THE BELIZE TIMES1 4 SEP 4 SEPTEMBER 2022 | ISSUE NO: 5316 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 Launched by MoECST Belize Education Sector Plan Pg. 5 Pg. 15 GoB-Nurses Agree in Record Time Fixing the UDP’s Hotbed of Corruption Centerfold QUICK ACTION Pg. 2 Pg. 6 The “WhatEntrepreneur:BelizeandoIdotoensuremyBusinessgrows?” September Celebrations Calendar of Events – All Districts The Belize Times Established 1957 MSME ON THE ROAD COROZAL TO OW Meets with Acting PM Hyde and Min Ferguson LAND FOR LANDLESSTHE FIFAINFANTINOPRESIDENTINBELIZE Pg. 2
Before Belizeans all over the country could blink, the nurses of Belize and the Government of Belize had amica bly ended a walkout protest over an overtime pay issue. Minister Bernard and his team had met in all cordiality with the leadership of the Nurses Association and resolved said issue a few hours after the protest surprised the na tion. Record Time? Why is the country in utter surprise at this expeditious planBelize government/nurses solution? Why are the UDP-few in utter disgust that this protest did not extend into long days? The country is used to seeing teargas and guns and riot police whenever there is a protest. Barrow/ Faber’s UDP has the public shell-shocked with their 08-20 reign of tyranny. But the Briceño administration is all about serving the people. The PUP is not about excuses and getting rid of the UDP-13 disease is a day to day sanitation process. The remains of their nasty politics is everywhere. When new problems arise it is due to something the UDP did in those 153 long, long months. The nurses have been slighted in many ways by the UDP. Thanks God for them, they knew in 2022 that a show of

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER Fay Castillo
The meeting was held in a constructive and cordial atmosphere, and proved productive. After over two hours of meeting, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Nurses Association of Belize have agreed to the following:
EDITOR José Jiménez
The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
4. The tool for the calculation of sick leave and vacation leave will be re viewed by the MOF along with technical staff of the Ministry of Health and Well ness, in coordination with the NAB, in order to standardize countrywide.
This morning leaders of the Nurses Association of Belize (NAB), the Ministry of Health and Wellness, and the Ministry of Labour met with the members of the Ministry of Finance to discuss the pressing issues confronting the nurses and the larger medical community.
“I have to express my Ministry’s continued acknowledgement and appreci ation of the tremendous sacrifice and heroic work of the nurses all through the pandemic and beyond. It was never our intention to deprive the nurses of what was due them. We had been working with the Ministry of Finance to work out the issues resulting from its June circular and I’m happy that we were able to success fully reconcile those at the meeting this morning,” said Minister Kevin Bernard.
The Ministry of Education Culture Science and Technology (MoECST) launched its BES plan (Belize Educa tion Sector plan) as another compo nent to re-imagine education and to accelerate the change in teaching and learning. PlanBelize education agenda is the fountainhead for the vision of policy, and strategies, out lined in Belize education strategy plan 2021-2025. The Minister Honour able Francis Fonseca and Minister of State Honourable Dr Louie Zabaneh, working in tandem, have tasked themselves with effecting a new dy namism in Belizean education which originated in the roll-out of the com petency-based-education (CBE) cur riculum and the radical shifting from a traditionalist approach of a bookish (rote learning) curriculum. Fonseca proffered that the BES plan central objective is to create an education system that produces stu dents, that produces citizens who will be equipped with the knowledge, the skills, the information, the values and the attitudes which will allow them to lead meaningful lives. The ultimate objective of education is to produce quality citizens. Similarly, J. Alexander Bennett in the preface of the book “Education in Belize” draws on John I. Goodland's book, “In Praise of Edu cation”, 1997 wrote “a society should be investing in schools protected from the erosion of their public pur pose, i.e., educating of persons com mitted to a society that nurtures its members. We come to a circuitous path. Virtuous societies sustain edu cation that educates individuals to be virtuous citizens who sustain virtuous societies…the grateful citizens give back to nurturing society.” And con tributing to the development of the nation.Under the previous administra tion, the United Democratic Party (UDP) and defunct Minister of Edu cation Patrick Faber, education was the political tool for the leveraging of votes. Minister Fonseca submitted that $300 million was pumped into an education system that was considered dysfunctional. Upon taking the steward ship of the education sys tem, Fonseca made it prior ity in dismantling the failed education system through some fundamental pillars of change. It was under stood, recognized, and ap preciated that to advocate for reform and advocate for change, there needed to be reform within the Ministry of Education to further re form the wider education system.Acritically important pillar was the transforming of teaching and learning to ensure that students in the classroom are learning what matters and the teachers are teaching what matters. The central purpose of the Teachers Learning Institute and the framework of the reformed national curriculum as the North Star. The rote learning approach was replaced or, in the least, enhanced by the compe tency based curriculum to maximize human capital in the technical and vocational education and training. The expectation is for the students to ac quire the skills that would create em ployment. Also, providing the private sector with the specific skills neces sary for production. The BES plan includes the un derserved sectors of special needs and early childhood education. Fon seca insisted that the Ministry must be laser focussed to make sure that individuals are being educated with the aim at national development. That has to be the priority and focus of the new curriculum framework.
The MOHW would like to emphasize the value that it places on our health team and would like to reiterate our commitment to continue to improve the work ing environment and the services provided.
• Hon Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness
The Belize Times
• Dr Melissa Diaz-Musa, Director of Public Health & Wellness
• Mr Joseph Waight, Financial Secretary
LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email:
Renita Pop, President, Nurses Association of Belize
The Ministry of Health and Wellness has agreed to continue meeting to suc cessfully treat and resolve those issues.
• Hon Oscar Requena, Minister of Rural Transformation, Community De velopment, Labour and Local Government
• Dr Julio Sabido, CEO Ministry of Health & Wellness
• Nurse Bernadette Rivas, Executive Member • Caramyn Sho, Secretary, Nurses Association of Belize
• Kelly Bouloy, Legal Counsel, Nurses Association of Belize • Technical Staff from the MOHW, MOF and Labour
1. “Overtime hours” mode of calculation has been updated, where the time sheet will include monthly hours worked and monthly overtime hours worked. The calculation of the overtime payment will be done on a monthly basis versus week ly.
Attending the meeting were:
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
2. Short hour deductions which occurred for the August 2022 pay period will be reverted back to all staff as an “interest free advance” and will be paid be fore the 9th of September 2022.
3. Reconciliation will occur for the next pay period on any discrepancies which may have occurred due to the previous calculations done.
For her part, Nurse Renita Pop, President of the NAB, explained that she is pleased that going forward the nurses will get their just due as it relates to their overtime compensation and that the shortfall will be rectified by this coming Fri day. She added that there are other pressing outstanding issues facing the nurses and the larger medical community.
• Mr Valentino Shal, CEO Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community De velopment, Labour and Local Government
• Nurse Lizett Bell, Deputy Director of Hospital Services and Allied Health (Nursing)•Nurse
5. A review of the PSR and GWR to reflect regulations for shift workers will commence.TheNAB has committed to immediately report to their membership on the results of the meeting, while the Minister of Health and Wellness took the oppor tunity to reiterate his appreciation for the nurses and the medical community.
NEED will make the planBelize administration react positively. There is no fear of guns, no fear for teargas nor fear of intimidation. Respect for the citizens of Belize is the strength of the Briceño planBelize govern ment.Below is a statement from the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Nurses Association.
• Dr Jorge Polanco, Director of Hospital Services and Allied Health,
Continued from page 1

he nurses staged a walkout this last week across various districts and those at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital decided to join in a show of solidarity for good measure. Nurses and doctors are considered by law as essential services workers and as such would need to provide notice of intention of strike twen ty-one days before such action was taken. This bill was tabled by Hon. Gabriel Martinez, Minister of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development in 2009. This law provides a fine of $25, a six-month prison term or both. That is how the UDP dealt with sick-outs, go-slows and strikes. The intention was to rule, not govern, by means of fear and suppression. The entire health profession in Belize bowed down in complete submission. Through it all, the baby-eating rats, the racoon storms, the baby-killing bacteria and the chronic and acute deficiencies in facilities and supplies, the doctors and nurses remained blind, deaf, and dumb. They remained beaten and downtrodden for thirteen long years. This happened all while the Minister of Health danced happily in his red shoes across the country. For all his energetic gyrations, he was always struck mute at press conferences that discussed the serious problems of the public health care system. We fast forward to 2022 and this administration with a young and dynamic Minister who is willing to do more than just entertain the Belizean electorate. Hon. Kevin Bernard has a refreshing no-nonsense approach and meets challenges head-on. The heads of departments of the public health system had been briefed on the discrepancies in salaries and these had been addressed in meetings as early as Friday. They had been advised that the review and corrections would have been made. Was it pure bad mind and spite that prompted the response of a walkout on Monday? Or was this overreaction stirred up by mischief makers who are bored because there is not much to criticize these days? Whatever the reason, the walk-out fizzled before noon.
Hon. Kevin Bernard went in analysed the situation and moved fast to convene a meeting and find solutions, not excuses. He ensured that the calculations in salaries will not adversely affect his staff. He personally took charge, he did not hide behind other ministers and he did not de flect or hide the problem. He simply dealt with it. It was almost anticlimactic when even before lunch, the strike had come…and gone. It must have made a couple of jaws drop in pure amaze ment at the feat. I do hope that Pablito took notes, because ladies and gentlemen, that is how it's done. The nurses, doctors and staff of the public health sector no doubt are glad to know that they will receive their full salaries. They might also want to recognize that far from enacting laws that under a UDP government would have jailed and fined them for their illegal strike; this PUP government wants to ensure that their working conditions are improved and that they have the supplies and medications to give their patients adequate care. They might also want to recognize that they have a leader who will face the music, and find solutions, not dance in front of cameras. However, he will also expect from them the same things he gives of himself, full commitment, effort, and dedication to the gargantuan task at hand. Be advised that this Minister is no push over, he will ensure that Belizeans receive the quality health care they deserve. AS YOU

as enfermeras organizaron una huelga la semana pasada en varios distritos y las del Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital decidieron unirse a la muestra de solidaridad. Las enfermeras y los médicos son considerados por la ley como trabajadores de servicios esenciales y, como tales, tendrían que notificar su intención de huelga veintiún días antes de emprenderla. Este proyecto de ley fue presentado por el Honorable Gabriel Martínez, ministro de Trabajo, Gobierno Local y Desarrollo Rural en 2009. Esta ley prevé una multa de 25 dólares, una pena de prisión de seis meses o ambas cosas. Así es como el UDP trataba los paros de brazos caídos, las faltas por enfermedad y las huelgas. La intención era reinar, no gobernar, mediante el miedo y la represión. Toda la profesión sanitaria de Belice se inclinó en completa sumisión. A pesar de todo, de las ratas devoradoras de bebés, de las tormentas de mapach es, de las bacterias asesinas de bebés y de las deficiencias crónicas y agudas de las instalaciones y los suministros, los médicos y las enfermeras permanecieron ciegos, sordos y mudos. Permanecieron golpeados y abatidos durante trece largos años. Todo esto ocurrió mientras el ministro de Sanidad bailaba alegremente con sus zapatos rojos por todo el país. A pesar de todos sus enérgicos giros, siempre se quedaba mudo en las ruedas de prensa en las que se hablaba de los graves problemas del sistema sanitario público. Avanzamos rápidamente hasta 2022 y esta administración cuenta con un ministro joven y dinámi co que está dispuesto a hacer algo más que entretener al electorado beliceño. El Honorable Kevin Bernard tiene un enfoque refrescante y sin rodeos, y afronta los retos de frente. Los jefes de los de partamentos del sistema de salud pública han sido informados de las discrepancias en los salarios y éstas se han abordado en reuniones celebradas el viernes. Se les había avisado de que la revisión y las correcciones se harían. ¿Fue pura mala intención y despecho lo que provocó la respuesta de un paro el lunes? ¿O se trata de una reacción exagerada y provocada por los malintencionados que se aburren porque no hay mucho que criticar estos días? Sea cual sea la razón, el paro se desvaneció antes del mediodía.
El Honorable Kevin Bernard analizó la situación y se movió rápidamente para convocar una re unión y encontrar soluciones, no excusas. Se aseguró de que los cálculos de los salarios no afectaran negativamente a su personal. Se hizo cargo personalmente, no se escondió detrás de otros ministros y no desvió ni ocultó el problema. Simplemente se ocupó de él. Fue casi anticlimático cuando, incluso antes del almuerzo, la huelga había llegado... y se había ido. Eso Debió hacer que un par de mandíbulas cayeran de puro asombro ante la hazaña. Espero que Pablito haya tomado nota, porque, señores, así es como se hace. Las enfermeras, los médicos y el personal de la sanidad pública se alegran sin duda de saber que recibirán sus salarios íntegros. Quizá también quieran reconocer que, lejos de promul gar leyes que bajo un gobierno del UDP les habrían encarcelado y multado por su huelga ilegal, este gobierno del PUP quiere garantizar que sus condiciones de trabajo mejoren y que dispongan de los suministros y los medicamentos necesarios para dar una atención adecuada a sus pacientes. También querrán reconocer que tienen un líder que dará la cara y encontrará soluciones, no bailará delante de las cámaras. Sin embargo, también esperará de ellos lo mismo que da de sí mismo, pleno com promiso, esfuerzo y dedicación a la gigantesca tarea que tienen entre manos. Tengan en cuenta que este ministro no es un pelele, y que se asegurará de que los beliceños reciban la atención sanitaria de calidad que merecen. TANTO COMO RECIBAS

