The Government of Belize, in part nership with The Nature Conservancy, launched the Marine Spatial Planning process on October 19th, 2022. The launch of this planning process marks a milestone accomplishment under the Blue Loan Agreement and the Conserva tion Funding Agreement signed last No vember 2021 between the Government of Belize and TNC. These agreements underpin the country’s trailblazing debt conversion for marine conservation.
The launch, which was held at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza, was attended by representatives from the government, civil society, and the private sector as well as Belize’s international development partners. This broad-based participation reflects the critical impor tance of this planning process to the tourism, fisheries, natural resource man agement, marine and coastal conserva tion, shipping, and national security sec tors. Members of the public were also invited to view and participate virtually in the launch, which was live-streamed on Facebook.
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a public, inclusive, and participatory pro cess through which stakeholders deter mine the optimal distribution of human
activities across marine areas to achieve the country’s ecological, economic, and social objectives. The launch was an opportunity to share with the Belizean public what the MSP is, what to expect from the planning process, and how they can participate in developing a plan that serves their diverse interests.
Prime Minister Hon. John Briceno and Minister Andre Perez of the Minis try of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, as well as Narda Garcia, Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Prime Minister & Investment, and Kennedy Carrillo, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Blue Econ omy and Civil Aviation, spoke on the gov ernment's commitment and aspirations for the MSP.
Prime Minister John Briceño pointed out that “The Belize Blue Bond is a triple win for Belize! It resulted in the reduction of our public debt by 12 percent of GDP, the advancement of conservation and cli mate policy expansion and the creation of a long-term financing mechanism to sup port marine conservation and the wise use of our Blue Natural Capital. Through the Marine Spatial Plan, the blue bond will allow us to develop a blueprint for sustain able development and growth, as well as see the protection of up to 30 percent of
our total Ocean Space. We are determined to employ a framework that results in a vi brant and robust blue economy contribut ing meaningfully to our national economy and the welfare of our citizenry”
Speaking on the importance of the MSP process, Hon. André Perez noted that, "MSP must be embraced as a valu able tool in delivering Belize’s Blue Econ omy objectives. It is necessary to balance demands for development and eco nomic growth with the need to pro tect our environment and cultural heritage. This MSP will complement the Belize Blue Economy Development Policy and Strate gy (2022 - 2027) and Maritime Economy Plan, and advance other MSP approaches currently used in Belize such as Marine Pro tected Areas, Managed Access, and the In tegrated Coastal Zone Management Plan.”
For this official launch, the Government of Belize was joined by Ms. Julie Robinson, Director of The Nature Conservancy – a key partner in realizing Belize’s marine conser vation commitments under the Blue Loan Agreement and the Conservation Funding Agreement.
"Ms. Julie Robinson emphasizes that “The Nature Conservancy will continue to support Belize by providing the latest
scientific knowledge so that Belize’s MSP process is conducted using state- of-theart methods, which serves as a model to other nations. The TNC Country Program comprises talented and experience Be lizeans who will work on the ground with local stakeholders to develop an equitable plan that meets Belize’s conservation and development needs.”
A highlight of today’s event was the unveiling of the name of this plan by Prime Minister John Briceño and the TNC Belize Programme Director. Through an open vot ing process hosted on Facebook, the Belize Sustainable Ocean Plan was chosen by the public.
During the event, the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute, (CZMAI) the agency leading the MSP pro cess, described the vision for the MSP as “A healthy, resilient, and equitably shared ocean that supports a thriving national economy and nurtures the culture and well-being of all Belizeans”, which would be achieved by developing and implement ing a legally enforceable plan that guides sustainable development and desig nates up to 30% of Belize’s ocean as Bio diversity Protection Zones. The planning process will be based on cutting-edge
science and the best available data, and it will be guided by the principles of inclusivity, participation, transpar ency, and equity. CZMAI also shared the 5-year timeline for this planning process and explained how it will be integrated with other initiatives within the national planning framework.
Belmopan, 20th October 2022. 9:10 a.m.
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 18th October 2022.
• Cabinet received an update from the Minister of Education on the CDB Belize Education Sector Reform Program II. The program is entering a new phase which will see the construction and retrofit ting of 27 schools across the country. Importantly, this phase of the program will include the rehabilitation and retrofitting of Stella Maris School and the Leo Bradley and Turton libraries in Belize City.
• Cabinet reviewed the approved Work Program for 2022/23 and ac cepted two concept notes for the development of project proposals through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for the Edu cation and Energy sectors.
• Cabinet received an update from the Ministry of Public Utilities, En ergy, Logistics & E-Governance on the plan for the transformation and modernization to a digital government. The National Digital Agenda is a part of the government’s commitment to becoming a more open, efficient, and effective government and is in partial ful filment of Plan Belize.
• Cabinet approved the supplementary Capital II budget appropri ations for BZ$734,000 to support the work of NEMO, through its Operations Center, to replace materials and supplies critical to its efforts during national emergencies.
• Cabinet endorsed the list of public and bank holidays for 2023 sub mitted by the Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries in accordance with Section 3 of the First and Second Schedules to the Holiday Act.
• Finally, Cabinet congratulates the young Belizean students from Belize High School who won a gold medal at the FIRST Global Challenge International Robotics Competition in Geneva, Switzer land.
It is documented that Channel 7 is known for wrestling type innuendo during its Monday Bull spat out by one the most rabid of UDPs. The son of the secret BTL credit card spending and the pseudo jour nalist sent by Dean Barrow to Schwebel still receives advertisement dollars for manufacturing news. So when the Minis try of Health catches him in his lie he has to be called out. In a release, the Ministry basically asks him to cease and desist.
“The Ministry of Health & Wellness (MoHW) is aware of certain allegations and misrepresentations made on Chan nel 7’s SunUp Morning Show on Monday, October 18, 2022, and a press release by the United Democratic Party in reference to pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.
The MoHW wishes to inform the public that suppliers are delivering phar maceuticals and medical supplies and the ministry is distributing them to health facilities countrywide. Cabinet has also given its approval for the MoHW to start the tender process earlier so con tracts can be signed with suppliers by mid-December every year. This will give suppliers a three- month lead time to be able to source AND deliver pharma ceuticals and medical supplies.
The ministry understands and ac cepts the politics of Channel 7 and the UDP but asks that, in the interest of disseminating the proper information, at least basic questions are directed to the ministry. The MoHW has main tained a free flow of information with the media and the public so, when an allegedly credible media house and the UDP both push the same misinforma tion in tandem, it is a disservice to the public.”
Lies on television only hurt the peo ple.
Belize’s $US 364 million debt conversion for marine conservation, signed in November 2021, allowed Belize to lower its sovereign commer cial debt by BZ $378 M (US $189 M) and create long- term, sustainable fi nancing of approximately BZ $8.4 M (US $4.2 M) annually for ocean con servation for the next 20 years. The development of a legally enforceable MSP will be a critical process and tool in ensuring that Belize meets its con servation commitments, preserves its valuable natural resources, and supports the growth of the national economy.
The second anniversary of this new pup administration looms ever nearer. This epoch of the year also speaks to celebration and thanksgiving for bountiful harvests. It is therefore reasonable to draw attention to the many achievements this government has accomplished over the last two years. Many started as ideals and commitments in Plan Belize and have now come to fruition. Over 200 government-subsidized starter homes have been delivered to families that are among the most vulnerable in our communities. The major highways and rural roads have seen unprecedented development and maintenance throughout the length and breadth of the nation.
This administration made commitments to grow the economy and to involve the private sector in Public-Private Partnerships. To that end, many initiatives such as the Investment Summit have been created to attract this capital. To jump-start the economy, the government has already imple mented policies such as the National Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Strategy and their Road Show to harness and strengthen their productivity, make them more competitive, and increase their force as an engine for sustainable development. This includes the incentive that twenty per cent of government tenders should be awarded to MSMEs. This PUP government has delivered on turning around the economy, and the debt-to-gross domestic product ratio has been reduced from 133 per cent to just 88 per cent as of July 2022. This is attributed to modernization efforts at the Statistical Institute of Belize but primarily to the innovation of Belize’s Blue Bond, which has become the gold standard for debt-for-nature swaps worldwide.
Many of the seeds that were planted two years ago have now flourished and are now bearing fruit. The incredible investment in the agro-productive sector has yielded revival of the cattle industry and important foreign exchange earner. Belize has increased its basic food security by increasing the production of its staples. Already plans are being made to add corn as an export to our neigh bour countries. Citrus products have also seen an increase in exports. Tourism and Civil Aviation have teamed up once again to increase the quantity of visitors coming into the country and this administration has brought new and important airline connections to Belize. Certainly, the tour ism industry has played a key role for the resuscitation of the economy, but it would not have been possible without the collaboration of the Ministry of Health and Wellness that helped this country to cope and navigate the pandemic and make it possible to ease restrictions and open the economy up for business.
Again, there are marked differences in the leadership of this administration and the pseudo lead ership of those that oppose it. The country has come a long way in these two years since the PUP have taken office. Unemployment is down, productivity is increasing and definite steps of clear in ter-ministerial collaboration are being taken to address the social ills of poverty and crime through programs that offer free education, feeding programs at school for at-risk youth and investment in sporting complexes in vulnerable communities. It comes down to this, the PUP motto of “service before self.” Service to Belizeans is the ultimate purpose and the collective commitment of your PUP government to honour the commitments it made. This comes ahead of petty vendettas, egocentric political advancement, social media rants, and even narcissistic agendas that cause nothing but very public national embarrassment. The adage of “as you sow so shall you reap,” comes to mind in both cases. Harvest time is a time for celebration, but not for all.
El segundo aniversario de esta nueva administración del Partido Unido del Pueblo se acerca cada vez más. Esta época del año también habla de celebración y agradec imiento por las cosechas abundantes. Por lo tanto, es oportuno llamar la atención sobre los muchos logros que este gobierno ha podido alcanzar en los últimos dos años. Muchos de ellos comenzaron como ideales y compromisos en el Plan Belice y ahora se han hecho realidad. Se han entregado más de 200 viviendas subvencionadas por el gobierno a familias que se encuentran entre las más vulnerables de nuestras comunidades. Las principales carreteras y caminos rurales han experimentado un desarrollo y un mantenimiento sin precedentes a lo largo y ancho de la nación.
