Belize Times April 11, 2021- Prime Minister Briceño Presents Historic First Budget

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The Belize Times



11 APR


Established 1957

11 APRIL 2021 | ISSUE NO: 5244

The Truth Shall Make You Free | $1.00



Pg. 2

“I will read the Government’s budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. I will detail my Government’s carefully crafted plan to lift the economy from its near moribund state and explain the measures we propose to implement in order to end the contemptible, obscene and reckless UDP spending of the people’s money.”… “To defeat COVID-19, fight poverty, grow the economy, create jobs, provide low-cost housing, and provide affordable education, we must first accept the reality of our financial predicament, and implement a plan that will deliver us from this difficult place where

we are.” “My Government remains open to constructive suggestions that are consistent with the urgent need to reduce expenditure and to increase revenue. We cannot continue with the reckless borrowing for it will destroy us all. If we unite and support a plan to restore our Belizean jewel to economic prosperity, we will all win.” – Prime Minister John Briceño

Imports Down 7.1%,

Domestic Exports Up 58.2% “Time to rebound”

Pg. 2 Pg. 5 Minister of Agriculture Tours Central Farm and Belize Rural North

Pg. 5 Tourism Facilities at the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve Completed

Pg. 2

BELTRAIDE Launches New Female Entrepreneurship Website


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11 APR


PR# 239

2021 BELTRAIDE Launches New Female Entrepreneurship Website


Cabinet Brief Belmopan. April 7, 2021. 6:00 p.m. The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on April 6, 2021. • Cabinet received its latest update from its union consultation team on the discussions with the joint union concerning fiscal adjustment efforts. • Cabinet welcomed the news from the Ministry of Health and Wellness that more than 23,000 Belizeans have received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. • Finally, Cabinet gave its approval for a number of bills which will be presented at Friday’s sitting of the House of Representatives. Ends



By Hilly Bennett The importance of the February 2021 historic increase in external trade release, as released by the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB), can be undermined by the noise of the inconsiderate Union Leaders and their attempt to hold the Government hostage with their unyielding demands but we cannot let it go by. In comparison to the numbers of pre-pandemic/UDP infested February 2020 domestic exports THIS February 2021 has accounted for a whopping increase of 58.2 percent or $11.5 million. The dying yet virulent recession-prone UDP had only $19.7 million in exports in February 2020. This definitely represents a signal that planBelize’s TIME TO REBOUND, RENEW, PLANT, GROW, REAP is on target and in smooth tandem with a foreign policy that will advance our Jewel’s development. Interestingly, the People’s United Party Government had just been elected to the high seat of office less than three months prior, in the heights of the Covid-19 pandemic. To recall, in February 2020 the United Democratic Party Government was readying for the

General Elections and with even less interest in the wellness of the economy. Belize’s third quarter had contracted by 23.3 which by economic conditions is a state of depression. Consequently, the productive sector was held in probably criminal neglect. The foreign exchange earners, sugar, citrus, banana and the growing cattle trade were neglected in the UDP’s run to holding unto power. A contributing factor for the major shift in the external trade revenues was the scheduling of bulk sugar from bag sugar. Revenue for sugar increased sharply from $0.2 million in February 2020 to almost $14 million in February 2021. The other contributing factor to the increased revenues was the increase in animal feed. This commodity increased from $0.8 million to more than $3 million; this was of course an obvious signal to confidence in livestock investments. Other traditional export crops realised a decrease in February 2021. The chart shows that the United Kingdom was our main export destination at

City of Belmopan, April 1, 2021— The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) which enables and facilitates innovative and competitive business development is proud to announce the launch of a newly designed mentorship website called Female Entrepreneurship Website. The website is designed primarily for women, as a part of Belize’s first Female Entrepreneurship Program which was inaugurated in May 2019 with support from the Regional Center for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROMYPE). The website serves to promote women entrepreneurship in an organized and welcoming network that strength$14.2 million. Others as seen are Caricom $5.0 million, the European Union $4.3 million, the United States $3.3 million, Central America $3.3 million, Mexico $0.2 million, the Rest of the world $0.9 million totalling $31.2 million in revenues. Incidentally, Belize’s trade performance continues to record a trade deficit as imports always exceed exports. Additionally, the Belizean economy is defined by several economic experts, as largely small and open relying on a small agricultural base and remains exposed to external shocks. The recent conversation with investors and the diversification into soursop and cacao exportation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Minister Abelardo Mai is a positive endeavour in acquiring new export commodities and new trading partners. This is a welcome new direction towards bridging the trade deficit. Unfathomably, the Barrow/Faber regime had allowed the papaya and the Aqua marine industry to belly up.

ens abilities, creates business prospects and provides mentoring programs to develop their entrepreneurial skills. The mentors will assist women in making well-informed and strategic decisions to position and enhance their competitiveness. Women in attendance at the launch today shared stories of their entrepreneurial journey and participated in a panel discussion on Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 World. Mrs. Narda Garcia, the new Chair of BELTRAIDE, said, “This platform secures our commitment to the success of the women of Belize and allows for the advancement of the Belize Female Mentorship Network as we focus on the success, challenges, and experience of our women entrepreneurs.” Apart from providing a mentorship network for women, the website will also host capacity building workshops, teaching courses and business promotion opportunities. Interested partners are encouraged to explore the website and sign up to become a mentor or mentee by visiting

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER

But the introduction of the non- traditional products could represent the expansion of the country’s trading commodities thus creating the needed diversification crop production. The planBelize Government intends to explore new avenues of cooperation to open new markets for the products as expressed in its manifesto. Undoubtedly, the time to rebound and the recovery of the economy is being pursued as priority. The dictates of planBelize suggest that it’s about time we develop practical solutions to our problems, some gigantic. The most complex of these is erasing the real destruction left behind by the corrupt, visionless, incompetent and criminal UDP—many of whom today are spending ill-obtained or stolen money!

Fay Castillo EDITOR

José Jiménez


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize


11 APR



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Sins of Commission and Omission


etting common sense prevail is easier said than done, at least where the unions are concerned. Many of those on the negotiating panel are bullies accustomed to dishing it out but not as comfortable taking a dose of their own medicine. The self-righteous posture of those that at best ignored the corruption and at their very worst were active participants in the corruption is ludicrous were it not so distressing. The unions have not been exactly forthright with their membership. At over fourteen thousand strong a sample of one thousand three hundred participated in their survey. This does not constitute a majority and therefore cannot be the deciding factor for any type of industrial action. Secondly, the Government of Belize had recommended that those public servants at the lowest end of the pay scales be spared the salary cuts. It was the unions who rejected the measure and instead requested that salary cuts be across the board. The GOB reached out to the Unions to consult on how the necessary cuts in the recurrent expenditure could be achieved. At one of the most recent meetings, the GOB had acquiesced to most of the demands of the Unions. These cost saving measures proposed were not the ten percent, but a fifteen percent salary cut for contract officers and Ministers of Government. Other offers rejected by the Unions were a reduction of four hours from the regular work week. The Unions asked that it be five hours reduction and the GOB agreed and still it was rejected. The Central Bank was to extend leniency on defaulting loans until the end of 2021. Also rejected were five million dollars in loans to teachers and public officers from the National Bank and DFC, and waiver of stamp duties on mortgage transfers by teachers and public officers. In terms of the Reform Agenda, the GOB had agreed to hasten especially the Whistle-blowers’ and Unjust Enrichment Laws, and these were also shot down. Every time the negotiations seemed to be coming to a resolution the Unions moved the goal posts further down the road, changed the rules and cried foul. For years, the Unions have organized and conducted a vigorous political campaign on the false premise that they were defenders of democracy, champions of the people and the last bastion of integrity, honour, and principle. When it suits their purpose, they spin a false narrative that casts them as the heroes opposing the real or perceived villainous threats to their own self-interests. The reality is that the economic situation of Belize is dire. There are no quick or easy solutions and certainly there is no way that any of us should expect to escape unscathed. To believe that only the private sector will bear the full brunt of the economic fallout is delusional. This is especially true because in the mind of the private sector the public officers are also part of the problem of corruption, maladministration and inefficiency that plague this country. Many of the Union Leaders that currently sit on the negotiating table themselves have been tainted by scandalous abuse and misuse. The Unions are self-appointed as champions of the people but they must defend all Belizeans, not just their membership and their self-interests. For too long they have remained on the fringes, choosing to become involved only when it is convenient. They have been equally guilty of sins of omission by remaining silent for much of the last decade and allowing the pillaging of the coffers under their watch. The Unions are also guilty of many sins of commission, most recently by deliberately sabotaging the negotiations with the GOB that would allow the Belizean economy the quickest, and least painful recovery. We must remember in the days to come that it was the Unions who finally failed us by selfishly choosing their own interests over the greater good.

