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vOL un TEERI n G
Biggle Swade FC would like to hear F rom anyone who i S intere S ted in volunteering with the C lu B .
We have an exciting group of local players and a large and enthusiastic committee, which puts in a great amount of time before and during match days. However, we are always striving to improve and if you feel you have expertise in a particular area or simply just want to be part of a footballing family, please get in touch.
Our young and vibrant club has made incredible strides since its formation in 2016. We have had two promotions and now find ourselves playing in t he Pitching In Southern Football League Division One Central (8th tier of English football). t his season, our first team are ground-sharing at Bedford town FC, whilst our Bedfordshire County League Premier Division and Britannia Cup double-winning reserve team play at Caldecote Playing Fields.

We are very keen as a club to grow our awareness within the local community and hope that if you haven’t been down to see us play yet, that you will visit us at t he Eyrie very soon.
n ew supporters, families and youngsters are especially welcome!
ContaC t u S at Biggleswadefc@outlook.com for more details regarding volunteering opportunities or approach one of our friendly committee members on match days.