Well don’t! A source in City Hall tells us that immediately after the hurricane passed our way, both these fools submitted a whopping bill for overtime for work that they supposedly did during the hurricane. In addition, Philloughby demanded that the Council pay big money for damages to his vehicle allegedly suffered when city streets flooded. I guess these boys didn’t think that the thousands they receive each month for doing the sum total of NOTHING was enough. Oh Roger, I’m supposed to tell you that Carlos didn’t provide this info to us…. If Da Noh Soh! Free for all… You know that old phrase ‘monkey see…monkey do?’ Well, my old good buddy from Corozal Bay who I’m told loves this column because it is
The Belize Times
the most attention he ever gets (and he doesn’t understand the insults) has decided to follow in the footsteps of his bald boss. Guess he thinks that if he emulates the boss he can’t go wrong. Hmmm! So anyway since Dean got away with putting his dirty paws all over the Judiciary Naco thinks that it’s open season on members of the bench. Word from up north is that the son of a prominent UDP Corozal Bay executive member was recently caught with 30 pounds of cannabis and Naco decided to intervene in an attempt to get him
off. Well the Magistrate apparently wasn’t having any of that and refused to be influenced by the idiot electrician/ minister so he was promptly and without due notice put out to pasture way down in PG. What the hell? When did we get to this point? What part did the Chief Magistrate play in getting rid of this Magistrate because he wouldn’t bow down to the UDP northern politicos? And where is the damned Public Service Commission since this is totally against the standing orders of the Public Service? Oh wait…I forgot! This is the UDP we’re talking about… this is how they do business. If Da Noh Soh! Rectal thermometers… And since we’re on the subject of my favourite dodo-bird, I’d like to ask him about the procedures for promotion under his watch. See, there’s a story about this male masseuse at the hospital who gave Naco a backrub and was promoted to Auxiliary Norse the very next day. Turns out that this guy is a complete dud who can’t even take patients’ blood pressure and temperature properly and now everybody wants to know what’s up! One staff member at the hospital claims that maybe the guy can’t deal with the thermometer applied under the armpit but he can sure use the one inserted rectally. Ouch Naco…is that what you’ve come to buddy? Could you clear this one up for us because I’d hate for people to be spreading these nasty rumours about you? If Da Noh Soh! Cut-eye contest… And speaking about people spreading nasty rumours, I understand that there was a ground-breaking ceremony at the Corozal Hospital the other day and my buddy the mayor wasn’t invited. Guess the invitation was lost in the mail. But anyway, since their bald-headed boss was there as the guest of honour ‘Casino’ Campos showed up anyway since a suck-up session is in effect in Corozal Bay. I hear it was a regular riot, cause Naco was on Dean O’s right and the mayor was on Dean O’s left and both of them were jostling for his attention. And it got even funnier when Naco got up to read his speech which was written
for him by staff at the Ministry of Health (writing at a Standard III level of course). The Mayor started cutting his eye at Naco and Naco was cutting his eye right back and started fumbling and stuttering and stumbling on his speech. Jeez, these guys are a regular Tweedledum and Tweedledumber…If Da Noh Soh! Poor Nemencio… I can’t end this week without offering a sincere and heartfelt apology to Nemencio Acosta for writing about him in this very column last week. See, I didn’t get the full story or I would have been a lot more sympathetic. I thought him being found naked on the side of the road in Patchakan covered in vomit and other unmentionable stuff was just another drunken episode and hey, we all have those, right rum buddy? I don’t really go for the naked sleeping on the road thing but to each his own I guess. Anyway, reports
paid out for contracts for work which was never carried out? Enquiring minds want to know…what is Castro’s stance on sexual relations with underage girls? Enquiring minds want to know…is it true that there is a discreet investigation now being done into the state of Castro’s finances and all the companies opened by he and his wife in the past couple years? And enquiring minds want to know…is it true that the Prime Minister has given his okay for criminal charges to be brought against his former junior minister if evidence of sexual or financial misconduct is found? If Da Noh Soh! Boring… My friend the fat, drunken, bald (hold up let me check the Guardian for the rest) homeless, domestic abusive former editor asked me to let you guys know that he’d be happy to offer his writing services for the Then & Now column next week cause you guys suck major ass (his words, not mine…and Fonso it’s just a slang, not a description of your actions). Really now, I would have thought that some of the CEOs’ (both CEOs) intellects would have ‘rubbed’ off on the fat, hairy Senator and she would have thrown some good stuff in there. I mean really…writing about how when he was a boy he used
now circulating indicate that poor Nemencio may have been the victim of a, shall we say, ‘violation’ which in his drunken stupor. I don’t care to go into any more details because it is a sad, sad thing. If it is true, then this man deserves our support and we need to be there for him during this difficult time (unless it was consensual and he enjoyed it which is a horse of a totally different colour)….If Da Noh Soh! Enquiring minds… There are so many damned questions being asked by us regular Belizean folk each week that we decided to feature some of them in this column. This week ‘Clear Your Desk’ Castro is of course the center of attention, so here goes. Enquiring minds want to know…is Castro’s termination connected in any way to rumours of $2million dollars missing at the Ministry of Works, allegedly
to bang hooky from school and play pool…WTF! I think you guys should take him up on his offer, especially since he says to tell big hairy that she doesn’t even have him out of her recent windfall (yes we do know about that). He’ll do it for free. What a great guy with a big rum-soaked just gotta love that fat, bald, drunken, homeless, domestic abusive (is that even a term?) former editor…If Da Noh Soh!
It’s been days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away. How much longer must we wait for a new bridge, Mr. Prime Minister?
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
It’s Your Job…Stupid!
By: Mike Rudon Jr. Could somebody please slap that arrogant fool upside his head and remind him that this is actually his job and he’s supposed to be helping people? I’m not too sure that Dean Oliver understands this concept of doing things to better the lives of the people. In fact, I’m pretty sure that he thinks that travelling the world with his wife, dressing up fancy for the cocktail circuit and giving pretty speeches at grand luncheons just about fulfill all his obligations as Prime Minister. He’s damned good at all that for sure. And could somebody please tell that pompous jerk to get over himself and quit all the posturing and pontificating. The damned man takes fifteen minutes to say something which would take anybody else five minutes. It’s ludicrous. If I had to sit and listen to him for any length of time I’d be torn between leaping to my feet in spontaneous ovation for his dramatic acting skills or shouting ‘get to the damned point, why don’t you!’ Jeez. And for the love of God, would somebody, anybody, please tell the Prime Minister that the ode to his greatness which was composed by his press secretar y and press office is odious and nauseating? Lawd almighty that was so much more than masturbation… that was like masturbation while r ubbing his head with extra virgin olive oil, feeding him grapes and whispering sweet nothings in his
ear. I wanted to puke. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s a bunch of clips of people thanking Dean for his inter vention in the sugar crisis…if you have a low tolerance for bullshit, don’t watch it. The fact is that Dean Oliver did nothing more than what he was supposed to do from the ver y beginning, and took a month to do it. Thank him for what? The man gets paid handsomely and gets spectacular perks to do a job…end of stor y. What he did was nothing more than that. I feel that ever ybody was so effusive in their gratitude because it is the first time that the prime minister has done anything positive for anybody not related to him. What makes his inter vention so noteworthy is the fact that for the nearly three years of his ter m he has done nothing.
The man has been a dud…a rich, Ar mani and Gucci clad dud but a rose by any other name… The tr uth of the matter is that far from what the odious ode to his brilliance would have us believe, Dean Oliver deser ves to be flog ged for his reticence and criminal negligence of one of our most critical industries. This crisis didn’t happen overnight. This has been building up over a shitload of overnights. But Dean Oliver didn’t give a damn. It didn’t matter to him. He couldn’t have cared less about this industr y upon which 50,000 Belizeans in the north depend for their bread and butter. It is unacceptable for the Prime Minister in recent days to say that he had no idea things were this bad. Good God, the industr y was at the point of complete and utter collapse and the leader of the nation had no idea. But if I had my way, Dean O wouldn’t suffer the flog ging on his own. The retarded (sorr y Kim) fellow from Orange Walk who says he is the Deputy Prime Minister should get his dose as well. Then there’s the Minister of Agriculture who works tirelessly to pad his own fortunes but doesn’t really know what’s going on in sugar. Of course we can’t leave out the poor fool Nemencio Acosta who is supposed to be the liaison between GOB and the sugar industr y. Hell, we can throw in all the UDP reps from the north cause they had to know things
were ver y wrong. They should all be flog ged. But instead they’re all standing there patting themselves on the back and telling each other that they’re hot shits…bunch of idiots. So yeah Dean Oliver, you won’t get any thanks here. Not that we’re a thankless bunch…far from it. But neither you nor your sorr y bunch deser ves praise for anything that has happened recently. Under the UDP…under this prime minister who had no clue the sugar industr y could have been destroyed and ver y nearly was. After many months of escalating crises which were all ignored by Mr. Barrow, he has now been forced to do what he should have done all along…inter vene and tr y to find a solution. And now he feels that we should all bow in reverence and kiss his corn-riddled feet in gratitude for his doing his job. Get a life, boss… that ain’t gonna happen!
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
UDP Politics as usual
Little boy blue… Dean Oliver does make some pretty music on his horn, doesn’t he? But that’s not surprising, since that fellow does generate an inordinate amount of hot air. Right about now, true to form, our beloved (not) prime minister is no doubt blowing his own horn in the House of Representatives, patting his own back for his role in the resolution of the sugar cane crisis. But nothing could be further from the truth. See, what these last few weeks confirmed for us is that as a leader of the nation Dean O is a dud. Can you imagine that the leader of the nation would have no idea that one of the country’s largest industries, the lifeblood of 50,000 Belizeans was in dire straits and on the brink of real collapse? And that his Deputy Prime Minister who actually lives in Orange Walk had no clue about the situation in the industry? Nope…far from enhancing the image of Dean O and crew, this sugar thing does much more to reveal their tattered drawers. Give it a break… But after all the pontificating and posturing and gesticulating and grand drama which we have come to associate with Dean Oliver, there is good news. For sure not what is proclaimed in the Guardian’s headlines – GOB Saves Sugar Industry – but that there is a resolution to the immediate crisis. Thanks to the efforts of the Leader of the Opposition, members of the Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the Cane Farmers’ Association and BSI who formulated a set of draft proposals and a way forward for GOB, monies were located to ensure that there would be a crop season this year. Dean Oliver will never name the other partners in the resolution of this crisis, but their work has not gone in vain. Dean Oliver needs to get real and give all the drama a break… Nauseating…
I mean, how wrong is it when the prime minister will instruct his press office to create a video ad thanking and praising him for resolving the issue? God that was sick! Has to be the most narcissistic display of bullshit this poor columnist has ever witnessed. But hey, the truth is that Dean O obviously felt the need to spin this debacle into something positive. After all, this is just about the only positive thing the man has done since coming into office almost three years ago. Wow, everybody must be saying, the prime minister is alive and not just a face circulated in foreign newspapers every couple weeks when he makes the cocktail circuit with his wife. Yuck Dean, the ad was truly in bad taste, buddy. Even more so since taxpayer dollars will be used to pay the hefty bill for airing it. Castro Canned… There are a lot of reports circulating after Minister of State in the Ministry of Works was fired by the Prime Minister this week. The release issued by the PM’s office makes reference to unbecoming conduct, but it has to be much more than that, since Castro has been behaving in that fashion since appointed to the Cabinet. One of the local media houses reported that he has been accused of scamming a Belizean-American woman out of money for property which was never delivered. But it can’t be only that, since Castro has been doing that for a long time. Then there are reports that the incident which broke the camel’s back involved four SUVs crammed with contraband which he tried to get through Customs up north. Possible, I guess, but Castro has been doing that for a long time now. Remember his official vehicle was once stopped with a load of contraband? Then there are also reports of sexual misconduct, but hell, everybody knows that is Castro’s modus operandi… So what exactly happened? Was it one of the above or all of the above? So far the PM
isn’t saying and Castro is pretending nonchalance, but like everything else that is in the dark, sooner or later it will come to light. They’ve gotta go… So what’s new? The City Council is embroiled in another garbage crisis and workers of the sanitation company had to launch a protest in front of City Hall. This is like Déjà vu all over again. Oh, and there is also this problem of the streets which are in a royal mess… the Council has no money to deal with those and every street in the city is liberally pockmarked with craters. Yeah, and there’s that little issue with drains which remain filthy and clogged and grass which is growing out of control and parks and playgrounds which are neglected and dilapidated. Actually I’ve been trying to figure out if the City Council under the leadership of the pseudo-mayor can claim even one achievement of their very own since taking over municipal administration in 2006. You know what is true? They can’t. They tried to pave Albert and Regent Street and after a year they had to give up and the Ministry of Works had to take over. And that’s it. Nothing else in over 4 years of UDP administration but scandal upon scandal, bankruptcy, internal bickering, mismanagement, missing monies, under-depositing and ABSOLUTELY NO WORK. So can somebody please remind me why we pay the Mayor an alleged $9000 every month and Councilors almost $4000 every month? All the Councilors have full time jobs and haven’t done anything with their portfolios. The only time they even report to City Hall is to collect their checks. Something has to be done in a hurry…
The Immigration thing… It’s been over a month since three planes landed at the Phillip Goldson International Airport in the dead of night and their illicit cargoes departed for locations north of the border. Since then an independent investigation has revealed that under the UDP this has been happening a great deal. In fact, since then the Minister of Immigration has gone on record to say that he has actually authorized the passage of some of these illegals through Belize. That Minister of Immigration claims that corruption is so rampant in the Ministry that sometimes he just wants to cry but you know what is true? This one is going to be swept under the rug. Dean Oliver has decreed that the six junior immigration officers were the masterminds behind the operation and that is the end of that. Within the next couple weeks there will probably be another scandal and this thing is going to be forgotten. That is the way Dean Oliver runs things in his administration. Value for money… Four more murders in the past week added to all the shootings and robberies and burglaries and assaults and the Minister of Police has gone mute. The last time he opened his mouth he made a mess of the drug thing. He claimed that authorities knew exactly where the plane landed and the Independence Police Formation was only 20 minutes away, but then he could not explain how the 80 bales of cocaine was offloaded and stashed some ten miles away from the plane by the time Police got to the scene. Anyway, but that’s something else. Doug Singh needs to do something about crime. He’s being paid the big bucks to do something, anything, and so far we’ve gotten zilch for our money. Where the hell is Operation Restore Belize? Oh yeah, last week they issued a bogus bullshit release claiming credit for hurricane relief efforts. We don’t want to hear that. We don’t want to hear anything else, actually. We want to see safe zones. We want to see increased patrols and more personnel on the streets. We want to see criminals prosecuted successfully and put behind bars. We want to see safer streets. Seriously, Doug Singh needs to go home and stop wasting taxpayers’ dollars which could be much better spent giving jobs to some of our at-risk youths or funding feeding programs in some of our schools. That would be much better value for our money than what we’re getting now. For sure!