Esta administración se comprometió a hacer crecer la economía y a involucrar al sector privado en las asociaciones público-privadas. Para ello, se han creado numerosas iniciativas, como la Cumbre de la Inversión, para atraer este capital. Para impulsar la economía, el gobierno ya ha implementado políticas como la Estrategia Nacional para las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES) y su Road Show para aprovechar y fortalecer su productividad, hacerlas más competitivas y aumentar su fuerza como motor del desarrollo sostenible. Esto incluye el incentivo del que el veinte por ciento de las licitaciones públicas se adjudiquen a las MIPYMES. Este gobierno del PUP ha conseguido dar un giro a la economía y la relación entre la deuda y el producto interior bruto se ha reducido del 133% a sólo el 88% en julio de 2022. Esto se atribuye a los esfuerzos de modernización del Instituto de Estadística de Belice, pero principalmente a la innovación del Bono Azul de Belice, que se ha con vertido en el estándar de oro para los canjes de deuda por naturaleza en todo el mundo.
Muchas de las semillas que se plantaron hace dos años han florecido y están dando sus frutos. La increíble inversión en el sector agro productivo ha supuesto la reactivación de la industria ganadera y un importante ingreso de divisas. Belice ha aumentado su seguridad alimentaria básica al incre mentar la producción de sus productos básicos. Ya se está planificando la incorporación del maíz como producto de exportación a nuestros países vecinos. Los productos cítricos también han visto aumentar sus exportaciones. El turismo y la aviación civil se han unido una vez más para aumentar el número de visitantes que llegan al país y esta administración ha traído nuevas e importantes con exiones aéreas a Belice. Ciertamente, la industria del turismo ha desempeñado un papel clave en la reanimación de la economía, pero no habría sido posible sin la colaboración del Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar que ayudó a este país a hacer frente y navegar por la pandemia y a hacer posible la rela jación de las restricciones y la apertura de la economía a los negocios.
Una vez más, hay marcadas diferencias en el liderazgo de esta administración y el pseudo lider azgo de los que se oponen a ella. El país ha avanzado mucho en estos dos años desde que el PUP ha asumido el cargo. El desempleo ha bajado, la productividad está aumentando y se están dando pasos definitivos de clara colaboración interministerial para enfrentar los males sociales de la pobreza y la delincuencia a través de programas que ofrecen educación gratuita, programas de alimentación en la escuela para jóvenes en riesgo e inversión en complejos deportivos en comunidades vulnerables. Todo se reduce a esto, al lema del PUP de "el servicio antes que el yo". El servicio a los beliceños es el fin último y el compromiso colectivo de su gobierno del PUP de cumplir los compromisos adquiridos. Esto está por delante de las pequeñas venganzas, los avances políticos egocéntricos, los desplantes en las redes sociales e incluso las agendas narcisistas que no causan más que una vergüenza nacional muy pública. El adagio de "lo que se siembra, se cosecha" viene a la mente en ambos casos. La época de la cosecha es un momento de celebración, pero no para todos.
Party Leader and Prime Minister John Briceño was at his most fiery and in tiptop shape at the PUP's National Party Council as he usually is when he is amongst the people. The packed SCA auditorium was keen to their Party Leader’s words of wis dom and inspiration. John Briceño had been the fountain of hope leading up to elections 2020 and the awe to the words of our Prime Minister is there. John Briceño fed the Party faithful with the truth of a Belize that defi nitely on a path of totally working for every one.
The PL/PM chastised the UDP and “Hurricane Dean Barrow and his corrupt cabinet that left us with a broken Coun try…with a broken treasury…with a bro ken health system – Remember people were dying every day…with a messed-up education system where our children were not learning. They left us with incompetent UDP cronies in every office of government.”
The PM continued, “So when we got to office we have to rescue Belize. We had to first reverse the borrowing – 1 million dol lars a day they were borrowing. We had to rescue the health system and defeat COVID. Together we – you and me – WE saved our dollar”
A true leader the PM shared credit, “Un der the leadership of Francis Fonseca WE saved our education system from the brink of collapse. Together with Julius Espat WE are fixing our broken infrastructure. Together we are fixing our health system with Kevin Bernard started by Michel Chebat.”
The PM explained that is what was done to “RESCUE our country from corruption, in competence and cronyism. WE have done that and now we are in the Recovery phase. We are not yet out of the woods because we cannot fix in two years what they broke over 13 years. But every day we are making progress. Today, we have created thousands
The National Convention is the supreme authority of the People’s United Party (PUP) to:
o Elect Members of the National Executive;
o Consider, formulate, declare or deal in any way with the principles, policies and pro grammes of the PUP;
o Consider Resolutions relative to national, international or Party affairs; and
o Generally, to advance the aims and objectives of the PUP.
According to Article 15, Clause (2) of the Party’s Constitution, the National Convention of the PUP shall be held every two (2) years on a day in the month of November and in a District of Belize decided by the National Party Council (NPC).
1) The National Convention, which was scheduled to be held in November of 2020, was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, be, once again, deferred to November 2023.
2) Until the time of the next scheduled National Convention, the National Executive continue to be charged with directing the Organization and Administration of the PUP.
of good new jobs. Anthony and his team at BTB has brought back the Tourism Sector. Eamon and his team has put Belize on the right track again abroad. In our investment ministry, we are once again telling the world we are WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS and the Made in Belize brand can be found in stores all around the world. But yes we have to do more, especially to help the poor people that is why we are giving more of your children the opportunity to go to high school free. This is why Andre and his team are doing more to help our fisher folk ex pand the fishing industry. This is why Cordel is working in your community to put land in the hands of every Belizean. And this is why Dolores and her team are working to help our people with special needs. Every day we must work together to build oppor tunities for you and for all Belizeans.”
The PL/PM shared that “Every day we must work to accomplish all the promises
The PUP led Belize to independence in 1981 with a constitution that has been the foun dation of democratic Belize in which human rights are respected, the rule of law prevails, and social economic and environmental justice are pursued
Belize has developed in all aspects since 1981 and the demands of the Belizean people requires
During the past 41 years, the Constitution has been amended in an ad hoc fashion and it is now time for a wholesale review of the Constitution in a consultative and inclusive way to produce a bold reformed constitution fit for purpose to meet the challenges of the 21st Century
The People’s Constitution Commission is a designed to undertake the visionary task of constitutional reform for a 21st century Belize
1. The PUP will advocate for the new constitution to provide that executive authority is vested in a Belizean head of state and an end to the British monarch as Belize’s head of state
2. The PUP strongly supports a bold review of the Belize Constitution that will lead to a draft Constitution that expands the Belizean democracy, that produces a reformed govern ment system that is more consultative and inclusive, and guarantees social economic and environmental justice and the sustainable development of Belize
3. The organs of the PUP will participate actively in the constitutional reform process.
we made in Plan Belize. Remember, we are the Party of George Price and Lindy Rodgers, of Said Musa, of Madam Liz and Miss Jane. We are nation builders. And because of who we are, the sun is shining again and Belize if growing and our people are working again. More of our children are going to school again. And the Belizean economy is getting stronger again by the day. That is how we do it in the PUP.”
The level of intensity at the PUP’s NPC shows why the United Democratic Party has been placed into history as the once-upon-atime mass party that attempted to destroy Belize. The reverse effect was true as they self-destructed. The jewel has proved to be filled with a savvy and resilient population that made a paradigm shift albeit in a pandemic to give real energy to planBelize.
John Briceño crescendo of a finish is one that only he can muster in this country. The shrill of PUP all the way is still reverberating in the hearts of the attendees. The shrill will takes us to the corners of Belize to continue the work of building a Belize where everybody fih win.
The PUP inherited 13 years of failure and deep rooted damage to the quality of our so ciety, where the focus was on political expediency and appeasement to criminal elements.
The PUP has risen to take on governance which is dedicated to fixing the severe dam age. The greatest asset in this task is our belief in the resilience of the Belizean spirit and people.
A PUP government is known by the nation to be progressive, visionary, bold and futurist in its solutions and strategies of getting results.
We place our confidence in the value of a collective, inclusive and personal approach to making sure Belizeans are safe.
The cowards that are not Nation Builders rejoice as Belizeans die from the fruits of poison trees that the UDP planted. They believe that the public would forget that for over a decade they created deadly problems for our nation at the hands of their selfishness and incompetence.
As a Government the PUP is commissioned by the ideals of social justice, human rights and the god-fearing mandates of love, restoration humility and hope. We are sure that with these tools and calling all hands on deck, it is impossible do anything but succeed.
The PUP recognizes that crime is a byproduct of social decay and corrosive poverty. The path to social recovery must go directly past those pit falls but the solutions are reflected in a happy population with empowered and productive community spirit.
We recognized that there must be new, radical and targeted strategies to address the mess and trauma that 13 years of horror left behind.
The Party through its administration of policies continues to lay the ground work to unlock the full potential of the Safe Society framework in Plan Belize.
1. The PUP supports the current strategy which prioritizes citizen security and inclu sion through a multi-sectoral and wholistic approach to keeping Belizeans safe.
2. The PUP supports taking the proactive step of the new frontier of cybersecurity and safety of each citizens, their information, property and dignity in cyberspace.
3. The PUP supports the efforts to root out the rogue officers in the Police department and return the respect and strength in the ranks. As a Party we value each good officer and support initiatives to look after their welfare and families and restore confidence of the law-abiding public in the work our Police Officers do.
4. The PUP will call on each village, town, church, and community to close ranks against the criminal elements, work with the good police officers and get those who insist on a life of crime out of our communities while reforming those who want change.
5. The PUP will continue to support leaps in the Government’s approach to trail blaz ing initiatives in innovation and technology as a tool to crime fighting including the use of state of the art surveillance systems, upgrading our forensics lab and tools for DNA analysis to solve crimes.
When the PUP was elected to office in November 2020, the Belizean economy was in a recession, Government was spending $1million per day to meet recurrent expenses, public debt was 130% of GDP and the COVID-19 pandemic had pushed unemployment to 30%.
The Government developed a home-grown strategy designed to put the country on a sustainable path to economic recovery; this included cuts in public sector wages and recur rent expenditure which saved 3,000 public sector jobs.
The infamous Superbond was renegotiated and replaced by the Blue Bond which pro vides long term marine protection and reduced public sector debt to 108% of GDP.
The economy has rebounded with agriculture, tourism and BPO sectors leading the way, GDP growth in the 2nd quarter of 2022 was a historic 15% and unemployment has fallen to 9%.
1. We congratulate the Government under the leadership of Prime Minister John Briceño on its stellar management of the economy.
2. We thank the Belizean public sector workers for the sacrifices undertaken as part of the recovery plan, thank private sector workers and business owners for their continued confidence in Belize.
3. We urge the Government to continue to manage the economy with a view to job creation and growth, poverty reduction and the sustainable development of Belize.
