Belize Times January 16, 2022- Dictator Trapp

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The Belize Times


16 JAN



Established 1957

16 JANUARY 2022 | ISSUE NO: 5283

The Truth Shall Make You Free

www.facebook/belizetimes | $1.00

DICTATOR TRAPP UDP’S OBSCENE “Needs to show the books” FIRESALE 2020 Report Recommendation: Patt and Peyrefitte Unfit for the National Assembly

“…the explanations(of UDP witnesses) sought to obscure what was a completely unbridled exercise of power by the former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance(Barrow). The ignorance of applicable regulations at the very top of the Government’s organizational structure easily led… breach of applicable regulations and well-known tendering procedures” – Excerpt from the Commission of Inquiry Report, January 11, 2022

Pg. 2

Battle lines have been drawn in the twin towns of San Ignacio and Santa Elena. The embroiled Peoples United Party’s five councillors, who are the majority of the mixed town council, took to media to vent concerns of irregularities done by Mayor Earl Trapp. Irregularities that borders on illegality. On Monday 10th January 2022, the PUP five held a press conference with the media at the PUP Headquarters on Queen Street to identify a gamut of wrongdoings by Trapp which violate the Town Council Act. Trapp, a Lonely Dictator Post municipal elections Earl Trapp promised that he will dictate if he had to. He has made good on his promises continuing in the veins of the dictatorial dogma preached by the former Prime Minister Dean Oliver Barrow. The present situation has been festering for some time. In April twenty-nine of twenty twenty-one, the Minister of Local Gov-

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Minister Fonseca on Schools Opening for Hybrid Learning: “Pleased by the spirit of unity and commitment displayed”

Pg. 15


“Exposing You (Peyrefitte) as Less than Honest” Pg. 16

Finally New Haulover Bridge



Pg. 5

Construction Begins


Pg. 8


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Cabinet Brief Belmopan. 13th January 2022. 10:50 a.m. The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 11th January 2022. • Cabinet welcomed the news from the Prime Minister that Belize was one of only two countries chosen by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) an independent United States Government foreign aid agency to give support to micro, small, and medium enterprises in its effort to reduce poverty through growth. The compact and threshold programs, which will be signed between the Government of Belize and MCC could result in Belize gaining between US$200 and US$500 million in grant funding to aid in the nation’s economic development. • Belize was chosen by the MCC Board having been satisfied that the current administration is committed to ruling justly, investing in the development of its people and its economic policy. The MCC-funded projects are expected to commence in 2023 and last for a period of five years. MCC awards countries based on the principle that aid is most effective when it is reinforced by good governance. • Cabinet received the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the sale of government assets and took note of the findings of the commission, condemning in the strongest possible terms the detailed reports of mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption, which have come to so clearly define the United Democratic Party Government from 2008 to 2020. In addition, Cabinet instructed that the report be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for any advice and action deemed appropriate and necessary. • Cabinet was updated on the status of vaccinations and the number of vaccines available in Belize. Currently, there are more than 346,000 vaccines on hand. As of 10th January 2022, 211,628 persons or 49.2 percent of the total population had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 200,994 or 46.7 percent of the total population have been fully vaccinated. Additionally, over 21,000 booster shots have been issued since the start of the Booster Program, which is now opened to everyone who has been fully vaccinated for three months or more. Also, 23,817 Belizeans aged 12 to 17 years old have received at least one dose of the vaccine. • The Minister of Health and Wellness also informed Cabinet that new vaccination sites will be set up in communities in the north, west and south of the country to provide better access to vaccines in rural communities. • The Minister of Education, Culture, Science & Technology informed Cabinet that of the 605 schools countrywide, 570 were granted approval for some form of face-to-face instruction. Of these approved schools, 198 were opened for face-to-face instruction on 10th January with the remaining approved schools to be opened for in-class instruction by the end of January 2022. • Cabinet approved amendments to Section 33 (1) b, c, and d of the Plastics Regulations and for effective dates of implementation of the Environmental Protection (pollution from plastics) Regulations. Effective dates of implementation: Regulation 33 (1)


Transitional Period


Cease Importation of Prohibited Products

No Modification Required


Cease Manufacturing of Prohibited Products

31st January 2022


Cease Sale of Prohibited 28th February 2022 Products


Possession of Prohibited Products

31st March 2022

• Finally, in the wake of the rising number of COVID-19 infections and the presence of the highly contagious Omicron variant, Cabinet continues to encourage the public to wear masks in public, maintain physical distance, wash hands regularly, and for those not fully vaccinated, to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Vaccines save lives.

Continued on page 1 Since November 11, 2020, the Belizean electorate has been in waiting for a hearing, for insight and, if necessary, for charges coming from the alleged improper sale of government assets in the months leading up to a due-in-November General Elections. On February 1, 2021, the Commission of Inquiry was sworn-in just days after it was given its mandate. The Commission, established by Prime Minister John Briceño on January 19, 2021, is comprised of Mr. E. Andrew Marshalleck (chairman), Mr. Luke Martinez (National Trade Union Congress of Belize representative) and Mr. Marcello Blake (private sector representative) as commissioners. In the Prime Minister’s opening remarks at the swearing-in, he qualified the allegations as “obscene, how the previous (UDP) government was disposing of government assets.” Prime Minister Briceño and Cabinet felt it important to “find out what happened” and “take steps for this to not happen again.” Former Ministers Michael Peyrefitte(present Senator), Carla Barnett, Anthony ‘Boots’ Martinez, and Hugo Patt(still a representative) were highlighted in the report. The extent of the involvement could lead to disqualification of Hugo Patt and Michael Peyrefitte from the National Assembly for contract with the government and to the very least international embarrassment for Carla Barnett. Of great concern to Belize is that the word launder and the name Patt are used in the same sentence. Release on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Sale of Government Assets January 11, 2022 - At its sitting today, Cabinet received and reviewed the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Sale of Government Assets. The Commission was charged with investigating the procedures and processes for the sale of government assets during the period of October 2019 to November 2020 and determining whether any improprieties, irregularities or wrongdoings occurred in the sale of such assets and to recommend any corrective measures and necessary actions against those involved. The Commission conducted five public hearings and questioned 22 witnesses. (The Commission has summoned the attendance before it of former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow; Mr. Joseph Waight, Financial Secretary; and Mr. Ruperto Vicente, head of the Vehicle Care Unit. – Feb. 10, 2021 release. Eventually, witnesses included Representative for Corozal North Hugo Patt, Former UDP Secretary-General, Pearl Stuart, private citizens and several Public Officers.) Some key findings of the Commission include but are not limited to the following: “It was manifest from the very beginning of the inquiry that neither the former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow) nor the Financial Secretary could identify any applicable regulations governing the entry into sales contracts by the Government for the sale of government assets. It was clear to the Commission that the explanations sought to obscure what was a completely unbridled exercise of power by the former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. The ignorance of applicable regulations at the very top of the Government’s organizational structure easily led to the conclusion that the executions of sales of government assets during the relevant period were all in breach of applicable regulations

and well-known tendering procedures.” (Belize Taxpayers Lose) “The overall result was that the Ministry of Finance routinely sold motor vehicles to favoured persons at less than market value and at losses to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. There was simply no regard for any lawful process to secure the best value for assets sold or to identify purchasers in any open or transparent way.” (UDP Political Connections led to laundering) “The sales all reflected the mismanagement of public resources and clearly involved waste and abuse. Of further concern is that persons with obvious political connections to the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and his Government bought vehicles in the name of others to mask their involvement with acquisitions and the Ministry of Finance willingly facilitated them in so doing. This may possibly have facilitated the use of the sale of a motor vehicle to former Deputy Prime Minister Hugo Patt to launder the proceeds of a bribe arising from the sale of Government lands authorized and executed by him in favour of one Zhourong Li.” (Contract with Sitting members of the UDP in the National Assembly) “A number of the sales also involved the Government entering contracts with members of the National Assembly on account of the public service without any repercussions on their qualification to continue to sit in the assembly by virtue of relevant provisions of the Belize Constitution and without regard to the obvious heightened need for transparency in transactions approved by the Prime Minister in favour of members of his own Cabinet. The Hon. Hugo Patt and the Hon. Michael Peyrefitte both continue to sit in the National Assembly notwithstanding having entered into and performed contracts with the government for the purchase of government assets.” (UDP PM breaches financial laws; this would be a 2nd time) “The violations of financial laws in the Continued on page 5

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER

Fay Castillo EDITOR



Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email:

16 JAN





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he UDP has always had trouble differentiating between right and wrong. It is no surprise that their Leader Emeritus Deano once tried to explain the difference between legal and moral wrong. Back in 2018, when the courts ordered Belize to pay, it was this gentleman who decided that no payments were to be made because it was morally wrong even though clearly the courts said the payment was legally due. It is more than obvious that the moral compass had gone askew in that defunct mass party. Knowing left from right, night from day, or right from wrong are basic theories without which any individual, let alone those aspiring to lead, will be lost. Their integrity, honor and rectitude went adrift into desolate depraved wasteland. This week the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into the Sale of Government Assets was damning. It involved the former Prime Minister and details how he and other high government officials could not identify the regulations that allowed the indiscriminate sale of government owned assets. These assets found themselves in the hands of former Cabinet members and current Members of the House of Representatives. Of one such person, the former PM alleged that she was alone “going out into the world,” and so Little Orphan Annie, with no one to care for her, needed her very own government vehicle. The other needed some quick cash and pawned it off to some sketchy dude, who word has it, makes a quick buck by buying prime public land dirt cheap and selling it off. Papa Bear took his custom-made furniture with him as well as his devices and other odds and ends. There was public outcry over the shame of it all. It was on the news that there were threats by a former Senator turned Cabinet Member, who has denied any wrongdoing and has said he was denied his right to refute the findings. We say that these findings can be refuted in court after the Director of Public Prosecutions files the pertinent charges. The Commission found that the unregulated and informal practice was so widespread that it was common belief that it was not illegal. To this we say that ignorance of the law is no excuse. It may well be that for the UDP there are blurred lines where the law is concerned but for the rest of normal Belizeans the lines are certainly clear. If the practice is wrong, no matter how many times it is repeated, that action is still wrong and illegal. The fact that these offences are against government assets means that the consolidated fund has been short changed. It cannot mean that we commit an illegal act until it is a common occurrence and then claim ignorance and innocence. Tendering procedures and financial laws were ignored and instead government property was disposed of on a whim or as parting gifts to those in favored circles. Charges must be brought because of these findings and the call for the DPP to do her due diligence can be heard. Those who are involved do not now have the excuse of ignorance. You were wrong then and you are wrong now!

