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it was a brief chat between matt Burgess and dave northfield in may 2021 that led to the inception of Biggleswade FC youth, after dave spoke of his passion for local football and especially home-grown players. youth teams had been something he wanted to be part of the overall club for some time.
Officially started on 1st June 2021, the first season was a huge success, after a massive effort by its founding members and the club’s committee. This collaboration was key to getting things off the ground and a generous ‘start up’ allowance from club sponsor, HBC Logistics certainly helped in the first month.
change in circumstances for an older local team meant we were able to add a new under 18s and the three teams went on to represent the club in the 2021/22 season. Being committee run, roles were split between managers and secretaries and this worked very well as the members began to secure sponsorship and grants to enable the youth to be financially independent.
Starting with just two teams was the initial intent, but a
Credit must go to certain individuals, namely Karen Burgess for her work as the club’s first Child Welfare officer as well as being youth secretary, also to Paul Darlow for some sizable sponsorship deals and for becoming the kit representative, at the same time running his new Under 11s.