Sunday, March 6, 2011
It is Godfrey Who Should Go So it seems that Godfrey Smith was not satisfied with merely being a political commentator to his ‘cynical electorate’. He has now made a delusional call for Hon. John Briceño and his advisors to step down from their leadership posts of the PUP - a call that must have been automatically triggered by an overflow of the toxic bile that has backed up his system after his resounding defeat. Once an asset to the PUP, Smith has become a back-biting, bridge-burning, and disgrace to himself in his full blown opposition to our great Party. His latest attack on the PUP was, in fact, so misinformed and unwarranted that on Saturday at the National Party Council, Smith’s own brother denounced Godfrey’s actions, distancing himself and reminding the Party faithful to ignore the distraction and stay focused on the task at hand – SET BELIZE FREE FROM THE UDP. And this brotherly rebuke comes as a particular sting in our tradition, where familial blood has always been thicker than political water. If that denunciation weren’t damning enough, one only need to glance at Smith’s bewildering post “Basta, Briceño!” to see its glaring defects. Drawing on rumor, bizarre attempts at reason, and a preposterous use of so-called logic, Smith praises the despised Karl Rove and Dick Cheney as shining examples of political leadership while misappropriating the lovable Dr. Seuss. If you are not scratching your head yet over this self-cancelling cast of contradictory characters, just wait....Smith goes on to complain that the standards of today’s leadership have fallen and goes on to cite Oliver Cromwell as the benchmark of leadership strategy. (And here, Smith is correct - we are no longer living in the 1600s) It is strange logic to advocate replacing a deserving, sincere and admirable leader with one modeled on a seventeenth-century Machiavellian dictator backed by the mastermind of U.S. Republican Party dirty tricks and a White House junior executive responsible for the untold horrors of wars of convenience and “extraordinary rendition” – that’s torture to you and me. The king-maker Rove remains unapologetic for his underhanded tactics, including his greatest crime of all, the grand theft of the 2000 US presidential election. And all the while, Cheney (like Bush and Rumsfeld) remains an unrepentant advocate of torture. By proposing leadership as currently and historically discredited as that of Cheney, Rove and Cromwell, one has to question Smith’s very capabilities of having any kind of constructive or responsible advice for Belizean politics. We will not allow Smith to put our Party Leader, the Hon. John Briceño, in the torturer’s track. There is no place for Smith’s insatiable desire for revenge, a petty but all-consuming activity that has become Smith’s other specialty. With some stabs at reason warped by resentment, Smith’s attack on the PUP leadership is uninformed, unfocused and UNJUST. It would be best if Mr. Smith had the decency to restrain himself from this unwarranted hostility. But if he does not, the PUP’s positive and forward-looking vision is resistant to the resentment that Smith biliously exudes in his diatribes. Smith concludes his latest hatchet-piece by quoting verbatim Dr. Seuss’s appeal to “Please Go Now” from Marvin K Mooney and irresponsibly aims it at the PUP’s leadership. But what Smith ignores is that Dr. Seuss’ plea gained its rightful recognition because it was directed at the autocratic Richard Nixon just before his resignation from executive office. Smith should not distort Seuss’s work by combining it with a call to recruit discredited Washington statesmen. So enough with Cheney, Rove, Nixon and Cromwell – and enough with Smith! It is not John Briceño who should go but Godfrey who should withdraw himself from the political forum. Incapable of adding anything reasonable or rational on the discussion of Belize’s political future, the acrimony of Smith can only poison the potential worth of any opinion that he may have to offer. Just go, Godfrey, go!
