THE BELIZE TIMES1 18 SEP 18 SEPTEMBER 2022 | ISSUE NO: 5318 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 MSME On the Road in Czl-PG this wk Pg. 6 Pg. 15 Pg. 10 VALIANT AND BOLD, PROUD AND STRONG! REBOUNDSBELIZE@41 Belizean Entrepreneur: I am Ready to Launch my Business?Dream Fight Against Narco Planes gets a BOOST High Level Delegation Represents Belize in Korea: Addressing Climate Change The Belize Times Established 1957 PlanBelize Scores 2 MoU’s: GoB & State of Q. Roo $8Million Dollar Primary Radar Approved Belize Social Investment Fund Inaugurating SchoolBuilding in Calcutta Pg. 2 Pg. 5 Pg. 8 “Valiant and Bold. Proud and Strong is manifested today in our students back at school, after being out for so long. It is manifested in businesses hiring, and building, and our people getting back to work. It is manifested by our tourism stakeholders who are once again welcoming visitors to our beautiful shores. It is also manifested in those citizens who are standing up and making their voices heard, which is their right in a free society like ours. Forty-one years on, Belize is a dynamic nation and people, a democracy alive and strong. It is a beautiful thing to witness, a glorious coming of age for our young nation and vibrant people.” – PM John Briceño

Tel: 671-8385
Cabinet Brief
The land’s department who had claimed ownership to the title of most corrupt department is now unrecognizable to the lowly UDP. It is the norm now for Belmopan to ‘popup’ at your neighbourhood and solve land issues one constituency at a time. The tears of joy that have been jerked out everywhere may have been enough to have a cathar sis of the previous reign of terror.
The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regu lar session on 13th September 2022.

• Cabinet determined that Monday, 19th September 2022, will be observed nationally as a public and bank holiday. This is the day of the State Funeral for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and coincides with National Service Day, which will be observed as a day of service. This is a one-time statutory holiday and will not be on the schedule of holidays. In this regard, a statutory instrument has been signed by the Minister of Home Affairs & New Growth Industries.
2 18 2022SEP02

#3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506
Fay Castillo EDITOR
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
Educator Sheryl Distan, au thor of the theme for this year's September celebrations, reminds Belizeans of words in our National Anthem which resound with rele vant truth this forty-first anniver sary of our Independence. During our patriotic month and beyond, the theme helps us to look back and ahead to where Belize is at. As we entered 2020, Belize was being misguided by a govern ment hell-bent to the corrupt and incompetent to the achieving of progress. Belizeans on November 11, 2020, Valiant and Bold braved the coronavirus and sparked a retreat from the criminal United Democratic Party Barrow govern ment. Today, people are still trau matized by the UDP-13 dark years of infamy but at least it is in our rear view
• Finally, Cabinet wishes all Belizeans a safe and happy Independence Day.
Twenty-twomirror. months after the people put their stamp of approv al on planBelize and stamped out the UDP-13, Belize's economy is unrecognizable to the IMF. The rapidity with which we controlled Covid-19 can only be matched by the rapidity the economy was
The artists of the country are ex periencing a cultural renaissance of sorts as there is a concerted effort to bring them to the fore as with the BTB Music and Food Festival.
Chris Williams
Tourism and Agriculture are working hand in hand. If agricul ture falters, there is less foreign ex change and Tourism will experience a strain. And the same happens if Tourism falters. These two giant in dustry sectors have nevertheless been holding their own and both are pulling Belize up to that promised land of economic prosperity. We are not there yet…and when we get
PM Briceño’s most recent speech pressed on the same: “Val iant and Bold. Proud and Strong is manifested today in our students back at school, after being out for so long.It is manifested in businesses hiring, and building, and our people getting back to work.
Belmopan. 15th September 2022. 9:00 a.m.
rushed away from the real brink of a devaluation of the Belize dollar. This devaluation had been desired by Dean Barrow as he quoted "Après moi, le déluge” when he spread the propaganda idea that after he leaves that he will “grieve for his poor Be lize.” Well, nothing was further from the truth as history will show that a planBelize economic team was put together and with the valiant and bold Belizeans especially the public servants and teachers, the econ omy was put on a path to a world class
Allrebound.overBelize we can see things happening:NHIislittle by little creeping all over the nation. Presently, its rollout in Orange Walk is being ironed out.
• Cabinet gave its approval for amendments to be made to Statutory In strument No. 6 of 2020 to facilitate the application process for the new Belizean Electronic Passports (E-passports) and to legally operate the Electronic Passport Issuance and Control System (EPICS), beginning October 2022.
Sports is alive and well all over the country; it needs its own sports magazine. Belize is slowly winning more internationally. Berger Field is really being Revampingbuilt.probably the most
Forty-one years on, Belize is a dynamic nation and people, a de mocracy alive and strong.
Roberto Peyrefitte
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD.
Belize City, Belize Email:
Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong!: Belize Rebounds @ 41!
• Cabinet gave its approval for the removal of overtime restrictions for healthcare workers. This will improve the terms of service and timeli ness of payment of overtime to healthcare workers.
• Cabinet was notified of an outbreak of the Avian Influenza (H5) dis ease, commonly known as bird flu, in two communities in Belize and approved measures recommended by the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) to control and eradicate the disease. Measures include depopulation of birds from affected farms, cleaning and disin fecting of these farms, checkpoints to control the movement of poultry and poultry products from affected farms, and increasing surveillance in communities where there is a presence of the disease. Cabinet was given the assurance by the Minister of Agriculture that measures to effectively control this outbreak are being implemented by BAHA and that there is no shortage of poultry and poultry products in Belize at this time.
corrupt department under the UDP, the Ministry of Works, was a mag nanimous task that Hon. Julius Es pat and what is known now as MIDH took on and have not looked back. Along, with the more than 200 pilot houses for single parents, the Min istry of Infrastructure Development and Housing is doing with a small budget something similar to the multiplying of bread and fish. Did we mention the millions of dollars in saving by renegotiating the Haulover Bridge contract, Caracol Rd contract and many others? A New Haulover has ceased being a myth as it is go ing up before our very eyes.
Investment and the Office of the Prime Minister are today syn onymous. The OPM under Barrow churned out contracts for cronies who blindly robbed the nation. To day, the Investment area of the PM’s Ministry is run largely by a woman, Narda Garcia, whose very name evokes confidence. This CON FIDENCE has leaked into our very economy which is now a multi-mil lion-dollar magnet of investment in Belize to the tune of 300 million dollars in Foreign Direct Investment in 2022 alone shattering the 250 million dollars record of 2021. This is definitely not forgetting the impetus place on Micro, Medium and Small Enterprises especially with the MSME Road Show that is being ac cessed all over the nation as a true training that will aid our job creators in continuing on that path.
Just this week, students were able to go to school without their masks as policy has helped to drive down the danger of the coronavirus. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology is creating a push towards modernizing the edu cation system with an inclusivity ap proach that will see a slow but sure paradigm shift in how students learn to learn. Technology is a tool but there is much more that the whole society can do.
there, we will look over the hori zon for more. Belize truly has the potential for so much economic growth.Crime is incessant. But we need patience as each policy in investment, education, infrastruc ture, et al start to instil a real mul tisectoral approach that will yield a solid new society. Jails are not the solution but to our chagrin a real solution is generational in time span. Belizeans will have to wait as planBelize encrusts itself into an enduring history of peace, less crime and a Belize that works for it self more and more.
It is manifested by our tourism stakeholders who are once again welcoming visitors to our beautiful shores.Itis also manifested in those cit izens who are standing up and mak ing their voices heard, which is their right in a free society like ours.
It is a beautiful thing to wit ness, a glorious coming of age for our young nation and vibrant peo ple.”
A Happy Independence Day from the People’s United Party, the National Executive, the Be lize Times, Vibes Media and the entire PUP family.
José Jiménez
Happy 41
his week’s conversations have fittingly centered on the issues of independence, na tional sovereignty, and national pride. The death of Queen Elizabeth marked the end of an era. Most Belizeans have never known a time when she was not our sym bolic Head of State. Social Media is abuzz with the concerns of Belizeans, musing on what her death means for our territorial integrity, our economic stability and the strength of our currency. The debate has also questioned the need for a symbolic Head of State. For reference, there are member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) that do not have the monarch as their Head of State. The national discourse is healthy, it provides the opportunity to learn about these important post-independence issues and how they shape mod ern Belizean society.
Other important, more internal matters must be considered this Independence. These revolve around the work that is being done by the Briceño Administration to aid in the recovery and re bounding of our economy. There are gargantuan efforts including new policy and regulations, and increased micro funding coming from the Ministry of Investment to stimulate Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurship (MSMEs). The importance of this sector cannot be overemphasized, especially as the efforts of these Belizeans to create their own jobs and provide gainful employment for others is what drives the economy. This administration is also seriously committed to women's entrepreneurship and has ensured their participation in these events through special incentives. Women make up roughly half of our population and if there is to be a serious rebounding it cannot take place without the equal participation of proud Belizean Women. The rollout of NHI continues with increased population coverage in Southside Belize City, and coverage of the entire Corozal District. Orange Walk is in preparation to roll out next. Today, we have witnessed unprecedented road infrastructure works across the country, from the most rural to the urban areas. This year there has been an increase in the implementation of Public Sector Projects which include both loans and grants which were left abandoned and neglected, victims of gross incompetence and maladminis tration by the previous UDP administration. These projects include schools, health clinics, water systems, agriculture projects and other social sector projects.
However, the projects that most reveal the heart of this administration are those that are peo ple-centred. The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing is transforming entire fam ilies one house at a time, with their low-cost housing program. The pilot project that targets inner city youth and provides them with free education at any of three Southside Highschool is a reality. There is a multisectoral approach to reducing poverty and crime in these areas, getting young people back in school and engaged in sports. Your PUP Government is also hard at work in the Judiciary, not only restructuring the system but making it work for Belizeans and restoring confidence in the system. They have also done this by investing in more Human resources, increasing the number of Magistrates and Judges and space. Belizeans are a proud, valiant and strong people. We have withstood the test of the pandemic and all its consequences, and we have rebounded by our own Home-Grown Methods. Belize, Que Viva Belize!

as conversaciones de esta semana se han centrado acertadamente en los temas de la inde pendencia, la soberanía y el orgullo nacionales. La muerte de la reina Isabel marcó el fin de una era. Muchos beliceños no han conocido una época en la que ella no fuera nuestra simbólica Jefa de Estado. Los medios de comunicación social bullen con las preocupaciones de los beliceños, reflexionando sobre lo que su muerte significa para nuestra integridad ter ritorial, nuestra estabilidad económica y la fortaleza de nuestra moneda. El debate también ha cuestionado la necesidad de un Jefe de Estado simbólico. Como referencia, hay Estados miembros de la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) que no tienen al monarca como Jefe de Estado. El discurso nacional es saludable, ya que ofrece la oportunidad de aprender sobre estos importantes asuntos posteriores a la independencia y sobre cómo configuran la sociedad beliceña moderna.

