Established 1957
6 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE NO: 5227
The Truth Shall Make You Free
www.belizetimes.biz | $1.00
INTO UDP FIRESALE December 2 Cabinet Briefing – ‘Cabinet decided to launch a full investigation into the “sell-off” of government assets by the previous administration. The inquiry will include representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Attorney General’s Ministry, the Ministry of the Public Service and representatives from the Public Service Union and the private sector.’ Name the government SUV and the past UDP government sold it to the lowest UDP bidder, all in the last minutes leading up to the General Elections. The internet term ‘viral’ has now been put to greater and appropriate use. The virulent infamy of the UDP is being slowly unearthed and the stench has revealed that the hotbeds were actually cesspools of grand corruption. Belizeans are now experiencing transparency into the UDP Barrow/Faber maladministration. Now, we know a sampling of why the UDP stretched their last failed recession term deep in 2020.
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16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM #Orange Belize: Respond, Prevent, Collect and Empower
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On December 3, Minister Henry Charles Usher met with executive members of Public Service Union (PSU) to discuss their inclusion in the investigation into the illegal “sell off” of the people’s assets by the previous UDP government. The PSU accepted to be a part of the investigation and pledged its support for a good and productive relationship with the new PUP government. For the UDP, it was never about caring about the “collateral damage” it was always about the “spoils of victory” and maybe along the way “winning elections.” Dean Barrow and Patrick Faber utterances in 2008 post-election to Belize were the only truths. They had NOT done anything with their lives that was worth it. One was a failed lawyer clinging to his partner and the other was a
failed teacher who engrained his personal pettiness into Belize’s Education system. The UDP connived and gave life to infrastructure monsters called Belize Infrastructure Limited headed by Faber and Montero and Imer Hernandez Company Development Limited ceremoniously headed by Imer and really by the UDP. Imer got way more discredit than Arguelles who said tons more in 13 minutes than Imer said in 13 years. Both raked deeply into the backs of the Belizean people. We all remember...this was a John Briceño and PUP promise since no one is above the law and all consequences are on the table including jail time. Memes galore exposed one of the last of UDP’s infamy as being crooked car dealers. You remember how Vega
PR# 012
Belmopan. December 2, 2020. 5:15 p.m. The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met remotely in regular session on Tuesday, December 1st, 2020.
Cabinet decided to launch a full investigation into the “sell-off” of government assets by the previous administration. The inquiry will include representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Attorney General’s Ministry, the Ministry of the Public Service and representatives from the Public Service Union and the private sector.
Cabinet also discussed important amendments to the Contractor General Act including proposals to introduce an independent Public Contracts Commission to review and approve the award of public contracts and to work along with the Contractor General to investigate any suspicious public contracts.
The Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Health and Wellness, updated Cabinet on the current effects of the pandemic and measures recently implemented. Minister Chebat informed Cabinet that a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture for the use of the laboratory at the Belize Agricultural Health Authority for COVID-19 PCR testing. This will scale up the capacity for PCR testing.
In accordance with its commitment to full transparency, Cabinet decided to authorize a forensic audit of Belize Infrastructure Limited, including all projects it administered. Hon. Julius Espat, Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, updated the Cabinet on the current state of the nation’s roads, bridges and culverts and the need for emergency repairs and restoration. In this regard, Cabinet approved additional funding of BZ$9 million for road works especially on the major roads and highways severely impacted by the recent rains and floods. The Attorney General, Hon. Magali MarinYoung, presented a proposal to amend the legislation to impose time limits for the delivery of judgments in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The Hon. Attorney General informed Cabinet that she had consulted the President of the Court of Appeal, the Acting Chief Justice and
connived 400,000 dollars from us Belizeans by buying cheap and selling back expensive. UDPs, during the lameness of the Minister of Finance and with referee Vicente’s fox-like strokes, attended and bought from the invitation-only firesale of Belizean assets—vehicles being the asset of
the Belize Bar Association before presenting the proposal. Cabinet decided that the legislation would not come into effect immediately and agreed to approve an increase in the allocation for the Judiciary in next year’s budget.
Cabinet Brief
The Minister also indicated that the Ministry of Health and Wellness will be doubling the lab staff to decrease the turnaround time for results.
2020 choice. One Prado, a 200plus thousand dollar vehicle, was sold for 12k. You know the cash desperate now powerless UDPs will make a move to recover their cash(if they did pay) and then make some obscene profit The new planBelize Cabinet has approved the formation of a taskforce to deal with this ‘firesale’ as the Public Service Union has requested in an open letter. Also, the BIL will undergo a forensic audit. From the Civic Centre to the Belize City Hall the Foreign Affairs Building will all be under official review. December 2 Cabinet Briefing – ‘In accordance with its commitment to full transparency, Cabinet decided to authorize a forensic audit of Belize Infrastructure Limited, including all projects it administered.’ Another move in direct scrutiny of UDP corruption is the opening of the process to add a team around the contractor general. This is truly forward thinking to remove the power of reviewing contracts from one individual—a contractor general. PM Briceño and Cabinet are moving forward with getting the right people with the best expertise into the right positions to expedite the making a Belize that works for everyone! On November 11, 2020 todos ganaron, watch it!!
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
The Hon. Orlando Habet, the Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, updated the Cabinet on NEMO’s ongoing assistance as a result of the impact of the rains associated with Hurricanes ETA and IOTA. The Minister informed Cabinet that assistance for food, household appliances and other supplies were being provided to more than 2,800 Belizeans. Cabinet requested the production of an updated map of floodprone areas by NEMO. This deadline for completion before the start of the 2021 Hurricane Season.
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
Email: belizetimesadvertisement@yahoo.com
03 3
EDITORIAL Covid, Flood and CorruptionDisaster Management in Belize
elizeans were expecting that the new government would uncover many surprises when they took office after the landslide win on the 11th November 2020. However, the deep rooted rot that had taken a choke hold of Belmopan and all the government departments has even the most cynical and jaded of us positively agog at the sheer magnitude of the corruption. The sad news…the investigations have not even started, we have merely scratched the surface. There are allegations of the fire sales of vehicles worth hundreds of thousands for ridiculous sums. These vehicles are being flipped on local buy and sell pages for whopping profits all at the expense of the hard working Belizean tax payers. If that was not enough the land grab which allegedly netted a former Senator acres of prime land for peanuts has just been uncovered. These shenanigans apparently happened just six days before the election and cannot be justified under any circumstance. We must next put emphasis on the contracts worth millions that were signed with political appointees who refuse to vacate their posts. Clearly it is too much to expect that these political flunkies who aided and abetted the fleecing of the country’s resources and pillaging of the public coffers would now grow a conscience and leave having received a clear message from the Belizean people. Can they be so obtuse that they have trouble reading the writing on the wall? Is a written memo informing them of their persona non grata status needed? More than likely this is a scheme which blackmails Belizeans into paying for their removal. We are still being held ransom by these shameless rouges beyond the election. Word from Cabinet is that already the People’s Government has launched a formal investigation into the selling off of government assets, representatives from the Public Service Union, Ministry of Finance and Attorney General’s Office as well as the Private Sector will work together. The Cabinet also authorized the forensic audit of Belize Infrastructure Limited and all the overpriced and substandard contracts they administered. There are many issues that need immediate attention from our leaders. Systemic corruption is but one, natural disasters and especially the COVID-19 pandemic and the myriad of health and socio economic difficulties it brings require urgent and careful attention. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet are working diligently to bring about relief from hardship and to re-ignite our economy. We must do our part as well by taking care of ourselves and each other. We must adhere to the social distancing and health protocols in order to slow down the pandemic. Non-essential movement and travel must be restricted, we must wear our masks and make every effort to comply with the quarantine protocols. Belize is a small country already our resources and health system are strained. The Minister of Health is already collaborating with the Minister of Agriculture to use the BAHA laboratory as another test processing center. This is just another way in which this new Belize government uses all available resources for the benefit of all Belizeans. Collaboration and the pooling of every available resource to fight this pandemic on every front, from the health to the economic hardship it causes is the only way we can move forward. The People’s Government is working to deliver a Belize that works for everyone!