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16 JAN


en Español


l UDP siempre ha tenido problemas para diferenciar entre el bien y el mal. No es de extrañar que su líder emérito Deano una vez trato de explicar la diferencia entre lo legal y lo moralmente incorrecto. En 2018, cuando los tribunales le ordenaron a Belice que pagara, fue este señor quien decidió que no se hicieran pagos porque era moralmente incorrecto, aunque claramente los tribunales dijeron que el pago era legalmente debido. Es más que evidente que la brújula moral se había torcido en ese partido de masas extinto. Saber distinguir la izquierda de la derecha, la noche del día o el bien del mal son teorías básicas sin las cuales cualquier individuo, y más aún los que aspiran a dirigir, estará perdido. Su integridad, su honor y su rectitud están a la deriva en un páramo desolado y depravado. Esta semana, las conclusiones de la Comisión de Investigación sobre la Venta de Activos Públicos fueron condenatorias. Involucra al ex Primer Ministro y detalla cómo él y otros altos funcionarios del gobierno no pudieron identificar las regulaciones que permitieron la venta indiscriminada de activos de propiedad del gobierno. Estos activos fueron a parar a manos de antiguos miembros del Gabinete y actuales miembros de la Cámara de Representantes. De uno de ellos, el ex PM alegó que se encontraba sola “saliendo al mundo”, por lo que pequeña huérfana Annie, sin nadie que la cuidara, necesitaba su propio vehículo gubernamental. El otro necesitaba algo de dinero rápido y lo empeñó a un tipo poco fiable que, según se dice, hace dinero rápido comprando terrenos públicos de primera calidad a un precio muy bajo y vendiéndolos. Papá Oso se llevó sus muebles hechos a medida, así como sus aparatos y otros cachivaches. Hubo un clamor público por la vergüenza de todo esto. En las noticias aparecieron las amenazas de un exsenador convertido en miembro del gabinete que niega cualquier delito y ha dicho que se le negó su derecho a refutar los hallazgos. Nosotros decimos que estas conclusiones pueden ser refutadas en los tribunales después de que el director de la Fiscalía presente los cargos pertinentes. La comisión constató que la práctica no regulada e informal estaba tan extendida que era creencia común que no era ilegal. A esto decimos que la ignorancia de la ley no es excusa. Puede que para el UDP haya líneas borrosas en lo que respecta a la ley, pero para el resto de los beliceños normales las líneas son ciertamente claras. Si la práctica es incorrecta, no importa cuántas veces se repita, esa acción sigue siendo incorrecta e ilegal. El hecho de que estos delitos sean contra el patrimonio del gobierno significa que el fondo consolidado se ha quedado corto. No puede significar que cometamos un acto ilegal hasta que sea algo habitual y luego aleguemos ignorancia e inocencia. Se ignoraron los procedimientos de licitación y las leyes financieras y, en su lugar, se dispuso de los bienes del gobierno por capricho o como regalos de despedida a los círculos favorecidos. Hay que presentar cargos debidos a estos hallazgos y se puede escuchar el llamamiento de que la DPP haga su debida diligencia. Los implicados no tienen ahora la excusa de la ignorancia. ¡Se equivocaron entonces y se equivocan ahora!

16 JAN



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Finally New Haulover Bridge January 11, 2022 - The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing through its construction contractor for the Haulover Bridge Replacement Project, M&M Engineering Consultants Ltd., informs the public that two permanent mid- river foundation piers will be constructed in the Belize River at a location just downstream of the existing bridge. Multiple heavy lifting barges will be used as platforms for heavy equipment used in the driving of piles and the construction of the reinforced concrete piers. Commencing on January 15, 2022, the barges will be in the river executing

UDP’S OBSCENE FIRESALE 2020 Continued on page 5 sale of government assets were so routine that the former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and the Financial Secretary were candid in describing in detail an informal practice of selling motor vehicles belonging to the government that not only constituted flagrant violations of the law but which also very likely constituted actionable criminal offences at the material times.” (Recommendation: Further investigate Patt-Li sale of motor vehicle; Patt and Peyrefitte seats in National Assembly put into question) “The Commission recommends the amendment of the Finance and Audit Reform Act to expand the regulations governing the sale of Government assets and that any connection between, on the one hand, the sale of the motor vehicle to Hugo Patt and, on the other hand, the land sales to Zhourong Li be further investigated with a view to prosecution, and that action be taken by the Clerk of the National Assembly, (if necessary in court), to determine the qualification of Hugo Patt and Michael Peyrefitte to continue to sit in the National Assembly in light of the contracts to purchase government assets disclosed to the Commission.” • Cabinet has approved the full public release of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry. • Cabinet noted the findings of the Commission and condemns in the strongest possible terms the detailed reports of mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, which have come to so clearly define the United Democratic Party Government from 2008 to 2020. • Cabinet expressed its gratitude to the chairman and commissioners for their thorough and comprehensive report and directed that the report be further submitted to the Office of the Attorney General and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for any advice and action deemed appropriate and necessary. Ends The planBelize transparency and expediency was present in this Prime Minister’s Commission and report. The producing of a report before the 1-year mark is in direct consistency with the negotiation prowess shown by a Briceño-led government intent in serving the people of Belize. The expedient release of this commission of inquiry report is also in direct contrast to the UDP’s infamous Barrow government that sat of Auditor General Reports and Senate Select Committee report on the Penner/ UDP Ministers Immigration scandal. The latter was sat on by the Sanctuary Bay Senator until the allegations in the report had passed their statute of limitations for any legal proceedings. Not releasing that report in time was definitely a crime against the people of Belize. This is just one of the hundreds of reasons for the November 11 and March 3 shellacking that led to UDP extinction from any credibility in future Belizean politics.

the works. They will be mostly stationary but at times there may be movement while ferrying materials, equipment and personnel. “No wake” signs will be erected to caution boaters to go slow when approaching the Haulover Bridge from both sides. The ministry thanks the public for its cooperation in respecting

and abiding by these safety precautions and exercising due attention and care when navigating through the worksite. This is one at last that people will definitely notice. What must be remembered is that 20 million dollars was saved when planBelize’s MIDH took over the project. Make you wonder what the UDP was going to do with the extra money.

VACANCY: JOB OPPORTUNITY Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the IT Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity, both females/males, are encouraged to apply for the available post.

IT SUPPORT TECHNICIAN Reports to: IT Supervisor Summary of Responsibilities: The IT Service Desk is the central point of contact for all IT related incidents and service requests. The role of the IT Support Technician is to provide second line support for all team members Port of Belize Limited. An IT Support Technician is responsible for resolving complex support requests with computer hardware, software, and network systems, as well as meeting customer satisfaction and continuous service delivery demands. Provides research and support for new technologies to be used within our environment. IT Support staff work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment which provides services over the phone, through e-mail, phone, and in person. Job Responsibilities: 1. Diagnose and resolve software and hardware incidents, including operating system and across a range of software applications. 2. Assist all users with any logged IT related incident when called upon. 3. Manage IT Department Inventory and Provide Monthly report. 4. Upgrade Windows Operating systems and Microsoft office applications. 5. Active Directory Management - Create and Manage Domain User accounts. 6. Administrate TOS (Terminal Operating System) OCTOPI and CMMS. 7. Coordinate with Software Vendors regarding application issues and new features, roll outs, etc. 8. Supervised daily backups and test weekly/monthly backup integrity. 9. Manage and control the implementation of new IT systems, and the ongoing refinement of existing systems. 10. Ensuring that systems and applications are optimized and effective, and that necessary support skills are in place. 11. Able to manage and troubleshoot VLANS Networking issues (Local Network, Surveillance Network, and VOIP network) 12. Able to run and create queries in SQL and produce reports when needed undertaking other duties not specially stated which from time to time are necessary without altering the nature or level of responsibility. 13. You are required to assist the IT support functions at other Waterloo Investment Holdings Ltd. entities from time to time any other duties that may be assigned of a related nature.

Job qualifications/Requirements: • • •

Associates Degree or equivalent Technical Certificates Minimum 3-5 years’ experience in (VOIP, VLANS, Network, Protocols, Virtual Environment-SQL/VB, MS Server environment, Windows Operating System) Knowledgeable in SQL/VB or equivalent (3-5 years) database/application development & manipulation

Skills/Competencies: • • • •

Ability to work independently Able to work flexible hours Strong analytical skills Critical Thinker

Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure). To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, Valid police record, name and phone number of two (2) previous employers.

Applications should be emailed to: Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, January 31st, 2022.

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16 JAN





HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between JOYCELYN SHAW of the one part and HRCU of the other part.

Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.00.

HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.

ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 1166.67 square yards being Parcel 1204, Block 24 in the Society Hall Registration Section situate in Unitedville Village, Cayo District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of JOYCELYN SHAW. DATED this 28th day of December 2021 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:


The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 25 January 2022 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 26 April 2022.

Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 21 January 2022. The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 25 January 2022. Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS). Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627 The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/ or all tenders in whole or in part. CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www.centralbank. 6 January 2022

16 JAN



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Prime Minister of Belize

JOHN BRICEÑO Message for George Price Day 15th January 2022

Imagine, we are now in the third decade of the 21st century and we can say with pride, Happy George Price Day! It was my great honor to work with George Price: around the cabinet table, on the campaign trail, and inside the Independence Hall. One of the first acts of my government was to dedicate the 15th of January, the birthday of George Price, as a national holiday. No other political leader has had a greater impact and influence on our identity and sense of being Belizean than George Price. Said Musa, our former prime minister, wrote about Mr. Price saying that, “To think of George Price is to think of Belize. His life, beliefs and values have been the guiding light in the destiny of Belize, taking it from a once backwater colony of Britain to a young, dynamic, sovereign, democratic Central American State in the Caribbean region.” I agree with Said Musa. Today, in Belize, many of our citizens are below the age of twenty. So, it is important that we continue to build on our respect for our national hero. His humility, dedication, insightfulness, and patriotism must thunder across this land. In doing so, we acknowledge the 1981 generation of Belizeans who were determined to see an independent Belize despite enormous international geopolitical obstacles, and territorial threats. On this George Price Day, let us continue to focus on our tasks of nation-building so that together we can turn Belize into a socially and economically vibrant modern nation. We are moving beyond the usual and tired ways of institution, organization and bureaucracy, by developing new ideas and pathways. We are making our destiny out of a pandemic and thirteen years of UDP mismanagement. So, let us be bold and determined in the spirit of Mr. Price, let us unite and get on with the task of nation-building. Es propicio en este día celebrar los logros de nuestra nación y también establecer que es el Padre de la Nación, George Price, quien impulso el gran trabajo que hizo posible que hoy seamos una nación. Como bien se suele decir… la construcción y el desarrollo de una nación es trabajo de gigantes. Celebremos hoy el compromiso que George Price mantuvo con el pueblo beliceño. Feliz día del Padre de la Nación. Happy George Price Day.

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Continued from page 1 ernment Honourable Oscar Requena had to be called in following a heated confrontation between the five councillors and Trapp. Seemingly, the Mayor refused to be accountable and Minister Requena threatened to intervene by installing a financial controller. No one at the Town Hall supports Trapp. Then again on August 2, 2021, councillors Zahir Figueroa, Aaron Mai, Shirlene Neal, Omar Rodriguez and Deputy Mayor Matthew Preston confronted Earl Trapp warning him that they would “expose his political agenda” if the Mayor insisted on convening a political meeting at the town hall with the Leader of the Opposition Patrick Faber. Trappings of Nepotism Things came to a head and the warning became a reality at Independence Hall on Monday. All the trappings of dictator Earl were laid bare. It was clear that Trapp was conducting a family program with the employ of family members to the tune of quarter million dollars of SISE Town Council Funds. Additionally, these family members were benefiting from monies of $4,000 per month in overtime. This was laid out by the councillors at the Independence Hall press conference. The Town Council Act establishes at: Section 13(2) The council may appoint such suitably qualified officers and employees as it thinks necessary for the efficient administration of the affairs of its town. Not the mayor! At 13(4) The council may pay its officers and employees such salaries, allowances, pensions, gratuities and other benefits out of the Town Fund for its town. Not the mayor! Clearly, the Mayor has been acting ultra vires and is in contravention to the rule of law. Trapp Terrified at Having a Qualified Town Administrator…why is he? When the fog of deceit began to be lifted it was clear that Trappy was lying to the good people of the twin towns. When the previous town administrator resigned it allowed an opening for the position. After being shortlisted for the post, Horace Grant was chosen. Thereafter, Trapp engaged the “Big Lie”, the political ploy suggesting that Grant lacked the requisite qualifications, having just a high school diploma. Conversely, a perusal of Mr. Grant’s CV showed that he worked in various management positions for a lengthy period. He was also accredited by World Bank standards in the area of accounting with skills in the conducting of audits. The question was posed as to why Trapp is terrified on the hiring of this suitably qualified individual? Possibly the illicit doings by Mayor Trapp will be unearthed resulting in legal ramifications. Mystery Bank Account…Who cosigns? Which money? There is also that mystery account at

Scotia singed unto by ringmaster Earl and lacking the signatures required by law. The plot thickens. Auditors meet an obstacle…Report not possible There is a serious complaint by SI/SE PUP five that no final draft of the audit has been issued regarding the completed audit of September 2021. Auditors of the very reputable company could not render a qualified opinion. Also, the report draft for 2018 was not up to standard. Receivables are in arrears for an entire year. Faber’s blip showing how corruption breeds hypocrisy In a weak counterattack to SISE PUP councillors’ powerful press conference the United Democratic Party held a façade of a press conference of their own. The UDP ran home regretful for rearing their ugly red heads—the UDP are personas non grata, but they do not get it. Faber supporting Trapp adds more to the reality of the Mayors dictatorial tendencies which lead to secrecy and unaccountability. Remember how the UDP is prone to corrupt everything they touch. Now, they have corrupted press conferences. A quarrel ensued between the UDP head-table and some media reporters. In their attempts to shield Trappy under the UDP frock-tails, head honcho Alberto August wanted to deny the reporters from putting the salient questions to Mayor Trapp. Nonetheless, the reporter from channel 7 chiselled away at Trapp’s untruthfulness revealing the nudity of his fakery. PUP 5 Serving SI/SE Residents Although Trappy in his rant bellowed that he can “continue the war for the next two and a half years” the battle-vested PUP five will have him bawling again stop “stalking” me. An investigative team in tow and the PUP five, will ensure that the people of San Ignacio and Santa Elena are afforded transparency and accountability in the running of the Town Council Funds. Mayor Trapp has to show the books even if it is he has to step down as Mayor. This is the Sordid Saga of Mayor Trapp as he is caught without wiggle room—trapped in his own dogma. VOICE of the COMMAN MAN HILLY BENNETT

16 JAN


PRESS RELEASE by PUP Councilors of San Ignacio & Santa ElenaMayor Earl Trapp Continues to Misrepresent the TRUTH. January 11, 2022. Let it be known that the requirements set forth for the position of Town Administrator at the San Ignacio and Santa Elena Town Council was determined solely by the Mayor. As councilors, we had no knowledge of the resignation of the town administrator. We found out via a flyer posted on the Town Council page on 6th December 2021. There was absolutely no meeting or consultation with us to determine and set forth the qualifications and criteria as it relates to filling the vacant post of Town Administrator. The Mayor acted alone and continues true to his word acting in a dictatorial manner. Furthermore, The Mayor sat on the panel and asked the most questions while Mr. Horace Grant was being interviewed. Why did he not place on record his objection to Mr. Grant and his qualifications? Why did he not excuse himself from that panel once Mr. Grant entered the room? When the process of shortlisting was done and Mr. Grant was in the short list prior to the vote being taken, why did the Mayor not oppose his being short listed? We will not back down as we believe in democracy and the rule of law.

2021 YEAR OF EXTINCTION OF UDP REMNANTS 12 Ways the Opposition was Corrupted We tried to limit the list to 12 BUT we had to add many dishonourable mentions. • UDP Media pretending to be independent • Faber in support of Barrow’s 2020 firesale of assets • UDP numerous Fake Profiles in social media that make Trump blush • Tracy doing nothing for Albert • UDP mourning their Superbond’s death • Shyne Conning his way to a Diplomatic Passport to run away from Mesopotamia • Exposed for firesale of Isidoro Beaton Stadium Land in Belmopan • UDP Crony paying constitutionally enshrined utility 237 thousand instead of a million owed for secret purchases • Shyne and Faber playing hopscotch with the LOO • Ms. Barrow skipping House of Representative meetings continuing the trend of Queen Square not ever being represented in the National Assembly • John Saldivar and Faber are an Item • Patt’s vehicle seized for involvement in drug trafficking • UDP Conferences of dunces misleading the people • UDP Senators constant falsehoods • Trapp Dictating to the people of San Ignacio and Santa Elena UDP media completes their F for failure to get the UDP reElected to the Belize City Council in 2018, Village Councils in 2019, Central Government in 2020, and now in 2021 a historic worse rejection or rejections in the Municipals in 2021. The Belizean electorate are savvy and the choice of planBelize over Barrow’s leftover grievances was easy.

16 JAN



Happy George Price Day

This year 2022, Belizeans honour and celebrate the peerless legacy of the Father of the Nation. This is the first anniversary of the Holiday set on the date of his birth, January 15, by the planBelize government and endorsed by the entire nation of Belize.



HAULING OF TWO OR MORE TRAILERS Date: January 13th, 2022

The Department of Transport (DOT) hereby informs the public that the hauling of two or more trailers, without written permission from the Department, is prohibited under the Motor Vehicles & Road Traffic Regulations. Owners and drivers of tractor trucks are also reminded that in accordance with regulation 69, the overall length of a trailer shall not exceed 60 feet. It is hereby advised that the Department of Transport will be carrying out enforcement operations throughout the country to ensure that these regulations are being adhered to. Furthermore, the Department urges drivers to adhere to the speed limits as a means of reducing the road traffic collisions. Any owner and/or driver found in contravention of these regulations will be fined and the motor vehicle may be ordered to be taken off the road.