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11 APR


en Español

Pecados de Comisión y Omisión


ejar que prevalezca el sentido común es más fácil de decir que hacer, al menos en lo que respecta a los sindicatos. Muchos de los miembros del grupo negociador son matones acostumbrados a repartir, pero no tan cómodos para recibir una dosis de su propia medicina. La postura santurrona de los que, en el mejor de los casos, ignoraron la corrupción y que, en el peor, participaron activamente en ella, es ridícula si no fuera tan penosa. Los sindicatos no han sido precisamente francos con su membresía. Con más de catorce mil miembros, una muestra de mil trescientos participó en su encuesta. Esto no constituye una mayoría y, por lo tanto, no puede ser el factor decisivo para cualquier tipo de acción industrial. En segundo lugar, el Gobierno de Belice había recomendado que los funcionarios públicos situados en el extremo inferior de la escala salarial no sufrieran recortes salariales. Fueron los sindicatos los que rechazaron la medida y pidieron, en cambio que los recortes salariales fueran generalizados. El GOB se puso en contacto con los sindicatos para consultarles sobre la forma de conseguir los recortes necesarios en los gastos recurrentes. En una de las últimas reuniones, el GOB había accedido a la mayoría de las demandas de los sindicatos. Las medidas de ahorro propuestas ya no era el diez por ciento, sino un recorte salarial del quince por ciento para los funcionarios contratados y los ministros del Gobierno. Otras ofertas rechazadas por los Sindicatos fueron la reducción de cuatro horas de la semana laboral regular. Los Sindicatos pidieron que fuera una reducción de cinco horas y el GOB estuvo de acuerdo y aun así fue rechazada. El Banco Central debía prorrogar la indulgencia de los préstamos impagados hasta finales de 2021. También se rechazaron cinco millones de dólares en préstamos a profesores y funcionarios públicos del Banco Nacional y el DFC y la exención de los derechos de timbre en las transferencias hipotecarias de profesores y funcionarios públicos. En cuanto a la Agenda de Reformas, el GOB había acordado acelerar especialmente las leyes de denuncia de irregularidades y de enriquecimiento injusto que también fueron rechazadas. Cada vez que las negociaciones parecían llegar a una solución, los sindicatos movían la portería, cambiaban las reglas y gritaban falta. Durante años, los sindicatos han organizado y llevado a cabo una vigorosa campaña política sobre la falsa premisa de que eran defensores de la democracia, campeones del pueblo y el último bastión de la integridad, el honor y los principios. Cuando les conviene, tejen una narrativa falsa que los presenta como los héroes que se oponen a las amenazas reales o percibidas a sus propios intereses. La realidad es que la situación económica de Belice es grave. No hay soluciones rápidas ni fáciles y, desde luego, ninguno de nosotros debemos esperar salir indemne. Creer que sólo el sector privado soportará todo el peso de las consecuencias económicas es ilusorio. Sobre todo, porque en la mente del sector privado los funcionarios públicos también forman parte del problema de la corrupción, la mala administración y la ineficacia que asolan este país. Muchos de los líderes sindicales que actualmente se sientan en la mesa de negociación han sido manchados por el abuso y el mal uso escandalosos. Los sindicatos se autoproclaman campeones del pueblo, pero deben defender a todos los beliceños, no sólo a sus miembros y sus propios intereses. Durante demasiado tiempo han permanecido al margen, eligiendo involucrarse sólo cuando les resultaba conveniente. Han sido igualmente culpables de pecados de omisión al permanecer en silencio durante gran parte de la última década y permitir el saqueo de las arcas bajo su vigilancia. Los sindicatos también son culpables de muchos pecados de comisión, el más reciente al sabotear deliberadamente las negociaciones con el Gobierno que permitirían a la economía beliceña una recuperación más rápida y menos dolorosa. Debemos recordar en los próximos días que fueron los sindicatos que finalmente nos fallaron al elegir egoístamente sus propios intereses por encima del bien común.

11 APR



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Tourism Facilities at the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve Completed

PRESS RELEASE Minister of Agriculture and Belize Rural North Area Representative Participate in Belize District Agriculture Field Trip Belmopan. April 1, 2021. 11:00 a.m. Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, and Hon. Marconi Leal, area representative of Belize Rural North, on March 31, 2021, visited selected areas of the Belize District as part of a field trip organized by the Belize District Agriculture Department. The purpose of the field trip was to learn about the farmers and crops grown in the areas as well as exchange experiences, expertise and ideas with the Ministry’s extension service and farmers from other districts. The first visit was to Mr. Jim Jones hydroponic farm in Lord’s Bank. Mr. Jones produces lettuce, kale and fennel using a hydroponic system in his two greenhouses. The second visit was to Los Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos de Nago Bank Cooperative in the Maskall area. The Nagobank Cooperative met with Minister Mai and Hon. Leal to present a report on their activities, challenges and successes. After the presentation, there was a tour to view crops under cultivation, those included watermelons, cantaloupe and tomatoes. Finally, the Minister and Hon. Leal were hosted by the Bomba United Farmers Group. They also presented a report on their activities and challenges and led a tour of their crops, which currently include onions and watermelons. Minister Mai and Hon. Leal conveyed their gratitude to the residents of the areas visited and shared their commitment to addressing the issues raised, which included road access and land tenure. Minister Mai expressed a renewed commitment to assuring the Ministry carries out the Plan Belize goals of ensuring Belize’s food security, improving the productive sector and growing the economy. He also thanked the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture that accompanied him on the field trip. Minister Mai was accompanied by Mr. Servulo Baeza, CEO in the Ministry; and other officials of the Ministry as well as partner agencies such as OIRSA and the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation. Ends

PR# 230

PRESS RELEASE Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise Tours Vegetable Seedling Nursery

Belmopan. April 7, 2021. 6:45 p.m. Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, along with Mr. Fermin Blanco, OIRSA country representative, visited Central Farm to inspect vegetable seedlings. A total of 18,000 seedlings will be distributed to farmers and producers at all levels, including backyard gardeners. The seedlings were donated as seeds by the OIRSA Regional Emergency Fund to assist vegetable farmers who were affected by the flooding caused by storms Eta and Iota. Grown by the Central Farm Horticulture Unit, the vegetable seedlings at the nursery include tomato, lettuce, cabbage, and sweet pepper. The distribution of seedlings is in line with the Plan Belize agriculture policy to restore food security and revive the livelihoods of farmers and producers. A presentation of the nursery management practices, from soil-mix plant mediums to the sowing of seeds, was also demonstrated at the event. Ends

Belmopan, March 31, 2021 – New tourism facilities at the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve were completed under the Sustainable Tourism Program (STP) II, which is a five-year program financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and executed through the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations. These upgrades meet an important objective of the program: to increase tourism expenditures, employment and income through tourism product diversification. The facilities at Rio On Pools and Rio Frio Cave were handed over on Friday, March 26, 2021 by Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, to Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. The Forestry Department will now be responsible to maintain the facilities, as the managing entity in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. The project includes facilities at two areas within the reserve: (1) the Rio On Pools enhancement consists of a visitors’ pavilion, a panoramic viewing area, two public restrooms, and changing rooms; (2) the Rio Frio Cave enhancement consists of three picnic palapas, restroom, and new access trails. Both facilities will now have eco-friendly sewage systems, and the

supply of water will be powered by solar energy. Parking area upgrades are also planned for these two sites under the project. Additionally, informational and directional signs have been installed throughout the reserve, as well as along the Caracol access roads by the Sustainable Tourism Program II. The facilities handed over today were constructed at a cost of BZ$542,323.23. The STPII has also invested in several consultancies for the Mountain Pine Ridge region, including a Feasibility Study, Environmental Management and Operational Plan, and a Tourism Investment Plan, and a Conservation Management Plan. Future areas of support under the STPII include the development of a maintenance plan for these investments, and a tourism development and visitor management plan for the protected area. All these investments are intended to improve visitor experience, management, protection, sustainable use, and resiliency of the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. The Mountain Pine Ridge area presents a significant opportunity for both local and international tourism and has already seen an increase in visitors recently. The area is a recreational tourism hub and gateway to the adjacent protected areas of the Chiquibul and the Caracol Archaeological Reserve.

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11 APR



TENDER NOTICE The Government of Belize is inviting the submission of tenders for the purchase of four aircrafts (2 Gulfstream GII (white & tan) and 2 Hawker Sidley H5125 Aircrafts).

Sugar City Medical Center Telephone Number: 665-7623

JOB VACANCIES Medical Practitioner (FULL TIME) Laboratory Technician (FULL TIME) Pharmacist (FULL Time) Anaesthesiologist (FULL TIME) Requirements: • 2 letters of recommendation • Updated and translated diplomas • Police record Applications should be submitted by April 5th, 2021.


These aircrafts will be sold as a package and not individually, where is and as is. The aircrafts can be viewed by appointment only (where possible). Interested bidders can call 828-4038 between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during working days to make appointments. The contact person is Mr. Ruperto Vicente. Tenders should be submitted to the Ministry of Finance no later than 12:00 pm Friday, April 30, 2021 in a sealed envelope marked “TENDER for the purchase of Aircrafts” and should be addressed to: The Financial Secretary Ministry of Finance Sir Edney Cain Building City of Belmopan Belize Tenders will be opened Friday April 30, 2021 at 2:00 pm and will be open to representatives of bidders who wish to attend. The highest tender will not necessarily be accepted. Unsuccessful tenders will be notified in writing. NOTE: Terms of payment - Cashier’s Cheque or Wire transfer payable to the Government of Belize within 14 days of winning the bid.