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en Español
Covid, Inundaciones y CorrupciónLa Gestión de desastres en Belice
os beliceños esperaban que el nuevo gobierno descubriera muchas sorpresas cuando asumiera el cargo después de la victoria del 11 de noviembre de 2020. Sin embargo, la profunda podredumbre que se había apoderado de Belmopan y de todos los departamentos del gobierno ha hecho que hasta el más cínico y hastiado de nosotros se agobie seriamente ante la magnitud de la corrupción. Las tristes noticias... las investigaciones ni siquiera han comenzado, sólo hemos arañado la superficie. Hay acusaciones de venta de vehículos valorados por cientos de miles de dólares vendidos por sumas ridículas. Estos vehículos están siendo anunciados en las páginas locales de compra y venta por enormes beneficios, todo a expensas de los trabajadores contribuyentes de Belice. Por si fuera poco, el acaparamiento de tierras que supuestamente le otorgo a un exsenador acres de terrenos de primera por una miseria acaba de ser descubierta. Estos chanchullos aparentemente ocurrieron sólo seis días antes de las elecciones y no pueden ser justificadas en ninguna circunstancia. A continuación, debemos hacer hincapié en los contratos millonarios firmados con los nombramientos políticos que se niegan a dejar sus puestos. Está claro que es demasiado esperar que estos lacayos políticos que ayudaron e instigaron a desplumar los recursos del país y a saquear las arcas públicas, tomen conciencia y se larguen después de haber recibido un mensaje claro del pueblo de Belice. ¿Pueden ser tan obtusos que tengan problemas para leer lo que está escrito en la pared? ¿Se necesita un memorándum escrito para informarles de su condición de persona non grata? Es más que probable que sea un plan que chantajee a los beliceños para que paguen su expulsión. Todavía estamos siendo amenazados por estos desvergonzados bribones más allá de las elecciones. Se dice en el gabinete que el gobierno del pueblo ya ha iniciado una investigación formal sobre la venta de los activos del gobierno, representantes de la Unión de Servicios Públicos, el Ministerio de Finanzas y la Oficina del Fiscal General, así como el sector privado trabajarán juntos. El Gabinete también autorizó la auditoría forense de Belize Infrastructure Limited y de todos los contratos sobrevalorados y de mala calidad que administraban. Hay muchas cuestiones que necesitan atención inmediata de nuestros líderes. La corrupción sistémica es sólo una, los desastres naturales y especialmente la pandemia COVID-19 y la multitud de dificultades sanitarias y socioeconómicas que conlleva requieren una atención urgente y cuidadosa. El Primer Ministro y su gabinete están trabajando diligentemente para aliviar las dificultades y reavivar nuestra economía. Debemos hacer nuestra parte también cuidando de nosotros mismos y de los demás. Debemos adherirnos a los protocolos de distanciamiento social y de salud para frenar la pandemia. Los movimientos y viajes no esenciales deben ser restringidos, debemos usar nuestras máscaras y hacer todo lo posible para cumplir con los protocolos de cuarentena. Belice es un país pequeño y nuestros recursos y sistema de salud ya están bajo presión. El Ministro de Salud ya está colaborando con el Ministro de Agricultura para usar el laboratorio de BAHA como otro centro de procesamiento de pruebas. Esta es otra forma en la que este nuevo gobierno de Belice utiliza todos los recursos disponibles para el beneficio de todos los beliceños. La colaboración y la puesta en común de todos los recursos disponibles para luchar contra esta pandemia en todos los frentes, desde la salud hasta las dificultades económicas que causa, es la única manera en que podemos avanzar. ¡El Gobierno del Pueblo está trabajando para ofrecer un Belice que funcione para todos!
PRESS RELEASE Ministry of Health and Wellness Signs MOU with Belize Agricultural Health Authority Belmopan. December 1, 2020. 5:30 p.m. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was today signed between the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) and the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) as a part of the scaling up of the national response to COVID-19. The MOU specifically seeks to enhance and support the diagnostic capacity of the Central Medical Laboratory in terms of delivering PCR testing and more efficient results for SARS-CoV2. Both parties have agreed to an open communication platform and for BAHA personnel to be trained in PCR testing per MOHW’s existing protocols. Additionally, the parties agreed to establish a joint work program in support of PCR testing at both facilities and to further enhance cross-sectional learning experiences for both entities. Ends
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PR# 010
Hon. Michael Espat Officially Sworn in as Minister of Government
Belmopan. November 30, 2020. 4:45 p.m. This afternoon Hon. Michael Espat, representative for Toledo East, was officially sworn in as a minister of Government by the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Colville Young, at the Belize House in Belmopan. Hon. Michael Espat will serve as the Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment along with the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, the substantive minister for the Ministry, and Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry. Ends
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Notice is hereby given that the below companies have been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the dates indicated: Name of Company
13th November, 2020
13th November, 2020
13th November, 2020
13th November, 2020
Sitronix Technology (Belize) Corp.
13th November, 2020
GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Name of Company
Date of Commencement of Dissolution
Liquidator Name & Address
13th November, 2020
Angel Miguel Ayestaran of Canelones 883 Apto. 102, Montevideo, Uruguay
17th November, 2020
Mrs. Eva Omirou of Spyrou Kyprianou 61, SK House, 4003 Limassol, Cyprus
24th November, 2020
Johana Avila of Playaleona Bda. Altos del Campo C1 D Casa 222, Panama
Portfolio International Inc.
1st December, 2020
Luis Alfonso Cancino of Carrera 64 Nº16ª número 16ª-74 apartamento 301-6, Cali, Colombia
1st December, 2020
Alexander Micallef of Level 1, Casal Naxaro, Labour Avenue, Naxxar, NXR 9021, Malta
Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Registered Agent
07 7
Message by Prime Minister
Hon. John Briceño November 29, 2020
Hi Everybody Last week, I told you about the state of our nation’s economy and government’s finances. Recall I told you that what we found after 11th November was that government was borrowing a million dollars a day just to keep the government functioning. I also told you that we could not find a coherent plan to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Since then, we have rolled out a plan to fight the pandemic. And, it includes all of us working together so that we can slow down the spread of the virus. Already, too many Belizeans have died and too many are being infected every day. We have to turn this around. This is why we have instituted a night-time curfew, increased testing, and putting in stricter measures to keep us from infecting one other. Now, I know these measures are not easy, especially at Christmas time, but we all need to do our part if we are to win this battle with this pandemic. Like the rest of the world, we too are hoping that a vaccine will be ready soon. But in the meantime, what we have are these manageable rules. 1. Wear your Facemask properly whenever you have to leave you home 2. Wash your hands regularly. This. we call good hygiene. 3. Stay six feet apart. This, we call physical distancing. If we do these things we stop the virus from spreading to your family and friends. One last thing, I have been in isolation for days now. It is not easy to be separated from my family. This is just one of the consequences of catching the virus. But I am lucky, see, I am asymptomatic. But I have friends and colleagues that are not. I know people who have suffered greatly and I know people who have died. We have to take this seriously but we can also learn lessons. Those who exercise regularly and try to eat healthy fare better than those who don’t. Let us try to live healthier lifestyles. And let us always care for each other. I continue to work from home where isolation will continue until the doctors say I am free to return to work. But even then, I will do so mindful of the new regulations which includes working from home whenever possible and keeping up with the three important practices of wearing a facemask in public, frequent handwashing, and six feet physical distancing. Together we can win this war against Covid-19. I know we can, and we will. Thanks, God Bless, and have a safe week,
8 08 8
Ministry of Health and Wellness Announces New Measures for COVID-19
Belmopan. November 29, 2020. 5:45 p.m. One of the priority campaign areas of this new administration was to develop and share a new strategy for COVID-19 going forward. After a very immediate and intense review along with several consultations, the Minister of Health and Wellness Hon. Michel Chebat, SC on the advice of Cabinet has approved the following recommendations to increase the response for change through specific key areas: Epidemiological surveillance, hospital and lab capacity, medical and pharmaceutical supplies and risk communication and education for behavior change. Specific recommendations: 1. Improve Surveillance and Testing Capacities 1. Immediate – implement and scale up the use of rapid test in all district hospitals for symptomatic and close contacts. 2. Hire additional staff including (ex. laboratory technicians, lab aides, contact tracers and data entry clerks). 3. Active Surveillance with Ministry of Health teams at private businesses. 4. Establish testing sites outside of the hospital in accessible areas in urban communities and create two mobile swabbing teams for rural communities.
The People’s United Party is now accepting applications from those wishing to represent the Party in the 2021 Municipal Elections. Applications are available at the PUP Secretariat or your Local Executive Committee. Closing Date for applications is Friday, December 18, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
2. Surge Capacity for Hospital Services 1. Hiring of additional human resources such as nurses, doctors, specialist heath staff, support staff for deployment to all regional and community hospitals. 2. Acquisition of additional medical equipment and supplies. 3. National Public Health Measures for Containment a. Implement curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 4:59 a.m. for 21 days effective Saturday, November 28, 2020. b. Restriction of gatherings remains at 10 people at general public places, including the immediate household. c. Every organization is expected to implement work from home orders and/or staff shift rotation for employees. d. Provide food packages and stipend to families in quarantine in conjunction with the Ministry of Human Development, Families & Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs. e. Provide hotel for persons who cannot quarantine at home. f. Assess housing conditions to determine adequacy for isolation and/or quarantine. g. Enforcement of Quarantine Measures in conjunction with the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries. h. Provide accommodation and other logistics for health care personnel. i. New Health Education Campaign to reach both public and private sector in collaboration with the media and Non-Governmental Organization. j. Restaurants without outdoor dining to have takeout and delivery service only. k. Outdoor restaurants may offer dining in services by reservation only, for no more than 50 per cent of its seating capacity. l. Churches can conduct service but it remains at 10 persons maximum m. Bars remain closed. n. Gymnasiums are to remain closed. The Ministry of Health and Wellness is eager and committed to work with all sectors to reduce the increasing COVID-19 cases and deaths. The Ministry will continue to monitor the situation in the immediate short term and adjust plans as necessary on the advice of its medical team. Please continue to wear a face mask properly in public, maintain consistent physical distancing and wash and sanitize hands at every opportunity. Be safe and stay at home. “Let’s join forces in fighting COVID-19.” #joinforcescovid19
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the following companies (“the Companies”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution as follows: Name of Co.
Date of Commencement of Dissolution
Liquidator Name & Address
18th November, 2020
Lu, Yun-Chih of No. 19, LN. 7, LN. 7, Huzhu 1st St., Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Mori Repairs & Management Co., Ltd.