Belmopan Rep. Mira on the Whip The Hon. Mira was on The Whip on this Week to talk about his constituency and the Ministry of National Defense and Border Security. He voiced that he has a good relationship with the substantial Minister Florencio Marin. Hon. Mira takes pride in having been a part of the Belize Defence Force just as Minister Marin had been. Hon. Mira participated to the audience that he shares with his Minister that “we cannot fail.” Both had been commanders in the BDF and thus he feels that soldiers in the BDF would have a high standard for their Minister and Minister of State. Minister of State Mira gave thanks to his team for a good 2021. He revealed that the BDF has a great relationship with the Honduran army and that there are Belizean soldiers studying there. The BDF is waiting for an customized airplane and a radar to combat the high incidence of narcotrafficking especially in the cases of illegal plane landing all over Belize. Hon. Mira reminded his constituents that Land in Belmopan is largely unavailable as the previous representative saw to it that the land was wildly given away. We can remember lots going for 1000 dollars. Of course, the Minister of Land Patt was clueless even though he would have had to sign off on any and all of the land transactions. Belmopan under Saldivar and Belisle saw green areas parcelled off and given away using a social excuse but ending up in the hands of the 1 percent. Stakeholder Consultations on the Development of the National Security and Defence Strategy 2022-2027 Belmopan. January 11, 2022 - The Ministry of National Defence and Border Security informs the public of the National Security Council’s directive to develop the latest iteration of the National Security and Defence Strategy (NSDS) 2022-2027. The Office of the Chief of Defence Staff within the ministry is tasked to coordinate the process. Stakeholder consultations will commence soon and include key elements of the security forces, relevant government partners, the private sector, and non-governmental and civil society organizations. The strategic review and development of the NSDS is a periodic and necessary process that is being facilitated by the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies through the United States Embassy in Belize. The Ministry of National Defence and Border Security remains committed to the safety and security of all Belizeans.

16 JAN




Date of Dissolution 4 November 2021 4th November, 2021 9th November, 2021 9th November, 2021 10th November, 2021 10th November, 2021 10th November, 2021 10th November, 2021 18th November, 2021 18th November, 2021 19th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 27th November, 2021 th

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Marine Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females, able/ differently abled are encouraged to apply for the available post.


Reports to: Marine Manager Summary of Responsibilities: The primary duty of the Boat Captain is to safely navigate the vessel of which he has in command. The captain has absolute authority relating to the safe conduct of his voyage and he alone shall make determinations regarding the safety of his vessel, crew and passengers, including when put to the sea. This post is fun and challenging, come prepared for a new venture. Job Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • •

Operate and navigate all Port of Belize Limited vessels under command in a safe and efficient manner. Ensure that the Pilots Launches are always in a state of readiness to perform its function. Be thoroughly familiar with the duties of a Captain/Engineer as contained in Belize Port Authority Mariner’s Handbook. Provide proper accounting for all fuel and lubricants and for spare parts used in repairs and maintenance including a log Book for each vessel. Ensure the safe handling of hazardous material in compliance with current safety precautions and environmental protection laws and regulations in the procurement, stowage and disposal of such materials. Ensure that the Pilots & Stevedores embarking and disembarking from ship are done in a safe and efficient manner. Follow proper and comprehensive preventative maintenance program for the Pilot Launches as provided and assist to effect repairs to engines of the Pilot Launch. In time of emergency or danger, when in command, give proper and clear instructions. Inspect Vessels, check fuel levels, major shipboard systems, navigational lights and sound devices. Ensure all safety devices are onboard and in good working order. Complete Pre & Post voyage check list. Any other duties of a related nature assigned from time to time.

Job Qualifications/Requirement: • Minimum High School Diploma. • 5 years’ boat handling experience preferred (minimum Class B). • Possess a valid Boat Captain License Class C. • Knowledge of maritime laws and regulations Required Skills, Knowledge and Characteristics: To be selected applicants must possess the following important characteristics: • Firm Knowledge of marine craft communication and problem –solving skills. • Must have the ability to adapt to changing conditions and respond to emergency situations. • Able to easily multi-task and work independently. • Team Oriented, Punctual, and Ethical Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure). To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, name and phone number of two(2) previous employers. Email to: Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, January 31st, 2022.

16 JAN




Parcel No. 8261, Block No. 20, Belmopan Registration Section containing 464.612 Square Meters situate in the Maya Mopan Area, City of Belmopan, Cayo District held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DELBERT AMOS RHABURN JR. —A Two (2) bedroom timber dwelling containing a bath, a living, dining and kitchen combined attached to a front porch.

Parcel No. 4012, Block No. 24, Society Hall Registration Section containing 795.226 Square Meters situate in the Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of RAFAEL ANTONIO SALASAR. —One two (2) bedroom concrete bungalow dwelling containing a living and dining area combined and kitchen area attached to a porch.

Parcel No. 1813, Block No. 4, Ann Gabourel Registration Section containing 555.56 Square Yards, held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of CHRISTINE SHERRY HAWKINS —One Three (3) bedroom concrete bungalow dwelling containing 1 bath, 1 kitchen, 1 dining and a living area

Parcel No. 116/1, Block No. 1 San Jose/San Pablo Registration Section containing 657.6 Square Meters situate in the San Pablo Village, Orange Walk District and held under a Certificate of Lease being the leasehold interest of ORLANDO MONTERO.—One concrete bungalow residential home

All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 348 containing 956.733 Square Meters situate in the Maxboro Subdivision, Sandhill Village, Belize District as shown on Entry No. 5146 Register 21 held under a Minister's Fiat Lease being the leasehold interest of SHERLEE FRAZER — One -three (3) bedroom concrete bungalow dwelling with 1 living, 1 dining and 1 bath. Attached on both sides of the home by two porches.

Parcel 304, Block 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 Square Meters held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of KEVIN ENRIQUEZ & ANDREA ENRIQUEZ surety for ANKA LTD. Parcel 303, Block 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 Square Meters held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of KEVIN ENRIQUEZ & ANDREA ENRIQUEZ surety for ANKA LTD. Parcel 302, Block 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 Square Meters held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of KEVIN ENRIQUEZ & ANDREA ENRIQUEZ surety for ANKA LTD.

Parcel No. 1660, Block No. 45, Port/ Loyolaville Registration Section containing 325.953 Square Meters situate on Delarai Sanchez Street, Belize City, Belize held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of MARISOL LESLIE surety for GLENN FRANCIS LESLIE and MARISOL LESLIE — An incomplete two (2) bedroom concrete bungalow dwelling containing 2 bath, 1 kitchen, 1 dining, laundry and a living area.

All that piece or parcel of land containing 0.819 Acres, 25 Acres & 24.95 Acres respectively, situate in the Frank's Eddy Agricultural Layout, Cayo District and held under 3 Deed of Conveyances together with all buildings, erections and developments standing thereon and being the freehold interests of DEON DALE PASCASCIO. —Formerly known as PasguHal Eco-Lodge located in Frank's Eddy Village

Parcel No. 603/1, Block 1, San Estevan Registration Section containing 766.4 Square Meters situate in San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District held under a Certificate of Lease being the leasehold interest of HORTENCIA YANELLA CHAN & ROSENDO MELVIN CHAN.—One wooden bungalow styled dwelling measuring 110' x 75'. Set on a concrete slab containing 2 bedrooms a kitchen, dining, living area and 1 bath attached to a front porch.

All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 1 containing 696.48 Square Meters situate along the Northern Highway near Mile 12, Belize District, as shown on Register No. 24 Entry Plan No. 13447, held under a Deed of Conveyance being the freehold interest of CORNELIUS FRIESSEN. — One Unit with two stories - Ground Floor - I combined kitchen and dining area, 1 bedroom, 1 bath attached to an open office area (storage and assembly area), Level Upper floor - divided by a concrete partition with two sections that is incomplete.

A total of 2469.16 Square Yards containing 14 Apartments (10 One bedroom apartments & 4 two bedroom apartments) each with a living, dining, kitchen each attached to a private porch area and a shared laundromat area (22.5' x 40') which is situated at the front of the building.

Miguel A. Ellis P.O. Box 118, Belmopan, Ph: 634-9058 E-Mail: Please contact DFC for financing

Parcel No. 269/1, Block 23, San Ignacio North Registration Section containing 557.41 Square Meters situate in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District held under a Certificate of Lease being the leasehold interest of KENT WILLIAM FLOWERS. —One three (3) bedroom concrete bungalow dwelling containing 1 bath a combined living, dining and kitchen attached to a front and back porch.

Parcel No. 96/1, Block 4, Chan Pine Ridge Registration Section, containing 907.475 S.M. situate in Chan Pine Ridge Village, Orange Walk District, held under Certificate of Lease being the leasehold interest of DIANELA T. REYNOSO (aka Aurora Dianela Tzul) surety for Esdra Reynoso -- One Concrete bungalow Three (3) Bedroom, 1 Bath, 1 Kitchen, dining and living area.