11 APR



07 7

Statement to the Nation


My fellow Belizeans, Beginning in early February, the Government embarked on widespread consultations as an integral part of the preparation of the budget for fiscal year 2021–2022. This is consistent with my Government’s commitment to consult stakeholders on major issues affecting the welfare of our people and nation. These consultations have taken place against the backdrop of the dismal state of the economy and public finances. Many of you will have experienced dramatic slowdown in business activity, job losses, pay cuts, and business closures. The fact is that the economy contracted by 14 percent and 64,000 Belizeans lost their jobs in 2020-21. It is imperative and urgent that we re-energize the economy and create thousands of jobs. On the issue of Government finances, the story is just as dismal. In fact, it is worse. Government collected far less in 2020-2021 than was projected. Total recurrent revenues and grants are projected to fall by 28 percent; GST collections fell by 32 percent. On the expenditure side, total spending fell by only 15 percent, far below the 28 percent drop in revenue. There is a huge gap between revenues and expenditure. The primary deficit is approximately $300 million dollars. In effect, we do not have enough money to pay salaries, rent and the light bills. Like the economy, the need to return public finances to a sustainable path cannot be overstated. On Friday, the House of Representatives will meet, and I will read the Government’s budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. I will detail my Government’s carefully crafted plan to lift the economy from its near moribund state and explain the measures we propose to implement in order to end the contemptible, obscene and reckless UDP spending of the people’s money. But before Friday’s speech, we felt that it was important to update you on where we are with the Unions. I would describe the consultations as full, frank, and courteous. I thank all those who have participated in the consultations. In light of the dire financial position of the Government, we took a close look at every aspect of Government’s revenue and expenditure with a view to righting the ship of state. To do this, we must increase revenue and cut expenditures. We will propose a 31 percent cut in expenditure on goods and services by the Government compared to the last Budget. This is expected to reduce expenditure by $77 million. We will also propose a 10 percent cut in the expenditure on Subsidies and Transfers compared to the last Budget. This will reduce expenditure by $19 million. Additionally, we expect to negotiate substantial savings upwards of $50 million dollars on the Superbond to reduce Government’s debt-service outlay. In the context of these reductions, it is wrong to regard our consultations with the Unions as only about a wage adjustment. The consultations covered a lot more. It is important to explain why the discussions were wide-ranging, and to explain the context in which they were held. Let me frame the challenge. Government is the biggest employer in Belize. There are 15,000 public officers including 4,000 plus employed in the education system and 4,900 in the security and border services. In 2008, when the PUP left office, the wages and pensions bill was $262 million dollars. In 12 years under the UDP the wages and pensions bill skyrocketed to $677 million dollars, an increase of 177 percent or an increase of $415 million dollars. I repeat, the Government has been borrowing about a million dollars per day to pay salaries, pensions, and expenses for goods and services. Last month, we were again forced to borrow $30 million dollars to meet expenses. Earlier today, the Financial Secretary informed me that the Central Bank confirmed that after mid-April salaries are paid, the Government will have insufficient monies and will be forced to borrow again to meet its obligations at the end of April. The position is critical; public finances are on life support! The raw and unpolished truth is that we inherited a broke and plundered treasury from the UDP. After careful analysis and consultation, we remain convinced that a salary adjustment of $60 million dollars is absolutely necessary. Additionally, we propose to continue the increment freeze, which will account for another $20 million dollars annually. Unfortunately, the Unions have not, so far, agreed with us that these adjustments are needed. It is important for all of us, union members included, to know that the Government has provided the Unions with all information that they have requested. If they complained that information has been kept from them it is not so. Indeed, our consultations have been open and transparent. Additionally, we put forward numerous proposals in our attempt to win support of the Unions. For example: a. We proposed that public sector workers and teachers would work (4) hours less per week; they in return asked for 5 hours and we agreed. b. We secured the agreement of the Central Bank to extend leniency on defaulting loans until the end of 2021; c. Both the DFC and the National Bank have agreed to make available five million dollars in loans to public officers and teachers; d. We have agreed to waive stamp duty on mortgage transfers by teachers and public officers; e. We offered to protect the lowest income earners from core wage adjustment; f. We proposed reducing further the salaries and benefits for Ministers and Ministers of State, Representatives and CEOs; g. We agreed to accelerate the Reform Agenda including the Whistleblowers’ and Unjust Enrichment Laws; and h. We supported the Joint GOB/Social Partner Monitoring Committee to assess the performance of the Budget every 6 months. In short, Government made every reasonable concession to garner support from the Unions. My fellow Belizeans, my Government was elected to office with a massive mandate to bring change. We were elected to fix the economic and social problems created by the UDP administration. The people of Belize have voted overwhelmingly against business as usual. Therefore, we intend to deliver on that mandate. After assuming office, I reported on more than one occasion that the UDP had bankrupted the country and that we would have to experience a period of austerity, before we return to economic dynamism and growth. Some people said, because of the austerity measures we had implemented, we would lose the municipal elections. They were wrong. The PUP received a historic mandate as the Belizean people in every district reaffirmed their faith and confidence in our party and in Plan Belize. Today, I was informed that the Joint Unions are preparing for industrial action. That is their right. As it is our responsibility to ensure that we continue to provide the needed services to our people, and we shall do so. To defeat COVID-19, fight poverty, grow the economy, create jobs, provide low-cost housing, and provide affordable education, we must first accept the reality of our financial predicament, and implement a plan that will deliver us from this difficult place where we are. I will explain our plan on Friday in the House of Representatives. My Government remains open to constructive suggestions that are consistent with the urgent need to reduce expenditure and to increase revenue. We cannot continue with the reckless borrowing for it will destroy us all. If we unite and support a plan to restore our Belizean jewel to economic prosperity, we will all win. Como un gobierno… con un mandato sin precedentes…y elegidos para gobernar…tenemos la responsabilidad de gobernar para todos los beliceños. Tenemos la obligación de velar por el bienestar de nuestro pueblo en general. Y es por esto… que hoy, después de hacer todo lo posible para que los sindicatos entiendan y trabajen con nosotros para reponer la economía del país…hemos tomado la decisión de proseguir con el presupuesto que les presento. Todo esto después que hemos hecho todo para satisfacerlos y justificar las decisiones. Ha llegado la hora de seguir adelante y enfocarnos en sacar a nuestra gente de esta obscuridad. Nuestro plan es bueno…no fácil…pero equilibrado… y está diseñado para forjar una sociedad trabajadora, productiva y viviendo una vida saludable y digna. Pero para que logremos este objetivo necesitamos a todo beliceño. ¡De esto debemos salir juntos! Thank you, and may God bless Belize.

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11 APR



Gerald Henry: “Nothing happens in the Government without the Public Officers” The president of the Public Service Unions has said this in more than one way. The last was in a radio interview where he was a virtual guest. This is easy to read as that he and the Public Officers are to blame for all the UDP corruption of the past 13 years. These actors are still embedded in the Public Service. The few resignations has done nothing to remove the viciousness of the UDP in the Public Service. Henry said in the same interview that he doesn’t have any political bosses. But when the UDP swept him into his presidency of the PSU he was not disavowing the ultra-corrupt UDP government. In fact, the 209 secret votes cast for Henry in the summer of 2019 did not necessarily sweep to him any type of a mandate for president. Even as the Public Service has been stuffed with UDPs

over the last 13 years the PUP saw planBelize accepted by a massive electorate that had been largely unemployed and battered by the UDP infection called Barrow/Faber. The PSU president alludes to some rules and regulations that should be followed. He is saying

this on the same radio station interview early in the morning. Henry characterizes himself as a career public servant but yet he is not at work when he should be. He and fellow guest from rogue association APSSM are behind the idea that the Ministers do not follow these rules. Of course, there are no examples to place to validate that assertion. Any example that they would put would most likely be of their real political bosses who incidentally are called corrupt UDP Ministers of the Barrow/Faber maladministration. These leaders are remnants of the past UDP which the people of Belize kicked out. They must have missed these elections; they mus be traumatized to a pulp. It is public knowledge that Sharon Frazer who should be opening shop at 8am like everyone else has Belizeans waiting

outside the courthouse for hours until she decides to hit the gavel at 11 am. By then, Frazer is hungry and takes quick lunch breaks which then have early afternoon closures. Sharon Fraser is the president of the APSSM an association and not a Union. This psuedo group is made up of lackeys to Dean Barrow and the UDP hired or raised during the 13 years of UDP corruption. When the UDP government is said to be corrupt this calls to major question the Public Officers who were doing the bidding of Barrow, Faber, Patt, Finnegan, Heredia, Boots, Pablo, Vega, Montero, Saldivar and the rest of lowly UDPs. In Belize it is public knowledge that since 2008 to 2020 ONLY UDP affiliated persons could get a job in government and many just came in to newly formed ghost positions. These hires happened just before the elections as well. These Union leaders fail to State that this was UDP practise. Fraser and Henry in the early interview allude to these GoB positions as unnecessary. Many of the persons they are asking to be fired are actually UDP hires. Go to work Fraser and Henry—Justice and Auditing are in backlogs.

PR# 227


Ministries of Youth and National Defence Collaborate for Youth Development Belmopan. March 29, 2021. 5:45 p.m. Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Youth, Sports and E-Governance, met with Hon. Florencio Marin, Minister of National Defence and Border Security, to discuss the recently improved infrastructure for the Belize Youth Challenge Program. This collaboration will allow both ministries to capitalize on strengths to better serve the youth of Belize. The goal is to improve youth development in the country and transform the youth institution into a central regional youth training institute. The Belize Youth Challenge is proposed to be rolled out at the Mountain Pine Ridge and will cater to at-risk youth. A minimum of 150 young people will have an opportunity to be trained in basic skills and employment programs through the Competency-based Education and Training (CBET) model. Also present for the meeting were Hon. Oscar Mira, Minister of State in the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security; Mr. Jose Urbina, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Youth, Sports and E-Governance; Brigadier General (Ret’d) Dario Tapia, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security; and Brigadier General Steven Ortega, Commander of the Belize Defence Force. Ends

11 APR



PR# 241


Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise Meets with Ambassador of Taiwan

Belmopan. April 8, 2021. 4:30 p.m. Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, was hosted at a courtesy lunch today in Belmopan with H.E. David Chien, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Matters of mutual interest to both countries were discussed, including challenges faced by both countries in the agricultural sector. Minister Mai expressed appreciation for the many years of assistance offered to Belize. He also conveyed his hope for continued cooperation between both countries, especially in areas of trade and agriculture. Minister Mai was accompanied by Servulo Baeza, chief executive officer in the Ministry, and Digno Polanco, senior technical adviser. Bi-Yin Chien, deputy counselor from the Taiwanese Embassy, joined Ambassador Chien. Ends