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Address to the Caribbean Student Association at Binghamton University November 18, 2010 Rt. by Hon. Said Musa
What Caribbean It is a pleasure to be here as a guest of the Caribbean Student Association at this prestigious University of Binghamton, New York. Let us begin by asking ourselves what do we mean by Caribbean? Since when has that sea – surrounded by the Antilles, Central America and part of the North Coast of South America – been called the Caribbean? When did the name Caribbean move from the sea to the imprecise geography of some or all the land masses surrounding it? As a name for a geographical region, the Caribbean is a 20th Century invention. That invention comes about precisely as a result of our region’s transition from European to U.S. hegemony. Historically, the Europeans gave the name “Caribs” to those natives who resisted the conquest of their ancestral lands in the Antilles. Ironically when the Caribs, by then mixed with Africans, had been reduced to reservations in Martinique and Dominica or had been exiled from St. Vincent by the British to Roatan, Honduras and later British Honduras (now Belize) they became immortalized when the sea they had mastered was baptized with their name. Today we can speak of at least four Caribbeans. There is the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) made up of 15 member states all former colonies of Britain except Haiti (French) and Suriname (Dutch) – sometimes called the West Indies. This grouping includes the mainland countries of Belize and Guyana. Then there is the geo-political Caribbean which refers to all the islands in the Caribbean including Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. It also includes Central America down to Panama. The emphasis here is on the region where most of the U.S. military interventions took place. The third definition could be called the Greater Caribbean (or Caribbean Basin countries). To the previous Caribbeans this one adds Venezuela, portions of Colombia and Mexico. This is the Caribbean as an ethno-historic zone comprising the islands, the adjacent coastal communities in Central and South America sharing a similar history, culture and ethnicity. The fourth and most recent is the idea of Caribbean as a transnational community that embraces the Caribbean diaspora. Professor Norman Girvan a well known economist who served as Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States has stated that “the notion of Caribbean has been and is being continuously re-defined and re-interpreted in response to external influences and to internal currents…the Caribbean is not only multi-lingual, it has become transnational.” Figures I have seen suggest that in the United States there are at least 3 million people of self-declared Caribbean origin or ethnicity. There are also about a million in Canada and Britain. The ambiguity in accepting Caribbean people in the US as Afro-American can be explained in part by the fact that Caribbean people are much more than that. Orlando Patterson, Professor of Sociology at Harvard University is an internationally recognized scholar who has written extensively on slavery in the Caribbean and race relations in the USA. Professor Patterson previously taught at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. According to Patterson, the Caribbean has produced a culture of migration like no other in the world. From the migration to Central America during the 19th Century when Jamaicans and other Caribbean workers were the core of the labour force that dug the Panama Canal to the recent waves to
the US in the mid-sixties, the migration is still in progress. What We Are Up Against The strategic importance of the Caribbean to the United States and Europe has declined in recent years. This is a reflection of the fact that the region is no longer a supplier of critical raw materials. Our traditional exportssugar, bananas and bauxite are no longer vital to the US and Europe. All of these are readily available from other regions and in the case of sugar and bananas at lower prices. This decline in strategic importance has resulted in the loss of preferential bilateral trade arrangements and reduced foreign aid to the region. Recall that at the height of the cold war, the region enjoyed programmes like the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) designed to support trade and investment. Our agricultural exports (sugar, bananas, rice, citrus and marine products) achieved increased foreign exchange earnings; bauxite, petroleum and natural gas generated growing employment and income; the services sector (tourism, offshore finance and educational institutions) expanded in significant ways. But with the end of the cold war, official capital flows to the region fell dramatically. And the uneven globalization that followed, has accentuated the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. According to UNDP data, the disparity between the richest and the poorest countries which was 44 to 1 in 1973, by the year 2003 it was closer to 80 to 1. Today one can be forgiven for thinking that as far as the US Government is concerned the relevance of the Caribbean and the only real point of convergence (with Cuba as the exception) is the battle against illegal drugs and associated international criminal activities. Richard Bernal a former Ambassador of Jamaica to Washington has described our situation in stark cynical language: “The English speaking Caribbean is too democratic, too stable and not big or poor enough.” Part of the crisis in the Caribbean he said is intellectual. “Too many academics and policymakers are caught in a time warp using old paradigms and traditional policies to deal with difficult new problems in a changed reality. This attempt to put new wine in old bottles is doomed to fail and the theology of orthodoxy must be challenged.” V.S. Naipaul a Nobel Prize writer originally from the Caribbean, in the introduction to his novel “A Bend in the River” was somewhat more brutally frank:” The world is what it is, men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing have no place in it.” What is to be done: First things first: We must get our own house in order. After decades of political independence, the State cannot retreat as a force for good in Caribbean development. It must reform its way of governance and its way of doing business. Government must build new strategic alliances with the private sector, the NGOs and all the institutions of civil society to create a new Caribbean. It would be tragic if we were to be beguiled by the magic of the market place. A market is not an institution unto itself governed by invisible forces of demand and supply. But neither is governmentcontrol the path to liberation of a people. Like in most things in life, sustainable development that benefits the majorities must strike a balance; a balance that does not stifle creativity, innovativeness and the entrepreneurial spirit while at the same time holding in check the unbridled application of the forces of liberalization. Pseudo-nationalism is as dangerous as
unbridled corporatism. As Prime Minister, I saw the need for our government to focus its energies and its resources on the security and safety of its citizens; on ensuring quality, affordable and relevant education for our children and young people; on providing universal good health care for all; and on creating the necessary stimulating environment for investment in order to generate gainful employment and decent, productive livelihoods for our people. No nation big or small can stand in splendid isolation from the new forces of globalization. The strategic dimension of the new forces of globalization is the technological one; advances in science, revolutions in information, communication and transportation. Knowledge based, skill intensive, service-oriented production possibilities can be readily exploited by all societies that develop human capital and the institutional capacity required to master the use of information and new technologies. As individual nations we cannot by ourselves create the necessary synergies to create globally competitive enterprises. CARICOM alone cannot do it. We must widen our strategic alliances with Central and Latin America and yes with Asia (India, China/Taiwan, Japan) and Africa. Let us look as well to the significant economic opportunities that the Caribbean diaspora in North America and Britain offers. We are living in a postnational world. Many are the outstanding Caribbean men and women who have made their mark in the world at large. The Caribbean has produced a formidable line of committed intellectuals, gifted writers, artists, scientists and athletes. One could mention CLR James, George Beckford, George Lamming, Lloyd Best, Walter Rodney, Aimé Césaire, Franz Fanon, Jose Marti, Rex Nettleford, Derek Walcott, Martin Carter. Famous descendants of the Caribbean include General Colin Powell of Jamaica, Marion Jones of Belize, Marcos Garvey the politician and Claude McKay a leading light in the Harlem Renaissance. Belize has also produced the outstanding astro-physicist Dr. Arlie Petters now at Duke University. And the list goes on. Lest I digress, let us return to the opportunity offered by our closeness to America. As the American population ages, the need for quality health care, nursing homes and other services to the aged increases. There continues to be a desperate shortage of qualified workers especially nurses. We already have the ideal location to offer nature at its best for our tourists. Why not extend this vision to include quality health care and fitness tourism as well as sports-tourism. Or we can take advantage of the migration of our people by starting to think in terms of training people to work in North America. In an earlier time such a view would be construed as encouraging a brain drain. But other countries like India do not complain. Why? Because they have quietly discovered that the remittances sent home by its graduates not only paid for their education but constituted a not insignificant source of foreign exchange. Instead of complaining about the nurses leaving I suggest we follow their lead and start turning out more nurses enough to supply both local demand and that of America. The same argument can be made in other fields of human endeavour, music and the arts being obvious examples. Who can doubt that the Caribbean in relation to its small population and somewhat insignificant economic and military might has been disproportionately blessed by the fruits of our extraordinary range of creative men and women.
One of the interesting things about Caribbean people is the way ordinary folks have tended to act ahead of their leaders in coming to terms with the changing times. Conclusion It is evident that the real challenges facing the Caribbean in the new millennium demands an effective response to the threat of being marginalized by the current dominant approach to globalization and economic liberalization lacking in human solidarity. The people of the Caribbean have survived in the face of the triple imposition of slavery, indenture and colonialism. The history of our indigenous people has been marked by periods of extermination and genocide. Resistance and survival has been the narrative of the Caribbean reality. The collective genius of our people who over time have survived suffering and who worked to build their nation from a colonial plantation society is today shamed and squandered by the obscenities of crime and violence, a debilitating poverty and chronic unemployment. But we will not lose hope. There is an old proverb which says that it is only when the night sky is at its darkest that we can see so many stars. We of the present generation have what the late Professor Rex Nettleford of the University of the West Indies said “an historic responsibility to continue to contribute to the creation of a global civilization that is more humane in nature – a civilization that justly celebrates the triumph of technology but which at the same time attaches greater importance to the needs of human beings served rather than driven by technology, a civilization that is more concerned with social equity than with profits and which also creates an environment that encourages, fosters and facilitates the creativity and flowering of the human spirit.” I could not have said it any better. During my tenure as Prime Minister of Belize I did not always get it right, but I always strived to do what was right and just for the Belizean people. I would like to close my presentation today by quoting from an address I gave back in December 2003 to the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, London: “Our future lies, in short, in escaping from the trap of poverty. The persistence of underdevelopment, which is of course the denial of social and economic rights, is the major challenge faced by our countries.” As to how we confront this challenge? “We must empower people to have a real say in decisions affecting their lives. Education and capacity building is the key to achieving this goal and this is possible only if advances in science and technology – in agriculture, aquaculture, medicine, informatics, security are transferred more freely across the globe…” I said “there is a need to instill in people, especially in our youth, but also critically in the corporate sector, a stronger sense of community and responsibility to our fellow men and women and children. People must be put before profits, justice before greed.” The National Anthem of Belize proclaims: “Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold.” I believe this is true for the entire Caribbean. Each country is rich but the people are poor. When however we can integrate and consolidate the resources and full potential of the wider region into a single market and economy, taking full account of the special and differential needs of each, that will be the day when the peoples of the Greater Caribbean will be able truly to share in the bounty of the sea and land we call the Caribbean.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Drugs FINALLY Destroyed‌
The cocaine that weighed 2, 604 kilos which made a public spectacle almost every day since it was intercepted 2 Saturdays ago hardly made it past a squeak when it was destroyed in Orange Walk on Monday. The packages made their way from Belize City to Tower Hill in a fast-moving convoy accompanied by heavily armed Police and Belize Defense Force soldiers from as early as 5:00am. The drugs worth around $140 M was destroyed in the incinerator at Tower Hill. The tons of white powder neatly contained in packages of 2.2 pounds each, all bearing the scorpion insignia of drugs hailing from Colombia were stacked high and placed one by one on two pieces of flat board for an officer from the Anti Drug Unit to hack them in half before they were thrown into the fire. All this happened in the presence of a chemist, a magistrate, a Justice of the Peace and a senior police officer. The convoy from Belize City to Orange Walk was not publicized like its first transfer from the Southern Highway, where it was intercepted, to Belize City's Raccoon Street Police Station. A total of 12 vehicles, all of them with heavily armed officers, sped into the old capital then. For the period during which the Raccoon Street Police Station was home to the expensive drugs, Raccoon Street from its junction with Dolphin to
Homeless Man Gunned Down
We do not have a picture of Michael Morgan, a homeless man who was gunned down on Dean Street, but his was a face popular to many because he was a street person. Morgan was shot dead last Friday afternoon as the nation prepared to enter a long holiday weekend for Garifuna Settement Day celebrations. Someone approached Morgan as he combed through a garbage dump located near the former Payless Shoe Store shortly before one o'clock Friday afternoon. The gunman, who rode up close to him, unleashed a barrage of bullets, three of which hit Morgan, one in the side of his head, and two in his upper body. He died before reaching the Emergency Room at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. Up to now, Police are yet to establish a motive for the killing. Although he was a frequent sight on the street, Morgan did have a place to call home and was not detached from his family. His brother, Daniel Morgan, said he always took items he found to share with them. And even though Morgan was a street man, he was not a trouble-maker by his brother's account. The family is now relying on the Police to solve this mystery murder as they prepare for a funeral for a man they say was kind and humble.
Curassow Streets was closed to vehicular traffic. While there, a total of 68 officers, 50 of whom were armed BDF soldiers‌and 18 police officers guarded the 2.6 tons of drugs round-the-clock in shifts, with the number of officers remaining the same throughout. Six officers assigned to the Police Department are on remand at the Hattieville Prison pending trial for the cargo that was intercepted near the Bladen Reserve. Police say they found a single bullet inside the vehicle they occupied when they were arrested. Further charges are still pending.
