Belize Times May 5, 2023 Hospital for Belmopan

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The People’s United Party ultra-prepared to become the people’s administration way before 2020 became Covid/UDP infested. We will remember that the PUP called people’s access to education, job, health, land and housing the Bill of Rights. Belizeans had to right to a decent living. Today we can see planBelize everywhere in a concerted effort to make everybody win. Like fine wine, election 2020’s mantra was a slow process: Defeating Covid, restructuring the debt, Governance reform, Fighting Crime, Educating the masses properly, Tourism/Agriculture bolstering the economy in a tandem for the ages and Healthcare modernization that will see more people healthy and working. Tourism is getting hundreds of millions for increasing the capacity and modern amenities of a better International Airport. It was also just announced that the people of Belize will get a hundred and fifty-bedroom new tertiary care University Hospital. This hospital will be in Belmopan that is



THE BELIZE TIMES 1 7 MAY 7 MAY 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5350 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00
GoB respects the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
“Connecting Belize to the World”
The Belize Times Established 1957
BELMOPAN BLUE BONDS STILL MAKING NEWS Implementation of the CCJ’s Consent Order 2015 Minister Coye on Bloomberg TV
People’s Constitution Commision Meets for Orientation Workshop
for Development on highly concessionary terms for the con-
hospital”: Cabinet Brief Friday April 28
“…loan through the Saudi Fund
struction of a
tertiary care/university
Pg. 2 Pg.
Pg. 2


Continued from page 1

the capital of the entire country and, so, that this will be a referral hospital is right on planBelize’s script.

This is no fluke. San Pedro is already seeing the dream of a hospital on Ambergris Island becoming a reality. Belmopan already had a new polyclinic. So did Caye Caulker and the story is similar all over the country. Health is priority. Wait…isn’t it

Housing? Or Education? Or the Economy? Or Crime mitigation? Or the Constitution? All of Belize is a priority in planBelize and John Briceño’s administration.

No government has worked harder than this planBelize government and the people of Belize deserve a tertiary care facility to add to the National Health Insurance that is bound to get a bolster from the rechannelled Boledo money. This is the hope and af-

ter the exclusive license was revoked for lack of due diligence the sky seems to be the limit for how much Belize can take care of its people and their good health.

As per the Cabinet release: “approval for a $90 million loan through the Saudi Fund for Development on highly concessionary terms for the construction of a 150-bedroom tertiary care/university hospital in Belmopan.”


Belmopan, 28th April 2023.

Cabinet Brief

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 28th April 2023.

• Cabinet received a full update on the incident involving candy, confirmed by testing to be laced with marijuana, that was ingested by a number of children and adults. Cabinet commended the excellent work of the doctors, nurses, and other members of staff of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, whose swift actions likely resulted in less severe health conditions. Cabinet requested that the Minister of Home Affairs bring all pressure to bear on the Belize Police Department to ensure that all those involved in this incident be brought to justice.

• During the discussion on the incident involving the tainted candy, Cabinet determined to go further by looking into the types of food and beverages sold by vendors near school campuses. The Ministry of Education has confirmed that it will work with educational institutions to ensure ready access to healthier food and beverages for students through the Healthy Start Food Program.

• Cabinet gave its approval for a $90 million loan through the Saudi Fund for Development on highly concessionary terms for the construction of a 150-bedroom tertiary care/university hospital in Belmopan.

• Cabinet approved the updated Cruise Tourism Policy presented by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations. The updated policy seeks to modernize Belize’s approach to cruise tourism and commits to promoting inclusive leadership, social equity, cultural integrity, responsible environmental stewardship, economic optimization, product development and resilience building.

• The Cabinet considered and approved the regulations to complement the recent amendment to the Fiscal Incentives Act. These clearly indicate and describe procedures, fees, and penalties. The main points in the Amendment of the FI Act include a revised definition of MSME; MSMEs have fewer requirements for applicants requesting an incentive; allow MSMEs to apply for Import Duty, Revenue Replacement Duty, and Excise Duty exemption for an import value of not more than $1 million for a period of four years and may be extended to four more years; submission of audited financials will only apply to large companies, not MSMEs or for companies applying for One Off incentive; public notice procedures of application for fiscal incentives will only apply to large companies, not MSMEs or for companies applying for One Off incentive; MSMEs can apply for an incentive with the registration of a company name, identification document, registration at the Belize Tax Service and BELTRAIDE as an MSME.

• Belize acceded to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in December 2016, demonstrating its commitment to implement convention measures to prevent and combat corruption. As part of Belize’s continued commitment to combat corruption, Cabinet has approved the tabling of the Civil Asset Recovery and Unexplained Wealth Order Bill 2023. This legislative initiative will assist in combating corruption and allow the High Court to freeze the assets of persons where those assets were acquired through unlawful means. It will place the onus on persons whose wealth exceeds their incomes to account to the court for their acquisition. These measures will enable the tracing of assets acquired through unlawful means.

• Cabinet approved the enactment of the amendment to the International Limited Liability Company Act to change its name to the Limited Liability Company Act, to remove the tax exemptions from these companies, and to allow Belizeans to be eligible to form these types of companies which were formerly treated as offshore entities.

• Cabinet also approved amendments to the Belize Companies Act to tighten disclosure requirements for nominee directors and expand the definition of bearer shares, among other amendments, which are required to meet the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force technical requirements.

• Finally, Cabinet wishes all Belizeans a safe and happy Labour Day.

Implementation of the CCJ’s Consent Order 2015

The Government of Belize wishes to provide updates to the Belizean public on the progress made on the implementation of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) Consent Order of 2015, and to share its position on the tension between some Maya and Non-Maya villages.

Firstly, the CCJ Ruling does not give Maya villages Carte Blanche; the delimitation of the outer limits of Maya customary lands must be done with the direct involvement of the Government of Belize and in full consultation with those concerned.

Consequently, a Maya Village ought not to place survey markers on any land which may be claimed. This can only legally be done by the Lands and Survey Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Government of Belize.

Equally, where there is a difference of opinion as to the extent of a Maya Village’s customary lands, an aggrieved party needs to report the matter to the relevant government agencies and NOT seek to take matters into their own hands.

Minister Coye on Bloomberg TV

On April 26, 2023, Bloomberg BLive hosted Kevin Bender, Senior Director, Sustainable Debt, The Nature Conservancy; Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State, Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, Government of Belize; and Jill Dauchy, Founder & CEO, Potomac Group LLC discuss debt-for-nature swaps as a tool for funding biodiversity efforts at speed and scale with Bloomberg’s Natasha White. Eighteen months ago, they helped put off the largest-ever debtfor-nature swap in Belize. This enabled Belize to buy back the infamous super bond from the market at a discount and allocate some of the savings towards marine conservation.

Hon. Christopher Coye, Min. of State, “The economic outlook was certainly grim. We were in a deep crisis, fiscal economic debt crisis, but Covid simply exacerbated that situation where we were contracting around 13 percent. The debt to GDP ratio had increased from one hundred and thirty-three percent.”

Debt for nature swap between Belize and TNC is the largest of its kind which has since opened out for other investors to partake such as pensioners. This goes to the partnership as TNC did their first debt-for-nature swap with Belize in the early 2000s.

Jill Dauchy, Founder & CEO, Potomac Group LLC, “So, first of all, I'd like to say that the IMF has recently come out with a paper that said that there are fifty-nine countries that are most vulnerable to climate change. And so, the coming together of these two crises is well known and the countries themselves are starting to organize and they are starting to say that we need to solve these crises simultaneously.”

The interest of the financial world in Belize's successful Blue Bond Debt-Nature swap is still strong. The bond was signed in 2021 and in 2023 we are still the focus of this unprecedented-level transaction. You can watch and listen to the entire discourse here https://www. blive-bloomberg-green-summit-debt-fornature-swap-video?sref=hc7V75nV

The Government is therefore calling on all parties concerned to exercise restraint. We request that everyone refrain from engaging in any action in those areas which may have the potential to create tension until we finalize the process and procedure to address all parties' rights and interests whether Maya, Non-Maya Villages or third parties. We call particular attention to Jacintovillle + San Felipe, Yemeri Grove + Laguna, Barranco + Midway, and Mafredi and surrounding communities.

The Government respects the rights of Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The government is also committed to implementing the CCJ Consent Order of 2015 and has adopted the FPIC Protocol by which we are guided in consulting with Maya communities.

Additionally, the Government is committed to consulting fully on the draft Maya Customary Land Tenure Policy. Furthermore, the Government gives its commitment to move towards putting in place the required Legislative and Administrative framework to harmonize private ownership and communal land rights.

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus

Belize since 1957
the longest continuous newspaper.
Castillo EDITOR
LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
José Jiménez


Women in Belize continue to break barriers and challenge biases as this week we can proudly report that Ms. Dayna Blades is now newly appointed as the director of the Nationality and Passports Department. The first time that a woman has been appointed as head of that department and, in fact, the first time in Belizean history that all three departments of Immigration have been led by women. We also note with great pleasure that the new Contractor General Maria Arthurs has enjoyed an exemplary record as a public servant. The new Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) is Ms. Leni Ysaquirre McGann, and we welcome the influx of such eminently qualified women into these very important posts. The current Government of Belize under the leadership of Prime Minister John Briceño continues to ensure that gender gaps that existed in employment and government appointments under previous administrations are narrowed significantly. This has set the standard that is now being followed in the private sector.

There is a glaring contrast between the priorities that the Government and the Opposition have and nowhere were they more obvious than during an Uncut episode. This GOB edifies and values the input of women and ensures that they are able to succeed professionally and contribute to the development and productivity of this country. As the host of the show pointed out, the UDP standard bearer of at least one constituency has been the alleged aggressor in several instances of Gender-Based Violence reports. The Chosen One during his self-righteous ramble declared himself divinely anointed to lead this country. These are dangerous declarations from a clearly unhinged mind trying to justify his own shortcomings and those of the members of the political party that has stubbornly accepted him as their maximum leader. There is no evidence to sustain the theory that he understands the complexity of running this government, and tries to hide his ignorance by invoking a vague notion of changing policy.

The tête-à-tête between the host and his guest was endearing and it was very amusing to see the pot and the kettle calling out each other. It was even more interesting to realize that there are certainly strong undercurrents in the shallow red sea. Suffice it to say that it was evidently under extreme duress that the Leader of the Opposition is now obligated to endure the candidacy of both the most popular and the least popular UDP politicians in the country. It is certainly not an enviable position to be in and, of course, the ever-antagonistic host was sure to rub salt, pepper, and lime into the fresh wound. The Leader of the Opposition spared no one with his caustic comments and even the ComPol was treated to derisive retribution for the many imagined faux pas committed. The umbrage even triggered the host to come to the defence of the ComPol and chastise the Leader of the Opposition for asserting claims without proof. It seems that the Leader of the Opposition has not learned his lesson and continues to shoot (off his mouth) first and check later. Again, we reiterate that there is a clear difference in priorities. The PUP is about breaking barriers and biases and firsts, the UDP is content and working extremely hard at keeping their current last place.

