The Belize Times Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
7 JULY 2019 | ISSUE NO: 5154 | $1.00
Belize City, July 4, 2019 Party Leader Hon John Briceño has toured villages across the length and breadth of this jewel of ours, meeting with villagers as far south as Oxtacha and Dolores, Pueblo Viejo and Santa Elena and as far north as Consejo Shores,
San Estevan and Xaibe. Everywhere he goes the cry is the same, “We are tired of being ignored and disrespected by this UDP Administration. The cry is even louder from those UDP controlled village councils as their chief complaint is, “We get absolutely
no support from our UDP Standard Bearer or Area Representative.” Look at the facts…it was the People’s United Party that saw the need to move our villages towards autonomy and self-management. The PUP drafted and legislated the Vil-
lage Council Act and in December of 2000 made crucial amendments to the act giving more autonomy to our villages. We in the PUP will be the first to admit that the
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Continued from page 1 Act needed further amendments, needed to be perfected. So here we are in 2019, coming to the villages across Belize who have had their Water Board taken over by rabid, dishonest UDP cronies who have mismanaged the funds and exploited the villagers. We meet villagers who have seen their village lands given away to UDP fanatics who do not even reside in their village. One such case remains before the courts as the people of Cotton Tree in Cayo South did NOT sit by to simply accept the exploitation. They are fighting back! We come to the villages that have no access to adequate healthcare, whose sporting facilities and parks are overgrown and unkempt. We come to the villages that have seen no expansion in their economy but rather the rapid disappearance of their way of life and small family farms. Jobs and educational opportunities are limited or non-existent. It is at this critical time that the PUP, as the next government, come to our villages utilizing the theme, “Respect Wi Village, Restoring Integrity, Autonomy and Service.” It is the Commitment of the Hon John Briceño and the next PUP government to put in place the following plans as it pertains to our villages: • Respect and Support the Autonomy of the Village by putting in place the proper legislation. • Respect the Authority of the Village Leaders more specifically, the Council, the Community Health Workers and Alcaldes where applicable. • Respect the duly elected council by ensuring that the Water Boards and Lots Committee answer to and report to the Council who in turn will answer to and report to the Villagers. • Restore integrity and accountability to the use of community funds especially those funds coming from the Water Board. • Improve access to quality healthcare in the communities by further training and certifying community health workers while increasing their stipends and privileges. • Improve police presence and security in the villages. • Respect the farmers by improving their road access and infrastructure in the village and farm roads. This UDP Government has abused the good will of our villagers. The Prime Minister has gone on record berating us as peasants. It was Rt. Hon. George Price who admonished us to get up and work. Yes PM, we are peasants. This peasant revolution is on the move and will take an active role in ridding Belmopan and this country of yourself and your bank of criminals who have disparaged, raped, plundered and ripped this country blind. In this village council cycle which ends on July 28, the villages across this country will continue to vote for Progress and Development. They will continue to vote for Equal Opportunities. They will continue to vote for Honesty and Real Representation. They will continue to vote overwhelmingly for the PUP as has been the case in the first two weeks of the Village Council Elections. The PEASANT REVOLUTION in a single voice will continue to say, “RESPECT BEGINS NOW.’
United States
on page 31 ExchangeContinued rate (USD): $ 0.50 of One Belize Dollar
Barbados (BBD): $ 0.97
BTL RAUCOUS On Wednesday of this week, exactly one week after the Belize Telemedia Limited’s latest raucous, the People’s United Party called for a press briefing to directly inform the people that there is a call for full transparency of the latest audit/investigation into the General Sales Tax (GST) payments made by BTL. The PUP got hold of documents that in line item detail and scrutinized by a financial expert shows, probably criminal, underreporting of GST payments way back as 2012. Post-exposure of this latest nuclear scandal, there were interviews/ communications that yielded conflicting results with Nestor Vasquez, BTL Chairman, Joe Waight, the Financial Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Evan Brown, the acting-Commissioner of GST Department. BTL owes not a penny; there is a settlement to be arrived at; there is an audit but BTL is in the clear. It all gave new meaning to the word contradictory. Very reliable and truthful is the booming silence from the usually flowery Prime Minister of
Belize. Definitely this is getting to him since it is most likely eviscerating his United Democratic Party with the sharpest of skewers which are looking to destroy this administration ala VAT is Killer!! The Million Dollar CEO at BTL who fully understands the value of perception and marketing to the public made another blunder. The first blunder was the possibly overpriced marketing spending of the people’s money to rebrand. BTL on a whole has been spending millions of G upgrades in likely unstainable levels. Anwar Barrow was at the helm of BTL during most of this spending and, at some point, he, Barrow, must have realized it was all too complex and decided to bring in a foreigner, Rochus Shreiber, to save the day without causing a raucous. The second Shreiber blunder was resigning as admiral just as the titanic news hit the icebergs of Belize’s media. That blunder exposed that something is grossly wrong. The ‘personal reasons’ excuse for resigning convinces no one. It’s out, we want to know the truth. The people of Belize should get the truth. Rochus Schreiber can return to
2019 England but Belizeans still deserve clean communication from Prime Minister Barrow. This BTL GST scandal comes at the heels of the Social Security Board (SSB) raising the contributions of the Belizean workers who are struggling to make ends meet. The SSB UDP-laden Board of Directors is beholden to their Investments Committee lead by Nestor Vasquez. The super conflict of interest is that he, Vasquez, is also chairman of a BTL that has SSB dollars (people’s money) invested in it. The Investment Committee has the Social Partners encrusted in such a way that without their approval no investments can get the Green Light. Why is there a general silence from the Unions and other social Partners? The Business Senator went on record asking for more clarity but this is the time for greater agitation for a wider cross section of civil society. The PUP exposed possible other wrongs even with Business Tax payments from a couple years ago “to the tune of 6.8 million dollars.” Then, it has been sourced that BTL is asking to a waiver of monies owed. All this is a Saga on its own. The peasants would like ALL persons involved in this possible fraud to be treated in the same fashion as anyone else who owes taxes. If all exposed by the leaked BTL GST documents is not so, then let’s get an independent forensic auditor to say so. The Truth Shall Set You Free. In this BTL case, the truth would set Belize free once more from the vindictive Dean Barrow and the United Democratic Party. Arise ye Sons and Daughters.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
Eastern Caribbean Euro (XCD):$ 1.32 (EUR) : $ 0.43
Sterling Pound Guatemala Quetzal CANADIAN DOLLAR CHINESE YUAN (GBP): $ 0.37 (GTQ): $ 3.71 (CNY): $ 3.28 (CAD): $ 0.65
Trinidadian (TTD) : $ 3.26
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t is obvious and frankly not surprising the misinformation, half-truths and omissions this UDP government is willing to spread. What is disappointing, honestly is that they have now enlisted the help of a few of their friends. It is too bad that they did not get the story straight amongst themselves before the hot potato drops. The alarm first sounded by the media that Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL) owed some 29M in General Sales Tax (GST) and with interests and penalties that figure could well be in excess of 50M. The Chairman of BTL assured the public no such debt exists and publicly challenged the media to verify with the Financial Secretary. On his part the Fin Sec may have been caught off guard or may just have been unwilling to participate in the charade any longer. He did not deny the debt, rather he stated that BTL was the subject of an audit by the GST department. The GST Department handed off that hot potato to the Chairman of BTL when it issued its own press release confirming the audit. The audit is now complete and we just can’t wait for the findings to be revealed. So far, we have not heard a peep from our otherwise vociferous PM who also happens to be the Minister of Finance and whose son was CEO of BTL in 2012 when the shenanigans first started. The Chairman of BTL apparently has appealed to the Financial Secretary to waive the 29M GST debt. He insists that BTL does not owe any GST, is it maybe because that debt has been forgiven? Rochus Schreiber in the meantime is heading for the hills. Coincidence, or is it? The new Tax Administration and Procedure Bill 2019 makes Directors and Managers or Representatives of a company liable for unpaid taxes, and maybe Mr. Schreiber doesn’t intend to stick around to become the scape goat for this mess. Another hot potato is the Labour Force Survey by the Statistical Institute of Belize. The SIB reported that residents in urban areas earned a median wage of $1,409.00 and those in rural areas earned a median wage of $1,101.00. That would mean that the average person in the city is making $7.23 an hour and those in the rural areas are making $5.65 an hour. Both of these are well above the minimum wage of $3.30 an hour. It does not seem like those figures reflect the reality of living in Belize. In 2014, the Inter-American Development Bank published a paper entitled Improving the Quality of Statistics in Belize. In this paper it outlines the several weaknesses of SIB most critically in “two aspects methodology and the source of data used for producing statistics.” The paper also notes that “Belize resembles a data demand–constrained country, which is a country where statistics are not used for decision-making because policymakers lack the incentives and/ or the capacity to use them. However, due to the fact that there is an acute lack of both data and reliable data sources Belize can also be considered a data supply constrained country.” The lesson to be learnt here then is that before we jump for joy that unemployment is down, let us first consider the source of the information. Is that source credible, reliable and untainted by political agendas? Next, we should make sure it has some semblance with the reality on the streets and that in relation to other indicators it actually makes sense. How is it that our unemployment is the “lowest ever recorded” but our indices for poverty and absolute poverty remain high? This UDP crowd has been known to manipulate figures and words, they are good at that. Remember the good old days at City Council where Moya coined her famous “under depositing” catch phrase? It is the same they intend to do with the GST and BTL. It is the same thing they are doing to these economic indicators. Belizeans will not fall for the cooked books or the halfbaked statistics!