Minister of Sports Hon. Rodwell Fer guson joined Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Cordel Hyde in welcoming the world pres ident Gianni Infantino of the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) to Belmopan on Wednesday morning, Au gustBelize31. was but the latest stop on In fantino’s Central America and Caribbean goodwill tour which he discussed with lo cal media at the headquarters of the Foot ball Federation in Belmopan Belizean schoolchildren welcomed In fantino and his delegation to the FFB Stadi um, where they have been participating in a week-long football festival as part of the launch of the FIFA “Football in Schools” project which FIFA is funding for Belize withInfantino$100,000.said Belize is the 14th coun try of FIFA’s 211 member countries to join in the project. Minister of Education Hon. Francis Fonseca had joined Minister Fergu son 2 weeks ago in launching the program which will benefit 10,000 children at 100 primary schools throughout the country in this school year. The project will teach them the game of football as a part of the phys ical education curriculum at all schools, and the program of football development will expand gradually to include 25,000 children at 250 schools over the next 4 years. It brings to fruition a partner ship agreement which the ministries signed with the FFB in June 2021. Infantino also thanked FFB pres ident Sergio Chuc for what the FFB has accomplished with the FIFA fund ing, such as the refurbishment of the stands at the FFB stadium, replacing the previous steel bleachers with concrete stands that also have hand icapped access ramps. The football pitch has also been upgraded from natural grass to artificial turf. Infantino pledged his continued support for the FFB’s initiatives, confirming this will be USD$2 million for this year.
Meets with Acting PM Hyde and Min Ferguson

The DPM and the Government un derstand that although a lot has been accomplished there is still a lot of work pending. However, many Belizeans will be receiving their land documents that have been pending for umpteen years.
In late August, the mobile land clin ic served the constituencies of Caribbe an Shores and Freetown at the Belize City Centre. Many of the constituents had been held ransom by the carrion crows of the United Democratic Party (UDP). They desperately hung onto the fringes for a life-changing opportuni ty. Hundreds were all denied until the PUP’s victory at the polls in the Gen eral Election of 2020. The echo of the Deputy Prime Minister Cordel Hyde’s words on the campaign trail portrayed an eerie feeling of the underprivileged many. Hyde said that the challenge for the PUPs was to convince the people “that we better. That we da George Price PUP, weh the ordinary man and woman matter, weh paat the small people could get a piece of land and small people could get a house and the small people could send dem pickney da school and small people could find a job…” Well we da George Price PUP. The start with the single mothers home, the free education on South side, the expansive job creation and the land clinics being held across the greatAtdivide.theland clinic held at the infa mous 33 million dollars Civic Centre - built out of the poor people money, the petro money that was supposed to alleviate the conditions of the poorwas hallowed grounds of area repre sentatives Kareem Musa and Francis Fonseca and Cordel Hyde treating the issues regarding land being sought by the landless constituents. Many heart wrenching stories were reported in the news stream at the end of the day. Un der the UDP these people were stone walled left with only a dream of owning their piece of land. Today’s triumph of dreams becom ing a reality was within the construct of PlanBelize. In some cases as Hyde once said many of the unfortunates were living in swamps next to the crocodiles. The change of better have shored with constituency and constit uents being attended one area at a time.
Constituencies at a Time Fixing the UDP’s Hotbed of Corruption LAND FOR THE LANDLESS
Training of staff on the new plat form will start on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, and conclude on Friday, Sep tember 9, 2022. During this period, although we have planned for busi ness to continue at a moderate pace, given the unavailability of some of our staff, service to the public may be slow or limited. This is inclusive of the services offered at our district offices countrywide.Alloffices will resume normal business on Monday, September 12, 2022.The public is hereby reminded that the status of applications can be obtained via the ministry’s anytinuedpublices,php/track-instrument-2/
The Ministry of Natural Resources Petro leum and Mining has been transformed from a hot-bed of corruption to one of no bility and “Serving the people.”
August 29, 2022 In our continued efforts to im prove processing of land transactions at the Lands and Surveys and Land Registry departments, and to provide excellent service to all of our custom ers, it has become necessary to up grade our Landfolio System. Accord ingly, to guarantee that staff is familiar with the new Landfolio System, and can use/operate it efficiently, a series of training must be conducted.
Honorable Cordel Hyde and the PUP insists on making the service regarding Land issues accessible in the area the people live in, bringing the mountaintop to them. PlanBelize at work, where ev erybody fi win!

This initiative is one of 11 such interventions by the 11th EDF-EPA TBT Pro gramme aimed at providing support to specific value chains identified by CAR IFORUM countries, which can in turn better aid the countries trading efforts.
Notice is hereby given that Jorge Menjivar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “J M Shop” located at # 1501 Terry Lee Crawford Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Mi chelle Humes is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Michelle’s Cool Spot” located at # 51 Albert Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition Notice1980. is hereby given that Luisa Enriquez applying for a Beer Li quor License to be operated at “Isabella’s Fast Food” located at # 81 Amara Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Belizeans Honoured with Belize@41 Prizes
The pilot stage of registration of the Sembrando Vida project took place on August 24 and 25, 2022, in Orange Walk District. Some 186 farmers registered in this phase of the project, which is undertaken by the Mexican Government through the Mexican International Coop eration Agency for Development (AMEXCID), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise. The Sembrando Vida project offers support to rural farmers throughout Belize. The program, which aims to assist farmers from vulnerable areas of the country to produce their own food, sell any surplus and become self-sus taining, will benefit around 2,000 farmers by providing economic assistance, tools, seeds, fertilizer and technical assistance. Under the project, extension officers will be hired to work with beneficiary farmers and offer assistance with crops, planting, biofertilizer pro duction, and bio-forestry. The reg istration pilot phase will continue until later in the year to include the other districts.
Notice is hereby given that Mark Nugent & Anna Ning are applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Tacos Picante Restaurant” located at # 19 C.A. Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition Notice1980. is hereby given that Mirsa P. Moralez is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “La Casona Bar & Grill” located at 7 Miles, Progres so Village, Cayo District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Juan Lopez is applying for a Beer Li quor License to be operated at “Quiche Shop” located at # 25 Water Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Li quor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
August 31, 2022 - The Belize Bureau of Standards (BBS), in collaboration with the Technical Barriers to Trade Component of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Programme hosted a CALIDENA Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) value chain working group session in Belize City on August 30, 2022.
It is hoped that challenges and solutions to quality issues affecting the in dustry can be addressed with close collaboration of all stakeholders. The session was interactive and highly focused in obtaining ownership and commitment from the sector to ensure that deliverables are completed within the desired timelines.
The awards and respective awardees are: • Beverley Smith Lopez Award for Acting in Theatre and Film to Ray Gongora • George Gabb Award for Visual Arts to Pen Cayetano • Rosita Baltazar Award for Dance to Dawn Adderley • Zee Edgell Award for Lit erary Arts to Lawrence Vernon • Don Elijo Panti Award for Protection and Development of Traditional Knowledge to Susano Blanco• Andy Palacio Award for Original Belizean Music to Bredda David Obi • Leela Vernon Award for Creative Community Action and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage to Brad Pattico
September 1, 2022 - The National Celebrations Commis sion (NCC) today hosted the Belize@41 Awards Ceremony featuring seven outstanding and deserving Belizeans.
Last year, as part of the Be lize@40 September Celebrations, the NCC established the Be lize@40 Prize to honour past and present Belizean creatives. To day’s event was a continuum of this.Hon. Cordel Hyde, Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining, delivered the keynote remarks at today’s ceremony. He highlight ed the many achievements of the awardees and encouraged all Be lizeans to build on their cultural and creative contributions.
The project is being managed by the German National Metrology Institute (PTB) and administered in CARIFORUM by the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards & Quality (CROSQ) and the Dominican Republic’s Institute for Quality (INDOCAL).
Sembrando Vida Project Kickoff in Orange Walk District
As a continuation of first LPG value chain workshop held in September 2021, which involved government, regulatory agencies, as well as private sector entities which sells, distributes, or otherwise deal in LPG, the objective of this intervention was to engage stakeholders on activities and tasks found in an action plan created to further develop and improve the quality and safety aspect of the sector. This in cludes the use of Standards which creates a level playing field and promote safe ty for both suppliers and consumers and Metrology by ensuring fairness in trade for vendors and consumers through the verification of measuring instruments.
Notice is hereby given that Paul Sewell is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be op erated at “Sewell’s Cool Spot” located at # 182 Parakeet Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Belize’s participation in Sembran do Vida is a part of the commitment made by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his re cent visit to Belize. The project is also being administered in other Central American countries including El Salva dor, Honduras and Guatemala.

IV. Tradespersons – single entities, such as Masons and Carpenters.
Contractors will be categorized by size and experience and are hereby invited to register under one or more of the following categories as may be applicable:
II. Bridge Construction – capable of bridge construction, pile construction and installation, reinforced concrete bridges, structural steel bridges, composite bridges.
I.DISCIPLINECivilWorks / Road Construction – capable of executing works associat ed with road construction and other major infrastructure developments such as land clearing, earthworks, drainage, flexible and rigid pavements, road markings and road furniture installation, and structural concrete.
Application forms and pre-qualification document are free of charge and can be obtained from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing in Bel mopan or via email from the contact persons listed below.
1. Attention: Mr. Victor Espat Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE, C. A Tel:
The goals are to provide an overview of the three leading value chains relevant to the country under the scope of the assessment. They are the queen conch (Lobatus gigas), spiny lobster (Panulirus ar gus), and fin fish, with a significant focus on four species of snappers (lane, yellowtail, and yellow eye and red). Using the classic value chain analysis approach, selected assessment tools will be adopted to cap ture as much essential information and interactions as possible, based on individual opinions on Belize's efficiency, suitability, and applicabili ty levels in various fishing practices and technologies.
Deadline for submission of pre-qualification data is 2.00 p.m. on Friday Sep tember 9, 2022.
Belize City, 16 August 2022: The Central Bank of Belize hereby informs the public that the Bank of England has notified that it will withdraw the legal tender status of £20 and £50 paper banknotes on 30 September 2022. After this date, only polymer banknotes will be legal tender. The Bank of England is encouraging both individual and institutional noteholders such as financial institutions to use, deposit, or exchange these banknotes by 30 September 2022
Note that after the 30 September 2022 deadline, holders of paper sterling banknotes will no longer be able to use them in transactions.
Contractors are informed that the proposed works are of an emergency nature and therefore the time period for submission of the requested information will not exceed more than seven (7) calendar days. It is expected that the pre-qualification exercise will provide for easier selection of reliable contractors based on satisfying minimum criteria of each of the identified categories and sub-categories.
V. Specialist Contractors – contractors with experience tailored to a specific skillset such as:
Interested contractors are encouraged to register and submit requested pre-qual ification information which the MIDH will evaluate based on a set criterion. Based on the findings of the evaluation, contractors will be prequalified for the various types of road restoration works proposed to be funded with the Emergency Funds.
Status of £20 and £50 Paper Banknotes Belize City, 16 August 2022: The Central Bank of Belize hereby informs the public that the Bank of England has notified that it will withdraw the legal tender status of £20 and £50 paper banknotes on 30 September 2022. After this date, only polymer banknotes will be legal tender. The Bank of England is encouraging both individual and institutional noteholders such as financial institutions to use, deposit, or exchange these banknotes by 30 September 2022
The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA) in collaboration with the Food and Agricul ture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representative for Ja maica, The Bahamas, Belize, and Belize's National Designated Author ity to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), has organized three Sustainable Fisheries, Technology and Value Chain Consultations for the coastal zone and fisheries sector of Belize.
4. Develop a sustainable fisheries practices and technology hand book.
2. Attention: Mr. Lennox Bradley Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane Belmopan Cayo District BELIZE, C. A Tel:
Legal Tender Status of £20 and £50 Paper Banknotes
Members of the Belizean public holding these paper banknotes are advised to submit them for exchange at their domestic bank. Institutional noteholders in Belize should continue to return these sterling banknotes to the Central Bank for repatriation to the Bank of England.
1. To take stock of the sustainable fish value chain for priority fish species.2.Identify sustainable fishing operations, practices, and technolo gies through stakeholder and community consultation.
3. Identify the root causes and barriers hindering the adaptation of sustainable fishing practices and the development, deployment, and diffusion of priority fishing technologies.
I.SIZEMedium size Contractors –annual average construction turnover of BZD $0.5 – $2.5 million.
The objectives include:
• Drilling and Blasting • Steel fabrication / Welding / Erection • Heavy Equipment Operator • Surveying (Topographical, Cadastral, Hydrographic, etc)
More information can be found on the Bank of England’s website at: 20 paper 50 withdrawal /media/boe/files/banknotes/paper/20 50 paper notes.pdf ENDS ISSUED BY: THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CENTRAL BANK OF BELIZE
The Government of Belize (GOBZ) through the Ministry of Infrastructure De velopment and Housing (MIDH) invites contractors who are interested in carrying out road and drainage restoration works in three districts in Belize, namely, Belize, Orange Walk and Corozal Districts affected by the tropical wave on August 17-18, 2022.Restoration works proposed in all three districts will vary but will include drainage improvement works with culvert installation; resurfacing of roads and paving of a few roads.
Note that after the 30 September 2022 deadline, holders of paper sterling banknotes will no longer be able to use them in transactions. More information can be found on the Bank of England’s website at: 20 paper 50 withdrawal /media/boe/files/banknotes/paper/20 50 paper notes.pdf ENDS
Belize City, 16 August 2022: The Central Bank of Belize hereby informs the public that the Bank of England has notified that it will withdraw the legal tender status of £20 and £50 paper banknotes on 30 September 2022. After this date, only polymer banknotes will be legal tender. The Bank of England is encouraging both individual and institutional noteholders such as financial institutions to use, deposit, or exchange these banknotes by 30 September 2022
Legal Tender
II. Small Contractors – annual average construction turnover of BZD $0.5million or less.
The consultations are a deliverable of the GCF readiness project entitled, Enhancing Adaptation Planning and Increasing Climate Resil ience in Belize's Coastal Zone and Fisheries Sector. They took place in Caye Caulker Village on August 26, 2022, in Dangriga Town on August 31, 2022, and in Belize City on September 5, 2022.
III. Drainage Improvement Works– capable of executing land clearing, sup plying and installing concrete, multi- celled reinforced box culverts, or HDPE type culverts, earthworks, excavation of earthen drains, embankments and pond con struction.
The Bank of England to Withdraw
The Bank of England to Withdraw Legal Tender Status of £20 and £50 Paper Banknotes
The Bank of England to Withdraw
Sustainable Fisheries, Technology and Value ChainforConsultationsBelize
Members of the Belizean public holding these paper banknotes are advised to submit them for exchange at their domestic bank. Institutional noteholders in Belize should continue to return these sterling banknotes to the Central Bank for repatriation to the Bank of England. Note that after the 30 September 2022 deadline, holders of paper sterling banknotes will no longer be able to use them in transactions. More information can be found on the Bank of England’s website at: 20 paper 50 withdrawal /media/boe/files/banknotes/paper/20 50 paper notes.pdf ENDS
Members of the Belizean public holding these paper banknotes are advised to submit them for exchange at their domestic bank. Institutional noteholders in Belize should continue to return these sterling banknotes to the Central Bank for repatriation to the Bank of England.