Paradise Energy remains under foreigners’ control Belize City, March 2nd, 2011 Did the Prime Minister’s nephew, Kimano Barrow, who turned oil mogul in an almost overnight fashion when granted an oil exploration concession by the Barrow Administration, sell out his control of Paradise Energy Limited to a group of foreigners? That’s the question in the minds of many Belizeans, after the BELIZE TIMES revealed two weeks ago that documents at the Companies Registry showed foreigners as having super control of the company. Those documents, filed on February 4th, indicate that three foreigners – Oren Miles, Oren Miles II, and Allen Saum – were named Directors and then on February 7th Miles Tropical Energy, owned by the same principals, took possession of a super majority of shares in Paradise Energy Limited. Barrow has disputed the report, and even though he is yet to provide a clarification to the report in our newspaper, he has claimed, in at least one other section of the media, that the documents at the Registry are false. It is a serious allegation which was taken up before the Companies Registrar, Velda Flowers this week. The BELIZE TIMES understands that the Registrar entertained the scrutiny and carried out her own examination of the documents filed at her Department. We are reliably informed that during the examination, Barrow at-
tempted to submit a pre-dated document which contains very revealing information. Barrow was told that the document could not overwrite what exists at the Registrar, and he must take up the matter before the Supreme Court. Until then, the documents at the Registry, which have Miles Tropical Energy holding 3001 shares and Barrow, Alfredo Acosta, and Erubiel Ku holding 1 share each, are legit. Meanwhile, it was also reported that Barrow had filed a criminal complaint against Paradise Energy Director, Allen Saum, whose signature appears on the documents filed at the companies Registry. The claim is that Saum falsified the documents and found a way to enter it at the Registry. That report has not been substantiated by the Police, and Saum continues enjoying undisturbed freedom in Orange Walk. Most interesting in all of this is that while the Prime Minister’s nephew claims serious fraud, and Saum has defended his involvement claiming that he has been a partner from the beginning, a breakaway UDP “newspaper” has apparently chosen sides, and it isn’t the Royal nephew’s. That political ragsheet, published by Delroy Cuthkelvin, who is a civil servant paid with public funds, printed Saum’s letter in which he claims to be an authentic Director and shareholder of Paradise Energy Limited. Surely that has placed the PM’s press secretary in hot water.
PUP Southern Caucus echoes support for Party Leader Hon. John Briceño Pomona Valley Tuesday, 01st March 2011 We the members of the Southern Caucus of the People’s United Party, the representatives of the four constituency executive and PUP supporters of the South, namely Dangriga, Stann Creek West, Toledo East and Toledo West, strongly condemn the remarks of Mr. Godfrey Smith, a former member of the Party’s Executive. Indeed Smith’s remarks are baseless since he is in no way involved with the work of the Party, particularly in the Work of the Southern Caucus of the PUP. We in the Southern Caucus unanimously stand with our Party Leader John Briceño, who has been actively involved in our work in the South. Together with the Party leader we will return the four divisions of the south to the PUP in the next General Election. (Press Release)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Strictly Personal Barrow is bogus
Rt. Hon. Said Musa, Fort George Area Representative, December 11, 2009, House of Representatives meeting: “… hundreds of Belizeans are losing their homes and their properties through banks and DFC foreclosures. People are experiencing misery like we’ve never known. The Prime Minister says there is not much his government can do, it is a global recession. I want to say to the Hon. Prime Minister, yes, the problem may be global but the solution has to be local.”
