Belize Times December 19, 2010

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times



Issue No. 4724


It’s the Economy, Stupid…

In 1992 when Bill Clinton used the term – It’s the economy, Stupid – to attack George W. Bush for his economic cluelessness it was a different time and a different location but the phrase holds true for Belize today. Our country is in an economic tailspin and the prime minister has already donned his silken parachute and jumped, leaving his passengers to fend for themselves! The past year was a bad one for our people and there is little or no hope that the coming year will be any better. In the House of Representatives and whenever a photo opportunity presents itself, Mr. Barrow immediately launches into his trail-worn spiel, blaming the previous administration for any and everything related to the economy. Three years after Dean Oliver was elected to fix all the problems, based on his self-proclaimed genius, he has still done absolutely nothing but blame the previous administration. But the Prime Minister can say what he will, any way that he wants but the fact remains that life has never been this hard under a PUP administration. Just ask anybody on the street.

The only Belizeans (and Ethiopian Jewish confused person) who enjoyed 2010 and who truly can say that 2010 was a very good year are the Barrow family, UDP ministers and their families and assorted UDP cronies. As far back as June Mr. Barrow spoke of a light at the end of the economic tunnel but Belizeans have long since dismissed his words as the

usual rubbish couched in the most eloquent of terms. The reality for a vast majority of Belizeans has been too dismal for Barrow’s assurances to be entertained. The S.I.B. which apparently adjusts statistics to suit Mr. Barrow’s message of the day has released statistics indicating a slight growth in G.D.P. But that means nothing to people out here. They are simply not feeling that. Nobody can eat statistics or give statistics to their children at night when they are crying because they have no food. The reality is that every week the newspapers are filled with the names of people who are losing their homes. Every week the newspapers are filled with the names of businesses being closed down. This week alone one of the newspapers listed 26 foreclosures – this translates into hundreds of Belizeans losing their jobs and joining the ranks of the depressed, frustrated and desperate. As we go to press tonight it has been confirmed the Batsub, the British training facility in Belize is scaling down within the month. That means that almost 200 more Belizeans will be on the street. They join 275 Belizeans who

just this week found themselves without the means to support their families… just a week before Christmas. And that is only a tiny hint of the reality out here. Many businesses have gone bellyup in the past months and it has been reliably reported that local banks will move on many more in the weeks ahead. The unemployment figure which traditionally hovers at around 8% has been reported at 14%, and those in the know insist that that statistic has been fudged and is actually much higher. Mr. Barrow seems to have gone north for the holidays, since he has deigned to make comments on the hundreds of Belizeans who have found themselves in dire straits through no fault of their own. But that is trademark Barrow and trademark UDP. This administration seems to have been caught off guard by crisis after crisis, has no clue what to do about anything, so has taken the decision to do NOTHING. Mr. Barrow has been accused of eating steak while we are forced to eat noodles. The reality this Christmas is that many Belizeans will be hard-pressed to put noodles on their tables.

As we go to press, reliable sources have reported that UDP Chairman and Barrow clone Patrick Faber has threatened to resign his post in the Party. That move, we are told, comes on the heels of an overtly hostile confrontation between the Chairman and UDP Deputy Party Leader Gaspar Vega at the mockery of a democratic convention held in Orange Walk East last Sunday. According to reports, things got out of hand when one of Vega’s paid stooges, David Alamilla, attempted to cast his vote. Faber, acting as Chairman, turned him back and told him that he would not be able to vote. Things turned confrontational very quickly and Vega was allegedly called in. That led to a back and forth between Faber and Vega and the Police had to be called in. The

UDP Chairman apparently forgot that he was on Vega’s turf and told the Police to escort Alamilla outside of the voting station. Vega quickly reminded them that he is the big cheese in Orange Walk and Alamilla was allowed to stay inside the voting station. But that was not the end of it, as Vega allegedly told Faber that he would pay for his insolence at the convention. That comeuppance allegedly came very quickly at a meeting of the Party hierarchy on Wednesday, where Vega and Faber got into another shouting match. One highly placed source told the Belize Times that Faber told the Prime Minister that if he has no power to make decisions in the Party then it is pointless that he be the Chairman. We understand that at that point Faber walked out of the meeting even as the Prime Minister told him that if he walked out it would be interpreted as a resignation of his Chairman post. The confrontation between Vega and Faber has been a long time in the making as it is widely known that both of them have their eyes on the top spot. At news-time information is still sketchy and the Belize Times has not been able to confirm if Faber has indeed handed in a formal resignation or is only bluffing. Political observers speculate that it is a bluff and a cry for attention from Faber, since he is believed to be much too ambitious to throw in the towel so easily.


At the UDP convention held in Orange Walk East on Sunday, Vega’s horse Landy Burns crossed the finish line miles ahead of incumbent Marcel Cardona and new challenger in OW East Denny Grijalva. But even as Vega’s boy Landy Burns stood to receive the bouquet handed to him on convention day, there were cries of vote-buying, voter fraud and padding of the voter lists. In fact, Burns’ entire campaign was conducted under a cloud of money, with campaigners paid $25 per day to put on one of his shirts. On the day of the convention, word is that voters were being paid up to $200 by ‘bagmen’ whose bags had allegedly been filled by Deputy Party Leader Vega. Incumbent Cardona went so far as to point out the money factor when he was interviewed on that day, saying – “this is a show, a show of economic power, economic wealth, economic prosperity and economic dominance over everyone else, over the poor in particular.” Cardona continued to accuse the entire UDP organization of working against the poor people of Belize, stating “it's about the rich trying to monopolize things and trying to control things to make more money and to get richer…so it's basically a situation of what appears to be rich

versus poor." Sources tell the Belize Times that challenger Denny Grijalva, who garnered slightly more votes than the incumbent Cardona and a little more than half those received by Burns, is also allegedly accusing Burns of using his influence with Vega and the UDP bigwigs to play games with the numbers. This is only the second UDP convention on record this year and both have been riddled with controversy, contention and allegations of fraud. As we go to press, there are reports that UDP back-bencher and outgoing Orange Walk East Area Representative Marcel Cardona has announced his intention to resign from the United Democratic Party.


The Belize Times

The Worst of Times Six months ago Prime Minister Dean Oliver Barrow stood in front of a graduating class of the University of Belize and in typical grandstanding fashion quoted Dickens from the Tale of Two C i t i e s t o d e s c r i b e t h e s t a t e o f a ff a i r s o f o u r n a t i o n . B u t w h e n M r. Barrow perched his spectacles on his nose, cast his eyes skyward and philosophized that ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst o f t i m e s , ’ h e w a s t e l l i n g a n u n t r u t h . O r p e r h a p s m o r e a c c u r a t e l y, he was telling a half-truth. If the Prime Minister was even vaguely interested in accuracy and still enamored of Dickens, his soliloquy would have been thus – ‘it was the worst of times, it was the age o f f o o l i s h n e s s , i t w a s t h e e p o c h o f i n c r e d u l i t y, i t w a s t h e s e a s o n o f d a r k n e s s , i t w a s t h e w i n t e r o f d e s p a i r, w e h a d n o t h i n g b e f o r e us, we were all going direct to hell…’ As we near the end of days of 2010, there are very few persons who would dare claim that these were the best of times. Those numbers would include of course the royal family of Barrows, UDP ministers and their families and a few select and highly placed U D P c r o n i e s . F o r t h e s e p e o p l e 2 0 1 0 w a s a v e r y g o o d y e a r. B u t for the vast majority of Belizeans there was no bright light this y e a r, n o s h i n i n g s t a r. F o r t h e v a s t m a j o r i t y o f B e l i z e a n s h o p e a n d prosperity and peace and joy and happiness are abstract concepts o n C h r i s t m a s c a r d s , b u t a f a r c r y f r o m w h a t i s t h e r e a l i t y t o d a y. In 2008 Dean Oliver Barrow asked Belizeans across the length a n d b r e a d t h o f t h i s n a t i o n t o i m a g i n e t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s . We w e r e assured that if we followed the path charted by this great black M o s e s w e w o u l d e n t e r a n e w a g e , a g o l d e n a g e . B a c k t h e n M r. B a r r o w h a d a l l t h e a n s w e r s , k n e w h o w t o f i x e v e r y p r o b l e m . To d o u b t h i s g r e a t n e s s a n d t a l e n t w o u l d b e f o l l y, w e w e r e t o l d . H i s commitment could not be questioned, we were convinced. Listen to how pretty he speaks. Look at the sincerity shining in his patented gaze. A n d w e h a v e s u f f e r e d f o r t h a t d e c i s i o n . To d a y a n y r i g h t thinking Belizean would be hard-pressed to voice one positive accomplishment of this government on request. There has been t o o l i t t l e r i g h t a n d s o v e r y m u c h w r o n g . M r. B a r r o w a n d h i s s p i n doctors still labor mightily to convince us that we are living in a good country with good red leaders, but there is no rhetorical flourish or prose which can penetrate the gloom overshadowing our lives. In every area from crime to the economy to tourism to e m p l o y m e n t t o i n f r a s t r u c t u r e M r. B a r r o w ’s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a s f a i l e d , a n d f a i l e d m i s e r a b l y. P e r h a p s o u r p r i m e m i n i s t e r h a s a l l the answers but he has certainly held onto them and the infinite w is dom w e w ere as s ured he pos s es s ed remains a clos e-kept s ecret. We w e r e a s k e d t o i m a g i n e t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f c r i m e - f r e e communities; of a strengthened judiciary; of an enhanced justice system; of an enhanced Police Department under this UDP. We were a s s u r e d t h a t t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r ’s f i r s t m o v e i f e l e c t e d w o u l d b e t o construct a first-rate state of the art DNA/forensic facility to bolster t h e w a r a g a i n s t c r i m e . A l m o s t t h r e e y e a r s l a t e r, t h e D N A / f o r e n s i c facility is still only a promise last offered by Mr. Barrow just weeks a g o . O u r P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t i s a j o k e ; o u r D P P ’s o ff i c e b o a s t s a conviction rate of between 3% - 5%; violent crime statistics have reached record highs; the judiciary is in a shambles and Belize is considered one of the most violent and dangerous countries in the w o r l d . F o rg e t a b o u t t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s – t h a t i s t h e r e a l i t y. The economy was to have bloomed under this genius in everything. Our industries were to have generated unprecedented revenues; all our people would be given jobs; businesses would spring up all over the nation; development would be mind-boggling b e c a u s e M r. B a r r o w i s s u c h a g r e a t m a n . B u t t h r e e y e a r s l a t e r o u r poverty rate is higher than it has ever been. The cost of basic items is higher than it has ever been. Unemployment is higher than it has ever been and is rising every day as businesses are forced to shut down. Our industries are in crisis, our nation at the brink of d i s a s t e r. F o rg e t a b o u t t h e p o s s i b i l i t i e s – t h a t i s t h e r e a l i t y.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

An Attack on Democracy Dear Prime Minister, I write to you as a citizen of this great nation, however I thought long and hard prior to putting ink to paper for the mere fact that our country has a long history of victimizing differences of opinion. However, I am confident that your administration and you by extension is not the type to engage in such behavior and that you all are open and honest enough to see the difference between disagreeing and malicious intent on my behalf. Your recent decision to sever the government’s relationship with Channel 5/Great Belize Production however well intended on you and your administration’s behalf is not commensurate with the principles of democracy and free speech. Dissent is natural and healthy in any democracy and remains one of the pillars and foundation of a free state. I do not believe that anything aired on Channel 5/Great Belize Production has posed a threat to Belize’s internal or external national security which I think would be the only reason to put such a ban on the station. What Channel 5/Great Belize Production is doing is what all other politically partisan media houses have been doing in this nation for generations and we must also recognize that they are a privately owned business and as such can engage in whatever they see fit to air within the parameters of the law. As representatives of the people in the form of a democratically elected government the message you are sending is that the people is severing ties with Channel 5/Great Belize Production which is not the case since people can already exercise this option by simply changing the channel/station on their television if they so choose. If this station is purposely skewing the issues, then I would humbly suggest that those talking to the media receive some type of training in how to deal with the media, so as not to be snared by the said media house. This decision, however well intended will potentially have the effect of scaring other media houses into airing or publishing items that are solely pro government which is not the job of a free media in any democracy. As the democratically elected leader of this country I beg you to reconsider this decision and remove the ban on Channel 5/Great Belize Production since this totally erodes the values of free speech and democracy. This is not a defense of this station but rather a defense of democracy and total freedom of the press in this nation. If this situation was reversed and was done by any other administration to an opposition media house, I would be the first to say so. Honestly I find the practice in this country of politically partisan media houses a disservice to the Belizean public since truth, propaganda and impartiality have all been blurred, but because we still live in a democracy, we must be tolerant of it. In an era of globalization, openness and massive technological advances in communication, we cannot continue to allow partisan party politics to dictate our lives…we are all Belizeans. I have every confidence that you will do the right thing and reverse this decision and restore total freedom of the press and once again instill the high principle of democracy in this great nation. Sincerely Neri O. Briceno Citizen of Belize




Doreth Bevans


Roberto Peyrefitte PRINTER

Oscar Obando


Lucilo E. Alcoser


Rachel Arana

Printed & Published By The Belize Times Ltd. #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Tel: 224-5757

Editor: 671-8385

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Passing the Mantle...

Last week two longstanding members of our Party were laid to rest – Mrs. Asteria Villar, who we know fondly as Miss Cuttie f r o m O r a n g e Wa l k To w n a n d Mr. Joe Eralez from Belize City. They were two of the best of the PUP, stalwarts and warriors to the end. In Orange Walk Miss Cuttie started out as an NIP supporter, but in 1972 crossed over to the PUP, giving the Party one of its first wins in the Orange Walk Town Council. From ’72 until she closed her eyes Miss Cuttie never looked back. She was there with the Party when we gained our Independence in 1981. In ‘84 when the Party lost its first general election, she was a part o f t h e t e a m i n O r a n g e Wa l k that led the local effort to tell supporters to “come back home to the PUP.” She was a proud and active PUP supporter from 1972 until the day she closed her eyes for the last time. Like Miss Cuttie, Joe Eralez was a bona fide PUP. He was there from the very beginning, holding protests in Battlefield Park, marching alongside Richardson, Goldson and Price, fighting against devaluation and for adult suffrage. Joe was not a man who stood on the podium for the cameras - he worked in the trenches for the Party, helping then leader George Price to perform the day to day tasks of the Party. It was Joe who laid the groundwork for Lindy Rogers to come over to the PUP from the then NIP. Joe also worked as a go-between when Party members had disagreements. Joe loved his Party and was always willing to serve; he was a member of the Party’s executive, a member of the National Party Council and even a member of the Order of Distinguished Service. This past year, other stalwart PUP warriors have died - our champion of the poor man, Ray Lightburn, Louise Bevans, Nurse Dorothy Bradley, former Secretary-General Carlos Espat, Frankie Cas from Dangriga and others. They were Party supporters who never gave up on the PUP and never faltered in their love for Belize and for the PUP. These good people were a part of the ever changing times i n w h i c h w e l i v e . To o o f t e n these days, we tend to forget that

it was only a generation or two ago that we were holding those great debates over our national identity, over the role of women in leadership and our place as a small state in the region and In the world. Just 30 years ago we in the PUP were taking on those who

were afraid of what Independence w o u l d b r i n g . To d a y w e t a k e our political independence for granted, but this was not won without struggle. While there was no bloodshed, the imminent threat of invasion by a far more powerful opponent was always in the minds of Mr. Price, Said Musa, Harry Courtenay and Lindy Rogers who were all intimately involved in the negotiations for our independence. To d a y t h e c a u s e o f a n independent and free Belize continues, the struggle over our identity being fought on the streets and in the alleys in Belize City and other urban and rural communities across the county. The fight is no longer an ideological one, but is a serious one nonetheless. Unlike the bloodless and peaceful constructive revolution that gave us our political independence,

Sunday, December 19, 2010 this battle being waged is against senseless violence and has so far claimed the lives of 121 Belizeans M r. P r i c e , L i n d y R o g e r s , Miss Cuttie, Joe, Louise and those courageous PUP supporters have passed off the baton to the next generation, our generation. We must now draw inspiration from their success, courage from their resolve and make them proud. It is up to us to be bold and to move this country in the right direction. Together we can work with resolve to move Belize forward so that we too can one day proudly pass on the mantle of leadership to the next generation.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Anti-crime devices… The pseudo-mayor of Belize City is hard at work planning a highlevel launch very early in the New Year. Nope…it’s not another penisshaped roundabout, though she does seem a little fixated on those, doesn’t she? Anyway, the faux mayor will be launching her latest gems – anti-crime devices. They’re not new things ordered from some law enforcement catalogue. They’re not the latest high-tech gimmicks designed by computer wizards. Nope! In fact, we’ve all seen plenty of these ‘anti-crime devices’ as we drive around the city. We just don’t call them ‘anti-crime devices.’ We call them POTHOLES! According

to reliable reports, the incompetent, moronic, hustling, criminally stupid mayoral imposter has come up with quite an ad campaign to accompany the launch. She got her hubby to come up with some theme music, something like – ‘bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do, what you gonna do when you slam into one of them and fall flat on your face…’ Yeah I know, the lyrics need some work. But anyway, bumble-brain even has her team working on a couple videos…in the first one, a young man with 9mm in hand tries a ride-by shooting but his bike slams into a pothole and the bullet misses. In the second, a car filled with gun-wielding criminals speeds off after its occupants jack the neighbourhood Chinese store and shoot the proprietor, only to slam into a pothole…at which point the tires go flat and the Police are able to apprehend the villains. Sheer genius, madam moron…good luck with your launch…If Da Noh Soh! Give thanks… The little effete fellow who won the convention in Orange Walk East this past weekend should say three million Hail Mary’s and make a sizable contribution to the PUP in thanks for his victory. See, a bunch of true blue supporters in the area went out en masss to vote for Landy

The Belize Times

after it was decided that he would be the weakest link in any upcoming general election, so it was in the best interest of the PUP for the little cheerleader to wave his pompoms in victory. In any major fight, all those skeletons that live in the closet with him will come out and it won’t be pretty. And seriously, does the guy have to be so damned ‘liad?’ When the media asked him about how much money he had spent, he said barely any. I guess he conveniently forgot about the $25 he paid out for wearing his shirts and the $200 he paid for votes. But anyway like they say every cloud has a silver lining. Thanks to Landy’s ‘pay for votes’ policy quite a few PUP supporters will be able to buy their ham this Christmas…If Da Noh Soh! My buddy Pats… I’m glad my buddy the UDP Chairman was able to take some time to visit the Sugar City this past weekend. He’s been spending an awful lot of time at the private luxury condo in Belize City… the one with the private entrance. And what a good family man he is, getting the wife out of the stifling confines of home and treating her to some special private moments in that condo…oh wait! Damn, I hope

that fine young Hispanic babe was his wife. Hope I didn’t get you in trouble, little buddy. But anyway, back to Sugar City. Word is that the black wannabe Prime Minister and the Hispanic wannabe Prime Minister got into a serious battle of words at the convention. In fact one onlooker said that for a moment it looked like fists would be thrown. Then Pats took one look at Gapi’s bodyguard/movie star, the Picot man, and decided to back down. Don’t blame you, little man. That fat fellow might not be able to beat you but he sure looks like he could have you for lunch along with $20 salbutes…If Da Noh Soh! Christmas shares… So what’re you going to get your babes for Christmas? A diamond bracelet from Radiance Jewelry, maybe, or some baubles from Mirab? Maybe a gift certificate from L.A. Fashions or an animal print Gucci purse from Occasions Boutique? Hell, no, I’m gonna get my baby some BTL shares and put them in a fancy gift box complete with red bow and complimentary autographed picture of the Barrow Royal Family. Trust me…if I did something like that I’d be spending a lot of time by myself


in the bathroom and very little time cuddled up beside a warm body.

