24 JUL
Established 1957
24 JULY 2022 | ISSUE NO: 5310
The Truth Shall Make You Free
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BASIC ARITHMETIC Shyne and UDP Senators babble at comprehending 88% debt to GDP ratio
PM Briceño & Minister Coye at the July 15 Sitting of the House and the July 18 Sitting of the Senate, respectively, denuded the extreme incompetence that reeks within the Opposition of the day. Terminological inexactitudes, inconsistencies, falsehoods, and lies are, today, the cornerstones of the Barrow/Faber attempt at being a relevant Opposition. When in government, the UDP was clueless on how to govern and this led to a crass level on incompetence and nonfeasance that almost totalled Belize’s economy. Then, in 2020 came
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Anti-Human Trafficking: Belize Gets Higher Ranking because of “GoB Increasing Efforts”
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Dr. Ted Aranda Laid to Rest
BELIZE IN KOREA Pg. 2 10th Ministers of Youth Forum
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U-21 BELIZE WINS SILVER MEDAL Now Head to U-23 CA Championships
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BASIC ARITHMETIC Continued from page 1
the planBelize team led by John Briceño. The almost 140 percent of debt to GDP ratio had to be tackled side by side with Covid-19 and UDP-13 whose remnants keep placing political mines at every opportunity. These mines are place spitefully to prevent Belize’s progress to a place far from UDP infamy and desperation. That is the lowlife UDP of 2022. Shyne Barrow, himself the heir to the king of incompetence, places dunces and
zombies at any post he can. Shadow posts, regional leader posts and Senate appointments are all systematically placed to hinder Belize’s progress. This is a criminal Opposition whose mantra is to lie and wreck minds and lives just to attempt to stop the inexorable success of planBelize. WORD to the WISE: 146PUP to 23UDP villages have given planBelize the latest of super mandates. The message is that they can see the PUP working and in the UDP they see…
“ A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES “ By HILLY BENNETT, Voice of the Common Man In John Kennedy Toole book ‘A Confederacy Of Dunces’ he quoted “when a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” On Monday 18, July 2022, the Senate convened in the National Assembly in Belmopan to consider several Bills, Papers and Motions brought from the House of Representatives. The General Revenue Supplementary Appropriation (No.1) (2022/2023) Bill 2022, Public Sector Emoluments and Allowance Reduction (Amendment Bill, 2022, Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (Amendment Bill 2022, Defamation Bill 2022, Married Persons (Protection) (Amendment) Bill 2022, Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Bill. 2022, Papers, NO. 28/1/14/- Supplementary Appropriation (No. 1 ) Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022/2023, NO. 29/1/14 - Central Bank of Belize Fortieth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the Year Ending 31st December 2021 and Motions - Central American Bank for Economic Integration - Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway Loan Motion, 2022, Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) - Loan Commitment Under Bilateral Cooperation Program (US $75000,000) Loan Motion 2022. This is the requirement of the Finance and Audit Reform Act (FARA). Upon the presentation of the myriad of supplemental by the Leader of Government business Senator Eamon Courtenay, the Senators in Opposition for the United Democratic Party (UDP) woefully attempted to gaslight the general public that there was something sinister with the various appropriations specifically the US $ 75,000,000 loan from the Republic of China (Taiwan). Consequently, the debate turned on its facts as Senator Christopher Coye held sway by proffering that the Peoples United Party (PUP) Government a responsible government that continues to abide by the rule of law and that the supplementary includes the legacy of UDP outstanding payables. Similarly,
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on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, Senator Michael Peyrefitte made the asinine allegations that GOB lacked the creativity and ideas to rebuild the economy and that the supplementary budget is “one last hustle before the next budget is read.” Coye reminded the dogmatic, mischief-maker that the supplementary budget was to take care of the hardpay UDP financial mess left behind. Payables (unpaid bills) amounted to 115 million dollars for which 68 million was unauthorized. 5 million of the 15 million in supplementary appropriations had to be paid upfront for needed medication because the UDPs failed to pay its bills. However, it was the rising of Senator Willoughby in the debate on Monday 18, July 2022 in his attempt to give relevance to the UDP’s irrelevance in his repetitive and numbing antic and rant of imbecilities that founded the ire of Courtenay. It was doom and gloom, and poor people dih suffa and PUPs are saddling the masses with debt. Taking his best shot he uttered “find God and spend the 75 million properly.” Courtenay then tongue-lashed Willoughby suggesting that Willoughby’s contribution was infantile and flowed from his puerile emotions. What irked Courtenay was that Senator Willoughby attended an informal meeting where the arithmetic of the supplementary were explained. The dunce clearly could not comprehend. In explaining the Taiwan loan, Coye made it is clear, that it was no secret and that it was embedded in the John Briceño budget of 2022/2023. Although the government is forward looking the Briceño administration faced UDP economic failures resulting from the lack of financial probity. Belize’s public debt rose from 2 to 4 billion. The Taiwan loan was to cover the disaster left by the UDP. It was for budgetary support. Under the red regime UDP received 600 million in budgetary support. Also, the loans compiled from January to May amounting to 48 million, 38 million went towards pre-existing loans accumulated from UDP with only 10 million being disbursed to loans acquired by the PUP government. 97 million will go towards amortization in the further
NEW NATIONAL CHILD LABOUR POLICY AND STRATEGY The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government today launched the new Belize National Child Labour Policy and Strategy 2022-2025. Child labour is a complex issue and requires strong partnerships, social dialogue and collaboration. The policy seeks to reduce its incidence by eliminating the worst forms by 2025. The new policy makes several new commitments especially as it relates to removing all ambiguities in the Labour Act as to what constitutes child labour, harmonizing the definition of a child across legislations, establishing clear inter-agency communication and data sharing protocols in child labour cases, and fostering within the private sector the development of socially responsible code of ethics that protects children from sexual abuse and exploitation. The Cabinet gave its approval for the development of the policy in April 2021 and, since then, the Child Labour Committee of the Labour Department has been working with several partners to craft the new policy. After a series of consultations and workshops with stakeholders across Belize, the policy was developed and was funded by the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF and the Government of Belize. The ILO also provided immeasurable technical support throughout the development process of the National Child Labour Policy and Strategy. The ministry extends sincere appreciation to every member of the team including Mr. Owen Hender, Primary Consultant. Special commendation is also extended to the staff of the Labour
reduction of debt. Notwithstanding the borrowing by the PUP, the John Briceño led Government debt is going down not up say Honorable Chris Coye. Of the US $75 million, 42 million was front-ended with 11 million each year to the end of the five-years term. 60 million will go for to National Defence and Security. 88 million to Home Affairs. 123 million to Health and Wellness. 241 million will go to Education. All in budgetary support. The witnessing of the “nonsensical intellectual” Shyne Barrow’s irrelevant spewing in the lower house and Philip Willoughby and idiotic rant in the Senate it revealing that the genius and success of PlanBelize, the decisiveness in pragmatic decisions of PM Briceño, and the astuteness of Minister Chris Coye have uprooted a confederacy of dunces within the remnants of the United Democratic Party, the dysfunctional Opposition. The failures of the red regime can be attributed to the failure of comprehending the three Rs. Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic. As Senator Eamon Courtenay said that we will continue to bring supplementaries as the need arises and respecting the rule of law. PUP is for development of country and people and the creation of a Belize where everybody fi win!
Department and the members of the National Child Labour Committee who worked tirelessly to develop the policy. Present at today’s ceremony were Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government; Hon. Ramiro Ramirez, Minister of State in the ministry; Mr. Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer in the ministry; Mr. Dennis Zulu, Director, International Labour Organisation – Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean; Ms. Enkhnasan Nasan-Ulzii , Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF-Belize; and Mr. Andy Westby, Chairman, Belize Sugar Cane Farmers’ Association.
BELIZE IN KOREA Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports & Transport, returned to Belize after attending the 10th Ministers of Youth World Forum in Busan, Korea from July 7 to 9, 2022. The forum was organized by the International Youth Fellowship Program (IYF), which brings together over 26 youth and education policymakers from 25 countries around the world to discuss the issues and solutions to youth challenges. The forum is held annually as part of the IYF’s World Culture Camp. The attending ministers and vice ministers discussed difficulties youth are facing in today’s world caused by the lack of the ability to critically think and methods to improve their thinking ability, social problems caused by isolation and disconnection, how to change the lives of youth through exchange and communication, and youth issues caused by lack of self-control and Continued on page 5
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: belizetimesadvertisement@yahoo.com
24 JUL
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little over one hundred and two years ago, the Temperance Movement, brought about Prohibition. It lasted thirteen years before it was finally repealed. The social experiment yielded increased illegal manufacture and sales of liquor. The illegal liquor had no quality controls and often had very detrimental effects on the health of the consumers. Many died due to the consumption of liquor made in makeshift distilleries. While the law may have initially discouraged the manufacture and supply of the substance, it did nothing to curb the demand. It took very little time for organized crime to take over the production, distribution and sales of liquor. Very soon the gangs started fighting over the illegal but very lucrative industry. It is rumoured that Al Capone the very notorious mob boss made close to sixty million a year from these illegal sales. The demand for certain commodities is inelastic and therefore the market adjusts. In this case, the suppliers became very adept at ensuring a steady supply and wreaking havoc in order to do so. The end result was not what was expected, there were no fewer problems associated with consumption and abuse, but there was increased gang-related activity, violence and crime. Belize will soon head over to a national referendum on Cannabis. In many ways, the suppression of its use, production and distribution reminds us of those old Prohibition days. Belizeans will be asked whether we remain in prohibition or not. Has the illegal status of Cannabis restricted its use? I would bargain to say it has not, and those who want it indulge at will. The production and trade of Cannabis are not regulated, nor is it taxed. We must ask, who currently benefits from the illegal status? The likely answer is those who work outside the parameters of the law. The gangs and elements of the organized crime of this country battle and fight for control of the market. Will there be more weed smokers and users if it is decriminalized? When everyone who wants to smoke already does, maybe they will just be more honest about it. Is Cannabis bad for health? Of course it is, but so are excess sugar, excess sodium, and excess fats. We have a silent pandemic in this country, any medical doctor will tell you that non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease kill Belizeans every day. Yet there is no banning of food items replete with these. Forbidden fruit, the good book teaches, is far more tempting than any other. Prohibition of any substance does nothing to curb the desire and demand for the product. It is doomed to fail, as it has been for Cannabis in this country and liquor in others. There is a chance to legislate controls, and taxes and regulate an industry that already exists, even if it is not acknowledged. There is a chance to take away the source of economic power that organized crime wields. There is a chance to mitigate the wave of violence that threatens every day to overwhelm us and each day takes more of our young men and women. Each person must exercise their vote and voice to make a decision, make an informed decision based on facts, not feelings.
