Belize Times September 5, 2021- Economic Confidence

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The Belize Times





Established 1957

The Truth Shall Make You Free

5 SEPTEMBER 2021 | ISSUE NO: 5265

www.facebook/belizetimes | $1.00


CONFIDENCE Signaled by Construction, Industry, Tertiary Activity, Retail Trade

Investor and consumer confidence in an economy is key. Confidence in our Belizean economy is a critical driver of economic fluxes and of the accompanying business cycle. When confidence increases, consumers buy consumer goods, durables as well as invest and build at prevailing prices. When confidence decreases, spending and investment tend to fall. See Editorial on page 3




*Innovation Challenge *With Blue Economy & TASA : Sinking of the Wit


Pg. 8

Pg. 5

51 Awarded Scholarships to Taiwan

Successful CEO Strategic Session

Pg. 2

Pg. 2

Investigation of Price Gouging and other (Cabinet Brief, Pg 2)


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Successful CEO Strategic Session One-Day Training Workshop On Friday, August 27, 2021, the Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform hosted a Strategic Training Session for chief executive officers (CEOs) within the Government of Belize. Earlier this year, the ministry held two other workshops, one for administrative officers and the other for finance officers. In both those sessions, it was recognized that a sensitization training for the new CEOs would be most effective in strengthening their understanding of policies and regulations governing the public service. The idea was welcomed by the CEOs and the Training Unit of the ministry began organizing the workshop. The morning session of the training will feature the human resource management processes, policies, procedures and related legislations. An overview of the role of the Ministry of the Public Service Constitutional and Po-

litical Reform and its symbiotic relationships with the Services Commission, line ministries and Ministry of Finance will be highlighted. The afternoon session will focus on the accounting procedures in the government service and the governing regulations. The ministry has been cognizant of the current economic circumstance and has ensured to keep costs at a minimum. At the end of this workshop, the team from the ministry expects that CEOs will be able to improve good governance within their ministries. The Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform thanks the CEOs for their willingness to learn more about their role in helping to build a better and stronger Belize. The ministry remains committed to promoting personal development in all public officers and continues to build a more dynamic civil society.

51 Awarded Scholarships to Taiwan PRESS RELEASE

Cabinet Brief Belmopan. September 1, 2021 The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 31st August 2021. •

Cabinet was updated on the status of vaccines and the number of vaccines available in Belize. As of 31st August 2021, 167,596 persons or 38.9 percent of the population had received at least one dose of the vaccine. This represents an increase of 18,168 new vaccinations over last week’s numbers. As of 31st August 2021, 69,924 persons or 16.2 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, an increase of 8,357 more Belizeans have been fully vaccinated over last week’s 61,567.

Since the roll out of the Pfizer vaccines, 10,638 Belizeans between the ages of 12 to 17 have received their first shot of the vaccine.

For the health and wellness of Belizeans, Cabinet directed that all persons wishing to enter Belize through the land borders must be tested for COVID-19 at the points of entry.

The Minister of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government informed Cabinet that negotiations between the Christian Workers Union and the Port of Belize over the collective bargaining agreement between the staff of the Port of Belize continue to progress. A draft of the agreement is currently being finalized between the parties. In relation to stevedores, the meeting with the Labour Tribunal is scheduled to take place on 6th September 2021.

Cabinet gave its approval to introduce a bill at Sitting of the House of Representatives on September 3, 2021, to amend the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act Chapter 98 of the Substantive Laws of Belize to increase the penalty for the offence of spreading or publishing false news from a penalty of up to $300 or imprisonment of up to six months to $3000 or imprisonment of up to six months in the first instance. Cabinet gave its approval to amend the Court of Appeal Act and Court Rules to allow the Court to exercise its discretion as the Justice of the case requires on applications to extend time for appeals. Cabinet approved the restructuring and updating of the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) regulations to address the removal of outdated technical terms; restructuring of regulations to ensure easy interpretation and applications; addition of regulation of new services fees; updating of fees to reflect the real cost of doing business and increasing rate of fines and penalties to foster compliance.

Cabinet approved an extension of the Kolbe Foundation’s Management contract for the Hattieville Prison.

Finally, Cabinet requested that the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise instructs the Bureau of Standards to investigate the issue of price gouging at stores across Belize.


Belize City, August 30, 2021. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is pleased to announce that the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Belize Taiwan Alumni Society co-hosted the semi-virtual Orientation for 2021 Taiwan MOFA & ICDF Scholarships which was live streamed on August 28, 2021 in Belize City. H.E. Ambassador David Kuan-Chou Chien officially congratulated the 51 aspiring young Belizean awardees, represented by 7 Scholarship recipients in attendance with best wishes before their upcoming trip to Taiwan in late September. Invited VIP guest speakers included H.E. Froyla Tzalam, Governor-General of Belize, and Hon. Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, all thanked the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) for continuing to provide scholarship opportunities to young Belizeans, as a testimony to the stronger-than-ever Taiwan-Belize friendship. They also shared the view that the 51 scholarship recipients to be ambassadors of Belize while in Taiwan, and should return to Belize once completing their study to contribute to the national development of Belize with their specialized expertise. Mr. Alobi Young, President of Belize Taiwan Alumni Society, also shared the alumni group’s endeavors in building a strong network to support the graduates with employment after they return to Belize. Other programs included a video clip made by Belizean students currently in Taiwan, with a pre-recorded welcome message from H.E. Dr. Candice Pitts, Ambassador of Belize to Taiwan, and 2021 Taiwan Scholarship recipient representative Ms. Ayleen Walewska Perez sharing aspirations for studying in Taiwan and returning as the positive driving force for Belize. This year marks the record-high number of Belizean scholarship recipients since the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) began offering scholarships in 2002. Among the 51 scholarship recipients, 37 are TaiwanICDF Scholarship awardees, and 14 are MOFA Taiwan Scholarship awardees. The majority of MOFA

Taiwan Scholarship recipients will study Mandarin Chinese in a language Center before their degree program. Dominant study fields for the recipients are tropical agriculture, public health, mechanical engineering, and computer science and information technology. Both Scholarship programs cover a round trip economy class ticket, accommodations, tuition fees, credit fees, insurance, textbook costs, and monthly allowance. To prepare the scholarship recipients for a smooth transition to their new lives in Taiwan, a free Mandarin introductory course for 1 week was offered by Mr. Edward Yang, Mandarin Lecturer from TaiwanICDF Technical Mission in Belize. The video of the Orientation for 2021 Taiwan MOFA & ICDF Scholarships is available on LOVE FM Facebook and Taiwan Embassy’s Facebook.

The Belize Times

Established 1957

14 APR 2013


ISSUE NO: 4840

The Truth Shall Make You Free



serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper. Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE MANAGER

Fay Castillo EDITOR

José Jiménez


Chris Williams


Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize





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Believe in Belize

nvestor and consumer confidence in an economy is key. Confidence in our Belizean economy is a critical driver of economic fluxes and of the accompanying business cycle. When confidence increases, consumers buy consumer goods, durables as well as invest and build at prevailing prices. When confidence decreases, spending and investment tend to fall. Investors demonstrate their confidence when the news about the future is good, and they anticipate an ample return on their investment. It can therefore be said that the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) is an important gauge of the confidence that the business community and investors have of the current and future economic outlook. One of the main elements that constitutes the ESI happens to be the fluctuations of the Construction industry. According to the Statistical Institute of Belize, our economy grew by 22.3% in the second quarter. This record rebound of the Belizean economy has surpassed the expectations of the IMF and has confirmed that the Home-Grown Plan of this administration was indeed the best fit. Despite the worldwide increase in prices of materials and fuel, the construction Industry grew by 46.2% in the second quarter. This boom has also caused a demand for imports of cement and other construction materials. Furthermore, it has increased the demand for loans for building. The Belizean consumers and investors have had a renewed confidence in the economic outlook of this country. They have clearly and with resounding certainty invested their money in Belize because they realize that they will have returns on their investment and will have employment to pay back loans they have made. Industry is another of the components of the ESI and according to the figures released secondary activities show an increase of 13.9%. Tertiary activities or the service sector is also used to calculate the ESI and while this sector was indeed hard hit by covid, they too have made a significant comeback. This second quarter they have registered growth of 19.3%. Retail trade that also is also used to calculate ESI has also seen a massive increase of 50% in this last quarter. The data on the last element of the ESI which is Consumer Activity can be deduced by the Taxes on Products which the Statistical Institute of Belize reports has increased by 46.7%. Unequivocally, Belize and Belizeans have signalled that they Believe in Belize. Try as they might to control and troll on social media and other nefarious media outlets, the numbers they do not let us lie. Belizeans have put their trust and money in Belize and the new leadership she has. Never mind the cheap shots, the stateside scenic tours, the fancy celeb-filled parties or the vulgar name dropping on display. This Government of Belize has been hard at work, and while others have been busy eluding their paid duty to represent their constituents at the House or planning dull and poorly attended press conferences. The Honourable John Briceño has been burning the midnight oil to lead us out of the mess that Barrow left behind. It is easy to throw cheap shots, it is far more honourable to pick up the pieces of the Belizean economy to make it whole again. The records show, our economy is on the mend because the Hon. John Briceño and his able team have made Belizeans Believe in Belize!

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en Español

Cree en Belice

a confianza de los inversores y los consumidores en una economía es fundamental. La confianza en nuestra economía beliceña es un impulsor crítico de los flujos económicos y del ciclo empresarial que los acompaña. Cuando la confianza aumenta, los consumidores compran bienes de consumo y bienes duraderos, así como invierten y construyen a los precios vigentes. Cuando la confianza disminuye, el gasto y la inversión tienden a caer. Los inversores demuestran su confianza cuando las noticias sobre el futuro son buenas y prevén un amplio rendimiento de su inversión. Por lo tanto, puede decirse que el Indicador de Sentimiento Económico (ISE) es un importante indicador de la confianza que la comunidad empresarial y los inversores tienen en las perspectivas económicas actuales y futuras. Uno de los principales elementos que constituyen el ISE resulta ser las fluctuaciones del sector de la construcción. Según el Instituto de Estadística de Belice, nuestra economía creció un 22,3% en el segundo trimestre. Éste es un repunte récord de la economía beliceña que ha superado las expectativas del FMI y que ha confirmado que el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional de esta administración era realmente el más adecuado. A pesar del aumento mundial de los precios de los materiales y el combustible, la industria de la construcción creció un 46,2% en el segundo trimestre. Este auge también ha provocado una demanda de importaciones de cemento y otros materiales de construcción. Además, ha aumentado la demanda de préstamos para la construcción. Los consumidores e inversores beliceños han renovado su confianza en las perspectivas económicas de este país. Están invirtiendo claramente y con rotunda certeza su dinero en Belice porque se dan cuenta de que tendrán rendimientos de su inversión y tendrán empleo para devolver los préstamos que han hecho. La industria es otra de los componentes del ISE y según las cifras publicadas las actividades secundarias muestran un aumento del 13,9%. Las actividades terciarias o el sector de los servicios también se utilizan para calcular el ISE y, aunque este sector se vio muy afectado por la crisis, también se ha recuperado de forma significativa. Este segundo trimestre ha registrado un crecimiento del 19,3%. El comercio minorista, que también se utiliza para calcular el ISE, también ha experimentado un enorme aumento del 50% en este último trimestre. Los datos sobre el último elemento del ISE, que es la actividad de los consumidores, pueden deducirse de los impuestos sobre los productos que, según el Instituto de Estadística de Belice, han aumentado un 46,7%. Sin lugar a duda, Belice y los beliceños han señalado que creen en Belice. Por mucho que intenten controlar y trolear en las redes sociales y otros medios de comunicación nefastos, las cifras no nos dejan mentir. Los beliceños han depositado su confianza y su dinero en Belice y en el nuevo liderazgo que tiene. No importan los golpes bajos, los viajes panorámicos a Estados Unidos, las lujosas fiestas llenas de celebridades o la vulgar mención de nombres en pantalla. Este Gobierno de Belice está trabajando duro, y mientras otros han estado ocupados eludiendo su deber asalariado de representar a sus electores en la Cámara o planificando conferencias de prensa aburridas y mal atendidas, el honorable John Briceño trabaja día y noche para sacarnos del lío que Barrow dejó atrás. Es fácil lanzar golpes bajos, es mucho más honorable recoger los pedazos de la economía de Belice para hacerla entera de nuevo. Los registros muestran que nuestra economía se está recuperando porque el Honorable John Briceño y su competente equipo han hecho que los beliceños crean en Belice.