My buddy baldy is sweating right about now cause the share offering is about to close and Belizeans don’t want anything to do with him and his bogus stolen goods. So baldy got his spin-doctors to put together an ad to promote the sale of shares as a Christmas gift for your loved one. Get real Dean O… that’s not going to happen. If Da Noh Soh! Leave the Baron alone…. Oh and by the way, there’s this nasty rumour going around that baldy is making moves to tap into the Baron Bliss fund. Word is that he intends to use the money to purchase shares in Barrow Telemedia Limited since nobody else seems to be interested. We’d hope this is not so, since this fund is intended for altruistic purposes and certainly should not be dispensed to cover baldy’s royal butt after he made the stupid and petty decision to seize and private company without knowing what the hell he would do with it after…If Da Noh Soh! An early Christmas gift… I’m not calling any names, but the mayor of a municipality up north (not Orange Walk) called me this week to spill the beans on a stupid electrician turned minister in that same area. According to this

anonymous source, a groundbreaking for an operating theatre was just held recently, but that’s not the story. My source claims that a $1million dollar contract was handed out for this new building. Now that’s interesting, since we are told that this will be a small 60 X 80 building with zinc roofing! Wow, zinc must cost a whole lot in Corozal. But anyway, my source who will remain nameless is asking us to ask the dodo-bird if he could please tell us how much the building really cost and how much is an early Christmas gift. Since we don’t trust either this anonymous mayor or this stupid minister we did our own guess-timation and figured that at most (and we mean MOST) the building could conceivably cost somewhere around $400,000. So that means that there’s about $600,000 making somebody very, very happy this holiday season…If Da Noh Soh! Poor Nemencio… Nothing much seems to change from day to day in Corozal politics. Our buddy Nemencio has seen some

bad times lately, especially after he was found naked lying on the side of the road in Patchakan. After that mess (and I mean mess) he is not allowed to travel alone anymore. So now his wife accompanies him as his official driver and his son accompanies him as his secretary. They travel from village to village where they set up a little tent and pray for people to come talk to them but it’s not happening. Word is that nobody’s interested in what Nemencio has to say and since his wife doesn’t allow him to drink, he’s just no fun anymore…If Da Noh Soh!


It’s been days since the Kendall Bridge was washed away. How much longer must we wait for a new bridge, Mr. Prime Minister?



National Executive Meets

The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010


PUP Southern Caucus Meets

We Da Blue

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times

UDP Politics as usual

Somebody help… When the prime minister of Belize made his first public statement on the sugar-cane crisis in the House of Representatives, he prefaced his comments by reminding the canefarmers that he had ‘no obligation’ to them, but that his government would try to help if it could. Well if Dean Oliver had no obligation to assist the thousands of cane-farmers in the north that had not been paid by BSI, he certainly won’t feel that he has any obligation to the 275 Belizeans who have been left jobless and penniless after the Belize Bank moved on the Novelo Brothers. In the end, this isn’t about the brothers who seem unable to make anything work. This isn’t even about the bank which made a strictly emotionless and cold decision to move NOW. This is about 275 Belizeans who through no fault of their own have been left without the means to feed their families at this time. Mr. Barrow has said nothing about the matter and if he did would probably claim no responsibility and say that it is up to the Novelos and the Bank to work their difficulties out. That’s all well and good, Dean Oliver, but the fact is that you swore an oath to serve all Belizeans and if there has ever been a time when Belizeans need your intervention it is now. This government needs to step in and it needs to step in now.

Ridiculous… Last week I was driving around the city and ended up on King Street coming onto Southern Foreshore. There is a massive, gaping hole in the middle of the street where a metal grill has been removed. It has been that way for weeks now and the City Council has made no move to replace the grill. Southern Foreshore used to be a picturesque area of the city, but now the craters and potholes riddling the street make it a painful experience. On Calle al Mar there are potholes which I could lie down in comfortably and nobody would be able to see me…and I’m a damned big fellow. Princess Margaret Drive is a complete mess. Baymen Avenue is a mess. Every single street in Belize is a mess. But the pseudo-mayor of Belize City is not ashamed to stand in a parade and wave merrily to the residents of Belize City. If I had my way she would have been attacked by a few dozen rotten eggs, over-ripe tomatoes or a few select pieces of the garbage and filth which can conveniently be found on every street in the city. Residents of Belize City need to take a stand. Comparisons…

When I saw that gaping hole on one of Belize’s prominent streets…indeed, when I see the potholes and craters on every one of our streets and the neglected, dilapidated condition of the entire city, I have to wonder how much money was spent on the UDP Caribbean Shores Convention a couple weekends ago. To me that is what this entire UDP bunch is all about – in the true tradition of their leader, all glitter and no substance. If Roger Espejo cared about the people of the city he would have done something a long time ago. He was and is a City Councilor. If Carlos Perdomo cared so much for the people of Caribbean Shores he would have done something for them a long time ago. For years these two persons did nothing for the people, then for one brief moment of time the money flows and suddenly they care so much about the people. For these two and for the rest of the UDP, a rude awakening is on the way. Rich vs. Poor… The UDP Convention in OW East confirmed what everybody already knew… this UDP is all about the money. Marcel Cardona expressed it perfectly when he said that with this crowd of UDP money men it is all about the rich vs. the poor. In fact, Cardona has been heard to refer to his colleague DPM Gapi Vega as the head of the UDP mafia in Orange Walk and indeed he looked the part on Sunday. Thanks to great


big wads of money being handed out on convention day and great big wads which were spent on his campaign, Gapi’s buddy and UDP financier Landy Burns was victorious in the race. But Landy should not be fooled into thinking that is any indication of his popularity. The fact is that things are so bad for Belizeans under this UDP that they were happy for the money being handed out. Landy was paying $25 dollars to voters to wear his shirts and up to $200 per vote. Christmas is only a week or so away. Damn, I wish Landy had called me. I would have put on his shirt and voted for him. And another thing…I wonder how much money was spent on that UDP convention because the streets of Orange Walk are in deplorable shape and the people really need help. Police Abuse… Minister of Police Doug Singh has been absolutely impotent on crime. He has been unable to curb the violence in the city. In fact, under his watch murders sky-rocketed to a new record high and the year is still not done. Way back when he was appointed to the position, Doug Singh claimed that he would attack the crime problem by putting things in order at the Police Department. Some of us thought that he was talking about putting structures and guidelines in place and dealing with corruption, but he was actually talking about opening a Police gym so officers could work out and tone their biceps. What Doug Singh needs to deal with is this latest shooting in which a Police Officer allegedly shot a man in his back, leaving him in critical condition. Credible reports are that the shooting was unprovoked and unnecessary. Of course the Police version of the story is markedly different. And of course, the Police are claiming that they have immediately launched an internal investigation. That is what they always say. I must have heard that phrase a hundred times since the start of the year, every single time a Police Officer has been accused of wrongdoing or abuse, and not once have I seen or heard the results of the so-called investigation. Since Doug Singh hasn’t been able to do anything about anything else, maybe he could at least ensure that Police Officers are accountable for their actions. That’s not asking too much is it? LOL…! Back-bencher and disgraced former junior minister in the Ministry of Works Edmond ‘Clear Your Desk and Get the Hell Out’ Castro has responded to the many people stating that he is a shame to his position and should be removed from Belize Rural North. Has Castro offered an explanation for his financial shenanigans? NOPE! Has Castro offered an explanation for his sudden business success and wealth right after he got into office? NOPE. Instead of doing that Castro has stated that he will sue everybody. That’s right. He will sue everybody for slandering his good ‘name.’ I guess it was his ‘good’ name that got him kicked out of Cabinet. The Prime Minister needs to get serious on corruption in his administration. The people have called for an investigation into Castro’s finances. The people have made allegations against Castro of some really rotten deals which amount to criminal misappropriation of funds. The Prime Minister has an obligation to call for an investigation of his former junior minister. If the investigation proves that Castro did nothing wrong…then no harm no foul. But if the investigation proves that Castro is guilty, he needs to face the full force of the law. Zona jodida… The situation at the Corozal Free Zone, Corozal’s largest employer, is bad. What is even worse is that the government of Belize shows no signs of knowing what the hell to do. This is a serious crisis with things threatening to come to a complete standstill. Nobody is saying that it is the government’s fault, but we are saying that it is the responsibility of the government to find a solution. Mr. Barrow and his bunch seem to be clueless when it comes to a majority of the crises bombarding Belize. They seem to believe that it is okay for them to say that it is not their fault and wait for somebody else to try and find a solution. But if the government cannot help the people when a situation like this arises, then what is the sense of them being the government. It can’t be that they have those positions just to pull in large salaries and PERKS and drive fancy rides. They must have some other purpose. GOB needs to find a solution to the mess in the Corozal Free Zone NOW.


The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Unemployment – Barrow’s Brick Wall Ahead!

There are many things going on in our country today that are cause for great concern. However, my greatest concern is that there are just too many of our Belizean brothers and sisters who are out of work. According to the Statistical institute of Belize, the country’s unemployment rate is hovering around 13 percent. I have said this before - this statistic is bogus! If the unemployment rate for women and youth stands at around 30 percent, how then can the national rate be 13 percent? Those of you who have some contacts with the business community know what I am talking about. All of us at some point over the last 2 years have tried to lend a helping hand by recommending someone for a job. With the closing of many businesses, I foresee that 2011 will be worst than 2010. Underemployment – Barrow’s Magic! There are also many of our people who are underemployed, which is a strategy being used by the Barrow administration to “fudge” the unemployment statistics. The term "underemployment" has three distinct related meanings. In one sense, it refers to a situation in which someone with excellent job qualifications is working in a position which requires lesser qualifications, as for instance the case of an Accountant having to deliver mails. In the second sense, underemployment means working part time when one would prefer to be working full time. In the third sense, underemployment is a form of overstaffing in which employees are not being fully utilized. Fiscal Costs to the Government High unemployment has an impact on government expenditure, taxation and the level of government borrowing each year. An increase in unemployment results in higher level of “handouts” and lower tax revenues. When individuals are unemployed, not only do they need to rely more on the Ministers and other politicians to make ends meet, they spend less and thus the government collects less taxes. Maybe the Prime Minister and his goons in Cabinet like it when people have to depend on them. Loss of Investment in Human Capital Unemployment wastes some of the scarce resources used in training workers. Furthermore, workers who are unemployed for long periods become de-skilled as their skills become increasingly dated in a rapidly changing job market. This reduces their chances of gaining employment in the future, which in turn increases the economic burden on government and society. Social Cost of Unemployment High unemployment in any economy creates severe burdens on society. The personal and social costs of unemployment include severe financial hardship and poverty, debt, homelessness and housing stress, family tensions and breakdown, boredom, alienation, shame and stigma, increased social isolation, crime, erosion of confidence and self-esteem, the atrophying of

work skills and ill-health. Most of these increase with the duration of unemployment. Unemployment also falls disproportionately on already disadvantaged groups in society, for example lower-income earners and

recently arrived migrants. The Duration of Unemployment Affects the Economic and Social costs It is clear therefore that unemployment carries substantial

economic and social costs. These costs are greatest when long-term structural unemployment is high. It is agreed that high levels of unemployment are costly not only to the individuals and families directly affected, but also to local and regional economies and the economy as a whole. In my research for this article I came across this quote which I believe sums up how many Belizeans feel today and which I think needs to be shared: ‘You don’t live when you are unemployed— you exist’ (Jackson & Crooks 1993). With closure of many businesses (National Transport, Batsub, Belize Aquaculture Ltd. etc) 2011 will be worse than 2010 and there will be many more Belizeans just existing.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times


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The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010


at work!

Mayor Moya's Mansion

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times

Imagine the Possibilities…

By: Mike Rudon Jr. I remember when Senator Juliet Thimbriel was a champion of the poor. A dashing, charming and quicktongued (ouch, this invites comment) Robin Hood she was not…more like a Friar Tuck with testosterone overload. But she was a champion, at least in theory. Every morning without fail she was on Wave Radio crying out against the so-called oppressors, ranting and raving about greed and corruption; calling for violence against those who prospered and grew wealthy while the majority suffered. She was every poor person’s friend; a manly shoulder to lean on. She was willing to lay down her life for the masses if that was what it took. She would fight to the end for the starving and impoverished, for those who had been neglected and ignored and abused and victimized. God, she was magnificent. But that was then. Today when Juliet makes an appearance on Wave it is to tell the poor people of Belize to stop bothering her on her private cell-phones after hours. Today Juliet owns two late model luxury SUVs and has a driver at her disposal. Today Juliet has a pimpedout pad in Ladyville with 24-hour security. Today Juliet rubs shoulders (and other things) with top ranking government officials and has no time for the suffering and impoverished. Today Juliet handles big, big, big money and has no time to spend with the sweaty masses. I remember when my friend Boots was a likeable fellow. Back then the PUP was in office and Boots used to make almost weekly trips to the Press Office to see if there was anything there for his constituents. He used to

be the first one there when there were exercise books or anything else useful for his people. I really liked that guy. I remember when he used to come to House meetings in an old, broken down van which could never start when the meeting was done. We all used to be happy to help him get it started. I remember when he was the only area representative who presented a budget for his constituency and to him it was serious business. He was a champion of his people. But today Boots is a very different type of footwear. Today Boots makes regular hundred thousand dollar cash deposits to his accounts and claims that he fixes pool tables. Today Boots owns large houses all over the city which were allegedly built using materials and funds allocated for the poor. Today Boots lives in a big, fancy home in the affluent part of the city far from Port Loyola. Today Boots is a different man who seems to have forgotten the people who put him where he is today. He is arrogant, impatient and behaves like the people owe him something rather than the other way

around. I’m trying to remember if Dean Oliver was ever a likeable fellow, but memory fails me on that one. I don’t even think he’s ever spent much time associating with the ‘unwashed masses,’ so to speak because he always seemed to think he was better than that. I do remember him ranting and raving against greed and corruption. In fact, I remember him calling for civil unrest which led to riots and looting in the streets of Belize City. I remember Dean Oliver condemning the previous administration for having no answer to crime. I remember him having all the answers to every question under the sun. Before anyone even asked a question Dean O had the answer. I remember him promising to fix everything that was broke. Hell, Dean O promised to fix things that weren’t even broke. He just spread his arms wide and committed that life would be golden. Bad would be made good…good would be made better… and everything would be honky dory under the UDP – a fairy-tale romance in which Dean Oliver was the bald knight atop his fancy steed storming


the castle to free the captives; a real life Shrek. There were few who wouldn’t have kissed the ground Dean Oliver walked on - his tongue was so lyrical, his words so sweet. His conviction could not be questioned. His integrity could not be challenged. I remember Dean Oliver Barrow vowing before God and man, his voice soaring majestically, that he would tolerate not one whiff of corruption in his administration. His rod of correction was to have been mighty and swift. But that’s not where we are today, is it? Dean Oliver’s rod of correction is as wilted and powerless as…well let’s just say it’s wilted and powerless. Belize is in terrible shape. Yes, we know that it has been a terrific, super-wonderful magical time for his ex, his wife, his sons and daughter and extended family. But for many, many Belizeans 2010 was a really bad year, the worst in recent and not so recent memory. As I write this hundreds of Belizeans are penniless and unemployed just days before Christmas. Many businesses have closed down and many more will be closed down. Our economy is in shambles. Really it is. Talk about Dean Oliver eating steak while the rest of us eat noodles? Hell, many of us would wish for noodles right now to feed our families. They asked us to imagine the possibilities…but even the most cynical of us could not have foreseen the reality which was 2010 under Dean Oliver Barrow and his UDP administration.

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The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

King Strangles Mother-in Law… Circles with Corpse

We’ve heard about all kinds of murders in Belize this year, but perhaps the accused killer in the latest case wanted to outdo the rest. Peter King, a popular chef and owner of King’s Cuisine not far from the Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport in Ladyville, allegedly strangled his mother-in-law then chose to drive with her corpse in his vehicle all the way to Belize City, past a Police checkpoint! Argentina Garcia del Arevalo, 50, had only traveled to the Belize

Peter King


By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 30th day of November, 2000, between PATRICIA TERRY of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part, and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 30 of 2008 at Folios 1 -70, the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto.

District to deliver her daughter’s children to her after spending a couple weeks in Indian Church Village where she is living. The trip took her to King’s property where he had his house and restaurant. That was where her daughter, Leslie Garcia, though separated from King, was at the time. According to Leslie Garcia, during her mother’s visit, they were going to plan their Christmas holiday. She said that King, who appeared to be in a pleasant mood, asked her mother to babysit for a while. Later on Monday he left home with her, purportedly to take her to the Ladyville bus stop to catch a bus back to Indian Church. What happened from that time to the time police nabbed King with Garcia’s body in his trunk is still undetermined. Leslie Garcia claims that while King and her mother had a history of disputes over his attitude, that day they left peacefully and without incident. Over the next few hours after they left, she found out that King had killed her mother and had concocted a slew of inconsistent lies to cover up his deed, including that he and his unlicensed sport utility vehicle

had been in a traffic accident on the Northern Highway, then later that it had experienced mechanical failure. Hours drifted by and King did not return home. His wrong move came when in the wee hours of Tuesday he tried to drive past a Police checkpoint on the highway at its junction with the airport road. Officers pursued him and conducted a search of the vehicle where they made the ghastly discovery. King reportedly confessed to the murder of his mother-in-law without much resistance. Leslie Garcia and Peter King had known each other for the past five years, during which time they had two children, a boy and a girl, aged four and two. The relationship was always a rocky one, she admitted, because he had become very abusive and on one occasion tried to strangle her in the same fashion that Police believe he did his mother-in-law. The young children are now left with a future made uncertain by the sudden change in tides - fatherless, no support and love from a grandmother they were close to, and a mother distraught by the incident, just a week before Christmas.

He was for many years one of many Belizeans battling renal failure, an acute condition of the kidneys where they stop performing their functions and require the patient to undergo frequent hemo-dialysis to detoxify the body. Jose Cruz’s fight ended at around 9:15 last Friday morning, however, when he died quietly at his grandmother’s house in Santa Elena, Cayo. He had lost a leg and was blind as a result of the illness. Cruz, 41, was diagnosed with kidney disease ten years ago when he worked in the Cooperatives Department. A man of humble income, Cruz was unable to afford the expensive dialysis treatment, which at the time was only available at the then Universal Health Services, a private hospital. His urgent needs and those of other kidney patients prompted him to express that frustration publicly, often times calling on the media to help get the attention of the Ministry of Health. While there is still much to be desired with healthcare in Belize, Cruz’ efforts were not in vain, because it caused the Ministry this past summer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Organization of Renal Therapies (WORTH), La Loma Luz

Hospital in Santa Elena and the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in Belize City to provide dialysis treatment at a significantly reduced cost. That MOU, however, was taking too long to meet Cruz’s expectations and he was in the process of setting up interviews again to hold the Ministry of Health to its word and to the contents of the document. Cruz, according to his wife, Mileni, felt that some patients’ lives were being put in jeopardy because he felt that others were being given priority for the treatment based on political affiliation. He never got the chance to make that media appearance, however, because he passed away before he could express his dissatisfaction. On Thursday night Cruz began experiencing stomach problems and threw up for most of the night. By Friday morning excruciating back pains, brought on by his failing kidneys and related complications caused him to seek relief at his grandmother’s house through a massage. His wife Mileni had one errand to run before they were to travel to Belize City for another dialysis treatment and an interview he had pending on the same concerns that bothered him. By the time Mileni returned home, Cruz had already passed away quietly while receiving the massage on his back. She later said that just the day before Cruz, almost as if he felt his death, was telling his nurse that others now needed to take up the mantle and hold the Ministry to task in order that adequate health services are delivered to every Belizean. It is a cause she says she will carry on in his memory for the sake of those patients for whom her husband fought so tirelessly. Cruz was laid to rest over the weekend in Cayo.

A Tireless Warrior Succombs

All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 353 (831.242 square meters) situate in Hattieville Village, Belize District and bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 26 of 1999 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.


DATED this 25th day of November, 2010. MUSA & BALDERAMOS

91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times


BTB Introduces Chaos at Fort Street Tourism Village

The first three days of a tourism zoning system at the Fort Street Tourism Village ended up erupting into an embarrassment for them and hard times for many of the Belizeans who rely on cruise tourism coming out of the village to sustain themselves and their families. The stakeholders told the media that the first three days of the new Sustainable Tourism Programme, last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were dreadful for them because at a time when tourism takes flight in Belize, they found out that they were suddenly boxed out of a chance to be a part of the bonanza. Some of the tour guides say they have to wake up as early as 3:30 in the morning to travel to Belize City and to the Village in time for the tourists who come off the cruise ships and begin their day. Those efforts have not paid off since last week however, because they say that the dispatchers that have been introduced into the new system are

not marketing their services to the tourists, hence they are not making any money. Previously the service providers, who also include hair braiders, vendors and taxi drivers, used to be allowed to approach the tourists and market their trade one on one, but now they are kept on the outside and it is the dispatchers who liaise with the tourists on what services can be had. Joining the service providers in the effort voicing their dismay is the Federation of Cruise Tourism

FOR SALE By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 15th day of July, 1991, between JORGE CASTILLO and TURNIA CASTILLO of 13 Asuncion Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 14 of 1991 at Folios 1695 – 1718, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 136 comprising of 555.6 square yards situate along the South side of Guyana Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 846 of 2006 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 846 of 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections thereon. (Property now declared under the Registration Section of Orange Walk Town – Parcel 1578). DATED this 7th day of December, 2010.