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en Español
ace poco más de ciento dos años, el Movimiento por la Templanza, trajo consigo la Prohibición. Duró trece años antes de ser finalmente derogada. El experimento social dio lugar a un aumento de la fabricación y venta ilegal de licor. El licor ilegal no tenía controles de calidad y a menudo tenía efectos muy perjudiciales para la salud de los consumidores. Muchos murieron por el consumo de licor fabricado en destilerías improvisadas. Aunque en un principio la ley pudo desalentar la fabricación y el suministro de la sustancia, no hizo nada para frenar la demanda. El crimen organizado tardó muy poco en hacerse cargo de la producción, distribución y venta de licor. Muy pronto las bandas empezaron a pelearse por esta industria ilegal pero muy lucrativa. Se rumorea que Al Capone, el famosísimo jefe de la mafia ganaba cerca de sesenta millones al año con estas ventas ilegales. La demanda de ciertos productos es inelástica y, por tanto, el mercado se ajusta. En este caso, los proveedores se volvieron muy hábiles para garantizar un suministro constante y causar estragos para lograrlo. El resultado final no fue el esperado, no hubo menos problemas relacionados con el consumo y el abuso, sino que aumentó la actividad de las bandas, la violencia y la delincuencia. Belice se dirigirá pronto a un referéndum nacional sobre el cannabis. En muchos sentidos, la supresión de su uso, producción y distribución nos recuerda a aquellos viejos tiempos de la Prohibición. Se preguntará a los beliceños si seguimos en la prohibición o no. ¿El estatus ilegal del Cannabis ha restringido su uso? Me atrevería a decir que no, y los que lo quieren lo consumen a su antojo. La producción y el comercio del cannabis no están regulados, ni se gravan. Debemos preguntarnos quién se beneficia actualmente de la ilegalidad. La respuesta más probable es la de aquellos que trabajan fuera de los parámetros de la ley. Las bandas y elementos del crimen organizado de este país luchan y se disputan el control del mercado. ¿Habrá más fumadores y consumidores de hierba si se despenaliza? Cuando todos los que quieren fumar ya lo hacen, tal vez sean más honestos al respecto. ¿Es el cannabis malo para la salud? Por supuesto que lo es, pero también lo son el exceso de azúcar, el exceso de sodio y el exceso de grasas. Tenemos una pandemia silenciosa en este país, cualquier médico le dirá que las enfermedades no contagiosas como la diabetes, la hipertensión y las enfermedades del corazón matan a los beliceños todos los días. Sin embargo, no se prohíben los alimentos repletos de ellas. La fruta prohibida, enseña el buen libro, es mucho más tentadora que cualquier otra. La prohibición de cualquier sustancia no sirve para frenar el deseo y la demanda del producto. Está condenada a fracasar, como ha sucedido con el cannabis en este país y el licor en otros. Hay una oportunidad de legislar controles, e impuestos y regular una industria que ya existe, aunque no se reconozca. Hay una oportunidad de quitar la fuente de poder económico que tiene el crimen organizado. Hay una oportunidad de mitigar la ola de violencia que cada día amenaza con arrollarnos y cada día se lleva más de nuestros jóvenes. Cada persona debe ejercer su voto y su voz para tomar una decisión, tomar una decisión informada basada en hechos, no en sentimientos.
24 JUL
Anti-Human Trafficking: Belize Gets Higher Ranking because of “GoB Increasing Efforts” July 19, 2022 - Today, the United States’ Secretary of State released the 22nd Annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) and upgraded Belize’s status to Tier 2. “The 2022 TIP Report assesses the anti-trafficking efforts of 188 governments. Countries assessed as fully meeting the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking are placed on Tier 1. Countries assessed as not fully meeting the minimum standards, but making significant efforts to meet them, are placed on Tier 2 or Tier 2 Watch List. Countries assessed as not fully meeting the minimum standards and not making significant efforts to do so are ranked Tier 3.” The report highlights that “The Government of Belize demonstrated overall increasing efforts compared with the previous reporting period, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity; therefore, Belize was upgraded to Tier 2. The report cited key achievements from the Belize Government including: convicting two traffickers and applying adequate sentences; expanding the size of its Anti-Trafficking (A-TIP) Police Unit, which increased investigations; improving data collection and case monitoring;
opening a shelter for unaccompanied children at risk for trafficking in cooperation with an international organization; and prioritizing anti-trafficking funding and implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP).” The government is pleased with the upgrade from Tier 2 Watchlist to Tier 2 and recognizes that there is more to be done to combat Human Trafficking in Belize. The Anti-Trafficking in Persons (ATIPS) Council, chaired by the Ministry of Human Development, Families, and Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, is the multisectoral body which coordinates Belize’s response to human trafficking. The council, which comprises government and non-government entities, remains committed, focusing its efforts on improving coordination and collaboration on protection, prosecution, prevention, and partnerships. The ministry thanks the ATIPS Council members, collaborating authorities, NGO and civil society partners, and the international community, for their dedication and hard work which have contributed to this upgrade in rank. With renewed vigor and strengthened partnerships, the government will continue its efforts in earnest, taking into consideration the recommendations outlined in the TIP Report as Belize strives to eliminate trafficking and its dehumanizing effects on victims.
10th Ministers of Youth Forum
Continued from page 2 the impact it has on society. Minister Ferguson was the first to deliver his presentation and spoke about the challenges Belizean youth face and how the Department of Youth Services has strategized to meet their needs, which is based on the 2022 Youth Needs Assessment Survey. Officials were also formally introduced to the Mind Education Program as many countries are now introducing the program at the government level as part of their youth and education initiatives for youth development. Mr. Jermaine Garvey, director of the newly established IYF Belize branch, said that the issues of youth violence, drug use and crime are evident in Belize; however, there is hope
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through the Mind Education Program. Mr. Garvey said, “The program which teaches about the unseen world of the heart helps youth to discover the source of their difficulties. The Mind Education programs dig deep into the hearts of the youth and help them to unlock the power of the ability to think deeply, self-control to control their own desires and exchange. Through exchange, they can express their hearts but also receive a new heart and strong mindset that can overcome difficulties despite their environment and situation.” IYF will continue to work with the Department of Youth Services to offer Mind Education to the Youth of Belize. Minister Ferguson thanked Mr. Jermaine and Mrs. Orlene Garvey, representatives to Belize from the IYF, who facilitated his trip to Korea.
U-21 BELIZE WINS SILVER MEDAL Now Head to U-23 CA Championships
Khaya Gordon scored 10pts vs Salvador Belize City, July 16, 2022 At the Belize City Civic Center, Belize’s national under-21 women’s volleyball team won the silver medal at the Central American U-21 volleyball championships, hosted by the Belize Volleyball Association, after a heartbreaker 5-set loss to Guatemala in the gold medal match last Saturday night, July 16. Gareth Bruce led the attack, hammering 17 kills at the net. She also served 2 aces and had 2 kill blocks to tally 20pts, but Guatemala took the 1st set: 25-19. Fatima Ramirez hammered another 14 hits and scored 2 kill blocks. Khaya Gordon scored 7 hits and had 5 blocks to tally 12 pts, and Marci Mejia hammered 5 hits and served 4 aces, as the Belize girls took the next 2 sets: 25-20, 25-20. Maria Santa Cruz led the Guatemala attacks with 21pts, MVP Naomi Monney scored 15pts, and Andrea Mendizabal had 12pts, as the “chapinas” won the 4th set: 25-19 to tie the match: 2-2. Zalika Henderson scored 5 hits and served an ace, while Iman Safa, Nisaan Martinez and Blessed Omamurhe scored a point each. Belize also profited from the ‘chapinas’ 33 errors, but conceded 29 points on errors, allowing Guatemala to win the 5th set: 15-11. The Belize girls had entered the finals undefeated, having dominated their other opponents 3-0 each. On Thursday, Belize won 25-23, 2512, 25-16 over El Salvador, as Fatima hammered 17 hits and scored 2 blocks for 19pts, Gareth Bruce scored 9 hits, 2 blocks and served
an ace to tally 12pts. Khaya Gordon scored 6 hits, 2 blocks and served 2 aces; while setter Iman Safa served up 4 aces and scored a hit. Zalika Henderson scored 4pts, and Nisaan Martinez had 3pts. Belize profited from El Salvador’s 22 errors, but conceded 24 pts on errors. Belize had also dominated Honduras 25-16, 25-17, 25-16 on Friday night, as Fatima Ramirez scored 13pts, Bruce added 11pts, and Khaya Gordon and Nisaan Martinez scored 10pts each. Iman Safa scored 3pts, and Zalika Henderson scored a hit. Again Belize profited from the catrachas’ 22 errors, but conceded 22pts by errors. Belize had also dominated Nicaragua 25-15, 25-19, 25-23 in their opening match last Tuesday. At the closing ceremonies, Belize captured 5 individual awards, as Fatima Ramirez won Best Spiker and Best Receiver, and Gareth Bruce won 2nd Best Spiker. Iman Safa won Best Setter and team captain Sofia Solano won Best Libero. Guatemala’s Naomi Monney won the Most Valuable Player award, while Maria Santa Cruz won Best Scorer and Best Server. Sofia Ibarra won Best Blocker, and Andrea Mendizabal won 2nd Best Blocker. Ivana Sopegno won Best Opposite. Nicaragua’s Maria Marcela Roa won Best Digger. Team Belize gets another bite at the apple as most of the same players will form the core of the Under-23 national team which departs Belize on Tuesday, July 26 for Tegucigalpa Honduras, where they will compete in the Central American Under-23 female volleyball championships. They return home on August 4.
NOTICE Balamor Holding Ltd. #13050 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Balamor Holding Limited:
a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 11th day of July, 2022; and c) GLENN D. GODFREY & CO. LLP, whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company Glenn D. Godfrey & Co. LLP Registered Agent
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24 JUL
A vacancy exists at San Pedro High School for the following full-time post: •
Mathematics/Integrated Science
Prior teaching experience would be an asset. Applicants must also have excellent communication, interpersonal skills and be willing to work with students. Applications should be submitted along with a resume, copies of certificates, transcript, letters of recommendation and teacher’s license (must). Salary will be in accordance with Government’s pay scale, which is based on qualifications. Applications must be addressed to: Principal P.O. Box 23 San Pedro High School San Pedro Town A.C. Deadline for Applications: July 29, 2022
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THE BELIZE TIMES KEYNOTE ADDRESS Delivered by Minister Oscar Requena
For Prime Minister Briceño Child Labour Policy
I am very happy to be here with you today because we are about to do something that is more than politically expedient, we are here to do something that is quite simply the right thing to do. Now I know in these days where cynicism is the order of the day a politician saying we are doing something right seems almost oxymoronic but the administration I lead, the government I am privileged to oversee, believes in working always to do the right thing. What we are doing here today, IS the right thing. So thank you for inviting me here to endorse a policy and strategy that for the next five years will work to ensure that our children are better protected. One that will ensure that our children have a chance to grow into good, productive Belizean men and women. And one that is about excellence. Thank you for this opportunity to endorse what is in effect a down payment or a deposit on the future of our nation—An investment in Belize. Eliminating the worst forms of child labour or any kind of child labour that keeps our children from realizing their God-given potential is a righteous undertaking. Close to a half of our youth population are too young to be out of school, 39 percent of our population are younger than 18 years old, still developing physically and mentally. This is what today is about, protecting our children from exploitation. We must protect them and allow them to grow tall, to grow smart and strong. For sure there are forms of work that can build character in our young people and this policy will lay out those kinds of tasks that are appropriate forms of work that our Belizean children can do. The Policy commits government to amend 13 pieces of legislation to remove inconsistencies in the definition of a child, the age children can work, and the type of work children can do. It will lay out the kinds of tasks that will not be harmful to their physical and mental development while at the same time giving them the kind of skills training that will prepare them for the ever-changing world of work and for future careers. That is why I was excited to hear that we will finally do something to amend the Labour Act to remove ambiguities as to what constitutes Child Labour, and that we will increase penalties for violations. This is why I have come here today, because I want to be a part of this work. See, investing in our children cannot be something we fail at, we have to get this right. Let me assure everyone that we are serious about protecting our children and serious about doing everything possible to ensure they have every chance for success as they face our tomorrows. Now a number of institutions and agencies are a part of this important work and so on behalf of our government and on behalf of all our parents thank you. From the ILO to UNICEF, from members of the Labour Department to Mr. Hender the lead consultant and his associates and, yes, to our Minister and his dedicated team in the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Labour, and Local Government, thank you for getting this important work done. I believe this collaborative work is proof yet again that my government is delivering on Plan Belize for this is a part of our policy on the family and on our children. I don’t say this to be political but to state for the record that this administration is about delivering on Plan Belize because Plan Belize is something that received the overwhelming support of the Belizean people. In this spirit, let me add how awesome it is that this event comes just days after Cabinet approved extending the mandatory school leaving age from 14 to 16. Rest assured my office stands ready to assist and support the implementation of this policy and strategy. Let us together advance our work and make the best investment ever, which is to create a future where all our children can enjoy a life free from fear and want and where they live up to their full potential. Thank you
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The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government is hosting a two-day Training of Trainers Workshop for Rural Community Development Officers (RCDO) and Local Government Officers (LGO) at Kiki Witz, Belmopan, from July 21 to 22, 2022. The workshop will provide officers with the tools needed to effectively conduct training of village councils and local governments to increase management effectiveness and development outcomes. The training precedes a larger plan to create a manual with
Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs The ex-mass party is again caught with handling “false statement”. The Ministry of Public Service and the guardians of the truth have found it necessary to deflect an attempt to serve the Belizean public a vile falsehood. The UDP got so accustomed to attempting to govern on the basis of corruption that they cannot believe that the People’s United Party and planBelize has Belize moving so fast so quickly. In their angst to mislead Belize as their main strategy to get back into power in 2035, they and their mouthpieces belch out anything they perceive without double checking the facts. Ahead is a press release for the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs: Our attention has been drawn to the Guardian’s Newspaper and Hot Off The Press social media article titled “Minister’s Father In Law to Head Public Service’s Commission”. Consequently, there has been an avalanche of comments regarding this false statement. It has become necessary to set the record straight. It is not true that Mr. Anthony Chanona has been appointed as the Chairman of the Public Services Commission and we find it very disappointing that no one reached out to the Ministry to verify the accuracy of the information. The media and the public are please requested to take note of this clarification and take appropriate steps to stop the misinformation.