▪ Manage and approve procurement and payments in accordance with the Central Bank’s Procurement Policy.
The Manager, Administration provides overall direction for all activities related to general services, records management, and physical facilities. The incumbent is responsible for the development and implementation of strategic objectives, annual budg ets, policies, and goals in each of these areas. The Manager, Administration manages the administrative functions to provide all other departments with basic services and a workable safe environment in support of the Central Bank of Belize’s operations.
TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of the Central Bank of Belize Act, Central Bank of Belize’s policies and procedures, accounting principles and practices, specifically in electronic assets management, and procurement procedures, internal control processes, and business and management principles; Possesses, applies, and maintain a high degree of knowledge in the relevant area to deliver quality work, and keeps informed of the latest trends and development in the discipline; Proficient in software applications including Microsoft Office Suite Personal Credibility, Flexibility, Personal Accountability, Fostering Teamwork, Managing Performance, Communication, Results Orientation, Managing Change, Strategic Thinking, Thoroughness, Analytical Thinking, Leadership, Empowering documents by Wednesday, 14 September 2022: CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) (3) references (one must be from a previous employer) copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three
▪ A Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Management from a recognized university with three (3) years managerial experience. Experience in the areas of human relations, records management, procurement, inventory, and assets management would be an asset, OR A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Management from a recognized university with at least six (6) years managerial experience. Experience in the areas of human relations, records management, procurement, inventory, and assets management would be an asset.
▪ Develop a Records and Information Management strategy in accordance with international best practices. Manage the Records and Archive System and provide effective guidance to ensure the efficiency of its operations.
▪ Prepare, present, and monitor annual budgets and expenditures
▪ Manage the Central Bank’s stock inventory including supplies, and fixed assets as it relates to the procurement, description, labeling location, and disposal.
▪ Certified
▪ Manage all activities related to the cleaning services and maintenance of the Central Bank’s facilities, compound, equipment and related systems. Organize the Central Bank’s Business Continuity meeting in the event of a disaster and the updating of the Business Continuity Plan to ensure proper execution when required.
▪ Develop, manage, and control the Central Bank’s Mail Distribution, Reprographic Function and Collectible Coin programme ▪ Manage the general services functions including transportation, messenger and janitorial services , and the procurement of goods and services related to the activities of the Central Bank.
The applicants should possess the following:
▪ Manage and oversee the maintenance, operations, projects, and contracts for the Facility Management Unit.
▪ Develop and implement strategic plan, policies, and procedures to achieve the department’s goals and strategic objectives.
OUT The Belize Tourism Board presented a cash donation of $2,000 to Inspirational Arts for their 10th Annual Back to School Trimming Drive. The initiative provides free haircuts, hair braiding, and school supplies, to approximately 200 children from Belize City in preparation for the re-opening of schools. This is part of the organization’s mis sion to provide uplifting activities and opportuni ties for at-risk marginalized youths. The donation was presented by Mr. Evan Tillett, Director of Tour ism, and received by Ms. Orinthia Staine and Ms. some schools insist on having strict hair policies, the cutting of one’s hair may be a time saver, and a just a good look. Short haircuts are not necessarily an indicator of character. But here the BTB is making it possible for those that want short haircuts to receive it. Advise to schools: Talk to you kids; provide them the haircut; Educate them on the reasons for having neat and clean hair. Draconian poli cies get you draconian kids. Principals and man agements: keep your draconian policies away from schools. Be a partner with the students. Students: Be a partner with the schools and be open to learn.
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Manager Administration Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
! Dear WhileEditorIam in full solidari ty with the nurses who stood up for fair wages and better working conditions, I must also as a responsible citizen remind them that they are in fact an essential service. Any industrial action they wish to take must be first negotiated and ventilated. A dan gerous precedent was set on Monday. One that should not be condoned or applauded. Nurses, doctors, policemen, soldiers, fire men and other essential service personnel cannot just walk off the job. These jobs are classified as essential because they involve the life and death situations and national se curity.It begs me to question who orchestrat ed the demonstrations? Who incited it, who organized it both at the national and local level? Who were the nurses who vacated their positions without first addressing their issues with management? Where is the paper trial that warrants industrial action as we saw exhibited on Monday? What did the management know and not know about this planned industrial action? At what point was the Nurses Association informed and what was their level of involvement? This citizen feels that these questions must be answered and measures put in place to avert a repeat of Monday’s protest. It cannot be that essential or any other work er will simply organize and walk off their jobs without first informing management so that alternative measures could be explored or adequate replacement be sought to ensure that the services to the public are not inter rupted. Nurses, again, I applaud your efforts and your hard work. That is not the issue in this letter. There is, however, a right way and a wrong way to do things and Monday was certainly a wrong way. The Ministry scrambled to quickly rectify the situation and come to an amicable solution. Maybe that it what it took to get their attention. It does not however justify walking out on patients care and welfare. It leaves the institutions you claim to care about exposed to serious legal jeopardy but even more serious than this, it leaves innocent lives at risk.

THE BELIZE TIMES10 4 2022SEP Promo ends September 30 Must have valid ID (Social security or Passport) & Deposit ($50 to $100 dependent on plan) with DigiNet plans!Boost FOR 3 MONTHS Get FREE INSTALLATION & 50% OFF YOUR BILL DigiBasic40Mbps $79MONTHLY $119MONTHLY DigiDouble80MbpsFreeMobilePlan $199MONTHLY &150MbpsDigiTripleFreeMobilePlanDigiTelHomePhoneplan Belize BelizeDISTRICT thefor DEALS DEALS

The Examiner III will conduct both off site surveillance and on site examinations of banks and financial institutions licensed under the Domestic Banks and Financial Institution s Act (DBFIA), International Banking Act (IBA) and credit unions registered under the Credit Unions Act (CUA).
MoECST Expresses Concern Over School Hair Policies New Good Governance Unit
1. Off Site Surveillance Ensure that risk assessment is conducted on institutions Assess license applications for banks, other financial institutions, and credit unions. Prepare monthly information papers and make recommendations to address emerging issues. and assess economic and financial data for the processing of large credit applications Compile quarterly financial performance indicators for banks and credit unions Keep abreast of economic developments and trends Respond to enquiries from customers, banks, and credit unions. Monitor compliance with the DBFIA, IBA, CUA, and Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act (MLTPA).
▪ Coordinate
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 7 September 2022: ▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) ▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)
2. On Site Examination Assist in conducting on site examinations on banks and credit unions, which includes the assessment of risk management, corporate governance, and internal controls. Prepare reports on the financial condition, management, and operations of institutions examined. Ensure compliance with the DBFIA, IBA, and CUA
The Good Governance Unit is a new ly established Unit under the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious. The Unit's Vision is to contribute to a Belize where Gover nance, Integrity, Transparency, Respect for the Rule of Law, and Accountability permeate all areas of our society to create an empowering environment to achieve service excellence. The Unit 's Mission is to manage and promote reforms in laws, rules, social & cultural norms and compre hensive, measurable standards in Local, National, Transnational and International Governance.Byestablishing a Good Governance Unit within the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional & Political Reform and Re ligious Affairs, our Government of Belize is demonstrating a true commitment to a reform movement. This movement' s main focus is establishing a "New Gov erning System", whatever shape it may take, that will be more inclusive, respon sive, accountable and representative and create the enabling environment to promote service excellence in Belize. Belmopan, August 31, 2022. 8:20 a.m. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sci ence and Technology (MoECST) expresses sincere concern and dismay over reports of stu dents being denied entry into their educational institutions over adherence to respective school hair policies. The Constitution enshrines the рrіnсірlеѕ оf ѕосіаl јuѕtісе аnd clearly states in its pre amble thаt "еquаl рrоtесtіоn ѕhоuld bе gіvеn tо сhіldrеn rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf thеіr ѕосіаl ѕtаtuѕ, аnd thаt а јuѕt ѕуѕtеm ѕhоuld bе еnѕurеd tо рrоvіdе fоr еduсаtіоn аnd hеаlth оn thе bаѕіѕ оf еquаlіtу.” Furthermore, the rights to freedom of expression, conscience, and the right to be pro tected from discrimination are afforded to all Belizeans by our Constitution. It is true that school authorities do have the right to impose codes of conduct and general rules and guidelines for the proper administra tion of their schools. Students cannot, however, be removed from or denied admission to school because of the length of their hair. Students have been out of the classroom long enough. It is time for them to begin a new academic year which will be rich with positive learning and life experiences for them all. This ministry remains undeterred in its commitment to education. We call on all our partners to continue to work with the ministry to build a more equitable, accessible, and inclu sive education system, through which all stu dents are guaranteed the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to build a better life for themselves and contribute to Belize's national development.
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Supervision Department
TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE Excellent report writing skills; Proficient in the use of the Microsoft Office Suite and web based computer applications; Ability to analyze qualitative and quantitative financial data; Ability to deal effectively with personnel, officials of financial institutions being examined, regulatory authorities, and the public; Understanding of accounting procedures and financial analysis; Knowledge of the Central Bank Act, DBFIA, IBA, CUA, MLTPA, and their subsidiary laws would be an asset.
COMPETENCIES ▪ Strong Oral & Writing Skills; Analytical Thinking; Diagnostic Information Gathering; Results Oriented; Thoroughness; Attention to Details; Interpersonal Effectiveness
▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
The applicants should possess the following:
To advertisementplace in the Belize
Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Examiner III Supervision Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence.)
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Banking, Economics, or Finance from a recognized university. (3) years relevant work experience would be an asset.

Note: Only suitably qualified applicants will be acknowledged. The Com mission is not bound to make an appointment from among those persons who apply.
ICOMlationsadvocateBelizeclosermitmentreaffirmedretaryCourtenayCentraltradesectorlizeopportunitiestradegration,cussCommissionNegotiatingtodiseconomicinteadvancesinfacilitationandforBeandtheprivateforincreasingrelationswithAmerica.BothMinisterandSecGeneralMenatheircomtopursueparticipationbyinSIECAandtoforcloserrebetweenCARandSIECA.MinisterCourtenay was supported by Ambassador Amalia Mai, Chief Ex ecutive Officer for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; H.E. Jose Alpuche, Be lize’s Ambassador to Guatemala; Andy Sutherland, Director General for Foreign Trade; and other senior trade officials.
Bilateral Cooperation Grant Ministry of Economic Development and SIB Sign MOA for RRB Project
a) Minimum of eight (8) years’ experience as an Attorney at Law; b) Bachelor of Laws Degree from a recognized institution; c) Legal Education Certificate or its equivalent; and d) Minimum of three (3) years’ experience in management. Salary: pay scale 25 of $47,624 x 1,644 - $78,860 per annum
Secretary General for the Central American Economic Integration System on Official Visit to Belize
On August 22, 2022, Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, Minister of Fi nance, Economic Development and Investment, received a grant from H. E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), in the amount of US$750,000. This represents the third disbursement under the 2022 Bilateral Cooperation Program between Belize and Taiwan. The generous financial support received from the Taiwanese Government through this grant program will support several initiatives aimed at attaining sus tainable development goals and will see the upliftment of the people of Belize. This disbursement will go towards procuring a new well rig for the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Govern ment to enable the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Unit to continue to ef fectively and efficiently carry out its mandate of drilling water wells for villages countrywide that do not have a water system in place. The new well rig will provide needed water access for 22 additional rural communities and will allow for the effective maintenance of the 108 rural water systems currently in place, which are crucial for improving the quality of life of the residents of villages.
The MOA was signed by Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO for the Ministry of Economic Development, and Mrs. Narda Garcia, CEO for the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Investment. In attendance at the signing ceremony were Dr. Geraldo Flowers, Programme Manager for the Resilient Rural Belize, and Mrs. Diana Castillo-Trejo, Acting Director General for the Statistical Institute of Belize.
August 30, 2022 - H. E. Francisco Lima Mena, Secretary General of the Central American Economic Integra tion System (SIECA), and his delega tion paid an official visit to Belize from August 29 to 30, 2022. During his visit, the Secretary General met with members of the Spanish Lookout Chamber of Com merce and visited a few of Belize’s key production facilities in Spanish Lookout, namely, the Quality Poultry Chicken and Western Dairies milk processing plants. The Secretary General had a bilateral meeting with Hon. Eamon Courtenay, Minister of Foreign Af fairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration, which included discussions on the feasibility of Belize joining SIECA. The prospects for Belize to participate in selected elements of SIECA were also discussed, including the Central American Payment System and the Trade Facilitation platform through their 2035 Mobility and Logistics MasterSecretaryPlan. General Mena also met with the Nation al Trade
GOB Receives Third Disbursement of the 2022
Applicants must submit proof of qualifications and two reference con tacts along with application.
The PMU is collaborating with the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) to provide an anonymized subset of selected variables from the 2022 Popula tion and Housing Census.
Applicants for the position of Director – Legal Advice and Services Cen ter must be: a) an Attorney-at-Law qualified to practice law in Belize b) versed in preparing, vetting and drafting legal documents c) rendering legal advice to members of the public on legal issues d) in good health. e) a person who conducts himself at all times, both in his profes sional and in his personal life, in a manner that will maintain public con Experiencefidence. and training required:
Suitably qualified applicants are invited to fill the position of: DIRECTOR OF LEGAL ADVICE AND SERVICES CENTER
Interested persons may download an application package from the Attor ney General’s Ministry Website – or submit in writing to: The Secretary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission Ground Floor, Sir. Edney Cain Building Thru’ the Office of the Solicitor General Attorney General’s Ministry Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Tele phone number: 822-2504 or 822-0519 email address:
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 30, 2022
On August 25, 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing signed a memoran dum of agreement (MOA) for component two of the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) project funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Government of Belize and pro gramToday,beneficiaries.theProject Management Unit (PMU) responsible for the RRB and the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) signed an MOA for component one of the project, which focuses on the implementation of business plans tailored to the specific needs of small-holder farmers who produce onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbages, carrots, habanero peppers, pineap ples, honey, and related products.

