The Belize Times
Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
4 JULY 2021 | ISSUE NO: 5256
www.facebook/belizetimes | $1.00
Before you relax, Get Vax!
THE BTB & MOHW’s JOINT LAUNCH BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Wednesday, June 30, 2021 – The Belize Tourism Board (BTB,) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW), and in the presence of Prime Minister John Briceño, Minister Anthony Mahler, Minister Michel Chebat, today launched a national vaccination awareness campaign with the aim to educate and motivate Belizeans to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
Pg. 2
Pg. 5
Pg. 2 Faber in Denial; Barrow Irrelevant; Bradley’s plan for Belize: “Prepared to Lose”
UDP Made People Poorer Pg. 8
National Poverty Rate: Up to 52% in 2018 Pg. 5
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Barrow gets a second chance. He does! He can resign and begin a new life away from politics. Get a normal job! Make money the normal way. The Eleventh Amendment being proposed by the planBelize government who was given the mandate to change the constitution relieves Belize of UDP embarrassment here and abroad. The UDP’s corruption allowed a deportee con to become their Leader of the Opposition. It is UDP limbo—how low can they go? A new paragraph into the constitution will make a world of a difference to Belize’s electoral politics as some who has, “served a sentence of imprisonment for more than twelve months, imposed by a court in or outside of Belize.” …will not be able to offer himself or herself, of course, for political office. It’s a no-brainer except for the Barrows that are challenged in that corner. Moses Shyne Barrow has it all wrong. The 11th Amendment is NOT about him yet he can now get another chance at life after his four and a half years left. The 11th amendment will fix the shame and dishonour imposed on us by a UDP fielding an ex con and deportee as their LOO. We understand that shameless Shyne is their best of the worst. But it is just another UDP black eye on our country; another of the many they have imposed on us in 13 horrific years. The 11th amendment to the Belizean constitution proposed by the planBelize government is looking out for the entire 400 thousand plus Belizeans in country and the diaspora. Belize needs to rectify to the world that we cannot be conned-- not by Pukke, not by Dermem not by any deportee. Shyne is being given another chance to start his life anew. Get a real job; there are many drains that need cleaning. Will a real job finally make him his father’s son?
Cabinet Brief Belmopan. 30th June 2021. 4:30 p.m. The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 29th June 2021. •
Cabinet received an update from health professionals at the Ministry of Health & Wellness on the current state of affairs with respect to COVID-19 including the announcement of a ramped-up vaccination campaign and recommendations for new measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Cabinet was apprised of the challenges Belize and other member states in CARICOM face in advancing the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) integration process. To this end, Cabinet took note of the actions necessary to overcome those challenges and approved the appointment of persons in various ministries to support the work to implement policies relevant to Belize regarding the CSME.
Cabinet approved amendments to the Tax Administration and Procedure Act to enable the Belize Tax Services Department to better pursue tax defaulters both criminally and civilly.
Cabinet gave its approval for the introduction of key E-Governance Legislation relating to electronic transactions, data sharing and protection, and a new Electronic Transfer of Funds Crime Bill.
Finally, Cabinet approved the amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act that would provide for the creation of a regulated and responsible cannabis industry for Belize.
Faber in Denial Faber’s greatest hit is being a two timer: we do not mean that he cheats but that he has been twice on the misnomered Uncut show. During his Friday June 25 solo presser, Faber attempted to make a nomination for Most Inglorious performer—crocodile tears and all the props. In the midst of tears, he again FAILED to confess all the UDP wrongs and continued the covered up of corruption of the past UDP’s 13 year reign of terror. Instead, he went on to ramble on how he is being treated for his inability to lead. Faber accused the UDP of having no leadership nor talent especially among the Barrows, Peyrefitte, and Bradley; so, they have to settle for him. Faber is prepared to go home for 20 years and return when he is 60. He cares for Belize that much. He and the UDP will get that and more anyway. Generally, Faber was pushing his domestic problems as a strength. He seemed to be saying that since he only kicked a door, then years ago, only partially sank a vehicle into the sea, and is only accused of battering women that makes him MORE qualified—only in the UDP. The battering of the Belizean nation for 13 years and the battering of women for as many SCREAMS OUT for Faber’s resignation. yet another UDP convention, the UDP deplorables will again cast votes for lowly Faber, last-minute contract Bradley and maybe reinforced chair man Peyrefitte. This is another misnomered event since to have a leadership convention you need at least prospects to leadership and the UDP is rotten at every corner. The followers are nowhere to be found as there is no one to follow. Barrow Irrelevant Barrow has finally pushed Shyne off the political cliff. Sista B will soon resign to doing nothing. There isn’t much more to add… than, hopefully the Queen’s Square and Mesopotamia divisions get real representation soon. Proxy votes will not hold in a bye-election. Interesting. Patt Worse than Vega? Patt has just missed another important meeting--the Joint Public Accounts Committee meeting. Since the seizure of his truck involved in the drug bust, Patt has been emulating Gapi and Sista B. Is Patt worse than Vega? He reminds of the dude that painted the floor and left himself in a corner. Patt’s paint doesn’t seem to dry as scandal after scandal erupt from his tenure at the land offices. Patt...He is another whose resignation is due months ago. Bradley’s Plan: “Prepared to Lose” Darrell Bradley is a legendary loser and a political vulture. Now that the UDP is dead, the political vultures are out. They would love to voraciously bite into the rotten UDP carcass and then to magically again be at the helm of Belize. Any of the zombie UDP remnants given
a chance at 15 minutes of microphone time will say that they want to be leader of the UDP but that it is not the reason they are at the microphone. They want to do it for Belize, not for themselves is the tone. They are nostalgic about what the UDP was and what they symbolize today—an incompetent and corrupt gang of cons. Darrell Bradley is the endorser of the Miller contract that took hundreds of thousands from Belize City residents. Darrell Bradley who learned well from the Denny Grijalva’s anti Orange Walk Town contract is circling around Patrick Faber. Darrell Bradley is known to exchange anything for a price visa-vis Caribbean Shores(who rejected him) for his Mayoral seat OR Caribbean Shores for Lee Mark’s rented Senate president seat and now his Civilian seat for a Senator stipend and a chance at Faber’s non available leadership seat of a defunct UDP. Dunce Bradley went as far as to state that being nominated by the deportee has nothing to do with governance in Belize and had to so with ideas on how to govern Belize. Word to the wise...those are tantamount to the same. But in Bradley’s con, he is trying to leave behind a cushion so when reality instils, he can say the grapes are sour and undesirable anyway. Bradley even went on to allude to ideas which pretty much are in planBelize. Bradley and Shyne are birds of a feather so they do stuff together. WHICH IS WHICH? Bradley is a conman as much as Shyne is a conartist. Birds of a red feather do flock together. One of them is trying to look manly enough for his daddy and the other trying to look smarter than he really is. Which is which? It doesn’t matter as none have an iota of a clue of what Belize is all about. Let the UDP rumble in their emptiness.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
03 3
EDITORIAL Nope…Not Malcom Either!
here can be no doubt that Shyne is the consummate entertainer. He craves the limelight and attention. When he abruptly truncated his music career, this chameleonic personality, tried to cash in on his bad boy violence by recording from jail. That did not work out, after his release, Shyne changed his name, his religion, and his country. It seems that Shyne, did not immediately take to his native Belize. He moved about the Caribbean for a while before settling in Israel. He visited Belize sporadically, only long enough to organize concerts that never came to fruition and to rack up enormous bills at hotels and expensive penthouses. He lost all hope of ever being allowed back into the United States of America, and, then, the money from the multi-platinum album he keeps reminiscing about finally dried up. It was then, and only then, that he remembered Belize was home and that he came from the South Side. He has the audacity to compare himself to Mandela and Malcom X? Let us be clear that Shyne could never be named in the same sentence with these two champions of human rights. Shyne is a felon, convicted of a vicious and violent crime. Natania Reuben, the woman who was shot in the face that infamous night, would have difficulty believing the sincerity of his rehabilitation. Not too long ago, Shyne was reported to have kicked his wife, another violent act. However, he claims that as his wife later retracted her statement, and then endorsed him, we should all pretend he is no longer a menace to society. Bradley has proven that unarmed and matched in size, Shyne is not so arrogant or bold. There is much talk of rehabilitation and those sectors of society who would become disenfranchised by the new proposed 11th amendment. The talk comes from one man only. Shyne having found no other way to make a living keeps the show going. There is no other gig and he is at the end of his rope. He claims now he is here for the masses. These are the same masses he never spared a thought for while he made his millions in the states. These masses are now only near and dear to his heart because they have become his sole meal ticket and a way to earn a living by doing what he loves best… rapping and spinning. Shyne has not reformed, he has not rehabilitated. He is violent still and lies when he says he has love for Belize. He is here because he has run out of options and cash. The 11th amendment will correct this travesty that has made us the laughingstock of the world. There is no country that has allowed a felon convicted of a violent crime to be their leader. This madness must not be allowed to continue. Shyne has now remembered the elite, he forgets that his family are all members of the elite—his father, brother, sister, uncles all. He came to Belize to flaunt his millions and his platinum record; he is an elite, lest he forget. He was highly favoured and richly blessed by those he says now spurn him because he part of the disenfranchised masses. He needs to decide what part he wants to play, and while he is at it, he will need to contemplate his next move. He should consider finding a job.
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en Español
Nop... ¡Tampoco Malcom!
o cabe duda de que Shyne es un artista consumado. Ansía el protagonismo y la atención. Cuando truncó abruptamente su carrera musical, esta personalidad camaleónica, intentó sacar provecho de su violencia de chico malo grabando desde la cárcel. Eso no funcionó, después de su liberación, Shyne cambió su nombre, su religión y su país. Al parecer, Shyne no se sintió inmediatamente atraído por su Belice natal. Se desplazó por el Caribe durante un tiempo antes de establecerse en Israel. Visitó Belice esporádicamente, sólo el tiempo suficiente para organizar conciertos que nunca llegaron a buen puerto y para acumular enormes facturas en hoteles y áticos caros. Perdió toda esperanza de que le permitieran volver a los Estados Unidos de América, y entonces el dinero del álbum multiplatino que sigue recordando se agotó finalmente. Fue entonces, y sólo entonces, cuando recordó que Belice era su hogar y que venía del South Side. ¿Tiene la audacia de compararse con Mandela y Malcom X? Dejemos claro que Shyne nunca podría ser nombrado en la misma frase que estos dos campeones de los derechos humanos. Shyne es un delincuente, condenado por un crimen vicioso y violento. Natania Reuben, la mujer que recibió un disparo en la cara aquella infame noche, tendría dificultades para creer en la sinceridad de su rehabilitación. No hace mucho tiempo se informó de que Shyne había dado una patada a su mujer, otro acto violento. Sin embargo, él afirma que, como su mujer se retractó más tarde y luego le apoyó, todos deberíamos fingir que ya no es una amenaza para la sociedad. Bradley ha demostrado que, desarmado y emparejado en tamaño, Shyne no es tan arrogante ni audaz. Se habla mucho de la rehabilitación y de los sectores de la sociedad que se verían privados de sus derechos con la nueva propuesta de 11ª enmienda. El debate viene de un solo hombre. Shyne no ha encontrado otra forma de ganarse la vida y mantiene el espectáculo. No tiene otra actuación y está al límite de sus posibilidades. Afirma que ahora está aquí para las masas. Las mismas masas en las que nunca pensó mientras hacía sus millones en los Estados Unidos. Estas masas son ahora sólo cercanas y queridas por su corazón porque se han convertido en su único billete de comida y una forma de ganarse la vida haciendo lo que más le gusta... rapear y bailar. Shyne no se ha reformado, no se ha rehabilitado. Sigue siendo violento y miente cuando dice que ama a Belice. Está aquí porque se ha quedado sin opciones y sin dinero. La 11ª enmienda corregirá esta parodia que nos ha convertido en el hazmerreír del mundo. No hay ningún país que haya permitido que un delincuente condenado por un crimen violento sea su líder. No se debe permitir que esta locura continúe. Shyne se ha acordado ahora de la élite, se olvida de que su familia son todos miembros de la élite. Su padre, su hermano, su hermana, sus tíos, todos. Vino a Belice para hacer alarde de sus millones y de su disco de platino; él es una élite, que no lo olvide. Fue muy favorecido y ricamente bendecido por aquellos que, según él, ahora lo desprecian porque forma parte de las masas privadas de derechos. Tiene que decidir qué papel quiere desempeñar, y mientras lo hace, tendrá que contemplar su próximo movimiento. Debería considerar la posibilidad de encontrar un trabajo.