The Cannabis industry has exploded worldwide, global legal cannabis market size was valued at USD 17.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 25.3% from 2022 to 2030
Cannabis has long been used for medicinal purposes, it has been found to be greatly effective in its ability as a therapeutic for chronic pain and in treating nausea caused due to chemotherapy
Industrial hemp has been used in many countries for a variety of uses and provides opportunities for investment and job creation
The development of the cannabis industry in Belize must be done in such a way as not to create undue threats to correspondent banking relations, or to make cannabis or its deri vates available to minors and vulnerable persons
The Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Control And Licensing Act, 2022 has been subject to widespread consultation and provides a comprehensive regulatory regime that includes the necessary controls for the safe and orderly development of the cannabis industry in Belize BE IT RESOLVED THAT
1. The cannabis industry, once properly regulated provides opportunities for invest ment and job creation in Belize.
2. A consultative referendum should be held at the earliest opportunity to afford Be lizeans an opportunity to express their views on the Cannabis And Industrial Hemp Control And Licensing Act, 2022
3. The PUP will campaign for a YES vote in the referendum when held.
4. The PUP will support legislation aimed at the expungement of all records for simple possession and minor offences of marijuana.
Hon. Christopher Coye, Min ister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, led a high-level delegation of Belizean officials, including Mr. Joseph Waight, Fi nancial Secretary, Ministry of Fi nance; Mr. Kareem Michael, Gov ernor, Central Bank of Belize; H.E. Lynn Young, Belize’s Ambassador to the USA and Canada; Ambassa dor Mark Espat; and Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Economic Develop ment, to Washington, D.C., from October 11 to 15, 2022.
The Belize delegation held a series of meetings with senior representatives from the Inter national Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), the In ter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group including IDB Invest and IDB Lab, the Millennium Chal lenge Corporation (MCC), and the Organization for Economic Corpo ration & Development (OECD) De velopment Assistance Committee. The delegation also met with senior representatives from the U.S. Trea sury and the Office of Comptroller of Currency and held a bilateral meeting with Hon. Vicky Ford, MP, UK Minis ter of State for Development in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Develop ment Office.
The objectives of the mission were to (i) build deeper relationships between Belize and its various mul tilateral and bilateral partners; (ii) up date its partners on Belize’s strong
economic recovery and transforma tion; (iii) address ongoing challenges including correspondent banking rela tionships and financial de-risking; (iv) advocate for timely access to con cessionary development and climate finance at scale for Belize and other small vulnerable states with a view to achieving climate and economic resil iency; (v) emphasize national priori ties, including education, MSME sup port, energy/electricity costs, poverty alleviation, climate resiliency building and debt sustainability; (vi) discuss ongoing and pipeline projects; and (vii) enlist further support of its part ners, by way of financial and technical assistance, to address government’s priorities and progress its Plan Belize initiatives.
During the IMF Caribbean Min isterial Meeting, Minister Coye gave remarks on Belize’s experience with accessing climate finance. Similarly, in a meeting with the IDB President, the delegation spoke about public and
private sector investments and the potential for the IDB Invest group to partner with academia on research and development. The World Bank and IFC meetings also highlighted pertinent topics for Belize, includ ing achieving energy independence and security through renewable en ergy, climate resilience and food se curity. Lastly, in a meeting with the MCC, the delegation discussed ed ucation and electricity costs as key priority areas to be targeted under this initiative.
Belize’s delegation was well-re ceived by all its multilateral and bi lateral partners who endorsed the stellar efforts of the Briceño ad ministration in advancing national priorities. On behalf of the govern ment and people of Belize, Minister Coye expressed his appreciation to all partners for their willingness to provide future financial and techni cal resources in key development areas.
We are glad you could join us for the official launch of the Marine Spa tial Planning Process. This is the 3rd Milestone we are delivering upon un der the Blue Bond and it signals my Government’s commitment to ensuring the wise use of our Blue Natural Capital for the benefit of all. Earlier this year, we delivered on Milestones 1 and 2 by increasing our total protected ocean space to 20.5 percent. We also designated all national lands in the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System World Heritage sites as mangrove re serves. We are committed to the task of ensuring that Belize’s Natural assets are central to our economic development and to the well-being of our people. We know that our natural assets are important for our livelihoods, security, climate resilience, and cultural heritage. To this end, we are duty-bound to ensure that they are utilized responsibly and that their func tional integrity is safeguarded in order for them to provide important products and ecosystem services.
Let me say this, no one is imposing this on us; this is not a foreign agenda, this is a Belizean agenda. Since independence or for more than four decades now, Belize has been a leader in conservation. In those four decades, we have co-designed processes with community actors, NGOs, and industry to develop policies, constructed a legislative framework, and utilized domestic funds to support a nationwide network of protected areas. Since 2021, we developed key economic sectors such as our fisheries and ecotourism sectors. Likewise, we secured innovative ext ernal financial arrangements to further our conservation efforts through one of the first debt for nature swaps to protect tens of thousands of acres of forest.
Our early efforts and vision along with our natural capital – both marine and terrestrial – has allowed for the resilience and relatively good health and functionality of these resources. Indeed, we are well aware that despite our early efforts, our natural capital must survive present day pressures and stresses. My government has re-envisioned Belize’s natural capital as a lever to progress our country’s and our people’s resilience and development. We have taken more aggressive efforts to sustainably manage our natural resources because simply put... we have no choice.
To date, the Belize Blue Bond, successfully negotiated along with the Nature Conservancy in November of 2020, is the single largest globally and is viewed as one of the most innovative and creative approaches to debt restructure. Indeed, it is more than that, for it i s meeting important nature based and climate ambitions. As a matter of fact, since the Belize Blue Bond, several Caribbean and Developing states have been exploring the possibility of replicating the Belize model, including Barbados which recently announced its Blue Bond Deal. The Belize Blue Bond is a triple win for Belize, one, it resulted in the reduction of our public debt by 12 percent of GDP. This was critical to our economy which at the time was laden with never-before-seen levels of debt, unemployment, and potential monetary devaluation. It also resulted in the advancement of conser vation and climate policy expansion. Equally important, is the long-term financing mechanism created by the Blue Bonds. This will bolster the conservation and management regime of Belize’s blue resources to meet national and international targets and ambitions.
Like most Small Island Developing States, the effective management of our ocean space is a must for our survival and climate resilience. Through the Marine Spatial Plan, the blue bond will allow us to develop a blueprint for sustainable development and growth, as well as see the protection of up to 30 percent of our total Ocean Space. This is now possible through the endowment fund which over the next 20 years will make available approximately 100 million US dollars, but also through the annual financial inflows from government of approximately 80 million US dollars over the next 20 years. This is specifically to support on-the-ground organizations working in Marine Conservation and sustainable use of our blue resources.
So you see, in this regard, our Leadership as a country should be celebrated!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am also pleased to say that Belize is on the road to recovery. Our homegrown financial and economic plan is showing us encouraging results and my government has been working diligently in strengthening our investment framework and regimes for positioning and integrating our natural capital into our broader development and policy objectives. Today there is renewed confidence in the private and devel opment sectors. We are now seen as a government and country of actions and results, as demonstrated by this launch. This confidence is allowing us to seek even more finance permanence for conservation and effective management of our marine and coastal resources. This is evidenced by our partnership with the World Wildlife Fund to design a project for Finance Permanence (PFP), which is expected to leverage the success of our Blue Bonds and complement its targeted areas. Today’s Milestone is envisioned as being central to ensuring that the rationalization of our Blue Space and its associated resources are inclusive and structured to support the successful development of our Blue Economy. We are determined to employ a framework that results in a vibrant and robust blue economy contributing meaningfully to our national economy and the welfare of our citizenry. What cannot be compromised, however, are those social and environmental considerations that will safeguard our environment and be equitable. This Marine Spatial plan must balance development with maintaining healthy marine spaces.
And so today, I thank you for celebrating with us, more so, thank you for demonstrating your support and for remaining with us in the transfor mation of our economy. Together, we will advance the work towards a low emissions climate-resilient and nature-based development pathway. A pathway that since November 2020 has introduced public sector reforms; prioritized climate-resilient infrastructure development; undertaken am bitious targets to further reduce our already negligible emissions, and put in place effective adaptative measures. In keeping with our commitments made in our PlanBelize manifesto, we are diversifying our productive sectors, promoting climate-smart approaches, and strengthe ning our Blue Economy. At the same time, we are upgrading our digital infrastructure and reimagining education for the future. We are scaling up investments in health and social protection systems; and improving crisis response and preparedness. And yes, we are moving towards energy independence and security through the utilization of our renewable energy resources.
Yes, we are building a Belize that works for everyone.
Hoy nuestro gobierno, como se discute en las conferencias de la CEPAL y más importante aún, como dicta nuestra realidad, está promoviendo la importancia de atender el desafío de la desigualdad en nuestro país. A la vez estamos impulsado la idea del gran impulso ambiental como eje articulador de una nueva estrategia de política pública que lleva al desarrollo sostenible. También hemos reconocido que identificar el rol de las políticas climáticas genera este Gran Impulso Ambiental que nos permite recuperar el crecimiento económico con igualdad, aumentar la capacidad de adaptación frente al cambio climático y descarbonizar nuestras economías.
¡Muchas gracias!
Thank You, God bless you and God Bless Belize!
The giant Belizean flag unfurled in Ge neva was prove positive that the Blue Bond was no fluke. The MCC win was no fluke. The Blue Bond Award was no fluke. Ms. Earth was no fluke. Our future is in great hands and the planBelize substrate is fertile for Belizean to flourish even far from the shade.
Belize along with a team secured Gold; this is tear-jearking as a developing country should not excel at these levels…WRONG… Belize High School Robotics team flew across the ocean to prove that point. Patriotism oozed everywhere and the team could be seen to be representing Belize. Belize is an environmen tal juggernaut. Belize as small as we are an example of why Carbon Capture can be done at every level…BIG countries can do it if the small can. They just need to will.
The Prime Minister publicly chimed in “Innovation in education... it's a pillar of our Plan Belize objectives for education. Con gratulations Belize High School!!! You not only took up the challenge to innovate in education, but you won the global competition.”
Hon. Francis Fonseca participated in the �������������� ���������� for the Belize High School Robotics Team that secured �������� medals for our Jewel at the FIRST Global Chal lenge. At the rally, Minister Fonseca expressed his teeming pride in the students and their teachers, and reiterated #YourMoECST's commitment to advancing Science & Tech across our education system.
The FIRST Global Challenge is a yearly Olympics-style robotics competition or ganized by the International First Committee Association. It promotes STEM education and careers for youth.
GENEVA – FIRST® Global, a not-for-profit organization established to pro mote science and technology leadership and innovation in young people from all nations through the sport of robotics, brought together students from more than 180 nations October 13-16 at PalExpo in Geneva for the FIRST Global Challenge, a high-profile, international robotics competition convening high-school-aged par ticipants who work together to solve global challenges.
