CHHS Key Club Official Newsletter November

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Husky OKey Club NOVEMBER 2011 | VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6

The Official Chino Hills High Key Club Newsletter

Division 15 Region 13 Cali-Nev-Ha District

giving! s k n a h T f o it ir CHHS p S In the THIS


President’s Note………………………...2 Graduation Stole List…………………...3 Members of the Month………………..4 Fall Rally Recap…………………………5 PTP Carwash, ToyDrive, & B&N Giftwrapping………………………………....7 Will YOU be the next D15 LTG?...........8 ELIMINATE: Project Info and Trick-orTreat for UNICEF Recap………………..9 DCON 2012….………………………….11 In the Spirit of Thanksgiving………….12


PRESIDENT’S NOTE: Key Clubbers, there are no words that can sufficiently express how proud I am of all of you as a whole. The Key Club year is only a bit more than half way through and we have already accomplished so much as a club! Not to mention how simply inspiring it is that so many of you have stepped it up this year! Whether it is

dedicating all your energy to earning your graduation stole, or underclassmen taking leadership roles within the club and being great contributors to events, and upperclassmen using your experience and talents to help uplift the club and its members! Every time I am around you all I am humbled and just blown away!

And seeing how spirited you all were at Fall Rally! Definitely one of best feelings as a President. Thanks to each and every one of you that has helped make this club what it is. Now, don’t let that spirit and enthusiasm die down! Our work as Key Clubbers doesn’t end! There are always people within our community that can use our volunteerism and spirit for

service! Continue to show your community just how great you are and never stop serving! Your President, Luis Tenorio.

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Graduation Stoles

The following individuals have earned their Key Club Graduation Stole! Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to serve your community! If you are a Senior and are not on the list, don’t de discouraged! There is still time for you to earn your stole! Just keep on being active and serving! :D Katie Chau

Elsie Cheang Angeline Chen Wooyoung Choi Vivien Chou Austin Dang Hyung Joo Ham Josh LaCour Oscar Leon Gabriela Morales Kevin Suk Amandla Talley

Key Club Graduation Stole

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Luis Tenorio Cassandra Thanh Angela Wang Samantha Woo Megan Yee Paul Yi


Members of the Month “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop

Andersen Chiang From the beginning of the year, Andersen has showed enthusiasm for Key Club and service, attending not only a variety of events, but even a DCM! Andersen’s enthusiasm to serve has lead him to be one of the leading individuals in his class , when it comes to hours earned! Thanks Andersen for all your hard work and dedication! We hope that your dedication and passion only grows as the year goes on!

Kennedy Lopez & Megan Walsh

Both of these individuals are like partners in service! You can always see them together at an event! They are both such great individuals with not only being constant in their attendance to a variety of events, but also have even shown their leadership skills as they have helped lead and run Library Volunteering every Tuesday! Thanks to both of you for all your hard work and dedication!

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Saturday, November 19th 2011. About 500 Giraffes. Eight Hours. One Rally.

From the very moment you all began lining outside the door, your spirit and enthusiasm could be felt. A midst the other Divisions we made sure to raise our necks up high. With every Division shirt, every Division hoodie, every pom-pom, with every time we screamed "D-15!" we made sure that we entered the Golden Bear Theater with a grand entrance! Not only that, we were able to rightfully claim our prized spot in the middle center, regardless of the other Divisions trying to crowd us out! We claimed our spot and immediately showed our spirit! A spirit that resonated throughout the entire rally!

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You could feel the spirit as the sound of each cheer clashed with the Divisions on either side of us. The spirit could be seen on each and every individuals face as they waved their pom-poms or raised their hand signal giraffe in the air while screaming as loud as they could. We are very proud of the impression you all left upon the Second Session. We did not win the coveted spirit stick, but this year we made sure that we qualified for the second round! We battled it out, giving it our all, and regardless of the outcome, we came out victors for having shown off just how spirited we are! Thank you to everyone that helped coordinate cheers, that assisted in Pre-Fall Rallies, that went through the stands getting other motivated, and thank you to everyone that went and contributed by representing D-15 proudly at the rally! Secondly, thank you to all the club officers that put in so much hard work into not only getting things ready for Fall Rally, but for getting everyone there and back safely! Your efforts are also a great contributor to our success! Lastly, thank you everyone for making Fall Rally '11 a memorable one and one were D-15 left its mark! By: Luis Tenorio

PTP Carwash, Toy Drive, and B&N Giftwrapping

Going on all through November to December 16th! With the economic difficulty being felt right now, more and more families are finding it difficult to provide their children with gifts for Christmas. This year, Isaiah’s Rock is teaming up with CHHS Key Club to help gather as many unwrapped gifts as possible! Key Clubbers please do all you can to help us spread the cheer this holiday season by donating unwrapped gifts! Drop them off in Misawa’s Rm 173!