UDP Made People Poorer National Poverty Rate: Up to 52% in 2018
National poverty rate at 52 percent in 2018, unemployment rate at 11.2 percent in April 2021, economy contracts 8.4 percent in the first quarter 2021, consumer prices up 2.8 percent, and both imports and exports up 58.2 percent and 23.8 percent respectively The Statistical Institute of Belize published its latest statistics on the Consumer Price Index, External Trade, 1st Quarter 2021 Gross Domestic Product, April 2021 Labor Force Survey, and the 2018 Poverty Analysis Main Findings. Ahead are brien summaries, details can be found at https://
Poverty Analysis Main Findings During the first quarter of 2020, the Statistical Institute of Belize, with the assistance of Statistics Canada, undertook a Poverty Study using information collected from the 2018/19 Household Budget Survey. There were approximately 106,202 households in Belize in 2018, with an estimated population of 389,235 persons. Of the total population, about 52 percent or 201,616 persons were living in poverty, compared to 41 percent or 136,640 persons in 2009. Among the ‘poor’ population, about 9 percent or 35,663 persons were indigent or critically poor, compared to almost 16 percent or 52,185 persons in 2009. About 11 percent or 42,590 persons were classified as vulnerable to poverty in 2018. POVERTY RATES BY HOUSEHOLD TYPE: About 44 percent of all households in Belize were estimated to be living in poverty in 2018. The level of poverty among households with children was considerably higher at 51 percent, compared to those without children at 33 percent. The average household size with children was 4.6 and those without children was 1.8. INCOME INEQUALITY: The 2018 Poverty Study also estimated the level of income inequality in the country using the GINI Index or Coefficient. The coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 representing no inequality and 1 representing complete inequality. As Figure 6 shows, the GINI Index in 2018 was 0.49, indicating that the level of income inequality in the country was not extreme. However, it should be noted that the level of income inequality has increased since 2009, when the GINI Index was at 0.38. Consumer Price Index In May 2021, Belizean households saw the cost of regularly purchased goods and services rise by 2.8 percent on average, when compared to May 2020. The All-Items CPI, which summarizes price levels across all categories of goods and services, stood at 103.1 in May 2021, up from 100.3 in May 2020. This represented an overall national inflation rate of 2.8 percent and was the net effect of higher costs for fuel, food items, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and personal care products being partially offset by lower
hotel accommodation rates. The year-to-date or cumulative inflation rate for the first five months of 2021 stood at 1.8 percent. Merchandise Trade In May 2021, Belize imported goods valuing $161.5 million. This represented a 58.2 percent or $59.4 million increase from the same month last year. Merchandise imports for the period January to May 2021 totaled 760.2 million, representing a 10.2 percent or $70.3 million increase from the same five-month period last year. Total domestic exports for May 2021 amounted to $45.7 million, up by 23.8 percent or $8.8 million from the $36.9 million recorded for May 2020. Merchandise exports for the period January to May 2021 totaled $172.2 million, up 15.5 percent or $23.1 million from that same period last year. Gross Domestic Product The Statistical Institute of Belize’s Gross Domestic Product estimates for the first quarter, January to March of 2021, indicated that the country’s overall level of economic activity declined by 8.4 percent when compared to the first quarter of 2020. The total value of goods and services produced within the country for the period stood at $660 million, down $60.4 million from $720.4 million produced in the first quarter of 2020. Labor Force Survey Preliminary results from the Statistical Institute of Belize’s most recent Labour Force Survey (LFS) reveal that, for the month of April 2021, the national unemployment rate was 11.2 percent. As was done for the September 2020 LFS, refined definitions were implemented for classifying the employed, unemployed, and underemployed, in accordance with a resolution of the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS). The April 2021 LFS will now serve as a benchmark for future Labour Force Surveys. Having been conducted during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this round of the LFS also measured the impact of the pandemic on the labour force. Belize Times: Further emphasis that these statistics reflect Covid pandemic times in the 2nd to 4th month of the planBelize government. These months are then compared to the last three months BEFORE Covid…but during the reviled UDP administration. There is much to chew on with the numbers. Here we are focussing on poverty and of course with a view to ending it as fast as possible following the planBelize vision.
05 5 Before you relax, Get Vax! Continued from page 1 The campaign runs until August 31, 2021 and aims to promote the key messages that the vaccine is safe, effective, free of cost and that the process of being vaccinated is very easy. To accomplish this, the campaign will be comprised of interviews with key persons on the importance of vaccinations, down-to-earth videos encouraging Belizeans to get vaccinated, media rounds, WhatsApp messages, Social Media marketing, as well as group vaccinations at various locations including San Pedro, Punta Gorda, Hopkins, Placencia and San Ignacio. As an incentive, all persons that get vaccinated between June 10 and August 31 will have a chance to win $2,500 and a fantastic staycation under the BTB’s #FRONTLINEHEROBZ and the #BelizeVaccineChamp categories. Under the first category there will be two raffles – one winner will be a frontline worker in the tourism sector and the second winner will be a frontline Covid worker, such as a health care worker, police or BDF who gets their first vaccine dose during the raffle period. The prize for this category includes $2,500 in cash, flight for two to San Pedro on Tropic Air, 2 nights stay at Grand Caribe for two, breakfast for two days and a memorable Sunset cruise. Under the second category, any other person who gets their first dose during the raffle period will qualify to enter the raffle and a chance to win $2,500 in cash, flight for two to Placencia on Tropic Air, 2 nights stay at Naia Resort & Spa for two, breakfast for two days, beachfront dinner and a couple’s massage. In Belize approximately 83,507 persons have received the first dose of the vaccine, representing approximately 34% of the targeted population. However, in order for Belizeans to return to a sense of normalcy, more persons need to be vaccinated. In addition, international travelers are looking for destinations where they feel safe and secure. A fully vaccinated population will help showcase Belize as a safe and secure destination, which in turn will result in increased number of visitors. This will serve as a catalyst for the rebuilding of our tourism sector and ultimately our economy.
6 06
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: VEHICLES PUBLIC - PICKUPS & VAN AUCTION SALE: VEHICLES - PICKUPS & Belize District Belize District BY ORDER of Messrs. The Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed Auctio
Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the bel BY ORDER of Messrs. The Belize Bank Corporation Licensed Auctioneers currentlyLimited, running and will expire Wednesday 14th July 2021Kevin at the timeA. shown on t PUBLIC R. AUCTION SALE: VEHICLES & VAN Castillo and Christiana Castillo are selling- PICKUPS ONLINE via the below Belize District described currently andAuctioneers will expire 14th July 2021 at the BY ORDER ofvehicles. Messrs. The Sales Belize Bank Corporation running Limited, Licensed Kevin Wednesday A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below described vehicles. Sales th time shown on the website.
Ministry of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries, Government of Belize Invitation for Bids
The Government of Belize (GOB), acting through the Ministry of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries, has allocated public funds toward the cost of the supply, delivery and maintenance of vehicles. The Ministry now invites sealed bids for the Supply, Delivery and Maintenance of the following items:
ITEM Pickup Trucks Vans
currently running and will expire Wednesday 14
2017 Great Wall Wingle; 2017 Volkswagen Amarok; 2020 Nissan Frontier; 2014 M
Ranger; 2013 Grey Mazda Van; 2017 Great Wall Wingle 2017 Great Wall Wingle; 2017 Volkswagen Amarok; 2020 Nissan Frontier; 2014 Mazda Pickup; VIEWING AVAILABLE AT NO. 170 BELTEX AVANUE, BELAMA PHASE 2019 Ford Ranger; 2013 Grey Mazda Van; 2017 Great Wall Wingle 2017 Great Wall Wingle; 2017 Volkswagen Amarok; 2020 Nissan Frontier; 2014 Mazda Pickup; 2019 Ford Ranger; 2013 Grey Mazda Van; 2017 Great Wall Wingle
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTY Corozal Town, Corozal District
Interested bidders may obtain a complete set of the Bidding Documents in English, free of cost, on the submission of a written application to the address below or by visiting Further information may be obtained by writing to the email address given below.
PUBLIC SALE: PROPERTY BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. TheAUCTION Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Corozal Town, ONLINE Corozal District Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling via the below BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. described property. Sales currently running and will expire between Tuesday 13th July 2021 at the time Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below described shownbetween on the Tuesday website.13th July 2021 at the time shown on the property. Sales currently running and will expire website.
Parcel No.418 418 corner 3rd Avenue & 5th Street North, Corozal Parcel No. corner 3rd Avenue & 5th Street North, Corozal Town, CorozalTown, District:Corozal District:
All bids must be delivered, in sealed envelopes, to the address below no later than 0900 hours (Belize local time) on Monday, July 12, 2021. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened at 0915 hours (Belize local time) on Monday, July 12, 2021 at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries at the below address, in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries Papi’s Building 1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan Telephone number: 822-0842 Email
July 2021 at the time shown on the website.
Registration Section
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling structure containing two apartments: Corozal Central 4 418 Apartment 1 – 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen: Apartment 2 – 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen and lot [1,023.5 square meters] situate in Corozal Central, Corozal containing District, thetwo freehold property Apartment of Ms. Guadalupe Longsworth (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling structure apartments: 1 – 2 bedrooms +1 and Mr. Edmund Longsworth.) bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen: Apartment 2 – 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen TERMS: STRICTLY CASH and lot [1,023.5 square meters] situate in Corozal Central, Corozal District, the freehold property of Ms. KEVIN A. CASTILLO Guadalupe Longsworth and Mr. Edmund Longsworth.) TELEPHONE 223-4488 Website: TERMS: STRICTLY CASH E-mail: Face KEVIN CASTILLO Book:A. Belize Auctions
TELEPHONE 223-4488 Website: E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions
07 7
Prime Minister
King’s College Commencement Exercises Wednesday, 30th June 2021 Members of the Board of Trustees, Members of the Administration and Faculty, Parents, Other Invited Guests, And especially the Class of 2021 Good afternoon. I really wanted to be with you in person today on this very important moment in your lives and in the life of your families, however, the demands of my own office have caused me to have to deliver this message to you through your principal. When you consider the many persons, who started this journey with you from kindergarten to elementary school and now to high school, you must feel this is a great sense of accomplishment that you stand here today as a member of the class of 2021. I say this because you are one of less than 20 percent of those who started this journey with you in infant school. It is often said that the more you learn and accomplish the more is expected of you, so it is fitting that at this time you have chosen to commemorate your graduation ceremony by reminding us of all that the greater the sacrifice, the sweeter the reward. That in essence, is the theme of your commencement exercise isn’t it: “Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.” I like this very much because it is optimistic, and we can all use a little hope in these challenging times. Belize, like the rest of the world, is experiencing difficult times. For more than a year we, like other nations, have been grappling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We have had to bury our friends and family; we all know friends and family who lost their jobs, and all of us had to learn to live a more disconnected life. Even this ceremony, today, is being held under less than ideal circumstances. Yet, we will not allow the difficulty being placed on us by this awful pandemic to stop us from letting you know how very proud we are of you, and, more so, of what you were able to accomplish under these difficult circumstances. To be honest, it is the optimism of occasions like this one that drives me and, I hope, drives you and your family to keep pushing forward. You see we are best when we overcome challenges together and, so today, what you may see as an individual accomplishment is in fact so much more. You are the symbol of the Belizean “can-do spirit”. You represent the best in us because you overcame the challenges placed in front of you because of all the difficult situations that were presented to you because of the pandemic. Yet through it all, you adapted, adjusted and you prevailed. So, you inspire all gathered at these commencement exercise and, yes, you inspire me to work harder to lead our nation out of these difficult times into a new era of progress and prosperity. Of course, you made it here mostly because of our hard work and determination, but you were never alone, you had supportive parents, dedicated teachers, understanding friends and relatives. They too must be recognized, and appreciated, and, like you, I want to say thanks to all who have influenced your lives to this point. Tomorrow you set out on a new path, to chart the next chapters of your young lives. You go out equipped with the knowledge, values, and attitudes of this fine institution. Be proud of what you have accomplished but remember that what was given to you is not for you alone, it is for you to share so that, through your example, others will be able to be better, and to be good Belizeans. Thank you for allowing me to share this moment with you and to your parents and friends, the Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty and Staff, but more so, to you the 2021 Graduating class of King’s College. Congratulations!
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Belmopan: Sustainable Child Friendly Municipality
Awarded at the silver level, The National Women’s Commishas been declared a sion launched redesigned A Gender-based Violence its Referral Pathway for webGBV frontline responders was child friendly city. To achieve this, 30 June at the Hub in Belize City, and was live streamed via the National site and the Gender-based Violence ion Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. This tool was developedmunicipalities through a must realize chilthe (GBV) National Women’s Commission (NWC)for and GBV the United Nations Population Referral Pathway dren’s GBV with a one-stop guide that includes all services presently beingrights outlined in the UN’s frontline all the districts, for survivors ofresponders GBV. Convention on the Rights of the based Violence Referral Pathway GBV frontline responders 1 July 2021A for Gender-based Vio- facilitates primary by providing safe spaces to ecialized actors with information on how to respond to GBV incidents,Child guide the lence Referral Pathway for GBV frontline round the range of services that are available for them across the country, learnand and grow. Belmopan is one responders was launched 30 service providers to ng survivor-centered referrals. It supportsyesterday, coordination among of thousands of cities working tourvivors canin useBelize it to advocate Junebecause at thethey Hub City, for andsurvivor’s was access to services, very, and follow up with survivors, through the GBV case management wards process. child friendly initiatives. streamed via “GBV the Referral National Womthelive Commission’s President, Pathway channels survivors of GBV The Sustainable and Child most needCommission and want in a wayFacebook that protects their dignity, ensures their safety and en’s Page and most of all protects them from being revictimized in the process of accessing those Friendly Municipalities Initiative YouTube Channel. This tool was develso desperately require.” (SCFM) is ks, the Liaison Officer for UNFPA, Tisa Grant, stated that oped through a partnership between the“despite the extensive a collaboration between who have been subjected to GBV, especially women and girls, still lack accessBelize to the Mayors Association, National Women’s Commission (NWC) at support their safety, health, protection and access to justice. The GBV referral the Ministry of Labour, Local Govand the United Nations Population lows for appropriate, quality, multi-sectoral servicesFund in a timely, safe, respectful, -discriminatory manner”. ernment and Rural Development, (UNFPA) to respond to GBV with a onedesigned website for the National Women’s Commission was also launched. The UNICEF , and UNDP. The concept stop guide-that includes allto services will provide access informationpreson the various interventions by the National Women’s Commission. It is a comprehensive site with updates, behind this initiative is to create ently being offered in Belize in all the s for use by the public as well as those experiencing gender-based violence. awareness and promote activities districts, for survivors of GBV. ion, contact:The Gender-based Violence Referat the subnational level aimed at ral Pathway respondthe UN Convention Commission (NWC),for the GBV frontline UNFPA, the United Nationsimplementing sexual and Government of Belize primary on health agency on the Rights of the Child. ers facilitates duty reproductive bearers and en. specialized actors with information on The Sustainable and Child how to respond to GBV incidents, Tisa Grantguide Friendly Municipalities initiative Officerof the survivors of GBV aroundLiaison the range is tailored to the needs of each services that are available forTel: them across +501 223-1644 municipality, aspirations and practhe country, and supports in conducting tices and will be adapted to suit END survivor-centered- referrals. It supports all localities. Adapting SCFM is a coordination among service providers to participatory process involving all meet the needs of survivors because they concerned stakeholders - local can use it to advocate for survivor’s acauthorities, civil society, expert cess to services, monitor service delivery, s, communities and especially and follow up with survivors, through the
al Women’s Commission launched its redesigned website and the Gendered Violence (GBV) Referral Pathway for GBV frontline responders Belmopan
children and adolescents. https:// The initiative was instituted in 2014 and this year, 3 months after an election, the new PUP council has attained the silver level and a Billboard to show to the world that children and more are welcome to our capital. Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government post: The Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister, the Hon. Ramiro Ramirez, Minister of State in the Ministry along with
Her Worship Mayor Sheran Palacio, CEO Valentino Shal, Ms. Paulette Wade of UNICEF, and Ms. Margaret Nicholas of NCFC officially declared Belmopan City a CHILD FRIENDLY CITY! The commemoration of the Belmopan Billboard Launch was held today to award the municipality for completing their level of silver status, by ensuring that the rights of children and adolescents are respected, promoted, protected, and full-filled and by making Belmopan a safe and child friendly city.
