21 MAR
Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
21 MARCH 2021 | ISSUE NO: 5241
www.belizetimes.biz | $1.00
UNION LEADERS GOING AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE On Tuesday March 16, 2021 thousands of unemployed Belizeans observed tens of SUVs lined up in motorcade in protest against the will of the majority of Belizeans. Some teachers guided by a politically motivated few were finally showing distress that thousands in Belize have been suffering for an entire year. This distress was all for the wrong reasons. While many hard-working Belizeans
Elena Smith
Dean Flowers
Pg. 9
Shyne Blasts the UDP
Gerald Henry
Sharon Frazer
Pg. 2
Pg. 5
02 2
21 MAR
INFILTRATION PR#199 PRESS RELEASE Cabinet Brief Belmopan. March 17, 2021. 5:15 p.m. The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on March 16, 2021. • Cabinet received the Joint Union’s response to Government’s proposals to address the dire state of public finances and approved the progression of discussion with the unions in good faith. • Cabinet received an update from the Ministry of Health and Wellness on the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Plan and on the first phase of vaccinations. Cabinet welcomed the news that already 10,000 Belizeans have received their first vaccination at the rate of 600 persons per day. This is in line with Government’s plan to vaccinate over 200,000 Belizeans in 120 days. • Cabinet received a report on the deteriorating position of the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and endorsed a proposed plan for corrective measures which will enable the DFC to access and provide credit to the productive sectors. • Finally, Cabinet endorsed the development of a centralized procurement unit within the Ministry of Finance with a view to generate savings of up to BZ$25 million annually. Ends
Continued from page 1 were looking for a bite and to take home something to eat, the misled teachers were burning precious Belizean resources. These resources are easy to list off but let us mention the most important: the future of Belize that has already been shorted by this pandemic that is no one’s fault. The parading teachers seemed to have missed even the idea that many in the great majority are sacrificing many months ago for even lack of a salary. ANY and ALL Unions are powered NOT by their protests nor by their numbers in protest. Union energy is derived from the people outside of the Union. The protesting teachers have been blinded by the rhetoric of a few who include corrupt UDP elements among the teachers and among the public officers who after 12 plus years became a UDP-laden work force. Anyone that tried to get a job in government from 2008 to 2020 had better show that your blood has a special hue of corrupt red. The same people that chose super overwhelmingly planBelize, John Briceño, 26 Representatives, a representative in a by election just 17 days ago, sixty five of 67 councils similar 17 days ago, and 100plus villages just one year ago. Quick note on the villages: the PUP had contested just about 100 villages leaving the UDP government to install and thus take credit for the others. The Union has overlooked all this super mandate thus disrespecting the people. One of the weaknesses of Unions is that they canvass their membership’s opinion in an old fashioned, ad hoc and not transparent manner. Pre-pandemic meetings are manned by some teachers that are so unruly that it makes you wonder how these teachers control their classes. Now in the pandemic, accordingly, the teachers were canvassed via online survey. The transparency rhetoric of the teachers need to come to the fore. What were the questions and what were the results? The people whose supportive power you need for credibility are asking. Our best guess is that your UDP teachers voted overwhelmingly. This was NOT enough of a number for ex-teacher Elena Smith who gets paid as when she was a teacher AND now gets a Senate stipend. Last week, Senator Smith refused to vote for pandemic-stricken businesses to get Central Bank help. She basically took the position that the Union, technically means the people, don’t think the Central Bank should help the businesses. Same question: Who make up the businesses? The Belizean people who she needs for Union fire. The Unions were invited to the table to present their position and alternatives to the government’s proposed 10 percent salary cut. The government has presented the fact of a 500 million deficit in the last fiscal year mostly caused by a wage bill and pre-election spending ballooned by the corrupt duck UDP. Hindsight is probably useless but its clarity comes via a 20/20 lens and is actually very useful in making clear analysis and reflection. Where were these voices when the UDP was at the height of their corruption vis-a-vis Imer Hernandez, 2016 UDP promises to Union ignored, Barrow’s guilt at unconstitutional 1.5 BILLION spending spree, Faber pibil and Education Act dictatorship, and during Montero’s and Boot’s and Castro’s and Heredia’s and Pablo’s turning their Ministries to their personal fiefdoms. Yes, the UDP were voted OUT but not after they raped and plundered Belize
to a pulp. This battered Belize had so many UDP-caused underlying conditions that Covid-19 had no problem in decimating the Belizean UDP’s recession-stricken economy. Where were the Unions all this time? Did the Teacher’s Union support the Port Workers in their strife against their employers when Port worker’s salaries were CUT. Or for clarity, where were the Union leaders who are now singing the UDP’s tune and NOT the tune of the memberships who are made up of Belizean people. It’s not too late teachers. Talk to your leadership and let them see the facts and to show teacher-expected leadership. Tell them to stay away from Flowers and Henry and Fraser as they are compromised deeply. Work with the fledgling yet innovative government who definitely is NOT the UDP that have corrupted the view on governments. This John Briceño-led GoB is definitely on the side of the Belizean people who massively voted for planBelize and, yes, a thorough indictment of the obviously corrupt government who wrecked Belize so badly that is will take every iota of Belizean grit to overcome. Yes teachers, as a part of the Belizean people, John Briceño born of a teacher and married to one, cares deeply for you there is no doubt. He also cares for the hard workers in the public service. But good faith needs to be reciprocal and scepticism does not help when there is definitely NO grounds for this. This GoB is just starting to sweep up that same corruption you all are alluding to. In the end, the sweep will be total and Belize will be back on its feet. The planBelize depends on everyone and in good faith.
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
Email: belizetimesadvertisement@yahoo.com
21 MAR
03 3
he Unions have been flexing their collective muscle on the media, on the streets and in their cars. The stance is clear, a resounding no to the ten percent salary cut proposed by GOB in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc on our already weakened economy. The unions agree for once, and it is clear that the chorus sings loudly in unison only when it is their collective supper that is at stake. There are many complaints against the salary adjustment ranging from the noble work of the teachers, and other public officers to the finger pointing at the salaries and allowances of contract workers and other public officials. While none can deny that teaching and being a public officer are noble professions, we must recognize that all professionals public and private contribute equally to the development of our Jewel. Key members of the union movement seem to be infected with that strange virus that has afflicted some witnesses called to testify at the Commission of Inquiry. Amnesia, griping and other symptoms are rampant. It seems that not so long ago several ladies hit the jackpot and were awarded trips to Italy and many other perks. Social media has provided the receipts, Ms. Frazer has also been a beneficiary of those dreadful allowances that she now preaches such aversion for. While she claims that certain public and contract officers do not need entertainment allowances, we counter that her huge salary was quite sufficient to cover her utilities and there was no need for her to accept an allowance to cover that expense. As for a certain Mr. Flowers according to The Guardian’s May 17th, 2020 edition, it seems that he has ample experience in working the system, particularly at the Lands Department. However, the PSU for all the experience of some of the membership, fell victim and lost their headquarters. This can be directly attributed to mismanagement of their own affairs, so it is very unnerving that they have finally awakened from their stupor to advise GOB on matters of finance. We all are Belizeans, none more important than the other. The economic slump we are in affects all of us. The private sector has experienced hardship for the last year. There have been businesspersons who have lost their entire life’s work and savings. Children have been pulled out of school and many other sacrifices have already been made by the private sector. The bigger picture is this, economies stronger than ours have been affected and have had to adjust. This adjustment is not ideal, it will affect thousands of households. The question is this… by not making the adjustment how many more stand to be affected? The IMF has already indicated that the risk of devaluation is real. Already many imported items are disappearing from the shelves for lack of foreign exchange. How will a devaluation affect our country? Do the Unions really want the further erosion of our economy on their collective conscience? The Unions have the chance once more to be the champions of our country, to save Belize…are they strong enough?
04 4
21 MAR
en Español
os sindicatos han hecho gala de su fuerza colectiva en los medios de comunicación, en las calles y en sus coches. La postura es clara, un no rotundo al recorte salarial del diez por ciento propuesto por el GOB en respuesta a la pandemia del COVID-19 que ha causado estragos en nuestra ya debilitada economía. Los sindicatos están de acuerdo por una vez, y está claro que el coro canta al unísono sólo cuando lo que está en juego es su cena colectiva. Hay muchas quejas contra el ajuste salarial que van desde el noble trabajo de los profesores, y otros funcionarios públicos, hasta el señalamiento de los sueldos y dietas de los trabajadores contratados y otros funcionarios públicos. Aunque nadie puede negar que la enseñanza y el ser funcionario público son profesiones nobles, debemos reconocer que todos los profesionales públicos y privados contribuyen por igual al desarrollo de nuestra Joya. Miembros clave del movimiento sindical parecen estar infectados por ese extraño virus que ha afectado a algunos testigos llamados a declarar en la Comisión de Investigación. La amnesia, las quejas y otros síntomas corren rampante. Según parece, no hace mucho a varias señoras les tocó el premio gordo y fueron premiadas con viajes a Italia y otras muchas prebendas. Las redes sociales han proporcionado los recibos, la Sra. Frazer también ha sido beneficiaria de esas espantosas dietas por las que ahora predica tanta aversión. Aunque ella afirma que algunos funcionarios públicos y contratados no necesitan dietas de representación, respondemos que su enorme salario era suficiente para cubrir sus servicios públicos y no había necesidad de que aceptara una dieta para cubrir ese gasto. En cuanto a un tal Sr. Flowers, según la edición de The Guardian del 17 de mayo de 2020, parece tener una amplia experiencia en la manipulación del sistema, especialmente en el Departamento de Tierras. Sin embargo, el PSU con toda la experiencia de algunos de los miembros, fue víctima y perdió su sede. Esto se puede atribuir directamente a la mala gestión de sus propios asuntos, por lo que es muy desconcertante que finalmente hayan despertado de su estupor para asesorar al GOB en materia de finanzas. Todos somos beliceños, ninguno más importante que el otro. La crisis económica en la que nos encontramos nos afecta a todos. El sector privado ha experimentado dificultades durante el último año. Ha habido empresarios que han perdido el trabajo y los ahorros de toda su vida. Se ha sacado a los niños de la escuela y el sector privado ha hecho muchos otros sacrificios. El panorama es el siguiente: economías más fuertes que la nuestra se han visto afectadas y han tenido que ajustarse. Este ajuste no es ideal, afectará a miles de hogares. La pregunta es... si no se hace el ajuste, ¿cuántos más se verán afectados? El FMI ya ha indicado que el riesgo de devaluación es real. Ya están desapareciendo de las estanterías muchos artículos importados por falta de divisas. ¿Cómo afectará una devaluación a nuestro país? ¿Realmente quieren los sindicatos que la erosión de nuestra economía recaiga sobre su conciencia colectiva? Los sindicatos tienen la oportunidad, una vez más, de ser los campeones de nuestro país, de salvar a Belice... ¿son lo suficientemente fuertes?
