PM Briceño toured the South of Belize during the weekend of cel ebration of the Garifuna culture who are mostly based in the Stann Creek and Toledo communities. During this same hallowed time Shyne the Leader of the Official Opposition was nowhere to be seen—not in Belize. He could be seen on social media making his own good of the holiday weekend. He and the reinforced chair man were definite ly gallivanting and stealing any photo opportunity. Shyne of last name Barrow is synonymous with incompetence was seen shopping in New York City which this paper has officially called his real home. Of note is that this is a few days removed from a devastating Hurricane Lisa that decimated much of poor people’s homes much of whom live in LOO Shyne’s constituency.
Last week, there was more than Garifuna Settlement for this lowly LOO. Shyne was thinking how to settle with Anthony Blinken, US Sec retary of State, whose office de-invited Saldivar to enter the USA citing breach of law against corruption. The details were not shared in the official statement from the US but we will all remember how Saldivar was UDP leader for less than 72 hours in 2020. At that time, Saldivar has lied to the Prime Minister on the acceptance of tranches of cash from a convicted person called Lev Dermen. We all say copies of text messages and his interviews where he accepted receiving these huge sums of money from now convict Dermen. Dermen had swindled the USA. Dermen had a passport deal with Saldivar. The USA considers this corrupt.
Saldivar at the time of the leadership convention could ill-afford any connection with any naughty person given his widely known Bandit relationship with another convict supposedly named Mason. This last Saldivar friend was convicted for the decapitating murder of a Pastor Lou. The Saldivar tale is a sordid one. He follows the footsteps of con vict Barrow who was pronounced guilty of using 1.5 Billion Belize dol lars from Belize’s consolidated fund without parliamentary approval. Oh, my apologies, he also follows a Barrow convicted in New York for literally shooting the face of Nathania Rueben—a woman.
Is LOO Shyne serious about being the Leader of the Opposition or is he just trying to keep his diplomatic passport. Remove this passport and deportee Shyne will have to stay put in Belize. This would be a tragedy for this multiname ex-rapper. Hey Shyne! These are the 16 Days of Activism, how will you observe these?
Over the weekend starting on Friday 18th November the Hon. Prime Minister John Briceño kicked off a tour of Southern Belize.
The first stop in the south was in the district of Toledo, where the PM along with Hon. Mike Es pat, and Hon. Oscar Requeña, met with village leaders and alcaldes. The PM lis tened keenly to the leaders as they expressed their concerns about the issues affecting their communities, including communal land rights. He advised the leaders that only through constructive dialogue and a united front that the issues raised would be resolved and the district’s potential realized.
“I have been enjoying my job, so far as Prime Minister as it has been the greatest privilege, I have had in my entire life.” Prime Minister John Briceño
At the second stop, PM met with the Bus Operators along with Hon Mike Espat, Hon. Oscar Requeña. To discuss the issue facing the transportation system in the south which mainly fuel cost. “My administration remains committed to finding solutions and working with the bus owners and their cooperative to resolve any challenges for the benefit of our people” PM Briceño
On the third stop PM along with Hon. Espat, Hon. Requeña stopped a Toledo Com munity College where the opportunity to meet and chat with the young minds – leaders of tomorrow. Present was the students of UB, TCC, and Julian Cho Technical High School
At the final stop, the Prime Minister did a walk-through of Punta Gorda Town, with Hon. Espat, Hon. Requeña and Mayor Charles Selgado.
The morning kicked off with a Special Garifuna Set tlement Day Mass which the PM at tended with senior members of the cab inet. “Our diversity and richness of cul ture make us strong. Our inclusiveness and peaceful coexistence make us unique. We are proud of the rhythm and rhyme that makes us Belizean.” PM Briceño
After the church service, the Prime Minister was given the pleasure to be the flag-bearer to the church congregation to the 2022 Garifuna Settlement Day Cele bration along with Hon. Louis Zabaneh and Mayor of Dangriga Robert Mariano
Before departing the Prime Minister met with a few community elders.
PM enjoyed, “The beauty and ener gy of our people of the South in Dangriga and Punta Gordon.”
Belmopan, November 24, 2022
The Government of Belize announces that Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño is scheduled to travel to Caracas, Venezuela, today, ac companied by the Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Af fairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, and a delegation of officials.
At the invitation of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Prime Minister Briceño is expected to hold high-level discussions on various bilateral initiatives and programs. The Prime Minister will also meet with President Nicolás Maduro and Vice Pres ident Delcy Rodríguez.
The people and governments of Belize and Venezuela share a broad and enduring relationship which has included cooperation in multiple areas of mutual benefit.
The Prime Minister will return to Belize on Sunday, November 27, 2022. In his absence, Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Cordel Hyde will act as Prime Minister.
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
OFFICE MANAGER Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez
Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: belizetimesadvertisement@yahoo.com
For thirteen years, those malodourous winds blew across our nation and the red maelstrom ravaged everything in its path. During this epoch, racoons, rats and snakes fell like hailstones. All around the destruction and desolation was palpable. These are the results of the stewardship that the UDP gave us. An inheritance wrought with corruption, tranches, mismanagement, waste, and scandal. One could literally lose their head over all the allegations of greed and ravenous and insatiable hunger for money and power. It is no wonder there was little persuasion or opportunity to fulfil the mandate for which they were elected. The PUP swept in like a cool and crisp sea breeze, clearing the stale and stagnant air of the putrefaction.
Just two short years ago, the state of the official government offices of this country had never been so dilapidated. The roof of the only referral health care facility in the country leaks yes, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital is not unlike a sieve. The regional hospitals all have leaks as can be seen from the lines of buckets in the hall and the operating rooms present to catch the rain during any small downpour. Millions were spent during the past administration’s watch. Many of those contracts were considered bloated, yet the facilities are substandard. The magistrate’s courts countrywide were left in a state that can only be described as disgraceful. Even the Supreme Court building in the Old Capital, once a proud historic building was left to rot. Police stations, libraries, and in Corozal the entire Human Development Building was in such disrepair, it was abandoned and condemned by author ities as unfit to be inhabited.
The truth is simply this, there was an entire lucrative side hustle some members of the last administration had when they rented out their own buildings to house government offices. It just makes sense that there was absolutely no initiative or incentive to give public buildings the maintenance necessary to keep them serviceable. It was far more lucrative to just move into a yellow office building around the corner, or into a crony’s property and pay exorbitant rents. This whole scheme meant that timely repairs and upkeep were negligible, and therefore, the value of the public buildings was diminished over time. Some of them as in the case of the Human Development building in Corozal, and a police station in San Narciso, the build ings were eventually abandoned, and they must now be demolished and replaced entirely. The second condition that arose from this practice is that millions have been wasted from the public purse paying inflated rent when government could have easily used that money to rebuild or give proper maintenance to its facilities. These public facilities have now lost property value. Hurricane Lisa brought more than flood and damage to the property of pri vate citizens. Lisa brought into clear perspective the true dilapidated state of public buildings across the country. The damage thus seen and which we will continue to discover is not just from a category 1 hurricane Lisa but also from the thirteen years of mismanagement and neglect. We are still feeling the effects of the outer bands of the red maelstrom as it quickly dissipates and disbands, soon it will be just an unhappy and dark chapter we can soon forget.
Durante trece años esos vientos malolientes soplaron por nuestra nación y la vorágine roja arrasó con todo a su paso. Durante esta época, mapaches, ratas y las serpientes cayeron como piedras de granizo. La destrucción y la desolación eran palpables por todas partes. Estos son los resultados de la administración que nos entregó el UDP. Una herencia forjada con corrupción, tramos, mala gestión, despilfarro y escándalo. Uno podría perder literalmente la cabeza por todas las acusaciones de codicia y hambre voraz e insaciable de dinero y poder. No es de extrañar que hubiera poca persuasión u oportunidad de cumplir el mandato para el que fueron elegidos. El PUP entró como una brisa marina, fresca y nítida, limpiando el aire rancio y estancado de la putrefacción.
Hace apenas dos años, el estado de las oficinas oficiales del gobierno de este país nunca había sido tan ruinoso. El techo del único centro sanitario de referencia del país tiene goteras, sí, el Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital no es más que un colador. Todos los hospitales regionales tienen goteras, como demuestran las filas de cubos en el vestíbulo y los quirófanos para recoger la lluvia durante cualquier pequeño chaparrón. Se gastaron millones durante la pasada administración, y muchos de esos con tratos se consideraron inflados, pero las instalaciones son deficientes. Los juzgados de magistrado de todo el país quedaron en un estado que sólo puede calificarse de vergonzoso. Incluso el edificio de la Corte Suprema en la Vieja Capital, que en su día fue un orgulloso edificio histórico, se abandonó para que se pudriera. Las comisarías de policía, las bibliotecas y, en Corozal, todo el edificio de Desarrollo Humano estaba tan deteriorado que fue abandonado y condenado por las autoridades como no apto para ser habitado.
La verdad es simplemente esta, había todo un negocio paralelo y lucrativo que algunos miembros de la última administración tenían cuando alquilaban sus propios edificios para albergar oficinas gu bernamentales. Es lógico que no haya habido ninguna iniciativa ni incentivo para dar a los edificios públicos el mantenimiento necesario para mantenerlos en buen estado. Era mucho más lucrativo in stalarse en un edificio de oficinas amarillo a la vuelta de la esquina, o en la propiedad de un amiguito y pagar alquileres exorbitantes. Todo este esquema significaba que las reparaciones y el mantenimiento oportuno eran insignificantes, y por lo tanto el valor de los edificios públicos fue disminuyendo con el tiempo. Algunos de ellos, como es el caso del edificio de Desarrollo Humano en Corozal, y de una comisaría de policía en San Narciso, acabaron siendo abandonados, y ahora deben ser demolidos y sustituidos por completo. La segunda condición que surgió de esta práctica es que se han malgastado millones del erario al pagar un alquiler inflado cuando el gobierno podría haber utilizado fácilmente ese dinero para reconstruir o dar un mantenimiento adecuado a sus instalaciones. Estas instalaciones públicas han perdido ahora su valor inmobiliario. El huracán Lisa no sólo provocó inundaciones y daños en las propiedades de los ciudadanos. Lisa puso de manifiesto el verdadero estado de deterioro de los edificios públicos de todo el país. Los daños que se han visto y que seguiremos descubriendo no se deben únicamente al huracán de categoría 1 Lisa, sino también a los trece años de mala gestión y negligencia. Todavía estamos sintiendo los efectos de las bandas exteriores de la vorágine roja mientras se disipa y disuelve rápidamente, pronto será sólo un capítulo infeliz y oscuro que pronto podremos olvidar.
