Portfolio 2021_Lucrezia Rossi

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a r c h i t e c t u r e p o r t f o l i o

birth date 29th Jan1995 home via Andrea Doria 17 20124 Milan, Italy contacts +39 3476973392 rossi.lucrezianna@gmail.com

work experience july 2020 - june 2021

january - july 2020

september - december 2019

Architect Klingenberg Arkitektur Mendrisio, Tessin, Switzerland - Preliminary and final design of two residential buildings in wood prefabrication - Preliminary and final design of villas - Direct collaboration with companies specialized in wood prefabrication - Approach to the design of electrical and hydraulic systems inresidential buildings - Elaboration of building practices according to Swiss regulations - Support to the construction supervisor in ongoing projects - Graphic restitution of topographical and interior surveys Architectural Collaborator A-side Studio Milan, Italy - Participation in the competition for the Redevelopment of Piazza della Pieve, San Donato Milanese - Preliminary design of a Senior cohousing, Milan - Interior design for apartments’ renovation, Milan Teaching Tutor Assistant Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy in Great exhibitions and museums design course in collaboration with professor Pier Federico Mauro Caliari

february - may 2019

Architectural Intern (curricular) Mauro Carta Studio Milan, Italy - Interior design for apartment renovations, Milan - Elaboration of building practices according to Italian regulations

march - april 2017

Architectural Intern (curricular) Archilabo Studio Milan, Italy - Elaboration of estimated metric calculations - Elaboration of building practices according to Italian regulations

september - november 2015

Architectural Intern (extra curricular) Kostow Greenwood Architects New York City, USA

education september 2017 - december 2019

march 2018 - march 2019

august 2018 - january 2019

september 2014 - september 2017

september 2009 - june 2014

Master of Science Degree in Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy grade 110/110 with honors Itinerant Master’s Degree in Architecture and Museum Design for Archeology Design and Management of Archaeological Heritage Accademia Adrianea - Rome, Italy Erasmus Programme in Architecture and Built Environment Kungliga tekniska högskolan - Stockholm, Sweden Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Design Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy High School Liceo Classico “M. Delfico” - Teramo, Italy

workshops november 2018

april 2018

march 2018

april 2017

The redesign of Solar Boat Museum and detail plan for the buffer zone in Giza Plateau Cairo, Egypt The project of the Egyptian collection temporary exhibition in Neues Museum Berlin, Germany The museum station in the archaeological subway (line C) Rome, Italy Metabolism of a City Post-Industrial Waterfronts New York Institute of Technology New York City, USA

competitions june 2020

november 2019

august 2017

Finalist Tree House Module, promoted by YAC Competitions - Loira, Francia Finalist Gatogether, promoted by DNADD - San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Perù Honorable Mention and scholarship Piranesi Prix de Rome XV Edition Villa Adriana International Architecture and Museography Design Competition - Tivoli, Italy

publications october 2020

Photo on the book Accidentally Wes Anderson by Wally Koval.

october 2018

Il Forum delle Possibilità - La città oltre il muro, Progetti per la seconda casa di reclusione di Milano Bollate A. Di Franco - Maggioli Editore, Milan

april 2018

Re_Conn_Station in Esercizi di lettura, Architetture per piccoli contesti E. Corradi - Maggioli Editore, Milan

volunteering may 2018 - present

january 2019 - december 2019

FAI Tourist guide Volunteer Villa Necchi Campiglio - Milan, Italy Buddy for exchange students Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy

skills Office Suite Autodesk AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign ArchiCad Sketchup Rhinoceros

Website making Model making Hand drawing

languages English Complete professional knowledge certified by IELTS, British Council, overall band score 7 - C1 French Basic knowledge certified by Centre International d'Antibes, overall band score A2



the grid

private lender


msc thesis


international competition







lake house

private lender

tree house

international competition

forum of possibilities

architectural design studio

The Grid assignment by private lender

what preliminary and final project of an apartment complex to be realized in green building who in collaboration with Klingenberg Arkitektur when january - april 2021 where Balerna, Tessin, Switzerland The residential complex consists of four apartments with different features in order to allow different kind of users to find their own dimension. The land is very steep and terraced and the fact that it is exposed to the south-east allows to receive an optimal solar exposure and to enjoy, on the upper floors, a view on the Swiss mountains. For reasons of functionality and integration, it was decided to organize the driveway entrance to the south, where the main road passes. However, it is possible to access the house from a secondary private road to the north, more intimate and quiet. The natural terraces offered the possibility autocad



to structure the whole path on several levels: entering from the south by car, passing through the long staircase on the east side and arriving to the architecture; the rest of the existing green and trees have remained untouched. The residential complex consists of two volumes, a rectangular basement and a cubic element on the top, characterized by a regular grid facade design with the function of filter, to create a more comfortable indoor environment.





