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Belize Broadcasting Authority
May 4th, 2023
Press Release
Commencement Of Stakeholders Consultation
The Belize Broadcasting Authority, Office of the Prime Minister, would like to inform the general public that on April 27th, 2023 consultation with relevant stakeholders to discuss the modernization of the broadcasting framework, which will include amendments to the Broadcasting and Television Act (Cap 227) and Regulations has begun.
The proposed modernization of the broadcasting industry in intended to (1) assist Belize with meeting its obligations relating to broadcasting under treaties and agreements with international partners; (2) boost Belize’s reputation internationally in intellectual property compliance and media regulation by having a modern broadcasting regime, which will bring trade and economic advantages; and (3) ensure that all mediums of broadcasting in Belize are encompassed in the regulatory structure, taking into consideration new technologies, new media and the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunications.
The proposal to review existing media and broadcasting-related legislation, with a view to make necessary amendments or additions to the regulatory structure, is intended to create the facilitative environment needed to achieve these goals.
The Belize Broadcasting Authority would like to take this opportunity to invite the general Public and relevant organizations to our next assembly on May 9th , 2023 at the Biltmore Plaza at 1:30 pm to discuss our way forward.
Please RSVP via Tel.: 223-3953 - E-mail: belize.broadcastingauthority@outlook.com
Virtual: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 8247 0544

Passcode: 278997 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85182470544?pwd=anNlSm91eS9UN0M4MU5ZUnpVVzI3Zz09#success