18th November, 2020
Yang, Ya-Chien of No. 8, Aly. 11, LN. 390, Guanghua 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company FIREGEM CORPORATION (“the Company”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 26th day of November, 2020; and Steven Caetano of Isolas, Suite 23 Portland House, Glacis Road, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement. Belize Corporate Services Limited Registered Agent
CONGRATULATIONS on the 85th Anniversary
“Belize Public Libraries: Transforming, enriching and uplifting communities since 1935” Culture and Technology is intent on supporting financially with the people’s funds. Everyone can support this. Schools are our main channel for the educating of our people but libraries might be the main channel people use to educate themselves. It is all voluntary; those who want can learn. Up to now, in Belize, the library services are free of cost. Ev-
“We have to make the investments to make sure that our young people have access to the technology they need. The Internet is like water. They consume so much of it, every day. It is like the lifeblood of their existence. We have to make it available because that is how our young people are accessing reading and accessing knowledge. We have to accommodate them.” – Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science & Technology (December 2, 2020)
In the age of quick and super-fast technology, the idea of books hoarded on shelves in rows may be as passé as audio tapes, and the typewriter. What is not and will never go away is the sheer imagination and soul absorbing sensation of a good read. When one immerses herself/ himself into reading there are no limits. Belize can only gain by having a functioning library system with the young and the younger making use of the resources that the Fonseca-led Ministry of Education,
eryone should take advantage. Yes, the coronavirus has attempted to subvert the library, as well, but we can challenge that. The library is open and defying the coronavirus. Find out what are the protocols the library has in order to provide, in unrelenting fashion, the dispensing of its services. Visit them and read more in this their 85th year of existence.
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated: Bergamin & Gomide Art Corp. – 21st November, 2020 GCC Corporate Consultants Group Limited Registered Agent
BELIZE NATIONAL PRAYER Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country. God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude. Let your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives. With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge. We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and in peace which the world itself cannot give. And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen
10 OUT
Dear Editor, I need to voice this about the failed ‘AIRPORT LINK ROAD’ now ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER. For over two weeks, I have been wading in water to get to my home here in Sunset Park. While I understand the flooding situation, I cannot fathom the fact that our flooding situation has gotten much worse since the construction of the John Smith Airport Bypass. Our community was incorporated in 2010 and it was not until this construction that we have seen these unprecedented flooding. Someone has to be held accountable. Our property values are falling and the damage to our vehicles and properties are mounting. We demand to know who were the engineers that drew up the plans for the John Smith Bypass. Where was the Department of the Environment? What was the role the Chief Engineer at the Ministry of Works played in this project? Who were the Consultants? Who funded this project and what was their level of oversight? As a community to say that we are frustrated, upset, disappointed is an understatement. We demand answers and someone or some entity must be brought to account and we demand immediate rectification of this situation. While we are making these demands we are cognizant of the fact that the New Administration in government can in no way be held accountable for the massive stupidity and hustling of the previous UDP administration. On November 11 we voted them out en masse. We trust that a complete investigation will be conducted by the Hon. Julius Espat and the technical people at the Ministry of Works and ensure that those who went to sleep at the wheel will be held accountable. Our suffering here has so little to do with nature and so much with incompetence and greed. Thanks Sunset Park Resident
Patrick Was Never in the Oversight Committee so He Doesn’t Know What It Is The people of Belize shake their heads when they see the UDP putting out a release asking back for the Oversight Committee. Patrick was never a part of the Oversight committee and hardly knows the difference between a PCR and a rapid test or the difference between Covid-19 and the coronavirus. What Faber does not countenance is that by issuing that release he is only trying to mirror PUP releases and also he is trying to reinstate a committee that was constituted because the UDP government could not cope. The UDP government was INCOMPETENT, CLUELESS AND DEVOID OF INNOVATION. The weak release confirmed that nothing will change for a UDP while
very existence may have lapsed. Today the Belizeans that voted for candidates beside the Red colour must be wondering where are the candidates that promised me that no one was going to vote for the PUP. These Belizeans are largely now finding out that even UDP campaign 2020 was corrupt and full of lies? Where is the land? Why has their pantry stopped? The UDP lied about putting them in the official list. The UDP candidates were stashing campaign money wherever they could in order to live large after losing the elections. The UDPs knew they had no hopes. The PUP found a nation owing billions of dollars, a PM borrowing 1 million dollars a day, a Leader-elect who still has not presented a vision, and cronies lodged in departments who were mostly mirrors of the controversial land department—hot bed of corruption. These cronies HAVE
better salaries than the career public officers. Hold on… these fake public officers will soon be exposed. Message to the UDP cronies in the government, you will soon find out the party called the UDP is extinct since November 11. Done!!
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belizetimesadvertisement@ yahoo.com
To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE *Third Publication* BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At Parcel 332 San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 10:00am SCHEDULE
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 1166.54 square yards being Parcel 332, Block 4 in the San Jose Palmar Registration Section situate in San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District easily accessible to the highway and Orange Walk Town ALTOGETHER containing two separate apartment building units, shed and three car covered garage in a clean, filled and fully fenced yard the freehold property of LUIS ALONSO SALAZAR DATED this 25th day of November 2020
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email: foreclosures@hrcubelize.org
OUR SOLEMN COVENANT WITH THE BELIZEAN PEOPLE WE, THE THIRTY-ONE CANDIDATES OF THE PEOPLE’S UNITED PARTY, INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY UNCONDITIONALLY AND IN GOOD FAITH PLEDGE TO: 1. Work ceaselessly to achieve the goals set out in the #PLANBELIZE Manifesto of the People’s United Party 2. Above all, remain faithful to the motto of the PUP – Serve the People – and not to use our offices for personal gain 3. At all times faithfully uphold and defend the Constitution and Laws of Belize 4. Unreservedly support plans and policies of a PUP Government that promote social, economic, and environmental justice 5. Ensure that all workers receive fair pay for their work and to implement a livable minimum wage of $5 per hour 6. To work to eliminate economic and social privilege and disparity among Belizeans and to protect the right of all to life, liberty, access to affordable education, universal health care, land and housing and the right to live in peaceful communities 7. To protect the identity, dignity and social and cultural values of Belizeans including indigenous peoples 8. To actively promote sustainable development in Belize and to protect our natural and built environment 9. To insist on good and transparent governance and to hold accountable those who betray the public good 10. To defend Belize’s territorial integrity and to protect Belize’s interest in international fora.
58 12
18 JAN
Government Ministries MOVE
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science & Technology Observing Disability Awareness Week - under the theme: “Not All Disabilities Are Visible.”
Celebrating the 85th Anniversary of the National Library Services
Hon. Mike Espat, Minister of State for Finance, Economic Development & Investment He will serve along with the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, the substantive minister for the Ministry, and the MoS Hon. Christopher Coye
Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in Finance, Economic Development and Investment Ambassador Remus Li-Kuo Chen, (Taiwan) presented a grant in the sum of US$100,000 to assist in the repair of flood damage by storms Eta and Iota.
Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Health & Wellness MOHW and the BAHA as a part of the scaling up of the national response to COVID-19.
Health facility in San Ignacio more equipped with a Mobile X Ray Unit Valued at 80K. Micho Making a Difference in our Health Sector.
Hon. Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise With the Commissioner of Police, to discuss issues related to the curfew. Also present were the Hon. Requena, Hon. Habet, and Hon. Ferguson.
Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation
Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management
Minister Dolores, Minister Habet and Chairman Bernardo Bennett at handing over of Fire Truck for the Ladyville Fire Station by the US Chargé d’Affaires.
Fisheries Department handed over COVID-19 safety equipment for the Fishing Cooperatives and private sector seafood processing facilities. The equipment included seven COVID-19 testing units, sanitizing supplies, and two laptops. Present was Ambassador H.E. Remus LiKuo Chen (Taiwan)
Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional & Political Reform AHere with President Gerald Henry after a meeting with members of the Public Service Union executive.
Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour & Local Government The Temporary Employment Permit Committee had the opportunity to meet and brief the Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government and Mr. Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry.
Minister of State Hon. Oscar Mira, National Defence & Border Security
I would like to congratulate the Belize Coast Guard on their 15th Anniversary celebrated this past 27th of November and to send my feeling of gratitude for the work they do every day. Thank you for the warm reception and together we will make the Belize Coast Guard the best it can be.
14 Belize City Council
Christmas Tree is Up Our 3rd Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony was held virtually due to the current pandemic, yet there was certainly no lack of Christmas spirit. There were hopeful and comforting holiday messages from Mayor Wagner and from Councilor Pollard. We enjoyed wonderful musical performances by Jael August and Marlyn Vansen! It was the perfect kick off to a Christmas season that will hopefully be filled with love, peace and goodwill. We acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the Works Department who ensures that our 60-foot tree is assembled each year.//
Flooding Mayor Bernard Wagner and Councillors recently completed an exercise in flood prone areas across Belama Phases 3, 4 and 5 to assess the extent of flood damage which provided the council with a clear picture of the assistance needed in those areas. Also, the Council in collaboration with the Hon. Francis Fonseca and, with logistical assistance from NEMO and the BDF, were able to provide food packages to the residents of Belama. ~Your Belize City Council...Always ‘Bout The People
Corozal Town Council CTC in Support of the 16 Days of Activism! ////
YOUR CTC AT WORK! As part of the ongoing maintenance/repairs of streets, the Corozal Town Council’s Operations Department employees carried out works on 1st Street North, near 5th Avenue where the conditions had deteriorated due to the recent rains. The Council will continue to carry out main-
tenance/repair works along various areas of the town, and we ask residents for their kind cooperation as this takes place. “Belize Public Libraries: Transforming, enriching and uplifting communities since 1935” Mayor Rigo Vellos joined in the celebration of 85th Anniversary of the Corozal Public Library/Belize Public Libraries. The ceremony
Orange Walk Town Council Christmas Spirit is Alive Santa helpers at OWTC getting ready to spread the upcoming Xmas spirit in our Town. Flood Relief The heavy rains affected a lot of areas so today we are taking advantage of the sun. Alleviation of lower Pasadita area in the East with Hon. Kevin Bernard and Cassia Street in Partnership with PM Hon. John Briceno. Tomorrow the work continues. Incentives Program for the Sanitation Department For the past weeks, the Orange Walk Town Council has engaged in an incentives program for the Sanitation Department. All workers who come to work daily on time and with no issue get a CASH reward. All other workers of the Operations Department get a chance to win cash or items. At the Orange Walk Town Council, we value our employees!