One of Belize’s top tourism destinations marked a milestone this week with the inauguration of its newly constructed health center. Caye Caulker's residents and visitors will now benefit from quality healthcare at an adequate ly equipped facility, which will also serve as a hurricane shelter. The facility is fully loaded with triage center, consulation rooms, dis pensary and other health service amenities. The BZ$1.4-million-dol lar investment is another achieve ment of the Government of Belize in fulfilling its Plan Belize agenda.
Caye Caulker has its own health center. Today, I congratu late the people of Caye Caulker and Hon. Andre Perez as we inau gurated the Caye Caulker Health Center.
So the BZD$1.4M is an “in vestment” in our future; the So cial Investment Fund with a loan facility from the Caribbean Devel opment Bank has made this devel opment a reality.
Present for the event were Hon. Kevin Emmanuel Bernard
The scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño, CEO Narda Garcia, the Minister of Health and Wellness Honorable Kevin Bernard, CEO, Julio Sabido with the Coalition of Medical Service Profession als (CMSP) was held in the qui etude of the Western Regional Hospital sans the media fanfare and sabre rattling that Andrew Baird attracted with his bogus ultimatum. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Workers Union (KHM HWU), the Belize Medical and Dental Association (BMDA) and the Nurses Association of Be lize (NAB).
Prime Minister Briceño said that the "meeting engaged dis cussions on the 7 points raised by the Coalition's recent press release with a view to establish an agreement on the way for ward. Our pledge going forward is collaborative, cordial working relation for the improvement of the health system and providing health services for our people."
Lest we forget, the Peo ples United Party took over a poison chalice of a health-care system, neglected and broken, leaky roof, mangy raccoon and all. Thirteen babies died at the hands of the electrician and vital resources were siphoned away from the important and noble institution. Briceño said "we had to deal with a whole health system that was in cha
os under the previous Minister." The resupply of Medical resourc es demanded that the PUP Gov ernment pay the unpaid millions prior to purchase.
Hence, when Baird issued the sua sponte (on his own) ulti matum it was done in malice and intended to undermine the valiant efforts of the Minister of Health and Wellness and Government of Belize to fix another UDP mess— the broken health system. Andrew Baird President of the KHMHWU open attack on the Government was intended to resuscitate the life of a dead UDP. Additionally, Baird has eyes set on Belize Ru ral Central as a candidate for the UDP. Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño was forceful that "for thirteen years I never heard them telling, giving an ultimatum to the previous government. Now in two years, now, they want to give us ultimatum. I don't think they're being fair."
Nonetheless, John Briceño and the PUP Government contin ue be a responsible Government in dealing with the unfair and un necessary headwinds. This meet ing held to ventilate issues affect ing the Healthcare industry with intentions to fix the problems shows the working leadership at the helm. In the time of crisis, the safest ship is prudent and pragmatic leadership. The raison d'être of the magnanimous super majority mandate where every body fi win. PlanBelize at work. Deeds not words.
Minister of Health and Wellness, Mrs. Narda Garcia CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Invest ment alongside Hon. Perez and Chairlady of Caye Caulker Ms. Seleny Villanueva Pott.
Newly released crime statistics done by Belize Crime Observatory released last week were shared by the Minister of Home affairs Kareem Musa showing crime is down. The stats show that murder was down when compared to the same period January to October 2021. The data shows the rate which is analyzed to that of every 100,000 inhabitants per capita is down based on the numbers provided and compared to the 2021 murder rate. In the city, murders have reduced significantly estimated at around 7% which is seen in the pre sented data.
The Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also weighed in on the statistics stating “The only crime I follow most is murder, and the rea son for that is because a life lost, to me, is an entire family who gets af fected by it. My team and I work tire lessly to try to avert murders from
When looking at the stats for ma jor crimes, however, it shows that compared to 2021 the numbers are up but when compared to pre-COVID numbers in 2018 they are down. This is even though the increase in population during that time.
ComPol Williams quoted “With an increase in population, you would an ticipate that there would also be an in crease in crime. COVID came and has put many people into poverty. Those persons who were on the marginal line have now fallen back into poverty due to COVID, which is one of the leading causes of crime is poverty. So, if you have more people in poverty now be cause of COVID, you would have antici pated that 2022 major crimes would be well above 2018. But we are still down."
This is in line with the #planBelize pledge made to the Belizean people by this Government.
November 22, 2022 -
Through the collaboration of the Governments of Belize and Mexico and the Food and Agri culture Organization of the Unit ed Nations (FAO), 488 primary school students are receiving a free, healthy meal daily as school feeding programs get underway in Belize.
Over the last year, the 'Resil ient School Feeding' sub-project of the Mexico-CARICOM-FAO initiative “Cooperation for Cli mate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean,” or Resilient Caribbean Initiative in short, has been partnering with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technol ogy to develop a sustainable and wholesome school feeding program through infrastructure upgrades, capacity building and student nutrition assessments. As a part of the initiative, six schools in Belize received in frastructure upgrades to exist ing kitchens or conversion of spaces into kitchens and outfit ting with new appliances such
as refrigerators, freezers, stoves, and utensils like pans, pots, serv ing tools and baking materials. In addition, the Ministry of Education is providing ongoing funding for the purchasing of the provisions for the feeding program. Schools benefiting from these upgrades include Biscayne Government School, Chan Chen Government School, Guinea Grass RC, Lucky Strike Government School, Santa Martha Government School and San Joaquin RC.
Further support has also been provided to school cooks through the facilitation of a series of train ing sessions on food safety and the preparation of healthy meals that are also familiar to the stu dents in each community.
Seleni Grajales, Principal of Santa Martha Government School, welcomed the initiative, stating that “Proper nutrition is important for a child’s growth and essential to learning at school. The school feed ing program offers our children a proper diet, which promotes their physical and intellectual develop ment. The program also assists
parents and the community by ensuring that the children have a healthy development.”
Future school feeding ac tivities will be informed by the results of a nutrition assess ment, which was conducted through the project in October 2022, across the six beneficiary schools. The nutrition status and eating habits of students were reviewed including aspects like body mass index.
Cathleen Juan, National Project Coordinator, explained "This assessment collected data about students' weight and height; which can be used to determine the percentages of underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese children. Also, information was gathered from students about what types of food they eat in a day, both in school and at home. This data will be used to make recommen dations for how school meals can be best tailored to meet the nu tritional needs of primary school children, and to support healthy school environment policies."
The Resilient Caribbean Ini tiative, funded by the Mexican Agency for International Devel opment Cooperation (AMEX CID) and the Mexican Minis try of Foreign Affairs (SRE), is being implemented by FAO in 14 CARICOM countries, with school feeding being a focus for The Bahamas, Belize, Saint Vin cent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname. The sub-project aims to strengthen the capacities of institutions and stakeholders to link the purchase of products from small farmers while pro moting a national framework for school feeding that facilitates access to healthy diets pro duced locally.
The project follows the sustainable school feeding ap proach of the FAO-Brazil Techni cal Cooperation and other FAO frameworks such as the HomeGrown School Feeding Frame work. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology is in the process of developing a national healthy start feeding policy which will encompass the experience of this sub-proj ect, to ensure that all students can benefit from a healthy meal daily.
November 15, 2022 - Today a mem orandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Economic De velopment (MED) and the Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) to incorporate qual ity standards for eight commodities, starting with honey.
The MOU sets forth the terms and conditions, the scope of work, and the responsibilities of the parties to work together in developing the quality stan dards and metrology for honey, which will serve as a pilot commodity for the other seven. Data will be collected to use as benchmarks on how the honey value chain, from production to consum ers, can be standardized in Belize to en sure quality.
Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development not ed that in the implementation of this MOU, both the MED and the BBS agree to carry out the following activities:
• Conduct a standardization pro cess for one of the eight commodities approved by the RRB Project;
• Conduct capacity-building/sen sitization workshops for key stakehold ers and farmers on standards;
• Apply the Calidena application process in data gathering and develop ment of standards which will system atically and sustainably support the improvement of the national quality in frastructure in Belize; and
• Conduct a SWOT Analysis of the BBS
Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) is a sixyear program implemented by the Gov ernment of Belize, with financing from the International Fund for Agricultural De velopment (IFAD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The program aims to min imize the impacts of climatic and eco nomic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The RRB has two main components:
1) Climate Resilient Value Chain Development – to introduce/strength en smallholder participation in select ed value chains through the promotion of climate-resilient production meth ods, product diversification, and relat ed innovations; and
2) Climate Resilient Rural Infra structure and Assets Development – to support climate-resilient produc tivity and improved market access through rehabilitation and provision of enhanced road access, drainage, and irrigation infrastructure in priority ar eas.
CEO Dr. Osmond Martinez and Mr. Jose Trejo, Director of BBS, signed the MOU on behalf of their respective or ganizations. The MOU was witnessed by Dr. Geraldo Flowers, Program Man ager for Resilient Rural Belize, and Mr. Lloyd Orellano, Standards Officer.
Ministry of Economic Develop ment Continues to Implement Sci ence and Technology in Rural Farming
November 15, 2022 - Today, the Min istry of Economic Development, through the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Program, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the National Meteorological Service (MET) of Belize for subcompo nent 2.3 of the RRB Investment in Ter ritorial Climate Resilient Assets. This calls for the procurement of a Climate Infor mation System (CIS) that will be housed at the MET Office in Ladyville and used as the principal mechanism through which information about climate will be archived, analysed, modelled, exchanged and processed.
The main goal of the RRB Program is to increase farmers’ resilience and ad aptation to climatic changes by allowing smallholder farmers to operate sustain able production processes, even un der the pressure of climate change and extreme climatic events. The CIS will, therefore, provide farmers with timely and accurate climate information, allow ing them to plan their activities accord ingly and minimize climate-related losses to their crops. Farmers will be able to access information on (i) irrigation and crop monitoring, (ii) pest risk, (iii) weath er forecasts, and (iv) real-time weather monitoring via a mobile application.
Valued at US$256,300.00, the sys
tem will be financed through a grant from the Green Climate Fund, contributing US$225,544.00 of the total cost with the remaining US$30,756.00 financed by the Government of Belize.
CEO Martinez expressed that intro ducing science and technology to farm ers is essential as agriculture is a driving sector for Belize and these advances will lead to a more efficient cultivation of farmed lands and expand the scale, speed, and productivity of farmers and their yields. He also shared that the CIS will be a driving force as its capacities are enormous. This system will also be able to authenticate and communicate monthly and seasonal weather predic tions at a national level and for those farmers with limited access to informa tion and communications technology. Tailored messages that can easily be understood and trusted will be devel oped and shared through targeted in formation channels within the farming communities.