The focus of the 2022 FIRST Global Challenge was “Carbon Capture,” in which shifting alliances of three nations competed to capture and store carbon, demonstrating the collective effort required to protect our shared atmosphere and slow the effects of climate change. The event highlighted the importance of addressing global climate change, excited students to learn and discover STEM through robotics, and inspired students and adults alike on the importance of col laborating across places of origin, creeds, religions, and cultures to build a better tomorrow.
This competition inspires not only those who participate, but also many more from the teams’ home countries. The FIRST Global Challenge is based on the principles of FIRST, a K-12 STEM education nonprofit founded by inventor Dean Kamen in 1989.
“I’ve learned through FIRST that if we teach the world’s young people the common language of STEM, they’ll learn how to work together across cultural and religious differences,” said Dean Kamen, president of DEKA Research & De velopment and founder of FIRST and FIRST Global. “Through the excitement of an Olympic-style sporting event, the FIRST Global Challenge is uniting students around the world to solve the greatest problems we face as a global community.”
This year’s games concluded with exciting final championship matches and an award ceremony, during which teams were awarded medals in several cate gories – both qualitative and quantitative in nature – highlighting the qualities that FIRST Global aims to inspire in the STEM leaders of tomorrow. The winners (list ed below) for the awards were determined by a group of internationally selected judges.
Awarded to the four teams in the winning alliance in the final match.
a. Winning Alliance: Lithuania, Belize, Switzerland, Botswana
Awarded to the four-team alliance who placed second in the final match and the winning alliance in the third-place match.
b. Runner-up: Mexico, Republic of Korea, Tonga, Tanzania
c. Second Runner Up: Senegal, Hungary, North Macedonia, Puerto Rico
Today, the Ministry of Economic Development, through the Second Road Safety Project, partnered with Traksolutions Belize Ltd. to train municipal bod ies and the Department of Transport on the usage of GPS tracking devices.
The purpose of the training is to familiarise users with the capabilities and management of this dynamic device that will allow them to gather sen sitive data.
In 2020, the following vehicles were purchased through the Second Road Safety Project with financing from the Caribbean Development Bank totalling BZ$4,087,422.12:
1. Six ambulances (five for the Ministry of Health & Wellness and one for BERT)
2. Six highway patrol vehicles (all for the Department of Transport)
3. Eighteen motorcycles (two for each municipality)
4. Two project vehicles Through continued support to the beneficiaries of these vehicles, the Second Road Safety Project entered into a contractual agreement for BZ$38,220.00 with Traksolutions Belize Ltd. to install GPS tracking devices in these vehicles and to allocate servicing fees for 24 months.
Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO in the Ministry of Economic Development, shared that these devices will not only track the location of the vehicles in real-time but also offer data collection and generate reports on the activities, usage and maintenance using web-based software. This software can also generate reports on the vehicle speed, stop duration, engine running time and fuel consumption, which will allow heads of department to ensure the efficient and effective use of the vehicles. With internet connection, one can track and access information from anywhere in the world.
Nestled in the pristine rain forests of Central America, Be lize, the only English-speaking country in the region, serves as a natural sanctuary of in credible biodiversity and a cat alyst for climate action.
As a developing nation, Belize is in crisis mode. Its cit izens debate whether to pro ceed with agriculture and other industries that require clearing the forests of mahogany and gum species, directly affecting the diverse flora and fauna be low or continue to designate more blocks of the rainforest as protected areas.
On the wave of the recent significant steps Belize took to protect our treasure valued at over 125 trillion USD, Team Be lize 2022 takes the opportunity to showcase the scarlet ma caw as the team mascot.
These thirteen high school students from Belize City are equally bright-eyed and brilliant as the scarlet macaw. Team Belize will highlight and con nect this year’s theme to their experience as brilliantly as the beautiful red feathers on the gorgeous scarlet macaw as catalysts of climate change.
Captain Justin Zhou leads this highly social “flock” of high flyers. These learners and leaders are committed to their roles as catalysts of climate action, leading advocacy cam paigns within our schools. Similarly, the scarlet macaws are effective tools for reseeding deforested areas with trees.
Carrying the message of climate change under the unique country flag of Belize that mirrors the same red and blue colors of the scarlet macaw are Alex ander Usher, Benny He, Jaden Chen, Justin Zhou, Karii Domingo, Ngakei Choi, Olivia Quinto, Ray Wu, Sebastian Garcia, Tristian Bradley, Victoria Quan
Team Mentors: Jamie Usher, Godfrey Sosa, Gustavo Carrillo, Ray Liang, Luis Silva, and Armando Moralez.
Team Belize’s robot will be designed to demonstrate the legendary symbol ism of scarlet macaws as guardians and protectors of clean air.
Additionally, Team Belize looks forward to meeting, collaborating, and form ing lasting relationships as a testament to the mission and vision of FIRST Global.
Notice is hereby given that Midtown Company Ltd. is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Mid town Company Ltd.” located at BTL Park, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Be lize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Midtown Company Ltd. is applying for a Restau rant Liquor License to be operated at “Midtown Company Ltd.” located at # 168 Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Be lize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jin Zhi Tan is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Key Ley Restaurant” Located at # 146 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Shun De Tan is applying for a Publican Special Li quor License to be operated at “Kostin Treats” Located at # 152 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intox icating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Yin Yin Long is applying for a Convenience Store Li quor License to be operated at “N & N Supermarket” Located at # 106 A Free town Road, Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Shun Yu Tan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “JS Import Company Ltd.” Located at # 2664 Albert Hoy Ave nue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that GenYuan Xiao is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Tan Liang Shop” Locat ed at # 35 Faber’s Road, Belize City, Be lize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Holanda Chan is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Foxxi’s Bar” Located at # 63 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wei Chi Yan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New Shop” Located at #2 Gabourel Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jian Hong Yan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Wing An Shop” Lo cated at # 144 East Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jian Ming Liao is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “139 Store” Located at # 139 Neal’s Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District under the In toxicating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wei Yun Liao is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New Wil liam Shop” Located at # 19 Orange Street, Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ming Hua Chen is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “DK Ltd.” Located at Miles 3 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that D & K Winery Ltd. is applying for a Restau rant Liquor License to be operated at “D & K Winery Ltd.” Located at # 148 Barrack Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wei Chi Yan/JiaJie Ruan are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “DK Signature Restau rant” Located at # 2 Dolphin Drive, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zhu Feng Luo is applying for a Shop Liquor Li cense to be operated at “Homever” Located at # 13 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the In toxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Xin Yu Huang is applying for a Shop Li quor License to be operated at “Los Lagos Shop” Located in Los Lagos, Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that HuaCheng Xu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Manta Store” Located in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the In toxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Caisu Lee is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Li & Lee Grocery Store & Fast Food” Located at # 25 West Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wan Cheng Zheng/Caiyin Huang are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Goodwill Su permarket” Located at #2805 C.A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Wen Li Chen is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Ice Cold Store” Located in Bur rell Boom Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Bosco Su permarket Ltd. is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Bo sco Supermarket Ltd.” Located at # 2670/81 C.A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Kenny Lo is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Benson Shop” Lo cated in Ladyville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zihuan Chen is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Qiang Kee” Located at # 106 Free town Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Car los Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Caribbean Best Producers Ltd.” Located in Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edi tion 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Car los Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “P. Market” Located at 1 1/2 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edi tion 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Car los Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operat ed at “P. Market” Located on Central American Blvd., Belize City, Belize Dis trict under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Car los Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Public Supermarket Market” Locat ed at # 49 West Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Stella Sub ramanias is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Su mathi Indian Restaurant” Located at # 19 Baymen Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Carla J Burkey is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operat ed at “Booze & Branches” Located on La Loma Luz Blvd., Branch Mouth Road, Cayo District under the Intoxi cating Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Magana Jr. & Tatiana Magana are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Lagom Terrace” Located at # 9 Hopkins Street, Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
On Wednesday, Mr. Noel Harvey Manager MIDH, Hon. Gilroy Usher Area Representative for Port Loyola, and Mr. Francis Williams assistant to Hon. Usher visited the house lots along Faber’s Rd. in Belize City. Here 3 starter homes should be built to determine what other pre paratory work needs to be done by the MIDH to start the construction of the houses for the deserving families.
Mr. Harvey informed the Ministry of the specific recommendations to get the construction underway as soon as possible.
- Today, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and En terprise received a donation of a POCKIT Central Nucleic Acid Analyzer Machine. The machine was donated by GeneReach Biotechnology Corporation, a Taiwanese company dedicated to bringing innovation to global health management.
Valued at US$25,000, the machine will be used mainly for the detection of animal diseases such as African Swine Fever and will be housed at the Belize Agri cultural Health Authority (BAHA) lab.
October 18, 2022 - Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State in the Minis try of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, alongside Ms. Orla Kantun Coleman, Director of International Affairs Cooperation in the Ministry of For eign Affairs, represented Belize at the Joint Ministerial Meeting and Launch of the Caribbean-EU Partnerships in Barbados on October 12, 2022.
Belize’s representatives alongside 15 other leaders from Caribbean coun tries met with Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner for Interna tional Partnerships, to discuss the main priorities that the European Union will dedicate to the Caribbean for the next five years. Both regions will work together through three partnerships under the Global Gateway with a focus on 1.) Green Deal, 2.) Economic Resilience and Trade, and 3.) Governance, Security and Human Development. Moreover, the EU and the Caribbean coun tries will work together to fight climate change, protect biodiversity and foster digital innovation and mobility of students and university staff.
Minister Zabaneh addressed Belize’s position in all three areas. Firstly, on Green Deal. Belize, as a Small Island Developing State is extra vulnerable to external climate change shocks and disasters. The country’s partnership for a Green Deal should assist the region in accelerating its energy transition and implementing each country’s respective Nationally Determined Contributions. As such, he emphasised the importance of delivering on existing commit ments and ensuring adequate treatment for both adaptation and loss of dam age.
Secondly, on the topic of Economic Resilience and Trade, Minister Za baneh highlighted how fundamental it is to have partnerships to attain so cio- economic and social development for the region. Progress on this front is intrinsically linked to the global financial architecture, on which Belize depends for supplementary financing. The minister stressed that as Belize’s national budgets are unable to finance its developmental goals and aspirations, the use of the gross national income by international financial donors to access grants and concessionary financing is challenging and undermining development. He noted that through the Gateway Program, the EU is introducing new oppor tunities for financing and hopes that the CARIFORUM states have access to these.
In his remarks on Governance, Security and Human Development, Min ister Zabaneh shared that increased people-to-people contact is essential to fortify relationships and unnecessary obstacles preventing travel between re gions only hinder this. He used the example of Belize not benefitting from the Schengen Visa Waiver and invited the EU to make a positive recommendation to Belize’s request.