91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Associations of Belize, FECTAB, which lashed out last Friday afternoon during a press conference. The stakeholders say that many of them were never consulted in the process leading up to the implementation of the programme and zoning of the area. In fact many of them say that the only time the Belize Tourism Board contacted them was when they were being told what the new system incorporates. They

also feel that because now they are being kept away from the tourists, the only ones benefitting are the people who operate inside the Village itself. The service providers and vendors criticize the BTB for what they feel was inadequate and insufficient study before the zoning was implemented. But while they ask for a discussion on the matter with planners, the ExServicemen’s League has concerns of its own because it feels that its annual Remembrance Day celebrations and parade in memory of fallen soldiers of World Wars I and II will now be shortchanged because of the new plan. The League, and the operators and braiders outside the Village say they await a favourable response to their request because aside from the fact that Christmas is upon us, the plan is expected to be finalized next March when works to facilitate the zoning begin.

Money Missing from Police Evidence Room The Police evidence room has was found to be in possession of and FOR had a reputation of turning into an open SALE presumed to be cocaine eventually By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE

house from time to time, particularly turned into flour in the same exhibit when there are lots of cash or valuables room. And another $3,000 of the money in storage for pending cases. It has belonged to a Taiwanese national with happened again and, as you may have a case before the Court. The rest, said guessed, it was money – lots of it to be counterfeit currency, was also that “disappeared” into thin air. The locked inside the safe in the evidence Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered “magician” behind the disappearing room. the Companies Act, ChapterThe 250 of theresponsible Laws of for the act under has not yet been positively Minister identified, based onEdition, hunches 2000, the Police, Doug Singh, said that there is Belize,butRevised and having its registered Department has removed its exhibits an audit being conducted and that only office at Cor. Albert and Belizeand City, keeper, a Police Constable who Bishop has the Streets, exhibits-keeper his assistant notice ofhave its intention toroom. exercise beenBelize, observedhereby sportinggives a new handgun access to the The its system andpower car lately. is thata requests release evidence of sale as Mortgagee under Deed oftoMortgage No information was given on must go through protocols and are then made 3rd day of January, whether histhe assistant was also removed 2005, releasedbetween by either MARTHA of the two under RAMSEY 4350investigation. Faber’s Road, Belize City, from the posting, COCOM but he is alsoofunder Officers who receive investigation. The amount stolen was exhibits from the room for a case Belize District of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) or a handsome $12,000 - $3,000 of which to return to their owners must also other and Land wasLtd., seizedof in the a drug bustpart earlier thisrecorded sign outat forthe them. ThatTitles was when the yearUnit wheninDiego Witz was Vol. charged of the missing funds was Deeds Book 1 of discovery 2005 at Folios 481 - 510, withand drug trafficking. It turned out made, when some of the money was to the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expirathat earlier this year, parcels that he be handed back to Witz.

tion of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule The Novelo brothers have been with John Flowers, Chairman of the hereto.

Déjà vu for Novelo Brothers

known in the country for expanding Transport Board after they broke the their family business which was lock to the gate. Upon entry to the All offers to purchase the said property must be made in the pioneered by their father back in office they ordered Jones to leave the writing 50s as Belize's first commercial compound because they had come and full particulars and conditions of sale may be to transportation system. But since the take over the company on behalf of the said Scotiabank (Belize) duoobtained of David from and Tony received a the Belize Bank. Ltd. loan from the Development Finance And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Corporation a few years ago and their ones who are really feeling the pinch business faced financial difficulties, at this time are the 275 employees, their business went into receivership who normally would have received and they received a lot of flack. their salaries up to Christmas. Now The brothers not throw in the ofthose areLot jobless penniless ALL THATdid piece or parcel landpeople being No.and 4350 towel on the industry. They recouped for the Christmas. On Monday comprising 371.466 square metres situate in the Port some and introduced National Transport of those angry drivers and conductors Loyola City, Belize District, bounded andLabour Limited and Area, offeredBelize one of the most gathered in front of the reliable servicesasthis country Department demanding their salaries described shown by knew, Plan No. 643 of 2004 attached compared to other providers who and whatever holiday pay is due them. to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 643 of 2004 TOGETHER simply could not face the music and How their dilemma pans out is left to allstandards buildings and erections thereon. (Property livewith up to the of a demanding be seen. Transport Department. That business Part of the reason now declared under the Registration Section of why the "crashed" too and last week, the company folded, according to the Queen’s Square West - Parcel 1096). Belize Bank sent two receivers, Gen. Novelo brothers, was because many of Robert Garcia and Kevin Castillo, (the the runs that they had initially gotten same ones who took over control of were eventually taken away and given the previous company) to collect the to other bus companies. As a result, DATED this 7th day of December, 2010. assets of the Novelo's Bel-Bus. they could not meet the loan note and Almost immediately commuting, that crippled their business. To add to a routine that had for years been it, a series of staged armed robberies taken for granted was turned on its at their compound stole any chance head when commuters MUSA travelling & of BALDERAMOS survival. But if anyone knows the from Belize City and Benque stood Novelos, they are not about to give 91 North Front Street in the sun for hours with nowhere up. They have said that they hope Belize City to go. National Transport’s Former to introduce yet another bus service Attorney-at-Law Operations Manager, Philip Jones, said to meet thefor demands of the traveling the receivers arrived at the company's public and once again offer an option Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. Western Highway compound along in the fledging business.



The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Anti-Christ’s Charge of Attempted Murder Upgraded to Murder

Laverne "Anti-Christ" Longsworth

BELIZE CITY, Dec. 15, 2010 A charge of attempted murder against Laverne Longsworth, 36, a.k.a “Anti-Christ”, was upgraded to murder yesterday in the #2 Magistrate’s Court.

Longsworth, who was on bail for attempted murder, was remanded into custody at the Belize Central Prison until December 30. In July Longsworth was charged with attempted murder following an incident in which she allegedly poured kerosene on her common-law husband David White, 32 and set him on fire. White succumbed to his injuries about one week later at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. According to reports Longsworth had set fire to White because he had stolen her purse. Longsworth , a mother of three who resides on Castle Street, was not charged with murder until about 4 months after White died.


By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 11th day of September, 2008, between FELICIA AUGUSTINE of Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. of the other part and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 33 of 2008 at folios 1015 – 1044; and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expirtation of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd .

THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 559 situate in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as follows:On the Northeast for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560; On the Southeast for 90.00 Feet by Lot No. 530; On the Southwest for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 553; On the Northwest for 90.00 Feet by a 40 Feet Road; Containing 1110.00 Square Yards of land shown on Entry No. 3556, Register No. 2 at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 24th day of November, 2010.

MUSA & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.


An 18 Year Old and Two Minors Remanded On Attempted Murder Charge

Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a Company duly to registered explained them thatunder she will not take a plea because the offences are the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Reindictable. She also explained to vised Edition, 2000, and having itsthem registered Cor.not offer that theoffice Courtat could Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, hereby them Belize, bail because of gives the nature of the offences. She remanded him into notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagcustody at the Belize Central Prison ee under a Deed of Mortgage madeand thethe11th day of September, minors into custody at Youth 2008, between FELICIA AUGUSTINE of Hopkins Village, Hostel. They are to return to Court on January 14, 2011. Stann Creek District, of the one part and Scotiabank (Belize) The charges arose from an Ltd. of the other part and recordedincident in Deeds Book Volume 33 in which Daniel Pineda, of 2008 at folios 1015 – 1044; and18, thewas said Scotiabank stabbed several(Belize) times under his armpit. Pineda reported Ltd. will at the expirtation of two months from the date of theto the Denroy McFoy that atdescribed about 8:40 firstBELIZE publication of this notice sell Police the property in p.m. the on CITY, Dec. 15, 2010 Wednesday, December 8, he and two Schedule Denroyhereto. McFoy, 18 and two friends were standing on Hunter’s

m i n o r s , a g e s 1 7 a n d 1 5 , w e r e Lane when he was attacked by three charged with attemptedthemurder persons. saidinone All offers to purchase said property mustPineda be made writ-of his w h e n t h e y a p p e a r e d i n t h e # 1 attackers stabbed him with a knife. ing and full particulars and conditions of was saleadmitted may be obtained Magistrate’s Court on Monday, Pineda to ward at the Dfrom e c e mthe b e rsaid 1 3 .Scotiabank T h e y w e r e (Belize) a l s o Karl Ltd Heusner Memorial Hospital charged with dangerous harm and where the doctor who examined him . use of deadly means of harm. Chief classified his injury as dangerous Magistrate Margaret McKenzie harm.




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Peter King Charged With Scotiabank (Belize) , a company duly registered unMurder of Ltd. Mother-in-Law ALL THAT LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ALL

der the Companies Act, Chapter of thehim Laws of Belize, She250 remanded into custody until THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 559 situate in at December 23. Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office Hopkins Village, Creek District andincident bounded as follows:The on Monday, Cor. Albert andStann Bishop Streets, Belize City, occurred Belize, hereby

December 13, in Ladyville. According

gives notice of its intention to toexercise its power of sale as the allegation, King strangled OnMortgagee the Northeast for 110.00 Feet by Lot No. 560; Mrs. Aravela then under a Deed of Mortgage made theapparently 30th daytried On the Southeast for 90.00 Feet bytoLot No. 530; dispose of her body. The Police TERRY of the of November, 2000, between PATRICIA that 553; at about 4:20a.m. they On the Southwest for 110.00 Feet reported by Lot No., the of the other one part and Scotiabank (Belize) found King junction of part, Airport On the Northwest for 90.00 Feet by a 40 Feet Road; Highway with Road and the Northern and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. Mrs. Aravela’s body in the back seat (Belize) 30 of 2008 at Folios 1 -70, theof his car. The Police alsoNo. reported Containing 1110.00 Square Yards ofsaid landScotiabank shown on Entry that King gavefrom them the a statement will at the expiration of two months date of in Ltd. 3556, Register No. 2 at the Office which of the he Commissioner of confessed to committing the first of this notice sell the property Lands and publication Surveys TOGETHER with buildings and erections the crime. Peter King described in the schedule hereto. King’s estranged wife said that standing and being thereon.

BELIZE CITY, Dec.15, 2010 King told her he was involved in an Peter King, 41, a businessman andmust she was aware All offers to purchase the saidaccident property be not made in that thisthe 24th day of 2010. ofDATED Ladyville, owner of November, King’s he had killed her mother. She said she writing fullwith particulars conditions sale may be he Cuisine, was and charged the murderand first separated of from King when of his mother-in-law, Mrs.said Argentina tried to(Belize) strangle her and she escaped. obtained from the Scotiabank Ltd. Aravela, 50, when he appeared She said they got back together but the MUSA & BALDERAMOS today in the #1 Magistrate’s Court. relationship did not last long because Chief Magistrate Margaret he Street beat her. 91McKenzie North Front explained to him that she will not Belize City take a plea because the offence is Attorneys-at-Law for indictable and on a given date a preliminary inquiry willScotiabank be held to (Belize) Ltd. determine if there is enough evidence to send it up to the piece Supreme ALL THAT orCourt. parcel of land being Lot No.

SCHEDULE Send your

letters to the editor to:

353 (831.242 square meters) situate in Hattieville Village, Belize District and bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 26 of 1999 TOGETHER with is allhereby buildings standing Notice givenand that erections the company named and being thereon.



DATED this 25th day of November, 2010. has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the MUSA 4th day of December, 2010. & BALDERAMOS 91 North Front Street Belize City Power Point Management (Belize) Limited Attorney-at-Law for Registered Agent Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times

No Court Action in Calvin Palma Shooting

Leon Williams

Mexican Businessman Remanded To Prison on Ammunition Charge

Randy Mahler

BELIZE CITY, Dec. 15, 2010 Two men, Leon Williams, 27 and Randy Mahler, 31, charged with attempted murder and


abetment to commit murder, were freed of the charges yesterday in the #2 Magistrate’s Court when the complainant Calvin Palma testified that he does not want any further Court action. Palma said he was not threatened and he wanted the charges dropped because he was giving Williams and Mahler a second chance. As a result, Senior Magistrate Sharon F r a s e r s t r u c k o u t t h e c h a rg e s against Williams and Mahler. T h e c h a rg e s a r o s e f r o m a shooting incident which occurred on March 11, 2009. Palma, who resides on T-Street, reported to the Police that he was on Gill Street when a vehicle drove by and several shots were fired at him. Palma was shot in the palm of his hand. He told Police that Wi l l i a m s w a s t h e s h o o t e r a n d Mahler was the driver of the v e h i c l e . Wi l l i a m s a n d M a h l e r were not represented by an attorney.

Diego Cruz Gonzalez

BELIZE CITY, Dec. 15, 2010 Diego Cruz Gonzalez, 25, a Mexican businessman who buys and sells metal, was charged with keeping ammunition without a gun license when he appeared t o d a y i n t h e # 1 M a g i s t r a t e ’s Court. Gonzalez pled not guilty

(1) Mortgage Debenture made on the 28th day of November, 1995 and made between Belize Aggregates Limited (“Belagg”) of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan in Deeds Book Volume 29 of 1995 at folios 799 to 852;


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(2) a Deed of Mortgage made on the 11th day of December, 1995 and made between Belagg of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan in Land Charges Register (Legal Charges) in Volume 24 at folio 7; (3) an Assignment of Mortgage made on the 4th day of May, 1998 and made between THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, a Banking Corporation incorporated in Canada with its Head Office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and having a registered branch in Belize City, Belize (the “Assignor”) of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan in Deeds Book Volume 14 of 1998 at folios 909 to 932 (hereinafter referred to as the “Assignment”); (4) an Assignment of Mortgage made on the 22nd day of June, 1998 and made between the Assignor of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Charges Register (Assignments) in Volume 2 at folio 66, which said Assignment of Mortgage is supplemental to the Assignment (the “Supplemental Assignment”); and (5) various other mortgages and mortgage debentures listed in the Assignment and the Supplemental Assignment, and any variations thereto, all of which are registered in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan City. The Bank now notifies prospective buyers that the final date for submission of offers to purchase the plant, equipment, properties or assets of Belagg is 23 December 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Offer envelopes should be clearly marked “Belize Aggregates Limited: Offer to Purchase Assets or Properties under Receivership”. All offers to purchase the plant, equipment, properties or assets of Belagg must be made in writing to the undersigned, Mr. Stanley Ermeav, Receiver and Manager of Belagg, from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained. Priority will be given to offers for the purchase en bloc of all the business, properties and other charged assets of Belagg.


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The Belize Bank Limited c/o Stanley Ermeav FCA Receiver and Manager of Belize Aggregates Limited Horwath Belize LLP 35A Regent Street Belize City Belize

t o t h e c h a rg e . C h i e f M a g i s t r a t e M a rg a r e t M c K e n z i e e x p l a i n e d to him through an interpreter t h a t t h e C o u r t c o u l d n o t o ff e r him bail because of the nature o f t h e o ff e n c e . S h e r e m a n d e d him into custody until January 1 8 , 2 0 11 . Gonzalez was busted on T u e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 4 . T h e Police searched his apartment, located at 6240 Buttonwood Bay and reported that they found one 9mm bullet, S and B brand inside his room. When asked if he had a license for the bullet, Gonzalez could not produce any so he was taken into custody and charged. According to reports, Gonzalez is a frequent visitor to Belize and he has a visa for one month to stay in Belize. The mandatory sentence for a conviction of having ammunition without a gun license is 2 years.

Tour-guide Couple Charged with Possession of Counterfeit Currency

FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE THE BELIZE BANK LIMITED of No. 60 Market Square, P.O. Box 364, Belize City, Belize (the “Bank”) on 26 September 2010 publicly advertised its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under the following security documents at the expiration of two months from the date of first publication of the said advertisement:


Edison White

BELIZE CITY, Dec. 15, 2010 Tw o t o u r g u i d e s , E d i s o n White and his common-law wife, Carol Jones, were charged with possession of counterfeit currency notes when they appeared i n t h e # 1 M a g i s t r a t e ’s C o u r t o n M o n d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 3 . No plea was taken from them because the offence is indictable. Chief Magistrate Margaret McKenzie offered each of them bail of $2,000

and adjourned their case u n t i l F e b r u a r y 9 , 2 0 11 . The incident occurred o n S a t u r d a y, D e c e m b e r 11 . The Police reported that when they searched a house at #3 Antelope Street they found four counterfeit $20 Belize currency notes inside a pocket where footwear is kept. According to a report, Jones said she saw some children playing with the counterfeit money and she took it away from them. R e c e n t l y, c o u n t e r f e i t B e l i z e currency notes have been detected in Belize City in the denominations of $20, $50 and $100. The Police have so far been unable to find the source.

PUP Think Tanking Sessions Every Thursday, Independence Hall at 7:30pm

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The Belize Times


Sunday, December 19, 2010

concern citizen says: December 13, 2010 at 9:22 am Oh my ! How could they just take off the operation manager off the compound without giving an explaination to 275 employees ……..treat them like dogs. they have serve the CO. and dont get an response to their question. where are they going to get their bread and butta now..,call LABOR DEPT. This cant stay like these . you guys are 275 . the number counts… but i hope something is done to alleviate for xmass…. Hope their is no MR. “GRINCH” Sara says: December 9, 2010 at 8:43 am I agree 100%, Castro gots to go.He a shame an disgrace to the Belize Rural North. We don’t need a CORRUPT area REP,we need someone who would do the right things for the people of Belize Rural North.

belizeanpride says: December 9, 2010 at 9:04 am BRAVO MY FELLOW BELIZEANS, we need to start pull them down one by one if they don’t do the right thing or don’t do their job correctly, we have a right since we voted for them i think we have the right to remove them also. i stand with the people who wants working ministers, not does that abuse the people that voted for them. lena gial says: December 9, 2010 at 9:17 am I think Prime Minister have to clean up himself and deal with his minister want to see wat he will do and also with the minister of Agriculture they charging the poor importers a fee of 5 cents per lbs of potatoes carrots cabbage lettuce illegal charges wat will PM do with Montero and BMDC pls PM we are starving dont allow BMDC to continue thiefing our hard earning money we work very hard for it vigilante justice 316 says: December 9, 2010 at 5:46 pm Mr. Castro you are a disgrace to your race and your country….stop shame black people by threatening to have people killed because you got caught in your wickedness! Be a man; apologize to the people who put you in office and resign….damn thief!!! Justice says: December 9, 2010 at 8:47 am This is serious but then with a Barrow administration anything can happen. Politics in Belize is dirty and no party is reliable but this administartion has taken the cake. Castro should definitely go and made to repay all the monies he collected. I would like Barrow to return all monies he alowed his family to gain from being PM! lena gial says: December 9, 2010 at 9:35 am its only d begining PM more to come Montero son owns BMDC PM need to investigate all minister how they got rich in 2 years Moya Flowers built a mansion and many many more pls lets stand up and over throw dis bloody thiefing sets a gangesters Blind Eye Jamesie says: December 9, 2010 at 11:37 am Even me kuh see di man di hussle. how on a minister’s salary (around 60-70k/yr) he can afford to have a cycling team when a racing bike cost fifteen thousand. his sons change racing bike strait. and even afta all a dis the white montero still deh behind his sons and the clear di land team. who yu tink di pay fu dat.. indy says: December 9, 2010 at 4:54 pm Ok! This is getting out of hand. We need to make an example out of this. Audit this man NOW!!!!! Nobody is above the law. Aren’t they suppose to disclose their income before they get in power alright let us see his bank accounts again.