Las mujeres de Belice siguen rompiendo barreras, y desafiando prejuicios, ya que esta semana podemos informar con orgullo de que Dayna Blades ha sido nombrada directora del Departamento de Nacionalidad y Pasaportes. Es la primera vez que una mujer es nombrada directora de ese departamento y, de hecho, es la primera vez en la historia de Belice que los tres departamentos de Inmigración están dirigidos por mujeres. También observamos con gran satisfacción que la nueva Contratista General, Maria Arthurs, cuenta con un historial ejemplar como funcionaria pública. La nueva Directora de la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF), la Sra. Leni Ysaquirre McGann, y acogemos con satisfacción la llegada de mujeres tan eminentemente cualificadas a estos puestos tan importantes. El actual Gobierno de Belice, bajo el liderazgo del Primer Ministro John Briceño, sigue garantizando que las diferencias de género que existían en el empleo y en los nombramientos gubernamentales bajo anteriores administraciones se reduzcan significativamente. Esto ha marcado la pauta que ahora se sigue en el sector privado.

Hay un contraste evidente entre las prioridades que tienen el Gobierno y la Oposición, y en ningún lugar fueron más obvias que durante un episodio de Uncut. Este GOB edifica y valora la aportación de las mujeres y se asegura de que puedan triunfar profesionalmente y contribuir al desarrollo y la productividad de este país. Como señaló el presentador del programa, el abanderado del UDP de al menos una circunscripción ha sido el presunto agresor en varios casos de denuncias de violencia de género. El Elegido, durante su santurrona divagación, se declaró divinamente ungido para dirigir este país. Son declaraciones peligrosas de una mente claramente desquiciada que intenta justificar sus propios defectos y los de los miembros del partido político que le ha aceptado obstinadamente como su máximo líder. No hay pruebas que sostengan la teoría de que el comprende la complejidad de dirigir este Gobierno, e intenta ocultar su ignorancia invocando una vaga noción de cambio de política.

El tête-a-tête entre el presentador y su invitado fue entrañable y resultó muy divertido ver cómo la sartén y el cazo se llamaban mutuamente la atención. Fue aún más interesante darse cuenta de que ciertamente hay fuertes corrientes subterráneas en el poco profundo mar rojo. Baste decir que fue evidentemente bajo extrema coacción que el Líder de la Oposición está ahora obligada a soportar la candidatura tanto de los políticos más populares como de los menos populares del UDP en el país. Desde luego, no es una posición envidiable y, por supuesto, el siempre antagonista anfitrión se aseguró de echar sal, pimienta y cal en la herida fresca. El líder de la oposición no escatimó comentarios cáusticos e incluso el ComPol fue objeto de burlonas represalias por los numerosos e imaginarios pasos en falso cometidos. La indignación provocó incluso que el anfitrión saliera en defensa del ComPol y reprendiera al líder de la oposición por afirmar cosas sin pruebas. Parece que el líder de la oposición no ha aprendido la lección y sigue disparando (por la boca) primero y comprobando después. Una vez más, reiteramos que hay una clara diferencia de prioridades. El PUP trata de romper barreras, prejuicios y lograr primicias, el UDP se conforma y trabaja muy duro para mantener su actual último lugar.



“Connecting Belize to the World”

airline development commit has been on increasing airlift capacity into the capacity.”

Sharing the same sentiment as the minister Director of Tourism, Evan Tillett of the

Belize Tourism Board stated during an interview that, “airlift is the lifeblood of tourism and it's an opportunity that can grow tourism. The more accessible the destination is through airlift it will allow more growth for the destination.”

He went on, "It's like courting, you may be able to get it accomplished in a day or you might get it accomplished ten to fifteen years down the road, but you must be committed to that process, and at the BTB through the airline development committee we are committed to that process."


Mr. Tillett, Director of Tourism, B.T.B., “One of the major hurdles right now is that the airlines are still working for position to get back to where they were 2019; they are still building out back their networks to get there. You have pilot issues, equipment issues, and logistic issues. All those things are some of the challenges that make it difficult for us to get new connec -

Continued on page 5

On Friday, April 28, 2023, the Ministry of Tourism, and the Belize Tourism Board hosted the first-ever Belize Airlift Development Conference. The one-day conference has held under the theme “Connecting Belize to the World”. The news that air travel will get a $250 Million facelift to the Philip Goldson Airport was just out of Cabinet. So the conference got a boost.

The aim of the conference was to increase and improve air traffic to the Jewel. It saw stakeholders from all sectors that share in the passion and plans as they will play a critical role too.

For context over sixty percent (60%) of people worldwide travel by air. Air traffic to Belize is around eighty percent (80%) of tourists who would first enter the country via the PGIA (Philip Goldson International Airport). Growth in airlift means further development of the tourism industry which translates into economic growth and social protection. This has been one of the main priorities and the brainchild of Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler and his team.

Nico Gurwicz, Vice President Campbell-Hill Aviation, "The feedback that we have gotten from all these different airlines that we have met and let’s say the general; feedback, some of them were more positive than others are that they do see an opportunity here. This is something that doesn't happen overnight, and we need to follow up and continue to update those airlines. Some airlines wanted to the point that: We would love to do this and it's definitely something we will include in, our short to mid-term plans. Some airlines were more on this is something we will look at longer-term plans, but I think, my perspective is not so much a question of, if it will happen but more of a question of when it will happen."

Hon. Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations, “Airlift into a destination like Belize is the lifeblood of the industry, a lot of spinoffs come from that and so if you increase your capacity into a destination like Belize then the supply chain has to respond. And so, my focus and the focus of our

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The general public is hereby notified that in accordance with Part 111, Section 9 (1) (b) of the Village Council Act, Chapter 88 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2020, and Section 3 of the Village Council (Elections) Regulation 2009, (Statutory Instrument 134 of 2009), the following Village Councils have declared vacancies within their councils as follows: Belize

The general public is hereby notified that in accordance with Section 3 of the Village Councils (Amendment) Act 2022, (Act No. 10 of 2022) and Rule 6A of the Village Council (Elections) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 (S.I. 65 of 2022), by-elections will be held to fill vacancies for the below listed villages:

THE BELIZE TIMES 4 7 MAY 2023 04 04
Elections & Boundaries
Old Land’s Building Market Square
P. O. Box 73 City of Belmopan
us on “EBD Belize”
– Forest Home Village and Flowers Bank Village Councils
District Village Position Reason Flowers Bank Chairperson Resignation
Toledo District Village Position Reason Forest Home Member Resignation
Bank Village
of Dian Baldwin
of Charmini Renee Coleman
– Flowers
Home Village
Belize District Village Name Nomination Date 28th May 2023 Election Date 4th June, 2023 Village Nomination Center Polling Station Nominations open at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 12 midday Polls open at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 1:00 p.m. Flowers Bank Community Center Community Center Toledo District Village Name Nomination Date 28th May 2023 Election Date 4th June, 2023 Village Nomination Center Polling Station Nominations open at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 12 midday Polls open at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 1:00 p.m. Forest Home Little Flower Roman Catholic School Little Flower Roman Catholic School ~ End ~


tivity to Belize. But it is a job that we are focused on, and we will invest a lot of time and resources to ensure that it gets done.”

Mr. Tillett also stated that airlines are still recovering from the pandemic and that stakeholders are optimistic about the growth of Belize over the next few years. The team has had over, a hundred and fifty meetings with close to forty airlines all over the world, including Europe, Canada, the United States, and the Central American region.

Minister Mahler went on to state, “Again to what we have done, we’ve also put a lot of energy into attracting developers to Belize to show them the uniqueness of our nation and to show them the uniqueness of our people. And so, we believe that within the coming years that we will see some major investments in the hotel sector. If you look at what is happening, hopefully, the Four Seasons out on Caye Chapel will kick off and then there are other investments. I’ve spoken to some developers over the last

34,270 AT AGRIC’ 2023 “A HUGE SUCCESS”

The National Agriculture and Trade Show, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, was held from April 28 to 30 under the theme “Innovations in Technology: Driving a Climate Resilient and Competitive Agriculture and Food Sector.”

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise thanks all those who attended the show, as well as the committee members who dedicated valuable time and energy to planning and coordinating the event. This year’s show had a 7% increase compared to last year’s, as it welcomed over 34,270 visitors, regional delegates, and guests. The ministry also acknowledges its co-investors, sponsors, businesses, and collaborating agencies, including the Belize Police Department, Belmopan City Council, and Traffic Department. Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, recognizes the efforts of his ministry’s staff in contributing to the fruitful event.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise considers the show a huge success. The ministry is pleased to report that there were no major incidents reported in or around the grounds. The rodeo events on April 30 also drew a considerable crowd and went without incident.

The 2024 National Agriculture and Trade Show will be held from April 26 to 28.

few weeks who are seriously contemplating putting properties in Belize City, Belmopan, the Placencia area, and Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker. As you will see later on today, Mister Enrique Hoare from the airport will be do -

ing a presentation on the growth path for them and the expansion and modernization of the airport. I have been advised that they are going to spend somewhere around two hundred and fifty million Belize over the next few years in expanding the airport.”

The conference saw representatives from most regional airlines who made presentations namely: Alaska Airlines, Toni Freeberg – Managing Director, Corporate Sales, Viva Aerobus, Yolanda Maldonado - Manager, Net -

work Planning, Westjet, Rick JonesManager, Network Planning, COPA, Michael Wehmeyer – General Manager Central America. Also, Mr. Enrique Hoare, Managing Director of Belize Airport Concession made a short presentation.

The estimated cost of the airport expansion is around BZ $250 million dollars and will be done in phases over the next couple of years as noted by Mr. Enrique in his presentation.


The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department

The Supervisor, General Services, is responsible for the functions and operations of the General Services Unit, which includes the Central Bank’s procurement and inventory management, asset management, and logistical and courier functions. The Supervisor, General Services, must adhere to the Central Bank’s policies and procedures and best practices within these areas.


▪ Manage the vehicle fleet and ensure that vehicles are maintained, repaired, cleaned, or replaced as per the Central Bank’s policies and procedures.

▪ Verify monthly motor vehicle and fuel analysis reports and make recommendations on efficiency.

▪ Manage the Central Bank’s fixed assets and ensure all required movements are completed according to the Fixed Assets Procedure.

▪ Oversee logistical arrangements for all meeting facilities conducted by Office Attendants.

▪ Oversee stocktaking of the Central Bank’s cutleries and kitchenware at least once annually.

▪ Assist in the sale of collectible coins

▪ Assist in executing the Administration Department’s Business Continuity Plan.

▪ Assist with preparing data required for the annual insurance tender process for the Central Bank’s vehicle fleet, Building and Contents, and Public and Employers’ Liability Covers.

▪ Provide logistical support for conferences, meetings, training, and workshops hosted by the Central Bank.

▪ Supervise all staff of the General Services Unit to ensure that all tasks are completed per their job description.

▪ Prepare annual strategic work plan and quarterly program reports for General Services Unit.

▪ Perform any other duties as per the functions of the Administration Department and cross-functional duties within the Central Bank.

The applicants should possess the following:


▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or a related field from a recognized university with at least three (3) years of relevant experience.


▪ Possesses, applies, and maintains a high degree of knowledge in the relevant area to deliver quality work, and keeps informed of the latest trends and development in the discipline ; Demonstrated cross-functional ability and desire to learn more about new areas; Proficient in software applications including Microsoft Office Suite


▪ Strong Communication Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Organizational Awareness; Interpersonal Effectiveness; Decision Making/Problem Solving; Leadership; Empowering and Developing Others.

Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 10 May 2023:

▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)

▪ Curriculum Vitae

▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)

▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates

THE BELIZE TIMES 5 7 MAY 2023 05 Continued from 4
Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Supervisor, General Services- Administration Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )

Opening of National Agriculture and Trade Show 2023

Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise

Friday April 28 in Belmopan

Good evening: Protocols established.

