Belize Times September 23, 2018- Father of The Nation

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Is the NTUCB and CWU, Politically Motivated?

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tions as union-busting, and will not stand by and allow one of its affiliates to suffer such actions by any entity…” In a condescending fashion, the Congress has instructed the council to “cease or “desist” from doing so or the congress would have no option than “to intervene.” The source of this misunderstanding is that the council’s employees attached to the cemetery have not been receiving their travel and subsistence allowance dating back to when the council was led by the UDP. Our newspaper questions why the NTUCB failed to address this matter then instead of having it fester and ooze onto the new council. According to Mayor Wagner, who has headed the council for less than six months, this matter has long been aired and settled by his council. As a result, he too is at a loss as to why the NTUCB fired off such a steamy letter to his council. Neal too told the press that the matter has been resolved but that employees felt pressured when the Mayor and some of his councilors met with the employees without the CWU. We find this illogical as there is no harm to be done in having the Mayor and councilors dialogue with their employees. Additionally, some of the employees have indicated to our newspaper that the meeting was a positive one. According to Neal, while the Mayor has assured him that employees will be given their travel and subsistence allowance, he is yet to see evidence as there have been no new burials at the Eternal Garden at Mile 13 of the George Price Highway. Our newspaper reminds Neal that this newly elected council has important goods and services to deliver to residents and so there is really no time to engage in any man’s selfish and ulterior motives.

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San Pedro Citizens to Sue G.O.B. for Cayo Rosario Project Belize City: Sep 18, 2018 San Pedranos have organized themselves for the Sustainable Development of Ambergris Caye suing the government to court regarding the mega-tourism development proposal for Cayo Rosario area of the Hol chan Reserve. The group says that the Department of Environment, has left them no choice, but to take legal action for the proposed development in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve which they say contravenes the provisions in the Environmental

Act as well as other regulations. According to the group, consisting of fishermen and environmentalists as well as San Pedranos, the D.O.E. has failed to respond to any of their requests for remedial action or to propose any solutions before the approval of the unsustainable tourism project. In recent correspondence, the group sought to meet with the authorities, but got no response. Today, former Co-Chair and active member of ACCSD, Billy Leslie, said that their attorney at Flores and Company Law Firm has been instructed to proceed with legal action against the government.

LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that William Calderon/Rosa Calderon are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Willy’s Mini Mart” located in Lucky Strike Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Maricela Tun is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “San Joaquin Cafe” located in San Joaqin Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

The Hon. John Briceño, the National Executive of the PUP, the PUP Secretariat, the Belize Times and our PUP Family Wish Our Beloved Nation Belize, A

Happy 37th Birthday And all Belizeans at home and abroad A Blessed and Peaceful Independence Day

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San Pedro Man Missing Since September 10th Tuesday: 18th September 2018 Police still have no information regarding the whereabouts of A twenty-three-year-old Miguel Arroyo, a fisherman of a Pelican Street address in San Pedro who was last seen on the 10th September. Miguel Arroyo left home en-route to a store and has not been seen or heard from since. He is described as a

Only projects which fit the following three priority areas for funding will be considered: 1. General park management - protection, environmental education and equipment; 2. Training; and, 3. Research. Some project activities that are eligible for funding include but are not limited to: a) The establishment, restoration, protection and maintenance of protected areas and reserves; b) The development and implementation of scientifically sound systems of natural resource management, including land and ecosystem management practices; c) Training programs to increase the scientific, technical and managerial capacities of individuals and organizations involved in conservation efforts; d) The restoration, protection, or sustainable use of diverse animal and plant species; or e) Research and identification of medicinal uses of tropical forest plant life to treat human diseases, illnesses, and health-related concerns.

671-8385 or

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper

2018 CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Belize Nature Conservation Foundation (BNCF) provides grants to registered management organizations of terrestrial protected areas including, non-governmental organizations and community based organizations that are involved in conservation and management for sustainable use of Belize’s natural resources and terrestrial protected areas. The BNCF is now accepting project applications for its 2018 grants cycle.


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person of Hispanic decent five feet seven inches in height, slim built, green eyes and black hair with a mole under his right eye. Arroyo was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, grey Dickies pants and had on red and white Jordan slippers. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Miguel Arroyo is asked to call the nearest police station.


Maximum Grant: BZ$38,000.00 for one year Past recipients may apply For application forms and more information contact PACT’s Conservation Investment Manager or email Submit complete applications and supporting documents no later than September 28th, 2018 to: Submit Completed Application package to: Conservation Investment Manager, PACT #3 Mango Street/P.O. Box 443 Belmopan, Cayo District Re: BNCF Grant Application

23 SEP






e were ecstatic to learn that the Belize Chamber Of Commerce in their press release is ready to collaborate with all parties interested in the Pro Belize efforts and are “willing to lay down the foundations for a more equitable and sustainable distribution of economic returns.” It is generally established that repressive policies do not work in deterring crime and violence. The creation of the Anti-Narcotics Unit (ANU) and Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) have done nothing to stem the tide of violence that has swept like wildfire across our neighborhoods. The recent Public State of Emergency is yet another in a series of faux pas. It seems to criminalize poverty and strip basic human Rights instead of mitigating violence, crime and murder. We agree that it is precisely the members of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the investors and business tycoons of this country that hold the solutions we seek when it comes to the plight of South Side Belize City. In a publication of Ethics of Development in Global Environment (EDGE) dated May 27th, 1999 Tolbert and Alphonse contend that economically distressed areas are symptomatic of unemployment, poverty, violence and in fact are what defines them. In 1994 Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter founded the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC). ICIC seeks to “Drive economic prosperity in America’s inner cities through private sector investment to create jobs, income and wealth for local residents.” Inner cities like the Southside are a viable market because they have a strategic location, vastly underutilized labor supply and most importantly an underserved local market. These are due in large part to the notoriety these areas usually have. Perhaps the most famous case study for urban revitalization is the Johnson Investment Model made famous by Johnson Development Corporation (JDC) and its Chairman Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson. In his opening statement at the 2016 convention of the International Council of Shopping Centers Johnson affirmed that “you can do good and you can do well at the same time” as he referenced his experience with urban-focused development. Porter of the ICIC warns against “trying to cure the inner city’s problems by perpetually increasing public social investment.” Rather he advises that the way to go is to “identify and leverage the competitive advantages of inner cities.” Intrepid entrepreneurs must seek to create shared value, or practices that seek to increase productivity while benefitting the community. It has been shown that investing in inner city far from being charitable work is actually very profitable business for the investors. The GOB and the Municipal government, for their part, must create a climate that will encourage investment in the inner city. They can do this by lowering the cost of setting up business in the desired demarcated area through the lowering of trade license and property taxes for a limited amount of time. They might also want to consider customs duties and general sales tax rebates lowering the cost of building. To ensure that there is significant investment in the area companies willing to set up shop and enjoy these perks must be thoroughly screened to qualify. To further direct and boost business to the area GOB may consider lowering the GST in this specific project area. Sure there may be leaks and contraband but those still exist now. The difference would be that the money and more importantly the jobs would remain in Belize instead. Not long ago Mexico had lower value added taxes along their border towns so that these would remain competitive and attract commerce. Urban regeneration and revitalization are possible. The private sector needs to step it up a notch and become proactive in the redevelopment of our communities by investing in Belize. The South Side of Belize City is teeming with an underutilized labor force that must be put to work. It is true that we must always have a cohesive effort on behalf of the private sector, the social partners and the government. In this case the private sector must lead the way in developing and executing the plan to create opportunities to put our inner city residents to work. We can no longer expect to increase social investment and welfare initiatives and pray that economic activity will magically appear. As we approach the anniversary of our Independence let us be reminded that nation building is a task for the brave and the inspired. Nation building is for those who dare to do.

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os quedamos extasiados al saber que la cámara de comercio de Belice en su comunicado de prensa está dispuesta a colaborar con todas las partes interesadas en los esfuerzos pro Belice y están “dispuestos a establecer las bases para una distribución más equitativa y sostenible de beneficios económicos”. Por lo general, se establece que las políticas represivas no funcionan para disuadir la delincuencia y la violencia. La creación de la unidad anti-narcóticos (ANU) y la unidad de supresión de pandillas (GSU) no ha hecho nada para detener la ola de violencia que se ha propagado como un reguero de pólvora a través de nuestros vecindarios. El reciente estado público de emergencia es nomas otra en una serie de metidas de pata. Parece criminalizar la pobreza y despojar los derechos humanos básicos en lugar de mitigar la violencia, el crimen y el asesinato. Estamos de acuerdo en que son precisamente los miembros de la cámara de comercio e industria de Belice, los inversores y magnates de negocios de este país que tienen las soluciones que buscamos cuando se trata de la difícil situación del lado sur de la Ciudad de Belice. En una publicación de ética del desarrollo en el medio ambiente global (EDGE) del 27 de mayo de 1999, Tolbert y Alphonse sostienen que las áreas económicamente deprimidas son sintomáticas del desempleo, la pobreza, la violencia y, de hecho, son las que las definen. En 1994 el profesor Michael Porter de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard fundó la iniciativa para una ciudad interior competitiva (ICIC). ICIC busca “impulsar la prosperidad económica en los barrios marginales de las ciudades de los Estados Unidos a través de la inversión del sector privado para crear empleos, ingresos y riqueza para los residentes locales”. Los centros urbanos y pobres como el sur de la ciudad de Belice son un mercado viable porque tienen una ubicación estratégica, un suministro de mano de obra ampliamente subutilizado y, lo que es más importante, un mercado local insuficientemente atendidas. Esto se debe en gran parte a la notoriedad que estas áreas tienen generalmente. Quizás, el estudio de caso más famoso sobre la revitalización urbana es el modelo de inversión de Johnson, hecho famoso por Johnson Development Corporation (JDC) y su Presidente Earvin ‘ Magic ‘ Johnson. En su declaración de apertura en la Convención del Consejo Internacional de Centros Comerciales en el año 2016 Johnson afirmó que “usted puede hacer el bien y que puede hacer bien al mismo tiempo”, cuando se refirió a su experiencia con el desarrollo enfocado a áreas urbanas marginadas. Porter de la ICIC advierte en contra de “tratar de curar los problemas de la ciudad interior con el perpetuo aumento de la inversión social pública.” Más bien aconseja que el camino a seguir sea “identificar y aprovechar las ventajas competitivas de las ciudades del interior”. Los emprendedores intrépidos deben tratar de crear valor compartido, o prácticas que busquen aumentar la productividad a la vez que benefician a la comunidad. Se ha demostrado que invertir en las áreas de la ciudad lejos de ser trabajo caritativo es en realidad un negocio muy rentable para los inversionistas. El Gobierno de Belice (GOB) y el gobierno municipal, por su parte, deben crear un clima que fomente la inversión en el sur de la ciudad. Pueden hacerlo reduciendo el costo de establecer negocios en el área demarcada deseada mediante la reducción de la licencia comercial y los impuestos a la propiedad por un período de tiempo limitado. También podrían querer considerar reembolsos en los aranceles aduaneros e impuestos generales de venta (GST) para reducir el costo de la construcción. Para asegurar de que haya una inversión significativa en el área, las compañías dispuestas a establecer negocio y disfrutar de estas ventajas deben ser exhaustivamente evaluadas para calificar. Para dirigir e impulsar el negocio al área, GOB puede considerar la reducción del GST en esta área específica del proyecto. Seguro de que puede haber fugas y contrabando, pero esos existen aun ahora. La diferencia sería que el dinero y, más importante aún, los puestos de trabajo se quedarían en Belice. No hace mucho tiempo México tenía impuestos del valor agregado (IVA) rebajados a lo largo de sus ciudades fronterizas para que esas continuaran siendo competitivas y atraerán el comercio. La regeneración urbana y la revitalización son posibles. El sector privado necesita ponerse las pilas y ser proactivo en la reurbanización de nuestras comunidades invirtiendo en Belice. El lado sur de la ciudad de Belice está repleta de una fuerza de trabajo subutilizada que debe ser puesto a trabajar. Es cierto que siempre debemos tener un esfuerzo cohesivo por parte del sector privado, los interlocutores sociales y el gobierno. En este caso, el sector privado debe liderar el camino en el desarrollo y ejecución del plan para crear oportunidades para que nuestros residentes de la ciudad interior marginada funcionen. Ya no podemos tener esperanza que aumentando la inversión social y las iniciativas de bienestar social y orar hará que la actividad económica aparezca mágicamente. A medida que nos acercamos al aniversario de nuestra independencia, recordemos que la construcción de la nación es una tarea para los valientes y los inspirados. La construcción de la nación es para aquellos que son audaces.