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en Español
s obvio y francamente no sorprende la desinformación, medias verdades y omisiones que este gobierno UDP está dispuesto a difundir. Lo que es decepcionante, honestamente, es que ahora han solicitado la ayuda de algunos de sus amigos. Que mal que no hayan aclarado la historia entre ellos antes de la caída de la patata caliente. La alarma sonó por primera vez por parte de los medios de comunicación de que Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL, en inglés)) debía unos 29 millones en el impuesto general sobre las ventas (GST, en inglés)) y con intereses y sanciones que la cifra bien podría ser superior a 50m. El Presidente de BTL aseguró al público que no existe tal deuda y desafió públicamente a los medios de comunicación a verificar con el Secretario Financiero (Fin Sec, en inglés). Por su parte, el Fin Sec pudo haber sido tomado un poco por sorpresa o simplemente no estaba dispuesto a participar en la farsa por más tiempo. No negó la deuda, sino que declaró que BTL era objeto de una auditoría por parte del departamento del GST. El Departamento del GST entregó esa patata caliente al presidente de la BTL cuando emitió su propio comunicado de prensa confirmando la auditoría. La auditoría está ya completa y estamos ansiosos a que se revelen los resultados. Hasta ahora no hemos escuchado ni pio de nuestro primer ministro quien, por lo demás vociferante, también resulta ser el Ministro de Finanzas cuyo hijo fue jefe ejecutivo (CEO, en inglés) de BTL en 2012 cuando comenzaron las travesuras. Al parecer, el presidente de BTL le ha solicitado al Secretario Financiero que exonere la deuda de 29M a GST. Insiste en que BTL no debe ningún GST, ¿es quizás porque esa deuda ha sido perdonada? Rochus Schreiber mientras tanto se da a la fuga apresuradamente. Coincidencia, ¿será? El nuevo Proyecto de Ley de Administración y Procedimiento Tributario de 2019 hace que los directores y Gerentes o Representantes de una empresa sean responsables de impuestos no pagados, y tal vez el Sr. Schreiber no tiene la intención de quedarse para convertirse en el chivo expiatorio de este desorden. Otra patata caliente es la Encuesta de la Fuerza Laboral del Instituto de Estadística de Belice (SIB, en inglés). El SIB informó que los residentes en las áreas urbanas ganaron un salario promedio de $1,409.00 y los de las zonas rurales ganaron un salario medio de $1,101.00. Eso significaría que la persona promedio en la ciudad está ganando $7.23 la hora y los de las áreas rurales están ganando $5.65 la hora. Ambos están muy por encima del salario mínimo de $3.30 la hora. No parece que esas figuras reflejen la realidad de vivir en Belice. En 2014, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo publicó un artículo titulado Mejorando la calidad de las estadísticas en Belice. En este documento se describen las diversas debilidades de SIB más críticamente en “la metodología de dos aspectos y la fuente de datos utilizados para la producción de estadísticas”. El documento también señala que “Belice se asemeja a un país con restricciones de demanda de datos que es un país donde las estadísticas no se utilizan para tomar decisiones porque los encargados de formular políticas carecen de los incentivos y/o la capacidad de utilizarlos. Sin embargo, debido al hecho de que hay una falta aguda de datos y fuentes de datos confiables, Belice también puede considerarse un país limitado por el suministro de datos.” La lección que hay que aprender aquí es que antes de saltar de alegría que el desempleo ha bajado, consideremos primero la fuente de la información. ¿Esa fuente es creíble, fiable y libre de manchas de las agendas políticas? A continuación, debemos asegurarnos de que tenga cierta semblanza con la realidad en las calles y que en relación con otros indicadores realmente tiene sentido. ¿Cómo es que nuestro desempleo es el “más bajo jamás registrado”, pero nuestros índices de pobreza y pobreza absoluta siguen siendo altos? Es sabido que este clan UDP manipula números y palabras, y son buenos para eso. ¿Recuerdas los buenos viejos tiempos en el Ayuntamiento donde Moya acuñó su frase famosa y pegajosa “depósito con faltante”? Es lo mismo que pretenden hacer con el GST y el BTL. Es lo mismo que están haciendo con estos indicadores económicos. ¡Los beliceños no serán engañados con cuentas falsificadas ni por las estadísticas de chapuza!
QUESTIONS TO THE MINISTERS 1. Will the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance please inform the Belizean people if he was aware of the Sanctuary Bay Scam from as early as 2014 and if so what measures did he take to ensure that the matter did not hurt Belize’s reputation internationally? 2. Will the Prime Minster please say if he was aware that the former Governor of the Central Bank (CB) Mr. Glen Yasguirre had made the then head of the FIU and now Central Bank Governor Joy Grant aware that the matter of Sanctuary Bay was one that could turn out to be a fraud? And will the Prime Minister say if this matter was brought to his attention by either the former CB Governor or the Current one? 3. Will the Minister of Health please confirm if he did ask that his CEO Figueroa be removed and be replaced by Dr. George Gough, the brother of Atlantic Bank leading lady Sandra Bedran? 4. Will the Minister of Health please inform Belizeans if the hiring of George Gough as the CEO in the Ministry of Health (the regulatory body for health in the country) would not present a conflict of interest since George Gough is part-owner of a private healthcare facility? 5. Will the Minister of Education please inform the parents of Belizeans if he intends to cut government’s allocations to religious educational institutions like St, John’s College, and St. Catherine Academy, Muffles College, Bishop Martin High School, Pallotti High School and others by 8 million dollars?
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HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between TOMASA RENEAU and ANNA MARIE RENEAU of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 743.310 square metres being Parcel 438, Block 4 in the Orange Walk Town Registration Section situate at No. 32 San Pedro Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of TOMASA RENEAU and ANNA MARIE RENEAU (Jointly). DATED this 14th day of June 2019 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:
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Thursday, July 4, 2019 As we go to press, Police are scrambling to investigate the double murder of the Felix brothers, Maurice and Emory, which occurred on the North side of Belize City Wednesday night. Without any fear or hesitation, a gunman walked into a well-lit bar where the brothers were hanging out and gunned down both of them. At the same time, Police have to figure out who murdered Jermaine Balthazar. His body was found dumped like garbage on the Frank’s Eddy road in the Cayo District this morning. And then there’s the shooting of Ozen Rhaburn this morning in Hattieville. The Belize Times understands he may have been shot as many as eight times. And, for good measure, a shooting in Santa Elena last night. Of course, there are the murders of the five Belize City men near Swallow Caye, the Errol Crowne murder, a shooting in Santa Elena, and of course the murders of the tour guide and the tourist just off San Pedro on Ambergris Caye. Of all these murders, the only one that got the attention of the Prime Minister, at least to some extent, was the murder of tourist and American national Gary Paul Swank. That brought the PM out of what had all appearances of being an early retirement. It seems that the Government had only just realized that there is crime in Belize, and that there is a need for more resources for the Police, and that San Pedro has a drug problem with the potential to destroy tourism. Even the Minister of National Security, Hon. John Saldivar, was forced to cut short an all-expenses paid junket to Taiwan and return to the country, where he reportedly held emergency meetings with Commissioner of Police Chester Williams and CEO George Lovell. All because one tourist was killed. It wasn’t because there have been at least 15 murders of Belizeans in the past two weeks. It was because one out of the fifteen was an American tourist. This week PUP leader Hon. John Briceño condemned the UDP for its last-minute response to a problem which has been evident in Belize for many months. Every single year, under this UDP administration, at least 140 Belizeans have been violently killed – men, women and children – and the Barrow administration has done absolutely nothing. On many different occasions the PUP has called the attention of the Government to the serious lack of resources of the Belize Police Department, to no avail. The PUP has pointed to the dismal conviction rate in the country, reported to be in the vicinity of 3%. Nobody in Cabinet has listened. The PUP has pointed to the crisis in the judiciary, where persons accused of committing crimes are behind bars for years before they go to Court, and most times they walk out of Court free for some reason – either a technicality or the prosecution falls down or the witnesses forget or disappear. Every area of the judicial system is a joke, and the criminals know it and take advantage of it. The country is in crisis, and this government will not listen. And until they listen, the blood of Belizeans will continue to be shed daily. Now, it seems, our criminals are not content to kill one at a time. So they kill three at a time. Five at a time. Two at a time. Nothing will change until this government’s leaders take their heads out of the sand and find the will to fight crime. Sadly, it took the death of a tourist to wake up the comatose PM. But for every tourist that dies, there are a hundred Belizeans bleeding in the streets. Mr. Barrow needs to understand that Belizeans lives matter.
VIBES RADIO 102.9 Punta Gorda
THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 CLOFECHI LIMITED (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 581574 ________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT ________________________________________________________
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Shelby du Pasquier with address at c/o Lenz & Staehelin, 30, route de Chêne, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated 19th June, 2019 and the resolution of the member of the Company dated 19th June, 2019. Dated on this 19th day of June 2019. (signed) Mr. Shelby du Pasquier Liquidator
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BELLY of the
Bloodshed Belize is totally out of control. People are dropping like flies. It’s ridiculous. There is no respect for the Police, no fear of the Police, no regard for the law and absolutely no concern about being convicted. When criminals and cold-blooded killers know that the justice system is a joke, then it is past time for law-abiding citizens to be afraid, very afraid. Our murderers know that they may be picked up by Police, just maybe, and they know that they will go to Court. But they also know that the chances are excellent that they will walk down the steps of Court free. Our law-makers in Cabinet, those uncaring fools, and a Police Department which is in shambles, along with a prosecution system which is a joke and a judiciary which just can’t deal, create the perfect scenario for criminals. If by some twist of fate things fall into place and the murderer gets to the stage where conviction becomes a possibility, well not a problem for the witnesses to disappear. This is no joke. Get up and boast about the murder rate again, bozos. Barrow Telemedia Limited Heads should roll over the BTL/GST fiasco. What is happening right now is the epitome of the old adage – “oh what a twisted web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” But let’s break it down. BTL supposedly owes $29M in GST, accumulated between 2012 and 2017. This isn’t complicated at all. Who was CEO during that time, the tech-savvy genius making the decisions and making millions? That’s right, you guessed it. It was the First Son, Anwar Barrow. Here’s another question? Who is the man in charge of the GST Department, and in charge of the Ministry of Finance? Well it was the First Son’s First Father, Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Forget about shadow players like Net and Joe. They just follow instructions. When it comes down to it, this is all about Dean Barrow and his son, Anwar. That’s why nobody can get the story straight right now. Net says BTL doesn’t owe a dollar. Joe says BTL owes, but he doesn’t know how much. The GST Department, dancing to the piper’s tune, issues a totally ridiculous release saying that BTL is fully compliant, but an audit is underway to find out if BTL has been complaint. Bunch of UDP lickeys. Everybody and their granny knows it’s true. BTL owes big. Let’s see them sweep this one under the rug. Rochus Rockets And just like that, the man who has been at the helm of BTL for the past months, the man who said he would lead BTL through the next telecommunications revolution (whatever that means) decided that he just can’t deal anymore. Rochus has left the building, folks. He wants nothing more to do with what’s happening at BTL. The truth is that this bunch of clowns can spin it how they want. But the timing of this isn’t coincidental. Bam – news breaks that BTL owes GST $29M. Two days after, Rochus says he’s gotta go. He knows what’s going to happen when the truth comes out. He knows that BTL could very well collapse when light is shone on the company’s dealings and figures. And he decided that he’s going to get out while the going is good. Just keep watching, folks. This is Belize’s own soap opera about to get underway here. Dr. Malpractice is CEO? Excuse us for asking, but isn’t the new CEO in the Ministry of Health the same guy who was found guilty of medical malpractice just the other day? The guy who ran on the UDP ticket in Fort George and was beaten like an old, tired drum? We believe it is. But we’ll get to George Gough in due time. The real story in the Ministry of Health is why CEO Ramon Figueroa isn’t there anymore. What is happening in the Ministry of Health? We hear that staffers are up in arms right now and there’s a dart board with Pablo’s head on it in the lunchroom. Just saying. Figueroa knows where the skeletons are buried. And we have this feeling that there’ll be some digging going on. Pedro y Pablo Why is Peter Allen still very much a big player in the Ministry of Health? A whole bunch of little birds in the Ministry have reached out to the Belize Times to point out that Pablo and the First Lady of Health, Danini, who is the daughter of Pablo’s father-in-law and Cabinet colleague Erwin Contreras, has been running the Ministry of Health like their own personal kingdom. They have been able to do this, sources say, with the assistance of former Health CEO and current Public Service CEO Peter Allen, who maintains very close ties to Pablo. Even now, these birds tell us, the Public Service CEO is pushing for the hiring of two Drug Inspectors who have been specially selected by Pablo and Danini. These proposed drug inspectors don’t have the qualifications, and the Ministry of Health is pointing out that there are other qualified staffers in line for the positions. But CEO Allen isn’t having it. Why is it so important that these two drug inspectors be appointed? Makes us wonder about those reports that Pedro y Pablo are involved in a pharmaceutical company. But more on that next week.