Minister Zabaneh concluded his presentation by highlighting that Belize is grateful to have been represented at the briefing meeting and for the maturing partnership with the EU. He mentioned that as states move towards a more sustainable and climate-conscious pathway and want to develop economies, it is of utmost importance for each CARIFORUM country to effectively imple ment projects under the partnership and move ahead with sustainable human development within the region.
In more Caribbean news related to our jewel, Hon. Francis Fonseca, as sumed the Chairmanship of the Caribbean Community's Council for Human and Social Development (Education) and chaired the initial meeting of the Council at CARICOM's Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana.
Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, and Mrs. Zoё Roberson-Zet ina, Managing Director of BAHA, received the donation from H.E. David KuanChou Chien, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize. Both Min ister Mai and Ambassador Chien reiterated the expressions of the close friendship between Taiwan and Belize. Minister Mai thanked the ambassador on behalf of the Belizean people, especially from the agriculture sector, for the donation which will help tremendously with the detection and analysis of pests and diseases threatening Belize.
CLAIM No. 387 of 2022
TAKE NOTICE that RAMON LANDERO, ANGEL LANDERO, HENRY LANDERO, BENEDICTO LANDERO, DARLINGTON LANDERO , all of Duck Run, Cadena Creek Area, Cayo District, Belize have filed an Application dated the 27th day of June, 2022 in the Supreme Court of Belize for an Order of Declaration of Title on the ground of long possession which is set for Hearing at 9:00 a m on the morning of the 8th December, 2022 before the Honourable Madam Justice Farnese.
Any person objecting to the Application must file a notice of their objection giving the reason for their objection to the Supreme Court within 45 days of the date of the second publication of this notice inclusive of the date of such publication, or , attend court on the date of the Hearing.
The land above referred to:
1,146.92 acres of land situate in the Duck Run, Cadena Creek Area, Cayo District, Belize.
Dated this 14th day of October,2022
On October 17th, 2022, the People’s Constitution Commission Bill went through its second and third readings. The Bill was presented by Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform, and Religious Affairs and unanimously accepted by the House of Representatives.
The Constitution of Belize is the coun try’s most fundamental legal instrument that establishes the rights, processes and institutions that guide how the country func tions and how power and resources should be shared. Through the People’s Consti tution Commission, the government is embarking on a constitutional consultative campaign reform to foster sustainable human development and good governance, national ownership and inclusivity, and promote international norms and standards.
The People’s Constitution Commission, in carrying out its mandates of conduct ing a comprehensive review of the Constitution of Belize must also do the following:
• Create and maintain a record of views and public opinion and take into ac count such views and opinions as it considers appropriate. These views and public opinions will be gathered through a national consultation process across communi ties in all six districts and the diaspora.
• Safeguard and promote the existence of Belize as a sovereign independent State; Belize’s democratic system of governance, including its democratic values and respect for and promotion of the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms; the separation of powers, including the independence of the judiciary; national unity, cohesion and peace; and Belize’s existence as a secular State in which all faiths are treated equally and encouraged to foster national cohesion and unity.
• Recommends and safeguards reforms of the state which promote the pro tection of unity, freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Belize; the elimi nation of economic and social privilege and disparity among citizens, whether by race, ethnicity, colour, creed, disability or sex; gender equality; the protection of the rights of the individual to life, liberty, basic education, basic health, the right to vote in elections, the right to work and the pursuit of happiness; the protection of the identity, dignity and social and cultural values of citizens of Belize, including Belize’s indigenous peoples; the preservation of the right of the individual to the ownership of private property and the right to operate private businesses; the prohibition of exploitation of man by man or by the state; and many more reforms that will be ben eficial and recommended by the Belizean People.
“We are not governed by anybody; we are the governors of our destiny – so we have to embrace that what we have to learn. We have to realize that this is what this bill and the process and the exercise is intended to do” – Hon. Henry Charles Usher
of Belize,
Oct 19, 2022 – The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Transport hosted a group of young South Korean nation als on an invitation that was extended by the Minister Hon. Rodwell Ferguson on his recent visit in July of this year. Then, he attended a youth Forum representing Be lize at the International Conference of roughly 150 dif ferent countries.
The Minister made a presentation that laid the foun dation for potential partnerships between the youths of Belize, South Korea, and other countries. The topic of that forum was “Youth Problems and Solutions”. He also met with small groups of youths in Korea.
For context, the South Korean economy is mixed as it doesn’t have much natural resources. The economy of South Korea is highly developed. By nominal GDP, it has the 4th largest economy in Asia and the 10th largest in the world. Companies such as Samsung, LG Electron ics, etc. focus on Human Resources and Technology.
Mindset Education is the term used to repurpose the mind from thinking negatively. South Korea, up to a few years ago, was one of the world’s poorest. When through Mindset Education they transformed the mind set of the young people within their country.
Pastor Jermaine Garvey, Director of International Youth Fellowship with other members of the Korean delegation were welcomed at a small meet-and-greet session here in Belize City at the Department of Youth Services along with a group of 15 youths. This team have taken a year off university and are visiting different countries to share Mindset Education which is in line with their Christian values as they believe in giving back.
The Belize Youth Movement was present along with other representatives of various youth arms. The minister encourages the
fostering of networking and coopera tion of youths in Belize and South Ko rea. The group will be in the country for the next 3 weeks.
Located on Caesar Ridge Road, Port Loyola area, Belize City, Belize
The General Public is hereby advised that Additional Information complementing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the expansion of the Port of Belize cargo facility and the establishment of a cruise port terminal and cruise tourism village has been submitted by Port of Belize Limited & Belize Logistics Terminal Limited to the Department of the Environment (DOE). The EIA report was prepared by Nextera Environmental and Engineering Consultants and Piedroba Consulting Group LLC. The EIA report and its additional information will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken by the DOE.
The General Public is hereby informed that both the EIA report and the additional information are available for public review, free of charge, and can be examined Monday to Friday during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) at the Port Loyola Librar y, National Library Service, Leo Bradley Librar y, Turton Library Center, all located within Belize City, and at the DOE’s Office located at 7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan. Please practice social distancing when reviewing hard copies of the report and follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, the Additional Information, EIA report and its annexes are all available on the DOE’s website at link: https://doe.gov.bz/environmental-clearance/ The public is invited to submit their comments in writing on or before November 17, 2022, to the DOE Office in Belmopan or email: envirodept@environment.gov.bz; eiaunit@environment. gov.bz., or by link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4x5SsLjYXU7CD649P1uFYeEPD6kPEGLVWAAFx44Rw3O48Rw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Kindly be informed that a hybrid public consultation session for the EIA will be held on No vember 4, 2022, commencing at 6:30pm sharp. The in-person consultation will be held at the Best Western Biltmore Plaza Hotel and virtually via the Government of Belize Press Office Facebook Page.
The public is invited to participate in-person or virtually to this public consultation to express their concerns and/or provide comments/input to the DOE regarding this proposed project activity.
October 15, 2022 - Global Handwashing Day 2022 is be ing celebrated today under the theme, “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene.” This annual event, which is commemorated in partnership with UNICEF and the Water Sani tation and Hygiene Multi-Sectoral Body, is a global call to action to raise awareness of handwashing.
The Ministry of Health & Well ness and the WASH MSB continue to stress the importance of hand hygiene as it remains the first line of defense in preventing out breaks. The solution to saving lives exists with soap and clean water. Curbing the spread of water-borne diseases like cholera and diar rhea is critically important as the world faces natural disasters and humanitarian crises such as the disruption of water and sanitation systems, and even the displace ment of populations to overcrowd ed areas. Awareness and educa tion on water treatment and public health actions such as cleaning drinking water and delivering wa ter purification tablets aim at pre venting and controlling potential outbreaks. Thus, the multifaceted approach including water, sanita tion and hygiene, along with social mobilisation, encourages national preparedness to respond.
Now that schools have re opened and resumed normal schedules, the ministry encour ages maintaining high standards of hand hygiene. Encouraging the practice of handwashing hab
its, especially among children and communities, is a key factor in pro moting good health and well-be ing. Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, handwashing efforts have scaled up through co ordination with partners and con tinuing to promote these collective efforts will give handwashing the priority it deserves.
Throughout the month, activi ties will include hygiene promotion, education sessions and handwash ing demonstrations at community centers, schools and during home visits conducted by the community health workers. Prevention messag es, including the steps to clean and treat water, and emergency aid will continue to be disseminated with the assistance of local partners on the ground, including the Belize Red Cross. To mark the occasion in Be lize, a health fair was held at Bella Vista R.C. School on Friday, October 14, with a display of children’s hand washing drawings, the unveiling of a mural, information booths, the dona tion of hygiene packages and hand washing stations to the school.
The Ministry of Health & Well ness along with the WASH Multi-Sec toral Body - UNICEF, the Belize Red Cross, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology, Rotary, and the Belize Social Investment Fund re main committed to water sanitation and hygiene.
As the world moves to a new nor mal following the pandemic, we must unite for universal hand hygiene.
The Ministry of Rural Transfor mation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government here by notifies the public that the Labour Complaints Tribunal is now fully ap pointed and functional for the first time in the history of Belize. The tri bunal was appointed by Hon. Oscar Requena as Minister of Labour in accordance with Section 200 of the Labour Act, Chapter 297 of the Sub stantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edi tion 2020, “A Labour Complaints Tribunal shall be established for the purpose of providing a fair and im partial appeal process arising from complaints of unfair dismissal or wrongful termination.”
The tribunal commenced opera tions on March 4, 2022, by first put ting in place a critical case manage ment system and procedures. Its first decision was delivered on October 12, 2022.
The Labour Complaints Tribunal consists of five members: a mem ber nominated by the Chief Justice, a member who is the representative of employers nominated by the Belize
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a representative of workers nominated by the National Trade Union Congress of Belize, a member nominated by the Minister of Labour and the Commis sioner of Labour as an ex-officio mem ber.
The members are as follows:
Mr. Anthony Sylvestre, Attor ney-at-Law, Chairperson;
1. Ms. Ashanti Arthurs-Marin, At torney-at-Law, member nominated by the Chief Justice;
2. Ms. Jacqueline Jex, member nominated by the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
3. Ms. Ella Waight, member nom inated by the National Trade Union Con gress of Belize; and
4. Commissioner of Labour, Ex-Officio Member
The Ministry of Labour is commit ted to the proper and lawful manage ment of the labour market by ensuring that the rights of workers and employ ers are fully protected under law. Work ers who wish to bring a case before the tribunal can contact any district labour office for more information.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness, through its Dental Department, invites the public to join in celebrating Dental Health Week from October 23 to 29, 2022, under the theme “Good Oral Health is the Best Wealth.” This week will be focused on the continued em phasis on the importance of regular and proper brushing of teeth to reduce un necessary dental expenses and visits as well as sick leave.