The Belize Times
Neisa Pipersburgh's Uncle Shot Dead
Michael Morgan's murder was not the only one leading into the holiday. Just 15 minutes after his murder, George Pipersburgh was gunned down. He was shot to the face as he rode on Duck Lane near its junction with Water Lane. Pipersburgh was also approached and shot at close range by someone who pulled the trigger once and left him lying face up over his bicycle in a pool of his own blood. As in the previous homicide, Police have not established any motive for the killing and were looking for a couple persons of interest. Most people will remember Pipersburgh as the man who was knocked out of the back of a pickup truck in front of a dirt road on the Western Highway at mile six. He was the uncle of Neisa Pipersburgh, 19, the Pallotti graduate whose decomposing corpse was discovered on Saturday, June 21, 2010. Pipersburgh was flung out of the pickup when a
bus belonging to Shaw's Bus Company travelling towards Belize City slammed into the rear of the pickup, which had stalled in the middle of the road as it drove out of the dirt road where the body of Neisa Pipersburgh was found. Pipersburgh was rendered unconscious in that incident, but recovered. It is not known if his murder is connected to that incident. As if Pipersburgh's murder had not had a bloody effect on the Garifuna Settlement Day weekend, the weekend would still see a third murder, albeit after the holiday. At around six on Monday morning Independence Police were called out to an area in Bella Vista Village where they discovered the body of Honduran labourer, Juan Uritia Cardona, 56. Cardona's killer had apparently accosted him with a machete and inflicted chop wounds to his head and right arm. As is normally the case, a motive and suspect are yet to be revealed.
BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the18th day of December, 1995, between MICHAEL CASIMIRO of 39 Fonseca Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in the Land Charges Register (Legal Charges) Vol. 24 at Folio 6, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land comprising 0.138 acres and forming part of the property known as Otro Benque situate in Orange Walk Town and numbered Lot No. 254 on a plan made by H.C. Fairweather, Chartered Land Surveyor and dated 18th August, 1980 Entry No. 146 and Register No. 1 a copy of which is attached hereto TOGETHER with all buildings and erections thereon. (Property now declared under Registration Sectionof Orange Walk Town - Parcel 252).
City Council in Garbage, Street and Market Crises
It has become clear to Belize to BWC. While the Council still City residents and everyone who owes $210,000, the payment has at ventures into the old capital that this least relieved the city of its filthy current City Council cannot meet appearance with the garbage strewn the needs of the 70,000 residents all over. and its visitors. One quick walk But while the Council figures (because a drive would take longer out how it will pull itself out of its due toBY the state of the streets) would mounting garbage woes, it finds ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE lead anyone to conclude that the itself in another predicament. Just broke and impotent Council does this week amid much fanfare, Mayor not have the wherewithal to fix the Zenaida Moya Flowers appeared for condition of the(Belize) deplorable streets the opening of the newly reopened Scotiabank Ltd., a company duly registered under northe payCompanies for the garbage to be picked Queen Square Market, namely Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Re- the up in a timely fashion. newly renamed Michael Finnegan vised 2000,Belize and having registered office at at Cor. OnlyEdition, this week City its Market. And although first sight Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives residents and tourists alike had the facility is pleasant to the eye, to notice wake up to streets littered with already theofworried of its intention to exercise its power sale as vendors Mort- have garbage stacked high. The problem expressed their frustration at even gagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 24th day of June, is that City Hall and its Financial higher rental fees and a newly 2008, between ROMERO and EVITA ROMERO Controller, Patrick OSCAR Tillett, could not introduced trade license fee. These bothupof Maurice Bishop Belama Phase 2, Be-down cough the#312 money it has owed the Street, new fees can only be passed Belize WasteBelize Control for the Belize, past toofthe which that the lize City, District, thepublic, one part, andmeans Scotia12bank weeks.(Belize) The company's Manager, price of your fresh fruits, meats Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument George Lamb, said during a protest and vegetables that you once could No.hisLRS-200804948, and theinsaid Scotiabank Ltd. that employees conducted afford will now (Belize) soar. will of at the of two on months from the datebuilt of the front Cityexpiration Hall's offices The market, outfirst of $1.3 Tuesday that heofwas havetheM provided by the Caribbean publication thisgoing noticetosell property described in the to schedule send his workers hereto. home because Development Bank, was overseen he had used up all the cash he had by the Social Investment Fund, but in the hope that by now the Council the size of the stalls have also been All offers to purchase said be made in writwould have come up with the some of property another must concern for the vendors, theing outstanding fees to keep the who must nowmay ram all produce and full particulars and conditions of sale be their obtained business going. workers, (Belize) hell- into a small area in order to avoid from the said The Scotiabank Ltd. bent on standing up for their rights, paying double the fees. And while promised that if their boss had not the vendors, the sanitation workers DATED 12th ofthey November, collected anythis money by day today, and the 2010. residents have to tolerate would return to the street in protest, the growing problems, it will only demanding their salaries. be until the next round of elections. The threats seemed to have What's interesting to note is that MUSA & BALDERAMOS fallen on the right sets of ears while the Government and City Hall because by today, by some magic, Front say they're broke, they always seem 91 North Street someone got up off some cash to know where their full salaries Belize Citywill come from. and cut a cheque worth $90,000
Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Grand San Andres Fiesta 2010 Saturday and Sunday 27th and 28th November 2010
DATED this 10th day of November, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Venue: San Andres Village Football Field & Community Center Corozal District
Saturday 27th November 2010: • • • • • • • •
Under 13 years bicycle race (Xaibe to San Andres) Football Mundialito game Company Booth eg: Smart Promotion Food Stalls Contact #663-7230 Mechanical rides Beer drinking contest (Male) Official ceremonies and Cultural Presentation Massive Dance with the Gilharry 7 Band only $10 for
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Chinese Restaurateur and Nephews Remanded
Guatemalan Fined $10,000 for Drug Trafficking
Jin Rong Wang Zi Quan Tan
BELIZE CITY, Wed. Nov. 24, 2010 Zi Quan Tan, 48, the owner of a restaurant at #107 Cemetery Road and two of his nephews, Jin Rong Wang, 22 and his brother, Jin Hau Wang, 20, were charged with keeping ammunition without a gun license when they appeared in the #2 Magistrate’s Court on Monday, November 22. They pled not guilty to the charge. Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser explained to them that the Court could not offer them bail because of the nature of the offence. She remanded them into custody until December 21. The incident occurred at around 6:45am on Saturday, November 20. The Police, acting on information received, went to #3 Lakeview Street, the residence and business place of the Wang brothers and executed a search warrant. The Police reported that when they searched the bathroom they found
Dixie Wagner
Jin Hau Wang
an Aguila brand 16 gauge cartridge on a shelf. At the time Tan and his nephew were at the premises. None of them was able to produce a license for the ammunition so they were taken into custody and charged. The cartridge was labeled as exhibit. According to a report, one of the Wang brothers said he found the cartridge on the street and kept it as a souvenir.
BELIZE CITY, Wed. No. 24, 2010 Guatemalan national Dixie Wagner charged with drug trafficking for 440 grams of cannabis, was found guilty of the charge yesterday in the #7 M a g i s t r a t e ’s C o u r t . B e c a u s e he had no previous conviction for drug trafficking or drug possession, Magistrate Aretha Ford chose to only fine him instead of giving him a custodial sentence as well. She fined him $10,000 and ordered him to pay by February 28, 2011. If he defaults on payment he will serve 2 years. In addition Wagner was made to sign a bond ensuring that he will
pay $250 per month until the fine is paid. The incident occurred on M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 0 . Wa g n e r, w h o resides at #16 Lavender Street, was riding a bicycle with a black plastic bag in his hand. When he reached the corner of Mahogany Street and Hondo Street he saw a Police mobile, he threw the plastic bag into some bushes on the side of the street. The Police saw when he threw the bag so they stopped him and retrieved the bag. When they searched the bag they found that it contained cannabis. As a result Wagner was taken into custody and charged. The cannabis was labeled as an exhibit. Wagner chose to remain silent and he did not call any witnesses to testify on his behalf.
The Belize Times
Hattieville Teenager Remanded for Aggravated Burglary
BELIZE CITY, Wed. Nov. 24, 2010 Emmerson Reyes, 18, a l a b o rer residing in Hattieville who the Police believe was one of two persons that committed an aggravated burglary, was charged with the offence when he appeared yesterday in the #8 Magistrate’s Court. Reyes pled not guilty to the charge. Magistrate Emmerson Banner explained to him that the Court could not offer him bail because the offence was committed with a firearm. He remanded Reyes into custody until December 23. The incident occurred o n We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 7 . Hayton Lino, 21, a laborer residing at Belizean American Site in Hattieville, reported to the Police that he was cleaning his house when he heard a knock on his front door and someone calling him by his alias, “Linge”. Lino said when
Emmerson Reyes
he opened the front door he saw Reyes known to him as “Mottie”, and another person whom he did not know. Lino told Police that Reyes’ companion pulled out a rusty black
pistol resembling a .22 and pointed it at his face. Both persons then forced their way into his house, said Lino. Lino said the gunman struck him three times to the back of his head with the pistol and he fell to the floor. Lino reported that Reyes then went to his bedroom and returned to the living room with his cap and wallet which contained $150. Lino said Reyes took the money from his wallet and told the gunman to shoot him but the gunman refused. Lino said Reyes then told him to stay on the floor until they left and he complied. When they left Lino called the police. Police detained Reyes on Sunday, November 21. The following day, Monday, November 22 the Police held an identification parade and reported that Reyes was positively identified.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Smokey Charged With Manslaughter for Shooting of Shinelle Reyes
Ibrahim Smith
BELIZE CITY, Wed. Nov. 24, 2010 Ibrahim Smith, 18, a.k.a “Smokey”, an unemployed man of #22 Mopan Street who allegedly shot his friend, Shinelle Reyes, 17 by accident was charged with manslaughter when he appeared in the #2 Magistrate’s Court on Monday, November 22. Smith was also charged with possession of a prohibited firearm, a 16 gauge sawed-off shotgun and handling stolen goods for the shotgun which was stolen from Steve Young. Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser explained to him that she would not take a plea because the offences are indictable. She also explained to Smith that the Court could not offer him bail because of the firearm offence. She remanded him into custody until December 21. The incident occurred at around 10:00am on Tuesday, November 16, at the home of Reyes, located at #4082 Sibun Street. According to reports, Reyes was sitting on a sofa in the living room when Smith pointed a sawed-off shotgun at her and it fired when she batted it away. Reyes was fatally shot in the left side of her chest. Reports are that Reyes, a fourth form student at Sadie Vernon High School, was having problems with Smith.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
on s g n i t i r W the
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
rasman says: November 25, 2010 at 9:52 am This is a joke, The entire UDP Cabinet should be fired . They are not doing one jack !@#$. bigbrown says: November 25, 2010 at 10:28 am i for one am happy because it was obvious he was doing mada!@$$. squadering belize’s money on his own selfish needs. having his family parade aroung in goverment cars. slowing down heavy traffic on the northern highway in the morning so his sons cud have a vehicle escort them while the train theif cycling skills, while other ppl are trying to get to work. GOOD RIDDINS!!! rootsman says: November 24, 2010 at 9:29 am Maybe if they stop stealing the money they will have it to pay the contractors, now Mr. Barrow this is the ideal candidate for a takeover since the city council cannot properly run it’s affairs you should pronounce them insolvent and have central government take over the operations and impeach the mayor for dereliction of duties, of course you will not be effective at pulling this off if they have dirt on you. ivan cal says: November 24, 2010 at 11:12 am ‘ZENAIDA MOYA,DEAN BARROW GOV’T- are the same !@$$ they are there only fi collect their millions of $$$$$ not to work for the people… doug sigh said in the news the work of the UDP is only to win elections….now we see its true, seee zenaida moya’s mansion she build with what money of course the TAX payer’s money….she doesn’t tink fi d people once she got thats it,but still no have the hipocricy si say ” I di work fi d people!!!!! hmm “..moya promised the city residents to vote UDP -that A UDP central government would do better now its gotten worst…unemployment is high, GST gone up by 12.5% more {25% total now} ..about 45% of our country are pooorer, crime situation is out of control, the PM promised that he would not make the fuel price surpass the $7.00 limit and by now its gone higher and continues to go up, CORRUPTION is out of control in all GOB departments…its gotten worst..,’THE PM promised to bring DOWN the cost of living no ‘MATTA WAT”…HMM when will that come? CHICAGORILLA says: November 23, 2010 at 1:16 pm I don’t believe that the authorities burned all that coke. They may have burned some but not all. What we saw them doing on the news was an illusion. Nothing but smoke and mirrors. The rest of the dope is probably hidden somewhere in Belize waiting to be exported to the U.S. Come on now…$140,000,000.00 U.S dollars worth of coke up in smoke? Really? Don’t Belize the hype! Tek It says: November 23, 2010 at 12:17 pm An American friend of mine said she doesn’t know how they handled the drugs in the manner they did; said that more than likely the cops/officials would have gotten some of the drugs absorbed through the skin and they would have been high as a kite and maybe even go into cardiac arrest. Any thoughts? belizeanpride says:
November 23, 2010 at 3:21 pm
good point TEK IT these so called officials don’t carry out the destruction properly as done internationally so all this things like this brought out by TEK IT is real, how the hell the try to fool the public if most belizeans some how has seen on tv news internationally how this things are done very carefully and destroyed professionally not like what they did in BSI. it’s hard to brianwash the people now, we’re more update to this things than what they suppose.