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THE BELIZE TIMES 2021 BTB’S PUSH TO INNOVATE BTB’s Innovation Challenge is only the latest in a dynamic Ministers drive to take Belize’s Tourism product to levels way beyond pre-Covid levels. Minister Anthony Mahler put together a team poised to do just that. Unprecedented challenges were met with success after success: Opening the Airport for Tourists along with the Ministry of Health and Wellness(MOHW); Total Opening of the Airport along with the MOHW; Vaccinating of ALL Tourist stakeholders; Opening of the Northern and Western Borders along with the MOHW; Convincing Cruise Ships that Belize is a destination ready to receive them safely; Bringing back 10 International Airlines to the PGIA; Matching Grants Program for Financial Help. None of this has fazed Minister Mahler and Team. Now, Minister Mahler is putting the challenge out there to the entrepreneuring to innovate. For 10k the incentive is there to look beyond the scope of a classroom setting. I have always thought that the more someone looks at the dictionary meaning of an entrepreneur the less he is an entrepreneur. So the challenge here is to stand tall, climb to the highest point you can, and use a mental drone to peep over the horizon. I bet that the most innovative of ideas will be one that also uses the least resources to launch himself/ herself with a team with the power of ideaizing. My advice to someone who has a brewing idea is to not listen to me. Still though just before you shut me out find a team that will complement you. Think: I have an idea but I myself cannot present in public, I cannot write, I cannot build, and I do not know who has the resources I will need. Get a team of many with the spirit and who will believe in you and the idea. Go ahead and make a run at giving life to a Startup biz in Belize’s burgeoning Tourism industry. Team ready to surmount obstacles. Be ready for the laughter, sweat and tears. Most likely failure will be ready to topple your idea. Hold on to it. Solve problems and find solutions. In the end, the idea might look different so be ready for impending change. In the end, when you step on the stage to get the award, think...we are just getting started. Many teams will not win but that should not stop their eventual success in a Tourism industry that is poised to be a gargantuan success story in the region and the world. To Minister Anthony Mahler, the Belize Tourist Industry and the Government of Belize, kudos for this initiative which in my humble opinion will be a fruit of planBelize. I predict a sweet outcome and multiple fruits.

Tourism with Blue Economy & TASA : Sinking of the Wit A Dynamic Tourism Option!! Aug. 30, 2021 - Tourism arrivals in these COVID-19 times are expected to transcend original predictions at the reopening of the industry, thanks to a safe, environmentally friendly, new and innovative type of tourism that this PUP Government and the Ministries of the Blue Economy and Tourism have embarked on. The Wit Turneffe - a historic ship once used to transport materials in the second World War and thereafter, has been floating 10 miles offshore Belize City since the mid1980s and used as a storage facility for molasses for the Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. Its sinking in the next few weeks promises to boost Belize’s tourism industry while offering a sustainable means of income for fishers and those who rely on the fragile ecosystem. The artificial shipwreck is a first-time venture for Belize but has been a decades-old form of tourism in other parts of the world. In fact, the ship, originally named the Witconcrete 2, has a sister ship, the Witconcrete 1 that has also been submerged off the US Virgin

Islands for a similar type of tourism venture. The 365-foot-long, 58-foot-wide vessel has been donated by BSI/ASR towards the venture. It will be gently sunk in a few weeks’ time on a sandy seabed within the Soldier Caye Conservation Zone in the Turneffe Atolls, a safe distance from the world-famous Blue Hole and from the live coral reef. It is a location thought to be ideal for such an activity. When it is open to the public, it will be the largest man-made wreck site and artificial reef in the Caribbean, creating a new dive option that will relieve the natural dive spots of the stress that accompanies dives. Valdemar Andrade, who is the Executive Director of one of the key partners in the venture, the Turneffe Atolls Sustainability Association (TASA), assured everyone at the project’s introduction at the Belize Biltmore on Monday that the parties had to meet all the requirements of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as set out by the Department of the Environment (DoE). These included the complete removal of all the waste and hazardous material such as 3,500 gallons of oil/ sludge, paint, asphalt on the deck, and metal and other fixtures that could pose a threat to people during tours and to other life forms. All the waste material was safely discarded at a location in Orange Walk, approved by the (DoE) Andrade explained that there were four sites considered for the sinking. The objective of the project was to find a location with a large sandy seabed that also has a gradual slope to allow for freediving and diving. That

“oasis” was found on a 1,000-foot-long sandy area far enough from the reef to create any disturbance to its fragile corals. He added that the vessel will also be used to plant corals on board to create, as much as possible, a natural wreck site. Garen Simonyan is married into the family who has, for more than two decades, owned neighbouring Blackbird Caye Resort. A seasoned diver all over the world for more than 20 years, he testified that the pristine and unique diving opportunities that Belize offers are “second to none” so this venture will no doubt fulfill all the expectations it comes with, despite the prevalence of COVID-19. In fact, Simonyan said, this type of tourism is one of the safest during the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister of Tourism, Hon. Anthony Mahler shared the view that blue industries are the driving force behind the growth and development of our economy and it is critical to ensure that these resources are properly managed. “Tourism represents 40% of GDP directly or indirectly and like people have been saying for some time now and the numbers show, the vast majority of people who come to Belize come for some marine activity. ... The balance we have to create during this pandemic period, as we call it, from a marketing standpoint is livelihoods and lives. The WIt, as it is called, is going to be an important dive site for us and I commend everyone who has played an integral part in making this a reality”, Minister Mahler said. Complementing Simonyan’s idea, Minister of the Blue Economy, Hon. Andre Perez assured that his Ministry is trying to

Information Technology Manager Reports to:


Director of Finance

The Belize City Council is seeking applicants to fill the post of Information Technology Manager. All interested persons must submit their application packages in a sealed envelope, addressed to the HR Personnel Officer, no later than Monday, September 13, 2021. Application packages should include the following: 1. Completed Belize City Council Application Form 2. Copy of the applicant’s social security card 3. A current police record 4. A passport sized photo 5. Two (2) letters of reference

Overview of Position:

The IT Manager is responsible for managing all aspects of the MIS Department human and hardware resources and operations. The IT Manager will assist project teams with technical expertise in the Initiation and Planning phases of our standard Project Management Methodology. These activities include the definition of needs, benefits, and technical strategy; research & development within the project life-cycle; technical analyses and design; and technical support of operations staff in executing, testing and rolling-out the solutions. Participation on projects is focused on smoothing the transition of projects from development to production by performing operations activities within the project life-cycle.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities Technical:

1. 2. 3. 4.

ensure a balance between economic activity and a healthy environment. “If managed effectively, marine-protected areas systems have the potential to directly employ thousands of Belizeans, bringing in millions of dollars in foreign exchange. ... My Ministry recognizes the need for well-managed protected areas and is absolutely sold on the fact that we must work fervently with our partners to be innovative and effective in ensuring that these areas are properly equipped and staffed. The revenues generated from the tours will be reinvested in the proper upkeep and management of Turneffe Marine Reserve where the site will be created. This will include the proper disposal of garbage that the tours will produce. TASA, which is a non-government organization, along with the Ministry of the Blue Economy and the relevant partners, has developed a progressive, strategic and sustainability business plan for managing the site. One of the features of the plan is to develop non-traditional activities within the reserve. Director of Quality Management and Capacity Development at the Belize Tourism Board, Abil Castaneda described the vessel as a “grandiose piece of architecture” which, if it was left simply floating on the sea, would have made for an amazing tour destination because of the history that accompanies it. The plan is to have the ship in place on the seabed and ready for tours by the start of the peak of tourism in November, and the main requirement of people who want to dive the site is to have a diver’s certificate.

Overall Management of the MIS Department. Manages full team of technicians in the IT Department. Assign, coordinate and review work activities of IT personnel. Ensures that all technical activities of the MIS Department are performed efficiently.

5. Assist other team members in the execution of their duties and responsibilities as may become necessary. 6. Provide reports to the council regarding required upgrades or procurement. 7. Collaborate with Systems Specialist for a direct revision, upgrade, maintenance, modification or expansion of existing programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements. 8. Coordinate & oversee documentation of programming problems and resolutions for reference to systems specialist. 9. Confer with users to gain understanding of needed changes or modifications of existing programs and communicate to Systems Specialist to resolve necessary changes or enhancements. 10. Prepare monthly reports and various other reports as required. 11. Prepare annual budget for MIS Department. 12. Write or contribute to instructions or manuals to guide end users. 13. Conduct appraisals for the staff of the MIS Department. 14. Ensure that all protocols, procedures and guidelines are used at all times in carrying out assigned duties. 15. Ensure that professionalism is displayed at all times when carrying out duties. 16. Report to work immediately in the event a disaster threat and after the City has suffered a disaster.


1. Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills 2. Demonstrate respectful and patient interaction with other staff when providing support. 3. Exhibit strong customer service orientation 4. Maintain strong relationships with subordinate staff 5. Demonstrate Strong Interpersonal skills 6. Demonstrate Strong Research skills 7. Maintain Strong Work Ethic at all times 8. Maintain confidentiality with regard to the information being processed, stored or accessed.

Special Work Conditions (Physical demands, job hazards, pressures): Available to work outside normal working hours and on weekends and holidays as required.


Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science and Information Systems 2 to 3 years applicable work and managerial experience

6 06



TENDER Outbound Call Services BEL invites tenders for Consulting Services for Outbound Calls as follows:



Unit No. 601 Renaissance Tower , No. 8 Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize District BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank International Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: PROPERTY via listed property. Sales currently Unit No. 601 Renaissance Towerthe , No.below 8 Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize District running and BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Bank International Limited, Licensed Kevin A. Castillo and will expire on Belize Monday 6th September 2021 Auctioneers at 3:00 pm.

Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below listed property. Sales currently running and will expire on Monday 6th September 2021 at 3:00 pm.

Unit No. 601 Renaissance Tower , No. 8 Newtown Barracks, Belize Unit No.District: 601 Renaissance Tower , No. 8 Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize District: City, Belize

The Service Provider will assist Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) with the handling of outbound calls that include but are not limited to account balance reminders, collection notice reminders, electricity bill receipt verification, meter reading verification and contact information update and verification. The outbound call services will be required for a minimum of two weeks per month with a daily target of 250-1000 during that time. Calls are to be done during normal business hours. BEL will provide the calling interface solution. The bidding documents, which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates are available on BEL’s website at Tenders must be submitted via email to no later than 4:00 p.m. on September 17, 2021. The email subject should include the bid number located on the respective bid form.

For more information or queries, send email to


Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK 45 PARCELS Kings Park 946/H30 (Being strata titleKings Unit No. 601 situate within Renaissance at No. 8 Newtown Barracks, Belize City Park 45 Tower situate 946/H30 consisting of 3 Bedrooms each with Bathrooms + Living Room + Porch + Dining Room + Kitchen + Pantry + Den with Bathroom + Powder Room + Foyer, a fully air-conditioned unit with wonderful views of Belize City in three (Being strata title Unit No. 601 situate within Renaissance Tower situate at No. 8 different directions including the Caribbean Sea , freehold property)

Newtown Barracks, Belize City consisting of 3 Bedrooms each with Bathrooms + TERMS: CASH Living Room + Porch + Dining RoomSTRICTLY + Kitchen + Pantry + Den with Bathroom + KEVIN A. CASTILLO Powder Room + Foyer, a fully air-conditioned unit with wonderful views of Belize TELEPHONE 223-4488 Website:including City in three different directions the Caribbean Sea , freehold property) E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions

TERMS: STRICTLY CASH KEVIN A. CASTILLO TELEPHONE 223-4488 Website: E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions




07 7

Prime Minister

JOHN BRICEÑO Weekly Message – August 30

BELIZE IS A VAX NATION Within 48 hours of the plane landing with the vaccinations for youths ages 12-17 our Ministry of Health went into overdrive to implement a full rollout inside school and public auditoriums across Belize and, in the first week, we had over 8000 young people

vaccinated. All this effort has a deep national purpose. We continue to take an aggressive approach, in our diplomatic efforts with our friends around the world to source affordable vaccines because we need to move forward with our lives. Sometimes it seems things change by the hour. Only days before we were set to do face-to-face school again, the dreaded reality of Delta came upon us and the rest of the world. We have entered a second year that our children are being denied their proper and rightful education. This is not what we want, but we have to face reality. Getting our children vaccinated will speed up going back to normal school. We can’t control what the virus does, but we can certainly put up a fight to protect our citizens and children. We can argue and talk all we want, but what we cannot do is deny the reality that COVID is real and continues to be an immediate disaster. We are in a moment of action. We must share with our friends and family the great benefits of getting vaccinated. Fear will never win; misinformation only makes matters worse. We have to remind ourselves that our economy, our health, our education is at stake. Up to last week, close to 40% of our population have received a first dose. This is major progress when you compare to other developing countries, but it is not enough. We still have to wear our masks… still have to watch our distance… still have to wash our hands. We will get through this together. Thanks, God Bless and have a safe week.