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EDUCATION, ECONOMIC PROSPERITY, SOCIAL PROGRESS, AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY September 12, 2018 By: Louis Zabaneh, Ph.D., Ed.D. There is a strong linkage between our education system, the level of performance of our economy, our quality of social life, and our ability to secure our territorial integrity. In this short article I hope to present some of these linkages and to encourage further discussion that could lead to corrective action. The Right Honourable George Cadle Price, Father of our Nation, said that “Economic growth depends on Social Progress, Social Progress depends on Education, and the objective is that our people seek to do more, know more, and have more in order to be more” (Interview with Dr. David Hines, Caribnationtv, 2004). As we face the myriad of challenges in our nation today, these words cannot be more pertinent. It is evident that the ending part of the objective, “to be more,” or as we would say in the parlance of Sustainable Human Development - “attain a higher quality of life,” has been but an elusive dream for over half of our population. The last comprehensive study on poverty was done over eight years ago, and it revealed that 41.3% of our population was below the poverty line (National Human Development Advisory Committee, 2010). Media reports and expert observation have stated on numerous occasions that the trend since then has been one of worsening poverty and a lower quality of life for more Belizeans. We are failing on a grand scale in meeting this basic objective of “being more,” and instead we have less, know less, and do less. Education is clearly a prerequisite for social progress and economic prosperity. Ultimately, our many areas of weakness in Belize today have strong connections with our failed education system. As we start the new school year, we once again engage in proving Einstein’s words that “the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. ” Our children carry heavy school bags to class, engage in numerous classes, are assigned homework that the parents or guardians end up doing, and become stressed along with parents and teachers, trying to pass the PSE and CXC examinations. And at the end of the school year we hear how poorly we have done nationally on these exams – then we start the cycle all over again! In my 2015 book, The Sustainable Development of Belize, A Citizen’s Manual, I offered a number of recommendations, one being the reform of our education system. I proposed that we redesign the primary school curriculum to build on the foundation courses – begin with Math and Language from Infant I to Standard II, then add another subject between Standard III and IV, and then add another one between Standard V and VI,

ensuring that from Infant I the Arts and Sports are a part of the daily activities of students. I proposed a similar build up from these four courses in high school. Such an approach acknowledges and respects the psychology of a child’s brain development and the realities of the social and economic challenges our families and schools face. These ideas are expounded in the Second Edition of the book to be published before the end of 2018. Social cohesion and social capital flourishes when people are well educated, active proponents of basic principles and values, able to apply their knowledge to solving practical problems, and act selflessly to help their fellow citizens to have a better life. Social progress cannot occur if our education system is contributing to social disorder due to high dropout rates in high school, leaving half of the secondary-aged population on the streets without opportunities, stressed and hopeless. Likewise, our country’s economy will always produce significant inequality when over half of our population earns very low or no wages, and when our people are so poorly equipped educationally. To compound the problem, nothing consequential is done to empower their capabilities to rise and become who they aspire to be. A poor education system creates and perpetuates social injustice, economic inequality, and corruption. We are now confronted with the decision to vote either yes or no in the upcoming Referendum scheduled for April 10, 2019 on taking the question, agreed to by our leaders in the 2008 Special Agreement/Compromis on Guatemala’s claim to Belize, to the ICJ. The way the question is worded is adverse to Belize’s interest, as Mrs. Sandra Coye and Mr. Paul Morgan have made clear. Since our education system is geared up to pass the PSE and CXC exams, and does not focus on individualized, holistic learning, critical thinking, and principles and values, it is unable to produce enough graduates who are willing and able to question, to research, to argue respectfully, and to stand on solid principles and values on such an important matter. Where are our young people in this debate? We need to be able to question why there is the Compromis in the first place, why the question is worded the way it is, whether it is in the best interest of our nation to vote yes or

no, and in the process to raise alternatives that are not being offered at this time. There are other options that are more nationalistic in approach and less risky than going to the ICJ with the question as it has been written in the Compromis. We should be discussing and debating these alternatives more widely, and including such topics in the education campaign that the government is now embarking upon. A rational, equitable, and tailored-to-Belize education system will have a large positive impact on our economic prosperity, social progress, and territorial integrity. It is not too late to transform. Other countries have had to take stock and make major adjustments to their education systems to get better results in terms of more productive and engaged citizens. In the case of Finland, they rose to be one of the best systems in the world. Read about them at and I especially encourage our educators in the Ministry of Education to do their

own research. These three existential threats to our country – economic hardship, social disintegration, and Guatemala’s unjust territorial claim – could have been mitigated with a better education system that would have produced citizens able to take advantage of and/or create economic opportunities for themselves and others, promote social cohesion and capital by caring more for each other, and have a critical approach to the question of solving the Guatemalan claim. Such an education system, one that we must build urgently, would also produce citizens who for the most part could resist the temptations of corrupt social, economic and political practices, and who, with strong values and principles, would put nation above self, and God above nation. It would prevent the setting we have today of a state of emergency in parts of south-side Belize City, and the daily headlines of numerous murders by and of our youths. Sanity must prevail over insanity, transformational/servant leadership over pseudo leadership, and strong values over weakness.

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NOTICE TRANSAIR LOGISTICS LTD. # 154, 576 (“the Company”)

Pursuant to Section 102 (8) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that TRANSAIR LOGISTICS LTD. has been dissolved as at 14th September 2018 and has been struck off the Register of International Business Companies.

Happy 37th


Independence Day BELIZE

CILTRUST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Registered Agent In The Matter of The International Business Companies Act (Chapter 270) AND In The Matter of Keyco Incorporated in voluntary Liquidation, members’ winding up and dissolution. TAKE NOTICE that Keyco Incorporated is in dissolution. The date of Commencement of the dissolution is The 07th September, 2018. The liquidator is Emanuel Rivera Limited of 5827 Corner of Graduate Crescent & Bachelor Avenue, Belize City, Belize Dated this 17th day of August, 2018 EMANUEL RIVERA LIMITED Liquidator

From: The Management & Staff of Simon Quan & Company Limited # 24 Queen Street Belize City Telephone: 223-4124

Wide Variety + Great Prices = Simon Quan... Where Else?

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Crime In Belize: Is Becoming More Dangerous For Foreigners?

After a number of recent high-profile tourist/expat homicides, we look at crime in Belize and try to determine how safe it actually is right now. Central America.Com: Gary Peterson, Sep 17, 2018 If you read the US State Department’s OSAC (Overseas Security Advisory Council) Crime & Safety Report for Belize in 2018, you’ll see the words “exercise increased caution”. I would argue you should exercise caution no matter where in the world you travel. My lifetime travels have taken me around the world for forty years, and around Belize for eight years. My first trip to Belize took me to Ambergris Caye and my research told me the usual stuff. Don’t look wealthy, don’t flash cash, and don’t get too drunk, and so on. This is the generic advice I’d give to people traveling anywhere. What my research didn’t tell me was about gunfire at night and conflicts at the Mexican border between drug runners. About bodies floating to shore and military personnel walking the beaches with automatic weapons. I never heard any of that stuff before arriving. But I heard all these stories on Ambergris Caye and my protective nature kicked my alertness up two notches while I was there. The overwhelming majority of violent crime victims in Belize are Belizeans themselves, but recent years have seen an increase in these types of crimes against tourists and expats. Tourists in Belize are often victims of theft, but few experience real violence. Most foreign crime victims don’t realize they’re victims until they wake up and find out. We often hear “I woke up and my computer/phone/purse was missing. I should have closed and locked the door/windows.” My fear is, at some point, occupants will confront a suspect who enters a property and it’ll get violent. It’s no secret that Belize City is a cesspool of crime, with gang conflicts and shootings almost daily. It’s Belize City that makes Belize’s homicide rate so high (more on that below). Increased level of Crime in Two South-side communities of Belize City force Government to Declare a State of Emergency in the areas. Plan is to increase Police Presence and Power of Authority. But we are now witnessing more serious crimes creep into the south and out to the islands where the tourists go. This should be a concern as Belize survives on tourism. I’m not sure if the recent decline in tourists is because of sargassum or increasing crime or both. Until recently, the only notable murder involvement by a US citizen was the bizarre John McAfee situation on Ambergris Caye back in 2012. But since 2016 several foreigners have been murdered in Belize. In January 2016, a vacationing news anchor from Chicago died in Cayo District. This murder remains unsolved. Authorities say it’s complicated because of the proximity to the Guatemala border. Corozal District saw an incident last year with the discovery of a local expat couple found strangled in a cane field. One was Canadian and the other from the US. To date, there has been little released about this double murder or any hope of solving it. An expat in Placencia was also strangled in December 2017, found next to her rental vehicle. She had lived in the area for years and was selling her home. Again, little news about this case or any arrests or convictions so far. In May 2018, a gunman shot dead a Texan

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expat in his popular San Pedro restaurant in the early evening. Like the previous cases mentioned, no leads or convictions, which seems to be the norm. And then just this month, a US retiree living in Hopkins was found, although arrests have been made in this case. The question is, will they stick? Some will say one or two expat murders a year in Belize is nothing compared to cities back in the US. I say considering Belize only has a population of 350,000, “one or two expat murders” should be a major concern. Remember, we’re only talking about foreigners murdered here.

When you include them with the total number of murders (142 in 2017) in a country with the population of Tampa, Florida, you have one of the highest homicide rates in the world. As already mentioned, the overwhelming majority of violent crime victims in Belize are Belizeans. Who knows the circumstances of these crimes mentioned above? Drugs? Robbery? Business dealings? Or were they just in the wrong place at the wrong time? My advice to those planning to visit or live in Belize is to always be aware. Know of your surroundings, and be aware of the people you meet, party with, and live by.

2018 It’s been a few years now since I moved to Belize and I think I’ve assimilated well into my local community. I treat everyone the same, ask for help, and return the favor. I’m very serious about me and my wife’s personal safety. Our house is secure, with solid windows, doors, locks, outside lights and more. As far as if it’s safe to come to Belize, I say yes as long as you keep your eyes open and your wits about you. Respect your surroundings and try to become one with your community. If you’re moving here, get involved with a Neighbourhood Watch scheme – they do exist here. Become part of the Facebook community, like our Placencia Crime Watch group so you know what’s happening in your area. Sticking your head into the sand of one of our beautiful Caribbean beaches is not the best way to go. The best thing you can have at home to keep you safe is a big dog. Nothing says Keep Out like a sign that says “I can make it to this gate in 2.3 seconds, can you?”