Posts are from, Belize Times Press Facebook Account, John Briceño Facebook Account,
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Guatemala: U.S. should look beyond Mexico in fighting drug trade
The United States should provide more money to fight drug trafficking in Central America instead of focusing aid dollars only on neighboring Mexico, a top Guatemalan official said. Guatemala has seen a significant spike in drug violence, including clashes between authorities and members of the Zetas drug gang, Guatemalan Interior Minister Carlos Menocal told CNN en Español on Monday. And the country needs help combating cartels, which are increasingly carving out new drug transport paths, he said. Menocal said Guatemalan authorities have seized $5.8 billion worth of assets from suspected criminal organizations since 2008 -- a quantity equivalent to country's entire budget. "This shows that the structure of organized crime has many more resources than Central American countries have to combat it," Menocal said. Through the $1.3 billion aid package known as the Merida Initiative, the U.S. provides support for Mexico's drug war, including aircraft and efforts to beef up the country's courts and other institutions. The U.S. government has pledged $165 million to a project known as the Central American Regional Security Initiative, according to the State Department. In August, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. was committed to promoting security in Central America. "We are doing everything we can in the fight against corrup-
tion and impunity, in providing the equipment and the support that law enforcement and the military require and helping to build civil society to stand against the scourge of drug trafficking," she said at a meeting of Central American leaders. But Menocal said Monday that far more is needed -- at least $250 million to build the basics of a regional security force to fight drug traffickers. "In the end, the large majority of drugs travel through Central America, and the assignment of resources or the financial support of the United States government is not the same as Colombia and Mexico receive," he said. Corruption and violence are high in Guatemala, according to the United Nations, which created a committee in 2006 to investigate those issues there. Carlos Castresana, the former head of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala, announced his resignation earlier this year because he felt the country had not made enough reforms to its justice system. More than 200,000 people have been killed in the nation since 1970, mostly as a result of organized crime, drug-trade violence and a 36-year civil war that ended in 1996. There were 6,451 slayings in Guatemala in 2009, in which 230 verdicts were achieved, Castresana said earlier this year. That means, he said, that more than 96 percent of the killings last year were not solved.
US agents on board a cruise ship have arrested the younger brother of the alleged top drug lord in the Caribbean. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Luis Figueroa Agosto on the Caribbean Princess as the ship sailed to the US Virgin Islands. His brother, Jose Figueroa Agosto, was captured in July. Authorities say the younger brother
helped run an organisation that smuggled large amounts of cocaine from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico, where other groups sent it to the US mainland. ICE director John Morton said Luis Figueroa was arrested yesterday while on a family vacation. Authorities simultaneously arrested nearly a dozen other alleged members of the organisation in Puerto Rico.
Big drug arrest on Caribbean cruise ship
Former governor in Mexico gunned down
The former governor of Colima state in southwest Mexico was killed Sunday by unidentified gunmen, state media reported. Silverio Cavazos Ceballos was shot outside his house in the city of Colima, which has the same name as the state, the Notimex news agency reported. He was transported to the private San Francisco clinic, where he died, Notimex said. Cavazos Cevallos became governor in an April 5, 2005 special election after Governor
Gustavo Vazquez Montes died in a plane crash on February 24. Cavazos Cevallos turned over the post to his successor on November 1, 2009. No motive for the killing was immediately given, but Mexico has undergone a recent spate of killings of current and former politicians. At least 14 mayors have been killed in Mexico this year, and a leading gubernatorial candidate in Tamaulipas state, Rodolfo Torre Cantu, was gunned down in June.
CHIEF JUSTICE Ivor Archie has asked Police Commissioner Dwayne Gibbs to investigate whether he (Archie) had ever been under surveillance by the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA). In making this request to Gibbs, through his attorney Gregory Delzin in a letter dated November 15, Archie expressed concern that such activities by the SIA “had the potential of compromising the confidential and delicate communications of the Chief Justice in the execution of his duties concerning the administration of justice.” The Chief Justice was also concerned that “such acts had the potential to undermine the public perception of an independent Judiciary and confidence in its impartiality.” In the letter, Delzin is asking the Commissioner to indicate whether Archie “has been the subject of wiretapping, interception of emails and/or monitoring by the SIA at any time” and “if so, whether there exist data, records and/or reports of the said activities.” Delzin asked Gibbs to respond to these queries from the Chief Justice by today. Police Service officials were unable to confirm whether or not Gibbs had received the letter. Copies of the letter have also been sent to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and National
Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy. Police sources yesterday expressed concern that the Chief Justice needed to raise such a matter with the Commissioner. In the letter, Delzin told Gibbs that Archie is concerned about “the surreptitious monitoring of conversations and correspondence of a sitting Chief Justice,” given the confidential nature of his office and “the individual expectation of respect for the office holder’s privacy, especially where there has developed contention between the office of Chief Justice and the previous Prime Minister” during Archie’s tenure. Speaking in the House of Representatives on November 12, Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar said former CJ Sat Sharma, his wife and son were among those persons who had been had been under surveillance by the SIA. Both the Judiciary and the Law Association last week condemned the actions of the agency. Representatives of the Government and Opposition will meet today at the Office of the Attorney General at Cabildo Chambers in Port-of-Spain at 4 pm to hammer out an agreement that will see the passage of the Interception of Communications Bill in Parliament. Debate on the bill, which is designed to regulate wiretapping, took place in the House last Friday.
Am I being wiretapped?
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
OW-502/2008 Ignacio German Vega
9.626 Ac. Indian Hill East Reg. Sec., OW
Minister Family
Sr. & Karen S. Vega
OW-607/2009 Isela Adela Hernandez
Miller's Bight Reg. Sec, OW
Yvette Hernandez
Miller's Bight Reg. Sec, OW
Nestor Hernandez
Mount Pleasant Reg. Sec., Cayo Nephew/Deputy Commissioner
Baroni Hernandez
Xaibe Rural Reg. Sec., Czl
Baroni Hernandez
Mount Pleasant Reg. Sec., Cayo Registrar of Lands/Nephew
Cosme Hernandez
Mount Pleasant Reg. Sec., Cayo Registrar of Lands/Nephew
Cosme Hernandez Indian Hill East Reg. Sec., OW
Registrar of Lands/Nephew
Cosme Hernandez
2.69 ac.
San Estevan Reg. Sec., OW
Registrar of Lands/Nephew
Cosme Hernandez
7.24 ac.
San Estevan Reg. Sec., OW
Registrar of Lands/Nephew
OW-702/2009 Ignacio German Vega Indian Hill East Reg. Sec., OW
Wife to Cosme Hernandez
Registrar of Lands/Nephew
Minister Family
Sr. & Karen S. Vega
Christopher Hendricks
Mount Pleasant Reg. Sec., Cayo Driver of the Minister
OW 514/2008
Cosme Hernandez
San Estevan Reg. Sec., OW
Registrar of Lands/Nephew
3.19 Ac.
Parcel 31
Omar Elmer Hernandez Indian Hill East Reg. Sec., OW
OW 110/2010 Ignacio Vega
144 Ac.
Carmelita Registration
101 Ac.
Carmelita Registration
& Karen Vega
OW 108/2010 Ignacio Vega
& Karen Vega
No. 484 of 2010
Amir Amed Awe
10.14 Ac.
Mountain Pine Ridge Area
No. 556 of 2010
Carlos Eduardo Vega
25.08 Ac.
Southeast of Benque Viejo Twn. FAMILY TO MINISTER
No. 554 of 2010
Eduardo Vega
11.34 Ac.
Mountain Pine Ridge Area
No. 482 of 2010 Ignacio Vega Jr.
9.9 Ac.
Mountain Pine Ridge Area
No. 481 of 2010
Karen & Ignacio Vega
10.50 Ac.
Mountain Pine Ridge Area
No. 483 of 2010
Omar Hernandez
6.92 Ac.
Mountain Pine Ridge Area
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Under the UDP‌ these are the best of times for Gaspar Vega and his family!
The Belize Times
On the Map
Find and circle the words below of things you can find on a map…
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Help the Mom and children find the ice cream cones…
Colour Me
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 24th day of June, 2008, between OSCAR ROMERO and EVITA ROMERO both of #312 Maurice Bishop Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument No. LRS-200804948, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto.
Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the18th day of December, 1995, between MICHAEL CASIMIRO of 39 FonOne night I went to a small Chinese vendor, as we call them “chiney seca Street, Orange Walk Town, IOrange Walkby District of the that man” to purchase some groceries. was startled an argument errupted previous customer. seemed thatother he feltpart, victim to one one partwith and his Scotiabank (Belize)ItLtd. of the and of the common trickery that was being used at that time by customers. recorded at the Land Titles Unit in the Land Charges Register The customer quarreled that he paid with twenty dollars but was given (Legal rather Charges) at Folio and thethis saidtrick Scotiabank change for aVol. ten 24 dollar bill. I6, had seen so often that I (Belize) Ltd.itwill theinexpiration of three months from the was surprised wasatstill use. practice of dishonest, destructive, illegal transactions dateThe of the first publication of this notice sell the property de- for economic gain is nothing new. In (Luke 19:8) Zacchaeus the tax scribed inpromised the schedule collector to payhereto. back four times to those whom he cheated!
Kingdom Economy Ethics
He was a tax collector and used his power and office to do wrong. John to 12:6 Judas was as having a problem with hand All In offers purchase theexposed said property must be made in his writbeing stuck to the inside of the money bag. ing There and full and conditions of of sale be obtained areparticulars many ills in society and one themay largest is the love from the said Scotiabank Ltd. will do anything to get (1Timothy 6:10) .(Belize) Many people of money money, whether it is good or bad. The end result is that we just want “MONEY”!! We break into people’s houses, sell our bodies, gamble, buy lotto and boledo, go on “hit missions” killing people, sell alcohol, sell our kids, kidnap people, sell drugs, jack people , rob businesses, make counterfeit currencies, and sad to say many even sign up as politicians ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land comprising 0.138 for the love of money!!! acres and forming theday property knowntheasnews Otroand saw It pained my heartpart the of other as I watched aBenque young man on the floor of a grocer being searched at gunpoint situate in Orange Walk Town and numbered Lot by some men who were robbing the store! But it broke my heart even No. 254 a plan byamazing H.C. Fairweather, Charteredethics more as I on listened to made a brother me with the economic of the world!! Theand world truly18th lacksAugust, wisdom and truly needNo. to turn to Land Surveyor dated 1980 Entry the Fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. Otherwise we have 146 and Register No. copyofofsociety whichmaking is attached hereto highly educated people in 1 allafacets decision that not only lack basic wisdom but buildings have far reaching and long term effects! TOGETHER with all and erections thereon. Anyway, now a brother and I were in conversation andSectionof he was saying (Property declared under Registration to me that in a study they came to the conclusion that the drug trade Orange Walksuch Town - Parcel 252). and businesses as prostitution were necessary for the health of the economy. Hearing this, my heart sunk to my feet. If this is the extent to which our ethics have gone, we have essentially placed the value of money above the value of life! DATED this 10th day of November, 2010. I have heard about many types of ethics: CULTURAL ethics, for example in some cultures they would kill you for stealing, or it is ok to sacrifice a spotless child to the gods; SITUATIONAL ethics, where it depends on the situation; GODLY ethics where we base our laws MUSA & BALDERAMOS on Godly principle and values; and finally the popular BUSINESS 91 North Front Street ethics. My greatest problem with the untamed “business ethics” is that the desired end is money. EvenCity if my product is not good for society, Belize if it is destructive and worsens an already dire situation, I will still do Attorney-at-Law for business to make money. For example let’s Scotiabank look at casinos. Experience (Belize) Ltd.has shown that it becomes uncontrollably addictive. Many families cannot pay their house rent, monthly bills, or even purchase groceries, as the money have been spent in the casino. Some have even put their houses or other possession in the games and have lost them. The abuse of alchohol has cost many lives, battered children and wives, and after prostitution we are faced with many social ills and sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t ask about the drug trade!! Many have been gunned down, dropped out school, begun to stealing from the home, lost their jobs, left their children fatherless!! We have actually reached the point where people are now walking around like zombies with Lee-chi-qualityfried brains begging for any amount of money anyone would give them to return to their next high! If these businesses are required to keep an economy healthy then what is the use, or purpose of an economy? We cannot afford a healthy economy at the cost of socially, morally, and spiritually unhealthy citizens!! I end with this solution. In (Luke 19) we find the answers to this question of which ethic is the best to live by. Firstly Zacchaeus repented, in other words he laid down his “situational business ethics” and took up Kingdom Ethics. See you don’t have to be a “Christian” to live by biblical ethics. Only that if you employ these ethics the results are sure! Finally, Zacchaeus gave back to the community, and to those who he stole from, he repaid four times what was taken! Lets take on Kingdom Ethics as our mode of operation and we will see this country turn around to a productive growing, rich jewel as it really is!!!!! God Bless You! And thanks for reading again.
All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
DATED this 12th day of November, 2010.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Grand San Andres Fiesta 2010 Saturday and Sunday 27th and 28th November 2010
Venue: San Andres Village Football Field & Community Center Corozal District
Saturday 27th November 2010: • • • • • • • •
Under 13 years bicycle race (Xaibe to San Andres) Football Mundialito game Company Booth eg: Smart Promotion Food Stalls Contact #663-7230 Mechanical rides Beer drinking contest (Male) Official ceremonies and Cultural Presentation Massive Dance with the Gilharry 7 Band only $10 for couples.
Sunday 28th November, 2010: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Adult Bicycle race (Patchakan to San Andres) Football Exhibition game Softball Exhibition game Volleyball Exhibition game Greasy Pole Water melon eating contest Tag & war Lime & spoon Sack race Mechanical rides Pepper eating contest Beer drinking contest (Female) Dalla Bash – Dance
Bring your family to have lots of fun! Fun! Fun!
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Heritage Bank Atlantic Bank Belize Bank
First Caribbean
Int’l Bank Ltd.
(Belize) Ltd.
