The Belize Times
Established 1957
The Truth Shall Make You Free
3 OCTOBER 2021 | ISSUE NO: 5269
www.facebook/belizetimes | $1.00
Pg. 2 “Together we must lift billions out of poverty and provide affordable housing, education and health care. Failure is not an option. We believe in the power of humanity and in the noble spirit of mankind. We have confidence hay we can and we will make the world a better place. The people of Belize and the citizens of the world expect nothing less.”– Prime Minister John Briceño at the 76th UN National Assembly
10 Months of Competence Unequalled Access to Vaccines November ’21 Investment Summit Attracts 500+ Million Blu Bond Success International Recognition Agro Industry Record Growth Tourism Ahead of Schedule Cruise Ships & Airlines Safety Women in Leadership Making Education Work Road Infrastructure with Savings Homes for Single-Mothers And much More…
Pg. 5
Tragic Loss, Another Teenager
Pg. 5 Visitor’s Permit Extension Fees Waived March 2020 to September 2021
Pg. 8
Pg. 8
BLUE BOND SUCCESS Over 75% of bondholders buy in
Pg. 9
On October 10, join the PUP virtually in celebration of 71st Anniversary
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“No political will” said the petty and clueless Faber. “Après moi, le déluge” vomited the master of incompetence and leader of hotbeds of corruption. Both Faber and Barrow are now trying to cook and eat their crows. There are only sleepless nights for a UDP who cannot even attempt to op-
pose the historically high levels of success planBelize is recording way ahead of schedule. All this progress is to the direct benefit to Belizeans who are seeing employed as the economy revs up at the micro and macro levels. The BLU plan called planBelize is nothing short of remarkable. The Hon. John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
76th Session General Assembly of the United Nations Excerpts of Presentation on September 24, 2021
Climate Change No one can deny that the planet is getting hotter. Global temperature is 1.2 degrees warmer. Sea levels are rising. Draughts are unprecedented... Mother Nature is rebelling... Our refusal to take corrective action. We can do better. Covid-19 Covid-19 brought our economies to its knees. Thousands of Belizeans lost their lives. Poverty rate increased to sixty percent...the human toll has been deadly. Thousands have been admitted to the hospital. This is not unique to Belize. Loans that were originally committed for development and climate change have been were diverted to cover health needs and to mitigate unemployment. ...Most of our countries have no recourse to concessionary financing to fund the immediate health response.
Vaccines With the advent of the vaccine, governments self-financed via Covax and concurrently reached out to bilateral partners to solicit vaccine donations. The immediate global response was inadequate to the scale of the health crisis. Vaccine hoarding has reduced access to vaccine...In Latin America and the Caribbean...only a fifth of the region has received the vaccines. Belize has no delivery date for its next Covax shipment. The longer vaccine inequality persists the longer the virus will persist and keep circulating and changing. Belize and Multilateralism For us the multilateral system is indispensable. Belize supports the Secretary General’s thoughtful and forward looking ‘Our common Agenda’. The truth is that whether or is the health or climate crisis the scale of the challenge, the magni-
and team are making inroads in every Ministry and building figurative and literal bridges both at home and abroad. The remnants of the UDP are busy at the drawing board thinking who could lead them into Elections 2030. Before mid-year 2020, our Prime Minister went on visits to Guatemala and Costa Rica to meet with regional and world leaders. This was the beginning of putting Belize back on the world stage. The United Nations has heard him and this week we, Belize, is visiting with Mexico and their President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The UDP had thrown away all the confidence the investment world
had in Belize. The PUP-led government came in armed with planBelize. Covid was to be defeated on two fronts: 1) vaccine diplomacy to protect its citizens and 2) Economic rebound via agricultural trade, touristic innovation, superbond renegotiation and bilateral agreements. The result up to now has been protection of the vaccinated and a new economy out of recession, Government performing in the BLACK(NOT in the RED), and half a billion saved in the dismantling of the Superbond. This is just the beginning.
tude of the impact and the urgency of the action required cannot be met by any one country alone. We must commit to finding solutions together to the common problems that we confront. Unbridled unilateralism must yield to the settled determination to respond to the major problems of our times with social justice. My country is seeking along with Guatemala the final and peaceful resolution of Guatemala’s claim to Belizean territory at the International Court of Justice. We count on Guatemala to remain a constructive partner... If the multilateral system is to be our collective lifeline it must be repurposed. It must have the capacity to induce action. “We must take action together” It is crystal clear that the confluence of crises facing the world can only be addressed through solidarity, International cooperation, and multilateral approaches. Let us not return to this great hall in September 2022 to lament further inaction. Let us not return
next year to again decry unilateralism, nationalism and failed collective action. No Mr. President, we must take action together, we can defeat Covid-19 but we must do so together. We must save the planet from the irreversible damage of climate change. Together, we can reform the world’s financial architecture to guarantee debt relief make available affordable financing and adopt a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index. Together we must lift billions out of poverty and provide affordable housing, education and health care. Failure is not an option. We believe in the power of humanity and in the noble spirit of mankind. We have confidence that we can and we will make the world a better place. The people of Belize and the citizens of the world expect nothing less. Thank You! (The Prime Minister delved into International diplomacy to ask for fairness in the issues of the Cuba embargo, Palestine/Israeli Conflict, Haitian poverty, and Taiwan to be included in the United Nations)
By Hilly Bennett “Failure is not an option. We believe in the power of humanity, in the noble spirit of mankind. We have confidence that we can and we will make the world a better place. The people of Belize, the citizens of the world expects nothing less”.This was a BOLD and audacious statement by PM Briceño on the world stage of the United Nation’s 76th session of the General Assembly. The Prime Minister of Belize, Honourable John Briceño, Minister of Finance and Economic Development address at was nothing short of political brilliance and oratory prowess. Briceño’s International delivery encapsulated the urgency for a reboot of multilateralism to be aligned with the original intent the design hoped to achieve. Honourable John Briceño
admonished the leaders of the world that, “if the multilateral system is to be our collective lifeline, it must be repurposed.” [Emphasis]. John Gerard Ruggie, a Professor at Harvard University and former UN Ambassador on Human Rights and author of the book Multilateralism Matters: The Theory and Praxis of an International Form suggest that the multilateral system put in place after WWII was designed to foster cooperation among States and based on “principles of conduct” and “indivisibility “ and expectations of diffuse “reciprocity.“ However, the intended design has been misaligned resulting in festering inequities amongst small developing nation states including Belize. Briceño highlighted the immediate challenges the world community is
faced with - the coronavirus pandemic and climate change and their deleterious effects. Additionally, he confronted the attendants of the General Assembly, the need to deal with the longstanding embargo on Cuba, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict in Gaza, the inhumane conditions of the people of Haiti, the right to self-determination for the Sahari people and the inclusion of Taiwan into the membership of the United Nations. Our PM also spoke about the unsustainable debt that has had the Jewel’s economy and national development in a chokehold. This has been compounded by the inaccessibility to concessionary financing. Evidence of the inequities of the multilateral system. (Watch the entirety of Prime Minister’s address on FB/Bzetimespress.)
The Belize Times
Established 1957
14 APR 2013
ISSUE NO: 4840
The Truth Shall Make You Free
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER
Fay Castillo EDITOR
José Jiménez
Chris Williams
Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize
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he Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño has been quite busy establishing the foundations on which he and his Cabinet will rebuild the Belizean Economy. The Blue Bonds which have garnered enough support from the bond holders will become a reality. This debt relief will significantly reduce our national debt and will increase our fiscal stability and credit rating. The latter stands at CC accordingly with a negative outlook according to Standard & Poor’s credit rating as of February 2021. The Blue Bonds coupled with decreased recurrent expenditure and increased collections by the government also means that the economy is slowly weaning itself off life support and no longer dependent on the overdraft facilities of the Central Bank of Belize. We are climbing out of the deep financial abyss thirteen years in creation by the previous administration. There is still much work to be done and the PM is busy working on bonds of another sort. PM Briceño and his team have been making the rounds to visit our neighbours in the North. Mexico celebrates its forty-year anniversary of diplomatic relations with Belize and was a great supporter of our independence. The discussions further commitments of increase in collaborations on many fronts including trade and investment. In addition to developing and preparing the Partial Scope Agreement, there are commitments from Mexico to partner in research and development in areas like Agriculture and Cattle. These investments and agreements will help to further reactivate our economy and to create permanent jobs for Belizeans. The GOB can then focus on investing and ensuring that Health, Education, and our social safety nets can cater to the needs of a growing and thriving nation. There are also many discussions that will lead to the ease of investment and trade between the two countries, with discussions on banking that will mutually benefit both countries. These fraternal bonds will benefit our country. They are important as our country prepares to receive investors to the Investment Summit this November. While we battle many ills on many fronts at home, the pandemic is but one, our Prime Minister is working diligently to reactivate the economy and create those jobs we desperately need. Poverty, food insecurity, the surge in school dropouts are affecting the fabric of our society and the escalating crime rates are the symptom of a wider more infectious malady. This can only be alleviated by securing investment, creation of jobs, expanding educational opportunities and increase in affordable housing. We must also do our part by vaccinating, so that our economy can once again thrive and invest in those areas where we are most vulnerable and at risk. We must support our women and girls and those single parent homes or risk losing an entire generation of Belizeans to gang violence and guns. Let us be good neighbours and look out for one another, live in peace and harmony, and turn our efforts into actions to benefit our families and communities. Belize and Mexico have been good neighbours and friends for forty years, this bond just like the Blue Bonds are good for Belize!
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en Español EDITORIAL ¡Los Bonos!
l Primer Ministro, John Briceño, ha estado muy ocupado sentando las bases sobre las que él y su gabinete reconstruirán la economía de Belice. Los Bonos Azules, que han obtenido suficiente apoyo de los tenedores de bonos, serán una realidad. Este alivio de la deuda reducirá significativamente nuestra deuda nacional y aumentará nuestra estabilidad fiscal y nuestra calificación crediticia. Esta última se sitúa en CC, con una perspectiva negativa, según la calificación crediticia de Standard & Poor’s a partir de febrero de 2021. Los Bonos Azules, junto con la disminución de los gastos recurrentes y el aumento de la recaudación por parte del gobierno, también significan que la economía se está despojando poco a poco del soporte vital y ya no depende de las facilidades de sobregiro del Banco Central de Belice. Estamos saliendo del profundo abismo financiero creado durante trece años por la anterior administración. Todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer y el Primer Ministro está ocupado trabajando en bonos de otro tipo. El Primer Ministro Briceño y su equipo han hecho una ronda para visitar a nuestros vecinos del Norte. México celebra su cuarenta aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas con Belice y fue un gran defensor de nuestra independencia. En las conversaciones se han adquirido nuevos compromisos de aumentar la colaboración en muchos frentes, incluidos el comercio y la inversión. Además de desarrollar y preparar el Acuerdo de Alcance Parcial, hay compromisos de México para asociarse en investigación y desarrollo en áreas como la agricultura y la ganadería. Estas inversiones y acuerdos ayudarán a reactivar aún más nuestra economía y a crear empleos permanentes para los beliceños. El Gobierno podrá entonces centrarse, invertir y garantizar que la salud, la educación y nuestras redes de seguridad social puedan satisfacer las necesidades de una nación creciente y próspera. También hay muchas discusiones que llevarán a facilitar la inversión y el comercio entre los dos países, con discusiones sobre la banca que beneficiarán mutuamente a ambos países. Estos lazos fraternales beneficiarán a nuestro país. Son importantes ahora que nuestro país se prepara para recibir a los inversores en la Cumbre de Inversión de noviembre. Mientras luchamos contra muchos males en muchos frentes en casa, de las cuales la pandemia no es más que una, nuestro Primer Ministro está trabajando con diligencia para reactivar la economía y crear esos puestos de trabajo que necesitamos desesperadamente. La pobreza, la inseguridad alimentaria y el aumento del abandono escolar están afectando al tejido de nuestra sociedad, y la escalada de los índices de criminalidad es el síntoma de un mal más amplio e infeccioso. Esto sólo puede aliviarse asegurando la inversión, la creación de puestos de trabajo, la ampliación de las oportunidades educativas y el aumento de las viviendas asequibles. También debemos hacer nuestra parte vacunandonos, para que nuestra economía pueda volver a prosperar e invertir en las áreas más vulnerables y de mayor riesgo. Debemos apoyar a nuestras mujeres y niñas y a esos hogares monoparentales o arriesgarnos a perder a toda una generación de beliceños por la violencia de las bandas y las armas. Seamos buenos vecinos y cuidémonos los unos de los otros, vivamos en paz y armonía, y convirtamos nuestros esfuerzos en acciones que beneficien a nuestras familias y comunidades. Belice y México han sido buenos vecinos y amigos durante cuarenta años, ¡este vínculo al igual que los Bonos Azules son buenos para Belice!