The Belize City Council is seeking applications to fill the post of Systems Administrator. All interested persons must submit their applications along with their resume and two letters of reference, in a sealed envelope no later than Friday, September 28, 2018 to Human Resources Manager, Belize City Council, 109 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize. EDUCATION: Essential: Associates Degree in Information Technology. Desirable: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology or related field with 3 years’ experience. Experience: 3 – 5 years’ experience in Information Technology or related field with at least 2 years’ experience as Systems Administrator or similar role PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • The System Administrator (SA) is responsible for effective provisioning, installation/configuration, operation, and maintenance of computer systems hardware and software and other related infrastructure. This individual participates in technical research and development to facilitate ongoing innovation within the infrastructure. This individual ensures that computer systems hardware, operating systems, software applications, and related policies and procedures adhere to industry best practices and organizational values, enabling staff, volunteers, and partners. • This individual will assist project teams with technical expertise in the Initiation and Planning phases of our standard Project Management Methodology. These activities include the definition of needs, benefits, and technical strategy; research & development within the project life-cycle; technical analyses and design; and technical support of operations staff in executing, testing and rolling-out the solutions. Participation on projects is focused on smoothing the transition of projects from development staff to production staff by performing operations activities within the project life-cycle. • This individual is expected to be knowledgeable and comfortable working with different flavors of Linux and Windows PC and Windows Server Operating Systems. • This individual is expected to be knowledgeable and comfortable working with PC hardware, wireless Point to Point devices, Blade Server and Firewall Hardware and Firmware. Responsibilities:

1. Install and configure computer hardware and software, including operating systems 2. Manage network servers, Point to Point, Firewall and other communication devices and

infrastructure. Manage Domain Security and User Access Monitor performance and maintain systems according to established policies and procedures Troubleshoot server issues and manage general network fault resolution Assist in implementation, management and maintenance of systems security and data integrity policies and procedures 7. Build an internal repository of technical documentation, manuals and IT policies to assist in staff development 3. 4. 5. 6.

Requirements: 1. Proven experience as a System Administrator or similar role 2. Experience with databases, networks (LAN, VLAN, WAN, WLAN) 3. Knowledge of systems security (e.g. intrusion/extrusion prevention systems) and data backup/recovery 4. Familiarity with and working knowledge of various operating systems and platforms (Linux/Windows) 5. Resourcefulness and problem-solving aptitude 6. Excellent verbal and written communication skills 7. Commanding Supervisory and delegation skills

23 SEP

Party Leader’s National Service Day Remarks La Immaculada Church Orange Walk Town 19th September 2018 This has been a lovely ceremony and liturgy this evening. First I want to thank Father Smalls for allowing us to celebrate this mass of thanksgiving here at La Inmaculada Church. Also let us give a round of applause for the wonderful singing. The choir, which is being led by councilor Rozel Arana. All of you sang beautiful music. And of course we offer our thanks to the organizers of tonight’s entire program. Today across the Nation we are celebrating National Service Day in honour of the Father of the Nation the Rt. Hon. George Price. For us in the PUP this day takes on even greater significance since Mr. Price was our Leader Emeritus. That is why in Belize City, Corozal, in other communities and right here in Orange Walk Town members of our Party have been engaging in service programs and other events. We do this out of respect but more so because of what Mr. Price taught us, which is to love and serve this nation. This year our Party held ceremonies which, as you saw earlier, included a tree planting ceremony. Of course there were other activities and since 9:00 a.m. this morning I have been going from one event to another celebrating the life of Mr. Price In my younger years I often saw

Mr. Price moving quietly around Orange Walk Town. He was here more times than people knew. Many of those trips were to visit some of the older members of our Party, to discuss ideas about the future of our cane farmers or to talk about the overall development of Orange Walk Town. During those visits he would make time to check up on the building of a school or the construction of a park. There were no television cameras following him around and the Party never issued any press releases because Mr. Price didn’t think that any of this was news worthy, he was just doing what he thought he was supposed to do which is to “serve the people.” This is why we do this every year, to show appreciation for the contribution of a man who believed with all his heart that we are here to help one another. That is why the motto of the PUP says: “Serve the People.” Every person who considers him or herself a PUP should understand that those words mean far more than just a nice slogan, for us it is a way of life. Serve the People is a call to be a good person who cares for our neighbours as much as we care for ourselves. Serve the people means standing up for those who may be unable to stand up for themselves. Serve the people asks each of us

For Immediate Release PUP Responds to the BCCI’s Press Release on the UHS Matter th BELIZE CITY – MONDAY: 17 September 2018 -- The People’s United Party (PUP) Immediate Release Immediate Release views with consternation the release by the Belize Chamber of For Commerce &For Industry (BCCI) on the UHS matter. The condemnation of the childish and petulant behavior in the Statement from the Leader of the People's United Party House of Representatives (HOR), a comportment that has been a UDP norm for the last on the Passing of Former UDP Leader and Sr. Counsel Dean Russel Lindo PUP Responds to the BCCI’s Press Release on the UHS Matter ten years, took an inordinate amount of time to be publicly denounced by one of the social

partner in failing to recognize the obvious political ploy by the UDP not only with the UHS House of Representatives (HOR), a comportment that has been a UDP norm for the last matter, but several financial matters such as the now infamous BTL saga. The Mr. Lindo served Belize forother mostcostly of his life and Belizeans at home and abroad recognize his work ten years, took an inordinate amount of time to be publicly denounced by one of the social as a politician, andthat attorney. join expressing PUPstatesman acknowledges the initialWe UHS debtwith was all not Belizeans incurred andinresolved in theour mostgratitude for partners. of the late Mr. Dean Russel Lindo and offer our solidarity to his family and the life of Service transparent manner but nevertheless, was dealt with and was fixed by the PUP. The new

members of his beloved United Democratic Party.

UDP generated debt of $95M falls squarely on those in the National Assembly that have The PUP is also dismayed at the gullibility of such a prestigious and important social persistently and purposely created these politically and financially beneficial schemes as a soul Rest in Peace partner in failing to recognize the obvious political ploy by the UDP not only with the UHS way to enrich their cronies, friends and families. matter, but several other costly financial matters such as the now infamous BTL saga. The

PUP acknowledges that the initial UHS debt was not incurred and resolved in the most Like the BCCI and other social partners, the PUP believes and respects the rule of law. The ###ends###transparent manner but nevertheless, was dealt with and was fixed by the PUP. The new Leader of the Opposition, Hon John Briceño, on more than one occasion publicly stated UDP generated debt of $95M falls squarely on those in the National Assembly that have that the $95M payment was mandated by the CCJ, our highest court. persistently and purposely created these politically and financially beneficial schemes as a

Contact: Phone:

to be dedicated to the task of nation building and most important, to serve the people is to do the work that we as Christians are called to do. The scriptures tell us that Jesus said whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me. So yes, our PUP philosophy is one that is rooted in our Christian belief and that is why you always hear us say that we believe in social justice. All of these noble ideas and the values that guide us as a Party were formed by George Price who was a good Christian and who along with

Angeles Itzab

way to enrich their cronies, friends and families. Secretary --- more --[501] 280-0031 social partners, the PUP believes and respects the rule of law. The Like the BCCI and other Leader of the Opposition, Hon John Briceño, on more than one occasion publicly stated that the $95M payment was mandated by the CCJ, our highest court.

that brave generation of PUPs, started our movement in 1950. This is who we are and this is what we celebrate on National Service Day. So it is right that we end our activities for National Service Day here in church, celebrating and giving thanks to God not only for the life of Mr. Price, but for his good work which should inspire us all and we give thanks for we are blessed to live in Beautiful Belize. Long Live Belize Que Viva George Price Que Viva Belice

For Immediate Release For Immediate Release

PUP Responds to the BCCI’s Press Release on the UHS Matter PUP Responds to the BCCI’s Press Release on the UHS Matter

th September 2018 2018 ----The People’s United Party (PUP) – MONDAY: The People’s United Party (PUP) BELIZEBELIZE CITY CITY – MONDAY: 17th17September

viewsconsternation with consternation releasebybythe the Belize Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry views with the the release Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI) on the UHS matter. The condemnation of the childish and petulant behavior in the

(BCCI) on the UHS matter. The condemnation of the childish and petulant behavior in the House of Representatives (HOR), a comportment that has been a UDP norm for the last

House oftenRepresentatives (HOR), a comportment that has been a UDP norm for the last years, took an inordinate amount of time to be publicly denounced by one of the social ten years,partners. took an inordinate amount of time to be publicly denounced by one of the social partners. The PUP is also dismayed at the gullibility of such a prestigious and important social partner in failing to recognize the obvious political ploy by the UDP not only with the UHS

The PUP is also dismayed at the gullibility of such a prestigious and important social matter, but several other costly financial matters such as the now infamous BTL saga. The

partner inPUP failing to recognize the obvious political ploy by the UDP not only with the UHS acknowledges that the initial UHS debt was not incurred and resolved in the most matter, but severalmanner other but costly financialwas matters such aswas thefixed nowbyinfamous saga. The transparent nevertheless, dealt with and the PUP. BTL The new UDP generatedthat debtthe of $95M squarely those in the Nationaland Assembly that in have PUP acknowledges initialfalls UHS debtonwas not incurred resolved the most persistently and purposely created these politically and financially beneficial schemes as a transparent manner but nevertheless, was dealt with and was fixed by the PUP. The new way to enrich their cronies, friends and families.

UDP generated debt of $95M falls squarely on those in the National Assembly that have persistently purposely created these politically and financially schemes as a Likeand the BCCI and other social partners, the PUP believes and respects beneficial the rule of law. The way to enrich friends and Briceño, families. Leader their of thecronies, Opposition, Hon John on more than one occasion publicly stated that the $95M payment was mandated by the CCJ, our highest court.

Like the BCCI and other social partners, the PUP believes and respects the rule of law. The

Leader of the Opposition, Hon John Briceño, on more than one occasion publicly stated --- more ---

BELIZE CITY, 17th September 2018 --thThe Hon. John Briceño, on behalf of the People’s United partners. The People’s United PartyDemocratic (PUP) BELIZE CITY – MONDAY: 17 September Party extends condolences to the immediate family2018 and--members of the United Party views releaseLeader by the Belize of Commerce Party, & Industry on the passing of with Sr. consternation Counsel andtheformer of theChamber United Democratic the Hon. Dean The PUP is also dismayed at the gullibility of such a prestigious and important social Russel Lindo. (BCCI) on the UHS matter. The condemnation of the childish and petulant behavior in the

May his

09 9



that the $95M payment was mandated by the CCJ, our highest court.

it is more than evident that when the Prime Minister tabled a bill, with the However, For Immediate Release

publicly announced intention to vote against it, he created a crisis in our democracy --- more -- confronting the three branches of government and making a mockery of our political PUP Responds to the BCCI’s Press Release on the UHS Matter system. It is because of this that the PUP chose not to be a part of the obvious political

charade the UDP skillfully fashionedth in the House of Representatives.

BELIZE CITY – MONDAY: 17 September 2018 -- The People’s United Party (PUP)

views with consternation the release by the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Once again, theonPUP callsmatter. on allThe social partners of including theand business community, (BCCI) the UHS condemnation the childish petulant behavior in the to keep of Representatives (HOR), aby comportment has been aElections UDP normdraw for the last more vigilant House for more of these maneuvers the UDP. that As General closer, ten years, took an inordinate amount of time to be publicly denounced by one of the social

of these games will be created in an attempt to trick the electorate in voting for the UDP. partners.

Our Party remains confident that Belizeans, although quiet, are cognizant of the stark and harsh economic and social realities through corruption andand incompetence, the UDP The PUP is also dismayed at thethat, gullibility of such a prestigious important social partnerThis in failing recognize the political ploy by the UDP not only with the UHS has created. was tomanifested inobvious the Municipal Elections. matter, but several other costly financial matters such as the now infamous BTL saga. The PUP acknowledges that the initial UHS debt was not incurred and resolved in the most

The PUP assures Belizeans that it will remain vigilant and will bring to the fore all issues transparent manner but nevertheless, was dealt with and was fixed by the PUP. The new

of concern. As a responsible Opposition, we will always act in the best interest of our UDP generated debt of $95M falls squarely on those in the National Assembly that have nation. persistently and purposely created these politically and financially beneficial schemes as a way to enrich their cronies, friends and families.