Under the PUP’s expansionary public fiscal and economic policies, many, many ordinary Belizeans got loans from the DFC not only for houses, but for repairs and expansions, for health and education, or simply to improve the well being of their families.” The situation outlined in the House over a year ago by Said Musa has become even more excruciating for too many Belizeans. Today the Courts’ calendar is replete with suits brought by attorneys for the Development Finance Corporation in particular, seeking to jail debtors who have failed to live up to their commitment to repay loans. Back then Dean Barrow never answered Said Musa’s question, choosing instead as his wont, to use the opportunity so occasioned to excoriate and demean the honorable gentleman. I note that Mr. Barrow has tried at the last two
House meetings to attempt to ameliorate his behavior somewhat, but I fear the bitterness has left a wound only the long, long passage of time, and perhaps the passing of the antagonists will heal. The Barrow administration’s insistence on seeking out and destroying Belizean families who owe the DFC is one of the most shameful exercises ever in the annals of Belizean society. Under the PUP’s expansionary public fiscal and economic policies, many, many ordinary Belizeans got loans from the DFC not only for houses, but for repairs and expansions, for health and education, or simply to improve the well being of their families. A case in point: I know of one single mother who borrowed money back then against a piece of land that was conservatively valued at the time at one and a half times the amount of loan which was for $10,000. After all fees etcetera had been deducted, she parleyed the money into a much needed vehicle and two large household appliances. Before the change of government her vehicle was rear ended by a truck belonging to a large importer/distributor/retailer, and was in effect totaled by massive transmission damage. The company and its insurers first played the game of hot potato between them, before blaming her for the accident. They clearly did not care that her vehicle was parked at the time of the accident, and succeeded in intimidating the two eye witnesses. Then they refused pointblank to pay any form of restitution for the vehicle, much less for the treatment then, or compensation for the lingering effects of a back injury suffered as a result of the jolt of a two ton truck slamming into a vehicle it far out-weighed. Though the matter is before the courts, with all due respect to any and all concerned, it seems that some attorneys have the ability to stall and delay hearings infinitesimally. Anyway, the upshot of it is that that mother’s hard road became a harder row to hoe and today she stands accused of being a recalcitrant debtor and has been served papers demanding that she be committed to prison for failing to live up to the terms of the loan agreement. It matters not that her collateral, which then clearly more than adequately covered the loan and interest before the Barrow administration destroyed the real estate market, has been deprived from her, because in lieu of the original sum and agreed upon interest repayments, she now owes $25,000, plus legal fees and other court costs. If asked I hazard to guess that Dean Oliver Barrow will tell you that there’s nothing his administration can do to stop this crime against the humanity of the Belizean people and would instead, as he has done time and time and time again, blame the previous administration.
The fact is that today mothers face the prospect of imprisonment because they are indebted to a public corporation the people of Belize own. DFC, if I am hearing right, cares little for settlements or payment plans, since it obviously does not believe Mr. Barrow who keeps insisting that the economy is improving, and we will all be better able to pay our debts. Obviously they believe that economy is worsening, and/or will continue to worsen and seek whatever they can wring and extract now from an already depressed populace, rather than wait on the future prospects that Mr. Barrow posits.
Believe me when I say that they are literally throwing entire families into the streets even as they auction the very roofs from above their heads. This is the caring, sharing Barrow administration at its best. Apparently they are no longer content with just firing single mothers, but now want to put them in jail too. Barrow is bogus. Glenn Tillett has worked in the field of journalism for over thirty years. He is a former Editor of the Amandala Newspaper and Publisher of the annual Cycling Magazine. Currently, he is the Morning Show Host and News Director at Vibes Radio 90.5FM.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The Belize City Southside Agenda By Carolyn Trench-Sandiford – Deputy Party Leader People’s United Party - Belize
Many years ago I wrote a concept paper for establishing an alliance for urban and environmental justice on the southside Belize City. This had evolved from discussions among and between grass roots and community activists, radio talk show hosts, newspaper columnists and editors, particularly Kremandala, academia and researchers, public officials, spiritual, religious and southside leaders and stakeholders and I. We were relentless and persistent in expressing our concern through every possible medium, of the entrenched and abject poverty in which large portions of southside Belize City residents are living in. We lamented that these conditions are deplorable and undignified, that they are the manifestation of the perpetuation of political, social and economic exclusion policies carried over from colonial mental construct into post independence governance, and that they appear to be institutionalized and alarmingly prevalent on southside Belize City, in comparison to other parts of the city and country. We sounded the