While the prevalence of dental caries in the Americas has decreased since 1995, oral disease continues to be high compared to other parts of the world. Oral health is a critical aspect of public health in the Americas because of its contribution to overall morbidity, the high costs of treatment, and the increase in oral health inequities. Scien tific evidence also shows a causal rela tionship between oral health and health in general.
Public dental clinics countrywide will be promoting the importance of
good oral health through various activities, which include a quiz and poster competition, radio jingle, and the distribution of incentives and healthy snacks to school children, sup port staff and medical personnel. The public is invited to participate at their nearest dental clinic.
The Dental Department congratulates all its dentists and dental assistants, recognizing them as ‘frontline dental workers’ because of the close relationship shared with their pa tients during oral procedures.
By protecting and caring for your teeth at all times, you help to protect the health of our nation.
October 21, 2022
The Government of Belize (GOB) is implementing a security programme with the overall objective to contribute to improving the quality of life of Belizeans and supporting regional efforts that seek to combat crime. The key goal of the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP) is to strengthen citizen security by providing support to those institutions directly engaged in maintaining national security. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as part of the services it provides to its beneficiary member countries, is providing the total financing for the procurement of a consultant to fill the role of Procurement Officer in the framework of the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP). The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment will be responsible for the execution of the Programme and all its components, reporting all progress to CABEI and ensuring the execution of each component under the terms established for CABEI formulation and approval. The execution of BISP components will be carried out by the Co-Executors: Belize Police Department, Belize Defence Force, Belize Coast Guard and National Forensic Science Services.
The General objective of the service to be contracted is to provide general cleaning services for the office of the Programme Executing Unit.
The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment now invites interested consultants to submit their price quotations along with their respective resumes to participate in the selection process for the provision of Cleaning Services with the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP).
The Office Cleaner will be responsible to maintain the cleanliness and orderly conditions of all office spaces. In doing so the Office Cleaner must comply with the following functions:
•Cleaning of the office spaces, conference room, restrooms, storeroom, kitchen, and dusting and polishing of its furniture and cleaning of equipment and appliances
•Disposal of office and kitchen garbage
•Notify management of occurring defects or needs for repairs to equipment and/or appliances
•Secure facilities after operating hours by locking doors, closing windows, turning off lights and Air conditioning units
•Perform any other duties assigned from time to time
The Office Cleaner will work under the general guidance of the Administrative Assistant and report directly to the Administrative Assistant and the Project Coordinator. The position will be based at the Project Executing Unit’s office located at #1904 Constitution Drive, 2nd floor, Unit#3, Belmopan City.
The potential service provider must submit documentation to support experience and academic qualifications
• At least two (2) years experience in providing cleaning services in a professional organizational setting
Police Record
possession of a Social Security Card that is valid for employment in Belize
in English
At least one (1) letter of reference from a previous or current employer
The Office Cleaner will be selected by a competitive process in accordance with the Policy for the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services and Consultancies with CABEI resources and its Norms for Application (DI-52/2020 / PRE-40/2021). The duration of the service provision period is for 27 months. The post will be for one year, in the first instance, subject to an annual review and evaluation, Salary will be commensurate with the requirements of the post and the qualifications and experience of the selected candidate.
Interested eligible Service Providers may obtain further information and a complete Terms of Reference from the Programme Execution Unit of the BISP. Requests should be addressed to projectcoordinator.bisp@med.gov.bz during office hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time from Monday to Friday; or you can visit the Ministry of Economic Development’s webpage, www.med.gov.bz to download the Terms of Reference. Additionally, the consultancy announcement can be found on the Belize Procurement Notice Board’s webpage https://blz-cppnb.caricom.org/epps/home.do . Further information can be received by calling: 822-0156
The deadline for submission of Price Quotations is Monday, November 7th, 2022. Quotations along with Resume and supporting documentation (Diplomas, Certificates, References, etc.), can be sent via electronic mail (email) to projectcoordinator.bisp@med.gov.bz and copied to procurementofficer.bisp@med.gov.bz with the subject heading:
Ref: Nº CABEI-CS-004-2147/2022
Office Cleaner or via direct mail or hand delivered to the address indicated below by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 7th, 2022.
Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP)
1904 Constitution Drive, 2nd Floor, Unite #3 Belmopan City, Belize C.A.
October 18, 2022 - Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, bid farewell to Mr. Tariq Al-Othman, Chargé D'affaires at the Embassy of Qatar in El Salvador, accredited to Belize.
Hon. Courtenay thanked Mr. Al-Othman for laying the foundation to strengthen and expand amicable ties between Belize and Qatar. During his tenure, Qatar and Belize saw the strengthening of the legal framework with the negotiations of several cooperation agreements covering areas such as education, visa waiver, air services, news exchange, housing and culture. The Air Services Agreement was signed in October 2021, followed by the Mem orandum of Understanding for the Establishment of Political Consultations in June 2022. Mr. Al-Othman was also instrumental in arranging a successful visit to Belize by a delegation from Qatar headed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar during which the first political consultation meeting was convened between both countries.
The minister honoured the efforts of Mr. Al Othman by presenting him with a Key of Friendship for his accomplishments and willingness in engaging with Belize and wished him every success on his next assignment.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness joins the world in celebrating International Infection Pre vention and Control Week from October 17 to 21, 2022, under the theme “Spread Prevention - not infection!” The theme was chosen during the global pandemic as a call to be more proactive to prevent infections rather than being reactive and having to treat infections.
Infection Prevention and Control Week is an opportunity to celebrate the valuable work of those engaged in infection prevention and control (IPC). Infection perfectionists are professionals such as doctors, nurses and epidemiologists who ensure practices are upheld among healthcare workers and patients to prevent infec tions.
Belize has grown tremendously in the area of IPC. The country’s formal IPC Pro gram has led to inter-collaboration between the public IPC and the private facility sys tem to improve quality assurance for the entire country. It has been used to reduce risk factors in health settings and also to reduce and stop the transmission of diseases in the wards and improve licensing standards and health services countrywide. Through the program, health professionals have gained increased knowledge through continu ous training in IPC measures for health facility settings. Belize has been recognized for this program and was invited this year to participate at a Caribbean forum to present the country’s successes in IPC.
This year, the Ministry of Health & Wellness has scheduled several national and local activities in response to this international week including talk show appearances, an IPC fair at the Belmopan Civic Center on October 18, 2022, school visits and activ ities at the district level, and active engagement of staff at public facilities across the country.
The ministry extends its appreciation to PAHO/WHO for the work and support they continue to provide through IPC best practices. The public is encouraged to prac tice standard precaution measures (hand hygiene, cough etiquette, social distancing and environmental sanitation) as they interact with others, especially persons who are hospitalized.
Infection prevention and control is a practical, evidence-based approach which prevents patients and health workers from becoming affected by a wide range of infec tions as well as helps to prevent antimicrobial resistance that threatens the effective prevention and treatment of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi.
Institution: Ministry of Finance Country: BELIZE
Project: Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Sector: Finance Project No.: BL-L10315
Operation No: 4839/OC-BL
Deadline: Friday, November 4, 2022, at 4:00 pm local Belize time
The Government of Belize (GoB) has entered into a US$ 14 Million Loan Contract Agreement (No. 4839/ OC-BL) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the execution of a five-year tax modernization project entitled “Strengthening of Tax Administration”. The main beneficiaries of the Project are: (a) the Government, which will have more revenues to implement its public policies; (b) taxpayers, who will have more support and a digital environment to fulfil their tax obligations; and (c) the population, from the government policies implemented. The Ministry intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards payments for the services of Project Support Officer.
The objective of the position is to provide general administrative and clerical support to the PEU in compliance with IDB and national regulations.
The Project Support Officer is responsible for the overall daily affairs of the PEU as it pertains to the effective and successful completion of the various activities under the project portfolio of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and ensuring that all Projects’ activities are executed in accordance with the applicable MoF and the Bank’s requirements.
The main responsibilities of the Project Support officer include, among others:
(a)Provide secretarial services for the PEU.
(b)Provide clerical services for the PEU.
(c)Work closely with the project team in coordination of a wide range of activities in order to meet project and organizational objectives, targets and demands.
(d)Work closely with the project team to ensure that internal and external policies and procedures are followed.
(e)Maintaining an adequate filing system for the PEU records, including the payment records, among others.
Education: Associate degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or related fields. Participation in relevant courses/training in fields of project management, Microsoft Project, time-management, computer skills, Microsoft Office would also be considered an asset.
General Experience: A minimum of two (2) years general working experience.
Specific Experience:
•A minimum of one (1) year of work experience in performing administrative support services and/ or secretarial duties.
•One (1) year experience working with SmartStream system is considered an asset.
•One (1) year experience working with international or national development agencies is considered an asset.
•One (1) year experience working with Microsoft Project is considered an asset. Skills: (a) knowledge of records management is an asset; (b) Have excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Office; (c) task orientated and able to prioritize projects, multitask and meet tight deadlines; (d) fluent in written and spoken English with the ability to express data in a concise and clear manner; (e) team player and possess strong self-motivation and initiative; (f) professional, honest and display strong business ethics and integrity.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies.
Expression of Interest package should contain:
(i)Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant
(ii)Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experience in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment.
(iii)Copy of degrees/certificates
(iv)List of at least two references
(v)Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality
Interested individuals may obtain further information and request the full Terms of Reference for this post at the address below during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm local Belize time, Monday to Friday.
Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their expression of interest via e-mail to Michelle.Longsworth@bts.gov.bz no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, November 4, 2022, marked STAP- Project Support Officer in the subject header; or applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address:
Belize Tax Service
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project
Eleanor Hall Building
Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City
For clarifications kindly contact:
Procurement Specialist
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project
Ministry of Finance
Eleanor Hall Building
Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City
Email: tamara.tingling@mof.gov.bz
Dear Editor, Last Saturday, I was invited to PUP National Party Coun cil meeting to receive an award, not just any award, but the Prime Minister’s award. I am deeply humbled and honored to have received this award from the Prime Minister himself. The Prime Minister is a humble man who cares for people and who cares for our country. He listens to the people and tries his best to help in every way possible. The PM has great leadership qualities that are unmatched.
The PUP with the leader ship of John Briceño has hit the ground running from the day af ter elections, in November 2020. There are so many positive de velopments happening all across this country. Belize is fast becom ing a vibrant and prosperous na tion to live in.
Gone are the days when there was nothing happening under the UDP, the country was stagnant with only a few reaping and raping this country putting the masses in poverty. Under the UDP every thing was a hustle, every govern ment department was infected with the hustle virus. Belize was on the brink of disaster.
Thanks to the PUP under John Briceño and all the hard work and vision in putting this country back on the right path.