NOTICE BY THE COROZAL TOWN COUNCIL “For the purpose of providing such funds for the carrying out its lawful function and duties”, The Corozal Town Council in exercise of its powers under the Town Councils Act Chapter 87 and the Towns Property Evaluation Act Chapter 65 of the Substantive Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2011 wishes to advise the general public of the following: All those Persons who own property or are in possession of property within the jurisdiction of Corozal Town who are in arrears of property tax with the council, are hereby given notice that WITH EFFECT FROM THE 1ST SEPTEMBER, 2019 the Council will proceed to PUBLISH THEIR NAMES AND ARREARS IN ALL MEDIA OUTLETS. If you owe property tax to the council PLEASE VISIT OUR OFFICES TO CLEAR YOUR ARREARS OR TO MAKE SUITABLE PAYMENT ARRAGEMENTS WITH THE COUNCIL IN ORDER TO AVOID YOUR NAME BEING PUBLISHED.
ANCHOR IN SUCCESS Vacancies exist for the following permanent posts at San Pedro High School for the academic school year 2019-2020: • • • • • • •
English Language Belizean Studies/Social Studies Mathematics Religious Studies Physics Information Technology Business Studies
Applicants must have a first degree in the subject area to be taught. Teaching experience in the position applying for will be an asset. Applicants must also have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and be willing to work with students. Applications should be submitted in writing along with a resume, copies of certificates, transcript, letters of recommendation and teacher’s license (must). Salary will be in accordance with Government’s pay scale, which is based on qualifications. Applications must be addressed to: Principal P.O. Box 23 San Pedro High School San Pedro Town A.C. Deadline for Applications: July 15, 2019.
8 08 8 Mental Health Association Cnr Tibruce and Vernon Street Belize City Tel: 202-2511
THE BELIZE TIMES Mental Health Association
Using mental illness as an insult Using mental illness as an insult Advocacy to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness is central to the work of the Advocacy to (MHA). reduceInsults stigma discrimination with menMental Health Association aboutand the mental health status ofassociated another person are never appropriate. The is MHA is concerned thatwork such words wereMental used by the Prime Minister in the House of tal illness central to the of the Health Association (MHA). Representatives on June 21, 2019 and takes this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of Insults mental health anotherinperson never approrespecting theabout dignity the of those living with mentalstatus illness. of Carelessness this regardare increases stigma and priate. The toMHA is concerned that such words were used by the Prime is also very hurtful those who actually have such a diagnosis and to their family members.
Minister in the House of Representatives on June 21, 2019 and takes this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of respecting the dignity of those living with mental illness. Carelessness in this regard NTC: Underneath is the BT ARTICLE increases stigma and is also very hurtful to those who actually have such TOaBE TAGGED and AT FRONT PAGE diagnosis to their family members. Caption for Front: Barrow Insults, Vexes and Disappoints
(Inside Essay Title) Barrow insults Hard Workers, vexes the MHA, and Disappoints the Belizean People
BARROW INSULTS HARD WORKERS, This June 21 Summer Solstice House meeting featured the Prime Minister at the best of his worst. His 11-year reign taught him less thanAND nothing of what it means to govern Belize. He VEXES THE MHA, DISAPPOINTS learns too well. He learned how to be in Opposition and never looked back. Dean Barrow became the Prime Opponent of the development of Belize as a haven of democracy. His THE BELIZEAN PEOPLE derogative name-calling of another member of the House a “peasant” sent out all the obscene
connotations. By extension, PM Barrow insulted all hardworking Belizeans. This 21meeting, Summer Solstice House meeting Prime At June the same PM transitioned from Lame Duck tofeatured Deplorablethe Quack as he Minister viciously misdiagnosed the same member as Bipolar Schizophrenic. belittling of Mental at the best of his worst. His 11-year reign and taught him lessThe than nothing of what was to notgovern taken well by the public; and, definitely not He taken lightly byhow the Mental itillness means Belize. He learns too well. learned to beHealth in OpposiAssociation. PM Barrow did everything to dishonour the post bestowed on him by the disastrous tion and never looked back. Dean Barrow became the Prime Opponent of the UDP win of February 2008. He was definitely not Prime Ministerial. development astoaflee haven of democracy. His derogative name-calling It is time of for Belize the despot the governing of our country.
of another member of the House a “peasant” sent out all the obscene connotations. By extension, PM Barrow insulted all hardworking Belizeans. At the same meeting, PM transitioned from Lame Duck to Deplorable Quack as he viciously misdiagnosed the same member as Bipolar and Schizophrenic. The belittling of Mental illness was not taken well by the public; and, definitely not taken lightly by the Mental Health Association. PM Barrow did everything to dishonour the post bestowed on him by the disastrous UDP win of February 2008. He was definitely not Prime Ministerial. It is time for the despot to flee the governing of our country.
NOTICE REYDEL HOLDINGS LTD. IBC #25,161 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that REYDEL HOLDINGS LTD.: a) Is in dissolution b) Commenced dissolution on the 27th day of June 2019; and c) Margaryta Tovstolyak of Valletta Malta, is the Liquidator of the Company. CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
Vacancy for a Chief Operating Officer We are looking for a highly experienced Chief Operating Officer to deliver a step change in results at the Port of Belize. The ideal candidate should be well versed in the drivers of improvement in both the operations and engineering areas. Responsibilities: The COO shall ensure effective and profitable operation of the business, providing maximum profit and return on invested capital, formulation and execution of current and long-term objectives, development and implementation of the terminal’s operating plans and policies. The COO shall lead the Operations and Maintenance functions of the terminal ensuring and maintaining safe and environmentally friendly working conditions while establishing a cost-efficient operation with high productivity.
• • • • • • •
Drive, develop and deploy best practices within operations, engineering, maintenance and safety management for continuous improvement in productivity and cost management. Develop and implement strategic initiatives to improve existing methodologies, processes and measurements to ensure positive development in overall operational performance. Implement agreed operating and financial targets and monitor performance for the business with respect to revenue, cost and profit. Deliver a level of service to customers that is equal to best international standards. Enforce safe working practices and work towards a “zero” target for lost time injuries. Liaise closely with relevant members of government, shipping companies, port authorities, regulatory bodies, customs agents, trucking companies and other statutory authorities to ensure that their operational requirements are met. Responsible for setting and achieving the budget for the reporting functions. Report directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
Qualifications: Minimum 15 years in Port Operations. Minimum 3 years of COO or CEO experience in port companies. Must have worked in at least 3 ports outside of Belize with volumes of at least 200k TEU in each. Must have Lean Six Sigma experience. Deadline date for submission of applications is July 12, 2019. Send applications to: Chief Executive Officer Port of Belize Ltd. P.O. Box 2674 Caesar Ridge Road Belize City, Belize
In Loving Memory of my adorable son
KAREEM JABBOR CLARKE Sunrise: November 21, 1987 Sunset: July 6th, 2015
They say it’s a beautiful journey from the old to the new; someday we will make that journey which will lead us straight to you and when we reach that garden where there is no pain, we will put our arms around you and never part again. It has been 4 sad years since you departed my loving angel. You are missed by mother: Julia Clarke, 2 sisters, brother, extended family and friends. Sleep on Papa!!! Gone but not forgotten!!
VOTE PUP 7 Melinda Ingram
Tracey Anderson
Mitchelle Somerville
Cindy Millian
Chad Hererra Dennis Peters
Ixza Pelayo
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTY Georgeville Limestone Quarry, Mountain Pine Ridge Road, Cayo District BY ORDER of the Receiver, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following property in front The Belize Bank Limited, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at 2:30 pm:
44.107 acres Mountain Pine Ridge Road, South of Georgeville Village, Cayo District:
Dear Editor,
The reason I am submitting this letter here because the newspaper that I have supported for years has refused to publish my letter. I have voted for the United Democratic Party ever since the age of 18 which was a little over 10 years ago. In the last general election I voted for the second time for the UDP because I was hopeful and was sold to the dream of “The Best Is Yet To Come.� I am very saddened and dishearten to see what has become of my beautiful country. The best indeed came, but what I have observed is that it came only for the UDP Reps. I sincerely voted for UDP friends. Every day I observe regular Belizeans struggling day by day working for that paycheck that never raise. You can see desperation and hopelessness written all over their faces. Every single time they collect their pay checks there comes the tax collector whispering more money is need for a bill or the price of some necessary item on the shelf has gone up. There is absolutely no end to the horrors of living in this country. Come next election I firmly believe I will switch my vote to PUP and give this new group under the leadership of John Briceno a chance. Watching and listening to him and other members of the party speak, I feel they offer a better chance of hope than a third term of this evil UDP administration. Thank you Lisa U. Good
671-8385 or
EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@
To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate South of Georgeville Village, Cayo District containing 44.107 acres bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 42 of 2003 helb by Minister's Fiat Grant No. 42 of 2003 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 44.107 acres of land situate beside the Mountain Pine Ridge Road, South of Georgeville Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Messrs. Caribbean Investors Limited).