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PM BRICEÑO ON CH5 OYE Schools Reopening Coming to the city, I was commenting that we do not see the rush of traffic into the city. The reality is that Covid is here and we have to protect our children. When we came in(as a new Government) we started doing testing, testing, testing to contain the virus. Then, when vaccines became available we started what we called in intense diplomatic campaign. And it was a success between the foreign minister and I, we were able to get a few hundred thousand doses donated and then we had to buy some… Johnson and Johnson. Then we got the Pfizer which is approved for children from 12 to 18. So we decided to hold off school for a month. We must also commend the teachers, the BNTU. The president has been pushing the teachers to get vaccinated. We should be open by October 4. We must also commend the kids. There is mental stress on our children who are expecting to go to school. Economy We had 22.3 percent growth this last quarter. For the first time Agriculture had 20 percent growth something that was not happened in a decade. Coping with PM duties How do I deal with it? I have to keep my mind focused on the work that is in front of us. Vaccination Campaign We are not prioritizing the economic rebound. We are finding the thin line. We have to revamp the vaccination campaign. If you do not want to vaccinate for yourself, do it for others. Every person that is hospitalized is because they are not vaccinated. Every person that has died(due to Covid-19) is because they were not vaccinated. We have over 160 thousand vaccinated. So we are moving in the right direction but we need to move faster. We already have mandatory vaccination in Belize so the law would allow it; it is nothing new. “President Macron of France said it best, “I am tired of being locked down. I am doing everything to protect myself. I have taken the vaccination. I shouldn’t be locked down.” Lockdowns We cannot lockdown at this time. The results might be worse on people. The last government borrowed 20 million to pay. I don’t think we can do that again to feed people(in a general lockdown) and people need to eat. Color Codes and Certainty when implementing Measures I asked Minister Mahler and Chebat to get together and do something like this. In the next week or so we can have a system in place. Agriculture

We knew we need to be led by Agriculture. We have to eat what we grow. Onion farmers have doubled their production. We now need cold storage. We just agreed to invest 15 million in the citrus Industry. We will work with new products or fruits that we can use for exportation. In the rural areas, people can grow their own vegetables and chickens. Schools can have their own gardening programs and the children can learn. Superbond We are looking to buying it over to save significant monies for Belize. It is going to be a massive win for Belize when we finish the negotiations. Conservation We are looking to working with them to bring significant monies for Belize. It is an exciting time to be in Belize. Business Process Outsourcing We have worked with them helping them get their workers vaccinated. At their request, it is now mandatory for the workers to be vaccinated. Their

workspace is only at 50 percent capacity while the rest work at home. Tourism We must give credit to Minister Mahler for setting up the new Gold

Standard for our visitors to be safe. He had an aggressive campaign to bring in new Airlines like Alaska Airlines and Frontier. They will be coming into Belize shortly. By doing this, we managed to increase the numbers quickly. We are at 80 to 85 percent to where we were in 2019 and God willing we can get to 115 percent.

PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: FABULOUS WATERWAY PRO PR on District page 9 Moho Bay Area,Continued Belize City, Belize BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auc Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the b currently running and will expire Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 1:30 pm. Parcel No. 1609 Moho Bay Area, Belize City:


BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. AUCTION SALE: FABULOUS WATERWAY PROPERTY Castillo PUBLIC and Christiana R. Castillo Moho Bay Area, Belize City,are Belizeselling District ONLINE via the below BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The currently Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A.Tuesday Castillo and 7th September 2021 at 1:30 pm. described property. Sale running and will expire Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below described property. Sale currently running and will expire Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 1:30 pm. Parcel No. 1609 Moho Bay Area, Belize City:

Parcel No. 1609 Moho Bay Area, Belize City:

BLOCK PA 16 (Being 16 a fabulous two-storey Caribbean Shores 1609 concrete dwelling house [3,941 sq. ft.] containing 4 b + 3 bathrooms + Powder room+ living/dining/kitchen + Laundry + 2 verandas + Full storeroomshouse + Garage (4 vehicles and lot [623 sq. yds.] situate 2 lotswalkfrom the sea (Being a fabulous two-storey concrete dwelling [3,941 sq. parking) ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 3 full the freehold property.) REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL in closets + 3 Caribbean bathrooms + Powder room+ living/dining/kitchen + Laundry + 2 verandas + Fully flat Shores 16 1609 VIEWING AVAILABLE WITH 24 HOURS NOTICE roof with railings 2 storerooms + Garage (4 vehicles parking) (Beingconcrete a fabulous two-storey concrete dwelling+house [3,941 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 3 full walk-in closets and lot [623 sq. yds.] situate 2 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH + 3 bathrooms + Powder room+ living/dining/kitchen + Laundry + 2 verandas + Fully flat concrete roof with railings + 2 lots from the sea in Moho Bay Area, Belize City, the freehold property.) KEVIN A. CASTILLO storerooms + Garage (4 vehicles parking) and lot [623 sq. yds.] situate 2 lots from the sea in Moho Bay Area, Belize City, the freehold property.) VIEWING AVAILABLE WITH 24 HOURS NOTICE TELEPHONE 223-4488 VIEWING AVAILABLE WITH 24 HOURS NOTICE Website: TERMS: STRICTLYCASH TERMS: STRICTLY CASH E-mail: KEVIN A. CASTILLO KEVIN A. CASTILLO Facebook: Belize Auctions TELEPHONE 223-4488




PARCELS Caribbean Shores

TELEPHONE 223-4488

Website: E-mail:Website: Facebook: Belize E-mail:

Summons Server

Facebook: Belize Auctions


Reports to: Court Manager

Primary Duties and Responsibilities The Belize City Council is seeking applicants to fill the post of Summons Server. All interested persons must submit their application packages in a sealed envelope, addressed to the HR Personnel Officer, no later than Monday, September 13, 2021. Application packages should include the following:

1. Exercise diligence and discretion when serving summons and ensure that summonses are served daily. 2. Complete affidavits of service and deliver to the Records Clerk at the end of each workday. 3. Return unserved summons to the Records Clerk with the relevant information why summons was not served 4. Prepare and maintain all summons served. 5. Assist with the delivery of Exparte and face value letters. 6. Carry out duties in the absence of the Office Assistant. 7. Ensure that all protocols and procedures and guidelines are used all times in carrying out assigned duties.

Completed Belize City Council Application Form 2. Copy of the applicant’s social security card 3. A current police record 4. A passport sized photo 5. Two (2) letters of reference 8. Ensure that professionalism is displayed at all times when carrying out duties. 9. Perform any other duties assigned from time to time. QUALIFICATIONS 10.Report to work immediately in the event a disaster threatens and after the City has • High School Diploma suffered a disaster. • Must be computer literate 11.Report to the Court Coordinator and accountable to Court Manager. 1.




PM BRICEÑO ON CH5 OYE Continued from page 8

(Tourist need to know)All our tour guides and workers are vaccinated. We have an aggressive vaccination campaign. By the time they come in November, Belize should be way above 50 percent fully vaccinated. Rebound The IMF said that our rebound would just be of 2 percent. We think we will able to get 6 percent(annual). This did not happen by chance. It happened because as a government we went in laser focused. We came in understanding that we have to control Covid but we also had to get the economy going. Diversification in the Economy We are looking to see how to expand in the production in Coconuts... Pitahaya, Soursop. Diversification begins with diversity in the same agricultural industry. We have expanded the BPOs. They do not do only call centers they also provide services to companies. We also doing some light programming. There are so many other aspects than just answering the phone. Minister Kareem Musa has been working hard on seeing how the proposed new marijuana industry could be done safely. This would be done under the right protocols and controlled measures. Many believe that by going that route we can also controll the crime and violence on the streets. PCI (Up 3.3 percent) The hike is a reason for us to produce more of what we eat. We.have no control of the price going up worldwide. This is a phenomenon happening over the world. So it is completely out of our control because we have to import it into Belize. Poverty Poverty was 52 percent in 2019. With Covid it could be 60percent. The only way we can get out of poverty is to grow the economy and to create jobs for people. Government alone cannot get you out. So getting people working is one. Secondly, we have to make sure that our children can go back to school. (Initially)We can try free Education in Southside Belize City where there is poverty in a small geographical area. It has to with education and also it has to do with Health. Grocery Bag We are still providing funds to Human Development for them to give the really needy persons. We would like to give to everyone but we simply do not have the money. We are prepared to do what we have to do to protect those who are the most vulnerable in our society. Union We do plan to have a meeting with the unions to go update them on the financial position. I am very accessible so it’s not a matter of that. We are partners and we need the Unions to work with us. This is

just like we need the private sector and all our social partners. On Friday we had a very constructive meeting with the Council of Churches to address the issues they are concerned about.. It is a part of the democratic process. I am not running away from it; I am not shying away from it. Some of our social partners need to understand that we were elected to govern. They want to govern? They need to put their name on a ballot. They are our partners and I accept that. They are our partners but they were not elected to govern. We were elected based on planBelize. We will do everything to enact planBelize the best we possibly can. Good Governance We have introduced the Whistle blowers legislation. We have a draft amendment to the Unjust Enrichment legislation. We are working on the IDB to have a centralized procurement that should save millions to the government. We want an oversight body to work along with the Contractor General. Constitutional Reform Commission We will do this within a few months. We will give them one year to have a series of consultations and to make recommendations to the government. We will then decide what is best. The 11th amendment will be passed to that body. CLOSING The criticism is a part of the Democratic process. I think it is healthy. It keeps us on our feet. It keeps us on our toes. When we do the decisions that we are doing it for the right reasons. How is it that we will make life better in Belize? How is it that we will meet the economic crisis we face? How will we help our young people get back to school safely? I live with these questions every single day. I cannot and I will not betray the people of this country. We can get out of this together. I want to thank the Belizean people for the opportunity they gave to the People’s United Party. I want to assure that people that we have not moved from our North star which is planBelize. We continue to work for everyone because we still abide by what we said when we said that ‘Everybody fih Win!’



Notice is hereby given that Quan Pan Chan is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Twin Supermarket” located at # 5526 St. Thomas Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Chun Mei Liu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Brother’s Store” located at # 15 Gordon Drive, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that YanFen Liang is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Yin Kee Fast Food & Grocery” located at # 64 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Violeta Singh is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Jossiah’s Mini Shop” located on Antelope Street Extension, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that GenWan Liu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “New Road Supermarket” located at # 84 New Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Juan Carlos Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Public Super Market” located at # 49 West Canal Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that DongHai Wu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Tong Lo Fast Food & Grocery” located at # 5963 Campus Avenue, West Landivar, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Juan Carlos Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “P. Market” located on Central American Blvd., Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Aaron Joel Gongora is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Pirate Enterprise Ltd.” located at # 766 Tranquil Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Juan Carlos Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “P-Market” located at 1.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Xian Peng Zhu is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “828 Super Center” located at #2126 Chetumal Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Juan Carlos Dussan Cullar is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Caribbean Best Producers Ltd.” located in Seine Bight Village, Stann Creek District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that ChaoWen Wu is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Good Friend Shop” located at # 162 Freetown Road, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Thi Thi Thar Ban is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Favourite Restaurant & Grocery” located at # 1077 Mahogany Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that WeiChao Huang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Sea Shore Store” located at 3 Mls. Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yongfa He/Xiang Hui are applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Fa Shop” located at Mls. 19 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Yongfa He/Xiang Hui are applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Fa Shop” located at Mls. 19 Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jiaxi Yu is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Wong Got Restaurant” located at # 11 6th Street, King’s Park, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Thi Thi Thar Ban is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Favourite Restaurant & Grocery I” located at # 38 C.A. Blvd.,Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Sharon Chamulo is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Sol’s Burger” located on Palmar Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Jairo Vargas is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Nayeli Shop” located in San Roman Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980. Notice is hereby given that Wenje Luo is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Rainbow Game Shop” located in Carmelita Village, Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Shubin Yu is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Benny Restaurant” located at 2.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Leslie Mitchell Vasquez is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “The Beer House” located at # 7 Palmar Boundary Road, Palmar Road, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that JianShan Huang is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Wong Shop” located at Miles 18 ¼ Philip Goldson Highway, Sandhill Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Anito Adolphus is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Store House” located in Black Water Area, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.