‘Innovations in technology: Driving a Climate Resilient and Competitive Agriculture and Food Sector.’

A Pleasant Good Evening to one and all,

I am proud and honoured to address you this evening as we launch the 2023 National Agriculture and Trade Show and welcome Belizeans from all walks of life to participate in the main showcase of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise. You are at our home, our headquarters, and the Show is a special event we strive to make bigger, better, and brighter every year.

2023 marks the 51st year that the National Agriculture and Trade Show is showcasing the achievements of our hard-working enterprising farmers from across this beautiful nation of ours. Before I delve deep into my speech, let me take time out to extend my profound appreciation and sincere gratitude to the members of the NATS committee for a job well done.

And as the Minister responsible for Agriculture, I would like to personally congratulate the male Farmer of the Year –Mr. Adrian Andres Bartley of the Belize District, the female Farmer of the Year – Mrs. Esmeralda Stanley of the Toledo District and the Junior Farmer of the Year – Mr. Axel Joel Perez of the Corozal District. These farmers are truly deserving of this year’s awards - they have worked diligently and are contributing to food security, employment, foreign exchange earnings and the overall development of Belize. They are role models for our young people, women and Belizeans in general. But speaking of women in agriculture, let us not forget Sustainable Development Goal #5 which is to “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” and my Ministry is especially proud of all the female farmers, and my ministry will keep on working with them, encouraging them, and supporting them because women have a very significant role to play in agriculture.

These farmers achievements, successes and contributions, when combined with that of the numerous farmers that span the length and breadth of Belize, provide clear evidence that agribusiness is the pillar of the Belizean economy and plays a crucial role in feeding and growing Belize.

It is no secret that agriculture contributes about 80% of total exports and employs 16.8% of the total employed labour force. Let me put it in small change. Agriculture is to the Belizean economy the same as the foundation and columns are to a house. A house built without a good foundation or with no columns will not support a second or third floor, in fact, that house will be easy to crumble. Politicians from the PUP, the UDP and other political parties, individuals from different ethnic groups in Belize, Belizeans young and old, I urge you to pay heed to the call of putting agriculture in its rightful place. It took former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wilfred ‘Sedi’ Elrington, almost a whole lifetime, and only prompted by the onset of COVID-19, for him to come out and declare the crucial importance of local

food production and agriculture in Belize. I’ve been championing the importance ever since I joined the Ministry of Agriculture. And farmers, large and small, fulltime and part-time, from Corozal to Toledo, the time to promote innovations in technology as we aim to become more resilient and competitive was yesterday, but together let’s get these climate resilient wagons going before it is too late, and prevent our houses from crumbling because we chose not to build them with strong foundations.

This year’s National Agriculture andTrade Show Theme “Innovations in technology: Driving a Climate Resilient and Competitive Agriculture and Food Sector” is very relevant given the current Global Climate Change Impacts, worldwide inflationary pressure and high instability of prices caused by the ‘age of easy money’ in developed countries and the war in Ukraine, and let us not forget that the world is still recovering from the Covid-19 Pandemic which brought the world to a standstill 3 years ago.

When we were putting the planBelize Agenda into action, the new government worked closely with the private sector to ensure that the economy rebounded. We thought outside the box, especially so in the case of agriculture. I am happy to say that thanks to this joint effort, today the agriculture sector has seen significant growth, remains relevant and competitive, and we have a robust, thriving agriculture and food sector in this country. Under this administration, our government has reprioritized agriculture and implemented policies to support local production.

In 2021, the agriculture sector grew by 24%, partly due to the massive exports of cattle to Mexico and other markets, increased production and export of sugar as well as the significant growth in grain production, particularly corn and soybeans.

In 2022, the sector stabilized and actually recorded a miniscule 0.6% fall in production, partly due to the difficulty in matching the massive growth experienced in 2022 and a fall in cattle and banana exports. Despite this fall, overall agriculture exports expanded as better prices were obtained for some of our exported commodities such as sugar and grains. Agriculture exports was the primary contributor to the 11% increase in merchandize exports from $437 million in 2021 to $485.1 million in 2022.

I can stand here and tell you about the significant increase in sugar exports by $24.3 million to reach $162.4 million in 2022, animal feed exports rising by $21.2 million to reach a new record of $52.4 million and Belize becoming self-sufficient in soybean pro-

duction for the first time in history. We can sit and be comforted about growing success and confidence in our cattle industry, and brag about new investments in the processing of soybean meal, refined soybean oil, processing of coconut water and oil, dairy processing etc. etc.

However, as a Minister trained in agriculture, and having first-hand experience as a cane and cattle farmer, I cannot stand by and tell you that all is well. Covid-19 has come and gone, but the reality of climate change remains and is one of the most serious threats to sustainable development and agriculture.

Belize due to our geographic location is susceptible to climatic events such as hurricanes, prolonged droughts, flooding and heavy rains due to cold fronts. In the last decade or more, we have witnessed higher frequencies of short, but intense rainfall events, followed by dry spells. By 2050 (which is only 27 years out), more changes in moisture regime are expected, as well as decreases in rainfall partnering with higher temperatures. Sea-level rise is also projected, along with the intrusion of saline water and flooding along the coasts. According to the IMF, Belize ranks third in countries most at risk for natural hazards among small developing states.

These major climatic and environmental challenges are already impacting our agriculture sector and will continue to affect the livelihoods of our Belizeans farmers more severely. Let’s examine a few of the issues related to the phenomenon, not to introduce gloom and doom but to realistically examine what climate change means for agriculture in Belize.

In 2018, farmers lost an estimated US$1.9 million due to flooding, while in 2019, a severe drought caused an estimated US$38.5 million in losses. In 2020, economic damages of Hurricane Nana caused significant estimated damages of US$6-10 million in the agriculture sector, while Hurricanes Eta and Iota also caused damages of a little over US$7 million. In 2021, pests such as the Asian Thrips, which are not common in Belize, devastated the blackeye (cowpea) crop and caused significant economic damage. And in 2022, the agriculture sector lost approximately US$16 million from the effects of a tropical storm and Hurricanes, Julia & Lisa.

Climate change is already affecting agricultural production and productivity in Belize and the effects of climate change are projected to intensify in the future. Climate Model projections for Belize suggest that temperatures could rise 1.3 °C by the 2030s, 1.8 °C by 2050, and 2.1 °C by 2070. Rainfall is likely to decrease throughout the country, with declines ranging from 7% in the northern zone to 10% in the southern zone.

This means that our farmers will have to adapt and productivity might be affected, and the yields of beans, corn, vegetables, sugarcane, tropical fruits, rice, and cacao might be significantly reduced. In fact, corn production may become too risky without irrigation especially as greater differentiation between the dry and wet seasons is expected. If we are not careful and we don’t start taking corrective measures now, soil aridity will become a problem and immense pressures will be placed on our limited water resources as the demand for water for irrigation purposes will increase. Prolonged

dry spells and reduced water availability will limit production output for our traditional crops, as well livestock, and we will find ourselves choosing between having water for maintaining agriculture livelihood and food security or having water for meeting basic household needs.

As a government and as a ministry we are aware of the challenges, and we are seeking solutions. Climate change is being discussed at the national, regional and international level. At the Conference of Parties, the Prime Minister defended and negotiated Belize’s position in areas of transparency, climate adaptation, loss and damage, and finance.

As a ministry, we have been working with partners and donor agencies to strengthen climate resiliency in the agriculture sector. We have sought partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to secure cool storage technology for cooperatives involved in vegetable production. The MAFSE is also working with the World Food Program to aid farmers affected by hurricane Lisa, and we are working closely with the FAO to strengthen our agriculture Sector Policy with focus on Seeds, Back Yard Poultry and Marketing, in addition to the development of a digital agriculture extension service platform for a sustainable and inclusive agri-food system and value chain. The Agriculture Sector must keep on preparing itself for climate risks as it requires sector-specific strategies for disaster risk reduction, early warning mechanisms and emergency response and financing.

The MAFSE along with the Social Investment Fund has engaged in implementing the US$25million Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP) financed by the GOB and the World Bank. This project will strengthen the institutional capacities of various line ministries and partners to help farmers manage extreme climate events, by strengthening agro-meteorological data collection, processing and sharing, and by analysing hazard risks for selected agricultural activities under extreme climate events (specifically, excessive rainfall and drought). It also aims to increase agricultural productivity and promote the adoption of climate-smart agricultural approaches among project beneficiaries; through (a) enhanced access to water in agriculture, with the objective of optimizing productivity & efficiency and enhancing water resource management in the use of water for agriculture; (b) creating conditions for crop diversification, including the introduction of higher-value crops and/or increased land-use intensity (through double cropping, intercropping, the use of high-yielding varieties, varieties better adapted to resist climate change, and other practices to increase resiliency to climate change); and (c) reducing inefficient use of purchased agricultural inputs as well as food losses and waste.

Solutions to address land degradation must include soil management practices that reduce fertilizer use and soil aridity, using integrated crop/livestock systems, implementing silvo-pastoral systems and the promotion of low energy production systems among other best practices. If not, farming investments will be at risk, as heat waves will stress livestock and poultry, resulting in reduced body weights and increased mortality.

The Ministry has not been idle, ladies and gentlemen, and has many plans for the agriculture sector that will enable our farmers to deal with issues and situations arising from climate change. We remain committed to supporting the agriculture sector, growing the economy and ensuring the nation continues to be food secure.



1st Year Students are invited to apply


1. Acceptance letter indicating 1st Year 2023-24 entrance to a High School in the Orange Walk District.

2. Documentation showing Financial Need

4.Belizean and under the age of 15 for the entire 2023-24 school year. (Image of SSB Card)

3. A 350-word ESSAY in the applicant’s own handwriting

a) Describes the student?

b)Explains why High School education is necessary?

c) Describes the student’s present and future interest/s in the community?

d) Why should you be awarded the MNJ Scholarship?

The High School Acceptance letter, Proof of Financial Need, SSB Card, and scan of 350-word Application Essay must be emailed to by Friday June 2, 2023. Text questions may be forwarded via WhatsApp or SMStext to 675-8380.


Notice is hereby given that Sophia Anderson is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Buff Cool Spot” located at # 46 Vernon Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Gonsalo D. Pleites is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Vaca Outpost” located at 8 Miles Hydro Rd., Benque Viejo Del Carmen, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Rafael Gamez is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Cool River View Restaurant & Bar” located at # 1 Waight Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Belize Broadcasting Authority

May 4th, 2023

Press Release


The Belize Broadcasting Authority, Office of the Prime Minister, would like to inform the general public that on April 27th, 2023 consultation with relevant stakeholders to discuss the modernization of the broadcasting framework, which will include amendments to the Broadcasting and Television Act (Cap 227) and Regulations has begun.

The proposed modernization of the broadcasting industry in intended to (1) assist Belize with meeting its obligations relating to broadcasting under treaties and agreements with international partners; (2) boost Belize’s reputation internationally in intellectual property compliance and media regulation by having a modern broadcasting regime, which will bring trade and economic advantages; and (3) ensure that all mediums of broadcasting in Belize are encompassed in the regulatory structure, taking into consideration new technologies, new media and the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunications.