58,875 36,000 153,123 (4,444) (2,978) 145,701 4,033 4,542 249,151
94,340 43,828 510,908 (3,861) (4,721) 502,326 9,963 6,755 657,212
Cash and Balance Due from Banks Government Securities/Investments TOTAL LOANS Less: Specific Loan Loss Reserves General Loan Loss Reserves Net Loans Fixed Assets (Net) Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS
53,376 9,180 116,446 (5,336) (779) 110,331 2,304 1,023 176,214
102,510 148,936 40,221 80,584 289,140 672,462 (4,735) (22,478) (3,024) (4,652) 281,381 645,332 26,533 19,317 8,883 31,345 459,528 925,514
18,460 0 13,303 110,087 141,850 19,148 0 4,699 165,697
86,796 0 114,141 187,271 388,208 13,099 76 17,303 418,686
Paid-Up Capital & Unimpaired Reserves Retained Earnings Current Year Profit TOTAL CAPITAL
20,186 (8,120) (1,549) 10,517
37,282 8,584 1,452 140,978 2,108 1,883 40,842 151,445
Interest Income Interest Expense Net Interest Income Non-Interest Income Non-Interest Expense Net Operating Income Other Income (Expense) Net Income before taxes Business Tax Expense Net Income (Loss)
3,855 2,390 1,465 476 1,748 193 (128) 65 279 (214)
11,214 18,705 5,271 12,215 5,943 6,490 3,217 5,179 7,476 6,148 1,684 5,521 (251) (3,252) 1,433 2,269 916 1,184 517 1,085
LIABILITIES & CAPITAL Demand Deposits Savings/Cheque Deposits Savings Deposits Time Deposits Total Deposits Balances Due to Banks Balances Due to Central Bank Other Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES
INCOME STATEMENT (Quarterly figures)
Base Lending Rate (Interest rate used as an index in pricing a bank loan) Residential Mortgage Rate Weighed Average Lending Rate Average Lending Rate (Annualized) Weighed Average Fixed Deposit Rate Average Deposit Rate (Annualized) Fixed Deposit Rate ($5,000/$10,000 for 3 months) Number of Branches/Agencies
106,863 118,620 0 512,946 738,429 9,832 0 25,808 774,069
60,327 0 25,341 108,723 194,391 1,936 0 12,874 209,201
23,600 16,461 (111) 39,950
249,151 4,942 2,471 2,471 1,432 3,106 797 (776) 21 1,077 (1,056)
98,334 73,781 44,214 281,875 498,204 8,124 0 12,989 519,317
24,152 88,336 25,407 137,895
657,212 18,607 6,015 12,592 3,607 6,858 9,341 1,016 10,357 2,357 8,000
14.00% 13.00% 14.37% 11.63% 7.91% 7.17% 6.50% 7
13.00% 11.00% 14.11% 14.87% 8.10% 5.58% 6.25% 12
14.50% 13.00% 13.04% 9.44% 8.25% 6.37% 6.50% 12
14.00% 12.00% 13.88% 12.94% 7.67% 4.88% 4.50% 5
16.00% 13.50% 14.93% 14.80% 6.69% 4.88% 6.00% 11
AVERAGES (12 month average) Average Loans Average Deposits Average Assets Average Equity
114,844 136,421 169,349 9,303
288,294 371,551 441,402 40,182
706,541 741,727 954,252 154,654
162,099 208,483 286,759 40,390
493,878 503,754 650,756 124,542
CAPITAL ADEQUACY Capital/Deposits Capital Risk/Weighted Assets (The legal requirement is 9%)
7.41% 10.60%
10.52% 20.51% 13.68% 22.59%
20.55% 25.08%
27.68% 31.86%
LIQUIDITY Net Loans/Deposits Liquid Assets Statutory Requirement Excess/(Shortfall) Statutory Liquid Assets
77.78% 31,635 22,817
72.48% 87.39% 87,201 169,715 37,913 26,884
74.95% 47,968 48,473
100.83% 113,991 13,769
ASSET QUALITY Adversely Classified Loans (Net of Specific Reserves)/Loans Total Loan Loss Reserves/Total Loans
28.78% 5.25%
9.69% 27.63% 2.68% 4.03%
8.55% 4.85%
5.60% 1.68%
PROFITIBAILITY (Annualized) Net Earnings before taxes/Assets (Return On Average Assets) Net Earnings after taxes/Assets (Return On Average Assets) Net Earnings before taxes/Equity (Return On Average Equity) Net Earnings after taxes/Equity (Return On Average Equity) Net-Interest Income/Adjusted Operating Income Net-Interest Income/Adjusted Operating Income
-0.70% -1.22% -12.81% -22.20% 75.48% 24.52%
1.48% -0.43% 0.64% -0.92% 16.25% -2.64% 6.99% -5.65% 64.88% 55.62% 35.12% 44.38%
0.71% -0.29% 5.03% -2.06% 63.31% 36.69%
5.72% 4.29% 29.88% 22.40% 77.73% 22.27%
¹Figures were obtained from Bank Returns submitted to the Central Bank.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Mirage Lady Rebels take on Grace Kennedy in Charles Solis memorial softball tournament
The Belize City women’s softball champions, Mirage Lady Rebels will challenge the national champions, Roaring Creek Grace Kennedy when the Belize Softball Federation hosts the 3rd Annual Charles Solis Memorial Tournament at the home of softball at Rogers’ Stadium here in Belize City on Sunday November
28. The Charles Solis Memorial To u r n a m e n t a l s o w i l l f e a t u r e the bronze medal team from the National Women’s Championship, Camalote ‘Cristal Parrots’, and the fifth place team from the Women’s Championship, Flowers Bank ‘Easy Does It’.
The tournament will commence at 8:30 am with the official opening ceremony. This year’s tournament w i l l b e o p e n e d b y M r. O w e n ‘Sonny’ Meighan, Public Relations Officer of the Belize Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association, while the Tournament Director is Mrs. Edith Delcie Lizama, Member-
at-Large of the Belize Softball Federation. At the end of the Tournament, Mr. Lorne Solis, son of the late Charles Solis, will present the championship trophy, MVP, and the individual medals to the respective winners. The defending champion is Mirage Lady Rebels of Belize City.
World FC challenges Libertadores FFB national interdistrict football finals
Wo r l d F C w i l l c h a l l e n g e Libertadores in the Football Federation of Belize’s national Inter-district football championship finals be held at the Santiago Ricalde Stadium in Corozal Town on Sunday, December 5. World FC won thru to the finals after they hosted Club Atletico of Belmopan for a 5-2 blast at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio on Sunday. World FC looked to impress the scoreboard from the getgo when Cesar Villeda set table for Joel Guzman to blast off a right foot shot that just skidded outside the far post. World FC took a 1-zip lead in the 12th minute in when goalkeeper Orlando Galdamez managed to stop Carlos Vasquez’s shot on goal, but he could not hold on to the ball which rebounded back out to Elliott Bermudez, who sent it right back into the goal area, when Vasquez finished the play, beating Galdamez on the second try. Joel Guzman also
did better on his second try as this time his shot was inside the far post to give World FC a 2-zip lead in the 14th minute. The World FC strikers scented blood and moved in for the kill, but Galdamez managed to stop Carlos Vasquez’s next try at goal. Vasquez tried again and his shot beat Galdamez, whose luck held as the mud and water in the goal area stopped the ball from rolling into the goal. Atletico defender Mike Chavez got to the ball first and almost did the job for World FC but the ball was cleared. No matter, as Elliott Bermudez soon outran the Atletico defenders to give World FC a 3-zip lead before the half-time break. World FC continued with their barrage of shots on goal, which Galdamez somehow managed to survive, assisted by the goalposts, which deflected two hard shots. Club Atletico would not let World
FC have it all their way, and when David Madrid got taken down inside the goal area, the referee awarded the Belmopan squad a penalty, which Melvin Barrientos converted to narrow the deficit to 1-3 at the half. In the 2nd half, Julian Maldonado looked to make it 4-1 for World FC, but his shot just nicked the outside of the upright stick. Second half substitute Edel Diaz narrowed the deficit to 2-3 for Club Atletico with his left foot execution of a free kick that rebounded off both uprights before nestling in the back of the net. Diaz almost tied the score at 3-3, but his left foot shot was stopped by the goalie. World FC quickly countered with a shot from Carlos Vasquez that hit the crossbar and rebounded to Miguel Aguilar who wasted no time in booting it back in to give World FC a 4-2 lead. Atletico’s Sean Mas had a chance
to narrow the deficit to 3-4 but his powder-puff left foot shot at point blank range just did not meet the requirements of the task. Then Atletico’s Mike Chavez blundered into taking down Joseph Waight inside the goal area, the referee ruled penalty, and Miguel Aguilar converted for the 5-2 final score. Down south at the Toledo Union field on Sunday, the Libertadores also won thru to the finals by holding the Mavericks to a 2-2 draw in the semifinal rematch. Clifton West and Philip Guy led the Libertadores’ attacks and a strike by Clifton West gave Libertadores a 1-zip lead in the 16th minute. Mavericks’ Jamie Mangar equalized the score by converting a penalty in the 41st minute for the 1-1 score at the half. Jamie Mangar added a 2nd goal in the 73rd minute but Clifton West scored a 2nd goal for the 2-2 final score to move on 4-2 on goal aggregate.
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Otro Benque, San Jose Pumas, San Pablo FC & Trail Farm old School win thru to Copa Norte semifinals
Otro Benque FC, San Jose Pumas, San Pablo FC and Trial Farm Old School won through to the semifinals of Orange Walk’s Copa Norte football tournament which entered quarterfinals at the
Peoples Stadium in Orange Walk Town on Sunday, November 21. In Game 1, Otro Benque FC eliminated San Antonio FC 2-1. San Antonio drew first blood with a strike by Wilber Teyul to lead
1-0 at the half, but Evan Mariano equalized for Otro Benque in the second half. With no winner at the end of 90 minutes of regulation play, the game went into overtime with neither side able to score the game winner in the first 15 minutes. In the 2nd overtime, San Antonio was cut down to 10 men when the referee issued Peter Canul his 2nd yellow card and he was ejected from the ball game. Even so San Antonio won a p e n a l t y, b u t g o a l i e B e r n a b e Jimenez stopped Elvir Espejo’s attempt to convert. Evan Mariano delivered the game winner for Otro Benque to advance, eliminating San Antonio. The San Jose Pumas eliminated Galaxy FC of Douglas Village 3-0 when Samuel Novelo scored the first winning goal in the 1st half, while Pumas’ goalie Alfonso Chuc rejected 3 free kicks by Galaxy’s
Kenrick Thomas. In the 2nd half, Victor Torres fresh off the Pumas bench soon made it 2-zip and Jesus Novelo added a 3rd goal for the 3-0 win. The San Pablo Football Club also entered the semifinals by a 5-2 rout of Atletico Juvenil of San Jose Village. Gabriel Perez had a blast as he scored 2 goals for San Pablo in the first half, answered by only one goal from Atletico’s Leonel Gongora as San Pablo led 2-1 at the half. Manuel Maldonado equalized the score at 2-2 for Atletico with a free kick direct into the back of the net, but Gabriel Perez wasn’t done yet as he would score another hat trick in the second half for San Pablo’s 5-2 win. Trial Farm Old School also advanced by a 4-1 win in a classic c o n f r o n t a t i o n w i t h Tr i a l F a r m athletics in the nightcap.
Glen O’Brien wins 2nd Annual Bunas Maheia Birthday race
Team Zamir’s Glen O’Brien won the second annual Bunas Maheia birthday cycle race organized by the Belize Cycling Association on the Western Highway on Sunday. O’Brien won the elite category when he clocked 1:51:19 on his 44 mile ride from Mile 3.5 on the Western Highway via the
Hattieville to Burrell Boom bypass road to the Northern Highway and back, finishing at mile 12.5 on the Western Highway. Michael Dennison Lewis, riding unattached, took 2nd place. Team C-ray’s Brandon Cattouse clocked 1:51:19 to place third, while Team Western Spirit’s Roger Troyer clocked 1:51:45 to place 4th. Orson Butler, riding unattached, clocked 1:51:45 to place fifth. Team Benny's Megabytes’ Ruben Cano was right behind to place 6th, and Darnell Barrow of Team Santino's Belize finished 7th, while Deandy Ordonez pulled in 8th. Team Zamir’s Marlon Castillo was ninth in an hour, 51 minutes and 53 seconds, while Team C-ray’s Riis was hard on Castillo’s wheel to round out the top 10. Patrick Bennett, riding unattached, placed 11th while Team C-ray’s Melvin Tillett finished 12th in
1:51:57. Leroy Cassasola also of the Santino's Belize team finished 13th in 1:52:08 while 19 riders who began the race did not finish. The 2003 Cross Country champ Ernest Meighan of Team Santino's Belize sprinted to win the over-30 masters’ category 1:56:48, relegating Warren Coye of the FabriGas team to 2nd. Team the M&M Engineering Cycling’s Robert Liam Stewart took 3rd. Zagreus Ford of the Truckers Posse 1:57:09 as he rode into 4th place, while Henry Moreira, riding unattached, finished 5th in 1:57:17. Team Benny's Megabytes’ Wilbert Jones took 6th place 1:57:23, while Preston Martinez of the M&M Engineering Cycling team was right behind to take 7th. Santino “Chief” Castillo of the Santino's Belize Cycling team
finished 8th and Kenneth Butler, riding unattached was 9th. Sherwin Latchman of the FabriGas team rounded out the top 10. Team Sugar City Starz Collet “Bunas” Maheia finished 11th. Shalini Zabaneh, riding for the M&M Engineering Cycling team was the only woman in the race, placing 17th ahead of 4 male riders. The next event on the cycling calendar is the 14th Alpheus Williams HIV/AIDS Day Cycling Classic, to be held on Sunday, December 5. The Elite/Junior/Youth/Category 3/Under 23 riders will ride 50 miles, starting at the Belmopan Comprehensive School at 9:00 a.m., around the ring road returning to finish at Leslie’s Imports on the Western Highway. The Masters, Categories 4/5 and the female riders will ride from Mile 30 in La Democracia Village on the Western Highway to Leslie’s Imports, a distance of 30 miles.
