Belize Times March 12, 2023 - Poverty on the Decline

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The Belize Times



“One of the first challenges we faced entering office was an unemployment rate of 30 percent and poverty was estimated to be at 53 percent. Today, after months of meticulous planning and reforms, and despite all we have suffered together from climate disasters to the Corona virus pandemic, unemployment now stands at 5percent - an unprecedented feat for Belize.” –

201,616 MONETARY POVERTY IN BELIZE 2018 persons living in Belize

Monetary poverty affects

According to the numbers, 68,100 less Belizeans can be considered poor today. Poverty levels went down from 53 percent to 35 percent. The numbers are reality and we need to continue working to improve all our situations. PlanBelize has proven to work internationally, bilaterally and, now, locally. It is showing up in our statistics—low unemployment, low crime, low poverty. Even the minimum wage increase to five dollars was seen to have an effect as 42, 845 persons directly benefitted with now having a greater purchasing power. PlanBelize has made strides in just over two years of on the ground work. In 2020, planBelize soldiers set out to

The Future Recognized National Youth Awards Show


PUP Calls for Resignation Of Town Councilor

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defeat Covid, return employment to our shores, reverse economic distress, restore tourism arrivals, create agricultural pros-

Pg. 2



Pg. 8


Pg. 8

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 12 MAR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL Tuesday, 7 th March, 2023 For Immediate Release PUP CALLS FOR THE RESIGNATION OF TOWN COUNCILLOR The People’s United Party, along with the rest of the country was made aware of an unfortunate domestic incident involving an elected Punta Gorda Town Councillor. After carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, the Party sees no other alternative but to call for the immediate resignation of the Councillor. As a Party and government, the PUP has zero tolerance to all forms of domestic violence! 12 MARCH 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5342 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 MARCH WOMEN’S MONTH: #EMBRACEEQUITY
for all public officers & teachers
Pg. 2 Increments
would be unfrozen effective
April 2023
Established 1957
Ministerial sub-committee to meet with BSI and BSCFA
Cabinet Brief


Continued from page 1

perity, make homes, construct real lasting infrastructure, teach our kids optimally, maintain the health of citizens and provide a safe ambience while doing all of the above. All the above was not only multisectoral but a multidimensional approach to combat poverty. The Statistical Institute of Belize saw the opportunity to measure poverty using the data that such an approach would yield.

Today, March it is Women’s Month. To that point, the data show that women-led households show a lesser rate of poverty than men-led households. The debate can begin.


Multidimensional Poverty Index to Complement Monetary Poverty Measurement in Belize

March 8, 2023 – The Statistical Institute of Belize today presented its findings on the country’s first Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) study. This study, conducted as a part of the September 2021 Labour Force Survey, was carried out with technical and financial support from the United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Development Programme, the Oxford Poverty and

Human Development Initiative, and the Caribbean Development Bank. While poverty has been traditionally measured in monetary terms, it has become increasingly recognized that this method alone is insufficient to capture the wide range of deprivations that characterize the experience of poverty and the various ways in which it is manifested. The MPI is a complementary measure to monetary poverty, measuring poverty as an accumulation of concurrent deprivations across various dimensions of well-being, including Health, Education, Employment, and Living Standards. Within these four dimensions, a total of 17 indicators are used to measure deprivation. These indicators were selected in consultation with a cross-section of stakeholders who participated in an MPI Steering Committee.

Data from the MPI study provides an indication of both the incidence (what percent of the population is multidimensionally poor) and the intensity (what percent of the 17 indicators poor households were deprived in) of multidimensional poverty. The product of these two percentages is the national Multidimensional Poverty Index.

The results of the September 2021 MPI study revealed that 35.7 percent of the population in Belize lived in households that were multidimensionally poor. On average, these households were found to be deprived in 39 percent of the 17 indicators measured. The national MPI for September 2021 was 0.139.

Cabinet Brief

Belmopan. 9th March, 2023.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 7th March 2023.

• Cabinet received a report from the Ministerial Consulting Team that has been engaged in meetings with the Joint Unions on the important issues of Increments and Pension Reform. Following the report, Cabinet agreed on the following:

1. Increments for all public officers and teachers would be unfrozen effective 1st April 2023.

2. The Ministerial Team would continue discussions with the Joint Unions Negotiating Team (JUNT) on the matter of the two increment points lost. Those discussions would be based on specific economic performance targets in the fiscal year 2024/25 and beyond.

3. The government will implement a phased approach to the Public Sector Pension Reform. In phase one, the goal is to institute, effective 1st July 2023, a new contributory pension scheme applicable only to new entrants into the Belize Public Service. Phase two will include a comprehensive review of the existing Public Service Pension Scheme to determine how to make it more effective, efficient and sustainable. For this purpose, a working group will be established, including the government, JUNT, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize, GAMAS, and the private sector.

• After hearing presentations from the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) and BSI/ASR, Cabinet has decided to convene a Commission of Inquiry to examine the modernization of the sugar cane industry and improve its viability

Across the districts, the highest levels of multidimensional poverty were seen in the Toledo district, while the Belize district had the lowest. Persons living in rural communities were more likely to be multidimensionally poor than those in urban areas, with the incidence of multidimensional poverty in rural communities being double that of urban ones. Additionally, the country’s younger population, larger households, households with children, households with a head who was either unemployed or underemployed and households with a head who had completed only up to a primary level of education or none at all were more likely to be multidimensionally poor. Higher levels of multidimensional poverty were also seen among male-headed households than among households headed by females.

The data for measuring multidimensional poverty in Belize will be collected each year as part

of the September round of the Labour Force Survey and these estimates will be compiled annually, providing valuable data to measure multidimensional poverty in Belize and to monitor the country’s progress in reducing poverty over time. This data will also help to provide a more comprehensive understanding of poverty in Belize, enabling policymakers to design more targeted and effective poverty reduction strategies.

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE

serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
MANAGER Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams


Despite the protests from the detractors, the Government of Belize led by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño has accomplished much in the two years since they assumed stewardship of this country. Those same detractors would like to believe that nothing much has changed since they held fifty-two per cent of the entire population and sixty per cent of children under fourteen captives in the desperate and deadly grip of abject poverty. Under their care, thousands of Belizeans experienced a meagre existence while the UDP and their cronies lived high off the hog. Economic growth and development were truncated by the lack of vision, expertise and empathy of the UDP Cabinet. That meant that Belizeans suffered, but those in the more vulnerable communities, such as rural areas, children, and Belizeans who did not complete basic education were left abandoned and alone to try to scrape out a living any way they could. Hunger and malnourishment stemming from food insecurity, lack of access to shelter, and health services and basic needs left more than half of our population behind.

The most recent survey and study on Multidimensional Poverty in Belize paints a more comprehensive picture of the actual state of events and provides hard data that provides empirical evidence that this PUP Government of Belize works for Belizeans. Health, Education, Living Standards and Employment are the categories of deprivations that people experience concurrently and this study uses the Alkire-Foster method to quantify, examine and use them to determine the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI). The MPI is then used to determine where the most vulnerable populations are and are used to direct both policy and resources to alleviate these circumstances. It allows monitoring and evaluation of the interventions over time so that appropriate responses can follow.

While in 2018 there were 201,616 people who were living under the poverty line this new and more comprehensive study shows that already those figures have reduced to 133,516 and that this government has ensured through its many initiatives, policies and legislation and hard work that 68,100 more people in Belize no longer live in poverty. The evidence shows that the new minimum wage had a positive impact on 43,000 people living and working in Belize, and this will reduce poverty even more. There are some curious data for instance that we must mention during Women’s Month, the incidence of poverty in a female-led household is only 24.7 per cent as compared to 31.1 per cent in male-led households. The data also shows that the demographic hardest hit by poverty are those under the age of fourteen. It clearly shows that there is an increased incidence of poverty in households where the family and number of children are greater and the level of education attained by adults is lower. The data reveals that geography is also a factor, 7 in 10 of people living in poverty are from rural areas. The truth is often uncomfortable and hard truths burn hot like habanero peppers on the tongues of those who are poor in conscience, spirit and heart. Cheap comedy shows and empty rhetoric will not mislead Belizeans. The People’s United Party will leave no one behind, and the policy, the motivation and the battle cry are always the same…Serve the People!


EDITORIAL en Español


Apesar de las protestas de los detractores, el Gobierno de Belice, dirigido por el primer ministro John Briceño, ha logrado mucho en los dos años transcurridos desde que asumió la dirección del país. A esos mismos detractores les gustaría creer que no ha cambiado mucho desde que mantuvieron cautivos al cincuenta y dos por ciento de toda la población y al sesenta por ciento de los niños menores de catorce años en las garras desesperadas y mortales de la pobreza abyecta. Bajo su tutela, miles de beliceños vivieron a duras penas mientras el UDP y sus compinches se forraban de billetes. El crecimiento económico y el desarrollo se vieron truncados por la falta de visión, experiencia y empatía del Gabinete del UDP. Eso significó que los beliceños sufrieron, pero los de las comunidades más vulnerables, como las zonas rurales, los niños y los beliceños que no completaron la educación básica quedaron abandonados y solos para intentar ganarse la vida como pudieran. El hambre y la desnutrición derivados de la inseguridad alimentaria, la falta de acceso a la vivienda y a los servicios sanitarios y las necesidades básicas dejaron atrás a más de la mitad de nuestra población. La encuesta y el estudio más recientes sobre la pobreza multidimensional en Belice ofrecen una imagen más completa del estado real de los acontecimientos y aportan datos concretos que proporcionan pruebas empíricas de que este Gobierno del PUP de Belice trabaja para los beliceños. Salud, Educación, Nivel de Vida y Empleo son las categorías de privaciones que experimentan las personas de forma concurrente y este estudio utiliza el método Alkire-Foster para cuantificarlas, examinarlas y utilizarlas para determinar el Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional (IPM). A continuación, el IPM se utiliza para determinar dónde se encuentran las poblaciones más vulnerables y sirve para orientar tanto las políticas como los recursos para paliar estas circunstancias. Permite el seguimiento y la evaluación de las intervenciones a lo largo del tiempo para poder dar respuestas adecuadas.

Mientras que en 2018 había 201.616 personas que vivían por debajo del umbral de la pobreza este nuevo y más completo estudio muestra que ya esas cifras se han reducido a 133.516 y que este Gobierno se ha asegurado a través de sus numerosas iniciativas, políticas y legislación y de su duro trabajo de que 68.100 personas más en Belice ya no vivan en la pobreza. Las pruebas demuestran que el nuevo salario mínimo tuvo un impacto positivo en 43.000 personas que viven y trabajan en Belice, y esto reducirá aun más la pobreza. Hay algunos datos curiosos, por ejemplo, que debemos mencionar en el Mes de la Mujer: la incidencia de la pobreza en un hogar dirigido por una mujer es del 24,7%, frente al 31,1% en los hogares dirigidos por un hombre. Los datos también muestran que el grupo demográfico más afectado por la pobreza es el de los menores de catorce años. Muestra claramente que hay una mayor incidencia de la pobreza en los hogares donde la familia y el número de hijos son mayores y el nivel de educación alcanzado por los adultos es más bajo. Los datos revelan que la geografía también es un factor: 7 de cada 10 personas que viven en la pobreza proceden de zonas rurales. La verdad suele ser incómoda y las verdades duras arden como chiles habaneros en las lenguas de los pobres de conciencia, espíritu y corazón. Los espectáculos cómicos baratos y la retórica vacía no engañarán a los beliceños. El Partido Unido del Pueblo no dejará a nadie atrás, y la política, la motivación y el grito de guerra son siempre los mismos... ¡Servir al pueblo!