Posts are from, Belize Times Press Facebook Account, John Briceño Facebook Account,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times

Juarez counts 3,000th homicide of 2010

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, made its own history Tuesday as its homicide rate reached 3,000 deaths for the year -- 10 times the number of killings annually that the border city counted just a few years ago. With two weeks left in the year, 2010 is now the deadliest year Juarez has ever seen, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state attorney general's office told CNN. "At 12:15 p.m. we hit 3,000 murders for the year. The state attorney general's office had the number at 2,998 as of Monday and with the two murders today that brings us to 3,000," spokesman Arturo Sandoval

said in a phone interview with CNN late Tuesday. The killings happened in two separate incidents, according to Sandoval. One of the victims was found shot dead in a car and the other was shot and killed in front of relatives. The victims, 35 and 46 respectively, were both males, Sandoval said. of drug-related violence hit the city in 2008, the bloodiest year in Juarez was around 300, according to Sandoval. "Last year we had 2,656. The year before in 2008 it was around 1,500 and in 2007 we had about 300," he said. "Can you imagine?"

THE HOTEL industry will have to fork out an extra US$20 million (J$1.8 billion) annually to purchase spirits and keg beers to service their guests as a result of the restructuring of the alcohol tax regime, says the sector's largest supplier, Caribbean Producers Jamaica Limited (CPJ). According to Tom Tyler, CPJ's cochairman, the Government's revamp of the special consumption tax last week will see the cost of rum, vodka, gin, brandy and others skyrocketing by up to 100 per cent, owing to a tax rise of 400 per cent. "And this is only on liquor with 40 per cent alcohol content," said Tyler. After three years of aggressive lobbying by all major distributors, duties were reduced on wines and spirits in 2005. Tyler believes the Government's intention was not to increase taxation on spirits and beers used in the hotel sector. This time around, no provision was made to distinguish the hotel industry from the rest of the market. "Prior to the change, a standard 12-litre case of spirit was sold to the hotel industry at a mean price of US$35, attracting tax on each case of US$8.75," said Tyler. Under the new tax regime, a 12-litre case has attracted an increase of 400 per cent, or US$54.21. "The difference between these two taxes is US$45.46," explained Tyler. Although stouts and other beers escaped a whack from the latest swing of the tax axe, keg beer - which hotels use - won't be so fortunate. President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, Wayne Cummings, in a letter to Finance Minister Audley Shaw, described the situation as a "death sentence to beverage services" within the tourism sector. He said the new regime will send spirit prices through the roof. According to Cummings' letter, he

has already received information that the Spanish hotel chains and Sandals Resorts have advised their suppliers that they will not be accepting products at the new prices. But CPJ's Tyler stated that his organisation, as well as J. Wray & Nephew, will be posting a new price list today. Both companies stopped distribution of alcoholic products to the sector last week in protest that there was no consultation about the changes, said Tyler. He also disclosed that CPJ and Wray & Nephew did not clear containers of liquor at the ports for the first 10 days of December. "Hopefully, this will be resolved next week," he said. The CPJ executive is suggesting that in order for there to be no increases to the hotel industry, the Government should place the 40 per cent alcohol content and keg beer into the two-tier system that now exists. "A different per-litre charge for the tourist industry is necessary," he said. Tyler believes technocrats did not realise that keg beer would be affected dramatically. "The hotels use keg beer primarily. They will now pay US$15.92, whereas before they were paying US$7.35 per 30-litre keg," he argued. The hotel industry uses an average of 200,000 kegs per year. The tax reshuffle comes at a time when the industry has been under extreme pressure from the global recession. In the last six months, tourism has absorbed dramatic commodity price increases that have driven up food costs, in many cases by 25 per cent. Commenting on the issue, Dr Wykeham McNeill, opposition spokesman on tourism, said this was an unnecessary stumbling block for an already hobbling industry. McNeill is calling for the Government to quickly resolve the dispute surrounding the tax imposition.

Liquor tax licks hotels in Jamaica


Mexican doctors protest border city violence

In one of Mexico's most violent cities, it was a startling scene: clinics closed, with no doctors to treat patients. Doctors in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, said Monday that they would stop working for 24 hours to demand that the government do more to deal with the violence ravaging their city. "Many of us have been asked to save the lives of burglars, extorters and kidnappers of our own colleagues. It's outrageous that we are saving the lives of people that are attacking and killing us, and we are going to look for the legal means to avoid doing that," said Alejandro Flores, a member of the Citizens' Committee of Ciudad Juarez Doctors. Banners hanging outside hospitals and clinics in Ciudad Juarez -- located across the border from El Paso, Texas -- read: "Stop impunity. We demand justice." "We know that patients have the

right to healthcare, but nonetheless, we the doctors cannot offer our services if we live trapped in our homes for fear of going out to work, if we are kidnapped, or even worse, if we lose our lives, killed with impunity," a statement from the doctors' organization said. The statement noted the recent deaths of three colleagues -- one who died in a car bomb explosion, and two others who died after being kidnapped. The group also issued a list of demands that they asked authorities to meet within seven days, including releasing more information about an investigation into the recent killings of two doctors and bringing more federal agents to the city to investigate unsolved crimes. "The doctors feel that there is no protection. There are no guarantees of security from the police or the government," attorney Angel de la Torre said.

Prisons Commissioner John Rougier paid kudos to prisoners who had excelled in music at a Christmas event at the Maximum Security Prison, Arouca, on December 4. The event was hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service, in collaboration with Prison Fellowship Trinidad and Tobago. In his address, Rougier said that music was one of the ways in which the service would using to help the prisoners develop a skill. “We have music in the prison service. Similar programme at the YTC. We took part in Best Village and we came second in Drumology. It is a significant role in ensuring the interventions we have started in the rehabilitation process for the wider society,” he said. He also appealed to the families of the inmates to maintain relationships

with their loved ones, by visiting them while they were incarcerated. Rougier also paid kudos to volunteers like Judy Ramsaran, who was instrumental in the refurbishment of the chapel. Among the other highlights was the distribution of music certificates to inmates Neville Glaude, Mark Durham, Nicholas Gosine and Selwyn Fraser. Marinus Ayres, alias DJ Starchild, who received a distinction in Music, said he was looking forward to returning to his DJ job upon his release on December 17. England resident, Lithuania’s Alexander Truchlee, 24, copped the Most Outstanding Student in the Music Class. He said although he didn’t have any friends and family in T&T, he felt appreciated by the other inmates. He was incarcerated for drug trafficking.

Prisoners praised for music excellence

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The Belize Times The Belize TimeS

Sunday,December December19,19, 2010 Sunday, 2010

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UDP Highlights of

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times



The Belize Times

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment/Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries/UNDP- Belize Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment/Ministry of Agriculture and Strengthening National Capacities for the Operationalization, Consolidation, and SusFisheries/UNDP- Belize tainability of Belize’s Protected Areas System Project Strengthening National Capacities for the Operationalization, Consolidation, and SusMarket Square, Belmopan 822-2711/2249 (Ext: 80495) Email: snc.projectmanager@ tainability of Belize’s Protected Areas System Project Market Square, Belmopan 822-2711/2249 (Ext: 80495) Email: snc.projectmanager@

Call for Proposals Consultancy to Develop Legislation and Regulations for Protected Call for Proposals Areas Management in Regulations Belize Consultancy to Develop Legislation and for Protected 1.) Introduction Areas Management in Belize

The Government of Belize has received funding from the Global Environment Facility via the United 1.) Introduction Nations Development Programme to finance the project entitled “Strengthening National Capacities The Government of Belize has received funding from the Global Environment Facility via the United for the Operationalization, Consolidation, and Sustainability of Belize’s Protected Areas System”. The Nations Development Programme to finance the project entitled “Strengthening National Capacities project is being implemented by the National Protected Areas Secretariat and is aimed at ensuring that for the Operationalization, Consolidation, and Sustainability of Belize’s Protected Areas System”. The Belize effectively develops legal, financial, and institutional capacities to ensure the sustainability of the project is being implemented by the National Protected Areas Secretariat and is aimed at ensuring that existing National Protected (NPAS). Belize effectively developsAreas legal, System financial, and institutional capacities to ensure the sustainability of the A majorProtected expectedAreas outcome of the project is for NPAS to be supported by legal and instituexisting National System (NPAS). tional reforms furthering efforts in attaining sustainability the system. This will by be legal accomplished in A major expected outcome of the project is forofNPAS to be supported and institupart byreforms the development a National Protected Areas System Actsystem. (NPASA), existing legislational furtheringofefforts in attaining sustainability of the Thisamending will be accomplished in tions to ensure harmonization with the NPASA to provide for increased to the part by the development of a National Protectedand Areas Systemmechanism Act (NPASA), amendingfinancing existing legislaNPAS. tions to ensure harmonization with the NPASA and to provide mechanism for increased financing to the NPAS.

2.) Objective The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop relevant legislation/s aimed at furthering efforts in 2.) Objective

attaining sustainability ofthis the consultancy NPAS. The overall objective of is to develop relevant legislation/s aimed at furthering efforts in The legislation/s developed attaining sustainability of the NPAS. and/or amended under this consultancy will contribute to removal of the barriers underdeveloped the ‘justification’ and provide safeguards against will the threats faced the Theidentified legislation/s and/or amended under this consultancy contribute toby removal system. of the barriers identified under the ‘justification’ and provide safeguards against the threats faced by the system.

3.) Deliverables The final delivery of this exercise will be a draft National Protected Areas System Act along with the 3.) Deliverables

various other new and/or legislations and regulations. OtherAreas deliverables include: The final delivery of this amended exercise will be a draft National Protected System shall Act along with the a.various other An new Inception inclusive of a Work Plan at the start the contractshall period. and/orReport, amended legislations and regulations. Otherofdeliverables include: b.a. AAn report outlining legislative andofmanagement wellofasthe existing conflicts/potential Inception Report, inclusive a Work Plangaps at theasstart contract period. b. A reportbetween outlining management gaps as to well existing conflicts/potential barriers orlegislative among anyand legislation with regards theasdevelopment of the NPASA. barriers between or the among anyeach legislation with regards to the development of the NPASA. c. Progress Reports at end of component. Progress Reports at the end of each component. d.c. Final Report. d. Final Report.

4.) Type: Team 4.) Type: Team 5.) Bidding 5.) Bidding Interested consultants/teams may obtain proposal packages via email from: snc.projectmanager@

Interested consultants/teams may obtain proposal packages via email from: snc.projectmanager@ Completed proposals should be submitted by Monday, January 3, 2011 to: Completed proposals should be submitted by Monday, January 3, 2011 to: Project Manager Project Manager Strengthening National Protected Areas Capacities Project Strengthening Protected Areas Capacities Project National ProtectedNational Areas Secretariat, Market Square, Belmopan National Protected Areas Secretariat, Market Square, Belmopan


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BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL The General Public is hereby the PeoHOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNIONnotified LIMITEDthat a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the ple’s REDEEMER United Party will be holding Standard Bearer HOLY CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body Laws of and Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose office formed registered under the Credit Union Act,registered Chapter 314 of the Conventions in the following constituencies: isLaws situated at No.Revised 1 Hyde’sEdition Lane, Belize City,whose Belizeregistered District hereby of Belize, 2000, and office gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby 1. and Cayo South – January 19, 2011of sale under byof virtue of a Deed Mortgage registered at the Land gives notice its intention to of exercise its power as Mortgagee 2. Register Stann Creek WestofJones –Mortgage January 22, 2011 Titles between and HRCU. under and by virtue of aLionel Deed registered at the Land Titles Register between Lionel Jones and HRCU. 3. Belize Rural North – January 23, 2011 HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first HRCU willofatthis the notice expiration of two months from theindate the first publication sell the property described the of Schedule All aspiring candidates are asked to send in their appublication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. below. plications in triplicate to the PUP Secretariat, IndeALL offers to purchase said December property must 2010. be made in writing to pendence Hall bythe 20th ALL offers to purchaseCREDIT the said property must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER UNION LIMITED from whom full HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained. particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.


The General Public is hereby notified that the Peo-

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 190 comprising ple’sTHAT United Party will be holding Standard Bearer ALL or parcel 190Area comprising 926.52 Squarepiece Metres, situateofinland the being BoomLot PineNo. Ridge on the 926.52 Square Metres, situate in the Boom Pine Ridge Area on the Conventions in the following constituencies: Boom Hattieville Road, Belize District and bounded as follows: North Boom Hattieville Road, Belize District and bounded as follows: North by Lot 189, South by Lot 191, East by Lot 195 and West by a Street byshown Lot 189, Lot 191, Eastprepared by Lot 195 andA.West by aLicensed Street as on South a plan of Subdivision K. Gillett, 1. shown Collet –by January 24,prepared 2011 by as on a plan of Subdivision by K. A. Gillett, Licensed Land and registered at the Lands Surveys Department in 2. Surveyor Corozal Bay – January 30,and 2011 Land Surveyor registered at Register the Lands and Department Belmopan City, and Cayo District in No. 16Surveys Entry No. 7252 TO-in Belmopan City, Cayo District in Register No. 16 Entry No. 7252 TO3. Corozal South West – February GETHER with all buildings and erections standing 6, and2011 being thereon, GETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of Lionel Jones the freehold property of Lionel Jones

All aspiring candidates are asked to send in their applications in triplicate to the PUP Secretariat, Independence Hall by 30th December 2010.




Sunday, December 19, 2010

HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under and by virtue of a Deed of Mortgage registered at the Land Titles Register between Lionel Jones and HRCU. HRCU will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.


BELIZE BELIZE LIONS LIONS HURRICANE HURRICANE RICHARD RICHARD RELIEF RELIEF EFFORTS EFFORTS Under Under the the leadership leadership of of Lion Lion Baldemar Baldemar Graniel, Graniel, Zone Zone Chairman Chairman of of Belize Belize Lions Zone 59, Lions Club members from all over Belize have been Lions Zone 59, Lions Club members from all over Belize have been providproviding ing assistance assistance to to many many families families affected affected by by Hurricane Hurricane Richard. Richard. The The Lions Lions Club Club of of Belize Belize received received aa Hurricane Hurricane Emergency Emergency Grant Grant of of $20,000 $20,000 Bze Bze from from Lions Lions Clubs Clubs International International Headquarters Headquarters in in Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A. U.S.A. and and through through this this Grant, Grant, some some 400 400 families families affected affected by by Hurricane Hurricane Richard were assisted. The families were provided with food hampers Richard were assisted. The families were provided with food hampers of of up up to to $50 $50 each, each, or or with with Food FoodVouchers Vouchers of of $50 $50 to to $100. $100. The The Food Food Vouchers Vouchers allowed allowed the the hurricane hurricane victims victims to to secure secure food food items items which which were were not not being being provided in the food rations that they have been receiving from different provided in the food rations that they have been receiving from different Organizations. Organizations. The Lions Lions have have also also been been providing providing used used clothing clothing to to the the hurricane hurricane victims. victims. The Lions Clubs Clubs International International isis the the world’s world’s largest largest service service club club organization organization Lions with more than 1.3 million members in 45,000 Lions Clubs in more than than with more than 1.3 million members in 45,000 Lions Clubs in more 200 countries countries and and geographic geographic areas. areas. 200

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 190 comprising 926.52 Square Metres, situate in the Boom Pine Ridge Area on the Boom Hattieville Road, Belize District and bounded as follows: North by Lot 189, South by Lot 191, East by Lot 195 and West by a Street as shown on a plan of Subdivision prepared by K. A. Gillett, Licensed Land Surveyor and registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan City, Cayo District in Register No. 16 Entry No. 7252 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of Lionel Jones LionPresident PresidentVinod VinodBhojwani Bhojwaniand andLion Lionmembers membersdistributing distributingfood foodvouchers vouchers Lion

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times

CGA Responds The Belize Citrus Mutual (BCM) has issued a press release entitled “Citrus – Where Are We Heading”, whose sole purpose seems to be that of making a public appeal on an internal company matter, that is the termination of the employment of Dr. Canton as the CEO of the Citrus Products of Belize Ltd. (CPBL). The release also seems to suggest that Dr. Canton, a trained as an animal doctor is indispensible as the only person who can capably manage the Citrus Products of Belize Ltd.

What is the Belize Citrus Mutual?

The Belize Citrus Mutual (BCM) is a private company owned notably by Henry Canton, William, Bowman, Mike Duncker and Ernest Raymond. The Belize Citrus Mutual has as one of its objectives to acquire, own and operate a citrus processing plant. Furthermore, CPBL documents dating as far back as 2007 reveal that these same gentlemen, along with Banks Holdings Ltd., agreed to a plan for CPBL to resign its membership from CGA and for these gentlemen to start a new company/ association to be called the Citrus Alliance Corporation. The sole aim of the new group was the destruction of the CGA so they and BHL can enjoy full control of CPBL. Belizeans should recognize that the release from BCM is essentially an appeal to the public to save Henry Canton’s employment as CEO of CPBL and to allow him to continue his personal agenda of conflict of interest to the detriment of CPBL. BCM is a private company, part owned by Henry Canton, making a public appeal on his behalf. The same private company is desirous of acquiring, owning and operating a citrus processing plant. This is just one of the many examples of the conflict of interests that has come to define Dr. Canton’s leadership style of his personal agenda before everything else.

Performance of CPBL

The release would suggest that with the appointment of Henry Canton as CEO and the Investment Agreement with Banks Holdings Ltd. (BHL) the performance of CPBL has done well. However, all of that changed with the consummation of the Investment Agreement in the 2007 fiscal year. Since the involvement of BHL, and especially over the past two years, CPBL has experienced a $27 million downturn in profitabitability to the point were retained earnings have been exhausted.

BCM asserts that the Investment Agreement as a Model for the Caribbean

Model for whom, certainly not the majority shareholder! From the perspective of the majority shareholder, the CGA under the then stewardship of the now owners of BCM, received only $US2.00 for giving up 46.5% of its stake in CPBL and with limited decision making powers of the majority shareholder. The Jane Longsworth report clearly shows that BCGAICL lost some $23 million in equity at the outset. Furthermore the business model allows for BHL to gain income by selling CPBL products in Barbados, selling BHL products to CPBL for resale in Belize, and through the receipt of dividends from CPBL. On the other hand, the majority shareholder can only earn a return from CPBL if a dividend is declared. However, a dividend can only be declared if BHL so agrees. For the past three years no dividends have been declared.

BHL Showing Good Faith by Forgoing Dividends

BHL annual report for 2007 fiscal year shows BHL enjoyed a sizeable increase in their net income of some $11.378 million most of which was attributable to the effect of the cheap sale price for which they bought into CPBL, based on their negotiations with Henry Canton, William Bowman and Ernest Raymond. The reason they could act in “good faith” was because they had purchased the premier juice source in the region at a fire sale price, which is locked and fully controlled, working in full alliance with Henry Canton.

CGA’s Debt

They deceptively commented on the debt the CGA owes to the European Investment Bank and the Social Security Board. The CGA has clearly made the point that the reason it had to look out for the best interest of its investment in CPBL is because it must make good on all its obligations. Belizeans should know that the way the transaction was constructed resulted in the CGA giving up 46.5% of CPBL with control of CPBL and receiving only US$2.00 as consideration. At that time the growers were misled and believed that the EIB loan was a grant. Furthermore, what BCM did not say, and now refuses to say, is that these monies were borrowed during the time when Ernest Raymond and William Bowman where the Chairmen of the CGA. They did not only gave away the industry but followed through of their plan to destroy the CGA by resigning so as not to pay dues. Henry Canton and BHL have now stopped payments from CPBL to CGA despite a Board resolution being in place. Finally, the CGA’s financial statements are consolidated therefore that CGA will not show any profitability when its largest asset losses more than $10 million dollars annually.

Sale of Products Should be an Arm’s Length Third Party Transaction

Just recently the CGA requested a new price submission from CPBL because there was an increase in world market prices but the new price submission proposed in return amounted to a reduction in price to growers. This was the first time CPBL representatives ever, in the history of the industry that the price to growers was going down when the world market price was increasing. Even after it was made abundantly clear that it was recommended that CPBL does not supply product at such low prices, Henry Canton refused to accept the recommendation. It should be noted that Henry Canton took this decision to continue to sell at such cheap price despite the company projecting to losing some $11.0 million dollars.. It was only after the CGA had complained that Canton and CPBL did not supply the remaining product to this customer. It should also be noted that this same customer has 39% stake in a subsidiary of CPBL, Belize Cattle Feed Limited. The entity has invested $1.0m in equity, while CPBL has invested 2.5m in equity and has loaned the company $10m dollars at a rate that is less than the group interest rate for CPBL. We can only wonder if this sort of arrangement is why that entity has come forth in the media to justify why it was a good deal to buy product at US$0.98 per pound solid when the market was above US$1.18 per pound solid.