Parcel Nos. 8965 & 8964, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 1 Acre respectively situate 3.5 Miles North of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District held under Land Certificates being the freehold interests of MADHU ODHERMAL BABANI —Empty plots of land

58 12

16 JAN

16 JAN





BEST OF 2021 - PT. 3 PM Briceño with the people at the Belize Investment Summit

OW Expansion, Petville Project


18 JAN

16 JAN

Min. Oscar Requena, Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour & Local Government

Min. Jose Mai, Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise

Drilling and Delivering Water for the remotest of areas

Min. Rodwell Ferguson, Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics

Min. Francis Fonseca, Education, Culture, Science & Technology

Electrification Signing on a Valley of Peace Matching Grants program with Hon. Espat, Area Representative present

PM Briceño with PG Youth

Water Expansion

New Year’s Eve Successful Negotiation to Open the Mill for Cane Delivery

Taking the Transport of commuters seriously into the modern era

Planning for Safe ReOpening of Schools; Children’s Health and Education are priority

Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing

PM Building bridges internationally

With UK PM Boris Johnson and UN Secretary General António Guterres

Special Envoy Rossana Briceño touching lives

planBelize fulfilling a pledge with homes for single parents

Andre Perez, Blue Economy & Civil Aviation

PM, Min. Chebat and Hon. Andre Perez

With Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

DPM Cordel Hyde, Natural Resources, Petroleum & Mining

Collaborating with Tourism Ministry and Health Ministry to bring new airlines to a safe Belize

Public-Private Initiatives

Present at The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Summit

Ground Breaking for the Caye Caulker Health Clinic

Working directly with the fishermen

Signing MOU to Rehabilitate Berger Field: The Football Federation of Belize, Min. Mahler-Tourism and Min. Bernard-Youth and Sports

Mobile Land Clinics functioning to Serve the People

Hopkins Rd. involved Businessmen along with Min. Espat-MIDH, Min. Mahler-Tourism, Min. Ferguson-Area Representative



16 JAN


16 JAN





Minister Fonseca on Schools Opening for Hybrid Learning: Minister Francis Fonseca: “I am particularly pleased by the spirit of unity and commitment displayed by all of our education stakeholders during these difficult and challenging times. Everyone understands and appreciates that it is critically important for our students to return to the classroom in a safe and responsible manner. The most rewarding part of this week was seeing the images of our children smiling and so excited to be back with their classmates and teachers. We continue to work very closely with the Ministry of Health to monitor the Covid-19 situation and will at all times be guided by what is the best interest of our students, teachers, administrators, and education community.”

The MoECST Clarifies Reports of COVID-19 Cases In Schools The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, as of January 13, 2022, has approved the transition to hybrid learning for 569 schools or about 94% of all schools nationwide. So far, 343 or 60.3% of all schools approved have physically reopened to accommodate students for hybrid learning. Our Ministry applauds the efforts of the members of our education community for the crucial role they are playing in ensuring a safe return for all our students. The Ministry takes very seriously the safety of our teachers and students and, therefore, notes with great concern, reports in local media regarding suspected COVID-19 cases among teachers and students who are enrolled in hybrid learning, particularly in schools in the Belize District. We take this opportunity to clarify those reports. Between January 10th and January 13th, the Ministry has, via our COVID-19 Reporting System, received confirmation of 108 cases of COVID-19 affecting teachers and 125 cases of COVID-19 affecting students, nationwide. Of the 108 cases affecting teachers, only 17 were recorded among teachers who were actively engaging in hybrid learning. When compared to cases among students, out of the 125 cases confirmed, 43 were confirmed among students who were actively engaging in hybrid learning. Between the same time period,1,626 teachers and 17,198 students were actively engaging in hybrid learning. Therefore, the cases recorded among teachers affected 1.04% of teachers actively engaging in hybrid learning and among students, the rate was even lower, with cases affecting only 0.25% of all students actively engaging in hybrid learning. The responses to these confirmed cases affecting teachers and students actively engaging in hybrid learning were prompt, and all sanitisation and cleaning protocols were applied as per our Guidelines on School Operation. Our information is indicating that for the most part, these cases are appearing in persons who have recently attended social functions or are close contacts of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. Furthermore, considering the time when schools have been open and the usual incubation period for the COVID-19 virus, we can safely say that all cases being recorded are not a result of any school activity. While we welcome this news, we note that schools have reported that students have been coming to school when they are displaying flu-like symptoms. On that basis, we appeal to parents, legal guardians and caregivers to continue monitoring their children and to follow the guidelines for quarantine that can be accessed from our social media platforms, website and on our Education Data and Information Hub. The challenges we in the education sector are confronted with as we transition to hybrid learning are not easy, and they will not be immediately resolved. The experts are clear: prolonged, nationwide school closures, limited resources for students, teachers and parents and lack of access to remote learning have wiped out decades of progress in education. We can only begin to rectify the situation when our children have returned safely return to school. Our Ministry reaffirms our commitment to doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our education community as we continue the transition to hybrid learning. We have strengthened our surveillance efforts and will continue to support schools in this process. For the educational, emotional, and psychosocial wellbeing of our students, teachers, and our entire community, let us continue to be vigilant. Get vaccinated and get boosted. Wear your mask, wash your hands and watch your distance. Together we can and must make hybrid learning a success. Ends.

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/ WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant in the area of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Risk Factors. Duty station:

Belize City


Essential: A university degree in one of the health, social or management sciences from a recognized University with emphasis on nutrition related chronic diseases Desirable: Postgraduate studies in public health or related field.

Experience: Essential: At least 7 years’ experience in the related field. Desirable: working experience in health services project management. Skills: • Theoretical and practical expertise in all aspects related to surveillance, prevention and control of Noncommunicable diseases, and the promotion of health, as well as a thorough knowledge of epidemiology, prevention, and control methods. • Ability to analyze factors, trends, and forecast scenarios based on current surveillance systems and possesses the capability to develop and plan innovative and appropriate solutions for their improvement. • Strong public health and strategic thinking background showing resourcefulness, initiative, leadership qualities and skills to deal with difficult situations and sensitive areas. • Ability to plan and carry out technical cooperation initiatives on NCDs with emphasis on nutrition related chronic diseases. • Knowledge of Global Strategies for the prevention and control of NCDs as well as regional, subregional and national situation on NCDs. • Knowledge of health services policies and administration within the framework of the model of family and community health. • Knowledge and skills in the formulation of technical cooperation interventions and in the development of criteria and instruments for evaluating program interventions, including resource mobilization and grant management. • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. • Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset. Languages:

Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish


Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than 20 January 2022.

For further details visit our website An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.

NOTICE STERLINO LIMITED #155,913 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that STERLINO LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


16 JAN



“Exposing You (Peyrefitte) as Less than Honest”





Financing institution:

International Fund for Agricultural Development


Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment

Project name:

Resilient Rural Belize Programme

BELIZE Please Quote Ref: CE/GEN/01//22 (08)


Specific Procurement Notice (SPN)

Procurement type:

Individual Consulting Services

Procurement Post:

Administrative Assistant

January 10, 2022

Loan/Credit/Grant Financing No.


Senator Michael G. Peyrefitte P.O. Box 2536 Belize City, Belize Dear Senator Peyrefitte, I’ m hereby responding to your letter of December 21, 2021. I am surprised by your concern regarding the professionals who spearheaded and coordinated the recent Super Bond and Blue Bond transactions, and the costs attached to that process - because it’s a process that you and other members of the previous administration claim to know so well. You also know well, Mr. Peyrefitte, the identities of the “lawyers and advisors who were paid” to facilitate that process, because they are the very individuals and entities who worked on the process during the Barrow administration, of which you were a part. And the public also knows who those entities are, because multiple press releases and media reports cited these advisors and their respective roles. What unease can you reasonably harbour about the competence and integrity of the legal and financial advisory team that negotiated the Superbond on the country’s behalf when every single firm my Administration retained had previously been contracted by the UDP Administration? Thus, unless you are feigning ignorance, you are well aware of these entities. In essence, you are requesting to find out what you already know. Let me enhance your awareness, however, of key financial facts - facts which indicate the amount spent by this government to cover administrative costs associated with the Superbond negotiations, and the kind of savings we were able to secure for this country for every dollar spent. Government initially allocated US$6m in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget for debt-restructuring costs. Subsequently, US$10m was secured to a component of the Blue Bond financing itself - thereby resulting in the availability of US$16m to cover transaction costs. Therefore, the BZ$15m supplementary allocation is a non-issue. Transaction costs for the Super Bond buyout were US$10,226,039 - an amount that is equivalent to 1.62% of the amount outstanding on this debt at the time of settlement, including principal, principal reinstatement and accumulated interest (US$629,584728). Transaction costs for the Blue Bond were US$4,342,785, which is 1.19% of the principal value (US$363,552,991). Total costs for both transactions totaled US$14,568,824, which represents 1.47% of the total underlying debt (US$993,137,719). These figures should seem familiar to you, because on October 26, 2021 in the House of Representatives, as you should recall, I provided an outline of these specific transaction costs. You should know as well (I so informed the House) that approximately 60% of the fees paid were success and incentive-based financial, structuring and conservation advisory fees (meaning those entities risked receiving no compensation at all if they did not succeed in securing the kind of savings that we sought for the Belizean people), while 34% covered legal costs and 6% were for operational expenses. These fees were disbursed to the following firms: Citi Capital Markets, HallMark Advisory, Sullivan & Cromwell, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, David Polk and Wardwell LLP, The Bank of New York Mellon, Carter Ledyard and Milburn LLP, Eqip Global Restructuring LLC and Global Bondholder Services Corporation. This is a comprehensive list. There are no other firms or individuals that have received compensation from the Government of Belize in these transactions. Senator Peyrefitte, I ask that you remember what your administration spent on a similar undertaking and compare the results - the relative yield for every dollar spent, the disparity in the amount of “bang” your administration and mine respectively got for the buck. In 2013 and 2017, your UDP Administration incurred Super Bond restructuring expenses totaling US$19,080,111. Your Administration spent US$11.6m on financial advisory expenses and US$5.6m on various “creditor committee expenses.” In fact, the 2013 and 2017 restructuring costs were 1.52% and 2.1%, respectively, both higher than our more complicated transactions. Your UDP Administration’s restructuring expenses were 31% higher or US$4.Sm more than what my administration spent to achieve BOTH a 45% discounted buyout of the Super Bond and the acquisition of US$363m of new financing for Belize. And your UDP Administration capitalized interest in 2020 and engineered a principal reinstatement provision in 2013 which, along with past due interest, increased the outstanding claim of Super Bond holders by some US$103m, from US$526m in 2013 to USD $629m at the critical juncture in the repayment timeline at which the Bond was finally redeemed this year. So, your Administration spent US$4.5M MORE on debt restructurings than the costs of this year’s dual transactions while INCREASING the Super Bond holders’ claim by some US$103M. Eliminating US$266M of public debt (US$629M minus US$363M), as this Administration was able to do, and getting this done below anticipated costs, below industry cost standards for transactions of this kind, and far below the cost of the previous UDP restructurings, you must agree, is enlightened and cost-effective debt management. The visionary marine conservation framework underpinning the Blue Bond financing, which includes almost BZ$200M in conservation investments, amplifies our accomplishment. In closing, I am compelled to correct you on one other important count. You made statements, while publicizing your letter to me, to the effect that 95% of the work on the Super Bond buyout and the Blue Bond financing was completed when your Administration left office. Surely your assessment must be based on factors other than the breadth and depth and intricacy of the processes involved in completing a transaction of this magnitude. All the parties involved during the past year in these complex negotiations - bond holders, conservation NGOs, advisors, investment banks, consultants, attorneys, diplomats, insurers, Ministry executives, and many others - are well aware of the expansive, painstaking process involved with hammering out these agreements. Many thousands of hours and hundreds of virtual meetings would not be an exaggeration. Your statements, therefore, risk exposing you as less than honest and your office as less than credible. You should urgently correct the public record. Sincerely, John Briceño Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment

Background: The Government of Belize (GOB), with financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vegetable, fruit, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers Organizations and relevant GOB Departments. Scope of Service: The Administrative Assistant will provide support to the Programme Manager and the RRB Programme Management Unit Staff to ensure the efficient and effective execution of all required Programme implementation tasks. Duties and Responsibilities: • Be responsible for day-to-day project correspondence, information sharing andfiling ensuring that appropriate follow-up actions are taken. • Maintain a record and filing system as repository of all pertinent Project documents at the RRB Office both in hard and electronic copy files. • Assist in the encoding of Project documents and reports (e.g. minutes, agreements, • MOUS, and presentation), as necessary; • Prepare minutes of meetings as necessary. • Assist with the procurement of and manage all office supplies and consumables. • Maintain records of stock inventory. • Assist the Procurement Officer in the bidding process, as necessary. • Assist the Procurement Officer with the maintenance of the Contract Monitoring database. • Maintain and Update the Supplier/Vendor Listing in par with the Procurement Officer • Organize all workshop/trainings, programme oversight committee meetings and both mission and staff meetings. • Prepare Minutes of Meetings as necessary. • Plan all events including publicizing of events, assisting with creation of flyers and promotional material, following up with guests and attendees, logistics coordination, venue preparation and communication with relevant suppliers. • Organizing travel arrangements for programme staff, consultants and IFAD mission members (including procurement of tickets, airport transport and hotel reservations); • Liaise with project counterparts on day-to-day implementation of project activities. • Support the Programme Manager and PMU Officers/Specialists as needed andundertake any other activity that may be assigned by the Programme Manager. Academic Qualification and General Experience: The Administrative Assistant must possess. • Minimum of an associate degree in Business Administration, Management, Economics, Agribusiness and/or related field. • Minimum of three (3) years’ experience providing administrative assistant services. Experience working with IFI funded projects will be considered an asset. Reporting: The Administrative Assistant will work closely with all the RRB PMU Officers especially the Procurement Officer but will report directly to the Programme Manager. The duty station for the position will be at the Programme Management Unit in Belmopan City. Clarifications: Any request for clarification should be sent via e-mail to the address below no later than January 19, 2022, at 3:00pm. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by January 26, 2022 at 3:00pm. Resilient Rural Belize Programme Attn: Nadia Vernon Procurement Officer National Agriculture Showgrounds Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan City Email: Application Submission: Interested candidates are requested to submit ONE PDF FILE that shall include a Letter of Interest, Curriculum Vitae, and two (2) recommendation letters along with a copy of the highest degree. The deadline to submit applications is February 4, 2022, at 3:00p.m. via the following File Request Link: (Note: No application submitted via email will be accepted) A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’ Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process.

16 JAN



THINK ABOUT IT GEORGE PRICE-THE GREATEST When Muhammed Ali won the boxing championship of the world in 1964, he jumped on the ropes of the ring and shouted I am the greatest. I shook up the world. I am the greatest. And as history has proven, he was the greatest boxer of all time. George Price is our greatest. There is no doubt about that. And history has proven this fact. George Price is the greatest politician. He is the greatest government leader of our he is the greatest and Leader of our country. There will never, ever be another like him. George Price was a humble human being. He genuinely cared about people and considered that his high positions in office was for the purpose of serving people. He lived a very modest life. He lived in the family home, a wooden house on Pickstock Street in Belize City. He had no television and relied on an old radio to hear news. He had no sofa set. He had a wooden sittee and a wooden chair said, he had no sofa. He had a piano in the small parlour of his house. He did not have much clothes or shoes. He wore an ordinary pants with a guayabera shirt most of the times. Material possessions meant nothing to him. George Price had no children and was not married. We were all his children and his family. He lived a quiet, sometimes lonely life. But he was always busy, always working to help others and do as much government and party work as possible. He always attended church. He was a Christian. George Price was a voracious reader. He loved books. He was always reading and he read widely. In his earlier days he crafted several memorable poems. “Building is A Task for Giants, Little People Have Tried and Turned Away”. He was of impeccable integrity. He was a statesman. He was the ultimate Belizean. He deserved the special titles bestowed on him by the people of Belize. Father of the Nation. Father of Independence. This Saturday 15th January is his birthday. The People’s United Party and many admirers of this unique human will pay tribute to him. The PUP is the country’s oldest political party with the most substantial accomplishments. Formed in 1950, they brought universal adult suffrage which means all adults were legally entitled to vote. They brought self-Government in 1964 and in 1981 after a long, hard struggle, against all odds, George Price and the PUP led our nation to independence...with all our territory intact. The time is now to reclaim some of George Price’s legacy in the administration of the government service. How to reduce waste of stationery and assets? How to keep and preserve records and reports? How to reduce the vast government fleet of vehicles? How to set aside Wednesdays as a special Serve the people day? We would like to see a picture of George Price on the One-hundred-dollar currency note. Big Respect George Price. And Big Thank You for all you have done for us and country. MICHEL CHEBAT Minister Chebat has been given the portfolio of Public Utilities. The Ministry of Health has been assigned to Minister Kevin Bernard. The Ministry of Public Utilities is a powerful Ministry which includes the huge Belize Telemedia Ltd, Belize Electricity and Water Authority. HENRY CHARLES Minister Henry Charles Usher, carrying the huge burden of the cantankerous Public Service machinery in addition to a new, first-time portfolio of Constitutional Reform and Political Affairs, has been assigned the delicate area of Religious Affairs, another first-time portfolio. This new Religious Affairs has already aroused the tiny LGBTQ community. They already issued a Press Release Wednesday and were quickly made guests on Channel 5 on Thursday morning. DEAL WID MAYOR TRAPP The media has been reporting what is distressing information regarding public monies at the San Ignacio Town Council. It is actually the San Ignacio and Santa Elena twin Town Council in Cayo District which elects their Town Council. In March of last year 2021, the municipal election resulted in a UDP Mayor and one UDP Councilor and five PUP Town Councilors. This was the ONLY council throughout the country which elected two UDPs. Everywhere else across the nation PUP mayors and councilors were elected. It was a MASSIVE REJECTION by voters of all UDP candidates nationwide. It came four months after the November 2020 general elections which saw only FIVE UDP area representative out of 31 being elected. In San Ignacio/Santa Elena (SISE) the Mayor was a re-elected mayor. Former Prime Minister Said Musa had championed the direct election of