04 04

Her Excellency Women’s Day Message Rossana Briceño

March 8, 2023

In observance of International Women’s Day and Women’s Month 2023, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible strength and resilience of all women across the world, especially our Belizean women. This is a time to celebrate the progress that has been made toward gender equality and to honor the sacrifices and contributions that women have made throughout history. We cannot forget the immense power that women hold. Women have always been the backbone of our families and communities, taking care of their loved ones, and working tirelessly to create a better world for all.

This month, we pay tribute to the extraordinary women who have made invaluable contributions to our society, like Ms. Seidi Quetzal and her outstanding initiative entitled ‘Don't Tax My Femininity Campaign’. This campaign aims to remove the taxes on sanitary products for women which are; the importation tax at 20%, the environmental tax at 3%, and the GST tax at 12.5%. Added together, women pay 35.5% more for a sanitary products. This campaign has the support of Cabinet, and our Women parliamentarians.

We also reflect on the progress we have made in advancing gender equality. Great women like Cleopatra White, Gwen Lizarraga and the late Hon. Sylvia Flores just to mention a few paved the way for the progress we have seen in recent years with courage, persistence and determination.

But, we must also remember that there is still much work to be done. Women continue to face discrimination, harassment, and violence, both in the workplace and in their personal lives. The cases of Domestic Violence in our country for 2022 were 1099 which represents an increase of 21% compared to 2021 which saw a total of 773 cases according to the Belize Crime Observatory.

We must do more to ensure that women are valued, and respected and that they have the same opportunities as everyone else to succeed in their careers and in life. Women come from diverse backgrounds and have different needs and priorities, especially women and girls with disabilities. We must be respectful and mindful of these differences, and work to create a more inclusive and diverse society that values and celebrates the contributions of all women. Gender equality is the first step toward equity. Gender equality and equity are important because they ensure that every person, regardless of gender identity, has the same rights, opportunities, and treatment as others. Equity means being fair and impartial. Achieving greater gender equity requires a sustained and comprehensive effort at all levels of society. We can do this by raising awareness of social issues such as domestic violence, addressing gender bias, and supporting women's empowerment through the promotion of gender-sensitive policies.

In our country, we have already taken steps to achieve equity. We have women in the Police Department, Coast Guard, and BDF. Also, there is women’s representation in the National Assembly and in government positions. We have women in entertainment like Ernestine Carballo and Melonie Gillet, and in sports, such as the National Football and Volleyball Teams. At the legislative level, we have updated the Domestic Violence Act and revised the National Gender Policy. We are building partnerships with international agencies like the United Nations and European Union, and other governments like The Republic of China (Taiwan) to implement projects to empower women.

We must also work to encourage men's involvement by challenging traditional gender roles and promoting gender equality in all areas of life. Everyone can start at home by having an equal division of chores. It is important to keep in mind that women’s rights are not just women’s issues. They are human rights.

As we celebrate Women's Month this year, let us recommit ourselves to the work of achieving gender equity. Let us honor the contributions of the women who have come before us, and let us continue to push for progress and change. As women, let us support one another. We are not each other’s enemy. We are our greatest allies. We must uplift each other because we understand one another and what we go through as women. One woman has power but together, we have the impact necessary to be the change we want to see.

Let us work towards a world where all women have access to education, healthcare, and equal opportunities in the workplace. Let us empower women to take control of their lives and their futures. Let us encourage and support the next generation of women leaders, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Together, we can build a world where all women are empowered to reach their full potential, and where their contributions are valued and respected. Together we can #EmbraceEquity. Thank you.


The People’s United Party announces a Convention to Elect a Chairperson for the Corozal North Constituency Executive Committee. Convention will take place on Sunday, March 26th, 2023. Polls will open at 9 a.m. and close at 3 p.m. at the San Antonio Government School in San Antonio Village, Corozal District.



8 ½ Miles, George Price Highway, Belize District; Belmopan, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th April 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

Question(s) Week of the

March 10, 2023

Will Sista B represent Queen Square at the Budget presentation on April 10 at the House Sitting for the reading of the Budget? Will Shyne stop embarrassing himself and quit appearing where he does not qualify? When will the Barrows quit pulling Belize down their vile gutter?


Belmopan 20 2470

The freehold properties of Mr. Fermin Cal

(Being a two storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1,895 sq. ft.] containing - Ground Floor: incomplete cement structure designed to be 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen TOGETHER with Lot [7,200 sq. ft.] situate in Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Fermin Cal.)

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 158 containing 1,013.39 S.M. situate at Mile 8.5 on the Northern Side of Hector Creek Road, George Price Highway, Belize District of Belize more particularly shown and described in a subdivision Plan of Survey by A. R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, recorded at The General Registry in Surveyors Plan Book No. 6 at Folios 170 as Lot No. 158 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and Lot No. 8 containing 764.041 square meters situate at Mile 8 ½ George Price Highway, Belize District and more particularly delineated and described as shown on plan by Licensed Surveyor Cyrus Samuels and recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys at Entry No. 3255, Register No. 21 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a fabulous 2 Storey concrete dwelling house [5,110 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + living/dining/ kitchen/laundry/game + 2 porches + POOL situate at Lot Nos. 158 & 8 Sun Set Park, Paradise Village, 8 1/2 Miles on the north side of George Price Highway, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Lawrence Ellis and Mrs. Kimberly Ellis)




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Facebook: Belize Auctions

1. Parcel No. 2470 Belmopan, Cayo District:

Prime Minister of Belize, HON. JOHN BRICEÑO Keynote Address Multidimensional Poverty Index Launch

March 8, 2023

Good morning,

We are here today to learn more about the state of our people and, in effect, the state of our nation. For my Government, poverty is a pelage that must be eradicated from our shores. In #PlanBelize we committed to halving poverty in a decade, so, to have this opportunity to get the latest report on the state of poverty in our nation is significant. At the onset, I wish to thank and congratulate the Statistical Institute of Belize for producing the first Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index in Belize. The Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index or MPI. for short, will shed light on our successes and shortcomings, more so, it will give us a data-driven snapshot of where we are, so we can appreciate what we must do to rid our shores of this plague.

The last four censuses in Belize, conducted in 1995, 2002, 2009, and 2018, showed us a common trend—increasing poverty…with no viable avenue to control or stop it. In 2018, SIB reported that Belize’s Gini coefficient, the indicator used to measure our income inequality, was at 51 percent. At present, our country ranks amongst the top 10 countries in the world with the highest inequality. The result of this is decrease of our human capital index. This impacts our innovation and productivity. Poverty dwells and lingers in a society, inhibiting social mobility, obstructing government’s ability to act, and robs from those who wish for better that which should never be taken away: HOPE.

My administration took office in 2020 determined to steer clear from prescriptive policies that offer temporary solutions to our development challenges, and this includes poverty reduction. We know that home-grown plans can work for Belize, we have seen incredible results from them so far. The Mid-term Development Strategy (MTDS) is one such plan that we know will have a tremendous impact on our country’s development. This plan is Government’s blue print on how to deliver on our commitments to the Belizean people. One of the first challenges we faced entering office was an unemployment rate of 30 percent and poverty was estimated to be at 53 percent. Today, after months of meticulous planning and reforms, and despite all we have suffered together from climate disasters to the Corona virus pandemic, unemployment now stands at 5percent - an unprecedented feat for Belize.

Another key measure we are taking to reduce poverty is to stimulate an increase in human capital through meaningful investments in education. When the Millennium Challenge Corporation approached Belize in 2021, we were asked to identify our top two constraints on sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. The first one we mentioned was education, and the second was energy. Quality education is arguably the biggest investment we can make for our people, and it goes hand in hand with poverty reduction. Our unemployment rate is proof that we are making strides in creating jobs for our people, but why stop there? To combat low human capital, we must create opportunities our citizens. The opportunity to earn a degree, to develop technical skills, to contribute to the enabling environment we have created for MSMEs, and to partake in knowledge-building and training sessions, will place us on a path for success. Education is more than just a means of achieving sustainable development; Education

IS sustainable development.

I want to thank the international partners that helped in the development of this process: UNICEF, the Caribbean Development Bank, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), who developed the MPI methodology, as well as the United Nations Development Programme. Belize has always relied on the support of its partners and, this initiative, is no different. We appreciate your commitment to the goals we have set forth for this country. I, especially, want to commend the work of SIB. SIB, Belize’s primary hub of data and statistics, is a body that has proven itself to be greatly capable and resilient in a world where data is scarce and difficult to collect. That has not stopped them from delivering what Belize is always in need of but never has enough of: information. This MPI will be housed by them, and I have no doubt that it is in good hands. We reaffirm our commitment to the Belizean people that we will continue to work hard to deliver so that our country can become the embodiment of a nation rich in opportunity, quality of life, and focused on transformation. Thank you.



Belmopan, March 7, 2023

On January 10, 2023, representatives from the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA) outlined in a presentation to Cabinet the association’s position with regard its commercial agreement with BSI/ASR. Today, representatives from BSI/ASR had the opportunity to present to Cabinet the company’s stance.

Cabinet is resolute that it will not nationalize the sugar industry and will instead try to get the parties on a collaborative path for the better interest of the industry. Having heard from both sides of the issue, the cane farmers and the millers, Cabinet has set up a ministerial sub-committee to meet with BSI and BSCFA to chart a way forward for both sides to resolve their differences.

The sub-committee will be chaired by Hon. Kareem Musa, whose urgent remit is to guide

The Future Recognized National Youth Awards Show

discussions between both parties so that an enduring commercial agreement can be concluded.

Cabinet recognizes the role of sugar as the lifeblood of the northern economy, its proceeds as a critical source of foreign exchange and, most importantly, the blood, sweat and tears of the individual cane farmers, whose sacrifice and persistence must be justly rewarded.

Furthermore, Cabinet appreciates the vital role of the miller and the marketer of Belize’s sugar, as well as the conditions necessary for strategic foreign direct investments to be fostered and to grow.

Within the Constitution and the law, Cabinet will continue to engage with the parties, facilitating fair compromises and offering the government’s support by whatever means are available.



On Friday 3rd March 2023, Honorable Francis Fonseca, Area Representative, Freetown ensured that a grave injustice inflicted on the good people of Belama was righted.

Fonseca explained that coming into office on landslide 2020 victory at the polls, he found out that 3 parcels of land were transferred a few months prior to the General Election to new owners under the name Freetown Community Foundation. The UDP gutter-sniper Orson Elrington parceled away the lands to his friends and company seemingly for a fistful of dollars. The subscribers were Jaraad Ammar Ysaguire, 1449 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, Eric Jahmal Sanchez, 8 Black Orchid Street, Belize City, Belize and Fredrick Leopold Gabourel, 16 Pickstock Street, Belize City, Belize.

Fonseca was not consulted with and said he had no prior knowledge regarding the transaction. However, the Area Rep held a quiet ceremony, sans fanfare, to give absolute title to the 3 parcels of land. May-

or Bernard Wagner was given title to Fiesta Park on behalf of the city. Mayor Bernard Wagner said that the City has big plans for Fiesta Park. He envisioned it to become a space where the community can enjoy health and wellness, creating an economic environment with pop-ups and the holding of sporting activities. The title for the land the preschool sits on was reverted to the Ministry of Education. Ms. Crystal Gillett in a heart-rending moment finally got title to land she was living on for years. Ms. Gillett poured her heart out as she expressed gratitude to her Area Rep Francis Fonseca and others that sided with her in the plight for justice.