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Barnes & Noble Giftwrapping! This is an event we all look forward to every year! This year we have set up five dates to giftwrap! Stop by and help us wrap gifts for families and even collect a few donations as we wrap! :D Dates: November 25th (4pm-10pm), December 3rd (7pm-10pm), December 9th (7pm10pm), December 10th (4pm-10pm), December 11th (all day)

Will YOU be the next Division 15 LTG?

Calling all Potential Lieutenant Governors! We just finished Fall Rally where many of you were able to see some of the other Lt. Governors who lead Divisions in Southern California and Nevada. At this time, a lot of people are wondering, SO‌ what does a Lt. Governor do? Sure, they hold DCMs and attend large events such as Fall Rally and District Convention. But is that it? NOT AT ALL! Contact Jocelyn if you are interested and she will make time to answer all your questions. Aside from hearing from personal experience through the current Lt. Governor, get a taste of what it’s like from other Lt. Governors at the Candidate Training Conference in Mid-January. Attending this conference is not required, but strongly suggested if you wish to run for the next Division15 Lt. Governor. Contact Jocelyn at:

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The ELIMINATE Project “With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth. And in doing so, the project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families.” Last month by participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF you have all helped make a difference and have helped save lives!

“We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

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One Project. One Box. One Goal. Hundreds of Lives Touched. After tireless counting and gathering we finally have the results of how much our club fundraised this year through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! Before we list the results, thank you to everyone that participated! We saw you either asking friends for donations in between classes, asking friends and family, and some of you even ventured to trick-or-treat with the little orange box! It is with all your hard work that we were able to make such an amazing impact!

Cost to Vaccinate a Mother and her future children: roughly $1.80 Total Funds Raised: $556.58 Funds Raised Covers: 309 mothers and their future babies # of Vaccines Covered by Funds Raised: 927 Page 10

DCON 2012 Have fun at Fall


Want to attend an event similar, only this time with people from all across our

entire district! If so, then don't miss out on attending District Convention! This year, District Convention will be held in Santa Clara from April 13th- 15th! That's right! That's three days filled of Key Club greatness! At District Convention you can expect workshops, dances, opportunities to buy plenty of merch, the election of the new District Board, the retirement of the old District Board, and much more! District Convention is an experience YOU


More info to come at General Meetings! :D

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giv s k n a h T f o it ir p S In the

Hey, everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! As your class representative, I just want to thank everyone involved with our Key Club as well as those outside of it. Without all of you wonderful students, we would not be able to make such a difference in our community. It really makes me happy to see everyone so enthusiastic and joyful to provide service to those in need. Also, a shout-out of thanks to our wonderful club advisor, Mr. Misawa, who always lends helpful suggestions and really puts in effort to make our club the best it can be. Lastly, I'm thankful that I even get to be a part of Chino Hills High Key Club. This club contributes to who I am as a person, and with out it, I just wouldn't be myself! Thank you guys so much, and have a wonderful break! - Alana Mancao Class REpresentative I am thankful for Key Club because it helps me grow as a better person and a leader by caring for others. Each event is a humbling experience that changes my life, little by little. Being in Key Club has really opened my eyes and made me want to do whatever I can to put a smile on other people's faces; to ease the burden upon their shoulder or make their day at least a little bit better! - Jaihee Choi Director of Activities I am thankful for all the good times being in key club has brought upon me. And i will always stay grateful for all my fellow officers and members for providing me happiness. To know that we are all in this for the better of our community is possibly one of the greatest feelings and i cant be more proud of our club. - Vivien Chou Spirit Chair I am thankful for Key Club because I wouldn’t have met all you unique and committed individuals without it . Key Club is not just a club, I learned how to be humble, to NOT take things for granted, and have respect for everyone that I pass by. I am thankful to meet different people that made me look at life differently. I am thankful for every member, every parent, and our advisor Mr. Misawa. I am glad that I get to stand side by side with these amazing officers and our president Luis Tenorio. I am thankful for Key Club! - Elizabeth Santos Class Representative

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nksgivin a h T f o it ir p S e th In To all of my wonderful CHHS Key Clubbers and board members: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :D I hope to see you all well rested from a week’s worth of break during our next Monday meeting!

