STAGE 2 Application Booklet to become
Brave Leader, The Documents were the easy part. They made you think and evaluate who you are and why you’re applying. Who supports you and what you will contribute to the world. But we’re just getting started. Let’s start thinking about what Panama needs: Our Leadership must reach outside. For that, every experience needs to develop Leadership consistently, every partnership need to be included and inspired by our Way, and every member must achieve their purpose. We, as an EB, must drive this vision. Making the dream a reality, that’s the real challenge. Stage 2, The Challenge, Begins NOW.
The Strategy The Vision is simple:
Drive Leadership to Reach Outwards. The issue is… How? Inside, we have Leadership happening empirically. Let’s make it intentional and standardised for do.
To get it outside, we need empowered and aligned stake-holders that help us reach further.
But this only happens if we unite as a committee under a single vision and work to achieve living our values.
The Executive Board 2016 And to achieve this, we need a team of empowered leaders with the vision, skills, knowledge and drive to make this happen.
AIESECers โ จ
ACHIEVE living their
Luis Chacรณn LCP LCVP oGCDP
The Next Stage
The part that will answer the question “How will you get us there?”
1 The Documents Wed Sep 23 – Fri Oct 2nd
2 The Challenge Sat Oct 3rd – Thu Oct 8
3 The Voting Night Saturday October 10th, 4:00 PM
You’re halfway there. The Challenge is where you apply to the area you are the best for.
The Challenge! It consists of a Functional Questionnaire and Three Interviews. Designed to let you express what you want to achieve inside your area. You pass this stage and are a official candidate if you score more than 70% in both the Challenge and the Documents
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The Questionnaire
The Interviews
Designed to be short, yet give you the opportunity to show your ambition for your area.
Done only from Wednesday 7 to Thursday 8. Click on the box below to book your interview with your LCVP, MCVP and LCPe
Answer in English or Spanish Max 6 Letter-Sized pages. You can use Powerpoint if you want. Free Design, but Legibility and Order is more important than aesthetics. No Presentation Page, only your name on top. Upload the PDF before Tuesday Oct 6th, 11:59 PM Send The Questionnaire CLICK HERE
José Luis LCVP iGIP
Fernando LCVP MKT
Luis Ch. LCP (&TM)
Amanda MCVP iGIP
Cristina MCVP oGCDP
Andrea MCVP TM
oGCDP Questionnaire 1. Why is oGCDP Relevant to UTP, Panama, and Latin America? Is our impact tangible? How? Where? How can we make it more impactful? 2. EPs Customer Flow has 7 stages. From the oGCDP perspective for each stage, explain: I. What does the name mean, and when does it start and end? II. What activities do we do to make an EP go from this stage to the next? III. What should we do to develop Leadership in this stage? Answer exactly what Learning Environment we create and what Defining LDM Element the EP Develops IV. What tools (Documents, Google Drive, Software, Manuals) do we rely on to make II. and III. happen? V. What stakeholders, internal or external, help us here to make II. and III. happen? VI. We will drive a huge amount of EPs through this stage during 2016. Is the process ready to sustain this? What changes do you propose to make the process both leadership-centric, but also scalable and sustainable? 3. Fruit Peak needs to happen. What are the main barriers that make it difficult, and what will you make for each to overcome it? Present a complete plan, with strategies, focus, action plan, needed to make it happen. Divide the actions between oGCDP and MKT. Be as specific as possible. (I recommend doing a GAP Analysis) 4. Being oGCDP our focus program, please present what can every other area do to boost oGCDP’s results. Prioritise win-win situations; present your ideas in an effort-impact matrix. 5. In the last page, present the main projects you would direct during 2016 to make oGCDP a Growing, Leadership–Centric Program, while assuring its sustainability and efficiency. Also, propose your structure for S1 and S2, and a goal we should reach by next years’ Fish Peak.