CGA’s Vision

A citrus industry where the rights of all stakeholders are equally protected. Increased utilization of CPBL achieved through improving citrus productivity and the introduction of new juice crops such as passion fruit, mangoes and pineapple. A robust marketing arm will develop and establish our brands nationally and globally. The buying power of the industry will be leveraged to get cheaper inputs for growers, assist with drainage of groves and the overall sharing of the costs to address plant health challenges that face the industry.




The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010



Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $45,400,000.00.

2 bedroom house, fully furnished located in Vista Del Mar Area, Ladyville Area, Belize District. Call Errol Pratt at 61`0-0787 or 223-0787 for more information.

The Bills will be issued in denominations of $200, $1,000, $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000, $500,000, $1,000,000, $5,000,000, $10,000,000 and $20,000,000 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 4th January, 2011 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 5th April, 2011.

Rooms with cable, water and electricity unfurnished. For more information contact Errol Pratt at 610-0787 or 223-0787 for more information.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Application forms are available at the Treasury and at the Central Bank of Belize in Belize City and at the Ministry of Finance in Belmopan; and when completed they must be forwarded in sealed envelopes addressed to:



Notice is hereby given that Gervacio Castañeda is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated in San Roman Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Tenders must reach the Central Bank of Belize not later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 28th December, 2010.

Notice is hereby given that Omar Riverol is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mio Store”, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Successful tenders will be notified by Friday, 31st December, 2010 and will be expected to pay for and pick up Bills allotted them on Tuesday, 4th January, 2011. The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.

Notice is hereby given that Indira Guzman is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Shades Cool Spot”, Sittee River Village, Stann Creek District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Giovanni Snith is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Future Vision Investment Company Ltd./Bacab Eco Park”, 1/2 Mile Burrell Boom Road, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: VEHICLES 169 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City

Oración a la Virgen de Guadalupe

San Expedito

2009 Mitsubishi Sportero – (8,000 + km) & 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wagon (42,553 km) (View at No. 169 Beltex Ave., Belama Phase 1, Belize City)

Patron Saint of those who hope for rapid solutions to problems, who wish to avoid or put an end to delays, and who want general financial success.



Feast Day: April 19 Our dear matyr and protector, San Expedito, you who know what is necessary and what is urgently needed, I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity, that by your grace my request will be granted. (State your petition). May I receive your blessings and favors. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. When San Expedito grants you request, place fresh flowers beside his statue in your home or in the church. Place an ad in the newspaper thanking him, so that his name and fame will grow.


BY ORDER of Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following Vehicles at No. 169 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City on Tuesday the 28th December 2010 at 10:00 am:

Rezar 9 Aves Marías durante 9 días con una vela encendida. Pedir tres favores, uno economic, dos imposibles. Al octavo día publicar, al novena día dejar que se consuma la vela. Aún sin tener fe se cumple.


NOTICE The General Public is hereby notified that the People’s United Party will be holding a Standard Bearer Convention in the Corozal South East Constituency on January 2, 2011.


Sunday, December 19, 2010 19, 2010 Sunday, December

The Belize TimesTimeS The Belize

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from the United Democratic Party

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The Belize Times

Color Me

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times






Religion vs. Kingdom Final Round In the previous article I wrote to you about Religion vs. Kingdom, it was mentioned that even Christianity is a religion. Let’s keep in mind and establish the fact that a religion is man’s attempt to make reconciliation with God. In a religion, man has anywhere from partial to complete control over the rules, or laws, and may adjust them as he sees fit or as he pleases. Apart from Christianity there are many other religions. Let me recap and also add a few more religious beliefs. Some religions believe there was a “big bang” and man was formed from this event; others believe that man was first an amphibious animal and evolved into this human body we now possess; Others believe Jesus existed but is not God or has not completed the work to save mankind, and thereby present to us newer and more capable prophets; Many serve and worship the created or things that they themselves have created, such as animals, trees, nature, idols etc. rather than the creator! While some religions actually worship Satan, there are groups that believe there is no God (Psalms 14:1), and it goes on and on. There are also many extremist religions for example, a leader I heard of some years ago forced his followers to drink poison! We find other instances where religious leaders, behaving like Gods, seclude their followers from society, lord it over people and take men’s daughters and even wives for their own personal use! Continuing on the extremist note, there is an old song that has such a great musical arrangement no one tends to listen to the words! It says welcome to the Hotel California, it’s a lovely place… listening closely and you will hear the part that explains you can get in but you can’t get out!!! We have so many religions that we have to distinguish between them and begin to categorize by making new names for easier identification. The word cult is a word which in its purest sense means religion although it is widely used for extremist groups. There are those who are puzzled as to why the various religions can’t come together for the purpose of peace and reaching the world. This is a very hard request as each believes their way is the only way to reconcile to God! This task is even more difficult to imagine as I think of the very well versed Pharisees, teachers of the most popular religion of their time, were intimately responsible for slaying the very savior they were professing! By the way I must say that you are missing out in understanding the folly of many religions if you have not read this scripture shown to me by a friend the other day (Isaiah 44:9-20), It’s a must read! Christianity is one of the few religions that is close to the Kingdom of God. Its religious practices and belief system is based on “kingdom laws” The problem is that since its a religion which has the tendency to evolve over time, everyone including other religions, claim they are Christians (Titus 1:16) resulting in diluted truth. Christianity is the only religion that has a savior who claims to have died to pay ransom for the sins of mankind, and also the only one to claim a “resurrected from the dead” savior. Therefore if we live according to dictates of biblical Christianity we are more likely to be in the Kingdom of God. It is then, more of a door and an access way to the Kingdom of God. So you ask, “What is The Kingdom of God?” I will attempt to begin to explain today and continue in later articles! Thanks for asking though. Sometimes to explain what something is its better to start with what it is not! The Kingdom is not a religion, it is not a belief system; it is not a group thinking or practice. It is not what you can do and what you cannot do. Although this may surprise you the Kingdom of God is not the Church! The Kingdom of God is a PLACE. It has a constitution, it has laws, there’s even a penal system. The bible for example is the book of laws and is not for Christians but it’s the law or constitution specifically tailored for all humans whose desire is to be citizens of the Kingdom. Oh yes, I did say citizen. You cannot become a member of the kingdom because it is not a football team, a club, or a church. As in any country you become a citizen by being born in it. The constitution/ operation manual, tells us that to become citizens we must be born into this country (John 3:3)! It tells us that rather than seeking all sort of things we should first seek this Kingdom and seek to be in right standing with it and all other things the King will add. (Matthew 6:33)! Again I must suddenly conclude here. I pray though that you remain with me next week where I hope to take a telescope and look more deeply into the Kingdom, as we mix it with “The Power of Christmas!” God Bless and See you soon!

Mud Engineer Mud Engineer Trainee

Suitably qualified individuals are invited to apply to fill dynamic and evolving positions in Belize’s energy sector leader and the leading oil exploration and production company in the country.


Summary of Positions

Mud Engineer The Mud Engineer provides onsite services under general supervision for testing, measuring and supervising the operation of fluid pumping and mixing, which includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and practical recommendations for the control of fluid properties. The Mud Engineer is responsible for maintaining fluid properties on rig sites by accurately testing the properties of the fluid. In addition, the Mud Engineer also maintains the chemical inventory at the well sites. The Mud Engineer is responsible for providing rig-site supervisor information related to the progress of a rig site in addition to creating and implementing solutions to various rig site problems. The Mud Engineer provides constant support to aid operations in providing the most efficient, environmentally safe drilling fluids that are available.

Qualifications and Requirements:

Prior experience as a mud engineer is essential for the post. Candidates will need to show evidence of the following: • Associates Degree or higher in Chemistry disciplines • Experience in both drilling and completion Fluids. • Good knowledge of the problematic of drilling fluid to drill Horizontal and Extended Reach wells • Good knowledge of criteria necessary to manage and supervise the treatments of cuttings and dumping mud • Good working knowledge in English, both verbally and written. Candidates will also need to have the following: • Excellent work ethic; • Must possess a valid driver’s license; • Lifts and moves 50 pounds or more; • Willing to travel and have (or can obtain) a passport; • Operates a variety of equipment and machinery that require continuous and repetitive arm, hand or eye movement; • Works days, nights, or weekend shifts and/or an alternative schedule as required. • Knowledge of the oil industry; • Ability to accomplish multiple tasks, work under pressure, and meet deadlines as required;

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Mud Engineer Trainee The Mud Engineer Trainee will understudy an experienced Mud Engineer. A Mud Engineer provides onsite services under general supervision by testing, measuring and supervising the operation of fluid pumping and mixing, which includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and practical recommendations for the control of fluid properties. The Mud Engineer is responsible for maintaining fluid properties on rig sites by accurately testing the properties of the fluid. In addition, the Mud Engineer also maintains the inventory at the well sites. The Mud Engineer is responsible for providing rig-site supervisor information related to the progress of a rig site in addition to creating and implementing solutions to various rig site problems. The Mud Engineer provides constant support to aid operations in providing the most efficient, environmentally safe drilling fluids that are available.

Qualifications and Requirements:

Candidates will need to show evidence of the following: • Associates Degree or higher in Chemistry disciplines • A high level of numeracy; • The analytical ability to think through potentially complex problems and develop solutions; • Initiative and drive; • Team working skills and the ability to co-operate with others; Candidates for all positions will need to have the following: • Excellent work ethic; • Must possess a valid driver’s license; • Lifts and moves 50 pounds or more; • Willing to travel and have (or can obtain) a passport; • Operates a variety of equipment and machinery that require continuous and repetitive arm, hand or eye movement; • Works days, nights, or weekend shifts and/or an alternative schedule as required. • Knowledge of the oil industry; • Ability to accomplish multiple tasks, work under pressure, and meet deadlines as required; • Proficiency in English


Application Process, Contact Information, and Submission Deadline

Application forms are available by sending a request via e-mail to and are to be submitted along with resume, proof of qualifications and two letters of recommendation, by December 21, 2010 to:

The Human Resources Manager BELIZE NATURAL ENERGY LIMITED P.O. Box 279, Belmopan Mile 3 Spanish Lookout Road, Iguana Creek Cayo, Belize

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The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

would like to advise that their opening hours for the holiday season is as follows:

Friday December 24, 2010 – 8am to 12 noon Reopens December 28, 2010 – 8am - 5pm Friday December 31, 2010 – 8am - 12 noon Reopens regular hours January 3rd , 2011


Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Reflections The concept of fear…! cut me I don’t bleed blue. Understand? We can’t continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. That’s just crazy. We all so dearly love to bitch and moan but nobody ever does anything else. We bitch and moan and get slapped and turn the other cheek and get kicked in the ass and shout the Party cry to the highest heaven and then bitch and moan and…okay I’m sure you get the

By: Mike Rudon Jr. I know this is the season to be jolly but I’m just not feeling it. Right about now I couldn’t care less about jingling any bells or roasting chestnuts over an open fire. That’s somebody else’s reality and certainly not ours. Generally towards the end of the year I’m more maudlin than merry but this year I’m just plain frustrated and pissed off at politicians in general. I have never seen this level of suffering in my small nation; this level of dejection; this level of desperation and bitterness and anger and frustration and misery and disillusionment. What I have seen before is this level of apathy. That’s how we are. Politicians slap us in the face and we turn the other cheek. Then they slap us on the other cheek and we bend over so they can kick us in the ass. When the bugle is sounded we shake off that lethargy so we can parade down the street or jump up in rallies dressed in the color of the day waving the flag of the day shouting the political chant of the day. And then the cycle starts all over again. I was discussing politics with a stranger just last week and he basically said the same thing. The UDP will get voted out when the general elections are called. Nobody seems to doubt that. But then what can we expect? What do we have to look forward to? I am a supporter of the PUP at this particular time so it grieves me to admit that while I believe things will be different this time experience has taught us to be very cynical. But damn, when did we all become the timid sheepdogs jumping through hoops, rolling over and playing dead on the instructions of the politicians? Because this is my column I’m allowed quite a bit of license so let me say this. I don’t pander to idiots from any side of the political divide. I’m no Juliet or Fonso or Joe who will bend down and kiss Dean Oliver’s grubby feet just because he is the boss. I don’t sing for my supper and that’s a good thing because I can’t sing worth shit. Back in the good old bad days of the previous administration Father of the Nation George Price used to say that no man is bigger than the Party. I always thought that a better wording would be that no man or Party is bigger than the country. Like I said I am a supporter of the PUP at this particular time because I believe in Johnny Briceño’s leadership but if you

picture here. I was looking at some footage of the UDP Orange Walk East Convention where people lined up in red shirts they were paid to wear to receive money for their votes. It was sickening. No wonder politicians take us for idiots. Nobody in the UDP big boys’ camp bothered to try and disguise the fact that they were paying money for votes. Nobody in the UDP is bashful about doing the things that they are doing. They flaunt it in our faces. The pseudo mayor of Belize City does whatever the hell she wants to do. UDP ministers do whatever the hell they want to do. The Prime Minister does whatever the hell he wants to do. They don’t care. We’re easy, see, and we’ll just take it like good little sheep. Our politicians need to start learning the concept of fear. Trust me when I say that fear is the greatest motivator. We’ve been far too soft for far too long. Over the weekend the faux mayor donned her Donna Karan and got her hair and nails ‘did’ for the parade through the city. What we should have done is made good use of

23 a couple dozen eggs and a few rotten tomatoes. Maybe a few hundred of us could have blocked the street. Maybe we should start emptying garbage at the entrance to her seafront mansion on the Northern Highway. We need to put some healthy fear into this moron so that she thinks twice before treating residents of Belize City the way she has. From the lowest UDP politician all the way up to the Prime Minister – all of them must be taught the concept of fear. They need to be afraid that if they make a wrong move a couple hundred Belizeans will be knocking on their doors. The Prime Minister should be very afraid that 275 jobless Belizeans will be camping out in front of his Seashore Drive mansion tonight. It won’t be easy. It won’t be nice. It won’t be pleasant. It could get very messy. But nothing worthwhile ever came easy. If we don’t make the move then we can’t get upset when the politicians continue to do what they’ve done to us for so long. Then I guess that old saying will be true – we do get the politicians that we deserve.


The Belize Times


PON DI GULLY Chronicle of a Dictator!


reappointed. That is the sort of thing that fuels judicial interference. Just this past October, the President of the Court of Appeal resigned when he became aware that this proposal had actually become law. He further has arrogantly and unconstitutionally refused to bring one of his key reform agenda into law. This is the law that would have seen the appointment of a 13th senator and a reconfiguration of the Senate with non-government senators having the majority. This was a law that was voted A dictator is said to be a ruler who in favour of by more than 25 members of the House of Representatives, yet, assumes sole and absolute power. In the 2001 movie “Gladiator” one man has refused to bring the law starring Russell Crowe, the short, into effect. T his man, though he has no uncompassionate and ruthless rule of Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.,isa company duly registered constitutional or other authority to do a young Roman dictator (Camodos) so, has 250 declared to Belizeans beautifully under depicted. the Companies Act, Chapter of the Laws ofand the this its law registered will never come He is a brilliant political strategist. Belize, Revised Edition, 2000,world and that having He knows and understands the pulse into effect. This man, when reminded office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, by Jules Vasquez that this was one of of the people. the reform platforms on which But he does not deal with the real Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise he was concerns of the people. The problems elected ‘faceyly’ declared: “It ain’t going its power of sale as Mortgageeto under a Deeda manifesto of Mort-promise happen…[I]t’s of crime, poverty, unemployment, I gladly break.” Isn’t that the action of sanitation and health confront gage made the which 15th day of July, 1991, between JORGE a dictator, who clearly believes that the the people are not addressed. CASTILLO and TURNIA CASTILLO of 13 Asuncion Fear and wonder: that is how he country and all its institutions are his Street, Orangecombination, Walk Town, Walk District of when the and to manipulate and control rules. It is a powerful one Orange how heLtd., feels? of the other part of his opponents points out. onepolitical part, and Scotiabank (Belize) H e h a s a l s o t a ke n a n d u s e d People are absolutely fearful of him, recorded at the Land Titles t h eUnit s a n cin t uDeeds a r y o f Book t h e HVol. ouse of evenand fearful of whispering criticisms Representatives as his public stage of him. In 1991 the meantime, he appeases 14 of at Folios 1695 – 1718, and the said Scotiathreaten, lambast, the bank people (Belize) with spectacles shows Ltd.and will at thetoexpiration of threedisrespect months and to divert their attention from the ridicule who he feels, when he feels, from the date of the first publication and how of he this likes,notice becausesell he knows multitude of problems facing them. he has absolute immunity in there. As Graccus, one of the characters the property described in the Schedule hereto. in the movie says: “… conjure magic Of course he started first doing it to for them [the people] and they will be the members of the Opposition- the andmust Belizeans may at distracted.” All offers to purchase the saidspectacle property made in first have found this amusing but There is a dictator in the making in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may bedon’t our country, who rules in similar vein. think so now. But Barrow, buoyed by from the Ltd. that he has gotten away with Hereobtained is the chronicle of said only aScotiabank few the fact(Belize) it because the Speaker of the House misdeeds of this dictator. I suppose he always had it in him, has refused to put him in check, has but it really started showing signs when gone on to bombastically disrespect the back in April, 2008, he started messing head of the judiciary, the former Chief with our constitution. He did it under Justice and then for good measure the Lot Bar No. Association the ALL guise of splendid andorfantastic THAT piece parcel ofthreatened land being 136 of proposals which would “enshrine the which he is a member. This is unheard comprising of 555.6 square yards along the South of in situate any modern democracy. reform agenda” in Belizethe spectacle T h e nTown, h e p aOrange ssed som e other and side show.of Guyana Street, Orange Walk Walk But as Belizeans gradually began repressive laws like the amendment to District, bounded and described shown by Plan the as Essential Services Act No. which turns reading and dissecting those proposals into No. criminals they846 quickly became aware to of Minister’s the union members of 2006 attached Fiat Grant 846 even if their strike is justand and erections necessary. deviousness them and simultaneously of 2006in TOGETHER with all buildings In the meantime, Barrow gave the were jolted into fear. There was the thereon. (Propertydetention, now declared RegistraBelizeanunder public the the greatest spectacle proposal for preventative and show upon getting electedthe which would have allowed the police tion Section of Orange Walk Town – Parcel 1578). and security forces to lock up citizens arrest and charge of Musa and Fonseca. for up to 168 hours- they can now do Nobody finds it strange that Barrow that for up to 48 hours. There was too, CHECK the DATED sinister proposal to day strip of theDecember, job this 7th 2010. OUT OUR security of Court of Appeal judges; NEW WEBSITE a law which would have judges of the at Court of Appeal be appointed for a one year term limit and then be subjected ~ POST YOUR COMMENTS MUSA to re-appointment thereafter. This is & BALDERAMOS ~ VOTE ON ARTICLES like putting someone on probation 91 North Front Street ~ VIEW OUR PHOTO annually. Belize City T here was no rationalization GALLERY then and there can never be any Attorney-at-Law for CHECK OUT A PDF rationalization in having theScotiabank appellate ~(Belize) VERSIONLtd. OF THE PAPER judges in your country be subjected to such madness, each year, as their We are the most visited one year term expires, worrying and newspaper website in Belize wondering whether they would be

FOR SALE By Order of the Mortgagee


Sunday, December 19, 2010

did not appeal the decision of the Chief Justice when he dismissed the charges against Said Musa? It was all a show, a distraction. He knew that there was no case against the two former ministers of government but as a way to stave off the avalanche of post elections expectations of the people this great spectacle and show was conjured up. He too makes decisions of national importance based on his personal vendetta. Take this whole BTL takeover fiasco. Can any Belizean other than his family and close friends say how they have benefitted from the so-called “nationalization” of BTL? The BTL take- over, it is now clear to everyone, was just a show and spectacle. In the meantime, the lives of the workers of BTL, word is, have become worse than it was under Ashcroft. He takes this same approach even with his own party members. Anyone remember Mark King? He was politically killed because he spoke

out against the goings-on at City Hall back in 2008. Barrow had preferred that the Belizean public did not get confirmation as everyone already knew what King came forward to say. Marcel Cardona can be asked about that as well: his political demise came just Sunday last as a result. Zenaida Moya is still holding on to her political life because she crossed him. Then he condones those of his Ministers of Government in their personal witch hunts. Patrick Faber, for instance, fired single mothers at will in the early days of Barrow’s administration, and instead of chastising Faber, Barrow endorses and lives by this same arrogance and meanspiritedness. As a caller to one of the morning talk shows said the other day: “We are not living in a free country. We have a Prime Minister who duh weh ih wah, sey weh ih wah and nuh kay.” These events are truly chronicling a dictator in the making.