was brief and entailed the cutting of a cake by Mayor Vellos and Deputy Officer in Charge of Corozal, Assistant Superintendent Dennis Lopez. The Director of the Corozal Library is Mrs. Elena Castaneda-Vivas, assisted by Mrs. Rosalva Escamilla and Mr. Francisco Pena. Corozal Public Library online: https://www. facebook.com/CorozalPublicLibrary
NUESTRO PACTO SOLEMNE CON EL PUEBLO DE BELIZE NOSOTROS, LOS TREINTA Y UN CANDIDATOS DEL PARTIDO UNIDO DEL PUEBLO, INDIVIDUAL Y COLECTIVAMENTE DE FORMA INCONDICIONAL Y DE BUENA FE NOS COMPROMETEMOS A: 1. Trabajar incansablemente para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos en el #PLANBELIZE Manifiesto del Partido Unido Del Pueblo 2. Sobre todo, permanecer fiel al lema del PUP – Servir al pueblo – y no utilizar nuestras oficinas para beneficio personal 3. En todo momento defender fielmente la Constitución y las Leyes de Belize 4. Apoyar sin reservas los planes y políticas de un gobierno PUP que promuevan la justicia social, económica y ambiental 5. A velar porque todos los trabajadores reciban un salario justo por su trabajo e implementar un salario mínimo y digno de $5 por hora 6. Trabajar para eliminar los privilegios económicos y sociales y la disparidad entre los beliceños y proteger el derecho de todos a la vida, la libertad, el acceso a una educación asequible, la atención sanitaria universal, la tierra y la vivienda y el derecho a vivir en comunidades pacíficas 7. Proteger la identidad, la dignidad y los valores sociales y culturales de los beliceños, incluidos los pueblos indígenas 8. Promover activamente el desarrollo sostenible en Belize y proteger nuestro medio ambiente natural y construido 9. Insistir en una gobernanza buena y transparente y responsabilizar a quienes traicionan el bien público 10. Defender la integridad territorial de Belize y proteger el interés de Belize en los foros internacionales.
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 sponsored by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership. Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day against Violence against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights. This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including December 1, World AIDS Day. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to galvanize support to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls by: raising awareness about gender-based violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels, strengthening local work around violence against women, establishing a clear link between local and international work to end gender-based violence; especially violence against women, providing a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies, demonstrating the solidarity of women around the world organizing against violence against women and creating tools to pressure governments to implement promises made to eliminate violence against women. The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women and girls as “Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”. Gender Based Violence (GBV) can also be defined as: Acts of physical, mental or social abuse (including sexual violence) that is attempted or threatened, with some type of force (such as violence, threats, coercion, manipulation, deception, cultural expectations, weapons or economic circumstances) and is directed against a person because of his or her gender roles and expectations in a society or culture. With global estimates that up to six out of 10 women will experience physical or sexual violence in her lifetime, Gender-based violence against women remains one of the most widespread human rights violations yet, one of the least prosecuted crimes. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most progressive road map to gender equality. World leaders met in March 2015 at the United Nations 59th Commission on the Status of Women and a few months later in September at the 70th General Assembly to take stock of the progress made and recommitted themselves to take meaningful action to close the gaps that are holding women and girls back. A new Sustainable Development agenda, which scales up the Millennium Development Goals for the first time includes specific targets and indicators on ending violence against women and girls. In Belize, government and several non-government agencies have strengthened the multisectoral approach to addressing Gender-Based Violence with new tools such as a National Gender-Based Violence Action Plan 2017-2020, which builds on the gains of the 2013 plan, along with functioning District Gender-Based Violence Committees countrywide which coordinate the response to GBV at the district level and report to a National Committee whose secretariat is the National Women’s Commission (NWC), in the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation. The National Women’s Commission Secretariat Events(December 4 to 10) COUNTRY-WIDESUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 • “Domestic Violence Survivors – Break the Silence”, Virtual Platform (Organizing Agency: Women Wear What They Want, Contact person: Shannia Pech, 637-3228) *Open Event SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 • “End Gender-based Violence Art Competition”, Virtual Platform (Organizing Agency: Women Wear What They Want, Contact person: Shannia Pech, 637-3228) *Open Event ONGOING ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM • “Orange Belize Campaign”, Businesses and Residences (Organizing agency: Haven House, Contact Person: Mindy Pratt, 6304839) *Open Event • Know the Signs – Social Media Campaigns, Online/television, and print (Organizing agency: US Embassy Belize, Contact Person: Adam Benz, BenzAR@state.gov) *Open Event
• “#Orange Belize – share your commitment to ending violence against women and girls”, #OrangeBelize as a hashtag to get a Spotlight Initiative tote bag! (Organizing agency: UN RCO, Spotlight Initiative, Contact Person: Perla Hinojosa, 613- 1048) *Open Event BELIZE DISTRICT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 World AIDS Day • “Youth Group – GBV Session”, Belize Institute of Management, Belize City, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Organizing Agency: The Youth Enhancement Services, 225-2315) *By invitation only SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 • “Activism Meeting: Safety, Security and Solidarity”, Our Circle Online Platform, Belize City (Organizing Agency: Our Circle, Contact person: Sherine Petillo) *By invitation only THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 International Human Rights Day • “Discussion with a Domestic Violence Survivor”, Leo Bradley Library, Belize City, 10:00 am (Organizing Agency: Leo Bradley Library, Contact persons: Geridene Reneau/Pearl Acosta– 223-4248/9) *Closed Event • “Adult Round Table”, Port Loyola Library, Belize City (Organizing Agency: The Port Loyola Library, Contact person: Shaunna Vaccaro – 207-4773) *By invitation only • “Open Day with Youths”, Double Head Cabbage, Belize River Valley (Organizing Agency: RET Americas, Contact persons: Kevin Mendez/Liz Aldana, 223-1168) *Open Event • “Appreciation Day – YES Ladies”, Belize Biltmore Plaza, Belize City, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (Organizing Agency: The Youth Enhancement Services, 225-2315 ) *Closed Event • “Art Giveaway Contest”, Our Circle Online Platform, Belize City (Organizing Agency: Our Circle, Contact person: Sherine Petillo, 623-6062) *Open Event CAYO DISTRICT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 • “16 Days Display”, Santa Elena Library, Santa Elena (Organizing agency: Santa Elena Library, Contact Person: Bietrice Moreno, 804-3658) *Open Event WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 World AIDS Day • “HIV testing and GBV Awareness Session”, Camp Belizerio, Cayo District, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm, (Organizing Agencies: Our Circle/RET Americas, Contact persons: Derricia Castillo/Liz Aldana, 623-6062) *Open Event THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 International Human Rights Day • “Webinar – Strengthening Intersectoral Collaboration in response to GBV against Older Women in Belize”, Zoom online platform, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Organizing Agency: The National Council on Ageing, Contact person: Cherene Rivero, 822-1546) *Registration required STANN CREEK DISTRICT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 • “LGBT Self-defense and Stress Relief Training”, Dangriga, (Organizing Agency: Our Circle, Contact person: Jer Sanchez– 623-6062) *By invitation only
Representatives at Work Excerpts of FB Posts and other
Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, Belize Rural Central
I would also like to let you know that my family and I have tested positive for the Covid virus. We are feeling good, no serious d i ff i c u l t i e s , and we are following our doctor’s advice to stay at home until we have recovered fully. I am working from home. I urge everyone to be so careful. I was careful and still picked up the Covid. Please follow Ministry of Health and Wellness guidelines and get tested quickly if you need too. Again, blessings to ALL. Greetings to all BRC Constituents. Once more I thank you sincerely for the tremendous mandate to me and the Government of PM Briceno. We have been exceedingly busy with issues of flooding and relief and we’re doing our best. Thanks for your patience as we settle in, and you have our commitment to work hard and respond to everyone’s concerns. Please call 610 0193 if there are urgent concerns. We have responded in Gracie Rock, Freetown Sibun, Hattieville, Western Paradise, Lords Bank and Ladyville, and we will keep up with all the other communities’ concerns too. Happy Sunday, and best regards as we go into December. Blessings too. Hon. Dolores(Nov 29) Hon. Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat, Cayo West
Good morning once again to all: Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. I’d like to inform you all that although I am being released from the hospital, I still need to remain on bed rest for some more time. In order to serve you best, I need to be in very good health. Rest assured, however, that as soon as the Dr. gives me an all clear, I will be back to the job you trusted me to complete. Thank you for your understanding and support.///(update) Hola mi querida gente de Cayo Oeste! Como quisiera estar con ustedes en persona, pero por mi salud no puedo estar alli. Estoy en proceso de recuperarme, pero con todo mi corazón les quiero decir que siempre estoy pensando en ustedes. Pero como pueden apreciar hoy pudimos extender nuestra ayuda a Arenal, Calla Creek, Succotz y Benque. Quiero agradecer a mi equipo por continuar el esfuerzo de brindar a las familias más necesitadas. ¡Nuestro trabajo continuará! Hello my dear people of Cayo West! How I would like to be with you in person, but because of my health I cannot be there. I am in the process of recovering, but with all my heart I want to tell you that I am always thinking of you. But as you can see today we were able to extend our aid to Arenal, Calla Creek, Succotz, and Benque. I want to thank my team for continuing the effort of providing to the families most in need. Our work will continue! Hon. Florencio Marin, Corozal Southeast Lunes con toda la actitud... Nuestros futuros líderes tomando una muy buena iniciativa junto con los guardacostas. Mil gracias muchachos por demostrar que a la juventud también le importa esta bella aldea. Way to go #SARTENEJABLUEWAVEMOVEMENT Sarteneja-Chunox Road Condition Update: Thanks to the rapid response and dialogue of Hon. Florencio Marin with OECC ROAD MAINTENANCE was carried out TODAY.