Sadie Vernon & Gwen Lizarraga boys win 4 each to lead CSSSA basketball The 2008 national champions, the Sadie Vernon High School boys look to repeat as champions of the Central Secondary Schools Sports Association when they picked up their 4th win at the Belize City Center on Tuesday. The Sadie Vernon boys got the easy bye to their 4th win when the Ladyville Technical High School boys were a no show for their scheduled game on Tuesday, November 23. The Sadie Vernon boys had romped to their third win in a 61-52 upset of the defending city champions, the Gwen Lizarraga High School boys on Friday, November 12. Kashief Thomas led Sadie Vernon with 22 pts, Landon Reneau added 13pts, Andrew
Ortiz tossed in 10pts, Linsey Lopez added 8pts eight and Calvin Tench chipped in 6pts. Matthew Young led Gwen Liz with 22pts, Akeem Trapp added 17pts, Travis Gabourel 4pts, Bryton Meighan drained in a long trey and Raheem Flowers and Joseph Sutherland each tossed in a bucket. The Gwen Liz boys enjoyed their 4th win 57-50 against the Anglican Cathedral College boys on Monday, November 22. Matthew Young led Gwen Liz with 17 pts, Akeem “Timmy” Trapp and Dijon Smith each added 10 pts; Joseph Sutherland tossed in 7pts, Raheem Flowers added 6pts and Malcolm Robateau – 4pts.
Shaquille Smith led ACC with 16pts and Travis Bernardez scored 14pts, while Dijonne Ramclam scored 8pts, Brandon Murillo tossed in 7pts and Jamie Bradley -4pts. The Gwen Liz boys had also blown away the Canaan 7th Day Adventist High School boys last Wednesday. Matthew Young led with 19 pts while Travis Gabourel added 11pts. Kevin Hamilton led Canaan High with 21pts and Winston Reynolds added 20pts. The Wesley College boys posted their 2nd win 67-56 over the Canaan 7th Day Adventist on Monday, November 22. Vince Young led with 19pts, while Rahyme Sacasa drained in 2 long treys to score 10pts and Eyan Rene added 9pts, and K.
Lorenzo – 7pts. Kevin Hamilton led Canaan High with 19pts, Winston Reynolds added 18pts while Dorian Dyer drained in 4 treys for 12pts. The Wesley boys also won 7139 over the ACC boys last Monday, with Brian White leading with 20pts, while Vince Young scored 17pts. ACC’s Shaquille Smith and Travis Bernardez scored 11pts each. The Nazarene High School posted their 3rd win: 72-41 over the Ladyville Tech boys last Tuesday. Alejandro Baptist led the Nazarene boys with 19pts while Avery Gordon, Kadeem Courtney and Anthony Neal scored 9pts each. Alex Gordon led the Ladyville boys with 13pts, and Denroy McCord added 12pts.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
of the Avocado Oil: the New Omega Fatty Acids for Heart and Prostate Health
There is a new arrival on the health science scene and lucky for us here in Belize, the largest producer of the finest quality product is our next door neighbour Mexico. Please welcome “Avocado Oil”, a mega Omega acid provider and possibly a cheaper and better alternative to olive oil in the fight against heart disease and prostate cancer. For years, the naturapathy or alternative medicine has been advocating the use of avocado fruit ( locally called pear) as a super food in fighting heart disease since it is so rich in Omega 3 fatty acid, so essential in raising the level of LDLs or good cholesterol while simultaneously lowering the level of HDLs or bad cholesterol. Research has continued over the past five years as the experts sought to garner the benefits of avocado all year round, considering the limitations of the harvest season and the short shelf life and need for refrigeration of the soft, delicate fruit. In just the past year, Mexico, the global producer of the “Hass Avocado”, the small, brown rough-skinned little miracle, has been making a 100 percent natural Avocado Oil rated as Extra Virgin in its purity content and with a shelf life of properly stored Olive Oil or a fairly good Cabernet. Rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9, the avocado oil is poised to grab the health food market and the specialty food market and give pricey olive oils a run for their money. If you’re like most people, you’ve heard so much about both omega-3’s and EFA’s that you probably assume they’re one and the same. Not exactly! There’s only one omega-3 fatty acid (alpha linolenic acid, abbreviated LNA or ALA) and one omega-6 fatty acid (linoleic acid, or LA) that are truly essential because our bodies cannot make these molecules on their own. All the other 3’s and all the other 6’s, plus all the omega-9 fatty acids can be made in the body. Problem is, our high starch, low vegetable eat-on-the-run diets do not provide us with the building blocks necessary to produce our Omega fatty acids ourselves. Our bodies just don’t readily convert ALA into its more useful derivatives DHA and EPA which is the form in which our bodies can best use and benefit from directly.
Send your letters to the editor to:
To help you, our readers appreciate the heart health benefits of Avocado Oil, here is a
comparative chart showing the amount of saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats in other
popular salad and cooking oils: MS PS S Avocado 78g 10g 10g Coconut 6g 2g 86g Sesame 21g 64g 10g Corn 25g 58g 13g Olive 72g* 9g 14g So you can see that it compares favorably to Olive Oil, and it costs considerably less than premium Olive oils. In addition it is a richer conditioner for hair and skin at a fraction of the cost of olive oil based products. Give it a try on your salads and even for light sautéing of soft vegetables such as eggplant and mushrooms. Here’s to your heart’s health and overall well-being1. Indeed, salud!
The Belize Times
Reflections Blame it on the rain…
By: Mike Rudon Jr. Blame it on the rain…Blame it on the stars! Whatever you do don't put the blame on you…Blame it on the rain yeah yeah – Milli Vanilli, 1989 I cursed Zenaida Moya a big fat badword (yes the F-word) when I slammed into a huge pothole on Vernon Street yesterday. I’m as foul-mouthed as they come, but to tell you the truth after a very short drive in the city I ran out of big-fat bad words and really nasty derogatory terms to describe the fakeass pseudo-Mayor. I apologize to some of my readers who constantly scold me for my liberal use of what I feel is really tame profanity but it is what it is...there ain’t no nice words to describe what Zenaida has done to the city. There ain’t no nice words to call the moron who continues to masquerade as the head of this city – the damned Milli Vanilli Mayor. But you know what is true? Sometimes I wonder who the bigger idiots are…Zenaida for being herself or all of us for continuing to tolerate her lying, negligent, hustling ass in City Hall. I cringed when the prosecution rolled over and played dead in the fauxmayor’s court case recently. I wanted to smack her silly when she let go of her deluge of crocodile tears and claimed that she was vindicated. Vindicated my ass! When she kept saying that the Lord was her guiding light she should have been struck down on the spot. Every jack soul out here knows that the pseudo-mayor is sticky-fingered. Everybody knows that there is big money missing at City Hall. Everybody knows about the sweetheart deals and back-door negotiations on bloated contracts…we’re not stupid. We might not be able to get it in black and white, but everybody knows that the mayor is as guilty as they come and she is only free right now because of her political connections. And yet I am positive that there were a few wet eyes out here when the idiot shed her tears and claimed vindication and called on the Lord and little half-a-dalla. We need to be smacked silly. I watched when the brainless one was questioned very recently in the garbage crisis. She can’t really be that stupid, can she? She came off like it was all news to her – gee golly wow, you mean they really want to protest… oh my gosh! Well I’m sure I can talk to that nice fellow over there and we can work out something. Gimme a break, stupid! What exactly will you all talk
about? The damned Council is broke. You all owe the company that picks up garbage more than $300,000. You haven’t paid them in four months. Look out the window of your plush newly renovated fancy office. You see those people walking about with placards… well they’ve just been told that they will be laid off at the end of this week because City Hall is not paying them. Were you not aware of this, mayor Vanilli? Oh wait…it’s not her fault, the
poor thing…it’s that damned Financial Controller who just refuses to pay. Yeah bloody right! Anybody who believes that is a damned fool. I’ll bet that the pseudo-mayor manages to collect her very real paycheck every single month, though. How much is she making again…$9000 a month? And I’ll bet that while those other fools we call Councilors are absent 99% of the time, they do report to pick up their very hefty stipends… about $4000 a month. How much more will we take? It’s not like we can’t look around and see the mess that the city is in. It’s not like we don’t stumble over garbage every time we come out of our gates. Hell, we don’t even have streets with potholes on them…we have potholes with little pieces of street attached. Everything in the city is a mess. Our parks and playgrounds are all dilapidated. Every single street in Belize City is breaking apart or broken apart. There is garbage and filth everywhere. Our street-sides are now jungles…I mean jeez I know a lot of tourists come to Belize for its rainforest, but not on the main streets of the city. Only a completely clueless,
Sunday, November 28, 2010 brainless, idiotic criminally stupid person would think that the faux-mayor is doing a good job or any job at all. But you know what we do? NOTHING! Our media houses report dutifully to interview the mayor about one single solitary market built by the Social Investment Fund (not the City Council which still has not even one accomplishment of which to boast). We don’t rock the boat at all…we just smile prettily with her and accept all the stupid stuff she tells us. We go out to interview the poor Belizeans marching in the sun-hot because they will be laid off at the end of the week and then we move on to another story. We all accept everything that is done to us and wait for somebody else to find the balls to take a stand and nobody ever does. You go on and do your thing, madam mayor, cause Dean Barrow isn’t the only one with no balls…!
Our Telephone Number is:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES THE BELIZE BANK LIMITED, a company duly formed and incorporated under the Laws of
Belize with registered Office situate at No. 60 Market Square, Belize City, Belize hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee/Chargee under Deeds of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Mortgagee/Chargee which Mortgages/Charges are recorded at the Land Titles Unit or Lands Registry, Belmopan City. The said bank will at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the SCHEDULE hereto. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to The Belize Bank Limited or to the undersigned from either of whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Blocks 26 and 27 measuring 26.50 acres and 18.20 acres respectively situate at Washington Tree Area, Black Creek Reserve, Belize District and bound and described as shown on a plan 1143 of 2000 and held under Minister’s Fiat Grant dated 1st day of January, 2001 together with all buildings and erections thereon the property of LUKE ESPAT.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 254 situate in Caribbean Shores Registration Section, Belize City, and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of LUKE ESPAT.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 1, Parcels 895-914, 924-941, 943, 9741003, 1023-1031, 1033-1052 SAVE AND EXCEPT 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1032, situate at the Xaibe Rural Registration Section and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of FIRST NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETY.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 1, Parcels 942 and 1032, situate at the Xaibe Rural Registration Section and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of FIRST NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETY.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 16, Parcel 1860 measuring 2.43 acres situate in Caribbean Shores Registration Section, Belize City, and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of INDECO ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 24, Parcel 2685 measuring 282 acres situate in Society Hall Registration Section and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of INDECO ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 20, Parcels 3456-3495, 3496 – 3531, 3533-3539, 3541-3578, 3583, 3586, 3587, 3590-3604, 3612-3613, 3620, 3676-3688, 36903696 situate in the Belmopan Registration Section and held Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of INDECO ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block 20, Parcels 5989-6000, 6002-6011, 60196045, 6052-6055 situate in the Belmopan Registration and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of INDECO ENTERPRISES LIMITED.
Dated the 24TH day of November, 2010.