The proposal to review existing media and broadcasting-related legislation, with a view to make necessary amendments or additions to the regulatory structure, is intended to create the facilitative environment needed to achieve these goals.

The Belize Broadcasting Authority would like to take this opportunity to invite the general Public and relevant organizations to our next assembly on May 9th , 2023 at the Biltmore Plaza at 1:30 pm to discuss our way forward.

Please RSVP via Tel.: 223-3953 - E-mail:

Virtual: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 8247 0544

Passcode: 278997


5 FEB 2023
OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER 4 Taiwan Street, Belize City, Tel.: 223-3953 - E-mail:

PCC Meets for Orientation Workshop

On April 25 and 26, members of the People’s Constitution Commission (PCC) participated in an orientation workshop at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel in Belize City.

The main objective of the workshop was to orient members of the PCC with the knowledge and conceptual frameworks, and provide access to additional resources on constitution-making and constitutional design necessary for the commission to be able to:

(a) engage constructively on the substantive issues of constitutional review in Belize in order to conduct useful deliberations and reach a consensus on constitutional reforms; and

(b) engage with and educate the Belizean public so that they are able to meaningfully contribute to the constitutional reform process.

Local presenters/experts and international constitutional experts presented to and engaged with commissioners on various topics affecting

their respective sectors and Belizeans in general.

The first day of the workshop was divided into four sessions: Constitution & Democracy, Government, Good Governance and Accountability, and Human Rights. Professor Cynthia Barrow-Giles, distinguished senior fellow and professor of Constitutional Governance and Politics at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, presented on constitutions as legal, political and social covenants, the relationship between constitutions and democracy, and recent developments in constitutional thought and practice. Attorney Dickie Bradley and Dr. Elliot Bulmer, international constitutional ex-

5 FEB 2023

pert, presented on topics such as the Belize Constitution and Systems of Government (parliamentary vs republic, and separation of powers). Attorney Darrel Bradley, Mr. Ray Davis and Mr. Sumit Bisarya, constitutional expert, presented on Good Governance and the Public Service, Gaps in the Belize Constitution and How a Constitution promotes Good Governance and Accountability. Justice Lisa Shoman and Jason Gluck, constitutional expert, focused on topics such as the Human Rights Provisions in the Belize Constitution and Gaps: “Is there a need for more “inalienable” political, economic and environmental rights?”

Day two of the workshop focused on the Judiciary, the National Assembly and Senate Reform, and Challenges and Lessons on Constitutional Reform Processes in the Caribbean.

Judge Antoinette Moore, presented on Ensuring Judicial Neutrality and Independence and the Senior Courts Act. Hon. Carolyn Trench-Sandiford, President of the Senate, presented on Structures/Functions and Standing Orders, Independence and Structure of Parliamentary Committees and Roles, and the Composition of the Senate.

The workshop culminated with Professor Cynthia Barrow-Giles presenting an examination of constitutional reform processes around the Caribbean as well as challenges that have arisen and lessons that have been learnt.


The commissioners are now well-oriented on Belize's Constitution and its gaps, and can better lead discussions with the Belizean public on the constitutional reform process.

MOHW Current Events

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.

And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

The main objective of the meeting is to provide updates on Health Sector Development initiatives and policy decisions related to COVID-19 and other Health Security issues that are currently being implemented; matters pertaining to the Port-Of-Spain Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs); Strengthening Human Resources for Health and the Petion-Ville Declaration on Disabilities.

The meeting is being convened through the Caribbean Community Secretariat.

The Minister of Health & Wellness, Hon. Kevin Bernard in his capacity as Chair of COHSOD, the CEO, Dr. Julio Sabido and Dr. Melissa Musa Diaz are presently attending the Twenty-Ninth Special Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD)- Health in the Bahamas.
To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@


Supply of Goods for 115kV Transmission Line Rehabilitation Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation (ERCAP)

The Government of Belize (GOB) has been allocated grant funds (the Grant) from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and executed by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utility (MPSEPU) and the National Meteorological Service (NMS), in an amount equivalent to USD 8 million, towards the cost of an Energy Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Project. A portion of the proceeds of the Grant will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for which this specific procurement notice is issued. Payments by the World Bank will be made only at the request of BEL, and upon approval by the World Bank, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the World Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Grant Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Grant.

BEL now invites electronic Bids from eligible Bidders for the Supply of Goods for 115kV Single Circuit Transmission Line Rehabilitation from Westlake Substation to Maskall Substation, Belize.

Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following person:

Ms. Carolyn L. Crawford, Procurement Consultant

ERCAP Project Management Unit, Belize Electricity Limited


The bidding document in English may be requested by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above. The do cument will be sent electronically upon this request.

Bids must be received at the email address below on or before Tuesday, June 20, 2023, by 3:00 pm and will be opened on the same day at 3:30pm sharp, Belize time.

Submission of bids by electronic email (EM):

A PDF copy of the bid should be submitted by EM. The PDF copy should be encrypted, or password protected. The email should not be encrypted but only the attachment shall be encrypted, or password protected.

The procedure for submission of bid is:

A. The zipped file is to be sent to Manager, Procurement Department at

B. Password or encryption key should be sent along with the bid to the same bid submission email address listed below.

C. Bidders will receive a confirmation email from the BEL once their bid is received.

D. Bidders should ensure that the bid document(s) are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny an access to the files. BEL will not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the bid opening process.

E. The maximum file size for each email will be 30 MB. Any email with an attachment above this size will bounce back. Hence, Bidders must ensure the attachments do not exceed the 30 MB threshold.

F. Email submissions should be clearly labelled in its subject with the following: Bid for the Supply of Goods for 115kV Transmission Line Rehabilitation– ERCAP – “include Bidders name or Company name”.

Bids submitted electronically shall only be opened publicly at the Bid Opening time mentioned above on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, in the presence o f bidders and/or their representatives who have submitted a bid. Bid opening will be held virtually using Microsoft (MS) Teams. The link to the MS-Teams bid opening invite will be shared with all Bidders prior to the bid opening date and all Bidders are encouraged to participate therein. Late Bids shall be rejected.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

The address referred to above is:

Manager Procurement Department

Belize Electricity Limited

2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway

Belize City, Belize


Telephone: +501-227-0954

BEL reserves the right to reject late bids or to cancel the bid opening session in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any bidder and will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation and submission of their bid.

One Envelope Bidding P rocess

Belize Files Memorial at the International Court of Justice (Belize v


Belmopan. May 2, 2023. Today Belize delivered its Memorial in the case concerning sovereignty over the Sapodilla Cayes (Belize v Honduras) to Mr. Jean-Pelé Fomété, Deputy Registrar of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Belize’s Memorial makes a vigorous defence of Belize’s sovereignty over the Sapodilla Cayes. The Memorial requests the Court to adjudge and declare that, as between Belize and Honduras, Belize is sovereign over the Sapodilla Cayes and that Honduras does not have any valid claim to the Sapodilla Cayes.

As per Court Order dated 2nd February 2023, Honduras is due to submit its Counter-Memorial on 4th December 2023.

Let Belize


Premier George C. Price’s Speech to PUP Freetown Convention

Belize City Part One/Two May 21, 1979

The political development of Belize shows that the Belizean people do not want any part of their country to be given to or to be taken by any other

country. Their political will is to keep and preserve their national identity and heritage separate and distinct from other nationalities and heritages. They want to be themselves as a people in the international community.

How to do this is the tremendous problem which faces all Belizeans. How to attain this objective in a world where colonies are no longer the order of the day, and where the United Nations decolonization programme presses metropolitan countries to divest themselves of colonies and lead them to independence. It is a serious challenge to end the claim of Guatemala to Belizean land.

The solution is not to continue to exist as a colony. The solution is either to give way to Guatemala’s unfounded claim or to advance to a secure independence with all our territory.


When we consider the future of Belize, in the context of today’s world, where colonies are not acceptable to the countries of the Americas and the rest of the world, we should be convinced that Belize cannot continue to be a colony; and even if it could remain as a colony, to do so would be dangerous to our existence as a people. For it would give more time to Guatemala to press its unjust claims to all or part of our land.

There are two future possibilities. They are: (1) either to become a part of an independent country, or (2) to become securely independent. And when we speak about the independence of Belize, we mean a secure and safe independence, with all Belizean territory.

The policy of the United Kingdom regarding its few remaining colonies is to lead them to independence. This policy has been carried out successfully; and with political will on both sides, it can be done in the case of Belize and thus save Belize for future generations.

Belizeans, who have a sense of national dignity and who love their country, would have no quarrel with this policy of the United Kingdom; because as long as Belize is not independent, it continues to have a second-class standing in the rest of the world.


While Belize is not independent, Belize cannot be a full member of the United Nations or a full member of the United Nations bodies and agencies such as the CEPAL (the Economic Commission for Latin America) or UNCTAD (the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development). Neither can Belize have direct access to financial institutions and other organizations except in the case of’ institutions of the Caribbean Community.

Belize Electricity Limited advises its customers in the Belize City that the supply of electricity will be temporarily interrupted as follows:

Date: Sunday, May 7, 2023

Time: 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Area: entire Belize City up to Mile 1 on the Philip Goldson Highway and Mile 1 on the George Price Highway

BEL apologizes for the inconvenience caused. This power outage is necessary for BEL teams to conduct maintenance, testing and replacement of equipment at Westlake Substation, prepare for the construction of a temporary substation for an alternative supply to Belize City during future upgrades, and maintenance of the transmission line and distribution system in the area to maintain the reliability of power supply.

Call Toll Free, 24 Hours 0-800-BEL-CARE OR 0-800-235-2273 for customer inquiries and information on power interruptions. Like us

The laws of nature, both spiritual and material, ordain that countries like people should reach their full development in the order of creation. Accordingly, just as a human being grows from childhood to adulthood, so do countries grow from a non-self-governing or colonial status to full and sovereign independence.

It is shameful and undignified, in this modern age, for a people to want to stagnate in colonialism, subject to outside masters. It is shameful and undignified for a political party, such as our opposition, to attempt to turn back Belize to the old days of colonialism when a privileged few enjoyed the benefits, and many were deprived of opportunities to better their living standards.


Guatemala, which claims unjustly all or a part of Belize, knows that once Belize becomes securely independent, her chances to assert and win her unfounded claims would end in the face of international recognition and support for an independent Belize.

In order to avoid losing this claim and in order to maintain a status which helps to promote this claim, Guatemala has instigated and abetted the spread of fear of independence among Belizeans.

False arguments are propagated that (1) the economy of Belize cannot pay for independence and (2) that Belizeans cannot government[sic] themselves. We hear these false arguments repeated by our opposition. Both arguments are false because the economy of Belize is viable: This is the conclusion of the World Bank. Government collects sufficient revenues to finance its recurrent budget and has surplus of some ten million dollars to finance its capital budget. Other finances, like in the case of any independent country, comes from loans and grants in economic cooperation programmes.

As regards the other false argument that Belizeans cannot government [sic] themselves, the self-evident answer is that the people and government of Belize have worked the constitution and have governed these past years with stability, experience and progress. As a result, we have all the attributes of independence and by now we should have been independent.

With your continued support and with God’s help we shall attain this just objective. As we move forward to the national elections, let us vote PUP - all the way.