21 MAR
05 5
DEAN’S 70K COMPENSATION FOR MPR LAND AND OTHERS SHARON’S 110K SALARY/PD TRIP TO ITALY How can Dean Winston Flowers talk about cost saving measures with him being compensated like his Vega buddy Andre? How do you think Dean got a job at the lands department? Belize…when Dean talks, you are listening to Gaspar Vega. Here are Dean’s Extras: • Total $100,000 in compensation for lands with which Flowers has had an interest. • $30,000 for a parcel of land in the Commerce Bight Area in the Stann Creek District. The original owner held the lease: 1541/1997 and paid a purchase price of $3,000 on March 22nd, 2011. (.987 acres of sea
Sharon’s 110K Salary/40K Pd Trip to Italy
coast land Minister’s Fiat Grant no. 181 of 2012 dated the 27th day of March 2012) Market value for that property is in the region of three quarters of a million dollars as it is near the Commerce Bight Pier. • Block 41 comprising 9.95 acres in the Mountain Pine Ridge area with entry number 12523. In February of 2012 Dean Winston Flowers paid $1,616.80 for that parcel of land. By September 3, 2015, he was being compensated by the Government to the tune of $70,000 after the land was acquired. The compensation was done in two installments of $35,000 each. • A company KC’s Cleaning and Maintenance Service (Dean’s sister) was awarded a handsome cleaning contract to the tune of $103,950 disbursed in monthly installments of $8,622.50 every month. Contract lasted one year.
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Payment Services & Exchange Control Approvals Department (PSED).
Each time the Public Service Union talks, a Dean Flowers of Gapi Vega roots goes off unfettered by the UDP-leaning president who then is followed by UDP 40k Italian scholarship Fraser. Sharon was gifted said scholarship by Patrick Faber himself. Jackie Willoughby got the same 40k. Many young people see this and shake their heads. This PSU has done little to serve the people but have served themselves handsomely. In fact, after the people spoke on November 11 and blasted the UDP on the 3rd of March the fuzzy Math of the PSU took on UDP corrupt overtones. Instead of respecting the public they went on the offensive against the public. How dare Belize vote out their corrupt employers? That is the essence of the PSU’s leadership. The wage bill that was bloated past IMF and any other standard was largely due to the Public Service leaders who were ok with doing the UDP bidding. When there is talk about UDP corruption guess who aided and abetted the UDP...yes it was the same Public Servants hired and pushed somehow into the PS by the UDP. Public Service Commission was sleeping at the public’s wheel. Dean and Henry keeps getting n TV to launch nonsensical lines. At the last presser, Henry explained how 60 thousand subtracted from 100 million, or unapologetically went to one million was equal to 740 thousand dollars. Henry is confused or dumb. At a press conference, they are definitely not serving the public as their name indicates. The BTL credit-card swiper’s son salivates at getting interviews with the vice, Dean who is all but willing to clear his UDP-based nefarious agenda. At least Elena alludes to a teacher survey who no one has the results for but Dean says he has 98 percent backing of the Public Service. This reminds of Saddam and Putin type of elections. Show us the evidence of that survey. Are there so many UDP’s in the Public Service? When Dean, the other incompetent one, threatened you all in the Coronavirus Summer 2020, the PS hardly whimpered and then he started to borrow and borrow for your frozen salaries JUST to attempt to save some votes. If that Dean cared for anything he would have called elections since then. But Dean, as is wont, miscalculated. Corrupt UDP greed prevent him from seeing the truth. Both Deans are as good with Math as a primary school kid. Since his football days. Dean is a master at faking the fall. Did you notice when he said 98 percent. The reporter of a suspect station obviously CUT this and didn’t ask for him to explain the fuzzy math. Dean or Sharon please tell the APSSM people we are waiting for them to release ALL their names and UDP bloated salaries. We have Sharon’s one already we need more just for the truth. UDP public servants who were placed in positions under the UDP this is really the time for you to shut up and be a part of the action to rebuild the nation. You were silent with 13 years of the UDP. Why is that? You are not untouchable....You should want to be accountable. Everyone knows the salaries and allowances of the Ministers. Let the people hear yours. The people who you mistreat when they visit the offices are waiting to hear from you. The PUBLIC is the real boss. Right now they do NOT support you.
The Senior Clerk, Clearing & Settlements will perform functions as it relates to providing efficient and effective local and international payment services to the Central Bank of Belize’s customers. The incumbent will facilitate transactions in the Central Bank of Belize’s accounting software, the National Payment System, and Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (S.W.I.F.T). The incumbent must be able to perform duties under minimal supervision, pay keen attention to details, and be flexible and responsible to complete all duties assigned in a timely and accurate manner. The Senior Clerk, Clearing & Settlements will also:
▪ Monitor transactions of participants in the Automated Transfer System (ATS), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), and Automated Clearing House (ACH);
▪ Reconcile List of Active Users in the Automated Payment and Securities Settlement System (APSS) on a monthly basis;
▪ Verify and process payment instructions; ▪ Verify S.W.I.F.T messages; ▪ Prepare reports on commercial banks required monthly average deposits; ▪ Prepare reports on interbank loan activity and subsequent applied loan rates; and ▪ Prepare Due Diligence Report. The applicants should possess the following:
▪ An Associate’s Degree in Accounting, Business Management, or a related field from a recognized tertiary institution. Relevant work experience would be an asset.
TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE ▪ Possesses, applies and maintains a high degree of knowledge in accounting and finance to deliver quality work; Ability to manage and prioritize tasks and time efficiently; Excellent written and verbal skills; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. COMPETENCIES ▪ Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Initiative; Thoroughness; Analytical Thinking; Building Collaborative Relationships. Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 31 March 2021:
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Central Bank Application Form (available online) Curriculum Vitae Three (3) references (one must be from previous employer) Copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Senior Clerk, Clearing & Settlements – PSED (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)
6 06
21 MAR
STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE FABIANA SEBASTIANA MAGANA a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA NOVELO a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA JOHNSTON, Deceased of 10 ¾ Miles Old Northern Highway, Ladyville Village, Belize District, Belize NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 36 of the Administration of Estate Act, Chapter 197 of the laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, that all creditors and other persons having any claims and demands upon or against the Estate of FABIANA SEBASTIANA MAGANA a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA NOVELO a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA JOHNSTON Deceased, Late of 10 ¾ Miles Old Northern Highway, Ladyville Village , Belize District, Belize who died on the 13th day of August , 2015 and in whose Estate Grant of Probate has been granted to Elias Chan the lawful Executor of 10 ¾ Miles Old Northern Highway, Ladyville Village , Belize District, Belize on or before the expiration of three months from the first publication hereof AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that at the expiration of the said three months the said Elias Chan shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said FABIANA SEBASTIANA MAGANA a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA NOVELO a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA JOHNSTON, deceased, amongst the beneficiaries entitled thereto, having regard only to claims and demands of which she shall then have had notice. DATED this 10th day of March 2021 ELIAS CHAN Executor in the estate of FABIANA SEBASTIANA MAGANA a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA NOVELO a.k.a FABIANA SEBASTIANA JOHNSTON
GOVERNNMENT OF BELIZE TREASURY BILLS ISSUE NUMBER 4/2021 Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $83,200,000.00. The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday, 7 April 2021 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 7 July 2021. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought. Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, 1 April 2021. The Auction on the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesday 7 April 2021. Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS). Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627 The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part. CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www.centralbank.org.bz) 15 March 2021
21 MAR
07 7
Prime Minister
Hon. John Briceño Weekly Message
March 15
My friends, we are at a critical junction on our road to recovery. The first vaccines are here. We thank the Government and people of India for their generosity. We are not wasting one minute; the rollout of Phase 1 has begun and I encourage you to get vaccinated when it is your turn. I’ve reached out to all our new mayors and their councils across the land to make sure we are all on the same page to recover strong from the economic crisis. More rot and corruption keep emerging from the Commission of Inquiry. If we are to fix the problem, we must have patience, allow everything to be revealed, and let the chips fall where they may. This week a big step was taken when we passed the Central Bank Amendment. This bold move will develop public policy and plans to free up idle money in the system, getting businesses to hire people, and investing in new and different enterprises. Because of UDP mismanagement and the COVID19 crisis we had to move quickly to pass this legislation that will immediately stimulate the Belizean economy. In just a few short months of taking office, we have seen major improvements in the national road network giving our farmers, and productive sector a clear path to participate in bringing back our weak economy. Tens of thousands of our citizens are still without work. They have paid the ultimate sacrifice in these difficult times. So, as we prepare for our budget, I appeal to our Unions to help, we all have to help. Los acontecimientos del pasado año nos han afectado a todos. Los efectos creados por un gobierno insensible juntos con las consecuencias de la pandemia han establecido una crisis sanitaria juntamente con una crisis económica. Miles de nuestros trabajadores todavía siguen sin empleo y sin ingreso para… por lo menos… proveer lo más básico a sus familias. Desde noviembre pasado, al ganar las elecciones, hemos trabajado arduamente por asegurar la estabilidad fiscal… que hemos heredado… y al mismo tiempo poniéndole urgente atención a la pandemia. Sin embargo, todo se ha agudizado con la contracción de la economía mundial y aun nuestros ingresos tributarios han reflejado la contracción de nuestras economías. Inevitablemente esto también ha afectado negativamente nuestro endeudamiento público dejando poco espacio fiscal para apoyar a las poblaciones y sectores más afectados. Juntos debemos luchar para mejorar esta situación insostenible. Todos debemos de hacer nuestra parte para poder salir de esto. Es responsabilidad de todos los sectores participar en la recuperación de nuestra nación. Hoy le hago un llamado a los todos los sindicatos al igual que al sector privado que vamos a unirnos…solo así podremos, como pueblo, salir adelante. None of us wanted to be here. But here we are! I assure you, that we are fighting hard, day in and day out, to emerge from this moment. We cannot lose hope. We must continue to believe in Belize. Thank you