DWAYNE GABOUREL Tragic Loss, Another Teenager
Prime Minister Honorable John Briceno: “While no law or set of laws alone will end the fear and senseless violence, it is clear that immediate action is needed. My instruction to the Minister of Home Affairs and to the members of the police department is that now is the time to use all necessary resources to save our children, our communities and our countries from the senseless killings. In this regard, I have asked Minister Musa and the Commissioner of Police to provide as much information to the public and to reach out to everyone to join our efforts to combat the crime and violence and to get the gangs off the streets. Already a set of real plans with measurable solutions are being drawn up to address this crisis in the short, medium and long term, but we must accelerate these plans and ensure real outcomes.” Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs: “That’s a very loud statement, child after child, it speaks volumes to where we are as a society and in particular where we are in Belize City. Growing up, I can recall when I was about 16-years-old, there were only about 3-4 gangs in our city, fast forward 30 years later and we have over 20 gangs in
10 Months of Competence Blue Economy Innovation Attracting Investment Caye Caulker Health Center is just a beginning Corozal Freezone from Zero to >1000 jobs Electrification in Rural Areas Prioritized BPO’s and Casinos open under protocol New Preshools Open Across the Nation Pilot Free-Education in South Side Belize City Airport, Western Border, Northern Border Opened Successfully under Covid Protocols SSB Scheduled Hike Held Back First stages of Land Reform taken to the people Roads Fixed all over the country Urgent Hotmix to the Boom to PGIA cutoff in record time NEW Haulover Bridge in the BLU horizon(saving 30 million) New Negotiations at the Highest Levels for PSA with Guatemala and Trade with Mexico Visa Waiver with Russia to Increase Visitation Home Affairs Modernizing the Police Force and Making steps towards Capacity building Public Service Training and Innovation to Combat Corruption and increases Efficiency E-Governance to fully digitize any and everything including Passports and Vital Stats George Price Day Emancipation Day
our city who have been wreaking havoc, who have been recruiting young men who don’t know any better, but who don’t have the love of their family and they’re recruited by these gang members. Back in the day, there was a certain respect that gang leaders have, they would never interfere with young people but now they’re taking advantage of them, recruiting them, to carry out these acts and then indiscriminately, this is an innocent young man who knew nothing about gang life, who grew up right here playing basketball, having dreams of going to UCLA and becoming a professional basketball player, his whole dreams, his whole future has been deferred just because there is a rivalry between two or three areas, and they don’t know why they’re rivaling, they’re just born into it, they’re born into an area to hate the other area, teens killing teens not even knowing the other teen’s name that they’re killing, they don’t even k now each other, and they don’t know why they’re killing. But whoever is putting the guns in these young men’s hand and controlling them, those are the real murderers
because they’re taking the lives of those shooters and the victims out here.” “George Price said that nation building is for giants well nation repairing is Herculean, it’s going to take Herculean effort on the part of everybody from individuals who witness a crime to come and testify, something as basic as that, to judges, when a person is charged under the being a gang members law, look at what the law says, it says sentencing them for years in jail, not releasing them back because they are terrorizing society.” Those were the words of Prime Minister Briceño as he addressed the Nation on crime and Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries, after he visited the family of fatal shooting victim, Dwayne Gabourel (15). On Saturday evening Gabourel went to buy a pack of bread at the neighborhood grocery shops before the closure ahead of the curfew which was at 7pm. It was there that the teenage boy who referred to himself as the future of this country met his violent fate. A gunman came off a motorcycle approached him and fired several shots at the defenseless teenager. He was rushed to the KHMH where he died while receiving treatment. The expressions of anger, sadness and outrage rang out everywhere there was sound.
05 5 H.E. Rossana Briceno, Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children: “As a mother, I feel the pain in the pit of my stomach. I am angry at the hate we have built in this nation and for the suffering our children face. Dwayne Gabourel was a 3rd form student who had a whole life ahead of him. According to his teachers he was a very respectful and hardworking young man whose priorities were in line. He wanted more for himself. His mother’s dreams for her little boy are shattered. I am a mother hurting for this son. I am a mother mourning for the loss of our young men. As the Special Envoy I do not take this incident lightly. We condemn all those who engage in these hateful crimes. Our young men cannot and should not be living in a society of fear with the belief that any day could be their last. When did we become a Belize that did not protect its own? Today the Office of the Special Envoy takes a stand. This has to stop. This violence we see has no overnight fix. No pretty Band-Aid to cover up the gross injuries our country faces. However, we need to work together as a community to see the flaws in our system. It is only through collaboration and inclusivity from all, private sector, public sector, religious sector and social partners that we can make changes.”
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Tenders are invited from licensed insurance companies to provide Third Party Insurance for the GOB motor vehicle for the Period February 1, 2022 – January 31, 2024. Details and clarifications of the vehicles to be insured can be obtained from the Manager, Assets & Utilities Management Unit, Ministry of Finance, #26/28 Cardinal Avenue, Belmopan, Belize, at telephone (501) 822-4038 or by email to Tenders should be deposited at the Tender box, Ministry of Finance, Third Floor, Edney Cain Building, Belmopan, in sealed envelopes clearly marked TENDER FOR MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE - February 1, 2022 to January 31, 2024. Tenders should be accompanied with Certificates of Good Standing from: 1)
the Companies Registry,
the Belize Tax Service,
the Belize Social Security Board, and
the Supervisor of Insurance.
The deadline for clarifications is October 1, 2021, at 4:00 pm., while deadline to submit tenders is October 8, 2021, at 10:00 am. Tenders will be opened at 11:00 am at the Ministry of Finance’s conference room after the deadline in the presence of the tenderers who choose to attend; evaluation of tenders will follow immediately after. Late tenders will be disqualified and returned unopened. This is a call for quotations, but the lowest tender may not necessarily be awarded the contract. The Ministry of Finance reserves the right to cancel the entire proceedings at any time without incurring any cost. This advertisement can also be viewed at https://www/blz-cppnb.caricom. org
TENDER NOTICE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PLACEMENT THE ASSETS & UTILITIES MANAGEMENT UNIT MINISTRY OF FINANCE Tenders are invited from licensed petroleum companies for the supply of petroleum products for the GOB Motor vehicle fleet, including marine vessels, for the period December 1, 2021 – November 30, 2024. Details and clarifications on the type and amounts of fuel required, including bulk purchases, can be obtained from the Manager, Assets & Utilities Management Unit, Ministry of Finance, #26/28 Cardinal Avenue, Belmopan, Belize, at telephone (501) 822-4038 or by email to Tenders should be deposited at the tender box, Ministry of Finance, Third Floor, Edney Cain Building, Belmopan, in sealed envelopes clearly marked TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF FUEL PRODUCTS FOR THE GOB MOTOR VEHICLE FLEET – December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2024. Each tender must be able to provide: • • • • •
Exclusive Supply of Petroleum Products to GOB Option to provide bulk deliveries Provide Fleet Card System/Solution or Equivalent Has a network of Service Station countrywide (Minimum of 10) Discounts should be clearly stated
Sealed envelopes should be addressed to: Tenders should be accompanied with Certificates of Good Standing from: • • •
the Companies Registry, the Belize Tax Service, and the Belize Social Security Board
The deadline for clarifications is October 22, 2021, at 4:00 pm., while deadline to submit tenders is October 29, 2021, at 10:00 am. Tenders will be opened at 11:00 am at the Ministry of Finance’s conference room in the presence of the tenderers who choose to attend; evaluation of tenders will follow immediately after. Late tenders will be disqualified and returned unopened. This is a call for quotations and the contract shall be awarded to the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT). The Ministry of Finance reserves the right to cancel the entire proceedings at any time without incurring any cost. This advertisement can also be viewed at
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Prime Minister
Statement on the Senseless Shooting of another Belizean Youth September 27, 2021 The tragic shooting of young Dwayne Gabourel once again has our nation saddened and outraged. I join with Dwayne’s family, friends, his classmates at St. John’s College and indeed the nation in praying for his full recovery. As a Belizean society, we have suffered too much at the hands of gang leaders and their surrogates who for more than two decades have terrorised and plagued our once peaceful communities in Belize City and, in the past 10 years, all urban areas across our country. Already this year, 26 persons have died because of gang violence. Less than 500 gang members have been terrorizing neighbourhoods and communities, particularly in the south side of Belize City. Gang violence is festering, in part, because of what has become a careless culture of silence and hopelessness, especially, in poor and vulnerable communities. The violence has to stop; the terror on these communities must end. While no law or set of laws alone will end the fear and senseless violence, it is clear that immediate action is needed. If such actions mean stricter enforcement by the police including reinstituting a longer state of emergency, then, we must do so. If it means getting more police patrol in the streets, more cameras, and better surveillance, then we will do so. I know we are all tired of the senseless violence and the killings, and for this reason, I am calling on us as a nation to address this matter together. Just as it took decades to reach this level of callous anger and violence, it will take us some time to get to a lasting solution, but we can neither give up nor give in. We have to keep working at it as one nation. As a government we are all in. Every minister is currently involved in our commitment to curbing crime, especially gang-related crime and violence. But, it will take our efforts as well as the efforts of business, civil, social and political organizations working together. It will take gang-infested communities to say NO more to the guns and gang hangouts in their neighbourhoods, and, it will take more access to social intervention programs in these communities including jobs, free access to education, and a conscious effort to cut off recruitment of children by gang affiliates. To this end, if government must find ways to give incentives to people who provide information to get the guns off the street, and to report predatory actions by gang leaders, then we will do so. And, if we have to strengthen laws and ordinances to allow the police to go after potential gang leaders and gun runners, then, we will do so. Yes, some of the actions we must take might cause certain individuals to say our approach may be heavy-handed, however if our actions can save the life of one more youth or the future of one more vulnerable child, then, we must and we will act. My instruction to the Minister of Home Affairs and to the members of the Police Department is that now is the time to use all necessary resources to save our children, our communities, and our country, from the senseless killings. In this regard I have asked Minister Musa and the Commissioner of police to provide as much information to the public and to reach out to everyone to join in our efforts to combat the crime and violence and to get the gangs off the streets. Already a set of real plans with measurable solutions are being drawn up to address this crisis in the short, medium and long term, but, we must accelerate these plans and ensure real outcomes. The senseless shooting of young Dwayne Gabourel and the killing of five young persons, so far this year, must be met with the full extent of the law, so that those who commit these terrible crimes are brought to justice.
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Collectively as neighbour countries we can strategize for the safety, stability and improved quality of life for our families and children. Her Excellency Special Envoy for Families and Children H.E. Rossana Briceno mets with Licenciada Maria del Rocio Garcia Perez - Director for the Development of Families and Children of Mexico (SNDIF). Both have as a priority the special needs of children with diverse abilities and discussed opportunities for partnership and assistance for children in Belize.
The Belizean Delegation met with principals of Banco de México to improve banking and financial relations with Belize. As a part of Prime Minister Briceño’s state visit to Mexico City, members of his delegation, which include Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment; Mrs. Narda Garcia, CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister; and H.E. Oscar Arnold, Ambassador of Belize to Mexico, met with officials from Banco de México, represented by Mr. Miguel Diaz, Director General, Payment Systems and Market Infrastructure. The discussions focused on payment systems and banking relations between Belize and Mexico to support trade and investment between the two countries.
It is a privilege to have been chosen by our bilateral partner President of Mexico as the only Head of State to attend Mexico Independence Consummation Ceremony. Stronger ties with Mexico can be beneficial for expanded trade and investment opportunities in Belize from that northern neighbor.