MARINE PARADE CHAMBERS Corner Gaol Lane/Marine Parade Belize City, Belize Attorneys-at-Law for The Belize Bank Limited
GPHC records high rate of victims of domestic violence
The year 2010 has been thought of by many as a “bad y e a r f o r w o m a n ” ; m a i n l y b ec a u s e o f t h e b r u t a l d e a t h s o f n umerous women due to domestic violence. More so, during the three-month period JanuaryM a r c h ; s i x w o m e n w e r e m u rdered by their male partners. It is possibly because of this harsh reality that students o f t h e Va n d e r b i l t U n i v e r s i t y (Canada) in collaboration with Navindranaught Rambaran, H O D , A c c i d e n t a n d E m e rg e n c y U n i t , i n J u l y, c o n d u c t e d a r e search project pertaining to the prevalence of “intimate partner violence” (IPV) in the Accident a n d E m e rg e n c y U n i t ( A & E ) o f t h e G e o rg e t o w n P u b l i c H o s p ital Corporation (GPHC). Over a period of time, GPHC has been working extensively w i t h t h e u n i v e r s i t y. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e s e a r c hers, over a two-week period, 3 8 p e r s o n s s o u g h t m e d i c a l a ttention from the institution as a result of domestic abuse. Of the 38 victims, 31 were of the f e m a l e g e n d e r. The injuries were said to h a v e b e e n m o s t l y s o f t i s s u e i njuries— lacerations to the face, h e a d o r e x t r e m i t i e s . O n e p at i e n t w a s a d m i t t e d t o t h e h o spital. According to the research 73.4 per cent of the assaults occurred in the homes of the victims. The research has shown that the women were between the ages of 20 and 81 with the mean age being 34. It revealed that about one in six women presenting at the GPHC A&E w i t h a n i n j u r y a d m i t t e d t o b eing a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV). A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e s e a r c hers, the objective of the study was to “look at the prevalence of intimate partner violence in the GPHC A&E department among patients presenting with traumatic injuries”. The researchers stated that patients were specifically a s k e d i f t h e i n j u r y h a d b e e n i nf l i c t e d b y a d o m e s t i c p a r t n e r. Only patients aged 18 and over were recorded in the research. I t w a s p o i n t e d o u t t h a t i ntimate partner violence occurs g l o b a l l y a n d a ff e c t s a l l s o c i e ties but it is considered to be a preventable problem. T h e r e s e a r c h e r s m a d e r e f e rence to the fact that the rate of IPV in men is low but “not insignificant”. The researchers said that the frequent of IPV in the Guyanese population suggests that identification and intervention programmes as well as resident a n d s t a ff E d u c a t i o n a b o u t I P V should be High priority for the GPHC A&E.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
duties as [ ] and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. [So help me God.] According to section 3 of the Oaths Act, “The oath of allegiance and office shall be taken and subscribed by every member of the National Assembly previously to his taking his seat as a member thereof, and such oath shall be tendered by the Speaker or presiding member at a meeting of the said Assembly.” According to 7 News, “No details are provided of the so called "incident." But the only conclusion which can be drawn is that Edmund Castro was fired for engaging in corrupt or questionable beby: Lisa Shoman havior.” Ominous if true, and this “I never yet feared those men serves only to throw MORE fuel on who set a place apart in the middle the already raging bonfire of speculaof their cities where they gather to tion. cheat one another and swear oaths Luckily, we have some illuminawhich they break.” Herodotus tion on the matter from 7 News’ Jules Our national Coat of Arms fea- Vasquez who spoke to the “charactures a shield. Above that shield, teristically upbeat” Castro. That exrises a mahogany tree. Below the change revealed that Castro “had a shield is the motto scroll. On that meeting with the PM yesterday” and scroll is inscribed our national motto. they went over “whatever the allegaMost reliable sources translate this tion was." Latin phrase as “Under the shade I Asked by Vasquez if he “could (We) flourish.” Some however, give speak of what that incident is”, the the slogan a more sinister, less desir- bold reply was "Jules I don't think it able meaning: “I (We) flourish in the was to that magnitude and I don't wish shadow.” Forgo the attractive side-ar- to comment on that because I am not gument as to whether this meant un- seeing it so but nevertheless we have der our colonial masters or under the to move on." Yes, well. mahogany tree. Stick with the main Undaunted, the veteran newsman thing – What can flourish in shadow? pressed on. Undeterred, Clear the Mushrooms and UDP Ministers, Land stated that “the entire story is apparently. Do not be tempted by fun not quite the way it turn out." Sic. fungus jokes, this is not the time. FoBut as News 7 puts it so well, “the cus, rather on the shadows, for there- burning question that everyone in our democracy is currently lodged. wants an answer to is: what did Yesterday, the Prime Minister Castro do that got him fired from of Belize, “with immediate effect, Cabinet? removed Hon. Edmund Castro as Channel 7 and Jules had the scoop, Scotiabank (Belize)Sacked Ltd., him. a company dulyandregistered a Minister of State." however, informed under the Jewel that Cleared him out of the Ministry of woman the Companies Act, Chapter 250,“a ofBelizean the LawsAmerican of Belize, Re- went Works, and from his Cabinet. to the Prime Minister complainvised Edition, 2000, and having office at Cor. eviAccording the Press Release which its ingregistered and offering documentary wasAlbert issuedand yesterday by the Office establishing she had Bishop Streets, Belizedence City, Belize, herebythat gives of the Prime Minister, "The deci- paid Castro just under 50 thousand notice its intention its power of sale as Mort-purchase sion was of taken following to a exercise report Belize dollars to privately made to the Prime Minister about 20 acres of landday from gagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the18th ofhim”. Dean incident involving Hon. Castro. The news item went on as folcember, between MICHAEL CASIMIRO of 39 FonThe Prime 1995, Minister was satisfied, lows : “Our information says that after consideration, thatTown, the Orange secadue Street, Orange Walk Walk District of the an initial amount of ten thousand report was substantially accurate; US dollars was paid in 2009 - and one part andCastro Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part, and and that Hon. had engaged then - she claims - Castro asked for the Land Titles the Landamounts ChargestoRegister in recorded behavior at inconsistent with Unit the in additional finalize the high standards of propriety to transaction. Eventually when no (Legal Charges) Vol. 24 at Folio 6, and the said Scotiabank which the Prime Minister seeks to title was forthcoming, the woman (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of lives threeinmonths from States the got hold his ministers.” who the United So of course, like the sacking, up and complaint date of the first publication of thisfed notice selltook the her property de- to a with immediate effect, the entire good many people before she finalscribed in the hereto. country went intoschedule an overdrive of ly got to the Prime Minister. They speculation, rumor, gossip, innuendo met this week - and - our sources and yes, good, good, “yeri-so”. We say - she provided documentary offersinquiring to purchase must made writall All became minds the whosaid de- property evidence thatbeshe hadintransferred manded to know. Leave that there for monies her bank in the Uniting and full particulars and conditions offrom sale may be obtained the moment. ed States to Castro. Again, our unfrom said Scotiabank (Belize)derstanding Ltd. Everythe member of the National is that it was a private Assembly, including the Honorable land purchase - but according to Edmund “Clear The Land” Castro” our information, the complainant is subjected to the Oaths Act, Chap- had not received title - or any docuter 130 of the laws of Belize. Un- ment entitling her to any piece of der section 2, the Oath of Allegiance land.” and Office “shall be in the following Simply sensational. Amazing, asform: ALL THAT lot piece or parceltounding of land comprising and alarming.0.138 According “I, , do swear [or sol- to the oracle at Channel 7, “The acresand andsincerely forming affirm part ofand the property known as Otro emnly proof she provided was enough to declare] thatsituate I will in bear true faith thenumbered Prime Minister Benque Orange Walkconvince Town and Lot who and allegiance to Belize, and will called in Castro and acted decisiveNo. 254 a planConstitution made by H.C. Fairweather, Chartered uphold the onBelize ly to remove him as Minister.” and the Law, and that will conAccording to Entry anotherNo. reliable meLand Surveyor andI dated 18th August, 1980 scientiously, impartially and to the dia source, Prime Minister Barrow has 146ofand No. 1 a copy of which is hereto best my Register ability discharge my “confirmed thatattached he fired Junior Minis-
TOGETHER with all buildings and erections thereon. (Property now declared under Registration Sectionof
ter Castro because of wrong doing involving land transaction. When asked by Channel 7, the PM said whatever wrong was done will be righted. He did not want to go into details to publically embarrass Mr. Castro.” Such delicacy of spirit is novel and fascinating when found in our fearless Head of Government. Why not, Prime Minister? Why no detail? If the wrongdoing was sufficiently substantiated to warrant removal, then the Minister must have broken his oath. Either he did not bear true faith and allegiance to Belize, or did not uphold the constitution or the law; or maybe it was failure to comply with the part about doing right to all manner of people. Not discharging duties to the best of ability is not reason enough in this cabinet to be sacked. Just ask Carlos. Plus, the PM’s knows the full extent of Castro’s ability, and has known its limits for some time now. So, what does the wrongdoing amount to? Does it rise above moral turpitude to the level of criminal wrongdoing? Only the PM, the complainant(s) and Castro know for sure. If the Minister’s wrongdoing does amount to an offence under Belize’s Criminal Code, does the PM have a legal duty to inform the DPP? If he does, and he does not, is there a cover-up? Citizens have a right to know. When it comes to scandal, wheth-
er whiff or more, oftentimes the cover-up is worse than the initial wrongdoing. Just ask former US President, Richard Nixon. Whatever the truth is, in respect of former Minister Castro, as well as the Ministries of National Security & Immigration, and Police, it must come out of the shadows and face the light. The Prime Minister’s high standards of propriety, to which he seeks to hold his Ministers, demands no less. No citizen is above the law, not even ones who can claim parliamentary privilege in the National Assembly, but not outside. Thanks to this government in fact, there is a particular legal remedy put in the hands of the good citizens of the Jewel. As from December 1, 2010, any elected representative of the people who has disgraced or disappointed those electors whom he represents, may, according to this Prime Minister, now be subject to the Recall of Elected Representatives Act which provides for the recall of Members of the House of Representatives before the expiry of their normal term of office. Before you lament, stalwart daughter and son of the Baymen’s Clan, like Herodotus, about men who set a place apart in the middle of their cities where they gather to cheat one another and swear oaths which they break; take heed from our anthem. Put on your armour. Clear the Land. Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee.
BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250, of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 24th day of June, 2008, between OSCAR ROMERO and EVITA ROMERO both of #312 Maurice Bishop Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District, Belize, of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, registered as Instrument No. LRS-200804948, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
DATED this 12th day of November, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
3 e)
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Drogas finalmente destruidas DOMINGO 28 de NOVIEMBRE , 2010
La cocaína que pesó 2, 604 kilos, y que hizo un espectáculo público casi todos los días desde que fue interceptado hace dos sábados fue destruida en Orange Walk el lunes. Los paquetes se abrieron paso desde la ciudad de Belice a Tower Hill en un convoy de rápido movimiento acompañado de la policía fuertemente armada y soldados de la Fuerza de Defensa de Belice desde las 5:00 am. Las drogas con un valor de unos $ 140 M fue destruido en el incinerador en Tower Hill. Las toneladas de polvo blanco perfectamente contenidos en envases de 2,2 kilos cada uno, todos con la insignia del escorpión de drogas provenientes de Colombia fueron apilados y colocados uno a uno en dos piezas de cartón plano para que un oficial de la Unidad de Drogas la partiera a la mitad antes de ser arrojado al fuego. Todo esto sucedió en presencia de un químico, un magistrado, un juez de paz y un alto funcionario policial. El convoy de la ciudad de Belice a Orange Walk no fue publicitada como
Issue No. 4721
la primera transferencia de la Carretera Sur en donde fue interceptado, enviado a la ciudad de Belice y a la estación de policía de la calle Raccoon. A continuación un total de 12 vehículos, todos ellos con oficiales armados hasta los dientes, aceleró en la antigua capital. Para el período durante el cual la Es-
Tío de Neisa Pipersburgh muerto a tiros
El asesinato de Michael Morgan no fue el único que se anticipo al feriado. A tan sólo 15 minutos después de su asesinato, George Pipersburgh fue abatido a tiros. Le dispararon en la cara mientras montaba sobre Duck Lane, cerca de su confluencia con Water Lane. Un desconocido se le acerco a Pipersburg y le disparó a quemarropa y dejandolo tendido boca arriba sobre su bicicleta en un charco de su propia sangre. Al igual que en el homicidio anterior, la Policía no ha establecido ningún motivo para el asesinato y fueron en busca de un par de personas de interés. La mayoría de la gente recordará a Pipersburgh como el hombre que fue lanzado de la parte trasera de una camioneta frente a un camino de tierra en la carretera de Occidente en el kilómetro seis. Él era el tío de Neisa Pipersburgh, 19, la graduanda de Pallotti cuyo cadáver en descomposición fue descubierto el sábado, junio 21, 2010. Pipersburgh fue lanzado fuera de la camioneta cuando un autobús perteneciente a la empresa
de autobuses Shaw se dirigía hacia la ciudad de Belice, estrellándose contra la parte trasera de la camioneta, que se había estancado en el medio del camino proveniente de la carretera de tierra donde el cuerpo de Neisa Pipersburgh se habia encontrado. Pipersburgh quedó inconsciente en el incidente, pero se recuperó. No se sabe si su muerte está relacionada con ese incidente. Como si el asesinato de Pipersburgh no hubiera tenido un efecto sangriento el fin de semana del Día del Garifuna, el fin de semana se descubre otro asesinato más, aunque después del feriado. En torno a las seis el lunes por la mañana la Policía de la aldea de Independence fueron llamados a una zona en Bella Vista Village, donde descubrieron el cuerpo del obrero hondureño, Uritia Juan Cardona, de 56 años. El asesino de Cardona al parecer se le acercó con un machete y le infligió heridas mortales a la cabeza y el brazo derecho. Como suele ser el caso, el motivo y el sospechoso aún no se han revelado.
FOR SALE 2007 Isuzu NKR White 14’ Cab & Chasis 4 Door; 4X2, 2.8L Diesel 5 Speed Manual Transmission Power Steering with 3 gate bed. The vehicle may be viewed at #169 BelTex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City Sealed bids can be sent to Mr. T A Mendez or Miss Amy A. Forte at First Caribbean International Bank, Albert Street Branch, Belize City. Telephone 227-7211; 227-7212 ext. 107.
Grand Excursion to Chetumal
The Truth Shall Make You Free
tación de Policía de Raccoon St. Fuera el hogar de las drogas de alto costo, la calle Raccoon desde su unión con Dolphin St y Curassow fue cerrada al tráfico vehicular. Una vez allí, un total de 68 oficiales, 50 de los cuales eran soldados armados BDF ... y 18 policías custodiaban el 2,6 toneladas de drogas durante todo el día, en turnos. Seis oficiales asignados al Departamento de Policía están en prisión preventiva en la cárcel en espera de juicio por el cargamento que fue interceptado cerca de la Reserva Bladen. La policía dice que encontró una sola bala en el interior del vehículo que ocupaban cuando fueron arrestados. Otros cargos están pendientes.
By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 11th day of September, 2008, between FELICIA AUGUSTINE of Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 33 of 2008 at folios 1015 – 1044; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expirtation of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto.
20 W 4D 5S Po ga
Th #16
Sea Fir Tel
All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd .
THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 559 situate in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as follows:On the Northeast for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560; On the Southeast for 90.00 Feet by Lot No. 530; On the Southwest for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 553; On the Northwest for 90.00 Feet by a 40 Feet Road; Containing 1110.00 Square Yards of land shown on Entry No. 3556, Register No. 2 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 24th day of November, 2010.
MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Notice CAST Licens Orang Liquor 1980.