Feliz 41 Belice, ¡Que Viva Belice!
Sin embargo, los proyectos que más revelan el corazón de esta administración son las que están centra dos en las personas. El Ministerio de Desarrollo de Infraestructuras y Vivienda está transformando familias enteras, casa por casa, con su programa de viviendas con bajo coste. El proyecto piloto que se dirige a los jóvenes del centro de la ciudad y les proporciona educación gratuita en cualquiera de los tres institutos de la zona sur es una realidad. Se trata de un enfoque multisectoral para reducir la pobreza y la delincuencia en estas zonas, haciendo que los jóvenes vuelvan a la escuela y participen en los deportes. Su Gobierno del PUP también está trabajando duro en el poder judicial, no sólo reestructurando el sistema sino haciéndolo funcionar para los beliceños y restaurando la confianza en el sistema. También lo han hecho invirtiendo en más recursos humanos, aumentando el número de magistrados y jueces y el espacio. Los beliceños son un pueblo orgulloso, valiente y fuerte. Hemos resistido la prueba de la pandemia y todas sus consecuencias, y nos hemos recuperado con nuestros propios métodos caseros.
EDITORIAL en Español
Otros asuntos importantes, más internos, deben ser considerados en esta Independencia. Éstos giran en torno al trabajo que está realizando el Gobierno de Briceño para ayudar a la recuperación y el repunte de nuestra economía. Hay esfuerzos gigantescos que incluyen nuevas políticas y regulaciones, y el aumento de la micro financiación que viene del Ministerio de Inversión para estimular la Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (MIPYME). Nunca se insistirá lo suficiente en la importancia de este sector, sobre todo porque los esfuerzos de estos beliceños por crear sus propios puestos de trabajo y proporcionar empleo remunerado a otros es lo que impulsa la economía. Esta administración también está seriamente comprometida con el espíritu empresarial de las mujeres y ha garantizado su participación en estos eventos mediante incentivos especiales. Las mujeres constituyen aproximadamente la mitad de nuestra población y, si se quiere que haya un repunte serio, no puede tener lugar sin la participación equitativa de las orgullosas mujeres beliceñas. El despliegue del NHI continúa con el aumento de la cobertura de la población en la zona sur de la ciudad de Belice, y la cobertura de todo el distrito de Corozal. Orange Walk se está preparando para el siguiente despliegue. Hoy hemos sido testigos de obras de infraestructura vial sin precedentes en todo el país, desde las zonas más ru rales hasta las urbanas. Este año se ha producido un aumento en la ejecución de proyectos del sector público, que incluyen tanto préstamos como subvenciones, que quedaron abandonados y desatendidos, víctimas de la grave incompetencia y la mala gestión de la anterior administración del UDP. Estos proyectos incluyen escuelas, clínicas de salud, sistemas de agua, proyectos agrícolas y otros proyectos del sector social.
c) Promote investment opportunities through trade fairs, meetings, and exhibi tions,d) Promote cooperation in training and education for greater capacity building betweenTheseinstitutions.MOUswill open the door for more meaningful business collaboration between the private sectors of both par ties, facilitating easier information- sharing and providing greater business opportuni ties within a short time. These opportuni ties will range from tourism and cultural exchange to agro- industry, education, cus toms services and many more important business- related activities that closely link Belize and Quintana Roo.
b) Jointly develop regional invest ment programs and policies;
operation and coordination, which will fa cilitate the implementation of activities to:
a) Generate opportunities for invest ment and business;
PlanBelize Scores
The second memorandum formalized the commitment between the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment of Belize and the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Quintana Roo to establish a formal frame work for inter-organizational technical co
2 MoU’s: GoB & State of Q. Roo
September 8, 2022 marked a historic event and a forging of a business relation ship between Belize and the State of Quin tana Roo of the United Mexican States.

Two memoranda were signed by Be lize and Mexico. The first memorandum was signed between the Corozal Free Zone and the Chetumal Industrial Park to facilitate collaboration between the two in vestment schemes and to collaborate on attracting investment and markets.


$8Million Dollar Primary Radar Approved
One of the Good Governance Unit’s primary goals is to be the Secretariat of the People’s Constitution Commis sion, referred to as the PCC. The Peo ple’s Constitution Commission will be a commission that is tasked with con ducting a comprehensive consultative review of the Constitution of Belize and submitting this report to the Office of the Prime Minister. The PCC member ship will comprise some of the most vital civil society organizations/agen cies in Belize as well as the private and political sectors. This comprehensive review and report will cover the common reforms and feedback gathered from you, the Belizean Peo ple.
Establishment of the Good Governance Unit
Belize Hosts the 244th RegionalBoard Meeting of COCESNA
The Central American Corporation of Aero Navigation Services (COCESNA) Regional Board of Directors held its 244th Ordinary Meeting in Belize from September 8 to 9, 2022, in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.

Hon. Andre Perez was accompanied at the meeting by Kennedy Carrillo, Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation.
• To generate public awareness, enthusiasm (buy-in), and active and thoughtful participation in the Constitutional & Political Reform Consultations of the Peoples’ Constitution Commission

• Educate the public on good governance practices, constitu tional and political reforms and the different government structures and •systems.Toincrease public participation in constitutional and political reform and participatory democracy
The radar will also be able to detect non-cooperating aircraft and assist in the fight against narco-trafficking in Belize and the region.”
The meeting provided the opportunity for the official approval of a new, top-of-the-line $8-million Primary radar for Belize. This Primary radar will be an upgrade to the Secondary radar that is presently operational. It will have the capacity to not only improve aviation safety in Be lize but will also provide meteorological data and maritime surveillance. The radar will also be able to detect non-cooperating aircraft and assist in the fight against narco-trafficking in Belize and the Duringregion.his remarks, Hon. Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, said, “Belize is poised in a highly favorable position at this time. We are assuming our rightful place around the table and taking a leadership role in the decisions that impact our country and our region.”All Central American member countries attended the high-level meeting, which saw the approval of technical support that will be contingent on Belize as it prepares for its second audit by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2023.
The first task of the Good Governance Unit, as Secretariat of the PCC, will be to assist the Commission in carrying out a nationwide public education campaign. The three main campaign objectives will be:
The next meeting of the COCESNA Board is scheduled to be held in Montreal, Canada, during the 41st International Civil Aviation Organization General Assembly, which will be held from September 27 to October 7, 2022.
The purpose of this Public Education campaign is based on the recognition that more than 55 per cent (55%) of our population do not finalise a full Secondary Education program and teaching-subject areas that cover how we are governed. The understanding of our con stitution is also very weak in the Primary Education System. Acknowl edging this deficiency in our People is key to why public education is necessary so that the exercise of the People’s Constitutional Commis sion consultation can be an Inclusive, Informed, Transparent and Ef fective undertaking, which in return will result in an informed Reform Consultation.
Fight Against Narco Planes gets a BOOST
As a people, together, we are seeing a country rebounding.
Together, we continue the work of building a Belize that works for everyone. And with the help of our friends including Taiwan we will keep moving forward.
I wish Belize and all our people, our partners in development, our friends and allies, a happy 41st Independence.
The pandemic was hardly our only challenge. Belize is affected by the ongoing war between Russia and the Ukraine. We have taken a strong position, against this sort of dictatorial aggression which has already resulted in loss of life in the tens of Indeed,thousands.westand in solidarity with Ukraine, as we do with Taiwan, which is itself facing increased aggression from China, we do so because we truly believe in the right to self-determination a principle enshrined in the UN Charter.
As our young, vibrant nation prepares to celebrate its 41st birthday, I remain ever grateful to the Central American Trade Office for its participation in hosting our na tional celebrations.
We do so this year under the theme ‘Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong – Belize Rebounds at 41,’ because it speaks to the resilience of our people, and our ability to stand united and undaunted despite the challenges we face. It is a qual ity we share with our friends in Taiwan.
It is manifested in businesses hiring, and building, and our people getting back to Itwork.ismanifested by our tourism stakeholders who are once again welcoming visitors to our beautiful shores.
Valiant and Bold. Proud and Strong is manifested today in our students back at school, after being out for so long.
Forty-one years on, Belize is a dynamic nation and people, a democracy alive and strong.
It is a beautiful thing to witness, a glorious coming of age for our young nation and vibrant people.
It is also manifested in those citizens who are standing up and making their voices heard, which is their right in a free society like ours.
The celebrations this year, on the eve of our Independence, are indicative of a people re-energized following almost two years of pandemic lockdown.
Address at the Opening of Belize’s Culture Month & 41st Anniversary of Belize’s Independence Day At the Embassy of Belize & Central America Trade Office In Taiwan on September 13th, 2022 Prime Minister John Briceño

The project entailed the construction of a two-story ferro-concrete struc ture complete with five classrooms, a computer laboratory, lavatories on both levels, a ramp, staircase, kinder classroom, staff room, offices and kitchenette. At a total of BZ$1,299,450, funding for the project was made possible through the Government of Belize and the Caribbean Development Bank's Social Investment Fund Loan III.
In attendance at the inauguration ceremony were Hon. Florencio Marin Jr., Minister of National Defence and Border Security and the Area Repre sentative for Corozal South-East; Mrs. Dian Maheia, Chief Executive Officer, MoECST; Mrs. Thea Garcia-Ramirez, Board Member, BSIF; Mr. Carlos Tun, Executive Director, BSIF; and teachers, student and parents of Calcutta Gov ernment School.
Notice is hereby given that Yong Fa He/Xiang Hui He are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Fa Shop” located at #19 Philip Goldson Highway, Sandhill Village, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jian Yang Rong is applying for a Shop Liquor Li cense to be operated at “Union City” located at # 34 Vernon Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Luis Gon zalez is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “TJ Sports Bar & Karaoke” located at # 2 Bethias Lane, Orange Walk Town, Or ange Walk District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
a) an Attorney-at-Law qualified to practice law in Belize b) versed in preparing, vetting and drafting legal documents
The Secretary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission Ground Floor, Sir. Edney Cain Building Thru’ the Office of the Solicitor General Attorney General’s Ministry Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Tele phone number: 822-2504 or 822-0519 email address:
Notice is hereby given that Hay Tuen Tong is applying for a Con venience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Tong Hay Tuen Fast Food” located at #19 Bay men Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Li quor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Meiling Luo is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operat ed at “Zhong Wang Shop” located at # 15 Hopkins Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Maum mer Koc is applying for a Restau rant Liquor License to be operated at “Celebrity Restaurant” located on Marine Parade, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
On September 8, 2022, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST) in partnership with the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) officially inaugurated a new school building for the Calcutta Govern ment Pre-Primary and Primary School in the Corozal District.
Notice is hereby given that Huan Chao Liang is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Yo Cheng Xiao Shop” located at #139 Cemetery Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition
c) rendering legal advice to members of the public on legal issues d) in good health.
e) a person who conducts himself at all times, both in his profes sional and in his personal life, in a manner that will maintain public con Experiencefidence. and training required:
Notice is hereby given that Jack Chiu is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Milky Way Cafe” located at # 1643 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jian Shan Huang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operat ed at “Wong Shop” located at 18 ¼ Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Re vised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Xin Chen Su/You Wei Tang are apply ing for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New Glory Shop” located at # 19 New Road, Belize City, Belize District under the In toxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Shun Hua Tan is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Hello Supermarket” located at # 106 A Free town Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Yanling Chen is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “New Asia Restaurant” located at # 15 Ver non Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Pin Yin Wu Li is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Wu Ma Fast Food” located at # 863 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Or dinance Revised Edition 1980.
Interested persons may download an application package from the Attor ney General’s Ministry Website – or submit in writing to:
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 30, 2022
is hereby given that Yong Fa He/Xiang Hui He are applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Fa Shop” locat ed at #19 Philip Goldson Highway, Sandhill Village, Belize District un der the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Note: Only suitably qualified applicants will be acknowledged. The Com mission is not bound to make an appointment from among those persons who apply.
a) Minimum of eight (8) years’ experience as an Attorney at Law; b) Bachelor of Laws Degree from a recognized institution; c) Legal Education Certificate or its equivalent; and d) Minimum of three (3) years’ experience in management.
8 18 2022SEP088
Notice is hereby given that Guo Hong Deng is applying for a Pub lican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Sen Sen Game Room” located at #43 Daly Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Chun Hua Huang is applying for a Con venience Store Liquor License to be operated at “J. Mall” located in Hattieville Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor Li cense Ordinance Revised Edition

Suitably qualified applicants are invited to fill the position of:
is hereby given that Su Mei Kuang is applying for a Shop Liquor Li cense to be operated at “B & J Shop” located at # 3 Lakeview Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicat ing Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Xiao Peng Zhu is applying for a Shop Liquor Li cense to be operated at “828 Super Center” located at # 2126 Chetumal Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordi nance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Chun Mei Liu is applying for a Shop Liquor Li cense to be operated at “Brother Store” located at # 15 Gordon Drive, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Applicants must submit proof of qualifications and two reference con tacts along with application.
Salary: pay scale 25 of $47,624 x 1,644 - $78,860 per annum
Applicants for the position of Director – Legal Advice and Services Cen ter must be:
Belize Social Investment Fund Inaugurating SchoolBuilding in Calcutta
11th Anniversary of the passing of the Father of the Nation
: ▪
Assist in the preparation of the Central Bank’s audited financial statement in collaboration with external auditors and in compliance with Central Bank of Belize Act, International Financial Reporting Standards , and other relevant legislations;
A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Banking, Business Administration , or other related field from a recognized university with six (6) years of progressively related administrative duties and training , and six (6) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset.
community a FULL day of open service. The PUP serves the people every day. But today the action will be more con certed and deliberate and hands-on in the community.Someschools will take action as schools within the community. Parks will be cleaned, beautified, upgraded. Community structures will be painted. People will be fed and highway sides will be cleaned up of debris. The idea
is to showcase what George Price would like us to do most days of our lives. A Belize that constantly is in service to each other is a Belize that will prosper for many more years to come.So as we observe his memorial at his tomb and observe Belizeans all around the country in service, every one must grab a sliver of good habit and incorporate it into their daily lives.
Assist in the development and implementation of goals, priorities, procedures and internal controls necessary for auditing, budget, financial analysis, and property management in accordance with the general accepted account ing principles, policies, procedures, and other applicable Bank rules and guidelines;
Our northern neighbour prepares to celebrate its Independence Day September 16 and today PM Briceño shared in cultural festivities at the Mex ico Institute of Culture in Belize City. Our Central American friends celebrate their separate Independence day Sep tember de Independencia!