Signed… Chris WilliamsEditor’s Note: Our Belize Times Desktop Publisher, Chris Williams, was awarded by PM Briceño with the Party Leader Award for Chris’ years of ser vice to this newspaper and therefore to the People’s Unit ed Party. PM Briceño empha sized to the NPC gathering that Chris has given much of his life to the newspaper and that he is being recognized for that reason. The NPC was held on Saturday 15th Octo ber at the SCA auditorium. Chris Williams was recognized on stage in front of hundreds of PUP delegates from across the country representing con stituencies, municipalities, the PUP, Village Councils, the BYM, UWG, and the PUP Marshalls.
Institution: Ministry of Finance Country: BELIZE
Project: Strengthening of Tax Administration Project
Sector: Finance Project No.: BL-L1031
Operation No: 4839/OC-BL
Deadline: Friday, November 4, 2022, at 4:00 pm local Belize time
The Government of Belize (GoB) has entered into a US$ 14 Million Loan Contract Agreement (No. 4839/OC-BL) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the execution of a five-year tax modernization project entitled “Strengthening of Tax Administration”. The main beneficiaries of the Project are: (a) the Government, which will have more revenues to implement its public policies; (b) taxpayers, who will have more support and a digital environment to fulfil their tax obligations; and (c) the population, from the government policies implemented. The Ministry intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards payments for the services of Project Support Officer.
The objective of the position is to provide the necessary strategic, governance, organizational and administrative leadership for the Project, ensuring the effective allocation of resources, providing the financial and technical direction of the Project towards the attainment of the goals and targets, leading the physical and financial progress reporting, and serving as the main focal point of the Project with the BTS, the MoF and other public and private institutions.
The Project Coordinator is responsible for leading and guiding all matters pertaining to the effective, efficient and transparent implementation of the Project BLL1031, through the technical, administrative and financial management of the PEU, in accordance with the procedures and stipulations contained in the Program Operational Manual (POM) and in compliance with the Loan Contract.
The main responsibilities of the Project Coordinator include, among others:
a.Implementing the intra- and inter-institutional coordination mechanisms with the BTS, the MOF and other public and private organizations related to and/or beneficiaries of the Project
b.Promoting and disseminating the Project among beneficiaries, public entities, and other stakeholders.
c.In close coordination with the pertinent technical and administrative personnel of the BTS and the MoF, guiding the strategic and operations planning activities of the Project.
d.Monitoring the activities of the Project in compliance with its global strategic objectives and those of its individual technical components, as well as the targets established in the Project.
e.Implementing the Programs’ risk management mechanisms on the basis of the IDB tool Risk Management in Projects with Sovereign Guarantee (RMP), taking into consideration the assessment and evolution of the risk factors, the factors of probability and impact, and risk mitigation measures.
f.Guiding the preparation, the periodic physical and financial progress reports to be submitted to BTS, MoF, MED, and the Bank.
g.Presenting to the Bank the required data, reports and other documentation of the Project as a whole and its individual components, as established in the Loan Contract.
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Business Administration, Business Management, Project Management or related fields. Certification in Project Management or a master’s degree in a related field would be an asset. Participation in relevant courses/trainings in procurement, project management, time management, leadership, Microsoft Projects, or similar, would also be considered an asset.
General Experience: A minimum of five (5) years general working experience.
Specific Experience: A minimum of three (3) years of experience working in project management including administration, monitoring, control and evaluation. Previous work with investments projects funded by international development agencies is a plus.
Skills: The following skills are highly desirable:
•Knowledge of Records Management
•Experience supervising staff
•Experience in Report Writing
•Knowledge and experience working with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks or similar accounting software
•Excellent oral and written command of the English language
•Strong organizational and time management skills and ability to multi-task, with ability to adapt to changing needs and priorities
•Solid team management, leadership and delegation skills and ability to coordinate functional activities of multiple actors
•Strong team player
•Strong work ethics
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies.
Expression of Interest package should contain:
(i)Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant
(ii)Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experience in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment.
(iii)Copy of degrees/certificates
(iv)List of at least two references
(v)Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality
Interested individuals may obtain further information and request the full Terms of Reference for this post at the address below during the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm local Belize time, Monday to Friday.
Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their expression of interest via e-mail to Michelle.Longsworth@bts.gov.bz no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, November 4, 2022, marked STAP- Project Coordinator in the subject header; or applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address:
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project
Eleanor Hall Building Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City
For clarifications kindly contact:
Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Ministry of Finance
Eleanor Hall Building Lake I. Boulevard, Belize City
Email: tamara.tingling@mof.gov.bz
The Belize district girls enjoyed a 3-2 victory over the San Pedro girls when the Football Federation of Belize Under-13 tournament kicked off at the MCC grounds in Belize City on Saturday afternoon, October 15.
Tamile McCauley struck first 18’ for San Pedro in the first, but Belize led 2-1 with goals by Oceanna Castillo 30’ and Maleah Bladen 33’ in the second period. Teresita Diaz equalized 2-2 for San Pedro at 49’ but a late goal by Amina Burgess 51’ gave the Belize girls the 3-2 win.
In other matches around the league, at the People’s Stadium, Yancy Chan’s brace 17’ and 46’ gave the Corozal girls the 2-1 win over the Orange Walk girls, after Ziany Santos had equalized at 30’.
At the Marshalleck Stadium, the Cayo girls marched over the Benque Viejo girls 11-0, led by Aneeke Meza’s beaver hat trick: 2’, 6’, 7’, 11’ and 47’! Jahxann Waight scored a brace: 1’ and 54’ , and a goal each from Eva Chuc 9’, Jemma August 19’, Marley Garcia 22’ and Tiana Labriel 36’.
At the Victor Sanchez Union Field, the Mid South girls triumphed 5-0 over the Toledo girls with a brace each from Riann Acal 25’ and 44’ and Haylee Villan ueva 50’ and 57’, after Amara Coe scored the opening goal 13’.
At the Carl Ramos Stadium, Jolene Aranda’s brace 18’ and 21’ led the Stann Creek girls to a 2-1 win over the Belmopan girls, whose only tally came from Emely Rodriguez 45’.
Upcoming games on Saturday, October 22
Belize District - Orange Walk - People’s Stadium
Cayo - Corozal - Andres Campos Stadium
Benque Viejo - San Pedro - Ambergris Stadium
Toledo - Belmopan Isidoro - Beaton Stadium
Stann Creek - Mid-South - Michael Ashcroft Stadium
The BELTRAIDE is seeking the services of a dynamic and proactive individual to ll the post of Export Business Advisor at its EXPORTBelize Unit. The incumbent will actively participate in export development and trade promotion programs that will assist Belize’s export sector to increase, diversify and consolidate their exports, as well as increase their competiveness and sustainability.
•Proactively explore the local market for potential Belizean export industries or products (goods and services) with export potential and interest to meet demands of the international market;
•Compile sector and market research and prepare and maintain market pro les and other fact sheet to promote to targeted export markets;
•Identify trading opportunities in foreign markets for Belizean exports (including those provided under the trade agreements);
•Engage Belize mission abroad to assist in accessing emerging markets by providing market/sector information and intelligence that can guide promotion efforts;
• Facilitate linkages, match-making opportunities and negotiations between Belizean exporters and international buyers;
•Conduct, coordinate and participate in seminars, awareness programs, missions, forums and exhibition to support and promote Belize’s Export sector;
•Develop and implement training, coaching, and mentoring programs to build the capacity of local companies to compete in both domestic and international markets;
• Coordinate successful participation of BELTRAIDE, Belizean exporters, and other agencies in relevant trade shows/missions, national tours, buyer-seller meets and other promotional events; including conducting presentations on trade opportunities
•Liaises with relevant departments and Ministries to facilitate exporters and potential exports in obtaining relevant licenses and permits and to act as the bridge between private and public sectors;
• Provide specialized advising to exporters and develop implementable actions plans to address individual challenges to improve their competiveness and sustainability;
• Liaises with nancial institutions to act as a bridge between them and private enterprises needing assistance in accessing export nance;
•Conduct market research of targeted markets to determine market entry and other requirements and promotional strategies;
• Conduct research to identify relevant technical assistance sources and other export support programs through regional and international development agencies;
• Execute any other relevant duties as assigned.
• Bachelor’s degree in International Trade, Trade, Economics, Business Management, Marketing, Enterprise Development, Project Management, or related eld
• Minimum of two (2) years working experience in trade or business development
• Experience working with the Export sector an asset
SALARY: Based on experience and quali cations
• Quali ed candidates should submit their cover letter, updated Resume/CV, two (2) letters of reference (one must be from current or last employer), copy of ID (SSB) by Friday, October 28, 2022.
SUBMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE: Via email to: hr@belizeinvest.org.bz In the Subject indicate your name and post you are applying for (Subject: NAME-POST)
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VISIT: https://www.beltraide.bz/publications.html https://www.facebook.com/BELTRAIDE/ (501) 822-3737 or 822-3607
To provide management and technical assistance and information services to small businesses and to assist the Manager with the overall operation of the programme. The successful candidate will provide counselling on all aspects of small business operations, including marketing, management, accounting, personnel, with special emphasis on nancing small businesses.
•Plan, prepare and deliver job preparedness and capacity building training;
•Facilitate learning through a variety of delivery methods including classroom instruction and virtual trainings;
•Track and report on training outcomes, such as number of participants, subjects and subject level, and other predeter mined indications;
•Assist in the organization, development or sourcing of training programs to meet speci c training needs of client-enterprises;
•Assist in the revision of training aids, such as manuals and handbooks and other related items as needed;
•Work closely with Curriculum Development Of cer to design and apply assessment tools to measure training effectiveness and impact;
•Evaluate and make recommendations on training material and methodology;
•Source instructors from the community for specialized programs and coordinate the activities for these instructors;
•Responsible for administering and analyzing training evaluations from both training participants and client-enterprises;
•Carry out all organisational and administrative work, preparation and marking associated with teaching responsibilities. To include, but not limited to, the provision of lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment schedules and the completion of Individuals Learning plan (E-ILPs) including any associated records.
•Bachelor’s degree in Education, Business Administration, Management, or equivalent
•Minimum of two (2) year in training, education, curriculum development, Customer Service or project management
•Second language is a requirement, preferably Spanish
•Excellent time management skills/ ability to prioritize and deliver planned results in a fast paced environment
• Proactive communicator, problem solver and goal oriented
•Have excellent communication skills (both written and verbal)
•Ability to present and communicate effectively in front of varied populations
•Quali ed candidates should submit their cover letter, updated Resume/CV, two (2) letters of reference (one must be from current or last employer), copy of ID (SSB) by Friday, October 28, 2022.
SUBMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE: Via email to: hr@belizeinvest. org.bz
In the Subject indicate your name and post you are applying for (Subject: NAME-POST)
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VISIT: https://www.beltraide.bz/publications. html
https://www.facebook.com/BELTRAIDE/ (501) 822-3737 or 822-3607
The BELTRAIDE is seeking the services of a dynamic and proactive individual to ll the post of Training Facilitator at its Belize Training & Employment Centre (BTEC). The successful candidate will be responsible to develop, coordinate, and facilitate training workshops and seminars. They will create and deliver job preparedness trainings and education programs in a formal and informal settings for adult learners nationwide.
•Plan, prepare and deliver job preparedness and capacity building training;
•Facilitate learning through a variety of delivery methods including classroom instruction and virtual trainings;
•Track and report on training outcomes, such as number of participants, subjects and subject level, and other predeter mined indications;
•Assist in the organization, development or sourcing of training programs to meet speci c training needs of client-enterprises;
•Assist in the revision of training aids, such as manuals and handbooks and other related items as needed;
•Work closely with Curriculum Development Of cer to design and apply assessment tools to measure training effectiveness and impact;
•Evaluate and make recommendations on training material and methodology;
•Source instructors from the community for specialized programs and coordinate the activities for these instructors;
•Responsible for administering and analyzing training evaluations from both training participants and client-enter prises;
•Carry out all organisational and administrative work, preparation and marking associated with teaching responsibilities. To include, but not limited to, the provision of lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment schedules and the completion of Individuals Learning plan (E-ILPs) including any associated records.
•Bachelor’s degree in Education, Business Administration, Management, or equivalent
•Minimum of two (2) year in training, education, curriculum development, Customer Service or project management
•Second language is a requirement, preferably Spanish
•Excellent time management skills/ ability to prioritize and deliver planned results in a fast paced environment
•Proactive communicator, problem solver and goal oriented
•Have excellent communication skills (both written and ver bal)
•Ability to present and communicate effectively in front of varied populations
•Quali ed candidates should submit their cover letter, updated Resume/CV, two (2) letters of reference (one must be from current or last employer), copy of ID (SSB) by Friday, October 28, 2022.
SUBMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE: Via email to: hr@belizeinvest. org.bz
In the Subject indicate your name and post you are applying for (Subject: NAME-POST)
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION VISIT: https://www.beltraide.bz/publications. html
https://www.facebook.com/BELTRAIDE/ (501) 822-3737 or 822-3607
Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.00.
The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 25 October 2022 and will be redeemed on Tuesday, 24 January 2023.
Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.
Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 21, October 2022.
The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 25 October 2022.
Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).
Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development
Country: Belize
Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme
Loan No.: 2000002301
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: November 9, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vegetables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organizations and relevant GOB Departments.
The main objective of this consultancy is to contract the services of a consultancy firm to provide architectural services for the Design and Supervision of construction work for Storage and Packaging Centers for RRB Beneficiaries in the following villages:
1.Cayo District - Valley of Peace, San Antonio, and Seven Miles
2. Orange Walk - San Carlos
Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www.centralbank.org.bz)
3. Corozal District - Concepcion and Xiabe villages.
• A minimum of four (4) years’ experience designing, developing and supervising architectural designs.
• A minimum of at least one project of similar nature and complexity. Experience with any Agricultural and produce/food handling structures and facilities will be an advantage.
IN THE ESTATE of LANDA LISSET CROSS a.k.a. LANDA MARIK, Deceased of Province of Alberta, Canada.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 36 of the Administration of Estates Act, Chapter 197 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2020, that all creditors and other persons having any claims and demands upon or against the Estate of LANDA LISSET CROSS a.k.a. LANDA MARIK, Deceased of Calgary, Province of Alberta, Canada, who died on the 20th day of March, 2020 and in whose estate Grant of Administration with the Will Annexed has been granted to BELIZE FUDICIARY SERVICES LIMITED, of No. 35 Barrack Road - Third Floor, Belize City, Belize, shall lodge claims or demands with the said BELIZE FUDICIARY SERVICES LIMITED of No. 35 Barrack Road – Third Floor, Belize City, Belize, on or before the expiration of three months from the first publication hereof AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that at the expiration of the said three months the said BELIZE FUDICIARY SERVICES LIMITED shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said LANDA LISSET CROSS a.k.a. LANDA MARIK, deceased, amongst the beneficiaries entitled thereto, having regard only to claims and de mands of which they shall then have had notice.
DATED this 6th day of October, 2022
The consultancy firm must possess two (2) Key staff members:
• Architect
o Must possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in architecture, Professional Architect registered with the Association of Professional Architects of Belize (APAB)
o Minimum 3 years relevant experience in architecture.
Pursuant to Section 10 (3) of the Belize Mines and Minerals Act, Chapter 226, Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 20002003, Victor Miranda on behalf of Twinkling Assets Ltd., has applied to the Honourable Minister of Natural Resources, through the Inspector of Mines, Mining Unit; for a license to extract sand from the seabed adjacent to Caye Chapel, Belize District. The area to be mined is bounded between UTM Co-ordinates:
o Proficiency in the use of Computer Aid Design (CAD) Software for the preparation of the drawings and the creation of the 3D renderings.
oMust possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
oMust be registered with the Association of Professional Engineers of Belize (APEB)
o A minimum of three (3) years’ experience in engineering design, design review, construction supervision and its related requirements.
area to be mined comprises approximately ninety-one (91) acres.
The Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme now invites now invites expressions of interest (EOIs) from firms to provide services for the Design & Supervision of construction work for Storage and Packaging Centers.
A Consulting Firm will be selected in accordance with the procurement procedures set out by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies.
Consulting Firms interested in receiving the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Request for REOI - Design & Supervision of construction work for Storage and Packaging Centers) to the Procurement Officer at nvernon.RRB@med.gov.bz giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Consultants receive updates regarding this RFP.
The Proposal must be delivered to the following address on or before April 15, 2021, at 10:00AM (Local time). Consultants also have the option of submitting their
Attn: Geraldo Flowers Programme Manager Resilient Rural Belize Programme Ministry of Economic Development National Agriculture Showgrounds Hummingbird Highway Belmopan, BelizeClimate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP) Loan No.: 9347-BE
Project ID No.: P172592
Assignment Title: SeniorAccounts Officer Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): CS 05
The Government of Belize has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) is for a suitable qualified fulltime PROJECT STAFFSENIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER as part of the Project Implementation Unit of the CRESAP within the Belize Social Investment Fund. The Senior Accounts Officer will have the overall responsibility of sundry project accounting and administrative tasks required for the successful implementation of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project.
The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the implementing agency for the project and the BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Senior Accounts Officer.
The consultancy is expected to be for an initial period of Twenty-four (24) months commencing November 2022. The Senior Accounts Officer will be supervised by the Finance Unit Coordinator of the Social Investment Fund (SIF).
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to nellie.trench@sifbelize.org or at the following link https:// sifbelize.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/CS-05-Terms-of-Reference-TOR-Senior-AccountsOfficer-CRESAP-101022-final.pdf on the website of BSIF at www.sifbelize.org.
The Belize Social Investment Fund now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (such as cover letter, Curriculum Vitae etc.).
• Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Management, Business Administration, Finance or equivalent qualification.
• Three (3) years’ experience working in accounting field in public or private sector performing tasks that include reconciliation of bank statements, preparation of payroll and conducting general accounting services. (max 20 points)
*If these minimum requirements are not met, candidates will not be considered for the process*
Additional Requirements (Desirable)
• Three or more years of experience conducting accounting services for international funding agencies (max 25 points)
• At least three years of experience working with automated financial information systems preferably Quick-books (max 20 points)
• Experience working in a project environment (max 15 points)
• Experience conducting accounting processes under strict guidelines
• Project Management training completed (max 10 points)
• Formal training completed or working knowledge of Fund Accounting and Multi-Currency transactions (max 10 points)
Minimum total points required to be considered for the assignment is 75 points.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e. 0800 to 1600 hours Belize Time.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by October 28, 2022 at 16:00 hours Belize Time.
Belize Social Investment Fund
Attn: Nellie Trench, Finance Coordinator
P.O. Box 459, 1902 Constitution Drive (3rd Floor), Belmopan, Belize
Telephone +501-822-0239
Email: nellie.trench@sifbelize.org
Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP) Loan No.: 9347-BE
Project ID No.: P172592
Assignment Title: Project Coordinator Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): CS 01
The Government of Belize has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) is for a suitable qualified fulltime PROJECT STAFFPROJECT COORDINATOR as part of the Project Implementation Unit of the CRESAP within the Belize Social Investment Fund. The Project Coordinator will provide overall leadership and management of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and will coordinate the activities to be implemented. The Project Coordinator will have the ultimate responsibility for planning, budget preparation and management and execution to achieve the Project’s objectives and targets. In addition, the Project Coordinator will report to Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE) and the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) on overall project implementation and will act on the MAFSE behalf in his/her contacts with public and international institutions and provide overall supervision of service providers contracted by the project. The Project Coordinator will also provide regular project update to the Project Oversight Committee.
The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the implementing agency for the project and the BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Project Coordinator.
The consultancy is expected to be for an initial period of Twenty-four (24) months commencing November 2022. The Project Coordinator will be supervised by the Executive Director of the BSIF and will report to Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE) and BSIF on overall project implementation.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to nellie.trench@sifbelize.org or at the following link https://sifbelize.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/CS-01-Terms-of-Reference-TOR-Project-CoordinatorCRESAP-10-10-2022-final.pdf on the website of BSIF at www.sifbelize.org.
The Belize Social Investment Fund now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (such as cover letter, Curriculum Vitae etc.).
•Master’s degree in project management, agriculture, rural development, or any other field related to the assignment.
•Eight years’ working experience in public or private sector performing tasks related to managing of projects (max 20 points)
*If these minimum requirements are not met, the candidates will not be considered for the process*
• At least five years’ experience in implementation of projects in the agriculture field (max 30 points)
• At least five years’ experience working in rural development, particularly in rural/local communities (max 20 points)
•Minimum of three (3) years’ experience working with agriculture value chain particularly livestock or horticulture crops (max 15 points)
•At least five years’ experience with project management for activities funded by of IFIs (e.g. World Bank, IDB, CDB, EU etc.) (max 15 points)
Minimum total points required to be considered for the assignment is 75 points. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e. 0800 to 1600 hours Belize Time.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by October 28, 2022 at 16:00 hours Belize Time.
Belize Social Investment Fund
Attn: Nellie Trench, Finance Coordinator
P.O. Box 459, 1902 Constitution Drive (3rd Floor), Belmopan, Belize
Telephone +501-822-0239
Email: nellie.trench@sifbelize.org