the various modules to build the organizational capacities of village councils, water boards and municipalities. The training program focuses on leadership, financial management, community development and proposal writing, among others. This new program will enable village councils to develop community development action plans, improve governance and become fully accountable to rural residents. RCDOs are tasked with overseeing 194 village councils and 108 water boards while LGOs oversee the nine municipalities. Following this workshop, the officers will be better equipped to apply more appropriate and effective methodologies to train community leaders across the country. This initiative falls under the Government of Belize’s focused approach to ru-
ral development as stated in Plan Belize. In his opening remarks, Mr. Valentino Shal, CEO in the ministry, affirmed, “We are doing this training to ensure that we are able to undertake the work in rural areas far beyond to ensure poverty reduction, resiliency of rural families and sustainable development.” The training is being facilitated by Ms. Carolyn Hulse, an educator for more
than three decades. Ms. Hulse has extensive experience in leadership and change management and has been a teacher at various schools in Belize, as well as principal of the Belize Christian Academy and the Shepherd’s Academy in Belmopan. Ms. Hulse has a master's degree in Educational Leadership from the University of North Florida and a bachelor’s degree from the University College of Belize.
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Belizeans Complete Agricultural Labor Technical Training Program Twenty-nine Belizeans returned on July 18, 2022, after attending a 90-day Agricultural Labor Technical Training Program in Colombia. The course, which ran from April 25 to July 16, 2022, concluded with a graduation ceremony held by the PANACA Foundation. The program is a part of the Agricultural Technical Work Training for Rural Leaders project, which aims to strengthen South-South Cooperation with the countries of the Andean Community (Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru) and some countries of the Mesoamerica Project, namely, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. The program covered 30 full scholarships for each of the eight participating countries. The Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia (APC Colombia) sponsored the program taught by specialized professionals and expert personnel, who manage the production processes in the facilities of the Interactive Center for Science and Technology of the Agricultural Sector, Fundapanaca. The Belizean delegation comprised 13 women and 16 men, who received their diplomas in Technical Agricultural Labor.
Fuel Subsidy Program for Bus Operators The Department of Transport today rolled out its $1.6 million Fuel Subsidy Program which will benefit both bus operators and commuters. The program targets 93 bus operators from across the country. The approval of this subsidy program was given by Cabinet in April 2022 to benefit over 70,000 daily commuters, and since then, the department has been working diligently with bus operators to ensure smooth facilitation of the process. The program came as a result of the global surge in fuel prices. The goal of the six-month program is to minimize the financial impact on commuters and ensure the sustainability of bus operators in Belize. The Government of Belize through the Department of Transport will continue to work with bus operators across the country for the betterment of the transportation industry in Belize.
Notice is hereby given that Jeremy Spooner is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Spoonaz Photo Cafe & Bar” located at # 89 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Fidelina & Ellen Gilharry are applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Cheesecake Unlimited Limited” located at # 2 Hicatee Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Cabinet Brief Belmopan. 21st July 2022. 9:30 a.m. The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 19th July 2022.
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24 JUL
Cabinet congratulated the Belize National Women’s Volleyball Team and coaching staff on winning the silver medal in the XIX U-21 Female Central American Volleyball Championship Games and commended the organizers for the excellent work of hosting the regional volleyball tournament. The Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation made a presentation to Cabinet on the economic importance of making aviation in Belize a national priority, including the concept of a proposed Aviation Hub City for Belize. As a result, Cabinet formed a ministerial working group comprised of the Minister Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, the Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, and the Minister of Finance to present a roadmap within four weeks’ time. The plan will include a feasibility study for the proposed Aviation Hub City. The Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation updated Cabinet on technical support that has been committed to Belize by COCESNA and the Federal Aviation Administration in preparation for the 2023 International Civil Aviation Organization audits. The Minister of Health & Wellness reported to Cabinet that a case of the Monkeypox Virus was confirmed in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico, and in other states in the region. In response, Cabinet requested the Ministry of Health & Wellness prepare a report to present at the next meeting of Cabinet on the ministry’s level of readiness for the Monkeypox Virus as well as a report on the Marburg virus disease (MRAV) which, at present, is classified as having minimal risk of becoming an epidemic but has affected a few persons in Africa. Cabinet was updated on the outcome of the 26th May 2022 meeting of BPO Stakeholders on the diversification of the industry into higher tier services and accepted the recommendations that emanated from the meeting, including the establishment of a working group to implement the recommendations which include the preparation of a National Strategy to Develop Belize’s Global Digital Services Sector. Cabinet was provided with the weekly update on the status of COVID-19 vaccinations. Currently, there are more than 209,950 vaccines on hand. As of 18th July 2022, 227,658 persons or 52.9 percent had received at least one dose of the vaccine and 217,803 or 50.6 percent have been fully vaccinated. Of the population ages 12 to 17 years, 26,720 or 45.8 percent have received two doses of the vaccines and 5,274 or 7.2 percent of the population ages 5 to 11 have received two doses of the vaccines. To date, 49,878 booster shots have been issued. Total deaths as of 18th July 2022, 680 and 689 active cases. Finally, Cabinet welcomed the report from the Minister of Education, Culture, Science & Technology on the preparations by the National Celebrations Commission for this year's National September Celebrations and offered its congratulations to Ms. Sheryl Distan who submitted the theme for this year’s celebrations: Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong! Belize Rebounds @41!
VACANCY: JOB OPPORTUNITY Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following post in the Human Resource Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity, both females/males are encouraged to apply for the available post.
Human Resource Officer
Reporting Relationship:
Director, Human Resources
Summary of Responsibilities: The Human Resource Officer assist the Director of HR in managing every aspect of employment process including orientation and training new staff members. Job Responsibilities: 1. Support the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems. 2. Create and implement effective on boarding plans. 3. Assist in performance management processes. 4. Support the management of disciplinary and grievance issues. 5. Review employment and working conditions to ensure legal compliance. 6. Assist with developing and implementing human resources policies. 7. Motivating and supporting HR staff 8. Maintaining staff records. 9. Handling employees’ benefits 10. Resolving conflicts through positive and professional mediation for staff 11. Assist in creating clear and concise reports 12. Assist in leading the HR and Admin Team. 13. Maintaining personnel files. 14. Conducts employee orientation; 15. Lead Employee Engagement activities 16. Maintain compliance with all CBAs and labour related legislations. 17. Assist with stevedore relations and discipline. 18. Coordinate training for staff development (internal and external); 19. Assists with employee relations matters such as employee safety, welfare and wellness; 20. Maintains and distributes current employee information, policy and procedure manuals, and other communication. 21. Any other duties of a related nature that may be assigned from time to time.
Job Qualifications/Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, labor Relations, Business Administration, Tourism Management or related field of study. • 3-5 years working experience in HR related capacity field. • Working knowledge of a Human Resource information system (HRIS). • Experience in developing workplace policies. • Experienced with union negotiations. • Experience in conflict resolution, disciplinary processes and workplace investigations. • Experience in a unionized environment • Experience working with blue collar workers is an asset. • Knowledge of labor related legislations and regulations. • Computer literacy with competency in Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, and outlook. Skills/Competencies: • Good Communication skills • Be a good listener • Maintain CONFIDENTIALITY • Team Player • Be able to work with limited supervision • Be able to work under pressure • Critical Thinking • Complex Problem Solving • Judgment and Decision Making • Time Management
Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure). To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager), copy of valid social security card, valid police record, name, and phone number of two (2) previous employers. ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED Applications should be emailed to: jobapplication@portofbelize.com Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, July 22nd, 2022
24 JUL
July 17, 2022 - The Opening Football Marathon of the Trial Farm Champions League took place yesterday. Thank you to the Trial Farm Village Council for organizing this event. Thank you to all teams and fans who participated. Congratulations to: 1st place: San Jose Pumas 2nd place: United Ballers 3rd place: Sarteneja F.C. Best Goalscorer: George James Champions keep playing until they get it right.
ECONOMIST III The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Research Department. The Central Bank of Belize seeks to fill two vacant posts of Economist III within its Research Department. The successful candidates will be required to conduct research, forecast key economic variables, analyse economic information about Belize’s economy, prepare policy documents, and contribute to educational activities as the Central Bank requires. The incumbents will also:
Collect, analyse, and verify economic data from primary and secondary sources and monitor the performance of various economic sectors, including the real, monetary, fiscal, and external sectors of the economy;
Provide specialist advice based on applications of economic theory and knowledge;
Conduct research, produce research papers, and provide recommendations on economic challenges and issues;
Keep abreast of economic developments and trends;
Represent the Central Bank at domestic or international forums; and
Perform other assigned duties.
The applicant should possess the following: Education and Experience
Belize National Prayer
Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country. --------------------God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude. --------------------Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives. --------------------With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge. --------------------We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give. --------------------And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.
A Master’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognised university is preferred. Relevant experience would be an asset; or
A Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognised university. Relevant experience would be an asset.