Live Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet
School in San Pablo learning to grow vegetables in a green house

Progress and Success

7 MAY 2023 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 13 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 12 7 MAY 2023 7 MAY 2023
Prime Minister John Briceño Hon. Chris Coye, MoS, Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, GoB; Kevin Bender, Senior Director, Sustainable Debt, TNC; & Jill Dauchy, Founder & CEO, Potomac Group LLC discuss debt-fornature swaps w/ Bloomberg’s Natasha White People’s Constitution Commission staff with Minister Henry Charles Usher at their informative Booth at the Agric Show Grounds Agriculture Show 2023
Community Park in OW Central getting major upgrade; residents consulted
SHOW GROUNDS show a “Massive Success”
Committee meeting with cane farmers of the BSCFA With Hon. Andre Perez, Exploring possibilities of a new connecting port to Ambergris Caye from the mainland In his capacity as Chair of COHSOD; Key achievement: Agreed to the Declaration of Nassau
Minister of Health & Wellness, Hon. Kevin Bernard

Belize Airlift Development Conference Remarks by Hon. Anthony Mahler

Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora

Good morning,

It truly gives me great pleasure to be here today at this FIRST Airline Development Conference in Belize, and to be among such an esteemed group of experts and industry leaders. Thank you all for being here to share your knowledge and experiences with us today.

First, I would like to acknowledge two people who have worked tirelessly for a very long time to build airline capacity in Belize. Both of these men are tacticians in the world of aviation. They are ardent supporters of the direction that we have taken, and they have matched the efforts that we have brought from day one. Big, Big respect to Nikko and Anthony for the immense work that you both have put in. I would also like to acknowledge the Director of Tourism, Evan Tillett for his commitment to tourism and to Belize. Your work in our airline development, has been significant. Again, thank you Nikko, Anthony, and Evan for being the fuel that has reignited so much interest in our beautiful country.

According to the World Tourism Organization, nearly sixty percent (60%) of international travel is conducted via airplanes. This amounts to 4.5 billion travellers annually. For Belize, approximately eighty percent (80%) of all our guests arrive through the Phillip Goldson International Airport (PGIA). In 2019, we processed over four hundred thousand visitors at the PGIA. That is more than Belize’s total population.

Similarly, an estimated ninety percent of our international guests continue to their local destinations on domestic carriers via Maya or Tropic.

Simply put, airlift, which includes regional, domestic, and international flights, is the ‘lifeblood’ of the tourism industry. Air travel is indispensable where our tourism is concerned.

To phrase differently, the more we increase our airline capacity the more we will grow as a destination. Growth in our airlift capacity will undoubtedly lead to new developments in our hotel industry and other tourism-related infrastructure. Such an expansion will transition into more jobs for our people, and for certain increased international routes to Belize will surely mean that there will be more money circulating in our economy.

Rebuilding our airlift capacity is about growth. However, it is impossible to talk of our rebuilding efforts without mentioning 2020. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the aviation industry fell off the cliff. By extension, tourism fell with it and in the early months of lockdown it appeared that we would all be left in our own ditches somewhere. During those very dark months, over ninety percent (90%) of aircraft had been grounded. It was the first time in the new millennium that we were witnessing such a global crisis.

In Belize, we lost almost


eighty percent (80%) of our tourism industry revenue. As you can imagine, the dramatic economic downturn had a deleterious impact on our tourism businesses, on most local industries, and especially on the people of Belize.

In November of 2020, when I became the Minister of Tourism, things were bleak, and the experts were saying that travel and tourism were done. To be honest, I spent the first few days wondering what we needed to do. I can remember thinking to myself, “Why is the Prime Minister punishing me?”

However, there was a rainbow between those dark clouds, and it did not take long for me to see it. It was after my initial interaction with the private sector, that my inspiration was renewed. Once I felt their optimism and saw their tenacity to move forward, I formed a new resolve. I again gave up thinking but this time I thought that maybe it was not punishment and that starting from scratch could actually be a blessing in disguise.

Since then, that blessing has been taking form. Through our partnership with the private sector and with support from other government agencies, my team and I launched our recovery plan to rebuild the tourism industry bigger and better.

Now, this is the part of the “blessing in disguise”, where the work of the Airline Development Committee really kicked in. Anthony, Nikko, Evan, and Nicole rolled up their sleeves and got to work. There was no easy way and there were no easy answers for how we would rebuild our airline routes. We had to knock on the doors of many airlines. We had to sell Belize and make new commitments to our old partners as well as to our new ones. Instead of drowning in our pandemic sorrows, we seized the opportunity that was presented with the chaos.

Over the last 24 months, we have racked up air miles traveling throughout North America, Europe, South America, and our immediate region. We have met with decision-makers in their offices and at major airline conferences. Over the last 24 months, we have had over 150 meetings with 38

Continued on page 17


Inventory Management Consultancy

BEL invites tenders for Inventory Management Consultancy as follows:

The Consultant will review and document BEL’s current end-to -end inventory management and logistics processes to determine how well they align with the Company’s objectives and the requirements of the end-use departments as well as with regional and international best practices. Based on these findings and other relevant considerations, the Consultant will propose a wholly revised end-to-end process with supporting policies, procedures, and systems re-engineered to deliver on the Company's mission, vision, objectives, and strategic plans and to meet the requirements of end-users as cost -effectively as possible.

The bid document which outlines all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates are available on BEL’s website at

Bidders are invited to a pre-bid virtual meeting at 2:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.

will be accepted by email only and should include the bid number located on the respect bid form. Submit bids via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, May 12, 2023. For more information or queries, send email to bid Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 15th July 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly within this period on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

11. Lot No. 61 St. Margaret’s Village, Cayo District, Belize:

ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 50 (568.219 Square Meters) situate in Mango Creek Village Extension, Stann Creek District bounded and described as shown on Plan No. 784 of 2003 and more particularly described in Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 784 of 2003 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. The freehold property of Ms. Lourdes Rudon.

ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 61 containing 1223.609 square yards situate in St. Margaret’s Village, Cayo District, Belize and bounded and described as shown on the plan attached to Minister’s Fiat (Grant) No. 303 of 2004 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being Thereon, the freehold property of Mr. Miguel Angel Arevalo.


14. Parcels Nos. 43 & 44 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

Lots Nos. 43 and 44 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all building erections and developments standing and being thereon. The freehold property of Mr. Wilburn Cuthkelvin and Ms. Ycela Yvette Puc.

15. Parcels No. 15A Pomona Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 15A comprising 696.567 square meters of land situate in Pomona Village, Stann Creek District. The freehold property of Mr. Nohe Lima.

16.Lot No. 152 San Juan Village, Stann Creek District:

Maria Smith/Messrs. BACAB Eco - Park

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 152 comprising 458.531 Square Meters of land situate in San Juan Village, Stann Creek District. The freehold property of Mrs. Juana A. Morey.


property of Ms. Stella Marie Rudon.

17. Parcel No. 5363 Lake View Drive, Lake Gardens, Ladyville, Belize District:


Ladyville/Lords Bank 16 5363

Freehold property of Ms. Melissa Watson Ellis.


property of Mr. Juan Montano

1. Lot No. 50 Cor Hercules Ave & Amado Mena Ave Independence Village Stann Creek District : 2. Parcel No. 2094 Corner Fig & 26th Ceiba Streets, Corozal Town, Corozal District: 4. Parcel No. 715 Spinney Lobster Boulevard, Sarteneja Village, Corozal District: 5. Parcel No. 258 MiDugee Street, Esperanza, Cayo District: 6. Bacab Eco Park, Ridge Lagoon Residential Estate, Burrell Boom Road, Belize District:
7. Parcel
6969 Los Lagos, Belize District: 9. Parcel
1228 Orange Walk Bypass Road, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District: 8.Lot
92 St. Margaret Village, Hummingbird Highway, Cayo District:
12. Parcel No. 600 Nutmeg Street, St. Martin de Porres, Belize City:
District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal North 1 2094 The leasehold property of Mr. Ravey Vellos REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Sarteneja 1 715 The freehold property of Mr. Graciliano E. Rivero Jr. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Esperanza 23 258 The freehold property of Mr. Alfred Serano. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lord’s Bank 1 64 The freehold property of Mr. Francis Smith &
13. Parcel No. 715 (west of airstrip) San Pedro, Ambergris
Caye, Belize
Bank 1 6969
San Jose Palmar 4 1228
The freehold
7 715 The
property of Mr. Joel Herrarta.
de Pores 45 600
property of Mr. Fitzroy
3. Lot No. 251 Seagull Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District:: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 251 comprising of 661.665 square metres situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Anthea Mathias and Mr. Samuel Mathias.
Lot No. 92 St. Margaret Village, Hummingbird Highway, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Reuben Parham and Ms. Maria Parham.
10. Parcels No. 2268 near Paraiso Village, Corozal District: The freehold property of Mr. Aaron Navarro.

Sustainable health development in the postpandemic era

eration and Development member states and Singapore, Taiwan ranks sixth-lowest in COVID-19 mortality and case-fatality rates. Taiwan also ranks fourth-highest for coverage rates of at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and third-highest in terms of vaccine boosters administered.

Promoting health for all

As the world enters the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation is gradually improving. Most border restrictions have been lifted and global health governance has shifted from pandemic response to postpandemic recovery. Countries worldwide have stepped up efforts to achieve health and well-being for all and further the realization of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) whose progress was impacted by the pandemic.

Taiwan fully supports health-related SDGs and the World Health Organization’s triple billion targets. Indeed, Taiwan is committed to building a more resilient and equitable health service supply chain, maintaining an inclusive and equitable universal health coverage system, and providing disease prevention and management through a robust primary healthcare system. Taiwan is willing and able to share its experience in creating a cross-sectoral, innovative, and people-centered health approach to help the international community work toward the realization of the SDGs related to health and well-being.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan effectively mitigated the spread of the disease, leveraging its comprehensive public healthcare system, well-trained antipandemic personnel, and epidemiological surveillance, investigation, and analysis systems. Taiwan’s antipandemic response model included advance deployment and rapid response mechanisms. Other measures included border control policies, coordinated distribution of medical resources, and a patient transfer system to prevent and contain the pandemic at a time when vaccines and antiviral drugs were unavailable.

The Taiwanese people have played a pivotal role in the success of Taiwan’s antipandemic model by wearing masks, practicing social distancing, avoiding crowded areas, following quarantine regulations, and getting vaccinated. When compared with the 38 Organisation for Economic Co-op -

Last year, WHO’s Director-General outlined five priorities for the subsequent five years, which are promoting health, providing health services, protecting health, powering progress, and performing. Moreover, WHO’s Achieving well-being: A draft global framework for integrating well-being into public health utilizing a health promotion approach further demonstrates its commitment to health for all.

Taiwan established a universal healthcare insurance system in 1995. Since that time, the government has continued to provide disease prevention and healthcare services so that people of all ages can enjoy the right to health. Taiwan provides prenatal checkups, gestational diabetes screening, anemia testing, and three ultrasound examinations to reduce pregnancy risks and promote maternal and infant health. To assist infertile couples and reduce the financial burdens of in-vitro fertilization, the government has continued to expand subsidized infertility treatment programs. Taiwan also aims to create a breastfeeding-friendly environment and provide preventive pediatric healthcare and health education.