By ORdER OF thE MORtgAgEE Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 3rd day of January, 2005, between MARTHA RAMSEY COCOM of 4350 Faber’s Road, Belize City, Belize District of the one part, and Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., of the other part and recorded at the Land Titles Unit in Deeds Book Vol. 1 of 2005 at Folios 481 - 510, and the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 4350 comprising 371.466 square metres situate in the Port Loyola Area, Belize City, Belize District, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 643 of 2004 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 643 of 2004 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections thereon. (Property now declared under the Registration Section of Queen’s Square West - Parcel 1096). DATED this 7th day of December, 2010.


91 North Front Street Belize City Attorney-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.



The Belize Times

of the

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Living Waters - Japanese Scientist Finds Water Reacts to Words

Over a decade ago Japanese scientist Matsaru Emoto released the first photographs of water crystals from his twenty five years of research on water. His book of photographs of water crystals entitled “Messages from Water” contained hundreds of photos taken under the microscope of crystals from numerous water sources. Emoto got to this discovery along a very conventional scientific research path. He was actually trying to find a way to scientifically establish the quality of the various water and water sources he was studying. He began by placing the same small amount of each water sample in 100 petri dishes and then allowing them to crystallize in the freezer under well controlled conditions. Whenever the quality of the water was good, perfect crystals formed, with distinctive details in symmetry and color. Photographs from the Sanbujchi Spring in Nagasaka for example had natural, perfect crystals formed from its unpolluted waters. Crystals from the famous fountain at the shrine at Lourdes in France, the site of some miraculous healings, showed “a stunningly beautiful, asymmetric crystal”. By contrast, the photographs of rainwater from big cities showed poor crystallization as most urban centers have acid rain. Then earlier this year Emoto hesitantly released some new findings in his water research. During the years since his 1999 book, he had discovered that water had the ability to “react to sound” ranging from voices at various pitches and tones to a full range of musical compositions from Bach to Elvis Presley and Tibetan monks chanting. Using a Magnetic Resonance Analyzer developed by a biochemist from Berkley, Emoto and his colleagues collected water from various sources: distilled water, a variety of spring water, sea water and from rivers all over the world and exposed a sample of each to different types of music. What happened next turned the heads of even the most sceptical scientists globally. The crystals that formed from waters exposed to certain types of music definitively reflected the type of music! Bach’s string music water in G had a light airy lilt and the crystals that were exposed to it seemed to be dancing. Water crystals from Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel” gave three types of crystals: “one which had a crystal that looked like a heart broken in two; the second crystal had two parts trying to fuse together and the third had a newly formed heart”. Those with some physics background would say that it is conceivable that music, which is sound and a physical energetic entity could generate some vibrations that could affect crystallization. Now you the reader might wonder is this science, and how will this affect “the price of rice?” Well, the scientist took the response to music a little deeper and went on to find out that water will give crystals even in distilled water - devoid of any minerals or other substances from the environment - in response to WORDS . That’s right. Words written on the outside of a glass

tube containing distilled water seems to affect not just whether it crystallized but also the quality and symmetry of the crystals. Words/phrases were written on the outside of the tubes in various languages as a means of scientific control. Here are the results: Using the same distilled water to start with, one tube had the message, "Thank you" written on it, while the other one had, "You fool!" The one

with "Thank you" gave nice crystals, whereas the one with "You fool!" gave no crystals at all, and was very similar to the results produced by exposing the water to heavy metal music. And it did not matter which language was used: Japanese, Korean or English. The results were very similar. "Love/Appreciation" gave a most elaborate, decorous crystal, so did "Soul". "Demon" (removing the left part from the Chinese character for soul) led to something that looks like a disintegration of the soul crystal. "Angel" made the crystal burst forth in a multitude of flowers, while "Devil" looked distinctly sinister. Even names were read by water. "Adolph Hitler" looked like "You make me sick" or "I will kill you".

And pictures too were registered. When shown the photograph of an innocent child, the water came back with a crystal that looked to me like pure joy itself’’. Which brings us back to our day and time - too often we speak careless, harsh words with never a thought to the effects it can have on the outcome of our day. If it has been proven that water, a seemingly inanimate element can respond to words and manifest a crystal accordingly, then the power to hurt or heal, to create or destroy as God created in Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said, ‘Let there be light’”…is in our WORDS. Science now agrees: the power of life and death is in the tongue…

Citrus – Where Are We Heading Contrary to misleading, mischievous and inaccurate accounts being circulated from certain quarters, the Citrus Products of Belize Limited (CPBL) posted robust and healthy net profits, starting in 2005 with the exception of 2009 and likely this past year 2010, financials for which are not as yet finalized. During the years that preceded 2003, when the company was under the ownership of Del Oro/CDC, it posted chronic losses of approximately $9 million annually. It was not until the new management under Dr. Henry Canton in 2003 and a vibrant Board of Directors that CPBL showed a remarkable resurgence and actually began making a profit. This turnaround on the fortunes of CPBL was further enhanced by the investment of the strategic investor, Banks, to clear out some hardcore debt from the company. Although the past two years have posted some losses, the last 7 years taken collectively, reveal a significant net profit. The losses of these past two years (2009 and 2010) are due to the combined factors of significant investments in the factory to process new value-added products while at the same time poor quality, low yields and reduced production from growers, especially this past year which, at 3.8 million boxes of oranges, was the lowest in the past 12 years, have jointly contributed to the recorded losses of the past two years. Nevertheless, this current year, despite the recent hurricane losses, another profit is expected from CPBL. This last point highlights, and it cannot be further underscored enough, that it is essential for growers to start producing more and better quality fruit to ensure that the processing can become more efficient and profitable for the long term. Certainly orange production must increase by at least 60% over last year’s production of 3.8 million boxes to at least 6 million boxes. This level of production is definitely possible since the industry produced 6,264,847 boxes of oranges in the year 04/05. Since the start of Canton’s management at CPBL in 2003, a cumulative net profit of $13,467,000 has been earned to date. Out of this profit, dividends of $4,186,039.83 have been paid to the CGA and the Orange Trust for the years 05/06 and 06/07 while the strategic investor, Banks, chose to forego dividends for itself for the year 05/06 in an act of good faith to the new partnership. In addition to these recorded and unprecedented profits in the industry, shareholders’ equity in the company has more than doubled from $48,489,000 to $97,122,000 from 2003 to the present. Certainly this critical juncture in the citrus industry is not a time to change the leadership in CPBL from tried, proven and successful management to experiment with an untested and inexperienced newcomer who will be manipulated by former industry old timers who can only point to failed records of perpetual losses of the past. Is this latest move by the CGA another desperate attempt to prop up their financially sinking ship by trying to take over CPBL and acquire its resources? Perhaps the real issue that needs to be examined by citrus farmers is the financial status of the CGA and its financial viability as it is collapsing deeper into debt, adding an additional $3 million to $4 million over the past two years alone in operational losses. It is known that the CGA owes the European Investment Bank and the Belize Social Security Board sums in excess of $10 million and their total indebtedness is over $20 million with no clear means of servicing these tremendous debts. Who will pay for it – the government, the growers or both? Farmers seriously need to consider the ability of individuals who now seek to manage CPBL, which is about 50 times the size of CGA, when they have proven themselves to be grossly unsuccessful in managing the CGA’s finances.

Concerned Growers of Belize Citrus Mutual


Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times




Luke 2:8-14 8 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see— I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord. 12This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.’ 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 14 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!’ In the current climate of unrest, uncertainty, hardship, crime and violence for many, the cry for the voice of the Church to be heard is mounting with each passing day. What is the Church saying? What is the Church doing? Where is the Church? In other words, what is the message of the Church to a hurting and increasingly desperate society and people? It is a valid question directed at not only the leadership of the Church, but to everyone who professes to have faith and belief in God, especially as revealed in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a question that profoundly speaks to the many opportunities being presented to the Church in these times to fearlessly proclaim the good news of our salvation in Christ. What an opportune time for us in the Church! This good news is echoed in the words of the angel to the shepherds quoted above: 10But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord. These simple verses capture, in a most insightful manner, what the message of the Church is in these vexing times. The answer the Church must give to the questions posed above is to be found in the very message it proclaims at this time of the year. At Christmastime we boldly proclaim that the saviour of this world has come. The solution to our problems; the release from the fear that grips most of us; the peace and safety we long for; the desire for a healthy respect for life and property we daily lament for; the sense of purpose and hope we so desperately need to survive, the validation of us as persons created in the image of God so sadly lacking in many instances: is to be found in a life lived for Christ and with Christ. What we must not lose sight of is the fact that that beautiful and cherished scene with ‘a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger’ was later to be transformed into the scene of a man who walked the shores of Galilee, preaching a radical message to the powers that be and to an oppressed people, and dying an awful death as a result, that was to change the historical course of the humanity for good. The message of the Church to our civic leaders, to our religious leaders, to all who exercise leadership and authority in the land, to all who care

for and desire a better future; is quite simple. The message is this: Turn to Jesus, heed His counsel, find in Him the example of a life-giving relationship with God and our fellow human beings, and trust Him at His word. It is quite simple, but the challenge

lies in having the desire and the will to do it. And such desire and will come primarily from an enduring trust in the truth of Jesus and His message. It holds us well to note that in the passage from Luke’s Gospel above, in the message of the angel to the shepherds, the good news is not that a child would be found in a manger - that was merely the sign. The really good news is that the Saviour of the world was born – a Messiah who is Lord. He came to save us from our sins by showing us who God really is, and inviting us to inculcate the implications of this knowledge into our daily lives. He himself said it: the greatest call on human life is to love God with our whole being, and our neighbours as ourselves. I hasten to add that our failure to do this; our failure to live by faith in the Lord whose birth we so joyously celebrate each year at this time, will only result in frustration in our efforts to change and make Belize the wonderful

gem it was meant to be. Despite the horrific scenes of murder, violence and the like that grip us almost daily, we in honest reflection must admit that the root cause of what we witness lies in the heart of the human person. It IS a matter of the heart. Until we tackle the problem at this level we will forever feel as if we are on a steep uphill climb whose end is uncertain. Jesus Christ came to renew the heart of humankind with a message of unconditional love. Such a love became incarnate in the child in the manger. Such a love also grew and matured in the man Jesus to change the world. Such a love continues to make a difference when it resides in the heart of humanity. This is the message of Christmas. This is the message of the Church for these troubled times. Wishing each and every one a most blessed Christmas Season and the best for 2011.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times


OPENING HOURS: MON-SAT: 8:00 - 9:00 SUN: 9:00 - 2:00











The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gwen Liz girls win 5th back-to-back CSSSA basketball championship

Defending national female basketball champs, the Gwen Liz High School girls won their 5th Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) basketball championship by a 44-32 win over the Wesley College girls in Game 3 of the finals at the Belize City Center last Friday night. This means the Gwen Liz girls will be representing the Central division at

the upcoming National Secondary School Sports Association (NSSSA) basketball tournament to be hosted by the Anglican Cathedral College at the Belize City Center on Friday and Saturday, December 17-18. They will challenge the western champions, the Belmopan Comprehensive School girls when the tournament begins on Friday while the northern regional

champions, the Muffles College g i r l s w i l l f a c e o ff a g a i n s t t h e southern champions, the Delille Academy girls. The winners move on to play for the championship on Saturday, while the losers will play for 3rd place. The championship finals was a best of 5 game series, and the Gwen Liz girls had followed up on their win in Game 1 last Monday with a 38-30 win over the Wesley College girls on Wednesday and they sealed the championship with a 44-32 win on Friday night. On Wednesday, Glenda Torres led the Gwen Liz girls with 6pts in the first quarter and Deandra Coote added a bucket to give them an 8-2 lead over the Wesley girls at the end of the 1st quarter. Wesley’s captain Anna Pinto hit 2 long treys in the 2nd quarter, but Glenda Torres responded with another 6 points and Coote also scored a long trey to lead 21-11 at the half. Torres also hit a trey to add 11pts in the 3rd quarter. Wesley’s Shanice Humes responded with 6pts, Pinto added another 5pts, but the Gwen Liz girls were up 34-23 at the end of the 3rd quarter. In money time Genae Samuels tossed in 2 buckets for Wesley, Anna Pinto finished with 13pts and Shanice Humes had 10pts, while

Melissa Williams had 4pts. But Torres, Coote and Meighan each scored a bucket for the 38-30 win. Glenda Torres finished with 25pts. In Game 3 on Friday night, the Wesley girls played their best game of the series, with Shanice Humes, Anna Pinto, Melissa Williams and Anna Pinto pouring in buckets to lead 12-4 in the 1st quarter. Glenda Torres answered with 4pts in the 1st quarter and 4 more in the 2nd quarter, while Kenya Brown scored 8pts and grabbed 8 rebounds, but Pinto, Williams and Samuels poured in more buckets to lead 2116 at the half. Torres played big D in the paint, grabbing 15 rebounds and 5 steals while she tossed in 6pts more, Deandra Coote drained in a long trey, and Audreana Meighan tossed in a bucket and Gwen Liz was up 27-25 by the end of the 3rd quarter. The Gwen Liz girls’ tenacious defense shut down the Wesley girls, as Kenya Brown grabbed 5 steals, while Audreana Meighan grabbed 7 rebounds and finished with 6pts. Deandra Coote drained in a 2nd long trey to finish with 10 pts in the 44-32 win. Anna Pinto scored 10pts, Genae Samuels had 9pts, while Shanice Humes had 6pts and Melissa Williams had 4pts and 10 rebounds.

Sadie Vernon boys win 2nd CSSSA basketball championship

The 2008 national basketball c h a m p i o n s , t h e S a d i e Ve r n o n Technical High School boys, won their 2nd Central Secondary Schools Sports Association (CSSSA) basketball championship with an 83-74 win over the defending city champs, the Gwen Liz High School boys, in Game 3 of the finals at the Belize City Center last Friday night. This means the Sadie Vernon boys will be representing the Central division at the upcoming National Secondary

School Sports Association (NSSSA) basketball tournament to be hosted by the Anglican Cathedral College at the Belize City Center on Friday and Saturday, December 17-18. They will challenge the western champions, the Belmopan Comprehensive School boys when the tournament begins on Friday while the northern regional champions, the New Hope Baptist High School boys, will take on the southern champions, the Georgetown High School boys. The winners move

on to play for the championship on Saturday, while the losers will play for 3rd place. The Sadie Vernon boys followed up their win over the Gwen Liz boys on Monday with an 81-80 nail-biter on Wednesday night. Sadie Vernon’s Andrew Ortiz led with 8 pts in the 1st quarter and Lincy Lopez and Kachief Thomas added 4pts each, while Mckoy and Reneau each tossed in a bucket. Gwen Liz’s Malcolm Robateau responded with 5pts, Joseph Sutherland added 4pts and Raheem Flowers drained in 2 long treys to tie the ball game at 19-19 in the 1st quarter. Gwen Liz’s big center Matthew Young scored 15 pts in the 2nd quarter, but Sadie Vernon’s Lopez, Thomas, Reneau, Armstrong and Dennis Brown answered with more buckets to lead 38-35 at intermission. Young scored 15 pts more in the 3rd quarter, while Robateau and Sutherland added 3pts each, and the Gwen Liz boys were up 62-59 at the end of the 3rd quarter. In money time, Kachief Thomas hit 3 long treys to finish with 30pts, Andrew Ortiz tossed in 2 more buckets to finish with 16pts, and Lincy Lopez finished with 13pts. Matthew Young scored 9pts more to finish with a monster 42pts, while Akeem “Timmy” Trapp had 8pts and Sutherland 7pts. Raheem Flowers scored two more buckets to finish with 13pts, but Kachief scored the final free throw for the 81-80 win.

In Game 3 on Friday night, the Sadie Vernon boys sealed their championship win with an 83-74 win over the Gwen Liz boys, who had played their best game of the series. Matthew Young scored 11pts in the 1st quarter and Malcolm Robateau hit a long trey while Trapp, Sutherland and Raheem Flowers put Gwen Liz boys ahead 21- 18 in the 1st quarter. Lincy lopez scored Sadie Vernon’s first basket, Kachief Thomas scored 14pts in the half, and Andrew Ortiz scored 5pts while Charles Armstrong added 2 buckets, but the Gwen Liz boys led 37-31 at the half. Matthew Young scored 15 pts in the 2nd quarter and 8pts in the 3rd, while Raheem Flowers hit a long trey. He would finish with 13pts, and Gwen Liz led 52-50 at the end of the 3rd quarter. In money time, Sadie Vernon put on a full court press, London Reneau entered the ball game for Andrew Ortiz and they stole the ball and won rebounds as Kachief Thomas shot 19pts to finish with 33 pts and Andrew Ortiz scored 14pts in the 2nd half to finish with 21pts. Matthew Young scored 9pts to finish with 42 pts and Akeem Trapp finished with 8 pts. Charles Armstrong had another 15pts and 2 rebounds. Peter Mckoy scored 2 buckets to finish with 6 points and the Sadie Vernon boys cruised to an 83-74 win.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Belize Times


Belize City Council wins 2nd back to back Interoffice softball championship

The Belize City Council are r e p e a t B e l i z e C i t y i n t e r o ff i c e softball champions after they arrested the Police 10-6 in the championship final at the home of softball at the Rogers Stadium last Friday night. In Game 4 of the playoffs on Sunday, December 5, the Police had schooled the Ministry of Education 15-9 and in Game 5 on Monday night, the BEL Power-sockets had eliminated Belize Telemedia 189. Nestle’s Oh Henry Barber shop had eliminated the Ministry of Education 21-15 in Game 6 of the playoffs and eliminated the BEL Powersockets 14-5 in Game 7 on Wednesday night. In Game 8 on Wednesday, the Belize City Council won 13-6 over the Police. Reynaldo Duran, Enid Dakers,

Godsden Ferguson, Glen Flowers and Anthony Bernard had given BCC a 5-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning, McCulloch and Nicole Arnold came home in the top of the 2nd inning, but the BCC led 7-2 when Duran and Ferguson came home in the bottom of the 2nd. Japhet Young and McCulloch came home again in the top of the 3rd, but the cops trailed 4-11 when Dakers, Ferguson, Brian Audinett and Deidra Jones came home in the bottom of the 3rd. Japhet score the cops’ 5th run in the 4th inning and Brent Hamilton added a 6th run in the 5th inning, but BCC won 13-6 when Duran and Dakers came home in the bottom of the 7th inning. In Game 9 on Thursday night, the cops bounced back from this defeat to crunch down on

Nestle Oh Henry Barber Shop 167. The Police led 4-0 when Japhet Yo u n g , D o r i a n J o n e s , J e r e m y McCulloch and Brent Hamilton came home in the 1st inning, and the lead grew to 7-0 when Jody Ingram, Dorian Jones and McCulloch all rounded the bases in the 2nd inning. They extended their lead to 11-0 when Jacobs and Ingram came home when Japhet Young hit a three-run homer in the 3rd inning and McCulloch and Hamilton followed. Oh Henry got 7 runs when Kevin Siroki, Jason Jenkins, Joseph Alvarez, Tommy Shaw, Shantell Flowers, Ally Flowers and Edward Osbourne came home in the 4th inning, but Ingram, Young, Jones, McCulloch and Hamilton scored 5 more runs in the 4th inning for the 16-7 win.

In Game 10, the championship final, the cops led 3-0 when Japhet Young, Dorian Jones and Brent Hamilton came home in the top of the 1st inning, but BCC soon took over the lead 4-3, when Godsden Ferguson, Glen Flowers, Norman Middleton and Anthony Bernard scored in the bottom of the 1st. The Police led again 5-4 when I n g r a m a n d Yo u n g c a m e h o m e in the top of the 2nd, and again BCC took over the lead 7-5 when Reynaldo Duran, Enid Dakers and Glen Flowers came home in the bottom of the 2nd. The BCC crew extended their lead to 9-5 when Darmine Myles and Desiree Moralez came home in the bottom of the 2nd and Glen Flowers added a 10th run in the bottom of the 4th inning.