Although some parts of the road are still under water it is still trafficable by motor vehicles only. The ground is still firm and vehicles won’t get stuck. As it relates to the section where the buses were stuck this morning, we are happy to announce that the OECC Company has worked on it and is now temporarily passable. Please take into consideration that vehicles are only to pass on the section that has been marked by the company using pegs, anywhere else would mean that your vehicle will run the risk of getting stuck. We hope the ground dries and there is no more rain, for the work can only be completed if the ground is drained of all excess water. Motor vehicle operators are advised to practice caution. Thank you. Hon. Gilroy Usher, Port Loyola
SERVING THE PEOPLE. Here assessing flood situation in the three areas of the division and making request for assistance for the affected families. FB Comment: Thanks for your quick response Mr Usher we salute you for your good effort in Pen Road Ext GROCERY BAGS SECURE. Please be assured that the pantry now renamed Grocery Bag has not been stopped. It’s only being reviewed for couple days to better serve the public.
Hon. Oscar Requena, Toledo West
Good night Toledo West, We are pleased to announce that works has begun in upgrading our major road connections. Santa Teresa, San Benito Poite and San Pedro Columbia roads are being addressed. We remind our constituents that we are yet waiting for a full equipped road unit. This will allow us to respond in efficiently and effectively to fix our roads. Rest assured that our Hon. Oscar Requena is committed to work and deliver for the needs of Toledo West. We ask for your patience as we are currently transitioning into government. We remain committed to you and the people of Toledo west. Stay calm and we will work together. Supporter: It has been many, many, many moons that I have seen machines working on these roads. Thanks to the new Government and the Hon. Oscar Requena for filling the bad holes as a temporary fix. We know that the new road unit will come very soon and the long-term road fix will commence thereafter. ## Plan Belize# Everybody Fi Win## Hon. David Vega, Corozal Bay
Phase 3 of the marathon Flood Alleviation efforts focused on Hermelinda Layout which has seen flooding affecting homes following this week’s heavy rains. CTC collaborated with Corozal Bay Area Representative Hon. David Dido Vega to: 1. Pump out over 7,000 gallons of water from the flooded areas 2. Increase the depth of the main drain along Olga Marin Drive to allow the flood waters to run off towards connecting drains On behalf of the Council, Mayor Rigo Vellos expresses gratitude to Hon. Vega for his support and for the many ways he has assisted during the recent floods. The Council also extends its appreciation to the residents who assisted today and Belize Water Services for their support throughout the emergency. The work will continue…
Continued on page 18
Continued from page 17 Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Stann Creek West
Martin in front of Parque Las Americas and this afternoon we will be in Las Flores. Together we can. All we need is leadership and vision! Let us always be guided by the needs of our people! We have prioritized certain areas but be assured we will try to reach all areas of Belmopan. #thePeoplesSoldier #prosperityandsecurityforall Hon. Ramon ‘Monchi’ Cervantes, Orange Walk North
Understanding is all, one can easily become unpopular as an Area Representative when you have the responsibility of being a minister too but always I say the first responsibility is being the Area Representative. I traversed several of the villages yesterday in Stann Creek West north zone from Middlesex to Sittee River. It was a long day, I met with committee members and village councils. It was a great success after I explained certain things to people. We are in the middle of a pandemic that is killing us so I had to explain that certain things have to be put on hold as the health issue becomes the priority. The visit could not be the traditional way because of social distancing. I had to postpone a couple meetings because of suspected cases of Covid amongst some key people. All in all it was a good visit. The visit will continue next weekend with the villages further south, remember I can’t meet with more than 10 people for precautionary measures. For the record, I voluntary took a test last Wednesday and I continue to be negative. My tour continued today by visiting Maya Center and Kendal. They were happy to see me so early after an election. Their hopes are high that PUP will deliver the goods and services as soon as we get over this pandemic.
Gracias Hon. Monchi por siempre estar ahí cuando lo necesitamos. Ayer y hoy juntamente con el chairman Joe y jóvenes activos en nuestra aldea trabajadores con esas ganas de ayudar un gran aplauso quieren ver limpio su aldea Nuevo San Juan. Gracias a ellos ahí estamos siguiendo con nuestro deber y con la ayuda de Dios seguiremos adelante./// Hon. Ramon Cervantes received a kind donation of grocery bags from Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Belize. These will be distributed to families of OW North affected by the recent floods. A heartfelt thanks to Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Belize. Šokran gazilan! Hon. Marconi Leal, Belize Rural North
Hon. Oscar Mira, Belmopan
Hon. Marconi Leal working along with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in assisting some of the flood victims in Crooked Tree Village! The work continues as more villages in BRN are affected by the flooding! Fellow People stay safe, be calm, you are not forgotten!
Congratulations!!!! Congratulations
On this beautiful sunny Sunday I want to thank God for this opportunity I have been entrusted with to serve the people of Belmopan. Today we are in San
The Belize Defence Force Air Wing would like to congratulate Captain Francis Usher, Captain Ciardi Glenn and Sergeant Kevon Góngora for successfully completing the first military international flight to Toncontín International Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on November 28, 2020. The BDF Air Wing had not conducted an international military flight in over 10 years! Additionally, no BDF pilot had ever landed at Toncontín International Airport which is rated as one of the top 5 most dangerous airports in the world! The success of the crew demonstrates the professionalism and capabilities of our BDF Air Wing pilots as well as our engineers. The crew conducted the flight in the BDF BN-2B Defender and successfully returned to Belize with four Belizeans currently on a 4-year scholarship in Honduras. The success of the military flight can also be attributed to the recent forging of an invaluable relationship with Honduras and paves the way for future military partnerships, to include more scholarships for young aspiring Belizeans. Bravo Zulu to the crew!
Ed. Note: Please be mindful that these are excerpts. For other pictures, comment, releases, and posts of our PUP representatives visit, LIKE and FOLLOW their FB profiles and pages. Also be a fan of the Whip Show at 7:15 on Vibes FBLive, Cable, and Radio.
Hon. Andre Perez: “Today, with heavy hearts, we paid our respects to our brother Mani and laid him to rest. We never thought that we would have to say goodbye so soon. Brother Mani, you have left with us Your advice, your resilience, your pride, your dignity and your humility which we will proudly carry with us into this next chapter. Long live the PUP gladiator Basil “Mani” Gibson! #RIPMani #Rise Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Cordel Hyde, Chairman Hon. Henry Usher, the PUP National Executive and the rest of the People’s United Party family, send their most heartfelt condolences. May he rest in peace and rise in eternal glory.
