Local President 2017 for AIESEC in UTP A P P L I C AT I O N B O O K L E T ROUND 2
The Process of Applying What happens when?
Launch Applica,on Booklet
Wednesday, September 7 – 3:00 PM
Applica,on Deadline
First Evalua,on Results
Friday, September 16 – 11:59 PM
Saturday, September 17 – 1:00 PM
Official Applicants Announced
Sunday, September 18
Monday, September 19, 1:00 PM
Elec,on Night
Tuesday, September 20, 7:00 PM Extra steps can be added if the LCPc decides it’s needed. PAGE 6
The Applica.on How to apply You need to complete every single instrucDon on this booklet. The applicaDon consists in preparing, wriDng and explaining 4 different documents:
Personal ApplicaAon
Knowledge QuesAonnaire
The References
DirecAon of @UTP
The Personal ApplicaAon has a limit of 6 pages, and serves the purpose of showcasing who you are as a person, and what AIESEC means to you. It must be in english and in .PDF The Knowledge QuesAonnaire has a limit of 8 Pages, and here you must show that you understand all the required concepts and have the experience needed to be a successful president. Must be in english and in .PDF The References is a series of documents that include the Endorsement LeMers and the Psychometric tests. There is no page limit, and can be in spanish. Everything must be in .PDF The DirecAon of @UTP is a 7 page document that exposes where you want to take AIESEC in UTP towards. It must be in english and in .PDF The applicaDon consists in sending the four documents in a .zip or .rar file before 11:59 PM to the link to the right. No excuses will be accepted if even one answer is in spanish, or if the document arrived at 12:00 or later.
The Applica+ons is designed to challenge you. Let it. Show who you are.
Personal Applica.on ¿Who are you and why are you the President the UTP ARMY needs? PERSONAL APPLICATION PresentaAon Page
In this document, you will explain and ellaborate on who you are, and why you should be considered by the Local Board as a candidate for Local President 2017. It has 4 parts, with a maximum of 8 pages. It must be presented in the order shown to the leC, in one .PDF file. Everything must be in english. Each part is explained below:
1. PRESENTATION PAGE In the first page, you will introduce yourself and your basic info. You must include the following informaKon:
MoAvaAonal LeEer
• Name • Last Name • Photo of you • AIESEC Mail
• Cellphone • Personal Quote • Current PosiKon • Age & Birthdate
• NaKonality • Personal ID • Current LC • University Career
2. MOTIVATIONAL LETTER In a leLer to the UTP Army of maximum one page, explain why do you want to be President. Make it personal, honest and clear.
Currículum Vitae
In the following 3 pages (maximum) answer the following quesKons: 1. Describe max 5 experiences or moments that made you who you are today. Ideally include experiences both from AIESEC and outside AIESEC. MenKon what you learned from each. 2. Describe your Leadership Journey inside AIESEC: for each posiKon you have occupied, describe your biggest achievement and learning. Please highlight 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses. 3. ¿What do you want to achieve once your AIESEC Experience ends? How being president helps you get closer to that achievement?
4. CURRÍCULUM VITAE In the last page, include a one-page CV that summarizes your professional experience, including AIESEC’s. An external should be able to read it.
6 PAGE 2
Knowledge Ques.onnaire ¿What does a president need to understand to be successful? AIESEC KNOWLEDGE & CONTEXT 1. Why do we have a document and statements called “The AIESEC Way”? What’s the role of the LCP regarding this statements? What will you do to make sure every member understands and applies it? 2. Make a diagnosis of AIESEC in UTP based on the quesKon: ¿How much are we living our 6 core values? To answer, use some scale for measuring, explain your measurement for each value, and give specific recommendaKons on how to be beLer. 3. Why is Membership no longer a product of the AIESEC Experience? What are the tangible repercussions of this change? How is MXP’s work different because of this change? 4. What are the main trends surrounding the Panamanian context, the exchanges and talent acquisiKon industry, and the millennial generaKon, that can boost or block our strategies and results? What will you do to capitalize on those opportuniKes and avoid the threats?