Jaihee Choi: So, you’re pretty much the most adorable freshman I have ever met in my entire high school career, and I thank you for having the confidence to try out for Director of Activities! Your charisma and The Key Club year is practically positive attitude is such a fresh addition to our officer board! half way done (can you believe it?!), and every single one Alana Mancao and Elizabeth of you have made me so Santos: You two pretty much proud over the course of this epitomize the ideal of a dyyear. I thank you for your dedi- namic duo. It’s all of the help cation and hard work for esyou guys do that ultimately pousing the values of Key Club counts, from brainstorming for International and sacrificing club fundraisers to the spirit you your own time for the sake of guys bring to the entire club, our school and community. and I thank you two for everyThanks to you guys, CHHS Key thing you’ve done! Club is continuing to march on Amy He: Thank you so much strong even after seven years for stepping up to a position of its creation on this campus. that is one of the most vigorous It is phenomenal to witness and time-consuming in Key your guys’ growth into fine, Club. Amy, you are simply young leaders and role models amazing, and I commend you for the future generations; I for all of the things you do for have no doubt that all of you our club. Keep up the good are fated to accomplish exwork! traordinary feats in the future. Vivien Chou: Vivien, let me just Moving along to my lovely say you are one creative and board members! Each of you wild gal, and thank you for endeserve an individual thanks, livening our club with your spirit because seriously, our friendon 24/7 basis! You practically ships have grown exponentially embody the Key Club motto ever since we all started work- because you care so much ing together. Here goes noth- about our members and the ing:

club in general! Kevin Suk: Thanks for being an awesome club Treasurer for two years in a row! You provide help when help was most needed, and you never fail to perform to your fullest capacity. Elsie Cheang and Gabby Morales: YOU TWO. Oh my goodness, there is so much to thank you guys for. First and foremost, thank you for taking on such a demanding role with such zeal and spirit! By understanding how much Key Club means to its members as well as its importance locally and internationally, you two equally bring a new definition to the duties of a Key Club Vice President. It’s already been a hectic year, but you guys pulled through and kept our club as functional as ever. Even during dysfunctional times. Ugh, LOVE YOU, ELSIE AND GABS. Luis Tenorio: And as for you, Mr. Key Club President… I don’t think I can thank you enough for putting so much effort into making CHHS Key Club one of the best clubs on campus! Your loyalty and love for Key Club shines so brightly, especially when you wear your Key

crewnecks; you are such an inspiration to all Key Clubbers as you serve above and BEEyond anyone else! I’m almost done, I promise! Last but not least, I thank all of the teachers who have helped Key Club in any sort of way, especially our one and only advisor, Mr. Misawa. Although Key Club is a student-led organization, Sensei has guided CHHS Key Club from the very beginning, giving us the advice and experience needed for the success of Key Club on our campus and sacrificing his own time to do so. Thank you, Sensei. Thank you, each and every CHHS Key Clubber. You have all certainly made my 4 years of Key Club memorable and fulfilling. I love you all!

Sincerely, Your 2011-2012 Historian Samantha Woo

Happy Thanksgiving, lovely Key Club family! I’m incredibly thankful to God that he blessed me with beautiful people like you guys to work with (: You guys inspire me everyday and I love you guys with all my heart <3 -Elsie Cheang Vice-President

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nksgiv a h T f o it ir p S e th In

Chino Hills High School Key Clubbers! Having been a member of this amazing organization for four years, I have grown so thankful for all this organization stands for and all the great individuals that have built it up! Each and every one of you have been an essential part in its success, and for that I truly thank you! I thank you for all the patience you have shown me. I know I am not the ideal President, and yet to see how patient and positive you all are with me is heartwarming. I thank you for your dedication. This year we have already completed so many service hours, it simply blows my mind away! Each and every time I see how many hours we accomplish each month I become incredibly overjoyed! I thank you for your spirit. At Fall Rally, seeing you all cheer your hearts out and come back with sore voices gave me one of the best feelings of satisfaction. To think that your spirit will carry on after I graduate and that your spirit will resonate on to the nest generation of Key Clubbers is invigorating! I thank you for everything you do, whether it is behind the scenes or simply putting all you can into the service that we perform for our community! To be Board: Thank you for everything! Without you all, I

would not be able to lead this club the way I have in these past couple of months. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you! You have each taught me something special from ways to improve my servant leadership to viewing things rom angles I never thought I to look from. I am incredibly blessed to be on a team with all o you and be spending my last year in Key Club with individuals such as yourselves. Mr. Misawa: Thank you for all your dedication and guidance. It has been a blessing to know you for four years and to have been able to grow so much as a leader to lead me to where I am now. Thank you for everything you have done for the club from its very initiation to now its is full development! You are simply amazing! L-O-V-E ! I LOVE MY C-L-U-B!

Your President, Luis Tenorio

Want to express how thankful you are for Key Club? Submit your blurb to

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Thanks for Reading!

CHHS Key Club. Division 15. Region 13. Cali-Nev-Ha District.

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