September 1 Allan Pollard, Minister Henry Usher, early-risers
Councillors, Scouts and Belizean
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development Country: Belize Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme Loan No.: 2000002301 Deadline for Submission of Proposals: September 19, 2022 at 3:00 PM.
Background: The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the In ternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vegetables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through invest ments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organizations and relevant GOB Departments.
A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in general building construction. b) A minimum of five (5) projects of similar nature and size in the last ten (10) years. A company profile in the form of a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must be submitted for review. Submitted SOQ should include previ ously completed projects.
The Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme now invites eligible contractors to submit bids for the Rehabilitation of the Nago Bank Collection Center.
Attn: Geraldo Flowers Programme Manager Resilient Rural Belize Programme Ministry of Economic Development National,
Qualifications of Firm: To qualify, construction firms must meet the following minimum qualifying cri teria:a)
Deliverables: The deliverables shall include: Submission of a proposed project schedule that outlines the scope of work in accordance with the intended project timeline. Submission of a proposed expected Milestone Payment Schedule as fol lows: 1. Demolishing Works 2. Floor Screed and Tiling 3. Wall Construction & Window Installation 4. Plastering 5. Roller Shutter Door Installation 6. Painting/Refurbishments
A Construction firm will be selected in accordance with the procurement pro cedures set out by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. Contractors interested in receiving the Request for Quotation (RFQ) and submit ting a bid should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Request for RFQ - Rehabilitation of the Nago Bank Collection Center) to the Procurement Officer at giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Contractors receive updates regarding this RFQ. Bids must be submitted via email to the following address on or before Septem ber 19, 2022 at 3:00 PM (Local time).
Belize City on National Flag Day
Scope of Service: One of the objectives of the Programme is to assist farmers organizations to become more climate resilient by improving their agricultural production through in vestments in climate resilient agricultural technologies such as covered structures, water harvesting facilities and storage facilities.
morning with Deputy Mayor
The scope of service includes the renovation of the Produce Collection and Pack aging Facility for the Los Pequenos Agricultures y Ganderos de Nago Bank Coopera tive Society Limited in the Nago Bank Community of Maskall Village, Belize District.
Location of Work: Nago Bank Collection Center in the Nago Bank Community of the Maskall Vil lage.

Hon. Kevin Bernard 2022
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees
Mundialito Finals RELEASE
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following prop erty. Sale currently running until 31st October 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the web site until this property is sold.
District: 3. Parcel No. 3981 Yvonne Hyde Street, Orchid Garden Extension, Belmopan, Cayo District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Caribbean Shores 16 2125 The freehold property of Mr. Arleigh Gough & Ms. Olga REGISTRATIONUrbina SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Fort George/Pickstock 45 1010 The freehold property of Mr. Derek Cervantes. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 3981 The freehold property of Ms. Chevonne Indira Parham. “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE” TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. Website:TELEPHONECASTILLO223-4488belizepropertyauctions.comE-mail:kevinacas@yahoo.comFaceBook:BelizeAuctions “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE” TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A.
Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following proper ties. Sales currently running until 31st October 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the web site until properties are sold.
Belize City, Belize District; Belmopan, Cayo District Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District
1. Parcel No. 2125 Breadnut Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District: Lot No. 21 Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District (ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situate in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District and being Lot No. 21 containing 464.393 square metres of land bound ed and described as shown on a plan of survey Entry No. 3116 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 39 of 2002 dated 12th May 2002 at the Lands and Surveys Depart ment TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Be ing a fire damaged concrete structure and lot [464.393 S.M.] situate in Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Curtis Godoy) Parcel No. 1010 Handyside Street, Belize City, District
FranceCHAMPION"Louisiana" - $1000 cash prize; Team trophy; medals for each player and Manage mentUSA2ndstaffplace"Trinidad" - $600 cash prize; Team trophy; medals for eachCroatia3rdplayerplace"San Estevan" - $400 cashGameprize 1 THIRD PLACE - Croatia won over Brazil 2-0 scorer was player #7 Yurem Cordova Game 2 International-friend ly between Guatemala Juventud Mopan Fc Vs Belize "OW Guinea Grass Jrs" ended 1-1 scorer for Belize was player #7 Tyrese Au gustine ‘penalty @ min 3’. Guate mala scorer was player #10 May ki Herrera @ min 66. Game 3 the Gran Finale Championship match between team USA Vs France took placed where by team France from the Louisiana Area defeated USA "Trinidad" 2-0. Scorers were play ers #6 Bryce Lawrence @ min 8 and #9 kayson Allen @ min 51. This gave team France the title of Champion of the Hon. Kevin Bernard 2022 Mundialito. Pric es all sponsored and presented by Hon. Kevin Bernard, Orange Walk East Area Representative Regular season MVP player Dathan Calderon Team Argentina "Yo GoleadorCreek”. With "7gls" Keizar Rodney Team Brazil Best goalkeeper in "Action" Zakir Yama - Team Mexico Finals MVP Bryce LawrenceTeamFairFranceplay and most improved team - Team Mexico New Horizon President Wil son "Chato" Perez is grateful to Hon. Kevin Bernard for his con tinuous support. Also, he thanks all those who assisted this 2022 Mundialito Football Tournament which was once again a SUC CESS!! August 16th, 2022 - The Belize Broadcasting Authority hereby reminds media houses of its essential role it plays in the society. The majority of information is delivered to the public by the media. This aids in learning, understanding, and staying connected to other people and to the world in general. It is therefore vital that our local media be vigilant and re sponsible in delivering of information to the wider populace. In any case, the BBA calls for ALL Media houses to cease and desist from disseminating information that: discloses the names of victims of Domestic Violence (DV), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and from using derogatory words that are of fensive, disrespectful and discriminatory. The Broadcasting Authority hereby reminds operators to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the Broadcast ing & Television Act CAP. 227 Laws of Belize.

THE BELIZE TIMES 154 2022SEP The Belizean Entrepreneur: What do I do to ensure my Business grows? El empresario Beliceño: Que puedo hacer para asegurar que mi Negocio desarrolle?
To top this all off, I now better understand how the Government of Belize’s Fiscal Incentives Act will be revised to open the door for a greater entrepreneurial spirit in Belize. Both small and large enterprises are meant to benefit from these programmes. I’ll tell you something, tonight I will definitely have a hard time sleeping again, with so many ideas and plans I am making to start up and grow my business. You know what they say, ‘make hay while the sun shines’ - I al ready see me opening a 2nd and a 3rd branch. Oh, I already registered my business in the planned National MSME Directory of Belize. I hope you too will join in the National MSME Roadshow in your area. With all this new information under my belt, about the projects and benefits that are being made available, I already feel that “My Dream Business” will be resilient and develop well. Now, I am going to contact the SBDCBelize to check when I can start training and to get more information on the marketing and financing part of things. I really am loving the projects being done to improve the business cli mate. Let’s head off to get more information now.
Como habría mencionado anteriormente, no pensé que podría emocionarme más que cuando escuché que se estaba lanzando el espectáculo itinerante nacion al para MiPyMEs (National MSME Road Show). Fui a la primera sesión del Road Show que se llevó a cabo la semana pasada en el norte de Belice en Corozal – esta fue una oportunidad ideal para conversar e interactuar con el personal de apoyo de las agencias públicas que están trabajando para eliminar la pesadilla de comenzar y desarrollar los negocios. He tenido incalculables noches de preocupación por el miedo al pensar sobre todos los retos legales y financieros que enfrentaría si no hiciera las cosas bien, a medida que he voy poniendo mi tienda virtual de regalos en marcha.Hacealgunos años, había escuchado que las pequeñas empresas como la que yo he estado soñando pueden obtener apoyo empresarial, incluyendo la ca pacitación en administración y mercadotecnia a través del Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de BELTRAIDE (SBDCBelize) que ahora está otorgando ca pacitación virtual a través de su sitio web y otras plataformas. Ahora también esta blecerán telecentros para brindar apoyo comercial en todos los distritos. Además, las sesiones de entrenamiento intenso, tipo Boot Camp, que brindaron durante el Road Show fueron un gran comienzo para sentirme más segura. La organizaciónBELIPO - compartió información sobre cómo proteger cualquier propiedad intelec tual que yo o mis clientes (los artesanos y artistas de pequeña escala) producimos.
This feature series has been produced by the Public-Private Desk in the Office of the Prime Minister, technical secretariat to the Economic Development Council (EDC), Belmopan, August 25, 2022.
“Creating opportunities through dialogue, partnership and reform”
Acerca del EDC El Consejo de Desarrollo Económico de la Oficina del Primer Ministro es el mecanismo oficial del Gobi erno de Belice para el diálogo entre los sectores público y privado y tiene el mandato de promover y fomentar mayor confianza y la comprensión, la asociación y la colaboración entre el gobierno y la comunidad empre sarial de Belice, en cuestiones macroeconómicas de importancia para aumentar la competitividad de Belice.
About the EDC The Economic Development Council in the Office of the Prime Minister is the Government of Belize’s official mechanism for public-private sector dialogue and has the mandate of promot ing and fostering an atmosphere of confidence, understanding, partnership and collaboration between the government and business community of Belize, on macro-economic issues that are important for increasing Belize’s competitiveness.
Esta serie ha sido producida por la Oficina Público-Privada en la Oficina del Primer Ministro, secretaría técnica del Consejo de Desarrollo Económico (EDC), Belmopan, 25 de agosto de 2022.
“Creando oportunidades a través del diálogo, los enlaces y la reforma”
La Junta del Seguro Social, el Servicio de Impuestos de Belice, el Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar, el Ayuntamiento, el Ministerio de Transformación Rural, Desar rollo Comunitario, Trabajo y Gobierno Local, y las organizaciones en otras case tas también repartieron información sobre diferentes temas que los empresarios necesitan saber. Algunos temas informativos incluyeron: la salud y seguridad ocu pacional, el proceso para obtener certificación de salud pública, información sobre licencias comerciales, todo sobre impuestos, las contribuciones al seguro social, la ley laboral, licencia del comercio y comercio alcohólico, permisos de construcción y mucho más. BELTRAIDE y varias otras organizaciones también estuvieron en el Road Show de las MiPyMEs compartiendo información. Siendo una mujer joven, me complace saber que hay un apoyo adicional, junto con información y asesoramiento de los mercados y mercadotecnia, así como asistencia en la preparación de propuestas para obtener financiación que se les ha prometido a los empresarios jóvenes y a las mujeres. El departamen to de Política de Inversión y de Cumplimiento, en el Ministerio de Inversiones, también es una estrella en ascenso y un socio con su contribución al diseño la introducción de nuevas iniciativas y políticas para las MiPyMEs. Estos nuevos proyectos incluyen la implementación de un sistema mediante el cual los activos que tiene el pequeño empresario tales como el inventario y equipo, los contra tos y las cuentas por cobrar, podrán ser utilizados como garantía para solicitar préstamos para su negocio, en el futuro. Los sectores público y privado, a través del Consejo de Desarrollo Económico (EDC) también son socios para garantizar que las políticas y las actividades vayan mejorando la facilidad de llevar a cabo los negocios en Belice. Lo mejor de todo esto es que ahora entiendo cómo es que la Ley de Incen tivos Fiscales del Gobierno de Belice cambiara y así lograra estimular un espíritu empresarial mayor en Belice. Tanto las empresas pequeñas como las grandes deben beneficiarse de estos programas. Te diré algo, esta noche definitivamente me costará mucho dormirme, con tantas ideas y planes que estoy haciendo para iniciar y desarrollar mi negocio. Como dice el dicho, 'siembra a tiempo, mientras brilla el sol'; ya estoy tan mo tivada hasta pensando de dos o tres locales para mi negocio. ¡Ah, les cuento que ya registré mi negocio en el directorio nacional de MiPyMEs de Belice! Espero que ustedes también participen en el Road Show nacional de las MIPYME en su área. Con toda esta nueva información que he aprendido, sobre los proyectos y beneficios que se están poniendo a nuestra disposición, ya siento que "el negocio de mis sueños" será resistente y se desarrollará bien. Voy a ponerme en contacto con el SBDCBelize ahora mismo para comprobar cuándo puedo empezar mi entrenamiento y para obtener más información sobre los asuntos de mercadotecnia y la obtención de fondos. Realmente estoy entusiasmada y aprecio los proyectos que se están llevan do a cabo para mejorar el clima de negocios. Acompáñame ahora para obtener más información.
As I may have mentioned before, I did not think I could get more ex cited than when I heard that the National MSME Road Show was being launched. I went to the first Road Show session which took place last week in northernmost Belize in Corozal Town, and I must say it was a refreshing chance to interact first-hand with supportive personnel at public agencies that, I trust, will take the nightmare out of getting into business. As I have tried to get my online gift store up and running, I have had countless nights of wonder and worry over the fear of having to deal with all the legal and financial implications I would have to face if I didn’t do things right. Years ago, I had heard that small businesses like the one I have been dreaming of can get business support including training in management and marketing through BELTRAIDE’s Small Business Development Center (SBDCBelize) which is now giving virtual training through their website and other platforms. They will also now be setting up telecenters to provide business support in every district. Additionally, the “Boot Camp” sessions at the Road Show were a great start for me to feel more confident, I got information from BELIPO on how to protect any intellectual property that I or my clients (small-scale handicraft makers and artists) produce. The Social Security Board, the Belize Tax Service, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Town Council, the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Devel opment, Labour and Local Government, and other booths also gave infor mation of different things businesspeople need to know. Some of these things include occupational health and safety, public health certification, information about trade license, taxation, social security contributions, the labour law, liquor license, construction permits and more. BELTRAIDE and several other organizations were also at the MSME Roadshow sharing in formation.Asayoung woman, I am happy to know that there is extra support along with marketing information, advice and assistance in preparing proposals to get funding, that is being pledged to help youth and women entrepreneurs. The Investment Policy and Compliance Unit in the Ministry of Investment is also a rising star and a partner in helping with the design and introduction of new initiatives and policies for MSMEs. These include implementing a sys tem whereby the assets that the small entrepreneur has, such as inventory and equipment and even contracts and accounts receivables can be used as collateral in the future to apply for loans for their business. The Public and Private sectors, through the Economic Development Council (EDC) are also partners in ensuring that policies and activities are improving the ease of doing business in Belize.