iGCDP Questionnaire 1. Why is iGCDP Relevant to UTP, Panama, and Latin America? Is our impact tangible? How? Where? How can we make it more impactful? 2. EPs Customer Flow has 7 stages. From the iGCDP perspective for each stage, explain: I. What does the name mean, and when does it start and end? II. What activities do we do to make an EP go from one stage to the next? III. What should we do to develop Leadership in this stage? Answer exactly what Learning Environment we create and what Defining LDM Element the EP Develops IV. What tools (Documents, Google Drive, Software, Manuals) do we rely on to make II. and III. happen? V. What stakeholders, internal or external, help us in this stage to make II. and III. happen? VI. We will drive a huge amount of EPs through this stage during 2016. Is the process ready to sustain this? What changes do you propose to make the process both leadership-centric, but also scalable and sustainable? 3. Design a criteria for an “empowered partnership”, and then evaluate our partnership with each of the Organisations iGCDP have worked with this year. Then, answer: What can we do to make them grow organisationally, so that every peak they are sustainably able to open more opportunities? Present an Action Plan with activities, responsible, deadlines and KPIs. 4. Familias Globales has two main gaps: Not a clear customer flow for families, and not a concrete way on how to sell effectively. Propose a solution for each. (Be as specific and S.M.A.R.T. on your conclusions as possible). (I Recommend doing a GAP Analysis) 5. In the last page, present the main projects you would direct during 2016 to make iGCDP a Growing, Leadership–Centric Program, while assuring its sustainability and efficiency. Also, propose your structure for S1 and S2, and a goal we should reach by the end of 2016.
iGIP Questionnaire 1. Why is iGIP Relevant to Panama and Latin America? Is our impact tangible? How? Where? How can we make it more impactful? 2. Interns’ Customer Flow has 7 stages. From the iGIP perspective for each stage, explain: I. What does the name mean, and when does it start and end? II. What activities do we do to make an Intern go from one stage to the next? III. What should we do to develop Leadership in this stage? Answer exactly what Learning Environment we create and what Defining LDM Element the Intern Develops IV. What tools (Documents, Google Drive, Software, Manuals) do we rely on to make II. and III. happen? V. What stakeholders, internal or external, help us in this stage to make II. and III. happen? How? VI. We will drive a huge amount of Interns through this stage during 2016. Is the process ready to sustain this? What changes do you propose to make the process both leadership-centric, but also scalable and sustainable? 3. Evaluate each of our partners, measuring how “involved” we are with each other in terms of coplanning, purpose alignment, and internal positioning. Why is this important? What will you do to empower our partners to be more involved in our purpose? What can we do to be more involved in theirs? (To do this effectively, start by understanding and explaining our value proposition to partners). 4. Prepare an Empathy map for our iGIP interns. Ideally, talk to some of them to gather inputs. In 2016, we need to take a new approach in how to facilitate their leadership development. How can we do this? Be specific and detailed in the activities or actions you propose. 5. In the last page, present the main projects you would direct during 2016 to make iGIP a Growing, Leadership–Centric Program, while assuring its sustainability and efficiency. Also, propose your structure for S1 and S2, and a goal we should reach by the end of 2016.
MKT Questionnaire 1. What is Product Packaging? Do a Start, Stop, Continue of the Product Packaging we did for this Semester. Then, present a timeline of when each part of the Product Packaging must occur, to successfully implement it into the oGCDP Timeline to assure successful selling for Fruit Peak specifically. Divide the timeline outlining what should MKT do, what must oGCDP do, and what must iGCDP from the other committees do. 2. For more than a year, Marketing, despite being a Back Office, Strategic Area, has been focused exclusively on making oGCDP happen. Explain the logic behind this decision. What specific things need to happen area-wise and committee-wise to make MKT ready to start managing more products than only oGCDP’s? When this happens, with which product should MKT start supporting? 3. 2016 is the year we become recognised as relevant inside UTP. This will only happen if the partnership between UTP and us is capitalised to its fullest. Please explain how does our operations, programs and results benefit them? Then, propose activities that make our partnership more visual and relevant inside UTP. Lastly, make a list of things UTP can do to boost our results. Prioritise win-win situations, and argue wether “AIESEC Office” should be in that list. 4. Explain the barriers and opportunities for entry we have for every college in our segmentation. Which one of these we should focus on during 2016 to partner with, and how can we start and maximise this relationship? 5. In the last page, present the main projects you would direct during 2016 to make MKT a Strategic Area focused on Empowering our Stakeholders through building win-win situations for both, while assuring sustainability and efficiency. Also, propose your structure for S1 and S2, and a goal we should reach by the end of our term.