Visitor’s Permit Extension Fees Waived March 2020 to September 2021 Regularization of Foreign Nationals Strategy for economic recovery via a robust investment climate. Yesterday evening, the delegation had a successful meeting with the executive members of one of the private sector associations in Mexico COMPARMEX. The PM was accompanied by Minister of Agriculture Hon Jose Mai (Jose Abelardo Mai - PUP Orange Walk South), Minister of State Hon Christopher Coye, CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment Narda Garcia, HE Jaime Briceño and HE Oscar Arnold. The meeting yielded fruitful discussions on trade and investment focusing on the priority areas that the Government of Belize have identified. The impending trade agreement with Mexico was discussed at length and great interest was expressed by the businessmen present. In addition, the Belize Investment Summit 2021, to be held on November 10 and 11, 2021 was discussed in depth. Once more, the business community expressed great interest to attend the Investment Summit and were interested in investing in various sectors and were also interested in exploring joint ventures with Belizean companies. COMPARMEX is the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic that represents more than 36,000 member companies across the country and are responsible for 30% of GDP and 4.8 million jobs. COPARMEX consists of a network of 65 business centres, 10 Federations, 3 Performances and 14 delegations in all states of the Republic. In addition, 28 national working committees dedicated to the study and creation of proposals on major issues of the economy and society. #Belize #Mexico #planBelize #COMPARMEX #BIS2021
September 28, 2021 - In an attempt to address the situation of migrants thrust into an irregular situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in keeping with the United Nations Global Compact for a safe, orderly, and regular migration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration, through the Department of Border Management and Immigration Services, invites migrants who now seek to remedy their situation to visit the nearest Immigration Office in the respective district towns or cities to seek assistance during this period. Migrants who entered the country legally and who require Visitors Permit extensions to remain in Belize and who have not been able to maintain a regular status between April 2020 and September 2021, will be regularized as follows: 1. A Special Regularization Period to enable persons to apply to regularize their status will run from October 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; 2. A Regularization Fee of BZ$100 must be paid at the time of application; 3. V isitor’s Permit extension fees for the period March 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 will be waived; 4. Fees outstanding for prior to March 1, 2020 will be payable as per Statutory Instrument No. 42 of 2005 (BZ$50 per month for the first six months, thereafter BZ$100); 5. M igrants who seek to regularize themselves may utilize this period of regularization as a pre-requisite to apply for Permanent Residence, if they so desire. 6. This regularization process will run alongside the current fee structure as per Statutory Instrument No. 42 of 2020 (BZ$200 per month) for all other migrants. 7. Details are available on the new website:
BLUE BOND SUCCESS Over 75% of bondholders buy in
GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE Ministry of Finance Belmopan Belize Announces Successful Results of Its Offer to Bondholders and Extends the Expiration Time Belmopan, September 24, 2021: The Government of Belize announced that, as of the date hereof, it has received Tender Orders for its Offer, as set forth in the offer to purchase and consent solicitation statement, dated September 13, 2021 equal to approximately 84.38% of the aggregate principal amount of the outstanding Bonds. Capitalized terms used and not defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Statement. “The Government of Belize is delighted that the vast majority of holders of the Government’s only international bond have indicated their support for this proposed transaction,” said Belize’s Prime Minister, John Briceño. “We are attempting to achieve, in this one transaction, both significant debt relief and the long-term protection of Belize’s precious marine environment.” As a result of receiving these Tender Orders, the Super-Majority Consent Condition described in the Statement has been satisfied. However, the Offer and Exit Amendments set forth in the Statement remain subject to the satisfaction of the Financing Condition and General Conditions described in the Statement. In order to provide Holders of Bonds that have not yet tendered an additional opportunity to submit Tender Orders, the Government hereby extends the Expiration Time for the Offer to October 15, 2021 at 5 p.m. New York City time (unless further extended by the Government in its sole discretion pursuant to the terms of the Statement). Any Eligible Holder who tenders Bonds after the date hereof but prior to the Expiration Time (as extended) will be eligible to receive the Purchase Price and the Contingency Account Distribution on the Settlement Date, but, because the Consent Deadline is not being extended, such tendering Holders will not be eligible to receive the Accrued Interest Payment. As previously announced, if the Indenture is amended as proposed in the Statement, any Bonds that are not validly tendered prior to the Expiration Time will be redeemed and cancelled on the Redemption Date, which will be the Settlement Date. Holders of such redeemed Bonds as of the Redemption Date will be entitled only to the Redemption Price (which is equal to the Purchase Price) and the Contingency Account Distribution. Holders of redeemed Bonds will not be entitled to receive any accrued and unpaid interest or any other additional amount. In order for a Holder of redeemed Bonds to receive the Redemption Price and the Contingency Account Distribution, the applicable DTC Participant
will be required to deliver a Redemption Certification Form representing, among other things, that such Holder was the beneficial owner of the applicable redeemed Bonds as of the Redemption Date. For the avoidance of doubt, as a result, such redeemed Bonds will become non-transferrable as of the Redemption Date. The Exit Amendments are hereby revised to the extent necessary to reflect the foregoing terms applicable to Bonds that are not tendered prior to the Expiration Time. Copies of the revised Exit Amendments will be made available upon request by the Information and Tender Agent and will be posted on the website of the Central Bank of Belize at Citigroup Global Markets Inc. is acting as the Financial Advisor and ESG Structuring Advisor to Belize. In connection with the Offer and the Consent Solicitation, Citigroup Global Markets Inc. is acting as Dealer Manager and Global Bondholder Services Corporation is serving as Information and Tender
Agent in connection with the Offer and Consent Solicitation. Editor’s note: the release was intended to provide a legal announcement of a positive update to the bond offering. There is still many technicalities left to occur but the magnitude of the success is imperative. The Prime Minister’s words underscores this. The rest of the release can be read online at FB/bzetimespress. In a September 27 release, “the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) congratulated the government—and ultimately the people of Belize—for having obtained the buy-in of approximately 84% of the holders of the aggregate principal amount of the outstanding Belize US Dollar Bonds 2034. It is also commendable that this figure, which is well above the 75% support threshold, has been reached well before the November 19th 2021 settlement deadline. As the BCCI articulated in a press release (September 8, 2021), our support for this innovative Blue Bond Financing strategy is premised on the structure of the new instrument, which, among other things, ultimately represents close to a 12% reduction in Belize’s overall national debt, thereby, alleviating the strain on the country’s foreign assets. This is undoubtedly a positive
099 outcome, and as always, the BCCI stands ready to collaborate and partner with the government in any effort that serves the greater benefit of the Belizean public and the country’s private sector.” The BCCI joined many including international media in expressing some sort of awe and congratulations on the Briceño administration success in achieving the Blu Bond buy in and essentially the UDP’s Superbond buyout. During their New York visit, the Belize delegation met with The Nature Conservancy who is an important partner in the creation of the endowment that will see Belize’s foreign debt shrink by twelve cents per dollar. It must be noted that as is usual the UDP’s both Barrow pre-election and Faber post-election cynically cast huge doubts in the ability of a Briceño administration doing what they have done—largely reestablishment of a robust Belize economy and the renegotiation of the superbond which proved no match for planBelize, the Briceño administration, PUP team, and a Belize that is ready to move ahead even past Covid-19. UDP wastes $500M on BTL Briceño saves $500M dissolving Superbond The UDP’s superbond proved to be too weak for planBelize.
IOM is committed to facilitating orderly, safe, and regular return of migrants Belize - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Belize is committed to support the Government of Belize in achieving the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the objectives of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). On the 14th, 16th, and 23rd of September, the AVR Program has assisted 30 migrants (13 females, 7 males, and 10 accompanied minors) who decided to return voluntarily to El Salvador and Honduras. 25 of these migrants were in an irregular situation in the country but were allowed to leave through a humanitarian corridor. “This humanitarian corridor, which allows individuals and families to return in a regular manner to their countries of origin significantly reduces the vulnerabilities of these irregular migrants in keeping with SDG Goal 10.7 and objectives #5 and #21 of the Global Compact for Migration. IOM applauds the efforts of the Government of Belize in facilitating this effort, as well as other measures being undertaken, which brings tremendous benefit to the migrant and to Belizean Society – said Diana Locke, Head of Office at IOM Belize. Since June 2020, this hu-
manitarian project has helped 189 migrants from Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama to return voluntarily to their countries of origin in an orderly, safe, and regular manner. These migrants were a combination of persons who were in an irregular status in the Belize for more than 3 years, some stranded by the pandemic, persons who were in the asylum-seeking process and decided to withdraw and return home, 11 unaccompanied minors as well as persons who were found transiting Belize heading northbound. Before departure, the returning migrants received remote counselling and information on the Program, fit-to-travel medical check-ups, and those that were not fully vaccinated were swabbed for COVID-19. Assistance in obtaining travel documents was provided to migrants without a valid passport in coordination with the respective Embassies of the nationalities of the AVR beneficiaries. Humanitarian support which includes snacks, meals, lodging, and personal protective equipment were offered to all persons. The return operations followed the security protocols established by the Government of Belize and was done in close coordination with the IOM missions of the countries of ori-
gin, the Embassies of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, the Ministry of Health, and the Department of Border Management and Immigration Services of Belize. One Salvadoran family who returned after living in an irregular situation in Belize commented “We are grateful for IOM’s assistance in helping us return to El Salvador through a regular route and for the human treatment we received. Now we know the risks of irregular migration because we have experienced it ourselves, and we did not want to leave the country in the same way we arrived. We suffered here because we could not work nor afford the rent and we were afraid to be picked up by the police” In the coming weeks, the returning migrants will receive reintegration assistance based on their needs. They will benefit from psychosocial and social support to rebuild their lives at home. The return operations were made possible thanks to the funding of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). For more information, please contact Malina Gaianu at IOM Belize, Tel: 223-9500, Email: mgaianu@
10 Vital Stats to Move to New Location
The Attorney General Hon. Magali Marin Young recently visited the Vital Statistics Unit Central Office in Belize City to get a first-hand look at operations there as well as hear from the public the challenges faced. The Attorney General shared that both employees and customers at the Vital Statistics Unit can look forward to major changes coming to the department, including more efficient service and a new and spacious location. A visit to the Vital Statistics Office is probably the most feared/reviled of visits to any government office. The People’s United Party and the Prime Minister have promised the total revamping of the Vital Stats office is important. The much sought out Birth Paper will most likely be moved to an electronic process. Previous to this visit by the Attorney General, the Prime Minister himself made a surprise visit and had a walkthrough the offices. The public should see a change is the near future in the processing of their vital stats including a new location.
The University of Belize is looking for a new President who shall be charged with providing strategic leadership for Belize’s leading tertiary institution over the next five years. THE OPPORTUNITY The University of Belize is looking for a mature, highly-motivated, forward looking, and inspirational person to fill the key leadership position of President. The ideal candidate will possess a highly developed understanding of academic values and culture, and an appreciation for scholarship and academic excellence. He/she should have a clear understanding of the role the National University should play in Belize’s national development, and he/she should have an equally clear plan to ensure that UB delivers upon its central role as an important driver of Belize’s national development. The President must be an experienced professional who is expected to always champion the principles and core values of UB and provide moral and intellectual leadership on campus. He/she must be a well-respected thought leader on the national level. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CANDIDATES • Will preferably possess an earned doctoral degree from an accredited institution; • Will preferably possess at least seven (7) years of senior leadership/administrative experience in business, public service, or a regional multilateral institution with a demonstrated progressive record of achievement; • Will preferably possess a demonstrated ability at resource mobilizations; • Will be able to demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively and effectively with both internal and external constituents; and • Will possess excellent analytical, organizational, strategic management skills. Belize’s official language is English, but a working knowledge of Spanish and other languages would be an asset. IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS • Impeccable integrity; • Ability to inspire trust and confidence, while building internal consensus; • A people-centered approach to leadership and demonstrated ability to develop • Ability to interact effectively with organizations as the face and voice of the University, strategic partnerships. attracting needed resources and acting as the advocate for the institution’s mission • Proven leader and skilled manager with an inclusive leadership style who will to drive national development; and empower faculty, staff and students to think creatively; • Ability to work in a non-partisan way with all stakeholders. COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT The President will be engaged on contract for a period of five years. Compensation and terms of engagement will be competitive with those for similar posts held at universities in the region. REQUIREMENTS
Candidates should include a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, and copies of relevant degrees and certificates. To expedite the applications process, candidates are asked to include the names, addresses, and electronic contact information (including telephone numbers) of five (5) referees, including from previous workrelated supervisors, staff members of accredited universities, and from senior lecturers in such institutions who possess direct knowledge of candidates’ capacities. The submission of names of referees will be viewed as authorization from candidates to contact the identified referees.
Major Lloyd Jones (Ret’d) MBA, MSc. Vice Chairman Board of Trustees Head of the President’s Selection Committee University of Belize Hummingbird Avenue Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Email:
Queries may be addressed to: For More information About the University of Belize:
Deadline to Apply October 8, 2021
58 12
18 JAN
GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK STRENGTHENING OF TAX ADMINISTRATION (BL-L1031) PROCUREMENT OFFICER DUTY STATION: Belize City, Belize PROJECT NUMBER: BL-L1031 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Finance (MOF) is embarking towards the modernisation of the tax administration by merging the existing Income Tax Department (ITD) and the Department of General Sales Tax (DGST) into a single function-based tax administration, and procuring and implementing a new Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS). 1.2 In order to facilitate the process, the Tax Modernization Program was initiated and comprises of five main projects/components including: (a) Communication and Change Management; (b) Organization/Human Resources (HR)/Infrastructure; (c) Business Processes Re-engineering; (d) Legislative Framework; and (e) Information Technology. These will be implemented in phases, with the existing core areas of the ITD and DGST operating as the new, consolidated functional organization, the Belize Tax Service (BTS). 1.3 To support this endeavour, the GoB has requested the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to fund a five-year project “Strengthening of Tax Administration” (BLL1031). The main objective of the Project is to strengthen Belize’s tax administration aimed at increasing tax revenue collection, through the following specific objectives: (a) increasing the effectiveness of the Government to collect taxes, through improvement in the tax administration governance and; (b) increasing tax administration efficiency, through improvement in the operational processes and modernization of the technological infrastructure. 1.4 A Program Management Office (PMO) supports the implementation of the Program along with the consolidation of the BTS. The MoF is the Executing Agency (EA) of BL-L1031. For this purpose, a Project Executing Unit (PEU) will be established in the PMO with concrete technical, administrative, financial, control and planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibilities for the IDB-funded initiative. 1.5 In this regard, a vacancy exists for the Procurement Officer for the PEU under a contractual arrangement with the MoF, and as part of the BL-L1031 initiative. 2. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 The objective of the position is to lead the execution of the procurement activities of the PEU in accordance with the provisions of the Project and the Bank’s procurement rules and procedures and the MoF procurement guidelines, when applicable. In particular, the Procurement Officer is responsible for the overall and day to day activities for the procurement of goods, services and works of the Project subject to IDB policies and requirements and in accordance with the Project Operational Manual (POM). 3. RESPONSIBILITIES/ACTIVITIES 3.1 The main responsibilities of the Procurement Officer include, among others: (a) Review all documentation relating to the Project; and, be informed on the Program Operation Manual (POM), the Loan Contract, the Procurement Plan (PP), the Annual Operational Plan (AOP), the Project Execution Plan (PEP), and the initial Disbursement Projection Table. (b) Prepare and update the Annual Procurement Plans. (c) Participate in the preparation of the AOP and prepare and update the PEP in MS Project. (d) Prepare necessary bidding documents, prepare the Terms of References (ToRs) and review specifications prepared by Technical Staff, organize and execute all bid openings and evaluation processes, prepare evaluation reports and corresponding draft contracts. (e) In coordination with the Project Coordinator and Financial Officer, prepare the ToRs and bidding documents for the annual audits. (f) Ensure contracting of consultants, suppliers and contractors is in accordance with IDB procurement policies and GoB policies, laws and regulations. (g) Ensure that prospective contractors, suppliers and consultants are duly constituted and are ongoing concerns. (h) Issue contracts for signature by relevant parties. (i) Manage the validity of contracts during their execution. (j) Assist the Project Coordinator in the submission of monthly activities reports and prepare the quarterly procurement reports following a pre-approved Bank format. (k) Maintain an up-to-date registry of consultants hired and goods and services purchased under the Project. (l) Monitor executed contracts through contract completion, liaising with technical personnel of the MoF, PMO and PEU and the Financial Specialist of the PEU to ensure payments/ disbursements are made according to contract. (m) Maintain appropriate files of procurement functions and provide information as needed by the Executing Agency and the Bank. (n) Participate in the update of the POM taking responsibility for the procurement section and ensuring its alignment with the procurement guidelines of the Bank. (o) Execute other tasks as required to enable transparent, efficient and timely implementation of procurement activities and program deliverables. (p) Liaise with GoB officials (MoF, PMO, PEU and other) on procurement matters aimed at ensuring and effective discharge of the Project’s procurement/contracting activities. (q) Publish procurement notices in the newspaper, IDB website, UNDB platform and the National Procurement Portal. (r) Publish the procurement plan in the IDB website, MOF website and the National Procurement Portal. (s) Prepare requisitions on a timely basis. (t) Provide the necessary training to Government officials. 4. REPORTS/DELIVERABLES 4.1 The Procurement Officer will be responsible for preparing/updating the following reports which are considered recurrent deliverables or responsibilities: (a) Annual PPs. (b) Quarterly procurement reports.