BDF still No.1 in Caribbean Cup football – wins 2-1 over FC Belize The Belize Defense Force remains No.1 in the Belize Premier Football League rankings, with 29 pts from 9 wins and 2 draws, after they posted their 9th win in Week 12 of the Caribbean Motors Cup competition, 2-1 over FC Belize 2-1 at the MCC garden on Sunday. Evan Mariano and Mike Cho spearheaded the BDF offensive with Ricky Jimenez and Paul Nunez on the wings, supported by Orndo “lichy” Jimenez and David Trapp at midfield. Trapp scored the BDF’s 1st goal on a free kick in the 12th minute, which beat the FC Belize goalkeeper Elden Linares who could not get a glove on it as it screamed in under the crossbar. Jerome “Jaro” James and Christian Okonkwo teamed up to deliver the equlizer for FC Belize in the 28th minute, when Okonkwo beat BDF defender Irwin “Bird” Flores and crossed the ball to Jerome for the header that beat BDF goalie Woodrow West to tie the score at 1-1. FC Belize were left with only 10 men on the field when Jarret Davis elbowed Ricky Jimenez

in the face after the referee blew a foul, and the ref had no choice but to eject him from the ball game. Jerome James made things worse when he fouled Nunez inside the goal area, as Elden Linares came out of goal to block Nunez’s attack. The referee awarded the BDF a penalty and BDF’s Vallan Symns stepped up to convert with ease for a 2-1 lead in the 40th minute and so it remained at the half. Okonkwo tried to even the score, but his shot was inches outside the sticks, while David “Dav” Macaulay’s shot from point blank range went over the crossbar. Kristian Perez left FC Belize with only 9 men on the field when he too got a 2nd yellow card for a 2nd foul on Trapp. Shawn Gill and Wayne Moody refreshed the FC Belize attack lineup, but BDF went on to post the 2-1 big win. The Toledo Ambassadors posted a 2-0 win over the Griga United at the Toledo Union field on Sunday, when Ralph Flores scored twice in the first half. Belmopan Blaze scorched Hankook Verdes 4-1 at

the Marhalleck Stadium on Saturday night. Leon “Lem” Jones scored the first goal in the 34th minute of play to lead 1-0 at the half. Jones added a 2nd goal in the 57th minute when he converted a penalty. Mark Leslie

extended the lead to 3-0 when he scored a 3rd goal in the 70th minute, before Noel Eiley scored a single consolation goal for Verdes in the 83rd minute. Leslie added a 4th goal in injury time for the 4-1 win.


The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Belize Times

Issue No. 4724





Los primeros tres días de un sistema de zonificación CAREER del turismo en VACANCIES la calle Fort zona turística de la ciudad dePositions: Belice terminaron en erupción Mud Engineer y bochorno para Mud ellos Engineer y en tiempos Trainee difíciles para muchos de los beliceños que dependen en el crucero de turistas Suitably qualified individuals are invited to apply to fill dynamic and evolving poque salen de la aldea para mantenerse sitions in Belize’s energy sector leader and the leading oil exploration and produca sí mismos y sus familias. tion company in the country. Las partes interesadas dijeron a la prensa que los tres primeros días I Summary of Positions del nuevo Programa de Turismo Sostenible, el pasado miércoles, jueves Engineer y Mud viernes fueron terribles para ellos, despachadores que se han introducido porque en un momento en que el tur- en el nuevo sistema no comercializan The Mud Engineer provides onsite services under general supervision for testing, measuring ismo toma vuelo Belice, se entersusmixing, servicios a includes los turistas, poranalylo que and supervising the en operation of fluid pumping and which technical aron deaddition que quizá no tendrían la practical opor- recommendations no están haciendo dinero. sis in to specific product and for theningún control of fluid Antunidad deThe serMud parte de lais responsible bonanza. forteriormente, properties. Engineer maintaining fluid on rig sites by losproperties proveedores de serviaccurately the properties of thedicen fluid. In addition, the Mud Engineer also maintains Algunos detesting los guías de turismo cios, que también incluyen trenzadothetienen chemical inventory at thetan welltemprano sites. The Mud is responsible for providing que que despertar rasEngineer de pelo, vendedores y conductores rig-site supervisor information related to the progress of a rig site in addition to creating and como las 3:30 de la mañana para via- de taxis, solían ser permitidos acerimplementing solutions to various rig site problems. The Mud Engineer provides constant jarsupport a la ciudad de Belice y dirigirse al efficient, carse a environmentally los turistas ysafe tratar de fluids vender to aid operations in providing the most drilling Turist Village a tiempo por los turistas y/o ofrecer sus servicios a los turistas that are available. que vienen en los de crucero personalmente, ahora se mantienen en Qualifications and barcos Requirements: y comenzar el día. Sin engineer embargo, esos for Prior experience as a mud is essential post. el the exterior y son los despachadores Candidates need to show evidencedesde of the following: esfuerzos nowill han dado sus frutos que hacen el negocio con los turistas Degree dicen or higher in los Chemistry disciplines la •semana Associates pasada porque que sobre los servicios que se pueden ob• •

THE BELIZE BANK LIMITED of No. 60 Market Square, P.O. Box 364, Belize City, Belize (the “Bank”) on 26 September 2010 publicly advertised its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under the following security documents at the expiration of two months from the date of first publication of the said advertisement:

lo que el nuevo sistema incorpora.

También piensan porque ahora se (1) Mortgage Debenture made on the 28th day of November, 1995que and made between mantienen lejos de other los turistas, los que Belize Aggregates Limited (“Belagg”) of the one part and the Bank of the part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan in Deeds Book Volume 29 of 1995 at sólo folios 799 852; personas se benefician sontolas que operan dentro de la misma aldea..

(2) a Deed of Mortgage made on the 11th day of December, 1995 and made between BeLos proveedores de servicios y lagg of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, Belmopan vendedores in Land Charges Register (Legal Charges) in Volume 24 at folio 7;critican a BTB (por sus

siglas en ingles) por lo que sienten fue

(3) an Assignment of Mortgage made on the day of May, 1998 and made between un4thestudio inadecuado e insuficiente THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, a Banking Corporation incorporated in Canada with its Head antes de que la zonificación se llevara Office in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and having a registered branch in Belize City, Belize a cabo. Pero al mismo tiempo piden un (the “Assignor”) of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Titles Unit, debate sobre el asuntoreferred con los planifiBelmopan in Deeds Book Volume 14 of 1998 at folios 909 to 932 (hereinafter to as the cadores, la Liga de ex militares tiene “Assignment”);

sus propias consternaciones al respectener. (4)Es la Federación an Assignment de of Mortgage made on theto22nd day ofconsidera June, 1998 and between ya que quemade la celebración Asociaciones the Assignor of the one part and the Bank of the other part, recorded in the Land Charges RegisdeterCruceros de Turismo de Belice, de su Día del Recuerdo que celebran (Assignments) in Volume 2 at folio 66, which said Assignment of Mortgage is supplemental cada FECTAB, que hablaron al respecto to the Assignment (the “Supplemental Assignment”); andaño y el desfile en memoria de los el pasado viernes por la tarde durante soldados caídos en las Guerras Mun(5)conferencia various other mortgages and mortgage debentures in the será Assignment and the por diales I ylisted II ahora defraudado, una de prensa. Supplemental Assignment, and any variations thereto, all of which are registered in the Land Los actores principales dicen que el nuevo plan. La Liga, los operadores Titles Unit, Belmopan City. muchos de ellos nunca fueron consul- y trenzadoras fuera del pueblo dicen una respuesta tados en elnowproceso que condujo la theque The Bank notifies prospective buyersathat final esperan date for submission of offers favorable to purchase a suis 23 petición, aparte aplicación del programa zonifithe plant, equipment, propertiesyorla assets of Belagg Decemberporque 2010 at 5:00 p.m. del Offerhecho envelopes be clearly marked “Belize Aggregates Limited: Offer to está Purchase Assets or de que la Navidad sobre nosotros, cación de should la zona. De hecho, muchos underque Receivership”. deProperties ellos dicen la única vez que la el plan se espera que esté finalizado Junta de Turismo de Belice se con- para marzo próximo cuando los trabaAll offers to purchase the plant, equipment, properties or assets of Belagg must be made in jos de and zonificación inicien. tacto con ellos fue cuando se lesErmeav, dijo Receiver writing to the undersigned, Mr. Stanley Manager of Belagg, from whom


Experience in both drilling and completion Fluids. Good knowledge of the problematic of drilling fluid to drill Horizontal and Extended Reach wells • Good knowledge of criteria necessary to manage and supervise the treatments of cuttings and dumping años mud uno Fue durante muchos • Good working knowledge in English, both verbally and written. deCandidates los beliceños luchando con will also need to have the following: su• insuficiencia renal, Excellent work ethic;una afección depossess los riñones, donde • aguda Must a valid driver’s license; • and moves 50 pounds or more; dejan de Lifts realizar sus funciones Willingque to travel have (or can y •requieren el and paciente seobtain) a passport; • Operates a variety of equipment and machinery that require continuous and someta a frecuentes hemodiálirepetitive arm, hand or eye movement; sis• para Works desintoxicar el cuerpo. days, nights, or weekend shifts and/or an alternative schedule as required. Sin embargo la lucha de José • Knowledge of the oil industry; Cruz terminó a accomplish las 9:15multiple la ma• Ability to tasks, work under pressure, and meet deadlines as ñana del required; pasado viernes cuando

murió tranquilamente en casa de Engineer Trainee suMud abuela en Santa Elena, Cayo. Había perdido una pierna y esThe Mud Engineer Trainee will understudy taba ciego a consecuencia de laan experienced Mud Engineer. A Mud Engineer provides onsite services under general supervision by testing, measuringen andel supervising Cruz que estaba proceso de enfermedad. the operation of fluid pumping and mixing, which includes technical analysis in addition to solicitar de nuevo unas entrevCruz, de 41 años, fue diagspecific product and practical recommendations for the control of fluid properties. The Mud istas para asegurarse de que el nosticado con la enfermedad del Engineer is responsible for maintaining fluid properties on rig sites by accurately testing Ministerio de Salud cumpla con riñón hace diez the properties of the años fluid. Inatrás, addition,cuanthe Mud Engineer also maintains the inventory at the palabra y supervisor con el contenido sites. The Mud is responsible for su providing rig-site information del dowell trabajaba en Engineer el Departamento to the progress Siendo of a rig siteun in addition creating and implementing solutions to Cruz, de acuerdo a derelated Cooperativas. hom- todocumento. various site problems. The Mud Engineer constant support to aidsentía operations in la su esposa, Mileni, que bre de rig humilde ingresos, Cruz provides most efficient, environmentally safe drilling fluids that are available. noproviding pudo the pagar el costoso trata- vida de algunos pacientes está Qualifications and Requirements: miento de diálisis, que en ese en peligro porque el sentía que Candidates will need to show evidence of the following: a muchos momento sólo estaba disponible • Associates Degree or higher in Chemistry disciplinesse les esta dando danen• el Universal Health Services, do prioridad para el tratamiento A high level of numeracy; la afiliación política. un• hospital Susto think necesiThe privado. analytical ability throughbasado potentiallyen complex problems and develop solutions;y los de los otros Él nunca tuvo la oportunidad de dades urgentes • Initiative and drive; pacientes renales lo llevaron a hacer la aparición en los medios • Team working skills and the ability to co-operate with others; expresar públicamente su frus- de comunicación, sin embargo, Candidates for all positions will need to have the following: tración, muchas veces pidiendo a debido a que falleció antes de • Excellent work ethic; los• medios de comunicación Must possess a valid driver’sayulicense; que pudiera expresar su desconda• para conseguir la 50 atención del tento. Lifts and moves pounds or more; • Willing travel and have (or can passport; jueves por la noche Cruz Ministerio de to Salud. Aunque to-obtain) aEl • a variety equipment and machinery that require continuous and probcomenzó a experimentar davía hayOperates mucho que ofdesear con repetitive arm, hand or eye movement; la salud en Belice, los esfuerzos lemas en el estómago y vomitó days, nights, or weekend shifts and/or an alternative schedule as required. de•• Cruz Works no fueron en vano, ya la mayoría de la noche. En la Knowledge of the oil industry; mañana del viernes, los insoque causó que el Ministerio de work • Ability to accomplish multiple tasks, under pressure, and meet deadlines as Salud el required; verano pasado firmara portables dolores de espalda, un• Memorando Entendimien- provocados por el fallo de sus riProficiencyde in English to con la Organización Mundial ñones y complicaciones relacioApplication Process, Contact Submission Deadline nados lo and llevaron a buscar alivio deIITerapias Renales (VALE), La Information, Loma Luz Hospital en Santa Ele- en la casa de su abuela a través formsHeusner are availableMemorial by sending a request via e-mail to de un masaje. Su esposa Mileni naApplication y el Karl and are to be submitted along with resume, proof of qualifications and two letters of recomHospital en la ciudad de Belice había ido hacer un mandado anmendation, by December 21, 2010 to: para proporcionar un tratamiento tes de que viajaran a la ciudad de diálisis a un The costo significati- de Belice para otro tratamiento Human Resources Manager de diálisis y una entrevista que vamente reducido. BELIZE NATURAL ENERGY LIMITED Ese memorando de entenP.O. Box 279, Belmopantenía pendiente con las mismas dimiento, sin Mile embargo, estaba 3 Spanish Lookoutpreocupaciones Road, Iguana Creekque le molestaba. Cuando Mileni regresó a casa tomando demasiado tiempo para Cayo, Belize responder a las expectativas de Cruz ya había fallecido tranqui-

full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained. Priority will be given to offers for the purchase en bloc of all the business, properties and other charged assets of Belagg.

The Belize Bank Limited

lamente mientras recibía el ma- de que los servicios de salud adc/o Stanley Ermeav FCA Receiver Manager ofElla Belizedijo Aggregates saje en laandespalda. más Limited ecuados se entregan a todos los Horwath tarde queBelize el LLP día anterior Cruz, beliceños. Es una causa que ella 35A Regent Street como si presintiera su muerte, dice que seguirá adelante en su Belize City leBelize dijo a su enfermera que otros memoria por el bien de los paciahora tendrían que asumir el entes por los que su esposo luchó manto y mantener presionado al incansablemente. Cruz fue sepMinisterio a la tarea con el fin ultado el fin de semana en Cayo.

The National AIDS Commission invites applications for a full-time position of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer: Responsibilities

• Assist in establishing the monitoring and evaluation framework and system to ensure effective implementation of National Strategic Plan and key program initiatives such as the Global Fund. • Produce and disseminate Monitoring and Evaluation reports that will guide decision making and program implementation. • Gather and utilize epidemiological data and social indicators that assess strengths, weaknesses and gaps in existing programs and services. • Facilitate capacity building for implementation partners to enable them to monitor and evaluate their own efforts, gather relevant data and produce required progress reports. • Ensure that the NAC through the Executive Director has up-to-date information on implementation performance of the national HIVAIDS response. • Assist the NAC and other partners in the strategic planning of a national research agenda to monitor the impact of the National response as efficiently and innovatively as possible. • Perform other duties assigned by the NAC and the Executive Director in support of the work of the Secretariat as necessary.

Qualifications • • •

Minimum: Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline Experience in research, statistical methods and data analysis is needed Knowledge of monitoring & evaluation systems and their impact on management of social sector organizations.

Interested persons are invited to visit the office of the NAC Secretariat to view the terms of reference and access more detailed information including the essential functions of the post. The successful applicant will be a strong team player with a positive work ethic, able to build inter-agency partnerships and willing to handle flexible work hours. Applicants should send application letter and curriculum vitae with two references to:

Executive Director National AIDS Commission Cor 5620 Lizarraga & Meighan Avenues King’s Park Area, Belize City Deadline for Applications, December 24th, 2010



The Belize Times

Belize TimesEn


Sunday, December 19, 2010


El peor de los tiempos

Desde el Ecritorio del Lider del Partido

Pasando el Manto...

La semana pasada, dos miembros de nuestro partido nos dijeron adiós para siempre - la s e ñ o r a A s t e r i a Vi l l a r, a q u i e n conocemos cariñosamente como Miss Cuttie de Orange Walk Town y el Sr. Joe Eralez de la ciudad de Belice. Eran dos de los mejores PUP, incondicionales y guerreros hasta el final. En Orange Walk Miss Cuttie comenzó como una partidaria del NIP en aquel entonces, pero en 1972 se paso al PUP, dando al Partido una de sus primeras victorias en el ayuntamiento d e O r a n g e Wa l k . D e s d e e l ' 7 2 hasta que cerró los ojos la señorita Cuttie nunca miró hacia atrás. Ella estuvo allí con el partido cuando ganamos nuestra independencia en 1981. En el 84 cuando el partido perdió su primera elección general, ella formo parte del equipo de Orange Walk que lideró el esfuerzo local para decirles a los partidarios que “ vuelvan a casa con el PUP." Ella era una partidaria PUP orgullosa y activa desde 1972 hasta el día en que cerró los ojos por última vez. Al igual que la señorita Cuttie, Joe Eralez fue PUP de buena fe. Estaba allí desde el principio, llevando a cabo protestas en Battlefield Park, marchando junto a Richardson, Goldson y Price, la lucha contra la devaluación y la lucha por el sufragio. Joe no era un hombre que estaba en el podio o frente a las cámaras - el trabajaba en las trincheras del Partido, el que ayudaba al líder George Price para llevar a cabo el día a día de las tareas del Partido. Fue Joe quien sentó las bases para que Lindy Rogers viniera a l P U P d e l N I P. J o e t a m b i é n trabajó como intermediario entre los miembros del partido cuando había desacuerdos. Joe amaba a su partido y siempre estuvo dispuesto a s e r v i r, e r a u n m i e m b r o d e l ejecutivo del partido, un miembro del Consejo Nacional del Partido, e incluso un miembro de la Orden de Servicio Distinguido. El año pasado, otros incondicionales guerreros del PUP fallecieron - nuestro campeón de los pobres, Ray Lightburn, Louise Bevans, enfermera Dorothy Bradley, ex Secretario General Carlos Espat, Frankie CAS desde Dangriga

y otros. Eran partidarios del Partido que nunca renunciaron al PUP y nunca vacilaron en su amor por Belice y por el PUP. Estas buenas personas formaban parte de los tiempos cambiantes en que vivimos. Con demasiada frecuencia en estos días, tendemos a olvidar que sólo una o dos generaciones atrás, se celebraban los grandes debates sobre la identidad nacional, sobre el papel de la mujer en el liderazgo y nuestro lugar como un pequeño estado en la región y en el mundo. Solamente 30 años atrás, el PUP daba frente a los que temían lo que la Independencia traería. Hoy tomamos a nuestra Independencia por un hecho, pero esta no fue ganada sin una lucha. Si bien no hubo derramamiento de sangre, la amenaza inminente de invasión por parte de un adversario mucho más poderoso estaba siempre en la mente de Mr. Price, Said Musa, Courtenay Harry y Rogers Lindy que estaban íntimamente involucrados en las negociaciones por nuestra independencia. Hoy en día la causa por un Belice independiente y libre sigue, la lucha por nuestra identidad que se libra en las calles y en los callejones de la ciudad de Belice y otras comunidades urbanas y rurales de todo el país. La lucha no es ideológica, pero es grave, no obstante. A diferencia de la revolución constructiva y pacífica sin derramamiento de sangre que nos dio nuestra independencia política, esta batalla se está librando contra la violencia sin sentido y hasta el momento ha cobrado la vida de 121 beliceños Señor Price, Lindy Rogers, Ms Cuttie, Joe, Louise y los valientes defensores del PUP han pasado la batuta a nuestra generación. Ahora debemos inspirarnos en su éxito, el valor de su voluntad y hacer que se sientan orgullosos. Esta en nosotros ser valientes y hacer que este país vaya en la dirección correcta. Juntos podemos trabajar con decisión para mover a Belice hacia delante para que nosotros también podemos pasar un día con orgullo el manto del liderazgo a la siguiente generación.