GBV case management process. According to the Commission’s President, “GBV Referral Pathway channels survivors of GBV to services that they most need and want in a way that protects their dignity, ensures their safety and confidentiality but most of all proP.O. Box 139, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize Central America tects them from being revictimized in the Tel.{-t501) 822-2141/2142 or 2144 process of accessing those services which E-mail: they so desperately require.” .bz In her remarks, the Liaison Officer for UNFPA, Tisa Grant, stated that “despite the extensive work done, persons who have been subjected to GBV, espePRESS RELEASE cially women and girls, still lack access to The National Women’s Commission launched its redesigned website and the Genderst essential servicesbased that support Violence (GBV) their ReferralsafePathway for GBV frontline responders 1 July 2021- A Gender-based Violence Referral Pathway for GBV frontline responders was ty, health, protection and access to justice. launched yesterday, 30 June at the Hub in Belize City, and was live streamed via the National Women’sreferral Commission Facebooktherefore Page and YouTube The GBV pathway al- Channel. This tool was developed through a between the National Women’s Commission (NWC) and the United Nations Population lows partnership for appropriate, quality, multi-secFund (UNFPA) GBV with a one-stop guide that includes all services being constituted Joint Public Accounts Committee (JPAC), a Standing Thepresently newly in Belize all the districts, survivors of GBV. toral offered services in ain timely, safe,forrespectful, ELEASE The Gender-based Violence Referral Pathway for GBV frontline responders facilitates Committee ofprimary the House of Representatives, held its first meeting this afternoon in the confidential and man- on how to respond duty bearers and non-discriminatory specialized actors with information to GBV incidents, guide the hed its redesigned website and the Gendersurvivors of GBV around the range of services that are available for them across the country, and of the National Assembly building in Belmopan. The Hon. Tracy Committee Room ner”. hway for GBV frontline responderssurvivor-centered referrals. It supports coordination among service providers to supports in conducting A newly website theit to advocate Panton, eferral Pathway for frontline responders was meet the GBV needsre-designed of survivors because they for can use for survivor’s access to services, for Albert, was officially nominated and elected as the Chairperson Member e City, andmonitor was Women’s live streamed viaand thefollow National service delivery, up with survivors, through the GBV case management process. National Commission was also Tube Channel. This tool wastodeveloped through aPresident, “GBV Referral Pathway of JPAC. According the Commission’s channels survivors of GBV launched. website - https://www.nwmission (NWC) andThe thethat United Nations Population to services they most need and want in a way that protects their dignity, ensures their safety and top guide that includes allbut services being The other confidentiality most ofpresently all protects them being revictimized in the process of accessing thoseMembers of JPAC consist of Hon. Julius Espat; Hon. Kareem Musa; - will provide access to from inforGBV. services which they so desperately require.” Balderamos-Garcia; Hon. Hugo Patt; Senator Kevin Herrera; Senator ay for GBV frontline responders primary mation onInthe various interventions her remarks,facilitates the Liaison Officer forbeing UNFPA, Tisa Grant,Hon. stated that Dolores “despite the extensive on on how work to respond GBV who incidents, guidesubjected the done, to persons have been to GBV, especially women and girls, still lack access to implemented by the National Women’s Elena Smith; and Senator Osmany Salas. Absent from today's meeting were Hon. hat are available for services them across the country, and health, protection and access to justice. The GBV referral essential that support their safety, It supports coordination among service to quality, Commission. It isallows a comprehensive site pathway therefore forproviders appropriate, multi-sectoral services in a timely, safe, respectful, Musa, Hon. Balderamos-Garcia and Hon. Patt. e it to advocate for survivor’s access to services, confidential and non-discriminatory manner”. and tools for ors,with throughupdates, the GBV casedocuments, management process. A newly re-designed website for the National Women’s Commission was also launched. The GBV Referral Pathway channels GBV website -public - willexperiprovide access to information on the various interventions use by the as survivors well asofthose that protects theirimplemented dignity, ensures their safety and being by the National Women’s Commission. It is a comprehensive site with updates, gender-based violence. eingencing revictimized in the process of accessing those documents, and tools for use by the public as well as those experiencing gender-based violence. For more information, contact: For more information, contact:
National Assembly of Belize Office of the Clerk
PlanBelize History: 1 Meeting to the JPAC
FPA, Tisa Grant, stated that “despite the extensive BV, especially women and girls, still lack access to Women’s Commission (NWC), the protectionNational and access to justice. The GBV referral advisory bodyintoa the Government of Belize on multi-sectoral services timely, safe, respectful, issues relating to women. nal Women’s Commission was also launched. The Williams e access toCynthia information on the various interventions Director mmission.Executive It is a comprehensive site with updates, s those experiencing gender-based violence. Tel: +501 227-4284 UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency Tisa Grant Liaison Officer Tel: +501 223-1644
UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency
Tisa Grant Liaison Officer Tel: +501 223-1644 -
30th June 2021.
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Ruta Maya 9x champ becomes Olympian
Geneva, May 21, 2021 Thirty three year old Amado Cruz is a Ruta Maya champion 9 times over, winning the 2020 Ruta Maya with the C.O.R.E. team, and now he will get to add the Tokyo Olympics to his list of laurels; as he will become Belize’s
first canoe athlete to compete at the Olympics! Amado Cruz had represented the Jewel in kayaking at the 2019 PanAm Games in Lima, Peru, but now he gets to step up to the world stage, as the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
announced last week that he and Joaquim Lobo of Mozambique had been awarded tripartite quotas to the Tokyo Olympics, which will be held from July 23 - August 8. He now has barely a month to prepare for this challenge, as the
health restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic have cancelled all canoe races since last year’s Ruta Maya River Challenge, no canoe races have been held this year. Belize also gets to send 2 wild card athletes to the Games, but National Olympic and Commonwealth Games committee has yet to name these candidates.
Inauguration of Alexia M. Nolberto Preschool Where ground was broken in December 2019 now stands the newly built Alexia M. Nolberto Preschool, one of 18 new preschools built under the Belize Education Sector Reform Programme II. The project, which is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank, will cover the construction of a total of 35 educational facilities across the country, including the rehabilitation of selected schools. The new preschool highlights the Government of Belize’s commitment to early childhood education through the improvement and expansion of access to education.
Belize City, Belize Monday, June 28, 2021: The Minister of Tourism & Diaspora Relations, Hon. Anthony Mahler, returned to Belize over the weekend after heading a delegation to Miami, U.S. from June 20 – 25 for a series of meetings with key players from multiple segments of the tourism industry. The aim of the visit was to explore potential areas of collaboration in the promotion, marketing and rebuilding of our tourism industry. Members of the delegation that accompanied the Minister included Mr. Evan Tillett, Chairman of the BTB Board of Directors, Ms. Michelle Bowers, Interim Director of Marketing, Ms. Noriko Gamero, Director of Cruise & Destination Planning, Mrs. Deborah Gilharry Arana, Senior Travel Trade Officer and H.E. Sandhya Murphy, Ambassador of Diaspora Relations. The meetings included discussions with executives of prominent cruise companies such as as the Royal Caribbean Group, Norweigan Cruise Lines, Carnival Cruise and Virgin Cruises. Among the important topics discussed with these companies was the reopening of the cruise sector in Belize. In this regard, Minister Mahler, Mr. Evan Tillett and Ms. Noriko Gamero, attended the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association-Port Miami Return to Sail Summit. During this summit, discussions focused on when and how cruising will return to the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Mexico; the new protocols in cruise destinations, including the impact for tour operators and shore excursion operations; and creating opportunities for destinations to have more of their populations join cruise line families. Meetings were also held with key developers from Marriott International and IHG Hotels & Resorts; other meetings were also concluded with several tour operators and travel agencies such as Toselli Tours, Tara Tours Inc., Overseas Leisure Group and Expedia, as well as with the International Yacht Brokers Association (IYBA). Since assuming his current role, Minister Mahler has expressed an unwavering commitment to establish new and lasting relationships with important sectors within the tourism industry, both locally and internationally. The recent visit to Miami was part of this initiative.
Groundbreaking for Water Project in Petville, Orange Walk July 1, 2020 - Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Mayor Ladrick Sheppard of Orange Walk Town, and officials from Belize Water Services broke ground for a water project in Petville. Works are already ongoing and will result in 37 families getting water straight into their homes. As further developments are made in Petville, it will soon be home to many more Belizeans.
CTC opposes unlawful license granted for Jamrock Corozal Town, JUNE 28, 2021 The Corozal Town Council has discovered that on August 26th 2020, former Lands Commissioner Wilbert Vallejos granted to businessman Roque Marin an UNLAWFUL 3-YEAR LICENSE for his unfettered access and use of the beach-side establishment known as “Jamrock”. Marin held an 8-year lease, granted by the Council, for the rental of this same establishment from September 1 2012 to September 1 2020. After failing to honour his contractual obligation to make due payments to the Corozal Town Council,
he went behind the Council’s back to obtain a License for the town’s property, which was granted only days before his contract expired. Following the end of the contract, the Council’s agents have made numerous attempts to retrieve the keys for the establishment to prepare the location for rental via a public tender process, but this has been met with resistance, threats and intimidation. This has resulted in a loss of revenues to the Council. Jamrock sits within the 66-feet reserve along the Corozal Bay. As such, and since it is town property, any special License MUST be given with
the FULL APPROVAL of the Corozal Town Council. In fact, Clause 9 of the same License now in Marin’s possession states that “the Licensee must obtain and provide a recommendation letter from the Corozal Town Council within 6 weeks”. The Council categorically states that no such recommendation was provided. The License is therefore unlawful and was simply a final act of vindictiveness and spite by the former UDP Government and former Minister of Natural Resources Hugo Patt toward the Council. The Council is now calling on the Ministry of Natural Resources to immediately revoke this unlawful li-
cense, and to return it unequivocally to the Corozal Town Council. The Council is also aware that Marin has been spreading false news regarding Jamrock and offering to sublet the establishment to various individuals, even though the License prohibits this. We issue a SERIOUS WARNING to anyone who attempts to enter or exercise use and control on the basis of Marin’s License.
PSYCHIC CARD READING Contact Ms.Hilda psychic card reader for advice on love, make lover stay, money help, ect. $2.00 U.S. donation. You get 2 questions free of charge. Call 323-590-7739 for readings or write to: 6452 San Vicente Los Angeles, CA 90048.