Hon Francis Fonseca stated that "with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources, we have been able to correct this injustice and legally place these properties in the hands of their rightful owners."

Another UDP injustice being righted by PUP.

On March 3, 2023, the National Youth Awards Show was held in Belize City at the Biltmore Plaza. The show was scheduled to have taken place in November 2022 but due to Hurricane Lisa, it was rescheduled. Finally, the youths got a chance to be recognized for their achievements in the categories.

The awards were set up by districts and broken down into fourteen categories for young Belizeans to be nominated of which the listed below are the winners.

District Awards Categories Winners

Cayo Academic Excellence Award Emelly Sosa

Cayo Diversely-Abled Award Angelique Waight

Orange Walk Environmental Steward Award Eider Romero

Orange Walk Innovation Through Technology Award Alvaro Espejo

Orange Walk Outstanding Young Musician Award Glenn Tillett

Cayo Social Media Influencer Award Benjamin Garcia

Cayo Strength Through Adversity Award Angelique Waight

Stann Creek Youth Club/Group of the Year Award The National Students’ Union of Belize - NSUB

Orange Walk Youth in Agriculture Award Darnique Petillo

Cayo Youth in Entrepreneurship Award Juan Carlos Menjivar

Cayo Youth in Sports Award (Female) Jaleeny Belisle

Toledo Youth in Sports Award (Male) Arik Nicholas

Orange Walk Youth in Visual Arts Award Adriel Carrillo

Stann Creek Youth Minister’s Award (Leadership) Mazlin Hanson

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport stated, “Since Kevin Cadle became the Director of Youths, he is very adamant in making sure that we recognize our young people every year. This recognition should have been done in November 2022, but when the hurricane came, everything had to be canceled. And so, we wanted to make sure that we pursue the 2022 now, and also in November 2023, we’re going to do the 2023 awards. I think it is significant because young people are somehow just left out of society and we expect them to do better when they take over as government. So this is an opportunity for them to say, “Okay, if I want to take leadership, I’ve got to start now at an early age.” So I feel very cognizant and happy that we were able to do it.”


Home for Mother of Two SMART-Funded partnered with Hand in Hand


On 29 March 2023, SMART celebrates its 18th Anniversary in commemoration of this momentous occasion they as a company decided to build, for one deserving Belizean mother and her family, a home. The telecommunication giant which is a major source of mobile communication, broadband, and VoIP provider in the country partnered with Hand in Hand Ministries to bring this dream to life.

Adelaide Sabido, Marketing Supervisor, SMART stated, “We are celebrating our eighteenth anniversary on March twenty-ninth of this year so in November we decided to partner with Hand in Hand Ministries and build a home for a SMART customer that needs it, especially after Hurricane Lisa. The application process was launched just after, and it was a very tough job to select one person. We had four recipients that were deserving of the house, based on the stipulations by Hand in Hand Ministries’ program, so we visited those four families, we interviewed them, we looked at a needs-based assessment and we selected after several hours, Ms Francisca Hower and she received the house you see being built here today.”

This would be the 477-home built by Hand in Hand Ministries since it started operating in 2003 in Belize. “We have served Belize for over twenty years,” Ms. Development Director, Hand in Hand Ministries also stated, “We find the people, or they come to us, they then go through an application process, and once that process is completed, we

vet each to ensure that it’s a person that needs our help. Only once this process is completed, we would provide those to SMART and they would decide whom they will build for. I’m sure for SMART it was a bit difficult, having to choose one because they saw the needs that the others had. All the others that they visited will get a home from us because they have been vetted already, but it was just a matter for them to choose whom they wanted to build for.” On a side note, she also advised that once Hand in Hand gets to house #500, all the recipients from the previous homes would contribute by paying for that home.

“Francesca Hower is the recipient out of 4 families we visited, and it was a hard decision, but we had to choose 1 we followed the criteria and needs-based assessment strategy from Hand In hand Ministries.” Adelaide Sabido, Marketing Supervisor, SMART

Francesca Hower, “I am so excited about this I can’t even find words. This is a dream come true I would first like to thank God for the blessing. I would like to say a huge thank you to Ms. Sabido and everyone at SMART and I would like to also thank Ms. Vargas for Hand in Hand and everyone who help in any way.”

The structure on the property stands at 16 x 20ft and at an estimated cost of $15,000 BZD which took (3) three days for smart staff and assistance for Hand in Hand Ministries to be built. The home will be blessed and officially handed over later this month.

Tuesday, 7 th March, 2023 For Immediate Release



Tuesday, 7th March, 2023

The People’s United Party, along with the rest of the country, was made aware of an unfortunate domestic incident involving an elected Punta Gorda Town Councillor. After carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, the Party sees no other alternative but to call for the immediate resignation of the Councillor. As a Party and government, the PUP has zero tolerance to all forms of domestic violence!

For Immediate Release

The Party takes this opportunity to remind its members, supporters, and elected officials of the importance of respecting the rights of others and to continue to support and promote the rights of our women and children. We take this opportunity to wish all the women of Belize, a happy Women’s Month.


The People’s United Party, along with the rest of the country, was made aware of an unfortunate domestic incident involving an elected Punta Gorda Town Councillor. After carefully examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, the Party sees no other alternative but to call for the immediate resignation of the Councillor. As a Party and government, the PUP has zero tolerance to all forms of domestic violence!

Contact: Linsford Castillo


The Party takes this opportunity to remind its members, supporters, and elected officials of the importance of respecting the rights of others and to continue to support and promotethe rightsof our women and children. We takethis opportunity to wish all the women of Belize, a happy Women’s Month.


Contact: Linsford Castillo




Ridge Lagoon Estate Area, Boom Road, Belize District


Ladyville/Lordsbank 4 64

The freehold properties of Mr. Francis Smith & Maria Smith/Messrs. BACAB Eco - Park




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

5 FEB 2023
BY ORDER of the Mortgagee Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo is selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 30th April 2023. Within this period, a Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold. Parcel No. 64 (36.526 acres) located south of Ridge Lagoon Residential Estate, Burrell Boom Road, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Francis Smith & Maria Smith/ Messrs. BACAB Eco - Park


Carolina/Calcutta Village, Alta Mira Area, Corozal Town, Corozal District; Gales Point Manatee, Hattieville Village, Max Boro Area, Sandhill Village , Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Burrell Boom Village, Belize City, Belize District; Belmopan, Bullet Tree Falls, Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District; Sarawee Village, Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. St. John’s Credit Union Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 15th May 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.




TELEPHONE 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

2. Lot No. 104 Hattieville Village, Belize District: 1. Parcel No. 596 Carolina/Calcutta Village, Corozal District: 2. Parcel No. 3658 Alta Mira Area, Corozal Town, Corozal District: 1. Lot No. 67 Gales Point Manatee, Costal Road, Belize District: Vehicle: B – BELIZE DISTRICT: C- CAYO DISTRICT: D- STANN CREEK DISTRICT: A – COROZAL DISTRICT: 3. Lot No. 351 Max Boro Area, Sandhill Village, Belize District: 4. Parcel No. 595 Lake Independence, Belize City, Belize District: 10. Parcel Nos. 763 & 764 Corner Western Avenue & Carnation Street, St Martin De 11. Lot Nos. A-27 & A-29 Burrell Boom Village, Belize District: 12. Parcel No. 143 near Mile 6 George Price Highway, Belize District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Vista Del Mar 16 320 The freehold property of Ms. Norman Alexander Young. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Carolina/Calcutta 1 596 The freehold
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal North 1 3658 The freehold property
property of Mr. Lyndon Gillett.
of Mr. Santos
The freehold property of Ms. Verolyn Richards.
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Sibun Bight 16 143 The freehold property of Mr. Bernard Pitts. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL St. Martins De Porres 45 763 & 764 The freehold properties of Mr.
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 42 10386 The freehold property of Mr. Stanley Palacio.
The freehold property of Mr. Kevin Carcamo. The freehold property of Mr. Berlan Smith.
Glenn Leslie and Ms. Marisol Leslie.
8. Lot No. 291 situate along the Freetown Sibun Road, Windmill Area, Hattieville Village, Belize District: 9. Lot No. 1 situate northeast Mirage & Perez Roads, Ladyville Village, Belize District: 5. Parcel No. 320 Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District: 6. Parcel No. 44 Morning Glory Street, Lake Independence, Belize City, Belize:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Lake Independence 44 The freehold property of Mr.
Torres. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL St. Martins De Porres 45 609/1
7. Parcel No. 609 Nutmeg Street, St. Martins, Belize District:City, Belize:
property of Mr. Hipolito Torres (Marilyn Torres - Surety (deceased).
Lot No. 83 Bullet Tree Falls Road,
Valley Road, Sarawee Village,
District: 2. Lot No. 29 Sarawee Village Ext, Stann Creek District:
Roaring Creek Village,
District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 24 12509 The freehold property of Mr. Calvin Stamp. 3. Lot No. 275 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Lake Independence 595
1. Parcel No. 10386 Belmopan,
Kay Works
Area, Cayo
1. Stann Creek
Stann Creek
3. Parcel No. 2509
freehold property of Ms. Indira Samuels. 2006 Suzuki Aerio The freehold property of Ms. Matilda Particia Flowers. The freehold property of Mr. Martin Jimenez Jr. The freehold property of Ms. Sharifa Tifarra Webster. The freehold property of Ms. Monica Jex. The freehold property of Ms. Gaynor Martinez. The freehold property of Ms. Genieve Marlene Murillo. The freehold property of Ms. Bernadine Meighan surety for Mr. Joseph Meighan Sr.

Let Belize Live


Statement made by the Premier of Belize Hon. George C. Price to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations

United Nations, New York November 7, 1975

Part II

For the Belizean people the right of self- determination is not an empty claim without substance of history or present reality. We have for centuries been a distinct and separate people, living on the American continent and identified by our historical development and our cultural, political and economic growth.

We are a people with a rightful claim to the land on which for centuries we have lived and worked. And when we consider the attributes of a nation, Belize has them all.

We have a distinct national personality, a blend of the multi-racial origins and the various cultures of our history. The population of Belize closely parallels that of the nations of the Caribbean Community. We are predominantly of African descent with a rich mixture of indigenous Maya, Mestizo, Carib, Asian, and others, who live together in peace and harmony -- no mean achievement in this world of racial turmoil. We have no desire to become a minority living at a disadvantage among a majority whose way of life is foreign to us.


Guatemala has referred to the original settlers of Belize as the aboriginal Amerindian tribes, descendants of the Maya, and cited this historical fact in support of its territorial claim. We find it difficult to take this contention seriously. Geographically, Belize is on the Central American mainland. In pre-Colombian times, it was part of the Maya civilization which also included Guatemala, southeastern Mexico, and northwestern Honduras. Were Guatemala to set itself up as the only legitimate heir to the Maya empire, it would logically lay claim to parts of Mexico and Honduras as well - - surely a preposterous situation. Indeed, there is no question but that Guatemala’s violation of our territory in some atavistic quest of an ancient hegemony would amount to the suppression of a people distinct from those of Guatemala.

We also regard as absurd and unkind Guatemala’s reference to the present population of Belize as being a result of migrations from different sources -- we are referred to as a “transplanted population”, presumably with no rights over the land we have exclusively occupied for centuries. Are not most nations of the Americas made up of “transplanted” populations? Do the “transplanted” peoples of Spain in Guatemala and other Latin American States have more inherent rights than the “transplanted” peoples of Africa and Asia?

