Belize Times July 17, 2022 - Investment Policy & Strategy

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17 JUL


Established 1957

17 JULY 2022 | ISSUE NO: 5309

The Truth Shall Make You Free

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“We promised to build a Belize that works for everyone, or as we say in creole where “Everybody fi win.” To do this, we must create investment opportunities for Belizeans who want to be a part of our national development. This is what we hope to achieve through this policy and strategy -- more opportunities for Belizeans to prosper. My recent trips to Brussels and Lisbon stimulated great interest to increase foreign direct investment to Belize and we have reassured these and other countries that Belize is open for business.” – PM Briceño Keynote Address Excerpt

Pg. 2 Belize via the NWC in Mexico City establishing important Gender Liaisons


Dr. Ted Aranda Passes Pg. 2

Min. Requena Leads a Visit

CABINET BRIEF 4 Southside Schools: Upliftment Project 10.07% Trigger Referendum on Cannabis Compulsory Education Up to 16 Other…

Pg. 5

Pg. 5

Pg. 5


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PM Briceño: Signing Agreements with CDF Belize is open for business... Belize is rebounding...

NINE KEY PILLARS The National Investment Policy and Strategy might be called a magnificent spinoff from the highly successfully November 12 2021 Investment Summit in San Pedro Town. This summit was truly only the planting of the seeds of policies that have now grown into nine pillars that altogether make up the NIPS that is poised to give the Investment process in Belize an oomph needed to develop Belize in areas that touch more lives. It cannot be said plainer than this, it "should make business easier", Prime Minister John Briceño. The nine Key Pillars ahead will show how digitization and digitalization effort along with legislation and other gargantuan efforts can and will at greater levels give access to a Belize that is Open for Business.

I. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR PROMOTING INVESTMENT POLICY GOAL: Set up “one investment window” that coordinates and oversees all aspects of the investment process from idea to aftercare and impact evaluation.

II. DELIVERY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES, ETHICAL GOVERNMENT, E-GOVERNMENT POLICY GOAL: Bring the Government closer to national and international investors through major improvements in the delivery of Government services related to government applications and approvals/permits.

Prime Minister Briceño met with the Rodinald Soomer, CEO of the Caricom Development Fund (CDF), who is in the country for the Launch of our National Investment Policy and Strategy, funded by the CDF. I also signed several agreements that are part of the CDF envelope of collaboration with Belize. These include funding for other consultancies and development projects with several Ministries and other government agencies. CEO of the Caricom Development Fund (CDF Both CEO of Investment Mrs. Narda Garcia and CEO of Ministry of Economic Development Dr. Osmond Martinez witnessed the signing.

III. DELIVERY OF FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR INVESTMENT, ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR INVESTMENT POLICY GOAL: Facilitate access to investment financing on appropriate terms and foster the development of a more efficient and investor-friendly financial system for all investors, particularly domestic ones. IV. REFORM OF THE TAXATION SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINING PRIVATE INVESTMENT POLICY GOAL: To strengthen the Taxation system to better support the national investment strategy and initiatives whilst promoting equity, transparency, and efficiency in its administration

V. REVISION OF THE EXISTING REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM TO MAKE IT MORE INVESTMENT FRIENDLY POLICY GOAL: Strengthen the rule of law, enhancing and developing the national regulatory frameworks to foster national and international investment as well as a dynamic and well-functioning business sector. VI. REFORM OF THE BUSINESS INCENTIVES FRAMEWORK POLICY GOAL: Offer a suite of business incentives that are coherent, transparent and efficient and which serve to underpin Belize’s investment and economic development opportunities. VII. ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SKILL SUPPLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS POLICY GOAL: Encourage the development of a skilled and flexible human resource base to support Belize’s investment and economic development opportunities.

VIII. DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND LOGISTICS POLICY GOAL: Develop a high quality national infrastructure in water, energy, communications, transport and logistics that supports the effective and efficient use of natural and human resources, the expansion of internal trade and commerce, the promotion of social cohesion and, finally, the reduction of the cost of export and imports. IX. FOSTERING OF ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY POLICY GOAL: Strengthen Belize’s economic diplomacy to promote its integration into the regional and global economy and contribute to the positioning of Belize as a preferential investment destination in the region for international companies and investors.

The members of the Project Steering Committee are: • Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) • Economic Development Council (EDC) • Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and Investment • Investment Policy & Compliance Unit (IPCU), • Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)

Dr. Ted Aranda Passes JULY 10, 2022 - The People’s United Party (PUP) extends its condolences, on behalf of a grateful nation, to the family of Dr. Theodore “Ted” Aranda. Dr. Aranda was a visionary leader, a lifelong academic, an erudite statesman and a well-respected leader. Throughout his life, he remained a key part of Belize’s national development. He was a principled policymaker with a unique sense of compassion, kindness and fairness and played an important role in the development of his community. Dangriga residents and Garifuna communities in Belize are most proud of this fine son of the soil. Today, we also join them in their bereavement for such an important figure. Dr. Aranda was the representative for the Dangriga constituency between 1974 and 1979 and later became UDP leader from 1979 to 1983. Shortly after, he left the UDP to join the PUP and regained the Dangriga seat under our great PUP from 1989 and 1993. For his service to Belize, we salute him and may he Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.

The Belize National Investment Policy and Strategy (NIPS), approved by the Government of Belize through its Cabinet on May 24, 2022, seeks to establish a national framework to guide domestic and foreign investments. The primary objective of the NIPS is to determine with greater certainty and predictability the national direction toward economic development and how citizens can participate in and benefit from this process through investments.

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER

Fay Castillo EDITOR



Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email:

17 JUL



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hey say hindsight is 20/20 and were they right! The United Democratic Party has all manner of solutions, notwithstanding the mismanagement and general chaos that they are responsible for unleashing on Belize and Belizeans. Hon. Tracy Taegar Panton has made pronouncements on several matters in the last few days, many dealing with issues that were left lingering for more than a decade in the previous administration of which she was a senior member. The Occupational Safety and Health Bill outlined in the Health Agenda 2007-2010 had consultations countrywide as far back as 2010 at the Biltmore. The OSH Bill was finally tabled at the House of Representatives in 2014 where it has languished until recently when this administration has picked it up, almost exactly where it had left it. On the general lack of hope, doom, gloom and desolation the undefeated experts certainly are the current Opposition. For thirteen long years, they failed the Belizean people time and again, sowing their sour seeds of misery. Have they come now to gloat and harvest their wretched crop? One must be very bold indeed to come to Belizeans now, so conveniently with all the answers. During the last administration only, the territorial claim warranted a bipartisan approach. Suddenly, it seems that members of that same administration who did nothing to advance our policies, laws and economy, when they had the mandate for thirteen years, now have all the answers. It is absurd to feel slighted or offended by an official letter that requests the convening of a meeting that by all accounts and admission is past due. The meeting in April was postponed, and the circumstances were certainly extenuating. However, it has been four months since the last Joint Public Accounts Committee (JPAC) and it is not only due but in fact extremely overdue. In the fulfilment of their functions, the other members appropriately sent a formal letter requesting that a meeting be held. There must come the inevitable tabling of accounts from the previous administration. These are stalling tactics meant to dissuade and impede the proper functioning of this committee and the airing of some interesting facts. Hon. Tracy Panton would style herself in the public eye as being beyond reproach, certainly, she is the most credible of her colleagues on that side of the House. That feat certainly is not difficult to achieve considering how low the standard is set. Yet, there was some hope harboured that she could come clean and confess that for thirteen years she and some of those truant and wayward colleagues did not advance some of the very same initiatives that this government has taken up, developed, and is now championing. She should confess that in fact every good policy and plan that did not serve special interests was put on the back burner and completely forgotten. The timing and regularity of the missed meetings are convenient as it is rumoured that the very first documents to be perused are those for the last few years of the UDP administration. If her hindsight is 20/20 then her foresight is also excellent, because even though the present is kinda fuzzy, she knows exactly how that plays out next.

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en Español


icen que la retrospectiva es 20/20 y ¡tenían razón! El Partido Unido Democrático tiene todo tipo de soluciones, a pesar de la mala gestión y el caos general de la que son responsables de desatar en Belice y los beliceños. La Honorable Tracy Taegar Panton se ha pronunciado sobre varios asuntos en los últimos días, muchos de los cuales se refieren a cuestiones que quedaron pendientes durante más de una década en la anterior administración de la que fue miembro principal. El proyecto de ley sobre seguridad y salud en el trabajo, esbozado en la Agenda de Salud 2007-2010, fue objeto de consultas en todo el país ya en 2010 en el Biltmore. El proyecto de ley de SST se presentó finalmente en la Cámara de Representantes en 2014, donde ha languidecido hasta hace poco, cuando esta administración lo ha retomado, casi exactamente donde lo había dejado. En cuanto a la falta general de esperanza, la fatalidad, la pesadumbre y la desolación, los expertos invictos son sin duda la actual oposición. Durante trece largos años, han fallado al pueblo beliceño una y otra vez, sembrando sus agrias semillas de miseria. ¿Han venido ahora a regodearse y a recoger su miserable cosecha? Hay que ser muy audaz para venir ahora a los beliceños, tan convenientemente con todas las respuestas. Sólo durante la última administración, la reclamación territorial justificaba un enfoque bipartidista. De repente, parece que los miembros de esa misma administración que no hicieron nada para hacer avanzar nuestras políticas, leyes y economía, cuando tuvieron el mandato durante trece años, tienen ahora todas las respuestas. Es absurdo sentirse menospreciado u ofendido por una carta oficial que solicita la convocatoria de una reunión que, según todos los indicios y admisiones, está atrasada. La reunión de abril fue aplazada, y las circunstancias eran ciertamente atenuantes. Sin embargo, han pasado cuatro meses desde la última Comisión Mixta de Cuentas Públicas (CCP) y no sólo se debe, sino que, de hecho, está muy atrasada. En cumplimiento de sus funciones, los demás miembros enviaron oportunamente una carta formal solicitando la celebración de una reunión. Debe venir la inevitable presentación de las cuentas de la administración anterior. Se trata de tácticas dilatorias destinadas a disuadir e impedir el buen funcionamiento de esta comisión y la exposición de algunos hechos interesantes. La Honorable Tracy Panton se presenta ante la opinión pública como una persona irreprochable, sin duda, es la más creíble de sus colegas en ese lado de la Cámara. Esta hazaña no es difícil de lograr, teniendo en cuenta lo bajo que es el nivel de exigencia. Sin embargo, se albergaba la esperanza del que pudiera confesar que durante trece años ella y algunos de esos colegas vagabundos y díscolos no impulsaron algunas de las mismas iniciativas que este Gobierno ha adoptado, desarrollado y ahora defiende. Debería confesar que, de hecho, toda buena política y plan que no sirviera a los intereses especiales se dejó en un segundo plano y se olvidó por completo. El momento y la regularidad de las reuniones perdidas, son convenientes, ya que se rumorea que los primeros documentos que se examinan son los de los últimos años de la administración del UDP. Si su visión retrospectiva es 20/20, su previsión es también excelente, porque, aunque el presente es un poco borroso, ella sabe exactamente cómo se desarrollará después.