Furthermore, CEO Martinez reiter ated his ministry’s commitment to en suring the continued growth and devel opment of all MSMEs in Belize as well as equal opportunities for all.
Signing on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development were CEO Dr. Osmond Martinez and Dr. Geraldo Flowers, RRB Programme Manager, while representatives of the MET, Mr. Ronald Gordon, Chief Meteorologist, and Ms. Shanea Young, Senior Clima tologist, signed on behalf of the Min istry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management.
November 15th, 2022 - Tropic Air commenced an inaugural direct flight from Philip Goldson International Air port (BZE) to Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport (SAP), Honduras. San Pedro Sula becomes Tropic’s sec ond destination in Honduras, in addition to Roatán. This is significant as it opens another corridor for growth in business for both Belize and Honduras through Commerce.
Service to San Pedro Sula will be on one of Tropic’s modern, glass cock pit (G1000) Cessna Caravan aircraft. These air-conditioned aircraft are also equipped with radar, GPS navigation, and terrain mapping.
“It is a proud and exciting day for us. San Pedro Sula is our second new international destination this year, along with San Salvador. We are proud of our regional growth, and we intend to add frequencies and perhaps more markets in the coming year”, said John Greif III, President of Tropic Air.
Flights are twice weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 am Belize City to San Pedro Sula and San Pedro Sula –9:00 am - “This is another milestone for Belize’s regional tourism, busi ness, travel, and cargo industry,” said Steve Schulte, CEO “The introduction of this service is a goal we have long been working towards and we are thrilled that our efforts have borne fruit. In a highly competitive arena, it is essential to have direct year-round scheduled regional service and the easy connections to major markets that it brings”, he added.
Minister of Tourism & Diaspo ra Relations, Hon. Anthony Mahler pledges the ministry’s continued sup port to the industry and in building new pathways by connecting families here in Belize to loved ones in Hon duras.
Sources close to Tropic advised that there is a new destination com ing next year.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted
Notice is hereby given that Vilma R. Chip is applying for a Shop Li quor License to be operated at “Leal’s Grocery Shop” located in #14 Mosul Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Yu Juan Wu/Junyi Zheng are ap plying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Super Sky Company Ltd.” located in Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Li quor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Uriel O. Leal is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Andy & Genesis Grocery Shop” located at # 28 Water Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edi tion 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Eugene Jex is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Highway Trails Resort & Country Club” locat ed in Lucky Strike Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Li quor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wen Huan Li is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “ Canton’s Restaurant” located # 63 New Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edi tion 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Delvorine Herrera Wade is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Dee’s Cool Spot” located in Bermudian Landing Village, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Elvi ra Mejia is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be op erated at “A & E’s Restaurant & Bar” located in Maskall Village, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ale jandro Zetina is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “MZ’s Cool Spot” located in Maskall Village, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jose San chez is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Sanchez Shop” located in Maskall Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Erlin Moore is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be oper ated at “Wish Willy Bar & Grill” lo cated in Caye Caulker, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Michael Huesner is applying for a Restau rant Liquor License to be operated at “Belize River Lodge” located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Mark Nugent/Anna Ning are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Tacos Picante Restaurant” located at # 19 C.A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Muhua Chang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Dolphin Shop” located at # 1 Dolphin Drive, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zhi Wei Zhou is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “J & W Shopping Mart” located at # 22 6th Street, King’s Park Area, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jun Yang Zhao is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Discount Supermarket # 2” located at # 9116 Barbara Harris Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Marlon Rosado is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Base 25 Sports Bar & Lounge” located at # 9 A Baymen Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Margaret Dawson is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Stop & Go” located at Miles 16 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Mar cellie Halliday/Emily Castana za are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “ Shaju Daily Shop” located at # 78 King Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that San tos A. Hernandez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Antonio Grocery & Fruit Shop” located at # 9171 La Croix Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Hortense V. Vaughan is apply ing for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ T & V Gro cery Shop” located at Reserve Merva Theus Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “ Naybaz Store” located at 8 Miles George Price Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz Store” lo cated at # 2498 Chetumal Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that MC Keshia V. Henderson is apply ing for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Country Side Eatery” located at 2 ½ Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Francisco I. Monterrosa is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “ E & F Shop” located in Valley of Peace Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edi tion 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Nefy Quetzal is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “ Monte Magico” located on Riverside Street, Benque Viejo Del Carmen, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Nedge Thomas is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “ Mystic Riv er Resort” located on Miles 6, Cristo Rey Road , Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ly nett Gabourel is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “J & K Shop” located in Unitedville Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Kurk W. Hyde is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “ Brend’s Shop” located in Ontario Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Stella Blasi Velu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “ Sumathi Indian Restaurant ” located at # 19 Baymen Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Reina Chinchilla is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ Armenia Shop ” located on Green Street, Bela ma Phase IV, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Es tefania Gomez is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “ Titantic Night Club & Lounge ” located at 1 ½ Miles Philip Goldson High way, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Alma Alcoser is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “ Orange Walk Plaza” located on Tangerine Street, Orange Walk Town, Or ange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Dora Escalante is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “ Orange Walk Plaza” located on Princess Diana Street, Or ange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched two technical cooper ation projects on November 21, 2022.
Valued at US$200,000, the first project focuses on the Be lize Agriculture Sector Policy with an emphasis on seeds, backyard poultry, marketing, and indigenous territories. The project aims to im prove the livelihood of rural farm ers and indigenous people through the adoption of an enhanced gov ernance and policy framework en abling diversification through re gional trade.
The second project is valued at US$250,000 and focuses on Digital Agriculture Services for a Sustain able and Inclusive Agri-food System and Value Chain. The project is for sustainable, efficient, and inclusive agri-food systems and agricultural value chains to achieve prosperous rural societies.
On November 16, 2022, Belize deposited its applica tion with the Registrar of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, seeking a final and binding resolution, in accordance with interna tional law, of the dispute be tween Belize and the Repub lic of Honduras concerning sovereignty over the Sapo dilla Cayes, including Seal Caye.
The application and the annexed documents are available on the ICJ’s web site.
The Government of Be lize emphasizes that it has taken this measure to pro tect the vital interests of Be lize in ensuring the full and final settlement of all out standing territorial disputes to Belizean territory. It has done so in support and fur therance of its friendly rela tions with Honduras.
Present at the launch was Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Ag riculture, Food Security and En terprise; Dr. Crispim Moreira, FAO Representative for Jamaica, the Ba hamas and Belize; Servulo Baeza, Chief Executive Officer; Dr. Victoria no Pascual, Chief Agriculture Officer; and other senior staff of the ministry.
The MAFSE has taken planBe lize’s Farm to Table seriously as they are leading Belize to greater self-sus tenance in food and increasing dra matically the foreign exchange in put by the way of the agro-industry and exportation of commodities and products. This writer has said it since August 2020, Tourism in Belize has all our beauty to work with and it will be grand and could make more of our GDP than Agriculture but as the pandemic exposed to the world without a robust agricultural sector the country is naught. Tourism will bask under the shade that Agricul ture provides. No tourist returns to a country that cannot dish out great food on the table.
Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please pro tect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.
God of might, wisdom and jus tice, please assist our Belizean gov ernment and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.
Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeav ours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.
With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social jus tice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and use ful knowledge.
We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.
And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.
17 November 2022 - Today, on the University of Belize Belmopan Cam pus, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for Institutional Cooperation be tween the University of Belize (UB) and the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civ il Aviation (MBECA) was signed by Dr. Vincent Palacio, UB President, and Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation.
The MOU, which covers both as pects of blue economy and civil avia tion, aims to establish cooperation in their collective efforts and resources, to share knowledge, expertise, data and information, and to strengthen the com mon interests and respective missions of both institutions.
Through collaboration, UB and MBECA will enhance the development of both Belize’s blue economy and civil aviation sectors, and the range of op portunities available to Belizeans in the future, including collaboration on plan ning, organizing and execution of sem inars, workshops, training activities, conferences, presentations, research, and mentorship programs relating to subjects of mutual interest. These may include the development of cross-facul
In his remarks, Minister Perez stat ed, “this MOU aligns with our recently launched Belize Blue Economy Devel opment Policy and Implementation Strategy 2022-2027, specifically Policy Priority Area 3: Capacity Building, Ed ucation, and Research; it is our hope that through this collaboration with UB, we work towards research as well as reducing the skills gap between the ed ucation offer & labour market needs in Belize to develop and meet the needs of our growing blue economy sectors”.
Dr. Palacio stated, “This MoU for malises and deepens our partnership and is a significant milestone in our ongoing collaboration. The objective is to establish an institutional coopera tion agreement between the two par ties. Through this MoU, both UB and the MBECA will cooperate, wherever possible, in their collective efforts and resources, to share knowledge, exper tise, data and information to strengthen the common interests and respective missions of both institutions”.
The MOU is for a period of five years with the option to renew.
Belize City Council: “We want to give a big shout-out this afternoon to Mayor Charles Selgado and the en tire Punta Gorda Town Council for showing up for us. Mayor Selgado and his team contributed towards Hurricane Lisa relief efforts by dis tributing clothing and food items to Belize City residents! We greatly ap preciate you all taking this trip to be with us today and the time it took to gather these materials.
at: fphillips@socialsecurity.org.bz
Copy emails to General Manager, Human Resources, SSB Headquarters at: odakers@socialsecurity.org.bz
less. Not even when Kristel Tzul’s late tackle on Jimenez conceded a pen alty, goalkeeper Allysah Weir came up with a big save to deny Jahxann Waight’s attempt to convert.
Down at the other end, the Cayo defenders Hailey Burrowes, Eva Chuc, Jemma August and Marce lie Mar frustrated the best efforts of Danisha Charley, Ziara Lopez and Aylin Zetina to get a goal for Corozal. Something had to give, and Ney lanie Noralez came off the bench to score Cayo’s first goal 4 minutes af
Corozal Town, November 19, 2022
The Cayo and Mid-South girls are leading the Football Federation of Be lize Under-13 playoffs, as both squads enjoyed big wins in the first round, the Cayo girls dominated the Corozal girls 3-0 at the Andres Campos field on Sat urday afternoon, November 19.
It was almost a replay of their first regular season encounter on October 22, when the Cayo girls had won 4-0. Cayo’s top striker Aneeke Meza and Ciara Jimenez led the attack in the 1st period, supported by Jahxann Waight and Jasselyn Valentine at midfield, but the staunch defense of Corozal’s Yan cy Chan, Kristel Tzul, Jaylin Elvir and Elizannie Cob held the visitors score
Belize City, November 20, 2022
The Belize Coast Guardians schooled the Cayo Dreamers 4-0 when the National Amateur Wom en’s League (NAWL) continued in its 4th week at the Marion Jones Sports Complex on Sunday eve ning, November 20.