TERMS: STRICTLY TERMS: STRICTLY CASH: CASH Kevin A. KEVIN A.Castillo CASTILLO Telephone: 223-4488 CHRISTIANA R. CASTILLO Email: Facebook: Belize Auctions TELEPHONE: 223 4488 Email:
Face Book: Belize Auctions
Marlita Jacobs) 9. Parcel No. 24 San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District:
PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk & Corozal Districts San Jose Palmar 4 24 BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo & (Being a two concrete buildings: Building No. 1 [24 ft. X 38 ft.] 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo & Christiana R. Castillo will sell the following properties Christiana R. Castillo will sell the following properties at Unit No. 4 Corner Belize/Corozal and San Antonio living/dining/kitchen; Building No. 2 L-Shaped [8 ft. X 11 ft.] + [17 ft. X 18 ft.] 2 bedrooms + living/kitchen and Roads,No. (First4Traffic Light)Belize/Corozal Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk Antonio District on Monday 8th July 2019Traffic at 10:30 Light) Orangelot Unit Corner and San Roads, (First Walk Town, Walk District on Monday 8th Village, July 2019 10:30 am: containing 0.363Orange acre or 1,756.92 square yards situate in San Jose Palmar Orangeat Walk District, the am: freehold property of Mr. Edgar Salas.) 1. Parcel No. 964 Punta Gorda Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District: 10. Parcel No. 1189 in an Alley off San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
Orange Walk & Corozal Districts
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 964 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [30 ft. X 44 ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen and lot [779.65 square meters or 932.46 square yards] situate on Punta Gorda Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Mario Leiva Jr.) 2. Parcels Nos. 1141 & 1143 Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Trinidad Village 4 283/1 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house 24 ft. X 30 ft. containing 2 bedrooms +1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + wrapped around verandah 8 ft. X 24 ft - south side + 8 ft. X 28 ft. west side and corner lot [943.200 S.M or 1,128.07 S.Y.] situate on the corner of the Trinidad Village - Orange Walk Town Road and a Street in Trinidad Village, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Mr. Luis A. Cowo) 3. Parcel No. 120 off the Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 120/1 (Being a two storey concrete residential complex and lot situate beside the Phillip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, the leasehold property of Mr. Luis Romeo Urbina) 4. Parcel No. 1080 Pucte Villas Subdivsion, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 1189 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [24 ft. X 26 ft. + bathroom addition 8 ft. X 8 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry/open ended shed 8 ft. X 16 ft. + block wall storeroom 5 ft. X 8 ft. and lot [371.988 S.M. or 444.90 S.Y.] situate in an Alley of San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Gilbert Bernard Jr.). 11. Parcel No. 1264 corner Tate & Lyle Streets, Otro Benque, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 1264 (Being a Concrete Bungalow Dwelling House [25 ft. X 30 ft. + 17 ft. X 28 ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen; Office Building [12 ft. X 30 ft.] containing manager's office + secretaries office + reception area; Store Room [7 ft. X 20 ft.] and lot [302.89 square meters (362.26 square yards)] situate at corner Tate & Lyle Streets, Otro Benque, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. David Enrique Navarette) 12. Parcel No. 2770 Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ann Gabourel 4 2770 (Being an elevated metal sided building [14 ft. X 21 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + kitchen/living + bathroom and lot [583.773 S.M. or 698.19 S.Y.] situate on Snapper Street, Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. David Enrique Navarette) 13. Parcels Nos. 262 & 265 Ramonal Zapote, S.E. Registration Section, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ann Gabourel 4 1080 (Being a vacant lot [557.35 S.M.] situate in Pucte Villas Subdivision, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Marlo Perrera) 5. Parcel No. 16/1 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 120/1 (Being a two storey concrete residential complex and lot situate beside the Phillip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk Town, the leasehold property of Mr. Luis Romeo Urbina) 4. Parcel No. 4566 Riverside Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 4566 (Being a two (2) two storey buildings and a packing shed: Building #1 - 2 storey dwelling house on the western side of the lot (facing Riverside Street) [22 ft. X 30 ft. + addition south end 7 ft. X 22 ft + 4 ft. X 8 ft. joining verandah 4 ft. X 20 ft. accommodating Ground Floor: living/dining/kitchen + bathroom + laundry; First Floor: 3 bedrooms + walk in closet + 1 bedroom + living room + front double porch; Building #2 - two storey concrete building on the southeastern side of lot; Ground floor divided into 3 sections; Front 11 ft. X 33 ft. storeroom + Middle section 20 ft. X 20 ft. + bathroom 5 ft. X 8 ft. dwelling unit + Third Section (northern end) 12 ft. X 20 ft. storeroom; First Floor incomplete; Packing Shed - industrial shed 25 ft. X 39 ft. (2 sides masonry blocks 2 sides open ended + concrete water cistern 8 ft. X 8 ft. X 10 ft. and lot [1,973.08 Sq. Meters ((2,359.08 S. Y.)] situate on River Side Street and Sutherland's Alley, Orange Walk Town, the freehold property of Mr. Fenton Oscar Sutherland and Ms. Noeli Nirva Sutherland). 5. Parcel No. 284 between Libertad and Caledonia Villages, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Estevan 4 16/1 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [25 ft. X 34 ft.] + Building B measuring [13 ft. X 19 ft.] and lot [1,039 S.M. or 1,242.64 S.Y.] situate in the Village of San Estevan, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Ms. Irma Olivera) 6. Parcel No. 206/1 Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Ramonal Zapote/S.E. 1 262 & 265 (Being SUGAR CANE LANDS: Parcel 262- 10.00 acres; Parcel 265 - 10.00 acres both parcels old sugar cane fields situate approx. 1.6 kilometers west of the Buena Vista-Libertad Road and 1.8 kilometers east of the Phillip Goldson Highway, Corozal District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Chico's Co. Ltd.) 14. Parcels Nos. 306 & 308 Libertad Rural Registration Section, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION Libertad Rural REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Carmelita 1 206/1 (Being an incomplete building and lot [1,042.6 S.M. or 1,246.95 S.Y.] situated in Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District, leasehold property of Mr. Zayne Palacio) 7. Parcel No. 1290 San Felipe Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ann Gabourel 4 1290 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [34 ft. X 36 ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + front, side & back porches and lot [447.22 sq. yds.] situate on San Felipe Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Ms. Lilia Constantino)
8. Parcel No. 3245 off May Plum Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 3245 (Being an elevated metal/timber dwelling house (16 ft. X 20 ft.) and lot [555.50] square yards situate off May Plum Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Mr. Joseph Jacobs and Ms. Marlita Jacobs) 9. Parcel No. 24 San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 24 (Being a two concrete buildings: Building No. 1 [24 ft. X 38 ft.] 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen; Building No. 2 L-Shaped [8 ft. X 11 ft.] + [17 ft. X 18 ft.] 2 bedrooms + living/kitchen and lot containing 0.363 acre or 1,756.92 square yards situate in San Jose Palmar Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Edgar Salas.) 10. Parcel No. 1189 in an Alley off San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District:
PARCELS 306 & 308
(Being SUGAR CANE LANDS: Parcel 306 - 39.983 acres (approx. 8 acres presently with good cane); Parcel 308 - 31.166 acres (approx. 6.5 acres with newly planted cane) [remaining portions both parcels old ratoon sugar cane]. A section of the frontage of Parcel No. 308 has direct access to the Libertad - Buena Vista Road a main thoroughfare between the villages of Buena Vista, Caledonia and Libertad. Parcel No. 306 is along secondary farm road both parcels approx. 6.5 kilometers south of the old Libertad factory, the freehold properties of Messrs. Chico's Co. Ltd.) 15. Parcel No. 244 Caledonia Village, Corozal District:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Caledonia Village 1 244 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [30 ft. X 59 ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + small Store Room + Laundry Shed 15 ft. X 15 ft. and lot [1,378.19 square meters or 1,648.31 square yards] situate in Caledonia Village, Corozal District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Chico's Co. Ltd.) 16. Parcel No. 613 San Narciso Village, Corozal District:
Being Parcel No. 613/1 containing 832.26 square meters (995.38 square yards) as shown on the land register of Parcel No. 613/1 and the Registry Index Map (RIM) of the San Narciso Registration Section, lodged at the office of the Registrar of Lands in Belmopan. (Being a timber dwelling house [22 ft. X 35 ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch [10ft. X 11ft.] and lot [832.26 S.M. or 995.38 S.Y.] situate in San Narciso Village, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mr. Eleazar Coc) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - (foreclosure ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - listing) TERMS: STRICTLY CASHlisting) (foreclosure KEVIN A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLY CASH CHRISTIANA R. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 KEVIN A. CASTILLO E-mail: CHRISTIANA R. CASTILLO Face Book: Belize Auctions TELEPHONE: 223 4488
Email: Face Book: Belize Auctions
SANCTUARY BAY SAGA: AIBL APPEAL As we wait for the management plans, let us move laterally to an Appeal Case brought by the defendant Atlantic International Belize Limited (AIBL) earlier this year and ended a couple weeks ago in June. Going back to last year November 2018, AIBL had alleged innocence in any Real Estate Fraud. The disgraceful record of being involved in the largest International Real Estate scam in US history isn’t an appealing tag. In the USA this is usually deemed a White Collar Crime. The persons involved are usually the Chief Executive Officers, Finance Officers, Brokers, Bankers, Lawyers, Clerks and other non-manual labour. The Sanctuary Bay Enterprises (SBE) Scam is so unreal for Belizeans because of the international flavour and how deeply it went. Usually the land it simply just taken, sold for a few thousand, resold secretly and then government compensates someone, maybe $400,000, because they need to acquire it for public purpose. The illegality and complexity of the SBE procedures are nonetheless real and they hurt people in this case American retirees thinking of heading to the jewel. Ahead is an appeal case, which threads a little deeper into this Saga. Some of the details are not new but it is nevertheless part and parcel of, as said before, of a political game when the Prime Minister of Belize, in the wilderness of pre-referendum scurrying, stealthily stated that “The question is how to reconcile the FTC’s interest, as they put it, victim compensation and our interests which also has to be in their interest as well.”(May 6 days before the ICJ referendum) This is still a live issue. USCA4 Appeal: 19-1925 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL BANK, LTD., Defendant-Appellant. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QUESTION PRESENTED Whether the district court correctly asserted personal jurisdiction over appellant Atlantic International Bank, Ltd. STATEMENT OF THE CASE (excerpts) Atlantic International Bank, the appellant in this case, played a key role in assisting the Sanctuary Belize scam. Although it is chartered under Belizean law, Atlantic (AIBL) has no Belizean depositors or borrowers—by law it may transact business only with people who do not live in Belize. • For years, Atlantic helped Sanctuary Belize sell its worthless plots, in return gaining access to the only customers it was legally entitled to serve. • Sanctuary Belize lured consumers to buy properties in its phantom resort community through a multi-step process; Atlantic (AIBL) was there the whole time. • Atlantic (AIBL) was a key part of the Sanctuary Belize sales pitch. Consumers are unlikely to buy bare land without believing that they can build on it. By partnering with Atlantic, Sanctuary Belize convinced consumers that they would be able to obtain construction financing, which was often essential to closing sales. • Partnering with a local bank also served to make Sanctuary Belize appear more legitimate to consumers; Sanctuary Belize therefore included Atlantic in its marketing materials and its telemarketers touted Atlantic in their calls. (all AIBL)To draw them in, Atlantic (AIBL) developed a “special package” for Sanctuary Belize customers, giving them higher interest rates on deposits and offering construction loans with lower interest rates and more favourable loan terms. • The latter offer, however, was largely illusory—Atlantic financed very few loans for construction in the doomed development. App. 2382. Nevertheless, it encouraged Sanctuary Belize customers to open multiple accounts, obtain credit cards, and even move their retirement accounts to the bank. To help Sanctuary Belize make property sales and sell the bank’s services, a team of Atlantic employees, including its CEO Ricardo Pelayo, traveled to California to personally train Sanctuary Belize’s telemarketers. App. 257; 300-363; 2383. • Atlantic explained to the telemarketers: we really wanted to sit with you guys because we know that you do webinars with your clients before they come down to Belize, and we wanted to see if we could emphasize to them exactly what we are explaining to you so that when they come to Belize, they are really prepared for what is going to be coming on the banking side. • Unknown to consumers, Sanctuary Belize often seeded tour groups with plants who were paid to attend and express enthusiasm about the project. • Consumers who asked sceptical questions, meanwhile, were discretely removed from the group. App. 88. Sanctuary Belize customers reported that almost everyone who attended the tours ultimately purchased from Sanctuary Belize—and many of them also opened accounts with Atlantic. (AIBL) • The relationship was productive for Atlantic, which saw its deposits grow by more than 15% in a single year and opened accounts for more than 100 Sanctuary Belize customers. • In a whitepaper to the Belizean government,Atlantic’s CEO gushed:“Without a doubt, the success of Sanctuary Belize has contributed to our growth and raised the profile of our bank.” • Atlantic’s services were vital to Sanctuary Belize because, as one of the heads of the scam put it, Atlantic was “the single bank that is willing to house our money.” App. 849. Through its correspondent banking relationships with U.S. banks, Atlantic facilitated more than 100 transfers for Sanctuary Belize, moving millions of dollars between the US and Belize. App. 260; 1046-1047;
Further, many of the Sanctuary Belize defendants maintained personal accounts and conducted Sanctuary Belize-related business with the bank. App. 259, 1047-1048. At the same time, Atlantic (AIBL) understood that those promises were false. Atlantic personnel began attending Sanctuary Belize property tours by 2012 and over the next several years gave 126 sales presentations to potential Sanctuary Belize customers. Sanctuary Belize customers were important enough to Atlantic that once their deposits exceeded $1 million in the aggregate, Atlantic gave them a higher deposit interest rate and also extended that rate to new Sanctu-
ary Belize customers. And by helping Sanctuary Belize close property sales in Belize, it assisted with the illegal object of the scheme. CONCLUSION •
The judgment of the district court should be affirmed.