17 JUL

THE BELIZE TIMES 2022 – 2019 Village Council, 2020 GenerTRACY REFUSES TO al Elections, 2021 Municipal Elections and the freshest message AUDIT UDP YEARS from the people the 2022 Village

As the chairperson of the JOINT PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE newly placed by the planBelize administration, Tracy Panton has just realized that openness first means opening up the UDP cesspools. She could even spruce it up a bit by revealing the vileness

that went through the UDP cabinet that eventually led to their extinction as a mass party. Now, Tracy appears on an interview as if she is squeaky clean of all the UDP years. No-No Tracy you are still the compromised UDP that squeaked out a win since you packed two buildings in Albert with 80 voters—Tracy won Albert by only 42 votes. It is time Tracy, confess.

Still Doesn’t Resign

The time has come for the remnants of the UDP to confess their corruption between 2008 and 2020, The last four major elections

Council Elections –echo loudly that the people DO NOT want the UDP NOT EVEN in Opposition. How do we know this? The 38 percent that under some force voted for the UDP in 2020 has dwindled to 12percent now. The UDP is NOT a mass party anymore. It is insulting that slim-win Tracy can rear her ugly head once more saying she want to gain the trust of the people. The only purge that can help the UDP is a full-fledged resignation.

Still Campaigning for Leader

Instead of condemning the absence of Sista B in the House, she continues like all the UDP that they

05 5 are unaware of the reason. The leaderless UDP are obviously in perpetual crises and that allows Tracy to still be in perpetual vying for the post. Something that is blatantly insulting to the Belizean people is when she uttered that she needs to follow the UDP constitution. There is obvious disregard for the Belizean constitution that a UDP that she still pretends to follow raped for thirteen long years. Lastly, Tracy seems to be gung ho on the return of the other absentee representative and accused woman abuser, Faber. The UDP strategy is clear LIE their way to the next election and hope that people forget that ALL Barrows and ALL UDPs are part and parcel of the UDP that has been summarily rejected by the people for their wanton corruption as part of the corrupt 2008-2020 UDP. Stop wasting peoples’ time and resign!! Much can be done with your seats.

Belize via the NWC in Mexico City establishing important Gender Liaisons

Cabinet Brief Belmopan 14thJuly 2022 The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 12th July 2022 •

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Cabinet was updated on initiatives being undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology and enthusiastically supported a proposal to increase the age of compulsory education from 14 to 16, recognizing that while this change will lead to other legislative and policy changes, it is a critical move to help to prepare Belizean students for life. Cabinet was also informed and supported the Ministry of Education’s proposed multi-layered approach of the Belize Education Upliftment Project: Together We Rise, which will focus on providing specific targeted interventions to four schools in the Southside Belize City. In addition, Cabinet was informed of the Belize National Curriculum Framework 2022, which has been developed after months of consultation and focused effort. The highest priority of the new Framework is to build competency in students from pre-primary through to secondary levels. The 2022-2023 academic year will serve as a pilot and transition year for schools. Cabinet also supported the Ministry of Education in the specific areas and projects that have been identified by the University of Belize as part of the developmental requirements necessary for it to meet its national mandate. Cabinet approved the strengthening of the Women and Families Support Department of the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs to improve access and service delivery to ensure comprehensive support services to women and families and provide a strengthened response to domestic violence. This initiative will include the hiring of additional personnel to assist vulnerable groups that may be experiencing a range of social issues. Cabinet approved the introduction of legislation to amend the Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Act, and regulations thereunder, to remove legal deficiencies and more effectively implement the Common Reporting Standards on the automatic exchange of financial information in tax matters further to commitments with the European Union. Cabinet gave its approval for the Ministry of Tourism to apply to become a member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the world’s leading agency that is dedicated to the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. The Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, and Religious Affairs briefed Cabinet on the results of the vetting process by the Chief Elections Officer for the petition on the Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Control and Licensing Bill pursuant to Section 2(4) of the Referendum Act. Of the 20,112 petitions submitted, 18,891 or 10.07 percent of the total number of registered electors were accepted, thus triggering a referendum. Cabinet is satisfied that the democratic process was followed and welcomes the opportunity to hear from the electorate on this issue. The Minister of Health & Wellness informed the Cabinet of the presence of the BA.2 and BA.5 COVID-19 subvariants in Belize, indicating that persons with these subvariants are presenting varying degrees of symptoms, ranging from runny nose, sore throat, headache, tiredness, cough, body aches and fever. Cabinet was provided with an update on the status of vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 210,950 vaccines on hand. As of 11th July 2022, 227,461 persons or 52.8 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 217,269 or 50.9 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 31,918 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,805 booster shots have been issued. Finally, Cabinet approved the removal of all public health measures at points of entry, but cautions that in light of the presence of the BA.2 and BA.5 subvariants in Belize, vaccines remain the best protection against severe disease and death from COVID-19.

The President of the National Women’s Commission Thea Garcia-Ramirez was invited to represent Belize at the establishment and inaugural meetings of the Red Interamericana de Enlaces de Género de los Poderes Judiciales in Mexico City on July 7th and 8th, 2022. The network aims to lay the groundwork for the creation and work plan of the Inter- American Network of Gender Liaisons from Member States of Human Rights Inter-American instruments, such as the Convention of Belem do Pará. In addition, the meeting served to share experiences and best practices among the gender entities of the judiciaries from member states. The initiatives are sponsored by the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico; the Standing Commission on Gender and Access to Justice of the Ibero-American Judicial Summit; the Inter-American Commission of Women as Technical Secretariat of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Wom-

en, Convention of Belem do Pará (MESECVI); and the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). The participants were addressed by Chief Justice Arturo Zaldívar, President of the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice and the Federal Judiciary Council of Mexico; Dr. Nadine Flora Gasman Zylbermann, President of the National Women’s Institute of Mexico; and Dr. Patricia Pérez Goldberg, Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, among others. Discussions centered on regional access to justice with gender perspective, its progress, challenges, and perspectives. Attendees also participated in two capacity-building workshops with the intention of strengthening their technical capacities. The first focused on monitoring and evaluation of actions and policies to promote access to justice, gender equality and the right of women to a life free of violence. The second workshop concentrated on the design and implementation of budgets with a gender perspective.

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BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between RUTH STAINE DAWSON (Chargor) of the first part, SHARRYN DAWSON (Borrower) of the second part and HRCU (Chargee) of the third part.

A vacancy exists at San Pedro High School for the following full-time post:

Information Technology

Temporary vacancies exist for the following post at San Pedro High School for the period September 1st to November 30th, 2022:

HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

Business Studies

Applicants must have a minimum of a first degree in the subject area to be taught. Experience using Microsoft Teams would be an asset. Applicants must also have excellent communication, interpersonal skills and be willing to work with students. Applications should be submitted along with a resume, copies of certificates, transcript, letters of recommendation and teacher’s license (must). Salary will be in accordance with Government’s pay scale, which is based on qualifications. Applications must be addressed to: Principal P.O. Box 23 San Pedro High School San Pedro Town A.C.

Deadline for Applications: July 22, 2022

SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 689, Block 42 in the Punta Gorda Registration Section situate at No. 6 Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of RUTH STAINE DAWSON, surety for SHARRYN DAWSON. DATED this 28th day of June 2022 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:


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Prime Minister John Briceño Belize Best Western Biltmore – Belize City Thursday July 14, 2022

Good morning, Today is a good day because we are once again here in partial fulfillment of planBelize but also in keeping with our process of recovery. So, I am happy to join with those before me in welcoming you all here for the launch of the Belize National Investment Policy and Strategy. We promised to build a Belize that works for everyone, or as we say in creole where “Everybody fi win.” To do this, we must create investment opportunities for Belizeans who want to be a part of our national development. This is what we hope to achieve through this policy and strategy -- more opportunities for Belizeans to prosper. At the onset, let me thank and acknowledge the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) for their invaluable contribution to this process, human, technical and, yes, financial. For sure, this National Investment Policy and Strategy will continue to transform Belize as a transparent business environment. We believe this to be so because those at the forefront of this work are capable people who will do all possible to make us even more regionally competitive, in our quest to be an investment hub for the Central America and Caribbean regions. The primary objective of this initiative is to increase macroeconomic growth which will provide room and opportunity for all Belizeans, with the potential to accelerate Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) growth on the global stage. In fact, my recent trips to Brussels and Lisbon stimulated great interest to increase foreign direct investment to Belize and we have reassured these and other countries that Belize is open for business. We know the power that foreign direct investment has in contributing to economic prosperity. We also know that we live in a rapidly changing global climate where we must face and mitigate many challenges. Rest assured that we will continue to design policies that foster economic development. These include improvements to the investment climate to ensure that issues such as double taxation are addressed, thereby attracting greater inflows, stronger intellectual property rights protection, and better investment protection. Not only will these changes bring challenges, indeed they will provide significant opportunities including spurring technological innovation to create greater efficiencies which should accelerate investment and trade. Again, these are commitments outlined in our PlanBelize. Ladies and Gentlemen, my government stands committed to position Belize as a major investment destination in Central America. The country has commenced on reforms to facilitate local and foreign investments in our established priority sectors. While we are undergoing these reforms, there are still several key elements that need to be improved to encourage and facilitate private investment in Belize and contribute to the sustainable development of the country. Our actions to secure investments for our economic prosperity has led to the development of sound policies to attract international investments. For this purpose, this Investment Policy focuses on nine key policy pillars to improve the business climate. These targeted pillars contain policy goals and include important steps such as the development of an integrated national strategy for promoting investment through a Single Investment Window (SIW). This SIW will contribute to the coordination and greater access to the investment process. To accomplish this, we are revising the existing regulatory framework, the taxation system, and Judicial System to make it more investment friendly. This will be done by enhancing and developing the national regulatory frameworks to foster national and international investment, as well as a dynamic and well-functioning business sector. Other goals include the continuous development of infrastructure and logistics through the development of quality national infrastructure in water, energy, communications, transport, and logistics that support the effective and efficient use of natural and human resources. This will expand internal trade and commerce, promote social cohesion, and reduce the cost of exports and imports. But more importantly, as we move to foster economic prosperity, we must emphasize the importance of developing a skilled and adaptable labour force that have the requisite skills sets required by national and international investors. Foreign investors also bring fresh capital, innovative technology, and a competitive spirit, and they bring jobs for our Belizean people. Achieving these goals require the full assurance of the Government of Belize. To deliver on this, we have embarked on a full digitization and digitalization of key services across pertinent ministries as an effort to making doing business easier, for example, the automation of the companies’ registry. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration will soon launch the new Electronic Passport and Control System (ePICS) that will allow for efficient processing through modern border management systems. Additionally, with the approval of the amnesty program, the government will regularize the immigration status of Central American, CARICOM and other nationals. In promoting efficiency through digitization, the Belize Tax Service, IRIS allows taxpayers to process and manage taxes online. To increase efficiency, some institutions have implemented digital wallets to improve e-commerce in Belize. Even government is now accepting payments via these digital platforms. We are doing the work because we know and believe in the potential of our country and our people. The Cabinet approved the Blue Bond which is a collaborative effort with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for up to US$364 million. This enabled us to reduce our debt burden and generate an estimated US$180M for marine conservation. This further enhances our obligation to reform the regulatory framework for coastal blue carbon projects and has made countries across the world pay attention to us as a model of what successfully adopting these projects represent. Our commitment to the green and blue economy is also instrumental to our pledge to restructure our debt and address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly the alleviation of poverty and hunger. Over the next three to five years, with the implementation of NIPS, there will be an enhanced value chain, expansion of economic sectors, increase in product diversification and continuous digitization. This should lead to increased access to international development financing and to trade agreements that will enhance Belize’s prospects for trade and investment. The implementation of NIPS requires the commitment of both public and private sector representatives, through the establishment of the nine technical committees. These entities include our educational and financial institutions, ministries, statutory bodies, priority sectors stakeholders and the private sector, to name a few. It is only through this collaborative effort that NIPS can be effective and beneficial to the country. I call on all our stakeholders to use your influence and efforts to achieve the goals. But today, we celebrate the good work and the accomplishments that we have achieved thus far. We acknowledge the invaluable contributions and sound policy advice that the organizations on the Project Steering Committee have made to the development of the policy. To BELTRAIDE (The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service), the Economic Development Council, the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit, the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Belize Business Bureau and the entire Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, thank you. Your commitment underscores the importance of encouraging quality foreign direct investment. More so, it ensures that we have the policies in place that support initiatives to drive domestic investments as well. Together, let us improve and strengthen our National Investment Policy and Strategy so that we can advance our national development and continue the work of building a Belize that works for Everyone. Thank you!