8 08 8
By Hilly Bennett The People’s United Party Government assumed massive debts post 2020 General Election. It is rooted-in to great extent of a dysfunctional and corrupt United Democratic Party political order. The Belizean economy has spiralled down and is on the brink of losing its economic sovereignty. Belizeans are now paying, and will continue to pay, for the sins of the Barrow/ Faber past. Prime Minister John Briceño has been under sustained pressure to develop a home-grown solution to stem the economic haemorrhaging. One measure is the cost-savings in several areas considered wastage in government spending pronounced in a report in 2015, validated by Financial Secretary Joseph Waight and submitted to Minister of Finance and Economic Development Dean Barrow. However, the major hurdle in heeling the gaping hole is the unholy effects of the wage bill. The former Prime Minister King Dean Barrow was forewarned by the IMF and others that the salaries, increments and wages were unsustainable and needed to be attended to urgently. In boastful splendour, this Barrow admitted that he grew the wage bill by thirty-five million [35] each year for ten years. There was never a tweet from any of the union leaders. King Dean had acknowledged that prior to the pandemic compounding Belize’s economic woes, the International Funding Institutions (IFIs) had urged his government to reduce its debts. The wretched failed Barrow gloated that he managed to avoid adopting the IFIs strategy which meant trimming the UDP fat and draining the UDP stinking swamp. Thereafter, he alluded that accessing needed International financing would involve the trimming of the wage bill, pension reform, and retrenchment of the public sector—a public sector he had ballooned with the same UDP cronies bawling foul now at the planBelize government. In the interest of rescuing the country from a financial default this 2021 Government of Belize has engaged in earnest to avoid being swallowed by the
dictates of the International Financial Institutions recommendations mentioned above. Prime Minister John Briceño flanked by his economic advisors consulted, in good faith, with the union leaders in an attempt to reach consensus on the anomaly that festers since UDP rule. Unfathomably, the Briceño Government has met the unconscionable resistance of the various union heads who are seemingly unaware of the detrimental alternatives that lay in the lurking. Interestingly, in 2016, when 1300 teachers faced the Ministry of Education’s chopping block in what was considered the “Valentine’s Day Massacre”, the Belize National Teachers Union leadership cowed to the Minister of Education Patrick Faber. When the Public Service Union leadership, in 2020, was issued an ultimatum by lame duck Dean Barrow they cowed. Barrow intended to advise the Governor General to amend the Public Service Regulation so as to give the Prime Minister the power to alter salaries, emoluments and increments in order to deal with the unprecedented situation, even as most situations were unprecedented for the incompetent UDP. The PSU became mum. There has been a current of cowardice and a searing silence by the leaders of the various unions during the tenure of the red hydra dictatorial government. The toothless lion and lioness awakes. A much ado about nothing of protest was conjured by the BNTU in clear unpatriotic display whilst not considering the masses that have lost their jobs and livelihood in the face of pandemic crisis. Neither has consideration has been given to the unfortunate individuals buckled by poverty under the UDP administration. The jewel’s life of economic independence is at stake. Nonetheless, Frazer of the elitist Association of Public Service Senior Management, Smith of the Belize National Teacher’s Union, and Henry of the Public Service Union remain steadfast in their selfish, irresponsible position possibly not even backed by their rank and file.
Notwithstanding the ongoing investigation into the wrongdoings of malfeasance and misfeasance by the UDPs, the Government must construct a pragmatic, homegrown strategy to avoid further economic pitfalls. More than ever, collective sacrifices must be made. The harder the sacrifice the more glorious the triumph. Attention Sharon Frazer et al.
21 MAR
Young Swiss male looking for friendship from Belize. Write to: Vitus Castelberg Aspermontstr 19 Switzerland (Europe)
Notice is hereby given that Vince Young is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Bird’s Isle Restaurant” located at # 90 Albert Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Giordanni Abel Garcia is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Beer Station” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Tricia Flores is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Hideaway” located at # 65 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Dina Elizabeth Rodriguez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Dina’s Mini Shop” located at # 15 Staines Alley, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Anibal Lemus is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “5 Brothers Night Club” located at # 46 East Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Huishuang Chen is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Yvonne 22 Restaurant” located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Sherman Joseph is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “M & J’s Mini Mart” located in Double Head Cabbage Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Rita Matute is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Margarita’s Sports Bar” located at # 7651 Prince Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yinghui Zhen is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Leiwa Restaurant” located at # 3707 C.A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Agustin Pott is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “El Trono Shop” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Derrick Bull is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Bull Cool Spot” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maria Del Carmen De La Fuente is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Hotel De La Fuente” located at # 14 Main Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Tomasita Adelina Teck is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Tommy’s Fast Food” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Claudia Bermont is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “D-Spot Fast Food” located in San Antonio Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maummer Koc, Aytekin Kelat & Alisan Ercan are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Celebrity Restaurant & Bar” located on Goal Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
21 MAR
Shyne Blasts the UDP Shyne Barrow minces the United Democratic Party again. The first was at the January press conference when he rightfully blamed the UDP for the mess the country is mired in and will come out from with the PUP and John Briceño. No one has ever accused Barrow of doing anything on his own. In Music he was pushed in by P. when he P. needed a little variety which included lacklustre, a niche Shyne filled fabulously. Then when the Grammy’s rejected him and Billboard NEVER made his group song number 1, then the shooting of Nathania Rueben happened and jail bud happened and well Shyne was deported to Belize after serving some of his time due to the luck of the parole. How did Shyne get into parliament? Well his Mesop voters list was laden with public officers who were packed into the government during the last 13 years. Both he and is Aunt got that same luck. Why do you think Barrow and Finnegan dared not give their electioneered divisions to anyone out of the family? So Shyne has nothing in him that is UDP except for the gift of a constituency given to him by his early on estranged dad. This here is the subject of a book that will remain unnamed here as no royalties are needed here. But a brief search of Google and Amazon will give you more of that inside Shyne or Jamal story. So it is easy for Shyne to fall into Freudian slips that show his true feelings. When he attempts to hit the PUP in parliament he actually is throwing the UDP under the proverbial bus. Take his last social media post. For context, keep in the fore-
THE BELIZE TIMES packed it with UDPs. Who has tried to get a government job between 2008 and 2013? If you are PUP backer or neutral, it was even a bit foolish to even try. Shyne seems to have learned this of tax services. Forget Shyne, today the PUP has opened up the Public Accounts Committee and placed the Hon. Tracy Panton as the chair. This innovative and visionary move has been one of the first towards transparency in government spending.
Added to that the PUP placed the social partner senators which includes the Unions, yes the same as those that led the possible super spreader, into the committee thus giving the government a minority in that House of Representatives sub-committee. Those who hail UNCAC without knowledge should know that the UDP threw that process into the mulcher along with it depending on Haiti and Tuvalu for the next step. The PUP will speed this up but first let’s take care of our health and get employment for Belize.
front that Shyne has never been accused of mental grandeur. 1) In the post Shyne postulates the teachers are underpaid. This allegation is an affront to Faber who is fronting as the leader of Belize’s opposition—an opposition he has corrupted. 2) He then shouts at Montero who together with Imer and the UDP built cheap infrastructure and didn’t do people projects. All UDP projects HAD to have some benefit for the Minister who was abreast. All this was knitted tight in their ill-conceived contracts that now have to be unwoven one by one—a herculean tasks. The PUP will first bring its people back on their feet then complete the audit on these most likely illegal contracts, for example, Faber’s Road of some 6 years ago costing us $8 million but getting like $2 million worth. 3) Yes Shyne, it would be nice if Faber’s Road, Airport Link Road, Coastal Road and the Caracol road all definitely needs a revisit as these cannot be eaten. Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is the primary distributor and the only All crony-ridden contracts need licensed public provider of electricity in Belize. Our mission is to deliver review. safe reliable and sustainable energy solutions to enhance the quality of life 4) Shyne remembers and the productivity of enterprise and to support national development. Longsworth who ripped off Faber’s Marion Jones. Well his We are looking for highly motivated, goal-oriented, responsible and wife was placed at the Tax Colleccommitted persons to join our Customer Accounts Department in the tion agency by Barrow. It is all in role of Cashier (2 vacancies) in Belize City. the extended family. So Barrow know where to find corruption Duties: is his dad’s public service as the • Collect and process all customer and miscellaneous payments. PUP has not fired Public servants. Execute entry level functions on matters related to both internal and People that have been replaced external customer complaints and inquiries. Manage all meter-reading are open-vote workers and CEO’s files and administer the compilation and distribution of bill statements. whose job are contingent on the • Collect and process all forms of payments received from customers. new administration. The PUP is • Prepare and reconcile daily collections with system generated Cash working for the people. The PUP Journal. Jou takes in its workers for certain • Prepare daily collections for night depository. positions as any incoming admin• Ensure safe custody of receipt book and cash float. istration. The UDP corrupted the • Maintain/Update respective filing system. hiring of public officers as they • Assist with computerized data entry.