(c) Updates to POM and PEP. (d) Procurement documents (bids, ToRs, requests for proposals, invitations, etc.) (e) Minutes of procurement meetings. (f) Other. 5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE a. Education: • A Bachelor of Science Degree in Procurement, Management, Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Auditing, Law, Public Administration or other related field. • A specialized certification in procurement and supply chain management or contract management is considered a plus. b. General Experience: • Three (3) years minimum working since obtaining academic degree c. Specific Experience: • At least three (3) years of relevant experience in procurement administration in the private or public sector, as part of overall project management. • One (1) year experience working with international or national development agencies • One (1) year experience working in Microsoft Project 5.1 Skills, Knowledge and Abilities: (a) Excellent computer skills using Microsoft Office, (b) Knowledge of procurement policies and procedures of the IDB or similar organizations would be considered an asset. (c) Task orientated and able to prioritize projects, multitask and meet tight deadlines; (d) Fluent in written and spoken English with the ability to express data in a concise and clear manner; (e) Team player and possess strong self-motivation and initiative; (f) Sound decision making skills and objectivity with the proven ability to act with confidentiality and discretion; (g) Professional, honest and display strong business ethics and integrity; and (h) Experience with the Government of Belize Procurement /administrative platforms will be of significant benefit. 6. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 The Procurement Officer reports to the Project Coordinator of the PEU. He/she shall work in close coordination with the staff of the MOF and especially the members of the PMO, the BTSD. 7. COMPENSATION 7.1 The Procurement Officer will be paid a monthly salary to be established during the contracting process. 7.2 Given the staff-like tasks and responsibilities of the PEU personnel, reports (deliverables) do not apply. Instead, performance assessment reports from the supervisor. 8. APPLICATIONS 8.1 CRITERIA for SELECTION Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies. The individual consultant will be selected based on their experience and competence relevant to the assignment and most appropriate qualifications and references in accordance with the Comparison of Qualifications method set out in the Consultant Policies. 8.2 APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Expression of Interest package should contain: (i) Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant (ii) Comprehensive resume (iii) Copy of degrees/certificates (iv) List of at least two references (v) Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality Qualified Consultant should submit their application via e-mail to michelle.longsworth@ marked STAP- Procurement Officer in the subject header, or submit hardcopy on or before Friday, October 15, 2021 by 3:00 p.m. to the following address: Director General Belize Tax Service Department Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Charles Bartlett Hyde Building Mahogany Street, Belize City Tel: 501-222-5114 For clarifications kindly contact: Procurement Specialist Project Executing Unit Strengthening of Tax Administration Project Charles Bartlett Hyde Building Mahogany Street, Belize City Tel: 501-222-5114/E-mail:
6.No. No.2108 2108West WestWind WindDrive, Drive,The ThePlacencia PlacenciaResidences, Residences,Placencia PlacenciaPeninsula, Peninsula,Stann Stann 6. CreekDistrict: District: Creek
Georgeville,Cayo CayoDistrict; District;Sunset SunsetPark, Park,Paradise ParadiseVillage, Village,Ladyville, Ladyville,Belize BelizeCity, City,BeBeGeorgeville, lama,Belize BelizeDistrict; District;San SanJose JosePalmar, Palmar,Orange OrangeWalk WalkDistrict; District;Placencia PlacenciaPeninsula, Peninsula, lama, StannCreek CreekDistrictSan DistrictSanMiguel MiguelVillage, Village, Stann BigFalls/Golden Falls/GoldenStream StreamArea, Area,Toledo ToledoDistrict District Big BYORDER ORDERof ofthe theMortgagees, Mortgagees,Licensed LicensedAuctioneers AuctioneersKevin KevinA. A.Castillo Castilloand andChristiana ChristianaR. R.Castillo Castillo BY areselling sellingONLINE ONLINEvia belizepropertyauctions.comthe thebelow belowdescribed describedproperties. properties.Sale Sale are currentlyrunning runningand andwill willexpire expireon on4th 4thOctober October2021 2021and andtimes timesthereon. thereon. currently N.B.Properties Propertieswill willremain remainon onsale saleon onthis thiswebsite websiteon onaabi-weekly bi-weeklybasis basisuntil untilconclusion. conclusion. N.B. 1.Parcel ParcelNo. No.461 461George GeorgePrice PriceHighway, Highway,Georgeville, Georgeville,Cayo CayoDistrict: District: 1.
SocietyHall Hall Society
24 24
461 461
PlacenciaNorth North Placencia
36 36
2108 2108
(Beingaatwo-storey two-storeyconcrete concretebuilding building[32 [32ft. ft.X X32 32inclusive inclusiveof ofaaporch porch55ft. ft.X X16 16ft. ft.++back backporch porch (Being ft.wide widecontaining containingGround GroundFloor: Floor:master masterbedroom bedroom++walk-in walk-incloset closet++bathroom bathroom++living/dinliving/din55ft. ing/kitchen++half halfbathroom bathroom++laundry laundryroom; room;Second SecondFloor: Floor:11bedroom bedroom++closet closet++bathroom bathroom ing/kitchen (accessvia viainternal internalconcrete concrete& &tiled tiledstaircase)] staircase)]and andlot lot[937.060 [937.060S.M.] S.M.]situate situateon onWest WestWind Wind (access Drive,The ThePlacencia PlacenciaResidences, Residences,Placencia PlacenciaPeninsula, Peninsula,Stann StannCreek CreekDistrict.) District.) Drive, *******NB.Restrictions Restrictionson onuse useof ofProperty Propertyis isavailable availableupon uponrequest******* request******* *******NB. 7.VEHICLES: 7.VEHICLES:
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2019Black BlackGreat GreatWall WallWingle Wingle 2019
2016Silver SilverVolkswagen VolkswagenAmarok Amarok 2016
3.Lot LotNo. No.19 19near nearMile Mile10, 10,Phillip PhillipGoldson GoldsonHighway, Highway,Ladyville, Ladyville,Belize BelizeDistrict: District: 3.
2019Pearl PearlBlack BlackGreat GreatWall WallWingle Wingle 2019 REGISTRATIONSECTION SECTION REGISTRATION
Ladyville/LordsBank Bank Ladyville/Lords
16 16
6200 6200
(Being aa concrete concrete bungalow bungalow dwelling dwelling house: house: 33 bedrooms bedrooms ++ 22 bathrooms bathrooms ++ Living/Dining/ Living/Dining/ (Being Kitchensituate situateat atMile Mile10 10Belize-Corozal Belize-CorozalRoad, Road,Ladyville, Ladyville,Belize BelizeDistrict, District,the thefreehold freeholdproperty property Kitchen ofMs. Ms.Jasmine JasmineMiddleton Middletonand andMr. Mr.Earl EarlArthurs) Arthurs) of 4.Parcel ParcelNo. No.2407/1 2407/1Samuel SamuelHaynes HaynesCrescent, Crescent,Belama BelamaPhase Phase1, 1,Belize BelizeCity: City: 4.
CaribbeanShores Shores Caribbean
16 16
2407/1 2407/1
(Beingaatwo-storey two-storeytimber/concrete timber/concretedwelling dwellinghouse house[2,576 [2,576sq. sq.ft.]: ft.]:Ground GroundFloor Floor––two twoapartapart(Being ments each each containing containing 22 bedrooms bedrooms ++ 11 bathroom bathroom ++ living/dining/kitchen; living/dining/kitchen; First First Floor Floor -- 33 ments bedrooms++22bathrooms bathrooms++living/dining/kitchen living/dining/kitchenand andlot lot[380.516 [380.516square squaremeters] meters]situate situateon on bedrooms SamuelHaynes HaynesCrescent, Crescent,Belama BelamaPhase Phase1,1,Belize BelizeCity, City,the theleasehold leaseholdproperty propertyof ofMs. Ms.Elizabeth Elizabeth Samuel Villanueva.) Villanueva.) 5.Nos. Nos.1141 1141& &1143 1143Phillip PhillipGoldson GoldsonHighway, Highway,San SanJose JosePalmar, Palmar,Orange OrangeWalk WalkDistrict: District: 5. 1999Blue BlueBird BirdBus Bus 1999
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TERMS: STRICTLY STRICTLY CASH CASH TERMS: KEVIN A. A. CASTILLO CASTILLO KEVIN TELEPHONE 223-4488 223-4488 TELEPHONE Website: Website: E-mail: E-mail: Facebook: Belize Belize Auctions Auctions Facebook:
Notice is hereby given that Allan Dale Kelly is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Kelly’s Kool Food” located at # 9223 Holy Emmanuel Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Fenxian Guan is applying for a Publican General Liquor License to be operated at “Vin Hong Supermarket” located at # 3 Euphrates Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Vin’s Liquors Ltd. is applying for a Publican General Liquor License to be operated at “Vin’s Liquors Ltd.” located at # 1 Euphrates Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zhou Rong Li is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Jian Ye” located on 2nd Street, King’s Park, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
16 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of In loving memory of
Alfred Archibald Clarke Aka Bunny
Your earthly vessel lies there but your spirit Roams and lives in us. We do not count the days. We Will make the days count till we see you again. The world Changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the Love and memory of you, shall never fade away. Rest in Peace Gramps!! Greatly missed by children, grand and great grand children, PUP family and friends.
LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Curtis Calbert Arnold is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Ekron Company Ltd.” located at Miles 2 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Kendra Lucas & Toni Lucas are applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Lucas Fast Food” located at # 6358 Scabbard Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Rafael Cajun is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Cajun Shop” located in San Roman Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Milsa Blanco & Felipe Blanco are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Golden Poultry & Golden Deli” located on Guadalupe Street, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Arsenia Patt is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Selyyany’s Restaurant” located in Guinea Grass Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Opening of the Belize National Youth Training Institutes September 27, 2021 - The Department of Youth Services (DYS), under the Ministry of Youth, Sports and E-Governance, hereby announces the official opening of the Belize National Youth Training Institutes, a newly formed service shaped through the amalgamation of the Frank Lizama Training Institute, Gateway Youth Center, the Belize Youth Cadet Corps and the National 4-H Youth Development Center. With an announcement of 160+ applicants to begin the first cohort, the Belize National Youth Train-
ing Institutes launched its official orientation today, September 27, 2021. These institutes will be subdivided into four regions across the country, two of which are currently open. - Central Location: formerly Youth Cadet Corps campus – Mile 21 George Price Highway - Western Location: formerly National 4-H Youth Development Center - Belmopan Kevin Cadle, acting director of DYS, shared, “The Belize National Youth Training Institutes are geared towards ensuring that young people
2021 have adequate skills and abilities.” Youth ages 14 to 29 will be able to enter the program and have access to services that will develop their skillsets in areas of front desk customer service, barbering, tourism, and agriculture, accompanied by three core subjects of literacy, math and financial literacy. Two enrichment courses have also been included, namely life skills and sports. Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Youth, shared that the end goal is to ensure that everyone in the program becomes employable. For additional information, contact DYS Communications personnel via email at
Given the current Covid experience in our Warehouse coupled along with the revised Covid Protocols and restrictions; the following changes will occur in our Warehouse Department effective Monday September 20, 2021: 1. Stripping will be spread through-out the week, to ensure a good and even flow, but a slower flow. We will produce future stripping plans, and along with updates of what has been stripped, increase and improve our communication to all stakeholders. 2. We will introduce a ticketed turn system. Customers collecting cargo will be issued with numbered turns, and will be served in order of those turns. We will apply the following principles to these turns: • Any customer that is picking up goods from the warehouse must provide all delivery orders for the respected cargo that they are taking in that turn. • After the customers book their turn, there will be no additional delivery orders accepted for any additional turns. • Customers must complete their booked turn and exit the port compound as their cargo is loaded and waybill is signed. • There will be no delivery of booked turn cargo if the customers’ trucks aren’t at the port when their respective turn comes up. • Customers that are picking up chill/frozen cargo alongside dry cargo on the same delivery order must load the dry cargo before the chill/frozen. 3. Due again to limited resources, we will focus these into delivery windows for the various different types of cargo which we handle. These collection windows will be: •
Commercial LCL cargo deliveries (collections): Monday to Friday, 08:0012:00 and 13:00-16:00
Chilled Cargo and Vehicles: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 13:00-16:00
Personal Effects (Barrels): Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 08:00-12:00
4. We have doubled our Customer waiting area capacity, so that all can maintain greater distances for their personal protection. Our Security officer is tasked and empowered to ensure that appropriate distancing is maintained at all times. All visitors to the Warehouse and port are expected to follow and adhere to all instructions provided by the Security Officer. Non-compliance will not be tolerated, and offenders will be expelled from the facility. We apologise for any delays and inconvenience which these temporary measures might cause, they are however necessary to keep all safe and cargo moving. We will appreciate your continued support as we continue to strive for greater efficiency and levels of the service which we provide to our valued Customers.