Technical Knowledge ▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank Act and the Domestic Banks and Financial Institutions Act; knowledge of all sectors of the economy and their interlinkage; strong understanding of economic principles and theory; strong mathematical and numeracy skills; proficient in the use of software applications and statistical packages, such as EViews, STATA, and SPSS; strong ability to apply theoretical and empirical economic analysis to develop policy recommendations. Competencies ▪ Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Teamwork and Cooperation; Initiative and Drive; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Analytical Thinking. Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 3 August 2022:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Central Bank Employment Application Form (available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) references (one must be from previous employer) Copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Economist III - Research Department Email: hr@centralbank.org.bz or online at www.centralbank.org.bz (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)
24 JUL
CAREER OPPORTUNITY Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is the primary distributor and the only licensed public provider of electricity in Belize. Our Mission is to deliver safe, reliable and sustainable energy solutions to enhance the quality of life and the productivity of enterprise and to support national development. We are looking for a highly motivated, goal oriented, responsible and committed person to join our Company in the role of IT Support Administrator in the Information Technology & Cybersecurity Department of our Finance & Operations Support Division at our Corporate Headquarters in Belize City. Duties: • Create, develop, implement, and maintain an IT Support System that achieves the department’s IT support services key performance indicators (KPIs). The IT Support System includes but is not limited to the policies, procedures software, and personnel required to meet the IT support objectives. • Provide technical support and training for various enterprise IT systems including but not limited to Enterprise Security Camera System, Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) System, Biometric Time Clocks, Mobile Work Force field devices, and Geographic Information System (GIS) field devices. • Supervise, and where necessary, perform the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of all end user computing devices including PCs, laptops, printers, etc. • Develop and maintain detailed and accurate inventory management systems for the department’s IT assets. • Plan, organize, and execute routine maintenance on end user equipment. • Conduct research and make recommendations on IT support related products, services, and standards in support of procurement, enhancements, upgrades, security, and optimization efforts. • Develop requirements and specifications for goods and services relating to IT support and actively assist in negotiating with vendors for the procurement of these products and services. • Assist with the maintenance of the department’s various licensing plans, particularly as it relates to IT support related software and assist the IT&C management team with vendor discussions and negotiations. • Plan, organize, direct, and control the daily activities for direct reports. • Provide mentorship and guidance to all direct reports and to other team members from time to time. • Conduct performance review in accordance with the Company’s merit system for all direct reports. • Establish and maintain regular written and in-person communications with decision-makers and end-users regarding needs and network activities. • Assist with the development and management of the department’s operating and capital expenditure budgets and prepare monthly financial performance reports for both operating and capital expenditures under his/her direct control. • Discharge duties in a fashion that aligns responsibilities with the corporate goals of the Company. Education and Experience: • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or related field • Five years’ working experience in IT Support • Three years’ experience in a supervisory capacity • Certifications in Network+, Security+ or related certifications are an asset Required Skills and Abilities: • Strong customer service orientation • Ability to develop and implement IT support strategies and best practices using established frameworks such as IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is an advantage • Knowledge of Active Directory/Azure Active Directory and the Microsoft 365 environment • Knowledge of at least one enterprise antivirus/malware solution • Ability to work in a team oriented and collaborative environment • Ability to develop written reports and project proposals • Ability to develop IT policies and procedures • Ability to design, implement, configure, and manage end-point protection systems • Knowledge in installing and configuring Windows client operating systems in a domain environment • Ability to troubleshoot and repair hardware such as PCs, laptops, printers, and scanners • Experience in project management and change process management • Knowledge and understanding of system flow charts, and data processing concepts • Proven analytical and problem-solving abilities • Demonstrated leadership, personnel, coaching, and time management skills • Knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws • Able to conduct research in IT issues and products as required • Highly self-motivated and ongoing interest on keeping up to date with changes in technology Salary: in accordance with Company’s salary structure. Submit application letter along with resume, copy of degrees and certificates and three recent professional letters of recommendation via email to: Manager, Talent Acquisition & Development Email: career.opportunity@bel.com.bz In the email subject, please indicate the position: IT Sup Support Administrator Only electronic applications are being accepted at this time. For more information or queries, 227-0954 Ext. 2901 or 1415 Deadline: Friday, July 29, 2022
24 JUL
EULOGY DR. THEODORE ARANDA (November 9, 1934 – July 10, 2022) Sacred Heart Church, Dangriga July 17, 2022 By Dr. Ludwig Palacio (Excerpts)
Today we celebrate the life of a man who shared some 30,021 days with us. Leaving memories and legacies that will add to development of a nation. He was born in New Town just north of Hopkins Village which was destroyed in the 1941 Hurricane. From there the family moved to the beautiful, tranquil village of modern-day Hopkins. I can only imagine what that was like long before hotels, cars, running water and electricity. I can imagine him playing with the rest of THE children and youth, swimming in the ocean enjoying splendid Mother Nature as they await the fishermen as they return to their homes, speaking the Garifuna language singing Garifuna songs, creating lively songs for different occasions. I can imagine him along with this siblings going to the plantation along with their dad, Mr. Julio Aranda. I can see him at the dinner table prepared by a loving mother, Georgian Nunez, eating Garifuna dishes, Tapau, Hudutu, Alabundiga drinking Gúrentu, all of which contributed to the development of his body and most importantly his mind and even his long life. I can see him in the Holy Trinity Primary School paying keen attention to his teachers who better not slip up because this student reads and studies minute details. He would further his education at St John’s College in Belize City. He travelled to Guatemala to continue his studies; he travelled to Guatemala where the ambitious young man studied at the Universidad de San Carlos while he taught English at a local High School. That was where he met his first wife Maria Albertina Lopez Aranda mother of Lerna Aranda. Derek enjoyed valuable, albeit, casual family time where everything can be discussed at the dinner table. He looked forward to the times when the family can eat together and share ideas because Dad was a man of ideas and great intelligence. Derek said that he never dictated but instead challenged and encouraged him to be something. Lerna His first child shared: “He was my fierce protector, my everything! He is the man who set my moral compass! He was loving! He taught me to respect myself and others. He was an exemplary leader. Through his example he taught me strength and grace coupled with a back bone of steel.” Mrs. Cecilia Aranda Mrs. Aranda and Doc met in 1972. I can only imagine what that was like; a young beautiful, intelligent Garifuna woman and a dashingly handsome Muhamad Ali-look-alike in the prime of his life. I am certain it didn’t take too long for her to say YES. However, the vision he had for his family and country would soon take them to different places and spaces. It was not always easy but what better couple than this dynamic duo to make that journey all the way to the end.
Allow me to back track a little. It was also in 1972 when Dr. Aranda had just returned from the US with PhD in Education. He could have stayed in the US and enjoy the comforts of America but he chose Belize and the struggle that became his life’s work. He was Peace Corps Director and quickly rolled up his sleeves and get on with his duties. He organized Garifuna masses, Garifuna Queen Competitions and form a cadre of researchers to share the facts on the history and accomplishments of an African people who made different parts of America their home. We are the Garinagu. We are the people that traded with first nations in the Americas long before the Europeans came to “discover,” divide and conquer and pillage our indigenous peoples. The effects of this encounter have lefts millions dead and negatively impacted. We are the survivors and a lot is left for us to untangle. Bob Marley said it best in song: none but ourselves can free our minds because 4 hundred years of history cannot be wiped away so easily. This is the legacy that Ted has left for us to learn from and take to our homes, our schools and highest institutions of learning and service to humanity. Ted believed that the southern part of the Belize or 1/3 of the country is endowed with an immensity of natural wealth. I can still hear him advocating for the Coastal Highway because it makes economic sense. He invested much time researching the enormous value of Commerce Bight, which has the deepest waters most suitable for a major port infrastructure generating prosperity through job creation, trading, manufacturing and export possibilities that would benefit all Dangrigans and by extension all Belizeans, in fact a super-rich economic and cultural hub that would make us wealthier than Dubai. This is a chance to put his vision into motion not because it came from him, if that is your fear, but because it makes sense. Ted hated waste and he would call it by name whenever he saw it— that is after in-depth research into the issue. Doc would never back down or drop his principles. He believed that, in es-
sence, if there is nothing worth dying for; there is nothing worth living for. Political life of Theodore Aranda In 1974, he joined the newly formed United Democratic Party and quickly rose up the ranks. In 1979, he was one of the five representatives elected for the UDP, representing the Dangriga constituency. He was elected UDP leader as the previous leader, Dean Lindo, was defeated for re-election in the Fort George constituency. After a stormy stint as the country's first post-independence Leader of the Opposition. Aranda briefly revived the Christian Democratic Party in 1983 and unsuccessfully sought re-election in Dangriga under its banner in 1984, finishing third with 24.3 percent of the vote. He went on to join the People's United Party and re-captured the Dangriga seat as its candidate in 1989. Russell "Chiste" Garcia defeated him for the seat in 1993, but Aranda won a third non-consecutive term in 1998. He was not a candidate for re-election in 2003. Since Belize's 1981 independence from Great Britain Aranda was the only person to win elections to the Belize House as a candidate for both the UDP and the PUP. In 2000, Aranda formed the World Garifuna Organization with the sole objective of furthering Garifuna inclusion and excellence. Allow me to take a piece of Glenn Tillet between the lines to wrap up a small portion of Doc’s political career and I quote: “His mere presence and accomplishments had upset the power structure’s status quo, and a fierce wave of pride had undulated through the majority Garifuna community of Griga Dang and the Stann Creek District. There were no brows raised in even mock surprise when as a UDP candidate he easily raced past the post in the 1979 generals even as the surging UDP was being shocked by the PUP, and in the post-mortem, he seized the leadership. He could not hang on though, soon vanquished from the top of the mountain by ethno-racism and Belize City parochialism.” Doc beat the ten count and quickly moved on. Doctor Aranda Salient Contributions We would be here forever so let’s just look at a few: Therese wrote the following on social media: Dr. Aranda’s legacy can be remembered in Dangriga when his genius self with lots of doubting Thomases diverted the river to stop massive flooding in the Melinda road area, Topsy farm and ecumenical area. Who would have thought that a small diversion of the rivers path would create such massive comfort and convenience to thousands of residents in Dangriga. DOC DID IT. Chuluwadiwa Monument Indeed one of the finest and world class, yet we allow it to deteriorate. Young people create some movement and look at the vision. It speaks to our arrival, pride and excellence. Bear in mind that even the best things can be made better. Whatever it takes Belizeans, NGO’s those living abroad, Internationalists, Culturalists, Religious leaders, teachers, Diplomats, government ministers do not wait collaborate and get the job done. Doc has left us with a multi-billion dollar multifaceted project the Africa to America Park. This vision/proposal will enable the
13 application, use and incorporation of relevant scientific and technological inventions including, but not limited to, sophisticated advancements in in the Sciences such as Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Geometry, Medicine, and Irrigation Engineering as our nation evolves along with the rest of civilizations. Belize has a high rate of poverty. Records show that we have a staggering 42 percent of the general population as poor and up to 50 percent of our children under age 15 are classified as poor--58 percent of Belize's youth under 18 are classified as multi-dimensionally poor. These are the facts and Doc would say okay here is a solution people. What will we do about it? This is the spirit of the Africa to America Park. In it he shares that it will be a part of the Meso-American tourism and entrepreneurial possibilities. This project is beautifully articulated to demonstrate the invaluable contributions of the Garifuna and African people to America. It will lead to a greater understanding of ourselves allowing us to strive for excellence in the arts, mathematics, astronomy even oceanography proving beyond doubt that our people who traded in gold were here long before Christopher living in harmony with the people we met sharing vital education in politics, architecture, agronomy and the arts. It behooves this nation to build this park and inspire a new generation. I am certain that Doc would be pleased to see people learning, trading, farming, caring for the environment, doing art, carrying out state-of-the-art scientific exchanges with partners around the world at the highest level. Although Belize was his love I know that his futuristic and advanced thinking teaches us that we must transcend the confines of Belize because we are the finest and best in the world. Doc loved art. I was shown a painting by our very own world class painter the one and only Benjamin Nicholas. In this painting there is a bridge separating two sets of people one showing destitution, poverty and apathy the other prosperity, family love and technology, yet the two of them refuses to cross that bridge. The Garifuna tenet is most important at this crossroads Au bun, amuru nun. I for you and you for me. We can ill afford to continue the path of poverty, apathy, gang violence. We should not have to bury our children. Caba san waduga? Only a few days ago Mayor Sheran Palacio received an outstanding Pan Africanist Award. She said in essence: I accept this award on behalf of Dr. Theodore Aranda. I got this because of him he should be the one receiving this honor today. In all the annals of Pan Africanism in Belize and the world we will record his name for ever. Doc, Ted my dear friend continue that journey enjoy the company of Machel, Nkrumah, Nyerere, Marley and Garvey, Fidel and Che. We join and stand with Cecilia, Ted, Derek, Lerna and Doris. Sisters: Anaca Jesse Brother Victor Grandchildren Afton, Haley, Ava Thandie Preston Phoebe and Marley. One love Aba isieni. Beiba ameragua!