The applicants should possess the following:
It's our national tertiary level and refer ral medical facility. The services offered by the facility is made possible through the dedication of the medical professionals who serve our people within these walls. We are grateful for their commitment to care and my Administration continues to try to meet the immense need for resources, person nel and equipment to ensure a level of care befitting our people. It is a partnership that we remain committed to and pledge to keep working to improve in the areas necessary. Congratulations to the management and service team at the Karl Heusner Me morial Hospital for 27 years of giving care. We thank you!
Perform any other related duties that may be assigned.
Belize Act, relevant
PM on KHMH 27 Years of Caring

OR ▪
Feliz Día Independenciade –Mexico y AmericaCentro
Prepare and disseminate monthly reports of the Bank’s financial performance to the governing body;
Cashier at Al Madina Store, located on West Collet Canal, Belize City, Belize. Call cell # 624-8554 for more information.
Assist in the preparation of the Central Bank’s annual and revised budget and manage the processing o f all revenue and expenditures of the Bank;
Perform vault operations as the principal vault custodian;
Domestic Banks
The Assistant Manager, Accounts and Budget, provides support to the Manager, Accounts and Budget , in the general administration of the Accounts and Budget Department. The incumbent assists in supervising the department’s staff, administering vault custodian functions, providing advice on the Central Bank’s performance, producing Central Bank’s financial statements, ensuring compliance with the relevant requirements of the applicable laws, and ensuring conformity with the department’s policies and procedures to mitigate operational and financial risk s.
▪ In
Act, accounting
principles, IFRS
(January 15, 1919 – September 19, 2011)Belize will be commemorating the day by putting a George Price mantra into action. George Price was about SERVING THE PEOPLE and so was his People’s United Party. From Corozal to Toledo each PUP representative and committee will be putting into their

TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE depth knowledge of the Central Bank of sections of the and Institutions concepts and standards and internal control processes; Sound knowledge of management and strategies, procurement management theories and practices; Knowledge of principles, business and management principles and strategic management approach; Proficient in applications, including accounting software and Microsoft Office Suite.
Manage and ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the Central Bank’s payment and procurement operations within the framework of established systems, procedures, and internal controls;
COMPETENCIES ▪ Personal Credibility, Flexibility, Personal Accountability, Fostering Teamwork, Managing Performance, Attention to Communication, Results Orientation, Managing Change, Diagnostic Information Gathering, Thoroughness, Initiative, Analytical Thinking. Submit the following documents by Monday, 19 September 2022: ▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) ▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) ▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates ASSISTANT MANAGER, ACCOUNTS AND BUDGET The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Accounts and Budget Department Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Assistant Manager, Accounts and Budget Accounts and Budget Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
National Service Day 2022
A Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Banking, Business Administration, or other related field from a recognized university with three (3) years of progressively related administrative duties and training, and three (3) years managerial experience. Experience in strategic management and project management methodologies would be an asset ;
Ensure effective time management in preparation of all reports and reconciliations prepare d by staff within the department; and

A high-level Belize Delegation led by Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Eco nomic Development and Investment, and Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Manage ment, is participating in the second Green Climate Fund (GCF) Global Pro gramming Conference, from Septem ber 13 to 15, 2022, in Incheon, Repub lic of TheKorea.conference seeks to take stock of the GCF’s role in enabling cli mate action and will provide a stage for GCF stakeholders to inform the strategy for the second replenishment period in effectively responding to the increasingly urgent need to address climate change and meet the objec tives of the Paris Agreement. It also presents the opportunity to advance country programming, share lessons from implementation, and dissemi nate knowledge of GCF operational tools, as well as strengthen the GCF partnership network.
With a view to enhance Belize’s access to climate finance on a time lier basis and to ensure the efficien cy of project implementation, the minister urged the fast-tracking of accreditation of national entities that can serve as effective implementing partners and for the program approv al process to be further simplified. Minister Coye also recommended that GCF makes direct allocations to Belize for building national capacity.
Also representing Belize at the Global Programming Conference were Dr. Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Min ister of State in the Ministry of Ed ucation, Culture, Science and Tech nology; Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO for the Ministry of Economic Devel opment and National Designated Au thority for GCF; Dr. Kenrick Williams, CEO, Ministry of Sustainable Devel opment; Mr. Carlos Pol, Director of the Climate Finance Unit, Ministry of Economic Development; Mr. Leroy Martinez, Economist and GCF Focal Point in the Climate Finance Unit, Ministry of Economic Development; Mrs. Nayari Diaz-Perez, Executive Di rector of the Belize Protected Areas Conservation Trust; (PACT) and Mr. Eli Romero, Project Development Officer, PACT.
Coye presented on be half of the delegation and expressed Belize’s appreciation to GCF for mobi lizing climate finance for the country’s
The Government of Belize is looking forward to the continued partnership and support from GCF.

THE BELIZE TIMES10 18 2022SEP PUBLIC AUCTION PROPERTIESSALES: BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions. com the following properties. Sales currently running until 8th November 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fort nightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold. Placencia, Stann Creek District & San Lorenzo Road Area; San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District 1. Parcel No. 1164 Maya Beach Area, Placencia, Stann Creek District: 2. Parcel No. 3128 of San Lorenzo Road, Orange Walk District: 3. Parcel No. 1228 Orange Walk Bypass Road, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 1164 The freehold property of Mr. Macedonio Wewe REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ann Gabourel 4 3128 The freehold property of Ms. Joann Nicole Ayala REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 1228 The freehold property of Mr. Juan Montano “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE” TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. Face Book: Belize Auctions Happy Independence Day “Valiant and Bold, Proud and Strong! Belize Rebounds @ 41!” From the Hon. Kareem Musa and the people of Caribbean Shores

High Level Delegation Represents Belize in Korea: Addressing Climate Change

Belize, like many other small is land developing states, is particularly vulnerable to climate change with lim ited access to national financial and technical resources to build the coun try’s resilience. Recognizing the need to take proactive actions, the Govern ment of Belize has focused efforts on acquiring support for resiliency build ing from key funding agencies such as the GCF.Minister
resiliency building, particularly in the project implementation of the Resil ient Rural Belize Program of which BZ$4,829,600 was funded by GCF through a loan and BZ$12,170,400 through a grant.



▪ Develop and implement strategic plan, policies, and procedures to achieve the department’s goals and strategic objectives.
▪ Manage the Records and Archive System and provide effective guidance to ensure the efficiency of its operations.
The ongoing MSME roadshow will be the platform showcasing numerous mi cro, small, and medium producers intend ed to acclimate the Belizeans to buy the locally made products. It is clear that the effects of consumer ethnocentrism “the righteousness of consumers purchasing foreign-made products” is swiftly coming to an end. At the national policymaking level, the PUP Government is implement ing the buy Belize promotion in order to resonate that Belizean products are viable alternatives to foreign-made goods, thus moving Belize from political indepen dence to economic independence. The Office of Prime Minister John Briceño and CEO Narda Garcia continues to lead the charge of national development.
The Manager, Administration provides overall direction for all activities related to general services, records management, and physical facilities. The incumbent is responsible for the development and implementation of strategic objectives, annual budg ets, policies, and goals in each of these areas. The Manager, Administration manages the administrative functions to provide all other departments with basic services and a workable safe environment in support of the Central Bank of Belize’s operations.
The silent charge by CEO Garcia is to answer the nagging questions. Do consumers in Belize purchase imported products because there are no local substi tutes or rather do Belizeans prefer imports? Imports has been a mainstay of the Belizean economy repre senting more than half of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) as Belize remains one of the most open and dependent economies of the world.

The first stop was to Marie Sharp's Fine Foods Ltd, a company that has been exporting hot pepper sauce to the USA, Canada, Japan, and Germany. The production of hot pepper sauce has increased from 236,000 pounds in 2019 to 642,000 in 2021. Projected export production is 710,000 pounds in 2022. Marie Sharp is investing US$4 million to increase its process ing capacity from 90 bottles to 200 bottles per minute. Sharp employs 60 factory workers, mostly women, and gives business to over 70 farmers in the Stann Creek of the tour was the Silk Grass Farm
What could be considered one of the final ves tiges of colonialism is being dismantled by the Office of the Prime Minister with Mrs. Narda Garcia leading the charge. Mrs. Garcia is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the Office of the Prime Minister with respon sibilities of Investments. The seductive inclination, the penchant to import foreign goods is considered the legacy condition termed as “hyper-importation” that is rooted in Belize's colonial past. Richard Wilkes (1990).
▪ Manage all activities related to the cleaning services and maintenance of the Central Bank’s facilities, compound, equipment and related systems.
▪ Manage the Central Bank’s stock inventory including supplies, and fixed assets as it relates to the procurement, description, labeling, location, and disposal.
▪ Prepare, present, and monitor annual budgets and expenditures
A Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Management from a recognized university with three (3) years managerial experience. Experience in the areas of human relations, records management, procurement, inventory, and assets management would be an asset, minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Accounting or Management from a recognized university with at least six (6) years managerial experience. Experience in the areas of human relations, records management, procurement, inventory, and assets management would be an asset.
However, the People’s United Party upon taking the lead of government insists on the development of the Haven of Democracy and the move to economic independence and the resurrection of the citizenry's productive geniuses. The Investment Summit held in La Isla Bonita, San Pedro served as the springboard in creating an enabling environment for foreign as well as local investment. Thereafter, the Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) Road Show is in furtherance in a “build Belize, buy Belize” campaign. A visit to two Southern businesses by CEO Garcia showcased in vestments that is creating its own niche market across the globe. The fact-finding tour was to lend support to entrepreneurs and investors.

▪ Manage and approve procurement and payments in accordance with the Central Bank’s Procurement Policy.
▪ Organize the Central Bank’s Business Continuity meeting in the event of a disaster and the updating of the Business Continuity Plan to ensure proper execution when required.
▪ Develop, manage, and control the Central Bank’s Mail Distribution, Reprographic Function and Collectible Coin programme
In what the writer considers a paradigm shift from the culprit of colonialism, CEO Garcia have em barked on a fact-finding mission in tandem with the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit, with the aim to support and to develop the productive sector. The shift from what Joseph Iyo in the article: “Belize and the Challenge of Globalization” suggests is the “orgy of consumerism and distributive trade to productivity”.
and its production. The farm is in vesting $60 million in the produc tion and value addition of coconut products. The facility produces coconut oil, coconut water, coco nut milk and other by-products. Fruits and vegetables will be pro cessed into various value-added products. Belizean technicians will be contracted to build the new factory design in anticipation of the increase in production. Silk Grass Farm employs 200 factory workers.
▪ Manage the general services functions including transportation, messenger and janitorial services , and the procurement of goods and services related to the activities of the Central Bank.
The applicants should possess the following:
▪ Manage and oversee the maintenance, operations, projects, and contracts for the Facility Management Unit.
▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank of Belize Act, Central Bank of Belize’s policies and procedures, accounting principles and practices, specifically in electronic assets management, and procurement procedures, internal control processes, and business and management principles; Possesses, applies, and maintain a high degree of knowledge in the relevant area to deliver quality work, and keeps informed of the latest trends and development in the discipline; Proficient in software applications including Microsoft Office Suite COMPETENCIES ▪ Personal Credibility, Flexibility, Personal Accountability, Fostering Teamwork, Managing Performance, Communication, Results Orientation, Managing Change, Strategic Thinking, Thoroughness, Analytical Thinking, Leadership, Empowering SubmitOthersthefollowing documents by Wednesday, 14 September 2022: ▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online) ▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) ▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates MANAGER, ADMINISTRATION The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Manager Administration Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
▪ Develop a Records and Information Management strategy in accordance with international best practices.
Ministry of Investments Team Visits the South WHO IS LEADING THE CHARGE?

OR ▪ A
In the article “Consumer Goods, Cultural Imperialism and Underdevelopment in Belize wrote that “from its early colonial history, [Belize] has been dependent on imported goods for survival.” Additionally, Tom Barry (1995) ‘Inside Belize’ proffered that “as a British Colo ny, the country [Belize] grew accustomed to importing virtually everything it consumed.” Barry also suggests that the “heavy preference of consumers for imported goods may be traced “to the colonial era” where “the local government discouraged local agriculture while promoting imported items, particularly those from Britain.” Presently, the largest percentage of imports comes from the USA and some straddled across the Central American region and Mexico.