Notice is hereby given that Evan Welch is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Eazy Bone Shop” located at # 9075 La Croix Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Paulita Yesenia Teyul is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Bri’s Shop” located at # 179 Green Street, Belama Phase 4, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing, is desirous of recruiting suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill vacant positions as specified in the Table 1 below:
Notice is hereby given that Valerie Woods is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Chukka Belize Airboat Adventure Outpost” located at Miles 9 ¾ George Price Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Executive Engineer (3)
Notice is hereby given that Vicky Thadhani is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “The Fine Taste” located at Cor. Hutson & Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Vicky Thadhani is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “The Fine Taste” located at Cor. Hutson & Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Melissa Bol is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Smok’D Restaurant” located at # 2 Dolphin Drive, Buttonwood Bay , Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Rixis Mejia is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Long Island Bar & Lounge” located at # 1223 Blue Marlin Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Joshua Abishai Lopez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Havana Chill & Grill” located at # 1 Hummingbird Avenue, Belmopan City, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Bernard Williams is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Brayden and Aydenn Grocery” located at Cor. Curl Thompson & Swallow Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Land Surveyor (1) Senior Mechanics (4)
Heavy Equipment Operators Loaders/ Excavators/Grade rs/ Bulldozers (5)
Assist with design of Roads, Bridges and Buildings. Conduct geotechnical investigation. Conduct assessment of Roads, Bridges and Buildings. Conduct Topographical Surveys Conduct Cadastral Surveys Setting out of Roads, Buildings & Bridges Diagnose light and Heavy-Duty equipment. Conduct repairs of Diesel and Gas Vehicles Assist with inspection & assessment of vehicles/Equipment. Servicing of Vehicles /Equipment Operate Heavy Duty equipment such as Bulldozers, Excavators, Loaders & Graders
BSc. in Civil / Structural / Hydraulic / Transportation Engineering. Proficiency in usage of computers and office software packages, Competency in use of AutoCad and Civil-3D, Competency in use of project control software such as MS Project or equivalent, HND or equivalent in Land Surveying 3 yrs experience in conducting topographical survey and setting out of roads or other related structures. ITVET Diploma in Automotive Repair Experience in diagnosis of Light & Heavy-Duty equipment. At least 3 years of experience in diagnosing, repairing and servicing vehicles and Heavy Duty equipment
Must have appropriate license for equipment type. Must have min of 3 years of experience operating the respective equipment. Must be conversant with basic servicing of equipment
The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing now invites suitably qualified and experienced individuals to indicate their interest in filling the position. Interested individuals should submit their curriculum vitae providing sufficient information establishing their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services in accordance with the prescribed minimum requirements. Submittals must be in English and clearly indicate the position of interest. Three hardcopies or preferably a scanned copy of the Expression of Interest, including CV, copies of qualifications along with names of two (2) references and their contact information, must be submitted to the MIDH’S Offices via direct mail or email at the address indicated below by 10:00 am local Belize time on July 8, 2021. Interested candidates may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. The full terms of reference and duties are available on MIDH’s website: Candidates will be selected in accordance with the Government of Belize’s procurement procedures as set out in the GOB website. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING POWER LANE BELMOPAN TEL: 822-2136/39 EMAIL:
Swearing-In Ceremony
Remarks by New National President
June 27, 2021 Good afternoon to our beautiful PUP family. Hon. John Briceño, Party Leader and Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Party Chairman, Secretary General, Linsford Castillo, Mayor and Councillors, Marissa Cervantes, President of the Belize Youth Movement, Area Representatives, Members of the Order of Distinguished Service, UWG Executive members, BYM Executive members, distinguished guests and party supporters. It is a distinct honor for me to address you as the new President of the party’s United Women’s Group, your UWG. I am humbled by the support and the confidence you have placed in our national executive team. Kindly allow me a moment to introduce you to your new Executive for the term 2021 to 2023. When I call your name, kindly stand so everyone can be acquainted with you. Vice President Aisha Gentle, Treasurer Lysandra Berbey, Secretary Maria Elena Contreras, Assistant Secretary Brittney Galvez. Today is a beautiful, or should I say, BLUETiful day because we meet to swear in the UWG and BYM executives after 2 critical victories with resounding and overwhelming results. The people of Belize spoke loudly on November 11, 2020 in the General Elections with a 26 to 5 victory for our People’s United Party, and on March 3, 2021 winning all 9 municipalities with a total of the 65 out of 67 seats, including 8 Mayoral seats. The municipal elections had the most women ever running in city and town council elections and resulted in the most wins for the women of our party with 22 women being victorious, including the 1st ever female Mayor in the west for the City of Belmopan, Mayor Sharon Palacio. Of the total 65 seats in the municipals, with 22 of them being our PUP women it is about 33%. There is no denying this is an achievement we are proud of. However, of the 9 Mayoral seats, we have some work to increase the number of female candidates running for Mayor. In the House of Representatives, of course we recognize Hon. Dolores Balderamos-Garcia, Minister of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Affairs and Area Representative for Belize Rural Central and a former president of the UWG. We also recognize Hon. Elvia Vega-Samos,
Minister of State in that ministry and Area Representative for the Corozal Bay – another first for the PUP & for the north to have a female area representative. I take the time to remind all of us that Article 10 (3) of the Constitution of the PUP states that ‘All units of the Party shall include among its members a minimum of 30% women’. This is mandated in our constitution. Therefore, party leaders, women and supporters, we have much work ahead of us. The work ahead must be transformative because of note that minimum 30% is among its members and not necessarily specific to governing and standing units of the party or leadership of the party. But in our PlanBelize of 2020 to 2025, the PUP’s Women Agenda is about ‘Meaningful Engagement and Empowerment of the Belizean Women’. And who is that Belizean woman? She is diverse, multi-cultural. She is Creole, Garifuna, Mestizo, Maya, Indian, Chinese, urban, rural, farmer, businesswoman, formally educated, grassroots, community-oriented, young, old, no matter the race, the color, the age, the sexual orientation or identity – under the Blue Tent, our PlanBelize Women’s Agenda is about building a Belize that works for all our women. Under my tenure, my objective is to work with the UWG executive and its caucus chapters and constituency representatives toward the 7 point agenda in PlanBelize for Women in partnership with the Area Representatives. We can get there by building a strong UWG arm of the party. A robust UWG will serve to advance these 7 points: 1. Secure women’s access
and affordability to proper healthcare services 2. Empower women through creation of economic opportunities. 3. Increase women’s access to and ownership of affordable land and housing- we too have many women who should and will benefit from the 1st time land ownership program of the Government of Belize. 4. Achieve gender equality and equity and, of course, to end discrimination against women and girls. We have zero tolerance for domestic abuse and violence. 5. Promote women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and look forward to harnessing the opportunities for our women that will arise from the plans coming out of the Ministry of Education. 6. Guarantee the equitable participation of women in leadership and governance. To this end, Prime Minister and Party Leader, we thank you for your bold commitment to appointing the most women ever in leadership positions in your government, from the 1st female indigenous woman in the Commonwealth as Governor General, to almost 50% of women as CEOs in the various ministries and to the women appointments across the many boards of directors, as ambassadors and, of course, to the selections of the Presiding Officers of the parliament, the Hon. Caroyln Trench-Sandiford as President of the Senate and the Hon. Valerie Woods, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 7. Strengthen and expand measures to ensure the safety and security of women and girls. It is said, to see the change we want to see WE must BE that change. This great People’s United Party has always been the party of change and for change for the betterment of our people. With phenomenal women trailblazers such as Gwendolyn Lizarraga and Jane Usher as pioneers of the UWG whose mantra of ensuring that women are economically and politically empowered, this new UWG Executive will press forward to build on their legacies. We have strong women candidates from the past who qualify to be considered as a National Hero of the development of Belize as our nation was built not just on the backs of men but on the shoulders of some amazing women as well. We need to be counted and recognized as the party’s strength and resilience depend also on its women involvement and representation in the party. Women’s political participation, engagement and involvement is key to meeting the goals of PlanBelize. Lest we forget, women make up half of the population of Belize. In the House of Representatives, we really need to work to have in the next election cycle more women running so that more women can be elected. We know the work ahead will not be easy. We will fight hard, smart, and together achieve the 30% minimum target for women in leadership position of the party. We will ensure; we build back a better stronger UWG across all 31 constituencies. With the leadership of Hon. John Briceño, we are confident that our women will rise. This is the time for a stronger UWG. This is the time. We, the new UWG executive look forward to working with you in achieving PlanBelize, expanding membership, and creating real opportunities for our women in the party. The PUP is about transformational leadership and women must be around that table as a part of that transformation. In closing, let’s all be reminded that we are still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s encourage our families and friends to get vaccinated, wash/sanitize our hands, wear our masks and practice physical distancing. Our PUP government has made tremendous achievements in managing the Covid crisis. Let’s do our part. We are in this together. Thank you. God Bless the PUP. God Bless Belize. ¡Que Viva!
58 12
18 JAN
Swearing-in Orange Walk Chapter Executive
Executive Swearing-in’s United Women’s Group Prime Minister John Briceño
New National President Osiely Mendez
Awarded by the UWG for having the most women in leadership positions during his tenure as PM & Party leader
Party Chairman, Hon. Henry Charles Usher
Swearing-in National Executive
From L to R: Chairman Usher, President Mendez, Aisha Gentle – Vice President, Maria Elena Contreras – Secretary, Britney Galvez - Assistant Secretary, Lysandra Berbey – Treasurer
PM and UWG President Mendez
Belize Youth Movement
President Melissa Cadle, Chairman Usher
PM and UWG ladies from OW Chapter/Orange Walk Town Councillors
New President: Marissa Cervantes
From L to R: Chairman Usher, President Cervantes, Vice President: Keenan Hyde, Chief of Staff: Malcolm Nuñez Secretary: Christopher Tapia. Assistant Secretary: Leidy Grant, Treasurer: Jonah Chebat, Public Relations Officer: Juan Caal(not pictured)
Chairman Usher with UWG President Mendez
Belmopan Mayor Palacio and UWG President Mendez
BYM along with Chairman Usher and Prime Minister
From L to R: Councillor Joesie Cantun, UWG OW Chapter Secretary Celia Briceño, UWG OW Chapter Marie Carrasco, PM, UWG OW Chapter VP Mendez, Councillor Doreth Pascascio, Councillor Joanna Rodriguez
Notice #: 202106-29-01
Belize Water Services (BWS) invites qualified applicants to fill the post of Resident Consultant Engineer at our Corporate Headquarters in Belize City. Summary: This is a highly skilled, administrative, technical and professional level position which will be BWS’s primary representative on contracted water utilities and/or water infrastructure construction projects. The Resident Consultant Engineer will be responsible for the careful planning, effective communication with the project team, field supervision and proactive risk management to mitigate or eliminate project risks associated with schedule, budget, safety or quality compliance. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Developing project objectives by reviewing project proposals and plans, conferring with management. 2. Determining project responsibilities by identifying project phase and elements, assigning personnel to phases and elements, reviewing bids from contractors. 3. Determining project specifications by studying product design, customer requirements and performance standards, completing technical studies, preparing cost estimates. 4. Confirming product performance by designing and conducting tests. 5. Determining project schedule by studying project plan and specifications, calculating time requirements, sequencing project elements. 6. Monitoring project schedule by monitoring project progress, coordinating activities, resolving problems. 7. Controlling project plans by reviewing design, specifications and plan and schedule changes, recommending actions. 8. Controlling project costs by approving expenditures, administering contractor contracts. Note: Management reserves the right to vary the duties as assigned which would reasonable be within the scope of the position. Supervisory Responsibilities: The ability to effectively interact with employees and outside professionals at all levels and in all forums is key to the success of this position. The position trains, mentors, coaches and evaluates skilled and semi-skilled technical personnel and delegates complex task assignments in order to accomplish assigned tasks. Work is performed under limited supervision. Qualifications/Requirements: • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in civil engineering and five years of full time civil engineering experience, at least two of which involved structural or hydraulic design, water supply planning and wastewater management and project management at the senior level. • Must have experience working with international donor agencies such as the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), ect. • Must possess considerable knowledge of the investigation, design and construction of water utilities and/or water infrastructure construction. • Knowledge of bill of quantities. • Good communication skills and the ability to manage and coordinate other inspection of project. • Must be competent in the use of a personal computer and software including Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and Outlook. • Must possess analysis and design skills, Project Management, Manufacturing Methods and Process Improvement, Technical Understanding, Documentation Skills, Safety Management, Supervision, Computer- Aided Design (CAD). • Knowledge of Civil Engineering principles, practices and methods, particularly as applied to water utilities, Engineering Economics including cost/ benefit analyses, local laws and regulations governing the operation of water facilities, water treatment processes, environmental regulations and workplace safety, engineering project management methods and techniques, budget administration principles of employee supervision and personnel management. Kindly submit applications to: Human Resources Manager Belize Water Services Limited @ Only electronic applications are being accepted at this time And only candidates who have been shortlisted will be contacted. Deadline: Friday, July 14, 2021
be used in policy, planning, and project development in the ongoing COVID vaccination campaign, including the hiring of additional medical personnel, specifically nurses to help administer COVID
June 24, 2021Belmopan – U.S. Embassy facilitated the delivery of an energy efficient, ultralow temperature (ULT) freezer for the storage of COVID-19 vaccines, donated by the U.S. Government through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to the Ministry Health and Wellness. A handover ceremony was held today at the National Vaccine Building in Belmopan. In attendance were Minister of Health and Wellness Michel Chebat, U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. Keith Gilges, and Ministry of Health and Wellness CEO Dr. Deysi Mendez. The ULT freezer, valued at $13,000 USD, can reach temperatures as low as negative 86 degrees Celsius and store more than 9,000 multidose vials of COVID vaccines. The addition of the ULT freezer will create new options for the Government of Belize to procure and store any available COVID-19 vaccine requiring ultracold storage conditions. This includes the Pfizer vaccine, currently the only vaccine authorized to vaccinate children from ages 12 to 18. Creating capacity to vaccinate children ages 12 to 18 is particularly critical for Belize, where approximately 42% of the population is under the age of 18. In his remarks, Chargé Gilges emphasized, “Today’s donated ULT freezer will play an important role in bolstering Belize’s impressive vaccination campaign by creating the capacity to expand public access to lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines to adolescents and teenagers. Vaccinating young Belizeans is therefore vitally important in helping move Belize along the path towards its eventual goal of controlling the spread of the virus and establishing a layer of community protection across the country.” Minister Chebat highlighted,
“This ultralow freezer will benefit Belize by giving us the opportunity to acquire the Pfizer vaccine which is the only vaccine that is currently authorized to be administered to children 12 to18 years
The U.S. government, through the CDC, has also pledged an additional $65,000 USD to support COVID-19 vaccine technical assistance in Belize. These funds will
vaccines to rural and at-risk populations. These donations reflect the U.S. government’s deep commitment to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in Belize and to mitigate its impact on its citizens.