### ends ###

Like the BCCI and other social partners, the PUP believes and respects the rule of law. The Leader of the Opposition, Hon John Briceño, on more than one occasion publicly stated

Contact:that the $95M Linsford Castillo payment was mandated by the CCJ, our highest court. Secretary General Phone:

(501) 677-9168 --- more ---


Party Leader’s Remarks Wreath Laying Ceremony National Service Day Belize City Wednesday, 19th September 2018 I will never forget that morning, seven years ago when Mr. Price left us. His family members who were by his side told us that he quietly slipped from this life to his eternal reward while the Belizean National Anthem played in the background. Imagine his last breath being taken as the song rang out: “Arise ye sons of the Baymen’s clan, put on your armor, clear the land.” No one really knew what was going on in his mind or what he last heard that split second before God called him home, but I want to think the words he most loved in our anthem was “put on your armor, clear the land.” Not in the literal sense, that we should go and fall the beautiful tress, which is a part of what makes our country so special, but in the sense that we have work to do. Mr. Price was a worker and he spent all his days working to make Belize better for everyone. One of the other things I remember about that time seven years ago was the discussion over where Mr. Price should be buried. Many of us, especially his PUP supporters believed Mr. Price should be buried in Belmopan at the George Price Center. Belmopan is a city that he dreamed of and built and is now one of the most beautiful cities in our country… we call it the garden city. But members of his family said it was Mr. Price’s desire to be buried next to his family members, not in some great fancy grave but in a place among the people he loved and served. I guess they know best, after all in life Mr. Price was a humble man; in death his family wanted his wish to be honored which meant his final resting place would be next to his father and among the people. Nothing too fancy, for Mr. Price…he was never about showing off. Perhaps even in dying Mr. Price was trying to teach us something when he asked that he be buried among the people and that we keep this place more modest. Maybe he wanted all of us to remember that our good work will live long after we are gone and no monuments will be needed if we lived our lives in service to others. Yes, it is true, we need monuments to our heroes, our children should know about our ancestors who built this nation. I am sure you will agree that now more than ever we need examples of how to be good, decent and honest citizens. So I think that the best monument we can build to Mr. Price is to develop in our hearts, a deep love for Belize. Let’s work every day to build

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THE BELIZE TIMES our country and most important let’s care for each other, because what made Mr. Price a hero, was not who he was, but how he lived his life. And the best message we can take away from these celebrations…on National Service Day… is the message of the song he loved so much, and which calls on all of us to form an army of Belizeans who love God and our neighbors so much that we will fight so that no Belizean has to be poor or suffer injustice. Trust me, no grave or fancy monument can better honor Mr. Price like our love for Belize and for each other. That is why today we will be planting trees in Belize City, Orange Walk, Corozal and elsewhere. As these trees grow and take root we

2018 hope that it will be a symbol of our commitment to build a strong nation devoted to social justice, where we preserve the beauty of our country and care for one another. The mahogany tree, which is on our flag, is a symbol of our nation’s strength. From its roots comes nourishment that allows it to grow majestic and strong always reaching towards the sky. So today Let us leave this place with a renewed commitment to serve the people and to honor the Father of our Nation by working for a strong nation and for the betterment of each other as we build a Belize that works for everyone. Long live Belize! Que Viva George Price! Que Viva Belice!


COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER The Belize City Council is seeking applications to fill the post of Communications Manager. All interested persons must submit their applications along with their resume and two references, in a sealed envelope no later than Friday, September 28, 2018 to the Human Resources Manager, Belize City Council, # 109 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize. QUALIFICATION Essential: • A Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications or Journalism with at least five (5) years’ experience or a first degree in Public Administration with a minimum of eight (8) years related PR experience in the Public Service. • Be fluent in written and spoken English. A working knowledge of the Spanish language would be a great asset. • Must have experience working in the traditional media – print, TV, and radio PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Supervise the Public Relations Personnel and the work of the department. 2. Plan, develop and implement Public Relation Strategies. 3. Promote and publicize the work and accomplishments of the Belize City Council using traditional media and new technologies. 4. Oversee the maintaining and updating of the Council’s Web Page. 5. Prepare a monthly calendar for Mayor, Councilors and City Administrator and coordinate the timely and effective dissemination of information pertaining to the Council’s business. 6. Liaise with and answer inquiries from media, individuals and other organization, often via telephone and email. 7. Monitor “Talk Shows” and offer accurate feedback to unfair allegations, criticisms and any negative aspersions against the Council. 8. Research, write and distribute press releases to targeted media. 9. Be familiar with all Laws, By-Laws, Contracts and policies which affect the Council. 10. Inform/Educate the public as to relevant information impacting in the daily activities of residents in our city. 11. Write and edit speeches, articles and annual reports. 12. Conduct appraisals for employees of the Public Relations Department. 13. Liaise with relevant stakeholders to ensure that the Belize City Council is in support of City initiatives and campaigns. 14. Prepare an internal quarterly newsletter promoting highlighting the Works of the Council. 15. Ensure the Council is highlighted once weekly on one of the media houses. 16. Prepare yearly budget for the Public Relations Department. 17. Assist in the planning and preparation of any social activities for the Council. 18. Manage the Public Relations aspect of a potential crisis situation. 19. Representative for the Education, Information, Warning and Communication Sub-committee for the City Emergency Management Organization (CEMO) 20. Carryout any other duties assigned from time to time. 21. Ensure that all protocols, procedures and guidelines are used at all times in carrying out assigned duties. 22. Ensure that professionalism is displayed at all times when carrying out duties. 23. Report to work immediately in the event a disaster threat and after the City has suffered a disaster. 24. Accountable to the Director of Administration.

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56 12 2018 23 SEP

THE BELIZE TIMES Father of the Nation

Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price

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18 JAN



IMF Team of Experts Consult with Opposition Leader, John Briceño

Wreath Laying Ceremony PUP Delegation: Party Leader Hon. John Briceño Hon. Rodwell Ferguson Valerie Woods Chris Coye Narda Garcia Dr. Marcelino Avila Sydney Campbell Stuart Leslie

IMF Mission Chief, Daniel Leigh Others: Julian Chow Laurent Kemoe Chady Adel El Khoury


“By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it, there is no planet B”. —Emmanuel Macron— By: Dr. Pedro Villegas. 1 Background Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish Nobel Prize winner in 1903, was the first person to investigate the CO2 effects on Climate Change. Earth is home to each of us. Our survival depends on the protection and care we provide for the environment. Energy and a clean environment are both essential to our existence. It is our responsibility to foster the development of green energy to enhance our quality of life. At the first quarter of the XXI Century the environment is becoming more and more under stress as economies develop and grow. Green technologies, the green economy and construction and development in the field of renewable energies are like a speeding train. Climate Change is the most systemic threat to humankind, it affects every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow. Current high temperatures are set to continue increasing, it means that we are likely to experience very hot summers more often, even though we are already struggling with the consequences on human health, agriculture and pollution now. There is a famous adage: “If you want to test the real character of a man, then just give him power”. Tweaking few words, it can be tailored to depict the current scenario, “If you want to test the real character of a man, then just cut his power supply”.That is why we go gaga over just a five minutes power cut which seems like eternity. I. Discussion People are experiencing the significant impacts of Climate Change, which include changing weather patterns, rising sea level, and more extreme weather events. The greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are driving Climate Change and continue to rise. They are now at their highest levels in history. Without action, the world’s average surface temperature is projected to rise over this XXI Century and is likely to surpass 3°C, with some areas of the world expected to warm even more. Unfortunately, the poorest and most vulnerable people are being affected the most. To address Climate Change, countries adopted the Paris Agreement in France on December 12, 2015. This Agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016. In the Agreement, all countries agreed to work to limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C, and given the grave risks, to strive for 1.5°C. USA abandoned this agreement in 2017 after Donald Trump assumed the US Presidency, which is a step back since they are one of the most compromised economies towards this treatment. Implementation of the Paris Agreement is essential for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and provides a roadmap for climate actions that will reduce emissions and build climate resilience. Fossil fuels supplied oxygen to the

churning fire of economic development. From that point, Power has emerged as an indispensable companion in Mankind’s journey through the sands of time. Steam engines – the quintessential machine of Industrial revolution fueled the demand for coal. Use of fossil fuels expanded to multifarious domains such as transport, heating, power production and chemical industries. The world wars and race for superpower also played its’ part in the escalated use of the reserved energy source. But the ecological footprint of economic development was realized much later. The negative impacts of fossil fuels on Earth’s delicate climate is devastating. With business-as-usual scenario, the global temperature is set to rise by 2.5 to 10°C by 2050, with the last two years in the top positions for hottest years on record. It seems even the goal of restricting temperature rise within 2°C seems highly improbable. Health, Agriculture, Ocean Chemistry, Food Chains, refugee crises are some aspects which bore the brunt of Climate Change. Affordable, scalable solutions are now available to enable countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies. The pace of change is quickening as more people are turning to renewable energy and a range of other measures that will reduce emissions and increase adaptation efforts. But Climate Change is a global challenge that does not respect national borders. Emissions anywhere affect people everywhere. It is an issue that requires solutions that need to be coordinated at the international level and it requires international cooperation to help developing countries move toward a low-carbon economy. Economists and policymakers, fearing the impending fuel crisis and global warming consequences, are pushing for clean energy. Are fossil fuels really running out? In 1970’s, some 50 years back, fossil fuels reserves were feared to run out within 40 years. But today, there are claims that reserves will last only for a period of 40 years from now! Thanks to ready access to natural gas due to melting

of ice caps in Arctic region, fossil fuels can last longer than half a century easily. There should be a paradigm shift on the reason for shifting to renewable energies from fossil fuels. It’s not about the fuel stock anymore, it is all about our Earth’s future which is at stake. There has been a marked shift towards clean and renewable energies in developing and developed nations. Particularly, China, Japan, Germany and India have stepped on the gas in harnessing renewable energy, particularly solar and wind. Nuclear, Geothermal, Tidal and Biomass must also take up the lion’s share in power production. The COP-21 was a watershed moment in the fight against climate change, but sadly the subsequent meetings didn’t garner much attention and failed to sustain the momentum. France, recently became the first nation in the world to ban Fracking (a method of extracting petroleum from shale reserves deep underground). Though the extraction rate of France per year is not even greater that what The Gulf extracts in a few hours, the move is a pathway for other countries to announce the war against climate change. Political leaders shouldn’t be reticent in this global burning issue. It is envisioned that the carbon emissions will reduce by half every decade and the renewable energies continues to double every five years or quadruple in a decade. In the case of the Central American region, Costa Rica is already running almost at 100% renewable. What we should do? The first thing is: Demand more actions from our leaders regarding to Paris Agreement! This is crucial to set the world on a path to lower its carbon emissions. You can simply make your voice heard on social media. Taking climate action is up to everybody. To make it easier, we have put together a list of things we can do. We can also learn more about the Paris Agreement, and spread what we have learned and what we are doing on our social networks. II. Conclusions The need for clean, reliable and efficient energy is more important than ever. The historic Paris Agreement ad-

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opted in 2015 and entered into force a year later, provides an opportunity for countries to strengthen the global response to the threat of Climate Change by keeping a global temperature rise well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase. There is a new “Moore’s law” now on Climate Change. It is envisioned that the carbon emissions will half every decade and the clean energy continues to double every five years or quadruple in a decade. The only obstacle this law faces is the rescinding of the USA from COP21, which was a prime political agenda of Donald Trump. But it is clear that the world has now woken up and realized the hazards of Climate Change. Efficiency, savings, and fantastic results should be achieved with renewable energies, and it has obvious advantages: Reduced energy and water consumption; Process optimization; improved overall economics; significantly reduced CO2 emissions; clearly superior working environment. We cannot afford another “snooze session” and it is time that we continue pushing for cleaner and sustainable energies to feed our power-hungry citizens and propel development in a positive and holistic way. You can reach your own conclusions. God bless Belize. Follow us at: & III. References 1. Deatherage, S. (2018). “Energy is getting smaller: the massive disruption of Electricity”. Available at: www. May 1, 2018. 2. Drummond, J. (2018). “The benefits of renewable energy for your business & the types of renewable energy”. Available at: benefits-renewable-energy-your-business-types-jak-drummond. May 16, 2018. 3. Edling, C. (2018) “Time to add a sustainable baseload – Heat Power”. Heat Power Newsletter, available at: July 1, 2018. 4. Harrop, P. (2018). “Unexpected Renewables Advances”. Available at: May 2, 2018 5. Longley, P. (2018). “Wind Energy, should we be blown over by the progress in our steps to the Green Revolution?”. Available at: pulse/wind-energy-should-we-blownover-progress-our-steps-green-longley. May 14, 2018. 6. Reiband, M. (2018). “Clean, Cheap and Reliable – the new paradigm for Renewable Energy”. Available at: June 4, 2018. 7. Smith, R. (2018). “This is how people in Europe are helping lead the energy charge”. World Economic Forum Newsletter, available at: www.weforum. org/agenda/2018, April 25, 2018.