¡Ahora es el momento adecuado para pensar en grande y enfocarse bien!
On the third day of the Roadshow, there was a small business showcase in the form of a pop-up shop (marketplace) where the entrepreneurs showcase, promote and sell their products and services…. for free!
The Economic Development Council in the Office of the Prime Minister is the Government of Belize’s official mechanism for public-private sector dialogue and has the mandate of promot ing and fostering an atmosphere of confidence, understanding, partnership and collaboration between the government and business community of Belize, on macro-economic issues that are important for increasing Belize’s competitiveness.
1. The landmark decision that 20% of government purchases are to be earmarked to MSMEs by 2025.
A lo largo del Roadshow, las mujeres empresarias también tienen la oportunidad de dar una presentación, en cámara, sobre su negocio, una oportunidad para ganar una subvención comercial de $2,500. Realmente deseaba que mi negocio ya estuviese activado, para poder participar en esa acción. Estoy tan inspirada y me siento preparada para seguir adelante - me siento cada vez más confiada debido a toda la información y conexiones que el Road show me ofreció.
El empresario Beliceño: Estoy Lista para Lanzar el Negocio de mis Sueños
I attended the Roadshow for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and I now feel that I am almost ready to take off!
• “Buying Local” campaigns
The second day was a ‘formalization clinic’ at which participating entrepreneurs get first-hand access to a cross-section of agencies involved in starting and operating a business including the Companies Registry, Social Security, the Belize Tax Service, the Labour Department and the Belize Business Bureau to name a few. Also at this clinic were several financial institutions such as the Development Finance Corporation, the National Bank of Belize, commercial banks and credit unions, providing information on small business loan programmes on offer. Even the Central Bank of Belize is participating and providing information on the importance of financial literacy and inclusion. Speaking of which, digital wallets such as E-Kyash and NBBPay also feature as important tools for making payments between sellers and buyers convenient and secure. Interestingly, BelizeON also has a spot showcasing how their package delivery services work which is so important for connecting businesses with customers across Belize.
At the roadshow I heard that MSMEs can benefit from:
• Increased opportunities for MSME to supply products and services to the Government of Belize
• Access to support provided by BELTRAIDE’s Small Business Development Center on things like technical analysis and insight on investment areas

• Mejoramiento de los vínculos comerciales y el acceso a los mercados, mediante el Directorio Nacional de MiPyMEs, que se lanzará próximamente
• Improved business linkages and market access through the soon-to-be launched National MSME Directory
The Belizean Entrepreneur: I am Ready to Launch my Dream Business
The first day of the Roadshow was what they called “bootcamp style” business training in topics ranging from goal setting to budgeting, social media marketing and good customer service. You can also sign up to join BELTRAIDE’s Virtual Knowledge Center which connects participants digitally with a wealth of information and guidance.
2. Duty exemptions on packaging material through the MSME Enhancement Program
3. Business tax exemptions for the first 4 (four) years of operation of a new business, with possible extension of 4 (four) more years, will be availed by the Belize Tax Service. Now is the right time to think big and aim right!
• Campañas de "Compra Local"
• Más información sobre oportunidades de financiación
“Creando oportunidades a través del diálogo, los enlaces y la reforma”
¡Asistí al espectáculo itinerante nacional para empresas micro, pequeñas y medianas (MiPyMEs) (National MSME Roadshow), y ahora siento que estoy casi lista para lanzarme!
About the EDC
• Mayores oportunidades para que las MiPyMEs suministren productos y servicios al Gobierno de Belice
The national MSME Strategy and Policy and the outreach to MSMEs are deliveries on #PlanBelize and they are arriving at such good timing for me and other young and female entrepreneurs. “My Dream Businesses”, here I come!
¡En el tercer día del Roadshow hubo un escaparate de pequeñas empresas en forma de una tienda emergente (mercado) donde los empresarios exhiben, promocionan y venden sus productos y servicios gratuitamente!
I also heard of three major policy approvals by Cabinet that present MSMEs with windows of opportunity:
1. La decisión histórica de que el 20% de las compras del gobierno se destinen a las MiPyMEs entre el 2022 y 2025.
La Estrategia y Política Nacional de MiPyMEs y el alcance a las MiPyMEs son objetivos del #PlanBelize y están llegando en un momento ideal para mí, otras mujeres y jóvenes empresa rios. "Negocios de mis Sueños", ¡es la hora de lanzamiento!
Entonces, ¿cual negocio es el adecuado para mí? Estoy tan emocionada pensando sobre la posibilidad de no pagar impuestos durante 4 años. Como recordarás, es mi sueño ayudar a otros empresarios a vender sus productos y servicios locales en línea. También sería perfecto poder poner el postre beliceño de mi abuela Rose en los estantes de las tiendas. Estoy col ectando mis documentos y preparándome para lanzar mi negocio. Lo primero que haré ahora es organizarme. También investigaré lo que necesito para que mi empresa pueda obtener las exenciones de derechos sobre el embalaje para poder ayudar a los productores a rediseñar el empaque de sus productos, ahorrando en costos de envío y aumentando sus márgenes de ga nancia. Los costos de embalaje reducidos también me ayudarán a obtener el mejor empaque posible para el postre especial de mi abuela Rose "Puff-up Fried Jacks".
El primer día del Roadshow fue lo que llamaron capacitación empresarial “estilo boot camp" sobre un rango de temas incluso el establecimiento de objetivos, el presupuesto, la mercadotecnia en redes sociales y el servicio al cliente. También puede uno inscribirse con el Centro de Conocimiento Virtual de BELTRAIDE, el cual conecta a los participantes digitalmente con una gran cantidad de información y orientación.
“Creating opportunities through dialogue, partnership and reform”
En el Roadshow escuché que las MiPyMEs pueden beneficiarse de:
El segundo día fue una "clínica de formalización" en la que los empresarios participantes obtienen acceso de primera mano a una muestra representativa de agencias involucradas en el inicio y operación de un negocio, incluyendo el Registro de Empresas, el Seguro Social, el Servicio de Impuestos, el Departamento del Trabajo y la Oficina de Actividades Empresariales. También estuvieron presentes varias organizaciones financieras tales como la Corporación Fi nanciera para el Desarrollo, el Banco Nacional de Belice, bancos comerciales y cooperativas de crédito, que proporcionaban información sobre los programas de financiamiento disponibles para las empresas pequeñas. En este evento, el Banco Central de Belice está otorgando in formación sobre la importancia de la educación y la inclusión financiera. Las billeteras digitales presentadas, como E-Kyash y NBBPay, también sirven como herramientas importantes para facilitar los pagos entre vendedores y compradores de manera conveniente y segura. BelizeON también estuvo presente para demostrar cómo funcionan sus servicios, incluso la entrega de paquetes, que es algo importante para conectar a las empresas con sus clientes a través del país.
Esta serie ha sido producida por la Oficina Público-Privada en la Oficina del Primer Ministro, secretaría técnica del Consejo de Desarrollo Económico (EDC), Belmopan, 25 de agosto de 2022.
• More information on financing opportunities
3. La exención de impuestos comerciales de un nuevo negocio durante los primeros 4 (cuatro) años de operación, con, posiblemente una extensión de 4 (cuatro) años más, por el Servicio de Impuestos de Belice.
¡Está resuelto! Ahora iré al próximo Roadshow para informarme cómo se pueden or ganizar las dos exenciones fiscales, y para hablar con los bancos y las cooperativas de crédito que estarán Despuésallí.de eso, solicitaré mi certificado comercial en el Registro Mercantil y registraré mis dos negocios en Con mi certificado de negocios podré registrarme en el Servicio de Impuestos de Belice, con el Seguro Social y con otras organizaciones, como la empresaria autónoma que soy.
Throughout the Roadshow, female entrepreneurs also have the chance to give an “elevator pitch” presentation on camera talking about their business for the opportunity to win a business grant of $2,500. Deep down I wished I was already in business in order to jump in on that action. I am feeling so inspired and ready to dive in. I’m feeling more and more confident because of all the information and connections that the Roadshow offered me.
This feature series has been produced by the Public-Private Desk in the Office of the Prime Minister, technical secretariat to the Economic Development Council (EDC), Belmopan, August 25, 2022.
So which business is right for me? I am so excited thinking about the possibility of not paying taxes for 4 years. As you might remember, it is my dream to help other entrepreneurs sell their local products and services online. It would also be perfect to be able to get my Grandma Rose’s Belizean dessert on the store shelves. I’m gathering my documents and getting ready to jump in. The first move I will now make is to organize myself. I will also research what I need so that my business can get access to the duty exemptions on packaging and I can help the producers to re-design their product packaging, saving on shipping costs while helping them increase their profit margins. Lower packaging costs will also help me to get the best packaging possible for my Grandma Rose’s special “Puff-up Fried Jacks”.
• Acceso al apoyo proporcionado por el Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de BELTRAIDE en cosas como el análisis técnico y el conocimiento de áreas de in Tambiénversiónescuché sobre tres políticas importantes aprobadas por el Gabinete guberna mental que presentan oportunidades para las MiPyMEs:
2. Las exenciones de derechos sobre el material de embalaje a través del Programa de Mejoramiento para las MiPyMEs
Acerca del EDC El Consejo de Desarrollo Económico de la Oficina del Primer Ministro es el mecanismo oficial del Gobi erno de Belice para el diálogo entre los sectores público y privado y tiene el mandato de promover y fomentar mayor confianza y la comprensión, la asociación y la colaboración entre el gobierno y la comunidad empre sarial de Belice, en cuestiones macroeconómicas de importancia para aumentar la competitividad de Belice.
It’s settled! I am headed off to get just a bit more information at the next Roadshow, on how the two tax breaks can be arranged, and to talk with the banks and credit unions that will be there. After that I will apply for my business certificate with the Companies Registry and register my two businesses on With my business certificate I will be able to register with the Belize Tax Service, with Social Security and with other organizations, as the self-employed businesswoman that I am.
THE BELIZE TIMES 1518 2022SEP Prime Minister Briceño and Office of the PM staff Greet Belizeans at Home and Abroad Happy Independence41stDay



224-4488 (September 21, 2022)