10 OUT


--Contributed-Belize transportation must include and incorporate Climate Change resilience and adaptation I said this before, the last time Belize employed a Korean thinktank to plan a development strategy for our transportation system, back when Joy Grant was minister of MESTUP, as I preferred to refer to them, cause they were messed-up, the Ministry of Energy, Science, Transportation and Public Utilities (MESTPU): Any transportation strategy for the future of Belize that does not incorporate resilience to Climate Change, the increasing frequency of hurricanes and sea level rise, is a COMPLETE waste of time!!! I told Minister Joy Grant, and she obviously didn’t get it! Our highly paid Korean “experts” recommended paving the Altun Ha and Caracol Roads which were important to the economic infrastructure to develop tourism, our BIGGEST foreign exchange money earner. Bully for them! On that score, they were right! But if Belize is to spend hundreds of millions of dollars revamping our transportation system, we had better consider how that money is spent. If you drive our roads or ride our commuter buses, you will see that most would and cannot meet the USA emission standards, because most spew a black column of exhaust smoke as they roll along, increasing our carbon foot-print. Some well-connected UDP’s bought them on the cheap; they have road permits for bus runs, but these buses are obsolete, would not be allowed on the roads in the USA, and should not be allowed on the roads in Belize. This thought tramples on the toes of many UDP supporters, and the past Barrow administration would not hear of it! But if Belize is to be ready for the sea-level rise and the threat it will pose to our transportation infrastructure, we had better get over our political foibles. Belize needs to park all those smoky gas-guzzling buses, and build an electric monorail, commuter, mass transit system connecting Belize City to our northern mu-

THE BELIZE TIMES nicipalities of Orange Walk and Corozal, powered by renewable energy from BELCOGEN. Belize needs to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, and imported energy. We won’t be re-inventing the wheel. Miami has a mass-transit monorail system in place dating back to 2004, seen when I and a group of Belizean environmentalists visited Miami for a “White Water to Blue Water” conference, as guests of the U.S. State Department. Then, Taiwan’s capital, Taipei, has had a mass transit monorail system in place, pre-dating October 1996, seen when I visited Taipei as a guest of the Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I speak for only what I have seen with my own two eyes. Back in 1983, I was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and while the City of New Orleans may be nine feet below sea level, protected from inundation from the river and lake by large dikes and levees, the capital of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, is a four-hour drive away from New Orleans, most of which is on a two-lane elevated causeway, supported on concrete pylons, 20 feet above the Louisiana Bayous (wetlands, swamp). Louisiana has had their infrastructure in place since 1983 that I know of, but even they could not cope with the tidal wave brought by Hurricane Katrina. In a time of increasing violence of tropical storms, witness what Iota did to Nicaragua and Honduras in 2020, Belize cannot afford to follow in the idiotic lunacy of the UDP. Why are we paying for a $168 Million contract to pave the Coastal Highway, to facilitate the development of lands, which lie in a flood plain, which stands to be inundated and isolated for six months of the year, every time a tropical storm looms on the horizon?!? This was clearly demonstrated when Belmopan was made an island by early floods in May 2020, even before the arrival of the peak of the Hurricane Season. That is one contract which should be cancelled forthwith, in my opinion! If we are to get value for money, why not build an elevated monorail, mass transit system, powered by renewable energy, and park all those smoking, gas-guzzling monsters? A system which will be resilient to sea level rise, when most of the Northern coastal plain become wetlands in 50 years’ time! Sea level rise is happening now, has already happened! The Belize Water Services (BWS) is considering how best to relocate their water treatment plant, or at least the water intake, for potable water supply to Belize City, because the salinity levels

at the Double Run treatment facility at Mile 22 are already high! The sea will continue to encroach, with long term impacts on our prime tourism attraction, the Meso-American Barrier Reef, which is already under threat from another insidious effect of Climate Change, ocean acidification. We did not have “acid rain” when Columbus arrived, but since then, acidity levels in rain have reached levels that the acid rain has began to dissolve the limestone in all pre-Columbian structures built by the Maya. Archaeologists first noticed this phenomena firsthand back in 1995, when stone staircases at Tikal, Guatemala crumbled under the weight of tourist visitors, the acid rain had turned limestone into powdery chalk! The staircase to these prime tourist attractions had to be closed, until they could be replaced with concrete. For that same reason, Canadian archaeologist Annabel Ford Ph.D. at El Pilar recommended that all Mayan structures be studied by satellite imagery, and that the forest cover of the last 800 years should not be removed. In this context, the UDP improvement of a ticketing system for the Belize transport system, which has been functioning without it for the last 10 years or more since the Novelo’s Bus Company went into receivership, I would call cosmetic window dressing! On par with the entirely cosmetic, decorative wall built around the Marion Jones Stadium by aspiring UDP politician Herman Longsworth, who was elected to office to become the Minister of State for Sports for a time, and ultimately to be accused of misappropriation of Sports Council funds. He left it for others to build the real facility: the running track, the football stadium, the 5,000 seat concrete stands, and the basketball arena - a gift from the Government of Mexico. I voted for the PUP in the 2020 Elections, because of the mere fact that John Saldivar was on the ballot showed that the entire party had totally lost its moral compass, and had morphed into an amoeboid blob that was totally alien, and unrecognizable as anything remotely affiliated to the Liberal Party, which I had supported as a fledgling voter in 1979. But if the PUP wants my vote in 2025, they had better show me some decisions that do not follow in the idiotic lunacy of the UDP of the past 12 years. Climate Change will not forgive stupidity, by anyone.

11 APR



Notice is hereby given that Alexander Babb is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Carmita’s Fast Food” located at # 1 Regent Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Innes Llewllyn Phillips is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Phillip’s Munchies” located on Airport Road, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Ray Anthony Garnett is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “R & M Snack Shop” located at # 76 Pleasant Lane, Mahogany Heights, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Graciana Guadalupe Choc is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Graciana Choc Shop” located in Harmonyville, Cotton Tree Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Bilal El Mousawel is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Beirut Kabab Restaurant & Bar” located at # 101B Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Zilong Li is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Seaside Store” located at # 166 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Bin Bing Chen is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Miracle Bar” located at # 15 West Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Young Swiss male looking for friendship from Belize. Write to: Vitus Castelberg Aspermontstrasse 19 CH-7000 Chur Switzerland (Europe)

11 APR




Minister Dolores Balderamos Garcia Human Development, Families & Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Tour of the Stann Creek District

With Ministry staff Dangriga

With our sisters and brothers from Georgetown Village

With members of National Garifuna Council Dangriga branch, including Chairlady Marsha Mejia and Senator Erica Jang. Myself, CEO Tanya Santos, and Gregory Ch’oc our commissioner for Indigenous

In Hopkins for meeting with Hopkins Indigenous Peoples Foundation

With National Women’s Commissioner of Hopkins Ms. Juanita Castillo

BELIZE NATIONAL PRAYER Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country. God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude. Let your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives. With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge. We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and in peace which the worlditself cannot give. And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen

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11 APR

11 APR


11 APR



ON THE MOVE Hon. Jorge Espat, Cayo West

Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing


18 JAN

THE BELIZE TIMES 2015 Hon. Alex Balona, Cayo Central

Min. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics

Hon. Mike Espat, Toledo East

Meeting w/ constituents in Santa Teresita Village on Good Friday

Met w/ by H.E. Chien, Taiwanese Ambassador

Min. Michel Chebat, Health and Wellness Fixing Streets, Delivering Water, Ferry Maintenance In Benque Viejo

Min. Kevin Bernard, Youth, Sports and E-Governance Met with Taiwanese Ambassador

Donation of weed eaters to PG TC and Bella Vista VC

Vaccines Arrival at the PGIA

Min. Jose Mai, Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise

Vaccinations in Dangriga Talking Cacao and Soursop production and exportation

Min. Anthony Mahler, Tourism & Diaspora Relations and Min. Landy Habet, Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Massive Culvert at Mile 38

w/ Hon. Marconi Leal In BRN visiting a Hydroponics Farm

By Lord’s Bank on the PGH Handing over of New Facilities at the MPR

Distribution of Seedlings to many including backyard gardeners

In Billy White, Cayo



11 APR



Revival of the Rice Production Program for Toledo Belmopan. March 29, 2021. 12:30 p.m. Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, attended a special ceremony to commemorate the launch of the revival of the Rice Production Program in Toledo on March 25, 2021 at the Rice Mill in Big Falls Village. The revitalization of the industry will ensure that the agriculture sector in the Toledo District and the country is developed for income generation, the improvement of farms and the livelihoods of families. After the ceremony, farmers were engaged in open discussions focused on varieties of seeds to be planted, quality and payment, and the technical collaboration that will be provided to the farmers by the Ministry of Agriculture. Minister Mai was joined by Hon. Oscar Requeña, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government and area representative for Toledo West; Hon. Michael Espat, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment and area representative for Toledo East; and Mr. Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government. Other personnel present included rice farmers, officers from the Belize Marketing and Development Cooperation, technical officers from the Ministry of Agriculture, chairpersons of the villages, and the president and vice-president of the Toledo Alcalde Association. Ends

Minister of Tourism Meets with U.S. Chargé d’Affaires in Belize BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Thursday, March 25th, 2021 – Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations received a courtesy visit yesterday by the United States Chargé d’Affaires in Belize, Mr. Keith R. Gilges. During the meeting the Minister updated Mr. Gilges on the overall state of the tourism industry in Belize. The discussions also focused on a number of matters relating to U.S. citizens travelling to Belize, the current economic crisis currently being experienced by the country, as well as how the United States can assist Belize in the recovery of the tourism industry. Minister Mahler expressed his appreciation for the visit and looks forward to collaborating with the US Embassy in Belize on mutually agreed areas. Present at the meeting were senior staff of the U.S. Embassy - namely, Mr. Alan Flesch, Political Officer and Ms. Carmen Silva, Commercial Assistant. Mr. Evan Tillett, Chairman of the Belize Tourism Board (BTB), was also in attendance.