3. Make recommendations, with stakeholder input, for enhancing the conduct, integrity, and utility of death investigations and improve the public’s confidence in death investigations and in the system.
(1) Conduct 1st Round of Stakeholder Workshops and/or Meetings
(5) Preliminary Draft Legislation (6) Conduct 3rd Round of Stakeholder Workshops and/or Meetings
(2) Preliminary Draft MLDI System and Legal Framework Review and Recommendations Report
1. Conduct a comprehensive review, with stakeholder participation, of Belize’s current medicolegal death investigation (MLDI) system, including its structure, processes, procedures, practices, and interface with the justice system, public health system, and civil registration system.
(7) Revised Draft Legislation & Presentation of Revised Draft Legislation (8) Final MLDI System and Legal Framework Review and Recommendations Report & Final Draft Legislation For more information and how to apply, e mail September 2022 View the full Terms of Reference
2. Conduct a comprehensive review, with stakeholder participation, of the legal framework that currently pertains to Belize’s MLDI system.
Belize National Forensic Science Service
4. Produce draft primary legislation, with stakeholder input, necessary for strengthening Belize’s MLDI system.
(3) Conduct 2nd Round of Stakeholder Workshops and/or Meetings
Strengthening of the Medicolegal Death Investigation System in Belize through Stakeholder Engagement and Legislative Reform
(4) Revised Draft MLDI System and Legal Framework Review and Recommendations Report & Presentation of Revised Draft Report

Nurses, doctors and medical staff countrywide had staged a walk-out. Dressed in white with Covid masks, they made for attractive photo-ops. They conducted themselves responsibly, professionally and determined. Within hours, the Health Minister committed to meet with them and to ensure their just requests were met. He too conducted himself with humility and maturity. No one dared speak ill of the nurses. Especially after their brave, heroic sacrifice during the ravages of two years of Covid, which claimed some seven hundred lives. We are so proud of our nurses. Of all public service employees, they top the list. We were disheartened to hear their grievances. Wrongful deductions from their salaries, overtime monies not paid for months, plus an irrational system of calculat ing how their overtime is to be earned. Even worse than these basic administrative issues, the Nurses confirmed what poor people long knew. Insufficient medicines, unfulfilled doctors’ prescriptions. Unprofessional management practices and disre spectful treatment of nurses, doctors and support staff.
All Praises are due to Allah. Lord Rhaburn is being specially honoured by the government and people of Belize Pound for pound, song for song, lyrics for lyrics, no artist in Belize or the En glish-speaking Caribbean, except Mighty Sparrow, can equal Lord Rhaburn. No other than the Minister of Education, Hon. Francis Fonseca made the re quest to the National Institute of Culture and History to ensure the Mighty Lord Rhaburn was featured and honoured as an official part of this year’s Independence activities. Assisted by NICH Director Merilyn Young, her staff and elected City Coun cillor Albert Vaughan a full programme of activities will mark the occasion. This in cludes an award, musical tribute and the naming of a street for our greatest musical artist.Lord Rhaburn is a unique Belizean. He has been gifted with a special talent to capture and encapsulate in words and songs cultural gems highlighting things that are landmark to our country’s peculiar uniqueness. “Tell Them That Yuh Born Deh.” To Belizeans in America and their relatives at home – “Send This, Send That”, “Gumagarugu Water”, “Don’t Funk Wid The Punta”, “Lobster Tail”, “Give Me Some Of The Nice Ting”, “Buss Cunu”, “Miss Mary Creole Bread”, “A Wha Mi Cack”, “Bud Bank Wedding.” And the list goes on and on and on. …Even a coronavirus song sponsored by Dibary stores.
It was a beautiful Monday morning; Jah sun was on the rise once again. Unlike last week, which was rainy, grey skies and little sunshine.
As part of the 41st anniversary of our independence, UB is promoting a series of learned discussions on 7th September, next Wednesday at the UB Jaguar Auditorium in Belmopan starting at 2:00 P.M. Topics will include Public Policy, Role of Education, Language and the heated issue of Immigration. Presenters are Dr. Gilroy Middleton, Dr. Christopher De Shield, Lecturer Erica Aguilar, and Dr. Filberto Penados of Galen University. Welcome address by Dr. She lene Enriques-Savery, Vice President of UB. Remarks by UB President Dr. Vincent Palacio and NICH President Merilyn Young. We hope it will be carried live on the television stations.
One of the prophets of black liberation, visited Belize on three occasions. He like Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, was reviled and jailed by racists. Marcus Garvey inspired the creoles in Belize to start thinking progressively and to see themselves not as children of slaves, but the inheritors of their forefathers’ great civilizations in Africa. Marcus Garvey, most likely with financial help from Belizean icon, Isaiah Morter, built a beautiful wooden structure of Barracks Road. That building has been allowed to fall into disrepair and is a symbol of shame to all creoles and black persons of Belize, but especially the successful business and professional creoles. A metal fence appeared at the front of the yard. It is painted black and red. The building looks disgraceful.
Nurses had walked out of the hospital in Dangriga, minutes after that, news flashed on local tv. San Ignacio and Santa Elena nurses were on the march and Belmopan nurses had assembled to do the same. Then footage from Orange Walk showing their nurses also on a walk-out. What the heck! Nurses are protesting. Calls and texts of support and solidarity were pouring in. The rallying cry, “Enough Is Enough”.
The Senate was debating the issue of approving 76 million dollars to be paid to the owners of the Belize Shipping Registry, which was unlawfully and unconstitu tionally taken by the UDP government. The highest court had some choice language to describe the thuggery and gangster behaviour of the government. The Belize Su preme Court and the Belize Court of Appeal had supported governments unlawful action. The Caribbean Court of Appeal, with over 5 judges sitting could not stomach the kind of behaviour more suitable for dictators and military despots.
Belize got another bad name internationally and the embattled taxpayers of our country has to pay out 76 million dollars, most of it in US currency. It is a damn shame in every which way and no one, no one is being held responsible. It is this last matter that is the subject of concern and some Senators briefly touched on it on Monday. This is our concern. The Senate cannot continue to function as an extension of street talk and call-in talk shows. Voicing complaints in the Senate is not good enough. Their paid duties to confront issues and proposed legislation and to offer effective solutions as well as to tackle issues. What Senator Eamon Courtenay did was to open a door on the subject but the Senators dropped the ball. Eamon was forthright. He asked the Senators who is to blame for the series of similar bad decisions, which caused and cost the country to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars? He asked when will the person or persons who made those egre gious decisions he held to account? He specifically referred to some of the more wellknown and scandalous actions that cost Belizeans hundreds of millions of dollars. The Senators who loved to talk were silent.
Lord Rhaburn has of course been honoured, highlighted, awarded and reward ed over the many years of his illustrious career. For decades, he has been the dar ling of the diaspora. For dozens of years if “The Lord” and his band did not appear a-top-the-big-truck for the September street marches and jump up, the celebrations were a Jamesdrag.Brown, America’s Rhythm and Blues icon and the Godfather of Soul music who visited Belize in 1981, would have honoured the Lord as being superbad. If God is willing, next week the undisputed King of Calypso, soca and its many variants will once again be centre stage where a new generation of Belizeans can join with the rest of Belize in celebrating the unique inspiration we know as Lord Rhaburn.Respect Gerald, with love and deep appreciation. You are one of a kind.
The Senators should have resolved to set up a special hearing or even a special inquiry with authority to recommend legal and criminal action. We cannot continue to squander human and precious financial resources against the background of desperation that is engulfing our people. Sixty odd percent of our citizens are living in poverty. We have a moral duty to them.
Somebody needs to spearhead a serious group to restore Marcus Garvey’s build ing to a useful education centre and for poets, writers and artists to hold workshops and discuss their creativity.
By early afternoon, the nurses, doctors and support staff of KHMH, the premier hospital of Belize, were out on the pavement in bright sunlight in support of their colleagues countrywide. By Monday evening, Minister of Health Bernard had met and made acceptable commitments satisfactory to the Walk-Outers. In the words of William Shakespeare – All Is Well, That Ends Well. There are serious lessons to be learned from the Nurses Walk-Out. Their bravery will no doubt set precedent in the sprawling public service of over ten thousand em ployees. Well organized, well focused and sincere leaders lead to successful protests.
Ironically, the paid political opposition staged a public demonstration last Tuesday. The issues were high petrol cost, rising cost of living, hard time and other burning issues. Couldn’t even get 100 supporters. Incredible.
EAMON HITS THE RIGHT NOTE Eamon Courtenay made one of the most important comments during debate in the Senate on Monday.
Thanks to our University of Belize, we will get to hear intelligent discourse on a number of important issues.
LAWYERS ON STRIKE In Britain, they have Solicitors and Barristers. Solicitors don’t attend court, they remain in office, prepares legal briefs for Barristers who attend trials and argue cases in court.Barristers are like what we in Belize call Attorneys or court lawyers. In Britain, Barristers are on strike for the past two weeks. They are protesting against poor working environment and low payments when they do legal aid cases. Belize may not be far from a boycott of the court system. The stipend given for doing murder trials for those who cannot afford a lawyer is absolutely unacceptable. Many of these cases are in the District courts and require several visits to prison to consult and prepare for trial. No way a few hundred dollars can even cover cost of petrol and prison visits, much less trial and legal research. And this is in addition to the problems of bail applications, which no longer follow legal principles and treated ad-hoc by the Supreme Court. Added are the multiple problems by trial judges.
It would be a pleasant surprise if the Belize Tourist Board would attend the cer emonies and hand over a fat cheque.
Among the many lost lessons of the Nurses walk-out is this one. Why can’t a committee of Nurses, doctors, Finance Officers and watch dog groups be the pur chasing committee for the hospital medication. Why is everything a UDP leftover hustle, a rip-off and cronyism?
We are in the month of September, independence celebrations. The People’s United Party with the overwhelming support of Belizeans, fought a long, hard strug gle for adult suffrage, self-government and against all odds, our independence with all our territory intact. In November 2020, by overwhelming numbers, Belizeans voted the UDP out of office and put their trust in the new PUP. The Nurses strike shows we got to be focused. We are dropping the ball. Nuff said. We say no more.
The public service supervisors, middle managers, administrators, finance officers and senior public officers/CEO are not up to the task. Also, a failure to do a proper inventory on review of procedures, resources, and time line audits and reviews have led to frustration in the public service. It has been spilling over into poor quality service to the public, and is costing the new government a lot of loss of good will.
Notice is hereby given VEDMON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. commenced dissolution on 26 th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
• Involved with the management of HIV, TB and/or Malaria programs commodities would be desirable•
d) a person who conducts himself at all times, both in his professional and in his per sonal life, in a manner that will maintain public confidence.
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.
Languages: Very good knowledge of English and working knowledge of Spanish Deadline: Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, and two current letters of recommendation should be sent to or to P.O. Box 1834, Belize City no later than September 9, 2022 For further details visit our website
• Experience in the development and implementation of training programs, particularly related to access to medicines and supply chain.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and sensitivity to political and cultural issues • Ability to meet deadlines • Strong professional oral and writing skills, including the development of reports, oral presenta tions, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization.
Applicants for the position of Deputy Registrar – Belize Intellectual Property Office (BE LIPO) must be:
Interested persons may download an application package from the Attorney General’s Min istry Website – or submit in writing to: The Secretary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission Ground Floor, Sir. Edney Cain Building Thru’ the Office of the Solicitor General Attorney General’s Ministry Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Telephone number: 822-2504 or 822-0519 email address:
Notice is hereby given that the Companies listed below have been dissolved and duly struck off the IBC Register as follows:
a) Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in intellectual property; b) Bachelor of Laws Degree from a recognized institution; and c) Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in management
4th August, 2022 4th August, 2022 9th August, 2022 11th August, 2022 18th August, 2022 24th August, 2022 24th August, 2022 25th August, 2022 25th August, 2022
• Ability to work collaboratively (in person or virtually) with other team players
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited NOTICE
Suitably qualified applicants are invited to fill the position of: DEPUTY REGISTRAR
Notice is hereby given DRONERO BUSINESS CORP. commenced dissolution on 17th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
• Demonstrated ability to effectively use a computer and utilize software programs such as Mi crosoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Outlook. Other IT skills and knowledge of other software programs for Statistical Analysis, Data Exploratory Analysis and Project Management would be an asset.
Notice is hereby given QUANTUM VITALITY GROUP SWITZERLAND S.A . commenced dissolution on 3 rd August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
Note: Only suitably qualified applicants will be acknowledged. Commission is not bound to make an appointment from among those persons who apply.
Applicants must submit proof of qualifications and two reference contacts along with ap plication.
Notice is hereby given DA VINCI MANAGEMENT S.A. commenced dissolution on 11th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
Salary: Based on qualifications and experience.
Notice is hereby given SLOWREST S.A. commenced dissolution on 4th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
Notice is hereby given BNN5 LTD. commenced dissolution on 15th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
Notice is hereby given RESS INVESTMENT INC. commenced dissolution on 3rd August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
NAME OF COMPANY Date of Dissolution
• Experience in planning for the procurement of commodities for the HIV, TB, and Malaria pro grams.• Ability to analyse factors, trends, and forecast scenarios based on current surveillance systems and possesses the capability to develop and plan innovative and appropriate solutions for their improve ment.• Strong research, problem-solving and organizational skills.
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 30, 2022
Experience in managing medical stores, or alike companies for the supply of essential medi cines and other health technologies would be desirable.
An interview will be held for this position and only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited
a) an Attorney-at-Law qualified to practice law in Belize or the Commonwealth b) versed and trained in Intellectual Property laws. c) in good health.
Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited
Notice is hereby given MANDATUM BUSINESS INC. commenced dissolution on 11th August, 2022; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company.
PAHO/WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
Experience and training required:
The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) invites applicants for the functions of National Consultant for Supply Chain Management Duty station: Belize City Qualifications: Essential: A Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy or related health, social or management sciences from a recog nized university Desirable: Postgraduate degree at a Master level in public health or related field.
Experience: Essential: Five years of national working experience in the related field Desirable: Working experience in health services project management Skills: • Pharmacy or related professional with 5 years of experience in Supply Chain Management at national level and familiar with national public health system.