Gianni Gomez and Shanay Na sario led the Guardians’ offensive, supported by Shayamma Quini ah Caliz and Ruby Jimenez on the wings, and by Jinelle Pott and Ingrid Campos at midfield. Jahniah Arnold led the Dreamers’ defense, along with Natasha Tillett, Brianny Avella and Timaya Castillo, but they could not stop Gianni Gomez from scor ing a brace: 17’ and 22’, and Caliz 36’ made it 3-0 going into the half.
Daysi Paiz and Yamileth Chavez led the Dreamers’ counterattacks with the help of Ilyn Cruz, Aiani Pe rez, Blanca Lopez and Desiree Mai at midfield, but they made no im pression on Guardian’s sweeper Sar ah Arzu. Ashanti Gomez, Gimayma Martinez and Anna Gutierrez helped goalkeeper Jaslyn “Chu-chu” Cadle keep a clean slate throughout. The Dreamers were sorely missing the
services of the Ponce sisters: Julie, Vicky and Liany, who were sitting out a red card suspension.
Guillermina Pinnock replaced Jimenez after the break, and sparkplug striker Shanay Nasario beat goalkeeper Ermita Thomp son to find the back of the net 88’ to seal the 4-0 victory.
ter the break, and Rhianna Valentine followed suit 11 minutes later, the Cayo girls led 2–0 at the end of the 2nd period. The Cayo defenders Jasmine Rodriguez, Mya Miralda, and Britney Jimenez held the home girls scoreless, while midfielders Tiana Labriel, Kira Thomas and Marley Garcia supported Neylanie and Rhianna’s attacks.
Aneeke Meza’s 49’ strike sealed the 3-0 victory. The Corozal girls hope to do better in the rematch at the Nor man Broaster Stadium on Saturday, November 26.
In the other semifinal, the MidSouth girls won 2-0 over the Belmopan girls at the Michael Ashcroft Stadium with a goal by Genesis Burgess 30’ and Belmopan defender Camilla Bar rera inadvertently sent the ball into her own net, conceding an auto-goal 57’. The Belmopan girls host the Mid-south girls at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium on Saturday afternoon.
In other matches around the league, Heidy Lopez scored a hat trick: 3’, 6’ and 14’ as she led Napoles of Belmopan in a 7-0 rout of Wagiya SC at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium. Oddy Aguilar scored a brace, and oth er goals came by Marleny Rosa 18’ and Maria Fuente 20’.
In the A group, Jurshia Zuniga also scored a hat trick: 25’, 68’ and 84’; as she led the defending cham pions Sagitun Girlz in a 5-0 rout of the Verdes Rebels at the FFB Stadi um. Tamara Baptist 11’ had opened scoreboard, and Verdes’ defender Jahnel Nuñez blundered into scoring into her own net 49’.
Upcoming games on Saturday, November 26
Sagitun Girlz vs Rumberas at Mi chael Ashcroft Stadium
Guardians vs Wagiya SC at Carl Ramos Stadium
The Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) in collaboration with the Regional Internation al Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE), the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) and the Belize Poultry Associa tion (BPA) informs the public that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in commercial poul try, backyard poultry and wild birds has been reported by Mexico in nine (9) states: Aguascalientes, Baja California, Jalisco, Puebla, Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, Chiapas and State of Mexico. Colombia and Peru have also reported HPAI H5N1 in backyard poultry and wild birds and pelicans, respectively. The USA also reported H5N4.
Considering the great increase in HPAI H5N1 cases in the Americas (Cana da, USA, Mexico, Columbia, Peru) and wild bird migration North to South in the months of September to December 2022 there is a high probability of the dis ease affecting Belize and Central America. BAHA is implementing the following One Health measures:
1. Enhancing inspection at all Points of Entries of passengers and vessels originating from infected countries.
2. Restricting the importation of poultry and poultry products originating from infected countries, zones and compartments.
3. Strengthening surveillance programs focusing on high-risk areas that are habitat for wild birds.
4. Testing and proper disposal of confiscated poultry and poultry products.
5. Augmenting of laboratory capacity and
6. Fostering partnership with the Forest Department, the Belize Zoo and the Belize Raptor Center.
Owners of poultry are encouraged to strengthen and maintain a high level of biosecurity in their establishments. High mortality in birds is reportable to BAHA within 24 hours. Poultry owners are encouraged to call upon BAHA, MAFSE, BPA, or any Registered Veterinarian. The public is also encouraged to report any unusual mortality in wild birds to the Forest Department.
Help us to ensure that Belize continue to remain free of Avian Influenza. You can also call 824 4872 or 301 1388.
The Belize Agricultural Health Au thority (BAHA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE), the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) and the Belize Livestock Producers Asso ciation (BLPA), once again takes this opportunity to remind livestock produc ers to vaccinate their animals against Blackleg if they have not been vaccinat ed in the last six months.
Blackleg is a highly fatal disease of cattle and sheep affecting mainly young animals. It is caused by the bacteria Clostridium chauvoei that is found naturally in the soil. The main signs observed are: swelling in large muscles, lameness, loss of appetite, rapid breathing, de pression and high fever. The animal usually dies within 12 to 48 hours thus farm ers usually find the animals dead without seeing the signs of illness.
The occurrence is very likely after heavy rain fall, disturbance of the soil (ploughing/harrowing) and/or the onset of the dry season. Blackleg is prevent able by using the Clostridial vaccine. Farmers are encouraged to use only regis tered or approved vaccines available at most registered farm supply stores. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or the veterinarian’s instruc tions paying key attention to maintaining the cold chain. We have diagnosed the disease in vaccinated animals.
Animals may also be infected with more than one disease at the same time. Sustainable vaccination is the key to prevention. Suspect cases are investigated at no cost to the Farmer.
Additional information can be obtained from livestock officers and Extension Officers of the Department of Agriculture in the districts, BAHA animal health personnel, Belize Livestock Producers Association and Registered Veterinarians.
You can also call 824 4872 or 302188.
The Strategy and Enterprise Risk Analyst will assist the Manager, Office of Strategy Management (OSM), in coordinating strategy management and enterprise risk management (ERM) activities. The Strategy and Enterprise Risk Analyst will support the annual strategy re-fresh exercise, monitor, assess, and report on the execution of Central Bank’s approved strategic programme, and support the planning, organizing, and executing of the ERM framework.
1. To support the Manager, OSM, in the annual review of Central Bank’s strategy
▪ Collects and analyses the historical performance-against-targets data ▪ Documents the proceeding and outcomes of the strategy review exercise ▪ Assists in designing and implementing the required measurement and reporting systems
2. To monitor and assess the timely execution of Central Bank’s strategy and strategic programmes ▪ Reviews action/project plans for Central Bank’s strategic programmes ▪ Liaises with management to determine causes and corrective actions for operational and programme performance variances
▪ Reports on progress of strategic programme execution and overall strategy execution
3. To assist the Manager, OSM, in managing ERM activities
▪ Assists in maintaining and operating Central Bank’s ERM framework in accordance with leading practices
▪ Prepares materials to communicate ERM requirements to all divisions and departments
▪ Assists in prioritizing and integrating functional plans into overall ERM plan for the Central Bank
▪ Assesses and reports on the adequacy of ERM Plans, including Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Preparedness Plans
▪ Periodically assesses and reports on enterprise-wide compliance with ERM framework, including Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Preparedness Plans
The applicants should possess the following:
Education and Experience
▪ A Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field from a recognized university with three (3) years relevant experience, or
▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field from a recognized university with at least six (6) years’ relevant experience.
▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank of Belize Act and other banking legislation; Knowledge of strategy management and the balance scorecard; Ability to engage with stakeholders to gather various types of performance measures and targets; Knowledge of ISO 31000:2018 and ability to define and apply risk prioritization and develop, implement, and maintain benchmark standards or scoring; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
▪ Strong Communication Skills; Results Orientation; Initiative; Thoroughness; Analytical and Critical Thinking; Managing Change; Performance Management; Building Collaborative Relationships; Strategic Thinking; Personal Credibility/Integrity.
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 7 December 2022:
▪ CBB Employment Application Form (available online)
▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) ▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
Applications should be addressed to:
Manager, Human Resources Department
Central Bank of Belize
P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane
Belize City, BELIZE
https://www.linkedin.com /company/central-bank-ofbelize/
Strategy & Risk Enterprise Analyst – Office of Strategy Management
Email: hr@centralbank.org.bz or online at www.centralbank.org.bz (All applications will be held in strict confidence)
November 17, 2022, The Caribbean Consular Corp of Miami, Flori da, and the Consulate of Belize in Florida are pleased to announce that Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, made a charitable contribution in the amount of $100,000 USD to help with long-term support and recovery for those in Belize City impacted by Hurricane Lisa which made a direct landfall on Belize City on November 2nd, 2022.
This collaboration follows the cruise line’s continued commitment to the people and country of Belize, a popular port of call for Norwegian Cruise Line.
“We appreciate the close cooperation with the Caribbean Consular Corp of Miami, Florida and this donation by Norwegian Cruise Line, which will go a long way in assisting the many Belizeans who have suffered great losses after Hurricane Lisa hit Belize," said Janine Sylvestre, Honor ary Consul of Belize in Florida.
The effects of this storm were crippling on the city’s economy, and the situation remains dire with thousands of people who remain dis placed after losing their homes.
This generous donation by the cruise line is an initiative through the Caribbean Consular Corp. and the Consulate of Belize in Florida. The Ca ribbean Consular Corp is based in Miami, Florida which includes CAR ICOM countries as well as other countries in the Caribbean.
Forty-six fiscal incentive companies, business representatives and owners of operating and start-up businesses engaged in agriculture, manufacturing and tourism participated in a Fiscal Incentive Legislative Amendment Consultation hosted by the Ministry of Investment held on November 18, 2022, at the Belize Institute of Management conference room in Belize City.
Many are positioned to benefit from the revised Fiscal Incentives Act and Regulations, which will support the continued growth of MS MEs and the implementation of projects that would enhance Belize’s economic growth as well as streamline the application process for the incentive. The consultation highlighted the proposed amendments, in forming and advising beneficiaries of the changes being made to the legislation.
In attendance were Mrs. Narda Garcia, Chief Executive Officer in the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment, and representatives from the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit, the Economic Devel opment Council, BELTRAIDE, the Attorney General’s Ministry, and other government regulatory bodies.
The Ministry of Investment thanks fellow regulators and stakehold ers for assisting in working towards amending the legislation, which seeks to facilitate investment and increase employment in Belize.
Today, Ambassador Amalia Mai, Chief Executive Officer of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, in her capacity as the Chair of the Foreign Assistance Com mittee of NEMO, accepted, on behalf of Belize, hurricane relief items from the Government and people of Japan.