If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations visit us on: facebook: LinkedIn: Thanks
THINK ABOUT IT I BELIEVE : WE CAN TURN THIS AROUND Guess what? One hundred twenty seven thousand persons have been fully vaccinated to date. One hundred and ninety-four thousand have received one shot of the vaccine. This is good news. This is great news. The medical personnel needed to hear that thousands of Belizeans are taking the vaccination. Their message is getting through. The vax helps persons to fight off the virus. This means our hospitals won’t have to be overloaded. We are doing well. We can do better. We must do better. For our own sake. Also for the sake and safety of our family and friends and for our nurses and doctors. We are doing good people. Stay alert, stay vigilant. And take the vaccination so you can stay strong and remain healthy. And remain alive. ANOTHER SHOCKING SHOOTING The shocking shooting of a 15 year old student has sent shock waves through our society. This senseless, callous and cold bloodied murder has touched a raw nerve in everyone. Like the killing of 14 year old Laddie Gillett, Belizeans want justice. They even want revenge. The facebook criminologists have already caught the murderer. Looking at the video from the shop where the murder unfolded before our eyes, the sleuth saw the killer shooting with his left hand. His right hand appeared, clearly, to be deformed. Photos of a young man with his right hand similarly deformed quickly went viral. Even well-known gang figures have taken to the traditional media to condemn the killing, calling it senseless, stupid and the action of a fool. They say killing women, elderly and children is not acceptable. Well! Well! Well! If they can publicly say that imagine what the rest of society is saying. People are saying kill ALL gang members. Hunt them down, root them out and kill them like rabid dogs. Imagine what would happen if this weekend, some fool would kill another innocent child. People are getting angry. They are fed up. They are getting enough. They are blaming the police. They are blaming government, they are blaming politicians – all politicians. They want revenge. They want this gang bullshit to stop. To end. And they are right. It is time to tackle this festering sore. It is time to dismantle these gangs. There used to be two gangs - crips and blood. Today there are 24 gangs. What the hell is going on? Our society is not solving its problems, we are ignoring them. The killing of little Laddie Gillet was the latest reminder of national incompetence. That senseless killing sparked an immediate reaction among a faded and jailed young population. They protested country wide-JUSTICE FOR LADDIE. They got none. The people’s demand for police reform (it was a police who shot Laddie in his back) was met with scorn. Not one single reform has happened. We don’t envy the new Minister’s awesome responsibility for the police. The police only know brutality, beating young people, stamping down doors, check points, road blocks and states of emergency. They have succeeded in chasing out every single civilian prosecutor in every Magistrate Court in our country and replaced them with police officers. The constitution authorizes that the UDP, Director of Public Prosecutions, solely and independently, be in charge of ALL prosecutions. The police have employed their own D.P.P. A UDP politician arrogant and with no experience as a prosecutor. Incredible but true. We under if the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet knows this. We want to root out crime, violence and gangs? We have to first root out the foolishness left behind by the outgoing government. There is a definition – ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’. Brutality, states of emergencies and check points, we been down that road before, over and over again. It ain’t working Jack. We wish we had solutions or suggestions to make to the new Minister. We know him. He is intelligent, energetic, genuine and open to ideas. We want to help. We know the problems. What is needed are solutions. Killers are born. They are the products of their environment: Social and economic deprivation, Broken homes, dysfunctional families, Lack of education, Lack of skills, lack of jobs, and indiscipline. In fairness to the police they can’t solve these problems. Perhaps the Minister can take a page from the Prime Minister on Independence Day. “Today I am announcing governments intention to appoint a Constitutional Reform Commission…” The P.M gave them one year to complete their task. The Minister should consider appointing a Gang and Violence Elimination Commission. And give them six months to submit their recommendations. There used to be two gangs now there are 24. When will this craziness end? ¿Cuándo, Cuando?
SOUTHSIDE SOLUTIONS The new government is in the battlefield fighting against three deadly enemies. It is a battle that must be won. Three enemies are an economy in tatters, covid-19 and violent crime. These are the huge Goliath-like challenges which must be overcome. There are others, many others and they all have to be tackled, and we all have to do our part. There is an area of Belize which presents the most daunting and most urgent of challenges to our nation. It is the southside of Belize City. The geography and history of Belize City speaks to the peculiar situation of our brothers and sisters we call creoles. They are the legacy of slavery and bare the brunt of colonialism. The Northern districts of Orange Walk and Corozal are now primarily our Mestizo siblings as is Cayo, Dangriga in an increasingly migrant Stann Creek is Garinagu to the core. And, Toledo is Toledo, deeply rooted in the neglected Maya. How creoles managed to survive what they have gone through is testimony to their amazing strength and resilience. Had Belize obtained its independence in the 1960’s like the rest of the British Caribbean countries, the story could well have turned out differently. A massive hurricane, named Hattie in 1961, mashed up Belize City changing the course of destiny. Long neglected by their colonial masters and seeing no future in sight the best and brightest travelled to the USA. Most of those who remained survived on remittances and boxes sent from abroad. A meaningless independence arrived in 1981 on the heels of the invasion of American television instead of ushering the values of work, discipline, family, to glorified immorality, violence, promiscuity and a culture of consumerism. We drink and eat imported food stuff. Look at all the expensive SUV when small economic vehicles can suffice. And then came drugs, gangs and criminality, instead of discipline hard work and Christian values. Against this background is southside, troubled, leaderless, despairing Southside. But do not despair. The vast majority of creoles are good, decent, wonderful people. Against this background, let’s start the conversation-“I believe, we can Turn This Around”. The Prime Minister has boldly stated in his Independence Day address “… we were not put on this earth merely to suffer, struggle and survive…. this is all about a better life”. Rene Villanueva Monday morning at his studio said to a high official of the government Tourism Board that he should raise with the Tourism Minister the need to spend some millions on a big project to improve southside. This short conversation was reported on the Morning Show by the guest who was in the studio. We agree with him, this is a very important issue which must be discussed. Perhaps, Dr, Rene Villanueva can convince Galen University to promote a series of virtual panel discussions so we can tackle the problems bedeviling southside and come up with workable solutions. The meltdown that is going on in southside can no longer be ignored. ATTORNEY GENERAL EXPLAINS Mrs. Magali Marin Young, the Attorney General of Belize was on channel 5 Tuesday morning. She was explaining the new law which will come into effect on Friday 1st October. In the fight against the deadly Delta strain of covid (408 Belizeans have lost their lives) government has agreed to pass a law requiring all persons who intend to go to government offices to show proof they are vaccinated. If not vaccinated, they must show a recent test that they don’t have covid. Government was considering a far reaching law which would require ALL businesses, shops, stores, supermarkets, etc. to require the public to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test. This has been changed to just government-owned offices. This is a sensible and reasonable decision and it shows maturity on the part of government. The number of persons who are vaccinated has risen dramatically. Almost half of our population are vaccinated. We need to keep promoting the positive benefits of getting vaccinated in order to avoid becoming sick and in some cases walk the road of never return. BELIZEAN NURSE IS TOPS IN TEXAS Another plus for Belizean nurses. One of their own has been recognized abroad. Miriam Gladden Saldivar was recently honored by the Texas Health Care Association as NURSE OF THE YEAR. Nurse Miriam is seen in the photograph accepting her plague (which was accompanied by a fat cheque). After retiring as a beloved nurse in Belmopan, Nurse Miriam worked and extra two years in Belize. She lost her husband and went to stay with family in Texas. When Texas found out she was fully qualified nurse from Belize with her RN (Registered Nurse) FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner) and PNP (Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner) they hurriedly recruited her. We are all so proud of you nurse Miriam Saldivar and congratulations are in order.
18 LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Wen Yan Xiao is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Heng Weng Shop” located at # 39 King Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that YouQiang Chen is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Wang Jiao Shop” located at # 8 Mapp Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Wei Chi Yan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New Shop” located at # 2 Gabourel Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jingming Liao is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “139 Store” located at # 139 Neal’s Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Wei Yun Liao is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New William Shop” located at # 19 Orange Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jian Hong Yan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Wing An Shop” located at # 144 East Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that ZhuFeng Luo is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Homever” located at 13 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Shun De Tan is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Kostin Treats” located at # 152 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jin Zhi Tan is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Key Ley Restaurant” located at # 146 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Shun Hua Tan is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Hello Supermarket” located at # 106A Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Felipa Barrella is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Barella’s Fruit & Veg Shop” located at # 6484 Jasmine Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Short Commissioning Course – Belize On Monday, 20 September 2021, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and the Belize Defence Force conducted the first Commissioning Course Short (Overseas) Belize 21/1 at the Sir Colville Young Parade Square, Price Barracks, Ladyville. Accompanying the cadets at the Sovereign’s Parade was the Grenadier Band from the British Army. The Sovereign Representative was Governor General H.E. Froyla Tzalam. Hon. Oscar Mira, Minister of State, Ministry of National Defence and Border Security, gave the keynote speech. Major-General Duncan Capps, CBE, Commandant of the Royal Military Acad-
emy Sandhurst, was also present and gave Best Performance Overall Award to Officer Cadet Richard Arnold Jr. of the Belize Defence Force and the Academic Award to Officer Cadet Ester Cal of the Belize Police Department. A total of 24 officer cadets took part in the training: 14 from the Belize Defence Force, eight from the Belize Coast Guard and two from the Belize Police Department. The officer cadets were prepared extensively for over a year to be able to keep up with the tempo of the commissioning course. Their training included multiple courses focused on a wide array of critical skills such as command, leadership, military tactics, and person-
nel management. The cadets’ final five-week training culminated with the Short Commissioning Course. As they have reached a significant milestone in their chosen career, they will each receive their first commissioned rank within their respective organization. The Ministry and the Belize Defence Force thank the British Government and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for facilitating the Short Commissioning Course in Belize. Ministry of National Defence and Border Security Belmopan 23 SEPTEMBER 2021
Eulogy For Isabel Alamina Marin
Isabel Hilaria Alamina Marin was born in the Village of Caye Caulker, or Cayo Hicaco, as it was known, to Mr. Valentin Alamina and Mrs. Marina Alamina De Carrasco, on 16th of March 1938. She was the fifth of 8 children born to the couple, namely, Ophelia Alamina, Ruben Alamina, Ilna Auxillou, Hector Alamina, Isabel, known affectionately as Belita, Esther Whelan, Norman Alamina and Laura Alamina. She grew up in the large household at the Caye where life was hard but carefree with lots of fun and much time spent playing with her siblings and cousins. Most of her childhood years were spent living with her aunt, Clotilde Alamina, who became her second mother. In her formative years she attended Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School and on completing her primary education and due to her brilliance in academics she then left the Caye and relocated to Belize City to attend High School at St. Catherine’s Academy. She boarded for four years with the family of Sister Mercy Cervantes of the Sisters of Mercy on Gabourel Lane and during her time at St. Catherine’s consistently excelled academically remaining at the top of her class. It is noteworthy to mention that she was not only the valedictorian for her graduating class at SCA but topped the entire country of British Honduras, as we were then called, in the Cambridge Examinations which was the standard in that era. After finishing her studies at St. Catherine’s, her desire was to continue studying further but coming from the small fishing village of Caye Caulker and being the daughter of a poor fisherman, she could not avail of any of the limited opportunities that were in place for furthering her studies at that time. With this sober reality in mind, she commenced working as a bookkeeper in the office of Estephan’s Store, one of the bigger establishments in the country in the city. I can recall visiting her as a little boy at the Estephan offices on Church Street and was so proud and elated to see my mom inside her tiny office looking so professional and dignified, all dressed up with her stylish eyeglasses. In due course she moved on to work with a Lumber company, next door to SCA, called Bull Run Overseas Limited owned by a gentleman Mr Julian Headley from Bermuda and managed by Mr. John Roberson. Eventually Mr Roberson took over the company and it was renamed Belize Timber Ltd, where she continued working for many years. It seems the lumber business was in her veins since with the closure of Belize Timber Limited, she moved to another lumber compa-
ny this one owned by Mr Joe Mena, with whom she had previously worked at Bull Run Overseas Limited. Isabel worked at the Wood Depot for many years and being past retirement age, eventually left to assist her son Alvaro to manage one of his businesses. She was also very talented when it came to sewing and in her young days of working with Estefan, she used to be much in demand as a seamstress, sewing dresses and outfits, an activity she did after work and into the wee hours of the morning. I can recall getting up at two in the morning to do my business and hearing the noise from her sewing machine. During her early days, while on the job, she met a dashing young man by the name of Gustavo Marin and commenced a relationship with him which resulted in his eventually becoming her lifelong partner and subsequently her husband. The relationship proved to be very fruitful and produced the following children who along with her first child, Alvaro Alamina, were; Valentin, Luis, Gustavo Jr, her one and only daughter and princess Rossana Vernon, Ricardo better known as Richard, and her baby, Carlo Andre Marin. I must say that having that number of male children in the house was challenging but they were all kept in line by “Hilly”, as she was lovingly known by her husband and her children. She only had to give the “eye” and things would calm and simmer down. All her children were kept hardworking and motivated by Hilly and went on to high school and sixth form, due partly to her hard work, extra ordinary efforts, and her discipline. As the circle of life goes, her children one by one all went on to have their own wives and husband and each one eventually settled down to have their own homes and families. Notwithstanding this however all they wanted or needed, was any excuse to visit Hilly’s home and catch up with what was going on whether it be the latest news or discussions ranging from politics, run of the mill grapevine or what was new on the television shows. She was a stalwart and die hard follower of George Price and the People’s United Party (PUP) and would stoutly defend her party, no matter what, including chastising her own kids if they dared oppose her views and the PUP. Her grandchildren eventually commenced being born and these became her pride and joy, especially her first born grandson, Ryne Nigel Vernon, who despite at the time being a baby knew instinctively when the evening time was approaching, and his Gran would be home from work. He would patrol around the house and room following her until he fell asleep. He loved his Gran immensely and during her illness this past year and up to her final days, he was the one who cared for her wellbeing. She never hesitated to be with her grandchildren and if one of her kids would have an emergency and did not have a babysitter or someone to take care of the child, she would willingly volunteer and take great joy in having them at her house or going over to her children’s home. She did that with love. Just as her kids loved to visit at her house, she also loved to organise gatherings and parties at her home where she entertained her extended family and close friends. Her parties were well attended and much fun as she was an excellent cook, especially when it came to black and
white relleno accompanied by her pineapple upside down cakes and Christmas fruit cakes. Christmas time used to be a time of great fun and Gran’s house was one of the sure stops before heading home. One of her greatest joys was that everyone enjoyed whatever food she prepared and not an iota of anything was left over. I can recall that every single Christmas morning she called her kids from 6:00 am to come over to have coffee and ham and turkey sandwiches, overloaded with mouth-watering stuffing and other delicious garnishes. Her home was always the gathering place for the family and her kids and grandchildren who always wanted to go and see Gran and spend time with her. Isabel was also a deeply religious Roman Catholic and attended church whenever
she could get a chance to go, and she always ensured she did her novenas when they were due. One of her greatest joys as well was gardening and planting of flowers and you could always find her watering or pruning her garden daily. It was while working in her garden that she had her hip accident. That unfortunate injury began to wear her down and resulted in just about a year of illness and eventually her sad demise. Today as we gather here as a family, smaller in numbers due to the pandemic and the protocols, we rejoice in the life of Isabel Hilaria Alamina Marin, a sister, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Mommy, you will be sadly missed but you will be loved forever and until we meet again, we all say, rest in peace and rise in glory. Goodbye Hilly. Love you Mom.