• Effectively handle and prepare written response to selective correspondences. • Receive, handle and record all customers inquiries/requests promptly and efficiently. • Create, monitor and update computerized entries of Customers request through the Service Order Management System and Customer Billing/ Management System. • Assist with conducting phone surveys and field visits from time to time. Education and Experience: • Associates Degree in Business
NOTICE TO STAKEHOLDERS REGARDING DIRECTOR OF TOURISM BELIZE CITY, BELIZE, Monday, March 15, 2021: - The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) notifies tourism industry stakeholders and the general public that Mrs. Karen Bevans no longer holds the post of Director of Tourism. On Friday, March 12, 2021, the BTB Board of Directors met and unanimously decided that the time had come to part ways with Mrs. Bevans. As a result, the BTB Chairman issued a letter of termination to her that same afternoon notifying her of her termination. The BTB plans to fill the post of Director of Tourism, but in the interim, the current Chairman of the Board, Mr. Evan Tillett, will take on the management and leadership responsibilities of the BTB. In collaboration with the private sector, the BTB team looks forward to the work ahead and commits to working closely with all stakeholders, including the team at the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations to move the industry forward.
Required Skills and Abilities: • Possess verbal and written communication skills • Professional telephone manner and active listener • Ability to handle multiple priorities • Must be service and people oriented • Ability to deal with customers in a tactful, courteous and diplomatic manner • Strong Mathematical reasoning • Strong analytical skills to quickly identify and categorize problems/ solutions • Working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet and database applications, Microsoft Office programs • Ability to speak and understand Spanish would be an asset Salary: In accordance with Company’s salary structure. Send application letter, résumé, copy of degree and certificate/s and two (2) recent professional letters of recommendations to: Manager, Human Resources Relations & Services Career.Opportunity@bel.com.bz In the email subject, please indicate the position: Cashier Only electronic applications are being accepted at this time. For more information or queries, call us: 227-0954 Ext. 1404 or 1416 Deadline: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
21 MAR
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following properties. Sales currently running and will expire on Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 1:30 pm 1. 28.961 Acres (53 parcels) situate approx. 5 Kilometers north San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
2. 21 vacant Lots approximately 3 kilometers north of the San Pedro Bridge, Ambergris Caye:
Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo Introduces "belizepropertyauctions.com" our new website for online sales of properties and chattels. BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following properties. Sales currently running and will expire on Friday 22nd January 2021 at 1:30 pm 1. 28.961 Acres (53 parcels) situate approx. 5 Kilometers north San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:
2545.697 Sq. meters
2591.87 Sq. meters (Open
647.180 Sq. meters
569.234 sq. meters
616.045 sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
675.461 Sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
680.631 sq. meters
627.843 Sq. meters
557.101 Sq. meters
558.052 sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
558.052 sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
558.052 sq. meters
567.614 Sq. meters
583.842 sq. meters
532..124 Sq. meters
662.901 sq. meters
504.324 Sq. meters
875.185 sq. meters
401.908 Sq. meters (open space)
504.063 Sq. meters
693.120 Sq. meters
409.181 sq. meters
724.672 Sq. meters
440.475 sq. meters
724.672 Sq. meters
557.770 sq. meters
742.011 sq. meters
570.492 sq. meters
612.663 sq. meters
560.699 sq. meters
612.663 sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
612.663 Sq. meters
599.945 sq. meters
661.347 sq. meters
563.892 sq. meters
719.078 sq. meters
557.101 sq. meters
558..590 Sq. meters
535.726 sq. meters
657.157 sq. meters
785.774 sq. meters
660.457 sq. meters
Streets reserve
697.944 sq. meters
Green area
710.193 sq. meters
18.01 acres
629.888 sq. meters
(Being 28.961 acres of vacant land subdivided to create 53 parcels situate approximately 5 kilometers north
(Being 28.961 of vacant land subdivided to create 53onparcels approximately 5 of the Sanacres Pedro Bridge (straight line) and west of Las Terrazas Resort Ambergrissituate Caye, Belize District. The north freehold of property of Messrs. SatoriBridge Land Inc.(straight Surety for Mr. Rajivand Seth & Mr. Rupinder Kaur Gill) kilometers the San Pedro line) west of Las Terrazas Resort on 2. 21 vacant Lots approximately 3 kilometers north of the San Pedro Bridge, Ambergris Caye: Ambergris Caye, Belize District. The freehold property of Messrs. Satori Land Inc. Surety for Mr. Rajiv Seth & Mr. Rupinder Kaur Gill)
San Pedro
6495, 6496, 6497, 6498, 6499, 6500, 6501, 6502, 6503, 6504,6505, REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK 6506, 6507, 6508,PARCELS 6509, San Pedro 7 6495, 6496, 6497, 6498, 6499, (Being twenty-one (21) vacant lots [Nos. 6495 to 6511 - 557.007 S.M.6501, each,6502, Lot No. 6512 6500, 6503, 6504, 658.528 S.M., Lot No. 6513 - 616.116 S.M., Lot No. 6514 - 517.086 and Lot No. 6515 6505,S.M. 6506, 6507, 6508, 6509, - 548.736 S.M.] situate approximately 3 kilometres North of the San Pedro Bridge, [imme(Being twenty-one (21) vacant lots [Nos. 6495 to 6511 - 557.007 S.M. each, Lot No. 6512 - 658.528 diately North and West of El Pescador Fly Fishing Resort], San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the S.M., Lot No. 6513 - 616.116 S.M., Lot No. 6514 - 517.086 S.M. and Lot No. 6515 - 548.736 S.M.] freehold property of Messrs. Svelto Holdings LLC surety for Mr. Sukhjit S. Randhawa & situate approximately 3 kilometres North of the San Pedro Bridge, [immediately North and West of El Mr. Erin G. Georgopoulos.) Pescador Fly Fishing Resort], San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Messrs. Svelto Holdings LLC surety for Mr. Sukhjit S. Randhawa & Mr. Erin G. Georgopoulos.) 3. Parcel No. 2159 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, 3. Parcel No. 2159 Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek: Stann Creek:
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION 36 BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 2159 (Being a canal side vacant lot situate in the sub-division known as The Placencia Residences near Mi Placencia North 36 2159 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Ryan Pott). (Being aRestrictions canal side vacant in is the sub-division as The Placencia Residences *******NB. on uselot of situate Property available upon known request******* near Mile 13 Placencia Road, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District, the freehold propTERMS: STRICTLY CASH erty of Mr. Ryan Pott). A. CASTILLO *******NB. Restrictions on useKEVIN of Property is available upon request******* TELEPHONE: 223-4488 Website: belizepropertyauctions.com TERMS: STRICTLY CASH Email: belizeauctionsales@gmail.co Facebook: Auctions KEVIN A.Belize CASTILLO
TELEPHONE: 223-4488 Website: belizepropertyauctions.com Email: belizeauctionsales@gmail.co Facebook: Belize Auctions
21 MAR
Belize City Council
ON THE MOVE Hon. Julius Espat, Cayo South and MIDH
Familiarization Tour
Hon. Jose Mai, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise
At Armenia in search of a Sustainable Water Source
Hon. Jorge ‘Milin’ Espat, Cayo West youths
Broccoli, Onions, and Orange all homegrown
Hon. Anthony Mahler, Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations
w/ Evan Tillett, Chairman of BTB, had a fruitful meeting with members of the Belize City Tour Operators & Workers Association
Hon. Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government with Area Representative, Minister Michel Chebat
59 12
21 MAR
21 MAR
18 JAN
21 MAR
Honoring Women Leaders
On Women’s Month
Office of the Prime Minister
Dr. Deysi Mendez
Ministry of Health and Wellness
Amalia Mai
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tanya Santos
Ministry of Human Development & Indigenous Affairs
Dian Maheia
Ministry of Education, Culture
Carolyn Trench-Sandiford
President of the Senate
“Choose to Challenge: Achieving Gender Equality in a Covid-19 World.”
Nicole Solano
Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations
Valerie Woods
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Magali Marin-Young
Dr. Lesbia Guerra
Ministry of Natural Resources
Isabel Bennett
Dolores Balderamos-Garcia
Minister of Human Development & Indigenous Affairs
Erica Jang
Elvia Vega-Samos
Corozal Bay
Rosanna Briceño
Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children
More next week
Benque Town Council at Work
Belize City Council Swearing-In
Orange Walk Town Council engaging ALL
Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town Council Swearing-In
Corozal Town Council Swearing-In
21 MAR
21 MAR
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following properties. Sales currently running and will expire between Tuesday 6th April 2021 and Thursday 8th April 2021 at the times shown on the website. 1. No. 410 Seine Bight Village, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District:
Placencia North
5. No. 3071 Tangerine Street, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
Orange Walk Town
(Being a vacant lot (400 S.Y.) situate west of the Placencia Road in the Village of Seine Bight, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Kent Roland Francis and Ms. Silvana Andrea Garcia.)
(Being a two storey concrete dwelling house: Ground Floor [30 ft. X 40 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen; First Floor [36 ft. X 40 ft] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + small kitchen + living room + laundry room + porch + attic and lot [585.31 S.M.] situate on Tangerine Street, Orange Walk Town, OrangeWalk District, the freehold property of Mr. Salvador Martin Leiva)
2. No. 2275 Seine Bight Village, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District:
6. No. 853 San Jose Drive, San Jose Palmar, OrangeWalk District:
Placencia North
(Being a partially developed lot (712.981 square metres) situate west of the Placencia Road in the Village of Seine Bight, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Lammey Alvarez.) 3. No. 226 Guinea Grass Street & Pcl No. 227 Yo Creek Street, Marcus Canul Area, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
Orange Walk Town
(Being two vacant (BACK TO BACK) corner lots [Pcl. No. 226 containing 456.080 S.M. + Pcl No. 227 containing 456.070 S.M.] situate on Guinea Grass Street & Yo Creek Street, Marcul Canul Area, Orange Walk Town, OrangeWalk District, the freehold properties of Mr. Martin Cal and Ms. Modesta Polanco)
San Jose Palmar
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [25 ft. X 30 ft.] and lot [1045.044 S.M.] situate on San Jose Drive, San Jose Palmar, OrangeWalk District, the freehold property of Mr. Freddy Orlando Tun) 7. No. 3414 Pasture Street, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
Ann Gabourel
(Being a vacant lot [522.500 S.M.] situate on Pasture Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Ms. Christine Hawkins) 8. No. 1092 Sixth Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:
4. No. 1391 Chan Pine Ridge Street, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
Ann Gabourel
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house/salon [30 ft. X 32 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + salon and lot [416.61 S.Y.] situate on Chan Pine Ridge Street, Orange Walk Town, OrangeWalk District, the freehold property of Mr. Antonio Alfredo Campos)
Punta Gorda
(Being a small masonry block building [16 ft. X 24 ft.] + zinc shed and lot [713.37 S.Y.] situate on Sixth Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Fern Carin Gutierrez).
