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Our histOry
iN 2017 the cluB was 125 years Old aNd celeBratiONs were held thrOuGhOut the year tO cOmmemOrate this eVeNt
Mid Herts Golf Club was first established in 1892 when permission to play golf on Gustard Wood Common had been granted by the Lords of the Manor and seven months later the 9-hole course was opened for play. Horace T Rawlins who worked as a caddie at the Royal Isle of Wight Club, moved to become Mid Herts’ first Groundsman and Professional at the age of 18. Two years later Horace emigrated to the United States working as a Professional and in course design, including Springhaven Club in Philadelphia with which Mid Herts has a twinning arrangement. Horace T Rawlins occupies a unique position in the golfs history books: he was the winner of the very first US Open Championship in October 1895 at Newport Rhode Island and was runner-up in the 1896 US Open. He died in 1935 at the age of 60 and the statue of Horace by sculptor Ben Twiston-Davies, was placed near the Clubhouse as part of the 125th anniversary celebration. The clubhouse was constructed in 1897 on the current site and the course was enlarged to 18 holes in 1923 under the guidance of James Braid extending beyond The Slype and Kimpton Road. In 1935 the Club purchased Manorial Rights and became the owners of Gustard Wood Common, although the public retain the rights of ‘fresh air and exercise’ over the land. By the early 1960s golf became more difficult on the north of the Common due to increasing road traffic and the Club purchased 21 acres of farmland to accommodate three new holes and a practice area.
The tees and greens on the Common were redesigned and came into play in 1968 and apart from some later modifications, the layout is the course we play today. The original wooden clubhouse was replaced by a brick building during the same period, with further extensions in the mid-1970’s.
siNce Our 100th aNNiVersary iN 1992 there has BeeN cONsideraBle iNVestmeNt iN all asPects Of Our cOurse, with the cluBhOuse exteNsiVely redeVelOPed aNd refurBished iN 2000.
The refurbished Clubhouse was opened by Sir Terry Wogan, who was an honorary member of the club.
receNt times
In recent times the Clubhouse bar and dining area has been completely refurbished together with the locker rooms. We have also moved away from having a traditional Pro Shop and now have ‘The Hub’ model which is widely used on the Continent and in the United States. Our electricity comes from our own solar panels and in 2020 we installed our own borehole for water to be supplied to the course. On the course, many of the “humps and hollows” that are typical of the James Braid design have been restored, with further works planned. Many of the copses have been cleared allowing the natural grasses and heather to re-grow and this work in ongoing.
here at mid herts we cONtiNue tO imPrOVe Our GrasslaNds aNd eNcOuraGe BacK the Natural wildlife tO Our rare aNd acid heathlaNd cOurse.