Belize Broadcasting Authority OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER
1583 Life Avenue, Belize City, Tel.: 223-3953 - E-mail:
The Belize Broadcasting Authority gives notice that the following The Belize Broadcasting gives noticeare that no the following radio operators and radio operators andAuthority cable operators longer broadcasting or cable operators are no longer broadcasting or transmitting, therefore, their licenses are transmitting, therefore, their licenses are being renounced. being renounced. Name
La Consentida Radio
La Consentida Radio
Umuzik FM Radio
1 George Price St, Finca Solana Corozal 1 George Price St, Finca Solana
Corozal Santa Rita Layout, Corozal Town
Northern Cable Network
Orange Walk Town
Charlton Cable System
Umuzik FM RadioVision Ltd, BmpSantaBelmopan Rita Layout, Corozal Tropical Town Cable Services Toledo NorthernFrontier Cable Network Orange Walk Town
Tropical Vision Ltd, Bmpgiven that Belmopan Notice is hereby the following radio operators and cable operators are in arrears and need to contact us by July 25th 2021. Charltonto Cable System Toledo Failure do so will result with your license being suspended and legal actions will commence forthwith. Frontier Cable Services Toledo Name Wave Radio
Address Arrears Youth for the Future Drive 2017, 2019, 2020,2021 Belize City Reef Radio given that the Pescador San Pedroare2018, 2019,and 2020, 2021 Notice is hereby following Drive, radio operators in arrears need to th Town to do so will result with your license being contact us by July 25 2021. Failure Dangriga Vision will 15commence St Vincent forthwith. Street, 2019,2020,2021 suspended and Cable legal actions Dangriga Town
By Hon. Gilroy Usher, Port Loyola “I don’t like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them.”- Carrol Bryant As a result of decisions made around family tables, despite all their qualifications and work experience many persons cannot secure employment for particular positions with many businesses in Belize. That should not be a surprise. Business persons of every ethnicity give priority for top employment first to their immediate family members then members of the general public. The same things happens all over the world. That’s just life. It’s done to keep the wealth in the family. In helping to ensure the family’s wealth is passed on from one generation to the next, many parents do everything possible to help ensure their children follow in the chosen fields of business or some other type of investment. As a result of parental encouragement, many Belizean families have succeeding generations of doctors, attorneys ,and engineers as well as pro-
ducers, importers , wholesalers, and proprietors of media organizations. People cherishing ownership of a business also allows a family to secure land, proper housing, and other things for a better life with little or no reliance on politicians. Due to the difficulty in securing good paying jobs, the most marginalized people in Belize are the Creoles, Garifuna, Mestizos, and the Mayas as well as the local East Indians. That’s the truth in Belize today. Although there are many well educated and wealthy persons in each of those ethic groups for whatever reasons, the majority of them, they don’t invest their money in their community or anywhere in the country to provide the best possible jobs for their family members, and at the same time prepare them to carry on the business when they retire. How unfortunate! That’s exactly what the Asians, Arab, and East Indian members of the business community continue to do in front of our very eyes. Many families now have life ex-
tremely better with top-paying jobs for everyone as owners of successful businesses. For those investments they should say many thanks to the head of the families or their grandparents ,who years ago filled with ambition and self-confidence for a better life started the family business from the bottom of the social ladder or from nearly at the bottom of it. Some of the Belize City businesses that are owned by persons, who have made it to the top, were started with very little funds from savings or through partnership with trusted persons. Some of those businesses include Simon Quan & Co., JL’s Quick Loan, the Habet & Habet on Cemetery Rd, Bowen & Bowen Co., Benny’s, the Stationary House, and Love FM Radio and TV station as well as the other media organizations. Needless to say, as much as possible, the top positions in most of those businesses are filled with immediate family members of the proprietors for the reasons already stated. Some persons will never move up the social ladder to afford their families a better life. Such persons simply accept whatever situation they are born into as their lot from the Man Above. That’s also life. Without one’s own savings, to start a business to uplift the family and provide jobs in the community requires capital. It’s therefore shameful that from their inception years ago to promote small business development BELTRAIDE and the National Bank of Belize, which are both government entities, have never assisted young entrepreneurs with workable business proposals with funds to expand their businesses or get them off the ground. The big fish yes. To move up the social ladder to a better life marginalized people must get their priorities straight. People need to enjoy life as it marches on; however, that should not be at the expense of education for their children savings when they start a business, living in a better home, or to be a good role models for the children. It should be the pride of each ethnic group to see its own people in top management with excellent salaries and as owners of successful business free from the cycle of poverty. Members of the five major ethnic groups in Belize with the knowledge and the capital to start successful business in their communities or wherever possible in the nation have an important decision to make. They can make the choice to step up to the plate to help uplift their own kind or they can make the choice to sit by and observe as their family members and others continue to live in a cycle of poverty.
TENDER FOR THE GENERAL SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE OF THE SUPREME COURT BUILDING, THE OLD TREASURY BUILDING, THE COURT OF APPEAL, THE SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY BUILDING, AND THE CHIEF JUSTICE’S RESIDENCE. Tenders are invited for the general security and surveillance of the Supreme Court Building, the Old Treasury Building, the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court Law Library Building and the Chief Justice’s Residence. 1. The Tender shall be for a period of two (2) years (September 1st 2021 to August 31st 2023) 2. The successful Tender will be expected to provide the following security and surveillance to the following locations: a. 24 hours security to the Supreme Court Building – 4 guards for 7 days per week b. 24 hours security to the Old Treasury Building – 4 guards for 7 days per week c. 24 hours security to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court Law Library Building – 2 guard for 6:00 a.m. to 6p.m. Monday to Friday. d. 24 hours security service to the Chief Justice’s Residence – 1 guard for 7 days per week e. Daily bank deposit for General Registry Dept. – Monday to Friday The cost incurred to visit the facilities to be guarded and the preparation of the bids is the sole responsibility of the Tenderer.
The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be accepted. Tenders are to be submitted in sealed envelopes marked “TENDER FOR THE GENERAL SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE OF THE SUPREME COURT BUILDING, THE OLD TREASURY BUILDING, THE COURT OF APPEAL, THE SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY BUILDING, AND THE CHIEF JUSTICE’S RESIDENCE” no later than 16th July at: 4:30 p.m. Envelopes to be delivered to: Registrar General General Registry Department Treasury Lane Belize City, Belize The General Registry Department The Attorney General’s Ministry
VACANCY POWER PLANT OPERATOR BELIZE ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED (BECOL) is accepting applications for the post of POWER PLANT OPERATOR. BECOL is the owner and operator of the Mollejon, Chalillo, and Vaca Hydroelectric Projects. The main function of the company is to provide clean and reliable energy to BEL. The company’s foremost concern is the safety of its employees and the running of an environmentally sound operation by following the guidelines of the International Standards Organization, category ISO14001. JOB DESCRIPTION: Operates and controls all plant equipment from centralized and remote-control panel boards. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: o Monitors and operates all plant generation equipment from centralized and remote-control panels according to plant operating procedures o Assures compliance with all operating and safety procedures including issue of protective tagging and maintaining operational records and logs o Participates in approved training program and study operating manuals to assure increased knowledge and competency in work performance o Performs minor maintenance during normal shift and assists in maintenance effort during unit and/or equipment outage. o Performs other related duties as required SALARY: o Dependent on Qualifications and experience QUALIFICATION: o Associates degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering OTHER REQUIREMENTS: o Knowledge of power plant or large industrial equipment and operating procedures preferred o Ability to comprehend complex operating manuals, blueprints and flow diagrams o Have a clean police record and good inter-personal skills o Must have a valid driver’s license The successful applicant must reside in the San Ignacio\Santa Elena Town area or Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town. Application letters, accompanied by two (2) letters of reference, must be submitted by 16 July 2021 to: Human Resource Department BECOL Mile 68 George Price Highway San Ignacio Town Cayo District
THINK ABOUT IT “HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED” The saga of Jasmine Hartin entered its second episode over the weekend, sending local media on Friday evening scrambling to the Supreme Court, and hastened two American media to call in and conduct interviews. Miss Hartin was seen on a local television station Thursday 24th June, 2021 conducting a brief, hasty, impromptu interview from inside the San Ignacio Police station. She had just been detained when she went to the station to sign in as part of her Supreme Court bail conditions. Hartin’s mother, tearful and fearful, had flown to Belize from Canada to be by her embattled daughter’s side. All her attempts to speak to Hartin were rebuffed at the station on Thursday evening into the night. She started calling local attorneys. Hartin was secretly secreted from San Ignacio to Belmopan Police station, where dozens of calls to confirm went unanswered. Hartin was removed to a Belize City station where she was kept incommunicado until Friday morning when she was rushed by boat to San Pedro. At San Pedro, the police took Hartin to the Magistrate Court where she was read two minor charges. One for common assault, the other for drug possession of a very small amount of cocaine. She plead not guilty. The police prosecutor under instructions from his supervisors, objected strongly to bail. This is unprecedented for minor allegations. The Magistrate rejected the unusual request. But Hartin’s latest troubles had just began. San Pedro police denied Hartin’s request to call her mother to contact a Belizean attorney. In the afternoon of Friday 25th June, 2021 under police escort, Hartin was placed on a boat and taken directly to the Supreme Court. There, Director of Public Prosecutions entered the drama. From out of leftfield, the DPP’s prosecutor with one Habet in tow, asked the Judge to allow the Surety who signed bail, to withdraw his bail for Hartin. This application was improper as no notice required by law was given to Hartin. Realizing her dire predicament, all she could do was cry. With tears flowing down her face, she heard the judge say he will allow it. This was at 3:30pm Friday evening with all government departments closing. Having been ambushed, Hartin would be unable to replace the bail with another person/surety. But the system was still churning. The DPP then requested the judge to use the common assault charge as a pretext to completely revoke Hartin’s original bail and keep her in jail until trial in two or three years’ time, when her trails comes up. This is bad news, in many respects. One interpretation is that a trial, when Hartin’s Canadian attorneys come to Belize, the DPP will most likely ask for imprisonment. The Canadian government has sent a formal Diplomatic Note to the Belize government asking for clarification concerning Hartin who is their citizen. The American TV network CBS, MSNBC have conducted extensive interviews with Hartin. We are told there are many sensational and bombshell revelations. Episode Three in the series coming to a TV near you. “MENNONITE WOMEN IN BELIZE” Award winning photographer Jack Michaels was in Belize and did a series of photographic shots of Mennonite women in our country. His photographs got prominence in one of Britain’s best newspapers-The Guardian Global edition of Monday 28th June, 2021. One photo shows a small group of Mennonites women picking beans around a table, decked in their trademark clothing and white headdress. CHESTER WAS A CHAMPION Joesph Obispo, a former Central American body-building champion saw a few photos of Police Commissioner Chester Williams working in the new police gymnasium. These were posted on Whatsapp. Obispo recalls that at a Central American championship competition Chester Williams won one of the top trophies in his division. On another matter, we give Compol Chester big marks for his remarks to the media Tuesday morning. He said that police facing disciplinary tribunals will be allowed to be represented by attorneys. This has always been the law in modern times. The old, outdated, colonial police regulations did not allow it, but as an attorney, the Compol has seen the light (the light which chases out darkness). The Commissioner has also given his support to a suggestion made in this column. We suggested that police who behave rogue, break the law, violate citizens’ constitutional rights and commit acts outside the strict confines of their duties, and then the government is sued, such officers should be surcharged a proportion of the fine Chester has called for laws to be amended to deal with such officers. Big respect is due to Compol for endorsing a progressive improvement. B.1.617.2
B.1.617.2 are the scientific numbers denoting the new Covid virus strain, also known as Delta. Delta has the European countries and the United States of America in a medical quagmire. This strain of Covid is considered more infectious and more dangerous than the regular Covid which lead to worldwide lockdowns, masks, distances and frequent hand sanitizing, not to mention wrecking economies, taking lives and leading to massive loss of jobs. And, it ain’t over yet. Please people, be doubly alert. Protect yourselves, protect your families, protect your communities, and protect your country. Wear a mask! HUSBAND AND WIFE A husband visited a lawyer and said he wanted to divorce his wife. The lawyer asked on what grounds. Husband said she is out all night, from bar to bar. The lawyer asked, are you saying she is an alcoholic or is cheating on you? The husband answered no, she is looking for me. ASSAD FOR PRESIDENT After much patience and diplomatic back-and-forth the Minister of Education and Board of Directors have been able to get the President of UB to step down. The previous government had signed one of those outrageous BTB/ Bevans type million dollars contract with the outgoing President. It was an illegal contract as then Minister of Education had no authority to sign or approve such a contract. Such was life under that worthless government. Shame on the former Board members who allowed such things to happen. After much twists and turns, the new Chairman of the new Board for the University of Belize was able to resolve an ongoing stalemate. There is now a vacancy for a President of our national University. We have often wondered what our University could become with some of the right persons at the helm. We wonder if Assad Shoman would be prepared to give U.B. a couple years of his scholarship and experience. For a younger generation who knows very little of their country and its history we share this. Belize’s quest for its independence from the British began in the 1950’s with George Price and his supporters. Many African and Caribbean colonies achieved their independence in the 1960’s. Belize could not as Guatemala, a military dictatorship, threatened to invade and re-take “their property”. By 1970, the dream of independence had become a stale slogan. The arrival of Assad, Harry Courtenay, Said Musa, Lionel DelValle, and many other dynamic young men and women, brought new energy and a clearer vision of how to obtain our independence without surrendering to British demands to give away southern Belize. Assad became the lightening rod in this country renewed struggle in the battle for Belize- with all our territory intact. Assad Shoman had written several history books, one of which –‘13 chapters’ is on the curriculum for high schools. Asaad himself is history and is unquestionably an outstanding intellectual, a writer and achiever. He was a student activist. He and Said Musa were trained as lawyers in Britain. They return and started kicking up hell in Belize. Around the same time, Evan X Hyde and the UBAD movement had the power structure in an uproar. We are going to be a bit forward enough to suggest to the new government to make contact with Assad and ask if he is interested in helping us develop our university. We Belizeans have developed a bad habit of ignoring our own people in favor of foreigners. We need to continuously emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. Our students and our country deserve the best. 4TH OF JULY The Americans fought against their British colonial masters and won their independence in 1776. America is the most dynamic democracy on the planet. There is so much good things about America, especially their people, warm and friendly. But their government stinks which ever party is in government. America is one of the few countries that has and can do so much good for mankind. But they have lost their way. We were shocked but not surprised when the new government of Biden/ Kamala Harris launched missile attacks inside Iraq last week claiming that they were killing Iranian warriors. On the 4th July America will once again celebrate its birthday. We join all those who wish America well. God bless America. The Caribbean community is also celebrating an anniversary on 4th July. Forty eight years ago the English speaking in the Caribbean came together and signed a treaty forming themselves into one economic unit. They are having a ministerial meeting on Monday 5th July to chart a way forward in these times of woe.