Mayors. Previously an elected council would appoint one of its members to be Mayor. Said, and the then PUP government, had also improved the law to allow Town Councils and City Councils more autonomy in their operations and revenue collections. Last week, the five PUP councilor’s of SI/SE took to the media to denounce the Mayor for nepotism, mismanagement and abuse of public funds. Their detailed allegations were alarming. The Mayor, Earl Trapp publicly responded. His response was weak, dodgy and unacceptable. One of the many complaints was that the Mayor was hiding the audited report of the council’s monies. And that from a draft seen by the four councilor’s was alarming. The Central Government in Belmopan provides subsides to the Town and City Councils. The Central government has a Ministry and Minister responsible for local government, meaning Village Councils and town and City Councils. There are only two City Councils-Belmopan and Belize City. The Ministry responsible for the Town Council in San Ignacio and Santa Elena needs to immediately go into the town council and do a management and personnel audit and to put in place strict procedures for revenue and expenditure of public monies. Even if it means making amendments to the laws. I also do not support that Town Councils and City Councils should be hiring expensive private audit firms to audit their financial affairs. Even if this means employing additional staff at the Auditor General’s Department. GARBAGE TAX The Belize City Council has its problems and its challenges. The great king Solomon wrote many proverbs and psalms in the Bible. He also wrote a long poem about love and sex which is in the Bible as the SONG OF SOLOMON. He also wrote the extraordinary book of wisdom which in the Bible is called ECCLESIASTES. How I love this look in the Bible and urge everyone to read it. It is so enjoyable and full of wise opinions and observations. The book of ECCLESIATES is short. It has only 12 short chapters and takes up four pages. At chapter 10, verse 19 the great Solomon says that a feast is made for laughter and wine makes us merry, but money is the answer to all problems. How the Mayor of Belize City Council wish he had more money. He would solve all his City Council problems. But alas! Life ain’t so easy. Mayor Bernard Wagner and his City Councilors have weathered the covid pandemic hurricane. But it has not been easy. And the storm is not over yet. In fact, the third wave, called Omicron is just hitting the shores. The Mayor needs more revenues. His Council may be overstaffed but he is not about firing people. He has fingered the cost of garbage collection as an area that is bleeding the Council’s monies. The private company cost about 4 million dollars each year to collect garbage. The Mayor needs to do what Minister Julius Ceasar Espat is doing at the Ministry of Infrastructure, reducing private companies and undertaking the works by the Ministry with Ministry equipment and personnel. It will result in huge savings and so make money available to get more things done. The Mayor is also floating a special garbage tax to be introduced on Belize City residents. This should be a no, no. We are all paying property tax. This already includes our payments for garbage collection, street repair and drain cleaning. We are not getting value for our money as more needs to be done to cut grass on the street side, clean drains and fix streets. FABER GONE WRONG Patrick Faber , the Opposition Leader hopes that one day in the far future (not 2025, not 2030) to be the Prime Minister. At this week’s press briefing, he raised the issue of Myrna Manzanares. Faber complained that Manzanares was not given a full burial that befitted her as a major cultural figure. He referred to how Lealah Vernon and Andy Palacio were glorified at their funeral. Miss Myrna passed away on 21st December, 2021. She was ailing and for more than a week was hospitalized. It was possible to contemplate she may pass away. She was buried at her beloved Village of Gales Point Manatee on 29th December. Patrick Faber had ample time to consult the National Institute of Culture and History about what type of funeral was being planned for the creole cultural Ambassador. To bring up the matter at the political press “conference” on 15th January raises so many questions. I will limit my opinion and comment to say this is a display of poor leadership and playing politics with miss Myrna’s death. Honourable Faber attended the funeral, gave the media an interview. And almost three weeks from the passing he will, “out of the blue” at a political event try to play politics with Miss Myrna. And Big thank You for all you have done for us and country.


16 JAN



ENHANCING ADMINISTRATION; ADVANCING KEY GOVERNANCE GOALS Belmopan. January 10, 2022 - Over the last several weeks, Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño conducted a comprehensive first-year review of national conditions, Cabinet portfolio performance and leadership effectiveness. As a result of these assessments, and after consultations with senior colleagues, Prime Minister Briceño believes that the following portfolio adjustments will enhance Cabinet’s administration while advancing key governance goals: • Hon. Kevin Bernard will now serve as Minister of Health and Wellness; Hon. Michel Chebat will now serve as Minister of Public Utilities and Logistics; and Hon. Rodwell Ferguson will now serve as Minister of Transport, Youth and Sports. • Hon. Francis Fonseca will, in addition to his current responsibilities, serve as minister responsible for E-Governance while Hon. Henry Charles Usher will, in addition to his responsibilities as Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Affairs, now also be responsible for Religious Affairs. • Operationally, the Office of the Prime Minister will now assume coordination for the National Security Council. • All other ministerial and minister of state appointments remain in place. The Prime Minister has advised the Governor General Her Excellency Froyla Tzalam that these Cabinet portfolio reassignments are to be effected immediately. “Every member of Cabinet, including those whose responsibilities are being re-assigned, enjoy my full confidence,” said Prime Minister Briceño. “My constitutional obligation as steward of the Executive requires the fine-tuning of ministerial designations from time to time, and in view of the current circumstances, I am convinced that the new assignments will further the national interest.” As a former three-time Mayor of the Orange Walk Town Council, the Hon. Kevin Bernard has considerable experience in a broad spectrum of public sector and stakeholder management. Minister Michel Chebat, a senior counsel with expertise in commerce and business, is particularly suited to tackle the complexities of public utilities and logistics. Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, who already delivered improvements to the national transport system, has successfully managed youth and sports programs in one of the country’s largest constituencies. The transformational e-governance initiatives of government will be speedily integrated into the Education, Science and Technology architecture, under the capable leadership of the Hon. Francis Fonseca. The Prime Minister has directed the Cabinet Secretary to expeditiously oversee the ministerial transition process, including the appointment of chief executive officers and senior staff. Ends

Hon. Kevin Bernard is New Health and Wellness Minister;

In announcing the changes, the Office of the Prime Minister stated that the changes follow a “comprehensive first-year review of national conditions, Cabinet portfolio performance and leadership effectiveness.” Hon. Bernard for his part has told the media that, going forward, the priorities will look at the whole structure of the health ministry, identify the strengths and weaknesses therein, and to put the right people in place. Witch-hunting is not involved in his plan, the new Health Minister assured, as he pledged to heed the advice that the medical professionals give him. “In leadership, you don’t just only lead from top (to) bottom, but you lead also from bottom up. You need to be able to listen to everybody around you; get the right advice,” the Minister told reporters on Monday. “We have to be able to listen to the legal experts that will guide the best manner in which we can lead this Ministry. We’re in the middle of Omicron; we don’t know what other variant may come to this country. We are poised as a government to ensure that we can do our utmost best to reduce the effects of COVID in this country and on the health of our nation, but at the same time, to turn things around as it relates to the services provided by all of our facilities publicly. … I will speak to the various heads of departments, listen to the people on the ground. I need to speak to the staff to see what are the challenges they face, what are the things that they would recommend,” he continued. In answering questions regarding the vacant post of the Ministry’s Chief Executive Officer, the Minister said he did not yet have a person in mind for the post. Because COVID-19 has brought about exponential expenditures for the Ministry, it has found itself still trying to stretch resources in areas that continue to have shortages. The Minister has to look at medical supplies, equipContinued on page 20


NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given GREEN WOOD INVESTMENT LIMITED and ICCB (IRAQI CONSULTANTS & CONSTRUCTION BUREAU) LTD. both commenced dissolution on 2nd November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given RANGEL HOLDINGS LIMITED commenced dissolution on 8th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given LOV20 LTD. and ALMA CONSULTING LTD. both commenced dissolution on 11th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given FAIRWAY LTD. and BELPICO CORPORATION both commenced dissolution on 12th November,, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given ALANA INVEST & TRADE INC. and MOTION TRADING LTD. both commenced dissolution on 16th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given BERLIN FINANCE LTD., HUGACK LTD. and SAUFFE TRADING LTD. all commenced dissolution on 17th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given KIRKWOOD PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED commenced dissolution on 22nd November,, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given TRISTAN REAL ESTATE INC., FEB MARINE TRADING CO. LTD., SK MARINE CO., LTD., ERTY TRADING INC., OKRO INC., GARLAND COMMERCIAL LTD., LOGISTICA (AFRICA) LIMITED and INTERNATIONAL PORTS SERVICES INC. all commenced dissolution on 29th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given XONTRA INVESTMENTS LTD. and HILSTON INVESTMENT LTD. both commenced dissolution on 30th November, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies.

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE TRODINO LIMITED #162,385 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that TRODINO LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

16 JAN





Notice is hereby given CONCORD SHIPPING CORPORATION commenced dissolution on 2nd December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.

Notice is hereby given PLISTEL TRADING LTD., MILIA OVERSEAS LTD., BARRIOSO BUSINESS LTD. and ALTERNA SHIPPING COMPANY S.A., all commenced dissolution on 28th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies.

Notice is hereby given LIGURIA MARINE CORPORATION commenced dissolution on 6th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.

Notice is hereby given RS INVESTMENTS LTD. commenced dissolution on 28th December, 2021; and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company.

Notice is hereby given ATIK INVESTMENTS LTD. commenced dissolution on 6th December, 2021; and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company.

Notice is hereby given TOWERBRIDGE ESTATE INC. commenced dissolution on 28th December, 2021; IAN DAVID FEBER of Gretenweg 13, 8038 Zurich, Switzerland, is the Liquidator of the company.

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited



Notice is hereby given GALICIA FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. and BELIZE BUREAU OF SHIPPING (ISTANBUL, TURKEY) LTD. both commenced dissolution on 7th December,, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies.

Notice is hereby given DISALO UNIVERSAL S.A., POUDER MARITIME S.A., GRAND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CO., LTD., WILMINGTON FINANCE CO. LTD., KENNA CONSULTANCE CORP. and DEVROL INTERNATIONAL LTD. all commenced dissolution on 30th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies.