The fact is that Belizeans are a blend of the mixtures that have occurred among the indigenous population and the other ethnic groups that have settled there over the centuries. As for the indigenous Maya, they are fully integrated into Belizean society. They are, and regard themselves as, Belizeans; they enjoy equal rights and privileges with all other Belizeans and they join equally in the rejection of Guatemala’s pretensions.

The pattern of settlement in Belize is one that runs from centuries ago to the present, but today more than 95% of the population are Belizean born. In these centuries of living together in a common physical, social and political environment, the people of Belize, of diverse origins, have come together as one people with their own way of life. They fully realize that absorption by the Government of Guatemala would amount to the extinction of Belizean society and the denial of the human rights of the Belizean people who have a unique national identity which defines them and the loss of which would amount to an act of cultural genocide.


That is why Belizeans are united in their resistance to Guatemala’s unfounded claim to our land. There is no party, group or individual in Belize who looks with favour on Guatemala’s pretensions. Earlier this year the Government and Opposition Parties in the House of Representatives issued a joint statement repudiating the Guatemalan claim and asserting their unity on this national issue. An opposition delegate forms part of the Belize office to the United Nations, and I am happy to have here with me the distinguished Leader of the Opposition.


GoB to Attend CANSO 2023 Airspace World Event

The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA), participated in Airspace World, a new global event organized by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO). Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, and Kennedy Carrillo, Chief Executive Officer in the ministry, led Belize’s delegation to the event, which is being hosted in Geneva, Switzerland, from March 8 to 10, 2023.

Airspace World brought together various aviation stakeholders to discuss the future of the world's sky space. This event offered both private and public entities the chance to develop a plan for the future airspace, highlighting the most up-to-date technology and services needed to achieve it. It also brought together companies from air traffic management, space, and unmanned traffic management sectors to collaborate in shaping the future of our skies.

Additionally, it provided an opportunity for stakeholders from Belize to engage with leaders and experts in the field, learn about the latest technology, and network with peers from around the world.

Minister Perez and CEO Carrillo will also be travelling to Madrid, Spain, to sign an agreement with Indra, a leading firm in digital transformation consultancy and information technologies in Spain and Latin America. This agreement will provide Belize with an inaugural primary radar, as well as enhancements to current air navigation services. As part of a COCESNA regional delegation, board members from every Central American nation will be in attendance.

III of VI for this speech…Next Week)
Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet


Notice is hereby given that Orlando Quan & Ycenia Juan are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Cenote” located in Sand Hill Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance

Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Bruce Cumberbatch is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Cumberbatch Groceries” located at # 6278 Park Avenue, Button Wood Bay, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance

Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Keith E. Wallace is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “RedGold-Green Bar” located in Altun Ha, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Eric Chee is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Wezn Holdings Co. Ltd.” located at Miles 1 ½ Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Marie J. Vertus is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “F & S 2 Sisters Shop” located at # 257 Hollywood Area, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Pearline N. Polonio is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Nephelin’s Kitchen” located at # 1105 Custard Apple Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Ajay K. Nishad is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “A And A’s Take Out Menu” located at # 550 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Sharon S. Beckford is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “White Smoke & Hot Flames Bar & Grill” located in Bullet Tree Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice of Employment:

Vacancy exist for an Executive Chef at Ka’ana Resort and Spa located at Miles 69 ½ George Price Highway, Cayo District. Interested persons may email resume to alberto@ Ka’ or call 824-3350 for more information.


PM, Bernard and Sheppard in OWT

Together, the PM, Minister Bernard and Mayor Sheppard are a formidable team in Orange Walk Central, Orange Walk East and the town in general. Three are working to bolster the super popular Prime Minister Briceño whose constituency takes up what Bernard’s area doesn’t. Fixing streets, improving drainage, and, in general, making the lives of the residents clear, safer, nicer and less prone to flooding is a daily task, Orange Walk is improving leaps and bounds.

Ex-Mayor Bernard and now Minister visited the Factory which is in his

constituency. The factory and sugar is probably the single industry that is highest foreign exchange earner in Belize. Minister Bernard does take that seriously and showed why he is interested in the factory. He is interested in how Orange Walk can improve and how the quality of life of the residents can be eased of the burdens of inflation, crime and bad infrastructure.

With the Prime Minister, ex-Mayor Bernard and Mayor Sheppard in Orange Walk, the residents can expect a better livelihood. Orange Walk is winning.

Distribution Vegetation Management

BEL invites tenders for Distribution Vegetation Management for the period 2023 to 2025 at the following locations:

Orange Walk


Independence and Placencia

San Ignacio

San Pedro and Caye Caulker

The bidding documents, which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates for the pre -bid meeting are available on BEL’s website at

Bidders are invited to attend a Virtual Pre -bid Meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2023 To gain access to the meeting link, send an email to with the subject “2022-775 Distribution Vegetation Management 2023 Pre-bid Meeting” no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday , March 9, 2023.

Proposals will be accepted by email only and should include the subject found in the respective bid form.

Submit bids by email to no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2023

For more information or queries, send email to


Vacancies exists at San Pedro High School for the following posts:

Vacancies exists at San Pedro High School for the following posts:

• English Language (full-time)

• English Language (full-time)

• Business Studies (temporary)

• Business Studies (temporary)

Prior teaching experience would be an asset.

Prior teaching experience would be an asset.

Applicants must also have excellent communication, interpersonal skills and be willing to work with students.

Applicants must also have excellent communication, interpersonal skills and be willing work with students.

Applications should be submitted along with a resume, copies of certificates, transcript, letters of recommendation and teacher’s license (must).

Salary will be in accordance with Government’s pay scale, which is based on qualifications.

Applications should be submitted along with a resume, copies of certificates, transcript, letters of recommendation and teacher’s license (must).

Applications must be addressed to:

Salary will be in accordance with Government’s pay scale, which is based on qualifications.

School San Pedro Town A.C.

Applications must be addressed to:

Deadline for Applications: March

Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.THE
5 FEB 2023 SAN OOL
Principal P.O. Box 23 San Pedro High
20, 2023
Principal P.O. Box 23
San Pedro High School

Prime Minister John Briceño Mayor Bernard Wagner and Hon. Francis Fonseca, MoECST

Progress and Success

Hon. Julius Espat, MIDH

12 MAR 2023 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 15 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 14 12 MAR 2023 12 MAR 2023
Women’s Day
on the Belize City Overpass
Happy Women’s Day
for the Ministry of Natural Resources in OW
In Spanish Lookout on the 65th Anniversary of Mennonite settlement
Sporting equipment to the San Estevan Football Academy Visiting with Sam Waight Observing Heroes and Benefactor’s Day at the Bliss Lighthouse Here w Angleton Tx Mayor Jason Perez Major work on the Philip Goldson Highway…fixing UDP’s corruption Due Respect when you see the MIDH logo, here Succotz In Southern Stann Creek

MOHW Current Events

The Ministry of Health & Wellness held a recognition activity this morning for the successful candidates of the Pharmacy Board Examination that included those from the first five-year Bachelors program in Pharmacy done in partnership with University of Belize.



There is no alternative to investing in people and their well-being and making them the central focus of all development efforts. NHDR (1996, p.3)

There was a call for the need for a new definition of the term development and a need for a new paradigm to measure development and national growth. The call has been heeded with the introduction of Belize's first MPI. Poverty and employment is integral in the assessing of a country's development and growth.

On Wednesday 8, March 2023 the Statistical Institute of Belize launched the National Multidimensional Poverty Index with a presentation on Multidimensional Poverty in Belize.

The official Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) in September 2021 was 0.139, with 35.7 percent of the population being multidimensionally poor (incidence) and an intensity rate of 39 percent (the depth of poverty). It was estimated that 133,516 persons spread across 31,399 households, were multidimensionally poor. The MPI encompasses various deprivations that characterize the experience of poverty in Belize, such as the lack of education or employment, and is complementary to monetary measures of poverty. This MPI, the first for Belize, is a collaborative effort with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The MPI uses the Alkire-Foster (AF) method, which quantifies the various deprivations that individuals suffer concurrently, such as the lack of education or employment, poor health, or poor living conditions. In 2018, under the previous monetized system, monetary poverty affected 201,616 persons living in Belize. About 1 in 2 (52%) of persons were living in monetary poverty.

Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño, guest speaker at the launch, highlighted that the last four censuses in Belize conducted in 1995, 2002, 2009 and 2018, "showed us a common trend, increase in poverty with no viable avenue to control or stop it." Seemingly, the People’s United Party Government led by PM Briceño have found that avenue to stem the trend as indicated by the numbers on poverty in Belize from the SIB in September 2021.

It was the 2009 Poverty Assessment Report that had the most striking result of the increase in indigence. Indigence is extreme poverty. Indigence had jumped to 15.8 percent. Poverty as a whole had climbed to 41.3 percent. Victory Bulmer Thomas in ‘The Economic History of Belize’ wrote that when the 2009 report became available in 2011, there was the notion that something had gone seriously wrong in Belize as the country prepared to celebrate 30 years of Independence.

Considering the Poverty Assessment Report of 2018 and the notion of things something had gone awry regarding existing poverty. It is clear that the previous administration, the United Democratic Party Government, allowed the common trend, the increase in poverty, to fester— an unconscionable act and abuse of power. Lest we forget the UDPs controlled

the Petrocaribe largesse, an initiative engaged by the Said Musa Government to alleviate the conditions of the poor. Additionally, there were the oil revenues, the primary surplus and savings from a successful restructuring of the commercial debt. Nonetheless, the red-hydra regime went on a spending spree on roundabouts and roads that led to nowhere, eating pibil and getting tipsy on ‘badman’. There were no cares for the people at the bottom: the marginalized, the downtrodden and the poverty-stricken masses. The UDPs leveraged both, poverty and unemployment for political gain to remain in power. The focus was on winning the next election and no consideration for the next generation. The Barrow Government transformed the mendicant society into a dependent society, where the individuals could not lift a finger to change their dire conditions.

The Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño proffered that "poverty dwells and lingers in a society inhibiting social mobility, obstructing government's ability to act, and robs from those who wish for better that which should never be taken away: HOPE." It is the writer's opinion that the Barrow Government failed to act in alleviating poverty and took the HOPE wished for by the unfortunates, replacing it with sufferation and misery. The launch marks the return of that hope for a better way of life. The reduction of poverty comes on the heels of two unprecedented PlanBelize milestones, the reduction in public debt and unemployment. These are all considered and figured in Belize's growth diagnostic as binding constraints.

Some of the highlights presented in regards to the Multidimensional Poverty by districts showed that the Toledo District had the highest percentage of multidimensionally poor persons at 60.3 percent, while the Belize District registered the lowest at 20.9 percent. Persons living in rural areas were multidimensionally poorer than those living in urban areas; 47 percent compared to 23 percent. Regarding ethnicity, 61.1 percent of Mayas were of multidimensionally poor, the highest among the major ethnic groups. With respect to educational attainment, households headed by persons who had not completed any level of education had the highest incidence of poverty at 54 percent. Ms Diana Castillo-Trejo indicated that every September a MPI assessment will be conducted.