Lake House assignment by private lender

what preliminary and final project of a villa who in collaboration with Klingenberg Arkitektur when januart - may 2021 where Bissone, Tessin, Switzerland

In the preliminary study the relationship with the heights of the surrounding buildings were taken into account, in order to avoid obstruction of the panoramic view. It was considered the best possible integration relationship between the housing unit to be built, the forest behind and the morphology of the slope of the lot, designing the specific topographical location in order to ensure a minimum distance from the edge of the forest and a visual opening to the lake, through the large windows designed on each floor. The house is mainly oriented to West and the windows are placed on the facades with the intention of creating a direct contact of the interior spaces with the dominant surrounding nature. autocad



The project foresees the construction of a singlefamily dwelling unit consisting of a ground floor with secondary destination and the garage and three upper habitable levels, where all the necessary living spaces are located. The high slope of the lot allows the building to take advantage of the levels and to create terraces from which it is possible to enjoy the view.





Additio master thesis in Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors

what installation exhibition for the evocation of Grotte di Catullo’s north-eastern front who Elena Ramondetta, Giorgia Rizzo, Lucrezia Rossi when march - december 2019 where Grotte di Catullo Sirmione, Italy The historical analysis of the area reinforces the image of Sirmione and the archaeological area of Grotte di Catullo as a link between two elements in strong relationship: Architecture and Natural Landscape; a highly sensory dialogue, which leads us to perceive its timeless importance and conceptual richness. By Nature we mean both the strong and complex topographical identity, the rock, the layers, the geometries of the ruins on the various levels up to the achievement of water, and the constant perception of the blue in the lake. The title of the project is Additio, from latin Addition, referring to an expansion of what already exists, and to a consequent translation of the perfect axis on which the autocad


Villa was built. The front, an inhabited wall that clings to the slope without hiding it, supported by pylons that descend to the rock among the vegetation that grew above it, is completed by the porticus exposition, to evoke the peristilium that enclosed the olive garden, of the hortus conclusus and the piers. This meant thinking about new layers of geometric and material interpretation, in which nature with its topography has become a design element.




Tree House international competition promoted by Yac Competitions

what tree house hotel ​ who Matteo Armenante, Marta Mion, Lucrezia Rossi ​ when june 2020 what Vibrac, Mothe Chandeniers, Ebaupinay Loira, France The treehouse project settles in the suggestive rural land of West-France, embracing the abandoned ruins of majestic gothic castles. By combining the core values of a slow and sustainable tourism, the hotel modules are arranged to become silent viewers to the bucolic spectacle of nature taking over architecture and to offer a new present surrounding to the remaining memory of knights and fairy ladies. Faithful to the Gothic nature of the sites and the later Romantic appropriation, the treehouses develop around simple universal/ timeless principles: a natural and harmonious interdependence between architectural elements, a daring and dynamic impetus,​and a design fascination for technological truth. autocad


The design of the 65 m3 treehouse develops for a height that challenges the gothic spires of the the nearby castles, on three storeys, allowing the guests to shelter inside the safe and suggestive tree crowns. The 100 m3 module leaves the aid of the trees to be located in strategic locations, as well as in the water, and to enhance the dynamism of the overall design: without any outer support, the slim columns are placed one over the other and finally stabilized by the staircase.




retiCollect international competition promoted by DNADD Gatogether

what community center ​ who Danilo Ercoli, Lucrezia Rossi ​ when november 2019 where San Juan de Lurigancho Lima, Perù The community center is provided with every degree of flexibility, both in a volumetric and detailed scale, a place that people can modify depending on their needs, a reference point for the inhabitants in San Juan de Lurigancho. The required functions were divided into four groups, that generate four modules with different features. The pavilion is square-shaped and it has a central area to which all the functions are visually connected. The main idea of the furnished-wall came from the need to optimize space and to characterize each module. This special wall consists of a reticulum of wood lumbers, all modulated in the same way autocad


for an easy transportation and realization. The project can be placed in any available site thanks to the openings designed on all the sides; this also facilitates the sustainable need of cross-ventilation. The project includes also the possibility of future growth (up to 6x12 m), thus stimulating the community to be the protagonist of its own improvement.


