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JOINT COMMUNIQUE ON THE VISIT BY THE PRIME MINISTER OF BELIZE TO THE COOPERATIVE REPUBLIC OF GUYANA At the invitation of His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Honourable John Briceño, Prime Minister of Belize, made an official visit to Guyana from July 5 to 8, 2022. The delegation included Hon Eamon Courtenay Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, Mrs Rosanna Briceño Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children and Mrs Gale Miller-Garnett Belize’s Honorary Consul in Guyana. In addition to President Ali, PM Briceño also held discussions with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, Foreign Minister Hugh Todd and other Ministers in the Guyana Cabinet. In discussions with Hon. Oneidge Walrond Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce, it was agreed that Belize

and Guyana would share best practices and expertise in tourism as Guyana moves to develop its tourism industry. During the visit, discussions were held on the regional and international challenges such as the protracted effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of the on-going economic recovery, climate change, and the geopolitical tensions. The leaders engaged in substantive discussions on agriculture and food security, in the context of Guyana and Belize being mainland countries in the Caribbean Community. Both Heads agreed to the importance of strengthening agriculture and food security to mitigate the growing food crisis. The Belize delegation also visited Boa Vista, the capital of the state of Roraima, Brazil. There the delegation was hosted by the Antonio Denarium

the Governor of Roraima. Discussions were held with the Governor and members of the business community on potential exports of agricultural products from Roraima into CARICOM and beyond. Prime Minister Briceño and President Ali agreed on the urgency and value of strengthening bilateral ties within CARICOM, and exchanged views on practical ways advance the regional objective of decreasing the food import bill by 25 percent by the year 2025. During the visit, both Leaders: 1. Signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Government of Belize designed to enhance cooperation between the two countries. 2. Instructed officials in the re-

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2022 spective Ministries to operationalize the MoU as soon as possible and to prepare a joint work programme consistent with the objectives of the MoU. 3. Held discussions on climate change and plans for cooperation in this very important area. They agreed to have their respective experts meet as a matter of urgency to agree on common approaches. 4. Committed to collaborate and share experiences and expertise in designing policies to promote economic, social and cultural advancement of their indigenous peoples. They noted that as proposed by President Ali when he was in Belize in March 2022, a Belizean delegation led by the Hon. Oscar Requeña will visit Guyana beginning on the 8th July 2022 to observe how Guyana addresses issues relating to its indigenous people. Prime Minister Briceño thanked the Government and people of Guyana for their warmth, hospitality, and the attention given to him and his delegation during his official visit. July 8, 2022

Hon. Oscar Requena Leads Delegation to Guyana Belmopan. July 12, 2022. 11:00 a.m. Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government, is currently leading a delegation to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to learn from their experiences in promoting the rights and development of indigenous people through the implementation of legal mechanisms and community development policies. Minister Requena, accompanied by Valentino Shal, CEO in the ministry; Tanya Santos, CEO in the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs; and Gregory Ch’oc, Commissioner of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, is meeting with government ministries and remote community leaders in interactive sessions to discuss successes, challenges and opportunities experienced since the adoption of the Amerindian Act. The delegation has met with Hon. Pauline Sukhai, Minister of Amerindian Affairs; Hon. Collin Croal, Minister of Housing and Water; Hon. Nigel Dharamlall, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development; Hon. Joseph Hamilton and Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud to discuss development programmes and policies implemented by the Government of Guyana in rural indigenous communities. Minister Sukhai highlighted her government’s robust drive to push the Amerindian land titling project and sustainable environmentally friendly development under the country’s low carbon development initiative, which includes other priority areas such as healthcare, climate-friendly agriculture, access to potable water, electricity and other infrastructural development to promote interconnectivity and economic activities in the hinterland. Minister Requena and his delegation also had interactive discussions with villagers of the remote communities of St. Ignatius and Mainstay to discuss their experience with managing their indigenous lands, running their village councils and engaging in community development activities. The delegation is also attend-

ing the National Toshoas Conference, which gives Amerindian leaders a platform to directly address the president and government ministers on development and rights issues. The Government of Belize considers the experiences of both governments and countries in the CARICOM region vital to implementing the terms of the Caribbean Court of Justice Consent Order of 2015. Guyana’s longstanding engagement of its indigenous peoples provides a beneficial opportunity given our similarities of history and people. Minister Requena noted that Guyana can serve as a body of knowledge for Belize, highlighting that the two countries share many things in common. He also underscored the fact that this is the first time in the history of Belize that its indigenous people are being given priority.

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Prime Minister Briceño congratulates the 500 youths plus, the MYST, MHANGI and MoECST for working to build a better Belize and a brighter future for our citizens. The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Transport(MYST), through the Department of Youth Services (DYS), today held a graduation ceremony for over 500 youths who participated in various training and certification courses initiated by the department. The courses aim to increase the knowledge of young people, enhancing their employment opportunities, success in entrepreneurship and decision-making in their daily lives. Furthermore, these courses will positively impact the development of skills and grow interest among young persons, providing a more robust understanding of their potential, which can lead to more opportunities. Two courses were in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries(MHANGI), through the Leadership Intervention Unit. Hosted under the theme, “Schooling for At-Risk Youths,” the programs focused on enrolling at-risk youths in education activities to provide academic enhancement in areas such as Basic Math, English and Financial Literacy. Other course offerings included Customer Service, Graphic Design, and other youth developmental courses based on the recently conducted 2022 Youth Needs Assessment Survey. The DYS and the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries will continue to collaborate to employ strategies that will engage youths in capacity-building programs to help them acquire the skills needed to achieve their fullest potential to become productive and responsible citizens of Belize. Additionally, the Prime Minister recognized the Football Federation of Belize for the almost BZ$1M investment in 16 young Belizean football players awarded scholarships to attend universities in the United States. Then the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology will fund a stipend of BZ$300 monthly for each scholarship recipient starting January 2023. The PM invites everyone to join our many organizations and government agencies playing their part to secure Belizeans development.


The Central Bank of Belize invites qualified individuals to join its Human Resources Department. The Assistant Manager, Talent Acquisition & Planning assist in directing and maintaining the policies, plans, people, processes, and other resources required to administer and enable Central Bank’s human resources to execute the Bank’s strategy and fulfil its mandate. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Assist in developing manpower plans to acquire and develop the required competencies in recognition of the local, regional, and international labour markets, and Central Bank’s circumstances; Provide support in maintaining and enhancing Central Bank’s organizational design to optimize the Central Bank’s business performance; Create strategies to attract, engage, and onboard top talent; Lead job analysis initiatives and job descriptions and specifications review and make recommendations for changes as required; Assist with the management of the recruitment process; Administer performance management, competency development and career development processes to optimize personal and business productivity; Assist with the negotiation process of collective bargaining proposals, analyses the impact of the demands on the Central Bank and prepares final collective agreements; Provide assistance to the Manager, Human Resources in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Human Resources Department; and Perform any other related duties assigned from time to time.

The applicants should possess the following: EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE ▪ A Master’s Degree in Management Studies, Human Resources Management, and/or Business Administration, or other related field from a recognized university with three (3) years of progressively related administrative duties and training, and three (3) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset; or

A Bachelor’s Degree in Management Studies, Human Resources Management, and/or Business Administration, or other related field from a recognized university with six (6) years of progressively related administrative duties and training, and six (6) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset.

TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE ▪ In-depth knowledge of Labour Laws of Belize, Belize Social Security Act, and HR principles and operations; sound knowledge of talent acquisition and planning strategies; sound knowledge of industrial relations theories and practices; sound knowledge of performance management theories and practices; knowledge of human resources information systems and Microsoft Office Suite. COMPETENCIES

Personal Credibility, Flexibility, Personal Accountability, Fostering Teamwork, Managing Performance, Attention to Communication, Results Orientation, Managing Change, Strategic Thinking, Thoroughness, Initiative, Analytical Thinking.

Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 3 August 2022:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other specialized training or certifications Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE

Ref: Assistant Manager, Talent Acquisition & Planning- Human Resources Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)


17 JUL



Fisheries Department met with Taiwanese Seafood importers Representatives from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation and the Belize Fisheries Department met with Taiwanese Seafood importers who are part of a business delegation from Taiwan visiting Belize this July. During the meeting they discussed the Belize fishery industry

PHILIP GOLDSON HIGHWAY AND REMATE BYPASS UPGRADING PROJECT NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE/ DIVERSION – BSI JUNCTION July 12, 2022 - The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) informs the public of the partial closure of the Belize Sugar Industries intersection to accommodate construction works. Heavy goods vehicles exiting and entering Chan Pine Ridge Village to and from the direction of Orange Walk, will have access to Chan Pine Ridge Road via the Come and Go Gas Station. The closure will come into effect on July 14, 2022, and is expected to remain in effect for approximately five weeks. The MIDH appreciates the patience and understanding of the public as it undertakes these works and reminds all road users to exercise caution when traversing all construction zones, to adhere to the safety officers, respect legal speed limits and posted signs, and refrain from driving under the influence.

and Belize fisheries products with a special focus on exportation potentials. Present at the meeting were: Ambassador David KuanChou Chien, Ms. Maggie Ho, Import-Export Executive, HehFeng/Canberra, Import-Export Seafood Corporation, Gillian

Chia-Chen Hu, Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize. The Ministry was represented by: Blue Economy Director, Maxine Monsanto, Fisheries Administrator, Rigoberto Quintana and Senior Fisheries Officer, Adriel Castaneda

ECONOMIST III The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Research Department. The Central Bank of Belize seeks to fill two vacant posts of Economist III within its Research Department. The successful candidates will be required to conduct research, forecast key economic variables, analyse economic information about Belize’s economy, prepare policy documents, and contribute to educational activities as the Central Bank requires. The incumbents will also:

Collect, analyse, and verify economic data from primary and secondary sources and monitor the performance of various economic sectors, including the real, monetary, fiscal, and external sectors of the economy;

Provide specialist advice based on applications of economic theory and knowledge;

Conduct research, produce research papers, and provide recommendations on economic challenges and issues;

Keep abreast of economic developments and trends;

Represent the Central Bank at domestic or international forums; and

Perform other assigned duties.

The applicant should possess the following:

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country. --------------------God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude. --------------------Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives. --------------------With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge. --------------------We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give. --------------------And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

Education and Experience

A Master’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognised university is preferred. Relevant experience would be an asset; or

A Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognised university. Relevant experience would be an asset.