UDP’s Reinforced-Chair Man WORST Speaker Ever Belizean People Still Paying For Peyre’s Arrogance and Incompetence Belize City, Thursday, September 2, 2021 A malicious decision by the former Speaker of the House, Michael Peyefitte has ended up with the Belizean people having to pay almost $100,000 in damages and legal fees following a Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday in favour of Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, Hon. Julius Espat while he was in opposition. Justice Westmin James agreed with the arguments put forth by Hon. Espat’s attorney, Senior Counsel, Andrew Marshalleck that when Peyrefitte decided on Friday, August 26, 2016 to unilaterally suspend the Cayo South Area Representative, disregarding Standing Order 44, he breached the parliamentarian’s constitutional rights. “Order forty-four requires that the House suspend him, not the Speaker and the procedure for the House to suspend him had not been properly invoked or followed,” Marshalleck pointed out. “Specifically, somebody should have moved a resolution for his naming and suspension and then that resolution should have been put to a vote by the House to approve or disapprove the suspension. That never took place,” he continued, pointing out that his client’s claim could easily be proven because it was video-recording for all to see and then aired on the evening news the same day. The suspension was preceded by a clash between Peyrefitte and Hon. Espat, who was attempting speak about irregularities that a Special Audit Report by the Auditor General’s office had just unearthed at the Immigration Department between 2011-2013. When Hon. Espat refused to submit to Peyrefitte’s order for him to leave the chambers, Peyrefitte ordered the Police Officers who were present in the building to remove him by force, which

they did. The media was also removed from the building, much to their displeasure and reluctance. One member of the press was also physically removed from the building. Before the heated exchange that day, there had been a few more sessions when Peyrefitte and Espat went toe to toe in the House. Hon. Espat filed a lawsuit against the Speaker of the House and while Peyrefitte and his comrades have now been replaced, it is the PUP Government, and by extension, Belizeans who will have to comply with the court’s orders. Justice James awarded the payment of all the benefits, including salary that had been withheld from Hon Espat for five months, plus vindicatory damages and legal costs. Altogether, the Government must now cough up a total of $95,000 unless it appeals the ruling. That appeal, Marshalleck opined, could likely end up with his client receiving an even bigger award, since they had initially claimed for more. Marshalleck also explained that while it is the PUP that is now in power when a court ruling is made against the government, it is not made against the party in power but really against the state. “There is not a P.U.P. government or a U.D.P. government. There’s a government of the state of Belize ... From a perspective of liability, the entity that



UDP Propaganda vs UDP Propaganda

The infamy-laden Case study of the group feigning at being called a political party is almost sad. If only our Belizean democracy did not need a solid Opposition, Faber and the rest of the remnants of the Cat5 Hurricane Dean could literally go to that hell Barrow always alludes to. The same can be said of the 3-Member Opposition that manage to connive enough voters with proxies to squeak them a win. Belizeans in the USA who refer to themselves as Belizeans living in the Diaspora were shafted for the Ambassador of Falsehoods who managed to con himself to a diplomatic passport. Moses visited the US under a bunch of pretences which included: 1. wanting to help Belize(actually himself) 2. Leader of the House of Representatives (lie) 3. Being Honourable (kicking wife on the back erases and possibility of this) committed the wrong and the entity that must now pay is and has always been the same. It’s the state of Belize, as represented by the Government of Belize,” Marshalleck summed up. In weighing in on the ruling on Wednesday, Minister of Home Affairs, Hon. Kareem Musa told reporters that “it’s regrettable that we’re going to be the ones that have to pay but the law is the law at the end of the day. ... It’s the Government. Michael Peyrefitte represented the government, so we have to pay on Michael Peyrefitte’s behalf.”

4. Meeting billionaires who would bring brands to Belize (Jail bud has no business sense) One aspect that is not a pretence is how he cares for the rich of Belize who he mentioned is his comedy show masquerading as a press conference. Mesopotamia voters... seems Shyne doesn’t remember you. The reality is that Mesopotamia voters didn’t vote for Shyne. He and uncle had depended on votes moved in during Julys and Augusts. Just a few blinks ago, the other leader of a 5-member group also calling themselves UDP(may this party RIP) called another comedy show telling Belize to stop paying attention to all the success of planBelize. The beaten Faber tried to pick up fictitious scandals and begged the ex-UDP to make him LOO once more. Faber prayed that deportee excon would remain in the USA. He has been using all the leftover funds to try to remain relevant. He was so desperate that he even brought the Pirate-fan to cheerlead. Well, he had to, after shifting the people with a semi facade replica of the front of the Paslow building…to mention one infamy. All in all...planBelize is a gorgeous undertaking that cannot be touched by the two headed remnants of Barrows incompetent dying monster. Both Faber and mini-Me keep shoving themselves at the hip in a pingpong match before the savvy Belizean people. Last word...Shyne, it is an insult, to present as the LOO, friends you met 20 years ago when you were in jail instead of actual Belizeans living abroad. Obviously, you do not know real Belizeans. Faber... respect to you will be coming when you confess to UDP corruption between 2008-2020…then saddle the confession with your resignation. Both of you guys can get a second chance with real jobs...if there is anything you qualify for.




Message of solidarity by Dr. Karishma Raju (recent graduate from ELAM)

It was truly something special to receive the opportunity to study medicine in Cuba. Seven years later here I am, doctor in medicine, a recent graduate from Cuba, a proud Belizean, born and raised in the little hidden gem known as Punta Gorda Town. I owe it all to Cuba, for their constant effort to build relations and give opportunities to underdeveloped countries. During my 7 years of med-school, I faced many obstacles, many bumpy roads, many difficult moments that made me question what I was doing there... but every time I was reminded of the many positive and inspiring moments I also experienced; I was always met with a helping hand from the Cuban people, friendly words of advice from the many international students who became dear friends. Studying medicine was life changing but studying medicine in Cuba was life fulling. I didn’t only learn medicine, I learnt to become a better person, to feel sympathy, to care and

U.S. Embassy Donation Protects Belize’s Agricultural Sector from the Medfly

Belmopan – In support of Belize’s agricultural sector, today the U.S. Embassy donated essential equipment to the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) to aid in Mediterranean fruit fly eradication efforts. The donation, valued at over US$40,000, includes insect traps and lures planned for use in field operations and in surveillance activities in two active Medfly outbreak eradication initiatives in the Sapodilla Cayes and the Placencia Peninsula. The U.S.-supported Medfly Surveillance Program protects Belize’s agriculture industry from the Medfly, known for its damaging effects on a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. U.S. assistance will help Belize boost its agricultural exports vital for the country’s economic prosperity. “We continue to stand with Belize and the thousands of farmers who depend on the agricultural sector as a source of income and livelihood, by acting swiftly to destroy Medfly populations as they arise in the country. The United States remains committed to supporting the Government of Belize in promoting economic prosperity,” emphasized U.S. Embassy Belmopan Environment, Science, Technology, and Health Officer Vince Lowney. Also present to receive today’s donation from the Government of Belize were the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture Servulo Baeza and the Acting Managing Director of BAHA Francisco Gutierrez. The U.S. Government has proudly provided more than US$186,000 since January 2021 in support of the Belize Medfly Surveillance Program, a cooperative agreement signed in 1977 between the United States Department of Agriculture and the Government of Belize to work together to combat this threat to the country’s agricultural sector. ENDS.

11 to take care of people beyond what conventional medicine sometimes requires; I learnt about honor and patriotism, solidarity, I learnt to be creative and innovative in difficult situations, I learnt to appreciate life and the little we have, and, most of all, I learnt to persevere and survive. It was a real eye-opener for me, and was the best decision I made. Por eso quiero decir gracias a Cuba y la Revolución Socialista e internacionalista, gracias al comandante jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, gracias al pueblo Cubano y gracias a ELAM. Cuba es un país de mucho historia y cultura, un país con gran ideas de solaridad y hermandad. CUBA QUE LINDA ES CUBA, EL QUE LA QUIERE, LA QUERERA MAS. Yo estoy en solaridad con Cuba, mi segundo país, mi gran familia, nunca voy a olvidar lo que ustedes me enseñan no solo de la medicina pero de la vida. Muchisimas gracias por todo. VIVA CUBA, VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN, VIVA FIDEL, VIVA LA SOLIDARIDAD ENTRE LOS PUEBLOS DEL MUNDO!!!

58 12








18 JAN



Hon. Dolores Balderamos Garcia, Belize Rural Central

‘Get Vaxxed, 2 Get Back!’

PM John Briceño in Orange Walk Central

Min. Michel Chebat and HW Team

Donation of Wheelchair to Hattieville resident

Upgrading surrounding of the Ladyville cemetery

Hands on at the Petville Electrification Project

Min. Julius Espat, Infrastructure Development and Housing Donation to Firemen in Ladyville

Governor General

In Belize Rural Central, Lord’s Bank

Hon. Marconi Leal, Belize Rural North

Bermudian Landing bridge repair

Personally delivering help to constituents

Min. Oscar Requena, RT,CD,L&LG w/ Min. Rodwell Ferguson, PU, E & L New Equipment

Teamwork in Los Lagos

They mean Business in Toledo

Los Lagos

As promised…In Guinea Grass





Punta Gorda Feeling the planBelize Development Mayor Charles Selgado: “The mountain of necessary development needed for the Toledo District is high. Nonetheless, the Hon. Michael Espat and the Hon. Oscar Requena are tackling the challenges like no other. On August 24, a team from the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour & Local Government along with a team from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy and Logistics, the European Union Representative, B.E.L., and Digi, embarked on a journey to reach Machakilha, Dolores, and Otoxha Villages. We got all the way to Corazon Creek Village and, unfortunately, we couldn’t go further as the creek was flooded. We however can proudly say that it wasn’t a wasted trip as the technical team from the Ministry of Rural Transformation got to Lucky Strike where they will be drilling a new well to address the water issue the villagers have been faced with recently.” #thePUPway #ubettaBelizeit


From USA

Alaska Airline Seattle & Los Angeles American Airlines Miami, Charlotte, Dallas & Los Angeles Delta Air Lines Atlanta & Minneapolis Frontier Orlando & Denver Southwest Houston (HOU) & Denver Sun Country Minneapolis United Houston (IAH) Chicago, Denver, Newark & Los Angeles


From Canada Westjet Calgary & Toronto

From Mexico & Latin America COPA Panama City

TAG Guatemala City Tropic Air Cancun, Roatan & San Salvador




Assistance Recipients Give Back We hear of many students who get help from some entity, person, organization, individual representatives, and from the government itself. We often see the newspapers and news items revering the action by these groups and individuals to help give educational access to the future of Belize. Each student that is helped is expected to give back by essentially becoming a part of the workforce. Even as being a part of an efficient workforce is an important grain in the beach of prosperity it is long term and difficult to assess. Who follows all the scholarship/assistance recipients over the year to measure the success brought about by said aid. So when you see help by recipients even BEFORE they complete their education it is definitely a refreshing idea. Some of the almost 200 educational assistance recipients through the area rep office in Dangriga are giving back to the community. These community services will be done in groups of 10 and last Friday was the first group where they did some beach cleaning near the cemetery. These activities are being organized through the Hon. Dr. Zab office and are being supervised by Bros Clarence Castillo and Ishmael Massive Usher. Say “hello” as you pass by and support them and others in the fight not that all students have against the coronavirus. Education is doubly a challenge but our young is up to the task.

Who are these Characters?

I want to send someone to school. If the cap fits wear it! Who is a super crony in the UDP? Only super cronies could get super crony contracts 2008-2020. In 2008-2013, when you got a UDP job that is way above the pay scale of everyone in the nation you are a super crony…definitely. When you are replaced by a spoiled brat who did not get an education you need to be compensated as a super crony. Definitely. When you fire hundreds of your staff yet you get a Christmas bonus enough to pay multiple of their yearly salaries you are a super crony. Definitely When your boss gives your super raise and super car and, you are either a super crony or your boss wants you to shut up. Something has to be kept hidden by the super crony. When you are a super crony you are a shameless UDP. Only shameless UDP’s are super cronies. When your boss defends you to no muh no muh…and defends the sly contract…and has interviews…on your behalf. You are a super crony to that boss. ANYONE who cannot see a super crony is a super crony themselves. Who can this super crony be?


16 OUT




Made in Belize…

Building Relations for a Vibrant Innovative Blue Economy


Dear Editor, Gimme dalla for my thoughts. The UDP of 2008 was known for chronic nepotism and chronic spending and chronic incompetence and chronic corruption. All this underlying stench was gathered by right dishonourable Dean Barrow. He called out his government to “for God’s sake, stop it” in reference to corruption. Barrow famously and shamelessly called out his own specifically the Lands department as the champion(hotbed) of that corruption. Most recently, at the Commission of Inquiry on the sale of assets he shrugged off bartering the people’s assets to super cronies who had been recommended already even for International posts. Such exchange of vehicles for little next to nothing especially happened with Barrow as the power drunken captain of the Belizean ship. So in establishing guilt Barrow is culpable as the last leader of the Party formerly known as the UDP. Fast forward to now, there is UDP social media absurdity in the form of vile lies and misleading misinformation. Case in point: The Representative who was voted in by padding her mother’s home and a small office with over 70 voters calls a SMART deal with a couple ministries nepotism. This deal saved the government thousands of dollars. For the first time we feel competition. She does that call while remaining stupefyingly silent on the inexperienced and uneducated Anwar Barrow who was put at the helm of BTL only to be Barrow eyes and ears for his father. (Anwar infamously ran the company into the ground from earning tens of millions to 1 million a year.) The same Panton whose hubby swims like a shark in the Public service waters ready to bite at any PUP progress is also talking about the Central Bank governor putting out misleading info to anybody that is willing to listen. Time to block her. Tracy Taegar Lawyer hubby represents’ witnesses involved in the Commission’s inquiry into sale of government assets just before the 2020 elections. He has the right to be on the wrong side. But Tracy cannot have it both ways. Are you for the people or against? One cannot expect any more from Tracy as she supports the petty clueless one. He cannot even hold on and manage being the LOO. Thanks Editor Set Albert Free and BT reader