THINK ABOUT IT CORONAVIRUS CONTRACTS By a massive, historic majority, the citizens of Belize rejected everything Dean Barrow and his Ministers represented. Corruption, incompetence, criminality, abuse of office, squandering finances and resources, theft of public assets, rubbing off the boledo/lottery for a single family member and a crony, and on and on and on…Sickening! That massive outpouring by the electorate resulted in the People’s United Party receiving 26 seats, and the UDP 4 ½ representatives. Over 80 percent of the nation’s voters cast their ballots. Historic!! They gave their overwhelming endorsement to the new government to carry out its policies and sacred commitments to all Belizeans as listed in their written pledges in their fabulous BLU Manifesto. Of the many wrong deeds, most of which are illegal and criminal, the UDP just weeks and few months before the elections, were awarding contracts to their party supporters in the public service and elsewhere on various boards. Also, the “fire sale” of vehicles and other assets, is so outrageous that the UDPs in the Public Service Union publicly condemned it. One day after the general elections, the newly sworn-in Prime Minister felt it serious enough to publicly say “I am asking that all the appointed persons of the Statutory Boards follow the protocols, the tradition that they should tender their resignation.” The new Prime Minister, the most powerful official in our nation, made no threats, said nothing embarrassing or disparaging of these numerous political appointees. These UDP political appointees have not budged. In the Public Service the situation is equally egregious. Hundreds of known UDPs have been given contracts. Many are retired persons blocking the upward promotion of career Public Officers. At the Weather Department a retired person turned up two weeks before election, re-employed by a contract as the Head of Department—a violation of the Public Service laws. Even as the next senior person in line is carrying out the functions of the Head of Department. The Public Service Union should as a matter of principle, seek legal advice of any attorney knowledgeable in Administrative Law and Constitutional Law and take this matter to the Supreme Court. Which brings up this other troubling matter. The Attorney General and her team of lawyers are the legal advisers to the Cabinet, the government and all Ministries and Departments. To do this, a position of Solicitor General functions as the day to day Manager/C.E.O. and accounting officer. We are informed there is no Solicitor General. The person appointed by the UDP has done the honourable thing and stepped down. There are three career public officers/attorneys. Of these, the career attorney who is next in line and is in charge of litigation should act as Solicitor General. Of another set of attorneys four are the children of UDP Ministers or UDP politicians. They got UDP scholarships, they got their jobs without vacancy advertised (i.e handpicked). They are on contracts. The point is, how they can sit in office after the general elections? How can they expect the government to ask them to give legal advice on the hundreds of illegal contracts, without the government spending much needed monies?The Solicitor General’s Department is a sensitive, crucial part of the government machinery. These and other political appointees must be laughing at the government’s discomfort. First laugh dah noh laugh. It is clear to us that all these political cronies and party loyalists are refusing to do the honourable thing and leave office because it is part of the disgraced UDP strategy to stymie and bleed the new government and undermine it. This is crazy. It is also a UDP attempt to thwart the will of the electorate. It is not healthy for our democracy. It can also unleash a witch hunt. We are impressed by the patient and responsible maturity shown by the new Prime Minister. We wish to make some observations. There is no such employee as a contract officer. Sections 105 and 107 are clear. Those are the only two categories of public officers authorize by the Constitution. No Ministry or Minister, including the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, have authority to employ public officers. Only the Public Service Commission in accordance with the Constitution and the Regulation can do so. Most persons holding contracts should know they and their contracts are illegal and violates the constitution. The Public Service is such an important part of the running of the country that the Constitution protects them in every way. This is one reason politicians have no legal authority to employ public officers. There is no legal employee as a “contract officer”. The whole army of UDPs hanging on to their appointments on boards and commissions are in for a rude awakening. We will only say this. A caretaker government cannot do what the UDP did. We also say this, the power and the awesome might of a popular elected government is not a matter to trifle with. People are frustrated and are very angry over the UDPs defiantly, stubbornly playing politics with lots of jobs they got as a result of party politics. The law requires that they leave. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear. BRITISH STARTTO VACCINE The British government starts to vaccine its people for Covid next week. Russia also started, experimentally, two months ago and full sail later this month. Israel has bought vaccines from Russia. So has Brazil. Belize, like the USA, has seen an upsurge in persons being affected by Covid. In Belize one hundred and fifty persons have died. The new government has found that the last government had no plans to fight this major, natural crisis. A major campaign is now being implemented by Minister Michel Chebat and the medical staff. This will include widespread testing across the country and improved treatment. Yesterday, Wednesday the 2nd December, a police officer died from Covid while waiting in the parking lot of the KHMH, just as doctor Cuellar predicted will start to happen if the battle against Covid if not taken to new levels and strategies. Government has rushed in fifteen million dollars as an urgent necessity if we are to win the battle. SENSATIONAL MURDER The sensational killing of popular Belizean businessman, 39 year old Fareed Ahmad, by a female police officer is now in trail in the Supreme Court. Presiding over the trial in one of Belize best trial Judge’s, Judge Collin Williams and prosecutor is senior Crown Counsel Shanice Lovell. Defense attorneys are two of Belize’s top guns Simeon Sampson and Anthony Sylvester. The sensational homicide occurred on the night of 28th December, 2017 on the Western Road almost half mile from Hattieville Police Station. The evidence is suggesting that a shot was heard, then a crash when the vehicle driven by Ahmad with the female police, a passenger, in the front right seat. The female officer, Michelle Brown, 24 years, was charged for the murder. She said nothing to investigators and gave no statement. She was a member of a Special Assignment Team which like several strange units inside the police, operate outside the law, and never face sanctions or discipline. The SAT had raided the Ahmad family home and unlawfully confiscated many electronic items and documents, most of which have still not been returned. There was a complaint of harassment by SAT against Ahmad. One such resulted in Ahmad being roughed up, handcuffed and dragged to Raccoon Street Police Station. He later filed a formal compliant and considered suing. One week later he was dead. Observers linked the harassment of the entire Ahmad family and, in particular, Fareed to a bizarre incident involving his brother Nadir Ahmad who was executed by Philippines security forces on 7th January 2018. In Court, the prosecution case appears to be running into difficultly. Witnesses have given conflicting account of where they saw the female police being extracted from the vehicle. More worrisome is, that at the scene, a search by forensic technicians located no firearm. A second search was again unsuccessful.Then, suddenly days after, the gun mysteriously showed up in the vehicle. Furthermore no evidence links the female with that particular gun. The gun is confirmed to be a police firearm, but no log-in or log out signature was produced in Court. The bombshell testimony of the pathologist is sensational. Fareed did not die from gunshot injuries. The doctor testified that the two bullets entered the jaw area and exited without any life threatening effect. This explained why Fareed was still able to speak after the vehicle crash, before succumbing from what the doctor said was a massive fracture of his skull which damaged his brain. The pathologist also testified that the angle entry and exit bullet wound indicate the shots could not ordinarily be fired as we all thought, i.e. in a straight horizontal fashion. This gives rise to speculation of a possible shooter in the back of the vehicle. This case is a mystery inside a riddle. Why was Fareed driving a Special Assignment Officer on the road, at night, not far from his home? What motive would she have to kill him? Why would she fire two deadly shots to the head of a person who is driving on the highway, and put her own life in danger from a possible crash? Will the accused female officer take the witness stand or testify from the dock as to what happened and why?
19 LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that R & B Group Ltd. is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Cork Street Whiskey Bar” located at # 19 Cork Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that R & B Group Ltd. is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Di Bruwry” located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Wei Dong Lai is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Anya Shop” located in Mahogany Heights, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jian You Huang is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Holiday Food House” located at # 13 Orange Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jianfei Huang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Waik Grocery Shop” located at # 7226 Ceasar Ridge Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Huizhen Liang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Happy Corner Shop” located at # 15 Orange Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Juan Magana Jr./Glenda Moreno & Tatiana Bejerano are applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “D Spot Neighborhood Pub” located at # 5 Hopkins Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Xian Ying He is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Golden Bay Belize Co. Ltd.” located at # 596 Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Xian Ying He is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Vino Tinto Bar” located at # 1160 Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Stella Blasi Velu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Sumathi Restaurant” located at # 19 Baymen Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jun Ming Zhao is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Enjoy Restaurant & Bar” located on Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yong Ming He is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Swings Restaurant & Bar” located on Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jie hua Su is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Enjoy Supermarket” located on Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jun Mei Su is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “T & C Supermarket” located on Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jie hua Su is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “No No Store” located on Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Andre Perera is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Da Buzz Restaurant & Lounge” located at Miles 2 ½ Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Michael Heusner is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Belize River Lodge” located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Some Lessons Learnt from the Blue Tsunami of 2020 Dr. Marcelino Avila November 30, 2020 The massive, history-making landslide win for the PUP in the November 11th national elections was long in the making. The result was a logical consequence of the unbearable UDP administration’s faults and, on the other hand, the PUP leadership, timely preparations and planning processes organized to win a national election. Many lessons can be learnt, and the positive ones should be put to good practice. The UDP’s faults were just beyond repair! 1. Corruption including nepotism and cronyism, from start to finish for 13 years, comprised of scandal after scandal, too numerous to mention. Even in the weeks or days preceding the election, there were four major scandals, i.e. USA fraud case against Lev Dermen, use of BTL credit card for personal shopping, Corozal land scandal, and the use of government machinery and staff for personal benefit. The UDP had sailed into office in 2008 on the salient promise to root out corruption once and for all. Then, for 13 years, whenever the UDP defended itself on corruption scandals, they made reference to the same pre2008 PUP administrations’ misdeeds. Dwelling on the same record over and over, in the face of repeated, deplorable new scandals, only quickened the UDP’s loss of credibility. That argument of the UDP, of you being worse than me, is arrogance and a race to the bottom of the barrel. When doing wrong, it is wise for a party to accept responsibility, correct the wrong, and get back on track. 2. Before elections, the economy was in recession, and crime statistics were alarming, way before Covid-19 struck. In the last 12 years, economic growth plummeted to 0.3% per year in 2019, instead of the required of 5%. Consequently, poverty rate rose to at least 50%, trade deficit exceeded a billion Bze dollars per year, government continued to borrow heavily to keep up its ambitious infrastructure program, and then have to borrow more to contain the spiralling Covid-19 pandemic and assist those suffering from the pandemic. The debt/GDP ratio rose from 96%, before Covid, to 132% in 9 months. 3. Covid-19 and the national response were mishandled by the Government: the testing program was deficient, PPE supplies were limited, dying Covid-19 patients not being properly and timely attended to, and health care facilities not properly upgraded, certainly not as well the “highways”, and to make matters worse, the front-line healthcare workers were promised but not rewarded financially. In addition, there were public complaints that the food and income assistance programs were being manipulated by the UDP leaders to mainly benefit their supporters.