Next Week: OWNERS’ PROPOSAL FOR FUTURE OPERATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT AT THE RESERVE The Reserved (Sanctuary Bay) Management plans suggestions: Scheduled to be in Maryland court July 9th at 1:00pm///
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Central Bank of Belize Information on Automated Payments and Securities Settlement System Transaction Fees Belize City, 03 July 2019: On 7 June 2019, the Central Bank of Belize announced publicly, the introduction of fees to banks on transactions processed through Automated Payments and Securities Settlement System (APSSS). These fees were effective 1 July 2019. The Central Bank launched APSSS in October 2016. This modern payment system infrastructure connects financial institutions in a local network, which enables these institutions to make electronic payments quickly, safely, and securely anywhere in Belize. This transformational project provides the backbone for financial institutions to offer more efficient payment services as well as new and innovative payment options and services. The Central Bank bore the capital and implementation costs associated with this system. In July 2017, the Central Bank advised financial institutions, the media, and the other stakeholders that it opted for a subsidized pricing strategy that would seek to recover the ongoing operating and maintenance costs only. The main objective of the strategy was that the fees would not be prohibitive and would provide incentives for the use of the more efficient electronic payment instruments. The Central Bank then imposed a pricing moratorium with the specific condition that banks would not add additional charges to their customers for transactions while it conducted a pricing study. The study evaluated transaction values and volumes in APSSS to establish trends, along with strategies of other central banks. The study results informed the new pricing structure that the Central Bank is using to charge banks for processing transactions in APSSS. This pricing structure was implemented on 1 July 2019 and published on the Central Bank’s website at
The Central Bank notes that with the introduction of the new pricing structure, banks have largely lowered the cost of electronic payment services. To address concerns raised about the costs of cheque transactions, there are high operational and settlement risks associated with the processing, clearing, and settlement of cheques. Additionally, there are high handling, transmission, and storage costs associated with cheques. Therefore, the cheque processing fees have been introduced to shift from paper to the more efficient electronic payments. The fees are tiered so that large value cheques (over $50,000) are pushed to the real-time gross settlement system (RTGS). The RTGS is a special clearing facility used for large value and time critical payments. It is a powerful mechanism for limiting risks in the interbank settlement of high-value transactions because it guarantees credit with finality of payment in real-time. The Central Bank encourages all customers to familiarize themselves with the different payment options available and to select services based on their personal and business needs. Further, the public is advised to be discerning in making decisions on financial transactions. More information about APSSS and the Fee structure can be found at the Central Bank’s website at ### OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, Gabourel Lane Belize City Phone: 223-6194 Email: Website:
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL Monday, July1, 2019 For Immediate Release
Monday, July1, 2019 For Immediate Release VILLAGE COUNCIL ELECTION RESULTS FOR JUNE 30, 2019 Week Two/Round Two of the Village Council Elections was held yesterday, Sunday, June 30th 2019. A total of forty-six villages (8 in Corozal; 2 in O.W.; 6 in Belize; 6 in Cayo; 7 in S.C. and 17 in Toledo) were involved in this second round. Below are a breakdown of the results:
The Party congratulates all candidates who contested yesterday’s elections especially to the 155 PUP candidates who were victorious. Week Three/Round Three continues on Sunday, July 7, 2019 for another forty-three (43) villages across the country. ---Ends--Contact: Linsford Castillo Secretary General Email:
Yo Creek Burrell Boom(1 + 5) La Democracia Freetown Sibun Gracie Rock Mahogany Heights(5PUP) Roaring Creek Camalote Duck Run 1 Billy White San Juan/Cowpen Maya Mopan (2PUP) Georgetown San Roman(Cayo) Placencia(3PUP) Independence (Chairlady & 3 PUP) San Jose(Toledo) Corazon Creek Bladen Bella Vista San Pablo(Toledo) Pueblo Viejo(1 + 5) San Vicente(3PUP) Jalacte(1+5)
Villages on the move with the People’s United Party
Party Leader in Concepcion Village
Party Leader Tours Belize Rural Central
56 16
18 JAN
Village Council PUP Teams 2019
Ellin Palacio
Collin Faux
Eufrasio Bol
Stephen Kelly Ewing Wade
Rosendo Bol
Hilly Bennett Political leadership dictates that the leaders must return the trust he invites the populace to bestow on him at election time. In the 2008 election, the Prime Minister Dean Oliver Barrow and the United Democratic Party (UDP) mandated to the electorate three (3) vital elements for a responsible government in exchange for the voters currency of trust. The echoing UDP mantra of transparency, accountability and good governance is today a hollowed empty promise. It was Barrow and the UDP’s political carrot on the stick. The Party’s propaganda. Clearly soundbites over substance. The currency of trust given to the UDP by the voting populace has been squandered and misspent, transformed into immoral acts and a trail of corruption. Some of the more egregious acts are: 1. The cultural vandalism of our cultural heritage Noh Mul by UDP political candidate and crony Denny Grijalva to satisfy the cheap political work in the then Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega’s constituency. The Mayan site that was 2,600 years old was transformed literally into ground for construction. International news agencies CNN, Fox News, NBC and National Geographic all chided the Belizean people for losing respect for the kind of cultural heritage treated as treasures elsewhere. To date, no one has seriously been held accountable and the matter remains unquestioned in the public forum. 2. The Rosewood scandal to which then Minister Lisel Alamilla had lamented about corruption in her ministry. Thereafter, the very Rosewood was sold to a special exporter who turned out to be no other than Gaspar Vega’s brother. 3. The allegation of UDP elected area representative for Cayo North East Elvin Penner: This involved the issuing of Nationality Certificates to a South Korean criminal Kim Won Hong. To date, the matter remains under the cloak of darkness. The Senate Inquiry Report on the Immigration scandal is yet to be made public. 4. The issuing of lands to friends and families admitted by Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega created another callous and atrocious scandal. This prompted the Prime Minister Dean Barrow to utter the famous words “I believe that the Lands Department, unfortunately, is another hot-bed of corruption….” However, to Gaspar Vega’s behaviour, as one against better moral judgment, Vega reacted “I am not a normal person in Belize.” 5. The misappropriation of monies from Belize Airport Authority by Edmund Castro to whimsical sorts, such as funding his cycling team and other personal matters. The sanction applied was the game of political musical chairs of shifting portfolios. 6. Sanctuary Bay: The largest real estate fraud in US history caused the heartbeat of Belize’s Financial System to stop. This multi-layered scam resulted in the Federal authorities in the US jurisdiction questioning the leadership of Belize, Honourable Dean Barrow. A dark, heavy cloud continues to loom over the Jewel’s financial system. Notwithstanding, the PM lauded a secret settlement he attempted to grandstand with, in the National Assembly. Will the normal Belizeans, Barrow’s peasant class, have to give another pound of flesh for shylock’s settlement? 7. Now comes General Sales Tax Department: The revelation of underreporting and non-payment of GST by Barrow’s manipulated, nationalized, Belizean-owned communication entity, Belize Telemedia Limited, is the latest egregious act committed under the United Democratic Party administration.
There is also an additional allegation of under-payment to the Income and Business Tax Department. Nestor Vasquez, chairman of BTL Board has attempted to dispel GST summary of assessment. Curiously, a leaked correspondence highlights Net Vasquez asking a write-off of the same. The web becomes en-
tangled. At the same time, the Minister of Finance has been mum regarding liability to GST. Consequentially, the lack of true leadership. The dignity of the high stool of office have been severely undermined under the red regime. Hope for restoring true leadership lays in the horizon—the 20/20 General Election. A new mandate will be given to the masses, the normal Belizeans, the peasant, and the common man, with a People’s United Party victory in 20/20. It will be one of substance and definitely not of soundbites. Briceño intends to engage vigorously economic and social reforms. Importantly, political reform is priority to ensure that the check and balances, the safeguard mechanism works.
2019 The intention is to render autonomy to the institutions of the Public Accounts Committee, and The Integrity Commission, and that due respect is given to the Auditor General and Contractor General offices. The United Democratic Party has begun its courtship with the electorate. Nonetheless, the citizenry will not forget the trails of empty promises utilized in swindling their votes. “Raise Up,” “From the Boardroom to the Bases,” “The Best is Yet to Come,” “Believe in the Transformation” and the camel’s straw, “Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance.” These are simply soundbites over substance, all glitter and gloss. The result, the dreams and aspiration of the populace relegated to but a dying dream. Barrow your time is up, you got to go!
Dear Editor,
This week July 1st, the new social security contributions for the working Belizeans kicks in. As an employee, I am paying the maximum contributions of $15.68 weekly for the period July 1st, 2019 to January 5th, 2020 after which my weekly rate will increase after January 5th, 2020. My employer will now be paying $21.72 weekly for every employee like me. As I understand it, my benefits will only apply from my weekly contributions and nothing will come from the employer’s contributions, in the event I am sick or in the event of retirement at the age of 65 years old. What most Belizeans don’t know is where does the employer’s contributions go and who gets it? Remember the employer pays in $21.72 weekly for every employee who makes a salary of $420.00 and over, weekly. Let’s look at this scenario here: Let’s say there are 50,000 employers’ contributions weekly at $21.72, multiply that by 52 weeks for a year. That’s a staggering $56,472,000. Imagine, that’s over 56 million dollars a year. What is SSB doing with those funds? Remember, SSB also have investment portfolios in BTL and BEL that they collect interests on every year. There are rumours about BEL having nothing this year. The disbursements of the social security money are not being distributed fairly. I have a disable uncle and an aunt who have reached retirement age and are very poor, and they were not qualified to receive any funds from social security, according to SSB. This is very unfair for the older generations. I believe part of the employers’ contributions should be used to take care of our most vulnerable population. I also believe that the retirement age of 65 to receive pension from SSB is not realistic. Let’s be real, very few people in Belize will reach age 65 in this day and age. And by the time you are 65 years old, you won’t be able to enjoy your pension. Thanks for publishing my letter, editor. M. Brown
Bailouts after Bailout At the June 21, 2019 House of Representatives Meeting, the Prime Minister rants to the people that they owe the Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) $50million. Can you believe it? The people who own this utilities entity. Shouldn’t the Public Utilities Commission be in charge to see this does not happen? The Prime Minister ought to remember that he amended the sacred constitution of Belize for all utilities to be enshrined and, thus, Belizean. As with Social Security, when the Prime Minister accuses the public of owing BEL millions, he is stealthily and cunningly attempting to enshrine another bailout. BTL bailout of 550 plus millions! BEL and BWS financially strangled to the point where Belizeans had to bail them out (bought) in order to majority own them. When will this end!