Even as the country rebounds rillo. The field visit included the Chief from a serious economic downFor Rainforest Seafoods Ltd., Executive Officer Mrs. Kennedy Carturn exacerbated by the COVID-19 the operations in Belize have been rillo, Ms. Emilie Gomez - Coordinator scourge, the opportunities for our encouraging. The relationship with & Liaison Officer, Ms. Shantel Espaeconomy are ripe. The blue econothe fisher folks have been strong and das - Communities Blue Innovations my has proven to be a foundational productive and the company looks Officer and the Communications and sector for the country. With that in forward to working with the Ministry Public Relations Consultant of the mind, the Ministry of Blue Economy of Blue Economy to expand its operMinistry Mrs. Daedra Isaacs Hayand Civil Aviation continued its outations ensuring increased job creation lock, as well as Fisheries Departreach with a field visit to Rainforest and earnings for the sector stakeholdment representative Mr. Adriel CasSeafoods Ltd., led by the Chief Execers. taneda – Fisheries Officer. utive Officer Mrs. Kennedy Carrillo. The visit was an invitation from PUBLIC AUCTION SALES: PROPERTIES the management of the private sector PUBLIC AUCTION PROPERTIES company that has, over the years of Placencia Pensinsula, Stann Creek District PUBLIC AUCTIONSALES: SALES: PROPERTIES Placencia Pensinsula, Stann Creek Placencia Pensinsula, Stann CreekDistrict DistrictLimited, Licensed Auctioneers its operation, signalled an opportuniBY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank International BY ORDER ofofthe Messrs. Belize International Limited, Licensed A. theMortgagees Mortgagees Messrs.The The BelizeBank Bank International LicensedAuctioneers AuctioneersKevin Kevin Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINELimited, via thoseA. ty for fisher folks to realize improved BY ORDER Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via those properties Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo selling ONLINE via those properties properties appearing below. are Sales currently running and will expire on Monday 13th September 2021 at th prices for their seafood harvest andappearing will expire ononMonday appearingbelow. below.Sales Salescurrently currentlyrunning runningand and will expire Monday 13thSeptember September2021 2021atatthe thetimes timesshown shownononthe the the times shown on the 13 website. for value-added in the seafood prowebsite. website. 1. No. 1486 West Wind Drive, The Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann 1.1.No. No.1486 1486West WestWind WindDrive, Drive,The ThePlacencia PlacenciaResidences, Residences,Placencia PlacenciaPeninsula, Peninsula,Stann StannCreek CreekDistrict: District: cessing sector of Belize. Creek District: The company owns and operates its own shrimp farm hiring 55 casual workers, mostly women for the processing and packaging of the shrimp, while the other operations for lobster accounts for 67 seasonal and fulltime employees. The company’s cooked and raw lobster as well as shrimp are exported primarily to Spain and other European countries. Over the past year, Rainforest Seafood Ltd. realized a price of $31.00 per pound to the REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATIONSECTION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL fisher folks for lobster tails. Placencia 1486 Placencia North 36 1486 3636 PlacenciaNorth North 1486 In relation to the company’s pro- (Being (Beinga athree threestorey storeytimber/vinyl timber/vinyldwelling dwellinghouse: house:Ground GroundFloor Floor2828ft.ft.XX5959ft.ft.++porch porch88ft.ft.XX2828ft.ft. (Being a three storey timber/vinyl dwelling house: Ground Floor 28 ft. X 59room ft. + porch 8 ft.under X 28 ft. 22bedrooms ++11bathroom ++living/dining/kitchen ++laundry ++utility duction for the period July 1 to August containing containing bedrooms bathroom living/dining/kitchen laundry utility room++storage storage underuncontaining 2 bedrooms + 1 ft. bathroom +5 living/dining/kitchen +master laundry + utility+room + storage staircase; First Floor: 22 ft. X 43 + porch ft. X 22 ft. containing bedroom bathroom ++walk-in staircase; First Floor: 22 ft. X 43 ft. + porch 5 ft. X 22 ft. containing master bedroom + bathroom walk-in 22, 2021, the Rainforest Seafoods der staircase; First Floor: 22 ft. X 43 ft. + porch 5 ft. X 22 ft. containing master bedroom + bathroom + closet; Second Floor: 10 ft. X 10 ft. viewing attic (access to all three floors via internal concrete staircase closet; Second Floor: 10 ft. X 10 ft. viewing attic (access to all three floors via internal concrete staircase walk-in closet; Second Floor: 10 ft. X 10 ft. viewing attic (access to all three floors via internal concrete Ltd. reported value of whole lobster with steps) and lot square meters square yards)] Wind The withtimber timber steps) and lot[919.702 [919.702 square meters(1099.95 (1099.95 square yards)]situate situateon onWest Westsituate WindDrive, Drive, The staircase with timber steps) and lot [919.702 square meters (1099.95 square yards)] on West production was almost $2MBZD, Placencia Residences, Creek District, Ron Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula,Stann Stann Creek District,the thefreehold freehold propertyof ofMr. Mr. Ron propWind Drive, ThePlacencia PlacenciaPeninsula, Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creekproperty District, the freehold while lobster tail production valued Oczkowski and Ms. Barbara Bell.) erty of Mr. Ron Oczkowski and Ms. Barbara Bell.) Oczkowski and Ms. Barbara Bell.) use available request******* *******NB.on Restrictions on useisis of Propertyupon is available upon request******* at about $1.3M – with over 40thou- *******NB. *******NB.Restrictions Restrictions on useofofProperty Property available upon request******* 2. No. 2108 West Wind Drive, The Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann District: 2. No. 2108 West Wind Drive, The Placencia Residences, Placencia Peninsula,Peninsula, StannCreek Creek District: 2. No. 2108 West Wind Drive, The Placencia Residences, Placencia Stann sand pounds of lobster tails, and alCreek District: most 160 thousand pounds of whole lobster production. The total Capture Fisheries Unit of the Fisheries Department records show a Belize dollar value of spiny lobster production for that same period being valued at REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTIONBLOCK BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION PARCELS BZD$12.2M. Placencia 3636 2108 PlacenciaNorth North 2108 “It is important for the Ministry (Being a two-storey Placenciaconcrete North building 36inclusive (Being a two-storey concrete building[32 [32ft.ft.XX3232 inclusiveof2108 ofa aporch porch55ft.ft.XX1616ft.ft.++back backporch porch55ft.ft.wide wide to engage private sector, realize an containing Ground Floor: master bedroom ++walk-in closet ++bathroom ++living/dining/kitchen ++half containing Ground Floor: master bedroom walk-in closet bathroom living/dining/kitchen half (Being a two-storey concrete building [32 ft. X 32 inclusive of a porch 5 ft. X 16 ft. + back porch 5 ft. + laundry Second Floor: 11bedroom + closet (access internal infusion of private sector investment bathroom bathroom laundryroom; room; Second Floor: bedroom closet++bathroom bathroom (accessvia internalconcrete concrete&& wide+containing Ground Floor: master bedroom + + walk-in closet + bathroom +via living/dining/kitchen tiled staircase)] and onon West Drive, The Residences, Placencia andlot lot[937.060 S.M.] situate West1Wind Wind Drive, ThePlacencia Placencia Residences, Placencia and involvement in our blue economy tiled staircase)] + half bathroom +[937.060 laundryS.M.] room;situate Second Floor: bedroom + closet + bathroom (access via internal Peninsula, Stann Creek District.) Peninsula, Stann Creek District.) concrete & tiled staircase)] and lot [937.060 S.M.] situate on West Wind Drive, The Placencia Resisector. We must do this as we con*******NB. Restrictions ononuse ofofProperty isisavailable dences, Placencia Peninsula, Stann Creek District.) *******NB. Restrictions use Property availableupon uponrequest******* request******* tinue work with our traditional fisher*******NB. Restrictions on use of Property is available upon request******* ies cooperatives and associations to ADDITIONAL - (foreclosure listing) ADDITIONALINFORMATION INFORMATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION(foreclosure listing) TERMS: modernize their operations, achieve TERMS:STRICTLY STRICTLYCASH CASH - (foreclosure listing) KEVIN KEVINA.A.CASTILLO CASTILLO more efficient and effective manageTERMS: STRICTLY CASH TELEPHONE TELEPHONE223-4488 223-4488 ment with the ability to realize better KEVIN A. CASTILLO Website: Website: prices to the fisher folk and continTELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: ued valuable contribution to the deWebsite:Face FaceBook: Book:Belize BelizeAuctions Auctions velopment of the country,” said Chief E-mail: Face Book: Belize Auctions Executive Officer Mrs. Kennedy Car-




THINK ABOUT IT It is becoming clearer and clearer that the nation of Belize needs to so some soul searching. After massive defeats of exiting governments in 2008, and in November 2020, Belizeans are experiencing their hopes and dreams being smashed and dashed. Is it a problem of the quality of persons elected, or is it a problem of the system of government or is it a combination of both? It is good and healthy that there is public discussion about the quality of governance, or lack thereof. Especially as we are in a state of crisis. The Covid pandemic, an economic earthquake and social meltdown with crime and violence becoming endemic. Should the new Delta strain of Covid continue to spread it can overwhelm our health services. The continued closure of in-class education is a recipe for disaster as young people lose interest in learning and the social interactions of growing up among each other disappears. Focus has quite rightly focused on the need to change and improve our system of government. We simply cannot, on top of all the crisis in our midst, undergo a crisis of governance, where faith and trust in a new government becomes mostly wounded. This is not just a clear and present danger. This is the arrival of disaster. As things stand today 2nd September, 2021, there is no effective opposition party in the country. Our two party system of government is constitutionally premised on a two party form of checks and balances. Where one party is dysfunctional, the other party will roll of the tracks. One person is calling himself the Leader of the Opposition, which he is not. He is the Leader of Opposition parliamentarians in the House of Representatives, of which there are only four others, one of whom is his aunt. The other is the Leader of the opposition party of which more than half of the party’s official delegates does not support him. This unhealthy situation might be comical to many but it is a tragedy for Belize. An ineffective opposition which loses its dwindling moral foundation is the last thing our ‘crenky dorey’ system needs. The criticism of Norris Hall (one of Belize’s few trained journalist) of his own party was more ineffective than nine months of this imbecilic UDP opposition leadership. When Norris turns his guns on those former bandits and the ruination they brought on Belizeans, it will be “Gunfight At Our Coral” or “Warlock.” On Tuesday morning 31st August, 2021, Nuri Muhammad, Belize’s most experienced radio and television host with decades of social activism under his belt; expressed on the Krem morning show the lack of trust which is rapidly growing among the population. His tone was somber. There are new social partner Senators who have written requesting that political and constitutional reform be prioritized by the new government. Fortunately, the government had the foresight to place this issue as one of its Manifesto commitments to Belizeans. So Shakespeare’s question to be or not to be is already answered. We all want reform. The media has put the question to the Prime Minister and he has been forthright in his response. He will put together a gathering of minds to tackle the issues, make recommendations to the government and country. Some thinkers have been suggesting that the Prime Minister should give the green light to a Constituent Assembly. We do not agree with such an approach. A Constituent Assembly requires electing persons from the whole country who will have proposals as to what changes they agree with in constitutional and government systems. Such an exercise would be really costly and could drag on for years. The country just had a general election in November and another countrywide election for City Councils and Town Councils. In both instance the People’s United Party received overwhelming majorities from the citizens. As mentioned above, PUP in its Manifesto promised the nation that there would be a review and recommendations to improve our constitution and political system. The Honourable Henry Charles Usher in addition to his responsibility for the public service is also responsible for ‘Constitutional and Political Reform’. It is likely Minister Henry Charles with the support of the Prime Minister and Cabinet will consult and request all the social partners, churches, unions. Village Councils, youth groups, the political parties, women organizations, sports and cultural entities, the universities and others can nominate persons to sit on a Reform Commission with specific terms of reference. Such a Commission would be national but still have district branches where localized discussions and recommendations to the National Commission can be placed. Sometimes timing is everything. Now is as good a time as any to begin the process of reform to how we are governed and under what constitutional authority our systems and institutions will function. ANOTHER BAD MARK FOR UDP Back in the horrible regime of the UDP, The House of Representatives was turned into a circus. Meetings displayed the low levels of the characters who were in charge of the country and used house meeting to distract public attention from the thievery of public funds. In 2016, Michael Peyrefitte as Speaker ordered police to remove then Opposition member Julius Espat from Cayo South from the House. It was a shameful episode in our political history. Julius took the issue to the Supreme Court. Finally, a decision has been handed down. Peyrefitte had bro-


ken the Constitutional rights of elected member Julius Espat and Judge Westmin James ordered that Espat is to be paid some ninety odd thousand dollars. The new government should find a way to surcharge Peyrefitte and make him pay some of the monies to Julius. When Peyrefitte broke the law, he stepped outside his duties as Speaker and was not following the Regulations of the House. We had said at the time the violations of the Standing Orders of the House were very clear, but the clowns in the UDP circus went ahead and played with the monkeys. Look how fool Peyrefitte looks now. We need to also ask when former Ministers will be made to answer for allegations of misdeeds, waste of public monies, theft and abuse of their positions. Serious allegations have been publicly made against Montero, Herman Longsworth, Boots Martinez, and Michael Finnegan for millions of dollars misspent at the Housing, Dean Barrow for millions of Petro Caribe funds and for paying legal fees for 560 million dollars paid to owner of BTL. GREAT PERSONS VISITED BELIZE To a young generation who knows little about the history of this blessed land of theirs:Marcus Garvey visited Belize in 1921and in 1929. Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer who ever lived visited Belize in July 1965, and gave an exhibition boxing at Palace Cinema on Albert Street. James Brown, the Godfather of Soul music and king of rhythm and blues visited Belize in 1981. Malcolm X couldn’t make it but his daughter visited and fell in love with our people, she practically lived in Belize and at one time the Prime Minister asked her to be a roving Ambassador for our country. Fidel Castro was invited to visit Belize in 2000 and had agreed pending the proper security arrangements. But unknown to nearly all Belizeans, Cuba’s National Hero Jose Marti lived in Cayo for a period when he was a young man. And Che Guevara may have passed through the jungles of Toledo during his guerilla days. But for sure, he personally stood up at a regional conference in Punta Del Este in Uruguay and voiced his support for Belize’s independence and called on Guatemala to renounce its claim to our country. At that time Che was a Minister in Fidel Castro’s revolutionary government. MINISTER MUSA MEETS LAWYERS Some eighteen practicing lawyers formed themselves into an organization called the Association of Defence Attorneys since February of last year. They are a network of lawyers who exchange their views on proposed laws, existing ones which need amending, relevant court cases in Belize and abroad and such matters. We are informed that they had a productive meeting with Minister of Home Affairs who is responsible for the police and prison. Several proposals for improvements were discussed and agreed on at the meeting. The Association plans to meet with Chief Magistrate and, at a later date, depending on Covid, they wish to discuss legal issues with the Chief Justice. We plan to obtain the names of the Executive and the district representatives for our readers. MOTHER OF TWO GETS CHARGED A mother of two minors from the Belize District was grabbed by police last Friday from the Magistrate Court and taken to prison as one of the so-called gang members under the state of emergency. She had to be scrambling to get a message to her family to look after her two minors. From all that we have heard, this young mother, who does not live in Belize City definitely deh get chance. This is the fourth story we have heard of the wrong person being swooped up by police in their state of emergency, which as everyone knows is no solution to fighting crime. We hope they all take their wrongful arrests and imprisonment to the Supreme Court. Belize is a place of Justice and the new government is about justice.