Technical Knowledge ▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank Act and the Domestic Banks and Financial Institutions Act; knowledge of all sectors of the economy and their interlinkage; strong understanding of economic principles and theory; strong mathematical and numeracy skills; proficient in the use of software applications and statistical packages, such as EViews, STATA, and SPSS; strong ability to apply theoretical and empirical economic analysis to develop policy recommendations. Competencies ▪ Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Teamwork and Cooperation; Initiative and Drive; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Analytical Thinking. Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 3 August 2022:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Central Bank Employment Application Form (available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) references (one must be from previous employer) Copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Economist III - Research Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)

17 JUL





VACANCY: JOB OPPORTUNITY Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Human Resource Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity, both females/males are encouraged to apply for the available post. Human Resource Officer Reporting Relationship:

On July 9, 2022, the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) through the Museum of Belize and Houses of Culture, officially reopened the doors of the Corozal House of Culture (CHOC), after more than a year of closure. Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, delivered the keynote remarks at the event and highlighted the commitment of the NICH in developing, conserving, and promoting of culture in all its diversity. Additionally, Minister Fonseca expressed his gratitude to the cultural community of Corozal for their endeavours in successfully reopening the CHOC. He congratulated Ms. Zeidi Vellos, the new coordinator of the CHOC and wished her well in the work that lies ahead. “Creative community came together in beautiful Corozal for the reopening of the new and improved COROZAL HOUSE OF CULTURE. It was a beautiful celebration of Belizean art, history and culture. Our Houses of Culture (NICH) across the Country are community spaces where our people must feel at home sharing and experiencing their Belizean Culture. Congratulations to the Corozal Creative Community. Also in attendance at the event were Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs, Ms. Merilyn Young, Interim President of the NICH, Ms. Ilona Smilings, Curator of the Museum of Belize and Houses of Culture and Dr. Melissa Badillo, Director of the Institute of Archaeology.


DENISE BARROW - Missing House meetings (ALL House Sittings in memory) - Absent from her job - Not Representing the people of Queen Square as she swore - Paid taxpayers’ dollars to ride a bike - Nephew Shyne is happy to count on her vote - Patt, Tracy and Faber silent on the issue - ALL UDPs support this Gapi move - Queen’s Square deserves better - Belize deserves respect

Director, Human Resources

Summary of Responsibilities: The Human Resource Officer assist the Director of HR in managing every aspect of employment process including orientation and training new staff members. Job Responsibilities: 1. Support the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems. 2. Create and implement effective on boarding plans. 3. Assist in performance management processes. 4. Support the management of disciplinary and grievance issues. 5. Review employment and working conditions to ensure legal compliance. 6. Assist with developing and implementing human resources policies. 7. Motivating and supporting HR staff 8. Maintaining staff records. 9. Handling employees’ benefits 10. Resolving conflicts through positive and professional mediation for staff 11. Assist in creating clear and concise reports 12. Assist in leading the HR and Admin Team. 13. Maintaining personnel files. 14. Conducts employee orientation; 15. Lead Employee Engagement activities 16. Maintain compliance with all CBAs and labour related legislations. 17. Assist with stevedore relations and discipline. 18. Coordinate training for staff development (internal and external); 19. Assists with employee relations matters such as employee safety, welfare and wellness; 20. Maintains and distributes current employee information, policy and procedure manuals, and other communication. 21. Any other duties of a related nature that may be assigned from time to time. Job Qualifications/Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, labor Relations, Business Administration, Tourism Management or related field of study. • 3-5 years working experience in HR related capacity field. • Working knowledge of a Human Resource information system (HRIS). • Experience in developing workplace policies. • Experienced with union negotiations. • Experience in conflict resolution, disciplinary processes and workplace investigations. • Experience in a unionized environment • Experience working with blue collar workers is an asset. • Knowledge of labor related legislations and regulations. • Computer literacy with competency in Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, and outlook. Skills/Competencies: • Good Communication skills • Be a good listener • Maintain CONFIDENTIALITY • Team Player • Be able to work with limited supervision • Be able to work under pressure • Critical Thinking • Complex Problem Solving • Judgment and Decision Making • Time Management

Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).

To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid police record, name, and phone number of two (2) previous employers. ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED Applications should be emailed to: Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, July 22nd, 2022



17 JUL


MIN. PEREZ AT 242ND REGIONAL BOARD MEETING OF COCESNA Minister Andre Perez and CEO Kennedy Carrillo are today in San Salvador, El Salvador attending the 242nd Regional Board Meeting of COCESNA, the regional SICA mechanism for the provision of aeronautical services in Central America. Minister Perez had the opportunity to make a formal request for technical assistance in preparation for Belize’s International Civil Aviation Organization audits to be held in 2023. Minister Perez also engaged in discussions on the proposed CARICOM/COCESNA MOU that would place Belize as a central hub between both regions. Other discussions included the imminent acquisition of the primary radar for Belize. While at in El Salvador the Board of Directors had the opportunity to tour the Central American Institute for Aeronautical Capacity Building and training. While on the tour the Minister and CEO met up with Jael Cobb a Belize Air Traffic Controller presently participating in training at ICCAE.


Notice is hereby given that Sherman Joseph is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “M & J’s Mini Mart” located in Double Head Cabbage Village, District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

In Loving Memory Kareem Clarke

Sunrise: Nov. 21st, 1987 Sunset: July 6th, 2015 Seven years ago you left us. I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me; don't cry for me, for this is a jouney we all must take. We each must go alone. It's all part of the Master plan. It broke our hearts to see you go but God only takes the best. We never wanted memories, we only wanted you, Kareem. Sadly missed by mother, sisters, brother, nieces, nephew, co-workers and a host of family and friends.

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ALL Over Belize Prime Minister John Briceño

Min. Jose Mai, Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise


18 JAN

Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing

Min. Andre Perez, Blue Economy & Civil Aviation

In Punta Gorda Town

Discussing trade in Roraima Brazil

Cooperatives build a better Belize and a better World

Hon. Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat, Cayo West

Mile 15 George Price Highway

Meeting w/ Presidents of the San Pedro Tour Operators Association

Hon. Ramon ‘Monchi’ Cervantes, OW North

Georgetown drains to alleviate flooding

Cayo - much needed heavy equipment

Min. Francis Fonseca, Freetown and MoECST w/ Min. Mahler, and Mayor Bernard

Benque ground breaking for plaza in the name of the Pallotine sisters

planBelize strategizing never ends

In San Luis supporting youth and sports Recognizing Sheryl Distan, author of September Celebrations theme



Contact: Mike Hernandez Communication and PR Officer PHONE: 501-227-2420 FAX: 501-227-2423 TOLL FREE: 1-800-624-0686 Website: Email: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 325, #64 Regent Street, Belize City, Belize

Update on Belize Entry Requirements Belize City, Belize, 14 July 2022—The Belize Tourism Board advises effective today, that the Government of Belize has decided to remove all public health measures at the points of entry in Belize (land and sea). With the updated regulations coming into effect, the following changes have been implemented for persons travelling to Belize: Belize Travel Insurance: Purchase of the insurance is now optional for entry but encouraged for protection against incurred medical and nonmedical emergency expenses. For more information visit and https://www.belizevisitori Vaccination and Testing: Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test is no longer required upon arrival and for entry into Belize at all official border points (land and sea). This recent adjustment to Belize’s COVID-19 Prevention Regulations is outlined in Statutory Instrument No.100 of 2022 of the PUBLIC HEALTH (REFORM) (PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE) (COVID-19) REGULATIONS. The Government of Belize cautions that in light of the presence of the BA.2 and BA.5 sub variants in Belize, vaccines remain the best protection against severe disease and death from COVID-19. International Tourists are also reminded that they must book their stay at a BTB approved hotel. As Belize continues to rebound, let us do our part to keep our country safe and the preferred destination for travelers. The Belize Tourism Board encourages all persons to continue to keep safe, wash your hands, and get vaccinated.

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Belize wins 3-0 vs Nicaragua in Central American U-21 volleyball championship

Belize City, July 12, 2022 Belize’s national under-21 women’s volleyball team dominated Nicaragua 3-0 in their opening match of the Central American U-21 volleyball championships, hosted by the Belize Volleyball Association at the Belize Civic Center on Tuesday night, July 12. Gareth Bruce led the attack hammering 16 kills at the net, she also served two access to tally 18 pts, earning her AFECAVOL’s award for MVP of the match. Fatima Ramirez hammered another 14 hits on plays set by Iman Safa, as the Belize girls swept the 1st set: 25-15. Fifteen-year-old Nisaan Martinez scored another 5 kills at the net and had 3 kill blocks; while Khaya Gordon scored 5 hits. Team captain Sofia Solano took the court as libero on defense, while Iman Safa served up 4 aces, and Zalika Henderson scored 2 hits and a kill block for Belize to take the 2nd set: 25-19. Gilmary Smith rallied Nicaragua’s counterattack in the 3rd set scoring 9 hits and a block. Maria Zeledon also had 8 hits and a block, and Brisa Perez scored 5 hits and a block, with the

BZE Iman Safa served 4 aces Belize U21 girls win 3-0 vs Nicaragua pinoleras leading until Belize tied the set at 23-23! Marci Mejia served up 2 aces, and Belize profited from the pinoleras’ 21 errors to prevail 25-23 in the 3rd set. Belize conceded 20 points on unforced errors. Honduras had won the opening game of the tournament in a hardfought duel with El Salvador that went the full 5 sets: 25-22, 25-21, 23-25, 22-25, 15-9. The Belize girls rested on Wednesday, before taking on El Salvador on Thursday, Honduras on Friday, and Guatemala on Saturday.

SAGITUN GIRLZ WIN NAWL Group A championship

Belmopan, July 9, 2022 The Sagitun Girlz won the National Amateur Women’s League (NAWL) Group A championship finals at the Football Federation of Belize Stadium in Belmopan on Saturday evening, July 9. The NAWL tournament began with 10 teams, with the stronger, more experienced players in the 5 teams of group A, while the novices played in the 5 weaker teams in Group B. The Sagitun Girlz and San Pedro Pirates qualified to the finals by eliminating the 4 times defending champions Jewel Fury and the defending sub-champions Rumberas in the semifinals. Jurshia Zuniga and Pauline Linarez led the Sagitun Girlz’ offensive supported by Diana Vega and Reah Burgess on the wings and by Sabrina Eiley and Zulma Ortega at midfield. Tiffara Rivero anchored the Pirates’ defense with the help of Vitranny Perez, Aaliyah Pilgrim and Caroline Sersland, but could not stop Jershia Zuniga from scoring Sagitun’s 1st goal at the 11th minute. Carisha Coe led the Sagitun defense along with Surma Alfaro, Maria Lopez and Naomi Ramirez, but they could not keep up with Pirates’ 15-year-old Elvia Nuñes who equalized at the 24th minute. The Pirates’ midfielders Dulce Leiva Olivia Dacosta, Tanya Teul and Samira Sorto

pressed tehir advantage. Sagitun’s goalkeeper Shalini Zabaneh had no chance when Tamara "Tammy" Baptist floated a 25 yard “golazo” over her head to the left upright, to give the Pirates a 2-1 lead at the 38th minute. Jurshia Zuniga equalized 2-2 for Sagitun at the 70th minute, and the Pirates’ woes were compounded when they conceded a penalty by a handball infraction. Pauline Linarez converted to lead 3-2 at the 79th minute, and Zuniga completed her hat trick in injury time for the 4-2 win. Belmopan Mayor Sharon Palacio was joined by FFB officials in presenting the Individual Awards: Best Coach - Jonathan Hooper - Pirates Best Manager - Miguel Gongora Jewel Fury Fair Play award - Jewel Fury Best Goalkeeper - Dennisa Mairena Pirates Best Defense - Jesselle Conorquie – Jewel Fury Most Goals - Khalydia Velasquez - Jewel Fury MVP - Sabrina Eiley - Sagitun Girlz Best Forward - Tammy Baptist – Pirates Best Midfielder - Olivia Dacosta - Pirates Best Young Player - Elvia Nuñes - Pirates.