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24 JUL
24 JUL
24 JUL
18 JAN
ALL Over Belize Prime Minister John Briceño
Min. Jose Mai, Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise
Min. Rodwell Ferguson, Youth, Sports and Transport
Min. Francis Fonseca, Freetown and MoECST w/ Min. Mahler, and Mayor Wagner
Representing Belize in South Korea at Youth Forum
Min. Kareem Musa, Home Affairs & New Growth Industries Apiary knowhow shared At the Blue Moon Farmers Market
September Celebrations is BACK: Carnival, Expo, and all
Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing Congratulating Pathlight for new Resource Center in OWT
At a Youth graduation, real multisectoral approach
Improving on soybeans, corn and sorghum
Min. Michel Chebat, Public Utilities, Logistics and E-Governance U.S.-Belize Bilateral Security Meeting U.S.-Belize Bilateral Meeting
Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Fort George
More congrats: 10 Pathlight scholarships
Min. Anthony Mahler, Tourism & Diaspora Relations
Digital Inclusion program with help from Taiwanese friends
In Salvapan, new 50ft bridge; E.g. of new ones all over Belize
Hon. Ramon ‘Monchi’ Cervantes, OW North
At art and fencing summer camps…Making a difference beginning with young lives
Blue Economy and Civil Aviation
BTB: A Proud Sponsor of Garifuna Collective European Tour
Kicks off Trial Farm tournament
Like all other Ministries, at the National Investment Policy and Strategy Launch
24 JUL
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the award winning Garifuna Collective will begin a tour of Europe that will include performances at major summer festivals in France, Czech Republic, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, presented a cheque for $15,000 to Mr. Al Obando, Manager of the Garifuna Collective, to assist the group with their expenses during the tour. Mr. Evan Tillett, Director of Tourism, and members of the group including Desiree Diego, Emilio Thomas, and Austin Aranda, were also present for the presentation of the cheque. The Garifuna Collective has performed in over 30 countries in 5 continents and has
Belize Private Sector Project Capacity Building and Validation Forum July 20, 2022 - The Ministry of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI) and with the support of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), today convened the Capacity Building Forum Closing and Validation Workshop of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)- funded project, “Strengthening Belize Private Sector Access to Climate Finance.” The event summarised the work that has been carried out in Belize since September 2021, with the technical support of Willis Towers Watson (WTW), to support the investments of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in climate adaptation and mitigation. The workshop focused on the outcomes of the virtual capacity-building forum held in January 2022, which saw participation from Belizean private sector stakeholders and focused on GCF climate finance access. The forum also supported the development of a Private Sector Study and Action Plan for MSMEs to increase their climate investments and the identification and preparation of two GCF concept notes aimed to increase financial flows for MSMEs. The study and the concept notes were presented during the event, which also provides a space for group discussions and final stakeholder feedback. Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO of the Ministry of Economic Development, stated that the private sector drives the sustainable growth and development of a nation and Belize is no exception. He added that the ministry will continue to request support from the GCF and other international financial institutions to further support the MSMEs in Belize, as they account for 98% of the private sector and generate over 70% of private sector employment. In her remarks, Mrs. Kim Aikman, CEO of the BCCI, stated that she reminisced on how the project came to be and noted that it has provided substantial capacity building and contributed to filling the GCF knowledge gap that exists in the private sector, which facilitated the development of project ideas into concept notes for submission to the fund. The event also had the participation of the concept notes project proponents, such as La Inmaculada Credit Union and BCCI, who presented their perspectives and contributions to the project.
been part of the most celebrated Garifuna albums, including the acclaimed Wátina, recipient of the Womex and BBC World Music Award and voted by Amazon as the Number One World Music Album of All Time. The band of musicians bring the history and soul of Garifuna culture to vivid life and proudly promote Belize through their performances.
The Central Bank of Belize invites qualified individuals to join its Human Resources Department. The Assistant Manager, Talent Acquisition & Planning assist in directing and maintaining the policies, plans, people, processes, and other resources required to administer and enable Central Bank’s human resources to execute the Bank’s strategy and fulfil its mandate. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Assist in developing manpower plans to acquire and develop the required competencies in recognition of the local, regional, and international labour markets, and Central Bank’s circumstances; Provide support in maintaining and enhancing Central Bank’s organizational design to optimize the Central Bank’s business performance; Create strategies to attract, engage, and onboard top talent; Lead job analysis initiatives and job descriptions and specifications review and make recommendations for changes as required; Assist with the management of the recruitment process; Administer performance management, competency development and career development processes to optimize personal and business productivity; Assist with the negotiation process of collective bargaining proposals, analyses the impact of the demands on the Central Bank and prepares final collective agreements; Provide assistance to the Manager, Human Resources in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Human Resources Department; and Perform any other related duties assigned from time to time.
The applicants should possess the following: EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE ▪ A Master’s Degree in Management Studies, Human Resources Management, and/or Business Administration, or other related field from a recognized university with three (3) years of progressively related administrative duties and training, and three (3) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset; or
A Bachelor’s Degree in Management Studies, Human Resources Management, and/or Business Administration, or other related field from a recognized university with six (6) years of progressively related administrative duties and training, and six (6) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset.
TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE ▪ In-depth knowledge of Labour Laws of Belize, Belize Social Security Act, and HR principles and operations; sound knowledge of talent acquisition and planning strategies; sound knowledge of industrial relations theories and practices; sound knowledge of performance management theories and practices; knowledge of human resources information systems and Microsoft Office Suite. COMPETENCIES
Personal Credibility, Flexibility, Personal Accountability, Fostering Teamwork, Managing Performance, Attention to Communication, Results Orientation, Managing Change, Strategic Thinking, Thoroughness, Initiative, Analytical Thinking.
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 3 August 2022:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other specialized training or certifications Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE
Ref: Assistant Manager, Talent Acquisition & Planning- Human Resources Department Email: hr@centralbank.org.bz or online at www.centralbank.org.bz (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)
24 JUL
Belize Attends CANTO 37th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition As part of the continued push to the digitalization transformation of Belize as per planBelize, Hon. Michel Chebat, Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance, led a delegation to the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) 37th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition in Miami, Florida, from July 17 to 20, 2022. CANTO is a non-profit association made up of operators, companies, and individuals in the ICT sector. This association is focused on leveraging regional ICT initiatives with a global perspective for the Caribbean Community. This year’s theme was Enabling the Digital Evolution, which is highlighted as a critical pillar to fostering resilient and sustainable development. It represents CANTO’s call to action to respond to the needs of the Caribbean Community with a primary focus on fostering a supportive ecosystem for digital transformation in the region. The conference was attended by the esteemed Hon. Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, Prime Minister of Guyana; Hon. Philip Davis, the Prime Minister of Bahamas; ministers with ICT responsibilities, regulators, telecommunication operators, and ICT telecommunication companies. The attendees shared their experiences, knowledge and partnerships to drive collective action toward building and supporting the digital ecosystem in the region. The Belize delegation included Mr. Jose Urbina, Chief Executive Officer in the ministry; Ms. Alexia Peralta, Director of the E-Governance and Digitalization Unit; Mr. Raul Ibanez, Senior Advisor in the ministry; and representatives from the National Telecommunication Operator. The Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance and the National Telecommunication Operator are committed to creating new opportunities, fostering growth, and leveraging the power of ICT for the benefit of the country.
Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is the primary distributor and the only licensed public provider of electricity in Belize. Our Mission is to deliver safe, reliable and sustainable energy solutions to enhance the quality of life and the productivity of enterprise and to support national development.
We are looking for a highly motivated, goal oriented, responsible and committed person to join our Company in the role of Cybersecurity Administrator in the Information Technology & Cybersecurity Department of our Finance & Operations Support Division at our Corporate Headquarters in Belize City. Duties: • Lead the development and maintenance of the Company’s Cybersecurity Policy and all related procedures. • Lead design, implementation, and management of the Company’s Cybersecurity Risk Management Program for the Information Technology & Operational Technology (IT/OT) infrastructure. • Develop, maintain, and execute an effective cybersecurity awareness program that achieves the goals and objectives set out in the Cybersecurity Policy and Cybersecurity Risk Management Program (CRMP). • Develop and maintain a cybersecurity incidence response plan. • Coordinate cyber incidents and liaise with technical teams, and Management and Leadership Team. • Develop and execute Phishing campaigns aimed at identifying weaknesses in that area. • Execute routine cybersecurity assessments as outlined in the CRMP and make recommendations. • Provide pertinent cybersecurity advice during all phases of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) systems implementation. • Keep abreast of the cybersecurity landscape and provide timely and relevant advice aimed at mitigating our cybersecurity risk exposure. • Assist in the review of various system logs to identify cyber threats. • Create and manage budgets and forecasts for the cybersecurity function of the department. • Participate in cross-functional, intra and extra-departmental teams, working on projects and tasks designed to realize the department’s and Company’s business objectives. • Develop monthly, quarterly and annual reports detailing the work of the Cybersecurity Unit. • Provide cybersecurity orientation to new employees and training to all end users. Education and Experience: • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or related field • Five years’ working experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified • Certification in the field of IT Security is an asset • Experience in IT Security assessments or IT Risk Management is an advantage Required Skills and Abilities: • Proven experience in IT Security and IT Risk Management • Ability to set up and manage cybersecurity risk management programs • Knowledge of IT security standards and frameworks such as ISO 27001, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT), etc. • Basic knowledge of Operational Technology (OT) Systems • Broad based understanding of the different core areas of IT such as Networking, Software Development, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), IT Support, IT Security, IT Governance, and Data Analytics • Knowledge of project management concepts, techniques and programs such as Microsoft Projects. • Ability to effectively supervise, work in dynamic teams across multiple functions, and create and manage budgets and forecasts • Excellent understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives • Excellent written and oral communication skill, and listening and interpersonal skills • Ability to communicate ideas in both technical and user-friendly language • Highly self-motivated • Keen attention to detail • Proven analytical and creative problem-solving abilities • Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment • Strong customer service orientation • Ability to work in a team oriented and collaborative environment • Ability to write detailed professional technical and non-technical reports • Discharge duties in a fashion that aligns responsibilities with the corporate goals of the Company Salary: in accordance with Company’s salary structure. Submit application letter along with resume, copy of degrees and certificates and three recent professional letters of recommendation via email to: Manager, Talent Acquisition & Development Email: career.opportunity@bel.com.bz In the email subject, please indicate the position: Cybersecurity Administrator Only electronic applications are being accepted at this time. For more information or queries, 227-0954 Ext. 2901 or 1415 Deadline: Friday, July 29, 2022
Update on Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project July 19, 2022 - In 2014, the Government of Belize received a US$30-million loan for the Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CRIP) financed by the World Bank. The project was developed with the intention of enhancing the resiliency of road infrastructure against flood risks and other impacts of climate change; and improving the capacity to respond promptly and effectively in an eligible crisis or emergency, as required. The implementation of this project took six years to begin with onethird of the loan (US$10 million) disbursed solely to conduct feasibility studies within that period. However, in 2020, amid the global pandemic, the project was reprogrammed to
meet the immediate needs of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide relief to those most affected. The remaining funds from the loan — US$20 million — were allocated to emergency responses, which apportioned US$12 million to social protection measures and US$8 million to the agricultural sector. The amount allotted to the agricultural sector was distributed as a cash voucher for farmers. The reprogramming of the infrastructure component under this project has prompted the Briceño administration to locate additional financing opportunities to advance the activities not fulfilled under the CRIP.
24 JUL
Continuous Street Improvement in Port Loyola For the past weeks Hon. Gilroy Usher Area Representative for Port Loyola has used the Community Development Fund for the division to purchase several truckloads of "all in material" to upgrade T-Street, Butterfly St., Reggae, and parts of both Arlington Drive and Curl Thompson Streets. The Area Representative has also joined the Belize City Council and neighbors in spreading the material. Plans are already underway to use the Community Development Fund for the area to purchase material to upgrade Pen Road Extension at the very end.
U.S.-Belize Bilateral Security Meeting Tracks Advancement on Shared National Security Objectives Belmopan – U.S. Embassy Belmopan and the Government of Belize met today to reaffirm the U.S.-Belize security partnership. Bi-annual bilateral meetings between the United States and Belize underscore our shared commitment to deepening cooperation to meet national and regional challenges, such as narcotrafficking, human smuggling and trafficking, and gang violence. At today’s engagement, both governments discussed shared priorities in the areas of citizen and border security, governance, and justice sector efficiency. Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. Leyla Moses-Ones led the U.S. delegation of officials from the U.S. Departments of State, Justice, and Defence. Belize Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Kareem Musa was accompanied by Government of Belize leaders in law enforcement and the criminal justice sector. Chargé d’Affaires Moses-Ones remarked, “The ever-changing threat environment requires robust planning and coordination among partners. The United States and Belize share a long history of cooperation on the security, prosperity, and democracy fronts. Without security, there cannot be prosperity; and security is foundational to a thriving democracy. Together, we will continue to work in partnership to support Belize’s efforts to successfully address the challenges that threaten the safety, security, and prosperity of Belizean and American citizens.” In his remarks, Hon. Musa expressed, “Crime and insecurity negatively impact economic growth and social wellbeing resulting in instability. Peace, security, and prosperity must be addressed jointly.” He added, “These bi-annual meetings give us the opportunity to introspect holistically to ensure that we are all aligned and make coordinated efforts to achieve the ultimate goal of addressing threats to citizen security and instability.” From military support to assistance
on countering transnational organized crime and improving the judicial system, the U.S. government has invested millions of dollars in personnel training, infrastructure development, vehicles, and equipment donations to Belize and has sponsored Belize’s membership in multinational intelligence organizations. The United States will continue to stand by Belize in addressing national and regional threats.
FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The Development Finance Corporation of Bliss Parade, City of Belmopan, Cayo District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee under Deed of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Corporation which mortgages or charges are recorded at the Land Titles Unit or the Lands Registry, respectively and that the said Development Finance Corporation will, at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, sell the properties described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to the said Corporation at its Headquarters Office or District Offices.
Parcel No. 6777, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 S.M. situate at Colonia San Diego Area, 3.5 Miles out of town limits and held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DERICK ISMAEL GARCIA. Parcel No. 6776, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 S.M. situate at Colonia San Diego Area, 3.5 Miles out of town limits and held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DERICK ISMAEL GARCIA. All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 28 containing 1475.74 S.Y. situate along the Hummingbird Highway, near Mile 23, Middlesex Village, Stann Creek District as shown on Entry No. 3257, Register No. 12, held under a Deed of Conveyance being the freehold interest of TERESA ISABEL HERNANDEZ. Lot No. 319, Block No. 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 S.M. situate in the Ramon Community in Ladyville Village, Belize District held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DYLANA DORIAN LESLIE. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF JULY, 2022.
24 JUL
THINK ABOUT IT RAPPER! RAPPER! WHIPPERSNAPPER? “Will the Prime Minister… please update this Honourable House as to what his Ministry is doing to find solutions to the problems that are stalling the Waterloo Port project proposals, which if approved will bring tremendous economic development to Belize.” The question to the Prime Minister came from the Leader of the Opposition at Friday’s Sitting of the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister could not resist the initial retort that what was happening was Opposition Leader, Shyne Barrow, appeared to be a Pied Piper – a little Tommy Tucker singing for his supper. The P.M. said in this case it was the rapper singing for his supper. For those who may have missed what was behind and between the words being used by the two leaders, we think it is this. Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow was showing special interest in Waterloo project for a cruise terminal at the Port in the Yarborough area. Waterloo is a multimillion-dollar proposal to get into the rapidly expanding cruise ship tourism business. Waterloo is Money Magnet Michael Ashcroft’s latest investment project in Belize. It is held up by environmental and technical personnel awaiting additional information. Mr. Ashcroft does not need the P.M. and certainly does not need the Opposition Leader to champion his project. Once he complies with the environmental and legal requirements, his project must be approved. Belize is a nation of laws. And when it comes to legal matters, Mr. Ashcroft has all the lawyers both local and foreign that he can ever need. ‘What is a man, what has he got if not himself, then he has not to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels.’ From the song “My Way” PM BRICEÑO SAYS ITS REVOLUTIONARY We agree with the Prime Minister, that the new changes to our education system are revolutionary. The new changes are that primary school students will be required to continue their education for two more years. Instead of graduating at age 14, they will graduate at age 16. JahleluYah! This is a very serious change. Exceptionally so. It will need lots of planning and will add additional expenses on the government for more teachers, more classrooms, more of everything. This major change will have a great impact on the society. If properly handled, it will reduce the social deterioration which is unfolding before all our eyes. Indiscipline among young people, lack of respect, teenage pregnancy, criminality and the prosperity for violence. There is also the prospect of far, far less young people not attending High School. This will translate into a much more disciplined and educated young generation. The government also approved another major reform by the Ministry of Education. This is a sea change from taking many subjects to a few core subjects. The focus will be core areas like Science, Maths, English, Spanish, Reading, Comprehension and Literature and, hopefully, Religious Education. God has been absent from our schools, homes and society for far too long. Chasing away God from the young generation is a sin and a curse. We should also suggest the need for school students to learn basic skills in sewing, cooking, carpentry and masonry. We give maximum respect to education Minister and his dedicated team for these massive but much needed changes in our stale and uninspiring primary education system. Big respect Francis. EMANCIPATE YOURSELF In the whole history of Belize, it is the first time that the 1st August is officially a holiday in remembrance of an important event. Belize used to have slaves. The slaves were always more numerous than their white slave masters and Baymen. From one census way back in the 18th century, there were about 700 white people and over 3,000 slaves. Slavery was abolished by the British government for all Caribbean countries, including Belize in 1838. It was never an official holiday, but for decades the former slaves celebrated the occasion. Creoles are the offspring of those slaves who helped make Belize a country through the sweat of their hard labour. Respect is due to the new government which last year passed a law declaring 1st August, Emancipation Day, an official public and bank holiday.
AN INJUSTICE A Police in one of the districts did a bad thing. A lady in the same district had also done a bad thing. She stabbed a man and he died. The Police arrested the woman and kept her in the Police Station cell for two days. He kept demanding she give a statement. She finally relented. She was taken out of the cell and into an upstairs office. She told the police what happened. He wrote as she spoke. When she was finished, he was annoyed. He demanded another statement, telling the lady what she said was not how it happened. The lady insisted what happened is exactly what she said. The police told her he would charge her for murder and would call Social Department to take away her child from her parents. She cried and cried and begged the Police not to take her child who was so young. He was still breast feeding. The lady said she agreed to write what the police wanted. A Justice of the Peace was called. She wrote that the man was beating her and she felt she had no other way to defend herself but to stab at him. The Police was satisfied. She said, when she finished the statement, the Police and the Justice of the Peace showed her where to sign. She said she had signed four times. One for where they say she doesn’t have to say anything. Another signature where they said she was told she had a right to talk with a lawyer and at two other places on the statement. She says she was never told those things before, otherwise she would not say anything and she would have called her brother to please get a lawyer for her. She swore to God that she was never informed by the Police or the J.P. that she could refuse to give a statement and she could consult with a lawyer. If this lady is telling the truth, this is the truth that should be a cause for concern. Any police who is investigating a crime, especially a serious crime, would want a statement confessing to the crime. Under the slack and no good government of the UDP, many police beat suspects, tortured them and engaged in illegal practices to extract a confession in writing. We are glad and it is encouraging that under Minister Kareem, any reports of such terrible conduct will not be condoned and guilty police will be punished and dismissed from their jobs. However, this unfortunate lady will now have to spend the rest of her life in jail because she was willfully deprived of her right to decline giving a statement and getting legal advice. She, of course, is not the only person who bitterly complain of being tricked or threatened by police to “confess”. Belizeans are good, decent, fair minded human beings. They don’t approve of police abusing people, whether by acts of commission or acts of omission. When Said Musa was Attorney General, he directed the Police to place in every Police Station a large poster listing an arrested citizen’s constitutional rights. In July 2022, only three police stations still have those posters on display. New instructions need to be given so that long before we celebrate our 41st Independence, all Police Stations must display prominently the constitutional guarantees of detainees. Secondly, the Chief Justice has promulgated Rules called the Criminal Procedure Rules, which has the force of law. This among many other Rules stipulates that all persons detained at police stations must be given a document, signed by themselves and the police on a Form which shows among their Rights, the Rights afforded to every arrested or detained person. The Form does not include persons’ right to remain silent. This Right must NOW be included. Like Right Now. Safeguarding the Fundamental and Constitutional Rights of every person must always be a priority in our young democratic country. “So Shall it be written, So Shall it be Done” TRIBUTES TO DR. TED ARANDA- A GIANT The passing of the illustrious son of Dangriga, of Stann Creek, of Belize and the Orinoco and ultimately of Mama Africa, resulted in many tributes. It is another indication of the high esteem this esteemed patriot was regarded by his contemporaries. Evan X Hyde took to the airways of Krem TV to honor brother Ted. Bill Hinds wrote extensively on the world-wide web. Glen Tillett also remembers on social media. Cynthia Ellis, warrior and activist also paid tribute as did Egbert Hignio. From bleaky New York, young UDP activist who transformed into a terrific PUP force, Pheral Nunez sent pictures and remembrances of the great Dr. Ted Aranda. We were impressed with the formal funeral services and military precision of the Belize Defence Force. And we were left in awe by an artistic, historic Eulogy by Dr. Ludwig Palacio. Added to the outpouring of love and respect came a full blown Amandala Editorial – “DR. TED ARANDA, A LEADER TO EMULATE”.
Digital Inclusion Program: PlanBelize Fulfillment The PUP Government is living up to its PlanBelize promise to modernize and digitize the system in which it conducts business with the public. And through the new digital system being installed in the various ministries and departments, it opens up the country to offer those services online to people beyond our borders who would, before now, need to make an expensive trip to Belize and spend many hours lining up at the government offices to get attended to. Through collaborative effort of the Ministry of E-Governance and the Republic of China, Taiwan, Belize’s Digital Inclusion Program is being implemented and introduced, with assistance from the International Cooperation and Development Fund and the E-Governance and Digitization Unit. At the latest ceremony this week in its continuous effort to roll out the program, the Minister of Public Utilities, E-Governance and Logistics, Hon. Michel Chebat reminded us that the COVID pandemic widened the digital divide among us as well as the ability to carry on with life's daily routines virtually. "Technology gives us the opportunity to connect, to learn, to work, regardless of geographic location," he said, "but technology is only the tool through which we can access opportunities and create value. As highlighted in the National Digital Agenda, it is necessary to improve access to the Internet ad services, and help our people to build the necessary skills to participate in the digital economy." The Minister also highlighted that in order for us in Belize to erase that digital divide, everyone needs to have access to devices, the Internet and, in the case of those who offer the services, the special skills training to make the transition from manual to online services.
671-8385 or
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"Therefore, today's event represents our commitment to breaking down the barriers that limit the capability of our people and nation. The Digital Inclusion Program will facilitate access, adoption and application of information and communication technologies by marginalized communities as a means for socio-economic prosperity." This one-year program is expected to alleviate the digital gap and increase the digital literacy rate, boost the digital economy. It will also com-
plement the government's effort to alleviate social inequalities and joblessness, since the Internet and online service opens up opportunities for people to engage more freely in job searching, interviews, online training and evaluations. Taiwan's Ambassador to Belize, David Kuan-Chou Chien signed the implementation agreement with Hon. Chebat this past week and highlighted that while the program advances services, it poses its own problems. "While the technology brings us new opportunities, it has also presented further challenges to the rural communities because of their low digital literacy and poor access to
24 JUL
2022 ICT facilities," the Ambassador said in his speech. "Therefore, the main purpose of the Digital Inclusion Program is to address the various things that impede these communities' ability in getting opportunities to access and participate in the digital age by building digital labs, carrying out computer workshops and training courses ... to benefit the Belizean people." The National Digital Agenda was introduced in December of last year and since then, numerous Ministries and government departments have come on-stream with their own unique digital system through which they now offer their services.
24 JUL
Notice to
Series 9 Debenture Holders Belize Electricity Limited advises our Series 9 Debenture holders that Debenture Certificates are ready to be picked up by appointments. Debenture Certificates will be available at our Corporate Headquarters located at 2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize. To collect your Debenture Certificates please present evidence of your identity. If you will not be attending personally, your representative must present evidence of his own identity and should also bring an authorization, signed by you authorizing collection of the Debenture Certificates on your behalf. Kindly contact the Securities Officer to make appointments for pickup of certificates. Queries may be directed to: Securities Officer Finance Department Belize Electricity Limited 2 1/2 Miles Philip S. W. Goldson Highway Phone: 501.227.0954 Ext: 1512 | Email: debentures@bel.com.bz.