What’s more, Taiwan has established a number of prevention and management programs for noncommunicable diseases. For instance, programs targeting chronic metabolic

diseases assist at-risk groups, providing services such as diet and exercise guidance as well as smoking and betel nut cessation information to empower people to take control of their own health. Such initiatives improve lives and reduce the prevalence of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, which often lead to chronic disease. Taiwan also supports the global fight against cancer and WHO’s goal of reducing cancer mortality 25 percent by 2025. In line with WHO’s Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative, Taiwan subsidizes cervical screenings and human papillomavirus vaccinations. HPV vaccines have been administered to female students aged 12 to 15 since 2018. By December 2022, a coverage rate of 92.1 percent had been achieved.

Innovative technology and universal health coverage

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) is a prime example of universal health coverage, offering financial protection and access to a wide range of essential services. The COVID-19 pandemic helped the international community recognize the importance of regional cooperation and digitization in healthcare. Taiwan is committed to promoting digital health and innovation to enhance the accessibility and quality of healthcare services, including plans for a next-generation NHI program. Taiwan has introduced innovative healthcare services, utilizing real-time telehealth consultations for patients residing in remote areas and outlying islands, and is exploring applications for artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. During the pandemic, Taiwan issued 13 export licenses for its herbal formula NRICM101 (Taiwan Chingguan Yihau) to help countries in the region combat

the pandemic. Taiwan is currently implementing preventive measures for the postpandemic era, such as strengthening the domestic production of critical drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients to avert future drug shortages. Understanding how important it is to work with the international community, Taiwan will further share innovative technologies and best practices with partners around the world to advance universal health coverage.

Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping

Taiwan has not been invited to the World Health Assembly since 2017. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is abating and dialogue on strengthening health systems worldwide is accelerating, Taiwan should not be left out. Taiwan can help, and Taiwan’s inclusion would make the world healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable.

Taiwan urges WHO and all relevant stakeholders to support Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly as an observer, as well as Taiwan’s full participation in WHO meetings, mechanisms, and activities. Taiwan will continue to work with the world to help ensure the fundamental right to health enshrined in the WHO Constitution. In the spirit of the SDGs, no country should be left behind—especially not Taiwan, which has made significant contributions to global public health.



The Social Security Board invites bid for the provision of Cleaning and Janitorial Services for the Santa Elena Branch Office located at Corner George Price Highway, Santa Elena Town, Cayo District.

Interested parties can request for additional information by emailing to:

Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and received at the address below no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday 10th May, 2023.

Submissions should be labelled with the subject line: “CLEANING & JANITORIAL SERVICES, SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD -SANTA ELENA”

Kindly address bids to: General Manager, Corporate Services

Social Security Board, Bliss Parade

P.O. Box 18, Belmopan, Belize C.A.

Social Security Board: Safeguarding YOU, your FAMILY, your FUTURE!


Belize Airlift Development Conference Remarks by Hon. Anthony Mahler

Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations

different airlines that fly from all over the world. Our persistence paid off because today I am glad to say that all our flagship carriers have returned and are performing well.

We are not the only ones who refuelled with grit and optimism since the pandemic. I am proud of the work that Tropic Air is doing to connect Belize with the rest of our region. These days this “national carrier” has routes to Honduras, El Salvador, and Cancun. From my position, I would like to see additional routes added in the near future, but for now, we are very pleased with the work they have done as when we tally all the routes into Belize in 2023, we have 11 carriers, coming from 7 countries, and 21 cities. The success we have had in rebuilding the airline capacity in Belize has been steady; however, we will continue to work harder and smarter to get more. Having an expanding airlift capacity is the only way we will continue to grow as a leisure destination. To reiterate, airlift is our ‘lifeblood’.

In Belize, we have had some tremendous successes in our tourism recovery, but there are still many challenges and hurdles that we have to be mindful of as we continue to collaborate and expand. We acknowledge that many airlines are still in recovery mode and waiting for planes to be delivered. We remain cognizant and sensitive to some of the human resource issues within the airline industry such as – needing more pilots, flight attendants, ground handling crew, and other support staff. We realize that there are some concerns with getting gates in bigger jurisdictions. Additionally, we also have to grapple with higher airfares, lingering inflation as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, supply chain issues, and the overall global economic uncertainties of the day.

Regionally, Belize has to contend with stiff competition from destinations with bigger budgets. To top it off, experts have signalled the end of the revenge travel era. The Covid travel capital is officially finished.

Finally, we all know that there is a capacity issue at the PGIA, during peak periods. On this issue, I am glad that the Belize Airport Concession Company has finally committed to an upgrade of the airport. The 250-million-dollar investment by the government and BACC will modernize and expand our airport facilities to improve the PGIA experience for Belizeans and foreigners alike. Brother Enrique and the big folks over at BACC, I will hold you to your commitment and I look forward to seeing the significant upgrade of our airport.

Now, I know many of you are wondering when we will get our first flight out of Europe. To you, I say that we will leave no stone unturned in doing everything we can to ensure that we build connectivity between Belize and Europe. It must be noted that getting the flight from Europe requires over US$396,000.00 per round trip.

I close by saying that even though we continue to confront many challenges, I am excited about our future. Belize is poised to record continued growth in both the overnight and cruise sectors. When the pandemic hit, we fell off the cliff with everyone else, but today we can say that we have found our parachute. After-all God has blessed us with “wealth untold” and as the custodians of this natural wonder, we must ensure that it is managed sustainably for future generations of Belizeans and foreign visitors to enjoy.

Thank you!!!

Notice of Dissolution

Klipei Web Activities Ltd. #000004537 (“the Company”)

CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent




Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.

Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.

Belize City, 3 May 2023: The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with Regulation 32 of the Exchange Control Regulations, 2021, the Central Bank of Belize has fixed the buying rate of the United States Dollar at a rate of BZ$2.00 to US$1.00 for United States currency notes, commencing 2 May 2023.

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:

Therefore, all transactions involving the purchase and sale of United States Currency Notes must be conducted as follows:

Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.

Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.

Please note that the buying rate for all other US dollar denominated monetary instruments is unchanged.

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020

The Central Bank of Belize encourages individuals and firms to transact their holdings of United States currency with an authorised dealer, subject to regulations under the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2020

- ENDS -

from page 14
CURRENCY NOTES Central Bank of Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 United States Dollar BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175
CURRENCY NOTES Central Bank of Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 United States Dollar BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175
Central Bank of Belize Authorised Dealers Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0063 United States Dollar BZ$2.00 BZ$2.0175
Notice is hereby given that the Company named Klipei Web Activities Ltd. has been dissolved and struck off the Belize Companies & Corporate Affairs Registry with effect from the 2nd May, 2023.



Part Three

saying that the increased allocations for the most basic things for a better life in this new budget will indeed make life better for the people in my division as it does for Belizeans in the other thirty divisions across the nation.


and Republication of the notice published on March 24th,2023

Madam Speaker: With only 5% unemployment almost all persons, who are serious about finding a job to care for their loved ones, can succeed in doing so. As I speak the Karl Hauser Memorial Hospital (KHMH) is in urgent needed of several entry level security guards.

Madam Speaker: This administration was able to achieve that remarkable decrease in the rate of unemployment in only two years by introducing policies that motivated local and foreign investors to expand existing businesses and start new ones across the country. The fact that this administration was able to achieve those and many other things in only two years with only two budgets without over $400 million from oil, without over $600 million from PetroCaribe, and without millions of dollars from completely new loans is significant.

Madam Speaker: Those achievements are a remarkable success story of empowering families to overcome the cycle of poverty and crime. They are a remarkable story of helping people to achieve their dreams in life.

Madam Speaker: Those achievements are a remarkable story of making people proud to say “we are Belizeans”, and they are undeniable proof that with Hon. John Briceño as Prime Minister of the country, we have an administration that truly cares about making life better for Belizeans in the cities, towns, and villages throughout the nation. Those achievements for the people were unheard of when the Opposition was in office for 13 years, because they cared only about themselves.

Madam Speaker: As a Minister of State Mark King summed up his party’s philosophy in government best when he proudly stated “This administration is UDPs first.” It was during those dark days of neglect of the people that the then Minister of Works used public officers and government’s heavy duty equipment to improve his large pasture instead of building needed roads for the Belizean people.

Madam Speaker: Brighter days for Belize are ahead in this fiscal year, because with this new budget much more funds are allocated for roads, housing, education, and land for first-time land owners among other things to help free people from poverty.

Madam Speaker: The Budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 was good for the residents of the Port Loyola whom I represent, and I have no hesitation in

Madam Speaker: By using the Community Development Fund (CDC) for Port Loyola in conjunction with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) and the Belize City Council, many streets that were left in the most deplorable condition in the division by the previous government have been upgraded, and funds in the new budget will be used to continue the upgrade of streets in the area including streets in the Jane Usher, Caesar Ridge, and Pen |Road areas of the division.

Madam Speaker: By working closely with Deputy P.M. and Minister of Natural Resources Hon. Cordel Hyde, I have obtained over 125 lots for first-time lands owners in my division. And am happy to say no one is selling his/ her lot. Many of those proud firsttime land owners have already secured titles for their lands and are in the process of building their homes on their properties.

Madam Speaker: This new budget includes funds to make over 10,000 additional lots available for first-time land owners across the country as well as funds for a land clinic in Port Loyola. I am therefore confident that in this new fiscal year, I will be able to assist scores of more persons in Port Loyola to become first-time land owners and resolve many other land issues.

Madam Speaker: It is true that education is the best weapon to overcome poverty. Am therefore thankful to Minister of Education, Hon. Francis Fonseca, for assisting the residents of Port Loyola with a record number of grants for schools fees at the primary, secondary, and tertiary level. Because of this educational assistance, parents have more funds for other important things in the home, and more students are on their way to becoming fully qualified in their chosen careers and builders of the new Belize.

Madam Speaker: In addressing the housing needs of Port Loyola, the Ministry of Infrastructure handed over six starter homes to single mothers of the division. One of the homes is in the Jane Usher area of the division, and five are located at Black Berry Estate, which is a government housing site near Burrell Boom.

Madam Speaker: MIDH also assisted scores of families in Port Loyola with construction materials for home repair after Hurricane Lisa caused tremendous damage to many houses across the division. Residents of Port Loyola can look forward to more housing assistance in this new budget as it includes more funds for starter homes and housing grants.

This new budget also includes funds for the completion of four starter homes in Port Loyola proper. That’s

Continued on page 19

The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in an amount equivalent to USD$10,000,000 towards the cost of the Belize Social Investment Fund III Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under this contract. Payment by CDB will be made only at the request of (GOBZ) and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than (GOBZ) shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development through the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF). BSIF has contracted Consultants who will assist with delivering the project.

BSIF now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Completion of the Corazon Creek Technical High School Building, Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize. The works include, but are not limited to the following:

The proposed scope includes the construction of a two storey ferro-concrete building measuring 164’-11” long by 42’-2” wide complete with eight (8) classrooms, two (2) administrative spaces, two (2) male and female students’ bathrooms, two (2) male and female teachers’ lavatories, storage spaces and an access ramp up to the ground floor of the building to accommodate users with disabilities.

Works shall include but not be limited to the following activities: proposed compacted backfill to existing foundation; construction of reinforced concrete ground floor and upper floor slabs; construction of masonry walls; construction of reinforced concrete columns and beams; construction of a reinforced concrete roof; construction of concrete staircases; application of concrete rendering; construction of ceilings; installation of windows and doors; installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems; application of surface finishes; and the undertaking of landscaping activities. Adherence to the contract’s environmental and safety protocols during construction is of paramount importance.

Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms, which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either: (a) more than 50% beneficially owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country, or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or

(b) owned or controlled by the Government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).