Continued on page 16
21 MAR
Continued from page 15 9. Parcel No. 300 Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, Belize:
Ann Gabourel
(Being an elevated metal sided building [14 ft. X 21 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + kitchen/ living + bathroom and lot [583.773 S.M. or 698.19 S.Y.] situate on Snapper Street, Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. David Enrique Navarette) 15. Parcel No. 1080 Pucte Villas Subdivision, OrangeWalk District:
Vista del Mar
(Being elevated 40 ft. Containers and lot [1100 S.M.] situate on a road North of the Junction of the Phillip Goldson Highway and Airport Road, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold proprty of Ms. Karina Kuylen) 10. Parcel No. 315 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:
Ann Gabourel
(Being a vacant lot [557.35 S.M.] situate in Pucte Villas Subdivision, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Marlo Perrera) 16. Parcel No. 244 Caledonia Village, Corozal District:
San Estevan
(Being an attractive fenced timber bungalow dwelling house [32 ft. X 42 ft] containing 4 bedrooms + 1 Sarteneja/Progresso/Chunox Roads, San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Mr. Agusto Angel Blanco) 11. Parcel No. 315 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:
Caledonia Village
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [30 ft. X 59 ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + small Store Room + Laundry Shed 15 ft. X 15 ft. and lot [1,378.19 square meters or 1,648.31 square yards] situate in Caledonia Village, Corozal District, the freehold properties of Messrs. Chico’s Co. Ltd.) 17. Parcel No. 1189 in an Alley off San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District :
San Estevan
639 & 640
(Being two vacant parcels of land [639 - 2.786 acres & 640 - 2.786 acres] situate on the San Estevan Road just outside the developments of San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District, the freehold properties of Mr. Manuel Jesus Blanco and Mr. Agusto Blanco) 12. Parcel No. 16 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District:
San Estevan
Orange Walk Town
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [24 ft. X 26 ft. + bathroom addition 8 ft. X 8 ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry/open ended shed 8 ft. X 16 ft. + block wall storeroom 5 ft. X 8 ft. and lot [371.988 S.M. or 444.90 S.Y.] situate in an Alley of San Francisco Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Gilbert Bernard Jr.) 18. Parcels Nos. 1141 & 1143 Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [25 ft. X 34 ft.] + Building B measuring [13 ft. X 19 ft.] and lot [1,039 S.M. or 1,242.64 S.Y.] situate in the Village of San Estevan, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Ms. Irma Olivera) 13. Parcel No. 1290 San Felipe Street, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
Ann Gabourel
(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [34 ft. X 36 ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + front, side & back porches and lot [447.22 sq. yds.] situate on San Felipe Street, Orange Walk Town, OrangeWalk District, the freehold property of Ms. Lilia Constantino) 14. Parcel No. 1290 San Felipe Street, OrangeWalk Town, OrangeWalk District:
San Jose Palmar
1141 & 1143
(Being two (2) lots -: Parcel No. 1141 containing (0.298 of an acre or 1,442.32 square yards) together with an incomplete concrete building [28 ft. X 47 ft. + open area 14 ft. X 28 ft.]; Parcel No. 1143 containing (0.585 of an acre or 2,831.4 Square Yards) together with 2 block making sheds [each 24 ft. X 24 ft] + storeroom [16 ft. X 15 ft.] + office building [8 ft. X 16 ft.] + horse stable [12 ft. X 36 ft.] + water well situate beside the Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District, the freehold properties of Mr. Roamir Gonzalez) 19. Parcels Nos. 1141 & 1143 Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District:
(Being an incomplete building and lot [1,042.6 S.M. or 1,246.95 S.Y.] situated in Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District, leasehold property of Mr. Zayne Palacio)
Continued on page 17
21 MAR
Continued from page 16
25. Parcel No. 1710 Mahogany Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:
20. Lot No. 54 Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District:
All that piece or Parcel of Land being Lot No. 54 comprising of 650.571 square meters situated in Cristo Rey Village Cayo District and bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 427 of 2013 attached to Ministers’ Fiat (Grant) No. 427 of 2013 dated the 1st day of October 2013, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant lot [650.571 S.M.] situate in Cristo Rey Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Orvin Juarez) 21. Parcel No. 1835 San Diego Street, Hillview Area, Santa Elena, Cayo District:
Punta Gorda
(Being a timber/plycem building [3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living room + Dining Room + Kitchen + Open Shed [10 ft. X 13 ft.] and lot [464.576 S.M. or 555.6 S.Y.] situate on Mahogany Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Elizabeth Borland). 26. Lot No. 1 Pappishaw Road, Elridgeville Village, Toledo District:
Santa Elena/Cayo
(Being a vacant lot [822.37 S.Y.] situate on San Diego Street, Hillview Area, Santa Elena, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Rosendo Juarez) 22. 200.35 Acres Eastern Side Southern Lagoon, Manatee Area, Belize District:
All that piece or Parcel of Land containing 200.35 acres of land situated along the Eastern Side of Southern Lagoon and approximately 3 ¼ Miles North of Gales Point Manatee Village, Belize District, Belize and bounded and described as shown by Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 1217 of 2007 dated the 19th day of December 2007 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcel of land 200.35 acre situate along the eastern side of Southern Lagoon, approximately 3 ¼ miles north of Gales Point Manatee Village, Belize District, the freehold Mr. Arnaldo Pena)
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 1 containing 1,381.029 square meters situate along Pappishaw Road, Eldridgeville Village, Toledo District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being vacant Lot No. 1 containing 1,381.029 square meters situate along Pappishaw Road, Eldridgeville Village, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Ronald Lee Baker) 27. Block No. 24 Pappishaw Road, Elridgeville Village, Toledo District:
23. Lot No. 40 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 40 comprising (733.40 square yards) situate in Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District of Belize and bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 783 of 1999 attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No.783 of 1999 dated 28th August 1999 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being an elevated (6 ft. above ground) timber dwelling house containing 3 bedrooms + kitchen + living/dining room + Outside bathroom and lot [730.40 S.Y.] situate at Lot No.40 Hope creek Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Henaria Bol) 24. Lot No. 781 Malacate Area, Independence Village, Stann Creek District:
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Block No. 24 containing 1.30 acres – (6,292 square yards) situate along Papishaw Road, Elridgeville Village, Toledo District bounded and described as follows: On the North for a distance of 134.617 meters (441.65 feet) by Block No. 21; On the South for a distance of 139.074 meters (456.27 feet) by Block No. 25; On the East for a distance of 57.327 meters (188.08 feet) by the Papishaw Road and on the West for a distance of 21.100 meters (69.22 feet) by Block No. 22as shown on a plan of survey numbered Plan No. 1893 signed by L.S. Tingling, Government Surveyor TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being an elevated [2 1/2 ft. above grade] timber dwelling house [24 ft. x 32 ft.] 2 bedrooms + living room + bathroom + verandah + wash room and land (1.30 acres) situate on Pappishaw Road, Elridgeville Village, Toledo District, the freehold properties of Mr. Cesar Briceno) 28. 2013 Chevrolet Cruz:
2013 Chevrolet Cruz
ALL THOSE LEASEHOLD premises being Lot No. 781 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District and bounded as follows: on the Northeast for 30.742 meters by Lot No. 748; On the Southeast for 20.014 meters by Lot No. 782; On the Southwest for 30.472 meters by Lot No. 780; On the Northwest for 20.014 meters by a 40 feet street containing 615.270 square meters of land as sown on Entry No. 7908 Reg. 29 at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being an elevated (4ft. above ground) timber/concrete dwelling house and Lot [615.270 S.M.] situate Lot No. 781 Malacate Area, Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the leasehold property of Ms. Delcia Palacio)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - www.belizebank.com (foreclosure listing)
TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 Website: belizepropertyauctions.com E-mail: kevinacas@yahoo.com Face Book: Belize Auctions
THINK ABOUT IT DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE The Association of Public Service Senior managers is NOT a union. It cannot be a union. It cannot behave like a union. The reason for this is that these employees are the senior public officers who are part and parcel of the management of the public service. They cannot be responsible for managing the regular employees and at the same time be managers. This is why they are unable to become members of the Public Service Union. As Senior Managers, they are a big part of the policies of a government. They have an input into the shaping of a government’s policy direction and directives. They are duty bound to support and carry out the policies of a government. Otherwise, the tail would be wagging the dog. Senior Managers are allowed to form a group in order to make it convenient when they wish to discuss their terms of employment, their conditions of work and the issues of salaries, benefits and pensions. They are allowed to be an Association and can never be a union or behave like a union. You cannot be the firefighters while at the same time you are the persons burning down the forests. It is unacceptable in public service administration that a government makes a decision or publishes its proposed policy directive and its Senior Managers publicly take issue with or publicly criticize or worse, publicly condemn it. That is crazy. That is referred to as “going down the rabbit hole.” “Down the rabbit hole” is a metaphor. It symbolizes confusion. It comes from a book titled ‘Alice In Wonderland’. It means falling into a bad or bizarre situation. Senior Manager of the Belize Public Service includes the Financial Secretary, his Deputies and the entire senior staff in his Ministry. The Cabinet Secretary, all Permanent Secretaries (CEOs) all Heads of government departments, their deputies and their senior staff. Can