Digressing a bit, this newspaper has stated that the Social Security (SSB) July 1, 2019 contribution hikes must be accompanied by heartfelt apologies which will be credible IF letters of resignations are attached. Why? There is negligent mismanagement of the People’s money. Resignation by who? Any UDP hack who knew of this impending SSB implosion and had to make a ‘political decision’ is dearly compromised. These names are documentated in a memo from CEO Young (a UDP operative) to the UDP cabinet. Doug Singh…Caye Caulker has him sunburned he has forgotten he is also SSB Chair. Just before the ICJ referendum, Prime Minister Barrow attempted to cloak a Sanctuary Bay Owners compensation by Belizean taxpayers. The Belizean public revolted as we best choose
21 to now—via social media and news media on social media. There is still some plan with WF bank from Miami but this is still pending final court approval after July 9. The PMs modus operandi is exposed and the best of them get injured (even Warriors are injured). So this time when he plots and announces that we owe BEL I quickly went for my BEL receipts and found I am current. The people do not owe BEL anything PM. If someone has mismanaged they must go. Even if the mismanagement is all the way up at the top of the UDP hierarchy. The peasants will refuse to pay more current than they have used. We should render unto Barrow what is Barrow’s. With the UDP administrations gone, the pros for Belize surely outweigh the cons. Belizeans…note this story is BEL…BTL allegedly owing $50 M GST is another mammoth of a triple disgrace.
--Contributed-COLD BLOODED MURDER OF RICHARD FOSTER In a tiny little room, in the downstairs of an important building is one of two Magistrate Courts in Belmopan. Upstairs is the Supreme Court. Senior Magistrate Merlene Moody was presiding on Wednesday 3rd July, at what is a type of pre-trial hearing in a murder case. Her task is to decide whether or not the Police have gathered enough evidence against the accused men for the murder of Richard Foster. Two men are accused in the brutal slaying of Richard Foster who was abducted from his home on 6th August, 2018 and according to an eye witness, was repeatedly stabbed and thrown in a small creek. The men had walked from the village of La Democracia around Mile 30 on the George Price Highway to an area past the Belize Zoo. They reached the driveway of Foster’s house. They went into the bushes and waited by a pond. When he came by the pond, two of the accused approached him. One with a shotgun. The poor innocent man asked if they were hunting. He was thrown to the ground. His belt was used to tie his hands behind his back. He was taken to his house where items and money were stolen. They took Richard Foster with them in his vehicle and drove to Belmopan. Later they drove down a dirt road by the creek. At the creek they dragged Richard Foster out the vehicle. They took off his shirt that was over his head. One of the murderers told him to walk into the creek. Richard Foster then said I won’t tell anyone about what happened, you guys can leave me here. One of the accused murderers had a long knife in his hand. He raised his hand and started stabbing Richard Foster to the neck and body. He kept stabbing Richard Foster, over and over. Each stab bringing screams of pain from Richard Foster. Richard Foster then fell into the creek, floating quietly, silently away from the edge. On the basis of this information the Senior Magistrate made an Order that there is evidence for the matter to be tried in the Supreme Court in Belmopan. And the two accused were ordered back to prison until the 3rd of October. GAY CHOKING- FROM BEHIND The image was disgusting. From Facebook then on to the national television news, local video phones displayed a minor brawl on a water taxi. It involved an off duty police and some females. Some uniformed Police were trying to calm the situation and end the cat fight. Then the other images. A military dressed person. Most likely a police; because there are dozens of little brutal squads all dressed like soldiers and paramilitaries and Israelis who area actually police. With no respect for citizens and their human rights. There was the image. This military dressed police having one of the cat fighters in a choke hold, holding him from behind, squeezing the persons neck until he was immobilized. Continued squeezing until the person became unconscious. Disgusting ! The person could have been killed in the choke hold. Choking a person cuts
off the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Unconsciousness is a serious sign the person is in danger. Such a person can suffer brain damage if the flow of blood and oxygen goes on for a certain time. Death is the end result. What the hell is wrong with some of these police? While the person became unconscious and on the verge of falling on his face when released to the ground. Another police slaps him in his unconscious face. This ended police week, which opened last Sunday at Divine Mercy Church on the Northern Highway. Added to the minor atrocity was the comments that the victim of the choking was supposedly a gay person. And is a police. Deputy Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster on Monday in a press briefing stated categorically that the Police Administration does not sanction choke holds. That is welcome news. Social media exploded over the weekend. LEILA PEYREFITTE GET SET UP Santino “the chief” Castillo is the illustrious millionaire businessman, singer, songwriter, casanova, champion athlete, politician, elected representative and former Minister of government. He wanted to return as a candidate in Caribbean Shores where he was previously successful as the elected area representative three years ago. Santino reported he would not enter the nomination process, as the Prime Minister informed him, he (the Prime Minister) was supporting Peyrefitte. It was a kiss of death politically for Peyrefitte. Note that the Prime Minister discouraged Santino but said nothing to Lee Mark Chang. Couldn’t you see through that trick Miss Lela? And look how eager beaver Daryl was tricked out of the race with a ceremonial throne in the Senate. Lee Mark Chang is a successful but not an illustrious businessman. He can’t sing and he has never written a song. He has no known athletic ability. He has two left feet and is probably flat-footed. He is a politician and was the standard bearer for the UDP in Freetown where he spent millions to challenge Francis Fonseca. The cool and genuine and silent assassin Francis crushed Lee Mark Chang and sent him and his millions packing. Knowing the power of money and hundreds of Chinese voters and financial contributions to the UDP, the Prime Minister winked at Lee Mark. On Sunday, under cloudy skies to no one’s surprise, the Prime Minister’s favourite Leila Peyrefitte was badly beaten by Lee Mark—who will be badly beaten by Kareem when the real race comes around. Was it the Beatles who wrote a song: “Money can’t buy you love?” BTL SCANDAL This is the mother of all scandals. Or, maybe it is one of the mothers of all scandals that have helped to destroy the carefully cultivated image of Dean Barrow. It’s almost over for you Right Honourable. BTL is accused of not paying GST from 2014 to present. The amount is a
whopping thirty million dollars. It is mindboggling how this could have happened. Even before the Financial Secretary muttered his lame explanation, Belizeans believed. And even before BTL issued its expected denials but could produce no receipts to prove payments, Belizeans believed. Belizeans believed, because after ten years of lies, arrogance, abuse of public monies, piracy at Utilities Commission, government departments and Ministries, statutory corporations, the evidence of wrong doing, mismanagement and corruption has been mounting. And a Prime Minister who nakedly admits there is corruption in his government and there will always be corruption. ‘It is what it is.’ The Belize Chamber of Commerce could not even put out a mild public release of condemnation. Weak and cowardly. Just like all the others who continue to be silent in the face of these massive abuses of public trust regarding public monies. To our knowledge not a worker’s union has issued condemnation. The churches all too eager to genuflect to the seat of power for little secular fav o u r s failed to give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. In this case, the middle finger and John the Baptist tongue lashing could be offered. Not even COLA. The Belize Peace Movement quite correctly pointed the index finger at Dean Barrow who is both Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Under his direct portfolio responsibilities are BTL and GST. BTL has failed to pay GST and GST Department has failed to collect. How could this happen under any Minister of Finance? If this sort of humongous scandal can occur under wannabe squeaky clean Dean, imagine what is happening under the other Ministers. NESTOR VASQUEZ DIED IN VAIN Nestor Vasquez Jr. died inside a police cell in Belize City. He was brutally beaten by another person in the same cell. That must have been some horrible beating as Nestor was a strong and physically fit person. The other person had stabbed a psychiatric nurse with a knife, hospitalizing her and he was charged at court and denied bail. He too suffered from mental health problems. Why he was in police detention for two days is one of those situations which highlight how slack and cold hearted ALL officials are with mental health citizens. In ‘Let’s Make America Great Again’ country, the Vasquez family would be com-
pensated with many millions for the brutal, nightmarish death Nestor had to endure. In Belize, the conservative Judges would award about fifty thousand dollars. Because one of Nestor Vasquez’ brother is a huge asset to the government with his TV station, the family might get in excess of one hundred thousand dollars if they follow through. Money cannot bring back the life of Nestor, or erase the nightmare from the minds of his loving family. The Vasquez family’s hopes for the memory of Nestor is that he would not have died in vain and that there would be a more caring, efficient, humane and civilized procedure for those with mental health issues. It won’t happen, not under the UDP. The Police remain insensitive to mental health patients. They respond reluctantly and slowly to calls for help from family members who need to have the mentally disturbed person restrained and taken away. The Ministry of Health has never cared about these matters. They never did care and never will under the UDP. The one doctor and a handful of nurses at the clinics in Belize City are over worked, understaffed and under resourced. They do what little they can. Patients who are brought or attend the clinic are given medication. There is no time for counselling. Many times the medication runs out. It is possible medications are expired. Seven thousand mental health patients depend on clinics for medication. Additionally, The hundreds of mental health persons who fall into the cracks and those who roam the streets, poor wretched people, are hunted down in a van, ambushed and “bap” given an injection to calm their dysfunctional minds. It’s the best the over-whelmed nurses can do. Others commit crimes and the Magistrates send them to prison. No mentally disturbed person should be in prison. They deserve to be in a hospital with trained, professional staff. They are human beings not dogs. The UDP Ministry of Health couldn’t care less. They never did and never will. It won’t happen. Nothing has changed. Nestor died in vain. VOLLEYBALL IS SILVER Amid all the bad news last week came some good news for Belize our under-23 female volleyball team won silver in the Central American games. Big up!!