LCP ROLE & LEADERSHIP 5. As a member of the BoP, you are directly responsible for the direcKon and stability of AIESEC in Panama. What can AIESEC in UTP contribute with to strengthen the EnKty? What can AIESEC in UTP learn from other enKKes? (For both quesKons, menKon specific gaps and answer with concrete and specific acKons or soluKons) 6. What is the AIESEC in Panama’s Compendium for? What’s your role regarding the Compendium? 7. What is the role of the LCP in the LCEB, in the BoP, and for the LC? 8. What will be your criteria for choosing your team? What qualiKes, skills and knowledge will you be looking for? Answer that quesKon individually, for your whole team, and for specific roles, if applicable. 9. Make a stop start conKnue feedback of the Planning Methodology the EB used in S2 2016. Describe the ideal planning output.
The References What does your context say about who you are? This documents are external from you, but help paint a picture of who you are. These are 6 documents: 1. DISC Test: As part of the Tony Robbins website, a test that explains what type of proďŹ le your prefer on being. Complete the test in the Tony Robbins website, and then download the .PDF 2. VALUES Test: As part of the DISC Test, you will also complete this test. It answers the quesDon: What do you care about, profesionally? Complete the test in the Tony Robbins website, and then download the .PDF 3. PVA Test: You can find the link below to the Personal Values Assessment. It measures how mature your values and interests are. Complete the test, and you will get the .PDF 4. Endorsement LeEers: The central quesDon the signer should answer is: ÂżFrom your experience, why do you believe he/she will be an excellent president? The leMers can be any number of pages, and can be in either spanish or english. Must be signed. 1. from a Leader or Superior: Any AIESECer that has been over you in your same area. (Example, your MCVP while you were TLP). The only excepKons are members of the EvaluaKon Team. 2. from another AIESECer: Any person with whom you have shared an AIESEC Experience 3. from a relaAve: Ideally, one of your parents.
DISC & Values Test
PVA Test
Direc.on of AIESEC in UTP What direc>on will you set for AIESEC in UTP during 2017? This document serves the purpose of explaining your vision of what AIESEC in UTP will become under your leadership. This quesKons are not evaluated based on content, so go wild dreaming of the AIESEC you want to lead, under the guidance of unmovable statements: AIESEC 2020 and the AIESEC Way. 1. AIESEC 2020: Read and understand the AIESEC 2020 Statements and Roadmap. With that in mind, describe how AIESEC in UTP will be different by 2020, including: Leadership Experiences, Internal OrganizaKon and External Relevance. Then, explain what needs to evolve, and what must remain the same to get AIESEC in UTP closer to be that LC during 2017. 2. Value Delivery: Rate, from 0 to 100%, how complete the Value Delivery Bucket List is implemented for each of our products right now; explain your answer. Then, using the Gap Analysis Methodology, answer the quesKon: What needs to happen so that we are at 100% by July 31, 2017? Use for ideal/Future State: “We have 100% of the Value Delivery Bucket List Implemented in this product by January 31, 2017”. 3. External Relevance: Make a list of maximum 4 Partners that you believe represent the biggest opportuniKes for growth and relevance. How would you capitalize on those opportuniKes? Present an AcKon Plan for each of the 5 partners, and the final deliverable (in terms of exchanges) that would result from this opportunity. 4. UTP’s Growth: Check the growth path of AIESEC in UTP in terms of REs & COs. Explain for each year, and each funcKonal area, the story behind the numbers. Finally, answer this quesKon: What’s the next step for each of our products for 2017? 5. Summarize: Lastly, use the last page to explain the direcKon you will take AIESEC in UTP towards during 2017. Describe your vision of what AIESEC in UTP should become by the end of 2017, then define what three things will you focus on during 2017 to achieve that vision. Explain your logic in whatever way you choose. (This page will be printed) PAGE 4
The Evalua.on What is being evaluated, and how? To pass to the next phase of the ApplicaKon Process, you must score a minimum of 70% at the Documents ApplicaKon.