they, through their Association engage in publicly criticizing the government decision, policies and legislation? Absolutely not. Their views, individually are to be expressed to their Ministers. Collectively, it is through the Financial Secretary or Cabinet Secretary to the Prime Minister or to Cabinet. It is falling deep down into the rabbit hole for the Association of Senior Managers to be publicly taking issue with their Constitutional losses. To be joining with the Public Service Union and any other unions in verbally confronting the government, is contrary to public policy. It is a No, No. This simply cannot be. Belize is in the middle of multiple crises. Covid has exacerbated many of our problems, several of which are intractable. Poverty, crime, corruption, a rudderless political directorate, a wasteful, stifling, burgeoning bureaucracy and a government without money. It is written in the Holy Bible at Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 19 –“ a feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry and money is the answer to all problems. The government of Belize does not have enough money. It cannot pay the salaries of public officers. It is borrowing large amounts just to pay its workers. This is a fact. Thirteen years of Dean Barrow and his UDP administration guaranteed it with their wasteful, ‘squanderous’ and corrupt activities. When the UDP were so definitively thrown out of office on 11th November 2020, it was a massive rejection of their maladministration by the people of Belize. The government cannot ignore or dodge this serious money problem. As a temporary solution it is asking its employees for a ten percent reductions. The Public Service Union and Teachers Union are not in agreement. The Association of senior managers have publicly joined the unions in this matter. The Association is making a wrong move. The other unions need to keep calm and enter serious negotiation and put forward effective recommendations which can bridge the money problem. Working together we can find the answer to all our problems. CUSTOMS The Customs Departments is a huge revenue earning department of the public service. They collect some three hundred million dollars in import duties and excise duties according to page 12 of the current budget book on revenue and expenditure for 2020 to March 2021. Public officers with years of experience say this department could easily earn from Fifty to One Hundred million dollars more each year if proper and modern management systems are put in place. Customs department is also where nuff corruption flourishes in an undercover and sweetheart deals between importers and individual customs officers. Merchants who import goods are in bed with individual customs officers who routinely take big bribes to charge small taxes on container loads
21 MAR
of goods. This goes on unchecked for years and years. No other public officers can express the kind of wealth which are manifested by customs officers. Four homes, six houses all of million dollars’ worth of construction. They have homes and houses in several districts, some are hidden in the names of family members. These customs dudes have top of the line vehicles. Not even drug dealers or attorneys can boast or compete with them. Something is very wrong. The new government and the Public Service Union need to quickly tackle this cancer in the public service. Firstly, shuffle all those working at border crossing and inspection of import and containers. A Special Inspection Team of three persons, one customs, one from Chamber of Commerce, one from a Union will inspect in each district and be in direct contact with the Comptroller and or his Deputies who will say how much duties are to be charged. Customs Department will have a type of Board of Management which will be an oversight body to see that Belizeans get the kind of Customs Department we deserve. AUDIT ATTACK We are surprised, shocked actually, to hear that at the joint Unions press conference on Wednesday 17th March, that the Auditor General was being thrown under the proverbial bus. Incredible! The Association of Senior Managers is actually sacrificing one of the nation’s top public officers. The Association also called on the government to get rid of the Financial Secretary and the governor of the Central Bank. The Auditor General of Belize is not a regular public officer because of the important nature of her functions. The Auditor General is appointed under Section 109 of the Constitution. She gets appointed based on a recommendation of the House of Representative and a separate recommendation from the Senate. She is responsible to audit all the accounts of government departments and Ministries. She can only be removed for inability to perform her duties or for misbehavior and there is a special procedure through the Advisory Council. This is stated in the Supreme law of our nation. The reason given by the Unions of which the Association of Senior Managers joined the Unions on Wednesday, is that the Auditor General did not audit some government departments. For the past thirteen years, there was hardly any Public Service Union. There were no three hours press conferences to stand up against irregularities in the public service, against crookery at Lands Ministry, or Passport Department, or the known instances of corruption in government. The ongoing illegal spending of PetroCaribe funds and the secret payment of 580 million dollars for BTL, among many, many other wrong doings. Through all this union silence by the PSU, it was the Auditor General alone who exposed the UDP wrong doing in her numerous audit Reports. Many of these Reports were not sent by the Prime Minister to the House of Representative within the time frame provided by law. The previous Prime Minister singled out the Auditor General for public attacks. Neither the PSU nor Senior Managers Association came to her defense. They were as silent as a mouse. Only the Amandala newspaper, in an Editorial alerted the nation to the insidious attempts to ruin the Auditor General. One of the great injuries inflicted on our nation by Dean Barrow and his government was the systematic weakening of the important institution which are part of our checks and balances in a democracy. The Public Accounts Committee, Integrity Commission, Contractor General, Ombudsman, the Judiciary, the Finance and Audit law, are some examples. Not a word of protest came from the PSU. If the Auditor General Department could not reach a number of departments, let us ask why. Barrow never increased their budget, never provided additional staff, the office was moved from unsatisfactory and cramped space to other unsatisfactory and cramped space. This, dear PSU and APSSM was being done deliberately. The then Prime Minister promised Belizeans he would order an inquiry / investigation into the Ministry of Lands. Several Ministers turned up at that hotbed of corruption. Nothing ever happened. The PSU and the APSSM remained tongue tied. We find Wednesday’s attack on the Auditor General to be an incredible and disturbing occurrence. ENTER THE DRAGON Belize is one of a handful of almost 13 countries which support Taiwan. The rest of one hundred and ninety five nations are with China. Would our friends in Taiwan consider a Covid pandemic grant of one hundred million dollars to faithful friend Belize? Just thinking.
21 MAR
BelizeLicensed District Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. TheSeaside, BelizeBelize BankCity, Limited, BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following property ONLINE belizepropertyauctions.com. expires on Thursday 14th April 2021 following property via ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com. Sale Sale expires on Thursday 14th April 2021 at 1:30 pm. at 1:30 pm.
Caribbean shores
(Being the following fabulous seaside development:
a) Main Residence - (Concrete three-storey residential building: Ground floor – 2 Dinning Rooms + 1 Kitchen + 1 Living Room + 1 Family Room + 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Balcony: First floor – 4 Bedrooms + 4 Bathrooms + 3 Walk-In Closets + Study Room: Second floor – Gym + 3 Walk-In Closets + 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms) b) Church Building & Staff Quarters – Being a concrete two-storey structure containing: Ground Floor - Garage + Open Bedroom with Bathroom: First Floor - Worship Area + Library + Office Area + 2 Bathrooms + Staff Quarters c) Pool with slide d) Two wooden gazebos e) Exterior wooden bathroom – Shower + Toilet + Wash Hand Basin f) Pump House g) Open Bar Area h) Fountain +Timber i) Timber Octagonal Hut j) Water Fountain and Slide together with lot [approx. 150 ft. x 122 ft.], the freehold property of Messrs. Hotchandani Holdings Limited)
21 MAR
NOTICE Moon Dew Ltd. #168,258 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Moon Dew Ltd.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 17th day of March, 2021; and c) Mrs. Natalya Muscat whose address is Office 18, Block 19 Vincenti Bld, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
For Sale By Order of the Mortgagee KENNETH K. Dart of Benque Viejo Del Carmen, Belize City, Cayo District, Belize, hereby gives notice of his intention to exercise his power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 19th day of October, 2018, between APOLON MANAGEMENT LTD. of Succotz Village, Cayo District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part and KENNETH K. Dart (hereinafter called “the Lender”) of the other part and recorded as Instrument No. LTU-201801896, the said Kenneth K. Dart will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Kenneth K. Dart. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO FIRSTLY, ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in the Black Rock Area, Cayo District, and being Block No. 3 comprising 21.10 acres, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 545 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 545 of 2002 dated shown on Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 545 of 2002 dated 21st July, 2002 (Entry No. 3774 Reg. No. 14, copy of which is attached and forms a part hereof.) SECONDLY, ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in the Black Rock Area, Cayo District, and being Block No. 2 comprising 21.34 acres, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 544 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 545 of 2002 dated shown on Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 544 of 2002 dated 8th August, 2002. (Entry No. 3774 Reg. No. 14, copy of which is attached and forms a part hereof.) THIRDLY, ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in the Black Rock Area, Cayo District, and being Block No. 1 comprising 55.24 acres, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 546 of 2002 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 546 of 2002 dated shown on Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 546 of 2002 dated 21st July, 2002. (Entry No. 3774 Reg. No. 14, copy of which is attached and forms a part hereof.)