Representing the Government and people of Japan were H.E Iryu Kazuhiro, Japan’s Ambassador to Belize, and Mr. Juichiro Sasaki, Resident Coordinator of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Relief supplies included 21 sets of generators and transformers, 400 sets of sleeping pads, 25 sets of plastic sheets, 1,800 sets of blankets, and 100 sets of camp tents.
During the handing-over ceremony, representatives of both governments spoke about the importance of partnerships and strengthened relations. Belize expressed gratitude to the Government and people of Japan for their direct re sponse to the urgent needs of the affected families.
The Government of Belize (GOB) through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment intends to contract a team to form a Central Execution Unit (CEU) to Manage the design, execution, and monitoring of IDB financed projects in accordance with Government-defined policies and strategic planning.
The CEU’s mission is to aid, when needed, and ensure their alignment with the sector policies established by the Government through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI). It also seeks to lend efficacy to the portfolio of IDB financed projects by generating synergies and interactions and facilitating a rapid execution, as well as securing adherence and congruence with national public policies.
The CEU will be led by an Executive Director who will providing leadership, coordination and guidance on all matters pertaining to the preparation, design, planning and smooth administration and successful implementation of assigned Programs/Projects through the efficient management of the Central Executing Unit (CEU) in accordance with the Program Operations Manual (POM) of the CEU and the procedures and obligations specified in the relevant loans contracts and technical cooperation and/or other relevant administrative Agreements.
The other team members will include the following members
Deadline for application is Wednesday 14th December 2022 at 4:00pm. Application can be sent via email to: fayne.nicasio@med.gov.bz or hand delivered to the address indicated below:
Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Economic Development Sir Edney Cain Building Ground Floor, Right Wing Belmopan City, Belize C.A.
Any request for clarification should be sent via email no later than Wednesday 7th December 2022 by 4:00pm. Responses will be provided within three days.
As San Pedro Township Day approach es, we encourage everyone to ask them selves what we can do for the betterment of our community, and how we can contin ue to honor our municipality while commit ting to environmentally friendly practices in the process.
Earlier today, Hon. Andre Perez along side His worship the Mayor Gualberto "Wal ly" Nunez, Mr. Edgar Ek, Deputy Chief Envi ronmental Officer from the Department of Environment, Members of the San Pedro Town Council, and community business members held a collaborative presentation which focused on promoting and enforcing zero tolerance for the use of plastic, ven dor enforcement, and consumer reception. In this meeting, Mr. Edgar explained how businesses can contribute to reducing plas
San Ignacio, Cayo. November 17, 2022, The Ministry of National Defence and Bor der Security hosted the 7th Multinational Security Cooperation Conference at the San Ignacio Hotel in San Ignacio, Cayo.
The main objective of the conference was to share the national security strategic vision of Belize, the accomplishments, and the requirements of the Security Forces with our allies and partners. The cooperation dialogue emphasized security and military partnership in capacity building, leadership, and management, as well as institutional strengthening for the Belize Defence Force, the Belize Coast Guard, and the Joint In telligence Operations Centre.
The keynote speaker was the Minister of National Defence and Border Security, Hon. Florencio Marin, Jr, highlighted the conference's focus on security cooperation and conflict prevention to counter shared challenges and threats. He stated that “The Ministry of National Defence and Border Security aims to rise to the challenge of main taining strong regional and international partnerships, and to build on the core National Security and Defence pillars. We are here once again to engage each other in good faith to ensure that we can work towards improved trust, cooperation and success.”
Attending the conference was high-level foreign military delegations from Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Taiwan.
Today, on the second anniversary of the launch of the Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimina tion of Cervical Cancer as a Public Health Prob lem by the World Health Organization, the Min istry of Health & Well ness announces that the human papillomavirus (HPV) test is now avail able at its public health facilities countrywide.
The test allows for the early detection of persistent HPV infec tion in women, which can develop into cervical cancer if left untreated.
Women 25 to 65 years of age are the target population for HPV test ing, particularly women who have never done cervical cancer screen ing and those who were last screened more than
three years ago.
Over 90% of cervical cancer is caused by high-risk human papillomaviruses (hrHPV). It is the second most common type of cancer among women in Belize, which is among the Caribbean countries with the highest mortali ty rate due to cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is preventable through the HPV vaccine and regular screening and is cur able when detected early.
Get HPV tested, Prevent Cervical Cancer.
tic bag usage and why environmentally and biode gradable products like bags, cups, and straws are useful in the long run, and in turn challenged our community and business members do actively pro mote zero tolerance for plastic use.
We want to thank the business community for providing their insights and their commitment to promoting zero tolerance for the use of single plastic products, this is just small stepping stone in creating a conversation in which puts our environ ment at the forefront of everything we do for our Isla Bonita, and the only way we can continue to improve is if we all do our part.
Inversiones Lita Inc. – 27th October, 2022 GCC Corporate Consultants Group Limited
We would also like to offer a special thanks to Mr. Jose Ketz, Sales representative of Creative Marketing Belize for the presentation on biodegrad able shopping bags.
#andreonthego #nomoreplasticbags #Belizer uralsouth
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company MOLLY SERVICES LTD. (“the Com pany”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize com menced dissolution on the 28th day of October, 2022; and
Armando Martínez Galeano of Carrera 13A No. 38-89 Of. 506 Bogotá - Colombia is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement.
Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company UNIVERSAL POLICY INVESTMENT VEHI CLE, LTD. (“the Company”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 08th day of Novem ber, 2022; and
Jose Lemos Barria of Bella Vista, San Jose O 53 Este 12213 P. H. Nova, Panamá is the Liquidator of the Company, and any claims against the company should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement.
Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company Silver Pacific Limited (“the Company”) incorporated under the IBC Act of Belize commenced dissolution on the 08th day of November, 2022; and
Marcel Claude Saucy of Vorderzelgstrasse 18, CH-8700 Küsnacht, Zurich, Switzerland is the Liqui dator of the Company, and any claims against the com pany should be forwarded to the Liquidator within 30 days from commencement.
Belize Corporate Services Limited
Notice is hereby given that the below company has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the date indicated:
November 23, 2022 - As the Government of Belize (GOB) is in process of updating the Nation al Energy Policy of 2011 with technical assistance provided by the European Union. The policy develop ment is driven by the Energy Unit in the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance (MPUELE) and has reached the point of a Green Pa per which was evaluated by the Cabinet earlier this month. The Green Paper is based on focus group ses sions, meetings with key stakeholders and an initial stakeholder consultation on August 4th, 2022. The Green Paper builds on opportunities for more sustainable approaches in energy management, fos ters infrastructural development for decentralized distribution of energy re sources and measures to achieve national energy security. A summary ver sion of the Green Paper is available at https://mailchi.mp/80259afc6490/ belize-national-energy-policy-framework. Please scan the QR code for mobile access.
The proposed policy positions are based on these seven pillars:
1. Energy Governance
2. Energy Security
3. Distributed & Inter-connected Energy System
4. Green Economy
5. Renewable Energy
6. Energy Efficiency & Management Systems
There were special remarks from Mr. Jose Urbina, CEO of MPUELE and Dr. Devon Gardner, policy expert for the Belize National Energy Policy development. The Process Facilitator is Mrs. Khara Roches Francios. Stake holders invited to participate includes Government and quasi-government representatives, private sector, civil society organization, professional as sociations, power and energy suppliers, education institutions, media, and the public.
The entire policy development process is funded by the European Union under a Financing Agreement of the 11th EDF with GOB which supports sustainable development in the Health and Energy Sectors. The next step in the policy development process is the drafting of the final Policy document which is intended to lead to the development of energy legislation to sup port the implementation of the new policies.
November 23, 2022 - As a part of the annually celebrated CARICOM Energy Month 2022, the Energy Unit within the Ministry of Public Utili ties, Energy, Logistics and E-governance (MPUELE) in collaboration with the CARICOM secretariat (Energy) and the Caribbean Centre for Renew able Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) facilitated an Energy Access Workshop in Belize City at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.
The initiative seeks to highlight energy access implementation best practices in Belize while developing concrete steps in mainstreaming en ergy indicators for benchmarking progress of national and international commitments and to inform policy and decision-makers of the impacts and implications of various energy programmes. The development of an institutionalized Energy Access (Access to Electricity) indicator will play a significant role in energy planning as a statistical tool to communicate to stakeholders and decision-makers the need of energy services among the unserved population; hence the objective is to establish a comprehensive framework for accessing how many people have access to reliable afford able electricity that is provided at a standard level of service.
Keynote speakers at the event included Hon. Michel Chebat, the Min ister of MPUELE, Mr. Ryan Cobb, Director of the Energy Unit in Belize, Mr. Norwell Hinds, University of Guyana, and representatives from the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), Suriname’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Guyana’s Energy Agency. Invited guests included government ministries and department, energy governance representatives, development partners, independent experts, Power and energy suppliers, academia, and other key stakeholders in the energy sector.
Hon. Michel Chebat adds “Any deficit in energy access will likely have a significant impact on human well-being, as recognized by Sustainable De velopment Goal (SDG) 7, which calls for access to affordability, reliable, sus tainable, and modern energy for all. Although energy access for CARICOM citizens is generally high, there are still many hinterland communities and poor urban communities who do not have access to reliable and affordable electricity. The Government of Belize maintains its strong ambition and lead ership in the transition of its national energy systems to improve universal access to modern energy services, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and national commitments.”
The initiative is mainly funded by the European Union under the 11th European Development Fund agreement with the Government of Belize to support sustainable developments in the Health and Energy Sectors.
CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given that the Company named G.E.B. GLOBAL EQUITY BROKERS (BELIZE) LIMITED has been dis solved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 19th November, 2022.
CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
LANDCO LIMITED #83,171 (“the Company”)
Notice is hereby given that the Company named LANDCO LIMITED has been dissolved and struck off the International Busi ness Companies Register with effect from the 22th November, 2022.
CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
Notice of Dissolution
NOVOTEX LIMITED # 162,387 (“the Company”)
Notice is hereby given that the Company NOVOTEX LIMITED has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 18th No vember, 2022.
CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
The Social Investment Fund is an autonomous institution responsible for delivering basic services ad infrastructure to the poor and needy, and for promoting community participation in development project utilizing non-governmental organizations, community organizations and local decentralized agencies. The Social Investment Fund would like to recruit a dynamic and committed individual for the position of Civil Engineer.