NOTICE Bradley Finance Limited #96,088 (“the Company”)
Notice is hereby given that the Company named Bradley Finance Limited has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 14th July, 2022. CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE CFE Consulting Limited #95,830 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that CFE Consulting Limited: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 19th day of July, 2022; and c) Lourdes Yolanda Haywood de Bogaerts whose address is Unit 01, 6/F, Tower 2, The Drake, 1 Tsing Lung Rd, Tuen Mun, NT, Hong Kong is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
24 JUL
Belize City Belize, July 18th, 2022: As an official member of CARICOM and a participating member of The Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council (CCLEC), Belize will benefit from the introduction of a regional Pre-Notification Arrival System for nautical vessels on August 1st, 2022. The application called SAILCLEAR, developed by CCLEC and administered through the Belize Customs and Excise
Department, is free of cost to the public and can be accessed by an electronic device with internet access at www.sailclear. com. The main function of the app is to assist the boarding parties process the arrival and departure of vessels in our territorial waters, and will become a mandatory step in the official method of clearance. This system does NOT replace an official declaration and is simply a notification specifying intent. When the user presents
him/herself to the authorities, it is then and only then, it becomes a formal declaration to the state. The Belize Tourism Board welcomes the adoption of the new technology as it will create a seamless experience for all nautical vessels arriving in Belize. Nautical Tourism is an emerging niche market in Belize and the system includes a list of all fees and processes associated with arriving and departing Belize. Additionally, The Carib-
bean Customs Law Enforcement Council (CCLEC) has donated four kiosks which have been installed at strategic locations in Belize, as listed below. • Radisson Fort George Marina – Belize City • Old Belize (Kukumba Beach) Marina – Belize City • Amigos de Mar – San Pedro Ambergris Caye • Roberts Grove Marina – Placencia
Parcel No. 603/1, Block 1, San Estevan Registration Section containing 766.4 S. M. situate in San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District held under a Certificate of Lease being the leasehold interest of HORTENCIA YANELLA CHAN & ROSENDO MELVIN CHAN.
Parcel 302, 303 & 304, Block 16, Vista Del Mar Registration Section containing 696.54 S. M. respectively, held under a 3 Land Certificates being the freehold interests of KEVIN ENRIQUEZ & ANDREA ENRIQUEZ surety for ANKA LTD.
Zoom Meeting ID: 740 029 1415 Password: 9D4Qvd
All that piece or parcel of land situate in Maxboro, Sandhill Village, Belize District and being Lot No. 348 containing 956.733 S. M. of land as shown on Entry No. 5146 Register 21 held under a Minister's Fiat Lease being the leasehold interest of SHERLEE FRAZER.
Parcel No. 937, Block No 4, Tower Hill Registration Section containing 30 Acres situate in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District, Belize held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of EUFEMIO FIDEL BUSTILLOS.
Parcel No. 1660, Block 45, Port/ Loyolaville Registration Section containing 325.953 S. M. held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of MARISOL LESLIE NEE AVALOS surety for GLENN FRANCIS LESLIE.
Parcel No. 1364, Block 4, Carmelita Registration Section containing 20 Acres situate in Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of MARSHA CANTON SURETY FOR STANLEY GARBUTT.
Miguel A. Ellis P.O. Box 118, City of Belmopan, Phone: 634-9058 E-Mail: miguel_ellis@hotmail.com Please contact DFC for financing
24 JUL
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment invites you to submit your expression of interest and your respective resume to participate in the selection process of the consultant who will perform the consultancy of:
The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Taiwan Economic and Business Cooperation Mission successfully visited Belize from July 1317, 2022. The Mission was comprised of 13 representatives from companies in Taiwan in various sectors including seafood, beverage as well as plastic recycling and biotechnology. The purpose of the mission was to explore trade and investment opportunities and meet with government officials and companies in the private sector. The mission was led by Mr. Augusto Liao, Executive Director of the Central American Trade Office (CATO). The delegation, accompanied by His Excellency Ambassador David Kuan-Chou Chien, visited the Belize City Council, in order to discuss potential areas of investment in Belize City. The delegation also visited Belize Solid Waste Management Authority and BELTRAIDE, where they met with Mrs. Narda Garcia, Chief Executive Officer in the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment and Chair of BELTRAIDE’s Board of Directors. Representatives from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation and the Belize Fisheries Department also met
with the Taiwanese Seafood Importers who are part of the Delegation. Meetings were also held with Dr. Kenrick Williams, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management and Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Economic Development and Investment. The Delegation also toured parts of Belize including the Corozal Free Zone and Orange Walk Town, where they met with Ambassador for Investment and Deputy Chair of BELTRAIDE, H.E. Jaime Briceno, and also attended a mini business expo whereby they interacted with local entrepreneurs. Various companies from the private sector also met with the delegation including Travellers Rum, Bowen & Bowen Ltd., Marie Sharp Fine Foods, Belize Northern Fishermen, Fein Catch Ltd., Rainforest Seafoods Ltd., Royal Mayan Shrimp Farm and New Flag Supermarket. Following the signing of the Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) between Belize and Taiwan, in 2020, the Embassy has continued to work closely with the Government of Belize to attract more business opportunity. It is hoped the Mission will attract more investors from Taiwan to boost the post-COVID economy in Belize.
Procurement Officer – Infrastructure – Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP) The successful consultant will be selected by applying the Procurement Policy for goods, works, services and consultancies funded with CABEI resources and its application norms, for which the Terms of References can be accessed at www.med.gov.bz or by requesting it via email at projectcoordinator.bisp@med.gov.bz or procurementofficer. bisp@med.gov.bz The Terms of Reference includes the criteria that will be used for the evaluation of the resumes. These criteria will be the consultant's qualifications, suitability to perform the assignment, general experience and specific experience. Expressions of interest in participating including the respective resumes will be received until Monday August 8th, at 9:00 a.m. through submission of an electronic copy delivered to: Email to: projectcoordinator.bisp@med.gov. bz
Interested candidates must possess a curent Police Record and have valid Social Security Card. Applicants can email resume and pertinent documents to: bgdavilasclinic@gmail.com
24 JUL
Team USA leads Hon. Kevin Bernard U-13 Mundialito
NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE TREASURY BILLS ISSUE NUMBER 8/2022 Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.
The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 26 July 2022 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 25 October 2022. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Orange Walk Town, July 17, 2022 Undefeated Team USA is leading the Hon. Kevin Bernard Under-15 Mundialito, while France also enjoyed a win in the 4th week of the tournament organized by the New Horizon Sporting Club at the Louisiana Government School field on Sunday morning, July 17. In Game 1, ‘France” of the Louisiana area walked over “Colombia” of Carmelita Village: 8-0, led by Miguel Pren’s hat trick. Other goals came from Tyrone Augustine, Kenneth Novelo, Andrue Zul, Kevin Ferguson and Kayson Allen. In Game 2, ‘Brazil’ of Orange Walk Town held ‘Argentina’ of Yo Creek Village to a 1-1 draw, with Gian Morales scoring for Brazil, while Anthony Carrillo equalized for the Ar-
gentine. In Game 3, Team ‘USA’ of Trinidad Village triumphed 1-0 over ‘Mexico’ of Orange Walk Town Central, when Gibrian Murrillos scored the winning goal. In Game 4, ‘Croatia’ of San Estevan held ‘Spain’ of San Jose Palmar to a 1-1 draw. Kenry Perdomo scored for San Estevan, while Alden Itzab equalized for Palmar. Undefeated Team USA continues to lead with 12pts, while France, Spain and Argentina each have 7pts. Brazil have tallied 5pts each, Croatia has 4pts and Columbia - 3pts. Winless Mexico has yet to score a point. Upcoming Week 5 matches on Sunday morning, July 24: @9am Argentina Vs Spain | @10am. Croatia Vs France | @11am Usa Vs Brazil | @12pm Colombia Vs Mexico.
Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 22 July 2022.
The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.
Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS). Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part. CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www. centralbank.org.bz) 11 July 2022
Belize United & Reality Youths enter BTB Anthony Mahler
BELIZE WATER SERVICES LIMITED TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF LONG REACH HEAVY DUTY EXCAVATOR, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE INVITATION TO BID BWS invites sealed bids from interested parties and qualified Bidders for the Supply of a Long Reach
Heavy Duty Excavator to BWS, Belize City, Belize.
Consideration will be limited to manufacturers/authorized dealers or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in Belize. Having a service center in Belize will be an asset Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required or that do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation. Bid documents will be available for distribution from July 11, 2022, on weekdays between 08:00 hour and 17:00 hour Monday to Friday. A complete set of Bidding documents will be available for free; however, requests should be made by email to tenders@bwsl.com.bz. One original and two copies of Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the name and address of the bidder, and be clearly marked “Tender for Supply of a Long Reach Heavy Duty Excavator” and must be delivered to the address below no later than 15:00 hour, Friday July 29, 2022.
Belize City, July 16, 2022 The Reality Youths will challenge Belize United in the Belize Tourist Board’s “Anthony Mahler” Under-13 Mundialito football championship finals, as both teams scored victories in the semifinals at the MCC garden last Saturday, July 16. The BTB has organized the tournament in partnership with the National Sports Council and the Football Federation of Belize. In Game 1, Belize United elimi-
nated Tut Bay Yabra 1-0 when Kaylon David scored the winning goal. In Game 2, Reality Youths crushed the Ladyville Rising Stars 4-0 as Tyler Gentle scored the 1st goal, Gillygion Nuñez added a 2nd goal, Kadeem Oliva scored a 3rd goal, and Dennis Nuñez delivered a 4th goal. Upcoming Finals at MCC grounds for Saturday, July 23: Consolation match for 3rd place: Tut Bay FC vs Ladyville Rising Stars Championship Final: Belize United vs Reality Youths.
BWS reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for BWS action. BWS will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids. Late bids will be rejected.
Address for Bid Submission
Chief Financial Officer Belize Water Services Limited #7 Central American Boulevard Belize City, Belize Telephone: +501-222-4757 Email: tenders@bwsl.com.bz
24 JUL
Specific Procurement Notice Procurement, Installation, and connectivity to Fiber Optic Grid of Fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras and all associated Equipment (Monitor, DVR, etc.) Nº CABEI-G-007-2147/2022 One Stage-One Envelope
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant to support the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Road Crashes Project Duty station:
Belize City
Essential: Bachelors in a discipline relevant to Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field.
July 15 , 2022. th
1.1 Buyer’s background The Executing Body (EB) for the BISP is the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment. The Ministry of Economic Development will be responsible for the execution of the Programme and all its components, reporting all progress to CABEI and ensure the execution of each component under the terms established for CABEI formulation and approval. The execution of BISP components will be carried out by the Co-Executors: Belize Police Department, Belize Defense Force, Belize Coast Guard and National Forensic Science Services. 1.2 The Ministry of Economic Development is responsible for the present Procurement process for which it invites suppliers of goods and services to submit bids for this procurement in a sealed envelope. 1.3 The Supplier will be selected and awarded in accordance with the procedures of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration as established in the Procurement Policy for Procurement of Goods, Works, Services and Consultancies with CABEI resources and its Regulations, (DI-52/2020 and PRE-40/2021) which can be found on the following web site: https://www.bcie.org. 2.
Desirable: Post graduate degree at a Master level in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field.
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as part of the services it provides to its beneficiary partner countries, is granting total funding for the Procurement, installation, and connectivity to the Fiber Optic Grid of fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras along with all necessary associated equipment (Monitors, DVRs, etc.) required to ensure that the system is fully functional and connected to the fiber optic grid. This equipment is for the Belize Police Department within the framework of the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP). 2.
1.1 General Objectives of the Procurement: acquisition, installation, and
connection to the Fiber Optic Grid of fifty (50) Surveillance Cameras and all associated equipment such as monitors and DVRs for the Belize Police Department. System must be connected to the fiber optic grid and fully functional.