Ocean Academy 11th
Its Largest class During an evening ceremony on June 25th, Ocean Academy on La Isla Cariñosa, Caye Caulker graduated twenty seven young men and women. Ocean Academy, Caye Caulker Valedictorian = Dylan Pacheco | Salutatorian = Marcy Castro | Jaime Aldana = OA Vote of Thanks | Gicelie Canul = OA Award of Excellence | Guest Speaker = William Neal There were 27 graduates and 2 honour graduates. As per the student handbook, Ocean Academy opened in September of 2008 as the first and only secondary school on Caye Caulker. Prior to Ocean Academy, few island students were able to continue past primary school to a high school education unless they could afford to pay the daily water taxi commute, or move to live with mainland relatives. Three individuals –Heidi Curry, Joni Miller, and Dane Dingerson—worked with the community and combined their visions in early 2008 to establish a permanent education institution for Caye Caulker. Initial founding donors—Dane Dingerson, Desi Rosado, Georgeanne Jud, Haywood and Heidi Curry, Lisa Henken, Steve and Dodie Miller, and Mike Roberge—established a financial base for opening the school. Many locals, parents, business owners and visitors have volunteered at Ocean Academy, made financial contributions, or mentored students. The Village Council; Village Executive Committee; Caye Caulker’s Roman Catholic Primary School Principal Enelda
Rosado (now retired); and the Hon. Minister Manuel Heredia all invested personal time and energy toward establishment and accreditation.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE SWEARING-IN On Saturday June 26th, over 70 Justices of the Peace were sworn-in during ceremonies held at the Belmopan Civic Center. This will add to the already over 3 thousand Justices of the Peace country-wide. Swearing in was done by Attorney General Magali Marin Young. The main duties of a Justice of the Peace includes the exercise of similar jurisdiction with Magistrates including the issuing of summons, warrants of arrest, search warrants and other court procedures. A J.P. can also grant, deny or fix bail, remand or commit people amongst other duties.
Honorable Adrian Danny Madrid JPS. CSC: National President of the Association of Justices of the Peace and Commissioner of the Supreme Court said it is no secret that after 13 years of neglect by the previous administration, under this PUP administration there is a lot of hope for the JP Association moving forward. Madrid JPS CSC, described this recent swearing as a great success because the Attorney General’s Ministry worked closely with the JP Association. When asked about the way forward “There is a lot of hope and a lot of positive things happening with the association. As we speak now the ministry of
Ocean Academy was accredited in 2008 to provide a Bridge Preparatory Program, Form 1, and Form 2. In September of 2009, the school added Form 3. In 2010, Form 4 and Adult Edu-
Sports, Youth and E-Governance under the leadership of Honorable Kevin Bernard has graciously provided a space at the Marion Jones Sporting Complex which will be used as an office for the association. The office is expected to be opened within the next month. For fifteen years the association did not have an office. The association was thrown out from the last office that was located at the commercial center. This happened under the previous UDP administration,” Marin JPS CSC said. This new Office is expected to serve the public in a more professional manner. JP’s serve under the motto “To serve with the pen, which is mightier than the sword.”
cation evening division classes were added (Computers, Spanish, English Second Language). The first Ocean Academy graduating class was in June 2011.
AstraZeneca vaccine vs Delta variant of Covid-19: Two doses found crucial By Kaunain Sheriff M, India Express June 27, 2021 - New findings from the UK show that vaccines are effective against Delta variant, a major contributor to the second wave of Covid-19 in India, and which has replaced the Alpha variant as the dominant strain in the UK. What are the new findings? A new scientific analysis, published by Public Health England, has found that two doses of Covid-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing hospitalisation due to B.1.617.2, now known as the Delta variant. Importantly, it showed no deaths among those vaccinated. The analysis gives effectiveness data of two vaccines. Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine was found 96% effective in preventing hospitalisation after two doses. The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was found 92% effective after two doses. The Indian version of this vaccine, Covishield from Serum Institute, is among the vaccines being administered in the country. How was the analysis conducted? Researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London and Guys, and St Thomas’s Hospital NHS Trust, London, linked all symptomatic Covid-19 cases between April 12 and June 4 to the Emergency Care Dataset (ECDS) which records all admission via emergency departments in England. The analysis included 14,019 cases of the Delta variant – 166 of whom were hospitalised. The analysis showed that the vaccines’ effectiveness in preventing hospitalisation with Delta was similar to that seen with Alpha — (94%) after the first dose and 96% after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine; and 71% after the first dose and 92% after the second dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. “These findings indicate very high levels of protection against hospitalisation with the Delta variant with 1 or 2 doses of either vaccine,” the researchers concluded in the paper, which is yet to be peer-reviewed. What are the takeaways? Matt Hancock, Health and Social Care Secretary, said it is vital to get both doses as soon as they are offered to you, to gain maximum protection against all existing and emerging variants. On Tuesday, AstraZeneca said that real-world data from PHE suggest that vaccine effectiveness against milder symptomatic disease, although significant, was lower — 74% against the Alpha variant and 64% against the Delta variant. “The higher efficacy against severe disease and hospitalisation is supported by recent data showing strong T-cell response to Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, which should correlate with high and durable protection,” AstraZeneca said. The data also suggests that Covishield, which accounts for 88% of doses being given in India, will have a significant impact in reducing hospitalisation in the country. “This real-world evidence shows that COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca provides a high level of protection against the Delta variant, which is currently a critical area of concern given its rapid transmission,” said Mene Pangalos, Executive Vice President, BioPharmaceuticals R&D at AstraZaneca said. Are there other new findings on Delta? On June 11, PHE said in a technical briefing that 28-day case fatality rate for Delta remains low (0.1%) “… though mortality is a lagged indicator and the vast majority of cases are still within the 28 days of follow-up required”. On Tuesday, The Lancet published an analysis of the Delta variant in Scotland, covering the period between April and June 6. The research-
ers analysed 19,543 confirmed SARSCoV-2 infections, of whom 377 were admitted to hospital. The researchers said that the Delta variant in Scotland was found mainly in younger, more affluent groups. The risk of hospital admission was approximately doubled in those with the Delta variant when compared to the Alpha variant.
ECONOMIST III The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Research Department. The Economist III will conduct research, prepare and edit macroeconomic analytical reports on Belize and on economic issues. The incumbent will analyze underlying trends and forecast key economic variables; assist with the development of economic statistical information and databases; assist with and develop policy recommendations; and contribute to educational activities as required by the Central Bank. The Economist III will also:-
Collect, analyze, and verify economic data from primary and secondary sources and monitor performance of various economic sectors, including the real, monetary, fiscal and external sectors of the economy;
▪ ▪
Provide specialist advice based on applications of economic theory and knowledge;
Keep abreast of economic developments and trends;
▪ ▪
Represent the Central Bank at domestic or international forums; and
Conduct research, produce research papers, and provide recommendations on economic challenges and issues;
Perform other assigned duties.
The applicant should possess the following: Education and Experience
A Master’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognized university is preferred. Relevant experience would be an asset; or
A Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Finance from a recognized university. Relevant experience would be an asset.
Technical Knowledge ▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank Act and the Domestic Banks and Financial Institutions Act; knowledge of all sectors of the economy and their interlinkage; strong knowledge of economic principles and theory; strong mathematical and numeracy skills; proficient in use of software applications and statistical packages, such as EViews, STATA, and SPSS; strong ability to apply theoretical and/or empirical economic analysis to develop policy recommendations. Competencies ▪ Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Teamwork and Cooperation; Initiative and Drive; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Analytical Thinking. Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 14 July 2021:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Central Bank Employment Application Form (available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) references (one must be from previous employer) Copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Economist III - Research Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)
Consulting Services for Customer Connection Contribution Policy Review
Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) intends to procure Consulting Services (“the Services”) for the review and revision of its current Customer Connection Contribution Policy. In line with the Company’s Mission “We deliver safe, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions to enhance the quality of life and the productivity of enterprise and to support national development.” and as a condition of the Company’s license to distribute electricity, BEL is required to take all steps necessary to satisfy all reasonable demands for supply by persons in its license area. In practice, this may entail the installation or upgrading of service lines or other accessories or equipment, and/or the expansion or upgrading of the distribution system which can carry significant capital costs. In cases where a customer connection requires infrastructure beyond a simple service drop or a two-pole extension, the customer may be required to make a capital contribution towards the infrastructure costs to help reduce the investment risk which is ultimately born by rate payers. Presently, the share of cost between BEL and the customer is determined by an economic analysis of the net present value of the expected cost of and expected revenue flow from the investment. BEL typically receives over 300 service connection requests annually requiring, on average upwards of BZ$20,000 (US$10,000) in customer contribution. However, the customer contribution in many case proves prohibitive resulting in less than half of these requests actualizing into projects and new service installations. Therefore, BEL’s ability to provide access to energy services for our customers is constrained in this regard. BEL is seeking expertise to help review its customer contribution policy to make it more inclusive, transparent and conducive to sustainable market growth. The specific deliverables are as follows: The Consultant will review BEL’s current Customer Connection Contribution Policy, and cost recovery and rate setting regulations to see how they align with regional and international best practices. Based on the findings and other relevant considerations, the Consultant will draft a revised policy with the express objective of promoting market growth through the equitable and transparent allocation of investment costs between BEL and its customers (present and future). The policy should be transparent, easy to understand and easy to implement. The Consultant will review BEL’s current Customer Connection Contribution Policy, and cost recovery and rate setting regulations to see how they align with regional and international best practices. Based on the findings and other relevant considerations, the Consultant will draft a revised policy with the express objective of promoting market growth through the equitable and transparent allocation of investment costs between BEL and its customers (present and future). The policy should be transparent, easy to understand, and easy to implement. 1. 2. 3.
Conduct a fact-finding exercise to understand the legal, regulatory, and business parameters influencing infrastructure investment and cost-sharing decisions for customer connection projects done by BEL. This would include a desk review of relevant documents and interviews with key stakeholders. Conduct key desk review of customer contribution policies and practices for a reasonable sample of utilities regionally and international for comparison. BEL suggests as a minimum: Caribbean Utilities Company Ltd., Florida Power and Light, and Tucson Electricity Power Assess BEL’s policies and practices for customer contributions considering comparable practices and policies in sample utilities and, if available, any international standards or guidance material on the same. Given the significant costs that may be involved in customer connection projects, the assessment should include commentary on the effectiveness of these policies in managing the project return risks. Preliminary recommendations for policy revisions are expected here as well. Revise BEL’s Customer Connection Contribution Policy using the findings and assessments from the fore-going tasks. This policy should address the following questions: I. When should a customer contribution be required to contribute to the capital cost of their connection request? II. How should that customer contribution be calculated/determined? III. How should the customer make the required contribution? (E.g. up front one-time payment, separate monthly payments etc.) IV. Should there be any post-project evaluations to determine if customer reimbursements are due for good performing investments? If yes, how should reimbursements be calculated? The converse should also be addressed. Revise BEL Project Appraisal Tool (or devise a new one if necessary) based on the principles outlined in the revised policy to calculate customer contribution.
It is anticipated that the Services can be carried out for a period of fifty (50) business days from the contract start date. Deliverables are outlined as follows: Item Assessment Report
BEL Feedback and Comments
Revised Policy BEL Feedback and Comments Project Appraisal Tool
Description Review of BEL’s current Customer Connection Contribution Policy with recommendations for revisions in line with the consultancy’s stated objective. Special note should be made of any recommendations that might require a change in law/regulations. BEL will provide feedback and comments on report to be reflected in the ensuing tasks. Feedback is not limited to written submission and may also involve discussion sessions. Revised Policy that should incorporate BEL’s feedback on the Assessment Report. BEL will provide feedback and comments on report to be reflected in the ensuing tasks. Feedback is not limited to written submission and may also involve discussion sessions. Microsoft Excel based tool designed around policy principles that automates the calculation of customer contribution based on inputs for pre-determined parameters. N.B: The tool, and all underlying software code built on top of the Excel program will become the IP of BEL immediately upon handing over to BEL.
Due Date 15 business days after contract execution
25 business days after contract execution
35 business days after contract execution 45 business days after contract execution 50 business days after contract execution
The Consultant will report to the Manager, Strategy and Business Innovation in the Commercial and Retail Services Division at BEL. Education and Experience:
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Economics, Finance, Business Management or related field.