Notice is hereby given that the Company named LEFORS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 27th September, 2021. CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
Notice is hereby given that the Company named WESTRAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 27th September, 2021. CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE Fisher Island International Corp. #167,623 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Fisher Island International Corp.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 24th day of September, 2021; and c) Maria Belen Ciancaglini whose address is Country Club Lagartos 13 F 13 LI Casa K45 A Norte y R Pilar Argentina is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 23 1323 (Being two buildings - Building ‘A’ two-storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1969 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: bedroom + bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Storeroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms [280 sq. ft.]; Building ‘B’ Laundry house [257 sq.SECTION ft.] TOGETHER with lot [1,165.67PARCEL sq. yds.] situate in Ontario Village, Cayo District, REGISTRATION BLOCK the leaseholdSociety propertyHall of Mr. Gilbert Rhaburn). 23 1323 7. Cayo District: Ontario Village District: Ontario‘A’ Village (Being 7. twoCayo buildings - Building two-storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1969 sq. ft.] containing Ground Parcel No. 2427/1 Ontario Village, District: Parcel 2427/1 Ontario Village,Cayo Cayo District: Floor: bedroom +No. bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Storeroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms [280 sq. ft.]; Building
Paraiso, San Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District; Orange Walk Town; Belize City; ‘B’ Laundry house [257 sq. ft.] TOGETHER with lot [1,165.67 sq. yds.] situate in Ontario Village, Cayo District, Ontario, San Ignacio & Santa Elena, Cayo District; Dangriga, StannPROPERTIES Creek District; the leasehold property of Mr. Gilbert Rhaburn). PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PUBLIC AUCTION PROPERTIES 7. Cayo District: Ontario Village Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area,SALES: Toledo District Paraiso, SanSan Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District; Orange Walk Town; Belize City; Ontario, San Ignacio & Santa Elena,Ontario Village, Cayo District: No. 2427/1 Paraiso, San Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District; Orange Walk Town; Belize City; Ontario, San IgnacioParcel & Santa Elena, Cayo District; StannMessrs. Creek District; San Belize Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream BY ORDER ofDangriga, the Mortgagees, Ascendancy Limited, Licensed Auctioneers KevinArea, Toledo District PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES Cayo District; Dangriga, Stann Creek District; San Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toledo District Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the BYA.ORDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. Ascendancy Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and n Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District; Orange Walk Town; Belize City; Ontario, San Ignacio & Santa Elena, PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Ascendancy Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and below described properties. SalesMessrs. currently running andBelize willFalls/Golden expire Monday 4ththe October 2021 Christiana R. Stann Castillo are District; selling ONLINE via below described properties. Sales REGISTRATION SECTION rict; Dangriga, Creek San Miguel Village, Big Stream Area, Toledo District BLOCK PARCEL San Andres/Ranchito, Corozal District; Orange Walk Town; Belize City; Ontario,theSan Ignacio & Santaproperties. Elena, Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE below described Sales th via REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK 23 PARCELS 2427/1 at the times shown on the website. currently running and Messrs. will expire Monday 4thBelize October 2021 atLicensed the timesAuctioneers shown on the website. Society Hall ER of theDangriga, Mortgagees, Ascendancy Limited, Kevin A. Castillo and District; Creek District; San4 Miguel Village, BigtheFalls/Golden Area, Toledo District currently running Stann and will expire Monday October 2021 at times shownStream on the website. two buildings bungalow dwelling Society Hall - Building ‘A’ concrete 23 2427/1house [1083 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + A:Corozal Corozalare District: Paraiso Village District: Paraiso Village R.A: selling ONLINE via the below describedKevin properties. Salesand(Being RDER of the Mortgagees, Messrs. Ascendancy Belize Limited, Licensed Auctioneers A. Castillo A:Castillo Corozal District: Paraiso Village bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + porch; Building ‘B’ shop [222 sq. ft.] and lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate at th Corozal 1.1. Parcel Parcel No. 131 Paraiso Village, Corozal District: No. 131 Paraiso Village, District: unning and will expire Monday 4 October 2021 at the times shown on the website. Ontario Village, Cayo District, the property of Mr. Humberto (Being two buildings - Building ‘A’leasehold concrete bungalow dwellingPatt). house [1083 sq. ft.] containana1.R.Parcel Castillo ONLINE the below described properties. Sales No.are 131selling Paraiso Village, via Corozal District: CayoREGISTRATION District: San Ignacio SECTION BLOCK zal District:and Paraiso Village ing 3 8. bedrooms + bathroom +Town Living/Dining/Kitchen + PARCEL porch; Building ‘B’ shop [222 sq. ft.] ly running will expire Monday 4th October 2021 at the times shown on the website. Parcel No. 1864 Thornley Hall Street, San Ignacio, Cayo 23 District 2427/1 el No. 131 Paraiso Village, Corozal District: and lot [555.56 sq. Society yds.] situate at Ontario Village, Cayo District, the leasehold property of Mr. orozal District: Paraiso Village (Being two buildings - Building ‘A’ concrete bungalow dwelling house [1083 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + Humberto Patt). bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + porch; Building ‘B’ shop [222 sq. ft.] and lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate at arcel No. 131 Paraiso Village, Corozal District: REGISTRATION SECTIONSECTION BLOCK REGISTRATION
Ontario Village, Cayo District, the leasehold property of Mr. Humberto Patt). Cayo District: San Ignacio 8. 8. Cayo District: San Ignacio Town Town Parcel No. 1864 Thornley Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District Parcel No. 1864 Thornley Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District
PARCELS BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Rita 1 1 131 131 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Paraiso/Santa Rita 1 131 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,416 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen San Ignacio North 23 1864/1 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,416 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,416 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/ (Being a concrete/timber split level dwelling house [1,785 sq. ft.] containing Lower Level - 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + + OfficeParaiso/Santa + Utility Room TOGETHER with Lot [578 1sq. yds.] situate in the Village of Paraiso, Corozal District, the freehold Rita 131 + Office + Room TOGETHER with Lotwith [578Lot sq.[578 yds.]sq.situate in the Village of Paraiso, Corozal District, the freehold Dining/Kitchen + Office + Utility Room TOGETHER yds.] situate inPARCEL the Village of ParaLiving/Dining/Kitchen + Utility Room; Upper Level – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom TOGETHER with Lot [509.02 sq. yds. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK property ofUtility Mr. Narciso Flores) ng a concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,416 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen situate at Parcel No. 1864 Thornley Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District, the Leasehold property of Mr. Otto Coleman) property of Mr. the Narciso Flores) iso,Corozal Corozal District, freehold property of Mr. Narciso Flores)1 Paraiso/Santa Rita 131 2. District: San Andres/Ranchito Villages fice2. + Utility Room TOGETHER with Lot [578 sq. yds.] situate in the Village of Paraiso, Corozal District, the freehold Corozal District: San Andres/Ranchito Being concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,416 sq.Villages ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen REGISTRATION Parcel No. 234 Ranchito Village, Corozal District: 2. a Corozal District: San Andres/Ranchito Villages BLOCKBLOCK PARCELS REGISTRATIONSECTION SECTION PARCEL erty of Mr. Narciso Flores) Parcel No. 234TOGETHER Ranchito Village, Corozal District: Office + Utility Room with Lot [578 sq. yds.] San Ignacio North 23 1864/1 Parcel No. 234Andres/Ranchito Ranchito Village,Villages Corozal District: situate in the Village of Paraiso, Corozal District, the freehold zal District: San San Ignacio North 23 1864/1 (Being a concrete/timber split level dwelling house [1,785 sq. ft.] containing Lower Level - 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + roperty of Mr. Narciso Village, Flores) Corozal District: el No. 234 Ranchito Living/Dining/Kitchen + Utility Room; Upper Level – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom TOGETHER with Lot [509.02 sq. yds.] orozal District: San Andres/Ranchito Villages (Being a concrete/timber dwelling sq. ft.] containing Lower Level - 1 situate at Parcel No. 1864 Thornleysplit Street,level San Ignacio, Cayohouse District,[1,785 the Leasehold property of Mr. Otto Coleman) arcel No. 234 Ranchito Village, Corozal District: Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Utility Room; Upper Level – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom TOGETHER with Lot [509.02 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1864 Thornley Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District, the Leasehold property of Mr. Otto Coleman)
Paraiso/Santa Paraiso/Santa Rita
9. Cayo District: San Ignacio Town
9. Cayo District: San Ignacio Town REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Parcel 2934 South on a road of the Cemetery, San Ignacio, District Parcel No. 2934 onNo. a road of South the Cemetery, San Ignacio, CayoCayo District REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Andres/Ranchito 1 234 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS San Andres/Ranchito 1 234 (Being aSan two-storey concrete dwelling house [1580 sq. ft. + Porch 450 PARCEL sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 1 9.Bedroom + 1 San Ignacio Town REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK Andres/Ranchito 1 234 Cayo District: (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling+ house sq.First ft. + Floor Porch 450 ft.] containing Ground Floor - 1 Bedroom +1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen Large[1580 Porch; – 2 sq. Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Large Open Area Parcel No. 2934 on a road South of the Cemetery, San Ignacio, Cayo District San Andres/Ranchito 1 234 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen +[1580 Large Porch; First 2 Bedrooms + Floor 1 Bathroom + Large OpenofArea (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house ft. + Porch 450Floor sq.Ranchito, ft.]–containing Ground -the 1 freehold REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL TOGETHER with Lot [615 sq. yds.] situate the Village of Corozal District, property Mr. ng a Bedroom two-storey concrete dwelling house [1580 sq. +ft.Large +inPorch 450First sq.of ft.]Ranchito, containing Ground Floor -the 1 Bedroom +property 1 TOGETHER with Lot [615 sq. yds.] situate the Village Corozal District, freehold of Mr. + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen Porch; Floor – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom San Andres/Ranchito 234 Fernando Chan) room+ +Large Living/Dining/Kitchen + with Large Porch; First Floor –in1the 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Large Open Area Chan) Open Area TOGETHER Lot [615 sq. yds.] Village of Ranchito, Corozal District, Being aFernando two-storey concrete dwelling house [1580 sq. ft.situate + Ranchito, Porch 450 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 1 Bedroom 1 District: San Ignacio Town 3. Orange Walk District: Orange Walk Town 9. +Cayo ETHER with Lot [615 sq. yds.] situate in the Village of Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. 3. Orange Walk District: Orange Walk Town the freehold property of Mr. Fernando Chan) Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Large Porch; First Floor – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Open Area Parcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District: 9. Large Cayo District: San Ignacio Town Parcel No. 2934 on a roadSECTION South of the Cemetery, Ignacio, Cayo District REGISTRATION BLOCKSanPARCELS ando Chan) Parcelwith No. Lot 3091[615 Savannah Street, Orange Walk of Town, Orange Walk District: No. 2934 on a road South of the Cemetery, San Ignacio, Cayo District TOGETHER sq. yds.]Town situate the Village Ranchito, Corozal District, the freeholdParcel property of Mr. 3. Orange Walk District: Orange WalkinTown ge Walk District: Orange Walk REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Ignacio North 23 2934 ernando Chan) No. 3091 Savannah Street, Walk Orange WalkOrange Town, Orange Walk District: No.Parcel 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Town, Walk District: San Ignacio North 23 2934 range Walk District: Orange Walk Town (Being an incomplete building TOGETHER with Lot [591.75 sq. yds.]situate situate onon a road south of theof Cemete (Being an incomplete building TOGETHER with Lot [591.75 sq. yds.] a road south REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL rcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District: Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Martin Lewis) the Cemetery in San Ignacio, Cayo District, of Mr. Martin San Ignacio North 23 2934 Lewis) 10. Cayo District: Santa Elena Town the freehold property