It is clear that the Pastor is one hundred percent against the republican sys tem of government and he has no tolerance for any talk of anti-colonialism. He referred to republic discussions as “crap”, “nonsense” and “stupidness.” His strongly held view is that “this thing about Republic is exclusively a thing of power.” “The only argument they have brought is the stupid chest pumping argument of republic.”
We probably need another Irwin X with his powerful poem “Life Hard Out Ya!”Every item and food stuff have seen ongoing increases. This is happening all over the world. Covid, the Russian War, and inflation are said to be the main causes.Many countries across the world are implementing several initiatives to reduce the burden that rising of cost of living is placing on their citizens.
It is against this background that we were concerned over comments by the Pastor on Plus TV on Monday morning.
If Belize one day decides to go republic, it is highly likely they will follow the Barbados approach. They will simply change the laws, so that the King is no lon ger the Head of State and the position of Governor General will be changed to President and they have no power. The elected Prime Minister and his Ministers will continue to have all the power.
All these media outlets are an important part of our country’s democracy. There is much more they can do, but we are thankful for small mercies. Their contributions to development issues are minimal. Nothing on cottage industries, business, entrepreneur, rural life, urban challenges, academic and intellectual is sues. No program for students and nothing for children, or about local artists and writers. Incredibly, there is nothing about books. It is possible these are much harder to sustain lively discussions in the mornings, or to find guests who are articulate and can hold the attention of audiences.
A minor argument with a Warder or Warden led to him being sent to a hor rible place. He says that at the prison they call it the hole.
overpower the rest of us”.
Our faults and our failures are outweighed by many achievements, including our basic goodness as a people who fear God and enjoy ethnic harmony. Our land is abundant with many resources. Our land is blessed with many resources.
Belize would have received its independence in the early 1960’s when the British could no longer afford to carry the burden of having many territories. Ja maica, Trinidad, Guyana and several African countries were getting their indepen dence. Guatemala had been saying as soon as the British left, they would use force to come and take back this land, which was theirs.
We asked the young man if he wished to take out a lawsuit and get easy money. He said he will get his revenge his way.
“Explain to me how Belize is going to benefit militarily (if Belize goes repub lic). Explain to me how it will affect our Judiciary and independent parliament.”
day came and went. We struggled to finance our annual bud gets. We sacrificed and did without many things. We lost our way. We had no vision. The two-party system with all its faults, sapped our limited energy and distracted us from national upliftment. But we have much to be grateful for.
To all Belizeans throughout the length and width of beautiful Belize. We wish you a blessed, peaceful and enjoyable 41st Independence Birthday.
Channel 5 has a morning show, but like Love FM, they studiously avoid con troversial issues and topics. There is no call in from the audience.
Krem has a morning show. They tackle any and every issue. Interaction with their audience is encouraged and invited by the hosts. Many times, it is the call ers who focus on whatever hot issue is current. Ideas, criticism and opinions flow freely. None of the two hosts shy away from controversial topics.
Channel 7 had no morning shows for donkey’s years, but a few months ago, a kind of young people show emerged with young persons as hosts. They are energetic and animated. They are fresh on the scene and tend to be glib but are to be welcomed. There is no call in or interaction with their audience.
He spent one month in the hole. No electricity, no regular bath, the one meal tasted horrible. All night, every night, he is eaten alive by mosquitoes, bugs and ants in the dark. No recreation, no phone calls, no visits, no interaction with any human, just insects. He says others are in the hole for more than two months.Wecontacted attorney Banner. He told us the Rules governing the prison are clear. There must be a proper hearing and an Inquiry before any prisoner can be disciplined by being sent to Administrative Segregation. The horrible place prisoners call the Hole. He says complaints are numerous of arbitrary punish ments. And worse, the law is that no person can be placed in any hole for more than fifteen days total.
A youngish man went to see a lawyer, over a land his mother holds lease. The young man had just been out of prison the same morning. During conver sation, he mentioned his nightmare experience while on remand at the prison.
The talk show scene in the mornings feature five radio/tv stations. These are Love FM, Channel 7, Channel 5, Krem and Plus TV.
Dictatorship is a different kettle of fish. Dictatorship happens with monar chy as well as with democracy. Most of the time, a dictator uses the military to overthrow those in charge of the country and they take over and rule by force.
He said a few families already control our country. He said it is the politi cians who are pushing for a republican system of government. He said, ‘We should not allow one small group of politicians or a small group in Belize City to
The government should rethink the issue of the continuing rise in the cost of living. This is the number one issue facing the vast majority of our people.
We were never properly prepared for taking full management of our poor, neglected, backward country. George Price had been fighting for so, so long that the dream of “with independence will come development” had faded. We were jaded.Independence
Plus TV has a morning show. The main host is an evangelical pastor. The audi ence is invited to call in and there is no shyness or timidity in tackling controver sial issue. The Pastor does not push his religious views during the daily morning shows.There are two other radio and tv shows daily in the mornings, which also fea ture calls from their audience, but these two are party political radio/tv stations.
Every year, the United Nations Climate Change Conference holds meeting called COP which stands for Conference of the Parties. Just about all countries of the world attend.
And the climate is heating up and all living things on planet earth will be facing catastrophe.
By far, the three most outspoken, no-holds-barred hosts are the Pastor at Plus and Mose and Nuri on Krem. Their morning conversations and monologues are informative. They do some reading and research to allow them to comment and opinionate on issues, and they invite knowledgeable guests who can con verse on major topics.
Love FM is said to be the only fully countrywide station reaching every dis trict, San Pedro and most inhabited islands. Love FM has a daily morning show with mostly invited guests. The various hosts offer their views as questions and answers take place. Sometimes listener’s calls are aired and answered. Love FM generally shies away from controversial issues and topics.
Of the 195 countries in the world, 159 are republics.
In fact, both of them are absolutely wrong. They are confusing a republi can system of government with dictatorship. The USA is a republic, Trinidad and Guyana are republics, for decades. Barbados became a republic last year. Jamaica and three other English Caribbean countries say they will change to republic.Arepublic is simply a country where the Head of State is not a royal per son. When there is a royal person, it is called a monarchy. Britain is a monarchy with the Queen, now a King, as their Head of State. The King has no power. In some countries, the elected President is both Head of State and Head of Gov ernment…like in the U.S.A.
WeOminous.googled the Constitution of Belize, which only a few persons know. We found this on page 12. Section 7. “No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.” Wow!
Johnny Briceño and his new government are now the captains of the ship of state. Steering us away from waste and corruption. Tackling poverty and always being fair and just to all Belizeans. Providing us with inspiring leadership and attainable objectives. Be the government to usher in a better life and open all opportunities that lead our people to prosperity.
One serial caller to Plus TV called to say “republics have always been bloody… most republics have been under military rule.” The Pastor chimed in “You Are Absolutely Right.”
The intellectuals, academics, writers and editors of prestigious journals and newspapers all agreed. COP 27 will be another talk shop and like COP 26, and COP 25, and COP 24, etc, etc, will be another failure.
To spread misinformation is a terrible thing. It is the equivalent of a journal istic sin.
What Plus TV did Monday morning was a great disservice to their listeners. Belizeans are poorly educated and poorly informed on many important issues. The ignorance over our country’s Constitutional laws is a classic example. Our television and radio hosts have a duty to help inform our people.
Like most committees and conferences and meetings and summits and gathering concerning the United Nations, it is all talk, talk, talk and more talk. Then a resolution is drafted, then more talk on the words in the resolution and then all the delegates return to their countries. Not before the wine and dine and gorge themselves and visit exotic sights and tourist scenes. My, my, my!
Belize has implemented some measures, but we need to engage in an allout war to keep the cost of living as low as possible.
We finally achieved our independence, thanks to George Price, the PUP, and the thousands of Belizeans who looked forward to being in charge of their future and their country.
THE BELIZE TIMES20 18 2022SEP (Being a HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND BAR consisting Apartment Building: Ground Floor 1,225 sq. ft. + First Floor 2,500 sq. ft. + Second Floor 2,500 sq. ft. Total 6,225 sq. ft.] + Villa 1: 61 9 + Villa 2: 63 7 sq. ft. + Villa 3: 1, 257 sq. ft. + Villa 4: 619 sq. ft. + Restaurant & Bar: 2,300 sq. ft. + Swimming Pool: 374 sq. ft. + Pool Deck: 502 sq. ft. TOGETHER with BEACHFRONT 240.42 ft.] property 1800.144 S.M [2,15 2. 95 S.Y.] situate 4 ½ miles north of San Pedro Town , Ambergris Caye, the f re e hold pr o p e rt y of M ess r s Turtle Vacations L imited REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 9782 BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Alpha Gamma Financial Services Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 31st October 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold. COUNTRYWIDE PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTYBELIZEPROPERTYAUCTIONS.COMJOHN’SESCAPEBAR&GRILL San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE” TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. Face Book: Belize Auctions BELIZEPROPERTYAUCTIONS.COM COUNTRYWIDE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE S: PROPERT San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District JOHN’S ESCAPE BAR & GRILL BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Alpha Gamma Financial Services Limited Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via property. Sale currently running until 31st October 2022. Public Auction Sales will dates and times listed on the website until th is property is sold. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK7 (Being a HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND BAR consisting: Apartment Floor 1,225 sq. ft. + First Floor 2,500 sq. ft. + Second Floor 2,500 sq. ft. [ Total 6,225 Villa 2: 637 sq. ft. + Villa 3: 1,257 sq. ft. + Villa 4: 619 sq. ft. + Re sq. ft. + Swimming Pool: 374 sq. ft. + Pool Deck: 502 sq. ft. TOGETHER [240.42 ft.] property (1800.144 S.M [2,15 2.95 S.Y.]) situate 4 ½ miles Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Messrs. Turtle Vacations Limited) “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT TERMS: STRICTLYCASH KEVIN A. E-mail: Facebook: Belize Auctions BELIZEPROPERTYAUCTIONS.COM PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTY Ambergris Caye, Belize District ’S ESCAPE BAR & GRILL lpha Gamma Financial Services Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following October 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the th is property is sold. SECTION BLOCK PARCEL 7 9782 RESTAURANT AND BAR consisting: Apartment Building: Ground + Second Floor 2,500 sq. ft. [ Total 6,225 sq. ft.] + Villa 1: 619 + 257 sq. ft. + Villa 4: 619 sq. ft. + Restaurant & Bar: 2,300 Pool Deck: 502 sq. ft. TOGETHER with BEACHFRONT S.M [2,15 2.95 S.Y.]) situate 4 ½ miles north of San Pedro Town, essrs Turtle Vacations Limited) BELIZEPROPERTYAUCTIONS.COM COUNTRYWIDE PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTY San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District JOHN’S ESCAPE BAR & GRILL BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Alpha Gamma Financial Services Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 31st October 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until this property is sold. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 9782 (Being a HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND BAR consisting: Apartment Building: Ground Floor 1,225 sq. ft. + First Floor 2,500 sq. ft. + Second Floor 2,500 sq. ft. [ Total 6,225 sq. ft.] + Villa 1: 619 + Villa 2: 637 sq. ft. + Villa 3: 1,257 sq. ft. + Villa 4: 619 sq. ft. + Restaurant & Bar: 2,300 sq. ft. + Swimming Pool: 374 sq. ft. + Pool Deck: 502 sq. ft. TOGETHER with BEACHFRONT [240.42 ft.] property (1800.144 S.M [2,152.95 S.Y.]) situate 4 ½ miles north of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Messrs. Turtle Vacations Limited) “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE ” TERMS: STRICTLYCASH KEVIN A. E mail: Facebook: Belize Auctions

400 situate along Savannah Road, Independence Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. The freehold property of Ms. Maria J. Rodriguez) 14. Parcel No. 2911 Cedar Street, Santiago Juan Layout, San Ignacio, Cayo District: 15.Lot No. 400 Savannah Road, Independence Village, Stann Creek District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Ignacio North 23 2911 The freehold property of Ms. Adelita Zaiden. 19. Parcel No. 158 Sunset Park, 8 ½ Miles George Price Hwy, Western Paradise, Belize District: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 158 containing 1,013.39 S.M. situate at Mile 8.5 Northern Side of Hector Creek Road, Western Highway, Belize District of Belize, the freehold property of Mr. Law rence Ellis and Mrs. Kimberly Ellis) 21. Parcel No. 16/1 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District: 22. Parcel No. 244 Caledonia Village, Corozal District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Estevan 4 16/1 The leasehold property of Ms. Irma Olivera REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Caledonia Village 1 244 The freehold property of Messrs. Chico’s Company Limited 20. Parcels Nos. 639 &640 San Estevan, Orange Walk District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Estevan 1 639 & 640 The freehold property of Mr. Manuel Jesus Blanco and Mr. Agusto Blanco) 23. Parcels 1682, 1683 and 1684 Linda Vista Estate, off George Price Highway, Belize City, Belize: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL St. Martin de Porres West 45 1682, 1683 & 1684 The freehold property of Mrs. Marissa Sosa & Mr. Godfrey Sosa. 24. No. 1 Cor. Talawalla & Edwin Park Streets, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lords Ban 16 3806 The freehold property of Mr. Kevin Enriquez & Mrs. Andrea Enriquez.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 802.713 S.M. being Lot No. 184 situate in Pomona Village Extension, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. freehold property of Mr. Patricio Cho) Carlos property of Mr. Yasin Shoman & Ms. Ruth Shoman land being Lot No.
REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lord’s Bank 16 6969 The freehold property of Ms. Stella Marie Rudon REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Estevan 1 315 The freehold property of Mr. Augusto Angel Blanco. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Jose Palmar 4 1142 The freehold property of Ms. Marisa Perera & Mr.
Perera REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal North 1 2492 The freehold

that piece or parcel of

THE BELIZE TIMES 2118 2022SEP PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES & VEHICLES BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ON LINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 8th November 2022. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold. Countrywide 11. Bacab Eco Park, Ridge Lagoon Residential Estate, Burrell Boom Road, Belize District: 6. Parcel No. 258 MiDugee Street, Esperanza, Cayo District: 1. Lot No. 186 North side Lord’s Bank Road, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District: 7. Parcel No. 292 Corner Nurse Cerafina Gamboa Street and a Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District: 2. Parcel No. 3433 Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District: 10. Parcel No. 635 Steadfast Village, Stann Creek District: 5. Lot No. 184 Pomona Village Extension, Stann Creek District: 8. Lot No. 242 Toucan Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District: 3. Parcel No. 8603 C. Las Americas Street, Belmopan, Cayo District: 9. Lot No. 592 Independence Village, Stann Creek District: 4. Parcel No. 1965 Eduardo Juan Street, Santa Elena, Cayo District: 12. Parcels Nos. 4278 & 4279 Teakettle Village, Cayo District: 13. Parcel No. 2871 first subdivision south of Airstrip, western side of Placencia Road, Placencia Village, Stann Creek District: 16. No. 315 San Estevan Village, Orange Walk District: 17. Parcel No. 1142 Phillip Goldson Highway, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District: 18. Parcel No. 2492 Oak Street, Halls Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal District : REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 2871 The freehold property of Mr. Sidney Lopez & Ms. Valarie Godoy REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lord’s Bank 16 64 The freehold property of Mr. Francis Smith & Maria Smith/Messrs. BACAB Eco - Park REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Esperanza 23 258 The freehold property of Mr. Alfred Serano. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lord’s Bank 16 3357 The freehold property of Ms. Beverly Brown and Mr. David Brown REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Ladyville/Lord’s Bank 16 3433 The freehold property of Ms. Lorna Martinez REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 8603 The freehold property of Mr. Sergio Gutierrez REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena/Cayo 23 1965 The freehold property of Mr. Allan Kelly Jr. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 292 The freehold property of Mr. Joseph Roches. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Valley Community/Alta Vista 31 635 The freehold property of Mr. Frans Faux.