Expectations and Challenges with Cruise Tourism

by Hon. Gilroy Usher, Port Loyola “You always past failure on your way to success.” – Mickey Rooney As part of efforts to empower Belizeans planBelize fully supports the creation of hundreds of good paying jobs with a living wage. One of the best ways for the administration to help fulfill those two promises is by making every effort to ensure that Belize City, which is the commercial center of the country, has a modernized port that includes a bulk facility and docking for large cargo ships. A bulk facility would enable the port to export large quantities of goods without the use of containers at a much lower cost. That’s because the long, bulky, and heavy iron crates are very expensive to export, and their movement for loading creates a bottleneck. A bulk facility would also make it profitable for the Port of Belize (P.B.L.) to export logs, beans, citrus, bananas, corn, rice, sugar, and other items for the productive sector. With facilities for both bulk cargo and docking for large ships the Port of Belize would also be able to attract tremendous more commerce from the Caribbean, North America, and Europe for local businesses as well as for transshipment to other countries. The municipality also needs a port for cruise ships. A docking facility for cruise ships is needed in Belize City to abandon the risky and time consuming method of transporting cruise ship passengers from the ships onto catamarans then to a tourist village several miles away. Realization of those dreams will result in tremendous benefit for the entire country. The four main players in cruise tourism are 1) Norwegian Cruise Line’s owner of Harvest Caye, which is a US $50 Million private island resort in the south. 2) Michael Feinstein, lead investor of US $82.5 Million Stake Bank, which is a private resort four miles from Belize City, 3) David Gegg, a leading investor in US $300 Port Magical which is also private resort less than four miles south of the Sibun River and 8 miles from Stake Bank Cruise Port, and 4) British billionaire, Michael Ashcroft, who is the proprietor of (PBL). Harvest Caye has been fully operational since 2016. Stake Bank Cruise Port should be open to the public in the first quarter of 2022. When completed the investment will be linked to Belize City by a causeway. On



April 9, 2021 Port Magical received permission from the government to begin construction of its resort, after its Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.) was approved by the authorities, and Ashcroft is waiting government’s approval of its Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.) and a memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) to begin construction of its US $200 Million Port of Belize Cruise and Port Expansion in Belize City. Three of those four investors are confident that with their world class product and proper marketing, they will be able to attractive sufficient visitors to their mega investments for them to be successful and profitable despite competition from others in the industry. To accommodate that beehive of activity with thousands of visitors and a wide variety of businesses, the ports in Belize will provide good paying jobs for stevedores and hundreds of other Belizeans with a wide range of skills. The spin off from these modern ports in the country will also provide tremendous business for self-employed persons including tour guides hair braiders, food vendors, craftsmen, and taxi operators. Modern ports in the Jewel will also result in millions of dollars in additional monthly revenue for the government to address various other needs of the people. With such economic activity, Belizeans will also be less dependent on the administration for monthly food assistance as well as for assistance with housing, education, and health issues. That’s because more of those persons will be earning better weekly or monthly paychecks to address the needs of their families and thus escape the cycle of poverty. In the Musa administration’s privatization in 2002, P.B.L. was sold to businessman Luke Espat with financing provided by Belize Bank. Espat later signed a deal with Carnival Cruise Line to upgrade the port with docking facilities for cruise line and a large tourist village. When he bought P.B.L., Luke Espat had also committed to the modernization of the import and export company. All those plans completely fell through in 2012 however, when the Belize Bank, which is owned by Ashcroft, took control of the port as a result of Espat’s default on his loan payments. At the time of the acquisition Luke Espat owned the Belize Bank in excess of $64 million plus interest. Following the nationalization of Belize Tele-communications Ltd. (B.T.L.) the previous administration had a huge legal fight with Ashcroft over compensation for his company. At the end of very costly litigation for years, the previous administration had to pay the billionaire over $500 million for a company that was worth no more that $100 Million when it was nationalized. As a result of that animosity between the previous administration and Ashcroft over the compensation they had to pay for the tele-communications company, for ten years the previous administration refused to approve an E.I.A. and M.O.U. for Ashcroft to modernize the Port of Belize for both cruise tourists and the movement of cargo. In protecting the environment, the spokesperson for both Stake Bank Cruise Port and Harvest Caye has stated that the waste material from their dredging to build their docking facilities was used to fill the island. Although all the dredge material for Port Magical will be dumped into the Caribbean Sea, investor Gegg says the company must adhere to strict terms and conditions in building its tourism resort. Ashcroft development plans for P.B.L.


initially stated that dredged material would also be dumped in the sea. The company however is also prepared to use its dredged material to reclaim large areas of swamp land. If he isn’t given permission to construct a Port of Belize Cruise, Ashcroft could choose not to modernize P.B.L. If that indeed happens, the government or private investors could consider good faith discussion to purchase the company from the billionaire. Liberal estimates put the value of the Port of Belize at $30 Million. For such a sale to materialize, persons familiar with the business savvy of Mr. Ashcroft believe he would demand a minimum of $200 Million for his company. As was the case with Harvest Caye, Stake Bank Cruise Port, Port Magical of Belize, and the Chalillo Dam, extremist environmentalists are using scare tactics to try and prevent the modernization of P.B.L. for both cruise tourist and the movement of cargo to keep the environment virgin at any cost to national development. All Belizeans support protection of the sea and wildlife. They also however know how to use the resources of the country in responsible and sustainable ways to ensure a better life for all its citizens.

No organization should be allowed to hinder progress on the road to a better future for unjustifiable reasons. Belizeans are depending on the new administration to work out a win win situation for the government, reasonable environmentalists, and the new investors in the country’s ports. Success in doing that will enable the people to uplift themselves from the many jobs and other opportunities that will come from those investments despite the challenges. No problem is too big to be solved. No challenge is too big to overcome. Editor’s Note: In the article above, the opinion of the honorable author is solely his and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the People’s United Party.


Pursuant to Section 102(4) of the International Business Companies Act, Chapter 270 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given that THE LOTTER ENTERPRISES LIMITED: a) is in dissolution b) commenced dissolution on the 11th day of August, 2021; and c) GLENN D. GODFREY & COMPANY LLP whose address is 35 Barrack Road, Third Floor, Belize City, Belize is the Liquidator of the Company. GLENN D. GODFREY & COMPANY LLP Registered Agent IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BELIZE A.D. 2021 (DIVORCE) ACTION NO.: 129






TAKE NOTICE that the Petition for dissolution of marriage dated 14th day of May, 2021, endorsed with a NOTICE to you to appear and answer to the charges therein has been filed in the Supreme Court of Belize, by PABLO MAI of San Narciso Village, Corozal District, Belize, and that you are required within fourteen (14) days of the second publication herein, inclusive of the day of such publication, to enter an appearance either in person or by your solicitor at the office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court in Belize City, Belize should you think fit so to do and thereafter to make answer to the charges in the said Petition and FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in default of your so doing the Court will proceed to hear the said charges proved and pronounce judgement your absence notwithstanding. This Petition is filed and this Notice to appear is by Mansel C. Turton of # 5 Eyre Street, Belize City, Belize, Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner, PABLO MAI. DATED this 29th day of June, 2021 REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT

Note: Any person entering an appearance must at the same time furnish an address for service within two (2) miles of the Supreme Court.





FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The Development Finance Corporation of Bliss Parade Belmopan, hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as mortgagee under Deed of Mortgages or Charges between those hereinafter named and the said Corporation which mortgages are recorded at the Land Titles Unit, or the Lands Registry and that the said Development Finance Corporation will, at the expiration of two (2) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, sell the properties described in the Schedule hereto. All offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to the said Corporation at its Headquarters Office or District Offices.

SCHEDULE Parcel No. 1813, Block No. 4, Ann Gabourel Registration Section containing 555.56 Square Yards, held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of CHRISTINE SHERRY HAWKINS. All that piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 348 containing 956.733 Square Meters situate in the Maxboro Subdivision, Sandhill Village, Belize District as shown on Entry No. 5146 Register 12 held under a Minister’s Fiat Lease being the leasehold interest of SHERLEE FRAZER. Parcel No. 1660, Block No. 45, Port/Loyolaville Registration Section containing 325.953 Square Meters situate on Delarai Sanchez Street, Belize City, Belize held under a Land Certificate being the freehold interest of MARISOL LESLIE surety for GLENN FRANCIS LESLIE and MARISOL LESLIE.





NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE Basic Needs Trust Fund Tenth Programme (BNTF 10) CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT MANAGER/COORDINATOR – BNTF 10, BELMOPAN, BELIZE REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards implementing the BNTF10 Country Programme, which aims to increase access to quality education services in various parts of Belize. The Project comprises small-scale infrastructure works and capacity building for key stakeholders. The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the Implementing Agency (IA) for the Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing. The BSIF, the IA, now wishes to procure Consultancy Services for a suitably qualified and experienced Project Manager/Coordinator to manage and coordinate all the activities of the BNTF Tenth Programme. The individual consultant will be stationed at the SIF Office in Belmopan, Belize. The Project Manager/Coordinator (PM) will report to the assigned Operations Officer and/or Portfolio Manager at CDB, Barbados, through the Executive Director of the Social Investment Fund (SIF), who is an ex-officio member and Secretary of the Oversight Entity (OE) as well as the head of the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) Implementing Agency (IA). The PM will manage and coordinate all the activities of the BNTF 10th Programme and will report on the day-to-day operations of the IA to the Executive Director of the SIF, who in turn will report to the Chairperson of the OE. The PM will be responsible for establishing and maintaining contact with the relevant government ministries, non- governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society organisations and the private sector and for negotiating integral partnerships. The PM will have responsibility for managing project resources and relevant IA staff and supervising the implementation of all sub-projects under this Programme. The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of four (4) years. Contracts will be on a full-time basis for a two-year period and subject to renewable based on satisfactory performance evaluation. The BSIF now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these Consultancy Services. Qualifications and Experience: The PM is expected to have at least a Master’s Degree in project management, development studies, social sciences disciplines, natural sciences or engineering and a minimum of 5 years’ experience or a Bachelor’s Degree and a minimum of 10 years’ experience as a project manager. Expertise in the management of rural development projects and proficiency in computer skills are prerequisites. It would be advantageous if the PM has demonstrated competence in managing donor-funded programmes and the ability to effectively communicate with community groups, Government officials, donors, private sector representatives and NGOs. Knowledge of gender analysis and environmental sustainability are also desired. Good written and oral communication skills are required. Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:

communicate with community groups, Government officials, donors, private sector representatives and the persons are citizens fide residents of an eligible NGOs.(a) Knowledge of gender analysis or andbona environmental sustainability are alsocountry; desired. and Good written and (b) in all cases, oral communication skillsthe areconsultant required. has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrange-

ments, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the

Consultantscontract shall be eligible to participate if: to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible will accrue or be paid (a) country. the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and


in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements,

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. The Member Countries of the CDB can be found whereby substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will at the following webany address: accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.