a) must be: i. qualified to practice as an attorney-at-law or as an advocate in a court in any other part of the Commonwealth having unlimited jurisdiction either in civil or criminal causes or matters; and ii. has been qualified for not less than five years so to practice in such a court. b) must be in good health. c) must be a person who conducts himself at all times, both in his pro fessional and in his personal life, in a manner that will maintain public confidence in the standards of the legal profession.
Experience and training required:
Applicants for the position of Senior Litigator:
NOTICE CFE Consulting Limited #95,830 (“the Company”)
a) Minimum of ten (10) years’ experience as a practicing attorney-at-law in the area of civil litigation of complex legal matters specifically in public law (constitutional law and administrative law) and human rights law; b) Bachelor of Laws Degree from a recognized institution; and c) Legal Education Certificate or equivalent from a recognized institu tion.
BY ORDER of the Government of Belize, Licensed Auctioneer Mr. Fitzgerald A. Joseph will auction the following vehicles, outboard motors & bicycles on site at the Santa Elena Customs Compound, Corozal District, Belize on Saturday the 17th day of September, 2022, commencing at 9:00 a.m. No duties payable.
NUMBER YEAR MAKE MODEL 1 2000 Honda Passport SUV 2 2005 BMW X3 SUV 3 2000 Ford Taurus Car 4 1999 Mercedes Benz Compressor Car 5 1999 GMC Savana Van 6 1980 Honda Accord Station Wagon 7 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada SUV 8 1999 Pointiac Grand Am Car 9 2007 Ford Edge SUV 10 1990 Acura Integra Car 11 2008 Lexus RX300 SUV 12 2002 Mazda Tribute SUV 13 1991 Toyota Camry Car 14 2005 GMC Canyon Pickup 15 1995 Ford Van 16 N/A Geo Prizm Car 17 N/A Ford 150 Pickup 18 N/A Isuzu Rodeo SUV 19 N/A Dodge Neon Car 20 N/A Nissan Pickup 21 N/A Ford Ranger Pickup 22 N/A Toyota Van 23 N/A Chrysler Van 24 N/A Ford Econoline Van 25 N/A Toyota Landcruiser SUV 26 N/A Ford 350 Econoline Box Van 27 N/A International 4700 Truck 28 N/A RV Home 29 7 Outboard Motors 4-25HP 30 16 Aluminium/Fiberglass Canoes/skiff/boats 31 80 Assorted Bicycles TERMS: STRICTLY CASH FITZGERALD A. JOSEPH TELEPHONE: 601-2039 Email:
Notice is hereby given that the Company named CFE Consulting Limited has been dissolved and struck off the International Business Companies Register with effect from the 17th August, 2022.
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 4, 2022 Applicants must submit proof of qualifications and two reference con tacts along with application. Note: Only suitably qualified applicants will be acknowledged. Commis sion is not bound to make an appointment from among those persons who apply.
CILTrust International Limited Agent
Salary: BZD $84k per annum with allowances.
Interested persons may download an application package from the Attor ney General’s Ministry Website – or submit in writing to: The Secretary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission Ground Floor, Sir. Edney Cain Building Thru’ the Office of the Solicitor General Attorney General’s Ministry Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Tele phone number: 822-2504 or 822-0519 email address:
Suitably qualified applicants are invited to fill the position of:

Consultancy Description:
Title of the Project: The Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Man agement Plan (HPMP) monitors the consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) mainly used in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC) Sector as refrigerants. Background Belize became signatory to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on January 9 th, 1998 and has thus far sought to implement all national obligations under the Protocol. The Government of Belize has successfully phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector and is currently implementing the Hydro-chlo rofluorocarbon Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) for the gradual phaseout of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) in the Belize RAC sector. The National Ozone Unit (NOU) in the Department of the Environment (DOE), Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, is the focal point for the Montreal Protocol in Belize.
Consultancy Description:
The objective is to provide legislative drafting service to draft new regulations to reflect the commitments related to the Montreal Protocol.
The full Terms of Reference is available at The selection of the consultant will be based on Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) procurement method. Packages must be submitted electronically and must include a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and Financial Proposal and Technical Proposal no later than Friday September 23rd, 2022, at 5:00 pm. Only complete packages will be processed. Packages should be addressed to and emailed to: Mr. Anthony Mai Chief Environmental Officer Re: Expression of Interest- Legislative Drafter with copy to
At the 19 th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol held in Montreal, Canada, in 2007, the Parties agreed on the “Adjustment to the Montreal Protocol regarding HCFCs and to “accelerate the phase-out of production and consump tion of HCFCs”, thus calling for urgent action towards the phase-out of this ozone depleting substances (ODS).
• Minimum Bachelor of Laws (LLB) • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience required for carrying out the TOR’s tasks. Experience must include (i) a legal background, (ii) experience in drafting laws and
Objective of the Drafting
• Experience in drafting concept documents • Experience in drafting legislation will be an advantage • Excellent communication skills as well as the ability to communi cate fluently in English (spoken and written)
• The company should have a team of experts that include technology experts and coders, social media experts and mobile platform innova tion experts.
The full Terms of Reference is available at . The selection of the consultant will be based on Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) pro curement method. Packages must be submitted electronically and must include a signed letter of interest, a Concept Proposal, Financial Proposal and Estimated Timelines no later than Friday September 23 rd , 2022 , at 5:00 pm. Only complete packages will be processed. Packages should be addressed to and emailed to: Mr. Anthony Mai Chief Environmental Officer Re: Expression of Interest- Mobile App Developer with copy to
Core Competency Requirements:
Background Belize became signatory to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on January 9th, 1998 and has thus far sought to implement all national obligations under the Protocol. The Government of Belize has successfully phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector and is currently implementing the Hydro-chlo rofluorocarbon Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) for the gradual phaseout of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) in the Belize RAC sector. The National Ozone Unit (NOU) in the Department of the Environment (DOE), Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, is the focal point for the Montreal Protocol in Belize.
THE BELIZE TIMES22 4 2022SEP Department of Environmentthe Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST:
• The applicants should be a technology company with proven record of innovation in the mobile platform and application field. The company should have a proven record of applications on the market in both Android and Apple OS.
• The team leader should have at least 5 years of relevant technology and innovations experience.
The Decision recognized the needs of developing countries such as Belize with regards to the agreed accelerated HCFC schedule and directed the Multilateral Fund’s Executive Committee to provide technical and financial assistance, paying particular attention to Article 5 Parties with low volume and very low volume consumption of HCFCs. The HPMP for Belize was approved on the 62 nd ExCom Meeting of the parties. The HPMP provides funding for the Government of Belize to support the implementation of activities to phase-out remaining HCFC consumption under the Montreal Protocol.
Title of the Project: The Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) monitors the consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) mainly used in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC) Sector as refrigerants.
HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan has a combination of interventions such as technology conversions, technical assistance, awareness and monitoring of selected HCFC consumption. Refrigerant consumption in the Refrigeration Servicing Sector (RSS) not only depends on the installation of the RAC equip ment but also on the quality of the product and its servicing. The Mobile App aims to provide information, for technicians to work efficiently, safely and will allow the technicians to be more productive and give them an easy access to the information they need to perform their jobs.
Objective of the Drafting
The Department of Environment through the Ministry of Sustainable De velopment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management is seeking to engage a suitably qualified Belizean candidate request the submission of Expression of Interest from independent legal drafters to draft regulations under the Environmental Protection Act and the Refrigeration Technicians (Licensing) Act 2010.
The Department of Environment through the Ministry of Sustainable Develop ment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management is seeking to engage a suitably qualified Belizean candidate/Firm request the submission of Expression of Interest for the Mobile/Application Developer.
At the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol held in Montreal, Canada, in 2007, the Parties agreed on the “Adjustment to the Montreal Pro tocol regarding HCFCs and to “accelerate the phase-out of production and consumption of HCFCs”, thus calling for urgent action towards the phase-out of this ozone depleting substances (ODS).
Department of Environmentthe Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR A MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPER
The task of the provider will be to develop, design and assist in the launch of a mobile application focused on Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (HVAC). It will feature data specifically designed for Refrigeration Technicians.
• Excellent writing skills in English • Ability to engage with a cross-section of stakeholders in the public and private sectors
Core Competency Requirements:
The Decision recognized the needs of developing countries such as Belize with regards to the agreed accelerated HCFC schedule and directed the Multilateral Fund’s Executive Committee to provide technical and financial assistance, paying particular attention to Article 5 Parties with low volume and very low volume consumption of HCFCs. The HPMP for Belize was approved on the 62nd ExCom Meeting of the parties. The HPMP provides funding for the Government of Belize to support the implementation of activities to phase-out remaining HCFC consumption under the Montreal Protocol.

Specific Experience of Firm: To qualify, construction firms must meet the following minimum qualifying criteria:a) Five (5) years’ experience in general building construction. b) Four (4) projects of similar nature and size. A company profile in the form of a Statement of Qualifications (SoQ)shall be submitted for review. Submitted SoQ should include previously completed projects.
Deliverables: The deliverables include a total of thirteen (13) cover structures as follows:
Scope of Service: One of the objectives of the Programme is to assist small farmers to be come more climate resilient by improving their agricultural production through investments in climate resilient agricultural technologies such as covered struc tures, water harvesting facilities and storage facilities. To accomplish this, the Programme has prepared architectural designs for covered structures that can provide year-round service to farmers. The designs shall be used for the procure ment of quality services and materials for the construction and delivery of these covered structures.
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development Country: Belize Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme Loan No.: 2000002301
Background: The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on small holder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vegetables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organi zations and relevant GOB Departments.
Background: The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on small holder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vegetables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organi zations and relevant GOB Departments.
Attn: Geraldo Flowers Programme Manager Resilient Rural Belize Programme Ministry of Economic Development National Agriculture Showgrounds Hummingbird Highway Belmopan,
Contractors interested in receiving the Request for Bids (RFB) and submit ting a bid should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Re quest for RFB - Construction of Cover Structures to the Procurement Officer at giving full contact details of the firm. This will ensure that the Contractors receive updates regarding this RFB. Bids must be submitted via email to the following address on or before Sep tember 30, 2022 at 3:00 PM (Local time).
The Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme now invites eligible bidders to submit bids for the Land preparation - Cooperativa de Los Buenos Amigos Cooperative So ciety Limited - 31.6 acres. A bidder will be selected in accordance with the procurement procedures set out by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies. Bidders interested in receiving the Request for Quotation (RFQ) and submit ting a bid should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Land preparation - Cooperativa de Los Buenos Amigos Cooperative Society Limited - 31.6 acres) to the Procurement Officer at giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that bidders receive updates regarding this RFQ. Bids must be submitted via email to the following address on or before Sep tember 26, 2022 at 3:00 PM (Local time).
Scope of Service: One of the objectives of the Programme is to assist farmers organizations to become more climate resilient by improving their agricultural production through investments in climate resilient agricultural technologies. Therefore, the objective of the assignment is to prepare thirty-one and six tenths (31.6) acres of land in Trio Village, Toledo District for the planting of pineapples for Cooperativa de Los Buenos Amigos Society Ltd.
Specific Experience:
Attn: Geraldo Flowers Programme Manager Resilient Rural Belize Programme Ministry of Economic Development National Agriculture Showgrounds Hummingbird Highway Belmopan,
Location of Work: Nago Bank, Belize District, Valley of Peace, San Antonio and El Progres so/7Miles, Cayo District.
(b) Seedling Units i. Three (3) Tai-tunnel cover structure measuring 18 ft X 60 ft ii. Three (3) elevated one thousand one hundred (1100) liters water tank for use as seedling nurseries
A Construction firm will be selected in accordance with the procurement procedures set out by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the policies.
Requirements: The contractor must have access and provide proof of access of the nec essary equipment to successfully carry out the preparation of thirty-one and six tenths (31.6) acres (12.79 ha) of land inclusive of raised beds with proper drain age:
(a) Green Houses i. Ten (10) Convex cover structures measuring 40 ft X 80 ft inclusive of a gutter system for water harvesting, ii. Ten (10) fertigation systems, with elevated ten thousand (10,000) li ters water storage tank.
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development Country: Belize Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme Loan No.: 2000002301 Deadline for Submission of Proposals: September 26, 2022 at 3:00 PM.
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: September 30, 2022 at 3:00 PM.
Deliverables: The deliverables shall include: Thirty-one and six tenths (31.6) acres of prop erly prepared land, in blocks with space for sub-road pathways, with proper drain age ready for the cultivation of pineapples.
• A minimum of five (5) years’ experience in land Preparation, preparation, bed making and drainage.
• A minimum of three (3) project of similar nature and size.
The Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme now invites eligible contractors to submit bids for the Construction of Cover Structures.
• Roam Plow • Harrow • Bedmaker (Bedder) • Backhoe Location of Work: Trio Village, Toledo District.