All countries are Eligible.

Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required, or do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation. Qualification requirements include, inter alia:

(a) an average annual turnover (defined as certified payments received for works in progress or completed) within the last 5 years of at least One Million Four Hundred Thousand Belize Dollars (BZ$1,400,000.00) (US$700,000.00)

(b) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) for One Hundred Fifty Thousand Belize Dollars (BZ$150,000.00) (US$75,000.00)

(c) experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, of at least four (4) assignments of a nature, scope and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last five (5) years (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete).

Bidding Documents may be obtained by eligible bidders from the first address below for a non-refundable fee of BZ$150 (USD$75). Requests may be made by written application including email. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Request for Bidding Documents for the Completion of the Corazon Creek Technical High School Building, Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize.”, along with the name, address and contact information of the bidder for which Bidding Documents are being requested. Payment should be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office. Applicants who request that documents be forwarded to them must submit an account number from a local courier agent that accepts freight collect charges. Documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will the Government of Belize or their authorised agent be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so transmitted.

Submissions in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Bid for the Completion of the Corazon Creek Technical High School Building, Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize.”, must be received at the second address below not later than 10:00am (Belize Local Time) on 22nd May 2023 Bid opening will take place immediately after the deadline for submission at the address below in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend. Qualification information only must be simultaneously submitted electronically to the third address below.

All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of: BZ$8,000.00 (USD$4,000.00). Late bids will be rejected. The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for the Government of Belize action. The Government of Belize will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.

1.Address for Correspondence Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 8220239/822-0508 E-mail: cc: kyla.

3. Email Address for Completed Qualification Information Only Procurement Officer Email:

2. Address for Bid Submission and Bid Opening Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 822-0239/822-0508


Belize and TaiwanICDF Sheep Donation to Guatemala


Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $67,408,200.

The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 16 August 2023.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.

Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically to or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 12 May 2023.

The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, 17 May 2023.

Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).

Bank: Central Bank of Belize

Account: GLICORP0402627

The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.


April 29, 2023 - The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE), in collaboration with the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) Breeding Sheep and Goat Production and Guidance System Enhancement Project, donated four breeding sheep to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the Republic of Guatemala (MAGA) on April 29. The Dorper, Katahdin, and Barbados Black Belly sheep breeds will be used to improve the existing genetic stock at MAGA.

The donation follows a memorandum of agreement signed between MAFSE and MAGA in 2022 to advance the agricultural development of both countries in technical areas

such as livestock, agro-processing, fruit trees, research, innovation, and technological transfer. This agreement has also resulted in Belize’s technical officers receiving training in various thematic areas in Guatemala and Guatemalan officers visiting Belize to offer training sessions.

The Government of Belize, and by extension, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, remains committed to regional partnerships for the growth and development of the agricultural sector. This donation also forms a wider partnership with the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through advancing the sheep sub-sector in Belize and the region.


Continued from page 18

because the lots filled by the MIDH for those houses in the current fiscal year are now ready for construction.

Madam Speaker: As Area Representative for Port Loyola, I recognize the importance of jobs for people to care for their families and live with dignity. For that reason, I continue to make every effort to secure employment for the residents of my division in both the private and public sector. Additionally, in promoting self-employment, I have assisted over 75 constituents with $500.00 grants in supplies for their small businesses to enable them to provide better services to the community.

With the CDC for Port Loyola in the new fiscal year over fifty additional small businesses in my area will be assisted with $500.00 grants in supplies to enable them to improve their service to the public.

Madam Speaker: In promoting sports in Port Loyola am currently upgrading the basketball court in the Jane Usher area with funds from the current budget. This upgrade includes new bleachers, resurfacing of the court, and the building of a football field among other things.

Madam Speaker: The upgrade of sporting facilities in Port Loyola will continue with the upgrade of the basketball courts on Neal’s Pen Rd and cor. Central American Blvd. and Faber’s Rd. with funds in the new budget.

Madam Speaker: A careful study of the draft estimates of Revenue and Expenditures for fiscal year 2023/ 2024 clearly shows that it is filled with carefully thought-out programs to ensure a better life for all Belizeans.

Madam Speaker: On behalf of the residents of Port Loyola I fully support this Budget. Thank you.

Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website ( bz)



San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Belize City, Belize District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until the properties are sold.

1. Parcel No. 6387 Summit Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:

Belmopan 20 6387

The freehold property of Mr. John Milton Arana.


San Pedro 20 6387

The freehold property of Messrs. Caribbean Coves Estate Limited




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

5 FEB 2023
5 FEB 2023

Brads – Show Me The Money

Dear Editor,

I write to vent again, as I try to guess why Brads was given the opportunity by the Lotteries Committee some to make the necessary correction in December of 2022 when the commission found twelve breaches. I guess it is a legal thing. This is after the fact that they were issued a ten-year contract at the tail end of the Barrow Administration. To go back to a 2019 report it was estimated that government received only $0.9 million in taxes annually. Who believes that? Not me!

Now, The Briceño Administration revoked the barrow exemption the government which is now giving the government an estimated $5 million annually. It goes to show it was a sweetheart deal as then Opposition Leader Briceño called it.

If it was not as worth it why not, simply comply with the correction sent

in December and make the necessary changes if there was nothing to hide?

Still, with the revocation of the license, Brads is not seeking restoration of the license which is the easy road out in my opinion. The finances would be brought into question in court hmm.. doesn’t it make you think?

So Brads take out a release acting like a victim. Laughable. This company only took took and took. No charity; No Heart!

I believe most Belizeans would like to know that and who are the owners of Countach who acquired shares in Brads Gaming Group Ltd. In the last few years.

I believe we should ask in the famous words “Show me the money”. Don’t cry now just suck it up!

Concern Citizen

May 2, 2023 - The Government of Belize, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), has established a Central Executing Unit (CEU) within the Ministry of Economic Development. This centralized unit will provide an operational, cost-efficient, and effective way to facilitate the management of project implementation, helping to ensure that all project phases are completed within desired time frames and budgets.

The CEU will provide oversight of the financial and operational aspects of the projects while ensuring that all relevant regulations and standards are followed. This unit, through an efficient reporting mechanism, will assist project stakeholders to stay informed of the progress of their project implementation.

Initially, the CEU will coordinate the implementation of the following IDB-funded loan projects, which together represent BZ$96 million:

1. Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize

2. Digital Innovation to Boost Economic Development in Belize

3. Promoting Sustainable Growth in the Blue Economy

4. Trade and Investment Facilitation Program for Belize

5. Sustainable and Inclusive Belize

In supporting the above-mentioned projects, the CEU ensures that its main goal of effective and efficient implementation is aligned with the Government of Belize’s Plan Belize Medium Term Development Strategy and saving taxpayer dollars through the efficient use of public resources.

This unit is headed by a Belizean lead consultant funded by the IDB. Initially, it will be staffed by several positions financed by the respective projects. These include project managers (project leads) for each project, two financial specialists, two procurement specialists, one procurement assistant, one environmental and social specialist, and one monitoring and evaluation specialist. Having this expertise in-house will minimize project start-up and learning curve delays, particularly regarding bank procedures and reporting requirements.

The Briceño Administration is committed to improving the quality of life of the Belizeans and continuously seeks to improve the efficient use of the country’s limited resources, including seeking innovative ways to improve the implementation of projects, which is a mandate of Plan Belize.


Tenders are invited from security companies to provide 24-hours Security and Surveillance Services for the Central Information Technology Office (CITO).

1. The tender shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing 1 July 2023, and ending 30 June 2024.

2. Services The successful tender will be expected to provide the following security and surveillance services:

a. General security and surveillance of the Belize National ICT Center compound (the “Premises”) including all buildings and fixtures erected therein by armed guards on a 24hour basis seven days per week, including public and bank holidays.

b. General security and surveillance of the top floor of the Post Office Building in Belmopan (“Off-Site”) using surveillance cameras, nightly patrols, and random verification checks of the generator, electrical room door, and main access doors commencing at 6pm to 6am seven days per week, including public and bank holidays.

c. Allow only authorized persons and vehicles to enter the Premises.

d. The Security must maintain a log of all persons and/or vehicles entering and leaving the Premises and the Off-Site.

e. Conduct patrols outside the Premises and the Off-Site to ensure that doors remain locked and that there is no sign of breakage into the buildings.

f. The Security Company will provide its personnel with equipment including a licensed firearm for the effective performance of their duties.

g. The Security Company, or its agents shall not divulge to any person or persons any proprietary information that they may be privy to during the execution of their duties.

h. The Security Company/Guard shall also comply with CITO’s Fire Safety Policy in the event of an emergency fire evacuation. (Details available upon request).

i. In the event of an approaching storm or hurricane, the security guard will be required to execute specific duties and arrangements according to CITO’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Such arrangements will be communicated to the security firm in advance.

j. Any other security related task may be agreed upon from time to time by the Parties involved.

3. Costs incurred in visiting the Premises and preparations of the tender bid are the sole responsibility of the tenderer.

4. Administrative Requirements All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submissions:

a. Current Certificate of Good Standing from:

i. Belize Tax Service within 1 year

ii. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year

iii. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year

b. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year.

c. Provide evidence of valid firearm licenses within 1 year.

d. Provide references from three or more existing customers.

e. Provide evidence of at least five (5) similar jobs performed over the past three years.

f. Technical and Financial Offers are to be placed in separately sealed envelopes.

5. Evaluation Criteria All Tenders will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

a. Capacity to deliver services based on qualification and certification in related field.

b. Specific Experience in the field (years in operation).

c. Past Performance in similar jobs during the past three (3) years.

d. Integrity of the company as per Administrative Requirement 4 (a) and (b).

e. Financial Offer.

6. Taxes The Financial Bids should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5%.

7. Questions and Replies Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 25 May 2023. Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.

8. Submission of Tenders are to be submitted in separate seal envelopes labelled Technical Offer and Financial Offer. Both sealed envelopes should be placed in an outer sealed envelope labelled “TENDER FOR SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE OF THE CENTRAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE (BELMOPAN)”.

9. Deadline for submission is 2 June 2023 at 3:00 pm. The bids are to be delivered to the Central Information Technology Office in Belmopan.

10. The opening of tenders will be on 6 June 2023 at 10:00 am. at the Central Information Technology Office. Bidders or their representatives are welcome to attend the tender opening session.

11. Evaluation of the tender will be carried out immediately after the opening of the tenders on 6 June 2023.

12. Only bids that satisfy the Administrative Requirements will have their Technical and Financial Offers evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria.

13. Additional information can be obtained from Ian Smith at telephone: 828-5169 or by email at

14. The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted.

15. Late tenders will be disqualified and returned to the tenderer unopened.

Government Establishes Central Executing Unit THE BELIZE 5 FEB 2023

“Skills to Shape the Future: Employability in Belize.”

April 26, 2023 - The Government of Belize (GOB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) held a meeting to discuss the IDB-funded study, entitled, “Skills to Shape the Future: Employability in Belize.”

The objective of the study is to highlight the changing landscape of Belize’s economy and the challenges and opportunities present to enable students and workers with necessary skills to thrive in the labor market, looking at what students or workers lack and what employers seek.

The study highlights that Belize’s economy is transitioning toward the service sector and has great potential for workforce development in soft and digital skills. Additionally, new survey data from 2023 reveals a growing trend for integration of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technology into businesses which will only increase in importance in the future, including the need for cloud computing, cybersecurity, and systems integration skills. The new data also shows that half of employers surveyed believe that there is a skills gap in 4IR technology among recent graduates, necessary for the current and future workplace and the space of technology.