PM Briceño was ecstatic regarding the SIB assessment of the state of poverty in Belize. Briceño said that PlanBelize was committed to halving poverty within a decade hence the numbers embedded in the report was of great significance. "My administration took office in 2020 determined to steer clear from prescriptive policies that offer temporary solutions to our development challenges, and this includes poverty reduction. The PM also reaffirmed the government's commitment to continue working towards Belize becoming the embodiment of a nation rich in opportunities, quality of life, and focused on transformation. The adoption of the first MPI will be utilized to rid Belize of the shackles of poverty and as a guide towards the development of people and country. This is surely another PlanBelize milestone achieved by the PUP Government.


This guide will provide a step-by-step on how to register your account:

Go to the Official Belize Tax Service Online Website Belize Tax Services (

On the home page click the “Register for an account” button.

This link will take you to the online registration form.

Start Filling the Following Details:

i. Your first & last name.

ii. Your Date of Birth

Enter your Name and Date of Birth as given on your Social Security Card/Birth Certificate

iii. Your Mobile Number

This will be used for request verification and important communications from Belize Tax Service.

iv. Your Email Address

This email address will be used to login to the portal.

v. Enter a Password as per the specification given.

• At least 1 upper case character

• At least 1 lower case character

vi. Re-Confirm your Password.

This should be same as the Password field above.

Enter the appropriate Security answers to the three Questions.

• At least 1 digit

• At least 1 special character (! @#$%*)

• Minimum of 8 character

(Note: these questions will be used in the event you need to recover your password and validate your identity)

When finished, check the read and agree box for the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Now, you can click the “Submit my Registration” button.

Your user account registration has been sent.

A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you entered

Open the email and click the CONFIRM EMAIL ADDRESS button, you are now registered!

For the final step, you will need to contact Belize Tax Service to link your tax account to your online profile.

5 FEB 2023

This process will take approximately 24 hours to link.


BY ORDER of the Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Mr. Fitzgerald

A. Joseph will auction the following unserviceable vehicles, cycles, heavy equipment on site at the San Pedro Town Council Compound, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District, Belize on Friday the 17th day of March, 2023, commencing at 9:00 a.m. No duties payable.

STRICTLY CASH FITZGERALD A. JOSEPH TELEPHONE: 601-2039 Email: NUMBER YEAR MAKE MODEL 1 1991 International Truck 2 1992 International Truck 3 Uncertain International Truck 4 1998 International 49000T4466E 5 2001 International 4300SBA4X2 6 1982 International SS 7 1994 GMC Truck 8 N/A Sweeper SX2000 9 1999 Mobi Truck Sweeper 10 1988 Caterpillar 120 Grader 11 N/A Caterpillar Roller CP 323 12 N/A Ford F150 Truck 13 2003 Ford F150 Truck 14 2002 Ford F150 XL Truck 15 2001 Ford F150 XL Truck 16 2004 Ford F150 XL Truck 17 N/A Ford F350 Diesel Truck 18 N/A Honda XR 150L Motorbike 19 2014 Honda XR 150L Motorbike 20 N/A Honda 125L Motorbike 21 N/A Honda 125L Scooter

La Ruta Maya River Challenge – Beacon for A Successful Sport

Keynote address by Hon. Gilroy Usher Minister of State for Youth, Sports, and Transport.

Governor General Froyla Tzalam, Ministers of Government, members of the Belize City Council, paddlers of the various teams and their service crews, the staff of Love F.M. under the leadership of Dr. Rene Villanueva, Belizeans from all across our beautiful country, vendors, invited guests, members of the media.

On behalf of the Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport, Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, who could not be here today due to a government commitment, I extend a warm welcome to the award ceremony for the conclusion of 26th Annual Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2023.

For enduring four days of tough paddling all the way from San Ignacio to Belize City all the teams especially the champions in the different categories as well as the young and senior paddlers deserve a round of applause.

Willing as the teams may be, the Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge would not be possible without the sponsors and the organizing committee of Love FM; they too deserve a round of applause.

Already the biggest race in the country the Belikin La Ruta Maya Challenge is bigger every year because of three main things: Strong competition, proper management, and cooperation.

Fans and sponsors like strong, healthy, and respectful competition. That is great for a family outing and promotion for sponsors. We can therefore look forward to more sponsorship for this event and greater attendance by fans in the years ahead. As mentioned above, the appeal of the Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge is also growing rapidly as a result of proper management. Extensive planning with all the stakeholders begins only a few months after a race to ensure everything is in place and that everything flows smoothly for the next race from the requirements for teams to the distribution of prizes at the official ceremony,

Last but not least, cooperation with all the stakeholders plays a major role in the success of the Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge. From the start of the race in San Ignacio to the stop in Ba-

nana Bank; then, Double Head Cabbage followed Burrell Boom, and finally at the BelCan Bridge in Belize City organizers, residents, fans, law enforcement, and teams all work together for the greater good of the canoe river race and the country.

For the strong competition, proper management, and cooperation that have enabled the Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge to continue broaden its appeal to the public we all deserve a round of applause.

Despite limited resources this administration supports sports including La Ruta Maya, because it recognizes the importance of the discipline in growing the economy and molding our youths to be law-abiding and productive Belizeans.

It is therefore good to know that following the end of Covid-19 through the National Sports Council (NSC) the administration has been working in every possible way with the different sporting organizations for basketball, football, cricket, softball, cycling, sailing, and numerous other sports to broaden the appeal of their organizations to the public with strong competition, proper management, and cooperation – the same three qualities that have made the Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge one of the most successful sports in the country for its teams, fans, sponsors, and the nation.

As we aim to take all sports to a higher level in Belize, let us remember these very important words of Winston Churchill, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

Congratulations to all the teams that participated in the 26th annual Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge, Congratulations to all the winners, Long live La Ruta Maya River Challenge, and long live Belize!

Thank you.


Pursuant to Section 22 (2)(c) of The Tax Administration and Procedure Act, Chapter 51 Revised Edition 2020 (TAPA), which grants the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department (BTSD) the authority to specify the manner in which returns should be filed, including electronically and with electronic signature, the Director General hereby notifies ALL taxpayers that effective April 1, 2023 they will be required to file tax returns and pay all taxes administered by the BTSD online.

In September 2021, the BTSD implemented the Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS Belize) online portal. Only Large Taxpayers were required to utilize the portal, while all other taxpayers were encouraged to sign up and commence using IRIS Belize voluntarily. However, as part of a phased approach to fully implementing IRIS Belize, as of April 1, 2023, it is mandatory that every taxpayer is registered for an IRIS Belize account.

Commencing with the tax period ending 31st March 2023, and for subsequent tax periods, taxpayers must electronically file with the BTSD a return required to be filed for the tax period under the relevant tax law and make payment. The Department will no longer be accepting tax payments or filing of tax returns in the office. Payment and returns will only be accepted through the portal. This is aimed at making filing tax returns and paying taxes faster, more convenient, and free while ensuring and fostering the safety and security of the BTSD employees, as well as taxpayers. Equally, this will assist BTSD in providing more efficient and timely service to our taxpayers.

Please be reminded that per the governing tax Acts: The TAPA; The Income and Business Tax Act, Chapter 55 Revised Edition 2020; and The General Sales Tax Act, Chapter 63 Revised Edition 2020 of the Laws of Belize, each taxpayer is under an obligation to pay taxes AND file a return on or before the deadline for each respective tax type.

To register for an IRIS Belize account, visit

In order to facilitate the transition process, taxpayers may seek technical assistance from the IRIS Belize HELP DESK which may be contacted via telephone at +501 613-8375; +501 6132773; +501 614-5731; +501 613-4711; or email at during the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Mondays-Thursdays, and 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM on Fridays.



1. Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Coast Guard for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.

2. Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary

3. Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.

4. The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Coast Guard will fluctuate as necessary.

5. Tenders should be in sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Coast Guard”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 1130 am.

6. Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.

7. Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.

8. Belize Sales Tax Letter to be submitted.


Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Coast Guard 2 ½ Miles George Price Highway, Belize FOOD (RATION) TENDERING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 – 24