(BeingParcel an incomplete building TOGETHER with Lot [591.75 sq. yds.] situate on a road south of the Cemetery in San Ignaci No. 1545 Santa Elena Town, Cayo District District,Santa the freehold property of Mr. Martin Lewis) 10. CayoCayo District: Elena Town
10.No. Cayo District: Santa ElenaTown, Town Cayo District REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Parcel 1545 Santa Elena REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Parcel No. 1545 REGISTRATION Santa Elena Town, Cayo District SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 3091/1 San Ignacio North 23 2934 Orange bungalow Walk Town 4containing 2 Bedrooms 3091/1 (Being a concrete dwelling house [727 sq. ft.] + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL (Being an incomplete building TOGETHER with Lot [591.75 sq. yds.] situate on a road south of the Cemetery in San Igna REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [727 sq. ft.] containing 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS TOGETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate Parcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk Cayo San District, the freehold Ignacio North property of Mr. Martin Lewis) 23 2934 Orange Walk Town 4 at 3091/1 TOGETHER with Lot [555.56ofsq. yds.] situate at3091/1 Parcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Walk Orange WalkTOGETHER 10. Cayobuilding District: Santa Elenawith Town REGISTRATION SECTION PARCEL (BeingTown, an incomplete Lot [591.75 sq. yds.] situate on a road south of the Cemetery in San Ignacio, District, the leasehold property Mr. Kenis Garcia) Orange Walk Town 3ft.]BLOCK ng a concrete bungalow dwelling houseof[727 sq. containing 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen Parcel No. 1545 Santa Elena Town, Cayo District District, the leasehold property Mr. Kenis Garcia) Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Martin Lewis) Orange Walk Town 4 3091 Savannah Street, 3091/1 4. Orange Walk District: Orange Walk Town ETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate at [727 Parcel Walk Town, Walk Santa Elena Town a concrete bungalow dwelling house sq.No. ft.] containing Bedrooms + Orange 10. Orange Cayo District: 4. (Being Orange Walk District: Orange Walk Town Being aleasehold concrete bungalow dwelling house [727 sq. ft.] containing Bedrooms +1 1Bathroom Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town,22Orange Walk District:+ Living/ REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Parcel No. 1545 Santa Elena Town, Cayo District ict, the property of Mr. Kenis Garcia) Dining/Kitchen TOGETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District: TOGETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 3091 Savannah Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1545/1 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL ge Walk District: Orange Walk Town Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the leasehold property of Mr. Kenis Garcia) (Being an elevated concrete/timber dwelling housePARCELS [986 sq. ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Livin District, leasehold property ofOrange Mr. Kenis Garcia) REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1545/1 el No. the 1236 Stadium Street, Walk Town, Orange Walk District: +anStudio Apartment TOGETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. yds.] situate in Santa Elena Town, Cayo District, the l ange4.Walk District: OrangeOrange Walk Town Orange Walk District: Walk Town (BeingSanta elevated concrete/timber dwelling house containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitche Elena/Cayo 23[986 sq. ft.]1545/1 of Apartment Mr. Alfonso Bennett) with Lot [555.56 + Studio TOGETHER sq. yds.] situate in Santa Elena Town, Cayo District, the leasehold proper Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town, OrangeWalk WalkDistrict: District: 11. Stann Creek District: Dangriga of Mr. Alfonso Bennett) Parcel No. 1294Dangriga Canal Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek (Being elevated concrete/timber dwelling house [986 sq.District ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Stann Creek District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Parcel No. 1294 Canal Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with Lot [555.56 sq. Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Studio Apartment Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1545/1 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL (Beingin anSanta elevatedElena concrete/timber house [986 sq.leasehold ft.] containingproperty 3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitc yds.] situate Town, dwelling Cayo District, the of+Mr. Alfonso Bennett) REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL +REGISTRATION Studio Apartment TOGETHER sq. yds.] situate in Santa Elena Town, Cayo District, the leasehold prop SECTIONwith Lot [555.56BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 1236 Orange Walk Town 4 1236 of Mr. Alfonso Bennett) Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1545/1 (Being an incomplete & blockBLOCK structure [369 sq. ft.] + prefabricated [1,600 sq. ft.] TOGETHER with Lot 11. Stann Creek District: Dangriga REGISTRATION SECTIONconcrete PARCEL structure 11. Stann Creek District: Dangriga (Being an incomplete & block [369 sq.Orange ft.] + prefabricated sq.(Being ft.] TOGETHER with Lot an elevated concrete/timber dwelling house [986 sq. ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen [462 sq. yds.] situate atconcrete Parcel No. 1236structure Stadium Street, Walk Town,structure Orange [1,600 Walk District, the freehold property Parcel No. Canal 1294 with Canal Street, Dangriga, Stann District Parcel No. 1294 Street, Dangriga, District Orange Walk Town 4 1236 [462 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property + Studio Apartment TOGETHER Lot [555.56 sq. yds.]Stann situateCreek inCreek Santa Elena Town, Cayo District, the leasehold property REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL of Mr. Richard Vellos) REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCELS structure [1,600 sq. ft.] TOGETHER ng an incomplete concrete & blockSECTION structure [369 sq. ft.] + prefabricated LotBennett) of Mr.with Alfonso of Mr. Richard Vellos) Orange Walk Town 4 1236 Belize District: Belize CityStadium Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold 11. Stannproperty Creek District: Dangriga sq.5. situate at Orange Parcel No. 1236 5.yds.] Belize District: Belize City Walk Town 4 1236 Being an incomplete Parcel No.with 1294Lot Canal Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek SECTION District r. Richard Vellos) concrete & block structure [369 sq. ft.] + prefabricated structure [1,600 sq. ft.] TOGETHER REGISTRATION REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK BLOCK PARCEL PARCEL 462 sq. yds.] situate at Parcelconcrete No. 1236 Street, Orange Orange Walk District, the freehold property (Being an incomplete & Stadium block structure [369 sq.Walk ft.] +Town, prefabricated structure [1,600 District: Belize City Dangriga Sough 31 1294 Dangriga Sough 31 1294 f Mr.sq. Richard Vellos) twoconcrete storey concrete house sq. ft.]Ground containing Floor -Apartment; 3 Bedrooms (Being(Being two storey dwelling dwelling house [3,185 sq. [3,185 ft.] containing FloorGround - 3 Bedrooms FirstApartme Floor – ft.] TOGETHER with Lot [462 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1236 Stadium Street, Orange lize District: Belize City Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom Apartment TOGETHER with [512 sq. at yds.] situate at Parcel 1294 Canal Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom Apartment TOGETHER with Lot [512 sq.Lot yds.] situate Parcel No. 1294 CanalNo. Street, Dangrig Walk Town, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Richard Vellos) Stann Creek the freehold Ms. Gretel Mariano) StannDistrict, Creek District, the property freeholdof property of Ms. Gretel Mariano)
6 Neal PenDistrict: Road,Belize Belize 5. Belize CityCity, Belize District:
Parcel No. 1406 Neal Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District:
No. 1406 Neal Pen Road, Belize City, Belize District:
12. Toledo District: Big Falls/Golden Stream Stream 12. Toledo District: Big Falls/Golden REGISTRATION SECTION PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCKBLOCK PARCELS ParcelParcel No. 577No. San577 Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toldeo District: San Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toldeo District: Dangriga Sough 31 1294 Dangriga South 31 1294 (Being two storey concrete dwelling house [3,185 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 3 Bedrooms Apartment; First Floor + 1 Bathroom Apartment TOGETHER with Lot [512 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1294 Canal Street, Dangr (Being Bedrooms two storey concrete dwelling house sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 3 BedStann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. [3,185 Gretel Mariano) REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL rooms First Floor – 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom Apartment TOGETHER with Lot 12. Apartment; Toledo District: Big Falls/Golden Stream Dangriga Sough 31 1294Toldeo District: Parcel No. 577 San Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, [512 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1294 Canal Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the free-
(Being two storey concrete dwelling house [3,185 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 3 Bedrooms Apartment; First Floor – 2 hold of Ms. Gretel Mariano) Bedrooms + 1 property Bathroom Apartment TOGETHER with LotSECTION [512 sq. yds.] situate at Parcel No. 1294 Canal Street, Dangriga, REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms.REGISTRATION Gretel Mariano) Stream SECTION Big Fall/Golden 42BLOCK 577 PARCEL Toledo Big Stream Falls/Golden Stream 12. Toledo 12. District: BigDistrict: Falls/Golden Fall/Golden Stream Ground Floor:423 Open Areas + Kitchen; 577First (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling houseBig [1743 sq. ft.] containing Parcel No. 577 San Miguel Village, Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toldeo District: Parcel No. 577 San Miguel Village, Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toldeo Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 Big bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch sq. ft.] + covered shedFloor: [280 sq. ft.] andAreas lot + (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house [1743 sq.[421 ft.]District: containing Ground 3 Open Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch [421 sq. ft.] + covered shed [280 sq.
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK BLOCK PARCELS REGISTRATION SECTION PARCEL Big Fall/Golden Stream 42 577 Queen Square 45 140645 (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house [1743 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: 3 Open Areas + Kitchen; Firs REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL 1406 Queen Square Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch [421 sq. ft.] + covered shed [280 sq. ft.] and lot Queen Square 45 1406 torey concrete/timber dwelling house [1568 ft.]sq.containing 3 3Bedrooms (Being a two-storey concrete/timber dwelling housesq. [1568 ft.] containing Bedrooms ++ 1 1 Bathroom on each floor g a two-storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1568 sq. ft.] containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom on each floor REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL with Lot [340 sq.each yds.] situate No. 1406 Neal Pen Belize Road, Belize City, freehold of Ms. SECTION Bathroom withNo. Lot [340 sq. yds.] at Parcel No. Nealthe THER with Loton [340 sq.floorTOGETHER yds.] situateat at Parcel Parcel 1406 Neal Pen situate Road, City, the1406 freehold property of REGISTRATION SECTIONStreamBLOCK PARCELS Big Fall/Golden 42 577 Pen Road, Belize City, the freehold property of Ms.Sharon Burgess) s) n Burgess) (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house [1743 sq. ft.]42 containing577 Ground Floor: 3 Open Areas + Kitchen; First Big Fall/Golden Stream istrict: Ontario Village Ontario Village 6. Cayo District: Ontario Village Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch [421 sq. ft.] + covered shed [280 sq. ft.] and lot (Being a two-storey concrete dwelling house [1743 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: 3 Open No. Ontario Village, Cayo District: Parcel No. 1323/1 Ontario Village, Cayo District: /1 1323/1 Ontario Village, Cayo District:
Areas + Kitchen; First Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch [421 sq. ft.] + covered shed [280 sq. ft.] and lot [2,642.62 S.Y. or 0.546 acres] situate in San Miguel Village in the Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Mariano Kus).
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS KEVIN A. CASTILLO Society Hall 23 1323 Society Hall 23 1323 TELEPHONE: 223-4488 o buildings - BuildingSECTION ‘A’ two-storey concrete/timber [1969 sq. ft.] containing Ground EGISTRATION BLOCKdwelling house PARCEL droom + bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Storeroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms [280 sq. ft.]; Building Website: Society Hall 23 1323 (Being twosq. buildings - Building ‘A’ two-storey concrete/timber dwelling house Village, [1969 sq.Cayo ft.] District, dry house [257 ft.] TOGETHER with lot [1,165.67 sq. yds.] situate in Ontario Email: containing Ground Floor: bedroom + bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Storeroom; First ngs Building ‘A’ two-storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1969 sq. ft.] containing Ground old property of Mr. Gilbert Rhaburn). Floor: 3 bedrooms [280 sq. ft.]; Building ‘B’ Laundry house [257 sq. ft.] TOGETHER with lot Facebook: Belize-Auctions strict: Ontario Village bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Storeroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms [280 sq. ft.]; Building o. 2427/1 Ontario Village, Cayo District:
Day of Service in Port Loyola
For George Price’s Day of Service the Port Loyola Women’s Group, and Area Represent ative Hon. Gilroy Usher delivered a special dinner to scores of senior citizens across the division.