DATED this 9th day of March, 2021 MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that JOY CHARM INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 10th day of March, 2021; and c) LU, YUEH-YUN whose address is 7F., No.149, Sec. 1, Daye Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE Fortson Ltd. #82,592 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Fortson Ltd.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 17th day of March, 2021; and c) Mr. Boris Sikachev whose address is 1, Pogonny Drive St., Bldg. 10, Apr., 15, Moscow, Russian Federation is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE
Country: Belize Name of Project: Health Sector Support Programme Belize Sector: Health Country: Belize GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE Name of Project: Health Sector Support Programme Belize HealthHealth Organization (PAHO) is currently implementing the Health Sector Support TheSector: Pan American GENERAL NOTICE Programme BelizePROCUREMENT project which is funded by the European Union. It intends to apply part of the proceeds
to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is currently implementing the Health Sector Support Belize project by the The overall objective of theProgramme project is to achieve a better qualitywhich of life, is forfunded all Belizeans, livingEuropean now and Union. It intends to apply part ofcomponents: the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related in the future. It includes the following services and consulting services to be procured under this project. 1. To develop efficient, effective, disaster resilient and environmentally friendly health facilities; and The overall objective of the project is to achieve a better quality of life, for all Be2. living To improve structure, management health services. lizeans, nowthe and in theorganization future. Itand includes theoffollowing components:
1. To develop efficient, effective, disaster resilient and environmentally friendly health facilities; The project aims to supportand the Government of Belize to assess and prioritize vulnerability reduction 2. To improve the structure, organization andfacilities management of health services. investments of their health facilities. A total of six (6) health will be retrofitted to help reduce the The project aimsdamage to support the Government Belizeastowell assess andoperational prioritize downtime and potential to the facility in the event of of a disaster as reduce expenditures with water andinvestments energy management improvements and ensure A energy vulnerability reduction of their health facilities. totalefficiency of six to (6)support health continuity of healthcare deliverytoin help the event of a major facilities will be retrofitted reduce the disaster. downtime and potential damage to the facility in the event of a disaster as well as reduce operational expenditures with waterThe andfacilities energy management and ensure energy efficiency support to be retrofitted are: improvements (i) Punta Gorda Community Hospital, Toledo District (ii)toSouthern continuity of healthcare delivery eventRegional of a major disaster. Regional Hospital, Stann Creek Districtin (iii)the Western Hospital, City of Belmopan, Cayo District facilities to be retrofitted Punta (v) Gorda Community Toledo (iv)The Northern Regional Hospital, Orangeare: Walk(i) District Corozal Community Hospital, Hospital, Corozal District Regional Hospital, Stann Creek District (iii) Western Regional District,(ii) andSouthern (vi) Central Medical Laboratory, Belize City, Belize District Hospital, City of Belmopan, Cayo District (iv) Northern Regional Hospital, Orange Walk District (v) Corozal Corozal andportal (vi) Central Medical LabThe United Nations Community Global Market Hospital, Place (UNGM) is theDistrict, procurement of the United Nations oratory, City, Belizevendor District System Belize and is the electronic registration system used by the Pan American Health Organization The United Global Place (UNGM) procurement (PAHO), regionalNations office of the WorldMarket Health Organization (WHO) is forthe all tendering exercises.portal of the United Nations System and is the electronic vendor registration system used by the Pan Organization (PAHO), regional office World Health OrganiAllAmerican tenders forHealth the Health Sector Support Programme in Belize willofbethe advertised on the UNGM. zation (WHO) for all in tendering Suppliers interested bidding exercises. for this project, MUST register with PAHO on UNGM at All tenders for the Health Sector Support Programme in Belize will be advertised www.ungm.org/Vendor/Registration. on the UNGM. Suppliers interested in bidding for this project, MUST register with PAHO at www.ungm.org/Vendor/Registration. Pleaseon noteUNGM that a virtual session on UNGM registration will be conducted to bidders who express interest note that a virtual session on UNGM will be conducted in Please bidding for this project. For additional information biddersregistration are asked to please contact Mrs Oliviato bidders who express interest in bidding for this project. For additional information Contreras-Perera, Procurement Focal Point at email address contrero@paho.org. bidders are asked to please contact Mrs Olivia Contreras-Perera, Procurement Focal International regional contrero@paho.org. suppliers interested in the Health Sector Support Programme in Belize must Point at emailand address adhere to the following International andCOVID-19 regionalProtocols: suppliers interested in the Health Sector Support Pro(COVID-19) andtotravel: For biddersCOVID-19 who are not currently based in Belize, please gramme Coronavirus in Belize must adhere the following Protocols: plan your travel(COVID-19) accordingly Only international airport is who open, and land borders remain Coronavirus andthetravel: For bidders areall not currently based travel toplan Belize, please consult the Belize Tourism Board website for important in closed. Belize,Toplease your travel accordingly Only the international airport is information to COVID-19 protocol - https://www.belizetourismboard.org/news-andopen, and allrelated land borders remain closed. To travel to Belize, please consult the gallery/belize-covid-19-update/ Belize Tourism Board website for important information related to COVID-19 protocol - https://www.belizetourismboard.org/news-and-gallery/belize-covid19-update/
21 MAR
Belize: March 2021
In accordance with Section 175 of the Insurance Act, Chapter 251 Laws of Belize, RE 2011 and subsequent amendments, the General Public is hereby notified that the following persons have been issued with an Insurance Licence to carry on insurance business in Belize for 2021. All licensees mentioned herein have been provided with an Insurance License Certificate. In addition to the certificate, individual intermediaries were issued an Insurance Intermediary Card, which must be produced upon simple demand by any member of the public. Only Licence Certificates for the Year 2021 are valid. Persons conducting insurance business without a valid insurance license are in contravention of the Insurance Act and should be reported immediately to the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance and Private Pensions at #2 Toucan Avenue, Belmopan, Belize. RF&G LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Individual Agents
A. Insurance Companies licensed under Part II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Atlantic Insurance Company Limited Guardian General Insurance Limited Home Protector Insurance Company Limited Holy Redeemer Credit Union (Conditional) Insurance Corporation of Belize RF&G Insurance Company Limited RF&G Life Insurance Company Limited Sagicor Life Inc. Scotia Insurance Caribbean Limited Massy United Insurance Company Limited
Deon Robinson Dishon Smith Ena Martinez George Nicholson Immanuel Westby Magdalene Okondo Maria Coyi Maria Riverol Marsha White Mayeli Hoy Melissa Skeen Ricardo Magana Richard Coye Shantel Lofter SAGICOR LIFE INC. Individual Agents
B. Association of Underwriters under Part III Amy Forte Bernadine Villagran Carol Panton Dawn Henry Farrah Marchand Florence Williams Lerone Ayuso Marlene Forrester Mirna Paul-Greenidge Nikita Smith Richard Coye Rodney Card Ryan Simpson Saira Manzanero Tessa Usher Vikky Murga Zeidie Thompson Tevonne Phillips
1. Lloyds C. . Corporate Insurance Agents licensed under Part IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Atlantic Bank Limited Belize Bank Limited Belize Credit Union League Belize Diesel &Equipment Belize Insurance Center (Insurance Agent) Ltd. La Inmaculada Credit Union Limited Santiago Castillo Limited Scotia Bank (Belize) Limited Simpson’s Insurance Agency Limited Westrac Limited
Corporate Agents Simpson’s Insurance Agency Limited
ATLANTIC INSURANCE COMPANY Individual Agents Esteban Cano Guadalupe Matus
Corporate Agent Scotiabank (Belize) Limited
Phillip Gallaty Jr.
Corporate Agents Atlantic Bank Limited Westrac Limited Santiago Castillo Limited GUARDIAN GENERAL INSURANCE Individual Agents Amy Forte Olga Herrera
Dawn Henry Karen Gill
Derick Perera Vikky Murga
Saira Manzanero
Marsha Gill
Tessa Usher
Amareli Patt Dean Dennis Flowers Harry Moreno Joyce Longswortjh Lecimarco Luna Marlon Skeen Raul Gilharry
INSURANCE CORPORATION OF BELIZE Individual Agents Abdel Cowo Hiram Ochaeta
Marta Martinez
Belize Insurance Center (Insurance Agent) Ltd
BELIZE INSURANCE CENTRE (Insurance Agent) Limited Sub-agents Andrea Corredor Martha Castillo
HOME PROTECTOR INSURANCE Individual Agents Aeesha Bradley Blanca Flowers Guillermo Medina Jose Izaguirre Kayla Bryant Lorena Guzman Miriam Hoy Rianna Bush
Sadira Gonzalez
Corporate Agent
Corporate Agent Simpson’s Insurance Agency Limited
Adrienne Zabaneh Ariel Aguilar Geneva Zuniga Ian Chi Julio Blanco Lilia Marin Melonie Woodye Thalia Avilez
Belize Insurance Centre
D. Insurance Intermediaries licensed under Part IV
Anna Dyck Marisa Azueta
Candice Meighan Derick Perera Karen Gill Marsha Gill Olga Herera Rosalyn Tzib Samuel Brown Yazmin Urbina
Maretha McCullock Nestor Hernandez RF&G INSURANCE COMPANY Individual Agents
April Smith Echeverria Clara Noble Claudio Azueta Ena Martinez Farrah Marchand Gigi Godfrey Isabell Bardalez Jairo Vasquez John Friessen Julien Ferguson Kira Pinelo Marlena Ramclam Neville Forrester Richard Coye Roselia Zabaneh Sandra Johnson Sylvia Kuylen St Martin’s Credit Union Blue Creek Credit Union Mirror Enterprises Ltd (Jorge Espejo Sr.) L3G’s & Associates (Yadira & Fatima Chi)
SIMPSON’s INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED Sub-agents Emily Peraza Jose Urbina