THE BELIZE TIMES 19 12 MAR 2023 Continued on page 20 THE BELIZE TIMES 230 5 FEB 2023
SER Commodities Units Qty Pkg Breakdown Brand 1 BBQ Sauce 18 oz bot 10 cses 12 per case Kraft 2 BBQ Sauce 80 oz bot 1 cse 6 per case Kraft 3 Bake Beans (honey) 28 oz tin 12 cses 12 per case Bush 4 Baking Powder 8 oz tin 8 cses 24 per case Heart Club 5 Beans - Black 100 lb sack 3 scks 100 lb per sack Local 6 Beans - Red Kidney 100 lb sack 6 scks 100 lb per sack Local 7 Beef consume 12 g sachet 60 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 8 Black Pepper lb 24 jar 1 lb per jar Badia 9 Bread - Wheat each 400 ea Local 10 Butter 1 lb per pk 5 cses 30 pks per case Blue Bonnet 11 Cookies box 1 cse 24 x 250 grams McVittes 12 Campbell Soup 10.5 oz tin 10 cses 12 per case Campbell 13 Cereal 18 oz pk 5 cses 12 per case Honey Nut Cheerios’ 14 Cereal 14.5 oz pk 2 cse 12 per case Honey Bunches of Oats 15 Cereal 560 g pk 5 cses 10 per case Kellogs Corn Flakes 16 Cheese 2 kgs per blks 9 cses 10 blocks per case Happy Cow 17 Chicken Sausage 142 g tin 13 cses 48 per case La Fe 18 Chicken consume 12 g sachet 87 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 19 Chopped Ham 12 oz tin 12 cses 24 per case Dak 20 Coconut milk 400 g tin 12 cses 24 per case Grace 21 Coconut powder 3 cses 12 boxes per case Grace 22 Coconut Oil 1 lt bot 7 cses 12 per case Grace 23 Coffee 180 g bot 7 cses 15 per case Dolca 24 Coffee Oz 2 Bot 42.5 per bot Maxwell 25 Complete Seasoning oz 22 jrs 24 oz per jar Badia 26 Condensed milk 395 g tin 10 cses 48 per case Nestle 27 Cooking Oil 4.6 gal 16 cses 5 gal per case Marina 28 Corn Beef 12 oz tin 9 cses 24 per case Grace 29 Corn Tortillas lb 100 lbs Local 30 Creamer bot 4 oz 56 oz per bot Coffee Mate 31 Curry powder lb 2 lbs 1 lb per jar Local or import 32 Custard box 4 cses 10 per case Koop Mans 33 Evaporated milk 378g tin 12 cses 48 per case Carnation 34 Flour lb 25 scks 100 lb per sack Babe Agua 35 French Worcestershire Sauce bot 1 cse 12 per case Worcestershire 36 Fruit Cocktail 15 oz tin 5 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 37 Garlic Consume 12 g sachet 30 cards 12 sachet per card Mahler 38 Garlic Powder lb 18 jr 1.5 lb per jar Badia 39 Gatorade Powder 51 oz bot 4 cses 3 per case Gatorade 40 Hot dog sausage 12 oz per pk 15 cses 16 per case Gwaltney 41 Jalapeno pepper 8 oz tin 4 cses 48 per case Del Monte 42 Jam 16 oz bot 1 cses 24 per case Del Monte 43 Juice Squash 1 lt bot 4 cses 12 per case Marie Sharp Orange 44 Juice Squash 4 12 per case Marie Sharp Tambran 45 Juice Squash 2 Marie Sharp Grapefruit 46 Juice Squash 2 Marie Sharp Fruit Punch 47 Juice Squash 4 Marie Sharp Pineapple 48 Ketchup 24 oz bot 10 cses 12 per case Del Monte 49 Lemon & Pepper Seasoning Salt lb 1 jr 2 lb per jar Badia 50 Luncheon meat (pork) 340 g tin 12 cses 24 per case Grace 51 Macaroni & cheese 177g pk 10 cses 24 per case Kraft 52 Maggie Soup 60 g pk 2 cses 12 boxes per case Maggie 53 Margarine 16 oz tin 1 cs 24 per case Wood & Dunn 54 Marie Sharp Pepper 10 oz bot 14 cses 12 per case Marie Sharp 55 Mayonaise 8 oz bot 6 cses 12 per case Kraft 56 Mayonaise 1 gal 1 cse 4 per case Plantation 57 Milk 1 lt box 2 cse 12 per case Lala 58 Milo 300 g pk 8 cses 12 pks per case Nestle 59 Mix vegetables 15 oz tin 8 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 60 Nut meg lb 1 lbs 1 lb per jar Badia 61 Oats 18 oz tin 7 cses 12 per case Quaker (packed /USA) 62 Olive Oil 1 gal 3 Cses 4 per case Badia 63 Onion Powder jars 15 Badia 64 Parmesan Cheese Bot 4 bots Kraft 65 Peanut Butter -Creamy bot 1 cses 12/160m Jif 66 Powder milk 840 g 3 cses 12 per case Nestle Nido 67 Ranch Dressing-light bot 2 cses 12 per case Hidden Valley 68 Recado black lb 10 lbs per lb Local 69 Recado red lb 30 lbs per lb Local 70 Refried Beans 580g tin 8 cses 12 per case La Costena 71 Rice 5 lb 42 cses 50 lb per case Tropic Rice “A” 72 Salad Cream 600 g bot 7 cses 12 per case Heinz 73 Salsa Casera 220 g tin 5 cses 48 per case La Costena 74 Salt 500 g pk 3 sck 50 pks per sacks Sol 75 Season all lb 16 jr 2 lb per jar Badia 76 Shell pasta 200g pk 5 cses 20 per case Ina 77 Shortening (Tube) 2 lb 12 cses 12 per case Regia 78 Soy Sauce 5 fl oz 6 cses 12 per case La Choy 79 Spaghetti pk 6 cses 20 per case Ina 80 Spaghetti & Meat Balls 15 oz tin 9 cses 24 per case Chef Boyardee 81 Split Peas 22 lb bag 6 bgs 22 lbs per bag Chef Choice 82 Sugar White lb 4 scks 100 lbs per sack Local 83 Sugar Brown lb 3 scks 100 lb per sack Local 84 Sugar Corn 14.75 g tin 5 cses 24 per case Del Monte (packed/USA) 85 Tang juice packets 7 cses 20 boxes per case Tang 86 Tea bag 25 per box 2 cse 20 boxes per case Red Rose 87 Tomato paste 100 g pk 6 cses 48 per case Regia 88 Vanilla 32 oz bot 3 bot each Gary 89 Vinegar gal 10 cses 4 gal per case Femagra 90 Whole Kernel corn 14.75g tin 3 cses 24 per case Del Monte 91 Yeast (Instant) 4 x 11 g 8 cses 24 per case Fermipan Field ration: 92 Cereal - mini 1.31oz 4 cses 30 per case Kellogg’s 93 Chicken Sausage 142 g tin 3 cses 48 per case La Fe 94 Chocolate bar (sml) fun size 1 cse 144 per case Snicker 95 Corn Beef (small) 7 oz tin 6 cses 24 per case Grace 96 Mint sweet bags 2 cses 100 per case 97 Oats (3min pkts) packets cses ….. per case Quaker 98 Protein Bar 1.2 oz 2 cses 50 per case Nature Valley 99 Pan Creama Biscuit 106gr 4 cses 36 per case Pan Crema 100 Milk packet Chocolate 10 pkts 1 cse 20 boxes per case Swiss Miss 101 Noodles - chicken 85g 6 cses 24 per case Ramen 102 Rice 2 lbs 2 cses 20 lbs per case Tropic Rice “A” 103 Sardines 3.75oz 3 cses 50 per case Bumble Bee 104 Tang juice packets 2 cses 20 boxes per case Tang 105 Tea bag 25 per box 1 cse 20 boxes per case Red Rose




2022 – 23 SER Commodities Units Qty Package Breakdown Brand 1 Air-freshener 10.5 oz tin 6 case 12 per case Airwick 3 Batteries AA pk 40 pks 4 per pk Duracell 4 Batteries AAA pk 30 pks 2 per pk Duracell 5 Batteries D pk 10 pks 2 per pk Duracell 6 Battery water 1/2 lt btl 1 cses 24 per case 7 Broom (plastic) each 15 ea Local 8 Cleaning cloth pk 50 pks 5 per pk Magitel 9 Clorox gal 12 cse 4 per case Snow White 10 Comet w/bleach 1 cse 12 per case Comet 12 Dishwashing liquid 750 ml bot 8 cse 12 per case Axion 13 Disposable cups large each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 14 Disposable forks each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 15 Disposable spoon each 10 bgs 50 per bags Biodegradable 16 Fish spray 450 ml tin 4 cse 24 per case Fish 17 Flash disinfectant 1/2 lt tim 12 cse 20 per case Flash 18 Foil paper 200 sq ft pk 3 cse 12 per case Aluminium 19 Hand liquid soap 14 oz bot 6 cse 24 per case Lucky 20 Harpic 750 ml bot 4 cse 12 per case Harpic 21 Jumbo paper towel case 3 cse 12 per case Local - CPC 22 Jumbo toilet tissue case 2 cse 12 per case Local - CPC 23 Disinfectant Spray 99.9% 12.5 oz tin 3 cse 12 per case N/A 25 Mop each 15 ea. Heavy duty mop 26 Mosquito coil each 5 cses 60 per case Black 27 Muratic acid qt 3 cse 12 per case 28 Off repellent 6 oz tin 14 cse 12 per case Off 29 Oven cleaner tin 3 cse 12 per case Easy Off 30 Paper towels case 5 cse 30 per case Bounty 31 Plastic bag transparent 1 gal bags 4 case 100 per box Ziploc 32 Plastic bag transparent 2 gal bags 6 cse 100 per box Ziploc 33 Pledge 12 oz tin 2 cse 12 per case Pledge 34 Pot washer each 60 ea. 36 Scotch brite 12 / 1ct 1 cs 20 per case 37 Scrubbing brush each 10 ea. Local 38 Soap powder 5.5 kg bag 10 cses 4 per case Foca 39 Take out tray large each 4 cses 100 per case Biodegradable 40 Take out tray small each 3 cses 100 per case Biodegradable 42 Toilet paper bale 25 bales 12 pks per bale Softy 43 Trash bags heavy duty 14 gal bags 8 rolls 100 per roll Lucky 44 Trash bags heavy duty 33 gal bags 10 rolls 100 per roll Lucky 45 Vehicle air freshener each 2 cse 24 per case Dalan 47 Windex 26 oz bot 4 cse 12 per case Windex SER Commodities Units Qty Breakdown Brand 1 Beef Steak (Minimal Fat) lb 300 5lb per bag 2 Boneless Ham lb 30 2lb per bag 3 Chicken Ham lb 30 2lb per bag 4 Breakfast Sausage 24 oz 90 2lb per bag 5 Butt Beacon 12 oz 40 2lb per bag 6 Chicken lb 3000 5 lbs per chicken 7 Cow Foot lb 80 5 lb per bag 8 Boneless Chicken Breast Lb 100 9 Fresh Fish (scale & deguts) lb 400 10-inch head to tail 10 Ground Steak lb 200 5lb per bag 11 Ground Chicken lb 100 2lb per bag 12 Chicken Patty lb 125 13 Pigtail bucket 3 35 lb per bucket 14 Pork Chops (lean) lb 350 5lb per bag Commodities Units Package Breakdown Brand 1 Bananas each box 100 per box Fyffe’s 2 Broccoli lb lbs 3 Cabbage lb lbs Local 4 Cauliflower lb lbs 5 Carrots lb lbs Local 6 Cassava lb lbs Local 7 Cantelope lb lbs Local 8 Celery lb lbs Local 9 Cilantro lb lbs Local 10 Coco lb lbs Local 11 Cucumber lb lbs Local 12 Eggs each Trays 30 per tray Local 13 Garlic head Heads Local 14 Grapefruit sack sack 100 per sack Local 15 Lettuce lb lbs Local 16 Lime each each each Local 17 Okoro lbs lbs Local 18 Onion lbs sacks 50 lbs per sack Local Onion (Red) lbs sacks 50 lbs per sack Local 19 Orange each sack 100 per sack Local 20 Papaya lb lbs Local 21 Pineapple lb lbs Local 22 Plantain each each Local 23 Potatoes lbs sack 110 lbs per sack Local 24 Sweet Pepper lbs lbs Local 25 Sweet Potato lbs lbs Local 26 Tomatoes lbs lbs Local 27 Watermelon each lbs Local 28 Callaloo lb Local 29 Spinach Lb Lbs Local 30 Ginger Lb Lbs Local 31 Zucchini lb Lbs Local Continued from page 19


2023 – 2024

1.Tenders are invited for the supply of food items listed below to the Belize Defence force for the period 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.

2.Quotation for the supply of goods is to be based on Duty Paid Prices. Brand names are to be specified where necessary.

3.Contract will be terminated if the contractor consistently fails to supply the requisite items as agreed.

4.The food and household sundries requirements are calculated by the month and are an estimate only. Orders by the Belize Defence Force will fluctuate as necessary.

5.Tenders should be in a sealed envelope address to the chairperson, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, Belmopan, and marked “Tender for the Supply of Food, Household Sundries, Vegetables, and Meat for the Belize Defence Force”. Envelopes should be deposited at Belmopan in the tender box no later than the 6th April 2023 at 11:30 am.

6.Companies Registry Certificate to be submitted.

7.Social Security letter of good standing to be submitted.