The attention interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9ofoftheCDB’s Guidelines Eligible countriesofare member countries of CDB. The Member Countries CDB can be found atfor thethe Selectionweb andaddress: Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. following The attention of interested Consultantsconsideration is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelinesand for the Selectionon In the assessment of submissions, will be given to qualifications experience and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting CDB’s policy on conflictTerms of interest. similar assignments. All information mustforth be submitted in English. of Reference and any

information may beconsideration obtained from first address below between the hours of 8:00 Inadditional the assessment of submissions, willthe be given to qualifications and experience on similar a.m. – 4:00 All p.m.information Monday tomust Friday, except on inPublic Holidays. assignments. be submitted English. Terms of Reference and any additional information may be obtained from the first address below between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday Friday, except Holidays.of the Expression of Interest (complete with signed cover One (1)toelectronic copyon(inPublic .pdf format)

letter, CV, copies of degrees/certificates and two references must be received (via email) at the email

One (1) electronic (in the .pdffirst format) of the Expression Interest (complete with signed letter, address providedcopy within address below no laterofthan 10:00 a.m. (Belize time)cover on Monday, CV, copies of degrees/certificates and two references must be received (via email) at the email address September 13,the2021 a copy must sent simultaneously to CDB email address provided provided within first and address below no be later than 10:00 a.m. (Belize time)atonthe Monday, September 13, within second address The subject of the shall read “BNTF - Expression 2021 andthe a copy must be sentbelow. simultaneously to CDB at email the email address provided 10 within the second of Interest – Consultancy forshall Project address below. The subject Services of the email read Manager/Coordinator”. “BNTF 10 - Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Project Manager/Coordinator”.

Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experi-

Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced enced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOB applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOB reserves the reserves the or right to late accept or rejectorlate applications or invitation to cancelpartially the present invitation right to accept reject applications to cancel the present or in its entirety. partially It will or be in its entirety. It will not befor bound to assigntheany reason engaging the not services any not bound to assign any reason not engaging services of for any not applicant and will defrayof any applicant andbywill defrayinany incurred any applicant in the preparation costs incurred anynot applicant thecosts preparation andby submission of Expressions of Interest.and submission

of Expressions of Interest.

Address: 1. Senior Procurement Officer Belize Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan BELIZE Tel. (501) 822-0239; Fax. (501) 822-0279 Email: and copy to

2. Procurement Officer Caribbean Development Bank P.O. Box 408 Wildey St. Michael BARBADOS, W.I. Tel. (246) 431-1600; Fax. (246) 426-7269 Email:

Notice is hereby given AMAZA COFFEE LTD. commenced dissolution on 3rd June, 2021; and International Liquidator Services Ltd. whose registered office is at Withfield Tower, 3rd Floor, 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given BC INVESTMENTS INC. commenced dissolution on 14th June, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given BOUKRA HOLDING S.A. commenced dissolution on 15th June, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited


Notice is hereby given FRANCHISE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD. commenced dissolution on 28th June, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited






Belize Social Investment Fund

JOB VACANCY TECHNICAL OFFICER – COMMUNITY/INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) is a quasi-governmental body that was established by the Government of Belize (GOB) in 1996 with the passage of the Social Investment Fund Act. The BSIF is designed to contribute to the reduction of poverty in both urban and rural areas through the delivery of small-scale community sub-projects under various sectors including water and sanitation, health, economic infrastructure, education, social services, and organizational strengthening. The BSIF assists local communities in identifying community issues and in deciding which interventions can provide solutions. BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Technical Officer-Community/Institutional Development Job Summary: The Technical Officer - Community and Institutional Development (TO-CID) will be stationed at the Fund’s headquarters in Belmopan and will be supervised by the Technical Unit Coordinator. The TO-CID will conduct project appraisals, supervision, and monitoring, and will serve as a resource person for the BSIF in conducting social and institutional appraisals. The officer will also be responsible for coordinating the activities of the field officer in assessing community needs and assets and in conducting activities aimed at strengthening beneficiaries. Qualifications & Experience: A minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Rural/ Community Development, or related field. The candidate shall have at least five (5) years of experience in project management and in community development. The candidate shall be computer literate with a working knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of applications. The candidate shall possess experience in working with international funding agencies. The candidate shall be fluent in English. Fluency in Spanish shall be highly considered. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Perform all duties in keeping with the procedures, guidelines, and agreements provided for by the organization. 2. Participate as a member of BSIF’s Technical Unit - in being the lead intermediary - in organizing and supervising community needs and assets assessments and organizational needs assessments. 3. Conduct technical, financial, environmental, economic, sustainability, institutional, and social assessments of project proposals. 4. Participate as a member of BSIF’s Technical Unit - in being the lead intermediary for the development of projects, which shall be presented to the BSIF Board of Directors and funding agency(ies) for approval. 5. Oversee the activities undertaken by BSIF’s field officer. 6. If called upon, conduct the technical evaluation of bids for the execution of works and the supply of goods. 7. Conduct the evaluation of expressions of interest submitted by consultants, followed by the technical and financial evaluation of proposals submitted for the provision of consultancy services. 8. Monitor the activities of contractors and goods suppliers to ensure that services rendered are in accordance with the terms and conditions of their respective contracts. 9. Monitor and supervise the activities undertaken by consultants to ensure that services rendered to the BSIF are in accordance with the terms and conditions of their respective contracts. 10. Verify payment certificates submitted by consultants and BSIF’s engineer/architect. 11. Act as the lead intermediary in the coordination and supervision of work undertaken by community members as a part of their community contribution. 12. Act as the lead intermediary in the coordination and supervision of training activities for various stakeholders. 13. Prepare budget changes that may arise during the execution of project activities. 14. Liaise with various counterparts to ensure the efficient execution of project activities. 15. Work along with various line ministries, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations to strengthen collaborative efforts. 16. Assist the administrative staff in ensuring that project files contain all required documentation. 17. Assume responsibility for the Fund’s Assets assigned to the officer for the execution of duties; 18. Report to the Technical Unit Coordinator on the progress of activities under execution. 19. Any other duties required for the effective functioning of the BSIF. Supervisor: Technical Unit Coordinator, Belize Social Investment Fund Proposed Salary: Negotiable based on qualifications and experience. The successful candidate will be employed on a full-time contractual basis and stationed at BSIF’s Office in Belmopan. The initial contract period shall be two (2) years, extendable by mutual agreement in accordance with prevailing Belize legislation as well as results of his/her performance appraisal. Work Station: The TO-CID will be stationed at the BSIF office in Belmopan; however, will be required to travel to communities in various parts of Belize. Closing Date for Receipt of Applications: Monday, September 20th, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Kindly submit One (1) original and two (2) hard copies of CV, complete with cover letter, copies of degree/certificates to: Acting Executive Director Belize Social Investment Fund Constitution Drive Belmopan Belize, Central America CC to: Re: Technical Officer - Community/Institutional Development

Notice is hereby given LIDYA MARINE SHIPPING & TRADING LIMITED commenced dissolution on 6th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given DARKWOOD BUSINESS LTD. commenced dissolution on 6th July, 2021; and Dionisio Alvarez Vivian of Gran Via De don Diego Lopez de Haro No. 49 48009 Bilbao, Spain is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given MEDDE AGENCY INC. and PELATE MANAGEMENT CORP. both commenced dissolution on 7th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited

NOTICE OF COMMENCED DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given STELLA MARIS S.A., WOODAGE OVERSEAS INC. and BAMBOO TRADE INC. all commenced dissolution on 7th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given ROVERLAKE INVESTMENTS LTD. and KANUNI COMPANY S.A. both commenced dissolution on 12th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Notice is hereby given THE MARITIME BUREAU LTD. commenced dissolution on 20th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited


Notice is hereby given GLOBAL MARINE CONSULTING LTD. commenced dissolution on 21st July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given NAYLAND INTERNATIONAL S.A. commenced dissolution on 28th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the company. Notice is hereby given MANDOLIN ASSOCIATED LTD. and SHIMMER CORPORATION both commenced dissolution on 29th July, 2021; and Belizean Liquidators Services Inc. whose registered office is at 50 Shirley Street, P.O. Box CB-13917 Nassau, Bahamas, is the Liquidator of the companies. Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Limited


Date of Dissolution 2nd June, 2021 8th June, 2021 9th June, 2021 12th June, 2021 12th June, 2021 15th June, 2021 23rd June, 2021 29th June, 2021

Morgan & Morgan Trust Corporation Belize Ltd.



GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE SECOND ROAD SAFETY PROJECT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PROJECT MANAGER RE-INVITATION: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing. The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), through its Road Safety Unit, now wishes to procure consultancy services for a Project Manager (PM). The objective of the consultancy is to ensure that Project Management Unit reports effectively, efficiently, and accurately on all aspects of the Project. PM will be responsible for coordinating and monitoring all aspects of the implementation of the Project. PM shall be assigned exclusively to the Project and will be supported by a monitoring and evaluation officer, a finance officer, a procurement officer, and administrative staff within the Road Safety Unit. The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of twenty-four (24) months in the first instance with a possible option to renew the consultancy. The PM will report to the Chief Executive Officer, MFEDI. MFEDI now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services. Submissions must include a detailed curriculum vitae Consultants shall be eligible to participate if: (a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and (b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country. Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. Consultants are advised to review the eligibility criteria detailed in CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011). The attention is also drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and experience on similar assignments. The Project Manager is required to possess the following minimum qualifications: (a) Master’s degree or equivalent in Public Administration, Project Management, Engineering or another related field. (b) Minimum of five years’ experience in the management and implementation of multi-sectoral projects or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, Engineering or equivalent with a minimum of ten years’ experience in the management, administration and implementation of multi-sectoral projects. Proposed personnel with strong communication, supervisory and monitoring skills, good knowledge of road safety and good relations with local stakeholders are desirable. Candidates with strong communication skills and good relations with local stakeholders are desirable. Fluency in English and another language such as Spanish, Garifuna, or Mayan would be an asset. All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 0900- and 1600-hours Monday to Friday. An electronic copy or an original, hard copy and six photocopies of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first email or postal address below no later than 13:30 hours local time on Thursday, September 9, 2021, and one electronic copy must be emailed simultaneously to CDB at the second email address below. The sealed envelope containing each submission, or the email body, should indicate the name and address of the application. If submitted in hard copy, the, sealed envelope shall be clearly marked, and if submitted electronically the email subject line should state, “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Project Manager”. Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOBZ reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest. 1. Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Finance, Economic Development & Investment (Economic Development) P. O. Box 42 1904 Constitution Drive, Second Floor Belmopan BELIZE, C.A. Attn.: Second Road Safety Project Management Unit Tel: +501-822-3517/2526/2527 Email:

2. Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit Caribbean Development Bank BARBADOS, W. I. Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600 Email:



Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan) After more than 200 million infections and over 4 million deaths and counting, the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the globe. This has created a profoundly devastating socio-economic impact on our interconnected world, with virtually no countries spared. The pandemic has disrupted global trade, exacerbated poverty, impeded education, and compromised gender equality, with middle to low income nations bearing the brunt of the burden. As many countries brace for another spike of the virus, prompted by the highly contagious Delta variant, the world looks up to the United Nations (UN) to ramp up comprehensive efforts to resolve the crisis, ensure better recovery, and rebuild sustainably. This is a daunting task that requires all hands on deck. It is time for the global body to welcome Taiwan, a valuable and worthy partner that stands ready to lend a helping hand. Over the past few months, Taiwan, like many other countries, has been dealing with a surge of COVID-19 cases after almost a year of success in containing the virus. Yet, it got a handle on the situation and emerged even more ready to work with allies and partners to tackle the challenges posed by the pandemic. Taiwan’s effective response to the pandemic, its rapid capacity expansion to meet global supply chain demand, and its substantive assistance toward partner countries around the world all speak to the fact that there is no lack of compelling reasons for Taiwan to play a constructive role in the UN system. However, under pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the UN and its specialized agencies continue to reject Taiwan, citing the 1971 UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 (XXVI) as a legal basis for this exclusion. But the language of the resolution is crystal clear: it merely addresses the issue of China’s representation in the UN; there is no mention of Chinese claim of sovereignty over Taiwan, nor does it authorize the PRC to represent Taiwan in the UN system. The fact is, the PRC has never governed Taiwan. This is the reality and status quo across the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwanese people can only be represented on the international stage by their popularly elected government. By falsely equating the language of the resolution with Beijing’s “one China Principle,” the PRC is arbitrarily imposing its political views on the UN. The absurdity doesn’t end there. This exclusion also obstructs the participation of Taiwan’s civil society. Taiwanese passport holders are denied ac-

cess to UN premises, both for tours and meetings, while Taiwanese journalists cannot obtain accreditation to cover UN events. The only reason for this discriminatory treatment is their nationality. Barring members of Taiwan’s civil society from the UN defeats the ideal of multilateralism, contravenes the UN’s founding principles of promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and hampers the UN’s overall efforts. For six decades, Taiwan has been providing assistance to partner countries around the world. Since the adoption of the UN 2030 Agenda, it has focused on helping partners achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and, more recently, engage in antipandemic response and postpandemic recovery. Meanwhile, at home, Taiwan has fulfilled its SDGs in gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and good health and well-being, among others. Our innovative, community-based solutions are harnessing public-private partnerships for the benefit of society as a whole. The World Happiness Report 2021, released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, ranked Taiwan the happiest in East Asia, and 24th in the world. The ranking indicates how the people of a country feel about the social support they receive, and reflects in large part a country’s implementation of the SDGs. Taiwan is willing to pass on its experience and work with global partners to build a better and more resilient future for all. At a time when the world is sounding the clarion call for climate actions and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, Taiwan is actively charting a roadmap toward the goal, and has drafted dedicated legislation to facilitate this process. Climate change knows no borders, and concerted efforts are a must if we want a sustainable future. Taiwan knows this, and is working on the best ways to turn the challenges of carbon reduction into new opportunities. In his oath of office in June this year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed our shared vulnerability and interconnectedness. He said that the UN, and the states and people it serves, can only benefit from bringing others to the table. Denying partners that have the ability to contribute is a moral and material loss to the world as we seek to recover better together. Taiwan is a force for good. Now is the time to bring Taiwan to the table and let Taiwan help.