BZE Fatima Ramirez scored 14 hits

Bay City FC wins

NAWL Group B championship

Belmopan, July 9, 2022 Bay City FC of Corozal won the National Amateur Women’s League (NAWL) Group B championship finals at the Football Federation of Belize Stadium in Belmopan on Saturday evening, July 9. Bay City led 1-0 when Kaite Jones’ free kick sailed over goalkeeper Alisha Alvarez’s head to the right post at the 5th minute. Corozal’s top striker Anahie Blanco pressed for more goals. Wagiya defenderes Shadette Lino, Latrese pastor, jessie Mclaughlyn and Jahchelle Martinez tried to contain the attacks, but Aaliyah Herbert scored Bay City's 2nd goal at the 12th minute. Taryn Arnold and Tenechia Zuniga tried to get Wagiya’s attack going, with the help of Erin Elijio, Chelsia Velqsquez, Rainelle Moss and Marla Ical. But they made little impression on Bay City’s defenders Alisha Terry, Marcia Ara, Shante Chacon and Joselyn Sho, who shut them out for most of the game.

Jaelin Cacho and Shiniki Mena came off the bench as coach Jorge Fernandez sought to regain the initiative. But Bay City coach jose Mai introduced Ashari Zuniga to relieve Joanna Morales and Adrianna Can to remain on the attack. Taryn Arnold eventually found the back of the net at the 88th minute, but Wagiya could not get the equalizer Belmopan Mayor Sharon Palacio was joined by FFB officials in presenting the Individual Awards: Best Coach -Jose Mai - Bay City Best manager – Rachel Moss Wagiya Fair Play Award - Wagiya - Shadette Lino Best goalkeeper - Zidienny Loria - Bay City FC Best Defense - Shadette Lino Wagiya Most Goals - Anahie Blanco (20 goals) BayCity MVP - Darina Tzul – Bay City Best Forward - Anahie Blanco Best Midfielder - Nora Ramirez - BayCity FC Best Young Player - Alisha Alvarez – Wagiya


National Assembly of Belize

Parliamentarians attend the CPA Small Branches Workshop on Multilateral Climate Negotiations in New York, USA

6th July 2022- Senator, the Honourable Bevinton Cal and Senator, the Honourable Janelle Chanona, comprised the Belize parliamentary delegation that left the country on 3rd July to attend the CPA Small Branches.Workshop on Multilateral Climate Negotiations that was co-convened by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at the UN Secretariat in New York, USA from the 5th July to 7th July, 2022. · The workshop seeks to aid parliamentarians develop the soft skills required to navigate the multilateral climate change landscape, including in negotiation, communication and networking. During the three-day workshop

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our parliamentarians were introduced to Multilateral Climate Negotiations and Parliamentary Action, and had the opportunity to put their skills to the test by participating in three mock negotiations rounds where participants will negotiate relevant themes/ issues most pressing for small jurisdictions through a mock draft text. This exercise served as an opportunity for Members to explore the role of representative and inclusive institutions in addressing the mounting insecurity caused through climate change by engaging in multilateral climate efforts. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Secretariat is meeting the costs of travel and accommodation for the attendees. The delegation returned to Belize on 8th July 2022.

2022 Agric on the Move: Training on record keeping

July 13 2020: A Training on record keeping was hosted for Maya Green Growers Co-operative and Sayab Farmers Group of San Antonio Village, Cayo District. The training conducted was facilitated by the Cooperative Department. The Sayab Farmers Group are going through the process of being registered as a new co-operative. While co-oper-

atives maintain records to monitor and record their normal business activities, it is also necessary under the Co-operative Societies Act. Keeping an accurate and up-to-date records is vital to the success of any enterprise as well with meeting the financial commitments of the enterprise and providing information on which decisions for the future can be based.


The Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise hereby informs government ministries/departments and the public that it serves as the lead institution charged with the development of a National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) system for Belize, which includes the pillars of Standards, Metrology, Conformity Assessment Services (inspection, sampling, testing, accreditation, certification, calibration, and verification) and information awareness. With the recent endorsement of its National Quality Policy (NQP) by the Government of Belize, the BBS is now positioned to establish and strengthen partnerships across a network of quality infrastructure institutions that serve alongside the bureau, to protect the safety and interest of consumers. This NQP will also strengthen existing quality infrastructure institutions to improve the competitiveness of Belizean products and services, creating greater integration opportunities in regional and international markets. As the BBS continues to have a vested interest in the protection of consumers, it does so strictly within the scope for which its mandate and resources provide. The bureau, guided by the Metrology Act (Chapter 294), ensures fairness in trade for vendors and consumers through the verification of measuring instruments while the Standards Act (Chapter 295) ensures conformity of food and non-food products to established technical regulations such as the labelling standard for

pre-packaged good and specifications for biodegradable products. It is within this context that the bureau assures the public of its commitment to protection of life, health, and safety of consumers.

FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The Development Finance Corporation of Bliss Parade, City of Belmopan, Cayo District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee under Deed of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Corporation which mortgages or charges are recorded at the Land Titles Unit or the Lands Registry, respectively and that the said Development Finance Corporation will, at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, sell the properties described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to the said Corporation at its Headquarters Office or District Offices.


Parcel No. 6777, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 S.M. situate at Colonia San Diego Area, 3.5 Miles out of town limits and held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DERICK ISMAEL GARCIA. Parcel No. 6776, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 S.M. situate at Colonia San Diego Area, 3.5 Miles out of town limits and held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DERICK ISMAEL GARCIA. All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 28 containing 1475.74 S.Y. situate along the Hummingbird Highway, near Mile 23, Middlesex Village, Stann Creek District as shown on Entry No. 3257, Register No. 12, held under a Deed of Conveyance being the freehold interest of TERESA ISABEL HERNANDEZ. Lot No. 319, Block No. 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 S.M. situate in the Ramon Community in Ladyville Village, Belize District held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DYLANA DORIAN LESLIE. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF JULY, 2022.

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THINK ABOUT IT LAWYERS PLANNING PETITION There are over 200 lawyers in Belize. Only about 17 regularly practice in the criminal division of the Supreme Court. A lesser number spend some of their time in the Magistrate Courts. Ninety odd percent of all cases, criminal and civil take place in the Magistrate courts. More than seventy-five percent of these cases are trial without lawyers. Every day, in the seven courts of Belize and the ten courts in the district towns, along with Independence, San Pedro and Benque Viejo courts, hundreds of cases are heard, mostly involving criminal matters. There are too many criminal cases and there are too few defense lawyers. For many years, only Simeon Sampson and Antoinette Moore were available for the whole Stann Creek and Toledo districts. City-based lawyers just didn’t have the time or inclination to travel these distances. It was lawyer Antoinette Moore who originally championed against the injustices to the Maya and Garinagu Belizeans, and she’s the one who succeeded in the Maya land rights major court cases. She is now one of Belize’s esteemed judges of the Supreme Court. At a recent conference of Judges, Magistrates, Prosecutors and lawyers, Mrs. Moore, now the most hard-working Judge of the Supreme Court, made mention of the situation where the handful of practicing lawyers have been sharing their time, juggling cases between Magistrate courts and Supreme Courts. Against this background a troubling issue has emerged. The lawyers in the criminal section of the Supreme Courts have expressed alarm at what is happening with the issue of bail and the freedom of our people. Because there are some laws which take away the authority of magistrates to grant bail for certain types of crimes, and there are instances where repeat offenders are denied bail, quite a number of persons are remanded to prison every week. In an effort to regulate the situation, the Supreme Court set aside Fridays for a judge to devote just for bail applications. Bail is now becoming a problem. We were told there are only four Judges who regularly do bail hearings on Fridays on a rotation basis. One Judge regularly denies bail whenever the government prosecutors raise objections, regardless of how frivolous the objections. Another Judge is the main cause of concern. He routinely denies bail, routinely adjourns applications, and has taken to requiring huge cash bail for what are regular charges, like drugs or firearm, whenever a bail is granted and the amount is over ten thousand, the Courts always require title to land as surety. Now, this particular Judge is denying bail or insisting on fifteen thousand or thirty thousand dollars bail in cold cash. The lawyers tell us the law is that excessive bail is considered no bail. And the lawyers insist that bail is a right only to be restricted for very sound reasons. Denying bail means condemning an accused to prison even before he gets a trial. Bail is not to be used to punish any accused person. We have seen several of the comments of the lawyers on their chat group. They apparently consider this issue serious enough to make representations to the Chief Justice. Next to the right to life, the right to liberty is the most important fundamental right protected by the Constitution. DR. THEODORE ARANDA There is no doubt that Dr. Theodore Aranda was one of the outstanding Belizeans of his time. He was first and foremost a proud Garifuna who loved his people and loved Dangriga. And he was an unwavering nationalist. Like most of the Garinagu people, he was convinced that education was the ladder that leads to opportunities and to success. It was also a calling and a challenge that led him to enter the political arena in his beloved Belize. He was three times successful as an elected Area Representative for Dangriga. He also became a Minister of Government who worked hard in his Ministry of Health in a time of limited resources. He saw that our sister Caribbean nation of Cuba had no finances to help us but was wealthy with a highly trained and educated populace. As such Dr. Aranda opened that door for much needed medical doctors and nurses to come and benefit Belizeans. As a person, Dr. Aranda was always willing to help. He was full of ideas and offered many practical solutions for consideration. Dr. Aranda joined the United Democratic Party which had promised they would be different from the then existing political parties. He even became the Leader of the UDP but could not last long in a party which betrayed him and his ideals. It is widely believed that the UDP replaced Dr. Aranda out of pure prejudice and racial bias. So disgusted, he formed his own political party. Dr. Aranda became a member of a group of reformists in the People’s United Party which saw the PUP regaining electoral acceptance, leading to their winning the 1998 general elections with 28 seats to the UDP 3. Both the UDP and the PUP released public statements of respect and reflections of his contributions to Belize. He was one of those rare politicians who stuck to his principles rather than remain in a political party which would