NOTICE WOW Creation Advertising Corp. #145,730 (“the Company”)
UWG President Osiely Mendez
Message on the 71st Anniversary of the founding of the People’s United Party Women have traditionally forged the path in the formation of groups and governments in Belize, dating back to the country’s early political history. Women have been called upon to agitate for change and the development of communities and countries from the dawn of time. Women have long been involved with politics and public life, even before Independence, but women’s political activism took a giant leap forward in the 1950’s with women like Gwendolyn Lizarraga and Mrs. Jane Price Usher who began organizing women politically throughout the country and formed what was described as “an instrument of mass, militant mobilization”, with the formation of the United Women’s Group which became a large and active pressure group advocating for economic independence and the betterment of women’s lives. Both founding women leaders went on to become Ministers of Government with the progressive and inclusive vision of the Father of the Nation, Rt. Honorable George Cadle Price. The positive impact of women in politics is undeniable. Study after study has taught us that there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women. No other policy is as likely to raise economic productivity or to reduce child and maternal mortality and no other policy is as sure to improve nutrition and promote health. Madeleine Albright stated, “the world is wasting a precious resource in the dramatic underrepresentation of women in leadership positions, often resulting in the exclusion of women’s talents and skills in political life.” Men and women legislators and policymakers must work together in order to solve the variety of problems facing our country. In order to meet development goals and build a strong, sustainable democracy, women must be encouraged, empowered, and supported in becoming strong political and community leaders. For a long time, politics was defined very traditionally as voting, participating in organized political parties, and seeking elective office.
In a key insight that spawned the field of women’s political history, it has now been realized that women, in fact, played a multitude of roles in politics and public life over the entire course of Belizean history, profoundly influencing social movements, civil life, the provision of charity works, and social welfare, among many other outcomes. Women created this significant path by forming voluntary organizations, lobbying, organizing petition money, and participating in a range of activities that placed them in the thick of public life. This such movement became evident in the work of the UWG in the years prior to the November 2020 elections. The women of the UWG traveled this entire country and held consultations with women whose very input produced what is now the Women’s Agenda of Plan Belize. PLAN BELIZE, the PUP’s Women Agenda is about ‘Meaningful Engagement and Empowerment of the Belizean Women’. And who is that Belizean woman? She is diverse, multi-cultural. She is Creole, Garifuna, Mestizo, Maya, Indian, Chinese, urban, rural, farmer, businesswoman, formally educated, grassroots, community-oriented, young, old- no matter race, color, age, sexual orientation or identity – under the Blue Tent, our PlanBelize W omen’s Agenda is about building a Belize that works for all our women. Carrying the momentum and the promise to the people, with a goal of equality and inclusion as never before seen in the history of Belizean politics, Prime Minister John Briceño appointed more women to leadership roles than ever before. In Belize today, women aptly hold posts as CEOs, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, Governor-General, Ministers of Government, Mayor of a City, Speaker of the House of Representatives, President of the Senate, Attorney General, heads of departments, caregivers, frontline workers, and many more. Their resilience, innovation, and compassion allow them to be bold and impactful leaders that inspire the next generation to reach greater heights.
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that WOW Creation Advertising Corp.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 23rd day of September, 2021; and c) CHO, CHIA-YU whose address is 18F., No. 295-6, Dajin St., Nantun Dist. Taichung City, Taiwan is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
NOTICE Spinifex Ltd. #46,509 (“the Company”)
Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that Spinifex Ltd.: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 23rd day of September, 2021; and c) Tatyana Cilia whose address is 58 Triq Sant’ Alfonsu, Sliema, SLM 2232, Malta is the Liquidator of the Company CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
It is evident with numerous female appointments that Prime Minister John Briceño values the importance and critical role women play in the development of our nation. As we celebrated 40 years as an independent nation, “normal” now looks and feels so different in a pandemic era. As Belizeans, we continue to strive for economic growth to then produce countless job opportunities, create safe and peaceful communities, educate and protect our children, advocate for equal rights, join together in rebuilding our nation, our BELIZE by the Sea. This great People’s United Party has always been the party of change and for change for the betterment of our people. The UNITED WOMEN’S GROUP guided by our motto ‘Meaningful Engagement and Empowerment of Belizean women’ serves as a vehicle to unite our women all over the country to bring about meaningful change that will directly impact women. The UWG also advocates for the rec-
ognition and realization of Women’s rights, gender equality, and promotes the full participation of women in all phases of national, social, political, and community life. We, the new UWG executive look forward to working with you in achieving PlanBelize, expanding membership, and creating real opportunities for our women in the party. The PUP is about transformational leadership and women must be around that table as a part of that transformation. Let’s all be reminded that we are still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s encourage our families and friends to get vaccinated. Wash/Sanitize our hands, wear our masks and practice physical distancing. Our PUP government has made tremendous achievements in vaccination against the Covid-19 crisis. Let’s do our part. We are in this together. Thank you. Happy 71st Birthday PUP God Bless the PUP. God Bless Belize. ¡Que Viva!
22 OUT
Dear Editor, The UDP is now Shamelessly Shameful…they are now only a United Democratic Group. The PUP’s UWG has more members than the UDG—shameless bunch of people. So they change August for Babb. Did Alberto eat of the PetroCarib Pibil tacos? Babb did. In 2015, Carol was on Corozal beach spending the spoils that should have been for the poor. She was dressed redder than red. Just ask and you can get the picture. So Alberto for Carol is Tit for Tat…Alberto bought UDP T-shirts for BWS and Carol…where are the tablets bought in 2020 by the GoB. A quick unscientific count shows that students were still craving for tablets up to Nov 11 election time. The deal stinks. This is just another unconfessed UDP infamy. Where did all the tablets of September 2020 go? Someone ought to account for it… there is a lot more. Criminal debt History has recorded and will show that on November 11, 2020 and the 3rd of March 2021 a corrupt group of politicians once known as the UDP had their political deaths etched in into their electoral tombstones. This group left Belize marinating in a 4 billion dollar debt…Criminal? Definitely. Their leader Barrow as PM was found to be guilty of spending 1.5 of that debt unconstitutionally. The judge that read the judgement retired and Barrow shrugged it off. I heard the judgement myself. Fake UDG Profiles During the 113 days in between the two massive political castigations the United Democratic bled to death. Their incompetence reeked and leaked everywhere with a lie-driven rhetoric which they passed off as a political campaign. Instead of a confession to 13 years of wrongdoing, the ‘UDP’ groups basked in Trumpian cons and deception —fake news and fake social media profiles are much more prolific than an actual UDP voters. The few remnant rabid UDPs are zombies in that they
THE BELIZE TIMES are lifeless no-Party entities. The party that was supposed to be an honourable opposition in Belize’s democracy simply continued their corrupt ways—they corrupted the idea of being in Opposition and are eons away from serving anyone not even themselves. The two United Democratic Groups(UDGs) only know how to be con artists, corrupt and viciously incompetent. Botched Covid 2020 Many wonder how is it that even as the UDP government botched everything in their 2020 Covid response from rejecting Covid-19 test kits, pantry for Mickey Mouse, flying in the Coronavirus literally, they remained in power as long as they did. They were lucky to have had John Briceño in their Oversight Committee and thus had our support at the beginning. As the Party Leader left the committee, the UDP’s grabbing retractable claws were in plain sight to grab anything that was there. Obscenely bloated contracts appeared magically for everything. Even as hundreds were dying then, the UDP cared not to bat an eyelid. They took and took until another 10 percent of Belize got poor and another 100 thousand got unemployed. Phony Press Conferences beg for attention Faber and Barrow keep disrespecting the intelligent Belizean people. Now, Press conferences pile up and nothing on their 13 years of raping the Belizean society. It is all about who the loo is and who deserves to read the nonsense speeches. Shyne was elected via proxy votes that usually went to Michael Finnegan. Faber was narrowly elected with a list padded over 13 years of pibil and cheers. Faber, of course, carried Barrows shovels for 13 years so he knows the origin and details of long list of hotbeds of UDP corruption. After two mega losses at the polls, the two UDG’s still doesn’t understand that the public needs disclosure and confession from their infamous UDP leftovers. Tell us where the dead bodies are buried. The UDG’s reflect the epicenter of rotten corruption and vile incompetence. Belize does not care for Faber and Shyne’s ‘skip to my loo’ dance. They want both your confessions and resignations. Then you can start afresh. Belizean Voter Expecting Loo’s Resignation
PlanBelize in Action
Single Mother’s housing project
GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND INVESTMENT INVITATION TO QUOTE No CABEI-DI-22/2021 The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment funded by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has allocated funds towards the cost of supply and delivery of vehicles. The Ministry now extends an invitation to Suppliers to tender for the below listed items: GOODS 12 seater Van
Interested bidders may submit a complete set of bidding documents inclusive of Specifications through written request to the below physical address or via electronic mail (email) to . Deadline for submission of sealed bids is Friday October 8th, 2021, at 12:00 noon, via direct mail or hand delivered to the address indicated below. Note that late submissions will be rejected. Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Sir Edney Cain Building Ground Floor, Right Wing Belmopan City, Belize C.A. Ref: INVITATION TO QUOTE (No CABEI-DI-22/2021)
BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between ALRICK ALBERT ESCOBAR and LIZABETH ELIZABETH WALLACE ESCOBAR (Jointly) of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 0.25 Acres being Parcel 2128, Block 4 in the Carmelita Registration Section situate on the Southern side of the Old Northern Highway about 1 mile east of the junction with the Philip Goldson Highway, Orange Walk District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of ALRICK ALBERT ESCOBAR and LIZABETH ELIZABETH WALLACE ESCOBAR (Jointly).
Recipient is Ms. Desiree Diego from the Garifuna Collective The progress is in its infancy stage, we just getting started. Thanks to Hon Julius Espat and the CEOs at the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, construction has commenced on the low income homes for our single mothers as promised. Great Job and respect to Area Representative Hon. Dr. Louis Zabaneh and also our Mayor Mr Robert Mariano, two men dedicated to success for the people they represent. The project is slated to build up to 150 homes nationwide in this the pilot phase of this planBelize promise.
DATED this 23rd day of September 2021 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 E-mail:
Second Group of Cuban Collaborators from CMB
BELIZE SOCIAL INVESTMENT FUND TENDER NOTICE Country: Belize Project: Caribbean Development Bank Loan No: 25/SFROR-BZE Project ID: 1509/8/E1 Contract Number: E/SL3-02/2021 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: October 15, 2021 1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of Eligible Sub-projects and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Completion of the Corazon Creek Technical High School Building, Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize. 2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
Ministry of Health & Wellness welcomed the second group of Cuban Collaborators from the Cuban Medical Brigade(CMB) to Belize. The group was welcomed by the Deputy Director of Health Services in Nursing, Ms. Lizett Bell, along with the International Affairs Officer, Ms. Dianie Ek. A total of 36 collaborators
arrived this week. They will be deployed across all our health regions and at our primary referral hospital, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority to support in our Covid19 response efforts. We extend our appreciation to the Government and the people of the Republic of Cuba.
Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government Launches Website
September 20, 2021, the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government officially launched its redesigned website. The new website will deliver all the critical services under the ministry’s mandate in a faster, more user-friendly, efficient and easier-to-navigate format. The goal of this new website is to provide users with a portal that serves as a central hub for the departments and important services like the Temporary Employment Permit system (TEP) and the Employment Services System (ESS). The website offers reliable functionality by providing information and data for labour, industrial relations, water systems, local governance, community development and legislations. A newly added feature is the searchable question box of frequently asked questions. The pop-up box
provides quick information to users. The site also contains integrated social media buttons for the ministry’s Facebook and Instagram pages to foster improved communication with the public. The ministry will be constantly updating content with more online services and databases, helpful information, press releases, videos and photos. The ministry expresses its thanks to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for providing the funding for the upgraded website and Global IT Solutions for creating and designing the website to meet the requirements and standards of the ministry. The website can be accessed using any of the domain names: • • •
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes to complete the construction of an incomplete single storey reinforced concrete structure measuring 164’-11” long by 42’-2” wide complete with a proposed four (4) classrooms, office spaces, two (2) male and female students’ bathrooms, two (2) male and female teachers’ lavatories, storage spaces, and an access ramp to accommodate users with disabilities. Works shall include but not be limited to the following activities: construction of a reinforced concrete floor slab; construction of masonry walls; construction of reinforced concrete columns and beams; construction of a reinforced concrete roof; application of concrete rendering; construction of ceilings; installation of windows and doors; installation of electrical, plumbing, water supply and wastewater systems; application of surface finishes; and the undertaking of landscaping activities. Adherence to the contract’s environmental and safety protocols during construction is of paramount importance. 3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize 4. Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas. 5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CDB’s Guidelines for Procurement (January 2006), and are open to all countries eligible for procurement under European Investment Bank funded projects which includes CDB member countries. 6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2017 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2010 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to four (4) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$200,000.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$800,000.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$150,000.00 of which not more than BZ$75,000.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$800,000.00 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents. 7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting August 23, 2021, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Completion of the Corazon Creek Technical High School Building, Corazon Creek Village, Toledo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office. 8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., October 15, 2021 at the address below. Bids will be opened virtually at 10:15 a.m., October 15, 2021 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. The link is . Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 8,000.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days. 9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 2nd, 2021. The link is Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend. 10. The address referred to above is: Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 822-0239/822-0508 E-mail: cc:
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