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UDP Neglect of Sports in Port By Gilroy Usher Sr. The UDP built this matchbox bleachers without any top at Pen Road basketball court in the Port Loyola Division. It can’t even seat a dozen spectators. This tiny structure was built after the party controlled the Belize City Council for 12 years (2006- 2018) with scores of millions of dollars from a wide range of tax increases, the $40 million City Council Bond, and Petro Caribe funds from G.O.B. All the councillors were voted out of office with overnight wealth. They were a corrupt set of public officials. The UDP has been in Government since 2008. That’s ten long years. News reports show it’s the most corrupt administration in the history of this nation. P.M. Barrow rightly refers to the Lands Department as a hot bed of corruption. The Ministers and their cronies have stolen scores of millions of dollars of the people’s money in bloated contracts like the $8 million Faber’s Road project; the Airport hustle, the Immigration scandal, the Marion Jones fiasco, and countless other corrupt schemes. After all those years in office at the City Hall and in Central Government and millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money in their pockets and bank accounts, a tiny incomplete bleachers is the best the party can do for sports in the Pen Road area. What a neglect! That is truly rough since sports teach youths countless valuable life skills. UDP was elected to office in Belize City and at the national level to use taxpayer’s money to address the needs of Belizean people. They were not elected to office to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. Port has three basketball courts. Those facilities are on Pen Rd, Caesar Ridge Road, and in Jane Usher area. They were all built by the then PUP government. Except for the court on Pen Road, the other two courts were also provided with large concrete bleachers. PUP has not been in government for a decade. Gilroy Usher, Sr. and other PUP standard bearers, therefore, don’t have the funds for costly infrastructure works such a bleachers. Nevertheless, although Mr. Usher is not the Area Representative for Port, he has held numerous basketball tournaments and other sporting events at each of the

basketball courts in the division. Gilroy Usher is also promoting sports in Port as one of the main sponsors of Caesar Ridge FC, which is a football team in the area. With Gilroy Usher Sr. as the next Area Representative for Port and Johnny Briceno as the new Prime Minister of Belize, taxpayer’s money will be used to promote sports and other needed things in Port as well as the other areas of the country.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 224 Corner Aracari & Woodpecker Streets, Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, Belize on Wednesday October 3, 2018 at 10:00a.m. SCHEDULE

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 573.191 square metres being Parcel 596, Block 16 in the Vista Del Mar Registration Section situate at No. 224 Corner Aracari & Woodpecker Streets, Vista Del Mar, Ladyville, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER with a two-storey concrete structure with a gross floor area of 7680 square feet, occupied on the ground floor by a hardware store with residence above, the freehold property of ORLANDO PEREZ DATED this 19th day of September 2018

All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:



Prensa Libre: Guatemala 17 de Septiembre de 2018 En un marco conceptual de prevención y combate del contrabando y la defraudación aduanera, la política nacional será el instrumento que busca mitigar su expansión, reducir el impacto económico al fisco y sector productivo, que promete ser el brazo de acción para enfrentar a las estructuras criminales. Luego de varios años de discusiones y tratamientos, se concluyó con una norma de trabajo entre el sector público-privado. Por medio de acuerdo gubernativo, se dio vida a la política nacional 2018-2028, en agosto pasado. La actividad ilegal deja por lo menos Q17 mil millones que el fisco no logra percibir cada año, según los estudios, y que valida el documento. Contenido Cuatro ejes, cinco lineamientos estratégicos y 32 acciones son los frentes que buscarán contrarrestar la defraudación y el contrabando aduanero en los próximo diez años en que estará vigente la normativa. Los cuatro ejes definidos son: prevención y combate de la defraudación y el contrabando aduaneros, así como la transparencia y combate de la corrupción y fortalecimiento tributario. “Con estos ejes de trabajo se espera prevenir y combatir prácticas ilegales en el territorio nacional, incrementar la recaudación proveniente de tributos de comercio exterior y coadyuvar con el Estado para la disminución de los niveles de pobreza y desigualdad”, señala el documento. Las acciones previstas se plantean al corto plazo —uno a tres años—, mediano —tres a cinco años— y largo plazo —cinco a 10 años—, que involucra tanto a insti-

2018 2018 “Debe haber una intervención en las aduanas y los puertos para erradicar a las estructuras criminales que por años mantienen el control de la evasión”, enfatizó. Una investigación de la Cámara Guatemalteca de Alimentos y Bebidas (CGAB), de junio último, reveló la existencia de tres nuevas rutas que los contrabandistas están utilizando para ingresar las mercancías y evitar la incautación del producto. “Las mafias están utilizando mecanismos alternos y desarrollando su logística para mantener el comercio ilícito y de otras la actividades fuera de la se ley”, refiere el documento. Coyoy destacó que la SAT no puede “combatir” sola el contrabando y la evasión, por lo que se necesita un apoyo institucional para hacerle frente. Altas ganancias La política identifica el modus operandi de las estructuras que se dedican a ese delito, así como las causas que lo incentivan. Además cuenta con diagramas de las bandas que se dedican al trasiego. “La obtención de mayores ganancias es la principal motivación para que se continúe con la defraudación aduanera”, indica el documento. Agrega que “el hecho de ahorrarse el pago total o parcial de tributos de comercio exterior permite incrementar las ganancias por las mercancías ingresadas, aunado al bajo nivel de percepción de riesgo con relación al beneficio económico que se obtiene”. En el caso del contrabando expone: “El lucro constituye el principal incentivo económico para no pasar Cont’do pagina 17

La política nacional contra el contrabando busca fortalecer la coordinación interinstitucional y el sector justicia en materia de defraudación y contrabando. Privilegiará el trabajo conjunto de las instituciones encargadas de velar por la prevención y combate de esos ilícitos.

Plan anticontrabando será crucial para recaudación fiscal del próximo año Sectores ven con buenos ojos política que combate defraudación aduanera y el comercio ilícito mientras involucre a otras instancias, además de la SAT. tuciones públicas como privadas. Por el lado del contrabando, el lucro constituye el principal incentivo económico para no pasar por control aduanero, la utilidad que obtienen los contrabandistas es mayor al riesgo de ser perseguidos por este ilícito, permitiéndoles competir en mejores condiciones en cuanto a los precios y demanda de las mercancías, en detrimento de quienes cumplen con los requisitos tributarios y no arancelarios. Visión estratégica Werner Florencio Ovalle, intendente de Aduanas de la Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT), expuso que la política cuenta con elementos estratégicos, fortalecer la cultura tributaria y atacar la defraudación y contrabando desde una manera institucional. “Se está apostando con diferentes ejes, tecnología y operativos, con un esfuerzo con todas las instituciones. El valor agregado es trabajar en

acciones de prevención en algunos lugares fronterizos”, puntualizó. El intendente resaltó que existe un mayor esfuerzo en los lugares fronterizos con México, pues se calcula que el 90% del contrabando proviene de ese país, por el tamaño de la economía —producción— de ese país y por la variación del tipo de cambio del peso frente al quetzal. Seguridad El intendente añadió que la política tiene un mayor énfasis en el componente de seguridad, ya que las estructuras que movilizan las mercancías ilegales también trasiegan drogas, armas, trata de personas y otros productos ilícitos. El analista de la Asociación de Investigación de Estudios Sociales (Asíes) Érick Coyoy destacó que el contrabando y la defraudación no se deben ver solo como un tema tributario, sino de seguridad nacional, por las estructuras ilegales que los administran.

Salvadoreños, los que más pagan impuestos en Centroamérica Su porcentaje de carga tributaria es más alto que el promedio de la región. El Diario de Hoy: San Salvador 17 de Septiembre 2018 El Salvador es el país que más paga impuesto, según refleja un estudio de política fiscal elaborad por el Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI) difundido hace unos días. Según el documento, la carga tributaria de El Salvador para este año es de 18.3%, mientras que Guatemala tiene una carga tributaria del 9.9%, Nicaragua tiene un 15.9%, Honduras, un 18.2% y Nicaragua, 15.9%. Y la mayor parte de estos impuestos son indirectos, es decir que se pagan a través del consumo, como el Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA). Del porcentaje de carga tributaria, un 11.1% se paga a través de impuestos indirectos mientras que solo un 7.1% se paga de forma directa por una



persona jurídica. La carga tributaria salvadoreña, además, ha tenido ligeros incrementos, que según el informe, han sido impulsados por mejoras administra-

tivas y amnistías tributarias que han llevado más dinero a las arcas del Estado. El informe también detalla que aprovechando tanto el cambio de

base de su sistema de cuentas nacionales (SCN) como la nueva forma de registrar la devolución del IVA a los exportadores, ha permitido mejorar mejorar su carga tributaria de manera sostenida, pues esta ha pasado desde un 16.7%, en 2014, hasta un 18.3%, en 2018, convirtiéndose así en el país con el mayor esfuerzo tributario de la región. Según datos del Ministerio de Hacienda, al 31 de agosto de este año el país ha recaudado un total de 3,520.8 millones que representa un incremento de $197.1 millones respecto a la misma fecha de 2017. Solo a través del IVA, Hacienda ha recaudado $132.3 millones más lo que proyectaba haciendo un total de $1,413.0 millones al final de agosto. La recaudación también ha mejorado respecto a lo que Hacienda proyectó para este año. Los datos muestran un incremento de $66.8 millones más que lo esperado al final del mes y de los cuales el IVA ha pesado más. Sin embargo, no hay control sobre la incidencia y efectividad del cobro de los impuestos ni en El Salvador ni en ningún otro país.