betray their promises to the electorate and the nation. Our sincere condolences to the wife, family, and friends of Dr. Theodore Aranda, a patriot and a man whose love for our country was unwavering. ONE FLEW INTO THE CUCKOO’S NEST “The person then took a knife and stabbed Nurse Elijio to her side. She fell to the floor bleeding.” The stabber was a mental patient. He had been attending the Port Loyola Clinic for over 12 years. He attends on a voluntary basis every week or two where he is given his ‘pills’. On the afternoon of the 4th June 2019, he lost his mind. He was subdued by the clinic staff and the police came and took him away. On the 6th June 2019, the stabber was still in custody at the Queen Street Police Station. Why? Guess we will never know. Around 11:30 AM of 6th June, 2019, police locked up a person at the Queen Street Station. He started annoying the other cell mates who requested he be moved. He was placed in another cell with the Port Loyola stabber. Less than two hours later, he was dead. The police saw him in a pool of blood, his face bludgeoned. The Port Loyola stabber was seen sitting down calmly in the corner of the same cell. It is not known if the police on duty or the one who locked him in the cell, knew that the Port Loyola stabber, a well-known mental patient, detained for a serious act of violence on a nurse. And if the detainee was also a mental patient. That failure to know or to find out who are being detained in police cells and for what they are detained, proved fatal on the 6th June, 2019. One person dead and the other will live in a jail cell and both their families will live with the wounds that never heal. To the everlasting shame of the police, two mentally disturbed human beings were placed together inside a small cage and they ended up in a horrible situation. For the police, this won’t happen again, not for some time. A frustrated and angry Commissioner sent out written instructions. We have seen the memorandum. It protects the police. It puts the mentally ill persons at greater risk. Now, they are really vulnerable. The police instruction is dated 13th June, 2019. Its subject matter is ‘Detention of Mentally Ill Persons’. The police are instructed that their role is to support personnel of the Health Services. The “Police response will be in aid of Health professionals who need to be contacted when a matter arises that their services is required to address”. “When the need arises that persons who are mentally ill are to be detained for any breach of the law, such persons must first be taken directly to a Health facility for initial medical assessment/treatment. Subsequent action by the police will be on the advice/guidance of the Health Services”. This begs the obvious questions right away. What happens after 4:00 P.M. during the week when in Belize City the Psychiatric Clinic on Fabers Road closes? And what about weekends and holidays? The new Minister of Health is being asked to task his professionals to come up with a humane and sensible policy that treats mentally ill persons as our unfortunate brothers and sisters who are ill and deserve better, much better than what is happening, including the recent shooting up with rubber bullets of a man having a meltdown. GOD'S GREAT WONDERS When the clouds dissipate and disappear from the night sky, the heavens become a trinket box gleaming with glittering jewelry. These majestic ornaments will keep you spell bound for hours, especially if you are on Half Moon Caye. There is an area in the sky which scientist describe as the Milky Way. It contains billions of stars, which must be many millions of light years from earth. So many stars clustered near each other appear like a distant fluorescent light in the night sky. This spectacular night scene is made all the more interesting as all night long large and small stars can be seen running across the sky of the Milky Way. No words can fully describe this amazing sight. Scientists have finally completed assembling the most powerful space telescope ever constructed. Far more powerful than the famous Hubble telescope. It is called the James Webb Telescope. It has been launched and will travel one hundred million miles from Earth, where it will be sending back pictures of how areas in the Universe looked before it transformed into what it is nowadays. But in the meantime, it started sending back photographs three days ago. We saw several of those photographs reproduced in major newspapers around the world. The photos are breath-taking, awesome and fantastic. Even phantasmagorical. This is another of the great wonders of God’s great creations. We too have been blown away by the sheer beauty of the little of what we saw. We recommend to everyone to google the images sent back to Earth and shown this week. The incredibly beautiful scenes are truly a wonder to behold.


17 JUL


Value Adding of Fruits and Vegetables for Farmers in the Bze District July 13, 2022 - 20 farmers from Bomba, Maskall, Nagu Bank, Rockstone Pond and Lucky Strike attended a training session in value adding of fruits and vegetables. The training was organized by the Belize District Agriculture Department with the support of the Central Farm Agro-Processing Unit. The training conducted included the preparation of jams, pasta sauce, salsa casera and tomato preservation. This activity was hosted to instill and develop the potential of small-scale, rural-based food processing as an element of the food chain, enhancing the capabilities to diversity and increase food products as well as to serve as an incentive for producers to reduce food loss due to overproduction and market price fluctuations. The training had participation of men, women and youths involved in farming.



BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 11th September 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold. 1. Lot No. 186 North side Lord’s Bank Road, Lord s Bank Village, B e lize DistrictDistrict:




Ladyville/Lord’s Bank



The freehold property of Ms. Beverly Brown and Mr. David Brown 2. Parcel No. 3433 Lord s Bank Village, Belize DistrictDistrict:




Ladyville/Lord’s Bank



The freehold property of Ms. Lorna Martinez 3. Parcel No. 5322 Doyle’s Delight Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:







The freehold property of Ms. Judith Ogaldez 4. Parcel No. 8603 C. Las Americas Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:







The freehold property of Mr. Sergio Gutierrez 5. Parcel No. 1965 Eduardo Juan Street, Santa Elena , Cayo District District:




Santa Elena/Cayo



The freehold property of Mr. Allan Kelly Jr. 6. Lot No. 184 Pomona Village Extension, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 802.713 S.M. being Lot No. 184 situate in Pomona Village Extension, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. The freehold property of Mr. Patricio Cho)



Date of Dissolution 10 May, 2022 10th May, 2022 10th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 26th May, 2022 th

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.

17 JUL



By Ricardo Moguel Rosado



The kaleidoscopic colors and culture of rural Belize is perched in the heart of Orange Walk Town. The traditional street-side market day on Thursday mornings displays the produce of blood, sweat, tears and fears that the fertile Belizean soil yields. As varied as the produce are the market vendors, Yucatec Maya, Mestizos, Creoles, East Indians, Mennonites and even a man from China running up and down. Wiping weariness and boredom away from their eyes, the market vendors discuss lottery numbers, the escalating prices of vegetables, decreasing expectations, local politics and the new opening of the Mexican market for Belizean food products tariff free. This is a game changer for the Belizean rural areas. We are closer to Cancun and the Riviera Maya than Mexico City. Economy of scale should lower the cost per unit of vegetables produced. 2,000 farmers paid to plant, given all necessary tools including technology and know-how, a must boom for rural Belize. Mexico now uniting America. The not so brand-new day still clings for dear life, wondering if the cycle will be completed and repeated. His hours are numbered. The same perpetual riddle occupies the cedar trees, front line protectors of Fort cairns. They worry about their existence because they know what we are capable of doing. Uncertainty fortifies their perspective and they soar to the heavens with the eagles and the spirit of the Balam warriors. Much secrets they won’t share. The rejected yellow bananas that never got a visa never tire of arguing with the tomatoes, always questioning the effectiveness of the Town Council. The lettuce defends the mango but the apple is vehemently against them all. No wonder, he is a stranger and has yet to grasp. He will never understand. The orange vendors from Cayo couldn’t care less and their only purpose in town was to hurriedly fill bags with this Belizean sweetness. The moist fruit dampens the spirit of the times, the zeitgeist, as the Mariachi music plays on Fiesta FM. The silhouettes of the dogs join the cedars in defending the fort. They were built to defend British interest against us but were never used in any bellicose exercise. They have seen it all and argue about the state of the nation without rhyme or reason under the shadow of the disappeared towering municipal water tank, a colonial remnant of what was never truly ours. Flummoxed by such incomprehensible assumptions to move on, they vanish into the Fort Cairns trenches staunchly defending British Belize against the Belizeans. They have no choice; they irreverently chose this legacy because it produced great profits and made it theirs against all Belize. The day is theirs, tomorrow who knows. The archaeologist of life’s dreams broods over a soft sad lithic memory of peace, progress and greatness and slowly meanders around the papayas. A pungent silence invades the crevices of the open air trenches dug by members of the West India Regiment in 1876. The limes ricochet on nightmares hanging like Gargoyles on the obsidian edges of eternity at the entrance of Xibalba. Alacrity is not a desired trait here; sluggishness is most preferred in this realm. Kisin, God of the dead and the protector of the underworld, languishes and waits for those who will never return. What a joyous journey through these treacherous rivers for some. Ix Chel, the creation goddess and a female force, wife of Itzamna, creator of the universe, has retired to the top of the Yaxche, the Ceiba tree and is no longer willing to guide us through life. Zazil Ha and Gonzalo Guerrero, progenitors of the new race, try to protect our dignity to no avail. 1697 erased all traits of my resistance or so they thought. 1872 proved fatal to all including me as Marcos Canul. Ladies of much rouge and girth encourage one to leave our troubles behind and venture into a brave new world. Many indulge and create more trouble than mirth. Temptation is our eternal guide. With a single glass of mezcal one can reach the top of the pyramids without moving and greet Chac at the top. He is the giver of life because he waters our nostalgic indulgence and our fields and sometimes even our lives. We learn by going where we have to go. The air is impregnated with hope and the spirit of copal, the aroma of the Gods. Now a new day opens a new world. No charges to go into Mexico. Vegetables are excited. The beef and shrimp are preparing for departure. Covid-19 is now a past memory. The sun truly shines on Belize. Big brother has assumed his responsibilities. We are one, one America. We hear the painful promise of a new tomorrow with all the glories and suffering of the past. We must believe. The dance of the vegetables ends, the prolific words fall on barren soil, the conch shell disintegrates. Gold is the sweat of the sun, silver the tears of the moon. The obsidian edges of the words have caused much pain, some say more than the cross and the sword. The halls of academia may refuse to impart this knowledge to our children because it distorts our British reality and rattles the status quo. Many can’t fathom change!

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant to support the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Road Crashes Project Duty station:

Belize City


Essential: Bachelors in a discipline relevant to Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field. Desirable: Post graduate degree at a Master level in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field.


Essential: 5 years of national working experience in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services. Desirable: working experience in health services project management

Skills: • Theoretical and practical expertise in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services • Knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and for counselling and guidance • Knowledgeable in designing referral pathways • Experience in data collection and analysis • Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills. • Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues • Ability to meet deadlines • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. • Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset. Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish Deadline:

Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than July 29, 2022

For further details visit our website An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of Primary Consultant to support the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Road Crashes Project Duty station:

Belize City


Essential: Bachelors in a discipline relevant to Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field. Desirable: Post graduate degree at a Master level in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field.


Essential: 5 years of national working experience in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services. Desirable: At least two years of pedagogical responsibility in Mental Health

Skills: • Ability to work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve mental health • Theoretical and practical expertise in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services. • Knowledge of human behaviour and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioural and affective disorders. • Knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and for counselling and guidance. • Ability to analyse factors, trends, and forecast scenarios based on current surveillance systems and possesses the capability to develop and plan innovative and appropriate solutions for their improvement. • Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills. • Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues • Ability to meet deadlines • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. • Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset. Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish Deadline:

Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than July 29, 2022

For further details visit our website An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.


17 JUL



Cadet Members Graduate

NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE TREASURY BILLS ISSUE NUMBER 8/2022 Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.

On Friday, July 8th, 2022, Community Policing Officer attached to the Orange Walk Police Formation, Erwin Cancul Cpl. No. 1258 attended a Graduation Ceremony for cadet members; Erwin Chi, Levi Witz, Melqui Witz, Rodney Uh, Elvis Uh, Edrick Chi and Lisbeth Uh at the St. John’s Gymnasium. Present at the ceremony were, Hon. Gilroy Usher, Minister of State, Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Transport, the Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, and Mr. Kevin Cadle from, the Department of Youth Services.

During the ceremony, Erwin Chi gave a speech as he was recognized for being an outstanding student in the field of Agriculture. At the end of the ceremony, cadets received a certificate for successfully completing the following courses Tourism, Agriculture, and Front Desk Attendant. Special thanks to Officer Commanding the Orange Walk Police Formation, Mr. Juanito Cocom, Supt., Community Policing Officers, Director of Orange Walk Department of Youth Services, Ms. Enid Castillo, and Parents for their continuous support.