All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 242 (812.607 S.M.) situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District and described as shown by Plan no. 91 of 1996 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing thereon. The freehold property of Mr. Juan Coc, Ms. Jeanne Longsworth and Mr. Armin Arana.
All land being Lot No. 592 (692.710 S.M.) situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District and described as shown by Plan no. 355 of 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing thereon. The freehold property of Ms. Denise Foreman.
Continued on page 22 ALL THAT piece or parcel of

Tremendous gratitude goes out to the people who participated week after week attending the tournament, bringing the excitement and energy. I greeted several vendors who were also thankful at the business they made over the weeks. The players, I must also say, are very skilled Belizeans, very worthy of International spotlight.

TION!!! I your humble servant, Hon. Ramon "Monchi" Cervantes would like to express a big Thank You to EVERYONE who participated and organize such a spectacular 9 weeks of Tournament which comprised of 22 teams vying for 1st Place. It was an honor and a pleasure to have sponsored such an event which engaged 9 villages and families in my constituency.
THE BELIZE TIMES22 18 2022SEP SUCCESS!!! Hon. Monchi’s Tournament has Grand Finale Continued from page 21 “FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & PHOTOGRAPHS PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE” TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. Website:TELEPHONECASTILLO223-4488belizepropertyauctions.comE-mail:kevinacas@yahoo.comFaceBook:BelizeAuctionsVEHICLE:1999MCI1DoorBus 25. Parcel No. 430/1 Big Falls/Golden Stream Area, Toledo District: 26. Lot No. 92 St. Margaret Village, Hummingbird Highway, Cayo District: 27. Lot No. 55 Pomona Village, Stann Creek District: 28. Parcel No. 1010 Handyside Street, Belize City, District District: 29. Apartment Complex, 13 Mex Avenue, Belize City, District District: 30. Parcel No. 3981 Yvonne Hyde Street, Orchid Garden Extension, Belmopan, Cayo 31.District:Parcel No. 2125 Breadnut Street, Belama Phase 2, Belize City, Belize District: 32. Parcel No. 2454 Juventus Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District: 33. Lot No. 21 Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District: 34. Parcels Nos. 90 & 91 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District: 35. Lot No. 33 Independence Village, Stann Creek District: REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Big Falls/Golden Stream 42 430/1 The leasehold property of Mr. Modesto Sanchez. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Fort George/Pickstock 45 1010 The freehold property of Mr. Derek Cervantes. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Albert/Mesop 4 919 The freehold property of Mr. Marvin Cardona. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 3981 The freehold property of Ms. Chevonne Indira Par ham. REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Caribbean Shores 16 2125 The freehold property of Mr. Arleigh Gough & Ms. Olga REGISTRATIONUrbina SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Orange Walk Town 4 2454 The freehold property of Mr. David Guerra. Lot No. 92 St. Margaret Village, Hummingbird Highway, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Reuben Parham and Ms. Maria Parham) Lot No. 55 Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Levan Borland) Lot No. 21 Independence Village Extension, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Curtis Godoy)

Parcels Nos. 90 & 91 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, the leasehold properties of Ms. Myrna Murillo & Mr. Carlos Murillo)

And lastly, a massive thanks goes out to the Trial Farm Village Council who participated by making sure that the fields were mowed, marked and cleaned after every event and ready for action the following day. The Team ensured suc cess at every game.
Thank You guys!! With God’s will, health, and strength another successful tournament is guaranteed to come.
Lot No. 33 Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Venerio Salam)


1) Butterfly St. in the Jane Ush er Area,2)Neal Pen Rd. Extension near the 3)end,the street that extends from the Police sub-station on Faber’s Rd. towards Neal’s Pen Rd., 4) Mau rice Dena St which intersects Arling ton Drive, and 5) Reggae St. Many thanks to the Belize City Council for spread ing the materials on the Streetstreets. up grade is among Hon. Usher’s top priorities for up liftment in Port Loyola, because people need good streets to move back and forth comfortably to get on with their lives. Good streets are necessary for in creased economic activity in a com munity, and to pro mote civic pride and love of coun try in neighbour hoods.

a) Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in intellectual property;
a) an Attorney-at-Law qualified to practice law in Belize or the Commonwealth versed and trained in Intellectual Property laws.
Salary: Based on qualifications and experience.
Applicants must submit proof of qualifications and two reference contacts along with ap plication.
Suitably qualified applicants are invited to fill the position of:

The Secretary, Judicial and Legal Services Commission Ground Floor, Sir. Edney Cain Building
c) in good health.
Experience and training required:
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 30, 2022
Thru’ the Office of the Solicitor General Attorney General’s Ministry Belmopan City, Cayo District Belize, Central America Telephone number: 822-2504 or 822-0519
Interested persons may download an application package from the Attorney General’s Min istry Website – or submit in writing to:
Material.Streets included in the upgrade are
Note: Only suitably qualified applicants will be acknowledged. Commission is not bound to make an appointment from among those persons who apply.
Parcel No. 3544, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 549.72 S.Y. held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of DAVID AUGUSTO GONZALES.
The Development Finance Corporation of Bliss Parade, City of Belmopan, Cayo District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee under Deed of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Corporation which mortgages or charges are recorded at the Land Titles Unit or the Lands Registry, respectively and that the said Development Finance Corporation will, at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, sell the properties described in the Schedule hereto.
b) Bachelor of Laws Degree from a recognized institution; and
d) a person who conducts himself at all times, both in his professional and in his per sonal life, in a manner that will maintain public confidence.
c) Minimum of five (5) years’ experience in management
This week Hon. Gilroy Usher Area Representative for Port Loyola

Applicants for the position of Deputy Registrar – Belize Intellectual Property Office (BE LIPO) must be:

used his Community Development Fund to upgrade several more streets in the division with All in
email address:
All offers to purchase the said properties must be made in writing to the said Corporation at its Headquarters Office or District Offices.SCHEDULE
2,311.215 square metres clean and filled in the beautiful
and surrounded by high value properties the freehold property
Registration Section
7223, Block 20 in the
from the Hon Andre Perez, Board Members and the Management and Staff of the BAA
At No. 7223 President Avenue, Belmopan, Cayo District on Friday, September 23, 2022 at 2:00p.m. SCHEDULE
Happy IndependenceDay

No. 7223 President Avenue,
BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed.
ALL THAT piece or of being Parcel Belmopan situate at Belmopan, Cayo Belize, comprising large lot of residential of Belmopan known as University Heights of SOPHIA M.

DATED this 5th day of
September 2022 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact:
HOLY Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:


Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $83,200,000.
The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, 5 October 2022.
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.
Ferguson says that he was delighted back then when Min ister Fonseca told him he had budgeted the funds to pay the teachers for both Georgetown Tech and Independence Junior College, for the first time both institution opened their doors. It was indeed a time to reflect back and see the progress over the years. The year 2008 was an election year and the PUP lost the election but the stage
Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (
Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627
Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five dec imal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.
Both the Minister of Educa tion, Culture, Science, and Tech nology and the area Represen tative Rodwell Ferguson were present at the birthday celebra tion. Georgetown Technical High School opened its doors in the village of Georgetown in 2007, “that was my brain child”, stat ed Hon Ferguson in a post. With very little amenities in place but that was the beginning of a great institution. Three of the original architects, Hon. Francis Fonse ca Minister education, Mr. Ervin Casimiro, the principal of the school and Ferguson were happy to talk about its inception.
Fonseca posted “It was an honor to be joined by Hon. Rodwell Ferguson who is the Area Representative for Stann Creek West. In 2007 Minister Rodwell and I worked together to estab lish GTHS so it was a particular pleasure for us both to be there today to witness the growth and development of the institution which started under our watch. Congratulations to Principal Casi miro and his entire team at GTHS for their unwavering commitment to the students and Georgetown community.”Happy15th birthday George town Technical High School.
The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multi ples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday, 5 October 2022 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 4 January 2023.
Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 30 September 2022.
was set for the building and de velopment of the school. The con versation was going on with the European Union Banana support program.Therecent and present stu dents of today have different chal lenges today. Kerwin Ramirez, vice Chairman of Seine Bight, and Iris Senteno, a past valedictorian is a national female coach, are good role models for the great in stitution.Minister

17bz)August 2022 �������������� ������ ���������������������� ���� ���������������� ������������������������ ���������������� ������ ������ PLACENCIA AND INDEPENDENCE VILLAGE �������� �������������� ����������������S ����������������������: BELIZE NATIONAL FIRE SERVICE ��������������: BELIZE ��������������: TRIAL FARM, PLACENCIA AND INDEPENDENCE VILLAGE FIRE STATION BUILDINGS PROJECT �������������� ���� ����.: NFS-������2/PL NFS-2022/OW03NFS-2022/IND0201 ����������������: October 3rd, 2022 The Government of Belize has committed funding to contract an experienced and qual ified contractor ������ ������ ������������������������ ���� a �������� �������������� ���������������� to be located in Placencia and Independence Villages or in Trial Farm, Orange Walk District. General requirements of the Bidders: Interested contractors please note that above requirements are mandatory, and this infor mation must be included within any final submitted bid. The deadline for submission of �������������������� ���� ���������������� ���� Monday, October 3rd, ������2. Interested contractors may obtain bidding documents scope of works electronically at the email address below from Monday to Fridays starting Thursday September 15th 2022 between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. Printing of documents is at the intend ed Bidder’s expense. ������������ National Fire Service ��������: ��r. Colin Gillett Fire #3578ChiefSunrise Avenue, ������������ ������: ������ ������-1183 �� ��������: 1) Bidder’s Company must be incorporated in the country of Belize a minimum of five years; 2) Bidders must have experience in works of a similar size, scope and nature; 3) Bidders must present two references from projects recently completed in the last two years 4) Bidders must confirm access to minimum resources (technical, financial, human resources) 5) Bidders are required to present Certificates of Good standing from the Companies Registry, the Belize Tax Service and the Belize Social Security Board.

GTHS Celebrates 15th Birthday
Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securi ties Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).

*By email to:
* By hand to: Public Utilities Commission, 2nd Floor Marina Towers, Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City, Belize.
Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

yield-per-recruit model, production model, and size-structured simula tion model) to evaluate the dynamics of the fish stocks, estimate the cur
The proposed objectives of the project are: Develop sampling methodology for surveys to determine species diversity, abundance, size struc ture, and sex composition of fish biomass within Be lize’s1.EEZ.Conduct tagging to obtain much-needed in formation on fish growth rates and movement.
Discussions focused on conducting a fisheries stock assessment of Belize’s EEZ under the Deep Sea Exploration Program and to proceed with a technical mission from Taiwan. Through the mission, Taiwanese experts will engage with the national fisheries authority, key government agencies, busi nesses, fishers, and other stakeholders in a fact-find ing mission on current and future fishing activities. This information will be used to develop a proposal for Belize, which will include an implementation plan to guide the deliverables of the project.
Present at the meeting were H.E. David KuanChou Chien, Ambassador of Taiwan to Belize; Ms. Kennedy Carrillo, Chief Executive Officer in the Min istry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation; Mr. Rigo berto Quintana, Ag. Fisheries Administrator at Belize Fisheries Department; Mr. Robert Robinson, Deputy Director of Belize High Seas Fisheries Unit; Dr. HsinMing Yeh, fisheries expert from Taiwan’s Fisheries Research Institute; Dr. Sheng-Ping Wan, fisheries expert from National Taiwan Ocean University; and other GOB technical staff.
Belize’s blue economy.
The Proposed Framework provides a clear and comprehensive outline for amateur radio operations in Belize. It describes, among other things, the licenses, rules, standards, important procedures and technical operating limits for amateur radio operations in Belize.
Re: Responses to Consultation Belize Amateur Radio Framework 2022;
Writtenhttps://www.puc.bzsubmissions and comments should be submitted to the PUC before 4:30 PM, Friday, October 14, 2022 either:
Issued by the Public Utilities Commission on 12 September, 2022
Belize-Taiwan Technical Cooperation for Deep Sea Fishing Resource Exploration Program