23 SEP

18 JAN


Prensa Libre: Guatemala 17 de Septiembre de 2018 En la breve comparecencia de la canciller, Sandra Jovel, en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, informó que se envió una nota diplomática a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), de manera que en 48 horas el Gobierno de Guatemala pueda contar con una propuesta de candidatos a sustituir a Iván Velásquez, actual jefe de la Cicig y a quien el presidente Morales prohibió su entrada al país. La resolución del máximo órgano constitucional no menciona en ningún momento el nombre de Velásquez, señala que las partes, es decir las Naciones Unidas y el Estado de Guatemala, deben agotar la negociación para que en “armonía” se permita el ingreso al comisionado

Según la canciller, la petición que ya hicieron formalmente a la ONU, a través de la nota diplomática, está apegada a todas las leyes internacionales vigentes. No quiso responder ninguna pregunta de la prensa al finalizar de leer el comunicado.

o comisionada al país como lo establece el acuerdo firmado en 2006. Iván no puede regresar En la conferencia de prensa también participó el ministro de Gobernación, Enrique Degenhart, y el procurador general de la Nación, Jorge

FBI captura a Manuel Baldizón por lavado de dinero El Periodico: Guatemala 18 de Septiembre 2018 La detención del exfuncionario ocurrió en Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos. El excandidato presidencial, Manuel Antonio Baldizón fue detenido por la Oficina Federal de Investigación (FBI por sus siglas en inglés) en Florida, Estados Unidos, señalado de los cargos de lavado de dinero y conspiración, según informó la Policía Internacional (Interpol). Una fuente cercana a la investigación aseguró que el también exdiputado estaba siendo investigado en un caso de blanqueo de activos en Estados Unidos, y fue notificado de la orden de aprehensión este martes a las 10.00 horas en el centro de detención Krome, situado al oeste de Miami. Baldizón estaba recluido en el centro de detención de inmigrantes ya que estaba a la espera de ser deportado a Guatemala, por su presunta implicación en el caso Odebrecht. Sin embargo, este proceso quedaría cancelado hasta que el exfuncionario solvente su situación jurídica en Estados Unidos. El pasado 27 de agosto, el exfuncionario anunció mediante un campo pagado que se había allanado a la extradición solicitada por la justicia guatemalteca, concluyendo que su “único lugar” era este país. “Quedo ahora a la espera de ser enviado a mi querida Guatemala, a raíz de acudir a una deportación voluntaria solicitada por mí, con el único propósito de acudir a los tribunales”, afirmó Baldizón. Odebrecht La Fiscalía Especial Contra la Impunidad (FECI) y la Comisión Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) señalaban a Baldizón de beneficiarse con US$ 1.2 millones de “coimas” del contrato millonario con la constructora brasileña de Norberto Odebrecht, para reparar la ruta hacia el Pacífico. El 21 de enero, el empresario guatemalteco fue detenido a su ingreso del aeropuerto de Miami. Baldizón se dirigía a ese país, procedente de República Dominicana. Sin embargo, durante el vuelo, su visa fue revocada por la orden de aprehensión que habían pedido las autoridades guatemaltecas.

Luis Donado. Este último aseguró que la resolución de la CC no obliga al presidente Morales a dejar entrar al colombiano Iván Velásquez, que por el momento se encuentra en Nueva York, Estados Unidos. “En ningún momento establece

Plan anticontrabando será crucial para recaudación fiscal del próximo año

Cont’do de pagina 16 por control aduanero, la utilidad que obtienen los contrabandistas es mayor al riesgo de ser perseguidos por este ilícito, permitiéndoles competir en mejores condiciones en cuanto a los precios y demanda de las mercancías, en detrimento de quienes cumplen con los requisitos tributarios y no arancelarios”. Además de la falta de control y presencia de autoridades en los cruces no controlados —peatonales, vehiculares y pluviales— constituye un incentivo para el ingreso de mercancías, evitando el pago de los tributos respectivos y los trámites no arancelarios. Las organizaciones cuentan con sus sistemas de organización sofisticado y cadena logística. El intendente Ovalle resalta que la política se desarrolló pensando en involucrar a las autoridades locales, generar esfuerzos con el sector privado y el fortalecimiento de la cultura de cumplimiento. Aportes Enrique Lacs Palomo, director ejecutivo de CGBA, explicó que uno de los aportes valiosos de la política es que coordina las acciones y crea el marco para que la SAT, la Policía Nacional Civil y el Ministerio Público cuenten con un marco legal para poder actuar y de esta puedan salir otras iniciativas que requieran una aprobación del Congreso. como por ejemplo la ley del contrabando que se está promoviendo. “Con la política pueden surgir otras leyes con mayor músculo para atacar el flagelo”, afirmó. Javier Zepeda, director ejecutivo de la Cámara de Industria de Guatemala (CIG), subrayó que la implementación de la política tendrá como resultados combatir el flagelo de una forma más coordinada con otras instituciones. “Existirá un cúmulo de información para hacer los análisis y combatir el problema que está impactando a las empresas”, afirmó el dirigente de la CIG. Lineamientos estratégicos Se propone una trazabilidad en el ámbito del comercio exterior, sector justicia y seguridad, y fomento económico local.


17 17

-la resolución de la CC- que el presidente tenga, o se le ordena al presidente permitir el ingreso del señor Iván Velásquez. Con relación a eso, nosotros la interpretación que hacemos es en relación a la resolución”, dijo Donado, al sostener que no se está desobedeciendo al máximo organo constitucional. MP sigue trabajando con Cicig A través de un comunicado difundido este lunes, el Ministerio Público informa que fue notificado de la resolución de la CC “que otorga amparo provisional en relación a la prohibición de ingreso al país del Sr. Iván Velásquez Gómez, Comisionado de la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (Cicicg)”. La fiscal general, María Consuelo Porras insiste en que se deben acatar todas las leyes y convenciones internacionales. Además, manifiesta que sigue trabajando con la Cicig. “Las resoluciones judiciales son de carácter vinculante, por lo que sus mandatos deben ser observados y cumplidos”, insiste Porras. La Fiscalía señala que abrirán investigaciones de oficio de cualquier situación que pueda ser constitutiva de delitos e invita a la ciudadanía a hacer las denuncias correspondientes.

Cultura y actitud Se persigue cambiar la actitud que el individuo tiene hacia las leyes y las instituciones que las ejecutan, fomentando la armonía entre el respeto a la ley, en cuanto al cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias y no arancelarias. En general se busca crear un cambio de cultura de cumplimiento. Desarrollo La propuesta propone coadyuvar en la implementación de planes de desarrollo que privilegian las zonas fronterizas y zona de adyacencia con Belice. Coordinar con los entes responsables de la ejecución de programas de desarrollo, la facilitación de diversos tipos de apoyo, con el fin de mejorar condiciones de vida de esas poblaciones. Justicia Fortalecer la coordinación interinstitucional y el sector justicia en materia de defraudación y contrabando. Privilegiará el trabajo conjunto de las instituciones encargadas de velar por la prevención y combate de esos ilícitos, promoviendo un sistema de incentivos y sanciones que garanticen la aplicación de justicia. Facilitación Se implementará la facilidad del comercio exterior a nivel nacional. Fomentará el combate de la corrupción y la impunidad, mejorando el control y supervisión a los actores de la cadena logística de comercio exterior, provocando en un mediano y largo plazo el incremento de esta actividad. Actualización Promover la eficacia del marco legal en materia de defraudación y contrabando aduaneros. Se velará por la actualización de la legislación, normas y procedimientos aplicables al comercio exterior, así como de la armonización del corpus legal nacional con acuerdos internacionales en la materia.


23 SEP


A Failed Health System Pablo Marin – A Failed Health Minister!

2018 For Sale

By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under an Assignment and Transfer of Mortgage made the 3rd day of June 2015, registered as Instrument No. LTU-201500893 between Heritage Bank Limited (formerly Alliance Bank of Belize Limited) (the Assignor), Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. (the Assignee), and RHON-PAUL LECKY AND DEEDRA RENEAU (the Mortgagors), which said property was mortgaged by the said RHON-PAUL LECKY AND DEEDRA RENEAU (the Borrowers) to the said Alliance Bank of Belize on the 17th day of December, 2008 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 43 of 2008 at Folios 107-136 will sell at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

Ex-electrician and current Minister of Health Hon Pablo Marin was under steady fire this week as a video was posted on social media of a man seeking emergency treatment for a relative. In the video the gentleman claims to have waited an inordinate amount of time and received no treatment. The video also shows a doctor on lunch break and the nurses sitting on the sidelines. We do not know the nature of the emergency or the circumstances surrounding the incident. There have also been reports coming in that Corozal Community Hospital has been unable, this past week, to deal with daily dressings for its patients. Residents of Corozal in need of dressings for wounds, surgeries and the like were told to go home unattended as there is an unavailability of materials for dressings. How can basic materials for dressing wounds such as gauze and bandages be absent? As if that were not enough another horrifying incident has just surfaced. Ellen Hernandez was forced to give birth to her baby at home after being sent home from the hospital. On Monday 18th September 2018 Hernandez had sought treatment at the Corozal Town Hospital. Pregnant and full term she complained of pain and was told the pains were as a result of an empty stomach. Hernandez was told to go home. Her husband later helped to deliver the baby at home after the ambulance which was called to the emergency was reported to have gone to the wrong address. The ambulance appeared after the baby had been delivered by the father. Thankfully both the baby and the mother are in good health and recovering from this ordeal. Not so for Minster Marin who has been in the hot seat as more and more chronically ill patients with renal failure clamor to hear what the Ministry of Health will do to assist those in need of dialysis. It has been a bitter road for these fearless warriors and their families and friends for whom this is literal-

ly a life and death situation. Recently on social media one such warrior complained on social media that the Minister is not doing enough to resolve the issue and that while he dilly-dallies people with renal failure are dying. Recently Minister Marin has used some of the budget from the Ministry of Health not for bandages and gauze, not even for dialysis. Minister Marin has instead used monies from the public purse to try and convince us all, maybe including himself, that he is doing a fantastic job. His feel-good billboard sits atop the house of a well-known political crony at the entrance of Corozal Bay. It boasts a smiling Ministah beside his pièce de résistance the newly built, but empty, NHI Poly Clinic and the Dome for which both he and past Corozal Town Mayor Hilberto Campos take credit. The hashtag proudly boasts progress@work. His smile seems to glitter ominously as we take in that for ten years all we received were empty promises, hollow buildings and fake smiles. The mismanagement and the chaos that are evident in the health system is the real State of Emergency across this country. The culpability lies not with the doctors and nurses if the system is broken it is because we have a Minister who is ill equipped to handle such a ministry. He has had ten years to fix the problems and has come up with more problems than solutions. He must go!


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THE SCHEDULE ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 353 (543.648 S.M.) situate in the subdivision known as Los Lagos, situate in the Mile area, Northern Highway, Ladyville, Belize District, as surveyed by Kenneth A. Gillett, Licensed Surveyor and recorded at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Belmopan at Register No. 16 Entry No. 4460 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 30th day of July, 2016. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

For Sale

By Order of the Mortgagee Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., a company duly registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 250 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition, 2000, and having its registered office at Cor. Albert and Bishop Streets, Belize City, Belize, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Mortgagee under a Deed of Mortgage made the 14th day of March, 2008, between LEEVAN BORLAND of Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, Belize (hereinafter called “the Borrower”) of the one part and SCOTIABANK (BELIZE) LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Mortgagee”) of the other part, and recorded in Deeds Book Volume 1389 to 1416 the Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. will at the expiration of two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing and full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from the said Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd. SCHEDULE ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 55 comprising of 835.844 Square meters situate in Pomona Village, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 1493 of 2006 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 1493 of 2006 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. DATED this 30th day of July, 2018. MUSA & BALDERAMOS LLP 91 North Front Street Belize City Attorneys-at-Law for Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd.