Food allocation and household sundries are per month. Belize Defence Force, Price Barracks, Ladyville, Belize District

THE BELIZE TIMES 21 12 MAR 2023 Continued on page 22 THE BELIZE TIMES 235 5 FEB 2023 Breakfast Items Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Bacon Slices lbs 1531 18372 Breakfast Sausages lbs 3445 41340 Chicken Ham Slices lbs 1531 18372 Eggs each 50838 610056 Happy Cow Cheese lbs 1630 19560 Kraft Cheese Singles (24 piece) pack 128 1536 Salami Sausage lbs 1531 18372 Grains Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Brown Sugar lbs 731 8772 Corn Tortilla lbs 2552 30624 Flour lbs 6520 78240 Red Kidney Beans lbs 6376 76512 Split Peas lbs 354 4248 White Rice lbs 9107 109284 Bread Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Burger Bread pack 510 6120 Dinner Rolls pack 510 6120 Sweet Bun pack 2042 24504 Whole Wheat Bread pack 5614 67368 Seasonings Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Black Pepper lbs 227 2724 Black Recado lbs 32 384 Chicken Consume lbs 115 1380 Complete Seasoning lbs 96 1152 Curry Powder lbs 32 384 Dry Rosemary lbs 32 384 Fish Seasoning lbs 20 240 Fresh Garlic (Baba’s) head 1850 22200 Italian Seasoning (Badia) (141.8 g) Bottle 1 12 Jerk Seasoning Medium heat (Grace) (312g) bottle 26 312 Meat Tenderizer Seasoning lbs 16 192 Parsley Flakes lbs 96 1152 Red Recado lbs 199 2388 Salt lbs 243 2916 Spice Seed lbs 16 192
Meats Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Baby back ribs lbs 110 1320 Beef Patties lbs 766 9192 Beef Steak lbs 2807 33684 Chicken (Breast) lbs 3573 42876 Chicken (Whole) lbs 25520 306240 Conch lbs 83 996 Fish Fillet lbs 4466 53592 Ground Chicken lbs 2552 30624 Ground Steak lbs 1276 15312 Lamb Chops lbs 55 660 Lobster lbs 83 996 Pigtail bkt 16 192 Pork Chops lbs 110 1320 Shrimp lbs 638 7656 Shrimp (Paradise) lbs 83 996 Snapper fish lbs 83 996 Turkey lbs 55 660 Fruits/Vegetables Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Apple each 5104 61248 Banana lbs 2042 24504 Broccoli lbs 383 4596 Cabbage lbs 319 3828 Carrots lbs 1021 12252 Cauliflower lbs 383 4596 Celery lbs 383 4596 Cilantro lbs 200 2400 Coco Yam lbs 383 4596 Cucumber lbs 638 7656 Lettuce lbs 766 9192 Lime each 1021 12252 Muskmelon lbs 510 6120 Okra lbs 383 4596 Onion lbs 2935 35220 Orange each 7656 91872 Papaya lbs 510 6120 Pineapple lbs 1021 12252 Potato lbs 5487 65844 Ripe Plantain each 1021 12252 Spinach lbs 255 3060 Sweet Pepper lbs 1021 12252 Tomato lbs 1148 13776 Watermelon lbs 510 6120

Continued from page 21


Dry Goods

Continued on page 23 BELIZE 236 5 FEB 2023
Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Baking Powder (Hearth Club) (230 g) tin 146 1752 BBQ Coal bag 128 1536 BBQ Sauce (18oz) bott 255 3060 Bottle Juice (Crystal) (500 ml) case 11 132 Bottle Water (Crystal) (500 ml) case 17 204 Butter cookies 12 oz Pan 11 132 Butter stick (blue bonnet) packs 415 4980 Chicken Sausage (Grace) tin 2016 24192 Chopped Ham tin 396 4752 Coconut Oil quart 255 3060 Coconut Powder (12 packet) pack 2161 25932 Coffee Creamer (coffee mate) (435g) Single 55 660 Coffee packet (Nescafe) (100 pk) case 6 72 Condensed Milk (Dutch Lady) (397 g) tin 4312 51744 Corn Beef sml tin 552 6624 Corn Flakes (Honey Bunches of oats: Almond) Single 253 3036 Corned Beef (340 g) tin 792 9504 Cornflakes sml (20 pk) case 25 300 Cranberry Juice 3 Liter (Ocean Spray) Assorted Case 2 24 Creamer Packet (Coffee mate) (1000 pk) (3 g) case 1 12 Custard (400 g) bott 99 1188 Evaporated Milk (Dutch Lady) (410 g) tin 2429 29148 Fire Dragon green and clean gel fuel single 1100 13200 Fruit Cocktail 30 oz Single 22 264 Gatorade (591 ml) Case 3 36 Grapefruit Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 383 4596 Green Tea packs 609 7308 Horchata Concentrate (700 ml) bott 255 3060 Instant Coffee (Nescafe Dolca) (170 g) bott 1775 21300 Jalapenos 1 Gal Tin 12 144 Jam (Del monte) (470 g) bott 99 1188 Jam (Marie Sharp) (assorted) (312 g) single 55 660 Ketchup (Heinz) (32 oz) bott 655 7860 Lime concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 858 10296 Luncheon Meat (DAK) (340 g) tin 990 11880 Macaroni & Cheese (Kraft) (206 g) pack 1531 18372 Mackerel (Grace) tin 2100 25200 Margarine (454 g) lbs 319 3828 Maxwell House Coffee (869g) (Brew) Single 55 660 Mayonnaise (443 g) bott 255 3060 Milo Drink (400 g) pack 510 6120 Mixed Vegetables (234 g) tin 396 4752 Mixed Vegetables (411 g) tin 255 3060 Nature Valley (98 bars) case 6 72 Oats (Quaker) (510 g) bott 99 1188 Orange Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 893 10716 Ovaltine Powdered Drink (400 g) pack 396 4752 Pack Ramen (Maruchan) (24 pk) case 23 276 Pasta (bowtie) (1 lbs) pack 22 264 Peanut Butter (Jiff) (510 g) Single 154 1848 Peanut packets (12 pk) case 46 552
Cleaning Supplies and Sundries Items Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year Air Freshener (block) block 55 660 Bio burger tray single 550 6600 Bio cups 12 oz single single 8800 105600 Bio cups 16 oz single single 3300 39600 Bio forks single 3300 39600 Bio plates 6” single 1100 13200 Bio plates 9” single 1650 19800 Bio soup bowl single single 1100 13200 Bio soup cup single 330 3960 Bio spoons single single 5500 66000 Bio take out tray single 8800 105600 Bleach Gallon 264 3168 Broom Single 66 792 Brown paper rolls single 220 2640 Camphor balls Pk packs 28 330 Carbo negros (gals) gallons 11 132 Cleaning Cloth Pack 317 3802 Coffee Filter single 10000 120000 Commercial mop bucket single 11 132 Deck broom single 11 132 Degreaser single 33 396 Dish Washing Liquid gallons 33 396 Dish Washing Liquid case 34 409 Duster single 22 264 Floor mop single 66 792 Fly Spray cannister 211 2534 Foil paper 75 ft single single 83 990 Furnisher Polish (canister) canister 13 158 Glass Cleaner bottle 26 317 Industrial Mop single 11 132 Liquid soap (gals) bottle 77 924 Lysol Spray cannister 53 634 Muriatic Acid bott 66 792 Napkin (pks) (500 pk) packs 55 660 Oven Cleaner cannister 26 317 Paper Towels rolls 88 1056 Pine Oil (gals) gallons 165 1980 Plunger single 17 198 Pot Washer single 550 6600 Soap Powder 250 g Bags 1980 23760 Soap Powder 5KG Bags 165 1980 Scrubbing Brush Single 26 317 Steel Wool pks 83 990 Tile cleaner (Tilex) single 22 264 Toilet bowl cleaner (btls) bottle 40 475 Toilet brush single 22 264 Toilet Paper (Scott) rolls 2200 26400 Trash bag heavy duty (50 Gallons) single 5500 66000 Trash Bags (13 gals) single 145 1742

Guava Limb canoe wins Ruta Maya River Challenge

The “Slim & Trim like a Guava Limb” team of 15-year-old Danny Cruz Jr, and 19-year-olds Javier Guardado and Andres Cabb won the 24th annual Ruta Maya River Challenge, a gruelling 174-mile, four-day paddle down the Belize River from the Hawkesworth Bridge in San Ignacio to the Bel-Can Bridge in Belize City to capture the coveted Kinich Ahau trophy and the grand first prize. Danny began paddling the Ruta Maya as a Junior in 2017 when he was 9 years old, and he has matured to win it all!

Along the way, they had won a $50 station prize at the Young Bank ferry and the $250 first prize as the 1st Men’s canoe to complete the first stage of the race to Banana Bank in 4:58:04, 3 minutes 39 seconds ahead of the 12 times defending champions - Team P.A.C.T. The PACT men took over the lead on the 2nd day to win the $250 in prizes at Bermudian Landing in 4:50:40; while Gauva Limb men won the $200 prize at Willows Bank and a $75 prize as the 2nd men’s team to finish the 2nd stage in 4:50:41. PACT led again on Day 3, sweeping $150 in station prizes to Burrel Boom, where they won a $600 prize as the first canoe, clocking 4:55:54, while “Guava Limb” was only a second behind to win the $75 prize in the men’s division. On the 4th and final day, “Guava Limb” was first across the finish line, beating the Koop Sheet Metal team by a half a boat-length.


1st “Slim & Trim like a Guava Limb” - Javier Guardado, Danny Cruz Jr, Andres Cabb – 18:18:36

2nd Koop Sheet Metal - Christian Lopez, Carlos Linarez, Enrique Cruz –18:19:21

3rd Team P.A.C.T. - Amado Cruz, Daniel Cruz, Jerry Cante – 18:23:02


1st Belize Coast Guard “Born Strong” - Dana Alford, Gianni Gomez, Diana Velasquez - 22:28:28

2nd Fitness Elites – Narissa Shaw, Mildred Calderon, Rosa Montero –24:16:26

3rd “Canooe Belize It – The White Girls Passed You” - 31:03:44

Family Adventure

1st Santander Sugar Group – Jonathan Giron, Gerson Girson, Jermaine Sutherland – 18:51:47

2nd Audubon Green Guardians D-Pest – Rudolph Sho and his sons Rhuan and Roel – 18:53:21

3rd “Fast Forward” 19:47:51


1st Galen Eagles – Sheffan Hemmans, Roxanna Lemus, Michael Moreno –19:43:04

2nd SeaSure Stars - Avis Guydis, Gustavo Pott and Jermaine Sanchez –20:28:18

3rd “Canooe Belize it” - Dustin Reyes, Chelsea Reyes, Berrisford Reyes –21:14:52


1st Hells Bells - Leroy Romero, Dave Newton, Luis Martin – 20:18:36

2nd BTB Vincent Guydis Canoes – Bob Vincent, Chris Guydis, Gwnme Hayman – 21:14:44

3rd “Everyting Aarite” - Mike, Scotie and Mikie - 21:22:55


1st University of Belize Black Jaguars 1 – Alex Sosa, John Myvett, Kirk Williams – 21:33:15

3rd University of Belize Black Jaguars 2 – Keane Gillett, Elton Henderson, Brent Dubon – 16:27:48.


1st “Environ-Men” - Pernell Flowers, Sandeep Betancourt, Sergio Lopez20:12:18

2nd “Weh Dem Deh” - Miguel Guerra, Daniel Harris, Jesus Cruz – 20:22:48

3rd “Si Wi Yah” - Mario Recinos, Jason Carrillo, Dean Harris – 21:56:08


1st “Flick” - Ostim & Kurt – 20:59:38.

2nd Universal Hardware – Jimmy Donis, Josue Giron – 21:07:32

3rd BATSUB/RF&G Life “Turtle Express”: Pierre Obando, Zuner Hernandez – 21:24:42.

Youngest paddlers

Two father and son teams shared the honor of having the youngest paddlers in the race: 11-year-old Thomas Searle of the Sea Sports team “Watt A Ting” paddled with his father Michael Searle and uncle Johnny “Watt” Searle: 22:17:06, while 11-year-old Leon Lord Jr paddled with his father Leon Lord Sr and Angel Ramos of the Ladyville Old Road team.

All teams won $50 station prizes for being the first team in their respective categories to pass a given station, and at the end of each stage, the top 3 in each category won a $100 first prize, a $75 second prize or a $50 third prize.


Continued from page 22

Sauce (MARIE SHARP) (10

5 FEB 2023


Lodgment of an EIA Report and Public Consultation For

Cockroach Caye Ltd.

For the construction of a Private Residence at Cockroach Caye – Turneffe Atoll

The General Public is hereby informed that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for a Private Residence to be located on Cockroach Caye – Turneffe Atoll, within the Belize District was submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by Cockroach Caye Ltd. The EIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken by the DOE.

