Youth Speak Forum & Leadership Challenge OC Applicantion AIESEC in Mozambique 2016
Message Dear Candidate, We want to congratulate you for the decision of applying for an OC position and to wish you good luck in filling in this Application Form. We are sure that you will find an interesting personal perspective while filling in the Application Form. We recommend you to contact the MC members or former OCs for information, in order to clarify all the things that you have to know. Good Luck!! ď Š
Youth Speak Forum is an event that takes place in multiple locations around the world, bringing top young leaders together with business leaders and experts for a conversation around pressing global issues. The aim is to generate new and actionable ideas that will impact the world and the future. We make this happen by taking the participants through the unique interactive framework of Inspire, Engage, Act. For more details about the event, please get in touch with your Marketing MCVP Edwina Ferro.
Leadership Challenge is the project that connects the student market with the corporate market. Students will have the opportunity to form teams and receive from the companies involved in the project a challenge to complete as a team in the next 3 weeks. The teams will have as mentors a representative from a Company involved in the project who will guide them through their challenge and advise them in this process. The winning team is going to be announced in the first day of Youth Speak. For more details about the project, please get in touch with your BD&iGIP MCVP, Renato Galdino.
Application Timeline
Application Launch
Application deadline
Screening Process
The Application Form must be submitted by 18 of January, 23:59 and sent to: and; CC: : and With the following format. “Name_ OCPosition_YS&” or “Name_ OCPosition_YS&LC.rar”
*NO Application Forms will be accepted after the deadline, regardless the reasons.
OC Structure OCP OCVP
Marketing & Design
Corporate Relations
Public Relations
Logistics & Finance
OC Job Descriptions OCP Leadership Challenge & Youth Speak Forum 2016 Position Role:
Coordinates the events activities in order to achieve objectives and maintain the events’s quality standards.
Specific Responsibilities:
Creates an Action Plan together with the OC
Responsible to complete and submit the project planing tool in one week from his team's election to the MC.
Organizes team buildings together with the help of the TM department
Delegates tasks and keeps track on each team member according to their abilities and their JD
Maintains the connection with the MC
Represents the project in the external environment
Finds the proper location for the good development of the events
Is responsible for the quality of the events (measured through stakeholders’ satisfaction)
Is the final responsible for reaching the objectives of the events
Oversees that deadlines are met and that activities are completed throughout the running of the events
Is responsible to submit the evaluation report in two weeks from the project ending to the MC team
Team responsibilities: Leader of a team
Creates together with his team members the identity of his team including vision, principles and way of working
Acknowledges and appreciates each team member's contributions
Motivates team to work together in the most efficient manner
Keeps track of lessons learned and shares those lessons with team members
Encourages a feedback culture within the team
Plans and facilitates regular team activities outside of the office
Makes sure that the OC members have the overview of the project
Tracks and evaluates team’s activity on a weekly basis
Organizes weekly meetings with project team
GUIDE (for each OC member)
Assists the team members in discovering their development needs
Assists with the setting of learning goals and action planning
Ensures that each OC member has a learning plan based on their goal setting
Helps team members to execute development plan
Provides feedback for the team members, based upon observed behavior
Measures of success:
100% conference objectives met 100% of positive feedback from the OC team
Time: Time availability required: Before the project: 20 hours/week During the project: 30 hours/week After the project: 5 hours/week
Project duration: January - April (4 months)
Working with: MCVP Finance, MC team and OC Team
OCVP Marketing & Design Leadership Challenge & Youth Speak Forum Position Role:
Is in charge for creating and implementing promo online campaign Is responsible for the promotion of the events at national level Is in charge for creating a brand aligned image of Leadership Challenge and Youth Speak in the network
Specific Responsibilities:
Thinks the promo campaign strategy and plan it in detail Manages the Youth Speak Facebook page (post on it and answer to the messages) Develops key messages for all audiences to communicate YS&LC under the brand identity Develops virtual engagement strategies for externals and participants during the promotion period and in the day of the events Develops the publicist materials of the events (Posts, Videos etc)
Creates the materials according to the promo campaign plan Responsible for creating the identity of the Leadership Challenge and Youth Speak Creates the design for T-shirt for the OC team and others promotional materials according to the theme of the events Responsible for creating the booklets for the participants Responsible for ensuring the benefits for Companies in order to deliver what we have promised to them
OC Team responsibilities:
90% attendance at trainings and OC Meetings Takes part in Team meetings , team buildings, feedback meetings Respects the deadline for the tasks Supports and helps the other team members before and during the conference
Measures of success:
100% of brand alignment 100% positive feedback before and during the conference
Time: Time availability required: Before the project: 20 hours/week During the project: 30 hours/week After the project: 5 hours/week
Project duration: January- April (4 months)
Working with: MCVP Marketing, OC Team
OCVP Logistics & Finance Leadership Challenge & Youth Speak Forum 2016 Position Role:
Ensures the quality of the events, by keeping track of financial and material resources involved in the project
Specific Responsibilities: At the beginning of the project makes a predictive budget and updates it, in real time, as the project evolves Tracks any income or expense realized (cash flow) Keeps track of all the financial documents (invoices, receipts) Collects the fees and takes account of them Finds solutions and methods in order to ensure the events sustainability Does a daily report on the resources used (materials, money, in-kinds) and communicates it to the OCP – during the events Ensures all the logistics before and during the conference Makes sure that the speakers from YS, partners from Leadership Challenge&YS and MC have all the logistics they need Arrange the rooms before and after the events, together with the OC members Knows the necessary of the in-kinds logistics and divides them appropriately
CC Team responsibilities:
90% attendance at trainings and OC Meetings Takes part in Team meetings , team buildings, feedback meetings Respects the deadline for the tasks Supports and helps the other team members before and during the events
Measures of success:
100% positive feedback from the Leadership Challenge teams and Youth Speak participants Positive balance at the end of the project Final budget finished
Time: Time availability required:
Before the project: 20 hours/week During the project: 30 hours/week After the project: 5 hours/week
Project duration: January - April (4 months)
Working with: MCVP Finance, OCVP Sales, OCVP PR, OC Team
OCVP Public Relations Leadership Challenge & Youth Speak Forum 2016 Position Role:
Is responsible to manage the media relations, Universities and students
Specific Responsibilities:
Manage media relations, research editorial opportunities and build relationships with media Manage Universities and student associations relations Research about the Youth Organizations and build relationship with them Partners servicing & delivery (ensure their visibility & giving back the stuff they give us) Responsible to coordinate and find Key Note speakers, external trainers for Youth Speak Follow-up with Media Partners, Universities and Students Communication with delegates Working closely with the LCs and LCVPs Mkt for University participation Develops reception system and works closely with the Finance&Logistics responsible Constant collaboration with MCVP Marketing of AIESEC in Mozambique
Team responsibilities:
90% attendance at trainings and OC Meetings Takes part in Team meetings , team buildings, feedback meetings Respects the deadline for the tasks Supports and helps the other team members before and during the conference
Measures of success:
No. of targeted companies No. of weekly meetings
No. of partners for the events
Time: Time availability required: Before the project: 20 hours/week During the project: 30 hours/week After the project: 5 hours/week
Project duration: January - April (4 months)
Working with: OCVP Sales, OCVP Finance&Logistics, OC Team, MCVP iGIP&BD
OCVP Corporate Relations Leadership Challenge & Youth Speak Forum 2016 Position Role:
Is in charge with the sales for Leadership Challenge and Youth Speak
Specific Responsibilities:
Has to do a market research, cold calling, establish sales meetings Has to implement the sales strategy along with the other OCVP Sales Has to find new attractive ways to sell the conference Partners servicing & delivery (ensure their visibility & giving back the stuff they give us) Responsible to coordinate and find Key Note speakers, external trainers for Youth Speak Follow-up with Partners Does reports with the current sales situation at a given time including: - Number of companies called; - Number of meetings attended; - Number of contracts signed; - Number of participating companies Constant collaboration with MCVP iGIP&BD of AIESEC in Mozambique
Attending Sales meetings weekly
Team responsibilities:
90% attendance at trainings and OC Meetings Takes part in Team meetings , team buildings, feedback meetings Respects the deadline for the tasks Supports and helps the other team members before and during the conference
Measures of success:
No. of targeted companies No. of weekly meetings No. of partners for the events
Time: Time availability required: Before the project: 20 hours/week During the project: 30 hours/week After the project: 5 hours/week
Project duration: January - April (4 months)
Working with: OCVP Sales, OC Team, MCVP iGIP&BD
Questionnaire General questions 1. Personal information 2. Most meaningful position held inside AIESEC (maximum 3)
Full Name Date of birth
Current Role Entity/ LC Email Phone Skype
3. Conferences Conference
Year/ place
4. How this opportunity aligns with your personal goals? 5. How this opportunity aligns with your personal goals? 6. How do you pretend to manage your responsibilities as OC team and your other occupations (role at Local Committee, job, university and others)?
Specific questions OCP 5. How do you pretend to manage your responsibilities as OCP team and your other occupations (role at Local Committee, job, university and others)? 6. How will you manage the collaboration with the MC? 7. How will you ensure a better performance for your OC members? 8. What are the key elements that will make these events an unforgettable ones? (in terms of results) 9. Please make a timeline for the events and attach it to the AF. (Take into consideration all the activities on all the areas that need to happen since the moment you are elected)
OCVP FIN & LOG 5. How will you ensure the sustainability of the events? 6. Choose an event (Leadership Challenge or Youth Speak) and elaborate the budget, having in mind that the events need to be sustainable. Define your fee (delegate fee or company fee) taking in consideration that delegates/companies are willing to pay, and the events are sustainable and even bring profit for the entity.
7. Imagine there's no funds for the team to work (before the events). How will you ensure that activities don't stop? 8. What's your logistic's plan during the next 5 months until both events, to make sure everything is in order when it’s needed? 9. What will be your steps in terms of logistics to guarantee the management of 400 people in Youth Speak and 150 in Leadership Challenge?
OCVP Corporate Relation 5. Choose two big companies (aside the institutional partners) in Mozambique and write how Youth Speak & Leadership Challenge OC can cooperate with them (why, how and for what we should cooperate with them)? 6. How will you guarantee that you will have companies accepting to participate and pay for YS? 7. List 2 main challenges you may face during the sales process and how you can overcome that. 8. Identify 5 main benefits that you will sell to the companies for them to be part of the Leadership Challenge and come for the Youth Speak event also?
OCVP Public Relation 5. What are the 3 main strategies you will implement to guarantee the participation of more than 400 students, 8 companies and media on the day of the events? 6. What will be the 3 main channels you will use to promote the events and how you will use them? 7. How will you sell the event for the students, Universities and NGOs? (Take into consideration points that can attract them to go to the events). 8. What is the importance of an event output and how will you manage your corner work inside the OC to guarantee the best content output? Consider 3 different types of media to capitalize on after the events are finished.
OCVP Marketing and Design 5. What sort of external support do you think we will need to make our voice wider and louder? 6. Present a communication plan for Youth Speak 2016 in a timeline. Consider our stakeholders, external engagement, and the use of communication channels (which ones
and how?). 7. How will you ensure the great engagement of participants and externals, AIESEC positioning, and Leadership Challenge incorporated in the Youth Speak message? 8. Create a promotional video for Youth Speak or create a logo for the Leadership Challenge, designing 3 options to choose from.
Contact for more information Rui Correia
Luisa Iria
Edwina Ferro
MCVP iGCDP/Marketing and IM
Luiz Renato
Good Luck ď Š