NOTICE TO MARINERS Belize City, Belize – April 1st, 2021 – Please be advised that as of April 3rd, 2021 MAXIMUM WATER PARK will be conducting waterborne activities during the hours of 10:00 am to 5:00 pm daily. The area of the operation is as follows: From the position 18˚23’35.91˝N, 088˚22’48.17˝W located at 1st Street, Rainbow Park Area, Corozal Town, Corozal. “Mariners are advised to navigate with extreme caution when in this area. They are to proceed at a safe speed, maintain a lookout and take additional precautions from position. All vessels transiting the vicinity of the water park operation must make clear distance and remain at a minimum of 100 feet from the above coordinates.” For any concerns or additional information, please contact the Belize Port Authority at: Tel: 222-5666 Email: By Order: Ports Commissioner

“Maritime Service, Security & Efficiency”

11 APR




By Bojan Pancevski, Wall Street Journal BERLIN—Early last year, Ingmar Hörr was at the forefront of the world’s race to make the first Covid-19 vaccine. The company he had founded and was leading, CureVac NV, had developed a promising candidate using largely untested technology he pioneered. Then, he suffered a crippling stroke that left him in a coma for weeks. Even as he regained consciousness, he couldn’t remember his name and briefly feared he had been abducted by Russian spies. While he recovered in the hospital under a fake identity, a rival German biotech company, Pfizer Inc. partner BioNTech SE went on to develop the West’s first vaccine using the same mRNA technology. Now back on his feet, Mr. Hörr has re-entered the race. This is the story of the blow that almost ended his life, and of how he recovered as CureVac’s vaccine effort got back on track. Compared with many rivals, CureVac was late in submitting its vaccine for review in Europe—and it now expects approval there by June. But the shot could be a godsend for Europe in particular, which has been trailing the U.S. and the U.K. in vaccinations. Initial data suggests it can be stored at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius, or 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit, and could prove easier to manufacture, distribute and administer than many competing shots. CureVac has agreed to deliver 405 million doses to the European Union and is working with Novartis AG, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and Bayer AG to produce the shot. It is also cooperating with Tesla Inc., which is developing portable RNA printers that could be deployed to Covid-19 hot spots to quickly produce vaccines on the ground. All this, however, came very close to being derailed early last year. On March 2, 2020, then-CureVac Chief Executive Daniel Menichella, an American, was dining at the White House alongside other industry leaders. He held a short presentation, claiming that CureVac could have a vaccine ready in months. Soon after, several German newspapers reported that President Trump had been so impressed that he tried to persuade CureVac to relocate to the U.S.—something the company denied. Then on March 11, CureVac announced that Mr. Menichella had been replaced as CEO with Mr. Hörr, who had returned to the helm after a hiatus as a nonexecutive director. Two days later, Mr. Hörr was in Berlin when he suffered a massive

stroke in his hotel room. Luckily for him, the incident happened when he was on the phone with his assistant, who was then able to alert emergency services, which probably saved his life, Mr. Hörr said. The executive was taken to the Charité clinic in (Picture credits(© Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliBerlin, where docance/Getty Images) tors registered him under an assumed name to protect him from the media active role in public life. By then, attention that was surrounding the however, CureVac had accumulated company at the time. serious delays in its vaccine developWhen Mr. Hörr woke up from a ment. coma in Charité’s intensive-care unit Mr. Hörr had researched mesweeks later, the name on his bed was senger RNA, the approach taken by Paul Kern, and he was surrounded by CureVac and several others for their nurses who spoke Russian with each Covid-19 shots, while pursuing his other. doctorate in biology and immunology The nurses were among the many in the 1990s. In 1999, using an mRNA Germans of Russian descent who molecule as a control substance in work in the city’s healthcare system. an experiment, he discovered that it But in his confusion, Mr. Hörr thought triggered a strong immune response. he had been abducted by Russian seThis led him to set up his company in cret services. 2000 as one of the first in the field. “It was quite the horror: I didn’t Mr. Hörr says the fact that know what was happening to me, I CureVac was overtaken by younger didn’t know what I was doing in this rivals BioNTech and Moderna Inc. bed tied to a drip and a catheter,” Mr. was partly due to the nature of its Hörr said in an interview. “I underproduct: While both BioNTech and stood that I had some importance beModerna use an artificial component cause all these people were tending in their mRNA to improve stabilito me.” After waking up, he said, he was unable to speak or move. He spent five weeks in the emergency ward, slowly regaining his memory and relearning basic physical functions. Once released, he would spend another four months in rehabilitation clinics. During Mr. Hörr’s convalescence, Franz-Werner Haas, a lawyer and CureVac’s former chief operating officer, took over as CEO. Shortly after, the German government announced that it would inject €530 million, equivalent to $632.5 million, into the company—€300 million in equity and the rest in grants—topped up with some €80 million in EU loans. On Aug. 14, the company raised $213 million in an initial public offering to boost the development of its Covid-19 vaccine. It wasn’t until December that Mr. Hörr became able to reclaim a more

15 ty and lower adverse reactions, CureVac has stuck to Mr. Hörr’s original formula of using only natural mRNA—a more complex approach that has prolonged the vaccine’s development. This, Mr. Hörr said, will enable the vaccines to be stored at normal temperatures, unlike rival products that must be kept at around minus-20 degrees Celsius. In addition, CureVac’s vaccine uses 60% less mRNA than BioNTech’s, and one-eighth as much as Moderna’s, a potential advantage in scaling up production, he said. Stability at higher temperatures was a requirement in part because investors such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had made it an early condition of their backing, as they wanted to provide drugs to poor nations that could struggle with complex coldchain requirements, Mr. Hörr said. Now almost entirely recovered, Mr. Hörr is considering a possible return to the company, not as a CEO, but possibly in the management board, he said. His next goals after bringing the vaccine to market in the EU include developing a second-generation shot to tackle emerging mutations and supplying the vast swaths of the developing world where the virus is spreading unhindered, undergoing mutations that could potentially render current vaccines less effective. “If we only focus on the Western countries, we will allow the virus to mutate elsewhere— and then come back to haunt us. That’s already happening,” Mr. Hörr said. “We must see this as a global task, and the CureVac vaccine is ideal for that.” Write to Bojan Pancevski at

16 OUT


Dear Editor, I read an article in the Jamaica Gleaner in which the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines was almost begging the people of his country to voluntarily get tested and vaccinated for and against Covid-19. This virus has wreaked havoc on the global economies but small and developing countries have practically borne the brunt of the economic downfall. Since taking office on November 11, 2020, the PUP Government led by Hon John Briceño and in particular the Ministry of Health under the leadership of Hon. Michel Chebat have made massive strides in combatting not only the virus but its impact on our economy. The work done by our professionals at the Ministry of Health along with our Healthcare workers is nothing short of remarkable. The measures and policies but in place by the PUP Administration is working…no and, if or maybe. The PUP government recognizes that in order to get our country back to economic stability and growth, we had to tackle the virus head on. Our cases are down, and our hospitalizations and deaths are now under control. The vaccines are now available to a vast portion of our adult population. We are urged to go in and get vaccinated whenever it is our turn to so do. I took mine about week or so ago and apart from slight soreness in the arm where the vaccine was administered. During the course of the night, I waited with anxious expectation for the onset of fever or headache that thankfully never came. Fact: Covid 19 is a serious disease and no one knows how it will affect them if they contract the virus. If one does so, they can spread it to their loved ones and thus affect members of your family. Being sick with COVID-19 may offer some natural protection, known as immunity. Current evidence suggests that reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19 is uncommon in the 90 days after initial infection. However, experts don’t know for sure how long this protection lasts, and the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweighs any benefits of natural immunity. COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you by creating an antibody (immune system) response without having to experience sickness. We are all encouraged for the sakes of our loved ones and our country’s economic recovery to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The Government of Belize has made great efforts to secure the vaccines and the least we can do is take the time to go in and take it for the love of family and country. Thanks Editor, Thoughtful Belizean

11 APR



St Vincent Gov’t may soon be unable to pay salaries, pensions, NIS —PM – KINGSTOWN, St Vincent (CMC) — If the prevailing economic situation continues, Government may be unable to pay salaries and benefits, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said on Wednesday. “I say this with all honesty, the way things are going… in one or two months…the government may not have the $30 million every month to pay civil servants and to pay the NIS contributions to civil servants, those who are pensionable to pay the NIS contributions for current, and to pay salaries and wages,” Gonsalves said on NBC Radio. He said while his government has held things together economically “through all kinds of difficulties”, there is now “a real pressure on”. “We saw in the first month in January… revenue collec-

tions drop by $15 million. We recouped in February. Things are even-steven between February this year and February last year. But we recouped because there were a couple of big alien landholding licence transactions in Mustique, where we collect for each of those big transactions… roughly 17 per cent of the value and they were very

PR# 235

PRESS RELEASE Minister of Youth, Sports and E-Governance Meets with Taiwanese Ambassador

Belmopan. April 6, 2021. 1:30 p.m. On April 1, 2021, Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Youth, Sports and E- Governance, held an introductory meeting with H.E. David K.C. Chien, the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize. The Ministry is championing the digitization of services with an aim of 95% digitization. During their meeting, the Minister and Ambassador discussed building e-governance in Belize and ways in which Taiwan can collaborate with the Ministry to achieve its goals. They look forward to upcoming projects that will benefit Belize, especially internet access in the rural communities. Also present were Jose Urbina, CEO in the Ministry, along with representatives from the Ministry and the Taiwanese Embassy. The Ministry of Youth, Sports and E-Governance looks forward to continued discussions and collaborations while building on the friendly relationship between Belize and Taiwan. Ends

big ones. “There are a couple more in the pipeline. In fact… I have to call the people to expedite because it means money – I’m talking about the public servants… to get these things quickly,” Gonsalves said. He made the comments as he again appealed to public sector workers, and residents generally, to get vaccinated against COVID-19. So far, the government has administered 11,000 doses of the vaccine, which is about 11 per cent of the population. Officials were hoping that approximately 50,000 people would have gotten the jab by this month, vaccine availability permitting. Last week, the Gonsalves administration announced a ‘vaccinate or test policy’, which requires that public sector workers either provide proof of vaccination, or subject themselves to testing up to once every two weeks. But the government is facing opposition from public sector unions, which say the policy offends the Constitution, an argument that the prime minister, a lawyer, rebutted on Wednesday. “You know, I just don’t understand this thing that for somebody to take a test on you, a simple test, … a rapid test [to determine] whether you have COVID-19 or not, that that is an unacceptable and unreasonable invasion of your individual rights and freedoms. It doesn’t make any sense in fact or in law,” he said. Gonsalves pointed out that the British government announced that come June, it will implement a traffic light system for travel by nationals. Green would indicate the countries to which British nationals can travel and red, the countries they cannot travel. “Interestingly, one of the critical considerations is the extent of the vaccination in the [destination] country,” he noted. Virgin Atlantic is scheduled to begin flying to St Vincent in June. “If we are not on that green list there, the likelihood is that it will not come. This is a very serious matter about lives and livelihoods,” the prime minister said. He said his government has tried to cushion the blow of the harsh economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, but said “it’s rough on a lot of people”.