NOTICE JOINTIME INTERNATIONAL LTD. IBC # 80,837 (“the Company”) Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that JOINTIME INTERNATIONAL LTD. has been dissolved as at 3rd July, 2019 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies. CIL Trust International Limited Registered Agent
End Sexual Harassment in Belize
Dear Editor, Two minutes after leaving the office to get lunch down the street, I make eye contact with a man in a truck, and hurriedly look away. My body tenses up, and I inadvertently adjust my stride to swing my hips less and hunch my back more. When I am out of sight with him, I hear “Pssssss!” behind me. I know it’s him; I felt it coming when I made the first eye contact. I walk toward my favourite market outdoor lunch spot, and a different man rides his bicycle past me and shouts “Gial, you woulda look sexyah if yuh hyah mih lang!” I ignore him and keep walking. I arrive at the “safety” of my lunch spot, order my food and begin to eat. The same man from the bicycle sits across the table from me, and begins lewdly commenting on EVERY SINGLE FEMALE that walks past. The comments are so lewd that i can hardly swallow my food. “Ah woulda suck every piece a she.” “Watch dah fat bread deh.” “Maakit full a lat a deh fuh mek a work wit todeh.” I stare at my phone, mindlessly scrolling through, and in the moment I don’t even know what I am looking at. I only know I cannot give him an opportunity to directly engage with me. Then an older man in a van drives up to the restaurant, and parks very closely to his bike. They begin a public argument, each threatening to kill each other at some point and we all try our best to pretend that they don’t exist. After they’ve gotten their last words in, the man in van shouts his order to the restaurant owner, and remains in his car, waiting for his take out order. “Wow, watch deya two pretty gial front ah mih”. He speaks this from his car window directly at two young women seated at the restaurant for lunch. They ignore him. Feeling sick to my stomach and unable to take another single bite, I get up, leave the money for my food on the counter, and walk quickly back to work. My twenty minutes of lunch had just been filled more sexual harassment remarks than civil conversations. Now, though everyday is not this bad, I must say that I am on the defensive line, preparing to deflect and avoid sexual harassment every time I choose to walk down the street. I am not a special case, almost every female in Belize consciously or subconsciously arms themselves similarly in the streets, the workplace and sadly for some, in the home. If any of you males feel attacked right about now, this is not coming out of left field. Numerous global studies on sexual harassment show men to be the more numerous perpetrators of sexual harassment. Among the victims of sexual street harassment in the United States, only 25% are male, the majority of whom reported experiencing homophobic or transphobic slurs (Stop Street Harassment, 2014). The data is severely lacking in Belize, but just make a mental estimate of how often you hear a woman versus a man shouting out sexual or homophobic remarks at a passerby, and it’s quite undeniable that the trends would probably be similar. This is not a trivial issue in our society. It has deep, psychologically harmful effects and degrades several facets of societal function. Today, I had a physical reaction of nausea to a week of ignoring the effects of this societal issue. I lamented at my husband about how uncomfortable it feels to discover a different side of a friend or coworker’s personality through their social media persona. Recently I’ve had to make an effort to avoid a friend’s Instagram stories where he posts suggestive comments about Belizean women and their appearances and tags them in it. If I sound angry and bitter, it’s because I am. I am tired of people, and particularly women feeling unsafe. I am tired of being unable to speak up in the moment, because I fear the perpetrator will become angry
and lash out. No, that is not an irrational fear. Ask a woman how many times she’s gotten a “F*** you”, when she’s ignored a man’s advances to engage in unwanted conversation on the street. As a society, we are desensitized now, and it is a dangerous state to be in. We are now completely ignoring the human right to safety of our women and LGBTQ members of society. We are promoting a rape culture, where men are free to express unwanted sexual advances in public spaces. We ignore acts of verbal violence and assault because this has become the norm. Our solutions punish the victims and not the perpetrators. We tell our young women to wear less revealing clothing, learn self-defence, and walk with a trusted male. We are not telling men to stop raping and stop passing unwanted sexual remarks. Our approach to ending sexual harass-
ment must change, and it must be a priority. I am a firm believer in the power of education as a way to begin a positive change on the issue of sexual harassment in Belize. First, we must begin by acknowledging it is a rampant issue. We must all do our part to change this, by educating our people. Educators must make it a point to teach students about respect, gender tolerance, and human rights. Sexual education must be a part of the every curriculum, inclusive of education on consent and healthy sexual relationships to recognize abusive situations. Our law enforcers must receive proper training, to be able to anal-
2019 yse situations and determine acts of violence. They must be held accountable to protect victims, and justice must be exercised when they do not. Women and children need resources to escape situations of abuse. National Policy must be reflective of LGBTQ rights. We must stand up against sexual harassment whenever we are able to. Do not tolerate your friends saying derogatory sexual comments in your presence. Do not share social media posts showing harassment or abuse of another person. Take every opportunity to discuss these issues with your friends and family. Strive to make your schools and workplaces a safe space for everyone. Change will take time, and will require all of us to do our part. Progress cannot happen in Belize when an entire portion of society feels marginalized, ignored and unsafe. Signed Gliselle Marin
Party Leader in Santa Martha Village
VOTE PUP 7 Verna Marin
Leonard Williams
Austin Sanchez
Eloise Lopez
Janet Moreira Christie Guzman
Francis Palacio
2019 2019
Anuncian medidas para prevenir brote de peste porcina africana en El Salvador Por: : El ECONOMISTA Miercoles3 de Julio de 2019 Una serie de medidas serán tomadas a partir de julio, y estarán vigentes hasta diciembre, para evitar un brote de peste porcina africana (PPA) en El Salvador, luego que se reportaran focos de esa enfermedad en países de Europa y Asia. El ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Pablo Anliker, aclaró que es una enfermedad que “no afecta al ser humano” y los salvadoreños “pueden consumir libremente el cerdo nacional”. Indicó que el plan que se implementa es para proteger la industria porcicultora del país. Recientemente se registraron brotes en Rumania, Letonia, Bulgaria, Camboya, Polonia, Moldavia, Vietnam, Rusia, Zimbabue y Hungría. La importación de cerdos vivos, sus productos y subproductos desde esas naciones queda prohibida.
Además, se limpiarán y desinfectarán los contenedores que transporten productos provenientes de los países con el brote. En el Aeropuerto Internacional Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero se aumentará el número de inspectores para identificar y decomisar los productos no declarados, procedentes de los países en mención. Además, los pasajeros que arriben a El Salvador en vuelos o embarcaciones internacionales
comerciales o privadas que vengan de los referidos países tendrán que desinfectar su calzado. El director del Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA), Abelardo De García, recordó que El Salvador no recibe vuelos directos de las referidas naciones pero establecerán las medidas preventivas con los que hayan tenido conexión con
los países en que hay trasbordo de pasajeros provenientes de las zonas afectadas. Según el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), China, el mayor productor mundial de carne de cerdo, tuvo que sacrificar más de un millón de cerdos desde que en agosto del 2018 se detectó el primer brote de PPA. En las Américas, la enfermedad no se presenta desde hace casi cuatro décadas.
BID aprueba crédito de $350 millones a Costa Rica para apoyo fiscal Por GDA/La Nación/ Costa Rica 3 de Julio de 2019 - 15:29 HS El crédito aprobado por el BID ayudará al Ministerio de Hacienda en el tema del sostenimiento fiscal de Costa Rica, junto con otras medidas como la reforma tributaria y el proyecto de ley de empleo público. 10/12/2018, San José, fachada del edificio del Ministerio de Hacienda. Foto: José Cordero Préstamo es a 20 años plazo, con cinco años de gracia y con una tasa de interés basada en la Libor. El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) anunció la aprobación de un crédito por $350 millones a Costa Rica, para apoyo fiscal, en una de dos operaciones bajo la modalidad de Préstamo Programático de Apoyo a Reformas de Política. Este préstamo se aprobó a un plazo de 20 años, con cinco años de gracia y con una tasa ligada a la Libor, según el informe del BID. Ahora debe ser tramitado en la Asamblea Legislativa costarricense. Según un comunicado de la entidad financiera internacional, los recursos serán utilizados para apoyar al país en la implementación de su programa de reformas fiscales, encaminado a mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión del gasto público (empleo y refor-
El nuevo Gobierno panameño trabaja ya para “minimizar” impacto de lista gris
ma administrativa), la efectividad del marco institucional macrofiscal y la gestión del sistema tributario del país. Por lo tanto, este crédito se inscribe dentro del plan general para Costa Rica donde se incluía la reforma fiscal y la creación del Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA). Este último impuesto entró en vigencia el 1.° de julio. Además, recordó el BID, en el área de la gestión del gasto público el programa contempló la presentación a la Asamblea Legislativa un proyecto de Ley de Empleo Público, medidas de control del gasto y la designación del Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica como organismo rector y coordinador para la reforma administrativa. Algunos proyectos de ley ya es-
tán en trámite en el Congreso. La expectativa presentada por el BID es que el proyecto general con Costa Rica (con todas esas medidas) tenga un impacto a mediano plazo de rendimiento estimado en un 3,8% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) para el año 2023, integrado por 1,7% por mayores ingresos impositivos, y ahorros por racionalización del gasto corriente de 2,1 por ciento. De esa manera, agregó, se contribuye a la mejora del balance primario del Gobierno Central sobre el PIB que se estima pasará de -2,3 por ciento del PIB en 2018 a +0,6 por ciento en 2023. En mayo pasado, la ministra de Hacienda, Rocío Aguilar, adelantó que el Gobierno esperaba la aprobación de este préstamo del BID.
Por EFE 3 de Julio de 2019 14:14 HS El nuevo Gobierno panameño trabaja ya para “minimizar” impacto de lista gris El nuevo Gobierno panameño ya está trabajando para “minimizar” los efectos de la reciente inclusión del país en una lista internacional de naciones que presentan deficiencias en la lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales, informó este miércoles el flamante canciller, Alejandro Ferrer. “Ya hemos estado haciendo esfuerzos. Yo estuve en Washington reunido en el Departamento del Tesoro la semana pasada, antes de tomar posesión del cargo, y el día de ayer (martes) recibí a funcionarios de ese departamento para ver cómo podemos coordinar para que esto tenga el menos impacto posible en el sistema bancario”, indicó el ministro. Panamá fue incluida en junio pasado en la lista gris del Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (GAFI), en la que ya había ingresado en 2014 y salido dos años después tras comprometerse a blindar sus sistema bancario y penalizar con Continued on page 27
Por EFE 3 de Julio de 2019 - 14:25 HS Guatemala pone en marcha una operación para controlar la migración irregular Agentes de la Policía Nacional Civil de Guatemala pusieron en marcha este miércoles un plan de seguridad encaminado a controlar la migración irregular en el país. Esta iniciativa, denominada “Operación Gobernanza para la Migración Irregular”, contempla diversos dispositivos de seguridad para identificar a migrantes que no llenen los requisitos para remitirlos a la Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración y trasladarlos a sus países de origen. Los operativos se realizan de forma estratégica en Cuatro Caminos, San Cristóbal Totonicapán, Malacatancito y La Mesilla, Huehuetenango, pero también en El Zarco, Retalhuleu; Ayutla, San Marcos; San Pedro Jocopilas, El Quiché, y la aldea Tacajalbe y puente Sija, Totonicapán. La mayoría de estas comunidades están cercanas a la frontera en Guatemala y México. La Policía Nacional Civil explicó,
18 JAN
en un comunicado, que los operativos van encaminados a verificar que las personas que transitan por el territorio guatemalteco cumplan con los requisitos migratorios establecidos. Durante la puesta en marcha de este plan, los agentes de la institución velarán para que se respeten los derechos humanos y la integridad física de los migrantes que se encuentran de forma transitoria en Guatemala. Los policías identifican a las personas que se desplazan en autobuses por las diferentes carreteras y velan no solo por su seguridad, sino que
también verifican que sus documentos estén en regla para permanecer o transitar por el territorio de este país centroamericano. El portavoz de la Policía, Pablo Castillo, dijo que el plan fue diseñado por el Ministerio de Gobernación y que en este participan un millar de agentes de la División de Puertos, Aeropuertos y Puestos Fronterizos y de la División Especial de Investigación Criminal, con el acompañamiento de autoridades migratorias. En el kilómetro 195 de la ruta a
El nuevo Gobierno panameño trabaja ya para “minimizar” impacto de lista gris Continued from page 26 cárcel la evasión fiscal. Pese a reconocer los avances del país en los últimos años, el grupo internacional le recomendó mejorar el monitoreo de las sociedades extraterritoriales y demostrar “más capacidad” para investigar el lavado de dinero que involucra delitos fiscales extranjeros, de cara a la nueva revisión que tendrá lugar en junio de 2020. “Vamos a tener una estrategia de país para no solo salir de la lista, sino para hacer que el impacto de esa lista en el sector económico panameño sea el menor posible”, apuntó Ferrer. El nuevo presidente panameño,
el socialdemócrata Laurentino Cortizo, anunció el pasado lunes durante su investidura que creará próximamente la llamada “Unidad para la Competitividad de los Servicios Internacionales”, conformada por el sector público y privado. Esta comisión, agregó Cortizo en su discurso, “coordinará todas las acciones para sacar y mantener a Panamá fuera de las listas y consolidarnos como el mejor centro de negocios, servicios y logística de América Latina”. La primera inclusión del país en la lista del GAFI tuvo varios impactos en la economía panameña, entre ellos la pérdida de más de 70 corresponsalías bancarias.