0,95 0,20
















6 mq 1 m 6 mq

6 mq

6 m 6 mq


6 m








solar radiation

possibility of future growth

wind direction







6 8

4 3










543.00 $

6 7 8 9

314.40 130.00 7.60 91.00


wood lumber x 24 (1.6) fibre cement slabs x 13 (5.1) steel rail x 4 (92.1) sheet metal plate x 13 (8.1)

$ $ $ $


316.60 $

3 - wood lumber x 9 (1.3) 4 - polycarbonate alveolar sheet x 3 (6.3) 5 - osb plank x 2 (2.1)

159.30 $ 111.90 $ 45.40 $


744.90 $

1 - wood lumber x 19 (1.3) 2 - osb plank x 18 (2.1)

336.30 $ 408.60 $

GROW vegetable garden module PLAY READ LEARN



library module


dining hall | kitchen module

playroom | nursery modu

fog goes through the polypropylene wires of the grid

3,20 7 1 3

5 2





water is collected in a tank for household or irrigational use



3 4

2,40 2,00

1,20 6



402.40 $ 1 2 3 4 5


wood lumber x 31 (1.96) for structure osb plank x 4 (2.1) for shelves and stairs fibre cement slabs x 6 (5.1) for ext covering osb plank x 6 (2.1) for ext covering extra (steel grid)

105.40 90.80 136.20 60.00 10.00

$ $ $ $ $

492.90 $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


wood lumber x 28 (1.96) for structure osb plank x 5 (2.1) for shelves and seats fibre cement slabs x 6 (5.1) for ext covering osb plank x 6 (2.1) for ext covering extra (sink, cooktop) water tank (91.1) polypropylene grid for fog collection

95.20 113.50 136.20 60.00 30.00 58.00

$ $ $ $ $ $

1 2 3 4 5


wood lumber x 33 (1. osb plank x 3 (2.1) fibre cement slabs x osb plank x 6 (2.1) extra (swings)


meeting hall | workshops module

fog goes through the polypropylene wires of the grid

7 water is collected in a tank for household or irrigational use

1 3 4

cture and seats ext covering ring



playroom | nursery module


2,40 2,00

1,60 5


6 5

492.90 $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1 3


95.20 113.50 136.20 60.00 30.00 58.00

2 1



wood lumber x 33 (1.96) for structure osb plank x 3 (2.1) for shelves fibre cement slabs x 6 (5.1) for ext covering osb plank x 6 (2.1) for ext covering extra (swings)

112.20 68.10 136.20 60.00 4.00

$ $ $ $ $



380.50 $ 1 2 3 4 5

2,00 3

387.60 $ 1 2 3 4 5


wood lumber x 29 (1.96) for structure osb plank x 4 (2.1) for shelves and seats fibre cement slabs x 6 (5.1) for ext covering osb plank x 6 (2.1) for ext covering extra (curtain)

98.60 90.80 136.20 60.00 2.00

$ $ $ $ $

Forum of Possibilities architectural design studio

what new relationship spaces for detained people who Elena Busoni, Luca Pugliano, Elena Ramondetta, Lucrezia Rossi when october 2017 - february 2018 where Bollate prison Bollate, Milan, Italy the existing hard and introspective prison. As a provocation, the path breaks the surrounding wall at the end of it, building a new polarity for people from the inside and people from the outside, like a bridge between prison and city. This final area provides new working oppotunities and, with the creation of an hostel, the possibility for detained people’s relatives to stay during meeting periods.

In the belief on the need for a different conception of reclusion, starting from the re-education of detained people, the aim of the project is the creation of adequate spaces, capable of supporting and enriching relational experiences between people who live the prison, that could favor their path towards reintegration into society and help to limit the cases of recidivism. The first strategy is to create a street (reactivating the courtyards on the main corridors) to which all of the possibilities are connected, improving or adding functions to the existing areas. The project actions are to make all of the new spaces as architecturally qualitative as possible and to try to integrate nature in autocad
















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