The Government of Belize through the Ministry of Blue Econ omy and Civil Aviation (MBECA), and in collaboration with the Belize Fisheries Department and the Gov ernment of the Republic of China (Taiwan), held a technical meeting on September 12, 2022, to discuss the “Fisheries resources survey in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Belize” under the request for “Deep Sea Fishing Resource Explo ration Program,” which is focused on improving sustainable fisheries management and strengthening
rent status of the fishery, and evaluate alternative management strategies.
3. Determine in-country capacity (technical, fishing, processing, stor

The PUC intends to make the responses to this consultation available to the public. If your response contains any information that is confidential in nature, a clearly marked "Non‐Confidential Version", redacted to delete the confidential information, is to be provided together with a complete version that is clearly marked as the "Confidential Version." The "Confidential Version" should highlight the information that has been redacted. Any request for confidentiality in respect of the information submitted is to be accompanied with full justification for the claim.
age, marketing, feasibility, incen tives).This activity is consistent with the priorities embedded within the Belize Fisheries Policy Statement, the Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies for Belize, and the Belize Blue Economy Development Pol icy and Strategy. It also highlights the government’s commitment to obtaining an understanding of fish stocks, in-country capacity, and re source needs for the EEZ that sup port ecosystems-based manage ment and science-based decision making. This undertaking also sup ports diversification opportunities in Belize’s fisheries sector for the enhancement of fishers’ livelihoods and well-being.
The Proposed Framework is available for viewing at the Office of the Commission located at Marina Towers 2nd Floor, 4 Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City, Belize between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or online at
The Public is hereby informed that the Public Utilities Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”), in the exercise of the powers vested in it by Sections 3, 6(1), 6(2)(j), 6(2)(n), 6(2)(p), 7(2)(a) and 12(1) of the Belize Telecommunications Act, Chapter 229 of the Laws of Belize, the Public Utilities Act, Chapter 223 of the Laws of Belize and all other powers thereunto the Commission enabling, intents to by Order to promulgate the Belize Amateur Radio Framework 2022 (“the Proposed Framework”) for use in Belize.
2. Employ stock assessment modeling ap proaches of different complexities (size-structured
We must seek ways to improve the quality of meat supplied locally while addressing cost.
▪ Assists
2. We must seek to add value to our beef cattle by investing in a certified slaughtering facility and therefore export carcass and specialized cuts.
3. To assist the Manager, OSM, in managing ERM activities
1. To support the Manager, OSM, in the annual review of Central Bank’s strategy and analyses the historical performance against targets data the proceeding and outcomes of the strategy review exercise in designing and implementing the required measurement and reporting systems
The Strategy and Enterprise Risk Analyst will assist the Manager, Office of Strategy Management (OSM) in coordinating strategy management and enterprise risk management (ERM) activities. The Strategy and Enterprise Risk Analyst will support the annual strategy re fresh exercise, monitor, assess , and report on the execution of Central Bank’s approved strategic programme, and support the planning, organizing, and executing of the ERM framework
Prepares materials to communicate ERM requirements to all divisions and departments in prioritizing and integrating functional plans into overall ERM plan for the Central Bank and reports on the adequacy of ERM Plans including Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Preparedness
The cattle industry in Belize has seen significant im provement over the past two years. The industry has gen erated more than $70 M over the past two years. Exports have increased and we have formalized and expanded the exports to Mexico and the demand continues to grow.

3. Continue to improve the genetic quality of our na tional herd to increase overall productivity.
The scope of the agreement includes search and rescue, fisheries enforcement, and combating trans national crime at sea. Hon. Marin stated, “One of the strategic roles of the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security has been the use of military diplomacy to strengthen partnership with our allies. Through this effort, we have been able to improve the overall pros pects of our armed forces in capacity building primarily focusing on the development of our service personnel.”
However good it is, there is still room for improve ment.1.
Belize and Taiwan Sign SecurityAgreementCooperation
Plans ▪ Periodically assesses and reports on enterprise wide compliance with ERM framework, including Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Preparedness Plans The applicants should possess the following: Education and Experience ▪ A Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field from a recognized university with three (3) years relevant experience, or ▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field from a recognized university with at least six (6) years’ relevant experience Technical Knowledge ▪ Knowledge of the Central Bank of Belize Act and other banking legislation; Knowledge of strategy managem ent and the balance scorecard; Ability to engage with stakeholders to gather various types of performance measures and targets; Knowledge of ISO 31000:2018 and ability to define and apply risk prioritization and develop, implement, and maintain benchmark standards or scoring; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite. Competencies ▪ Strong Communication Skills; Results Orientation; Initiative; Thoroughness; Analytical and Critical Thinking; Managing Change; Performance Management; Building Collaborative Relationships; Strategic Thinking; Personal Credibility/Integrity. Submit the following documents by Thursday, 28 September 2022: ▪ CBB Employment Application Form (available online) ▪ Curriculum Vitae ▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer) ▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates STRATEGY and ENTERPRISE RISK ANALYST The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Office of Strategy Management. Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Strategy & Risk Enterprise Analyst Office of Strategy Management Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
Present at the signing were H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, Ambassador of Taiwan to Belize; Rear Admiral El ton Bennett, Commandant of the BCG; and members of the BCG.
ImprovementsSeeking to the Cattle Industry in Tizimin, Yucatan

▪ Assesses
▪ Documents
Assists in maintaining and operating Central Bank’s ERM framework in accordance with leading practices
September 14, 2022 - Today Hon. Florencio Marin, Jr., Minister of National Defence and Border Security, signed on behalf of the Government of Belize, a Coast Guard Cooperation Agreement with the Ocean Affairs Council of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Reports on progress of strategic programme execution and overall strategy execution

Essential Duties and Responsibilities
2. To monitor and assess the timely execution of Central Bank’s strategy and strategic programmes Reviews action/project plans for Central Bank’s strategic programmes
The agreement further supports expertise and ex changes that will continue to enhance the Belize Coast Guard’s (BCG) ability to perform the very critical tasks associated with supporting the blue bond initiatives of expanding the country’s marine protected areas.
Liaises with management to determine causes and corrective action s for operational and programme performance variances

▪ Assists
With this in mind, Ministry of Agric personnel accom panied by BAHA and BLPA member travelled to Tizimin, Yucatan to visit breeding centers, slaughtering facility and Embryo Transfer lab. Minister of Agroculture and Food Se curity Jose Mai is ever grateful to Secretary of Agriculture for the state of Yucatan Jorge Dias Loeza for hosting him and team and showing them a part of the genetic inven tory at Tizimin.
▪ Collects
Project grant of US$1,010,000, the total value of the donation to the facilities is an estimated US$500,000. The ministry will continue further implementation of the project with the remaining funds over the next 12 months.
8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration as specified in the Instructions to 9Bidders
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested Bidders by way of email application to the email address below.
Contract No. Name Contract Period 60 2022/2023of Loading, Trucking, and Other Heavy Equipment Services for the Dangriga Solid Waste Transfer Station Facility 36 months
must be delivered to the address below at or before October 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend in person at the address below at 10:30 a.m. on October 14, 2022. Interested public/civil society entities and NGOs may also attend the Bid opening.
Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, 3013 Bougainvillea Street, Belmopan, c/o Ms. Lumen Cayetano, Director, 828 4864,
11 Bidders are required to submit as part of the bid “the Statement of Ethical Conduct and Fraud and Corruption”. In case of misleading information or non adherence to the Fraud and Corruption provisions of the Bidding Documents, the Bidder shall be pursued by the GOB.
Public Hospitals Benefit from Donation of Imaging Equipment
2. Procurement will be conducted through open tendering in accordance with the provisions of the laws governing public procurement within Belize.
It is no secret that Belize is rich in many things and cacao, the base of chocolate, yields easily here in Belize. In my dad’s backyard in the north of the country, he has a tree that he has for show. It is still there. But in the south of Belize especially, it is an industry and chocolate is being produced with the or ganic label. In Belize’s push for new in dustries and a diverse economy, adding value to cacao in the form of chocolate which is a 131.9 Billion US dollar glob al industry is definitely sane. Entrepre neurs are churning up some chocolate and tapping into that tremendous global market.Recently, our friends at the Belize Breaking News noted that the Belize Chocolate Company was being award ed for the excellence in their Belizean chocolate.Aaron Humes from BBN: In the Americas, they come no better than the Belize Chocolate Company based in Am bergris Caye, rated gold for cocoa butter and silver for cocoa powder at the 2022 International Chocolate Awards for the AmericasBelizeregion.Chocolate Company estab lished in 2007, is a family-owned beanto-bar craft chocolate manufacturer based on Ambergris Caye, owned by Chris and Jo Beaumont. They process organic, direct-trade cacao beans from small family farms in the Toledo district of Belize. Their products include a range of 70 percent dark chocolate with inclu sions, milk and white chocolate, hand made truffles and bonbons, chocolate beauty products and other value-added merchandise which they sell in their two chocolate boutiques in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker.
The prestigious International Choc olate Awards founded in 2012 is an independent competition recognizing excellence in fine chocolate making. As the World’s only fully independent in ternational fine chocolate competition, their aim is to support companies pro ducing fine chocolate. By helping these markets to grow and develop, they also aim to support the farmers that grow fine cacao. This year the Belize Choc olate Company decided to enter their cocoa butter and cocoa powder which they use in a variety of their chocolate products and drinks. The 2022 Americas competition saw a record number of en tries from North and Latin America and the Caribbean with over 800 products entered by 130 chocolate companies from 16 different countries.
Health & Wellness, and H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien, Ambassador of Tai wan to Belize, participated in the cere monies alongside representatives from the Ministry of Health & Wellness, Em bassy of Taiwan, Taiwan Technical Mis sion, and the benefiting health facilities.

10 The address referred to above for:

Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of
(i) application for Bidding Documents, (ii) submission of Bids, and (iii) opening of Bids, is:
4. Qualification requirements are provided in Section II of the Bidding Documents. Prospective Bidders’ attention is drawn to the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents
The SMIS Project aims to digi tize radiology services and enhance capacity across radiology depart ments within select public health facilities. Visibility events for the do nations were held on September 5, 7 and 8, for WRH, NRH and KHMHA, respectively.Supported through the SMIS
The Government of Belize will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period, to be awarded a contract funded by the Government of Belize, if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practices in competing for or in executing a contract.
The Ministry of Health & Well ness donated equipment to the Northern Regional Hospital (NRH), Western Regional Hospital (WRH), and Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority (KHMHA). The equipment, which includes Computed Radiogra phy (CR) Readers, Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Computers and Radiology Moni tors, was made possible through an agreement for the Project of Strengthening Medical Imaging Sys tem (SMIS) in Belize.
28 18 2022SEP
6 The Bidding Documents will be emailed to the Bidder at the email address specified in the email application.7Bids
1. The Government of Belize (or GOB) acting through the Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining, now invites sealed Bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for the Services mentioned below in the table.
Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining
3. This invitation is open to all eligible Bidders as described in the Bidding Documents.
The owners would like to thank the International Chocolate Awards for their promotion and support of the fine choc olate industry, and for all their custom ers for their continued support and look forward to producing more award-win ning Belizean chocolate.
2. Procurement will be conducted through open tendering in accordance with the provisions of the laws governing public procurement within Belize.
Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing and PEC Limited hereby inform the public of construction works to be carried out from September 15, 2022, to Janu ary 2023, for the raising of the ex isting pavement on the western ap proach of the Roaring Creek Bridge on the George Price Highway. These works are necessary for the contin ued development of a safe approach to the bridge, especially in times of natural disasters and emergencies.
In order to expedite the pro cess, work will be ongoing during normal working hours as well as nighttime.Wethank the public for their patience and cooperation during this
4. Qualification requirements are provided in Section II of the Bidding Documents. Prospective Bidders’ attention is drawn to the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents
Contract No. Name Contract Period 59 2022/2023of Loading, Trucking, and Other Heavy Equipment Services for the Belmopan Solid Waste Transfer Station Facility 36 months
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested Bidders by way of email application to the email address below.
10. The address referred to above for:
to recognize the company's role in Belize's path to energy self-suffi ciency. BECOL owned by FORTIS helped moved Belize progressive ly along a path of energy produc tion by renewable sources. My Administration continues to work with BECOL and all partners as we secure this vital sector in our nation's development.”
The new e-PICS system and e-Passports will be more secure and will allow for efficient process ing through modern border man agement systems. The e-passport will include an electronic chip to safeguard the user’s personal infor mation and photograph as well as a verification feature for use at smart gates at international borders. It will be a symbol of national pride for Belizeans and will establish a bond of trust between Belize and those countries processing entries.
11 Bidders are required to submit as part of the bid “the Statement of Ethical Conduct and Fraud and Corruption”. In case of misleading information or non adherence to the Fraud and Corruption provisions of the Bidding Documents, the Bidder shall be pursued by the GOB.
To enable the deployment and implementation of the new system, the public is informed that there will be interruptions in services provid ed by the Nationality and Passports Department effective October 11,
6 The Bidding Documents will be emailed to the Bidder at the email address specified in the email application.7Bids
Operations Building for BECOL
2918 2022SEP
9 The Government of Belize will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period, to be awarded a contract funded by the Government of Belize, if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practices in competing for or in executing a contract.
Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, 3013 Bougainvillea Street, Belmopan, c/o Ms. Lumen Cayetano, Director, 828 4864,
The public is advised to exer cise extreme caution whilst tra versing through the construction zone. Drivers are urged to adhere to caution signs, reduce speed when approaching, and follow the traffic signals and instructions of the traffic authority to ensure safety.
(i) application for Bidding Documents, (ii) submission of Bids, and (iii) opening of Bids, is:
Belize Electric Company Limited (BECOL) gathered today as a firm to in augurate its new operations building and