Notice BINA Liquor Food” under nance
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Belize Times
Belize TimesEn
Culpen a la LLuvia
Por: Mike Rudon Jr. Culpa la lluvia... culpa las estrellas! Hagas lo que hagas no te culpes a ti... La culpa es de la lluvia, sí, sí - Milli Vanilli, 1989 Maldije a Zenaida Moya cuando me auto se estrelló contra un bache enorme en la calle Vernon el día de ayer. Y yo que soy tan mal hablado, pero si te digo la verdad después de un viaje muy corto en la ciudad me quedé sin palabras de muy desagradables términos despectivos para describir a la falsa pseudo-alcalde. Pido disculpas a algunos de mis lectores que siempre me regañan por mi uso liberal de lo que siento pero la realidad es que no hay palabras bonitas para describir lo que Zenaida ha hecho a la ciudad. No hay palabras bonitas para llamar a la idiota que se sigue pasando como la mas alta autoridad de esta ciudad! Pero usted sabe lo que si es verdad? A veces me pregunto quiénes son los más idiotas, Zenaida por ser quien es o nosotros por continuar tolerando sus mentiras y su negligencia en el Ayuntamiento. Quise hacerme pequeñito cuando la fiscalía se dio la vuelta y fallo a favor de nuestra pseudo alcaldesa en su caso recientemente. Me dieron ganas de asestarle un par de golpes cuando soltó un diluvio de lágrimas de cocodrilo y afirmó que estaba siendo reivindicada Decía que el Señor era su luz y guía, debería haberle partido un rayo en ese momento por blasfema! Todo mundo sabe que la pseudoalcalde es de dedos pegajosos. Todo el mundo sabe que hay mucho dinero que falta en el Ayuntamiento. Todo el mundo sabe acerca de los acuerdos preferenciales y las negociaciones por la puerta trasera, no somos estúpidos. Puede que no podamos probarlo en blanco y negro, pero todo el mundo sabe que la alcaldesa es tan culpable como cualquier otro delincuente y ella sólo esta libre en este momento debido a sus conexiones políticas. Y sin embargo estoy seguro de que había unas cuantas personas del público que derramaron unas lágrimas conmovidos con las palabras de la alcaldesa cuando afirmaba reivindicación y invocaba al Señor y su half-dalla! A los que deberían asestarle un par de golpes es a nosotros. Vi cuando la descerebrada fue cuestionado recientemente en la crisis de la basura. Ella en realidad no puede ser tan estúpida, verdad? Actuaba como
si todo esto fueran noticias nuevas para ella. Wow caramba caramba, ¿quieres decir que realmente quieren protestar ... oh Dios mío! Bueno, yo estoy segura de que puedo hablar con ese buen chico por allí y podemos resolver algo. Un momento estúpida! ¿Qué es exactamente lo que hablaras con las personas afectadas? Acaso no sabes que el Consejo no tiene plata? Que se le debe a la empresa que recoge la basura más de 300.000 dólares. Ustedes no les han pagado en cuatro meses. Mira por la ventana de tu recientemente renovada
oficina de lujo. ¿Ves esas personas caminando alrededor con carteles? ... pues te informo que se les informo que van a ser despedidos a finales de esta semana porque el Ayuntamiento no les puede pagar. ¿Acaso usted no tiene conocimiento de esto, alcaldesa Vanilli? Oh, esperen! ... no es culpa de ella, la pobrecita... es de ese maldito interventor que simplemente se niega a pagar. Claro! Cualquiera que crea eso tiene que ser un tonto…. ¿Cuánto más vamos a tolerar? No es que no podemos mirar alrededor y ver el desorden de la ciudad, no es como que cada vez que salimos de nuestras casas no tropezamos con la basura que se acumula más y mas. Carajo!, ni siquiera tenemos calles con baches en ellos ... tenemos baches con pequeños pedazos de calle adjunta. Todo en la ciudad es un caos. Nuestros parques y patios de recreo son ruinas. Cada calle en la ciudad de Belice se esta destruyendo o destruida ya. Hay basura y suciedad por todas partes. Nuestras calles son selvas... o sea, Conozco a un montón de turistas que vienen a Belice por su selva, pero no en las
principales calles de la ciudad. Sólo una persona completamente desorientada, sin cerebro, criminalmente idiota y estúpido podría pensar que la imitación de alcalde que tenemos está haciendo un buen trabajo o cualquier trabajo en absoluto. Pero usted sabe lo que hacemos? NADA! Nuestros medios de información debidamente entrevistan a la alcalde acerca de un mercado único solitario construido por el Fondo de Inversión Social (no el Ayuntamiento que todavía ni siquiera tiene uno de los logros de los que podamos contar). Ellos sonríen graciosamente con ella y aceptan todas las cosas estúpidas que nos dice. Luego se van a entrevistar a los beliceños pobres que marchan en el sol caliente en son de protesta, ya que serán despedidos a finales de la semana y, a continuación pasamos a otra historia. Todos aceptamos todo lo que se nos hace y esperamos a que alguien más encuentre las bolas para hacer algo al respecto y nadie lo hace nunca! Así que siga adelante Sra. Moya y haga lo suyo, señora alcaldesa, porque Dean Barrow no es el único sin pelotas...!
The Belize Times
Belize TimesEn
l o ñ a p s E
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Por: Mike Rudon Jr. ¿Podría alguien por favor darle una bofetada a ese estúpido arrogante en la cabeza y recordarle que esto es realmente su trabajo y que se supone que es ayudar a la gente? No estoy muy seguro de que Dean Oliver entiende este concepto de hacer las cosas para mejorar las vidas de la gente. De hecho, estoy bastante seguro de que él piensa que viajar por el mundo con su esposa, vestirse de lujo para los cócteles y dar discursos bonitos en grandes almuerzos es cumplir con todas sus obligaciones como primer ministro. Me imagino que para eso el es muy bueno! Y puede alguien por favor decirle a ese idiota pomposo que se supere a sí mismo y deje sus falsas posturas y de pontificar. El condenado hombre toma quince minutos para decir algo que alguien mas lo diría en cinco minutos. Es ridículo. Si tuviera que sentarme a escucharlo por una longitud de tiempo estaría dividido entre saltar a mis pies en ovación espontánea por sus habilidades o gritar "llega al condenado punto!! Por Favor! Y por el amor de Dios, que alguien, cualquiera, por favor, le diga al Primer Ministro que la oda a su grandeza que fue compuesta por su secretario de prensa y la oficina de prensa es odiosa y repugnante?. Quería vomitar. Para aquellos de ustedes que no lo han visto, es un
montón de clips de personas dándole las gracias a Dean por su intervención en la crisis del azúcar... si usted tiene una baja tolerancia al excremento, no lo vea! El hecho es que Dean Oliver hizo nada más lo que tenía que hacer desde el principio, y tomó un mes para hacerlo. Darle las gracias por qué? El hombre se le paga generosamente y obtiene beneficios espectaculares para hacer su trabajo... fin de la historia. Lo que hizo fue nada más que eso. Siento que todo el mundo fue tan efusivo en su agradecimiento, ya que es la primera vez que el primer ministro ha hecho algo positivo para alguien que no está relacionado con él. ¿Qué hace su intervención para destacar es el hecho de que por casi
tres años de su término él no ha hecho nada. El hombre ha sido un fracaso... un fracaso vestido de Armani y Gucci nada mas……. La verdad del asunto es que, lejos de lo que la oda odiosa a su brillantez nos quiere hacer creer, Dean Oliver merece ser azotado por su reticencia y negligencia criminal de una de nuestras industrias más importantes. Esta crisis no ocurrió durante la noche. Esto se ha estado construyendo a lo largo de un chingo de pernoctaciones. Pero Dean Oliver no le importa un comino. A el no pudo importarle esta industria de la que 50 mil beliceños en el norte dependen para su pan de todos los días. Es inaceptable que el Primer Ministro en los últimos días dijera que él no tenía idea de que las cosas estaban tan mal. ¡Dios mío, la industria estaba a punto de un colapso total y absoluta y el líder de la nación no tenía ni idea. Pero si fuera por mí, Dean O no sufriría los azotes por su cuenta. El tipo retrasadito (lo siento Kim) de Orange Walk que dice que es el Vice Primer Ministro debe recibir su dosis también. Luego está el Ministro de Agricultura que trabaja sin descanso para rellenar su propia fortuna, pero no sabe realmente lo que está pasando en el azúcar. Por supuesto no podemos dejar de lado el pobre tonto de Nemencio Acosta, que se supone que es el enlace entre el Gobierno de
Belice y la industria azucarera. Caray, la verdad es que todos los representantes del UDP sabían que las cosas estaban muy mal. Todos ellos deben ser azotados. Pero en lugar de eso ellos están de pie dándose palmaditas en la espalda… montón de idiotas. Así que Dean Oliver, aquí no espere obtener ningún tipo de gracias. No es que somos un montón de ingratos... ni mucho menos. Pero ni usted ni su gente merecen elogios por todo lo que ha sucedido recientemente. Bajo el UDP... bajo este primer ministro que no tenía ni idea se podría haber destruido la industria azucarera y estuvo muy cerca de eso. Después de muchos meses de una escalada de crisis a la que se le ignoro por el Sr. Barrow, que ahora se ha visto obligado a hacer lo que debería haber hecho desde el principio... intervenir y tratar de encontrar una solución. Y ahora se siente que todos deben inclinarse en reverencia y besarle los pies llenos de callos y en gratitud por hacer su trabajo. Pon tus pies en la tierra Jefe! Que eso no va a suceder!
PUP Think Tanking Sessions Every Thursday, Independence Hall at 7:30pm
Sunday, November 28, 2010 Notice is hereby given that SHAK FUN LO is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Benson Shop”, #5 Mitchell Estate, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that JIAN HUAN JIANG is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Holiday Food House”, #13 Orange Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that HAO HUA LU is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Lew’s Shop”, #7 Douglas Jones Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MIN YING LIU is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Minland Shop”, #6391 Tibruce Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that JUN YUAN SU is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Yan Du Restaurant”, #18 Central American Boulevard”, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MARIA YOLANDA ENRIQUEZ is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “La Cabaña”, #46 East Canal, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that HUI QUN CHEN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Keffy’s Shop”, #1221 Coral Grove, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that JAMES YOUNG is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Laker’s Kool Spot”, #42B Lawrence Avenue, Lake Independence, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that CHONG WU TAN is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Olympic Restaurant”, #3 Cemetery Road, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
The Belize Times
LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES License to be operated at “Donatila’s Place”, Xaibe Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MARCELO TECK is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Vista Del Rio”, Caledonia Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that OTILIO VALLE is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Pasadina Bar and Pool”, Ranchito Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Rita Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that JING XIAO TAN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Cristo Rey Supermarket”, Cristo Rey Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that BING TANG LI is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Chang Fa Restaurant”, Park Street North, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that YOLANDA TZUL is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Yoli’s”, Copper Bank Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that HUI MEI LI is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Long Zi Whi Young”, #43 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that VIRGILIO CHI is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Serenita’s Bar”, Libertad Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that ZHUO SUM NG is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “New Town Restaurant”, 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that EMIL CRUZ is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “O & D’s Shop”, Sarteneja Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that JIAN LIU WU is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Chopstick Restaurant”, Santa Elena Border, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that LORENZO COB is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Ace’s Bar”, Copper Bank Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that FACUNDA COB is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “El Viyama”, San Narciso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that DANIEL MORENO SR., is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “C & B Cool Spot”, Baeza Layout, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that WU RUO WEI AND WU ZHAO YU ZHE are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Hong Kong Restaurant”, 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that WU SEN BO is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Lin Yuan Restaurant” 1st Street South, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that CHONG YAN ZHAO is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Chon Kong Restaurant”, #42 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that CHONG WU TAN is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Bian Wen Diner”, #34 East Canal Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that ERDULFO CORREA is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in Libertad Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that GUAN QIAN NA is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “J & K Supermarket”, #2049 Teacher Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that CARLOS ARANA is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “New Millennium”, Consejo Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that LIANG TIE LIN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Louis Grocery”, #5701 Lizarraga Avenue, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that WEN SHENG LI is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Chang Li Game Room and Bar”, 4th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that RUI CHUAN LU is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Bacali Store”, Youth For The Future Drive, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that WAI LEE MARK is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Ma’s Fast Food”, #1 Santa Elena Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that DAHLIA CASTILLO is applying for a Restaurant and Bar Liquor License to be operated at “Tony’s Inn & Beach Resort, Southend Corozal, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that YANG HUA ZHAO is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Ben’s Fast Food”, #1 4th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that LAN YE QING is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Lan’s Store”, #29 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that ZHEN YAN FEI is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “88 Tommy’s Fast food”, #29 Santa
Notice is hereby given that LIN RI YOU is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “China Store” #1 Santa Rita Road,
Notice is hereby given that DONATILA POTT is applying for a Shop Liquor
Notice is hereby given that YU ZHEN ZHAO is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Mayab Chinese Fast Food”, 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that CHEN HUI BANG is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Jing Jing Store”, Santa Elena Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ZONG RONG HUANG is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Chang Sang Supermarket”, College Road, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that CHEN JIN HUAN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Huan Huan Store”, #14 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
31 Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that LIU HUI PING is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Chinese Shop”, #34 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MARK KUM FO is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “East Store”, #45 4th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that XUEENA MA is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Ma Brother’s”, 2nd Street South, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MEI YAN NA is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mei Supermarket”, #50 Santa Rita, Santa Rita Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ZHUO WU WU is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New World Store”, 7th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that WU GUO QIANG is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Circle K Store”, San Andres Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that HONG CHAO WU is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Fry’s Store”, #11 Santa Elena Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that WU WEI DA is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “D & L Supermarket”, 6th Street South, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that WU XI KUN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Gold Bridge Store”, #91 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that YU FENG WAN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Yong Feng Store”, #48 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that YANG JIAN ZHAO is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “J mart Supermarket”, San Joaquin Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that YIN YE CHEN AND FU YAN ZHEN are applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Fa Chang Shop”, #70 4th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that HE SHAN is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mo’s Market’, #40 5th Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that TAN GUO ZHANG is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Game Room”, #9 Santa Rita Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
The Belize Times
Sunday, November 28, 2010