Notice is hereby given MARCUSO MARKETING LTD. commenced dissolution on 14th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given ESPRIT MANAGEMENT INC. commenced dissolution on 14th December, 2021; and OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN of Panamá, Las Lajas, las cumbres, casa 65 Ciudad Panamá , is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

Notice is hereby given RS HOLDING LTD. and PARLIAM INTERNATIONAL CORP. both commenced dissolution on 30th December, 2021; and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given MEROLY INCORPORATED and DALINGO CORP. both commenced dissolution on 31st December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given CANATARA INVESTMENTS INC. and NOMIC FINANCIAL LTD. both commenced dissolution on 14th December, 2021; and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given NODIK INTERNATIONAL S.A. commenced dissolution on 15th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given GARDEN HOLDINGS LTD. and PYRUM INNOVATIONS S.A. both commenced dissolution on 17th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited


Notice is hereby given TOSCA SHIPPING LIMITED, PELICAN CAY SHIPPING & TRADING (BELIZE) LTD., CANDALES ENTERPRISES LTD. and BELDAME COMPANY LTD. all commenced dissolution on 22nd December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given DOBROYD REAL ESTATE INC. commenced dissolution on 23rd December, 2021; and MOORE BELIZE LLP of 3 ½ Miles Phillip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given RAINDROP CONSULTANTS S.A., SWAYING CORPORATION, and PORT TRADING CORP., all commenced dissolution on 28th December, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell the following property at the place and time as listed. At the Parking Lot of Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited, No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 10:00a.m. SCHEDULE

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 1039, Block 4 in the Carmelita Registration Section situate in the Posito Area, Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District easily accessible on the western side of the Philip Goldson Highway near Mile 43 ¾ comprising 12.29 Acres used mostly for agricultural purposes TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of RICARDO A. MARTIN, surety for DANIEL MARTIN. DATED this 10th day of January 2022 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:

20 OUT


Dear Editor, I am disgusted by something or it might be someone. I am PUP to the blue of my bone. As a good PUP and I have earned to right even to criticize even my party in the spirit of improving us. So criticizing the few remaining UDPs is easy. Here I will take on the UDP fraudulently posing as independent media. Let me get my voice out on these people who think they are abiding to democratic principles. Lying to the people is taking advantage of the freedoms of democracy. I am pre social media times and even pre evening news times and pre morning show times, I am well aware of what the great Belize Times does—setting Belizeans free with the truth. But do not sell me short...I am also well aware of how to listen/use the modern media. I have learned to sift out to intelligent from the dumb and plain false even at 7 in the morning when the sun is up and the Caribbean sea waves are hitting first thing. I cannot be irked more than to hear any psuedo journalist feign at being independent for the sake of advertising dollars. It drives me mad even more when the person/entity is obviously the reddest of UDPs.



Continued from page 18 ment, and human resources in the face of new COVID-19 infections each day that have grown by over a thousand alone on Tuesday and another thousand between Friday and Monday. The challenge won’t be an easy one, he said, but he is prepared to put his all into it. And while naysayers have had a lot of say about the reappointing of portfolios and a dispute that it might cause between Ministers Chebat and Bernard, nothing could be further from the truth, Hon. Bernard said. “In fact, immediately after the Prime Minister met with me and made the decision, I reached out to Minister Chebat, who at the time was on a call. He returned my call and we are scheduled to meet … and we will go through the things – there are many success stories that we could point to at the Ministry of Health that Minister Chebat has done and we’re going to look at what was there and what are some of the things he feels as well need to be strengthened and challenges he may have faced. So, there’s no such thing. We are very good colleagues,” Bernard assured. Similarly, giving up his Sports portfolio to Hon. Ferguson and E-Governance to Hon. Fonseca creates no rifts between him and them, he said. Bernard was confident that the teams that are at those respective Ministries are capable to continue the work set on solid foundations that he streamlined at the two Ministries. The changes are expected to maximize positive results in all the Ministries affected and target the areas where the challenges have been identified.

16 JAN

THE BELIZE TIMES For example, if hypothetically, your father had secretly spent monies from a company deemed to belong to the people, all independent journalists should cover this with openness. Even more if there was a deal not to disclose 237 thousand paid back to the people’s company. Any independent journalist should be happy to tell the Belizean public of this nefarious deal. Ignoring this is journalistic incompetence and gross two-faced television.

The sun will soon go down on this station. People will see what you are worth. If a Prime Minister who is running the country broke sends you to Montana, USA to exclusively interview someone on his behalf are you part and parcel of his incompetence? Of course you are. Secret deals between Barrow and anyone makes you as incompetent as he was in the mal administration of the 2008-2020 govern-


ment. Even UDPs will soon give up your fake TV station as you failed to deliver on four consecutive elections. When the people ultimately swept out the UDP in 2020 and 2021, this included rejection of UDP Ministers, the UDP, bad UDP public officers, and utter rejection of the accompanying UDP supporting media. Collet PUP to the Bone Still Not Biased

16 JAN




LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Isson Charles is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Tey’s Food Spot” located in Double Head Cabbage Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Carlton Young is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Riverside Orchard” located in Gracie Rock Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Sharlette Miguel is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Mayan Crystal Skull” located in Rock Stone Pond, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Rosendo Urbina Jr. is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Roxo Company Ltd.” located in Yo Creek Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Eliocedy Cabanas is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Buddha Restaurant” located on Aurora Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Azizur Rahman Azod is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Sumana Store & Laundromat” located at # 12 Guadalupe Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Hector Mencias is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mencia’s Shop” located in August Pine Ridge, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Blanca Ordaz is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Tipsy Lounge & Restaurant” located on San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Abner Rodgriguez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Los Amigos” located in Trinidad Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Irvin Choc is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Choc’s Mini Shop” located in San Jose Nuevo Palmar, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Zelene Garcia is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Zelene’s Groceries” located on Santa Familia Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Allen Yu is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Kai & A Internet Cafe” located at # 28 Belize Corozal Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Mohammad Abdul Valam is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Surma Store” located at # 11 San Antonio Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Rong Da Lu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Luda’s Restaurant” located at # 22 Bakers Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Toni Lee is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Lee’s Chinese Restaurant” located at # 11 San Antonio Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Ling Ya Huang is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Luda’s Restaurant” located at # 61 Belize Corozal Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Norberto Babb is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Bobbox” located at # 2 Park Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Iris Lopez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “AAJ” located at # 64 Pasadita Area, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Ling Ya Huang is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Luda’s Supermarket” located at # 39 Otro Benque , Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Leroy Williams and Juliany Martinez are applying for a Restaurant & Bar Liquor License to be operated at “A Taste of Our Jewel Restaurant” located at #1 Lebanon Street , San Ignacio Town, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.


New Garden Limited #55,847 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that New Garden Limited: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

NOTICE NOBLES LIMITED #166,514 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that NOBLES LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


NORLEGO LIMITED #159,030 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that NORLEGO LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

NOTICE Oneway Worldwide Services Limited #55,862 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Oneway Worldwide Services Limited: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


16 JAN



DOVINO LIMITED #156,360 (“the Company”)



LISTRACO LIMITED #88,992 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that DOVINO LIMITED:

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that LISTRACO LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent





(“the Company”)

(“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that FLATO LIMITED:

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that LOSTAR LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


GREYBOX LIMITED #159,016 (“the Company”)

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


NEDMAS LIMITED #156,362 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that GREYBOX LIMITED:

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that NEDMAS LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent



Incircle Ltd. #150,731


(“the Company”)

(“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Incircle Ltd.:

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that NETMASIO LIMITED:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

16 JAN





AVERO LIMITED #88,993 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that AVERO LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4(2) OF THE FISCAL INCENTIVES ACT,CHAPTER 54 OF THE LAWS OF BELIZE, REVISED EDITION 1980-1990-2000-2003-2005-2011 It is hereby notified for general information that the principals of Maya Group Limited, have submitted an application for an Approved Enterprise Order under the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990-2000-2003-2005-2011, and the Minister of Investment proposes to make the Order hereinafter set out. Any person who objects to the making of such an Order is hereby invited to give notice in writing of his/her objections and of the grounds on which he/she relies in support thereof to the Executive Director, Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, on or January 21st, 2022. BELIZE:

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that CARIPO LTD.:


It is hereby declared that the principals of Maya Group Limited, shall continue to provide domestic air transportation flights throughout the country of Belize at its location Municipal Airstrip, Belize City. Maya Group Limited (hereinafter called ‘the Company’) shall be an approved enterprise under the Fiscal Incentives Act.

3. (a)

In addition to the conditions imposed by the Act, the Company shall: not practice whatsoever any discrimination on grounds of ethnic, religious or political identity; observe all safety, social security, health and labour regulations; pay fair wages to the workers and observe fair labour practices; consult with the Belize Labour Exchange before employment of workers of other nationalities; employ only such workers of other nationalities as are in possession of valid work permits; make provision for the training of Belizeans in all aspects of the operation and conduct of the Company including management; submit a plan for approval by the Ministry of Labour for such training in all the required skills; satisfy the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of the Environment that all necessary measures are taken to control any pollution to the environment that may result from the operation of the company; satisfy the Ministry responsible for Archaeology that all measures are taken to prevent the destruction of any ancient monument or antiquity located within the Company’s area of operation; maintain separate books of accounts and records in respect of the Company; maintain such books of accounts and records in a manner which conforms with generally accepted accounting principles in Belize and appropriate to the business in which the Company operates; conduct the business in a manner acceptable to the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service; continuously employ at least two hundred and twenty-five (225) persons by October 26th, 2026; Upon obtaining the written approval of the Executive Director, Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, the Company shall be permitted to import such quantity of such items free of customs duty and revenue replacement duty as shall have been proved unavailable from suitable local products or raw materials, and necessary for the establishment/expansion and operation of the Company, and for the sole use thereof, but limited to:

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (j) 4.

• • • • • • •

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent

CIFREDO LIMITED #156,361 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that CIFREDO LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent


This Order may be cited as the APPROVED ENTERPRISE (MAYA GROUP LIMITED) ORDER 2022.

a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 29th day of December, 2021; and c) CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company




CARIPO LTD. #152,169 (“the Company”)

ORDER made by the Minister of Investment in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Section 4 of the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990-2000, and all other powers thereunto him enabling. (Gazetted ... 2022)

(“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that BOLINK LIMITED:

The proposed Order reads as follows:

Aircrafts Aircraft Engines and Propellers Aircraft Spare parts Machinery, Tools and Equipment Office Equipment and Appliances Fixtures and Fittings Transport Vehicles

5. The date of production shall be December 12th, 2021. . 6. The date of commencement and the date of termination of the duty exemption period shall be December 13th, 2021 and December 12th, 2026 respectively. 7.

The Company shall enjoy no tax holidays.


This Approved Enterprise Order may be revoked if any condition to which it is subject to is broken by the Company. MADE by the Minister responsible for Investment this

day of January, 2022.

______________________________ Hon. John Briceno Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment



16 JAN


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