Reports To: The Civil Engineer will report to the Technical Unit Coordinator. Direct Reports: None
The 11th Commonwealth Youth Parliament has the participation of some fifty-eight young people aged 18 to 29 from 33 Commonwealth jurisdictions. During the one-week event the youth participants will be acting as elected representatives of a fictional jurisdiction, giving them the opportunity to debate a mock Parliamentary Bill related to remote working and alternative working patterns.
The youth Parliamentarians are being mentored by serving Members of Parliament from the British Virgin Islands, St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. Honourable Anita Haynes, a Member of the House of Representatives of Trini dad and Tobago, is acting as the Presiding Officer of this year's Commonwealth Youth Parliament.
The Commonwealth Youth Parliament is an annual event designed to intro duce young Commonwealth citizens to the role and purpose of Parliaments as democratic institutions and providers of good governance. t is organized by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), and it allows attendees to meet other young people from across the Commonwealth, empowering them to shape their own jurisdictions and engage with their local Legislature.
The CPA Secretariat and the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and To bago are meeting the costs of travel and accommodation for our Parliament's youth representatives, Ms. Middleton, and Mr. Avila, who both return to Belize on 25th November 2022.
The Civil Engineer will be stationed at the Fund’s Headquarters in Belmopan. He/ She shall be supervised by the Technical Unit Coordinator. The Civil Engineer shall be responsible for conducting technical, environmental, financial, and sustainability appraisals of projects. In addition, the Civil Engineer shall be responsible for the monitoring of projects implemented by the Fund. Whenever necessary, he/she will be required to provide advice in his/her field of expertise to other technical officers in the Unit.
• Perform all duties in keeping with the procedures, guidelines, and agreements provided for by the organization.
• Participate as a member of BSIF’s Technical Unit in the organizing and supervising of community needs and assets assessments and organizational needs assessments.
• Conduct technical, environmental, economic, financial, and sustainability assessments of project proposals.
• Participate as a member of BSIF’s Technical Unit in the development of projects, which shall be presented to the BSIF Board of Directors and funding agency(ies) for approval.
• Develop infrastructure plans, specifications, bills of quantities, and cost estimates for various social and economic infrastructure projects.
• In instances where design and supervision consultants are engaged by the BSIF, the officer shall review and provide detailed commentary on the quality of outputs provided by the consultants.
• Conduct the technical evaluation of bids for the execution of works and the supply of goods.
• Conduct the evaluation of expressions of interest submitted by consultants, followed by the technical and financial evaluation of proposals submitted for the provision of consultancy services.
• Monitor and supervise the activities of contractors and goods suppliers to ensure that services rendered are in accordance with the terms and conditions of their respective contracts.
• Monitor and supervise the activities undertaken by consultants to ensure that services rendered to the BSIF are in accordance with the terms and conditions of their respective contracts.
• Verify payment certificates submitted by consultants and prepare in-house payment certificates, which shall be used to substantiate the approval of payments.
• Participate in the coordination and supervision of work undertaken by community members as a part of their community contribution.
• Participate in the coordination and supervision of training activities for various stakeholders.
• Prepare infrastructure design changes and budget changes that may arise during the execution of project activities.
• Liaise with various counterparts to ensure the efficient execution of project activities.
• Assume responsibility for the Fund’s Assets assigned to the officer for the execution of duties.
• Report to the Technical Unit Coordinator on the progress of project activities under execution.
• Any other duties required for the effective functioning of the BSIF.
• A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, or related field.
November 23, 2022 - The Government of Belize through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representative for Jamaica, the Bahamas and Belize, Belize’s National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), NAP Global Network and the Government of Ireland, hosted two validation consultation sessions for the coastal zone and fisheries sector of Belize.
These consultations are part of the GCF readiness project entitled, “Enhancing adaptation planning and increasing climate resilience in the coastal zone and fisheries sector of Belize” and the partnership between Belize’s National Designated Authority to the GCF and the NAP Global Network and the Government of Ireland.
The first session is a Sustainable Fisheries, Technology, and Value Chain Validation Consultation with the main objective of presenting and validating the key findings from the assessment and reviewing the contents of the Sustainable Fishing Practices and Regulations Handbook.
The second session is a Vulnerability and Livelihood Assessment for the validation consultations in Placencia and Caye Caulker villages. The workshop is part of the NAP Global Network consultancy supporting a Vulnerability and Livelihood Assessment conducted in both villages. The main objective of the meeting is to discuss and validate the main findings of the field assessment with the aim of subsequently developing appropriate livelihood and adaptation strategies for these two communities.
General Knowledge:
•Computer literate with a working knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of applications.
•Proficient with computer aided drafting tools.
• Good command of the English language
• Highly proficient in technical writing.
• Comfortable with emails, text messages, reprographic equipment
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Positive attitude to get along with a high-performance team.
Salary: Negotiable based on experience and qualifications.
Closing date: December 9th 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Applications should be addressed to:
Senior Procurement Officer
Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org
cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org
The Judiciary of Belize Collaborates with the Caribbean Court of Justice and the CCJ Academy for Law in Hosting an Inaugural Sensitization/ Training Programme for Courts, Tribunals, and At torneys-at-law
The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the CCJ Academy for Law and the Belize Judiciary will be collaborating to host a sensitization training on the Court’s Referral Obligation, consistent with its Original Jurisdiction, under Article 214 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC).
The training targets the Court of Appeal and High Court Judges, Magis trates, Registrars, the members of the Bar Association of Belize and members of Tribunals and will sensitize them to the Court’s/Tribunal’s obligation under Article 214 of the RTC.
Belize is the first jurisdiction to receive this valuable and timely training and we are delighted to receive the Distinguished Faculty led by the Hon. Mr. Justice Winston Anderson, Judge of the CCJ and Chair of the CCJ Academy for Law and including Dr. Chantal Ononaiwu of the CARICOM Secretariat and Judicial Counsel Mr. John Combs.
There will also be an interactive session between the members of the Fac ulty and the Civil Society of Belize.
The training and sensitization was held in Belize City on November 24th and 25th, 2022 and will facilitate a deeper understanding of the referral process under Article 214 of the RTC.
November 23, 2022 - As a part of the CARICOM’s annually celebrated Energy Month 2022 festivities in Belize, the Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS) is making its mark with the sustainable energy global movement by hosting a soft launch of its Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (EELS) pilot project in Belize. The launch took place on the morning of Tuesday, 22nd November 2022 at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza in Belize City. In the afternoon, the BBS facilitated a workshop with importers, which was delivered by the Association of Normalization and Certification (ANCE) of Mexico.
Earlier in July of this year, the BBS entered a cooperation agreement with ANCE to garner support in capacity building for the EELS pilot project, which is specifically geared towards certification standards on energy ef ficient refrigerators, air conditioning and lighting. Shortly after the signing with ANCE, the BBS embarked on a trip to ANCE’s facilities in Mexico City with a team of delegates including representatives from the Customs department, selected importers and the Energy Unit of the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-governance (MPUELE).
The EELS project is a CARICOM initiative in collaboration with the Caribbean Regional Organization of Standards and Quality (CROSQ), the Dominican Republic of Institute and Quality (INDOCAL) and the German National Metrology Institute. With the common objective of sustainable energy transitioning and the introduction of energy efficiency standards to govern energy performance in Belize, the Energy Unit has committed its full support to the BBS with the implementation of the EELS program providing an allocation of funds from the European Union under the 11th EDF agreement with the Government of Belize.
Over the next two years, the BBS will continue to make strides with the EELS project through capacity building and public awareness initia tives.
It is hereby notified for general information that the principals of, Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Limited have submitted an application for an Approved Enterprise Or der under the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990-2000-2003-2005-2011, and the Minister of Investment proposes to make the Order hereinafter set out. Any person who objects to the making of such an Order is hereby invited to give notice in writing of his/her objections and of the grounds on which he/she relies in support thereof to the Executive Director, Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, on or December 9th, 2022.
The proposed Order reads as follows:
ORDER made by the Minister of Investment in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Section 4 of the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Re vised Edition 1980-1990-2000, and all other powers thereunto him enabling.
(Gazetted ... 2022)
2. It is hereby declared that the principals of Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Lim ited, located at Orchid Drive, Orange Walk District shall continue to operate and develop a medical facility offering an array of medical procedures and associated services. Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Limited (hereinafter called 'the Compa ny') shall be an approved enterprise under the Fiscal Incentives Act.
3. In addition to the conditions imposed by the Act, the Company shall: (a) not practice whatsoever any discrimination on grounds of ethnic, religious or political identity; (b) observe all safety, social security, health and labour regulations; (c) pay fair wages to the workers and observe fair labour practices; (d) consult with the Belize Labour Exchange before employment of workers of other nationalities; employ only such workers of other nationalities as are in possession of valid work permits;
(e) make provision for the training of Belizeans in all aspects of the operation and conduct of the Company including management; submit a plan for approval by the Ministry of Labour for such training in all the required skills;
(f) satisfy the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of the Environ ment that all necessary measures are taken to control any pollution to the envi ronment that may result from the operation of the company;
(g) satisfy the Ministry responsible for Archaeology that all measures are taken to prevent the destruction of any ancient monument or antiquity located within the Company's area of operation;
(h) maintain separate books of accounts and records in respect of the Company; maintain such books of accounts and records in a manner which conforms with generally accepted accounting principles in Belize and appropriate to the busi ness in which the Company operates;
(i) conduct the business in a manner acceptable to the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service;
(j) continuously employ at least ninety-one (91) persons by 2027.
4. Upon obtaining the written approval of the Executive Director, Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, the Company shall be permitted to import such quantity of such items free of customs duty and revenue replacement duty as shall have been proved unavailable from suitable local products or raw materials, and necessary for the establishment/expansion and operation of the Company, and for the sole use thereof, but limited to:
• Plant, Machinery and Equipment
• Fixtures and Fittings
• Building Materials & Supplies
• Utility and Transport vehicles
5. The date of production shall be November 17th, 2022.
6. The date of commencement and the date of termination of the duty exemption peri od shall be November 17th, 2022 and November 16th, 2027 respectively
7. The Company shall enjoy no tax holidays.
8. This Approved Enterprise Order may be revoked if any condition to which it is subject to is broken by the Company.
MADE by the Minister responsible for Investment this day of December 2022.
Hon. John Briceno Minister of Finance, Economic Development and InvestmentIf you need an escape, might we humbly suggest Belize? Located on the east coast of Central Amer ica, nestled against the Caribbean Sea, you’ll find the sparsely populat ed country—the only one without a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. The scenery is a given, but there’s so much, much more. Though Belize is still quite young, having only cel ebrated 40 years of independence in September, it’s a place to expe rience. Minutes upon arrival, you’ll find yourself immersed in a culture that is ancient, flavorful, and so very vibrant.