Minimum of ten years’ experience doing investment appraisals, preferably in a regulated market and/or similar years of experience conducting economic, financial, and policy analysis for infrastructure projects for public utilities (water, gas, telecommunications or electricity).
Familiarity with rate setting methodologies and rate design for regulated public utilities would be an asset. BEL now invites interested eligible consultants to submit proposals for the provision of these consulting services. Proposals should be a maximum of five pages and should demonstrate an understanding of the core issues, research approach, and qualifications to effectively deliver on terms of reference. Proposal should also clearly indicate a daily rate and the number of business (work) days to complete deliverables. Inquires can be submitted by email to no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. An email submission must be received at the email address below no later than 4:00 p.m. local time on Friday, July 16, 2021. The email containing the submission should be sent to and clearly labeled “BID #2021-132 - Consultancy for Customer Connection Contribution Policy Review”.
Lights for OW East Football Pitches
Hon. Kevin Bernard handed over to the Chairman of Chan Pine Ridge, Palmar and Santa Martha, lights for use in their community football fields. In San Jose Nuevo Palmar, the two lights will be used at the George Price Park in that community. In Chan Pine Ridge, the two lights will be placed on the football field and other lights will be extended towards the nature park to give the area better lighting. In Santa Martha Village, the
light will be placed at the Football field. The Area Representative has also pledged to work on putting the necessary lighting and infrastructure in place for the village park which has had no electricity. Carmelita village had received theirs earlier and a 3rd one was also issued to the chairman which will complete the lighting at Carmelita. The Area Representa-
tive of Orange Walk East has also communicated with the Chairperson of Towerhill to provide information on the lighting condition at the football field. In addition, the Area Rep has been communicating with all village leaders to identify areas in the villages that have poor visibility and where lights need replacing so that a comprehensive report can be issued to BEL for further action.
Belize Electricity Limited invites tenders for the sale of scrap materials as follows: Location
Approximate Quantity
Ladyville Stores - New Airport Road
Transformers Assorted scrap materials
127 3924 cubic feet
Caye Caulker - Corner Calle Al Sol and Avenida Mangle
Burnt Oil Assorted scrap materials
15 drums 139 cubic feet
Orange Walk- Yo Creek Road
Assorted scrap materials
387 cubic feet
Belize City- Magazine Road
Assorted scrap materials
3924 cubic feet
San Ignacio - Buena Vista Street
Assorted scrap materials
741 cubic feet
Belmopan - Power Lane
Assorted scrap materials
741 cubic feet
Dangriga - George Price Drive
Assorted scrap materials
780 cubic feet
Punta Gorda - Far West Street
Assorted scrap materials
780 cubic feet
Independence - Savanah Road
Assorted scrap materials
780 cubic feet
The bidding documents, which outline the scope of bid, submission and dates are available on BEL’s website at The above items can be inspected at each location on Monday, July 12 to Friday, July 16, 2021 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. An email submission with the specific Lot must be received at the email address below no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 22, 2021. Email: Subject of email: BID #2021-130 - Sale of Scrap Material
PUBLIC NOTICE Public Utilities Commission (PUC) In exercise of the powers conferred upon it by Section 7 of the Electricity Act, Chapter 221 of the Laws of Belize and all other powers thereunto enabling with the approval of the Minister, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC; the Commission) hereby notifies the general public that it intends to enact a By-Law in relation to electricity procurement and power purchase. Summary of the intended By-Law: a) The By-Laws shall govern the procurement processes for wholesale, distributed energy resources and short term power purchases by addressing the roles of the Commission and utilities. b) The By-Laws seek to: i. secure public welfare, national security and service at the best value for money; ii. further clarify the exercise by the Commission of its duties under the Public Utilities Commission Act and Electricity Act in relation to the regulation of the electricity industry in Belize; iii. provide for increased conservation of electric energy, increased efficiency in the use of facilities and resources by electric utilities, and equitable retail rates for electric consumers, improved wholesale distribution of electric energy, reliability of electric service and the encouragement and prioritization of locally available resources; and iv. Detail the RFP and PPA processes - regulatory tools to achieve the Commission’s public interest mandate of setting tariffs for the provision of electricity service to the public. These tools ensure that the services rendered by a public utility provider are satisfactory and that the charges imposed in respect of those services are reasonable and that the tariff is correctly formulated to afford a reasonable rate of return to utilities. Comments from the Public: Members of the public are invited to give their comments by e-mail ( or post by 17 July 2021 Viewing of the draft By-Law: The draft by-Law may be viewed in its entirety at the offices of the Commission at 41 Gabourel Lane, Belize City, or on the PUC Website at Issued by the Public Utilities Commission on 18 June, 2021
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR CLEANING & MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT CHARLES BARTLETT HYDE BUILDING, BELIZE CITY The Belize Tax Service Department seeks expressions of interest from companies wishing to tender their services for cleaning and maintenance at our headquarters in Belize City. Sanitization and cleaning of the office is essential to provide a safe and healthy environment for the BTSD personnel and the public. Scope of work: To maintain a clean and healthy working environment at the BTSD at Charles Bartlett Hyde building and compound on Mahogany Street in Belize City, Belize, the contractor must undertake the following cleaning and maintenance services: Deliverables The scope of the contract shall include the following: 1. Cleaning of office spaces, cafeteria, kitchenette, office furniture, equipment and conference facilities along with respective fixtures. 2. Cleaning of all bathrooms and their fixtures. 3. Cleaning of the stairways, corridors and foyer area, railings and doors. 4. Cleaning of windows – internally and externally. 5. Compound maintenance. 6. Garbage disposal. Main Activities: a. Office Daily: 1. 2. 3.
space, furniture and equipment: Sweep and mop offices spaces properly. Empty office paper/waste bins. Change garbage bags for office paper/waste bins.
Weekly: 1. Cleaning/dusting/polishing/sanitizing of office furniture and equipment such as: • Filing cabinets • Cupboards, shelves, desks and desk equipment • Printers, photocopiers, computer stations • Telephones and fax machines 2. Dust ceilings and walls for cobwebs (how often)– internal and external b.
Conference room After every use – cleaning/dusting/mopping and washing of utensils 1. Dust and wipe frames, clocks and other fixtures. 2. Dust and polish all furniture. 3. Sweep and mop floors. 4. Weekly dusting of ceiling and wall to remove cobwebs.
c. Bathrooms Daily: 1. Properly sweep and mop floors. 2. Clean and disinfect toilets (9:00 am, 2:00 pm & 5:00 pm). 3. Clean basin, mirrors and other fixtures. 4. Empty garbage bin and change garbage bags. 5. Replenish toiletries as required - toilet paper, hand towel and handwashing liquid soap etc. Weekly: 1. Disinfect garbage bins weekly. d. Kitchenettes Daily: 1. Properly sweep and mop floors. 2. Clean microwave, coffee maker, table and sinks. 3. Empty garbage bin and change garbage bags. 4. Replenished as seen necessary washing liquid, kitchen paper towels Weekly: 1. Disinfect garbage bins. 2. Clean refrigerators. e. Corridors, foyer area, stairway, railing and doors Daily: 1. Sweep corridors, foyer area and stairway. 2. Disinfecting of doors including knobs.
As required 1. Mop corridors, foyer area stairway (Monday’s, Wednesday and Friday’s). 2. Clean and disinfect railings on both stairways (Wednesday and Fridays).
Internal and external window cleaning 1. Clean windows and windowsills (monthly or as required) 2. Clean (power wash) exterior windows and doors. 3. Dust/clean ceiling fans monthly or as required.
g. h. i.
Maintain cleanliness of the grounds/building. Maintain the compound and building litter free. Clean drains surrounding the building.
IDENTIFICATION During the time, the services are being performed, all employees for the contractors shall wear identifiable clothes showing that they are contractors’ workers. The contractor shall send a list of personnel and their hours of work for
the week to the Employer’s representative at the beginning of each week. SECURITY 1. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no pilferage on the part of his/her employees. 2. Most of the work to be done by the personnel in the building is highly sensitive and confidential, the Contractor and his personnel must ensure that they do not interfere with, read, make copies of, or remove any such papers from the building. 3. No such documents shall be removed from the building under the guise of being garbage or litter. 4. A police record shall be provided for all personnel. 5. The Contractor and all personnel must sign and adhere to the Confidentiality Oath. PROVISION OF LABOUR AND EQUIPMENT 1. It is hereby understood and agreed that by the Contractor that this is a “fixed price” contract, and the Contractor shall provide all labour, equipment and cleaning supplies to perform his/her duties under this contract including One (1) supervisor, five janitors and one yard attendant. • There is a dedicated storage room on the premises for keeping supplies and equipment. RESPONSIBILITY 1. The contractor shall ensure that the building has been properly cleaned in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. 2. The contractor is responsible for all fees, taxes and other cost related to worker’s compensation, GST, Social Security contributions, etc. 3. The Contractor shall attend quarterly meetings or as requested with the representative of the employers for monitoring and evaluation of cleaning and maintenance services performed by the contractor, as set out in the terms and conditions of the contract. 4. The Contractor must invoice the Government of Belize monthly for services rendered. 5. The Government of Belize assumes no liability, expenses or cost for the conduct and work of the contractor or its employees. 6. All work must be done between the hours agreed upon. COMENCEMENT AND DURATION The duration of the contract is for two (2) years for the period July 1, 2021, to June 20, 2023, and is subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor. QUALIFICATION FOR THE CLEANING COMPANY The selected consultant should have the following characteristics: 1. Have a minimum of three (3) years working experience in Government offices. 2. Cleaning and maintenance or similar type work experience of at least five (5) years is required. 3. Experience working in the public and private sector in similar assignment. 4.
Skills, Abilities and Knowledge The team will need to have or demonstrate the following: • Excellent written and communication skills in English and Spanish. • The ability to solve problems in a timely fashion. • Organizing a work team with hands-on experience. • Good public relations, organizational, coordination and networking skills required. • Honesty, integrity, and respect. • Demonstrate daily monitoring of on-site workers.
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Bidding package should contain: 1. Comprehensive proposal that includes the company’s profile, interests, experience, and expertise. 2. Certificate of Good Standing from Belize Company Registry. 3. Certificate of Good Standing from the Social Security Board. 4. Certificate of Good Standing from the Belize Tax Service “For Bidding Purposes”. 5. Current Trade License. 6. Two (2) recommendation letters. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Late bids will be disqualified and returned to the sender unopened. Deadline date for submission of proposals is before or on July 9th, 2021, and should be addressed to Mrs. Michelle Longsworth Director General Belize Tax Service Department Charles Bartlett Hyde Building Mahogany Street Extension, Belize City Ref: “TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE BELIZE TAX SERVICE DEPARTMENT IN BELIZE CITY”
Land Registry Notices CHAPTER 194, LAWS OF BELIZE (REVISED EDITION 2011} NOTICE UNDER SECTION 13 In accordance with Section 13 of the Registered Land Act Chapter 194, Revised Edition 2011, I Patricia Robateau Blackett, Registrar of Lands, hereby serves notice that within one month from the date hereof, I intend to register the following parcels of land listed below for which applicationfor first registration have been received. The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registering of these parcels must get in touch with me before expiry date of this notice between Mondays to Fridays at the Land Registry, Belmopan.
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105023 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.3357 Formerly Lot.32, 517.889 S.M, situate in Dr. W.S George Estate, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.339 of 1996 dated 13thFebruary, 1996 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 4 of 1996 Folios 511-518 in favor of SANTIAGO VALDEZ- dec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105025 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.3361 Formerly Lot.36, 522..534 S.M, situate in Dr. W.S George Estate, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.928 of 1996 dated 18thApril, 1996 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 9 of 1996 Folios 1201-1208 in favor of SANTIAGO VALDEZdec’d
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104445 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No. 1761, Formerly Lot 169 containing 480.82 S.Y, situate along Progresso Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.48 of 1990 dated 15th May, 1990 in favor of MAGDALENA BRICENO -dec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104831 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No. 6261. Formerly Lot No.59, 0.37 acre, situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No.LTU-201801596 dated 27th September, 2018 and recorded in LTU-201801596in favor of MELISSA CLEMENCIA CODD. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104835 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3841 Formerly Lot No 45,512.209 S.M, situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.LTU-201301848 dated 101h July, 2013 and recorded in LTU-201301848 in favor of KENRICK CADLE. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104867 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1010. Formerly Lot No.SO, 555.28 S.Y, situate in Caye Caulker village North of the split, Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.630 of 2003 dated I 5th June, 2003 in favor of LUIGI JOSE ZALDIVAR and VICTORIA JOSEFA ZALDIVAR (JOINTLY). APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104893 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.6334. Formerly Lot No.2, 658.647 S.M, situate along the Westside of the Marage Road, near mile 9 3/4 Northern Highway, Ladyville Village , Belize District This parcel ofland is subject of a Conveyance No.LTU-201501080 dated 29th June, 2015 and recorded in LTU-201501080 in favor of RUBEN FERNANDO MUNOZ. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104913 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.8377. Formerly Lot No.503, 530.94 S.M, situate Approx3.5 miles north of San Pedro Town, Known as Ambergris Bay, Ambergris Caye, Belize District
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105055 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ALBERT/MESOP Block No. 45 and being Parcel No. 1678 Formerly Portion Lot No 686, 72.257 S.M .situate on along the Eastern side of Plue s Street , in the Albert Street , Belize City, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. I090 of 1980 dated l6thSeptember , 1980 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 11 of 1980 Folios 11591168 in favor of PEARL FRANKLIN, CHERYL WILLIAMS, (DURANT WILLIAN RAMSEY AND INEZ FLORENCE GALVEZ BOTH Deceased) APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105058 This parcel of land is situated in the RegistrationSection, DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No. 31 and being Parcel No. 3250 Formerly Lot No 12, 485.019 S.M .situate, on Stann Creek ValleyRoad , Carib Reserve, Stann Creek District. This parcel of land is the subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. I 051 of 2008 dated Iih April, 2008 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 13 of2008 Folios 373-380 in favor of MARTHA HERNANDEZ. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105080 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.1808, Formerly Lot.76, 550 S.Y, situate in Orange Walk Town , Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.2844 of 2000 dated 2s1r July, 2000 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 42 of2000 Folios 1163-1168 in favor of LETICIA GRAJALEZ. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105096 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, CAYE CAULKER Block No. 12 and being Parcel No. 1314 Formerl y Lot No. 8, 445.703 S.M .situate north of split in Caye Caulker Village Ext, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Conveyance No.0091 of 2006 dated lih January, 2006 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 2 of 2006 Folios 153-162 in favor of CAYE 8 LIMITED. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105103 This parcel ofland is situated in the Registration Section, SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.9600, Formerly Lot.A-14, 0.45 acres, approximately 9.5 miles north of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.2599 of 2004 dated 12th Nove mber, 2004 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 34 of 2004 Folios 1125-1140 in favor of AKKK HOLDING LIMITED.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.1366 of 2003 dated 20th April, 2004 in favor of RAFAEL MARIN
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105371 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1526, Formerly Lot.6, 511.306 S.M, situate in San Ignacio Town Ext, Cayo District
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202104931 This parcel of land is situated in the DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No. 1705 Formerly Lot 1924, 542.814 S.M situate on Dangriga Town Extension, Stann Creek District
This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.1409 of 2007 dated gth May, 2007 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 17 of 2007 Folios 1021-1032 in favor of ERHWON LIMITED.