call for urgent recognition of this state of affairs, by continuing to challenge the moral, ethical and social consciousness of our leaders, to redress this injustice, which if allowed to continue, would manifest itself in societal disintegration. Unfortunately, this is in motion and accelerating at an unprecedented pace. In doing some research this week, I once again noted the statistics jumping out of the Country Poverty Assessment Report August 2010 Main Report and other sources, which estimates that poverty for the three largest communities on the southside Belize City [Lake Independence, Collet and Port Loyola] appear to have double the national level of poor and indigent households [54% to 25.5% in the case of the former and 26% to 15.8% in the case of the latter]. While no analysis has been done for Albert, Mesopotamia and Queen Square, which are inner city communities characterized by urban blight and decay, there is no reason to believe that they do not mirror the other three communities. Of particular concern is the feminizing of poverty and the high youth unemployment which is estimated at 55%. Of every 10 persons of working age in these communities, 5 or 53% are unemployed, 2 or 21 % are
part time casual workers and only 2 or 21% are full time workers. 1 or 4% is retired. This concern is further evidenced by the marital status of the head of household. Of every 10 head of household, 7 or 69% are single mothers, 2 or 25% are from married or common law union and 1 or 6% is a single father. In addition, there is the telling tale of 1 of every 4 children of primary school age and 3 of every 5 of secondary school age not attending school. To add to the mix, 40% of all the nation’s murders occur in Southside Belize City and war zones are increasing being demarcated, yet less than 10% of the population live there. This is just a quick and perhaps a cursory snapshot. Unfortunately, despite the myriad of research data and statistics which captures in a prolific and undeniable way this state of affairs, no agency or organization seems prepared and willing to embrace the daunting task of addressing this situation in a planned, structured, holistic and sustained way. That is not to say that some strides have been made either individually or collectively, as there are many success stories on the southside, and many organizations and individuals are making positive and remarkable contributions. Nonetheless, the state of affairs as statistically expressed and visibly evident, is that it has not been far reaching enough to facilitate meaningful change. What you see is a landscape characterized by substandard building and housing stock, high densities, and roads and drains, where they exist, in poor condition and non-functional, contributing to flooding and poor traffic circulation. Of schools bursting at their seams, a few designed simply to be dumping grounds for the troubled and less fortunate, to pass them through and to add to the statistical pool of annual graduates. To compound this, public transport is inadequate, recreational and sporting facilities, where they exist, are mostly dilapidated, and garbage, vacant overgrown properties and abandoned vehicles create unappealing aesthetics. This trend appears to be rapid and irreversible. In a capsule, it is an environment that provides a poor quality of life for many and one that repels investment. Undoubtedly, the challenges of these communities, while historically rooted, are modern day, complex and multi-faceted. Numerous studies and research have pointed to the need for a holistic and revolutionary approach to addressing this trajectory. They have stressed the need to combine physical, as well as social, economic, and legislative and institutional strategies, all of which are interdependent to address this phenomenon. As well, and as important, is the call
to forge partnerships between the global, national and local institutions, community, faith, government and non-governmental organizations, academia, media, donor communities and all persons and entities concerned and prepared to contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty, and to ensure that the work of all of the above reaches
23 and impacts on the lives of the communities most in need. Failure to act effectively in all these areas will only exacerbate the situation. As a Party bounded by core values of social, economic and environmental justice, we must be prepared to reverse the trajectory of Belize City Southside and many other such communities that are emerging and repeating this phenomenon in other growing urban areas in the country, not only for the short term political gain, but for the national and long term interest of our children and generations to come, as only so will we break the cycle of perpetual subjection of our people, of creating a new political, economic and social order, for Phase II of the revolution, and only then will a NEW BELIZE be born, which will bring to all Belizeans a better life and a just share of the national wealth.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Reid By G. Mike Reid Unrest in the Middle East and Africa is spreading like a wildfire and while we are far removed in terms of miles, Belizeans still need to pay careful attention to what is happening over there. Much of the world’s energy needs are met with petroleum products, much of which comes from that region. Normally, the slightest tremor there would send shock waves throughout the rest of world but what is happening now, is more like a 7.0 on the Richter scale. Already, we have seen oil prices skyrocketing on the world market which means that our already astronomically high prices at the pumps are likely go much higher and very soon. At what point will the Prime Minister deliver on his promise to reduce the dollar per gallon tax imposed on Belizeans a couple of years ago?