3. This invitation is open to all eligible Bidders as described in the Bidding Documents.
must be delivered to the address below at or before October 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend in person at the address below at 10:30 a.m. on October 14, 2022. Interested public/civil society entities and NGOs may also attend the Bid opening.
8 All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration as specified in the Instructions to Bidders.
Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining
1. The Government of Belize (or GOB) acting through the Ministry of Natural Resources, Petroleum, and Mining, now invites sealed Bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for the Services mentioned below in the table.
September 8, 2022 - In Octo ber 2022, the Government of Belize through the Ministry of Immigration will launch a new application process for electronic passports through the Electronic Passport Issuance and Control System (e-PICS).
to dedicate it to a valuable engineer, Mr. John Evans who served FOR TIS for just about five decades and has passed away. Mr. Evans was instrumental in the construction of the Chalillo Hydro Dam facility built in early 2000s in Belize. PM John Briceño was present: “It was a pleasure to gather with them and embrace the opportunity
New PriceRehabilitationSystemIssuancePassportElectronicandControltobeLaunchedofaPortionoftheGeorgeHighwayNew
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: October 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Attn: Geraldo Flowers
e) The report will also include recommendations relevant for the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System.
On the 9th September 2022, BAHA received positive results for Avian Influenza from poultry sam ples from one farm in the Blue Creek Community, Orange Walk District. Further testing identified the Avian Influenza to be of Sub type H5, but the pathogenicity of the subtype is yet to be deter mined. Depopulation (i.e. killing and disposal of all birds) of the affected farm is being carried out immediately to prevent spread of the pathogen and with the aim of eradicating the disease.
To advertisementplace in the Belize
Individual Consultants interested in receiving the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) document for this consultancy should register their interest by sending an e-mail (with subject: Request for REOI – Gender Consultant to the Procurement Officer at nvernon. giving full contact details of the Consultant. This will ensure that the Consultants receive updates regarding this consul tancy.The
Request for Expression of Interest
REOI must be submitted via email only to the following address on or before October 18, 2022, at 3:00 PM (Local time).
The Gender Consultant must possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Gender Studies, Anthropology, Social Psychology, Sociol ogy, Social Work, Art, Public Policy, Development Studies and/or Agriculture.
Background of programme:
The main objective of the assignment is to ensure the participation of 40% women and 20% youth (ages 15 to 24) in at least 30 targeted POs by the end of the Programme and guaranteeing GESI is fully integrated in the POs, by promoting equitable management of benefits by women and young people and their participation in capacity building and investments throughout all project interventions i.e. Organization Development Plans (ODP) and Business Plans (BP) design and implementation, Matching Grant Fund Agreement (MGFA) implementation.Thespecific objective is to implement an integral GESI capacity building programme, aligned with the RRB GAP, aiming at supporting at least 30 POs to move towards gender equality, women empowerment and social inclusion (how to do it and expected benefits), ensure an equal participation, decision making and benefits of women and young people in POs.
c) Develop a small booklet or handout (not a training manual) to share with the POs and Implementing partners on gender equality, women empowerment and social inclusion. This could be developed from the information used to conduct the trainings (elec tronic and one original).
• Minimum three (3) years of experience with the use of participatory methodologies for trainings as well as women and young people empowerment.
• A minimum of three (3) years’ experience conducting training sessions on topics related to Youth, Gender Equality and Social In clusion.
b) A training completion report for each group, which shall include the presentations and training methodologies used, attendance register, photographs, issues identified during training and the commitments made by the different groups trained, as well as recommendations for future training (electronic and one original).
An epidemiological investiga tion of the event is being carried out to confirm if there are any other infected farms in the Blue Creek Community. Containment measures have been put in place to restrict poultry products exit ing the Blue Creek Community. To ensure that our poultry industry is protected against further intro ductions of the disease, BAHA is organizing the implementation of other control measures, inclusive of movement control of live birds, eggs, litter and other control mea sures. All poultry farmers are en couraged to strengthen biosecurity programs and to adhere to BAHA restrictions.
The Programme is seeking to procure the services of a consultant to develop and implement a comprehensive GESI capacity building programme, differentiated for three groups, namely:

iii. staff of the Department of Co-operatives (DOC) and of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise (MOA), including the Gender Focal Point of the Ministry.
The Individual Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:
Resilient Rural Belize Programme National Agriculture Showgrounds Belmopan City, Cayo, Belize Email:
• Minimum five (5) years of experience in conducting GESI investigations, analysis of gender gaps in rural areas, facilitation of training processes with the government as well as community actors, and/or socio-economic surveys with a gender and social inclusion approach.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, BAHA and the poultry industry are collaborating in a coordinated re sponse against this outbreak. Be lize’s Cabinet has been apprised of the situation and the extent of the outbreak.
Background on the assignment:
BAHA reassures the pub lic that poultry meat and eggs on the local market are safe for human consumption and will continue to implement the right safety protocols to ensure this continued safety.
Project: Resilient Rural Belize Programme Loan No.: 2000002301
Institution: Ministry of Economic Development Country: Belize
The Resilient Rural Belize Programme is committed to mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), to ensure that young people, women and men have equal access to, and control over, resources for development, benefits, and decision-making at all stages of development processes, projects, programs, and policies within the agriculture sector.
The Government of Belize (GOB), through a financing agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on smallholder farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce. The programme will help farmers employ climate resilient agricultural practices and technologies; integrate profitable smallholder participation into the devel opment of select vegetables, fruits, and honey value chains; and support smallholder production capacity through investments in public and private climate resilient infrastructure and in the strengthening of smallholder farmer Producers’ Organizations (POs) and relevant GOB Departments.
a) An Inception report to be submitted within three (3) weeks of contract signature. The report shall include as a minimum, the consultancy approach, training methodology and workplan, the draft of the proposed GESI capacity building programme for the different groups (PMU staff and CSAEO, POs and DOC/MOA staff, including the Gender Focal Point and IPs) and an outline of the training sessions.
d) Consultancy Completion Report (electronic and one original), which shall include results, issues faced during the assignment, lessons learnt, commitments achieved, as well as recommendations & affirmative actions for the inclusion of youth and women in the whole project and of how to assure women and youth are benefited from project services.
Consultant’s qualifications and experience:
Objectives of the assignment:
i. the PMU staff and the Climate Smart Agriculture Extension Officers (CSAEOs), ii. the POs members, and
Specific Experience:
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strengthening for 30 Targeted Producers’ Organizations
• Consultant must be fluent in English language and at least fair in Spanish language.
Department of Environmentthe
At the 19 th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol held in Montreal, Canada, in 2007, the Parties agreed on the “Adjustment to the Montreal Protocol regarding HCFCs and to “accelerate the phase-out of production and consump tion of HCFCs”, thus calling for urgent action towards the phase-out of this ozone depleting substances (ODS).
• The team leader should have at least 5 years of relevant technology and innovations experience.
• The applicants should be a technology company with proven record of innovation in the mobile platform and application field. The company should have a proven record of applications on the market in both Android and Apple OS.
• Ability to engage with a cross-section of stakeholders in the public and private sectors
The full Terms of Reference is available at . The selection of the consultant will be based on Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) pro curement method. Packages must be submitted electronically and must include a signed letter of interest, a Concept Proposal, Financial Proposal and Estimated Timelines no later than Friday September 23 rd , 2022 , at 5:00 pm. Only complete packages will be processed. Packages should be addressed to and emailed to:
3118 2022SEP
• Excellent writing skills in English
HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan has a combination of interventions such as technology conversions, technical assistance, awareness and monitoring of selected HCFC consumption. Refrigerant consumption in the Refrigeration Servicing Sector (RSS) not only depends on the installation of the RAC equip ment but also on the quality of the product and its servicing. The Mobile App aims to provide information, for technicians to work efficiently, safely and will allow the technicians to be more productive and give them an easy access to the information they need to perform their jobs.
The Department of Environment through the Ministry of Sustainable Develop ment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management is seeking to engage a suitably qualified Belizean candidate/Firm request the submission of Expression of Interest for the Mobile/Application Developer.
Mr. Anthony Mai Chief Environmental Officer
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Title of the Project: The Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) monitors the consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) mainly used in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC) Sector as refrigerants.
The objective is to provide legislative drafting service to draft new regulations to reflect the commitments related to the Montreal Protocol.
Department of Environmentthe

Title of the Project: The Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Man agement Plan (HPMP) monitors the consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) mainly used in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC) Sector as refrigerants.
Consultancy Description:
Mr. Anthony Mai Chief Environmental Officer
Core Competency Requirements:
The Department of Environment through the Ministry of Sustainable De velopment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management is seeking to engage a suitably qualified Belizean candidate request the submission of Expression of Interest from independent legal drafters to draft regulations under the Environmental Protection Act and the Refrigeration Technicians (Licensing) Act 2010.

• Minimum 5 years of relevant experience required for carrying out the TOR’s tasks. Experience must include (i) a legal background, (ii) experience in drafting laws and
Consultancy Description:
• Minimum Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Background Belize became signatory to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on January 9 th, 1998 and has thus far sought to implement all national obligations under the Protocol. The Government of Belize has successfully phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector and is currently implementing the Hydro-chlo rofluorocarbon Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) for the gradual phaseout of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) in the Belize RAC sector. The National Ozone Unit (NOU) in the Department of the Environment (DOE), Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, is the focal point for the Montreal Protocol in Belize.
The Decision recognized the needs of developing countries such as Belize with regards to the agreed accelerated HCFC schedule and directed the Multilateral Fund’s Executive Committee to provide technical and financial assistance, paying particular attention to Article 5 Parties with low volume and very low volume consumption of HCFCs. The HPMP for Belize was approved on the 62 nd ExCom Meeting of the parties. The HPMP provides funding for the Government of Belize to support the implementation of activities to phase-out remaining HCFC consumption under the Montreal Protocol.
At the 19th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol held in Montreal, Canada, in 2007, the Parties agreed on the “Adjustment to the Montreal Pro tocol regarding HCFCs and to “accelerate the phase-out of production and consumption of HCFCs”, thus calling for urgent action towards the phase-out of this ozone depleting substances (ODS).
Objective of the Drafting
The full Terms of Reference is available at The selection of the consultant will be based on Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) procurement method. Packages must be submitted electronically and must include a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, and Financial Proposal and Technical Proposal no later than Friday September 23rd, 2022, at 5:00 pm. Only complete packages will be processed. Packages should be addressed to and emailed to:
Objective of the Drafting
• The company should have a team of experts that include technology experts and coders, social media experts and mobile platform innova tion experts.
The task of the provider will be to develop, design and assist in the launch of a mobile application focused on Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (HVAC). It will feature data specifically designed for Refrigeration Technicians.
Re: Expression of Interest- Mobile App Developer with copy to
• Excellent communication skills as well as the ability to communi cate fluently in English (spoken and written)
The Decision recognized the needs of developing countries such as Belize with regards to the agreed accelerated HCFC schedule and directed the Multilateral Fund’s Executive Committee to provide technical and financial assistance, paying particular attention to Article 5 Parties with low volume and very low volume consumption of HCFCs. The HPMP for Belize was approved on the 62nd ExCom Meeting of the parties. The HPMP provides funding for the Government of Belize to support the implementation of activities to phase-out remaining HCFC consumption under the Montreal Protocol.
• Experience in drafting concept documents
Core Competency Requirements:
• Experience in drafting legislation will be an advantage
Re: Expression of Interest- Legislative Drafter with copy to
Belize became signatory to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on January 9th, 1998 and has thus far sought to implement all national obligations under the Protocol. The Government of Belize has successfully phased out Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector and is currently implementing the Hydro-chlo rofluorocarbon Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) for the gradual phaseout of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs) in the Belize RAC sector. The National Ozone Unit (NOU) in the Department of the Environment (DOE), Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, is the focal point for the Montreal Protocol in Belize.