orgeville, Cayo District; Sunset Park, Paradise Village, Ladyville, Belize City, Belize District Mortgagees 5 SEPMessrs. The Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. ana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the below described ently running and will expire Monday 6th September 2021 at the times listed on the website. 8 "Little Orange Walk formerly Melhado Estate, Mount Pleasant, Cayo District:





Mount Pleasant, Georgeville, Cayo District; Sunset Park, Paradise Village, Ladyville, Belize City, Belize District

PUBLIC AUCTION PROPERTIES BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. TheSALES: Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed ount Pleasant, Georgeville, CayoA.District; Park, Paradise Village, Belize City, Auctioneers Kevin CastilloSunset and Christiana R. Castillo areLadyville, selling ONLINE via Belize District Y ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Belize Bank Corporation Limited, Licensed Auctioneers theThe below described properties. Sale currently running and willKevin A. STRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL astillo and Christiana Castillo6th areSeptember selling ONLINE the below described expireR.Monday 2021 atthvia times listed on the website. operties. Sale currently running and will expire Monday 6 September 2021 at the times listed on the website. Mount Pleasant 20 Estate, 788 District: 1. Parcel No. 788 “LittleOrange OrangeWalk Walkformerly formerlyMelhado Melhado Estate, Mount Mount Pleasant, Parcel No. 788 "Little Pleasant, Cayo CayoDistrict: 1/2


It is hereby notified for general information that the principals of Obregon Coconut Company Limited, have submitted an application for an Approved Enterprise Order under the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990-2000-2003-2005-2011, and the Minister of Investment proposes to make the Order hereinafter set out. Any person who objects to the making of such an Order ungalow Dwelling House [3,900 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + living is hereby invited to give notice in writing of his/her objections and of the grounds + kitchen + laundry room + porch; Detached Timber Deck (1,200 sq. ft.); Timber Bungalow on which he/she relies in support thereof to the Executive Director, Belize Trade and sq. ft.) containing 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + kitchen and TOGETHER with lot [1.02 acres] Investment Development Service, on or before September 10th, 2021.

nge Walk" formerly Melhado Estate beside the Belize River in Mount Pleasant Area of the ions - take the BananaSECTION Bank Road opposite the Hector Silva, Belmopan, Airstrip, pass Belize REGISTRATION BLOCK PARCEL REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK 20 PARCELS Mount Pleasant 788 hen take second road on the left and20go to the last house before the river], the freehold Mount Pleasant 788 eing a Concrete Bungalow Dwelling House [3,900 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 2 1/2 bathrooms + living poldo Suarez) BELIZE: om + (Being diningaroom + kitchen + laundry room + porch; Detached Timber Deck (1,200 sq. Bungalow Concrete Bungalow Dwelling House [3,900 sq. ft.] containing 3 bedrooms + 2ft.); 1/2 Timber bathrooms + house (224 sq. ft.) containing 1 bedroom + room 1 bathroom + Detached kitchen and TOGETHER with 1elling George Price Highway, Georgeville, Cayo District: living room + dining room + kitchen + laundry + porch; Timber Deck (1,200 sq. lot ft.);[1.02 Tim- acres]

uate in Orange Walk" formerly Melhado Estate beside the Belize River in Mount and Pleasant Area of the ber"Little Bungalow dwelling house (224 sq. ft.) containing 1 bedroom + 1 bathroom + kitchen TOGETHER yo District theinBanana Bank Road opposite theMelhado Hector Silva, Airstrip, pass with lot[Directions [1.02 acres]- take situate “Little Orange Walk” formerly Estate Belmopan, beside the Belize River in Belize ristian Academy thenArea takeofsecond road on the[Directions left and go- to thethe lastBanana house Bank beforeRoad the river], thethe freehold Mount Pleasant the Cayo District take opposite Hector Belmopan, Airstrip, pass Belize Christian Academy then take second road on the left and go to the opertySilva, of Mr. Leopoldo Suarez) last house the river], the Highway, freehold property of Mr. Leopoldo Suarez) Parcel No.before 461 George Price Georgeville, Cayo District: 2. Parcel No. 461 George Price Highway, Georgeville, Cayo District:


ORDER made by the Minister of Investment in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Section 4 of the Fiscal Incentives Act, Chapter 54 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 1980-1990-2000-2003-2005-2011, and all other powers thereunto him enabling. (Gazetted ... 2021)

STRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL 1. Society Hall 24 461 REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCEL ey concrete building [3,132 sq. ft. + 900 sq. Ground Floor - 2 bedrooms Society Hall 24 ft. Porch] containing 461 2. (Being a two storey concrete building [3,132 sq. ft. -+ 900 sq. ft. Porch] containing Ground Floor 2 bedrooms Living/Dining/Kitchen; First Floor 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + -Living/Dining/Kitchen; REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS + 1 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen; First Floor - 2 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen; oom 555 sq.Society ft. 555 TOGETHER withwith acre] situate beside the George Price Highway, Hallsq. ft. TOGETHER 21lotlot[.727 461 acre] Detached Store Room [.727 situate beside the George Price Highway, District, the freehold property of Mr. Ulric L. Willoughby) Georgeville, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Ulric L. Willoughby) (Being a two storey concrete building [3,132 sq. ft. + 900 sq. ft. Porch] containing Ground Floor - 2 bed158 Sun1/2 SetMiles, 1/2 Miles, George First Price Highway, Belize rooms+ 1 bathrooms +Park,8 Living/Dining/Kitchen; Floor - 2 Bedrooms +District: 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/ unLot SetNo.Park,8 George Price Highway, Belize District: Kitchen; Detached Store Room 555 sq. ft. TOGETHER with lot [.727 acre] situate beside the George Price Highway, Georgeville, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Ulric L. Willoughby)

The proposed Order reads as follows:

This Order may be cited as the APPROVED ENTERPRISE (OBREGON COCONUT COMPANY LIMITED) ORDER 2021. It is hereby declared that the principals of Obregon Coconut Company Limited, located at Monkey River Junction, Southern Highway, intends to develop a coconut and soursop farm on 4,800 acres of land. Obregon Coconut Company Limited (hereinafter called ‘the Company’) shall be an approved enterprise under the Fiscal Incentives Act.

In addition to the conditions imposed by the Act, the Company shall: not practice whatsoever any discrimination on grounds of ethnic, religious or political identity; (b) observe all safety, social security, health and labour regulations; ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 158 containing 1,013.39 S.M. situate at Mile 8.5 on the Northern (c) pay fair wages to the workers and observe fair labour practices; Side of Hector Creek Road, Western Highway, Belize District of Belize more particularly shown and described in a (d) consult with the Belize Labour Exchange before employment of workers subdivision Plan of Survey by A. R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, recorded at The General Registry in Surveyors of other nationalities; employ only such workers of other nationalities as Plan Book No.of 6 at Folios 170 as Lot Lot No. 158158 TOGETHER with all1,013.39 buildings and erections standing being or parcel land being No. containing S.M. situate at and Mile 8.5 on the Northern are in possession of valid work permits; hereon. (Being a 2 Storey concrete dwelling house [5,110 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + eek ek Road, Western Highway, Belize District of Belize more particularly shown and described in a provision for the training of Belizeans in all aspects of the operation (e) make iving/dining/kitchen/laundry/game + 2 porches situate at Lot No. 158 Sun Set Park, Paradise Village, 8 1/2 Miles on ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 158 containing 1,013.39 S.M. situate at Mile 8.5 on the and conduct of the Company including management; submit a plan for north side of George Price Highway, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Lawrence Ellis and Mrs. fheSurvey by A. R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, recorded at The General Registry in Surveyors Northern Side of Hector Creek Road, Western Highway, Belize District of Belize more particularly shown approval by the Ministry of Labour for such training in all the required Kimberly Ellis) and described subdivision Plan TOGETHER of Survey by A. R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, at Thestanding and being t Folios 170 asin aLot No. 158 with all Belize buildings andrecorded erections skills; Lot No. 19 near Mile 10, Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, District: General Registry in Surveyors Plan Book No. 6 at Folios 170 as Lot No. 158 TOGETHER with all buildings 2 Storey concrete dwelling house [5,110 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms +(f) satisfy the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of the Enviand erections standing and being thereon. (Being a 2 Storey concrete dwelling house [5,110 sq. ft.] containronment en/laundry/game + 2 porches situate at Lot No. 158 Sun Set Park, Paradise Village, 8 1/2 Miles on that all necessary measures are taken to control any pollution to ing 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen/laundry/game + 2 porches situate at Lot No. 158 the environment that may result from the operation of the company; Sun Set Park, Paradise Village, 8 1/2 Miles on the north side of George Price Highway, Belize District, the eorge Price Highway, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Lawrence Ellis and Mrs. freehold property of Mr. Lawrence Ellis and Mrs. Kimberly Ellis) (g) satisfy the Ministry responsible for Archaeology that all measures are taken to prevent the destruction of any ancient monument or antiquity located Lot No. 19 near Mile 10, Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District: ear4.Mile 10, Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville, Belize District: within the Company’s area of operation; (h) maintain separate books of accounts and records in respect of the Company; maintain such books of accounts and records in a manner which conforms with generally accepted accounting principles in Belize and appropriate to the business in which the Company operates; (i) conduct the business in a manner acceptable to the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service; (j) continuously employ at least four hundred (400) persons by August 8th, REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS 2026; 3. Lot No. 158 Sun Set Park,81/2Miles, George Price Highway, Belize District:

3. (a)

EGISTRATIONLadyville/Lords SECTION Bank PARCEL 16 BLOCK 6200 4. Ladyville/Lords Bank 16 6200 a concrete bungalow dwelling house: 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/ crete(Being bungalow dwelling house: 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen situate at Mile 10 Kitchen situate at Mile 10 Belize-Corozal Road, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold property al Road, Ladyville, Belize District, the freehold property of Ms. Jasmine Middleton and Mr. Earl of Ms. Jasmine Middleton and Mr. Earl Arthurs)

5. Parcel No. 2407/1 Samuel Haynes Crescent, Phase 1, Belize o. 2407/1 Samuel Haynes Crescent, Belama Belama Phase 1, Belize City:City:

Upon obtaining the written approval of the Executive Director, Belize Trade and Investment Development Service, the Company shall be permitted to import such quantity of such items free of customs duty and revenue replacement duty as shall have been proved unavailable from suitable local products or raw materials, and necessary for the establishment/expansion and operation of the Company, and for the sole use thereof, but limited to: • Plant, Machinery & Equipment •

Utility & Transport Vehicles

5. The date of production shall be August 9, 2021 . 6. The date of commencement and the date of termination of the duty exemption period shall be August 9th, 2021 and August 8th, 2026 respectively.

Registration Section Block Parcel REGISTRATION SECTION BLOCK PARCELS Caribbean Shores 16 2407/1 Caribbean Shores 16 2407/1 rey timber/concrete dwelling house [2,576 sq. ft.]: Ground Floor – two apartments each containing 2 throom + living/dining/kitchen; Firstdwelling Floor house - 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms (Being a two-storey timber/concrete [2,576 sq.+ft.]: Ground Floor+–living/dining/kitchen two apart7. h lotments [380.516 square meters] situate Samuel+Haynes Crescent, Belama Phase Belize City, the each containing 2 bedrooms + 1on bathroom living/dining/kitchen; First Floor - 3 1, bed+ 2 bathrooms + living/dining/kitchen TOGETHER with lot [380.516 square meters] y ofrooms Ms. Elizabeth Villanueva.) 8. situate on Samuel Haynes Crescent, Belama Phase 1, Belize City, the leasehold property of Ms. Elizabeth Villanueva.) TERMS: STRICTLY CASH

KEVIN A. CASTILLO TERMS: STRICTLYCASH TELEPHONE 223-4488 KEVIN A. CASTILLO Website: TELEPHONE 223-4488 E-mail: Facebook: Belize Auctions Website: E-mail: Facebook: Belize Auctions

The Company shall enjoy no tax holidays. This Approved Enterprise Order may be revoked if any condition to which it is subject to is broken by the Company. MADE by the Minister responsible for Investment this tember, 2021.

day of Sep-

______________________________ Hon. John Briceno Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment





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