Getting to know you… After a customer advised Ray Soong to work towards something that he was passionate about, he trained to become LUHFT’s Senior Technical Support Engineer, and his wife has joined the Trust too! How long have you worked in our hospitals? I’ve been at Aintree for almost seven years but our office has moved to Liverpool Innovation Park so it’s tough not being able to see everyone. In 2015 I started volunteering in the IT department where I gained a lot of experience and after six months, a job opportunity came up on the Systems team. I then moved to Desktops and finally fast forward two years, I was taken on by the Technical Support team. Did you always want to work in healthcare? Honestly, I had never considered working in the NHS. After finishing college I thought I was going to take over my parent’s takeaway or continue waiting tables at a restaurant. The turning point of my life was when a customer came in late one night and advised me to work towards something that I was passionate about, so I began studying again and a year later I received my IT certification. It was also because of this customer that I started volunteering at Aintree, so I genuinely believe that I would not be where I am today if it hadn’t been for him. Briefly, what does your role involve? I work alongside 13 incredible members
of the Tech Team and between us we assist staff across all three sites. We act as an escalation point for urgent issues and while we all have something we specialise in, I primarily deal with Office 365, Microsoft Teams and remote access. What’s your favourite thing about your job? I speak to a lot of people throughout the day so it’s nice to be able to chat with them whilst sorting out any issues. Even though I’m not on the front line caring for patients, just being able to help those that do gives me a sense of satisfaction. What are the standout highlights during your time at LUHFT? Getting the remote access setup when COVID-19 hit was probably the best and worst experience yet. So many people needed to be able to work from home, but it just wasn’t quite there yet. It took days of troubleshooting, working with the third party to get the system running properly. Another highlight would be the day my wife began working at the hospital too. Monique started as an HCA but now she’s a nurse in the Dialysis Unit, I’m super proud of her… and yes, I have to sort out her IT issues too!
What are your hobbies outside of work? Playing the guitar has always been my favourite way to relax however that was abruptly stopped when we got our puppy, Taro, who absolutely hates the sound of it. My new hobby is taking him for long walks in the hope it’ll tire him out so much he’ll take a nap, so I can quietly play the guitar again. What’s your favourite thing about Liverpool / Merseyside? The variety of food available. I’ve always loved trying new dishes and cuisines, my favourite is Big Bowl Noodle Bar on Berry Street. What’s your favourite film or song? The 1982 version of The Thing. My favourite song would be Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts which was my wedding song. You win the lottery, what’s your dream holiday? I would love to go on a food tour around the world, if that’s even a thing. You’re stranded on an island, what three items would you want with you? My guitar, Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Handbook, and a satellite phone in case I get nowhere with Bear Grylls book. LUHFT Life | 15