IDB Portfolio Review Meeting

The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 26 July 2022 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 25 October 2022. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 22 July 2022.

The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.

Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS). Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627

The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part. CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www. On July 4, 2022, the Government of Belize along with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) held their Results-Based Portfolio Review for the first semester of 2022. The objective of the portfolio review is to apprise relevant partners from both the government and IDB on the status of IDB-financed loans and technical cooperation. This review provides the space for stakeholders to highlight challenges and opportunities, raise issues and risks that may be hindering the progress of the projects, and to agree on specific required corrective and/or preventative actions, as necessary. The portfolio review addressed a total of 11 investment loans, as well as nine grant projects that are strategic for the development of the country and are being implemented by the government in conjunction with the IDB country portfolio team. The goal is for the government and IDB to effectively engage with each other on the strategic and operational execution of programs in accordance with IDB’s country engagement strategy and government priorities.

MoHW Confirms Presence of Omicron BA.5 Subvariant in Belize Recommendation: Continue to use a well-fitted face mask, especially in crowded indoor areas

The Ministry of Health & Wellness has confirmed the presence of the Omicron BA.5 subvariant in Belize. Recent genomic sequencing of 40 samples dated between June 1 to 28, 2022, has confirmed that 100% of the samples with the Omicron variant. Thirty-nine samples were confirmed as the BA.2 subvariant (97.5%) and one sample (2.5%) was confirmed as BA.5. The BA.4 and BA.5 are the predominant subvariants circulating in the United States and globally at this time. Persons with these subvariants are presenting varying degrees of symptoms, ranging from runny nose, sore throat, headache, tiredness, cough, body aches and fever. There still remains significant evi-

dence that vaccines protect against severe disease and death from COVID-19. Some research has shown that the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants may evade the protection of “neutralizing antibodies” from previous infection and vaccination by three to four times more than prior variants and subvariants. The public is reminded to continue to protect the vulnerable population such as the elderly, pregnant women and persons with underlying medical conditions. The Ministry of Health & Wellness recommends getting vaccinated if you have not done so. Continue to utilize a well-fitted face mask, especially in crowded indoor areas, and practice regular hand washing and sanitization.

11 July 2022



Interested candidates must possess a curent Police Record and have valid Social Security Card. Applicants can email resume and pertinent documents to:

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given COLENZA FINANCE LTD. commenced dissolution on 25th May, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

17 JUL




Enhancing Food Security: Cold Storage Training This is of major importance to food security in Belize. It Extension and Co-operative officers from Belize, Corozal, and Orange Walk District are currently receiving training on the use of cold storage units, facilitated by Japan International Cooperation Agency. This JICA can be seen all over the country making a difference in the municipalities and rural alike. So far 4 cold storage units have been installed, at Indian Creek, OW; Xaibe, Corozal ; and Maskall, Belize. The cold storage units are for storing onions and potatoes especially but may also be used to store other vegetables. Food Security is a major priority for the planBelize government especially in the world social and political climate which is definitely one of dire concern. But Belize is ahead of the game in this in the region and we will do more.



The NEMO National Economic Recovery Committee (NERC) chaired by Dr. Osmond Martinez, convened, after a few years, the first meeting of the committee on Thursday, July 7th, 2022 in the NEMO Training Room, NEMO Headquarters, Belmopan. The committee is chartered to assist with the immediate recovery where a National Task Force is required to channel and coordinate rehabilitation and reconstruction during the recovery. It is also chartered to monitor pledges grants and loans from the International Financial Institutions (IFS) which can quickly jumpstart the economic sectors affected by disasters based on the National Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis report. Discussions were centered on national economic recovery preparedness and the requirements for the short- and long-term recovery after a disaster incident to restore government, individual/household and economic functions. All members acknowledged the importance of a unified and cohesive approach. The meeting also focused on improving broad economic development to reduce risks due to the impact of disasters. Plans are in the pipeline to reenergize the national data framework, create a national emergency utility framework with clear roles and responsibilities, and seek and coordinate funding through programs to enable the national emergency economic action plan. The Statistical Institute of Belize, Belize Electricity Limited, and the Ministry of Rural Transformation will be invited to become members. NEMO thanks Dr. Osmond Martinez and all members below who participated in the NERC meeting. • NEMO- Lt. Col. Shelton Defour • Social Investment Fund- Ms. Nellie Trench • Ministry of Tourism- Ms. Leann Garbutt • Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing- Mr. Tristan Usher • Belize Water Service Limited- Mr. Samuel Slusher • Mayors Association- Mayor Sheran Palacio • Ministry of Natural Resources-Mr. Troy Coleman • Smart/Speednet- Mr. Sean Duncan • Ministry of Agriculture-Mr. Gregorio Canto

TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF LONG REACH HEAVY DUTY EXCAVATOR, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE INVITATION TO BID BWS invites sealed bids from interested parties and qualified Bidders for the Supply of a Long Reach

Heavy Duty Excavator to BWS, Belize City, Belize.

Consideration will be limited to manufacturers/authorized dealers or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in Belize. Having a service center in Belize will be an asset Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required or that do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation. Bid documents will be available for distribution from July 11, 2022, on weekdays between 08:00 hour and 17:00 hour Monday to Friday. A complete set of Bidding documents will be available for free; however, requests should be made by email to One original and two copies of Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the name and address of the bidder, and be clearly marked “Tender for Supply of a Long Reach Heavy Duty Excavator” and must be delivered to the address below no later than 15:00 hour, Friday July 29, 2022.

BWS reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for BWS action. BWS will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids. Late bids will be rejected.

Address for Bid Submission

Chief Financial Officer Belize Water Services Limited #7 Central American Boulevard Belize City, Belize Telephone: +501-222-4757 Email:


17 JUL


Certification of 43 Technologists to CASMET

2022 Specific Procurement Notice Procurement, Installation, and connectivity to Fiber Optic Grid of Fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras and all associated Equipment (Monitor, DVR, etc.) Nº CABEI-G-007-2147/2022 One Stage-One Envelope July 15th, 2022.



The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as part of the services it provides to its beneficiary partner countries, is granting total funding for the Procurement, installation, and connectivity to the Fiber Optic Grid of fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras along with all necessary associated equipment (Monitors, DVRs, etc.) required to ensure that the system is fully functional and connected to the fiber optic grid. This equipment is for the Belize Police Department within the framework of the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP). This morning the Minister of Health & Wellness, Hon. Kevin Bernard provided the inauguration address at the certification of members to the launch of the Caribbean Association of Medical Technologists (CASMET) Belize branch. The Minister was very honored to be invited to this very important occasion. He congratulated the Belize branch members and the President of CASMET pledging to continue to work with them to improve the profession and the work they do. Congratulations to the Association of Clinical Laboratory of Belize, the forty three Medical Technologists and other members of the CASMET Belize branch.

Travel Belize with JBC Explorer Book Blue Economy and Civil Aviation CEO Kennedy Carrillo and Park Manager, Raul Castillo, met with Educational Ambassador Chanel L Ashford, Educational Ambassador for Travel Belize JBC, and published by the Angelus Press Ltd., with the aim of providing “A snapshot guide and informational resource tool to help anyone who loves or wants to learn more about Belize. It is a unique opportunity to explore our cultural items, gorgeous sites, national symbols and more in a dynamic way.” They discussed her new Travel Belize JBC book, an A-Z snapshot of Belize that is great for all ages. The book features a multitude of Belizean sites, cultural items, and exotic animals. The team discussed the future collaboration of Travel Belize JBC and The Blue Economy and Civil Aviation’s Seashore Park, the importance of enhancing educational awareness about Belize’s waters and biodiversity, as well as the unique opportunities to work together to improve learning spaces for Belizeans and tourists. The JBC book is endorsed by the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation for its educational content


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To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper



1.1 Buyer’s background The Executing Body (EB) for the BISP is the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment. The Ministry of Economic Development will be responsible for the execution of the Programme and all its components, reporting all progress to CABEI and ensure the execution of each component under the terms established for CABEI formulation and approval. The execution of BISP components will be carried out by the Co-Executors: Belize Police Department, Belize Defense Force, Belize Coast Guard and National Forensic Science Services. 1.2 The Ministry of Economic Development is responsible for the present Procurement process for which it invites suppliers of goods and services to submit bids for this procurement in a sealed envelope. 1.3 The Supplier will be selected and awarded in accordance with the procedures of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration as established in the Procurement Policy for Procurement of Goods, Works, Services and Consultancies with CABEI resources and its Regulations, (DI-52/2020 and PRE-40/2021) which can be found on the following web site: 2.


1.1 General Objectives of the Procurement: acquisition, installation, and

connection to the Fiber Optic Grid of fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras and all associated equipment such as monitors and DVRs for the Belize Police Department. System must be connected to the fiber optic grid and fully functional.

1.2 The Buyer makes available to interested parties all the documentation related to this Procurement necessary for the preparation of bids. Such information will be available free of charge:

for children and its objective of raising greater awareness among Belizeans and visitors to Belize. The Belize Tourism Board is a proud sponsor of the Travel Belize with JBC Explorer Book. The A-Z Coloring Book + Pictionary is an educational activity book that showcases Belize cultures, wildlife, attractions through engaging learning activities. Copies of the book were received on behalf of the BTB by Ms. Michelle Bowers-Flowers, Director of the Marketing and Communications Department. The production of the book is in line with BTB’s Civic Pride and Belizean Traveller Campaigns, which create a sense of appreciation and awareness about Belize’s natural and cultural resources. It also supports sustainable tourism with a portion of the proceeds donated towards conservation efforts in Belize.


For download on the Ministry of Economic Development’s Website: and the Ministry of Finance’s Procurement Portal


Additional information regarding the preparation of proposals can be communicated by emailed to: and copied to or by calling telephone number: 822-0156

Any cost to obtain the documents are Non-Refundable. The nominal charge amounts needed are to cover printing and shipping costs.

1.3 Bids for this invitation to bid shall be received no later than Wednesday

August 17th, 2022, until 9:00 a.m. at the following physical address below:

1.4 Bids must be sent to the address below and bids will not be permitted in electronic form. No late bids will be accepted. Bids shall be opened publicly, in the presence of the representatives designated by the Bidder, at the address listed below, on Wednesday August 17th, at 9:15 a.m.

1.5 All Bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Maintenance Declaration”. 1.6 The address referred to above is:

Project Coordinator Belize Integral Security Programme

#1904 Constitution Drive, 2nd Floor, Unit 3

17 JUL




HOTMIX PAVING OF MALACATE ROAD (6,400 L.F x 23 L.F), INDEPENDENCE, STANN CREEK DISTRICT The Government of Belize via the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) intends to upgrade a 6,400 ft x 23 ft section of Malacate Road, Independence, Stann Creek District with Hotmix. The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing now invites sealed bids from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for Hotmix Paving of the above-mentioned road in Independence Village, Stann Creek District. The scope of works will involve rehabilitating a total of 6,400 linear ft x 23 ft of roadway with Hotmix paving (HMA) and will include the following: 1

Clean main road of all vegetation and deleterious materials and dispose of spoil within a 2 miles radius of project site.


Clean open channels / drains – 12,800 linear feet and dispose of spoil within a 2 miles radius of project site.


Drainage improvement & Culvert Installation works (Provisional item)


Scarify, shape and compact road surface (16,356 S.Y) as per crossfall on drawings.