• Good health and physical fitness.
• Must be able to successfully complete the Operator Qualification Program in policy defined period.
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development Country: Belize Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme Loan No.: 2000002301 Deadline for Submission of Proposals: September 30, 2022 at 3:00 PM.
• Record and compile operational data, completing and maintaining forms, logs, and reports.
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Perform routine inspections and/or maintenance activities on equipment such as Controls, Transform ers, Excitation Systems, Generators, Motors, Motor Controls, Three Phase Systems, High-voltage Switchgear, 125VDC Battery Systems and Hydraulic Systems. Conducts troubleshooting and calibration under the supervision of a Senior Personnel on Electrical, Mechanical and Instruments and Controls equipment.
• Execute clearances, protective locking / tagging and performs high voltage switching on generator, and station service switchgear.
• Within the last three (3) years having conducted at least one similar as signment that included the development of consent agreement and IPP.
The REOI must be submitted via email only to the following address on or before September 30, 2022, at 3:00 PM (Local time).
b) Consultations leading to FPIC Agreement and development of Indige nous Peoples’ Plan (IPP) for at least two Producers Organizations (POs).
Deliverables: The Individual Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:
• Willing to learn new skills.
FORTIS BELIZE LIMITED (Formerly BECOL) is accepting applications for the post of OPERATION & MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I.
• Clean powerplant and equipment and maintain equipment such as generators, turbines, pumps, and compressors to prevent equipment failure or deterioration.
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Two (2) years work experience in related field is desirable.
• Take readings from charts, meters and gauges at established intervals, and take corrective steps as necessary.
• Under the supervision of a Senior Personnel, conduct basic troubleshooting and repairs on control systems, flow switches, limit switches, pressure transducers and relays. Under the supervision of a Senior Personnel, conduct basic troubleshooting and repairs on mechanical systems, standby generators, compressors, motors.
SALARY: Dependent on Qualifications and experience
• Monitors and operates all plant generation equipment from centralized and remote-control panels ac cording to plant operating procedures. Assure compliance with all operating and safety procedures.
Key Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required: • Possess a safety-first work attitude.
a) An Inception report, to be submitted within two (2) weeks of contract signature. The report shall include, at a minimum, the consultancy ap proach, methodology (roadmap/consultation and consent process) and workplan.
The successful applicant must reside in the San Ignacio\Santa Elena Town area or Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town. Application letters, accompanied by two (2) letters of reference, must be submitted by September 5, 2022 to: BECOL) Mile 71.5 George Price Highway Cayo District, BELIZE C.A.
• Basic analytical and problem- solving skills Ability to work under pressure.
c) Document the FPIC (consultation) process and the consent (if consent is “YES” signed Agreement and if consent is “No” document the pro cess) for at least two POs. d) Consultancy Completion Report (electronic and one original), which shall include results, issues faced during the assignment, lessons learnt, commitments achieved, as well as recommendations.
• Consultant must be fluent in English language, both verbal and written.
Individual Consultants interested in receiving the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) document for this consultancy should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Request for REOI - Indigenous Peoples’ Plan Development and FPIC Process Consultancy to the Procurement Officer at nver giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Consultants receive updates regarding this consultancy.
QUALIFICATIONS: Associates Degree in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and/or equivalent experience in relevant field.
• Good reading comprehension and communication skills (written/verbal).
Background: The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farm ers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the development of select vege tables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organizations and relevant GOB Departments.
Attn: Geraldo Flowers Programme Manager Resilient Rural Belize Programme Ministry of Economic Development National Agriculture Showgrounds Hummingbird Highway Belmopan,
• Within the last three (3) years demonstrate at least in one occasion the capacity of leadership for an indigenous peoples’ assignment.
• Knowledge of power plant or large industrial equipment and operating procedures desirable.
• Under the supervision of Senior Personnel, conduct basic troubleshooting and repairs motor control center, switchgear, battery chargers, distribution panels and excitation systems. Start or stop generators, auxiliary pumping equipment, turbines, and other power plant equipment, and connect or disconnect equipment from circuits.
Consultant’s qualifications and experience: The Indigenous Peoples Consultant must possess a minimum of a Master’s DegreeEducation,in Sociology, Social Work, Arts Subjects, Development Studies and/ or Agriculture. Specific Experience:
Deadline: ( September 5, 2022)
• Possess good organization and time management skills
FORTIS BELIZE LIMITED is a leading renewable energy generation company that operates the Mollejon, Chalillo, and Vaca Hydroelectric Plants. The main function of the company is to provide clean and reliable energy to BEL and as an extension the entire country of Belize. The company’s foremost concern is the safety of its employees and the running of an environmentally sound operations by following the guidelines of the International Standards Organization, category ISO14001.
• Must immediately report to a Senior Personnel all abnormalities or events encountered in the execution of a job which may adversely affect maintenance execution or deemed responsible for observed defect or malfunction.
• Communicate with Senior operators to regulate and coordinate transmission loads and line voltages. Inspect operational data and logbook entries and communicate with other plant personnel, to assess equipment operating status.
Scope of Service: Indigenous Peoples have been identified in project areas where the project will be implemented. The RRB programme is seeking to procure the services of a consultant to conduct and record the consultation process and the consent –provided or denied for at least two (2) Producers Organizations having members in at least five (5) self-identified indigenous communities in southern Belize. The process must be well documented.
JOB DESCRIPTION: As a key contributor of the Operations and Maintenance department would be responsible to monitor, control and maintain all generating equipment at Fortis Belize’s power generating facilities under the supervision of a Senior Personnel. The O&M Technician I will work in periods of shift and on call rotation to ensure the highest level of plants availability and reliability. Participation in a cross-training program will be required to enhance career development. These training will include Power Plant Operation, Instruments & Controls, Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance.
The specific objective is to conduct consultations with the identified commu nities and effectively facilitate decision-making, based on community governance and decision-making systems as a basis for Business Plan development for at least two (2) Producers Organizations having members in at least five (5) self-identified indigenous communities in southern Belize.

Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS2 Contract Number: W/CDF-03/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 12th, 2022
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022. The link is Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting August 8th, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon pay ment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Design, Supply, and Installation of a Reverse Osmosis Purification Water Supply System for Chunox Village, Corozal District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposit ed to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qual ified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes to design, supply and installation services for a reverse osmosis purification water supply system for the Chunox Village, Corozal District. The system is de sired to be connected to the village water well, along with being able to produce an estimated output of a minimum of 50,000 gallons per day to provide water to 425 households. Shall also include the provision of all designs (civil, mechanical, electrical, etc.) and any other designs needed for the optimal and efficient functioning of the reverse osmosis purification water supply system; Reference shall be made to the proposed electrical design for the Chunox pump house.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this con tract.
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 30th, 2022. The link is Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and state ments of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experi ence under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management con tractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to four (4) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$125,000.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$500,000.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$42,000.00 of which not more than BZ$21,000.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$500,000.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respec tive Bid Documents.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Chunox Village, Corozal District, Belize. 4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting August 15th, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A com plete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM Devel opment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Design, Supply and Installation of a Reverse Osmosis Purification Water Supply System for Chunox Village, Corozal District, Belize.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the So cial Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 12th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., September 12th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$ 350.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
10. The address referred to above is:
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS1 Contract Number: W/CDF-02/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 5, 2022
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcon tractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,300.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$33,900.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$8,500.00 of which not more than BZ$4,250.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$203,400.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for con tracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM De velopment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construc tion of the following:
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) pro cedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 5th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., September 5th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$ 5,000.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.

Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS3 Contract Number: W/CDF-04/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 12th, 2022
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes the installation of pvc pipes and 420 water measuring and control devices in San Antonio Village, Toledo District, Belize.
10. The address referred to above is:
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construc tion of the following:
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: San Antonio Village, Toledo District, Belize.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM De velopment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Georgville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:45 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$1,210.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcon tractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$40,130.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$120,390.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$10,100.00 of which not more than BZ$5,050.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$240,780.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for con tracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 30th, 2022. The link is Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this con tract.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qual ified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting August 15th, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A com plete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the Sys tem’s Electrical Components for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
9. A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at San Antonio Village, Toledo District, Belize. Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM De velopment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of Water Meters and Pipes for the San Antonio Water Supply System, San Antonio Village, Toledo District, Belize.
Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS4 Contract Number: W/CDF-07/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 19th, 2022
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcon tractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,420.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$34,260.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$8,600.00 of which not more than BZ$4,300.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$205,560.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for con tracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construc tion of the following:
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bid ders at the address below, starting August 22nd, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by per sonal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of Water Meters and Pipes for the San Antonio Water Supply System, San Antonio Village, Toledo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this con tract.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 12th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m., September 12th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$ 350.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qual ified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.

More information can be found on the Bank of England’s website at: 20 paper 50 withdrawal /media/boe/files/banknotes/paper/20 50 paper notes.pdf ENDS
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this con tract.
10. The address referred to above is:
The contract proposes to: The contract proposes the upgrading of the rudimentary water supply system throughout the installation of 275 water measuring and control devices in Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
The Bank of England to Withdraw Legal Tender Status of £20 and £50 Paper Banknotes
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procure ment (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construc tion of the following:
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM De velopment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of Water Meters for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS3 Contract Number: W/CDF-06/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 19th, 2022
9. A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 at Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize. Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM De velopment Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Rehabilitation of the Water Tank for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qual ified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
Contact: Ms. Ruby Pascascio Senior Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: E-mail:822-0239/
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS3 Contract Number: W/CDF-05/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: September 19th, 2022
10. The address referred to above is:
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$500.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmo pan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following: The contract proposes to: The contract proposes the rehabilitation of the existing storage tank in Geor geville Village, Cayo District, Belize 3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
9. A Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 at Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize. Bid ders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
Members of the Belizean public holding these paper banknotes are advised to submit them for exchange at their domestic bank. Institutional noteholders in Belize should continue to return these sterling banknotes to the Central Bank for repatriation to the Bank of England. Note that after the 30 September 2022 deadline, holders of paper sterling banknotes will no longer be able to use them in transactions.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting August 22nd, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Rehabilitation of the Water Tank for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., September 19th, 2022 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a "Bid Security" of BZ$300.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudit ed or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid sub mission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$7,100.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$21,300.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$5,000.00 of which not more than BZ$2,500.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$85,200.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bid ders at the address below, starting August 22nd, 2022, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by per sonal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of Water Meters for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcon tractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$15,600.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$46,800.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$5,850.00 of which not more than BZ$2,925.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$140,400.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for con tracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
Belize City, 16 August 2022: The Central Bank of Belize hereby informs the public that the Bank of England has notified that it will withdraw the legal tender status of £20 and £50 paper banknotes on 30 September 2022. After this date, only polymer banknotes will be legal tender. The Bank of England is encouraging both individual and institutional noteholders such as financial institutions to use, deposit, or exchange these banknotes by 30 September 2022

1.2 As part of the Program to accomplish the objectives of the fiscal strategy, the Government of Belize has entered into a US$8.0 Million Loan Agreement (BL-L1038) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to implement a five-year project entitled “Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize”. The general objective of the Project is to promote the fiscal sustainability of Belize specifically to increase the efficiency of public resources by strengthening public financial management.
1.5 In this regard, a vacancy exists for the post of Procurement Specialist Assistant for the PEU under a contractual arrangement with the MOF, and as part of the BL-L1038 Project.
g. Assist in the organizing and execution of all bid openings and eval uation processes, prepare evaluation reports and corresponding draft contracts.
1.1 The Government of Belize is committed to implementing a comprehensive fiscal consolidation plan, with a strategy centered on three areas: (i) expenditure reduction; (ii) increased revenues; and (iii) debt restructuring. Such a strategy is outlined in the Budget Speech for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/2022, based on the Plan Belize Manifesto and aligned with the recommendations of the latest IMF Article IV, with the aim of reaching a sustainable debt ratio (70% of GDP) by 2030. It includes measures to reduce expenditures, strengthen public financial management reforms, boost revenues, reduce debt, and implement explicit fiscal rules and mediumterm fiscal frameworks once the crisis abates. In line with this strategy, the government has made several adjustments in its Budget to cut expenses. However, challenges remain, mainly regarding a sustained implementation of the fiscal plan in the context of uncertain global recovery from the pandemic.
d. Responsible for uploading procurement notices under the Project on the CARICOM Procurement Portal.
h. Ensure contracting of consultants, suppliers and contractors is in accordance with IDB procurement policies and GOB policies, laws and regulations.
Assistant by the Inter-American Development Bank (GN-2349-15) and the Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (GN 2350-15).
j. Assist in the preparation of contracts for signature by relevant parties.
n. Keep the records updated regarding executed contracts through con
k. Monitor the validity of contracts during their execution, securing the legal status of each agreement:
c. Review the procurement policies and procurement best practices and procedures of the GOB.
(iii) Coordinate with the Financial Specialist to ensure that authorized payments to contractors are according to the terms of the contract.
1.4 The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has been designated as the Executing Agency responsible for the implementation of the Project. For this purpose, a Project Executing Unit (PEU) is established in the MOF with concrete technical, administrative, financial, control and planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibilities for the IDB-funded initiative.
(v) Address contractors complains and issues, preparing contract amendments and ensuring proper closeout of all contracts, including evaluation of contractors’ per formance.
a. Review all documentation relating to the Project; and, be informed on the Program Operation Manual (POM), the Loan Contract, the Pro curement Plan (PP), the Annual Operational Plan (AOP), the Project Execution Plan (PEP), and the initial Disbursement Projection Table.
III.1 The main responsibilities of the Procurement Specialist Assistant include, among others:
e. Participate in the preparation of the AOP and in the preparation and update of the Procurement Plan.
THE BELIZE TIMES28 4 2022SEP Continued on page 29
(i) Ensure the submission and safeguard of all bid validity documents (i.e. bonds, guarantees, insurances, etc.) during and after tendering and execution of the contracts.
(vi) Maintain accurate auditable records of all procurement process
i. Support the Procurement Specialist to ensure that prospective contrac tors, suppliers and consultants are duly constituted and are addressing ongoing concerns.
1.3 The Project is comprised of one component with four subcomponents that will achieve the objective. It will focus on the areas of financial management (including budget and internal audit), procurement, technological infrastructure and capacity building.
l. Assist the BL-L1038 Project Coordinator in the preparation and submission of monthly activities reports and prepare quarterly pro curement reports following a pre-approved Bank, detailing the pro curement of goods, services and works, along with the corresponding disbursements, and a description of problems found and how they were dealt with.
(iv) Notify management of the PEU and other staff of dura tion and expiration of the bid validity periods, contract durations within the overall final disbursement date.
(ii) Ensure the timely receipt, extension and release of all bonds, guarantees, insurances, etc.
m. Maintain an up-to-date registry of consultants hired and goods and service purchased under the Project.
II.1 The objective of the position of Procurement Specialist Assistant is to support the Procurement Specialist in the execution of the procurement activities of the PEU in accordance with the provisions of the Project and the Bank’s procurement rules and procedures and the MOF procurement guidelines, when applicable. In particular, the Procurement Specialist Assis tant shall assist in the overall and day to day activities for the procurement of goods, services and works, subject to IDB policies and requirements and in accordance with the Project Operational Manual (POM) and GOB procedures, as it relates to the BL-L1038 Project.
f. Support the preparation of necessary bidding or selection documents and review the Terms of Reference (ToR) and specifications prepared by Technical Staff.