The priority was in the wrong place. 4. The proposed Equal Opportunities Bill (EOB) was a perfect example of GoB’s poor judgment and poor, top-down policy making. The EOB was championed by the National AIDS Commission, Caribbean Partnership against HIV & AIDS, Human Dignity Trust, and Special Envoy for Women and Children, all externally driven. For the consultations in Belize City and Orange Walk Town, copies of the 88-page document were not availed. The draft EOB contained controversial articles, i.e. 21 protected groups, ambiguous definitions, principles against Christian beliefs, unfair treatment of service providers, employers, property owners, educators, and above all, it proposed establishing a Commission and Tribunal to dictate, enforce, and impose EOB provisions. The public feedback was loud and clear. The vast majority at both consultations soundly rejected the EOB, and recommended serious legal review and a referendum before going any further with it. Notwithstanding, Cabinet was going ahead with it, until the Churches stepped in to stymie the legalization process. 5. The whole country, and especially its main political base, the Belize south-side, were not happy with the UDP. The Government helped their supporters with handouts and token support. During 3 terms in office, they did not, could not implement any sustainable job or enterprise development programs for the masses in these poor neighbourhoods. Reality never deceives, it’s there for all to witness. 6. The UDP leadership contest was prolonged, and the leadership decision-making process created division and much confusion within the party during 2020. The first leader-elect was disqualified due to corruption, so the contest was re-started. Sensing real problems ahead, candidates hesitated, rotated like musical chairs, and even one candidate without any political base entered the race only to withdraw later. Mr. Barrow, who was to step down in early 2020, remained as Party Leader and Prime Minister. With Mr Barrow being essentially a one-person team, the new Party Leader had little time to unite the Party, not enough time to prepare his own team and strategy for the election, it was unfair. 7. The UDP fell asleep at the wheel at the 11th hour. You heard that saying – elections are won on Election Day. Well, on that day, the UDP displayed poor organization, held back on the “money” and when they realized what was happening, it was already a lost cause. They managed to salvage only 4 south-side Belize City divisions and the Corozal North division. Only these 5 remained loyal to the party, won by an average 428vote difference per division. The PUP was dead-serious
about winning, went about its preparations in textbook manner! 1. The preparatory process for national elections began in earnest, and its policy and strategic planning exercises started in an organized way in 2017, beginning with its preliminary proposals on eradicating corruption and ensuring good governance. 2. Over an 18-month period prior to the elections, working groups were established on every topic of strategic importance for government (e.g. education, health, the economy, agriculture, tourism, rural development, women, family, blue economy, and many others) to consult, discuss and draft policy and strategic priorities, which were then analyzed and fine-tuned, at technical and then at political levels. These proposals were later synthesized for inclusion into the PUP’s plans. It was a team effort, a bottom-up approach, integrating inputs and empirical data from all relevant sectors and levels of the population, which culminated in #PlanBelize, the Campaign Manifesto ‘Everybody Fi Win’ endorsed by all PUP candidates, and, also, a necessary restructuring of some ministries. 3. There was a full-court press in the last 6 months, which just intensified in the weeks before elections. The PUP campaigned as though the margin of victory would be miniscule, hence never easing on the accelerator. Continuous access to the media and advertising played a major role in enabling the PUP to unfold the breadth and depth of its proposals, to convince the electorate that the PUP had a robust agenda and was ready to lead the country. 4. Leadership and teamwork clinched the deal. Past adversaries in the UDP and, even in the PUP, may have underestimated the diverse abilities of Party Leader John Briceño. His ability to lead and promote teamwork is there for all to see now, as he worked the process to unify the PUP, reached out to search for and attract potential leaders for political and executive positions, and to rise successfully to the pinnacle of authority in Belize. He brings to government a different philosophy of leadership, a different management style, and a different modus operandi. He and his team are expected to work to earn the respect and support of all Belizeans in implementing their programs to deliver on PlanBelize. Implications of landslide victories for democracy in Belize! There was no way the UDP could
squeeze a win. The PUP was ready for a big fight that never materialized. No doubt, the PUP deserved the win, and Belize deserves a revitalized Government, one that should serve the people with integrity, teamwork and excellence. That is why they voted for the new Government. Landslide victories are usually not good for democracy in Belize. Landslide wins have happened in 4 of the 9 elections since Independence. The UDP did it in 1984 and after one term was kicked out; the PUP in 1998 and the UDP did it again in 2008. For both administrations, real problems began to mount right after the first term in office. What does this say about the quality of our leaders, about their learning and improving the ability to govern with integrity and competence, or about the workings of our system of checks-and-balance embedded in the 3 arms of government? Winning with a large majority in the House puts pressure on the winning party. The size of the Cabinet with 23 representatives out of a total 31 in the National Legislature, gives enormous power to the Executive branch. A party in government with an 84% (26 out of 31) of the House can change our Constitution as it sees fit, which can be beneficial, provided the leaders are truly honourable, wise and patriotic, but horrible for Belizeans if all they seek is for personal gain. The Opposition in the House (leader plus 4 reps.) will have a huge responsibility and work load to ensure good governance. Challenges for this government are clear to all: a) needed reforms for clean, efficient governance, and respect for the rule of law, b) focus on the economy to raise productivity and competiveness so that Belizeans can increase standards of living, c) strengthen human resources through better education and healthcare, and d) reduce the growing inequalities detrimental to sustainable national development. Being successful in all 4 priorities will enable Belize to deal with many other problems being confronted today, including Covid-19, poverty, crime and climate change. To rise to the challenge, our Government leaders must learn from others who are better at governing, in order to move Belize forward towards a better future and prosperity in this region and in the world.
NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated: ROUNDTREE CAPITAL INC. – 19th November, 2020 Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited Registered Agent
The Serious Neglect of ITVETs Under the Previous Administration By Marcello Williams, CHTI CHDT The Institutes for Technical Vocational Education and Training were built and opened during the PUP administration of 2003 to 2008. All those ITVETs were the vision of the People’s United Party and continue to be very important and needed institutions for the teaching, adequate training and preparing our Belizean people in various fields of technical and vocational education and relevant training for self- empowerment and national development. For the past twelve long years, Belize’s ITVETs have not been making much strides or significant impact on our nation’s human resources capacity building capabilities. What we have seen and experienced are the total lack of meaningful leadership, vision and direction for our ITVETs. Those who were at the helm in 2010 are allegedly still there in their positions leading all those institutions further into the ocean. All our ITVETS are proverbially crying out for too long for new dynamic results-driven vision and innovative leadership. The previous Minister of Education, his CEOs, and the director at the arm of the ministry responsible to have properly run and improve, support and develop every aspect of the ITVETs in Belize can be qualified as complete failures. Those training institutions were run like Guinea pigs or the animal farm within our education system. What was seen, lived and experienced within our ITVETs were sustained negative bureaucracy, dictatorship to managers without respect for autonomy, which ultimately had led to periodic resignation of managers and members of staff on many occasions. That said Minister of Education who seemingly had a more academic-driven policy towards our education system, also appointed his minions to the National Council for Technical Vocational Education and Training (NCTVET). Those council members were allegedly selected on the basis that each of them had or was trained in some vocational or technical field, but they have all proven to be lame ducks or otherwise. They have done absolutely nothing to take our ITVETs to new and progressive heights. One of the NCTVET’s responsibility was/is to advise the Minister on the improvement, progress and sustainably innovative ways to develop all ITVETs in our country. It is very plain to see that during and under their ineffective and visionless leadership, our Institutes for Technical Vocational Education and Training did not meet our technical and vocational training needs for Belize’s urgently needed development. Throughout all ITVETs in our coun-
try, staff morale is at an all-time low. Almost all managers are demoralized and very afraid to speak out or stand up for what they believe in. They are afraid to bell the lousy repressive cat just to protect their jobs. For over a decade, those implementing training do not even know if they are teachers or instructors. There is no security of tenure for most employed within these institutions for so long. Those conducting training are not even paid correctly for their knowledge and skills as technically-trained teachers. Their salaries do not match their skills, knowledge, training and experiences. This is very embarrassing and needs urgent attention and fixing. Not even this seems to have been a major concern for the NCTVET or Minister’s advisors. ITVETS were like ships trying to voyage rough seas without any rudder or functioning engine. The depth and total neglect of our ITVETs can be obviously seen. Just take a drive to Toledo, Corozal and Stann Creek. Take some time to interview those who were employed there or those who are currently employed as facilitators or teachers. If they are honest or not afraid to speak up, they will tell you the truth. All our ITVETS really need urgent renewed focus, proactive leadership and positive direction. There were and still are many important things that the disgraced 20082020 Minister of Education and his lackeys failed to comprehend. From my personal observation, they either did not understand the relevance of our ITVETs or they simply may have thought the schools are not part of their priority. Technical Vocational Education and relevant Training is very vital to Belize. It is empowering and investing our country’s human resources, while making significant impact on Belize’s economic or national development. I do not think or even believe that there is any country that can develop and progress sustainably without its human resources acquiring relevant technical and vocational skills training. The most industrialized, progressive and wealthy nations on this planet had to rely heavily on technical and vocational skills from its highly trained labour force. Some of the wealthiest people on this planet did not have any degree or formal education; but they are successful. It also seems to me that Belize’s education system is not tailored to meet every aspect of our nation’s developmental needs. Within the ITVETs, subjects should be taught based on a Labour Market Need Survey and National Development Assessment Requirements. This is hardly ever done in our ITVETs. Currently the Automotive Training Program at Stann Creek ITVET is still closed even after the instructor resigned in January of 2020.