The General Public is therefore advised that the EIA will be available for public review from February 28th to March 14th, 2023. The public is invited to submit their comments in writing before March 19th, 2023 to the DOE at the DOE address of 7552, Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan or to email or, or by link:

The EIA-Report and its annexes can be reviewed, free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during the normal working hours of (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) at the Leo Bradley Library (BZ City), Port Loyola Library (BZ City), the Caye Caulker Library, and the San Pedro Library. The EIA report and its annexes are also accessible on the DOE’s website at the following link:

Kindly be informed that a hybrid public consultation for the EIA will be held on March 23rd, 2023, commencing at 6:30 pm at Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel. An online link will be provided near the date (March 23rd, 2023)of the Public Consultation.

The public is invited to participate in-person or virtually to this public consultation to express their concerns and/or provide comments/input to the DOE regarding this proposed project activity.

2nd Males Koop Sheet Metal, 1st Males Guava Limb
2024 Pepper
oz) case 319 3828 Pineapple Concentrate (Citrus Valley) (1L) bott 255 3060 Pouch Water (Crystal) (355 ml) bag 88 1056 Salad Cream (285 g) bott 255 3060 Salsa Casera (220 g) tin 1645 19740 Salt packet (3000 pk) case 1 12 Soft Drink (assorted) (600 ml) case 23 276 Sopita Seasoning (144 pk) case 4 48 Soy Sauce (295 ml) bott 510 6120 Sugar packet (1200 pk) case 1 12 Swiss Miss (120 pk) case 4 48 Tang (96 pk) case 21 252 Tea Bag (Dilma) (100 bags) pack 33 396 Tomato paste (100 g) pack 5386 64632 Vegetable Oil liter 1018 12216 Vegetable Shortening lbs 728 8736 Vinegar (6 gal per case) case 51 612 Ziplock sandwich bag (145 each) box 4 48
Item Unit Quantity Per Month Quantity Per Year
2023 –
Dry Goods continued

Land Registry Notices


In accordance with Section 13 of the Registered Land Act Chapter 194, I Patricia Robateau Blackett, Registrar of Lands, hereby serves notice that within one month from the date hereof, I intend to register the following parcels of land listed below for which application for first registration have been received.

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registering of these parcels must get in touch with me before expiry date of this notice between Mondays to Fridays at the Land Registry, Belmopan.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.670 Formerly Entry 8299, 379.177 Square Meters situate at Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Release and Conveyance No.1659 of 2005 dated 25th April, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.22 of 2005 Folios 573596 in favor of ATLANTIC BANK LIMITED


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section MILLER’S BIGHT Block No.4 and being Parcels No.55 and 57 Formerly Lots 5 and 5A, 36.739 and 7.260 Acres respectively situate in the Petville Area, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.1556 of 1990 dated 27th July, 1990 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.17 of 1990 Folios 883-886 in favor of ORTILIO DEJESUS RAMIREZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.5384 Formerly Lot 336, 1515.00 Square Yards situate at Lake Gardens, Ladyville Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. LTU-201401539 dated 20th August, 2014 and recorded in LTU-201401539 in favor of EVADNE ALBERTHA HERTULAR (DECEASED).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ST. MARTIN DE PORRES WEST Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1522 Formerly Lot 114, 324 Square Meters situate on the Western Highway about 2 Miles from Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.1101 of 1986 dated 10th November, 1986 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.10 of 1986 Folios 1189-1196 in favor of CLINTON L.B. CASTILLO AND MARIA BALAN


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.6673 Formerly Lot 74, 471.111 Square Yards situate in Ladyville Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.80 of 1997 dated 13th December, 1996 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.1 of 1997 Folios 1217-1220 in favor of GILBERTO O. TORRES AND IRMA A. TORRES


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3994 Formerly Lot 199, 870.677 Square Meters situated South of the Lord’s Bank Road, near Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.859 of 2006 dated 18th September, 2006 in favor of ELWIN WILLOUGHBY.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.985 Formerly Lot 33, 549.72 Square Yards situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.369 of 1998 dated 7th April, 1998 in favor of ILDA ENELDA BLANCO


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1381 Formerly Lot 111, 445.191 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village Extension, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.622 of 2004 dated 26th July, 2004 in favor of ANDY LOU MARIN.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3852, Formerly Lot 24, 637.796 Square Meters situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance (LTU-201201937) dated 6th November, 2012 and recorded in LTU-201201937 in favor of CORDEL PETZOLD


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.631 Formerly Lot 11, 849.11 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.998 of 2007 dated 15th January, 2008 in favor of RAUL ROSADO.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.1801 Formerly Lot 678, 603.6 Square Yards situated at Corner of Guadalupe Street and 11th Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.192 of 1980 dated 30th April, 1980 in favor of TIRSO GALVEZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2139 Formerly Lot 70, 464.698 Square Meters situate in the vicinity of San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Rectification No.1424 of 2009 dated 15th July, 2009 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.17 of 2009 Folios 1021-1034 in favor of HILDA ALVARA USHER.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3449 Formerly Lot 355A, 464.393 Square Meters situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.340 of 2014 dated 27th August, 2014 in favor of PAULETTE THERESE LINK.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.2270 Formerly Lot 56, 738.415 Square Meters situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.502 of 2015 dated 25th August, 2015 in favor of LLOYD LINCOLN LINK.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.159 Formerly Lot 872, 1813.71 Square Meters situate in San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.0403 of 2005 dated 28th January, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.5 of 2005 Folios 1287-1294 in favor of CLARA ELENA BRANNON & EDMUND BRANNON


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.5720 Formerly Lot 47A, 1434.59 Square Yards situate in Ladyville Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.249 of 1995 dated 31st October, 1995 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.27 of 1995 Folios 13-26 in favor of ELSBETH TERRY GODFREY (DECEASED)


THE BELIZE TIMES 24 12 MAR 2023 Continued on page 25 THE BELIZE TIMES 237 5 FEB 2023

Land Registry Notices

This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section PLACENTIA NORTH Block No.36 and being Parcel No.22 & 23 Formerly Lot 8C and 8D, 995.89 and 990.41 Square Yards (respectively) situate on the Placencia Peninsula, approximately 0.5 mile South of Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.4119 of 2000 dated 25th October, 2000 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.58 of 2000 Folios 901-908 in favor of ELSBETH TERRY GODFREY (DECEASED)


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1756 Formerly Lot 31, 450.069 Square Meters situate in the village of Caye Caulker, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No.1825 of 2009 dated 8th September, 2009 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.22 of 2009 Folios 155-176 in favor of JESITA BADILLO FUNEZ, MARIALINDA BADILLO, MARIO BADILLO AND MELINDA BADILLO.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1183 Formerly Lot 1881, 392 Square Meters situate at Cleghorn Street, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No.0351 of 2005 dated 19th January, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.5 of 2005 Folios 311-319 in favor of PAUL A. BRADLEY AND NORA BRADLEY.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1193 Formerly Lot 72, 549.72 Square Yards situate in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.624 of 2000 dated 5th September, 2000 in favor of HARRISON M. CADLE.

Pursuant to Section 37(3) of the Registered Land Act, Chapter 194, Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given of the loss of the following Land and Lease Certificates

The above Land/Lease Certificates after the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the appearance of this notice. Any person in possession of the above-mentioned certificates is required to return it to the Belize Land Registry, Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Belmopan.

THE BELIZE TIMES 25 12 MAR 2023 Continued on page 26 THE BELIZE TIMES 238 5 FEB 2023
Names Registration Section, Block & Parcel Nos. Certificate Nos. CHIANG WEI 20-17-1529 Land Cert. No. 1375/1996 dtd. 27 Mar 1996 FREDESVINDA PEREZ 20-17-7825 Land Cert. No. LRS-200701009 dtd. 06 Dec 2007 ELMA OZAETA 1-9-345 Land Cert. No. 328/89 dtd. 3 Feb 1989 OCARIO MACARIO MONTALVO 3-89-133/1 Lease Cert. No. 14542/2006 dtd. 22 Nov 2006 RODOLFO SALVADOR HERNANDEZ 4-92-87/1 Lease Cert. No. 4453/2007 dtd. 23 Apr 2007 JACOB NEUFELD SR., JACOB WIEBE and CORNELIUS FRIESEN 8-98-99 Land Certificate No. 9175/2007 dtd. 24 Jul 2007 JACOB NEUFELD SR., JACOB WIEBE and CORNELIUS FRIESEN 8-98-98 Land Cert. No. 9174/2007 dtd. 24 Jul 2007 JACOB NEUFELD SR., JACOB WIEBE and CORNELIUS FRIESEN 8-98-97 Land Certificate No. 9173/2007 dtd. 24 Jul 2007 PIERRE ALFRED MELHADO and JULES IGNATIUS MELHADO 45-107-867 Land Cert. No. LRS-201904666 dtd. 03 May 2019 CYNTHIA GANS and JEREMY COCKROFT 36-61-1501(H5) Land Cert. No. LRS-200907295 dtd. 26 Aug 2009 JORGE RAFAEL KOTCH 23-36-1265 Land Cert. No. LRS-202112863 dtd. 07 Oct 2021
Continued from page 24

Continued from page 25

Land Registry Notices


LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan


WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 12th day of May, 2014 and Registered in TCT-201400063.

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being referred to as Lot No. 17 comprising of 3648.727 Square Meters, situated at Carib Reserve, Block 533, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District as shown on Plan Entry No. 9780 Register No. 7.

In the name of: CAROLINE HERRON (DECEASED) of: 1569 Commerce Bight Road, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register TCT-201400063

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.


LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan


WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 30th day of January, 2020 and Registered in TCT-202000008.

ALL THAT LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL of land being Lot No. 1 consisting of 6,112.899 Square Meters (1.5105 acres) situated along the Stann Creek Valley Road, in the Ten Acre Holding, Stann Creek District, Belize a portion of a Block No. 3 and being more particularly delineated and described as shown on Entry No. 17884 Register No. 7 and surveyed by J.H. Hertular, Licensed Land Surveyor and Registered in the Lands Office in Belmopan.

In the name of: DAVON ERIC GONGORA of: 4½ Miles, Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register TCT-202000008.

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.

of Lands


(Water Industry Act CAP 222 of the Substantive Laws of Belize (Revised Edition 2020))

1st March 2023

TO: BBR Holding Inc Mackinnon Belize Land & Development Limited

15 A Street 99 Albert Street

Belize City Belize City

Belize Belize

Re: All those pieces or parcels of land being Block A comprising 381.014 acres, Block B comprising 134.336 acres, Block C comprising 58.249 acres and Block D comprising 42.906 acres (“the Property”)

TAKE NOTICE that within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of this notice, Belize Water Services Limited (“BWSL”) and/or its employees, agents or contractors, shall pursuant to the powers conferred on BWSL at section 43 of the Water Industry Act, Chapter 222 (“the Act”) of the Substantive Laws of Belize (Revised Edition 2020) and all other enabling powers contained therein or otherwise enter upon the property for the purpose of securing and ensuring the supply, storage, purification, conveyance, support, measurement or regulation of water to the communities of the Placencia Peninsula through the use and extraction of water from two existing wells on the Property (“the Works”).

The Property shall be used for an approximate period of 12 months in the first instance but this period may be extended if necessary to further secure the supply, storage, purification, conveyance, support, measurement or regulation of water to the communities of the Placencia Peninsula

Please note ,as per section 43 of the Act, BWSL shall not be deemed to acquire any right other than that of user only in or over the Property over or upon which the Works shall be conducted and should any of the works so carried on, over or upon the Property, become a nuisance or cause of loss to the owner of the Property, BWSL shall, at his own expense, remove or alter such work or shall give such reasonable compensation.

THE BELIZE TIMES 27 12 MAR 2023 227 5 FEB
cc. Public Utilities Commission Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining

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