As a whole, the country is ca sual and laidback. You can skip out on packing your fancier belongings and instead fill your itinerary with a mix of adventure and rejuvenation. Spelunking and a spa day? We’re talking mind, body, and soul. Adren aline junkies and nature lovers can faun over zip-lining excursions or visit 1,000 Foot Falls. More inter ested in people-watching? Hit Pla cencia’s legendarily tiny main street and the annual sidewalk art festival. Foodies, brace yourselves. Dive into Miss Bertha’s tamales, Dario’s meat pies, and—oh boy—Marie Sharp’s hot sauces. There’s truly something for everyone, and there are practi cal reasons to visit, too. English is the first language, for starters. One U.S. dollar is worth two Belizean, so talk about bang for your buck. And they’ve banned single-use plastics, which is certainly something to cel ebrate.
Did you know there’s only one jaguar reserve in the entire world? It’s in Belize, obviously. Plan to spend a full day at Cockscomb Basin, where copious walking trails and hiking paths offer the perfect chance to ad mire the native flora and fauna. Here, monkeys and toucans are par for the course. (Belize is a bird-lovers para dise—there are 300 known varieties in the Basin alone.) Try out the River Overlook or Warrie trails for animal sightings, but take note, it’s unlikely to catch a glimpse of an actual jaguar, sneaky as they are. If elusive jungle cats aren’t your thing, there are also scenic trails leading to waterfalls and lagoons.
It’s common knowledge that the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world, but few may know that Belize’s waters are home to the planet’s largest living reef. Aside from snorkeling, there’s lots to see and do off the country’s coast. Take a boat trip to see the Great Blue Hole—and check out the inland Blue Hole Na tional Park while you’re at it. Looking for a truly unforgettable adventure? Go swimming with behemoth whale sharks at Gladden Spit. It’s a once-ina-lifetime experience that you won’t regret. (Trust us.)
Away from the beach and Carib bean waters, there’s dense, moun tainous jungle just waiting to be ex plored inland. What better way to see the jungle than on horseback? Spend a morning learning from the incred ibly knowledgeable guides at Morn ingside Ranch. These experts—who are of actual Mayan descent, might I add—will lead you through jungle
and across rivers on the journey to the ancient Mayan ruins of Xunantunich. Along the way, you’ll hear fascinating tidbits about everything from best equine practices to the medicinal uses of nearby vegetation. Those craving even more cultural his tory can also plan a trek to Caracol, the largest Mayan ruins in Belize.
Rumfish y Vino is the kind of restaurant I wish I could dine at anywhere in the world. When great drinks, great food, and great ambiance coalesce, the result is pure gastronomy magic. Enjoy open sea air, warm lighting, and trellised greenery while sipping from the best wine list in Belize, or any of the local beers on draft. The cochinita tacos are a can’t-miss menu item, but I also need to draw your attention to the short rib lasagna. Yeah, they did that. While flip-flops and a cover-up would still suf fice, this is one of the more upscale places I visited in Belize, so if you’re looking to break out that mini
25 SEP 2020
skirt and snap a pic of your night out, here’s your chance.
What I do recommend is din ing breakfast, lunch, or dinner at The Paddle House. What I do not recommend is browsing its photo gallery of sumptuous dishes—it is mere self-torture. The laidback at mosphere, gorgeous ocean vistas, and beachy interior only bolster
the culinary experience guaran teed at The Paddle House. Plus, as with everywhere you go in the country, you’ll be treated like part of the family.
If there’s one thing I learned from the late, great Anthony Bourdain, it’s that the more an establishment looks like some
The Government of Belize (GOBZ) through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) is seeking to update its registry of contractors to undertake construction works for the ongoing MIDH Low-Income Modular Housing Project. It is expected that the updated contractor registry will provide for an efficient selection of reliable contractors. Having a centralized contractor registry creates opportunity for contractor employment across the public and private sector and affords confidence in utilizing qualified contractors.
This notice aims to attract contractors from the following discipline:
General Building Contracting: General contractors for building commercial and residential buildings capable of executing site layouts, piling, structural concrete, structural reinforcement, masonry, carpentry, drywall, plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning systems, and construction of roofing.
The notice also aims to attract General Contractors which satisfy the following construction work turnover criterion: Annual
Application forms are free of charge and can be obtained from the MIDH Housing Execution Unit in Belmopan or via email from the Housing Execution Unit. Applications are available and will be processed during the period November 21, 2022, to December 21, 2022. Further details about the registration process can be obtained by contacting either of the following:
1. Attention: Ms. Manuelita Tot
Procurement Control Manager
Housing Execution Unit
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE, C. A
Tel: +501-828-6027
Email: manuelita.tot@midh.gov.bz
2. Attention: Mr. Colin Escalante
Project Engineer
Housing Execution Unit
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE, C. A
Tel: +501-828-6023
Email: colin.escalante@midh.gov.bz
one’s mom’s kitchen, the tastier and more authentic the food will be. Luckily for you, most of the op tions in Belize are momand-pop-type joints, as you won’t find any chain restaurants in the entire country. (Imagine that!)
You might expect Benny’s Kitchen to serve on paper plates—think: the restau rant where your van driver will give you a rundown of
the best menu items because everyone in town loves Benny’s. Take a seat and you’re in for a home-cooked meal. My personal recommendation would be to order as much salbutes, fried shrimp, and fresh pineapple juice as they’ll let you. Although this might be someone’s mom’s cooking, it’s certainly not my mother’s, so I filled up like I was about to hibernate for winter. No offense, mom.
What I do recommend is dining breakfast, lunch, or dinner at The Pad dle House. What I do not recommend is browsing its photo gallery of sumptu ous dishes—it is mere self-torture. The laidback atmosphere, gorgeous ocean vistas, and beachy interior only bolster the culinary experience guaranteed at The Paddle House. Plus, as with every where you go in the country, you’ll be treated like part of the family.
Kicking off your sandals and rope-swinging over open waters seems like the kind of thing you probably shouldn’t do after a mojito (or multi ple), but hey, you’re on vacation, right? Located in Hopkins, the Big Dock Bar encapsulates much of what there is to love about Belize in one treehouse-like watering hole. That is to say, there are beautiful ocean views, plenty of local rum, and ceviche to make your mouth water. This is the kind of spot where you could merrily sip the day away. When in Rome—er, Belize.
Barefoot Beach Bar is the place to party in Placencia, if not all of Belize. How do I know? Because it’s where the locals go. It shares all the characteris tics of your typical beachfront bar, com plete with a candy-colored shiplap, an open-air design, and tables in the sand. What sets it apart from your run-of-themill Margaritaville, though, is the block party-esque vibe that runs throughout. The bar is owned and operated by three sisters, and don’t be surprised if you see them walking around to chit-chat with familiar faces. Make sure to order a bitters shot (a traditional menu item you’ll find at many Belizean bars), made of white rum infused with medicinal roots and anise foraged from local jun gles. In need of a snack? Order the bread fruit chips with a healthy side of ketchup. You’ve got to love a designated driv er—particularly if what they’re driving is a boat. All aboard the Big Sipper Cruise for a float around the coast. The rum drinks, of course, will be flowing as the double-decker party pontoon navigates through local canals. Take a shot for ev ery enviable vacation home. If you time it right, you’ll catch a glorious sunset. There’s simply nothing like getting buzzed on a boat.
Located inland on the western side of Belize lies Ka’ana. This lush spa getaway
breathes new meaning into the word “oa sis.” Picturesque casitas boast secluded yards with outdoor patios and bathtubs. The luxe villas even have private pools, although the shared pool is more than sufficient for basking in the sun alongside native iguanas. The property’s restaurant and bar are a fairy-lit sight to behold, and you absolutely must order the stuffed fry jacks for breakfast. Don’t forget to grab a cocktail by the fire pit either, or do as I did and sip an ice-cold Belikin, the na tional beer of choice, while enjoying your room’s outdoor shower. Coming soon, Ka’ana will even have a designated land ing spot for helicopters, in case you’re fancy like that.
Chabil Mar will go down in history as the place where I got the best damn massage of my life. If you’re looking for a beachfront resort, look no further than this gem in Placencia. In addition to stunning grounds, this property boasts two luxuri ous pools, complimentary kayaks, bikes, and paddle boards, plus a shuttle into town, among other amenities. Each of Chabil Mar’s suites are uniquely designed and decorated, so no two are the same— except for the hammocks that hang out side of each unit. Take a stroll down the dock to dine at Café Chabil’s floating eat ery (make sure to order the salbutes and the local cheese plate if they’re on the menu). And definitely make time for one of those incredible Thai massages; your shoulders will thank you. And have I men tioned the remarkable Belizean hospitali ty? The staff at Chabil Mar takes it to new heights—I ordered a strawberry daiquiri before taking a dip, and a delightful staffer waded into the ocean waters to deliver it. Now that’s service with a smile.
Ethical tourism is—or should be— part of all conversations regarding travel. In San Ignacio, you can find The Lodge at Chaa Creek, an award-winning hotel that puts conservation at the forefront. Whether you stay in one of the luxe vil las with a private jacuzzi and butler ser vice, or instead opt for the budget-friendly “eco-pods” for a camp-like experience, 10 percent of all revenue is donated to local environmental or community projects through the Chaa Creek Cares initiative. This 400-acre nature reserve has every thing you need for an unforgettable stay. Along with offerings like hiking trails, ca noes, and horse stables, Chaa Creek has a cultural history center, butterfly farm, hilltop spa, organic produce farm, and al fresco dining. Honestly, you never have to leave the property...but you probably should.
Belize is the only country that quali fies as both Central American and Carib bean. The takeaway: it’s prime real estate for sunbathing.
--Meg Donohue is the Associate Fashion Commerce Editor at ELLE.com. (For the complete article search under https://www.elle.com)
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Information Technology Department.
The Systems Analyst (SA) is responsible for the development, analysis, implementation, and maintenance of information systems in accordance with the Central Bank’s development standards and tools. The SA ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and accuracy. The SA will also implement information systems software packages in support of core organizational functions following established guidelines.
▪ Information Systems Development and Implementation: Implements information systems according to established development standards and methodology.
▪ Information Security: Responds to security alerts and addresses information security infractions and violations; provides preventative and corrective actions.
▪ Information Systems Maintenance: Implements authorized changes to systems in production.
▪ Disaster/Recovery: Implements, tests, and maintains suitable backup and recovery measures for information systems.
▪ Maintenance & Support: Provides support for information systems and utilities, and level one support for system software, security software, data backup systems, and hardware.
▪ Training: Provides training on application and end-user software.
The applicant should possess the following:
▪ Minimum qualification of a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field from a recognized university. Relevant experience will be considered.