Minister of Agriculture and Commissioner of Police Discuss Issues Affecting Agro-Producers
Belmopan. November 27, 2020. 6:00 p.m. Today, Hon. Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, along with Mr. Servulo Baeza, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry, and members of management of the Ministry of Agriculture met with Mr. Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police, to discuss issues related to the curfew which will be imposed over the weekend. The Ministry has taken leadership in ensuring minimal impact on the productive sector during the curfew. The discussions focused on the effects of the curfew on agro-producers and the movement of essential goods and services, which sometimes need to be transported during curfew hours. Also present for the meeting were Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Public Utilities and Logistics; Hon. Oscar Requeña, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government; and Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Ends The Masonry Program at this same institution was also closed down without being reopened or another needed fulltime program being implemented such as Welding, AC and Refrigeration or Outboard Engine Repairs. This goes to prove the total lack of political will and vision on the part of the failed United Democratic Party administration to do what was right and needed to help and provide better alternative opportunities for our people, especially in the Stann Creek District where these skills are in high demand. What I know is that the very curriculum or modules that are used are not tailored to our reality. From my personal knowledge and recollection, this was not comprehensibly done. The truth is that some managers apparently did not see it necessary to have reached out to establish healthy, meaningful and business oriented relationship with most of those industry stakeholders within the private sector. Most of Belize’s private sector only hear about the ITVETS but have no clue of what they do or are about. As a young nation within our region and faced with daily and constant
global challenges to achieve meaningful development, we must position and fully prepare ourselves for the rising competition for economic survival and prosperity in this unforgiving world. Belize cannot continue to lag behind and simply ignore our global realities. All our ITVETs need serious attention and meaningful direction now, more than ever. Everywhere, technical and vocational skills are needed. Belize needs more highly skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen such as Carpenters, Auto Mechanics, Cooks, Electricians, Masons, Hospitality Personnel, Plumbers, Outboard Engine Engineers, Welders, AC and Refrigeration Technicians, Lawnmower Repair Technicians and so on. If we begin to do this, as a country, we will create and save more meaningful and dignified jobs for our people, our monies will stay at home, more families will lift themselves out of poverty, crime will surely go down drastically, more tourists will come to visit us, overall more monies will be circulating in beautiful Belize and eventually our economy will become healthy and strong.
LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Oscar Aguilar is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Aguilar Grocery” located at # 9234 Holy Emmanuel Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Erlin Moore is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Wish Willy Bar & Grill” located at # 40 Park Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yu Juan Wu is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Super Sky Shop” located in Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Junyi Zheng is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “K-100 Supermarket” located in Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Huineng Wu is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “L K Market” located in Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Ling Die Tan is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Letto Supermarket” located at # 64 Front Street, Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Juliana Reyes is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Zeta Belmopan” located in Belmopan City, Cayo District, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Hong Qing Chen is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Jian Mei Shop” located at # 87 Vernon Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Guanning Wu is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “North Gas Station” located at 8 ½ Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Village,, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Kim Wai Chee is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Brad’s Store” located at # 2 Farmer’s Market, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jie Yu Wu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mike’s Shop” located at # 326 Manta Ray Blvd., Vista Del Mar, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that MD Ali Hussain & Ahmed Shaju/Hussain are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Cheap Grocery Shop” located at # 85 West Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Shaju, MD Ali Hussain is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Shaju Daily Shop” located at # 43 King Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Juan Carlos Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Caribbean Best Producers Ltd. 1” located in Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yongchao Ou is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Corner Cafe” located at # 93 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Cherry May Galvez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “C & B Snack Shop” located in Sandhill Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Luis Cuello is applying for a Publican General Liquor License to be operated at “L & R Liquors Ltd.” located at # 933 Mayflower Garden, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Margaret Dawson is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Stop & Go” located at Miles 16 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that George Ning is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Siesta Inn” located at Miles 3 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jianfu Xu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Lake City” located in Crooked Tree Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Edmund Kwan & Ying Zhu Li are applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Moon Grocery” located at # 1743 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Guanning Wu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Sky City Supermarket” located at 8 ½ Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Yinghui Zhen is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Chen -S & A Store” located at # 3707 C. A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Luisa Ramirez is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Tita’s Mini Grocery” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Lizannie Santana is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Ofelia’s Mini Mart” located in Douglas Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Marta Luz Robateau is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Alexies Store” located in San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Mohammad Chowdhury is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Bangladesh Mini Mart” located at # 14 Otro Benque Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Oscar A. Gutierrez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Cocina Sabor” located on Philip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that MD Monower Hussain is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Jalabad Store” located at # 13 Dunn Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Hong Zhen Qiu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “OW Happy Family” located in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Kazi Jasim Uddin is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Kazi Super Store” located on Barracks Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ana Elvira Herrera is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Enrick Shop” located in San Jose Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Margarita Blanco is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Maggie’s Mini Shop” located in Yo Creek Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Veronica Castillo is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “” located at # 24 Pomona Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Dario Amir Canul is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Darvi’s Grocery Shop” located at # 6 Cemetery Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Alberto Vargas is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “A & C Store” located at # 72 San Andres Street, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Christopher Tillett is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Harry’s Store” located at # 14 Cemetery Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Maria Iselma Codd is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Carmelita Supermarket” located in Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Mark Howells is applying for a Hotel Liquor License to be operated at “Lamanai Outpost Lodge” located in Indian Church Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Amira Disus is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “D-Price Is Right” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Evaristo Novelo is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Xunan Cristina Bar” located at # 20 Lover’s Lane, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Humayum Mia/Mohammad Azizul Hogue is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Dhaka Mini Mart” located in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that DK Limited Supermarket is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “DK Limited Supermarket” located at # 3575 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zakir Ahmed is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Sylhet Shop” located in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that R & B Group Ltd. is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Riverside Tavern” located at # 2 Mapp Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Editor’s Choice: International Tidbits
Region praised for continuing HIV/AIDS fight despite COVID challenges
Nov 22
While COVID-19 has significantly impacted the region’s HIV/AIDS efforts, countries that have managed to keep up the fight are being praised. In his World AIDS Day address, Dr Rosmond Adams, Director of PANCAP (Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV/AIDS) said public health practitioners across the region have utilised strategic collaborations to respond to COVID-19 and protect the gains made in the HIV response. He said in Belize, Enrique Romero, Executive Director, National AIDS Commission (NAC) used his alliances with social workers, adherence counselors from the Ministry of Health (Belize), Peer Navigators, NAC District Committees and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to conduct a Needs Assessment of People Living with HIV. “The assessment revealed that many People Living with HIV were desperately in need of food items to remain adherent to their medication. Enrique jumped into action, and within a few days, he worked tirelessly with the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation (Belize) to expedite assistance to these individuals through the Government of Belize’s “Food Assistance Programme”,” said Adams. He said the loss of employment, lack of essential living support and depleting nutritional supplies are some of the main issues that undermine adherence to HIV medication and COVID-19 has exacerbated these circumstances. (For the full article go to loopslu.com)
The theme of World AIDS Day 2020 is
“Global solidarity, shared responsibility”. 20 Reasons You’ll Gain Weight This December
1. Too Much Sleep 6. Holiday Drinking 11. Sugar is Everywhere 16. You're Bundled Up 2. Colder Weather 7. Holiday Office Treats 12. You're Already Overweight 17. Dinner Dates 3. Seasonal Affective Disorder 8. Specialty Coffee Drinks 13. You're Extra Groggy 18. Holiday Spices & Flavors 4. Holiday Meals 9. Fido Gets Less Fresh Air 14. Metabolism Increases 19. Increased Salt Intake 5. Comfort Foods 10. Evolution 15. Less Fresh Produce 20. Missed Meals Missed Meals: One of the great joys of the holiday season is getting to indulge in all of the delicious foods. What's Thanksgiving, or any of the holidays really, if you're not continuously eating for three hours straight? In an effort to keep diets in check, many people tend to skip meals in anticipation of bingeing later. However, this is not advised. "Pretend like the overeating is not even going to happen and you'll be able to control it better," Smith says. "I think you need to stick to your schedule as much as possible so that effectively you're eating just another meal and not making it into any super special event. The less special you make it in your head, the less of an effect it is likely to have on your body." (For the full article go to msn.com/en-us/health/weightloss)
Mascarillas filtran partículas más pequeñas que el coronavirus. Pónganselas cada que salgan en el público. ACTIVOS por de Quintana Roo en 26/11 172 Benito Juárez(Cancun) 155 Othón P. Blanco(Chetumal) 68 Solidaridad 32 Tulum 28 Felipe C. Puerto 20 Lázaro Cárdenas 15 Isla Mujeres 14 José M. Morelos 14 Bacalar 11 Cozumel 1 Puerto Morelos *comparado con el 19/11 (AC.c © Alex Edelman/Pool via Getty Images, FILE FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn)
FDA chief summoned to White House amid pressure to authorize vaccine emergency use By ABC News with contribution from Anne Flaherty
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn spent about an hour and a half at the White House Tuesday morning for a scheduled meeting with chief of staff Mark Meadows. The meeting, first reported by Axios, comes as the FDA is in the painstaking and high-stakes process of evaluating multiple coronavirus vaccine candidates for emergency authorization before they are allowed to be distributed among the general public. "Completion of these reviews involves such things as ensuring that the manufacturing process and the controls on manufacturing are appropriate, checking statistical analyses performed to ensure that they were done properly and doing additional analyses, as necessary, to look at the effect of the vaccine on subsets of individuals who might be at greater risk of adverse effects," an agency spokesman said in a statement. Hahn: “Let me be clear -- our career scientists have to make the decision and they will take the time that’s needed to make the right call on this important decision," Hahn said. “It is our job to get this right and make the correct decision regarding vaccine safety and efficacy." "This is about SAVING LIVES, not politics!" (For more go to ABCnews.com)
© Simon MALFATTO Temperature progression since 1850, compared to the pre-industrial level average, according to the World Meteorological Organization
UN: 2020 one of three hottest years ever By AFP
This year is on course to be one of the three warmest ever recorded and could even top the record set in 2016, the United Nations said Wednesday. The past six years, 2015 to 2020, are set to make up all six of the hottest years since modern records began in 1850, the UN's World Meteorological Organization said in its provisional 2020 State of the Global Climate report. The WMO said 2020 seemed on course to be the second-hottest year ever -- but the difference between the top three is small and the picture could change once this year's data sets are complete. The years from 2015 to 2020 are therefore individually "likely to be the six warmest on record", the report said. Temperature averages across the last five years, and across the last 10 year period, "are also the warmest on record", it added. (The final 2020 report will be published in March 2021. rjm/apo/txw)