23 SEP





Cayo District; Corozal & Orange Walk Districts; San Pedro; Belize District; Stann Creek & Toledo Districts BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the locations, dates and times below listed: MEGA PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES

Cayo District; Corozal & Orange Walk Districts; San Pedro; Belize District; Stann Creek & Toledo Districts BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneer Kevin A. Castillo will sell the following properties at the locations, dates and times below listed: ****************************Cayo District Properties**************************** In front Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo District on Monday 24th September 2018 at 9:00 am: 1. No. 106No. Scholar Avenue, University Belmopan, Cayo Parcel 3087 Trapiche Road, near the Heights, New Bridge, Santa Elena, CayoDistrict: District:


(Being a 2 storey concrete structure [2,080 sq. ft.] Ground Floor: [1 part bath + living/dining area] Second Floor: [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining & kitchen] situate in Buena Vista Village, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mrs. Florencia Pott) Parcel No. 234/1 San Andres/Ranchito Village, Corozal District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Andres/Ranchito Village 1 234/1 (Being a 2 storey concrete structure [1,702 sq. ft.] Ground Floor: [2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/kitchen] Second Floor: [1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + living room] situate in Ranchito Village, Corozal District, the leasehold property of Mr. Fernando Chan) Parcel No. 682 Libertad Village, Corozal District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Libertad Village 1 682 (Being a 2 storey concrete structure [3,335 sq. ft.] Ground Floor: [2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/kitchen] Second Floor: [incomplete], situate in Libertad Village, Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. Heraan Botes) Parcel No. 552 Libertad Village, Corozal District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Libertad Village 1 552 (Being Building No. 1: 2 storey structure with [2,862 sq. ft.] – Ground Floor: concrete and contains 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen area + laundry room and porch. Second Floor: is wooden [4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom and porch area]. Building No. 2 mixed structure with [672 sq. ft.] [3 bedrooms + kitchen/dining/living] situate in Libertad Village, Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. Emilio & Mrs. Melva Sarmiento (Emilia & Baldominio Montejo) Parcel 156 Concepcion Village, Corozal District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Concepcion Village 1 156 (Being a vacant lot [961.21 S.M.] situate in Concepcion Village, Corozal District, the freehold property of Ms. Marcelina Pineda (deceased, surety for Mr. Jose Pech) No. 468 Buena Vista Village, Corozal District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belmopan 20 7893 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry & storage] and lot [605.772 S.M.] situate at No. 106 Scholar Avenue, University Heights, Belmopan, Cayo District, the Freehold property of Mr. John F. Chitungo) 2. Parcel No. 3087 Trapiche Road, near the New Bridge, Santa Elena, Cayo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Elena/Cayo 23 3087 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen + incomplete addition] and lot [450.526 S.M.] situate on Trapiche Road, near the New Bridge, Santa Elena Cayo District, the Freehold property of Mr. Amir Ayala) 3. 0.563 Acre along San Antonio-Chiquibul Road, San Antonio Village, Cayo District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 0.563 acre situate along San Antonio-Chiquibul Road, San Antonio Village, Cayo District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being three buildings: A concrete bungalow structure [1,092 sq. ft.]; A two storey concrete house [1825 sq. ft.]; An elevated timber structure [375 sq. ft.] and lot [0.563 acre] situate along San Antonio-Chiquibul Road, San Antonio Village, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Ruben Dario Lopez) 4. Parcel No. 2427/1 Ontario Village, Cayo District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Society Hall 24 2427/1 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,218 sq. ft.] 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry room] situated in Ontario Village, Cayo District, the leasehold property of Mr. Humberto & Mrs. Shelmadine Patt) Parcel No. 2503 Shawville, Kontiki Area, San Ignacio, Cayo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Ignacio South 23 2503 (Being a vacant lot [464.698 S.M] four miles from downtown San Ignacio situated in the Kontiki Area, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Manuel & Mrs. Amy Leiva) ***********************Corozal & Orange Walk Districts Properties ********************** At Unit 4 Corner Belize-Corozal & San Antonio Roads, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District on Monday 24th September 2018 at 1:30 pm: 1. No. 3 Fourth Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Buena Vista Village 1 468 (Being a 2 storey concrete structure [1,710 sq. ft.] Ground Floor: [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living] Second Floor: [2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining] situate in Buena Vista Village, Corozal District, the freehold property of Mr. Ricardo Gutierrez) Orange Walk District 9.


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Corozal Central 1 62 (Being a 2 storey concrete structure [1,650 sq. ft.] 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining & kitchen situate at No. 3 Fourth Avenue, Corozal Town, the freehold property of Mr. Albertico Gongora) Parcel 539/1 Santa Clara Village, Corozal District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Santa Clara 1 539/1 Being a bungalow concrete structure with [361 sq. ft.] 1 bedroom with living area situate in Santa Clara Village, Corozal Town, the leasehold property of Mr. Jorge Moralez) Parcel No. 57/1 Buena Vista Village, Corozal District:




Parcels 157 & 158 Douglas North, Orange Walk Town

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Douglas North 1 157 & 158 (Being vacant corner Lot No. 158 [1045.159 S.M.] and vacant Lot 157 [1040.57 S.M.] situate in Douglas North, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Ms. Erica Cabral) 10. Parcels 514, 515 & 516 Indian Hill East, Orange Walk

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Indian Hill East 4 514, 515 & 516 (Being 3 vacant Lots [1719.02 S.M.] state situate in Indian Hill East, Orange Walk District, the freehold property of Mr. Ishwar Mahbubani) ***********************San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Properties***************************** In front Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., Coconut Drive, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District on Tuesday 25th September 2018 at 10:00 am: 1. Parcel No. 2094 San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:




Continued on page 20



23 SEP


Continued from page 19 (Being a 2 storey timber structure [1,920 sq. ft.] – Ground Floor – contains 4 single bedroom apartments with living/dining & kitchen area. Second Floor – Is a single-family residence 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and Verandah area situated in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Mr. Mario Garcia) 2. Parcel No. 2112 DFC Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 2112 (Being a 3 storey concrete structure with [7,040 sq. ft.] – Ground Floor – contains rental units totaling 5 bedrooms + 5 bathrooms + 5 living/dining/kitchen areas + a store and an internet café; 2nd Floor - single family residence which contains 5 bedrooms + 2 part bathrooms + 5 full bathrooms + 5 living/dining/kitchen areas & 3rd Floor – contains rental units- 3 bedrooms + 2 full bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen area and a bar situated in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Mr. Thomas Santos/Santos Constructions) 3. Parcel No. 3610 Corner DFC and San Pablo Streets, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 3610 (Being a 1 1/2 storey wooden/cement mix structure [2,128 sq. ft.] Ground Floor - contains 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry room and porch area; Second Floor - 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + porch] situate in DFC Area, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the freehold property of Mr. Fitz-Gerald Brown & Ms. Rhonda Crichton) Parcel No. 4356, 2 miles North of Boca Del Rio Bridge, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL San Pedro 7 4356 (Being Lot containing 2.06 acres 2 miles North of Boca Del Rio Bridge San Pedro. The freehold property of Messrs. Island Mini Mart (Mr. Nafez Obeid) ************************Belize District Properties************************** At No. 170 Beltex Avenue, Belama Phase 1, Belize City on Tuesday 25th September 2018 at 6:00 pm: 1. Lot No. 378 Maxboro Area, Sandhill Village, Belize District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 378 situate in the Maxboro Area, Sandhill Village, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Porch and second building being a 2 storey concrete structure: Ground floor - 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + storeroom; First floor - 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + open space to facilitate Living/Dining/Kitchen situate in the Maxboro Area, Sandhill Village, Belize District, Belize, the freehold property of Mr. Juan Betancourt & Ms. Jonathan Betancourt) 2. Lot No. 19 Mile 10 Belize-Corozal Road, Ladyville, Belize District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 19 situated at Mile 10 Belize-Corozal Road, Ladyville, Belize District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house: 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen situate at Mile 10 BelizeCorozal Road, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold property of Ms. Jasmin Middleton and Mr. Earl Arthurs) 3. Lot No. 142 Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 743.050 square meters being Lot No. 142 situate in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [2,700 sq. ft.] and lot [743.050 S.M.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen (Mahogany Cabinets), security bars and tiled, the freehold property of Mr. Andrew Barnes.) 4. Lot No. 482 Regent Street West, Belize City:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Albert/Mesop 45 1641 (Being a two storey concrete structure [2,135 sq. ft.] 10 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen and lot situate at No. 482 Regent Street West Belize City, the freehold property of Mr. Lisbey Leal) 5. Lot No. 775 Tropical Park, George Price Highway, Belize District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 724.665 s. m. being Lot 775 situate at Tropical Park, George Price Highway, Belize District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen] and lot [724.665 S. M.] situate at Tropical Park, George Price Highway, Belize District, the freehold property of Ms. Orissa Molina) 6. Lots Nos. 31 & 32 near Mile 12 Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District:


ALL THOSE [2] pieces or parcels of land together containing 1813.762 S.M. being Lots Nos. 31 and 32 situate near Mile 12 Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete two storey dwelling house [4,418 sq. ft.] [5 Bedrooms + 5 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen/Family Rooms] and lots [1,813.762 S.M.] situate near Mile 12 Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold properties of Ms. Shirley Cornejo). Lot No. 39 Fresh Pond Area, Burrell Boom Pine Ridge, Boom/Hattieville Road, Belize District:

(The freehold property of Ms. Letricia Lamb and Ms. Ian Phillips) 8. Parcel No. 341 LaCroix Boulevard, St. Martin de Porres, Belize City:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL St. Martin de Porres West 45 341 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,452 sq. ft.] 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry + porch and lot [343.236 S.M.] situate on LaCroix Boulevard, St. Martin de Porres, Belize City, the freehold property of Ms. Carolee Nunez) Parcel No. 79 Mitchell Estate Area, Ladyville, Belize District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Vista del Mar 16 79/1 (Being an elevated metal/plycem building [1,539 sq. ft.] [5 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen] and second concrete building [320 sq. ft.] used as a restaurant and lot [818.542 S.M.] situate in the Mitchell Estate Area, Ladyville, the leasehold property of Mr. Kenroy Cattouse) 10. Lot No. 137 Corner West & Basra Streets, Belize City:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Albert/Mesop 45 436 (Being a two storey concrete building [25% residential: 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen & 75% commercial/warehouse - glass windows + tiled floors + office spaces + ½ bathroom + kitchenette] remaining portion - warehouse and lot situate at Lot No. 137 Corner West and Basra Streets, Belize City, the freehold property of Messrs. Tenchtronics Communications Limited) 11. Lot No. 61 Amara Avenue, Belize City:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Albert/Mesop 45 206 (Being a two storey timber/concrete building - commercial ground floor + residential first floor and lot situate at No. 61 Amara Avenue, Belize City, the freehold property of Messrs. Tenchtronics Communications Limited) 12. Parcel No. 246 Maskall Village Road, Belize District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Belize Rural North 11 246/1 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,401 sq. ft.] [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + covered entry porch] and lot situate on Maskall Village Road, Belize District, the leasehold property of Ms. Sherett Brackett & Mr. Ammon Brackett) 13. Lot No. 164 Neal Pen Road, Belize City:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Queen Square West 45 1406 (Being a two storey concrete house [2430 sq. ft.] (each floor) 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen and lot [301.016 S.M.] situate at No. 164 Neal Pen Road, Belize City, the freehold property of Ms. Sharon Burgess) 14. Parcel No. 466 West Canal Street, Belize City:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Albert/Mesop 45 466 (Being three storey concrete structure [5,400 sq. ft.] [Ground Floor: Warehouse; First Floor: 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen; Second Floor: 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen] and lot [291.246 S.M.] situate on West Canal Street, Belize City, the freehold property of Messrs. Perez Hardware Store/Mr. Orlando Perez).

Continued on page 21

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Continued from page 20 15. Lot No. 100 Hattieville, Belize District:

All that piece or parcel of land being Block No. 365B comprising 19.76 acres situate between Miles 13 & 14 on the North side of the Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being 19.76 acres of vacant land between Miles 13 & 14 North side Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Carlos Acosta) Lot No. 54 Hummingbird Community Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Ms. Eglah Arnold) 16. Lot No. 259 Maxboro, Sandhill Village, Belize District: 9.