Shortly after assuming her office, the recently put down Mayor of Belize City, erected a massive seaside mansion just outside Belize City. This while overpaying herself $90,000, which were never recovered and under-depositing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer’s money.” The people of Belize are yet to see any tangible benefits from the extraction of over 5,000 barrels per day for a period of more than seven years. There is no doubt that a few select politicians are scraping in major cheese from this cash cow. Belizeans would not be so hard set against future oil exploration, especially as it relates to land drilling, if we could be convinced that the benefits would outweigh the detriments. We all long for a higher standard of living with better conditions and more employment
opportunities for our children. We see what is happening in countries like Nigeria however, and what has happened in countries like Ecuador where U.S. oil giant Texaco seriously degraded the ecosystem. Green groups allege that Texaco dumped more than 20 billion gallons of toxic drilling by-products into local waterways and spilled more than 17 million gallons of crude over the past four or so decades. The effects have been devastating and have seriously affected the lives of thousands of indigenous peoples of that country. There are a few countries where citizens have received tangible benefits from oil. In Alaska, for instance, citizens receive dividend checks every year and pay no income or sales tax. In Kuwait, oil money provides for health, social and education benefits and each citizen receives a yearly check from the government. Here in Belize, despite convoys of sweet crude being shipped out of our country every day, the cost of living continues to soar, education remains unaffordable to all but a few. The cruellest irony of all is that despite having found oil, the cost of fuel continues to climb and currently stands at near eleven dollars per gallon. Although relatively small, our oil industry can more than adequately supply our modest energy needs, even without further exploration or drilling. It is time we invest in a small refinery or untie the hands of the Mennonites and allow them to proceed with refinery experiments. It is my opinion that the situation which we are now seeing in Middle East is just the prelude to a much wider and imminent global upheaval. There are many factors propelling this frightening phenomenon but a major contributor is the ever widening disparity between the haves and the have-nots. Here in our own country, the divide is quite pronounced and the people are beginning to realize that it is not hard work or creativity that has placed some above the rest of us but rather, unfair influence and political favoritism. It was recently revealed that a certain company which deals in cell phones and electronics, co-owned by a nephew of a high ranking Minister of Government and with close ties to the Prime Minister’s son, saw an incredibly sharp rise in profits since government’s takeover of BTL. Here is a company which recorded for all of 2006, a net profit of $441,000. In 2007, there was a slight increase to $508K but profits dipped again in 2008 to $408K. Hold on though, because this is where you might get dizzy. From January to September of 2009, the company saw monthly profits of anywhere between $16K and $48K. In October of 2009 and immediately following the government takeover of BTL, company profits shot up to an incredible $219K for that one month alone. Profits steadily increased for the following months of the year with the company closing off boasting an as-
tronomical 1.5 million dollars in profits. In 2010, that already incredulous profit margin almost tripled to 3.4 million. Most of that profit came from telephone sales and service to BTL. The members of Mr. Barrow’s administration have shown sizable expansion to their opulence since assuming office. Boots Martinez and Edmund Castro in particular, can now proudly parade as fine and elegantly embroidered table cloths having risen from the status of plain table napkins. Shortly after assuming her office, the recently put down Mayor of Belize City, erected a massive seaside mansion just outside Belize City. This while overpaying herself $90,000, which were never recovered and under-depositing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer’s money. Whatever happened to the Integrity Commission? Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned public servant concept; the George Price type politician that
25 walked among the people and lived to serve the people? Belize is in dire need of capable and compassionate leadership. All indicators point to some very tough and trying times ahead. We will not do well if we cannot resolve the issues facing our Citrus, Sugarcane and Tourism industries. We will not survive if we continue to have a Government that only recognizes a favoured percentage of the population. We cannot have leaders who only look to enrich themselves and family members. Belize’s wealth belongs to all Belizeans. Our people deserve to see some benefits from all the oil that is being removed from beneath our feet. It has been done, it can be done, let’s do it! Send comments to G. Michael Reid is a former TV and Radio show host, and former Police Department Public Relations Officer. He is currently a panellist on the Vibes Radio Morning Show.