Supply, transport, place and compact 6 inches of crushed All-In as per specifications.


Supply all equipment, materials and labour to apply 40 mm of approved Hotmix Asphalt covering a total street surface area of 16,356 S.Y.

Bidders who are interested must have the financial capacity, necessary equipment, technical expertise and experience to complete the works in accordance with the Bidding Documents. Bidding will be conducted through national competitive bidding procedures and interested bidders may obtain further information and a copy of the bidding documents at the offices of MIDH at the address below as of Monday July 18, 2022 during normal office hours Monday through Fridays from 8.00 A.M – 12.00 Noon and from 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM.

VACANCY NOTICE LEGISLATURE- NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the vacant position of PARLIAMENTARY OFFICER I.

In accordance with the National Assembly Staff Act, Chapter 14 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, the Parliamentary Officer I is a staff appointed under section 6 of the said Act. Also subject to Section 4, the STAFF of the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY are not governed by the Public Service Regulation. Duties

The essential duties of the PARLIAMENTARY OFFICER I are as follows: -

1. General typing of letters and memos, including correspondences relating to Members and staff travels; 2. Provide secretarial services for Members; 3. Transcribe, edit and compile verbatim of House, Senate and Committee meetings; 4. Compile speeches of Members of the House and the Senate; 5. Amend Clerk’s and Deputy Clerk’s Law Books up to the month after the publication of a new Act; 6. Prepare Orders of the Day for the House of Representatives; 7. Prepare Prime Minister’s, Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker’s Notes; 8. Prepare Notices and Communiqués for House meetings; 9. Prepare Members’ question; 10. Prepare Minutes of House Sittings; 11. Prepare draft Bills for Printers to print and publish in Bill form; 12. Prepare Reports and Minutes of House Committee meetings; 13. Co-ordinate with the Deputy Clerk on all matters relating to the sitting of the House; 14. Attend to visitors to the National Assembly; 15. Assist in the preparation of Sessional Papers for House meetings; 16. Assist with preparations for conferences, seminars, and meetings; 17. Any other duties assigned from time to time.

Minimum Qualifications and Skills

The candidates should possess the following qualifications and skills: (a) - -

Bidding documents are free of charge and may be picked up by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below. All bids must be delivered to the address below by 10.00 AM local time on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and they will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected. A bid security of $10,000 must be submitted and delivered to the address below at the same time of the bid submission.




Associate Degree in General Studies or Secretarial Studies. A minimum of three (3) years of legislative work experience will be an asset. Verse and experience with the use of Microsoft Office software. Experience and verse in using virtual meeting platforms such as Teams/Google Meet/Zoom/etc.

English Language CXC General Proficiency I/II/III passes or equivalent. Evidence of professionalism and ability to prepare notes for the various principals in the Senate and House.

Good knowledge of practice and procedure of the National Assembly. Have general knowledge of the functions of various government ministries/departments. Computer literate and proficient in the application of word processing and spreadsheet. Aptitude Good learning abilities, general clerical knowledge, verbal and writing ability in English. Have good public relations skills and be professional. The applicant must be a person of integrity and good standing with no criminal record.

Equivalent to Government’s Payscale 9. Deadline for applications

Interested persons in possession of the requisite qualifications and experience should submit their application, along with a copy of qualification/s and a recent Police Record to the Clerk, National Assembly, Belmopan, no later than 29th July 2022. ****


17 JUL


2022 GoB Trains Staff in Geophysical Water Detection Techniques

July 11, 2022 - The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government today embarked on a five-day training session on geophysical water detection techniques using electrical resistivity technology. The training is being provided for the Rural Water and Supply Unit and some of the Rural Community Development Officers. Representatives from the Hydrology and Geology departments, the National Meteorological Service, the National Climate Change Office and the Belize Social Investment Fund are also participating. The training will cover both theoretical and practical application methods. The theoretical component includes field techniques, safety, and data analysis and interpretation using a 2.5 Hz Ultra MiniRes s/n 332 Resistivity Meter, which the ministry has acquired. The resistivity meter is used to test a location for the presence of ground water by measuring the amount of resistance

to the electrical flow. The training is being conducted by Dr. Robert Wiley, Research Associate Professor from the University of Houston, and his associate Mr. Johnathan Magnus. Dr. Wiley is a groundwater geophysics lecturer with extensive experience in industry research. His

career has been characterized by the development and deployment of algorithmic solutions to meet immediate exploration and production needs ranging from seismic signal analysis through seismic modelling and migration, to seismic attributes and inversion for lithology. The procurement of the electrical resistivity meter, as well as the training, will equip the staff with the necessary data and tools to carry out groundwater exploration, thus allowing the Rural Transformation Department to carry out its mandate of providing clean potable water to all rural communities.



Candidates Name

San Benito Poite


No. of Votes Received


Chairpersons Caal, Ricardo Teck, Domingo

# of Total Votes Spoilt Rejected % of Votes % of Voter Registered Polled Turnout Votes Polled Votes Electors 180





Election Date


62 59

Kak, Cristobal




Quib, Dario




Rash, Silvestro





Tosh, Pedro





Ash, Apolinario





Makin, Isaiah




Maquin, Edgar




Teck, Estevan




Teck, Joseph Raimundo




Tox, Efrain


61 No. of Votes

Blue Creek



Elected Elected

Elected Remarks

Chairpersons Chairperson


Sho, William A.




9.01% Total Votes Spoilt Rejected # of % of Votes % of Voter Registered Polled Turnout Votes Polled Votes Electors 113



0 1

70.80% 29.20%



Ack, Andres




Chiac, Marcelino





Chiac, Novelo





Ical, Cyrilo Mas, Thomas Pan, Samuel Ackal, Juan Coc, Dalila Pop, Alvaro Pop, Heronimo Sho, Anselmo Sho, Edwin

Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

86 63 71 27 29 39 34 23 33 No. of Votes Received

Elected Elected Elected

14.24% 10.43% 2 11.75% 4.47% 4.80% 6.46% 5.63% 3.81% 5.46% # of Total Votes % of Votes % of Voter Spoilt Rejected Registered Polled Turnout Votes Polled Votes


Candidates Name

Conejo Creek

Chairperson Coy, Santiago


9.16% 8.71%


Ical, Bicente Members

Election Date


Member Member

Candidates Name

0 0


Che, Carlos Choc, Edwardo



65.56% 56.78%










Chiac, Demetrio Santiago




Cucul, Clara




Maquin, Albina






17 JUL




Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance

Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan

Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email:



Tenders are invited from Electrical and AC companies for the monthly maintenance or as needed of the Electrical, and Door and Fire Alarm Systems and for the quarterly maintenance of the Air Condition Systems at the Belize National ICT Center and Sub Office in Belmopan.


Travel and subsistence


Diagnosing issues that require a call out but no remedial work such as a circuit breaker tripping


Procurement of the services will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedures.


The contractor will be expected to provide prompt and efficient operation and maintenance of the complete Electrical, Door and Fire Alarm, and AC systems for one (1) year commencing September 1st, 2022, and ending August 31st, 2023.


Any costs related to the preparation and submission of tender bids are the sole responsibility of the tenderer.




Eligibility Criteria


The Tenderer should have executed at least five (5) similar work contracts over the past 3 years.


The Tenderer should have at least 5 full-time employees on staff specifically trained for operation and maintenance services of Electrical, Door and Fire Alarm Systems, and AC systems. The full list of the employees, viz., name, age, designation, qualifications, and experience should be attached with the Technical Bid.




The successful tender will be expected to provide the following Electrical and AC Maintenance Services: Electrical Maintenance Program 1. All equipment shall be maintained as per the guidelines of the manufacturer. 2. Inspect, clean, and test all components of the electrical distribution system, such as circuit breakers panels, and switch gears. 3. Inspect, clean, and test the fire alarm, door alarm, emergency lighting systems, and all lights and lens in the buildings. 4. Inspect, clean, and test the hydrogen detector system. 5. Repair or replace all electrical components relating to the distribution system, fire and door alarm systems, and lighting systems as needed during the routine monthly service. 6. Repair or replace all electrical components relating to lights, light fixtures, switches, and outlets as reported by the Customer, within three (3) working days of notification. 7. Immediately notify the customer of any urgent repairs that are needed for the emergency lights, fire alarm, door alarm, and breaker panels and take corrective action immediately or no later than 24 hours of notification of the customer. 8. Submission of reports after inspection and works have been completed. The reports should be submitted in both hard and electronic formats.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. d.

Clean and replace dust stop air filters as per manufacturer recommendations or as needed. Application of Algae tablets, bleach, and liquid additives in condensation lines and moist areas of the air conditioning system. Check the entire system for unusual operating conditions, such as excessive noise, condensation, ice build-up, loose insulation, and correct any defects as required. Check thermostats to ensure they are in proper working order. Operational checks to be carried out and adjustments calibration made as required. Check evaporator and condenser, blowing out of coils with high-pressure washer and cleaning solution. Clean drain pan and all drain pipelines. Check refrigerant and line for leakage. Inspection of the compressor, all piping, joints, and system components. Conduct pressure checking as required. Check all motors and shaft bearings for incidence of wear and replace if needed. Check the condition of all contacts in motors and controls. Ensure tightness of all connections and check evidence of over-heating. Correct as may be required. Touch up, partial or complete painting as may be required to prevent corrosion. Clean diffuser grills. Check ductwork and insulation and replace if needed. Submit a detailed report after each service maintenance

The company should be capable of offering a 24 hours on-call service for air conditioners and electrical and fire alarm systems to respond to unanticipated emergencies, particularly in the server room.

The following services should be included in the financial offer and should not be billed

Letters of Good Standing from: a.

Belize Tax Service


Belize Companies Registry


Belize Social Security Board


Current Trade License


Evidence of five (5) similar past jobs/contracts over the past three (3) years.


Two references


Evidence of Electric License for the electricians who will be servicing the electrical systems over the term of the contract.


Evidence of Certification in Air Condition maintenance for the AC technicians who will be servicing the AC systems over the term of the contract.

Evaluation Criteria Bidders will be evaluated according to: a. Capacity: formal academic qualification and Certification in related field

Air Conditioner Maintenance Program – CITO Building Corner Mountain View Blvd and Dry Creek Street


All Tenders shall include the following:



Specific Experience: Experience in providing the service requested


Past Performance: Similar Jobs undertook in the past three (3) years


Integrity: On the information provided in respect of business certificates


Financial Offer

Only bids that satisfy the Eligibility Criteria will have their Technical and Financial Offers reviewed. The bid will be assessed on a weighted average – 50% for Technical Merit and 50% for Financial Offer.

10. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5%. 11. Additional information can be obtained from Ian Smith at Tel: 828-5169 or by email at Ian. 12. Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 25th July 2022. Responses from CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality. 13. Tenders are to be submitted in separate Inner Envelopes – one for Technical Offer and another for Financial Offer – and both included in an outer envelope. The outer envelope should mark: “TENDER FOR THE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITION SYSTEMS AT THE BELIZE NATIONAL INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) CENTER BUILDING (BELMOPAN)”, 14. Deadline for tender submission to the Central Information Technology Office, Belmopan is 1st August, 2022 at 10:00 am. 15. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the tenderers on 2nd August, 2022 starting at 10:10 am. 16. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Late bids will be disqualified and returned to the sender unopened. 17. This procurement opportunity can also be viewed at or https://



17 JUL


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