Hace seis meses, el primer ministro Deán Oliver Barrow se paró frente a una clase que se graduó de la Universidad de Belice y en el podio hablo de Dickens, Historia de dos ciudades para describir el estado de los asuntos de nuestra nación. Pero cuando el señor Barrow poso sus gafas en la nariz, alzo su mirada hacia el cielo y filosofó que "era el mejor de los tiempos, era el peor de los tiempos," estaba diciendo una mentira. O quizás más exactamente, que él estaba diciendo una verdad a medias. Si el Primer Ministro estaba vagamente interesado en la precisión y verdaderamente enamorado de Dickens, su soliloquio hubiera sido así - "era el peor de los casos, fue la edad de la estupidez, era la época de la incredulidad, era la estación de la oscuridad, era el invierno de la desesperación, no teníamos nada ante nosotros, todos íbamos directo al infierno ... " Al acercarnos al final de los días del año 2010, hay muy pocas personas que se atreverían a afirmar que estos fueron los mejores tiempos. Estas cifras se incluyen, por supuesto, la familia real de los Barrows, los ministros del UDP, sus familias y algunos compinches UDP seleccionados. Para estas 2.010 personas fue un muy buen año. Pero para la gran mayoría de los beliceños no hubo luz brillante este año, ninguna estrella brillante. Para la gran mayoría, la esperanza de Belice, la prosperidad, la paz, la alegría y la felicidad son conceptos abstractos en las tarjetas de Navidad, pero muy lejos de lo que es la realidad hoy en día. En 2008, Dean Oliver Barrow le pidió a la gente de Belice a lo largo y ancho de esta nación a imaginarse las posibilidades. Se nos aseguró que si seguimos el camino trazado por este Moisés negro genial entraríamos en una nueva era, una edad de oro. En ese entonces el señor Barrow tenía todas las respuestas, sabía cómo solucionar todos los problemas. Para dudar de su grandeza y su talento era una locura, nos dijeron. Su compromiso no podía ponerse en duda, estábamos convencidos. Escuche lo bonita que habla. Mira la sinceridad que brilla en su mirada patentada. Y todos caímos como corderitos al matadero. Y hemos sufrido por esta decisión. Hemos sufrido y nuestra nación ha sufrido. Hoy en día preguntarle a cualquiera de nosotros que nos diga uno de los logros positivos de este gobierno, seria de pensarlo mucho, porque no lo hay! El Sr. Barrow y sus compinches todavía tratan de convencernos de que estamos viviendo en un buen país con buenos líderes del partido rojo, pero no hay retórica o prosa, que pueda penetrar la oscuridad que ensombrece nuestras vidas. En todos los ámbitos desde la delincuencia, a la economía, al turismo, a la infraestructura el Sr. Barrow ha fracasado estrepitosamente. Tal vez nuestro primer ministro tiene todas las respuestas, pero la infinita sabiduría que se nos aseguro que el poseía sigue siendo un secreto bien guardado. Se nos pidió que imagináramos las posibilidades de comunidades libres de la delincuencia; de un sistema judicial fortalecido; de un sistema de justicia mayor, de un mejor Departamento de Policía en virtud del presente UDP. Se nos aseguró que el primer paso del primer ministro si es elegido sería construir una facilidad de primer nivel del ADN / centro forense para reforzar la guerra contra la delincuencia. Casi tres años después, el ADN o institución forense es aún sólo una promesa ofrecida por el Sr. Barrow. Nuestro Departamento de Policía es una broma; nuestra oficina del DPP cuenta con una tasa de condena de entre 3% - 5%; las estadísticas de crímenes violentos han alcanzado máximos históricos, el poder judicial está en ruinas y Belice es considerado uno de los países más violentos y peligrosos en el mundo. Olvídate de las posibilidades – esta es una realidad!!!! Supuestamente la economía tuvo que haber florecido bajo el mandato de este genio. Nuestras industrias habrían de generar ingresos sin precedentes, se le daría trabajo a toda nuestra gente, empresas surgirían en todo el país, el desarrollo sería concebible porque el señor Barrow es un gran hombre. Pero tres años más tarde, nuestra tasa de pobreza es mayor que nunca. El costo de los artículos de primera necesidad es mayor que nunca. El desempleo es más alto que nunca y va en aumento cada día ya que las empresas se ven obligadas a cerrar. Nuestras industrias están en crisis, nuestra nación al borde del desastre. Olvídate de las posibilidades – esto es la realidad! Así que en esta temporada de fiestas no hay alivio a la vista. Esto es lo peor de los tiempos de escenario veces. Esto no es una estación de la luz, es mas como la temporada de la era de la oscuridad. Estos son los peores tiempos. Esta es la época de las tinieblas. Bajo el Sr. Barrow y su UDP, muchos beliceños pasaran la Navidad en teoría únicamente. Pregúntale a cualquiera. La vida nunca ha sido más difícil en Belice. Las cosas nunca han estado tan tristes y nuestro pueblo nunca ha estado tan desesperado. Las perspectivas nunca han sido tan sombrías. El 2010 fue el peor de los tiempos para los beliceños. No estamos inspirados y llenos de esperanza ante la idea del 2011 en virtud del presente UDP.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Belize Times

Belize TimesEn

El concepto del miedo...!

Por: Mike Rudon Jr. Sé que esta es la temporada para estar alegre, pero no lo estoy sintiendo. Justo ahora no me importa un bledo hacer sonar las campanas o asar castañas. Esa feliz realidad pertenece a otra persona en otro mundo ciertamente no la nuestra. En general, hacia el final del año estoy más sensible que alegre, pero este año estoy simplemente frustrado y enojado con los políticos en general. Nunca he visto este nivel de sufrimiento en mi pequeña nación, este nivel de abatimiento; este nivel de desesperación, amargura, ira, frustración, miseria y desilusión. Lo que he visto es este nivel de apatía. Así es como estamos. Los políticos nos abofetean en la cara y ponemos la otra mejilla. Luego nos golpean en la otra mejilla y nos agachamos para que nos pateen el trasero. Cuando suena el clarín dejemos de lado el letargo para que podamos desfilar por la calle o ir a los mítines vestidos con el color del día ondeando la bandera del día y entonando el canto político del día. Y entonces el ciclo comienza de nuevo. Me encontraba hablando de política con un desconocido la semana pasada y él básicamente dijo lo mismo. El UDP será destronado en las próximas elecciones Nadie parece dudar eso. Pero entonces ¿qué podemos esperar? ¿Qué tenemos que esperar? Yo soy partidario del PUP en este momento particular, por lo que me duele admitir que, si bien creo que las cosas serán diferentes esta vez la experiencia me ha enseñado a ser muy cínico. Pero, maldita sea! ¿Cuándo nos convertimos todos en perros pastores tímidos saltando a través de aros, dando vueltas y haciéndonos los muertos con las instrucciones de los políticos? Debido a que esta es mi columna me permite un poco de licencia así que diré lo siguiente. Yo no sigo a los idiotas de cualquier lado del espectro político. Yo no soy Julieta o Fonso o Joe que se inclinan y besan los pies sucios de Dean Oliver sólo porque él es el jefe. Yo no canto para poder comer y me alegro de ello porque no puedo cantar pero ni en la regadera! En los tiempos pasados de la anterior administración el Padre de la Nación George Price solía decir que ningún hombre es más grande que el Partido. Siempre he pensado que una mejor definición sería que ningún hombre o partido es más grande que el país. Como he dicho soy un partidario del PUP en este momento porque creo en el liderazgo de Johnny Briceño, pero si me corto, mi sangre no brota de color azul. Comprenden?

No podemos seguir haciendo lo mismo una y otra vez y esperar resultados diferentes. Eso es una locura. Nos encanta quejarnos y gemir, pero nadie hace nada. Peleamos, gemimos, recibimos una bofetada, ponemos la otra mejilla, recibimos una patada en el trasero y luego ponemos al Partido en un pedestal y a continuación aquejarnos, a gemir y continúa el ciclo vicioso otra vez. Comprende usted?! Estuve viendo algunas imágenes de la convención del UDP en Orange Walk donde las personas se alinearon con camisas rojas por las cuales les pagaron por llevar y recibir dinero por su voto. Era repugnante. Luego


nos preguntamos porque los políticos nos toman por idiotas?! Nadie de los grandes del UDP se molesta en siquiera ocultar el hecho que se le pago a la gente por su voto. Nadie en el UDP es tímido en hacer las cosas que están haciendo. La pseudo alcalde de la ciudad de Belice hace lo que se le pega en gana! Los ministros del UDP hacen lo que quieren hacer! El Primer Ministro también hace lo que se le pega en gana sin respeto a lo que la gente piense. Simplemente no les importa. Somos fáciles, y todo lo aguantamos como humildes ovejitas. Nuestros políticos tienen que empezar aprender el concepto del miedo. Confía en mí cuando digo que el miedo es el mayor motivador. Hemos sido demasiados suaves durante demasiado tiempo. El fin de semana nuestra pseudo alcalde se puso su Donna Karan, se arreglo el pelo y se hizo el manicure para el desfile por la ciudad. Lo que deberíamos haber hecho es hacer buen uso de un par de docenas de huevos y un poco de tomates podridos. Tal vez unos cientos de nosotros podría haber bloqueado


la calle. Tal vez deberíamos empezar a vaciar la basura a la entrada de su mansión frente al mar en la Carretera del Norte. Tenemos que poner un poco de temor saludable en esta imbécil para que ella piense dos veces antes de tratar a los residentes de la ciudad de Belice del modo en que lo ha hecho. Desde el UDP con menos influencia hasta el Primer Ministro - todos ellos se les debe enseñar el concepto del miedo. Tienen que tener miedo de que si hacen un movimiento equivocado un par de cientos de beliceños llamaran a sus puertas. El Primer Ministro debe tener miedo de que 275 beliceños desempleos se acampen frente a su mansión a la orilla del mar esta noche. No será fácil. No será agradable. Podría ser muy desordenado. Pero nada que vale la pena fue fácil. Si no hacemos el intento, entonces no podemos molestarnos cuando los políticos siguen haciendo lo que han hecho con nosotros durante tanto tiempo. Porque entonces creeré que lo que dice el viejo refrán es cierto, que tenemos a los políticos que nos merecemos.


The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

El gobierno de México reconoce más de 30,000 muertes violentas desde 2006

El número de muertes violentas en México, relacionadas con el crimen organizado en los primeros cuatro años de gobierno de Felipe Calderón, ascendió a 30,196, informó este jueves la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), citada por la agencia EFE. La cifra abarca de diciembre de 2006 a noviembre pasado. Cuando Calderón asumió el poder hace cuatro años lanzó una ofensiva que bautizó "guerra contra el narcotráfico". Se trata del primer dato oficial en la materia, desde que en agosto pasado el Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional (Cisen) reportó que habían muerto 28,000 personas en acciones del crimen. Entre enero y noviembre de 2010 hubo 12,456 muertes, según los datos

de la PGR citados por EFE. En varias ocasiones, el gobierno mexicano ha afirmado que 90% de esos

Amenazan el crimen organizado a médicos

Desde hace cinco años, la comunidad médica de Quintana Roo ha sido víctima de intentos de extorsión por parte de grupos del crimen organizado, por lo que hasta ahora son 20 los doctores afectados, de los que tres han decidido abandonar el estado, señaló un reconocido médico de la entidad. El doctor M. A. S. R. dijo que es ya una constante, que colegas suyos, principalmente de esta ciudad, reciban llamadas telefónicas en las que gente que se identifica como perteneciente a grupos del crimen organizado, les solicita dinero o los "invitan" a trabajar para ellos, bajo amenazas que de no acceder, le harán daño a ellos o a sus familias. "Afortunadamente no hemos llegado al extremo de otros estados del país, donde médicos han sido secuestrados. Basta mencionar el caso de Ciudad Juárez donde han sido secuestrados 11 doctores y tres de ellos fueron asesinados". Dijo que dada la escalada de violencia que se registra en todo el territorio nacional, es alta la posibilidad de que en Quintana Roo puedan darse situaciones como la mencionada, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta de que en aquella ciudad del Norte del país, el problema comenzó con amenazas telefónicas hacia los galenos. Por ello, dijo que se están apoyando

con el Colegio Médico de México, para que a través de su presidente electo, Ramón Miurrieta, se procure que las autoridades encargadas de brindar seguridad a los ciudadanos, garanticen el ejercicio de su profesión. "Vivimos en total incertidumbre. Varios compañeros en sus consultorios han sido amenazados y por eso hay quienes han optado por irse de aquí", enfatizó. En lo que va del año, tres doctores se han ido a vivir a otras entidades del país, debido a las extorsiones de que han sido víctimas, ya que muchas veces, en cumplimiento de su profesión, los médicos se ven obligados a salvar vidas de delincuentes heridos en enfrentamientos entre bandas de criminales y elementos policíacos. Indicó que en reuniones médicas se ha abordado el tema y entre los participantes han hecho recomendaciones para no seguir el juego de los delincuentes, proporcionándoles datos personales o accediendo a darles dinero. De igual maneras se ha llegado al extremo de proponer no dar atención particular a lesionados con arma de fuego. Por lo regular los extorsionadores les solicitan de 20 mil pesos para arriba, o bien, los amenazan con quitarles la vida o hacerle daño a sus seres queridos, lo que los coloca en una situación altamente vulnerable.

fallecimientos corresponden a personas vinculadas de alguna forma con grupos del crimen organizado, 5% a fuerzas de

seguridad y "mucho menos todavía" a civiles, según el presidente Calderón. Tan sólo en Ciudad Juárez, en el norteño estado de Chihuahua, se han registrado 3,000 asesinatos en lo que va de 2010. Otras entidades afectadas por la violencia son Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Michoacán y Guerrero. Legisladores de oposición, académicos y organizaciones civiles exigen al gobierno a cambiar de estrategia en el combate a la delincuencia, pues consideran que la actual genera más violencia sin mermar seriamente el funcionamiento de los grupos delictivos. Calderón y su gabinete sostienen que seguirán encarando frontalmente a las bandas del crimen, bajo el argumento de que es obligación del Estado garantizar la seguridad de los ciudadanos.

Los mandatarios centroamericanos, vestidos con guayaberas blancas, anduvieron este jueves en carritos de golf en una isla de Belice, en su trayecto desde una playa hasta el salón donde participaron en la cumbre regional. Una caravana de carritos de golf, cada uno con la bandera de un país, fue encabezada por el sonriente primer ministro de Belice, Dean Barrow, anfitrión de la cumbre centroamericana, en el marco de la cual fue anunciado un diálogo para poner fin al diferendo entre Nicaragua y Costa Rica. Los carritos de golf son el vehículo preferido de los residentes y los

visitantes en la isla caribeña de Ambergris Caye, uno de los principales destinos turísticos de esta ex colonia británica, por lo que Barrow decidió usarlos para movilizar a los mandatarios. Los presidentes visitantes, que vestían guayabera blanca, sonreían y saludaban mientras recorrieron los 200 m desde la playa hasta el salón rústico donde tuvo lugar la cumbre. Tanto gobernantes como ministros y guardaespaldas vestían guayaberas blancas. Los únicos que vestían traje (aunque sin corbata) eran los representantes de los dos países en conflicto: el vicepresidente costarricense, Alfio Piva, y el ministro de Comercio nicaragüense, Orlando Solorzano, quienes asistieron en representación de sus respectivos presidentes, Laura Chinchilla y Daniel Ortega. A la cumbre acudieron los presidentes de Guatemala, Alvaro Colom, El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, y Honduras, Porfirio Lobo.

Tras de afirmar que el próximo año "vamos a mejorar las condiciones de vida y laborales de los policías", el Ejecutivo local, Marcelo Ebrard, exhortó a los guardianes para redoblar esfuerzos a fin de proteger a la ciudad y mantenerla a salvo de situaciones como las que ocurren en otras partes del país, "esa es la misión para 2011, cueste lo que nos cueste". Señaló que a partir de enero tendremos un nuevo sistema de incentivos y respaldo al trabajo y a la eficiencia policial", porque el objetivo final es retribuir, proteger, respaldar al policía que está haciendo su trabajo sin importar cuál sea su nivel jerárquico. Ebrard Casaubon sostuvo que "no es poca cosa lo que se ha logrado, no es poca cosa lo que ustedes hacen, máxime ahora con el riesgo que hay. Tenemos que redoblar el esfuerzo en 2011, tenemos que proteger a nuestra ciudad, tenemos que mantener a nuestra ciudad

partes", Al celebrar el Día del Policía, en donde el mandatario capitalino entregó el reconocimiento al policía primero Justo Gómez Honorato, con número de placa 818835, por ser un "elemento distinguido de la Ciudad de México 2010", pidió además a los cuerpos policíacos mantener su presencia y trabajo. "Vamos a terminar los proyectos que dijimos. Todos los vamos a terminar, vamos a contar con la tecnología y no les vamos a permitir (a los delincuentes) que usen nuestra ciudad como sí han usado otras partes del país", advirtió. M a r c e l o Ebrard agregó que son miles de elementos los que protegen las instalaciones estratégicas de la ciudad y a los ciudadanos en sus actividades todos los días, y resaltó que en la capital del país se tienen mucho mejores condiciones de protección de la seguridad pública que en cualquier otra parte.

Presidentes centroamericanos visten guayabera y andan en carritos de golf

DF, en alerta máxima: MEC fuera de lo que está ocurriendo en otras

Sunday, December 19, 2010 Notice is hereby given that Virginia Vaughan is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Jeany Restaurant”, Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that He Guo Xi is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Oriental Grocery”, #77 Cemetery Road, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Tin Shin Zee is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Isaray”, #40 Mahogany Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Wei Han Li is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Holiday Supermarket”, #53 Los Lagos, Ladyville Village, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jian Pei Jiang is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Holiday Fast Food”, #92 Poinsetta Street, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Guo Zhi Wu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Jess Supermarket”, #25 Lord’s Bank, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maurice and Letecia Robateau are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Letty Shop”, #30 Hydes Lane, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jian Qiang Li is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Panda Restaurant”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Robert Palacio is applying for a Restaurant and Bar Liquor License to be operated at “Paladium Restaurant”, #107 New Road, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that William Quinto is applying for a Publican General Liquor License to be operated at “Gonzalo Quinto”, #11 Queen Street, Belize City under

The Belize Times

LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Min Hua Fan is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “K-Fan Shop”, #97 Corner George and Basra Street, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Dalia and Crystal Samos are applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “D Ceviche Hut”, #5672 Vasquez Avenue, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Delvorine Herrera is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “”D’s Cool Spot”, Bermudian Landing, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jian Xiang He is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Vin Li Shopping Centre”, #95 Pigeon Street, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Alfred Dawson is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Dawson Cool Spot”, 22 Miles Northern Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Simon Morris is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Uno Mas”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Flores Villas Hotel is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Flores Villas Hotel, Benque Viejo Del Carmen, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jun Ming Zhao is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Caye Caulker Payless Supermarket”, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Ming Li Chen is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Oriental Restaurant”, #11 6th

Street, King’s Park, Belize City under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maria L. Mossiah is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Jenny Mini Store”, Ranchito Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Rosa Murray is applying for a restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “La Rosita”, Chan Chen Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Elsa Chan is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License o be operated at “Roxy’s Pool and Bar”, San Narciso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Leslie Ellis Ritchie is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated on Fifth Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Toribio Palma is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mista P’s Store”, Carolina Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Evaristo Cawich is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated in San Narciso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Matilde Correa is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in Libertad Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Orlando Olivera is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Gladys Place”, Copper Bank Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Tomasita Briceño is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Briceño’s Shop”, Caledonia Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Miguel

35 Angel Lizarraga is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated on 6th Street South, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Miguel Uk is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in Patchakan Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Ana Isabel Juarez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Miramar Bar and Pool”, Ranchito Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Ricardo Alfredo Perez is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in San Narciso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jose Luis Palacio is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in San Roman Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Deodoro Bustillos is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated in Progresso Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Mario Barboza is applying for a Malt and Cider Liquor License to be operated in Caledonia Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Mark Anthony Ramirez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at Cor. 4th Street North and 2nd Avenue, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jose Alberto Espinoza is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated in Hall’s Layout, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Patricia Gilharry and Ivan Matus are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Patty’s Bistro”, Corner 4th Avenue and 2nd Street North, Corozal Town under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


The Belize Times

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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