o. Maintain appropriate files of procurement functions and provide information as needed by the Procurement Specialist, the Executing Agency and the Bank.
s. Attend the training provided to the PEU staff.
IV.1 The Procurement Specialist Assistant will support the preparation and updating the following reports which are considered recurrent deliverables orb.a.responsibilities:AnnualPPs.Quarterlyprocurement reports.
V.2 Work Experience: At least three years of general experience since obtain ing the academic degree, and at least 1 year of proven work experience in supporting general financial management and the preparation of bidding documents, preparation of contracts, and contract management, for the procurement of goods, works, services, and consultancies in the public and/ or private sector. Experience in applying procurement policies and proce dures of the IDB or similar organizations would be considered an asset.
8.1 The contract will be for a period of one year in the beginning, with the possibility of an extension for two years in the first instance and, thereafter, yearly until the end of the project, based on satisfactory performance
Continued from page 28 tract completion, liaising with technical personnel of the MOF and PEU and the Financial Specialist of the PEU to ensure payments/ disbursements are made according to contract and the preparation of monthly and annual disbursement projections and payments are accurate.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies. The individual con sultant will be selected in accordance with the selection of Individual Consultant based on Comparison of Qualifications method set out in the Contracting of Consultant Policies.
Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their Expression of Interest package via e-mail to no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday September 16, 2022, marked SPEM- Procurement Specialist Assistant in the subject header. In addition, applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address: Financial Secretary Ministry of Finance Sir Edney Cain Building Belmopan For clarifications kindly contact: Senior
VI.1 The Procurement Specialist Assistant reports to the BL-L1038 Project Coordinator of the PEU. He/she shall work in close coordination with the staff of the MOF and especially the members of the PEU.
c. Updates to POM. d. Procurement documents (bids, requests for proposals, invitations, etc.)
q. Execute other tasks and special assignments as required by the Procure ment Specialist to enable transparent, efficient and timely implemen tation of procurement activities and program deliverables including responding to audit queries and responding to requests from the GOB.
e. Minutes of procurement meetings.
f. Other.
r. Liaise with GOB officials (MOF, PEU and other) on procurement matters aimed at ensuring and effective discharge of the Project’s procurement/contracting activities.
ProcurementTerms(BL-L1038)BELIZEofReferenceSpecialist Assistant
Expression of Interest package should contain: (i) Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant (ii) Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experi ence in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment. (iii) Copy of degrees/certificates (iv) List of at least two references (v) Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality
p. Participate in the update of the POM ensuring the procurement section of the POM is aligned with the procurement guidelines of the Bank and those of the GOB.
VII.1 The Procurement Specialist Assistant will be paid a monthly salary to be established during the contracting process.
V.1 Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, Finance, Econom ics, Business Administration, Auditing, Law, Public Administration, or other related fields. Specialized certification in procurement and supply chain management or contract management is considered a plus.
9.1 Ministry of Finance, Belmopan APPLICATIONS

f. Guiding the preparation of the periodic physical and financial progress reports to be submitted to MOF, MED, and the Bank.
I.5 In this regard, a vacancy exists for the post of Project Coordinator under a contractual arrangement with the MOF, and as part of the BL-L1038 initiative.
e. Ensure the necessary coordination between technical staff of the MOF to provide the technical specifications and content for the preparation of terms of reference and technical specification as the basis for procurement actions and activities.
k. Provide timely and accurate reports to the Program Manager, Financial Secretary, PSC and other agencies on the developments, progress, and challenges of the Project.
o. Lead the contracting of the consultancies for the execution of the mid-term and final evaluations.
p. Ensure the presence of the necessary control environment along with the capacities necessary for the application of a management by objectives framework.
d. Ensure timely execution of all administrative, procurement, financial and technical procedures of the Project in compliance with the POM. In addition, ensure the strict adherence to administrative, Project management, and Bank and national financial rules and regulations, among others.
II.2 The Project Coordinator is responsible for leading and guiding all matters pertaining to the effective, efficient, and transparent implementation of the Project, through the technical, administrative and financial management of the PEU, in accordance with the procedures and stipulations contained in the Program Operational Manual (POM) and in compliance with the Loan Contract.
j. Ensure the presence of an accurate Project filing system covering financial, procurement, technical and all activities of the Project, and following the internal control requirements established in the POM.
II.1 The objective of the position of Project Coordinator is to provide the necessary strategic, governance, organizational and administrative leadership for Project implementation and, thereby, ensuring the effective allocation of resources, providing the financial and technical direction of the Project towards the attainment of the goals and targets, leading the physical and financial progress reporting, and serving as the main focal point of the Project with the PEU, the MOF and other public and private institutions.
c. Lead and coordinate timely implementation of all aspects of the Project based on the Project planning documents including the PEP, AOP, PP, supporting technical documents, and Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
a. Implementing the intra- and inter-institutional coordination mechanisms with the PEU, the MOF and other public and private organizations related to and/ or beneficiaries of the Project.
l. Ensure the timely implementation of the monitoring and evaluation activities including the contracting of the mid-term and final evaluations.
d. Monitoring the activities of the Project in compliance with its global strategic objectives and those of its individual technical components, as well as the targets established in the Project.
n. Lead the contracting of the independent external auditors of the Project in coordination with the Financial Specialist, the Procurement Specialist and the PEU, and following IDB procedures for this matter. Additionally, ensure that adequate arrangements are made to facilitate the conduct of audits (internal and external) and that recommendations arising from them are appropriately reviewed and acted upon.
b. Promoting and disseminating the Project among beneficiaries, public entities, and other stakeholders.
c. In close coordination with the pertinent technical and administrative personnel of the PEU and the MOF, guiding the strategic and operation planning activities of the Project.
m. Lead, in coordination with the Financial Specialist, the preparation of the disbursement requests, including Requests for Advance of Funds along with the expenditure justifications, as necessary to ensure that the Project has adequate liquidity for smooth execution..
3.2 Specific activities include:
h. Support the information dissemination activities and advocate for the Project among key internal and external stakeholders, while maintaining the necessary and transparent lines of communication.
III.1 The main responsibilities of the Project Coordinator include, among others:
consideration the assessment and evolution of the risk factors, the factors of probability and impact, and risk mitigation measures.
i. Ensure the establishment of the necessary and effective lines of internal communication with key stakeholders of the MOF (tax administration, systems administration, financial management, general administration, and other) to ensure the dedicated participation of such personnel in Project implementation and in direct coordination with the PEU.
I.2 As part of the Program to accomplish the objectives of the fiscal strategy, the Government of Belize has entered into a US$8.0 Million Loan Agreement (BLL1038) with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to implement a fiveyear project entitled “Strengthening Public Expenditure Management in Belize”. The general objective of the Project is to promote the fiscal sustainability of Belize specifically to increase the efficiency of public resources by strengthening public financial management.
a. Lead the overall planning and reporting framework and activities of the Project, including the preparation and update of key planning, in direct coordination with the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and other members of the PEU. b. Monitor and ensure the Project’s adherence to reporting requirements to the MOF, PSC, and the Bank.
f. Provide for the timely monitoring and management of Project risks and lead the implementation of the mitigation measures as necessary.
g. Ensure the necessary coordination and control of all Project procurement activities and logistics with the Procurement Specialist and pertinent staff members of the MOF.
g. Presenting to the Bank the required data, reports and other documentation of the Project as a whole and its individual components, as established in the Loan Contract.
I.1 The Government of Belize is committed to implementing a comprehensive fiscal consolidation plan, with a strategy centered on three areas: (i) expenditure reduction; (ii) increased revenues; and (iii) debt restructuring. Such a strategy is outlined in the Budget Speech for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/2022, based on the Plan Belize Manifesto and aligned with the recommendations of the latest IMF Article IV, with the aim of reaching a sustainable debt ratio (70% of GDP) by 2030. It includes measures to reduce expenditures, strengthen public financial management reforms, boost revenues, reduce debt, and implement explicit fiscal rules and mediumterm fiscal frameworks once the crisis abates. In line with this strategy, the government has made several adjustments in its Budget to cut expenses. However, challenges remain, mainly regarding a sustained implementation of the fiscal plan in the context of uncertain global recovery from the pandemic.
I.3 The Project is comprised of one component with four subcomponents that will achieve the objective. It will focus on the areas of financial management (including budget and internal audit), procurement, technological infrastructure and capacity building.
I.4 The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has been designated as the Executing Agency responsible for the implementation of the Project. For this purpose, a Project Executing Unit (PEU) is established in the MOF with concrete technical, administrative, financial, control and planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibilities for the IDB-funded initiative.
q. Provide for the necessary human resources management capabilities for PEU personnel administration.
THE BELIZE TIMES30 4 2022SEP Continued on page 31

• Joint review missions by the Bank and other funding and/or supervising and implementation agencies as required t. Other.
V.4 Skills: Possess expertise in modern software tools for project planning, monitoring and management purposes. Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point). Excellent oral and written command of the English language. Strong organizational and time management skills and ability to multi-task with ability to adapt to changing needs and priorities. Solid leadership and delegation
8.1 The contract will be for a period of one year in the beginning, with the possibility of an extension for two years in the first instance and, thereafter, yearly until the end of the project, based on satisfactory performance.
• Periodic portfolio review meetings between the Bank and the govern ment • Supervision missions and program monitoring meetings (led by the Bank)
Continued from page 30 r. Communicate with Project stakeholders (MOF, PEU, other) to ensure awareness of any new developments in Project status, strategy, progress, deadlines, challenges, decisions and other aspects that may affect Project implementation and the attainment of its development objectives.
• Inspection visits by the Bank to supervise the financial management and procurement operations including conducting of ex-post reviews
1.1 Ministry of Finance, Belmopan X APPLICATIONS
3.3 The Project Coordinator shall undertake his/her work in direct coordination and with the supervision of the MOF, and in accordance with the Loan Contract and the POM.
V.1 Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance, Economics, Business Adminis tration, Business Management, Engineering, Project Management or related fields.
V.3 Specific Work Experience: i. At least five years of proven work experience in project management including technical coordination, administration, monitoring and evaluation. ii. Previous work with investment projects funded by international development agencies is a plus.
6.1 The Project Coordinator of the PEU will report to the Financial Secretary or his Representative. He/she shall work in close coordination with the staff of the MOF and especially the members of the PEU.
V.2 General Experience: At least 10 years’ general working experience since obtaining the first academic degree.
Expression of Interest package should contain: (i) Cover letter briefly explaining interest, experience, and competence of the consultant (ii) Comprehensive resume with the Individual Consultant’s experience in the assignment of similar nature. Description of similar assignments specifying start and end dates of assignments. Please provide dates, name of employ ing organization, titles of positions held, types of activities performed and location of the assignment. (iii) Copy of degrees/certificates (iv) List of at least two references (v) Proof of nationality: copy of documentation of nationality
IV.1 The Project Coordinator will be responsible for preparing/updating the following reports which are considered recurrent deliverables or responsibilities: a. Updates to PEP, AOP, PP, risk matrix, and other b. Quarterly physical and financial progress/status reports. c. Updates to POM d. Updates to status of procurement processes (Procurement Early Warning Tool) e. Staff performance appraisals. f. Specific reports requested by the, MOF or the PSC. g. Allocation/provision of funds reports. h. Fixed asset allocation reports. i. External audit reports (prepared under consultancy engagements) j. Mid-term and final evaluations (prepared under consultancy engagements). k. Other. V. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE
Qualified Individual Consultant must submit their Expression of Interest package via e-mail to no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday Sep tember 16, 2022, marked SPEM- Project Coordinator in the subject header. In addition, applicants may also submit a hardcopy at the following address: Financial Secretary Ministry of Finance Sir Edney Cain Building Belmopan For clarifications kindly contact: Senior
ProjectTerms(BL-L1038)ofReferenceCoordinator skills and, most importantly, the ability to provide technical direction and coor dinate functional activities of multiple actors. Team player. Strong work ethics.
s. Direct the preparation for, and hosting of, key Program events such as:
• Mid-term evaluation • Final evaluation
7.1 The Project Coordinator will be paid a monthly salary to be established during the contracting process.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Inter-American Development Bank: Policies for the Selection and Contracting of Consultants financed by the Inter-American Development Bank GN-2350-15 section 5 – individual consultants and is open to all eligible candidates as defined in the IDB policies. The individual consultant will be selected in accordance with the selection of Individual Consultant based on Comparison of Qualifications method set out in the Contracting of Consultant Policies.