▪ Possesses, applies, and maintains a high degree of knowledge in information technologies to deliver quality work; remains informed of the latest trends and developments in the discipline; knowledge of business and management principles, project management, information auditing, and information security; proficient in diverse software applications and operating systems; demonstrates cross-functional ability and desire for continuous self-improvement.
▪ Managing Change; Fostering Innovation; Analytical Thinking; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Results Orientation; Flexibility/ Adaptability; Conceptual Thinking; Attention to Communication.
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 30 November 2022: ▪ Central Bank Employment Application Form (available online) ▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three references (one must be from previous employer) ▪ Copies of school transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
Applications should be addressed to:
Manager, Human Resources Department
Central Bank of Belize
P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane
Belize City, BELIZE
https://www.linkedin.com /company/central-bank-ofbelize/
Ref: Systems Analyst – Information Technology Department
Email: hr@centralbank.org.bz or online at www.centralbank.org.bz (All applications will be held in strict confidence)
1. Public Private Partnership Unit (PPP Unit) Director
2. Public Private Partnership Unit (PPP Unit) Administrative Assistant
Institution: Government of Belize Country: Belize Project: Institutionalization of Public Private Partnership Unit Sector: Finance Deadline: 30th November, 2022
1. Abstract: Background
The Government of Belize has undergone efforts to explore building a strong Public Private Partnership (PPP) Program. In October 2021, the Cabinet approved a National Public Private Partnership Policy and the creation of a PPP Unit to mobilize private sector capital that supports large-scale investment in infra structure and other development projects that align with government’s policy priorities for public benefit. The PPP Unit, within the Ministry of Finance, is envisioned to work closely with relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to ensure private sector participation in the development and delivery of Belize’s PPP program. The PPP Unit is the focal point for day-to-day management of the PPP program and supports MDAs and the multi-agency PPP Project Teams for the sustainable development of each PPP initiative.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include the services of a PPP Unit Director and a PPP Unit Administrative Assistant who will provide support to the Ministry of Finance through an established PPP Unit. The key responsibility of the PPP Unit will be as stated above to mobilize private sector capital that supports large-scale investment in infrastructure and other development projects that align with govern ment’s policy priorities for public benefit.
Ministry of Finance now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Individuals should submit their curriculum vitae providing sufficient information establishing their qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services in accordance with the requirements outlined in the table below for the respective positions.
Objective The PPP Unit Director shall provide expert support to the Ministry of Finance in order to disseminate and ensure actions’ alignment with the PPP policy, includ ing the management, implementation and further development of Belize’s PPP Policy and accompanying regulations. Promote the development of guidance material and templates and build understanding in the public and private sectors of the Government’s PPP program. Manage the development of standard meth odologies for PPP project preparation, competitive bidding, negotiation, and contract management of PPP contracts and to ensure these are applied. Ensure that PPP projects are prepared for competitive market bidding in such a way that all financial and risk components are adequately identified, quantified, and allo cated in a manner consistent with Belize’s PPP Policy and best practices. Ensure that all PPP projects are developed in accordance with the PPP Policy, principles, and processes. Lead PPP Project Teams and contribute with technical expertise.
Duration 12 months with the possibility of a renewal
Duty Station Ministry of Finance, Belize City
Minimum Requirements
Advanced University Degree in Economics, Finance, Business and/or related field (Masters or equivalent). A University Degree with specialized experience in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Project Management and Pub lic Private Policy within a PPP unit or relevant institution, may be considered in lieu of a Master’s degree.
10 to 15 years of successful and verifiable experience in a senior management position with a reputable investment company, bank, or project sponsor. Experi ence in PPP design and implementation.
The PPP Unit Director must be fluent in written and spoken English. Proficiency in Spanish would be considered an asset.
Objective The PPP Unit Administrative Assistant shall provide expert support to the Min istry of Finance and assist the PPP Unit Director with all key project tasks in cluding the below:
• Support the PPP Unit Director with the activities necessary to ensure enough funds are available for the Unit operations.
• Contribute to the availability of a repository of skills and knowledge: compile information on PPP projects—in Belize and beyond. Set up and maintain effec tive reporting and recording system on project development and procurement.
Duration 12 months with the possibility of a renewal
Duty Station Ministry of Finance, Belize City
Minimum Requirements Preferably a post graduate qualification in Business Administration, or related field.
Preferably three (3) years’ experience on technical and administrative works.
The PPP Unit Administrative Assistant must be fluent in written and spoken En glish. Proficiency in Spanish would be considered an asset.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government’s Procurement Policy.
Interested consultants may obtain further information and request the full Terms of Reference (ToR) for the consultancy at the address below during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm local Belize time, Monday to Friday.
Expression of interest including CV along with names of two (2) references and their contact infor mation, must be submitted via direct mail or email at the address indicated below, by 12:00 noon local Belize time on 30th November, 2022.
Public Private Desk
Economic Development Council Office of the Prime Minister 3rd Floor, Sir Edney Cain Building City of Belmopan, Belize Telephone: (501) 828-5264 / 828-5262 E-mail: project.coordinator@opm.gov.bz
Institution: Ministry of Finance Country: BELIZE Project: Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Sector: Finance Project No.: BL-L1031 Operation No: 4839/OC-BL Deadline: Friday, December 2, 2022, at 4:00 pm local Belize time
The Government of Belize (GoB) has entered into a US$ 14 Million Loan Contract Agreement (No. 4839/ OC-BL) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the execution of a five-year tax modernization project entitled “Strengthening of Tax Administration”. The main beneficiaries of the Project are: (a) the Government, which will have more revenues to implement its public policies; (b) taxpayers, who will have more support and a digital environment to fulfil their tax obligations; and (c) the population, from the government policies implemented. The Ministry intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards payments for the services of Project Support Officer.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is responsible for guiding and implementing the overall Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) strategy (i.e. the Project’s Monitoring and Evaluation Plan) of the project BL-L1031 in coordination with key stakeholders of the MoF, the PMO, the PEU, the PSC, other ministries, and others, and for providing timely and relevant information to Program stakeholders
The main responsibilities of the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer include, among others:
(a)In close coordination with the pertinent technical and administrative personnel of the MoF, undertake the strategic and operations planning activities of the Program, including the development and update of the Pluri-Annual Execution Plan (PEP), the Annual Operations Plan (AOP), the Procurement Plan (PP), the Financial Plan (FP), budget, and other documentation, in compliance with the requirements of MoF, Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and the IDB, and submission for non-objection and approval.
(b)Monitoring the activities of the Project in compliance with its global strategic objectives and those of its two technical components, as well as the targets established in the AOP.
(c)Implementing the Programs’ risk management mechanisms on the basis of the IDB tool Risk Management in Projects with Sovereign Guarantee (RMP), taking into consideration the assessment and evolution of the risk factors, the factors of probability and impact, and risk mitigation measures.
(d)Preparing the periodic consolidated physical and financial progress reports to be submitted to MoF, PMO, MED, and the Bank.
(e)Preparing, for presentation to the Bank of the required data, reports and other documentation of the Project as a whole and its individual components, as established in the Loan Contract.
Education:Bachelor of Science Degree in Project Management, Development Studies, Statistics, Economics, Business Administration, Communications, Social Sciences or a related field.
General Experience: A minimum of two (5) years general working experience.
Specific Experience: A minimum of three (3) years of proven work experience in monitoring and evaluation capacity or other related fields.
-Participation in relevant courses/ training in M&E systems, logical framework, strategic planning, project management, time-management, Microsoft Projects, or similar, etc..
Experience if the following would be an asset
- implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems
- application of monitoring and evaluation methodologies and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory)
- experience with logical framework, results framework and other strategic planning methods - information and data analysis and reporting
Skills: (a) good analytical and data analysis skills; (b) good report writing, presentation and computer skill (experience in data processing); and (c) leadership qualities, teamwork and management.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies.
Expression of Interest package should contain:
(i)Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant
(ii)Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experience in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment.
(iii)Copy of degrees/certificates (iv)List of at least two references (v)Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality
Interested individuals may obtain further information and request the full Terms of Reference for this post at the address below during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm local Belize time, Monday to Friday.
Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their expression of interest via e-mail to Michelle.Longsworth@bts.gov.bz copied to tamara.tingling@mof.gov.bz no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, December 2,, 2022, marked STAP- Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the subject header; or applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address:
Director General Belize Tax Service
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project
Eleanor Hall Building Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City
For clarifications kindly contact:
Procurement Specialist
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Ministry of Finance
Eleanor Hall Building Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City Email: tamara.tingling@mof.gov.bz
The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing (MIDH) through its Project Execution Unit (PEU), the Executing Agency, wishes to procure consultancy services for the Peer Review of Design Documents for the George Price Highway Upgrading Project - Section VI (San Ignacio to Succotz Village).
The objective of the consultancy is to:
• Examine the Feasibility Study and Detailed Design
• Review & Update Topographic Survey and Designer’s Survey Data
• Establish Road Reserve and Design Survey Information
• Review of Site Investigation & Materials information
• Review of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report
• Review & Update Structural and Drainage Design
• Review Geometric (Horizontal & Vertical alignment) and Pavement Design
• Review Detailed Design and Make Adjustments
• Review Cost Estimates and Make Adjustments
• Produce Design Review Report and Required Design Modifications
MIDH now invites interested eligible consulting firms to submit Technical and Financial Proposals for the peer design review as per the Terms of Reference.
In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and experience on similar assignments. The consulting team should consist of persons having the appropriate professional and academic qualifications and a minimum of 10 years relevant experience in the areas of highway/transportation engineering, structural/bridge engineering, soils and materials engineering, environmental specialization, social specialization, and construction supervision. Post Graduate qualifications in the required fields as well as specific experience locally and in the Caribbean will be an asset. The Key Experts required are as follows:
1. Position K-1: Team Leader / Highway Engineer
2. Position K-2: Geotechnical Engineer
It is the consultant’s responsibility to ensure that their team has an appropriate mix of key and non-key experts to satisfy the requirements of the TOR.
All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the address below between 8:00am and 5:00pm local time Monday to Friday.
Proposals shall be submitted by email, in pdf format, to the email address below, no later than 10:00am local time on Monday 19 December 2022. The e-mail subject line should state, “TECHNICAL
PEER DESIGN REVIEW OF SECTION VI OF THE GEORGE PRICE UPGRADING HIGHWAY PROJECT” and the body of the email must state the name and address of the applicant. The Proposals will be deemed to have been received at the time they are received by the receiving office in the address below. The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the applicant’s computer.
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Proposals.
1. Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody
Engineering Coordinator Project Execution Unit Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing Belmopan BELIZE, C.A. Tel: +501-828-5220 Email: peu@midh.gov.bz