11 APR



THINK ABOUT IT A DAMN SHAME From 262 million dollars to a whopping 677 million dollars. That is what happened after 12 years of the disgraceful UDP government. This is what was being spent on salaries and pensions with no improvement in the quality of service to the public. No reform in the public service. No reduction in waste, squanderation, and no fight against violent crime, poverty, nor corruption. During the years of ramping up this massive increase of 415 million dollars, or 177 percent in spending, not a single member of the Public Service Senior Managers said anything to Belizeans. Not a single official of the Public Service Union brought these frightening, unsustainable and wasteful spending to the attention of this nation. This massive, unsustainable increase of 415 million dollars is only in the area of employees’ salaries and pensions. The pension scheme is non-contributory. This means public officers do not pay a dollar towards their retirement monies. Public officers are the only employees in the world who get a salary increase every year. It is called an increment. Each year 15,000 public officers receive a raise/increment. Even as the nation struggles with a worsening economic crises, brought on by the profligate spending and corruption of the Dean Barrow/Patrick Faber and their gangster government, senior managers and chosen public officers collect all types of perks and allowances. Our view on this particular matter, at this time of crisis and authority, with 60-odd thousand Belizeans having lost their jobs, 40-odd thousand asking for groceries. Nobody in the public service, nobody at all should be getting any type of allowances. We call for the statistics on the amount of vehicles in the control of individuals in the public. We call for a three-member committee to urgently undertake a review of the disgraceful abuse of government vehicles and a replacement system—end the reward of cronies with government vehicles. We accept the complaints and criticism of the top managers in the Ministry of the Public Service and the chairman of the Public Service Commission. They were collaborators with a certain sista b and Ministers who handpicked UDP supporters and gave out jobs like this was a Saudi Arabia oil rich country. The abuse was shocking. It contributed to robbing much needed finances that could have helped poor people. The public service of our country, our governmental and political system, including control, accountability and transparency of public monies is crying out for a thorough and meaningful reform. We just got to change our ways, or suffer an inevitable increase in crime, corruption and poverty- the road to a failed state. PRIME MINISTER ADDRESSED BELIZEANS The Prime Minister, Honourable John Briceño addressed Belizeans Wednesday night. He spoke about his upcoming budget presentation this Friday and his several concessions and proposal to the unions. He mentioned the dismal state of the economy and the government financial situation. There is a huge gap between revenues and expenditures. We do not have enough monies to pay for salaries and services. He said he will outline his government’s plan to remedy the financial crisis. It was a calm and measured message. No threats, no beating of his chest. No boast of the massive mandates his government received in November and again in March this year, he mentioned it in passing. It was a sober assessment of the financial situation brought about by the reckless mismanagement of the previous government. We share in his optimism that out country will conquer the challenges and our people will see much better days. ‘Better Must Come’. THE COVID THREAT One good example that we are a conquering people is the area of Covid. This wicked virus attacked our people in March of last year. 318 Belizeans has lost their lives. But as we got a better understanding, we put in place the proper defenses. One year later, today April 7th to be specific, only 51 persons report having the virus. There were only 8 new cases, 4 of which are from Stann Creek. Not a single Belizean lost his or her life at that same time. Big respect to the new Minister of Health and all the health workers on the front line for defending us. Now we need to sound a warning. Covid has been transforming into a more contagious and more deadly


strain. It is almost like a variant, and new mutant with more powers. Across Europe and elsewhere, the renewed covid has been administering a battering on their citizens. Brazil in South America is on course to overtake USA which is the worst affected country in the world by Covid. So let’s stay vigilant. Let us continue to protect one another by mask, distance and sanitization. Again, sanitize. And also be careful not to touch anything, anywhere which could have the virus. And be sure to fight to eat healthy to make your immune system strong. FIVE HOURS The government, during the negotiations with the public services and teachers unions, offered among other proposals, for them to work 4 hours less during the economic crisis. The union said no, they want to work 5 hours less each week. The government agreed. We find this intriguing. In a time of economic crisis less is not more. Belizeans need to work hard, longer, faster. In the world arounds we are being left behind. We have learnt next to nothing from the Covid pandemic. We are not providing, or delivering better service. Look at citizens in the sun-hot, crowded in front of Vital Statistics Department on Queen Street. Disgraceful. Look at what continues to happen at Immigration with passport applications or children of Belizeans seeking their citizenship certificates. None of the services or the time period for delivering services anywhere has changed. The only thing that has changed in a dozen years is the people replacing the UDP with a new government of the PUP. In the many ministries and the many more departments, it is the same old, same old. And taxpayers paying 677 million dollars each year. We need to get real. 25 YEAR OLD STAB 24 YEAR OLD. A 25-year old female stabbed a 24 year old female dead. On Easter Sunday of all days. And at scenic Gracie Rock, 21 miles on the George Price Highway. What is it about Belizeans that we are becoming so violent? We under stress? We losing patience with each other? We soak up enough American movies which seem all about nakedness, sex and violence. Is the hard, harsh economic situation too much to handle? Lots of folks saying we need the church to step up and to preach the gospel of Jesus. We need the message of love, and forgiveness to be taught in our schools. There is just too much violence is this small society. One good saving grace is that the vast majority of Belizeans, young and old, are still good, decent, law-abiding, and God-fearing people. SHANE HARRIS & POLICY FAILURE An experienced Senior Public Officer has brought this to our attention. She heard attorney Leroy Banner on the new Krem radio/TV show hosted every Wednesday night by attorney Michelle Trapp. Leroy Banner appeared with his client Shane Harris. Harris had just won a lawsuit against the police for detaining him at a police station for 30-odd hours without bringing any charge. The Supreme Court awarded Harris fourteen thousand dollars. The judgement was handed down in February of this year. The public officer informed us that in the good old days before the public service system collapsed this is how a Court order would be treated. The government lawyer, or Crown Counsel from the Solicitor General would write the Ministry responsible for police and advise them to instruct the police commissioner to submit a draft policy to govern all police stations and the police officers in general concern when and under what circumstances citizen may be detained. The Ministry would then submit the draft policy to Solicitor General lawyers who would ensure it complies with the law and with the judgement of the Supreme Court case as laid down in Shane Harris’ Court Order. By doing this, the government is ensuring that the police obeys the judgement of the Court of the land and that it helps to prevent misguided policy from costing the taxpayers in any future unlawful detention. We write the above because the recent Supreme Court decision of Shane Harris has fallen on deaf ears. Or worse, is deliberately being ignored by the police. Such a situation would be unheard of a mere fifteen years ago. As it is, police all across Belize continue to lock up citizens in police station without ever charging them. This means the police are behaving as if they are above the law. It means the police continue to violate the constitutional guarantee of freedom of liberty, with impunity. This means the public service is causing the government to fail in their duty to control an regulate police behavior. This also means our democracy is flawed and that failure to uphold the constitutional rights of citizens in Belize is not taking place.


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2016 2017 2021

Ana Lopez & Brandon Adolphus win Chiquibul Challenge marathon

Esperanza, March 31, 2021 Twelve time Ruta Maya women’s champion Ana Lopez and Brandon Adolphus won the Chiquibul Challenge virtual full marathon, which the Belize Wildlife and Referral Clinic organized to raise funds to protect the Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Runners each ran the official Olympic marathon - 26.01 miles or 42.2 kilometers in their respective home towns during the challenge period from March 21 - March 31, submitting their time and distance from their smart watches or phones to the timekeepers at TotalTimeBz. Men’s marathon 42.2Km 1st Brandon Adolphus - Orange Walk Town - 2:52:00. 2nd Francisco Lima Caal - Guatemala - 3:03:46. 3rd Luis August - San Ignacio - 3:15:11. 4th Dave Cox - Belmopan 3:49:09. 5th Juan Santos - San Pedro Town - 3:53:32. Women’s marathon 42.2Km 1st Ana López - Esperanza Village, Cayo - 3:51:51. 2nd Evelyn Zuleta - Belmopan - 4:39:53. Female half marathon 21.1Km 1st Mary Schlimmer - Traverse City, Michigan, USA - 1:53:05. 1st FEM marathon 2nd Irene Thiessen - Westrac Ltd - Belmopan - 1:56:14. Ana Lopez 3rd Lucelly Ramos - “Powered by Plants” Belize City - 2:06:26. 4th Roxana Lemus - Westrac Ltd - San Ignacio - 2:06:53 5th Kathleen Azueta-Cho - Ministry of Health Belmopan - 2:11:28. 6th Xenia Rauda - Westrac Ltd - Camalote - 2:11:55. 7th Fátima Azucena Varela - San Ignacio - 2:18:55. 8th Lliani Ordonez - Heart & Sole - Belize City - 2:19:39. 9th Jane Champion - Splash Running Club - Belmopan - 2:20:59. 10th Lindy Carrasco Bradley - Caye Caulker - 2:22:55 in Men half marathon 21.1Km 1st Levi Lilienthal - USA - 1:14:46 to win the Gold. 2nd Vladimir Gonzalez - Cancun, Mexico - 1:23:51 3rd Victor Figueroa - San Ignacio - 1:34:44 4th Victor Rauda - Camalote - 1:36:19 5th Rafael August Jr - San Ignacio - 1:39:55 6th Maurice Leslie - Placencia - 1:43:24 7th Kenroy Westby - Placencia - 1:48:49 8th Miguel Patzan - Benque Viejo del Carmen - 1:50:31 1st Female half mara9th Rainier E. Correa - San Ignacio -1:50:48 thon - Mary Schlimmer 10th Ramon Figueroa- San Ignacio -1:52:04