EVALUATORS The MCP, another LCP, and the LCPc are each responsible for evaluaKng the responses and contents of your applicaKon. The weight of the MCPs and external LCP are 30% each, and the LCPc’s is 40%.
• 10% is for achieving every requirement for the References • 10% is for answering every page’s quesKon in Personal PresentaKon • 60% is for the content and answers in The Knowledge QuesKonnaire. This will be the document most evaluated of all. • 20% is for the alignment, clarity and vision of the UTP DirecKon.
FEEDBACKS AND ANSWERS Regardless of your score, you will receive an email with feedback for the Knowledge QuesKonnaire within one week aCer the deadline.
Resources Where can I find help? Everywhere. Here, I’ve prepared a folder with a number of essenKal documents, and links that will guide you during your applicaKon process. I call it “I open at the close”. Pay special aLenKon to the document inside that is called “More Info”, which contains contacts for a number of people from previous generaKons that can help you gain context for your applicaKon, including some EPs and clients. Also, links to a number of arKcles that explain some concepts menKons in the ApplicaKon QuesKonnaire. Ask a lot.
RESOURCES aka. “I open at the close” PAGE 8
Ejemplo de una Aplicación Completa
Descripción de Puesto: LCP Título Completo: Presidente de Comité Local AIESEC en UTP para el 2017 Firma en español Presidente Local
Firma en inglés Local President
Inicio del término 1 de febrero del 2017
Final del término 31 de enero del 2018
horas de trabajo 25 horas a la semana
responde a: Asamblea Local
Descripción del Rol El presidente local es parte de la Junta de Presidentes, responsable final de contribuir al logro de los obje7vos de AIESEC en Panamá. Para el comité, es el máximo ente administra7vo y ejecu7vo, responsable final de su desempeño, comportamiento, resultados y crecimiento; es el líder de la Junta Direc7va, que juntos dictan el enfoque, estrategias y culturas necesarias para el comité y así lograr más y mejores experiencias de Desarrollo de Liderazgo. En la Junta de Presidentes, también es legislador del Compendio Nacional.
Responsabilidades DIRECCIÓN DEL LC Definir la visión y cultura del LC Definir las metas (Co) para 2017 • Par7cipar, con el BoP, de definir la dirección conjunta de AIESEC en Panamá • Organigrama del LC • Asegurar visión a largo plazo
• •
REPRESENTACIÓN DEL LC Reportabilidad Interna y Externa • Par7cipar proac7vamente en las discusiones del BoP • Construir, mejorar y mantener relaciones con las cooperaciones • Par7cipar como delegado de todas las conferencias y demás •
Medibles de Éxito 100% Cumplimiento de la meta de Realizes y Completes de 2017 • EB 2018 Completo • Comité cumpliendo criterios de Pleno Derecho • Con7nuidad Financiera y Legal •
Asegurar una comunicación fluida y efec7va entre MCEB y LCEB
ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL LC • • • • • • • • • •
Seguimiento a los procesos y polí7cas financieras, legales y de auditorías Coordinar elecciones y transición del Seguimiento, entendimiento y Acatamiento del Compendio Local Mantener y asegurar el Pleno Derecho Team Standards del EB Desarrollo y desempeño de la EB Seguimiento y análisis de desempeño de operaciones Planificación estratégica y opera7va de la EB Cumplimiento de las metas opera7vas Definir mercados y estrategias enfoque.
Compromisos de Asistencia: • • • • • •
4 Conferencias Nacionales 2 Conferencias Locales y LCMs 2 Conferencias Regionales (Si aplica) EB Mee7ngs Semanales Elecciones de LCP 2018 Legislaciones Nacionales Ordinarias
Luis Carlos Chacón
Presidente Local 2016 de @UTP 6949 5275 | luis.chacon@aiesec.net