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’ s Fiat Grant No.565 of 1998 dated 2nd June, 1998 in favor IRIS MYRTLE PALACIO.
Continued on Insert 2
Land Registry Notices
Continued from Insert 1 APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105390 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.5850, Formerly Lot.16, 534.203 S.M, situate at Ladyville Village , Belize District
This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 182 of2012 dtd 2?1h March, 2012 in favor of ROSALIE CAROL SEDASEY. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105391 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Sect io n, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.4116, Formerly Lot.96, 709.916 S.M, situate in the B. D. F Subdivision, Lords Bank Village , Belize District This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 6 of 2010 dtd 1?1h March,2010 in favor of RENNICK R. BAIZAR.. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105392 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.5042, Formerly Lot No. 47, 0.444Acres situate North of the Northern Highway, Near Mile 13 Ladyville Area, Belize District This parcel of land is subject ofa Conveyance No.1310 A of 2010 dated 13th July , 2010 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 19 of 2010 Folios 1509-1516 in favor of JOSE COYE and YVONNE COYE.
BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.6644. Formerly Lot No.55, 444.44 S.Y, situate in Ladyville Village, Belize Distr ict. This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.2717 of 1997 dated 29th October, 1997 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 29 of 1997 folios 1395 -140 2 in favor of JUSTINA LOZANO and ASTON STANLEY LOZANO. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105557 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3832 Formerly Lot No.15, 643.891 S.M, situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Conveyance No.805 of 2012 dated I7’h May, 2012 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 12 of 2012 folios 269-274 in favor of LLEYMI ROSARIO ANDINO. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107683 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No. 5989, Formerly Lot No.77, 432.00 S.M, situate in Milpa Area, Ladyville Village, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Conveyance No.LTU-201400074dated 16th January, 2014 and recorded in LTU-201400074 in favor of CLAUDETTE AMILE ENGLETON
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105393 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORDS’ BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.2174, Formerly Lot No. 54, 888.89 S.Y, situate in Lords Bank Village, Belize District
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107684 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ALBERT/MESOP Block No. 45 and being Parcel No.1919 Formerly Lot No. 1690, 172.025 S.Y, situate southside of town of Belize in Mesopotamia Area, Belize City, Belize District
This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.343 of 2009 dated 19th Februar y, 2009 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 5 of2009 Folios 85-98 in favor of WARREN COYE.
This parcel ofland is the subject of a Deed of Gift No.40 of 1991 dated 81h January, 1991, and recorded in Deed Book Volumnel of 1991 folio 475-484 in favor of CATHERINE STEPHEN THOMPSON 1/2 share dec’d and DESIREE ANN WEBSTER BRYANT½ share
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105422 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, TOWER HILL Block No.4 and being Parcel No.309, formerly Lot 13, 33.645 Acres situate in the August Pine Ridge Farm Layout, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Ministe r’ s Fiat Grant No.329 of 1976 dated 15th September , I 976 in favor of FRANCISCO CUELLAR- dec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105426 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No. 2421 Formerly Lot 24, 522.534 S.M situate in the Dr. George Estate in Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.1098 of 1999 dated 6th May, 1999 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 12 of 1999 Folios 1271-1276 in favor of STEPHAN WARREN PEREZ and BONIFACIAY.PEREZ APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105500 This parcel of land is situated in the RegistrationSection DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No. 31 and being Parcel No. 2031. Formerly Lot 1560.416.68 S.Y, situate in the Rivas Estate Area, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District This parcel of land is the subject of a Minister’ s Fiat Grant No. 1126 of 2005 dtd 9th December , 2005 in favor of ELSWITH M. MEJIA and CRISPIN H. MEJIA-dec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105501 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No. 31 and being Parcel No. 1075. Formerly Lot No. 1598,411.111 S.Y , situate along Ecumenical Drive, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District This parcel of land is the subject of a Minister’ s Fiat Grant No. 275 of 2002 dtd 14th April, 2002 in favor of ELSWITH MEJIA and CRISPIN MEJIA Sr. - dec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105505 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.3322. Formerly Lot No.27, 517.889 S.M, situate Dr. George Estate, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.3421 of 2005 dated 22nd December, 2005 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 41 of2005 folios 203-214 in favor of lSSAC PASCUAL. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105531 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107685 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No. 23 and being Parcel No.3441. Formerly Portion Lot No. 185, 142.679 S M., situate in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.1260 of 1993 dated 24th June, 1993 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 15 of 1993 folios 155-158 and Deed of Rectification No. 574 of 1999 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 6 of 1999 folio 925-930 in favor of SYDNEY CODD JR. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107689 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No.11668. Formerly Plan 970B, 9.32 Acres. situate east of, Northern Highway, near mile 11.5 Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.LTU-201501844 dated 22nd October, 2015 and recorded in LTU-201501844 in favor of ROQUE MATUS. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107690 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No.11669. Formerly Plan 970B, 10.0 Acres, situate Northern Highway , near mile 11.5 Belize District. This parcel of land is subject of a Conveyance No.LTU-201502055 dated 4th December, 2015 and recorded in LTU-201502055 in favor of ROQUE MATUS. APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107691 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, DANGRIGA NORTH Block No. 31 and being Parcel No. 1766. Formerly Lot No. 27, 287.696 S.M, situate in Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District This parcel ofland is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 252 of 1992 dated 13th February,1992 recorded in Deeds Book Volume 3 of 1992 Folios 1011-1018 in favor of DANIEL BATISTEdec’d APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107692 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, SAN PEDRO Block No. 7 and being Parcel No. 13841 Formerly Entry No.7124, 5.0 Acres, situate along the west coast of Ambergris Caye 7.75 miles north of San Pedro Town, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.888 of 2004 dated 21s t November, 2004 in favor of LEONIDES CUELLAR Continued on Insert 3
Land Registry Notices
Continued from Insert 2 APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107694 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ALBERT/MESOP Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1927 Formerly Lot No.419, 782.112 S.M, situated in Southside of Town of Belize City, Belize District
Formerly Lot No.18,17,16,23,30,31 and open space situate along the Lord Bank’s Road, Belize District
This parcel of land is the subject of a Indenture No.186 of 1961 dated 20th May, 1963 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 2 of 1963 folios 185 6-1871 in favor of ELLORINE HEMMANS LESLIE-Dec’d
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202105100 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No. 5211. Formerly E7078, 5.0 acres, situate near mile 11.5 on the old Northern Highway, Belize District
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107695 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section QUEEN SQUARE WEST Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1618 Formerly Lot No.2, 559.34 S.M, situated west of Lord’s Ridge Cemetery on the South of the Belize- Cayo Road, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Conveyance No.1903 of 1992 dated 1st October, 1992 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 22 of 1992 folios 773-780 in favor of DENYS WADE BRADLEY and ELLA MAE BRADLEY (Jointly). APPLICATION NO. LRS-202107812 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No. 3484 Formerly Lot No.A34, 522.58 S.M, situated Southern end of Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District
This parcel of land is the subject of a Minister’ s Fiat Grant No.271 of 2004 dated 19th April, 2004 in favor of ROBERT CUELLAR
This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. LTU-201501230 dated 20th July, 2015 recorded in LTU-201501230 in favor of JORDAN THOMAS MACK and MELISSA CANDIA MACK (Jointly) APPLICATION NO. LRS-202013020 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No. 3697 Formerly E4289, 0.583 Acre, situated alo ng Mile 10. 25, Ladyville Village Area, Belize District This parcel of land is the subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.625 of 2013 dated13th November 2013 in favor of KIRK MCKENZIE.
This parcel ofland is the subject of a Conveyance No.0209 of 2005 dated 26th January, 2005 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 3 of2005 folios 445-458 in favor of SHARI LOPEZ
APPLICATION NO. LRS-201805310 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, ALBERT/MESOP Block No.45 and being Parcel No. 379 Formerly Lot No.33, 658.2 S.M, situated West by Cairo Street, Belize City, Belize District
APPLICATION NO. LRS-202100075 This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section, LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No. 16 and being Parcel No. 3846,3847,3848,3850,3851,3873,3876
This parcel of land is the subject of a Indenture No.94 of 1967 dated 20th February, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book Volume 2 of 1967 folios 993-1000 in favor of RALPH GOFF- dec’d
Registered Land Act Chapter 194 - Revised Edition 2011 Section 140(1)
Registered Land Act Chapter 194 - Revised Edition 2011 Section 140(1)
Block No 45
Parcel 463 and 1678
Application for Ownership by Prescription for the above-mentioned parcel has been received from LOUISA CLARISSA IANTHE NOEL OF 60 W142 STREET, NEW YORK NY 10037, PATRICK BENJAMIN G. SEBASTIAN - Joseito Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal District and WALTER JOHN SEBASTIAN of 3668 w 58th Place Los Angeles Calif 90043 SCHEDULE: All that piece or parcel of land being of parcel 463 and 1678, situate in Freetown, Belize City Belize District, and containing 259.354 S.M and 134.844 SM and now identified as Parcel No. 463 and 1678 The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and in terest that may be affected by the registration of LOUISA CLARISSA IANTHE NOEL OF 60 W142 Street, New York NY 10037, PATRICK BENJAMIN G. SEBASTIAN - Joseito Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal District and WALTER JOHN SEBASTIAN of 3668 W 58th Place Los Angeles Calif 90043 as proprietors with Absolute Title, is hereby requested to show cause within one month from the date thereof, why such ownership should not be approved.
Registration Section RAMONAL ZAPOTE NORTH
Block No 1
Parcel 68
Applicat ion for Ownership by Prescription for the above-mentioned parcel has been received from JESUCRISTO CESARIO LOZA of Patchakan Village, Corozal District SCHEDULE: All that piece or parcel of land being of parcel 68, situate in Ramona! Zapote North, Corozal District, and containing 25.02 acres and now identified as Parcel No. 68 in the name of Rosendo Pena The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest that may be affected by the registration of JESUCRISTO CESARIO LOZA of Patchakan Village, Corozal District as proprietor with Provisional Title , is hereby requested to show cause within one month from the date thereof, why such owners hip should not be approved.
Continued on Insert 4
INSERT 4 28 Continued from Insert 3
Land Registry Notices
Pursuant to Section 37(3) of the Registered Land Act, Chapter 194, Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given of the loss of the following Land and Lease Certificates: Names
Registration Section, Block & Parcel Nos.
Cer tificate Nos.
Lease Cert. No. 931 l /2004 dtd l / 10/2004
Land Cert. No. 3480/1993 dtd.8/7/ 1993
20-17-63 1-632
Land Cert No.6706/1999 dtd 5/11 / 1999
Land Cert No.LRS - 2020I 0842 dtd8/ l 2 /2020
Land Cert. No.LRS -20201473 2 dtd. I 01 June, 2020
Land Cert No. 2554/1996 dtd 10 /6/ 1996
16-3 1-37 77
Land Cert No.6549/2000 dtd 6ffi 9/2000
I 6-31-3776
Land Cert No.6546/2006 dtd 6/9/2000
Land Cert No. 4754/2007 dtd 24/4/2007
1- 7-16 12
Land Cert No.LRS-20 19126 51 dtd 14 115 /20 19
Land Cert No. 2048/2000 dtd 22/3/2000
Lease Cert No. LRS-200906469dtd 29/7/2009
Land Cert No. LRS-201207667 dtd 3/7/2012
Land Cert No.2555/1995 dtd 6/6/1995
Land Cert No. LRS-201812464 dtd 20/12/2018
Land Cert No.95/2002 dtd 4/l /2002
Land Cert No. 16765 /2006 dtd 19 /12/2006
45-108- 13 39/1
Lea s e Cert No.LRS-20I I 08825 dtd 22/7/2011
It is proposed to cancel the above Land/Lease Certificates after the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the appearance of this notice. Any person in possession of the above-mentioned certificates is required to return it to the Belize Land Registry, Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Belmopan.