Research presented also revealed that female students are at a disadvantage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Emma Naslund-Hadley, Lead Education Specialist for the IDB, also highlights that “the analysis of the study shows that many women who are trained in the exact sciences do not work in their

Government and IDB Focus on Employability Opportunities in Belize DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT’S DECISION ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS:

fields of study. In fact, they are something of an untapped resource for economic growth, particularly given Belize's increasing need for an educated workforce and women constituting two thirds of people with a higher education attainment.” The 2023 survey results support these findings with 44.5% of teachers surveyed believing that there are gender discrimination and/or stereotypes against female students in STEM education and training, while some 40% of female employers hold the same view of differential treatment of women in STEM education and training.

As such, the Government of Belize will continue to work hand-in-hand with the IDB to further understand why these challenges exist, their implications and seek opportunities to close those skill gaps. This will enable students and workers to better shape their futures, becoming employable, thus also building, and growing the economy of Belize.

Present at the meeting were Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development; Valentino Shal, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labor and Local Government; Dian Maheia, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology; Emma Naslund-Hadley, Lead Education Specialist; and Maria Fernanda Prada, Education Specialist, within the IDB, among other government officials and statutory bodies.


Belize Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP)

Loan No.: 9347-BE

Project ID No.: P172592

Assignment Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): CS 13

The Government of Belize has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) is for a suitable qualified fulltime PROJECT STAFF- MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST as part of the Project Implementation Unit of the CRESAP within the Belize Social Investment Fund. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and will be in charge of the overall planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibility of the project during its execution, and will provide guidance and support to the PIU during the implementation phase so that the Project Development Objectives (PDO) and impacts are achieved in accordance with the Project Operation Manual (POM) and the Climate Smart Matching Grant Operation Manual (MGOM)

The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the implementing agency for the project and the BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

The consultancy is expected to be for an initial period of Twenty-four (24) months commencing May 2023. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be supervised by the Project Coordinator (PC) of the CRESAP.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to

The Belize Social Investment Fund now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (such as cover letter, Curriculum Vitae etc.).

Minimum Mandatory Requirements *(Required)


Bachelor’s degree in development studies, statistics, social science, agriculture, rural development, project management, or any other field related to the assignment.

General Experience

Three (3) years of proven working experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation from internationally funded projects (i.e., World Bank, CDB, EU, UNDP, FAO, IFAD, etc.) with reference to the agriculture sector. (Max 20 points)

*If these minimum requirements are not met, the candidates will not be considered for the process*

Additional Requirements (Desirable)

Specific Experience

• At least three (3) years’ experience in designing and implementation of M&E systems. (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in the application of M&E methodologies and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory) (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in the preparation and use of the logical framework/theory of change and other strategic planning approaches (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in training M&E systems and implementation (Max 10 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders. (Max 10 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in working with age and gender disaggregated indicators. (Max 10 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in informative analysis and report writing. (Max 5 points)

Belmopan, Belize. May 1, 2023. The Department of the Environment (DOE) hereby informs the public of its decision after the review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports submitted for the following developments:

1. Cockroach Caye Limited for a proposed private residential facility located on Cockroach Caye, Turneffe Atoll, Belize District.

2. Ministry of Infrastructure, Development and Housing (MIDH) for the proposed upgrade of the George Price Highway from Belize City to the City of Belmopan.

The National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC), at its meetings held on March 31, 2023, reviewed and deliberated on the Cockroach Caye Limited project and recommended to the DOE to grant environmental clearance with certain conditions that will reduce the adverse impacts of the project on the marine ecosystem near the project site, including conditions for the use of proper building material. Additionally, the NEAC met on April 26, 2023, to review and deliberate on the MIDH project and recommended that the project be granted environmental clearance with conditions to reduce adverse impacts to human health and the environment along the George Price Highway.

The DOE has accepted the recommendations of the NEAC for both projects and has informed the developer of Cockroach Caye Limited and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing of its decision.

Minimum total points required to be considered for the assignment is 75 points.

Budget: The total estimated price for this consultancy inclusive of taxes is USD149,926.00 which represents the estimated amount for said position to cover the full implementation period of the World Bank loan is 5 years.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e., 0800 to 1600 hours Belize Time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by May 12, 2023, at 16:00 hours Belize Time.

Belize Social Investment Fund

Attn: Ian Ramirez, Procurement Officer

P.O. Box 459, 1902 Constitution Drive (3rd Floor), Belmopan, Belize

Telephone +501-822-0239



Hurricane Relief Donation from Brazil

May 2, 2023 - Today, the Government of Belize received hurricane relief items from the people and Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency.

Hon. Elvia Vega Samos, Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs, received the donation from H.E. Agemar de Mendonça Sanctos, Brazil’s Ambassador to Belize.

5 FEB 2023

Valued at an estimated US$33,000, the relief items include food packs, hygiene kits, and 500 kg of dehydrated nutritional soups.

During the handing-over ceremony, representatives of both governments spoke about the importance of helping each other during times of need. Belize expressed gratitude to the people and Government of Brazil for their generosity which contributed to the continued support of families impacted by Hurricane Lisa.

Also present were Ambassador Amalia Mai, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, in her capacity as the Chair of the Foreign Assistance Committee of NEMO, and Marconi Leal, Jr., Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs.

Notice to all Agents of Government Lotteries: Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery

Belmopan, April 26, 2023.

The Lotteries Committee hereby informs the public, all agents, and sub- agents of the Government Lotteries (Boledo, Jackpot, and Ordinary lotteries) that Brad’s Gaming Group Limited’s (BGGL) exclusive license to administer the Government Lotteries has been revoked effective May 2, 2023.

Given the revocation BGGL’s exclusive license, all agents are hereby advised that as of May 2, 2023, they too are prohibited from selling Government Lotteries. Anyone caught promoting or selling any government lottery from this date onward without a valid license will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The public will be advised when the Government Lotteries will resume normal activity. If you have any queries, kindly send your concerns to the Lotteries Secretary at

The Lotteries Committee and the Ministry of Investment thanks the public for its understanding and continued cooperation.



Notice to all Agents of Government Lotteries: Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery

Notice to all Agents of Government Lotteries: Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery

Belize City. April 26, 2023

Belize City. April 26, 2023

The Lotteries Committee hereby informs the general public, all agents, and sub-agents of the Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery) that Brad’s Gaming Group Limited’s (BGGL) exclusive license to administer the Government Lotteries has been revoked effective May 2nd, 2023.

The Lotteries Committee hereby informs the general public, all agents, and sub-agents of the Government Lotter ies (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery) that Brad’s Gaming Group Limited’s (BGGL) exclusive license to administer the Government Lotteries has been revoked effective May 2nd, 2023

We advise all agents that as of May 2nd, 2023, that given the revocation of the exclusive license to BGGL, that they too are prohibited from selling Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery). Anyone caught promoting or selling any government lottery from this date onward without a valid license will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

We advise all agents that as of May 2nd, 2023, that given the revocation of the exclusive license to BGGL, that they too are prohibited from selling Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery). Anyone caught promoting or selling any government lottery from this date onward without a valid license will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The public will be advised when the Government Lotteries will resume normal activity. If you have any queries, kindly send your concerns to the Lotteries Secretary at . The Lotteries Committee and the Ministry would like to thank the public for its understanding and continued cooperation.

The public will be advised when the Government Lotteries will resume normal activity. If you have any queries, kindly send your concerns to the Lotteries Secretary at . The Lotteries Committee and the Ministry would like to thank the public for its understanding and continued cooperation.

*** ENDS***
*** ENDS***



One Envelope Bidding P rocess

Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation (ERCAP)

The Government of Belize (GOB) has been allocated grant funds (the Grant) from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and executed by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utility (MPSEPU) and the National Meteorological Service (NMS), in an amount equivalent to USD 8 million, towards the cost of an Energy Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Project. A portion of the proceeds of the Grant will be applied to eligible payments unde r the contract for which this specific procurement notice is issued. Payments by the World Bank will be made only at the request of BEL, and upon approval by the World Bank, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the World Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Grant Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Grant.

BEL now invites electronic Bids from eligible Bidders for the Civil works and supply of manpower for the installation of a) hydrometeorological automatic weather stations, b) rainfall stations, and c) automatic weather stations.

Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s "Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants, dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) (“Procurement Guidelines”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following person:


ERCAP Project Management Unit

Belize Electricity Limited


The bidding document in English may be requested by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above. The document will be sent electronically upon this request.

Bids must be received at the e -mail address below on or before Wednesday, May 31, 2023, by 3:00 p.m. and will be opened at 3:15 p.m. sharp Belize time

Submission of bids by electronic e -mail (EM):

A PDF copy of the bid should be submitted by EM. The PDF copy should be encrypted, or password protected. The e-mail should not be encrypted but only the attachment shall be encrypted, or password protected.

The procedure for submission of bid is:

A. The zipped file is to be sent to Manager, Procurement Department at

B. Password or encryption key should be sent along with the bid to the same bid submission e -mail address listed below.

C. Bidders will receive a confirmation e -mail from BEL once the bid is received.

D. Bidders should ensure that the bid document(s) are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny access to the files. The Employer shall not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the bid opening process.

E. The maximum file size in each mail will be 30 MB. Any mail with an attachment above this size will bounce back. Hence, please ensure the attachments do not exceed 30 MB.

F. E-mail submissions should be clearly labelled in their subject with the following: Bid for Weather Stations Installation – ERCAP – “include Bidders name or Company name”.

Bids submitted electronically shall only be opened publicly at the Bid Opening time mentioned above on May 31, 2023, in the presence of Bidders and/or their representatives who have submitted a bid. Bid opening will be held virtually using Microsoft (MS) Teams. The link to the MS-Teams bid opening invite will be shared with all Bidders prior to the bid opening date and all Bidders are encouraged to participate therein. Late Bids shall be rejected.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

The address referred to above is:

Manager Procurement Department

Belize Electricity Limited

2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway

Belize City, Belize


Telephone: +501-227-0954

BEL reserves the right to reject late bids or to cancel the bid opening session in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any Bidder and will not defray any costs incurred by any Bidder in the preparation and submission of their bid.


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Articles inside


page 22

Hurricane Relief Donation from Brazil

page 21

Government and IDB Focus on Employability Opportunities in Belize DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT’S DECISION ON THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS:

page 20

“Skills to Shape the Future: Employability in Belize.”

page 20


page 19

Brads – Show Me The Money

page 19


page 18

Belize and TaiwanICDF Sheep Donation to Guatemala

page 18


page 17

Belize Airlift Development Conference Remarks by Hon. Anthony Mahler

page 16

Sustainable health development in the postpandemic era

page 15


pages 13-14


page 13

Belize Airlift Development Conference Remarks by Hon. Anthony Mahler

page 13


page 11

Belize Files Memorial at the International Court of Justice (Belize v

page 11


page 10

MOHW Current Events

page 9

PCC Meets for Orientation Workshop

page 9

Belize Broadcasting Authority

page 8

34,270 AT AGRIC’ 2023 “A HUGE SUCCESS”

pages 5-8


page 5

“Connecting Belize to the World”

page 4


page 3

Implementation of the CCJ’s Consent Order 2015

page 2


page 2


page 2
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