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Entry into the draw is only £5.00 per month, which equates to just over £1 a week. This relatively small contribution can make a big difference to your local club and also give you a chance of winning a cash prize for your valued efforts!
Prize amounts will be decided based on the number of entries to the draw, but the monthly payout will be a guaranteed percentage of the total lottery fund (20% for first prize, 10% for second prize and 5% for third prize).
For 100 mem B er S the monthly prize S would B e:
> First Prize - £100.00*
> Runner up - £50.00*
> Third prize - £25.00*
For the a nnual Super p rize d raw prize S will B e at leaS t dou B led:
> First Prize - £200.00*
> Runner Up - £100.00*
> Third Prize - £50.00*
* above prize totals for indication purposes only entry into the draw iS only £5.00 per month