(The leasehold property of Mr. Rodolfo Gutierrez) ********************Stann Creek & Toledo Districts Properties *********************** In front Messrs. Scotiabank (Belize) Ltd., Corner Main & Prince Streets, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District on Thursday 27th September 2018 at 10:00 am: ************************Stann Creek District************************ 1. Lot No. 80 Independence Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Armando Coye) 10. Lot No. 53 Hummingbird Community Village, Stann Creek District:

(The leasehold property of Mr. Pedro Guerra) 11. Lot No. 38 Sarawee Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 80 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a mix concrete & plycem house [4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen and Lot No. 80 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Rodrick R. Parham) 2. Parcel No. 1980 Placencia, Stan Creek District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Placencia North 36 1980 (Being a parcel of land situate 2 lots west of the football field in Placencia Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Gwendolyn Garcia) 3. Lots Nos. 42 and 43, Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Nicholi Fernandez) 12. Lot No. 246 Silk Grass Village Extension, Stann Creek District:

( The leasehold property of Mr. Felix Galeana Jr. & Ms. Sarita Bol) 13. Block No. 548 & 553 Southside Stann Creek Valley Road, near Mile 9 ½ Stann Creek District:

The freehold property of Mr. John McDougal and Ms. Jennifer McDougal) 14. Block No. 554 & 555 Southside Stann Creek Valley Road, near Mile 9 ½ Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcels of land being Lot Nos. 42 and 43, Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen and lot situate at Lots Nos. 42 and 43, Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold properties of Ms. Ycela Cuthkelvin) 4. Lot No. 44 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 44 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant Lot situate in Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Ycela Cuthkelvin) 5. Lot No. 238 Old Mullins River Road, Pomona Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 238 situated along the Old Mullins River Road, Pomona Village, Stann Creek TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + front deck and lot [.] situate along the Old Mullins River Road, Pomona Village, Stann Creek, the freehold property of Ms. Tanya M. Chavarria.) 6. Lot No. 400 Savannah Road, Independence Village, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 400 situate along Savannah Road, Independence Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a two storey concrete structure containing Ground Floor: Pharmacy and consultation facility + 6 bedrooms + 6 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen + enclosed courtyard + carport + front verandah ; First Floor: 12 one bedroom units with bathrooms + residence 3 bedrooms + 3 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and lot [640.165 S.M.] situate along Savannah Road, Independence Village, Stann Creek District. The freehold property of Ms. Maria J. Rodriguez ) 7. Parcel No. 1329 Banak Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:


(The freehold properties of Mr. John McDougal and Ms. Jennifer McDougal) Parcel No. 444 Cedar Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 444 (Being a two storey concrete commercial/residential building [4092 sq. ft] [Ground Floor: commercial space + storage + ½ bathroom; First Floor: 5 bedrooms + 3 bathrooms + living + dining + kitchen + porch + balcony + roof access; laundry/utility room] and lot [445.85 SM] situate at No. 543 Cedar Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Ivan Ramos) 16. Parcel No. 657 near the Melinda Road, Dangriga, Stann Creek District

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga North 31 657 (Being a two storey concrete dwelling house [2,220 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor - 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + covered verandah; First Floor 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry + balcony and lot [754.546 S.M.] situate near the Melinda Road, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Carol Aranda) 17. Parcel No. 24/1 Dangriga North Area, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 24/1 (Being a elevated concrete dwelling house [1,524 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and lot [371.463 S.M.] situate in Dangriga North Area, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the leasehold property of Ms. Delsia Aranda) 18. Lot No. 109 Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. David Saravia) 19. Lot No. 5 south of the Stann Creek Valley Road, Hoffman Estate, Pomona, Stann Creek District:


REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 1329 (Being a timber & concrete 1 1/2 storey structure [Ground Floor: 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom, First Floor: 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen] and lot [555.3248 S.Y.] situate at Parcel No. 1329 Banak Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Oscar Reyes and Ms. Karen Reyes) Block No. 365B Mile 13/14 Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Santiago Acosta and Ms. Nelia Acosta) 20. Parcel No. 1262 Corner Salmwood Road and Pine Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District:

Continued on page 22



23 SEP


Continued from page 21

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Dangriga South 31 1262 (Being a elevated concrete dwelling house [1,600 sq. ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen + laundry and lot [571.980 S.M.] situate at Corner Salmwood Road and Pine Street, Dangriga, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Mr. Leron Cayetano) 21. Lot No. 132 situate in Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek District:

All that parcel of land being 147.228 acres situate in the San Marcos Agricultural Area, Toledo District, bounded and described in plan 717 of 200 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a 2 storey concrete structure + traditional Mayan kitchen + recreational facility + storage/utility area and private water system situate in San Marcos Agricultural Area, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Marcial Mess) 5. Lot 153 Hopeville, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Eduardo Saravia) 22. Lot No. 143 situate in Maya Mopan Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Narciso Tush) 23. Lot No. 66B Independence Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Ray C. Ogaldez) 24. Lots Nos. 125 & 64 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District:

All that piece of land being Lot No. 153 situate in Hopeville Village, Toledo District. (Being a two storey mixed use structure [4,620 sq ft.], Ground Floor - contains 4 bedrooms + 2 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + laundry room and study area + verandah + covered carport; Second Floor - serves as a restaurant facility with all amenities. The freehold property of Laverne Williams) 6. Parcel No. 12B Jacintoville, Toledo:

All That piece and parcel of land situate along the San Antonio/Punta Gorda Road, Jacintoville, Toledo District containing 5 Acres being parcel 12B Toledo Registration Section TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a vacant parcel containing 5 Acres situate the San Antonio/Punta Gorda Road, Jacintoville, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Lavern Williams) 7. Parcel No. 793 West Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Michael Hobbs) 25. Lot No. 66 situate in Pomona Village, Stann Creek District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Gerald Peters) 26. Lot No. 63 situate in Pomona Village (Del Oro Site), Stann Creek District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 793 (Being a two storey concrete building [5,640 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: 5 bedrooms + 3 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen; First Floor 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and lot [668.896 S.M.] situate on West Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Aurelio Oliva) 8. 4,743.16 S.Y. Jacinto Village, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Roy Tillett) 27. Lot No. 713 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District: 9.

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 615.270 S.M. being Lot No. 713 situate in Independence Village, Stann Creek District TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [945 sq. ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen and lot [615.270 S.M.], the freehold property of Ms. Sherrett Muschamp) ************************Toledo District Properties************************* 1. Parcel No. 614 Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 614 (Being two 2 storey mix use structure and a small timber frame structure. Building 1 Ground floor: Restaurant + Kitchen + Bathroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen; Building #2 Ground floor; Business Area + 1 bathroom; First Floor: 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom; Building #3: occupied as a store and land [824.79 S.Y.] situate on Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Carlos Galvez) 2. 17 Acres 2 rods 14 poles of developed land situate along the Punta Gorda/San Antonio Road, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Gerald Williams Sr.) Parcel No. 272 A Street, Punta Gorda, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 272 (Being a vacant lot [408.277 S.M.] situate on A Street, Punta Gorda, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Anne Neal) 10. Parcel No. 1925 Govel Morgan Street, Punta Gorda, Toldeo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 1925 (Being a concrete elevated house foundation and lot situate Govel Morgan Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Roland Tun.) 11. 0.64 Acre Jacintoville, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Messrs. Pete & NJ’s Trucking) 12. Lot No. 4 Big Falls Village, Toledo District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being 17 acres 2 rods 14 poles of land situate on the left ascending the Punta Gorda/ San Antonio Road, Toledo District Belize, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + front Bar/restaurant facility situate on the left ascending the Punta Gorda/ San Antonio Road, Toledo District, the freehold properties of Mr. Derrick D. Williams and Mr. Roy Williams) 3. Lot No. 2 West of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

(The leasehold property of Mr. Juan De Dios Poom) 13. Parcel No. 548 West Street, Punta Gorda, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 548 (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [840 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + covered porch and lot [646.116 S.M.] situate on West Street, Punta Gorda, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Glen Enriquez & Mr. Lloyd Enriquez) 14. Lot No. 169 Forest Home Village, Toledo District:

All THAT piece or parcel of land containing 841.073 square meters being Lot No. 2 situated West of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and lot [841.073 S.M.] situate at Lot No. 2 West of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Cardinal Smith (Deceased) 4. 147.228 Acres San Marcos Agricultural Area, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Randolph Williams) 15. 1041.510 S.M. San Antonio Village, Toledo District:

Continued on page 23

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Continued from page 22

(The freehold property of Mr. Juan Ich and Mr. Jesus Ich) 16. Lot No. 100 Hopeville Village, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Ms. Maria Roches) 17. Parcel No. 991/2 Corner West & Kiskadee Streets, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 991/2 (Being a two storey multifamily dwelling house [1920 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: 4 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen + verandah; First Floor: Rental Units 4 bedrooms (2 of which equipped with private bathrooms) other 2 shared bathroom + living/dining/kitchen and lot situate corner West & Kiskadee Streets, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the leasehold property of Ms. Nora Garay and Mr. Oliver Garay) 18. Block 41 Main road leading to Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. Marcel Jacobs) 19. Lot No. 31 West of Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

BY ORDER OF CHARGEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED a statutory body formed and registered under the Credit Union Act, Chapter 314 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000, and whose registered office is situated at No. 1 Hyde’s Lane, Belize City, Belize District hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under and by virtue of a Charge registered at the Land Registry between JEROME YOUNG (Chargor) of the one part and HRCU of the other part. HRCU will at the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below. ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to Holy Redeemer Credit Union Limited from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.

SCHEDULE (The freehold property of Ms. Cupertina Teul) 20. Parcel No. 990 Kiskadee Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 990 (Being a two storey concrete dwelling house [2027 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen and lot [767.000 S.M.] situate Kiskadee Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Ana Arzu) 21. Parcel No. 926 Far West Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 444.4 square yards being Parcel 1316/1, Block 16 in the Caribbean Shores/Belize Registration Section situate at No. 1316 Crown Cone Avenue, Belize City, Belize District, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of JEROME YOUNG DATED this 12th day of September 2018 HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 926 (Being and elevated dwelling house [932 sq. ft.] + Shed [449 sq. ft.] containing 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen and lot [533.33 S.Y.] situate on Far West Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Rene Pennell) 22. Lot No. 157 Forest Home Village Extension, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Mr. David Duncan) 23. Parcel No. 907 North end of Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 907 (Being an incomplete two storey dwelling house [4,066 sq. ft.] containing Ground Floor: 3 bedrooms + 3 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen; First Floor incomplete] and lot 721.176 S.M.] situate on the north end of Main Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Ms. Phillipa Williams) 24. Parcel No.737 Alejandro Vernon Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE CHARGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed. At No. 258 Barbara Harris Street, Mahogany Street Ext. Belize City on Wednesday September 26, 2018 at 10:00a.m.

SCHEDULE REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 737 (Being a 2 storey concrete/timber commercial/residential building containing business space on the ground floor [1,721 sq. ft.] and single family residence on the first floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen [1338 sq. ft.] and lot 713.33 S.Y. situate on Alejandro Vernon Street, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, the freehold property of Mr. Giovani Foster) 25. Parcel No. 1789/1on Santa Maria Street, Indianville Area , Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL Punta Gorda 42 1789/1 (Being an incomplete 2 storey concrete dwelling house, Ground floor 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen; First Floor 30% completed and lot [464.576 S.M.] situate on Santa Maria Street, Indianville Area, Punta Gorda, Toledo District, the leasehold property of Mr. Antonio Teul)


50.00 Acres Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District:

(The freehold property of Ms. Priscilla Graham and Mr. Dennis Moore) STRICTLY CASH TERMS: TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO 223-4488 KEVINTELEPHONE A. CASTILLO E-mail: TELEPHONE: 223Auctions 4488 Facebook: Belize Email:

Face Book: Belize Auctions

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 349.73 square metres being Parcel 258, Block 45 in the St. Martin De Porres West Registration Section situate on Barbara Harris Street, Mahogany Street Ext., Belize City, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of ROBERTO ORELLANO.

DATED this 12th day of September 2018 All sales are strictly cash and deemed final. For more information contact: HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED 1 HYDE’S LANE, BELIZE CITY, BELIZE Phone: (501) 224-5644 Fax: (501) 223-0738 Email:





37 <<

years of


(September 21, 2018) HRCU also remembers and pays tribute to the Father of the Belizean Nation and Belize’s National Hero

Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price

Born: January 15, 1919 – Died: September 19, 2011

HRCU’s Southern Branch Office

Located at the Cor. of Fadden Avenue & Mango Street Independence Village, Stann Creek District

23 SEP


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