TM Questionnaire 1. Describe AIESEC in UTP’s culture; categorising Habits, Values, Beliefs, Behaviours & Actions. How can TM influence on a committee’s culture? Outline specific examples of actions or decisions TM takes to influence a committee’s culture. 2. “Retention Rate”, “Pipeline Generation”, “Productivity”, “Goals Achievements” and “Team Minimums Completion” are all deliverables of TM. Explain what is each, describe the committee’s performance in each, and how does TM directly or indirectly influence on each. Lastly, present specific activities or decisions that will improve each. 3. Knowledge Management consists on understanding who should know what, and the planning on how that person will acquire this knowledge. Please describe what Knowledge (Consisting on: Knowledge, Skills, and Tools) does each of the following groups of people should know: Newbie, Full Member, Team Leader, Back Office & VP. Divide your answers between “Preferred” and “Needed”. 4. It is of utmost importance that we can measure our growth and progress. But, at the same time, we cannot focus on measurement over results. The TeMiTrack was our solution for that. Analyse what is working about the TeMiTrack and what isn’t. What would you propose to maintain a holistic view of the committee’s progress? 5. In the last page, present the main projects you would direct during 2016 to make TM a Strategic Area focused on building an ARMY of ACHIEVERs through building strategic planning for the committees growth, sustainability and cultural evolution. Also, propose your structure for S1 and S2, and a goal we should reach by the end of our term.
FLA Questionnaire 1. Why should there be a FLA area in the committee? What are FLA's responsibilities as an area? 2. Prepare a Balance Sheet (Balance General) for September 30th 2015, and an Income Statement (Estado de Resultados) for the period going from January 1st 2015, to September 30th 2015. What are our three main sources of avoidable losses? Present an action plan to minimise or eliminate each. A well structured Action Plan includes specific actions, deadlines or timeframes for each action, persons responsible and measurable progress (KPIs). 3. There should be a number of requirements so that an exchange is valid. Exchange Standards are the starting point, but, for example, an Outgoing Exchange isn't valid if the EP hasn't given us the money, the contracts, or we don't know the address of where he will live. Taking this into consideration, please elaborate a checklist, as ordered and understandable as possible, of everything we need to make an experience valid. Do this for our iGIP, iGCDP and oGCDP EPs. Furthermore, for iGIP, define what items of your checklist we should receive at which part of the Customer Flow, and propose simple changes to their operational flow that will make this happen seamlessly. 4. In AIESEC in UTP we currently do not have a local compendium; Is that a problem? Why should a local committee have one? What are the benefits of having one? Find and explain GCPs of Committees in LatAm that can serve as example of how to correctly use a Local Compendium on the committee. 5. In the final page, present the 3 main projects you would run during 2016 on FLA to support a Leadership-Centric AIESEC, assuring sustainable growth and financial stability. Propose a Financial Goal that we should reach by the end of 2016.
The Applicants for EB 2016 José Cano
Alec Ortiz
Shaquille Squires
Deydamia Lynch
Yousee Herrera
Luigi Mendieta
Willy Pon
Jesús Riquelme
Luis E. Berrocal
These are the young people that want to lead you. They want to change Panama by making our Leadership Reach Outwards. Read their applications, and find out who they are, while they work on the strategies that will make AIESEC in UTP become an example of empowerment.
Read their Applications Click Here
The Voting Night On Saturday 10, we will join as a Committee to hear each of the applicants motivations. At the end of the day, we will vote on who we trust to lead us. Here, we will post the details of the night.
Not Yet.
Our Leadership will only be enough when we engage and develop every young person in the world.