1st marathon Brandon Adolphus

1st Men half marathon - Levi Lilienthal

11 APR




1688 Seashore Drive Buttonwood Bay Area Belize City, BELIZE

Joint Press Release

Research at Cayman Crown – a transboundary coral reef site in Belize and Guatemala Punta Gorda Town. April 7, 2021.


On July 31, 2020, a statutory instrument was signed by the then Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development for the expansion of the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve, now approximately 321,623.5 acres. This expansion includes but is not limited to the protection of a portion of an important coral reef ecosystem known as the Corona Reef or Cayman Crown, which straddles the maritime boundary between southern Belize and Guatemala. The Cayman Crown is described as the most underrepresented habitat in the marine protected areas system of Belize and Guatemala and is believed to be a biologically important hotspot, a fish spawning aggregation site (FSA) for numerous fin fish species and habitat for deep-slope snapper and bottom- dwelling species. In 2020, the Cayman Crown was declared protected in both Belize and Guatemala. After obtaining a valid research permit from the Belize Fisheries Department, the Toledo Institute for Development and Environment (TIDE) commenced research for FSA’s at the Cayman Crown in February of 2020 and plans to carry out research during 6 to 8 months of the year. Scientific information gathered will inform the effective management of the Cayman Crown zone within the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve.

Ruby Jimenez

Anthony Aguilar

The Belize Coast Guard takes this opportunity to congratulate Officer Cadets Ruby Jimenez and Anthony Aguilar on their successful completion of their commissioning course at the prestigious Mexican Naval Academy. They have both earned a Bachelor’s Degree in their respective course of study which will contribute significantly to the growth and development of the Belize Coast Guard. The Ministry of National Defence and Border Security and the Mexican Navy (SEMAR) have a close security cooperation and enduring partnership in the areas of information exchanges, training and professional military education. This initiative is a result of the partnership and collaboration between the Government of Belize and Government of Mexico. Ends

During FSA monitoring expeditions conducted in February and March of 2021, TIDE’s research team was accompanied by a research team from FUNDAECO, Guatemala who is responsible for the management of the PR# 238

Guatemalan portion of the Cayman Crown site. The FUNDAECO team obtained a valid research permit from the Belize Fisheries Department to participate in the research trips within Belize’s territorial waters and TIDE intends to access research permits from Guatemala when conducting research in the Guatemalan marine protected area. TIDE, FUNDAECO and Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative have pledged through a cooperation agreement to work jointly on research, protection, and management of the newly formed transboundary marine protected area. A management plan for the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve will be developed and we look forward to participation of stakeholders in the consultation meetings. Ends


Minister of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics Meets with the New Ambassador of Taiwan to Belize Belmopan. April 6, 2021. 5:00 p.m. Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics, was hosted at a breakfast meeting today by H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, the new ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize. The minister and the ambassador held fruitful discussions on strengthening the diplomatic relationships between Taiwan and Belize. Among the matters discussed were future collaboration for the improvement of the transportation system, alternative energies, implementation of training workshops, and increase efficiencies of utilities in Belize. Taiwan has been incredibly supportive of the overall development of Belize. In closing the meeting, Minister Ferguson thanked Ambassador Chien for his country’s continued generosity. Also present at the meeting were Mr. Marconi Leal Jr., chief executive officer in the Ministry, and Ms. Bi-Yin Chien, deputy counselor of the Taiwan Embassy in Belize. Ends


11 APR




H.E. Candice Pitts Presents Credentials as Ambassador of Belize



We are seeking




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Printing Press Post

P.O. Box 1199 along with a photo Ministry of Finance TENDER NOTICE Supply of Vehicles Procurement Type: Procurement of Goods – Vehicles Procurement Method: Open Tendering Procedure (National Competitive Bidding) Procurement: Six (6) Crew Cab Pick Up Trucks for the Ministry of Health and Wellness to be used for the transportation of Covid-19 vaccines in Belize The Government of Belize (GOB) will be entering into a loan agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank to assist the Government with a project that will contribute to the reduction of the morbidity and mortality caused by Covid-19, and to mitigate other indirect impacts of the pandemic. One component of this project will assist to facilitate vaccine accessibility to the population of Belize. In this regard, the GOB will be procuring one vehicle per district to be used for the transportation and delivery of the Covid-19 vaccines in the country.

Belmopan. April 6, 2021. 2:00 p.m. Her Excellency Dr. Candice Pitts, Belize’s newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China (Taiwan), today presented a copy of her letter of credence to H.E. Joseph Wu, Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Pitts and Minister Wu used the occasion to exchange opinions on a wide range of issues of mutual concern. Minister Wu noted that this is Ambassador Pitts’ first visit to Taiwan and said he is sure that the Ambassador will get to know the beautiful scenery and friendly people very soon. Minister Wu expressed his confidence that the close and cordial relations between Taiwan and Belize would continue to deepen and that the two countries could strengthen cooperation. Ambassador Pitts highlighted that Taiwan is an important ally of Belize and conveyed her appreciation for Taiwan’s several cooperation projects which benefit Belize, including aid in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Ambassador Pitts also commented that she expects that the economic cooperation agreement, signed between Taiwan and Belize in September 2020, will soon take effect and the Taiwanese investment and trade groups will be able to visit Belize after the pandemic is over. Ambassador Pitts holds a Ph.D. from Howard University in Washington, D.C., United States. As an educator, she has taught in the United States and Belize. She was elected as a Belize City councilwoman in March 2018, and has been actively involved in women’s empowerment and community and national development. Ends

The Ministry of Finance, now invites eligible and qualified bidders to submit quotations for the supply of six (6) Crew Cab Pick Up Trucks, as per the below specifications: • New 2019, 2020 or 2021 model • Minimum 2.0L 4 Cylinder • 4 Door Crew Cab • Truck Camper Installed • Bedliner Installed • Power Windows and Door • Air Conditioning • Warranty: Minimum 3 Years/100,000Kms • Price should be duty and tax free • Delivery of all 6 vehicles to Ministry of Health, Belmopan, within 2 weeks of date of contract award 1. In the assessment of quotations, consideration will be given to compliance to the specifications, and the delivery time of the vehicles. 2. Three (3) hard copies of your quotation should be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Quotation for the Supply of Vehicles for Ministry of Health”, and addressed and delivered to: Financial Secretary Ministry of Finance Sir Edney Cain Building (3rd Floor) Belmopan 3. Along with your quotations you must also submit recent letters of good standing from the following entities: (1) Belize Companies Registry (2) Belize Tax Service (3) Belize Social Security Board 4. The deadline for receipt of your bid submission at the Ministry of Finance is April 9, 2021 at 4pm. 5. Quotations by Fax or Email are NOT acceptable. Late quotations will be rejected. 6. Requests for clarifications may be done via email (only) and should be sent to the following email address: 7. GOB reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective supplier(s). It will not be bound to assign any reason from GOB action and will not defray any cost incurred by any firm in the preparation and submission of quotations.

11 APR






Dear Editor

I am Elmer Gonzalez a proud teacher. Teaching is my vocation and I have a passion. I always strive to go the extra mile for what I love best—teaching. Any and all work that is placed before me, despite it may seem seemingly impossible, I find a silver lining to the task. I am of less complaining and more actions. I don’t want to sound politically biased, but I need to share my view on this current situation our country is in, and I believe I am living in a democratic country, and this I have the freedom of speech. Let me start by saying, yes, on November 11, 2020 we voted for a change. Everybody Fi Win, but have you stopped and think for a while how this change will be possible? How will I win? The change starts with us, if we want to win, we must make this

change and stop complaining. We cannot expect a Prime Minister to solve all our problems in the blink of an eye. Rome wasn’t built in one day. Only God is perfect. Jesus being the son of God was persecuted and he died for our sins to save us. God never promised us a life filled with a bed of roses, but he promised us if we seek him, humble ourselves, he will answer us. God’s ways is not our way. He always tests our faith. If we want to gain our salvation, we must give up something we love and loose it. Life is not easy, we must make all the necessary sacrifices to achieve our goals and be successful. We cannot be egocentric and think only about ourselves, we must think for others. We cannot expect to win, if we don’t give up something. We cannot expect the government to fix all our problems. Remember there is a 500 million deficit that needs to be paid, if our government continues borrowing and borrowing, a time will come that our dollar will need to be devalued. Let us come as one family, one nation, help fix this problem. Blue, Red, Green or any political party who is in government cannot fix this problem alone. They need us to unite with them to fix this prob-