Every criminal has his day in Court
By Milo Paz Today it gives me great pride to write on events of the day, and I feel proud to be a member of the greatest party in Belize, the P.U.P, as we listen and read from our Honourable men like the Hon. Godfrey Smith and Hon. Hector Silva. I am reminded that what we inherited from the Father of the Nation and leader of the PUP is and will always be freedom. Freedom to move around our country, freedom to choose a political party, freedom to be the best in what we want to be; and of course the freedom of speech. That is why I am so happy, because it could only happen with leadership, like the Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price. I need to remind my fellow Honourable friends that leaders are not named nor made, but born or inspired by the people they want to serve. I ask us as a party that we join the movement and become leaders by right and I mean not just by criticizing. Criticisms should be constructive and solutions ought to be provided, so let’s hold hands and walk the street and sing one song that we are members of the PUP and we want to serve the people of this country and rep-
resent them fully. The people need true representation. Anytime a brave Belizean steps up to the plate and is victimized by the UDP, we in the PUP must come to their aid. Maybe we are not strong leaders to recognize when we should step in the game, but look at Hon Cardona and Santi and the way they were kicked out. Now we learn of Senator Paul, another one shot down and everyone seems to be afraid to say or do anything because this UDP Government is ruling like dictators. The UDP are tyrants and are victimizing citizens of this country. The people are afraid to act and react because the UDP has reduced our fair process to shambles. Here on the Island, the UDP Area Rep tells the biggest lies of all… telling persons that he helps and that he would not victimize any San Pedrano or resident of Belize Rural South by taking away their land. Let me tell you from personal experience that that is untrue. His is double faced and back stabbing. On the Island, he is one of the worst people’s representatives I have ever known. Let me tell you Manuel: you and your Government are going down and every criminal has his day in court. Yours is just around the corner. Milo Paz is a well-known and respected businessman in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. He is currently serving as the Chairman of the People’s United Party, Belize Rural South Executive Committee.
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Chess enthusiasts gather for 3rd Annual Scholastic Tournament Belize City, March 1, 2011 The Belize District Chess Association invites all Chess Clubs, Parents, teachers, Community Volunteers, and Chess Players to attend our 3rd annual Scholastic Chess tournament to be Held on Sunday March 6th, 2011. The tournament will be held at the Cahal Pech room at the Radisson Fort George. The Scholastic Chess Tournament is an annual event that is held to select a team of 24 players to represent the Belize District at the National Chess Olympiad in Belmopan. The tournament consist of 5 Rounds Swiss system, Game 30 for 2 rounds and Game 25 for 3 rounds. Any player over the age of 11 years will be required to notate 2 rounds. Registration is open to Belize District Chess Players only!!! Registration is FREE!!! Tournament Sections: UNDER 8, UNDER 10 (9&10yrs), UNDER 12 (11& 12yrs), UNDER 14 (13 & 14yrs), 15 & OLDER CATEGORY. The tournament is open to Belize District Chess Players only. Players MUST pre-register by Saturday March 5th, 2011. Free lunch will be provided for pre-registered participants. You can Pre-register vial email with Mr. David Martinez at, or 620-9315. Please submit players name, school, gender, age, D.O.B & Category. Check–in is required between 8:30am & 9:30am. Any player that does not check in between this hour will not play 1st round. Late registration will also be accepted during Check in time!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011