Jennifer Arzu Williams Linda Caldera
D. Brokers licensed under Part IV BROKER 1. 2.
Diversified Life Solutions Brokers Limited McLean Insurance & Risk Solutions Limited
Special Notice on Banks and other Financial Institutions acting as insurance intermediaries No Financial Institution (Bank or Credit Union) and no officials of any financial institution shall exercise any undue pressure or influence in any manner whatsoever upon a borrower to place insurance with any particular insurance company for the security of the Bank. All clients of Financial Institutions have a choice of insurer and should not be obligated to insure with a particular insurer only because the financial institution is providing such person with insurance premium financing or a loan. Clients of a financial institution feeling coerced in placing insurance with a company against his/her will should notify the Supervisor of Insurance immediately. Any notification to the Supervisor can be made via email to osipp@mof.gov.bz, or by post at #2 Toucan Avenue, Belmopan. Update on Licencing information on Insurers and Intermediaries can be found on https:// osipp.gov.bz
Corporate Agents Belize Bank Limited Belize Diesel &Equipment Scotiabank (Belize) Limited
Belize Credit Union League La Inmaculada Credit Union
(Alma D. Gomez) Supervisor of Insurance
21 MAR
AstraZeneca Blood Clot Fears Are Tamped Down but Slow Vaccines in Europe
By Marc Santora, New York Times LONDON — After the European Union’s biggest countries suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, the continent’s top drug regulator pushed back hard on Tuesday against fears about the shot, saying there was no sign of its causing rare but dangerous problems, and strong evidence that its lifesaving benefits “outweigh the risk of the side effects.” The reassurance by Emer Cooke, executive director of the European Medicines Agency, came a day after Germany, France, Italy, Spain and others halted use of the vaccine, even as Europe faces a third wave of the virus, hundreds of millions of its people are still constrained by severe pandemic restrictions and many are facing the prospect of rules tightening even more. The vaccine suspensions were a startling about-face after government officials had spent days assuring the public of the vaccine’s safety. After Germany indicated that it would put the shots on hold, others quickly followed, wanting to present a united front and avoid the political fallout from being an outlier if real problems with the vaccine emerged. Concerns about possible rare side effects like blood clots and abnormal bleeding have rattled confidence in the vaccine and delayed the already slow and troubled inoculation campaign in Europe. No country in the European Union is on pace to reach its goal of vaccinating 70 percent of its population by September. The European Medicines Agency was still studying concerns about the ill effects reported in a small number of people who received the AstraZeneca shot, but there was “no indication that vaccination has caused these conditions,” Ms. Cooke said on Tuesday at a news conference. “While the investigation is ongoing, we are currently still firmly convinced that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in preventing Covid-19, with its associated risk of hospitalization, outweigh the risk of the side effects,” she added. Ms. Cooke’s reassurance added to the confusion and mixed messages surrounding Europe’s vaccine rollout. The stakes could scarcely be higher: delaying inoculation for tens of millions of people, though others will continue to receive vaccines made by other companies, and possibly undermining faith worldwide in the AstraZeneca shot. The AstraZeneca vaccine, developed in partnership with the University of Oxford, was designed to be the workhorse of the global vaccination effort, with some two billion doses ordered for use in more than 70 countries this year. The European Union’s vaccination efforts have been hindered by political infighting, a supply shortage and a lack of solidarity. And with many countries heavily reliant on the AstraZeneca vaccine, the decision by some to
A person sitting on the seat of a car: A drive-through vaccination center in Milan on Monday, the day Italy suspended use of the AstraZeneca vaccine. © Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times suspend its use while the bloc’s regulatory body looks into safety concerns will slow things down even more. “AstraZeneca is a very substantial part of the European investment,” said Dr. Don Goldmann, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “It is going to be delayed and much harder to have enough of the alternative vaccines to have a coordinated rapid response.” Clotting problems are relatively common in the general population, and health authorities suspect that the small number of cases reported in vaccine recipients are most likely coincidental. The governments in Europe that suspended use of the vaccine said they were acting out of an abundance of caution while the bloc’s regulatory body reviewed the data. The World Health Organization was quick to react, hoping to prevent a broader panic. It said Monday that there was no evidence to suggest that the AstraZeneca vaccine was unsafe. Millions of people in dozens of countries have received AstraZeneca’s vaccine with few reports of ill effects, and its prior testing in tens of thousands of people found it to be safe. It is being sold using a nonprofit model and is far cheaper than other vaccines. It can be stored more easily and has already started to be shipped to low- and middle-income countries that signed onto the global vaccine sharing program Covax. But after a new raft of suspensions on Monday, the only large country in the European Union still administering the shots was Poland, which finds itself already firmly in the grip of a third wave of the pandemic that is moving swiftly across the continent. The Czech Republic, which in recent weeks has had the highest rates of coronavirus infection and deaths in the world, is also still using the vaccine. Several smaller countries in the bloc have also not suspended it, creating a confused landscape for an exhausted public. The European Union has ordered 300 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, accounting for some 17 percent of its overall orders, which are
divided among six manufacturers. Andrea D. Taylor, the assistant director of programs at the Duke Global Health Innovation Center, said that even before the pause, the bloc was well behind its goal of vaccinating 70 percent of the population by Sept. 22. “If you look at the numbers, you can see clearly that they are not on track to meet that goal,” she said. “Even without the pause, I don’t see a scenario where they would have met a 70 percent vaccination rate in September.” She cautioned that all projections were based on a series of wildly moving targets, including a projected exponential growth in production over the next few months. With vaccine distribution slowing, governments are turning again to the one tool they have used for the past year: lockdowns. The rules in Europe have been far more restrictive and imposed for far longer than almost anywhere else in the world. The pain — financial, physical and psychological — is hard to measure but no one doubts it is real and getting worse. When Italian officials announced a new national lockdown on Monday, the reaction was a mix of anger, resignation, sadness and worry. Mauro Bolognesi, 65, smoked a cigarette in front of his vintage shop as he looked at the closed shutters around him in the popular Navigli area of Milan. “I am not going to make it if this lasts one more year,” he said. “It’s awful,” said Franca Gonella, 65, as she walked her dog in front of the prime minister’s palace in Rome on Monday, one of the few activities Italians are allowed outside the home. “If you are going to lock everyone up then they should be blanketing us with vaccines. The problem is that there are no vaccines.” As of Sunday, the European Union had nearly eight million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine sitting
unused, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The 27 nations in the bloc have at least partially vaccinated about 8 percent of their people, compared to 21 percent in the United States and 37 percent in Britain. While the AstraZeneca vaccine is already authorized in dozens of countries, it has not yet been approved by American regulators. The results from its clinical trial in the United States have not yet been reported, and the company has not sought emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. Many public health officials fear that the United States may yet encounter its own new wave of infection caused by more contagious variants, especially as states move to open up completely, eliminating even simple measures like mask wearing requirements. But vaccines are being rolled out with an urgency simply not seen in Europe. Rossella Crea, 46, a high school teacher in Italy’s northern city of Verona, got her first AstraZeneca shot on March 1. She said that after reading news of the latest suspensions, she became anxious and she was no longer sure she would get her booster dose in May. “I feel disoriented,” she said, “I think we must get vaccinated in general but this AstraZeneca one worries me.” In Spain, the suspension came just as some regional politicians were pressing the central government to extend the usage of AstraZeneca’s vaccine to people over age 55. Some public health experts in Spain are questioning the suspension. In a column published on Tuesday by the newspaper El Mundo, Juan Martínez Hernández, an epidemiologist, described the suspension as “a mistake.” If such a vaccination program gets halted even when no causal relationship has yet been established, he asked, “are we ready to accept the extension and perpetuation of Covid-19 in Europe and the world?” While there was broad concern that the decision to halt the use of the vaccine could harden skeptics and embolden antivaxers, many Europeans feared the effects of the suspension more than those of the vaccine. Jean Imbert, a 70-year-old retiree from Marseille, France, who got his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 7, said that he had “no particular concerns” about his shot after Monday’s announcements. Mr. Imbert said that there was “an overreaction in many European countries,” adding that “if the ban on the vaccine lasts too long, we will have more deaths due to delayed vaccination” than because of inoculations.
21 MAR
Second Floor, William Tam Building, Mountain View Boulevard, P.O. Box 7, City of Belmopan, Belize, C.A. Tel: 501- 828-4362/822-0208/828-4362; Fax No. 501-822-1041 Ext. #: 84362 Email: auditorgeneralbelize@audit.gov.bz
18th March 2021, BELIZE CITY - The Office of the Auditor General views with grave concern baseless assertions made by the leadership of the Public Service Union (PSU) and the Association of Public Service Senior Managers (APSSM) at its press conference of 17th March 2021. It is evident that the Unions neither understand the mandate of the Office of the Auditor General nor the powers of the Auditor General and need to be schooled in the constitutional provisions that establishes such Office. However, it is of utmost importance that these spokespersons be reminded that the Office of the Auditor General “shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority”, per Section 120 of the Constitution. The Office has consistently advocated for its independence away from the Executive Branch of Government and has been frustrated with the Ministry of the Public Service’s inability to facilitate the filling of vacant positions over the last three years that is presently at 17. There have been numerous requests to provide the Office with increased budget, fill vacant positions and provide legal counsel or other specialized postings in order to bolster the Office of the Auditor General. PSU and APSSM have never been vocal about countless attacks on this Office and many subtle frustrations. The Unions are reminded that the framers of the Constitution made provisions for the protection of the Office of the Auditor General against tyrants and other persons; same actions displayed during its press conference. The same Constitution provides a mechanism via which the work of the Auditor General can be reviewed and if the Unions were indeed legitimately aggrieved, they should use the proper process instead of launching baseless attacks to try and tarnish the Office. The Office of the Auditor General has been consistent in producing credible work and has kept this Nation informed even in the face of adversities when the very Public Service Union and Association of Senior Public Managers have kept quiet and condoning improper conduct within the public service. Not once has either Union come to the Office’s defense even though the Auditor General is a member of APSSM, and the staff are members of PSU. They have endured ruthless and baseless attacks and in order to maintain the dignity of the Office the Auditor General has always opted not to respond, but the recent uninformed assertions seek to distract from the incompetence of both unions to ensure the public service is beyond reproach. This is not the first time that the Public Service Union has attacked the Auditor General. As recent as September 2020, just before the general elections, the President, Gerald Henry, wrote the former Prime Minister demanding that he fired the Auditor General. When that call went unanswered, he then proceeded to write the Governor General demanding the same. When those attempts failed, he has now abused the Office of PSU president to pursue his personal agenda. However, what the President has failed to declare is that he has a personal vendetta against the Auditor General because he, as a staff member now seconded to the Union, has been disciplined on several occasions, by the Auditor General, for misconduct on the job. In 2017, he went as far as threatening the Auditor General in the presence of the Public Service Commission, by saying that “they will pay somebody to hurt her” during one such disciplinary hearing. It is with much sadness that the Office of the Auditor General views the energy being exerted as personal, when the two unions have failed miserably to demand accountability from both the government and Public Officers and push that the five Reports suppressed at the National Assembly be released. Neither of these Unions seems to understand the fundamental difference between external and internal audit functions. Instead, the unions now chose to mask its frustration with a personal agenda. The Office has approximately five hundred entities subject to external auditing and stands on its nonpartisan nonpolitical principle and will never undertake demanded audits to fulfil political agendas. It is most unfortunate that these unions are seeking to work against the only Office that has demonstrated in every report the many faucets of leakages, fraud and corruption that has now resulted in the financial crisis at hand. The Office of the Auditor General takes this opportunity to assure its stakeholders that it will continue to put Country first and will do so without fear or favour. In addition, will continue to advocate for the Office’s independence away from the Executive Branch of Government. ENDS
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