TENDER Distribution Vegetation Management BEL invites tenders for Distribution Vegetation Management (Belize District) for the period May 15, 2021 to December 31, 2023 at the following locations:

lem. Remember, only the people can save the people, so let us be our brother’s keepers and work hand in hand. Everybody fi win, is more achievable when we do our part to win and by helping one another. This is my little piece. Wish for the best in the negotiations… Thanks Editor Elmer Gonzalez, Teacher

St Luke Hospital

#3 Mountain view Blvd Belmopan, Belize, CA Phone: 822-2379 Email:

VACANCY Exist for:

Minimum Qualification: . Associates Degree in Radiology . Valid License from the Ministry of Health (Allied Health License) . At least 1 year experience as an X Ray Technician/Radiology Technician Please send application to: Manager St. Luke Hospital Ltd. #3 Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan, Belize Deadline April 30, 2021 St. Luke Hospital Ltd: Caring from the Heart

St Luke Hospital

#3 Mountain view Blvd Belmopan, Belize, CA Phone: 822-2379 Email:

VACANCY Exist for:

Please send application to: Manager St. Luke Hospital Ltd. #3 Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan, Belize Deadline April 30, 2021 St. Luke Hospital Ltd: Caring from the Heart

The bidding documents, which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates for the pre-bid meeting are available on BEL’s website at

St Luke Hospital

#3 Mountain view Blvd Belmopan, Belize, CA Phone: 822-2379 Email:

Bidders are encouraged to attend a virtual pre-bid meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Submission of interest to attend the meeting can be sent to

The email subject should include the bid number located on the respective bid form. For more information or queries, send email to Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Receptionist At St. Luke Hospital Ltd.

Minimum Qualification: . Associates Degree . At least 1 year experience as Receptionist . well versed and trained in Customer Service is a priority.

 Belize City  Ladyville

Tenders must be submitted via email to no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday, April 30, 2021.

Radiology Technician At St. Luke Hospital Ltd.

VACANCY Exist for:

Dermatologist At St. Luke Hospital Ltd.

Minimum Qualification: . Degree in Dermatology . Valid License from the Ministry of Health (Allied Health License) . At least 2 year experience as a Dermatologist Please send application to: Manager St. Luke Hospital Ltd. #3 Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan, Belize Deadline April 30, 2021 St. Luke Hospital Ltd: Caring from the Heart


Successful Tour by Minister of State Usher On Thursday March 25, 2021 the Minister of State Ministry Human Development was given a tour of both the Golden Heaven Rest Home in Hattieville and the Princess Royal Youth Hostel at Mile 23 on the George Price Highway. During the tour, the Minister of State Usher praised the staff of both institutions for making every effort to ensure that their work place is people-friendly. The Minister of State Usher also held discussion with the staff of both facilities on steps that could be taken to improve the institutions for all the stake holders. Golden Heaven Rest home is presently in urgent need of another male attendant. This is a necessity because

11 APR


when the present male attendant is on day off, there is no strong male person to assist in moving some patients, who cannot walk around the facility. Some of the staff members at the Golden Heaven Rest House also stated that they would like that attention be given to their yearly increment, as although they have passed their yearly evaluation, they haven’t received any increment for the past 6 years or more. The manager/chief supervisor of the Youth Hostel is Mr. Anthony Lino, while the Mrs. Dorothy Valerio is manager of Golden Heaven Guest House. This was Minister of State Usher’s second visit to the Youth Hostel. (By Hon. Gilroy Usher)


NORTHERN MEDICAL SPECIALTY PLAZA ORCHID DRIVE, B.S.I. AREA, ORANGE WALK TOWN, BELIZE PHONE: 302-3708 & FAX: 322-2320 Northern Medical Plaza invites applications from experienced, dynamic, energetic, self motivated and professional individuals for the following vacancies

Radiologist Opthamologist Urologist Laparscopic Surgeon Qualification General Practitioner with specialty in Radiologist, Opthamologist ,Urologist and Laparscopic Surgeon. Requirements Must be registered with the Belize Medical Council 3 years experience will be considered. Applications close: April 28,2021 Please submit application letter and three References to: Human Resource Manager Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Ltd. Orchid Drive, BSI Area Orange Walk Town

Live and Let Live: Belizean campaign for respect is launched with national TV and radio spots Live and Let Live - a campaign by and for everyday Belizeans - is launched this week with the first in a series of public service announcements (PSAs) to be aired across all major TV channels and radio stations. All of the people are authentic (not actors) and their stories are genuine and from the heart. Live and Let Live spokesperson and long-standing equality and healthcare champion Mrs Laura Tucker-Longsworth, said: “I am proud to put my name to this campaign. With its positive messages of acceptance and equal treatment, Live and Let Live can only contribute to the wellbeing of our nation. Decency and respect are values that we Belizeans hold dear. It is important that we extend this treatment to include all people, regardless of gender, ability status, age, race or sexual orientation. The Live and Let Live public service announcements bring this concept to life. We hope the campaign will spark a widespread conversation about what Live and Let Live means to each of us, and how we can put our shared values into practice.” The first PSA, which is being broadcast currently, features Belizeans from all walks of life, each delivering their own unique message of acceptance by sharing what Live and Let Live means to them. There is a story behind each person, but the central message is founded in the same strong Belizean value: treat others as you would wish to be treated. Join the Live and Let Live conversation. Share your own stories of acceptance and let’s build a fair and equal Belize.

11 APR




Belize High School represents Belize in Caribbean Girls Hackathon 2021:

Advances to Second Round! ing Belize High School is a part of the group that moves on to the final round! Belize High School registered three teams in the regional competition under the mentorship of the Team Mentor, Information Technology teacher Ms. Marcelli Young, and the entire BHS Community. Working in addition to their academic responsibilities the girls also engaged in the following skills: communication, self-confidence, teamwork, innovation, networking, community service, working on business skills, and inspiring teens from all over the CaWhat is a hackathon? A hackathon is an event, usually hosted by a tech company or organization, where programmers get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project. The participants work rapidly and often work without sleep to achieve their task, as the events generally only last 24 hours or take place over a weekend. International Girls in ICT Day, is an initiative led by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Switzerland. It aims to create a global environment that encourages, educates, and empowers girls and young women to pursue studies and careers in the growing ICT sector, enabling both girls and technology companies to benefit. Celebrated on the 4th Thursday in April every year, over 240,000 girls and young women have taken part across 160 countries, to date. “Caribbean Girls Hackathon” is a team of women consultants, committed to advancing women’s economic empowerment. The Hackathon is organized with technical support from the ITU Switzerland and endorsed by governments across the region, the University of the West Indies, other regional counterparts, and corporate sponsors. Belize High School entered three teams and is the only representative for Belize! Round 1 was held March 5 - 7, 2021. The three teams are as follows: Team Paradox - Topic: Saving our Seas The Blue Economy Amali Teck | Gabbi Knox | Gianna Saldivar | Halle Fuller Team BZE Betas - Topic: Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence Amirah Kee | Tracy Zhao | Himanshi Chandwani | Anya Leacock Team 501 Ping - Topic: Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Brianna Tejada | Leanna Guiterrez | Karina Espat | Attiani Chee Ninety-six (96) teams registered in this year’s Caribbean Girls Hackathon 2021, and during March 26 – 28, 2021, the teams presented their solution pitches to the panel of judges. Of the participants, thirty-six (36) teams have been selected to move on to the final round. BHS and Belize’s Team Paradox: Amali Teck (Team Captain), Gabrielle Knox, Gianna Saldivar, and Halle Fuller one of the three teams represent-

ribbean. The teams moving on to round 2 are now tasked with completing their solution prototypes and creative aspect and will present their final solutions on April 24, 2021. Team Paradox has selected animation as their creative component. Belize High School congratulates all three teams on their teamwork, creativity, and innovation and cheers on Team Paradox as they continue this techno-creative quest. Go BHS!!! GO BELIZE!!

Appointment of New Governor of the Central Bank of Belize BELIZE CITY, 1 April 2021: Governor General, Sir Colville Young GCMG MBE, on the advice of Prime Minister, Hon. John Briceno, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, signed a Writ of Appointment naming Mr. Gustavo Manuel Vasquez as Governor of the Central Bank of Belize, with effect from 01 April 2021. Mr. Vasquez succeeds Ambassador A. Joy Grant, CMG, who held the position since 2016. Originally from the village of San Estevan, Orange Walk District, Mr. Vasquez started his career at the Central Bank of Belize in 1983 where he worked as Director of Banking Supervision for 14.5 years. Mr. Vasquez then moved onto the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority as Special Adviser to the Managing Director on financial sector and regulatory issues. He was thereafter contracted as a Regional Financial Sector Adviser for the Trinidad and Tobago-based Caribbean Anti-Money Laundering Programme. He later joined the International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, USA, where he worked as a Senior Technical Assistance Adviser and Senior Financial Sector Expert for 15 years. He retired from the Fund in June 2016 when he resettled in Belize. For the past 5 years, Mr. Vasquez has been engaged as a consultant by the IMF, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Government of Bermuda, the Monetary Authority of Bermuda, the Central Bank of Paraguay, the Central Bank of Albania, the International Financial Services Volunteer Corps, and ECOWAS West Africa. Mr. Vasquez holds a master’s degree from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in (i) Finance and (ii) Public Policy & Management. He also holds university degrees in accounting and corporate management. Mr. Vasquez assumes the role of Governor during a period of historic economic and financial crisis. He is committed to judiciously deploying the resources of the Central Bank to support national economic recovery efforts while safeguarding the value of our currency and the stability of the financial sector. An immediate priority is to implement the new and enhanced legal mandate of the Central Bank to provide emergency financing support to eligible businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board of Directors, Management, and Staff of the Central Bank welcome Mr. Vasquez and look forward to working with him in furthering the Central Bank’s mission: promoting the stability of the monetary and financial system in a manner that is conducive to economic growth. -ENDS-



11 APR


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