Los expertos indican que aparecer en listados como ese también puede obstaculizar la atracción de inversiones, ya que las empresas o particulares pueden ser penalizados en sus países de origen, o encarecer el costo de los créditos. El centro bancario de Panamá, una importante plaza financiera a nivel regional, cuenta con casi un centenar de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y representa cerca del 10 % del producto interno bruto (PIB) del país. “Estamos teniendo el apoyo de muchos países y de muchas empresas”, aseguró el nuevo canciller.
la Mesilla, Huehuetenango, fueron localizados ya 12 adultos y 13 menores originarios de El Salvador y Honduras que serán trasladados a migración para los trámites respectivos y después enviarlos a sus países. Mientras que en el kilómetro 170 de la carretera que conduce del Quiché a San Pedro Jocopilas fueron ubicados siete hondureños y dos salvadoreños que no cumplen con los requisitos migratorios, avanzó la Policía. Guatemala, por su posición geográfica, es utilizada como país de tránsito por los denominados “coyotes” que trasladan ilegalmente a indocumentados hacia los Estados Unidos. Según estadísticas divulgadas este miércoles por la institución armada, la migración irregular por el territorio guatemalteco se incrementó en 68,7 por ciento en el primer semestre de 2019 con relación al mismo periodo del año pasado. La mayoría de migrantes que fueron interceptados en su intento por llegar primero a México y luego a los Estados Unidos son centroamericanos. En este sentido, en el primer semestre del año fueron detenidos y remitidos a migración 2.521 inmigrantes irregulares, mientras que en el mismo periodo del 2018 la suma fue de 1.494, es decir, que la cifra aumentó en 1.027 personas, que representa un 68,7 por ciento. Del total de detenidos entre enero y junio pasado, 786 son de origen hondureño, entre ellos 223 menores, y 854 salvadoreños, incluyendo a 305 menores de edad; mientras que de otros países como de Haití, frica, Cuba y Colombia fueron interceptados 881, de ellos 113 menores. Durante los primeros seis meses del año pasado fueron interceptados en Guatemala 714 migrantes hondureños que incluyen a 164 menores y 641 salvadoreños, entre ellos 194 niños y adolescentes, y de otros países no identificados fueron 137 adultos y 5 menores de edad.
28 OBITUARY Hon. Petronilo Cob Sr.JP
CHANGE OF ELECTORAL DIVISION / TRANSFER PERIOD The months of JULY and AUGUST are set aside each year by Law for the transfer of electors from one Electoral Division to another. Application for a change of Electoral Division from one Electoral Division to another are done using Form No. 17. These applications are processed during normal working hours at the Elections and Boundaries Registration Office in his or her new division during the Period: JULY 1 - AUGUST 31 Of Each Year Requirements to change from one electoral division to another are: • Be a Registered voter • Reside at the new Division for not less than two (2) months • Present your Voters ID at the time of application or any other picture Identification; eg. Passport, Social Security or Driver’s License • and “a utility bill” in the elector’s name to assist the officers in the verification of the address given.
It is with profound sadness that the People’s United Party announces the passing of a Great Leader, a Great Mind, a PUP Stalwart, a Political Activist , and a Senior Justice of the Peace... Hon. Petronilo Cob Sr.JP of San Pedro Village, Corozal. He served as the PUP Corozal North Chairman for over a decade. He also served as a Senior Justice of the Peace, as the Chairman of the Corozal Liquor Licensing Board for eight years and many other political post. On behalf of Party Leader Hon. John Briceno, and the entire PUP family we extend our sincerest condolences to his entire family. May Hon Petrolino Rest in Eternal Peace.
LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Dacheng Li is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at ”U Mall Shop” located at Miles 9 Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Village, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
NOTE: Electors are required to provide true and accurate information as it is an offence to give false information. The People’s United Party urges its supporters that wish to transfer their vote to do so promptly. As of September 1, they will be able to ONLY change address within that same division. Additionally, if you have not yet registered, please do so. Your constituency offices are open countrywide at the usual time for that purpose. IF you do not register, then you will not be able to remove the UDP government. Change is coming. Participate.
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 1259 Tarpon Crescent, Vista Del Mar. Ladyville, Belize District on Thursday, July 18 2019 at 10:00a.m. SCHEDULE
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 1259, Block 16 in the Vista Del Mar Registration Section situate on Tarpon Crescent, Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District comprising an empty lot of 696.54 square metres clean and filled with canal access the freehold property of SALVADOR AWE and HILMA AWE
DATED this 4th day of July 2019
Notice is hereby given that Olivia Yvette Bardalez is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at ”Beer We Go Again” located at # 284 Maxboro, Sandhill Village, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Karina Maritza Villanuevais applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at ”Karina’s Cool Spot” located at # 8 Apollo Street, Belize City, Belize District, under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:
Notice is hereby given DUBLENA INVESTMENT INC. commenced dissolution on 4th June, 2019 and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given HEGTON HOLDING S.A. commenced dissolution on 5th June, 2019 and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given CARIBBITS LTD. commenced dissolution on 7th June, 2019 and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company.
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited
NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given HABITAND S.A. commenced dissolution on 21st June, 2019 and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given PALMAR MANAGEMENT SERVICES CORP. commenced dissolution on 24th June, 2019 and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given SAINT LYDIA CORPORATION commenced dissolution on 27th June, 2019 and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited
VILLAGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS JULY 7, 2019 In all villages/communities nomination opens at 9:00 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. Where no time is stated, polls close at 1pm.
VILLAGE & Closing Time Concepcion (5pm) San Victor (5pm) Xaibe (5pm) San Joaquin (5pm) Ranchito (5pm) Calcutta (5pm) Carolina
Government School
Hattieville (5pm) Biscayne (3pm) Gardenia May Pen Crooked Tree (5pm) Western Paradise (5pm)
Government School A-F | G-O | P-Z Government School
Date of Dissolution
1st June, 2019 1st June, 2019 1st June, 2019 1st June, 2019 8th June, 2019 13th June, 2019 14th June, 2019 18th June, 2019 20th June, 2019 20th June, 2019 21st June, 2019 26th June, 2019 26th June, 2019 27th June, 2019 27th June, 2019 27th June, 2019
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.
Government School RC School RC School A-G | H-Q | R-Z
Community Center Seventh Day Adventist School Government School Health Post Clinic
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited
RC School
Hopkins (5pm) Seine Bight (3pm) Santa Rosa Silk Grass (5pm) Pomona (5pm) Sarawee Hope Creek (5pm)
Carolina Basketball Court (Tent)
Yalbac La Gracia Santa Teresita Teakettle (5pm) Los Tambos Duck Run III
Notice is hereby given that the Companies listed below have been dissolved and duly struck off the IBC Register as follows:
Community Center A-J | K-Z RC School A-F | G-Z RC School A-C | D-N | O-Z RC School A-C | D-O | P-Z Community Center A-D | E-M | N-Z Community Center
Santa Martha (3pm) San Antonio (3pm) Santa Cruz San Luis August Pine Ridge (5pm)
Notice is hereby given KANERO LTD. commenced dissolution on 27th June, 2019 and MR. JEAN-LUC HERBEZ of 4 rue Charles-Bonnet, P.O. Box 399, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, is the Liquidator of the company.
Government School Government School Community Center St. Edmond Campion RC School A-L | M-Z Government School Hidden Paradise Government School
Holy Family RC School A-J | K-Z St. Alphonsus RC School
United Comm. Government School Methodist School St Mathews Anglican School A-K | L-Z Community Center Community Center
Golden Stream Indian Creek (3pm) Medina Bank San Miguel Silver Creek San Pedro Columbia (5pm) Big Falls (5pm) Cattle Landing Eldridgeville Forest Home Santa Ana Mafredi
Government School RC School
Government School Community Center Community Center RC School RC School St. Phillip RC School Community Center Community Center Community Center Methodist School
VILLAGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS JULY 14, 2019 In all villages/communities nomination opens at 9:00 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. Where no time is stated, polls close at 1pm.
VILLAGE & Closing Time
San Narciso (5pm) Buena Vista Caledonia (5pm) San Andres (5pm) San Antonio
RC School A-Ca | Ce- D | E-K | L-O | P-Q | R-Z RC School RC School A-L | M-Z Community Center A-L | M-Z Government School
Chan Pine Ridge Indian Church San Carlos San Felipe (5pm) San Roman (3pm) Nuevo San Juan Douglas (5pm)
Government School Government School Government School St. Michaels RC School A-H | I-Z RC School
RC School Our Lady of Fatima RC School
Sandhill (5pm) Lord’s Bank (5pm)
Community Center A-G | H-Z Community Center A-F | G-M | N-R | S-Z
Arenal (3pm) Calla Creek Cotton Tree (5pm) St. Mathews (3pm) Franks Eddy More Tomorrow San Marcos Selena
La Immaculada RC School Holy Cross RC School St. Joseph RC School A-F | G-Z Government School Government Government Government Government
School School School School
New Mullins River Alta Vista (3pm) Hummingbird Community Middlesex Steadfast (3pm) Valley Community
Community Center Compound (Tent) Community Center Community Center St. Augustine RC School Community Center Community Center
San Antonio (5pm) Crique Jute Jacintoville Laguna San Felipe San Marcos Yemeri Grove
San Luis Rey RC School A-Ch | Ci-Z Community Center Community Center Community Center Community Center Community Center Toledo Christian Academy
VILLAGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS JULY 21, 2019 In all villages/communities nomination opens at 9:00 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. Where no time is stated, polls close at 1pm.
VILLAGE & Closing Time
Libertad (5pm) Sarteneja (5pm) Paraiso (5pm) Consejo
Methodist School A-L | M-Z RC School A-C | D-M | N-R | S-Z Government School A-L | M-Z St. Leo RC Church (Tent)
San Pablo (5pm) Palmar (5pm) Fire Burn Guinea Grass (5pm) San Jose (5pm) Trial Farm (5pm) San Estevan (5pm)
Community Government School A-C | D-M | N-Z RC School A-G | H-Z Government School RC School A-Ca | Ce-F | G-K | L-O | P-Q | R-Z Government School A-C | D-G | H-M | N-R | S-Z Government School A-B | C | D-K | L-M | N-R | S-Z RC School A-C | D-M | N-Z
Bermudian Landing Double Head Cabbage (3pm) Flowers Bank Isabella Bank Rancho Dolores Scotland Half Moon St. Paul’s Bank Willows Bank Lemonal Ladyville (5pm)
Succotz (5pm) Armenia (5pm) St. Margaret (5pm) San Antonio (5pm) Esperanza (5pm)
Community Center Community Center
Community Center Community Center Belize Rural Primary School Community Center Community Center Community Center Community Center Our Lady of the Way RC School A-B | C-F | G-K | L-N O-R | S-V | W-Z
San Jose RC School A-C | D-L | M-P | Q-Z Community Center A-L | M-Z St. Margaret Mary RC School Community Center A-C | D-M | N-Z St. Francis Xavier RC School A-L | M-Z
VILLAGE COUNCIL ELECTIONS JULY 28, 2019 In all villages/communities nomination opens at 9:00 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m. Where no time is stated, polls close at 1pm.
VILLAGE & Closing Time Georgeville (5pm) El Progresso (3pm) Ontario (3pm) Santa Familia (5pm) Bullet Tree (5pm)
Community Center Community Center A-K | L-Z Ontario Christian School RC School A-C | D-O | P-Z Immaculate Concepcion RC School A-F | G-L | M | N-S | T-Z