1.2 The Buyer makes available to interested parties all the documentation
Essential: 5 years of national working experience in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services. Desirable: working experience in health services project management
Skills: • Theoretical and practical expertise in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services • Knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and for counselling and guidance • Knowledgeable in designing referral pathways • Experience in data collection and analysis • Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills. • Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues • Ability to meet deadlines • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. • Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset. Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish Deadline:
Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to blzmail@paho.org or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than July 29, 2022
For further details visit our website https://www.paho.org/en/vacancies An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of Primary Consultant to support the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Road Crashes Project Duty station:
Belize City
Essential: Bachelors in a discipline relevant to Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field. Desirable: Post graduate degree at a Master level in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health Policy, or a related field.
Essential: 5 years of national working experience in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services.
related to this Procurement necessary for the preparation of bids.
Desirable: At least two years of pedagogical responsibility in Mental Health
Such information will be available free of charge: a.
For download on the Ministry of Economic Development’s Website: www.med.gov.bz/bisp-tenders and the Ministry of Finance’s Procurement Portal https://blz-cppnb.caricom.org/epps/home.do.
Additional information regarding the preparation of proposals can be communicated by emailed to: procurementofficer.bisp@med.gov.bz and copied to projectcoordinator.bisp@med.gov.bz or by calling telephone number: 822-0156
Any cost to obtain the documents are Non-Refundable. The nominal charge amounts needed are to cover printing and shipping costs.
1.3 Bids for this invitation to bid shall be received no later than Wednesday
August 17th, 2022, until 9:00 a.m. at the following physical address below:
1.4 Bids must be sent to the address below and bids will not be permitted in electronic form. No late bids will be accepted. Bids shall be opened publicly, in the presence of the representatives designated by the Bidder, at the address listed below, on Wednesday August 17th, at 9:15 a.m.
1.5 All Bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Maintenance Declaration”. 1.6 The address referred to above is:
Project Coordinator Belize Integral Security Programme
#1904 Constitution Drive, 2nd Floor, Unit 3
Skills: • Ability to work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve mental health • Theoretical and practical expertise in planning and implementing the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services. • Knowledge of human behaviour and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioural and affective disorders. • Knowledge of principles, methods, and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and for counselling and guidance. • Ability to analyse factors, trends, and forecast scenarios based on current surveillance systems and possesses the capability to develop and plan innovative and appropriate solutions for their improvement. • Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills. • Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues • Ability to meet deadlines • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. • Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset. Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish Deadline:
Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to blzmail@paho.org or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than July 29, 2022
For further details visit our website https://www.paho.org/en/vacancies An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
24 JUL
HOTMIX PAVING OF MALACATE ROAD (6,400 L.F x 23 L.F), INDEPENDENCE, STANN CREEK DISTRICT The Government of Belize via the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) intends to upgrade a 6,400 ft x 23 ft section of Malacate Road, Independence, Stann Creek District with Hotmix. The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing now invites sealed bids from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for Hotmix Paving of the above-mentioned road in Independence Village, Stann Creek District. The scope of works will involve rehabilitating a total of 6,400 linear ft x 23 ft of roadway with Hotmix paving (HMA) and will include the following: 1
Clean main road of all vegetation and deleterious materials and dispose of spoil within a 2 miles radius of project site.
Clean open channels / drains – 12,800 linear feet and dispose of spoil within a 2 miles radius of project site.
Drainage improvement & Culvert Installation works (Provisional item)
Scarify, shape and compact road surface (16,356 S.Y) as per crossfall on drawings.
Supply, transport, place and compact 6 inches of crushed All-In as per specifications.
Supply all equipment, materials and labour to apply 40 mm of approved Hotmix Asphalt covering a total street surface area of 16,356 S.Y.
Bidders who are interested must have the financial capacity, necessary equipment, technical expertise and experience to complete the works in accordance with the Bidding Documents. Bidding will be conducted through national competitive bidding procedures and interested bidders may obtain further information and a copy of the bidding documents at the offices of MIDH at the address below as of Monday July 18, 2022 during normal office hours Monday through Fridays from 8.00 A.M – 12.00 Noon and from 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM.
VACANCY NOTICE LEGISLATURE- NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the vacant position of PARLIAMENTARY OFFICER I.
In accordance with the National Assembly Staff Act, Chapter 14 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, the Parliamentary Officer I is a staff appointed under section 6 of the said Act. Also subject to Section 4, the STAFF of the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY are not governed by the Public Service Regulation. Duties
The essential duties of the PARLIAMENTARY OFFICER I are as follows: -
1. General typing of letters and memos, including correspondences relating to Members and staff travels; 2. Provide secretarial services for Members; 3. Transcribe, edit and compile verbatim of House, Senate and Committee meetings; 4. Compile speeches of Members of the House and the Senate; 5. Amend Clerk’s and Deputy Clerk’s Law Books up to the month after the publication of a new Act; 6. Prepare Orders of the Day for the House of Representatives; 7. Prepare Prime Minister’s, Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker’s Notes; 8. Prepare Notices and Communiqués for House meetings; 9. Prepare Members’ question; 10. Prepare Minutes of House Sittings; 11. Prepare draft Bills for Printers to print and publish in Bill form; 12. Prepare Reports and Minutes of House Committee meetings; 13. Co-ordinate with the Deputy Clerk on all matters relating to the sitting of the House; 14. Attend to visitors to the National Assembly; 15. Assist in the preparation of Sessional Papers for House meetings; 16. Assist with preparations for conferences, seminars, and meetings; 17. Any other duties assigned from time to time.
Minimum Qualifications and Skills
The candidates should possess the following qualifications and skills: (a) - -
Bidding documents are free of charge and may be picked up by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below. All bids must be delivered to the address below by 10.00 AM local time on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 and they will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected. A bid security of $10,000 must be submitted and delivered to the address below at the same time of the bid submission.
Associate Degree in General Studies or Secretarial Studies. A minimum of three (3) years of legislative work experience will be an asset. Verse and experience with the use of Microsoft Office software. Experience and verse in using virtual meeting platforms such as Teams/Google Meet/Zoom/etc.
English Language CXC General Proficiency I/II/III passes or equivalent. Evidence of professionalism and ability to prepare notes for the various principals in the Senate and House.
Good knowledge of practice and procedure of the National Assembly. Have general knowledge of the functions of various government ministries/departments. Computer literate and proficient in the application of word processing and spreadsheet. Aptitude Good learning abilities, general clerical knowledge, verbal and writing ability in English. Have good public relations skills and be professional. The applicant must be a person of integrity and good standing with no criminal record.
Equivalent to Government’s Payscale 9. Deadline for applications
Interested persons in possession of the requisite qualifications and experience should submit their application, along with a copy of qualification/s and a recent Police Record to the Clerk, National Assembly, Belmopan, no later than 29th July 2022. ****
24 JUL
Central Information Technology Office Ministry of Finance
Corner Dry Creek Mountain View Boulevard Belmopan
Telephones: 501 822-2406/08-20708 • Email: contact@cito.gov.bz
Tenders are invited from Electrical and AC companies for the monthly maintenance or as needed of the Electrical, and Door and Fire Alarm Systems and for the quarterly maintenance of the Air Condition Systems at the Belize National ICT Center and Sub Office in Belmopan.
Travel and subsistence
Diagnosing issues that require a call out but no remedial work such as a circuit breaker tripping
Procurement of the services will be conducted through Open Tendering Procedures.
The contractor will be expected to provide prompt and efficient operation and maintenance of the complete Electrical, Door and Fire Alarm, and AC systems for one (1) year commencing September 1st, 2022, and ending August 31st, 2023.
Any costs related to the preparation and submission of tender bids are the sole responsibility of the tenderer.
Eligibility Criteria
The Tenderer should have executed at least five (5) similar work contracts over the past 3 years.
The Tenderer should have at least 5 full-time employees on staff specifically trained for operation and maintenance services of Electrical, Door and Fire Alarm Systems, and AC systems. The full list of the employees, viz., name, age, designation, qualifications, and experience should be attached with the Technical Bid.
The successful tender will be expected to provide the following Electrical and AC Maintenance Services: Electrical Maintenance Program 1. All equipment shall be maintained as per the guidelines of the manufacturer. 2. Inspect, clean, and test all components of the electrical distribution system, such as circuit breakers panels, and switch gears. 3. Inspect, clean, and test the fire alarm, door alarm, emergency lighting systems, and all lights and lens in the buildings. 4. Inspect, clean, and test the hydrogen detector system. 5. Repair or replace all electrical components relating to the distribution system, fire and door alarm systems, and lighting systems as needed during the routine monthly service. 6. Repair or replace all electrical components relating to lights, light fixtures, switches, and outlets as reported by the Customer, within three (3) working days of notification. 7. Immediately notify the customer of any urgent repairs that are needed for the emergency lights, fire alarm, door alarm, and breaker panels and take corrective action immediately or no later than 24 hours of notification of the customer. 8. Submission of reports after inspection and works have been completed. The reports should be submitted in both hard and electronic formats.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. d.
Clean and replace dust stop air filters as per manufacturer recommendations or as needed. Application of Algae tablets, bleach, and liquid additives in condensation lines and moist areas of the air conditioning system. Check the entire system for unusual operating conditions, such as excessive noise, condensation, ice build-up, loose insulation, and correct any defects as required. Check thermostats to ensure they are in proper working order. Operational checks to be carried out and adjustments calibration made as required. Check evaporator and condenser, blowing out of coils with high-pressure washer and cleaning solution. Clean drain pan and all drain pipelines. Check refrigerant and line for leakage. Inspection of the compressor, all piping, joints, and system components. Conduct pressure checking as required. Check all motors and shaft bearings for incidence of wear and replace if needed. Check the condition of all contacts in motors and controls. Ensure tightness of all connections and check evidence of over-heating. Correct as may be required. Touch up, partial or complete painting as may be required to prevent corrosion. Clean diffuser grills. Check ductwork and insulation and replace if needed. Submit a detailed report after each service maintenance
The company should be capable of offering a 24 hours on-call service for air conditioners and electrical and fire alarm systems to respond to unanticipated emergencies, particularly in the server room.
The following services should be included in the financial offer and should not be billed
Letters of Good Standing from: a.
Belize Tax Service
Belize Companies Registry
Belize Social Security Board
Current Trade License
Evidence of five (5) similar past jobs/contracts over the past three (3) years.
Two references
Evidence of Electric License for the electricians who will be servicing the electrical systems over the term of the contract.
Evidence of Certification in Air Condition maintenance for the AC technicians who will be servicing the AC systems over the term of the contract.
Evaluation Criteria Bidders will be evaluated according to: a. Capacity: formal academic qualification and Certification in related field
Air Conditioner Maintenance Program – CITO Building Corner Mountain View Blvd and Dry Creek Street
All Tenders shall include the following:
Specific Experience: Experience in providing the service requested
Past Performance: Similar Jobs undertook in the past three (3) years
Integrity: On the information provided in respect of business certificates
Financial Offer
Only bids that satisfy the Eligibility Criteria will have their Technical and Financial Offers reviewed. The bid will be assessed on a weighted average – 50% for Technical Merit and 50% for Financial Offer.
10. Price should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5%. 11. Additional information can be obtained from Ian Smith at Tel: 828-5169 or by email at Ian. Smith@CITO.gov.bz. 12. Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: securitytenders2022@cito.gov.bz. The deadline for queries is 25th July 2022. Responses from CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality. 13. Tenders are to be submitted in separate Inner Envelopes – one for Technical Offer and another for Financial Offer – and both included in an outer envelope. The outer envelope should mark: “TENDER FOR THE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITION SYSTEMS AT THE BELIZE NATIONAL INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) CENTER BUILDING (BELMOPAN)”, 14. Deadline for tender submission to the Central Information Technology Office, Belmopan is 1st August, 2022 at 10:00 am. 15. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the tenderers on 2nd August, 2022 starting at 10:10 am. 16. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Late bids will be disqualified and returned to the sender unopened. 17. This procurement opportunity can also be viewed at https://blz-cppnb.caricom.org or https:// procurement.gov.bz.
24 JUL